(SPEECH) [AUDIO LOGO] (DESCRIPTION) Logo: a human figure with a light that travels up and out its arm; text, OTAN - Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. (SPEECH) SPEAKER: OTAN Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (DESCRIPTION) OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network to lead California adult education in the integration of technology into the educational process, ultimately empowering learners to meet their academic, employment, and civic goals. News Articles, Annual Technology and Distance Learning Symposium, Online Resources for Adult Education, Teachers' and Administrators' Digests, Teaching with Technology, Face-to-Face and Online Training. O-T-A-N dot U.S. -- telephone, 9 1 6 2 2 8 2 5 8 0. OTAN Online, Technology and Distance Learning Symposium; Google Forms may be the answer; Presenter: Celine Signorini Bakan, California College of Communications. March 3, 2023. Celine's video feed appears small at the top right; a slideshow has the title text: Google Forms may be the answer. Celine Signorini Bakan. Celine's email: Celine dot s i g n o r i n i @ Gmail dot com. ESL instructor, Academic classes, California College of Communications, Santa Clara California. (SPEECH) CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: All right. So some people are still arriving, but I think we can get started slowly, and anyway I can repeat it by little. It's a workshop, so it's a follow along, right? So what I do on my computer, I strongly invite you to do the same on your computer. This is the best way to learn, and if you have questions, if you online, don't hesitate to type them in the chat. I have my chat here on my screen, and I think we can get started. We'll see because it is a very short time between the presentation, so maybe people will come later. All right. So this workshop is about Google Forms. I wonder if you've used Google Form already? Do you know? Do you use it? Do you often use it? You never use it? Ever, ever. What is your knowledge of the tool? So you can type your answer-- sorry, go ahead. PARTICIPANT IN PERSON 1: I've used it. I've been given Forms and answered Forms, but I've never created Forms. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: OK. All right, cool. So it's another way to use it, so that's great, and online you can also type your answers, if you want to share. So hopefully, at the end of this workshop, you will be totally able to create your own Forms, and you will see that it is really cool. I am a fan of Google tools because they are-- once you know-- easy to use and very, very useful too. So let's get started. So my name is Celine, and I teach at California College of Communication. It is an adult education school in Santa Clara in California, and I teach ESL to level five and level six, so the upper level. OK. So yeah, definitely. It is good. Someone says that they use it more and more, and yeah, once you start it is hard to actually prepare any assessment on the Google Docs or something else. All right. (DESCRIPTION) 1, Go to your Google Drive. 2, Click on Google Forms. It opens an untitled form. (SPEECH) So let's get started. So first, I think the first thing is to know where it is in your Google Drive. So I will do that with view. Maybe I will put my chat on my other screen. So I am here on the-- you know you access your Drive here, for example. Google Drive. And then on your Drive you will click a New in the top left hand corner, and New will open a Google Form, all right? So that's what you have when you arrive. (DESCRIPTION) Give a title to your form. 1, click, Untitled form. 2, type your text, Quiz Session 1. 3, top left-hand corner of your form - click here and it automatically updates the title of the form. (SPEECH) So it is-- there is no title, all right? And of course, there is nothing and it is always the same color, OK? So the first thing you want to do is that you will start to give a title to your Form, right? So you just so-- I invite you to do that at home, right? So that you can create your own form as I create this one. So you will click here, right? So you double click, it selects everything, and so we are going to call this quiz "Session 1," cool. All right. OK. So you can click out, and then your quiz is created. And here, in the top left hand corner, you have still an Untitled Form, and if you click it automatically gives the title to your Form, all right? So that's the first step. You have created your quiz, and then you have given a title to your quiz. (DESCRIPTION) Turn your form into a quiz. Click on Settings. (SPEECH) So I can share all these-- it's a jumble-- I can share my jumbled presentation if you want to remember, if you've never used it. So, I, use mainly Google Form to make some quizzes, right? And to do that you need to go to Settings, so it is here, you have Questions, Responses, Settings. So you click on Settings, and here in the Settings, you have Made This A Quiz. So that's definitely what I want to do, I want this to be a quiz, all right? And then you have several things you need to do here. So you want to give Default Question Point Value. I usually give five, and I prepare like 20 questions, so that it's over a hundred, but you can use ten, you can really-- some are more interesting. Other questions can get ten points. You can choose to give one point, it really depends on you. My Default Value is always five. So just for the people who are just arriving, we've created a Form, and then you go to Settings. You make it a quiz, right? It was not, so it selects that. Usually, I don't check anything here because it is probably in my Form already. And then the Responses-- so you click in the little carrot, and you will Collect Emails because you want to have the email of your students. And then-- which is very interesting too-- you want to Limit To One answer from your students, right? Because they can take the quiz, and then they don't like the results, and then they take the quiz again. So even if you have the date on it, it is better if they have only one answer possible. So all these things are changing a few settings in your form, and now it is a quiz, OK. So you go back to your-- so we've done that, right? You selected, you make it a quiz, and then you release the marks. I always do that. I give them out to my students right away, but you can decide that you don't want them to get them, and they will get them later. I'd rather they have the grades and the answers right away. I will tell you later because it is a good feature of Google Form. And so where are we? All right, we choose the Value Of The Points, and then you Collect The Emails, and you Limit To 1 Response. So that's quite important. And then we are going to go back to our-- so let's try our first question, right? So you are going to be here, Questions, and then there is a default question already here. So let's see that my first question is I-- write-- always to ask the name of my students because if they give their email and sometimes their email is 456@gmail.com, and you never know who they are. So, I, systematically ask for the email and also for the name, and so in that case, we are going to start by that you make this a short answer. So here you type your question. My first question is what is your name? And then I will ask a short answer, so that they can type their name, all right? And then here you can modify the points. And obviously, for the question about the name, you don't want to give points, so you give zero points points. We will return to the way we make questions. This is why I am going pretty fast here. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Let's go back to "Questions". Click Questions. By default, there is one question in your form. Here it is, click anywhere. (SPEECH) So you created your first question, right? It is here and then you wrote-- you wanted the name. (DESCRIPTION) Overview. Clicking opens a window. Sections include: Untitled Question - write your question here; Option 1, Add option or add "other", answers - to indicate the correct answer and change the point value of the question; Answer key; Multiple choice with a dropdown - types of questions. Let's see the different types of questions. (SPEECH) And then you decided to give 0 points because it is for the question, and then let's move on and create your real first question. So I look on the left because I have another screen, and I created a template. So I want to follow that because it's what you have on the slides of the Google jumble. So for example, my first question will be I want to know the simple past of SPEND, all right? So that's my first question the simple past of spam. So this question, I will use for that. (DESCRIPTION) You have many different possibilities. Let's explore them! (SPEECH) The first thing here, so when you Add A Question here you-- I was here. I Add A Question, and you can answer. After that choose here, Multiple Choice. So I am here, and I have Multiple Choice. It is all the possibilities of questions you have here. So I will choose-- as I did before-- Short Answer because my students will answer right away, OK? So if I want to change the setting you can put that in here. You can put a number, right? So that it is easier when students have some question, and then you can enter some possible answers. So for example, you are going to say "spent" and maybe you want to write it in with a capital letter because it is a bit touchy on Google Forms. So if you don't answer-- if you don't post several possibilities, sometimes it will be wrong, particularly when they type the answers. So I always enter one with lowercase and then uppercase and then Done. So create your question and then choose the short answer, all right? And then you can enter the answer. I will go back to inputting answers later too, but that's just for the short answer. You type your question, and then that's the first question done. So we have used the short answer, OK? (DESCRIPTION) Short Answer. 1, click to write your question. 2, click Answer key. Stop, You need to assign zero point to this question. 3, click Done. (SPEECH) You type your question, and then you choose the number of points because you want to make sure that it counts. So if you judge-- like this is a very easy question. So maybe you want to give only one point, why not? OK. I will live to fight because I think my slides are like that later. So that's the first thing, you give the points. So you can go higher and lower, and then-- where are we here? So that's for the short answer, and sometimes-- surprisingly it didn't do it now-- but sometimes Google Forms will actually propose a possible answer, and so it's even faster. And so what I wrote here is that what I said before, right? Because Google is a little sensitive to tiny differences, I always enter at least two, maybe sometimes I even add, for example-- so my answers are here-- maybe you can have "spent" with a period, and then you can add "Spent," with a period. So you have many possibilities, maybe like you know some students, they put a space before the answers. So you have many, many answers possible for your short answer. So that's pretty much what you can do for a short answer. You can ask more complicated question. I tend not to use this device too much because as I said, tiny differences might make it wrong. So I don't particularly use that-- I use it a lot for multiple choice or like synonyms or stuff like that-- we will see that later. (DESCRIPTION) Multiple Choice Question. 1, add a question, select "multiple choice". 2, type your question. 3, add your answers, you can add images. (SPEECH) So let's add another question, and this time it will be Multiple Choice. So we are here, right? We have created the name, and then we have created a first question. (DESCRIPTION) Celine hits the small Add a question button to the right. (SPEECH) So Add A Question and then here, we are going to name it number 2, and the question I typed is "Yesterday, I," and then I will just type "_____" to do that, "shopping," all right? So you want your students to pick the right answer. So you can give several answers, so you can go "go," "went," "has gone," I "have gone," and then "will go." So that's how you type your answers. You can type many. I don't give two because I teach upper levels, so I want them to think a little more. If you teach lower levels, you can maybe give only two choices. It is really up to you, but yeah, you can choose whatever you decide, and what is best for your level. So that's for multiple choice. So you choose here, Multiple Choice is this one, so you have chosen-- so paragraph is exactly the same as short answer, and then Multiple Choice, so that's what you pick, and then you can give several answers to your Form. So that's our second question, all right? So we type a question, and then we added our answers, all right? You can add an image, but we will see that a little later. (DESCRIPTION) Multiple Choice Answers. Multiple choice questions don't allow you to give more than one correct answer. Add possible answers, then select the correct answer. 4, click Answer key. Activate "require", student cannot miss a question. (SPEECH) And then comes the time to choose the correct answer, right? Because your Form needs to give the correct answer to your students. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks Answer key. (SPEECH) So for that you will click here. You remember here, we used that before to change the number of points here, right? And so we are going to use this one to enter the right answer. So once again, if you choose to give more or less points it is up to you, and then once I am here, I have this little hand. And "Yesterday, I went shopping," all right? So this is what you can do. You can decide-- so what you must do, actually-- and then you can decide to add Feedback. For example, if the answer is incorrect, you can say that yesterday, all right? It asked for the simple past, and then you just say that. And if you want to-- so you can always modify, right? Edit with the little pen because if it's a correct answer, and you want to congratulate your students you can say "yay!" But you don't have to say anything. I add some feedback when the questions are a little complicated. It is interesting. "Could you email me your presentation, please?" Yes. Well, I can post it in the-- I cannot email right now. It will take me too long, but I can post it in the chat, so that you can open it. All right. Sorry, I didn't see your question. So let's just keep this one, and then Done and you're done, and everything is ready. So you created your first question, which was a short answer and then you created your second question, which was a multiple choice. You wrote your questions, you wrote several possible answers, and then you gave the right answer, and you gave a feedback and then done, OK? So you can see here, when I click here I don't see anything. That's basically what your students see, and then if I want to change something I just need to click on my question, right? So each time this is blue here, it means that you are in editing mode. And at any time if you want to check what your quiz look like, you can click on the eye here, and this is what your students will see. (DESCRIPTION) Session 1 Quiz, Your email address, Your name, two questions and a Submit button. (SPEECH) Yeah, So for now-- and then you can close, and if you close you return to your previews, or if you click on the little pen here-- pencil, it means that it will open the Form, and you can edit, which is exactly what I have here, right? So I will close that window. So we did multiple choice, now we are going to move to a next question. So we are adding one, and this time we just go down logically, right? So we did short answer-- paragraph is the same-- multiple choice, now let's go to Checkbox. So it is our question number 3, right? And question number 3 will be "Tomorrow, it," and then "____" [ INAUDIBLE ] right? So I'm quizzing my students on tenses, and then you enter several possibility "is going to," "it is raining," "it will rain," and then it "rained." So once again, as I told you, I quiz upper levels, but if you quiz lower levels you can give less-- a smaller number of answers. I am not going to give the answers for this on purpose because we are going to see what it does after, right? When we test the quiz. So I am not answering the answers, but I will give the example again later. And this one Checkbox. The difference between Checkbox and Multiple Choice is that we can choose several, right? So "Tomorrow, it is going to rain," and "Tomorrow it will rain," it is prediction. And if I want my students to understand, I will write that it is prediction, and so we can use both, all right? But, I will remove one, at least, and then Done. So Checkbox several answers possible. Multiple Choice only one answer possible. So remember that if you are asking your students a question, and you want to get several answers. So far so good. I don't have any questions. No. OK, so let's go on, going down on our possibilities of questions. So we were in the Checkbox, now we are going to go to the Dropdown. So the Dropdown menu can actually be the same as this one. So let me-- so "Tomorrow, it ____." So I could copy, but I need to change the answers because remember, if you need to collect two answers, it's only the Checkbox that can do that. So the Dropdown menu-- this time I am going to write "is going to rain," and then-- oh, it "is going to rain," yeah, and then "is raining," and then "was raining," and then "rained." OK, and so I do the same-- rained. So I go here again, Answer Question-- yeah, and then "Tomorrow, it is going to rain," and then-- and I forgot to show you. You can always change things afterwards, OK? It's very easy to open. To access. So it is going to-- I didn't add the verb. So it doesn't really mean anything. [GIGGLES] CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: "It is going to rain," "It is raining," "It will rain," or "It rained." So we've done the Multiple Choice, Checkbox, and then Dropdown. So now, Dropdown, if you want to see the difference between the Checkbox, and the Multiple Choice, and the Dropdown. Let's do that again. Let's click on the eye, (DESCRIPTION) Session 1 Quiz, Your email address, Your name, four questions and a Submit button. (SPEECH) and then you see exactly what the students are saying, right? So Multiple Choice. It will be round, and then Checkbox the trivia square, and Dropdown well, it is a Dropdown menu, right? They need to choose, and then they click, so that's how it works. So once again, I will close here, but remember, basically if you want to access the editing of your quiz, you can click on this little pencil at the bottom of your page. So we've added many questions already. We have another one that I don't use very often, but it can be interesting. So let's add another question. As usual we use the little plus, OK? And then it is what they calll-- so File Upload, I never use it to be honest because it is for the students to upload, and I don't use that if I need them to communicate with me to be honest. So I will use that. So question number 5, all right? And so it needs to be gradation, right? So I'm going to write "good," I'm going to write "excellent," and then the question is "How is this presentation?" OK, and then you just get like-- your question is over, right? You get "good," you give "excellent." If you want to see what it looks like always clicking here, (DESCRIPTION) At the top right Celine hits the eye icon, and the student's view shows the added fifth question with a scale from 1 to 5, Good to Excellent. (SPEECH) and this is what it will look like, right? So it is good, OK? So I click here, and this is what your students will see at the display when you give them the quiz. I don't use very often this device, right? Let me see, I think I have-- OK. So we've done that. Dropbox we did it. (DESCRIPTION) Linear Scale. 1, add a question, select "linear scale". 2, type your question. 3, choose the range of the scale. 4, enter your labels. (SPEECH) So yeah Linear Scale, I don't use it very often, but-- so this is my second set of slides, so I will put it here. So I don't use it very often, but it can be very interesting, for example, to evaluate an activity with your students. To know if they like it, or not, right? To get feedback from your student from any type of activity. If they understood. If the questions were clear, and so on. So I think it can be good, maybe at the end of a Form to add it to get the feedback from your students, Linear Scales. Now, Multiple Choice Grid. (DESCRIPTION) Multiple Choice Grid. 1, add a question, select "multiple choice grid". 2, question. 3, your questions. 4, possible answers. Points are multiplied by the number of items. (SPEECH) I use it quite a lot. So let's go back to-- what is this? OK, let's go back to my Form. It was asking to request access, both links. Oh, she was. OK. Let me-- everybody with-- OK. So it should be OK for number two-- sorry about that, and-- "anyone with the link is a viewer." So you should refresh, and now it should work. Let me know Susanna. Multiple Choice Grid. Again, we come here, we add a question, and we go down, and we choose Multiple Choice Grid. So I usually use that for synonyms, so I ask the students to find the synonym, right? So it is our question number 6. (DESCRIPTION) She begins to fill in the Rows. (SPEECH) So for example-- I typed something very easy, right-- the "sky," and then "grass," and then "cloud," and then the "sun," and the "earth," right? (DESCRIPTION) She fills the Columns. (SPEECH) And so I have some different answers. For example, we have "green," and then we have "blue," I guess we have "yellow," and then we have "brown," what is missing? The sky is blue, the grass is green, the cloud is white. All right. So you just enter on one side your items, and then the possible answers on the other side, and you click here. And this is where you are going to choose what are the answers, right? So the sky is blue, the grass is green, the clouds are white, and then the sun is yellow, and then the earth is brown. So I asked-- I use that a lot with the synonyms with my students. For example, we do a lot of podcasts, and there are many, many adjectives in the podcasts they don't know, and there are many verbs they don't know. And I like the system of learning just a synonym, and not a definition because they will remember easily. So this is a good way to assess that they remember the meaning of the verbs, for example. Verbs and adjectives, it works very well. After that, finding synonyms for a noun is not very easy. With adjectives, verbs, remember this feature. And then Done all right? This one, of course, counts 25 points because you have five items, right? So each time it will be 5 points. I will check what my slide-- what it looks like. So I have my beautiful questions here. And then I have all these possibilities here. So this is, once again, what your students will see. Let me see if I go along. Have I missed something? So yeah, points are multiplied right? So it is also a very easy way to assess your students and vocabulary, and they like it, actually. They like the exercise. All right. And so that's what we did. Multiple Grid, and then when you click Preview this is what you see, all right? (DESCRIPTION) Tick Box Grid. 1, add a question, select "tick box grid". 2, question. 3, your questions. 4, possible answers. Points correspond to the number of rows. (SPEECH) Now, it is the same thing with-- so let's add another question, and it is our question number 7. And this time, you are going to-- let me see what I did on the other side-- Oh, you are asking if adjectives for examples are "negative or positive," right? Do they express something negative or positive? So I picked-- the answer is it is positive or it is negative, OK? Oh, I didn't choose the right one, see? So Tick box, we said. So I click here to change, right? And then I go down to the Tick box grid, (DESCRIPTION) Celine writes positive and negative under Rows, then fills the Columns. (SPEECH) and so yeah. So I want the opposite, I'll change. So "positive," and then "negative" [ INAUDIBLE ] and I have selected a different-- so "dreadful," "exciting," "horrible," "precious," OK, and I have two more. Let's do just more with this, and then I decided to go for "exhilarating," so these are positive or negative adjectives, and then I go to the answer key, and this is how it looks like. So positive, "exciting," "marvelous," "excila--" oh, I've made a typo. All right And negative "dreadful," "horrible" "atrocious--" oh, and this shouldn't be here. So let's delete that. So if you need to delete something it's very easy, see? I saw it in my possible answers. I have negative here, and it shouldn't be here, and I have a typo here. So I say Done. I just scroll down, here "negative," I just click on the cross to remove, all right? You can also here, decide to put it before, or put it after. You can change the order, all right? And then I saw that "exhilarating," right. So that's perfect. Let's try again. So the words are OK. I have six possibilities, and I have two answers on my first row, so students here, how they will see, is like that. It is getting bigger and bigger. And it doesn't take very long so it is very, very easy to create-- PARTICIPANT IN PERSON 1: I have question. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: --all right. So-- sure. PARTICIPANT IN PERSON 1: How did you get that tick box grid because I only have Multiple Choice Grid, or Checkbox Grid. I don't have that Tick box-- CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: Here? PARTICIPANT IN PERSON 1: Yeah. How did you that? CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: On the side. PARTICIPANT IN PERSON 1: Oh, yeah. No, mine-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] PARTICIPANT IN PERSON 1: --only has Checkbox Grid. Is it the same as Checkbox Grid? CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: I don't know because I don't have that, but yeah. Probably. Does it give you-- does this display like the little square, or the little circles on your screen? PARTICIPANT IN PERSON 1: It's square. Oh, yeah. It has the square. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: Yeah. So if it is the square, I guess you can enter multiple answers. PARTICIPANT IN PERSON 1: OK. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: So it's got the same noun. It's the same name. It's interesting, right? [GIGGLES] CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: That's the mystery of technology, but I think that anyway you can do the same? You can create the same question? PARTICIPANT IN PERSON 1: Is there a free version, and a paid version of that? CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: No, no, no. It's Google, so everything is always free. So no, and I don't know. If I create a new question, for example, and then I have Multiple Choice, right? So I open here, no it's Tick box. Multiple Choice Grid. Tick box Grid. I don't know. I have no explanation for that at all, to be honest. I don't know, but if the result is the same, it doesn't really matter. If you manage to create that and then to have it look like that when your students-- they complete. I think it is fine. It's a mystery, all right? So now we are going to add some images to make the Form a little more pleasant. So the question is number 8, all right? And then my question is "What is the name of this animal," right? And I will click on Option One, and then I go here in the little icon. (DESCRIPTION) She hovers over the Add image icon next to Option 1. (SPEECH) And if you click on the icon, it opens the window the same way when you add some images on Google jungle. So upload from the computer, but I think that for this it is very easy to use Google Images. So I want an elephant, all right? So Google is going to look for images of an elephant, and then-- well, actually I am not doing what I wanted to do. I wanted to add the image here, right? "What is the name of this animal?" And then next to the question, you have this little icon with the photo, so I will do that here. Again, elephant and then you click on the elephant. You Insert, (DESCRIPTION) The elephant photo appears beneath question 8. (SPEECH) all right? So you can decide that you want to be in the middle. You can change it if you don't like it, you can put it on the left on the right, and you can remove it. You can add caption, but here I won't because the question is about the name. So-- and I will write here. So it's an elephant," possibility one. It's a "tiger," possibility number two. It's a "giraffe," possibility number three. OK, and I click Answer, and the answer is elephant. But I'm not very happy about the fact that elephant is the first possible answer, so I will just put it in the second. So you have your question, you click on the little icon for the photo and then it goes and it opens this. So if you have nice photos on your computer or if you want to use your personal photos, you're more than welcome. But to be honest, for this type of question, I always use Google Images. You can decide, for example, let's see-- if you make a true or false-- let me add the question here. I will not number it, but I will just show you like-- so we are going to use now images for an answer, right? So it is the opposite. Here we have an image and the question is about this image. Now, we are going to number nine question and it will be using an image to ask, which is an elephant. Which is an elephant? Right. And then you are going to choose. So in that case, option one-- at the end of the line you have an image, right? So you will go and you will do the same, but you will take an elephant image. Right. And take the thing. And after that you will use-- we're just going to follow what we did before, right? So to add an answer yet, you just need to-- you had add option, you just click, press here and then it opens the same. Here, let's put the tiger. All right. So this one looks very pretty. And then add an option. And I keep on the image again. And this time, I will choose the giraffe. And I will find a pretty image of a giraffe, look at that. (DESCRIPTION) For question 9, three photos are listed with option buttons. (SPEECH) I insert. And this is my question. And I choose always answer key, right? And you scroll down. And of course, obviously, this is an elephant. Once again, you don't really want your answer to be the first, maybe you want to be the last, then you just move. You move up and down, you can do that with your questions too. Each time you have this little double kebab. And here too, you have it. So you can move up and down your question. Like this question, if I want it to be before this one, I can do that. I can just change, right? So it is quite easy. But I want them to be in the same order, so let's go back here. So we added an image as a question, we added images as answer. What I do sometimes is that, if you have true or false, instead of writing each time true or false, I just add a little image. So like that, for example, the check for the true. (DESCRIPTION) A green checkmark shows for question 10 option 1. (SPEECH) And then you look for true, and true will-- come on. Here, you will add false. OK. So false. (DESCRIPTION) She selects a red X for option 2. (SPEECH) So you pick this one. It doesn't matter, right? I'm just showing you up. And instead of each time like ending only true or false, you just have that and it appears in the Form of your students like that. So it's pretty neat. The display is really nice actually. I like it a lot. And you can-- if for example, you review it in class and it is too small because it's pretty narrow, you can click here in Google and then it makes it bigger. Actually I could have done that since the beginning of the presentation probably. So you can really choose the size of it. And so here, you can have option one or you can choose-- let me change that because it's not very clear. So you can write your true and then you can write your false. And then ask your question if you want to choose that it is correct, you will do that. And if you don't like it, you just delete the image here and delete the image here and it keeps only the text. All right. So we've created many, many questions. Do you have any questions about creating questions? Do you find it easy to use or a little complicated? What is your feeling? SPEAKER 2: I have a question. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: Sure. SPEAKER 2: On one of them, instead of pressing the plus sign for the next question, I press that equal sign. So how do I get out of there? CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: Oh, so you press that, right? SPEAKER 2: Yeah. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: OK. So if you click here and you don't want that, you just click on the-- here on the camera and the kebab and you can delete. SPEAKER 2: OK, thank you. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: Yeah. We will talk about sections later because it is interesting to add some section sometimes. All right. So we have beautiful questions, any other interrogation? Oh, it was so fast. I'm sorry, Sylvianna. So always remember two things-- you choose. So you add a question here with the little plus, OK. And then you add-- also it is interesting that you let me show you. So let's say that here, I forgot to question. I can click here, all right. So this is where I am and I can add a question just under it. So just remember after that to change the number of your questions, but you can add a question between another question, it is not a problem. So most of the time, you add the question at the end, you press plus, and this is where you decide what is your question-- if it is multiple choice, checkboxes, remember? More than one answer on checkboxes. Drop down-- one answer and then the display is just different. Linear scale to know the appreciation of your students about an activity, for example. And then multiple choice grid-- one possible answer. Tick box-- grid-- several possible answers. After that, you can add the time, you can add the date, but I think it is written somewhere already. I usually don't do that it, doesn't matter. Oh, OK. So where is-- oh, OK. So it is here, so it doesn't matter, we don't care about that. All right. So that's all the question you can ask. Always remember that it is here, your other question. Here, you choose your question. And also very important is to input the answer because if there is no answer, we will see now what it makes actually when there is no answer entered in your Google Form. So let me see. So we did that, we put some photos and then we did that too. So we find all the explanation on the Google Jamboard. (DESCRIPTION) You've created a Google form. Bravo! Let's test it. (SPEECH) So now we have created a cool Google Form. If you want to actually share the link of your Google Form, you can come here, share and then copy unique to-- so let's do that again. You click here, share-- oh, no, this is what I was-- OK, so send. Sorry, I was confused. So send here and then you come to the link. And then you copy the link and then you posted here in the chat. So I will do that again, right? You go to send and then you go to this little icon, (DESCRIPTION) Her cursor hovers over the Link icon in the Send form pop-up. (SPEECH) and then you copy the link, and then you can taste it in your classroom, you can do several different things. But for now, it is just to share. So normally, you had created a Form. So if a few of you can share so that you can see what you've done, it would be nice just to see how things are going with you guys. So feel free to share your link and let me see where we are. So, yeah. So while I'm waiting for people to share their links, we are going to test our quiz. And it is quite important to notice the mistakes, right? If there is some things that don't work properly the way you want them to work. So to do that, well, it's quite easy-- you click on that, the eye. So let me just delete this one and then I click on the eye again. So I would like you to fill out my quiz and I would like you to be honest to make a few mistakes because we need some mistakes, right? So please make some mistakes, so that you can see how it looks like. So everybody could open my link? SPEAKER 3: Recording in progress. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: All right. So let's just do it. Actually I will do it too, so that it is another answer. My name is Celine. And then spent-- I know that. Yesterday I went shopping, tomorrow it is going to rain. And it will rain tomorrow, it is going to rain. This presentation. Synonyms-- so I will make a few mistakes, I would just answer randomly to this one. OK. And then negative-- I will say that exciting is positive and then horrible, negative-- marvelous, all right. Here, it's an elephant. And then here is the elephant. OK. So I do that. So I'm a student now, right? That's the side of the student. And the students that what they see and that's how they complete it. By the way, it is very phone-friendly, so they can use them on their phone, it is very easy. So quizzing-- even if they usually don't have a computer, it's really not a problem because it is a very fine display on any phone. So I am done. OK. So I will just submit. All right. And this is still what your students see, right? So the response was recorded. Now I want to view my score. And here-- oh, my god, I am so bad. 27 over 70. So let's see. Let's see the problem. So first here, there is a problem because I gave two answers, but only one answer is given in my quiz. OK. So I will go back to my version, right? This is still the student's version, but my version is here. And I will scroll up and go back to the question-- "Tomorrow it is going to rain", and I will add another answer, "Tomorrow it will rain." And then done. And that's the magical thing about Google Form is that if you refresh, then it is correct. OK. So when it is red and there is zero point, it means that-- like here-- "How is the presentation?"-- well, that's not a very good one. But here, for example, "The sky is brown." I wouldn't want to live in the place where the sky is brown. So everything is wrong here, but it is not from your point of view. But here, for example, "How is this presentation?" Do you really want to give some points about this question? No. So again, I go back to my Form, I click, and I remove the points. I go to zero-- done. And then in the students, when they check again, there is no point lost. OK. All right. And so then you see some mistakes I made. But what is very important when you finish your quiz is to test it. And then so normally, when you test it-- I just wanted to show you how it looks like when you don't answer properly and the display of the correct answers-- that's also something very great about Google Form is that your students, they will see what was wrong with their answers and I really like that a lot. So this is when it's wrong and showing the right answers. But when you check your quiz, when you are happy with it and you find it very beautiful and it's done, please just click on the eyes, fill out the Form-- yeah, so I said I could only answer one with my email address, so now Google is telling me you can't answer. So to complete the test properly, to see if everything works, right? Here, when we saw that there was one missing answer here. And then here, we were giving points whereas you don't want to give points. So as a teacher, except when I test my quiz, I never see that, so I will close it. What I see is that. Here, the number of responses. I have three people who responded. Quick question-- when I click the link for you and it won't let me in, it is asking me to sign in. Oh, to sign in for Google-- in your Gmail account, I would suppose. Yeah, because it's a Google tool, so I guess that if you're not signed up as with your Gmail address, you cannot sign up, you cannot complete. Yeah. So, yeah. You need a Google account, yeah. OK. So now, just to make sure that I'm not forgetting anything. So you answered. We had problems, right? We didn't score very well. So we changed the wrong answer like here, there was one missing, so we added one. And here, we didn't want some numbers, so basically, what we did is that there was a problem and we fixed the problem. And here, there was a point problem and we fixed the problem too. OK. So now, before-- let me see because I know that I forget something somewhere. (DESCRIPTION) Text, possible embellishments. (SPEECH) OK. So before going to the response side, I like when things are pretty, so we are going to make our Form a little prettier. OK. So to do that, you are going to-- where am I? Here. You are going to click on the palette. Here. It is written, "Customize Theme." So that's what I'm going to do. Right. I see and you see, I can see the number of students-- not the number of students-- no, not students, but the number of people-- the number of respondents, right? Now someone else has finished. So here I am. I can choose the [ INAUDIBLE ] the font. So I like Red Hat and I don't know why, but I always choose this one. What I do here, also, I always make the questions a little bigger and the answers twelve. It doesn't cost anything to make it easier to read, right? And here, we are going to choose an image because there is no image here at the top, so we want to choose a top image. (DESCRIPTION) Celine selects an image of a microphone. (SPEECH) So we are going to choose this one because it's the one you have here anyway, so this is why I chose this one. So you choose an image, right? You click and then you insert, that's what I've done. And then you have now the image and also the color is different her and it is much prettier. And then if you want to add your own image, know that it is not always easy because it needs to be 1,600 by 400. So let me see. I will show you. So you want to put a photo of the bear, right? So you go to image and I would choose randomly. So it's a bit more complicated, but sometimes it is worth it. So let's just pick randomly this one. I will add that to my image bank, which will be download to find it easily and [ INAUDIBLE ] there. All right. And save. And then I go to my phone and to my phone image. Now, I want to upload that theme. There are many actually and some of them are pretty. So I rarely use one of my photos, but sometimes I do. So upload, right? Themes are done by Google. You can choose even your photos and then you can upload. So browse and then it opens that, my bear is here. But then the image is very small and you need to move it if you want to see the pose of the bear or just the head of the bear. And very often, it will be blurry because the format is different. So it is coming, right? (DESCRIPTION) The bear photo appears at the top of Session 1 Quiz. (SPEECH) And then according to the colors of the photo, Google will choose the best colors to put here and then here in the background. So that's also quite neat, I like it a lot. And then I always make it a little darker because the darker it is and it uses less energy. So we can actually keep this bear because it is pretty nice. And I think I've added-- let me close that. I have added here, if you-- there is-- I don't remember what it is, so let me see. Because I have no memory of what-- I think it is a link for-- here, [ INAUDIBLE ] So you can choose-- change the size of the image and I did it once because I wanted a logo. So you can do it, you can use free image modification software. But remember that you always need an image that is 1,600 or 400. But to be honest, there are so many, many, many, many here. So many themes, right? And they are very colorful and they are very pretty. So there are some photos and there are some illustration for every single occasion, so I think it works fine. OK. All right. So, yeah. So to use any Google tool, you will have to sign up in your Gmail account. But anyway, if you want to create your quiz, remember that you need to go to your Drive and then from your Drive, New, and then you find it here-- Google Form and then it opens a blank one and then you create one. So to create the Google Jamboard, I did a presentation this morning, you need to open your Google Drive. And to create a Google Form, you also need to open your Google Drive. All right. So let's see. So we added a photo, we changed the color and it is quite pretty. We have many questions, so maybe we want to organize the Form, but let me see what is this about. OK. So let me go to this one then. Because I forgot to-- because there are so many things, I forgot this, I noticed this morning that I had forgotten the entire part where you can organize your Form. (DESCRIPTION) Organize your form - add a question, import a question from another form, add a title, add an image, add a video, add a section. (SPEECH) So to organize the Form, it is-- one person before told me that they pressed on the equal, right? So this is where you are going to-- this one-- you have plus to add a question here on the right side. And you have also this-- you will be able to import a question from another Form, this to add a title, this to add an image, to add a video, and then to add a section. All right. So let's do it in the order again. So you want to import a question because as you can see, I have many Google Forms everywhere. And so sometimes, you know that you've used some questions you want to recycle. So I can close that now, I am happy with what my questions look like. My Form is very pretty. And remember that whatever you do in your Google Form, it is where it is selected that the things will happen. So if I import some questions here, they will be up to number three, right? So let's see. I will choose the first one. I don't know what it is, but let's do that. (DESCRIPTION) At the right, a side pane opens with an option to Import questions. (SPEECH) So it opens this window and I have all the questions of the other Forms, which is very long because it is a grammar quiz and my students know that I make very, very long grammar quiz. So I don't want to repeat. So I will choose this one and this one. You can decide to select all of them and so on. And then I input my question. And so as I said, they are imported right up to where I was in my Form. And so they are imported the same way they were in your other Form. So it's good if-- I don't know, I used it for grammar quizzes, for example, and because I was repeating one section. So I don't use it very often, but I think it is neat. If you, for example, someone shares a Form with you and there is an entire set of questions that you like, you can just import in your own quiz, so I think that is neat. All right. So I will delete that because I don't want to use these questions, but know that you can do it. And remember that this here, input question and then you choose-- so we can choose another one. I mean, anything will do. What do I have? I have activity-- up. OK. So this is anything we do. (DESCRIPTION) Celine selects another form for import. (SPEECH) So for example, this is about Sherlock Holmes, so it's a multiple grid with adjectives, I think, so I would choose because I really like quizzing my students on adjectives, so I will import three questions with synonyms. OK. I told you I use them a lot. [LAUGHS] So adjectives, adjectives, and adjectives. Maybe they didn't do very well the first time and I want to give them a second chance. Maybe I want to reuse questions I use three months ago. So you can really-- it is very easy. And then you can modify them, you can move them up and down, and you can also-- as I will go now-- delete. So here, I am on this. So you just need to click on the white part and then you come on this one and you delete. OK. So three, four-- I'm still good. So that's two import questions from another Form. As I told you before, you can move a question, right? You can just click here and then move it up and down, it is very easy. There is also another way to do that, I will show you later, that it is a little more convenient. And I discover the Add New features. And I discover new things very often. so for example, my Form, it's all like questions that are following each other. All right. So if I want to tell my students that these eight and nine questions will be about animals. OK. So remember, if I want my question to be here, I need to click above because it always insert below. So I come here, add title and description, and then I will write, "Part 2", let's say. OK. Animals. All right. If I want to put it in bold, I can. And then description, you can add. You don't need to add, it is not mandatory. And so when your students see the Form, it looks now. (DESCRIPTION) The page reads: You've already responded, You can only fill in this form once. (SPEECH) What? If I want just to see it. OK. So what I'm going to do because I cannot even do stuff on my own Form now, individuals, I am here. I am deleting my answers, I will show you later less fast, but I can modify as much as I want. So now, let me see my Form. All right. So I'm back. (DESCRIPTION) She scrolls down to the added title: Part 2 - Animals. (SPEECH) So here, you have your question and then you have found two animals. So you could have, for example, "Part One". Let's see here, you will have up, add the title-- "Part One", and I will state, "Grammar". I choose bold because it is more visible. And once again, I will open this eye and so "Part One: Grammar". So the first question is, during the email because you choose it, your first question was about the name of your student and then "Part One: Grammar", so you have-- all right. So "Part One: Grammar", we could also do here, right? It's grammar here. But then after your question four, it is actually here-- up. I will add one and I will add that, so it is really part two and I will call it "Vocabulary", right? So once again, I am adding that. I put it in bold, and so I had to change that, which is part three now. All right. So it's quite easy to modify whatever you want to modify. And then up here, part one. So it makes it clearer and there is a way to make it even clearer. So that's a good way to make it clear if you want to keep your phone in only one display. OK. But if you don't mind, you can choose to-- so let me close this one and this one. So we added-- part one. OK. So I go back here, this was untitled. I will jump to that and I will add a section. OK. So you add the section, it will open a section below. And instead of having this called part one, I will copy and I will paste here. So part one is done. So now I don't need that anymore, I can delete. And then I can add as many section as I want. It always opens the first section with the email and I could choose to start my section in here. But it makes sense to me to have the email and the name of the students before they start the real quiz, right? So part one is about grammar. And then I scroll down-- here, I have vocabulary. So I will add the section and the section I will call, "Part Two: Vocabulary". OK. And then I did it this one. And finally, I scroll down, I have "Part Three: Animals". Up-- I add another section. Up-- I add it here and then I can delete that. So now, that's what you see. OK. But from now on, what your students see is pretty different because you've created sections. (DESCRIPTION) Session 1 Quiz appears with fields for email and name, and a Next button toward the bottom. (SPEECH) So they have a section they will answer and then they will click Next. And as long as you haven't answered, you cannot go to the next because everywhere on my Google quiz I checked here-- required. If it is not required, the students, they don't answer and there is no reminder. OK. So you need always to have it required. So you can choose that by default and then it is always by default. So it is much better because you don't want your students to miss one question because they will miss point just because they missed one question. So on all of my question, this is required, right? So for example, this one could not be required and it would be a big problem. But for the other ones, you really want to require your answers. And so it is written like here, on the student side, it appears with the little star. So everything with the red star, they need to answer. So I answer, I put my email address, I write my name, I go to the next. Now, it is the section 2. All right. So it is grammar. And see-- I can go to next. No, I can't because I haven't replied, so Google Form will tell me, no, no, you cannot move along because you haven't replied. So I will do it again, spend, and yesterday I went shopping, and it is raining, it's going to rain, and tomorrow it is going to rain, and this presentation is good. Now, I go next. So that's your responder side, right? And of course, you can still go back and check your answers. So the students can fill out the entire Form and then afterward, they can go back through all the sections to see if they like their answers to review and to proofread before submitting it. But here, the same. Imagine, I answer that. And then here and here. And then very good. And then I do next note because one is missing so it's a very good way to make sure they don't miss any questions. Remember, required on every question. All right. OK. So where are we? I think we are here. (DESCRIPTION) Add a link from the internet or drive. (SPEECH) Now, you can-- what did I want to do before that? So of course, you can decide to add a video, like I often create quizzes with about TED-Ed, for example. So you go here and then you are going to type your URL. So let's say, let's see. TED-Ed and then I will choose any of them-- discover. So any one will do. Come on, let's see. OK. So I will work on that. OK. So I will open it in-- OK. Here, you [ INAUDIBLE ] you could see the link and here you just copy it, you look for it, it is that. (DESCRIPTION) Celine pastes the YouTube link into the Select video window and hits the search icon; one video appears and she selects it then clicks Submit; the video pops up in Session 1 Quiz. (SPEECH) You select and then you can add the title. You can decide to put it in the middle. All right. So I can call that TED-Ed. OK. And then you see actually I don't need to do anything more-- TED-Ed. OK. And then again, unless we close that, we can't work and do anything. It is here. OK. So students can play from here. They can make it bigger, so it works very well. So you can insert a photo if you want to make your Jamboard pretty, you can insert a tree, anything you want, it doesn't matter. Let's pick this one or this one. (DESCRIPTION) An image of a tree appears in the quiz. (SPEECH) All right. And then again, you can decide to make it in the middle and then you call that Big Tree. OK. And then you want to make it underline and then italic and then like that-- up. And again, you can click from here and check what it looks like. All right. So you can really add many, many different things to your Form. I will just remove that because it doesn't work. So very often, I have many Google Forms about a short video or TED-Ed and I create 20 questions, it's a good way to quiz your listening comprehension from your students. So I like that a lot. And it works very well for them too. All right. So let me see. We are, I think, now adding a link. So let's do that. For example, the part one will be actually listening and you want to add a link here. So what you can do-- let me add another one. So you click here and you do that-- add the link. OK. And so I selected something before on my computer, so that's what I want them to listen to. So the text to display, you can choose, it's an NPR-- Listening. And then you place the link here. OK. And now they have this clickable link. So you can check always from the eye the side of your students-- [ INAUDIBLE ] So sections-- remember to do it at the end because now each time I need to do anything, everything before getting to the next page. All right. Come on. Where is it? When I cannot see? Because it is part three. So anyway, your students will see that and it's a clickable link, so they can just click and it will open up what you want them to listen, right? So you have that and maybe you want to add the photo of the lady. So what can you do? You can look on Google Drive, right? Maybe you can-- or you can copy, you can download that on your computer and then you can use the Upload as we did before, so it comes from your computer, or it is about-- what is it about? Oh, it's about seizure, it's not very fun. Can you show us again how to add a link? Yes, I can totally do that. So let me see. So up-- I will delete that. So remember you have this kebab here and you can just go down, down and you delete. Yes. No, it will delete my all sections, so I will just remove the link. OK. So up-- it is empty, I click here. So you can do it anywhere actually, you can add the link anywhere. But very often, what I do is that they have the listening at the beginning and then they have five questions about the listening. So this is why most of the time I add it in my section. So I decided that it was an NPR. OK. And then it is a listening. So you write that or you don't have to write it, but you can write it and select. OK. And then you click on the link here, encircling and I just copy and paste. So you come here, you copy the links from Google, and then you insert the link here, and you say OK. And then when you click, it opens the window. So for [ INAUDIBLE ] levels, it is very good because I have a lot of listening tests, so I insert a lot of listening. So sending to Google like a web page, you can also just send to your own Drive like, for example, we have some level advancement test and we have maybe-- I don't know for the kid's three month test-- so we have maybe five recording or six recording and they are on my Google Drive and you can add whatever you want. So any sound from your Google Drive. If I want to add this one, for example, it's an audio, you can just get the link, right? Up-- and then you copy and then you're done. And once again, let me add a question. And in this question I want to link, so it will be audio, and I just paste the link from my Drive, and it is the same, and it will open when I click. Yeah, it will only play my audio recording, right? All right. So you can add from the internet, you can add from your own Google Drive, it depends on what you want to do. Let me just delete this question I don't need. So everything here is explained. In this one, when you add some, you open a window you add the link, and then you add the link here. And after that, this is what your students see, right? They have underlined in blue and so they should know that it's a clickable link. (DESCRIPTION) Add a section to your form. 1, select a question: the title will insert after. Forms creates a first section automatically. (SPEECH) All right. So I'm in sections, we did that. You can add as many sections as you want. I advise you not to add too many sections. So here, for example, I would like to get rid of this one because I did for nothing. So I will just move my question up to my grammar part. OK. Here and then here. And then I can-- oh, I can move this one too-- come on. OK. And then I can delete that. Up. So can you tell me-- yes, so that I have part one, and then part two, and then it works again. So it is nice to add sections. Remember to add it once your Form is completely done, so that when you want to test it, you don't need to complete everything each time and you don't have problems at the end. All right. So we added some questions, we saw how to add some sections-- yes, I forgot to show you that, so let me show you that. So up here. Yeah. So I am here. Yeah? Question? SPEAKER 2: No. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: OK. So I am here, right? So this is my section number 1. OK. So after section one, we continue to the next section. So you can ask-- you can decide the order, but I really don't see why, I create my-- I create them in the order. But if, for example, one day you want them to skip one section, you can do it. So you click here, right? Normally by default, it is continue to the next section, so I do that. And here you have a little caret. And if you click on the little caret, it is the same. Yeah, it's the same actually. OK. And what did I want to say? So that, yeah-- so you can choose what is the next one coming, but usually, it is just the next section. So that's not super important, but then-- what is here? Yeah, so that's really good. It's a good feature and I actually nearly discovered it while I was working on my slides. So here-- collapsed section. So if you click here on the two little carets, one up and one down, you have all your question. So in one glimpse, you can see all your questions from part number one about grammar, right? So you can see that you have five questions. And then if you want to work more, you just click on them and it opens right away. What is cool here is that-- I think that question four would be much better before question three-- it's very easy to move the order here-- very, very easy. Whereas if it is big, sometimes it's not very easy when they are like that, for example, to move up and down, it is not very convenient. So let me do that here. Up-- I click and I have synonyms. And I would like my negative or positive to be first, so I can just move around. All right. So I think we saw all the things here, right? Input question, you add a video, you add an image, and then you create some sections. So that's how your students see your-- good. So that's done. OK. Let me see where we are here. Now, and then their responses and how to see them. So I have three people, three responses. OK. So first, when you open your responses file, you will see the name of your students, right? And you have three, so you should have three email address. OK. And then either you move-- sorry. Yes. So what have I done? Question-- Summary. Summary. OK. So we are here summary. No, we were individual. So it opens apparently by default, individual. So let's stop with that, it doesn't matter. So I see the score right away. And this is basically what your students see when they submit. After that, they can see their answers and this is where they see their answers. So for example, there is one mistake here and then here there are three. So that's what they see. And for you, if you want to have a more global vision of the Form, you can come here. So here you see that your students did not very good, right? Because one had 30, one had 40, and one had a 60. And the question is over 65. So it's good to see that because it tells you, for example, if you quiz a grammar point, it's very easy to see if they understood or if they didn't understand. So that's a very neat feature. Then you have the worst question like the one they missed the most. For some reason, nobody likes question number 3. And if you click, it shows you that, yes, you have two wrong answers and one-- two with answers and one wrong answer. And if you click on that, it doesn't do anything. So I like that because it tells you a lot about the global understanding of your students. And here, you can collect the score. So I usually make my Forms over 100, 200, 300. Here, I need to do some statistics and percentage and I don't really like that. So usually, I ask 20 questions, 5 points or 10 questions, 10 points, and then you have over 100 and you can just copy your grades and you are done. And so if I want to see Yasmin answer, I will click here and then it goes to her. If I want to see the other respondent answers, I just need-- and again, like for example, I want to talk to Barbara and I want to see how she responded and so you can very easily discuss, so Barbara, what happened with number 4. And then it's very easy to see what works, what doesn't work. And I like that too. And to be honest, you just come here and you have all the grades. So it is maybe a little longer to create, but then to grade, it takes zero time because basically you just need to copy your grades. So that works very well. I have only 10 minutes left. So student answer, we did that. (DESCRIPTION) Delete all responses when you want to reuse the form. (SPEECH) What is that doing at that? OK. So one final thing, it's a quiz and whoever doesn't answer in 30 minutes cannot answer after that. So after 30 minutes, you just click here-- accepting response. You don't accept responses anymore, so that the students they cannot reply after the given time. So I think it is also good. If it is something to do at work, at home, for example, to make sure that they do it by a given time, it is good to choose here. So accepting response-- it is everywhere, right? No, it is not here. So you find it only in responses. Accepting response-- you will find it here. All right. And then before I answer any questions, I will show you very quickly because that I don't particularly use-- you can create a sheet. (DESCRIPTION) Celine selects Link to Sheets at the top. (SPEECH) So you click here and you say create and then it creates a Google Sheet. And then you see all the questions and how your student answered. (DESCRIPTION) In Google Sheets, three rows and several columns are full. (SPEECH) So to be honest, I won't stay long here because I really never use it. I use a lot that, like individuals to make sure-- and they tell me. Just to finish with that. So I love Forms for all these reasons because it is easier and faster to grade, you have a very big variety of questions and I really like that, you can add some images, you can do grids, you can do simple questions, fill in the blanks, definition, really a lot. It's environmentally friendly, you don't print out anything at all. It is clearer most of the time than paper copy because-- and it saves a lot of paper. And then students ask questions about their error because when they complete and they submit, they want to view their score and when they knew their score, they view also their mistakes. And so, for example, this student can tell me, Celine, I have a question about number 3, and so we go to number 3 and I'm like, OK, so here you see because it is prediction, so you can use be going to and you can use will, so you have one missing answer. So they are more engaged than ever. Whereas when you give a paper copy, you give them, they don't care when you give them back, they never check. And also it saves time, it is not written here. But you never have to review because they come to you with the questions. If everybody answered properly to question 1 to 20, you're not saying anything about question 1 to 20, they will just tell you where they have problems. So that's something I really like. So it's very easy to share because-- I didn't explain that, but let me show you. [LAUGHS] So let me open my Google Classroom. So I want to add this quiz, right? So I am here-- send. And then I will be here as we did before, right? You will copy the link. OK. And then in your classroom. So I will add whatever, it doesn't matter. And you just create, for example, an assignment. You add your link, and then you add, and you click here, and you say quiz. OK. And then you can assign. And that's it. And your students, they will see that. I am a little obsessive about the nice night light, I want everything to be quite pretty. So what I do because I don't like this big square in the middle. So if you don't do that and you're in the question, if you copy that URL and then you post it here. And instead of edit because you really don't want your students to edit, you type sharing view. Sharing view-- add the link. And this time it is very pretty and then you add your title. So I can answer any questions, you have my email address. If you have questions about that later, I can answer that. That is very easy to share, you just basically copy the link, you send it by email, you send it by WhatsApp when you have some absent students. It's very, very easy to share, I like it. Diversity of question, images reason-- that's really good for your students. Possibilities with image-- you can give feedback, which is very good. It is mobile friendly, which is good. Easy to modify, it is very flexible in terms of score, points, section. And then a lot of students ask questions about-- actually, all of them, they are like, I have a question I don't understand. And then I think that's all and I think I'm done. So if you have any questions, feel free to ask. And while you are thinking about it, maybe I can show you a few of the one I have created. SPEAKER 2: I have two questions. The first one-- these are all of the Forms that you created, but is there like a Google library of quizzes? CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: No, I don't think so. SPEAKER 2: OK. [INTERPOSING VOICES] CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: No, it's not like quizzes or-- yeah, it is quizzes in Quizlet, right? You can use the one that exists, or like in Kahoot! No, you need to create your own or you can share like, for example, in my school we have two teachers teaching level five. So I have some quiz and then I just share, so you can add a collaborator here on the Send, it is the way to share it. Oh, no, it's here, sorry. The kebab menu-- so you just call down and then you have a collaborator. And so you can add some email addresses and then the people, they can be-- again, let me add my good friend, Yasmin-- you can decide that she's an editor, so that she can also modify it and then you send to her and she can use it as well. You can use it with multiple classes and it doesn't matter because the responses, you will all see your students, right? So it works very well. Any other question? SPEAKER 2: For the quiz if you wanted to set a time, is there like where you can put a timer that will show up on the quiz, so that they can know that the time's running out. A little clock up there. [INTERPOSING VOICES] CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: It is what I said that I never used, so let me see. Because at one point, there was some time somewhere. So let's add the question. And if we choose that-- what is that? [INDISTINCT RESPONSE] I don't know, I don't think so. Anybody knows? Grazia, I know you use it a lot, do you know that? Because what I do is that I use it-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] Yeah. I use it in my classroom. And in your classroom, you can give a deadline, so that's where I'm going to do it. Because all that I share with my students in the classroom. You can share it in Canvas, you can share it wherever you want and then you-- let's see like, for example, I'm pretty sure I have one here. So you have it here. So here in the classroom, you will decide to give a deadline, right? So you choose the due date and then you choose the time. And then when after that, normally they cannot answer anymore. Or you decide, as we saw before, right? So you go to responses and you do that. I'm not expecting any responses from now on, right? The class is over, I don't want you to finish at home. If you didn't have time, never mind. I hope it answered your question, but I don't have the feeling that there is a timer for Google-- [ INAUDIBLE ] add-on. So yeah, any other question? So I hope it gives you the desire to use it. Look at that. [LAUGHS] I use it a lot. So I use a lot of-- I changed the image at the top. This is, for example, an image from Google. So it's a very good way to quiz from grammar to quiz for comprehension. Like for example, here, it is-- we open this one. So it is, as I told you, you have the little video, it's a TED-Ed, and then I ask students, right? So that works very well. For listening, let me show you. For listening quiz, it works also very well. So you have here and then recording, right? So they click here and up, it plays the recording. And when they listen to the recording, they can answer the Form. All right. And here, I didn't use sections, I just use title. So it's really up to you if you want sections or titles. And yeah, I use basically all the types of questions possible, also because you don't want your students to face always the same possibilities, right? All right. I think I have shared everything. I wanted to share with you. I can add the links to the general presentation, so that if you want to have it click here, you can. So I am posting them in the chat. All right. So you can open and then you can make a copy. There's an add-on called [ INAUDIBLE ] available from the Google Workplace Marketplace. OK. So if you put an add-on to your Google Chrome, apparently you can use a timer. So yeah, it's a good feature. If you leave it, for example, and you're not here, and if you leave it at home, if they need to complete it like it's a homework. But yeah, I'm not very strict about deadlines. So for me, as long as they do it, I think I am happy. So this is why I never tried to find out if there is a timer. All right. SPEAKER 2: Thank you. CELINE SIGNORINI BAKAN: You're welcome. And so you have it, you have the presentation in the chat, so feel free to make a copy and then to use it later slowly and-- but use it, it is really cool and students they really like to answer quizzes on a Google Form, they really enjoy it. So thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. And then maybe I will see you next year. [LAUGHS] (DESCRIPTION) Text, OTAN Online, Technology and Distance Learning Symposium; Google Forms may be the answer; Presenter: Celine Signorini Bakan, California College of Communications. March 3, 2023. Subscribe, YouTube slash OTAN Serves Adult Education; Like Us, Facebook slash OTAN Serves Adult Education, Follow Us, Twitter slash OTAN -- OTAN dot U.S. -- telephone, 9 1 6 2 2 8 2 5 8 0.