(SPEECH) [AUDIO LOGO] (DESCRIPTION) Logo: OTAN. -- A bright light ripples over an outline of a person with a raised hand. (SPEECH) SPEAKER: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. (DESCRIPTION) Text: OTAN Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology. Professional development, Teaching with technology, OTAN digests and newsletters, News and social media, Annual Technology and Distance Learning Symposium, Online resources and video presentations. OTAN dot u.s. -- 9 1 6. 2 2 8. 2 5 8 0. OTAN Online, Advanced Canvas: Mastery Paths, Presenter: Dana Thompson, OTAN S.M.E., December 2nd, 2024. Dana smiles in a video feed. (SPEECH) DANA THOMPSON: Welcome back to Monday, after a break, though. (DESCRIPTION) As Dana shares her screen, her video feed moves to the top right. Text: Recent Announcements, Mastery Paths in Canvas. Welcome! (SPEECH) I'm going to go ahead and share my screen. Today we're talking about mastery paths. So mastery paths are a great tool to use for differentiation and for student choice. So mastery paths are not necessarily the easiest thing until you understand the flow. So we're going to spend some time today looking at not only how you can use mastery paths, but also how to set one up. So if you want to just watch, that's great. If you want to try it, I will be giving you some time to create a mastery path altogether. But first we're going to take a look at them. So I'm kind of resizing my screen, so bear with me. I don't mean to make anybody sick, but I need to be able to see what I'm doing. OK. So first of all, mastery paths, and this is from the Canvas guides, they allow you to customize your student learning experiences. So it can be based on, like I said, student choice or it can be based on how they do on an assessment or an assignment. And it will send them down a different path based on their score. So there are a few things that you have to have in a mastery path. But what I want to do first is I'm going to come over here into modules, into my demo course, (DESCRIPTION) On the left, Dana clicks the first Home menu option, Modules. (SPEECH) and here's a mastery path example from the teacher's perspective. So the first thing that you have to have is an introduction. This is available or viewed by everybody. Every student can see this overview page, or maybe it's a lesson or a movie, a YouTube video or something, some content. But then when you're creating your mastery path, you'll have what's called a source assignment. And what that source assignment is, is that assignment that everybody takes. And it can be an assignment, it can be a quiz, it can even be a discussion. But what it needs to be is something that will return a score, whether that's automatically by the computer or whether that is teacher-scored, like a discussion or an assignment. But that source assignment is what will determine which path the student will go down. So in this example, this is a quiz. It's worth two points. And if the student gets 100%, then they can do one path where they don't have to review the lesson. So they can just do today's lesson and today's assignment and today's discussion. But should they get less than two points, that means that they need a little bit of review. So those students will be sent down the review path first and then jump into today's lesson. But if I'm a student who doesn't need that review, I don't even see path number one. So I'm not going to be confused on, do I need to do this? But I already did it yesterday. Do I have to turn this in? I'm not sure. So it takes that out of the mix. So you can see this path the way I've designed it as an instructor. (DESCRIPTION) The path includes text headers that read: Basic Mastery Paths Example, Source Assignment, Review (Path #1), and Today's Lesson (part of Path #1 and Path #2). (SPEECH) You can see that I also have text headers in here that I have not published, so they are not visible by my students. That I'm using to help me know where my source assignment is, what is going to be path number one, and then path number two, which actually includes the path number one students will go down both. But as a student, let's take a look at this from the student's perspective. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, Dana clicks a button obscured by her video feed. A student view of the module displays. (SPEECH) You can see as a student all I see is the content page, the overview. And then it tells me that this quiz is locked until the fork in the road is graded. So I can see the fork in the road, but I've also set up my module so that my students have to complete all items in order. So I have to view this overview page. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks and scrolls through the first item, "Overview of this MP Example." (SPEECH) So I've got some content, a screenshot, some helpful links that I can go and learn more about. (DESCRIPTION) At the top left, Dana clicks the first Home menu item, Modules. (SPEECH) And if I come back to Modules without going on the Next button, you'll see that now, since I viewed that, I have access to this quiz. And this is for everybody. But everything else, if you remember everything else that was in that module, is locked until the quiz is graded. So let me leave student view real quick so that you can see right now in this basic mastery paths example module I see two items and then it shows me that it's locked. (DESCRIPTION) Dana returns to the teacher view of the module. (SPEECH) So what's being hidden is everything down these review paths. If I had these text headers published, then my students would see those text headers because text headers cannot be part-- they cannot be hidden in a mastery path. So if I went and I published these text headers, that could be confusing for students. (DESCRIPTION) To the right of each text header. Dana clicks a circular Publish button that turns from gray to green. Then she returns to the student view. (SPEECH) I need them for my organizational memory. But you can see here as a student, I now see source assignment review path in today's lesson, which is confusing. So that's why I hid them. (DESCRIPTION) Dana points to "Review" and "Today's Lesson." (SPEECH) These are grayed out because, again, students are being forced, for lack of a better word, through the module in sequential order. So they can't have access to these, even the text headers, until they've completed them, but I also can't hide them completely. So let me leave student view and come back into my teacher view and go ahead and unpublish just the text headers. Because again, those are for me. When you're creating your mastery path, it helps in understanding where you are in your flow and sequence. And I mentioned that I had put in module requirements so that they have to view this. (DESCRIPTION) Under Source Assignment, Dana points to "MP Quiz/fork in the road." (SPEECH) They have to submit this. If they get sent down the review path page, they have to view the review page and they have to view the review assignment. I can make that a submit. And if they get sent down today's lesson, it's view, view, and contribute. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right of the module, Dana clicks three dots to open a menu. As she selects the first option, Edit, an Edit Module pane opens on the right. (SPEECH) So coming over here to my module and clicking on Edit, that's where I'm setting up these requirements. But the beauty of mastery paths is, even though I've set up these requirements that they have to review or they have to view or look at the review page and they have to view the assignments, they won't be made-- they won't be forced to have that as a requirement unless it's assigned to them through the mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) Dana closes the Edit Module pane. (SPEECH) So it helps your workflows, the teacher, because you don't have to go in and say, OK, these five students need the review path, so I'm only going to assign this review assignment to those five students, and everybody else needs to be assigned to all of these. That's a lot of manual labor and clicking that the mastery paths takes care of for you. So they will be automatically assigned these two items if they are sent down the review path, number one. But if they can skip that path, they won't see it. It won't be required. It will not show up in their Gradebook. And they will only see today's lesson. So let's take a look at that from the students view as we go through it. So again, I viewed my overview already. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the second option available to students, "MP Quiz/fork in the road." (SPEECH) So now I can go ahead and jump into the quiz. And this is every student so far. So I'm going to jump into this mastery path quiz and I'm going to take this quiz. And it's computer-graded. So in this case, once the student takes the quiz, the computer will automatically grade it. And based on the score, will then open up the path for them. So I'm going to pretend I'm a student that does not need path number one. I only need today's lesson. I don't need the review. So I'm going to get 100% on this quiz. So coffee is an important concept. Who makes the best coffee? Well, of course, our local coffee shop. And what's the most important ingredient? Just the beans. Make them organic. So as a student who understood yesterday's lesson on coffee, I can submit this quiz. You can see that I got 100%. I do have the ability to take the quiz again because I set that up in the quiz instructions in case I'm somebody who needs a review and wants to come back and retry their efforts. (DESCRIPTION) Dana scrolls to the bottom of the quiz. At the lower right, she hovers over a Next button. (SPEECH) But here, when I hover over the next, it says that the path is still processing. So please periodically refresh the page. So I'm going to go ahead and do that, because what it's doing is it's looking at the score and saying, OK, this student got 2 out of 2. Now when I hover over the Next button, notice that I see today's lesson is the next thing that I'm going to. But if you remember, when I come back as a student and look at modules, all I see now is the quiz that I just took, I see today's lesson and today's assignment that I can't access until I look at today's lesson because, again, the module requirements are in play along with the mastery path. But I don't see anything about the review. So I can come in to today's lesson, which is just to view it. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the third option available to students on Path #2, "Today's Lesson." Then she scrolls through an embedded lesson PDF titled "Iced Coffee." (SPEECH) So again, I have my content, I have some resources, I have embedded items. So notice that instead of putting this PDF as a link in the module, I actually embedded it in a page. And that is key because in mastery paths, you can only put in Canvas native items. So if you want something that is like a link or a PDF, or even a Word document, instead of just putting those in modules, you would actually create a page and put the link on the page and embed the PDF or the Word document right on that page so that it can be part of the mastery path. (DESCRIPTION) Dana scrolls to the bottom of the lesson. At the lower right, she hovers over the Next button. (SPEECH) OK. So when I click on Next, here's today's assignment. And you can see that I can submit a text entry or I can record media right here in Canvas. But that's today's assignment. (DESCRIPTION) At the top left, Dana clicks the first Home menu item, Modules. (SPEECH) And coming back to Modules, as a student, those are the only things that I'm required to do for this module. (DESCRIPTION) At the top left, Dana clicks the second Home menu item, Grades. The Grades for Test Student page opens with an Arrange By drop-down at the top left. From the drop-down, Dana selects the first option, Module. (SPEECH) And also, if I were to come in here to grades and take a look at my grades, and we're going to arrange by module, you'll see, there's a lot of grades in here, but we're looking at this mastery path, fork in the road. That's the part of that module. And then the assignment, which I hadn't submitted yet. So I don't have any grade there yet. But I don't see the review path assignments in my grades. It's not a part of my Gradebook. So as a student, I'm not going to be confused and think that I haven't turned in something that I wasn't even really supposed to have to do because I was able to jump past the review and go straight down to today's lesson. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks the Leave Student View button and returns to the teacher's view. (SPEECH) So again, let's leave student view. This basic mastery path example, here it is from the teachers view. Any questions on how that works before we get into the nitty-gritty? You can grab the mic or you can type your questions in the chat. OK. So there's a couple of things when we're setting up our modules. So again, if you want everybody to be able to see it, then it's not going to be put inside a path. So I have my overview and I have my source assignment. These two items are assigned to everybody. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the first item, "Overview of this MP Example." (SPEECH) So when I come into my page for the overview, one of the things that you have to do if you want to include a page in mastery paths is you actually have to assign it. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, Dana clicks the second button, Assign To. A pane opens on the right with an "Assign To" field populated by the option "Everyone." (SPEECH) And this one I want everyone because this is the content overview of the module. So I'm going to make sure this is assigned to everyone. (DESCRIPTION) Dana closes the pane. From the left-side Home menu, she selects Modules and points to the Review (Path #1) Review Page link. (SPEECH) However, the page that is part of my review path should only be assigned to students who are sent down this path number one. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks the Review Page link. (SPEECH) So when I come into my review page-- and you can access this in a couple of ways, I haven't gone into Edit yet. But I've already created the page and now I need to assign it to-- (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, Dana clicks the Assign To button. A Review Page pane opens with an Add button at the top. (SPEECH) So I'm going to click on Add and I'm going to assign this to mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) In the Assign To field, she selects a drop-down's first option, Mastery Paths. (SPEECH) So again, Canvas is doing the legwork by if they're sent down path number one, then they'll see this. So you're not putting in students individually or even as groups. You're assigning it to the mastery path. And then Canvas will do that assignment on the fly. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right of the Review Page pane, she clicks a Save button. (SPEECH) So I'm going to click on Save. So the next thing in my module is the review assignment. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right of the Review Page, Dana clicks the Next button and loads the Review Assignment page. Then at the top right of the Review Assignment page, she clicks the Assign To button. (SPEECH) So again, I want to make sure that this is assigned to mastery paths because not everybody is going to have to do this assignment. Only students who are sent down path number one. So I'm going to assign it to mastery paths. Now I could also do this within the assignment itself. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right of the Review Assignment page, Dana clicks the third button, Edit. The from the left-side Home menu, she selects Modules and points to the Review (Path #1) Review Page link. (SPEECH) I'm going to click on Edit and come down here to the bottom details where you see assign access. (DESCRIPTION) Assign Access is the last set of options. (SPEECH) So I can do it here as well. I can either assign it to everybody or I can assign it to mastery paths or individual students. So it's the same task and the same-- just in different locations. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks the Cancel button and returns to the Review Assignment page. Then she clicks the bottom-right Next button and loads the Today's Lesson Path #2 page. (SPEECH) So then as an instructor, when I look at path number two, which is today's lesson, again, I can assign it here. And even though I want everybody to do today's lesson, I still want it to be part of a path. And I'm just going to have students do path one and path two if they need review, or students, if they don't need the review, they're going to skip path one and just do path two. So it still needs to be part of mastery paths, even though everybody will eventually do it. So I could do the Assign to, just like I did last time, or I can come into Edit. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right of the Today's Lesson Path #2 page, Dana clicks the third button, Edit. (SPEECH) And you can see here on pages, and if you've been with Canvas for a while, this looks new. I can assign access to mastery paths here in the Edit View as well. But the key is it needs to be assigned to mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks the Save button and returns to Today's Lesson. Then from the left-side Home menu, she selects Modules. (SPEECH) So when you're building your mastery paths, one of the things that I want to make sure everybody knows, this is not something that you can do on the fly, just one step ahead of the students. You need to develop the module ahead of time so that you can create these paths and have them work. Because if you come in after students have already started the module and maybe they've already gone down a path, and you throw in an item that you want to be a part of that path, it may not work, the functionality may not work correctly. So they may be missing it, or they might get it if they're not part of that path. So it's better to have this completely thought out and created before you start assigning students to the mastery path. They also have to be part of modules. Modules is what controls the path. So you can't just assign pages to mastery paths and then try and come into your pages link or your assignments link and do a mastery path from there. (DESCRIPTION) Dana scrolls down through the Modules page. (SPEECH) It must be put in the order in a module. And you can see here I have several different modules, and these are all different examples of mastery paths that I'm going to show you. So it could be something where you're mid-semester and you want to create a module that has some differentiation or student choice. You can then create that module with your items and then have students go down it, even though it's mid-semester, but the module itself must be created in the whole in order for it to work the way it's supposed to work. (DESCRIPTION) At the top of the Modules page, Dana reviews each section of the Basic Mastery Paths Example. (SPEECH) So again, you can see this is an overview example. It's assigned to everybody. This is the mastery path source assignment. So this is the one that everybody takes, and it determines the path that the students go down. Then you can see here that it has my path number one, and you can see that it's released. (DESCRIPTION) To the right of the Review page link, Dana points to a Conditional icon. (SPEECH) These are called conditional items. So they are only released to students who are sent down this path number one. And then path number two is the same. The difference here, you can see multiple. (DESCRIPTION) To the right of the Today's Lesson link, Dana points to an icon that reads "Multiple." (SPEECH) That's because students can go down different paths based on the way you set it up. So I will have some students who will do both path one and path two, and then some students who will only do path two. So it's set-- it's included in multiple paths. So you can see that indication here. And then this August 30 path discussion, we didn't see that show up when I was in student view because it's not assigned to the module yet or to the mastery path yet. So that's why it's so important that you've got all of these steps. So the way I usually do my workflow is I create the entire module, and I use text headers to help me know where my different paths are. And then I'll go back and put everything together and make sure that they're assigned to mastery paths if they're supposed to be, and that they're included in the mastery path that they're supposed to be included in. So how does Canvas know which path-- which items go into path one and which items go into path two? OK, that's where I would come back to the source assignment and add these items in. So I'm going to click on source assignment. (DESCRIPTION) Dana opens "MP Quiz/fork in the road." (SPEECH) Does a mastery path have the function to release a second module? That's a great question. And yes, I believe we can do that. But I'll show you one way that we can make that even if it doesn't-- if it's not the mastery path. So you can have your source assignment be in a different module that will then open up the next module, and I'll show you how to do that. But I'm looking at this from the teacher's perspective. (DESCRIPTION) On the right, Dana points to a Mastery Paths Breakdown. (SPEECH) You can see that it shows my mastery paths breakdown and who I have. One out of one student who's taken this quiz has been sent down path number one. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, she clicks the fourth button, Edit. (SPEECH) I'm going to come in here to Edit, and this is a classic quiz. But you'll see that I've got tabs up here and one of them is my mastery paths tab. (DESCRIPTION) At the top left, Mastery Paths is the third tab. (SPEECH) So if you have an assignment that is the start of your source assignment and you have it as be that source assignment, you'll see the mastery paths tab. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the Mastery Paths tab. (SPEECH) This mastery paths tab is where you tell Canvas what's going to go down-- what is going to be assigned to which path. You have three by default, but you don't have to use all three. So you'll see that I just have two paths. I have my review path where they're going to do the review page. And you'll also see that these are not in order. And that is key as well because remember that modules will control the flow, whereas this mastery paths tab will just control the what. So I don't have to worry about it being in order on this screen because my modules has it in order that my students are going to go through it. So I can have in this screen the review page, the today's lessons page, and then the two assignments. But they're not going to go through it in that order. They're going to go through it in the order that the module says. But they're going to do all four things. My students who got more than 1 and 1/2 points and at least they scored between 1 and 1/2 and 2, they're only going to be required to do today's lesson, today's assignment, and then explore with your peers discussion. Now that didn't show up. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right of a block labeled "Explore with your Peers Discussion," Dana clicks three dots. (SPEECH) So I can come here to the three dots and go directly into that discussion here to make sure that I set it up correctly because it didn't show up when I tested it in student view. (DESCRIPTION) From the dot menu, she selects the first option, Edit. Then she scrolls down through the page. (SPEECH) And you can see the reason why. If I come down here-- oh, it is assigned to mastery paths. So it should have shown up. (DESCRIPTION) Under Assignment Settings, Dana clicks the Delete button to the right of a second, blank Assign To field. (SPEECH) We're going to delete this one so that it doesn't have anything confusing. So that, again, is where if you want a discussion to be a part of just one of your groups, which is a great way for your students to work in groups and be automatically assigned the discussion based on the mastery path, rather than you having to go in and assign students to the discussions, you assign it to the mastery path. So let's do that and save it. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks the Save button. A Warning box pops up. (SPEECH) This is just a warning. Not everyone will be assigned the item. And that's correct because not everyone might be going down this mastery path. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right of the Warning, Dana clicks a Continue button to close the box. She returns to the Explore with your Peers Discussion. (SPEECH) OK. So that, again, I did that in the Edit screen, but I could also do the Assign to here as well. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, she clicks the Assign To button. Then she closes the page and returns to the Mastery Paths tab. (SPEECH) I'm going to come back to my source assignment. And this is where you're setting up what is going to be part of what. So again, in order for it to be part of a mastery path, you have to make sure that whether you're an edit or you are just in the view screen, you're assigning it to the mastery path. Then you have to come in to the source assignment and place it on the path that you want it to be a part of. So several steps that you have to work through in order to make mastery paths function. (DESCRIPTION) Dana returns to the teacher's view of the MP Quiz/fork in the road page. From the left Home menu, she selects Modules. (SPEECH) So the question is, does the mastery path have the function to release a second module? So here's an example. Let me go back into view as a student and I'm going to go ahead and reset my student so that we're looking at this from the beginning. (DESCRIPTION) In student view, Dana clicks the bottom-right Reset Student Button. From the left Home menu, she selects Modules. (SPEECH) And as my student, I'm going to come into modules and you'll see this has been reset. But let's come down here to Used to control early access. (DESCRIPTION) She scrolls down through the module to the "Use to Control Early Access" text header. (SPEECH) So this is kind of answering your question, but basically what I did here is I have a source assignment to grant access. So there are several things in this module, but I don't want my students to even see what they are. Even if I had it set up so that my module controlled when they accessed it, whether it's by a date or a time, or after they've completed something else, I just don't even want them to see what the items are in that module. So using a mastery path, even though I only have one path, is a way to do that. So as a student, I can come in to the source assignment. (DESCRIPTION) Below the "Use to Control Early Access" text header, Dana clicks the Source Assignment to grant access link. (SPEECH) And this is an assignment that the teacher will manually grade. They may or may not have anything that they are submitting, but you can see that I can't access anything in this module until my teacher has graded this. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks the Leave Student View button and returns to the Source Assignment. Then at the top right, she clicks the SpeedGrader button. (SPEECH) So if I leave student view, here's that same assignment. I can come in to SpeedGrader and I can say Test Student did complete it. So I'm going to give them a complete grade. (DESCRIPTION) From the right-side pane's Assignment drop-down, she selects Complete. (SPEECH) OK. So I'm going to get out of SpeedGrader and we're going to come back into this as a student. So now my assignment is graded. Now that it's graded, I can go on to the next page. (DESCRIPTION) From the left Home menu, Dana selects Modules and scrolls down the page. (SPEECH) And if I take a look at modules, you can see here that there's all of-- there's two assignments, a page and a discussion, that I didn't know was there until my teacher gave me access by making that source assignment complete. And so now I can go and work through the module. And this one doesn't have any requirements on it, module requirements, like view or submit or anything like that because the mastery path is controlling that instead of using both mastery paths and modules. So you can set that up however it works for you. So as the question, does the mastery path have the function to release a second module? I've not tried that yet, but my thinking would be that this source assignment would be in another module and these all would be part of a mastery path. So they'll see the module, but they'll see that it's locked. So let's try that. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks the Leave Student View button. (SPEECH) So I'm going to go ahead and leave student view. And let's take this mastery paths source assignment. This is the one that we just did. And we're going to put it up here in the module above it. (DESCRIPTION) Dana drags "Source Assignment to grant access" into the module above it. (SPEECH) Now you can see that these are all still part of my mastery path. The source assignment is now up in a different module. OK. So going into student view and let's reset the student view so that we know we're looking at it from fresh eyes. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom of the student view, Danaclicks the Reset Student button. Then from the left Home menu, she selects Modules. On the Modules page, she minimizes the "MP Example" module and scrolls down to the "Videos that will Demonstrate and Explain" module. (SPEECH) OK. Coming into modules, I'm going to minimize that. Here's that module where we put the source assignment to grant access. And you can see that there's nothing in this module. (DESCRIPTION) She points to the "Use to Control Early Access" text header. (SPEECH) I don't see anything in this module. The warning thing is here, which could be confusing. But source assignment to grant access. (DESCRIPTION) She opens the assignment, then clicks the bottom-right Leave Student View button. (SPEECH) I'm going to go ahead and leave student view so that I can score this again to grant them access. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, she clicks the SpeedGrader button and selects Complete from the drop-down. (SPEECH) So we're going to come in to SpeedGrader and complete it. So now coming back into-- let's take a look at modules as a student to see if it opened up that. (DESCRIPTION) Dana scrolls through the student modules, then points to the Source Assignment to grant access link. (SPEECH) So here's my source assignment. (DESCRIPTION) She scrolls down and clicks the "Use to Control Early Access" text header. (SPEECH) And then when I expand on this, oh, it didn't (DESCRIPTION) She opens the source assignment. (SPEECH) because I think I got the-- so it says complete. And my next. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks the Next button and loads the Student Choice Example page. (SPEECH) Yeah. No, it doesn't. I had not tried that before. So that doesn't work. (DESCRIPTION) She returns to the Modules page and scrolls through the modules. (SPEECH) It does need to be-- the source assignment needs to be-- because you can see here these are the items for the mastery path. The source assignment does need to be in the mastery path module. (DESCRIPTION) She drags the source assignment to the "Use to Control Early Access" text header. (SPEECH) Good question, and thank you for helping me clarify that. But again, you could make this source assignment not accessible. Whether it's a source assignment or where you graded or a quiz or whatever, we are going to lock it. (DESCRIPTION) To the right of the header, Dana clicks the three dots and opens the Edit Module pane. Then she clicks the Lock Unit checkbox. (SPEECH) You can either do it by date or time, or you can make a prerequisite. So they have to complete the mastery path example module successfully before they can gain access to this module. (DESCRIPTION) Dana closes the Edit Module pane and points to the "Use to Control Early Access" module. (SPEECH) So now you can see there's a prerequisite. And when we go into student view, I haven't completed this yet, so I will not be able to access this yet. (DESCRIPTION) Dana points to the Basic Mastery Paths Example, then to the "Use to Control Early Access" module. (SPEECH) Although, I already was graded so I have access. But if I were to reset it, yeah. So that's a way around it. So that's a lot. Let me just show you a couple of examples and then we'll create one together. OK. (DESCRIPTION) On the student Modules page, Dana scrolls down to the MP Student Choice Example Module. (SPEECH) So I showed you the early access. Here's one where I'm giving students a choice. So this is actually done with New Quizzes, which I really like because New Quizzes has the ability where you can ask one question and give them different scores based on their answer. And so I set this up so that they are going to choose which book they want to do a report on. And then I'm going to give them another choice on whether they want to do a project or an essay. Now notice that everybody has access to the final project submission because in the end, I want them to submit their project no matter what book they chose or what method of work they're going to choose. So I did give them access to that. (DESCRIPTION) In the MP Student Choice Example module, Dana clicks the first option, Student Choice Example. (SPEECH) But I'm going to come in here to the New Quiz, which always takes a minute to load. And always put in this disclaimer. The quiz will not factor into your final grade. It's simply a method of facilitating your mastery path choice so that they know that even though it says it's a right answer or a wrong answer, it's not really counting that way. It's just a method of Canvas giving them different scores, but it's limited because it's a quiz type thing. And you can't do a survey because that's either complete or not complete and I wanted the different scoring. So I have three books and I'm thinking of ninth grade English. So they can choose a novel for their final project. It can be Lord of the Flies, Frankenstein, or Night. So instead of asking them a whole bunch of questions to get to a score that will release the path based on their score, using New Quizzes, if they choose Lord of the Flies, they'll get three points. If they choose Frankenstein, they'll get two points. And if they choose Night, they'll get one point. Even though that's not right or wrong, it's going to determine which path to send them down. So I'm going to go ahead and choose Frankenstein. OK. So this is my choice. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks a radio button to the left of Frankenstein. Then on the bottom right, she clicks the Submit button. As Confirm Submissions box pops up, she clicks the boxes bottom-right Submit button. (SPEECH) I'm not limited to just one book. And yes, I want to submit my answer. And remember that it's not a score that will be put in the Gradebook. So even though it looks like it's wrong, it really isn't. (DESCRIPTION) A Results page shows a score of 66.67%. (SPEECH) And then I'm going to return out of-- get out of the quiz and get back into my module progression. (DESCRIPTION) She returns to the Student Choice Example page. (SPEECH) OK. And you'll see now under Next-- let's refresh that. I thought I fixed it but maybe I didn't. (DESCRIPTION) On the left Home menu, she selects Modules. (SPEECH) Let's come back to Modules and take a look. It should just show me the Frankenstein items. (DESCRIPTION) She scrolls down to the MP Student Choice Example module. (SPEECH) So it says I completed it, but it hasn't unlocked all my student choices. So let's go in and take a look. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks the Student Choice Example link. (SPEECH) I know I fixed this, but I'm going to need to look at this from the teacher's perspective. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks the Leave Student View button. Then at the top right of the teacher's view, she clicks the Edit Assignment Settings button. (SPEECH) So again, looking at the assignment settings themselves, we want to make sure that this is assigned to everyone because it's the source assignment, and it is. (DESCRIPTION) At the top left, she clicks the second tab, Mastery Paths. (SPEECH) We also want to make sure that it is set up the mastery paths. So again, even though it's a new quiz, it has this mastery paths tab. And you can see that if they get 0 to 1, they'll be sent down the Night path. If they get over 1 point to under 2 points, they'll get the Frankenstein path. And if they get over 2 points to 3 points, they'll get the Lord of the Flies path. So all of that is set up correctly. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks the second button, Save. From the left Home menu, she selects Modules. (SPEECH) So we're going to save it and come back into modules and take a look at that again. Sometimes it takes a minute for Canvas to process the data. (DESCRIPTION) She scrolls down to the MP Student Choice Example Module. (SPEECH) See. Now it has it. So I just didn't wait long enough. So I completed my choice. I chose Frankenstein, so now I have the Frankenstein path. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the Frankenstein Project Proposal link. (SPEECH) So let me come in and take a look at-- these are the report instructions. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks Next. (SPEECH) If I want to do a website, these are the instructions. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks Next. (SPEECH) And then I'm going to do a proposal because I want to tell my teacher whether I want to do a website or an essay, a book report. And so again, not only do I have the ability to choose the book, I now have the ability to choose what I'm going to present. And so I'm going to submit my proposal here. (DESCRIPTION) Dana types in a text field. (SPEECH) So I will create a website and do my proposal there. So I'm going to submit this assignment. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks the Submit Assignment button. (SPEECH) So this is something that my teacher is going to need to come in and score. OK. So my Next shows the final project submission, which, again, I would put instructions on there. But let's leave the student view and go into the teacher view so that I can give them a score. (DESCRIPTION) In the teacher's view, Dana clicks the top-right SpeedGrader button. (SPEECH) And so we're going to give them a 1 because they're going to do the project. It would have been a 0 if they were to do an essay. Let's see if that changes what the student now sees. Coming back into modules. (DESCRIPTION) In the student's view, Dana clicks the left Home menu's Modules option. She scrolls down to the MP Student Choice Example Module. (SPEECH) So you can see that the-- yes, it did it correctly. So I see all of my Frankenstein, but I don't see any of the others. So I put in my proposal, I go off and I work on my assignment, and now I can come back and submit it. (DESCRIPTION) From the left Home menu, Dana selects the second option, Grades. (SPEECH) And again, when I come into grades, you're going to see that I don't have-- I have Frankenstein. I don't have Night or Lord of the Flies because those don't-- I was not sent down that path. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks the Leave Student View button. (SPEECH) However, when I look at modules from this teacher's perspective, that everything in that module included three items for Lord of the Flies, three for Frankenstein, three for Night, and then everybody had that final project submission. So I only saw this middle one. So providing choice. (DESCRIPTION) On the teacher's Modules page, Dana scrolls down to a module labeled "Another Student Choice Example for Remediation." (SPEECH) This is one where they would take an assessment and then based on their score, they would go down a review path, a baseline path, or they can explore because they did so well. And then we're going to create a mastery path together. Any questions before we start building together? (DESCRIPTION) Dana scrolls to the top of the Modules page. (SPEECH) OK. So at this point, I'm going to give you a minute to get into Canvas, if you're not already, and get into a course that you can create a mastery path a part of without disrupting your students. And go ahead and create a module. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, she clicks the fourth button, Add Module. An Add Module pane opens with the text field, Module Name. (SPEECH) And I'm just going to give this December 2 test or whatever you want to name it. And then you're going to go ahead and add that. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks the Add Module button. (SPEECH) So I'll give you a minute to go ahead and create a new module. (DESCRIPTION) To the right of the December 2nd Test module, Dana clicks the three dots. From a drop-down, she chooses the third option, Move Module. From a pane on the right, she picks "At the top." (SPEECH) Let me move mine to the top so I don't have to keep scrolling. (DESCRIPTION) Now the December 2nd Test module appears at the top of the Modules page. (SPEECH) OK. No. So the only way they work with those outside apps, like Edpuzzle, is if you link out to them, but you cannot embed them as an LTI tool within the mastery paths itself. So that is one bummer. What you might do with something like that is have your mastery path first, and then if that Edpuzzle is assigned to everybody, that could be like the final work. But yeah, the LTIs, it needs to be a Canvas native, and we'll see how that works when we start building this. But that's a great question. OK. So we're going to come here on our module here and I'm going to click on the plus sign. (DESCRIPTION) The plus sign appears at the top right of the module. (SPEECH) And I'm going to add a page. (DESCRIPTION) From a drop-down, Dana selects the fourth option, Page. (SPEECH) And I'm going to call this page-- I'm going to create a new page and give it the name Everyone's content. (DESCRIPTION) She selects the first option, Create Page, and types the name in the Page Name text field. Then at the bottom right, she clicks the Add Item button. (SPEECH) So this is basically the introduction to the activity or the lesson or whatever it is you want it to be. So that's a page. OK. Go ahead and add a page. And you can add-- again, this is for everybody. So here is somewhere where you could add an Edpuzzle as an LTI because everybody would have access to it. Or you can add other things. But for our sake today, we're just going to say our introductory content is all going to be on this one page. Now, for my purposes, I'm going to click on the plus button and I'm going to add a text header to remind me that I need to have this source assignment as the next item. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the plus button to the right of the module. From the drop-down, she selects the sixth option, Text Header. In the Header text field, she types Source Assignment. Then at the bottom right, she clicks the Add Item button. (SPEECH) And again, this is something that everybody is going to do. OK. So for my source assignment, again, it can be a quiz that's computer graded, so it will release the module within a fraction of immediate as we saw, or it can be an assignment that the teacher has to score before the items are released to the students. Or it can be a discussion that the teacher must grade before it can be released to the students. So for today, we're going to do a new quiz. I'm going to click on the plus sign and I'm going to come here to Quiz, (DESCRIPTION) From the drop-down, she selects the second option, Quiz. (SPEECH) and we're going to create a new quiz. (DESCRIPTION) She selects the New Quiz radio button. (SPEECH) So I'm going to make it says New Quiz, if you still have the ability. And this quiz name I'm going to put the source assignment quiz so we know it's a quiz. So the source assignment quiz. And you can add it to an assignment group. (DESCRIPTION) Dana scrolls down to the Group drop-down and selects Assignment, then scrolls down to the Indentation drop-down and selects Indent. (SPEECH) I'm going to go ahead and indent it just for visual, but I'm going to add that new quiz. Now (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks the Add Item button. (SPEECH) notice that I'm right now just building the structure. I'm not worried about the content yet, but I know I'm going to give a source quiz that will determine whether they go down a remedial path or an on-task path, or an exploratory path. And I'm going to have the computer grade it so that this can be done whether it's at home or in class, giving them the opportunity to work independently while you're circulating and helping those who need more help. So we'll go ahead and add a quiz. And that's-- we're just adding the item. We're not putting anything in it yet. If you don't have the option for new quiz, go ahead and do a classic quiz. And that's because it hasn't been turned on by your admin. Or maybe that you just only have new quiz. So if you add a quiz and it's this black rocket ship, then it's a new quiz. (DESCRIPTION) To the left of the Source Assignment Quiz, Dana points to a black rocket ship icon. Below in the Basic Mastery Paths Example module, she points to the white rocket ship icon to the left of the MP Quiz/fork in the road. (SPEECH) You can see down here that this is a white rocket ship. That's a classic quiz. So some instances they don't even offer the option, so you won't see classic. So after my source assignment, I'm going to create my first path. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the December 2nd Test module's plus button. From the drop-down, she selects the sixth option, Text Header. (SPEECH) So I'm going to do my text header to remind myself that this is going to be path number one and this is going to be my review path. (DESCRIPTION) In the Header text field, she types: Path #1 Review Path. At the bottom right, she clicks the Add Item button. (SPEECH) It could be your choice number one path. It could be whatever you want. Maybe it's a topic. So whether they're doing review or maybe they're choosing a topic that they want to research further, but all the topics have different instructions, and instead of giving all of the instructions to everybody, then you're only giving them instructions based on what topic they're choosing. So this would be great in, say, a medical front office class where you want them to research, whether it's PPI gear or the process of taking vitals in the-- or the process of-- and you want them to only see the instructions based on what they're choosing to research, then mastery paths are a great way to do that. (DESCRIPTION) On the Modules page, Dana points to the Path #1 Review Path text header. (SPEECH) So in my first review path, again, this is the text header so it's just reminding me, I'm going to provide some content followed by a discussion. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the December 2nd Test module's plus button. From the drop-down, she selects the fourth option, Page. Then she chooses Create Page. (SPEECH) So I'm going to add to my module a page, and I'm going to create a new page and I'm going to give the name to path number one content page. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks the Add Item button. (SPEECH) And again, you would have a different titles based on what you're creating your path for. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the December 2nd Test module's plus button. From the drop-down, she selects the fifth option, Discussion. (SPEECH) But down my path number one, I'm going to include a page and I'm going to include a discussion. (DESCRIPTION) She selects the first option, Create Topic. (SPEECH) So I'm going to create topic. (DESCRIPTION) She types in the Topic Name field. (SPEECH) And this is going to be my path number one discussion. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks the Add Item button. (SPEECH) So just create two. If you want to try creating three, that's fine. But create the items that you want to be a part of the first path. OK, if I'm going too fast, let me know in the chat. We're going to do the same thing for path number two and path number three. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the December 2nd Test module's plus button. From the drop-down, she selects the sixth option, Text Header. (SPEECH) So adding a text header. (DESCRIPTION) She types in the Header text field. (SPEECH) Path number two, this is going to be our new content. (DESCRIPTION) From the Indentation drop-down, Dana selects Indent. Then at the bottom right, she clicks the Add Item button. (SPEECH) And then under path two I'm going to add another content page specific to that. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the December 2nd Test module's plus button. From the drop-down, she selects the fourth option, Page. (SPEECH) I'm going to create a new page and I'm going to title it Path two content page. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks the Add Item button. (SPEECH) Again, I like to indent. (DESCRIPTION) To the right of the Path #2 Content Page link, Dana clicks three dots and selects the fifth option, Indent. (SPEECH) And then I'm going to create-- for them, we're going to do a quick check for understanding as a quiz. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the December 2nd Test module's plus button. From the drop-down, she selects the second option, Quiz. (SPEECH) So I'm going to create a quiz. (DESCRIPTION) She types in the Quiz Name text field. (SPEECH) And this is going to be my path number two check for understanding. (DESCRIPTION) She selects Indent, then clicks the Add Item button. (SPEECH) SPEAKER 2: Thank you. SPEAKER 3: Thank you. SPEAKER 2: So much. Nice to see you. SPEAKER 3: Nice to meet you. See you next. SPEAKER 2: See you next time. Yeah. SPEAKER 3: Thank you. SPEAKER 2: Thank you. DANA THOMPSON: And then I'm going to do the same for path number three. So take a minute and create three paths, starting with the text header and then two items. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the December 2nd Test module's plus button. From the drop-down, she selects the sixth option, Text Header. In the Header field, she types Path #3 Expand. Then, she clicks the Add Item button and returns to the Modules page. She clicks the plus button and chooses the drop-down's fifth option, Discussion. Then she selects Create Topic. In the Topic Name field, she types Path #3 Idea Discussion. She selects Indent, then clicks the Add Item button and returns to the Modules page. Dana clicks the plus button and chooses the drop-down's first option, Assignment. Then she selects Create Assignment. In the Assignment Name field, she types Path #3 Exploration Results. She selects Indent, then clicks the Add Item button and returns to the Modules page. (SPEECH) OK, so I'll give you just a minute to get those in there. OK. All right. We are ready to move to the next step. So this is our structure. Thank you. This is our structure. Again, I have not put in content yet. I haven't made my path, my actual mastery path yet. We're just putting in the structure because now I can go in and plug in content and not have to worry about where that goes or what should go first because I've created the scaffolding, so to speak. And so I can come in here and edit this page with my introduction and resource links and whatever it is. I can create my source assignment quiz and then I can create the content for each of these items that are in each of these paths. So what I'm going to do now, though, is I'm going to go ahead and progress through this module and make sure that everything is assigned correctly. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the first link, Everyone's Content -- Introduction. (SPEECH) So I'm going to go ahead and click on the first thing. Notice there's still no content here, and that's OK. So again, this is everyone's content. So we're not going to mess with the Assigned to. We're just going to make it assigned to everyone. So go ahead and click on Next to go to the source assignment quiz. (DESCRIPTION) On the right, she clicks the Next button. (SPEECH) So this a source assignment quiz, again, we want everyone to take. So we're going to leave that also assigned to everyone. OK. We'll come back to this one. Once we've done the step, we're going to go through the module. We'll come back to this source assignment to create our mastery paths, but I'm not going to do that right now. Again, I like taking it step by step. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks Next. (SPEECH) So I'm going to go ahead and click on Next. And in my path number one content page, this one does need to be assigned to mastery paths so that Canvas will automatically assign it to whoever goes down this path. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, she clicks the Assign To button. (SPEECH) So I'm going to go ahead and click on Assign to. And instead of everyone, I'm going to x that out and put in mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) From the Assign To drop-down, she selects the second option, Mastery Paths. (SPEECH) And then click on Save. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks Save and returns to the Path #1 Content Page. (SPEECH) Now here, you can't really see who it's assigned to. We have to go back to Modules to see that. So we'll do that later. We're just going to click on Next and do the same thing for our discussion or whatever it is that you have in here. So anything that I want to be assigned to specific paths, I'm going to come in and just quickly go through this module and change it from everyone to mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, she clicks the Assign To button and opens the Assign To drop-down. Mastery Paths is not included as an option. (SPEECH) Oh, how come it didn't have that? Canvas keeps changing things on me. (DESCRIPTION) Dana picks the third option, Mastery Paths in Canvas. (SPEECH) So I'll try mastery path in Canvas, but I don't think that's right because that's a section. So I may not be able to do discussions as part of a mastery path anymore, but maybe if I go into Edit. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right corner of the Path #1 Discussion page, she clicks three dots and selects the third option, Edit. (SPEECH) Yeah, I'm going to come into Edit and see if I can do it there because I did on the last one. I remember. Oh, I know why. You know why? Because it's not graded right. (DESCRIPTION) On the Edit page, she scrolls down to the Options heading and clicks the radio button for the seventh option, Graded. (SPEECH) So go ahead and go into Edit and we're going to make sure that it's graded even if it's 0 points. But it needs to have that graded option checked in order to assign it to mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) Dana scrolls down to the Assignment Settings heading. From the Assign To drop-down, she chooses Mastery Paths. (SPEECH) So instead of everyone, we're going to assign it to mastery paths. But you actually have to go into Edit on discussions to click the graded box and assign to mastery path, (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, she clicks Save. On the Warning box, she clicks Continue. (SPEECH) and then I'm going to save it and make sure it knows that that's what I want to do. And then I'm just going to click on Next and do the same thing for my path two items. So go ahead and take a minute and change it from everyone to mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) On the Path #2 Content Page, Dana clicks the top-right Assign To button and assigns to Mastery Paths. Then she clicks the Next button and assigns the Path #2 CFU page to Mastery Paths. (SPEECH) And remember with New Quizzes, we're going to click on Save for right now. We're not going to go in and build yet. So if you click on Build, that takes you in and now I have to go back. The way New Quizzes works is clunky, but we'll make it work. (DESCRIPTION) On the Modules page, Dana clicks the Path #3 Idea Discussion page. On the right, she clicks the three dots and chooses Edit from the drop-down. (SPEECH) And then my path three, I started with the discussion, so I actually have to go in and edit that so it's graded, (DESCRIPTION) On the Edit page under Options, she selects Graded. (SPEECH) and then assigned to mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) Under Assignment Settings, Dana chooses Mastery Paths. She clicks Save, then Continue. (SPEECH) I'll give you a minute to get those all assigned to mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) On the Modules page, Dana clicks the Path #3 Exploration Results page. On the right, she clicks the Assign To button and selects Mastery Paths from the drop-down. At the bottom right, she clicks Save. (SPEECH) And then when you're done, come back to your module's view. Thank you, Francis. OK. (DESCRIPTION) On the Modules page, Dana points to the right of the modules view. (SPEECH) This is the important part because you'll notice that we don't have any indication over here of whether they're part of a path or not because we haven't set that up. We've assigned them to master paths, but now we have to tell Canvas how to distribute those or release those. So we're going to go back here to our source assignment. So back in your module view, go ahead and click on your source assignment. Mine's a quiz. And then come over to your Mastery paths tab. (DESCRIPTION) At the top left, Dana clicks the second tab, Mastery Paths. (SPEECH) And this is where we're going to add the items in each of our-- actually, I'm going to come back to Details. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks the first tab, Details. (SPEECH) We're going to say that this quiz is 10 points. OK. (DESCRIPTION) In the Points field, she types 10. (SPEECH) So we have to put our points in to make sure that this works. Again, another reason New Quizzes they still have some work to do. So we're going to give it 10 points. And then come here to my Mastery paths tab. (DESCRIPTION) On the Mastery Paths tab, she changes Path 3 point range to include values 8 to 10. (SPEECH) And if they get 8 or, yeah, 8 to 10 points, so I'm going to change this to 8, if they get 8 to 10 points, I'm going to let them explore. (DESCRIPTION) She changes the Path 2 point range to begin at 5. (SPEECH) If they get between, let's say 5, so I'm going to put 5 here, and 7.9 points, they're going to get new content. And if they get from 0 to 4.9 points, they're going to go down that review path. So again, depending on their score out of these 10 points. So I'm now, that I have my, not rubric, but the score set up, now I can start adding things-- the items to the path that they belong in. So if they need to review, they're going to go down this path here, path number one. So I'm going to click on the plus sign. And you'll notice that it's showing me all items. (DESCRIPTION) As she clicks the plus in Path 1, a dialog box appears with the prompt "Add Items into 5 points to 0 points." Below, a checklist contains all items in Canvas. (SPEECH) Well, I know in path number one I have this content page. And this is where your naming conventions become important. Because in order to find things, maybe it's easier. I started mine with path number one and then path number one discussion. But it's showing me everything. So that's another reason why naming convention and understanding your structure ahead of time. So I'm going to go ahead and check both of those items for my path number one, and I'm going to add it. (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right of the dialog, Dana clicks Add Items. (SPEECH) And again, here it doesn't matter the order because my modules control the order. It's just that they need to do the content page and the discussion. So then I can go ahead and add my path number two items. (DESCRIPTION) As she clicks the plus in Path 2, a dialog box appears with the prompt "Add Items into 8 points to 5 points." Below, a checklist contains all items in Canvas. (SPEECH) So I'm going to scroll down here and find my path number two content page and my path number two check for understanding, and add those. And they have to do both of them so I've got the ampersand there. (DESCRIPTION) An ampersand appears between the Path 2 items. (SPEECH) And then my explorer folks, I'm going to go down here and find my path number three assignment and path number three idea discussion. Those are the two items that were part of my path three. (DESCRIPTION) As she clicks the plus in Path 3, a dialog box appears with the prompt "Add Items into 10 points to 8 points." She checks off the Path 3 items on the checklist and clicks the Add Items button. (SPEECH) Now you could give further choice. Maybe my Explorer folks, I either want them to do an assignment or I want them to do a discussion. So I'm going to click on the ampersand and change it to Or. So if they get more than 8 points on this source assignment, they're going to have one more opportunity to choose whether they participate in the group discussion or they work independently on an assignment because of this Or symbol. And if I want it back to And, I just click on it and it puts it back to And, but they will have the option of choosing either or. Any questions on the mastery paths and assigning those items to a path? My suggestion is to start simple. That's why my first one I only had two paths. Because then what you can do is come in here, I'm going to save this, (DESCRIPTION) At the bottom right, Dana clicks Save. She returns to the Modules page. (SPEECH) it's going to save that but I haven't put any questions into the source assignment yet, so I can't test it until I do that. So that would be the next step. So I can come either-- But you'll now also see that everything-- oh, my exploration results didn't get part. So now I know I need to go back and fix this because it doesn't have that tag here. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks Source Assignment Quiz, then selects the second tab, Mastery Paths. (SPEECH) So in my source assignment, when I come into mastery paths, this above 8 points, that's where you're putting in your items. So from 0 to 4.9 points, they have path number one, 5 to 7.9, they get path number two. And if they get 8 points or more, 8 to 10 points, they're going to go down path number three and they have the choice of either doing the idea discussion or the assignment in this case. And I'm going to make sure that the assignment is assigned to mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks the three dots to the right of the Path 3 assignment, then selects Edit from the drop-down. (SPEECH) It is. And I'm going to make sure that my discussion is assigned-- No, not the quiz yet. Graded in mastery path. So it is too. So it didn't show it in my modules correctly because it's an or. So now that you have your paths created, that's when you can come in and build. (DESCRIPTION) On the bottom right of the Mastery Paths tab, Dana clicks the second button, Save and Publish. Then she clicks the fourth button, Build. (SPEECH) And we're just going to do one question for right now. So I'm going to add one question. (DESCRIPTION) In the center of the page, Dana clicks a blue Plus button that turns red. Then from the Insert Content dialog box, she picks the first column's fifth option, Multiple Choice. (SPEECH) I'm going to make it something that the computer can grade. So I'm going to do multiple choice. And my question stem, this is where I would put in the question. And then I would put in my answers. So I'm going to just put path one, because we're testing it for right now, path two, and path three. And I'm going to trash. And if you haven't used News Quizzes yet, that's another webinar. (DESCRIPTION) Under Options, she checks the Vary Points by Answer box. (SPEECH) But the nice thing is I can vary points by answer. So as long as I have this checked, I can say path one, they're going to get, say, two points. Path two, remember they had to have at least five points. So we're going to make this worth 6 points. And path three, they had to have at least 8 points. So we're going to give it 9 points just so that you can see. And then we're going to go ahead and click on-- No, path three has to be-- no, we're going to do that. (DESCRIPTION) Dana changes Path 3 from 8 to 9 points, then clicks the Done button at the bottom right and returns to the Build page. (SPEECH) And then click on Done and Click on Return. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right of the Build page, she clicks the Return button and returns to the Modules page. (SPEECH) But that's where you would put in your actual source assignment quiz questions or assignment instructions, or whatever it is that you want them to do to determine, based on their score, which path they go down. OK. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right of the Modules, Dana clicks the Publish icon and selects the first drop-down option, Publish Module and All Items. (SPEECH) Now for sake of quickness, I'm going to go ahead and publish the module and all items, and then remember to go and unpublish just my text headers because those were for me and not for my students. But it's quicker to do it that way. (DESCRIPTION) To the right of each text header, she clicks green Publish icons and greys them out. (SPEECH) And then we can test it. So go ahead and test it. You go in as a new student. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, Dana clicks a button obscured by her video feed. The student view of the module loads. (SPEECH) You can see I can see the introduction, but I can't see anything else yet. I'm going to go in and look at the introduction. I'm going to click on Next to get into my source assignment. (DESCRIPTION) On the right, she clicks Next. Then on the Source Assignment Quiz page, she clicks the blue Start button. (SPEECH) And I'm going to start my source assignment. And I'm going to test it and choose path two, which will give me 6 points. (DESCRIPTION) A Loading message appears on the Source Assignment Quiz page. (SPEECH) Quizzes always takes a long time. (DESCRIPTION) For quiz question 1, Dana selects path 2. Then at the bottom right, she clicks the Submit button. (SPEECH) Yes. I do Submit. So I'm going to choose path two and then I'm going to click on Submit and submit. (DESCRIPTION) On the dialog box, she clicks Submit again. An auto-grading message appears, followed by a Results page. (SPEECH) And I'm going to return. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, she clicks the Return button. Then from the left Home menu, she returns to the Modules page. (SPEECH) And take a look at modules and you can see, maybe. Let's refresh. There we go. All I see is my path two content page and check for understanding quiz. I don't see anything else. So now I know it works. Now I can go and start plugging in my content knowing that it works. So the question was, how do we make that? (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks the Source Assignment Quiz, then scrolls to the bottom right and clicks the Build button. (SPEECH) So the source assignment underneath the Build area, when you add a question that has, in this case, it's multiple choice, I'm going to go ahead and go and edit that. (DESCRIPTION) To the right of the question, she clicks an Edit pencil icon. (SPEECH) So I put in my answer options here. And then I check this Vary points by answer box. And then I can vary-- this box-- this (DESCRIPTION) To the right of the answer options, Dana points to boxes that contain point values. (SPEECH) area over here will show up where you can vary based on the answer they give how many points they'll get. You cannot do this with Classic Quizzes. The vary points by answer is New Quizzes only. OK. Returning back to Modules. I tested it so I know it works. So now I can come in and plug in the actual content. What kind of question did you add? Multiple choice or something different. (DESCRIPTION) Dana returns to the Source Assignment Quiz Build page. (SPEECH) OK, so if I click on the plus sign and I choose multiple choice, down here under Options, you might need to expand options, you're going to click on vary points by answer, and then this area. (DESCRIPTION) Dana clicks Vary Points by Answer, then moves her cursor toward the point value boxes. (SPEECH) STUDENT: Yes, I think I chose a multiple answer, that's why. Thank you. DANA THOMPSON: Yeah. STUDENT: I got it. DANA THOMPSON: Yeah. So that vary by vary answers or vary scores by answer are just a couple of the computer generated or computer scored questions. But for sure, multiple choice. (DESCRIPTION) Dana returns to the Modules page. (SPEECH) Any questions? Now that you have a structure, and this is what I do a lot, I create the structure, I make sure it works, and then I use this as my template. So I'm actually going to come over here and edit my module. (DESCRIPTION) At the top right, she clicks the three dots and opens the Edit Module pane. Then in the Module Name field, she types Mystery Path Template. (SPEECH) And this is going to be my mastery path template because I know that it worked. And so I can use this as a template for if I want to create mastery paths in the future. I just need to make sure that, number one, everything is assigned correctly, whether it's assigned to everyone or assigned to mastery paths. I have to make sure that the source assignment has the mastery paths area set up and then the source assignment has it set up so that it releases a grade so that they can be sent down the correct path. (DESCRIPTION) From the far left Canvas menu, Dana selects the tenth option, Help. (SPEECH) And if you go into Help and search the Canvas guides and go into-- we're going to search for mastery paths. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks the Search the Canvas Guides link, then types "mastery paths" in the search box. (SPEECH) And instead of searching the whole community, I like searching the knowledge base. (DESCRIPTION) From the drop-down to the left of the search box, she selects the third option, Knowledge Base. (SPEECH) So we're going to search for mastery paths because Canvas has this mastery paths. What are mastery paths? So a whole bunch of resources in here that has screenshots and will walk you through it as well, and even videos. This has a video guide. So use the knowledge base to help you set yours up if something's not working. (DESCRIPTION) Dana returns to the Modules page. (SPEECH) Any questions? Is Admin Access only available to institutions? Admin access, so no. Well, if you're using Canvas for teachers free version, then yes you will not have Admin Access. So you get that admin-- that ability to have admin control over instances like OTAN and school if your school has one. Yeah. Any other questions? Anybody want to chime in how you see-- how you see-- how you might use mastery paths? (DESCRIPTION) Dana scrolls through the modules. (SPEECH) So I mostly focused on sending people down a review path if they were absent or didn't quite get the content. But also using them for release of content, maybe based on how they do on an assignment, or if you need to give them early access because they're going on a trip, but you don't want everybody to see it, that kind of thing, or giving them a choice, or this is another choice for remediation. (DESCRIPTION) She scrolls to a module titled "Another Student Choice Example for Remediation." (SPEECH) So they-- STUDENT: Reading books too, like reading different or for professional development different, giving a choice where an educator can choose which pathway they want to learn about. I mean, how often do we sit in staff meetings where, oh wow, that doesn't pertain to me at all because I'm a blank type of educator. So I think mastery paths are just great for relevance and meaning just so that we can hit everyone, for instance. DANA THOMPSON: I agree. So you can set up a mastery path for your language arts teacher and one for your science teachers, and one for your math teachers or your-- and that way, they're getting content-- STUDENT: Career tech. DANA THOMPSON: Career tech. So it's relevant-- STUDENT: PE. DANA THOMPSON: Yeah, great, great ways of using it. OK. Well, if no one has any questions, that's all I have for you today. (DESCRIPTION) Text: OTAN Online, Advanced Canvas: Mastery Paths, Presenter: Dana Thompson, OTAN S.M.E., December 2nd, 2024. Logo: OTAN Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. Follow Us: X, slash OTAN, -- Linked In, slash company slash OTAN underscore 2. -- Like us: Facebook: slash OTAN Serves Adult Education. Subscribe: YouTube slash OTAN Serves Adult Education. OTAN dot u.s. -- support at OTAN dot u.s., or 9 1 6. 2 2 8. 2 5 8 0. -- Professional Development, Teach with Technology, Online Resources, Videos, T.D.L.S., News.