(SPEECH) [AUDIO LOGO] (DESCRIPTION) The OTAN logo appears, depicting a silhouetted person with a raised arm. (SPEECH) SPEAKER 1: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. (DESCRIPTION) OTAN Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology. Professional Development, Teaching with Technology, OTAN Digests and Newsletters, News and Social Media, Annual Technology and Distance Learning Symposium, Online Resources and Video Presentations. OTAN dot US. 916-288-2580. OTAN ONLINE. Technology and Distance Learning Symposium. See the latest in Al! Free Online Interactive Resources for Adult Learners. Presenter: Debbie Jensen, OTAN Subject Matter Expert. March 1, 2024. A video call tile from a classroom in the upper right corner of the next slide says, TDLS Room 12. (SPEECH) DEBBIE JENSEN: Welcome. I'm very excited to have you all here. This is CK-12 Digital Textbooks for Adult Education, and you're going to see the latest in AI. Because that is the thing that they have just recently acquired. CK-12 was great before. Now it's just mind-boggling. And so, I want you to see that. Now, welcome to all of you that are online. Please ask questions because we have someone that her sole job is to watch the questions. And if you ask no questions at the end, she will feel worthless. And you will really destroy her ego. So definitely ask questions. And that's true with all of you, guys. We'll stop, and we'll answer your questions. So please ask. OK. Good. All right. All right. Our objectives today, first of all, get yourself an account. OK? It is at ck12.org. Get yourself an account. It is free. Sign up as a teacher. OK? Because then you're going to have things gathered into your library as you go through. We're going to discuss what CK-12 is. What it can do for you. Adult education the new website resources. We're going to look at them as an educator and as a student. And then at the end, I'll go through my experience and my exploration. My name is David Jensen. I taught in adult Ed for over 30 years and retired right in the middle of COVID. Not because I was afraid, but because I was using the digital. So it was working. But because our school was cutting back financially and we're all going to be cutting hours. And I found that my retirement would be the exact same amount as if I stayed and worked. And so I retired. My grandchildren moved in with me about a month later. So it wasn't that much of a retirement. But in all of this, I have continued with OTAN and with my love for all things education for adult school. (DESCRIPTION) In a graphic on the slide, icons float around a girl. They depict a book, video play button, map, and hand, among other items. Text, The CK-12 Foundation was founded with the mission to enable everyone to learn in their own way. (SPEECH) All right. So first question is, what is CK-12? Any of you heard of it before. OK? All right. So CK-12 is a foundation. That being said, you're never going to pay. It's financed by people who have money, and we get to receive the great benefits. Everything's good. Thanks. Their mission-- have you worked with Khan Academy? AUDIENCE: Yes. DEBBIE JENSEN: OK. Have you ever seen Sal? AUDIENCE: Yes. DEBBIE JENSEN: --and him speak? AUDIENCE: Yes. DEBBIE JENSEN: The power and the thrill and the joy he has in educating and the real serious belief that everyone worldwide deserves an education. AUDIENCE: Yes. DEBBIE JENSEN: CK-12 is an amazing kind of idea. The people who started it believed that everyone, no matter what their learning style, no matter who they are, age, ability, they deserve to have a free world-class education. And that's their goal. It's worldwide, and so if you've not heard of it, other places, they have. Other countries. They have 236 million users currently, and that number changes all the time. They've 342,000 FlexBooks customized. One of the things that is so cool is that this is not a library that you get to go and use their books. This is a place where they provide you the same platform so you can create your own. You can modify it. You can rearrange it. You can create it from scratch. That's cool. And then they have questions answered. Their question bank is phenomenally huge. So if you're thinking. oh, I need a quiz, I don't have time. You just go to theirs. That's good. I'll take that one, and that so all can be done. And it's quality. They have over 100 PhD's, professors, teachers, authors, NASA scientists, and many other domain experts that have been with them over the last 15 years. They started with the STEM courses. And that is still their supreme strength. So if you're an ABE or a high school teacher wanting to teach math or those STEM courses, this is going to be invaluable to you. But all the rest of us decided we wanted to get involved. And so the community contributed, has thousands and thousands and thousands of [MUFFELED INAUDIBLE] about that. Also, the fact that they are very, very anxious to keep everything accessible on all platforms. You don't have to worry if there's an update, if the phones are going to work or if that platform works one plot. You don't have to check yourself. They check for you, and they keep everything going. And it's 24/7, so it's always going to be available for your students. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Accessibility. We've worked hard to make all of our content available across every platform in both print and digital format. On the next slide, a CK-12 announcement reads, Introducing Flexi 2.0. Flexi is an Al student tutor tailored to your unique interests and learning levels. Access the next generation of learning now! Buttons say, Try it out, and, Watch Overview. A link below the announcement image says, Transcript. A paused video to the right shows Flexi, an orange blob character, hovering over text. (SPEECH) All right, so this slide. All right, CK-12, what's new? Because I've worked with CK-12 for some time, I have realized they are constantly innovating. They're constantly adding. A couple of years back, they added Flexi. Flexi is this character right here that kind of looks like an animated chicklet. And he was the tutor. He was the tutor first for students to answer any of their questions, give them help in whatever problems they may have. Then they opened him up to helping teachers. So also the teachers would get help. This year, just as we had with our keynote speaker, they wanted to use AI. And so that is the newest, is the addition of AI. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to-- [VIDEO PLAYBACK] (DESCRIPTION) The video on the slide begins to play. (SPEECH) - Hello, students, educators and parents. My name is Neeru Khosla. I am the CEO of CK-12 Foundation. Today, I'm really excited to introduce you to our newest offering to help every student to get quality education. - Thanks, Neeru. I got it from here. I'm Flex-- (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks the video on the slide to open it in a browser window. An ad begins to play. (SPEECH) - This is how AI optimizes my schedule. So I have a project coming up. So I start by listing the project and then setting a deadline. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie skips the ad. In the original video, Flexi appears next to Neeru. (SPEECH) - I'm Flexi, CK-12's AI tutor. I use artificial intelligence technologies combined with proven learning methods and CK-12 materials to help you with your homework and assignments, just like a human tutor would. Hey, Mahi, what are you working on? (DESCRIPTION) Flexi stands on a table next to a girl's laptop. (SPEECH) - I don't understand my assignment. - I can help with that. (DESCRIPTION) Mahi types, What is photosynthesis, and Flexi begins generating a text response that begins with, Photosynthesis is a biological process through which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy stored in the form of glucose or other sugars. (SPEECH) It's as easy as that. By the way, while I'm generating an explanation, I can also show you high-quality interactive snippets from CK-12 to make topics even easier to understand. - I still don't fully get it. (DESCRIPTION) Mahi clicks a three-dot icon in the top right of Flexi's explanation. She clicks, Analogy/Example from a dropdown. Flexi begins providing a soccer analogy that begins with, Think of photosynthesis like a soccer game. The sun is the coach, providing energy and guidance to the team (the plant). The players on the field represent the different components involved in photosynthesis, such as carbon dioxide, water, and chlorophyll. (SPEECH) - A lot of students learn better when they hear the same concepts in different words. You play soccer, right? Why don't we use soccer as an analogy for photosynthesis? - Oh, that makes sense. - I'm always learning more about you, your interests, and your goals so I can personalize my help. By the way, I can give you simpler or more detailed explanations based on your comfort level. (DESCRIPTION) Mahi clicks a button on the explanation that says, Regenerate. A dropdown has the options, Simpler, and, More Detailed. (SPEECH) I can even translate answers into different languages. How cool is that? (DESCRIPTION) Mahi chooses Spanish from a translations dropdown, which changes the language of Flexi's explanation. (SPEECH) - At CK-12, we have already served more than 300 million students worldwide. We've had so many great ideas to improve student outcomes and make learning relevant for everyone. But it has been hard to scale. - Until now. (DESCRIPTION) Video call tiles show students, next to an explanation of a math problem generated by Flexi. (SPEECH) - I love the way Flexi shows me step-by-step solutions if I get stuck on a math problem. - That's great. But are you really learning if Flexi gives you a step-by-step solution? - Yes. Flexi gives me a full understanding of how to solve the equation, and then it gives me a similar problem to try on my own. (DESCRIPTION) Below the math problem proof, Flexi says, Would you like to try a question based on the above concept? A student clicks, Yes, challenge me! A new math question appears. (SPEECH) - You can answer my question, or if you still need help, I can break it down into substeps and walk you through it. - It's like I have a private tutor. (DESCRIPTION) Below the problem, a student clicks, Help me solve this. Flexi says, Let's break this down. What is the first step to simplify the equation? The student types, multiply by 2. (SPEECH) - Flexi keeps a tab on all of my tasks and assignments. Based on Nicha's past performance, I can predict which assignments she will do well on and which she isn't quite ready for. It's like I have a crystal ball. (DESCRIPTION) A color-coded list of tasks shows assignments that are almost due, past due, and two unit challenges. A student expands an assignment called Concave Mirrors. A text box reads, Your past history on CK-12 indicates that you will not do well on this assignment. The student clicks a button below that says, I need help. (SPEECH) - Instead of trying assignments I'm not quite ready for, Flexi can point me to high-quality CK-12 lessons, help me review essential information, and prep me to ace my adaptive practice assignment. (DESCRIPTION) Flexi displays a picture and info on Concave Mirrors. The student clicks a button below that reads, Challenge Me. (SPEECH) - What's an adaptive practice assignment? - I use machine learning and CK-12 materials to tailor practice assignments that are personalized to every student. - I need Flexi just to learn everything that Flexi can do. (DESCRIPTION) Flexi displays a question about concave mirrors, which three blanks and a word bank. A student clicks Major Related below Flexi's photosynthesis explanation. A box below reads, Understanding photosynthesis can be useful for engineers working on renewable energy projects or designing systems that interact with plants. (SPEECH) - I can also help prep students for tests, tailor content towards higher education and career goals, and even have in-depth conversations with students about the subjects they love the most. My goal is to maximize student engagement and discovery. Like a human tutor, I understand what the student needs by understanding their goals, their past performances, their misconceptions, and their areas of mastery. I use reinforcement learning AI tech for that. (DESCRIPTION) A student chooses Grade 10 from a Grade Level dropdown and Mechanical Engineering from a Select Major dropdown. (SPEECH) - OK, now you're bragging. - I can do that, too. - Flexi, a lot of the time, my tests are on paper. Can you help me with that, too? - I sure can. Just tell me what topics will be on your test, and I can help you prepare for it. Like a human tutor, I can break down the lessons for you, walk you step by step through the learning materials and clarify things you don't understand well. I can also check your comprehension by asking relevant questions along the way. (DESCRIPTION) Mahi has a conversation with Flexi beginning with, I want to prepare for an upcoming test. After telling Flexi the test will be on Concave Mirrors and opting to learn more instead of taking a quiz, they click a practice question button. A poppet appears that says, Get in the game! Get 10 correct answers to complete your practice goal. Estimated time to complete: 6 minutes. (SPEECH) The best way to prepare for a test is to master the topics. - Flexi, it's really clear that you're very useful to students. Can you help teachers, too? - You bet I can. I'm working hard to be the best assistant teacher has ever had. I'm like an extra set of eyes when students are doing their assignments. Teachers have always known how students did on their assignments, but it's hard to know why. Are students struggling because of a misconception? Are they missing some prerequisite knowledge? Is it a lack of effort or engagement? Or something else? I can show these kinds of key metrics in CK-12's insights. (DESCRIPTION) Above an assignment with the heading 2.1 Parts of the Cell, metrics show 5 minutes and 55 seconds for Time on Read, Beginning for Practice Skill Level, and High (91.03%) for Engagement. (SPEECH) - Arming teachers with this information will definitely lead to better and informed intervention. - AI helps me predict how the students will perform on their assignments before they even attempt it. I can help teachers plan their assignments to maximize students' engagement and success. (DESCRIPTION) A chart shows Flexi's skill level prediction for each student in a class, with dots representing each student on a spectrum from beginning to mastery. On a specific question, Flexi lists students predicted to miss the question and students predicted to get it correct. (SPEECH) - You've really thought of everything. - can I say? I'm here to help. - Thank you, everyone, for watching. We at CK-12 want Flexi to be the most useful tutor you've ever had. Flexi-- [END PLAYBACK] DEBBIE JENSEN: All right, now, let's see if I can get back out. All right, those of you that are with us at home, I'm sorry if you could not see it. So we're going to review what we learned from it. All right. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie goes back to her presentation slide. (SPEECH) OK. All right. So when they introduced AI, they focused it in two directions. They focused it in helping the student, and the way that it helps the student is by-- [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) The next slide displays a sample student interaction with Flexi. A magnification of a dropdown sits to the left, with headings that say, Clarifications, and, Preparedness. (SPEECH) Sorry, there we go. All right. Notice here on the screen, you're seeing a couple of things that are open so that you will be able to see what they're seeing. So the student asks, what is photosynthesis at the top. Here is what AI answered. "Photosynthesis is the process by which--" OK. Now, at that point, you can continue on asking and you can get lessons from CK-12 that are whole sentences that they will give things from CK-12, as well. But over here on the side, you can see that you can also ask for an analogy on the left side. Analogy or an example. And those are things you, the student, or you-- if your teacher ask, you can ask for those things so that they can get, I'm still not clear, I don't quite understand. You can translate it. How useful could that be for all of our adult students? Translate it. You can rephrase it. Can you use it in a different way? Can you rephrase it into a lower level of English? I'm not understanding level 12. Can you get down to a 6? And can you challenge it? So these are all things that you can ask. You can also prepare for an assignment because so many times, our tests are on paper, and you're not preparing for a test for CK-12, but maybe a class test. But they could use it here. Now, my last time that I was working with a class on CK-12, one of the people that was the secretary that was at the front desk, they had too many people wanting to come and get their high school diplomas. And so everyone was put on a waiting list. And so she was excited because what she'd do is she'd say, let's get you ready. You can use this, or you can use that online. But she was excited because you could do that here at CK-12. You could have him preparing for different things. And because we partnered with CK-12, or we partnered with CK-12, I want to say, three years ago. And so we have a place where we have materials that we have started. Now, I'm hoping that I can get you so excited that you will prepare, and then we can add more. Because that then will be so valuable for all of us. AUDIENCE: I have a question. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes? AUDIENCE: How would you go from there to some of the ones I don't understand. I need a lesson plan. I need a lesson for that. How would you-- Because you said you could show them like a lesson about photosynthesis. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes. Well, they would actually-- AUDIENCE: They would just say, I'm sorry, I need more clarification-- DEBBIE JENSEN: Yeah. And there would be a link right here that would go to that. It's not speaking to you, the teacher. Although everything is here to help you as a teacher. It's speaking to the student. OK, you don't understand this? Well, I've got this, and I've got this video, and I've got this, and I've got that. Yeah. AUDIENCE: I have another question. Oftentimes, when they have something like that, then they'll give you the example. And say, you need more clarification, they kind of give the same example over and over and over. Are these examples different? DEBBIE JENSEN: Very different. They have their practice sets. And in the practice sets, they are using AI to see, OK, did you understand? No? OK, maybe I need to give you this question. Oh, you understood that? Well, then, let's get to this question, and this one. Oh, you didn't understand that? Well, let's go over here. And so they're constantly reevaluating where the student is and what they need next. AUDIENCE: Is it based on their individual sign-ins? DEBBIE JENSEN: Excellent question. I'm going to turn to the next one. (DESCRIPTION) Text, What Flexi Can Offer Our Students. Personalization, Diagnostics, Content Adaptation, Adaptive Learning, Interactive and Engaging, Study Skills and Strategies, Homework and Assignment Support, Test Prep, Critical Thinking , Problem-solving, Remediation, Foresight, Insights, Equitable Learning, Personalized Feeds Boards. (SPEECH) You can use CK-12 as a standalone. In other words, what I'm saying is, when you start investigating, you'll find all sorts of stuff. You may be looking for math, but along the way, you find this great thing on eclipses, and we're going to have one soon, and wouldn't it be good to get them knowing about eclipses? And so what do you do with that? You're going to lose it. You put it in your library. Everything that you discovered, you put it in your library. So then that's available for you to use. Use it in any way that you want it to. Whether you want to use it as a flexbook, add it to another flexbook, or as a standalone lesson. If it's a standalone lesson, every one of them has its unique URL. You could email it to the student. And so that then is available for the student. But the grading help, the help of knowing how the student is doing. You're going to need to set up a classroom here. And it's free. Now when I say that, and I'm getting way ahead of myself, they had LLMs that they had linked to. If you use Canvas, if you use Schoology, if you use Google Classroom, those are the three that they have linked with. And I use Google Classroom, and suddenly, the grades all appeared in my gradebook, which was so cool. So all of those things are there. Now, this was the list that they gave of all the things that they've got Flexi doing. So this is the time we get to personalize. We can use it for diagnostics, adapting content, adapting, learning, interactive and engaging. That was one of the things that they worked on a few years back when they went to the FlexBooks 2.0. It was the interactive element. And so you've got all sorts of things that can be added that are interactive or videos, that type of stuff. Homework support. I love the fact that helping them with critical thinking. There's over 100 people who have given testimonials. And I have finally listened to all of them and the things that they learned. And one of them was a teacher, that was a science teacher, and she said that over time, the students began to learn to heed what it was saying. They learn themselves, rather than just sitting there in the chair and waiting for the teacher to say, this is the assignment, and you learn only what you need to know so that you pass the test. That she found the critical thinking of her students just soared because it empowered them to be able to find answers. These remediation, foresight and insights are things that we're going to see that helps that are for the teacher. (DESCRIPTION) A CK-12 Home Screen reads, A FREE Assistant for Every Teacher. Explore class-level insights and new time-saving teaching tools! Learn More. The top has a search bar for free teaching resources, a button that says Switch to Student Version, a subject dropdown, an explore dropdown, a donate button, then two buttons that say, Sign In and Sign Up. (SPEECH) OK, this is what you saw when you got online. This is your first screen. And notice up on the top, it goes, here's your Search bar, and then you go to switch to Student Version. That's how I know I'm in a teacher. And that bar will say, switch to the Teacher Version, if you're in the other side. So it's a toggle back and forth, back and forth. OK, there's the Sign In and the Sign Up. A free assistant for every teacher, and that was the new thing a year ago, was that Flexi was going to help the teachers. (DESCRIPTION) On the next slide, a menu of subjects is divided under the headings Math, Science, Social Studies, College, Translations, FlexLets, English, Adult Education, Country, and More. The items under the Adult Education category are circled. They say, Basic Education, High School Diploma, High School Equivalency, Career Technical Ed, and English as 2nd Language. (SPEECH) If we go to Search along that top bar, this is what you will find. They're asking the question, what do you want to teach today? And you can see that some of their math courses interacted, some of the math courses are conventional. That means it was probably created before they changed to 2.0. So they're there. And I've had interesting experiences going with both. You can go anywhere and try anything because that's how you're going to find what you want to use. I had an ESL teacher that looked at it and said, but there's nothing that I think I can use. And I said, OK, all right. So I went to the lowest science course that they had. And I clicked on it, and it was a poem about shadows-- me and my shadow. And one of the things that I struggled with when I was working with my students was the bouncing bunnies. That there's so many things out there online that are at a low reading level, but they're bouncing bunnies. They're children's. And I didn't want that. I have not found that anywhere. You may have pictures of children. But you can change the picture if you want a different one. But it's not geared to the interactive qualities and things like that. Are not with that kind of-- and I appreciated that. Original courses were the STEM courses, science, technology, engineering and math. The partnership courses that they have-- and they've partnered with districts. There's a district in Texas that they looked at the amount of money that they could save. Think about it. How much money do we pay on textbooks? And they're obsolete when they're on your desk because whatever happened in history last week is no longer there. And so the frustration we have is the cost, and that it's constant. We have to keep paying it just to be up to date, whether it's up to date with science or whether it's up to date with what's happening in history. With CK-12, let's say you use the government course. Well, they didn't change that course after what happened last weekend, but you can. You can go in and add whatever happened and keep everything up to date. And you can keep it local, too. What's happening in your town? What's happening in your community? And so it makes it exciting. Now notice, I've circled it here, the section on adult education because we were so proud to partner with them. They realized that there was a part of the community that they weren't assisting, and they wanted to. Now, where did those courses come from? Here. Packaged and rearranged. And some of them are brand new that teachers have newly created. Some of them, though, are what's here that was then just rearranged and adapted for. (DESCRIPTION) Text, What to Choose From? The slide lists six tiles with images, titles, and descriptions. The tiles say: FlexBooks, Customizable, digital textbooks with interactive content for students and teachers. Adaptive Practice, Master math and science concepts through regular, personalized practice questions. Simulations, Discover new ways of learning Physics and Chemistry with real-world simulations. PLIX, Play, Learn, Interact and eXplore math and science concepts. Study Guides, Quickly review concepts with key information. Schools, Find schools and districts near you that are on CK-12. (SPEECH) There's less. Now, you may not want a textbook, even if it's a digital textbook that's interactive and it has videos in it. Maybe you're not interested in that. But they have other things. They have simulations in physics and chemistry. They also have study guides-- really good ones-- mostly in your sciences and your maths. Adaptive practice, and that was the thing I told you about where there's 10 questions and whether the student answers correct or incorrectly, it is adaptive for them so that the next question will. And then it tells you how they're doing. Uh-huh? AUDIENCE: I have a question. Has any, that you're aware of, has any adult school use this as their coursework for students to graduate, actually, get a diploma? DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes. Yes. And down here where it says "Schools," you will find out ones that are locally, and probably, we could ask CK-12 of ones nationally. I know that in Texas, there are some. I know that we have a lot of homeschool, and that is it. AUDIENCE: The reason I ask you that is because our adult schools, high school diploma, the classes, they're OK, but I think they could use some polishing. DEBBIE JENSEN: Absolutely. AUDIENCE: And if we could use this instead of what we have or in addition to what we have. It would be probably better. DEBBIE JENSEN: Right. And it will be exciting. AUDIENCE: But obviously, we'd probably have to have the board, like it had board approval or whatever, to make sure that-- DEBBIE JENSEN: Right. The standards that they have used are the Common Core standards because of course, it was geared for CK-12. We have had one of the math courses done with a CCR because it requires us to go in and look to see if this then qualifies. But there are districts that are using it. AUDIENCE: Does it automatically correct the assignments for the students? Or do teachers have to go in and do that? DEBBIE JENSEN: If you have used a class through them or through one of the LLMs I mentioned, it corrects them. And-- AUDIENCE: Say that again? DEBBIE JENSEN: --it records the score. And not only does it record the score, but it gathers the information about the student. How much time did they spend on it? We never know how much time they spent. Now, they failed and they spent two seconds. Well, that's probably why they failed, or that they spent two and a half hours and they failed. And so then they will give you suggestions of prerequisite knowledge that they didn't get. It looks like they don't have. And give you the lessons that you can go through for them. So as a teacher, it's a wonderful partnership for knowing what to do. I put this slide in because as a teacher, the goal was always to meet every student's need, and that was always impossible. But it isn't now. It isn't now. You can personalize. AUDIENCE: You said, just like Khan Academy, can we create our own classrooms and then assign work? DEBBIE JENSEN: Absolutely. You can create a class here, and they will assist you in the setting it up, and the assignments that are given, and the grading and all of those things. So, yes, they will do that. All right. (DESCRIPTION) A slide says CK-12 Learning Platform. Textbooks for the 21st Century Learners. A graphic shows a person in a cap and gown with a tablet, smartphone, and other items floating around them. In a photo, a man takes notes behind a laptop. The next slide says, Look at a lesson live! To understand, you have to see. A video preview on the slide says, Adult Education with CK-12 and OTAN, over a woman in a green graduation gown walking with a boy and man. A CK-12 page has the heading, 11.1 Find the Part of a Percent Problem, above a picture of Kobe Bryant. (SPEECH) The next one. Yes. I can't sell this enough. I need to show you. So this is where the adult education is. Isn't that a lovely slide? That's Norco. And so because of the inability I have of being able to show and have you here and have them see the video, I won't share with you the testimonials from our people, but they're there. Go back and check them. We've got new teachers. We've got Neda from Ocean, we've got Zachary from the state. And so all of them talking about what this can accomplish for us. So, OK, let me go live. AUDIENCE: I do have another question. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes? AUDIENCE: I have a very unusual job. I won't go into what it is, but it's mainly packet work. It's reaching out to people all over the state. Sometimes, I just need something to make the lesson bigger. And so I would, obviously, create lessons. I'm looking for something that I don't have to do that, like literally cut and paste. But it doesn't look like I can do that here. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes, you can. AUDIENCE: OK. So I just want to know if I can down these lessons as PDFs. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes, you can print everything. AUDIENCE: So we'll get to that later. DEBBIE JENSEN: No, you can't. And that's good because there are schools that that's required. Your students do not have access to the internet, and so you might have the computer lab once a week, but that's not good enough. But you can download these now. They're interactive won't work. But it's, yes, you can download, and you can create PDFs. (DESCRIPTION) A CK-12 home page with falling confetti says, A FREE Assistant for Every Teacher Save time and improve student outcomes with a platform that empowers how you teach. Buttons say, Take a Tour, and, Choose Your Subject. (SPEECH) All right. So let's see if I can do this. I'm so used to having two screens so that I can move stuff around. All right, so here we are. This is the screen. And so let's go to the Subjects. And you'll see the screen. That had all the choices of subjects that you might like to use. You can see countries that have adopted them. You can see translations. They're working more and more in Spanish. Now, some of the lessons are using Google Translate so that's why they can say they've got thousands of languages. But there are some that they're actually creating the lessons in. Spanish is one they're working on currently. All right. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks the Subjects tab from the menu across the top of the page. The page displays the list of subjects subdivided into categories from earlier in the presentation. (SPEECH) If we go over here to explore, this is where you see the screen of all the different kinds of things that you have that can go there and see what's there. I became a certified educator because what they teach you is everything you're going to want to use if you want to create your own course. So it was like I created my own course by their lessons, and that was very helpful. CK-12 is very anxious to help you. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie mouses over the Explore tab, to the right of the Subjects tab. Headings in a new menu say, Flexi, FlexBooks 2.0, FlexBooks, Schools, Study Guides, Adaptive Practice, Simulations, PLIX, CCSS Math, NGSS, Certified Educator, and Webinars. Other resources are listed to the right inside the menu. (SPEECH) AUDIENCE: For what? I'm sorry. What are, exactly, all these things? DEBBIE JENSEN: OK. Flexi, you can learn more about Flexi. That's the top one on the left. Then your FlexBooks 2.0, that happened about golly 10 years ago, where they suddenly put in the ability for you to make the changes. So that toolbar that you have that allows you to put in videos, and put in images, and change text, and that kind of stuff. That's what happened with 2.0, the FlexBooks. Those were the old ones, but they're still very good. But that's what that is. Schools are those that are using them. They will tell you, at first, the ones that are close to you. AUDIENCE: So this is basically like all these different ways of creating your own individualized lessons? DEBBIE JENSEN: This is what they've got. This is what they've got. OK, I'll show you how to make one. OK, study guides, science and math, adaptive practice, building knowledge at each student's skill level, your simulations. These are interactive, and so you can change things. And then you'll see what happens when you change things. Plix, play, learn, interact and explore, and we can take a look at those, as well. Then you've got your standards, next generation science standards, and the CSS, which are the Common Core Standards, becoming a certified instructor, and then webinars. And they've got a big library of all sorts of webinars. And then they have a YouTube channel of little three to five minutes. An hour, who's got that? But I got three minutes to get this question answered about how to do something. So those that are there. Then you can have fun with the testimonials about this. Lots of ideas. AUDIENCE: I don't mean to cut your progress, but one question I was exploring, the adult education. You have only three or four tabs there, like the CK-12. So are they limited for adult education, like intermediate grammar, basic grammar? DEBBIE JENSEN: Let's take a look. All right. All right. So let's go back. Let's go down here to the adult ed section. AUDIENCE: So, yeah, basic, that's right. DEBBIE JENSEN: Well, that's the first one of it. AUDIENCE: That's one. DEBBIE JENSEN: OK, and now I can scroll up. They don't have an actual link to the information about adult ed and the linking between OTAN and how they help us. So definitely, scroll up and enjoy that. The videos are excellent, and they're being shared with your students, graduate and all that. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie mouses over the Subjects tab again and chooses, Basic Education, under the Adult Education category. The paused video of the woman in the green graduation gown sits at the top of the page. Debbie scrolls down the page to a row of five tiles below the heading, Adult Basic Education (ABE). One tile says, Interactive Mathematics for Adult Basic Education. A heading below reads, Adult Secondary Education (ASE) - High School Diploma. (SPEECH) OK, so now here's the adult basic education, the ABE. If you look carefully, you notice that most of them are math-- because these were for me. [CHUCKLES] So these were my iterations, and then me going and finding some more to add. The last one, ABE basic science, was I needed some reading at a lower level. So I took the low-level science, and then I picked the ones I wanted. Things that my students would be interested in, like earthquakes. Yeah, you're here in California. You want to learn about it. And so whatever lessons, these were geared for fourth and fifth graders, and that's what I worked from. And then of course, I wanted to add quizzes. And I use their bank of questions. AUDIENCE: And where did you get these all again? AUDIENCE: Could you just go into the first one? And then answer your questions about it? DEBBIE JENSEN: Foundational math. OK. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks the first tile, Foundational Math for Basic Adult Education. The Flexbook page opens. A stripe reads, Added to Library. (SPEECH) Now, when you're here, a couple of things you'll see, you can add it to your-- this one has already been added to my library. Right in the center, it says Added to Library. So I know that I do have a copy in my library. Don't need to add it again. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks a green button that reads, Choose, below, opening a dropdown. (SPEECH) If I come down here to the Choose, that I can assign this-- it's in my library already. So there was a place where I could add it to my library. There, I can customize it. So it's going to open up. I can change the name. If there's a problem in it, put your students' names in it. Wouldn't that be fun? [CHUCKLES] The problems are there. So you can customize it. When they say add it to FlexBook 2.0, what you're doing is you're creating a FlexBook, and you're taking from any place you want, to that same one. And so let's say, you're creating two, for reading one and a math one. Well, so they'll open it up, and they'll say, which one do you want to put this in? Which lessons do you want? And then you can go back, and you can delete what you don't want. You can rearrange whatever you want to do. AUDIENCE: What is the FlexBook? I don't know what FlexBook? DEBBIE JENSEN: FlexBook was the name they gave to the ability to have the interactivity. And we'll take a look, and you'll see what I mean when I say interactive. You can share it to the class, and you can download it as a PDF. AUDIENCE: Perform to give you a flexibility. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yeah, they came up with a name. I don't know if it's-- Now, this particular flexbook was created by Shana Friend, who is a high school equivalent teacher up in Washington. And she used CK-12 to adapt it to the GED, HiSET tests. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scrolls down to an overview section, with a list of expandable chapters, beginning with 1. Introduction, and 2. Whole number review. (SPEECH) And so all of the science is what's in the HiSET, or the GED. I think hers was the GED in Washington. And so there's not the other sciences because you could have a million kinds of science questions but not on the test. So it's adapted to what is there. But she also added this, and I love this. I'm opening up the first lesson under Introduction, and what this is-- Flexi opens up every time because they don't know when you're going to need help. But you can always get Flexi because Flexi is still here in the corner. So it's not like you need to have it open, but it can be open if you want it to be. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks Introduction and then clicks the lesson, 1.1 Flexbook Features from the expanded section. With the lesson open, she closes a Flexi pop-out on the left side of the screen. (SPEECH) OK, so here we've got-- she's saying you may have troubles using CK-12. And other adults sometimes are intimidated by online learning and this kind of stuff. And so she created videos-- introduction to CK-12 lessons, learning through reading, how to highlight and take notes, because you can do that here. Now, as an ABE teacher, the ability to take notes, to highlight-- I want the main idea in green. I want your examples in a different color. That's pretty fun to be able to do. And so she has that here. Come on. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scrolls down the page, consisting of different videos and short descriptions of each. (SPEECH) She has changing the language, how to do that, how to use clicks and interactives. Now, that's cool. You can create your own. Do you have time? No, use hers. [CHUCKLES] See, that's the point. The point is, anything you find, you can use. We don't have to worry about copyright and all of those things. Now, if you're creating your own, always copyright applies. So you can't say page 52 in the ESL textbook because that then would be a copyright violation. Now can you do that and keep it within your class so that no one else ever sees it and you never-- yes. Just because you create a book here doesn't mean that suddenly, everyone in the world is going to see your book. No, you have to share it. And in fact, the way you do it is you contact me and I make sure it gets uploaded into the adult ed section. And we would then say, please, be sure that you have not included materials that are copyrighted. AUDIENCE: Could you put in the standards, and then it would create a book from what the standards you're looking for? Like you look at standard, you want to add, subtract, multiply and divide just numbers or whatever? Like I just created a book, I think, and I put for first grade, second grade levels, and I the only thing I wanted was adding. But it gave me things for all numbers. DEBBIE JENSEN: Just take a look at whichever one you like, and add that to a classroom. AUDIENCE: I don't think I meant to, but I did it by accident. DEBBIE JENSEN: But OK, I've done that. I have so much in my library that's like, I'm not going to use that ever again. So when you go to your library, you'll see a whole lot of ways to filter so you can get rid of those. So it's very helpful. OK, so that's there. Now while I'm here, I'll show it to you. Up here is the toolbar. It looks like tools. And you'll see that they have the learning analytics, and that's on the right. It's the top one. And this is where they're going to give information to the teacher. (DESCRIPTION) In the upper right, obscured by her video call tile, Debbie opens a toolbar menu that extends down the right side of the page. (SPEECH) And so there going down to the side, they're going to tell you how long they were in it. They're going to tell you where they are placed in and what they've learned. It will also have a heat map so that you can see who's having trouble. All of those things are there. Related content on this one, it doesn't have any, but you can. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks Related Content from the toolbar. Text reads, There is currently no Related Content associated with this concept. She clicks a back button to go back to the full toolbar menu. (SPEECH) And usually in the CK-12, they do. Because they know that people learn in different modalities. And so videos can be added there. Maybe you've got some videos that you don't want to put actually in the text, but you want them to be there because, maybe, someone needs it. You can add them there. There's the place where it says notes and highlights and resources. Again, actions assigned to the class. Share to the class, add the flexbook And so all of these things are kind of redundant. They're not one place you can find them-- so that you can find them, which I appreciate. OK, so let's go back. And I can go on the breadcrumb trail, which is right down here under the name of the book. And I'm going to go to a lesson. (DESCRIPTION) On the lesson page, under the 1.1 Flexbook Features heading, Debbie clicks a link to the Flexbook, Foundational Math for Adult Basic Learners. (SPEECH) Let's go to percents. (DESCRIPTION) Back on the main Flexbook page, Debbie scrolls down to the overview section again, then chooses the last chapter, 11. Percents. The Percents chapter expands into a list of 9 lessons. (SPEECH) OK. Now, what I did just then was something that is commonly a mistake made. Percent, that was the chapter. And in the chapter, you can change the name, you can do the directions, you can do things like that, but you can't. That's not the lesson. So when you click on it, then you open the lessons. And the lessons are very all the fun is. Now, we're just looking, so we're just going to go find the part of the percent problem. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks the first lesson in the chapter, 11.1 Find the Part of a Percent Problem, opening the lesson page. (SPEECH) So what you're going to see here-- I'm going to get rid of Flexi again. So minimize Flexi. And I'm scrolling down. I have already highlighted some things. And so if I go over here to my toolbar, the things that I have highlighted are all gathered in one place so they can create notes as they go along from the text if they desire to. (DESCRIPTION) As Debbie scrolls down the page, some text is highlighted in yellow. A photo shows a tip jar. (SPEECH) OK, so we have videos that are added. We have problems that are added. More videos. And then at the bottom of this one, it's going to be-- I missed the launch. I'm sorry. The launch is one of the interactives that they have. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scroll through the page, past videos and problems. Two tiles sit under the heading, Optional Interactive Practice. One tile reads, Percent of a Number - Rock Climbing, over an illustration of a rock face. A green Launch button sits at the bottom of the tile. Another tile below says, Percent of a Number, Acid Solution, over an illustration of a beaker. (SPEECH) OK, so that's an interactive. And then at the bottom, another interactive, with that, another one. I'm sorry, I'm not able to really move around easily. At the bottom, there was something that said it was a quiz instead of a practice. The practices are created by CK-12, and that's the one that uses AI to decide where the next question is going. Quizzes would be what you and I would create. And so the questions would be there, and they would be graded as whether they're right or wrong. All right. Now, another way to move around is here. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie mouses over a rightward arrow button on the right side of the page, then clicks it, navigating to the next lesson, 11.2, which also has pictures, videos, and problems. (SPEECH) So I can go to the next, and I can change the questions. I can change the images. I can add videos that I've found. We had a food services department, and they were always talking about how to do percentages and stuff in the cooking and the things they needed to do, and they had created a set of their own videos. You can put them in so that people from your school are there. So that's exciting. Let's go back. Let me show you. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie goes back to the CK-12 homepage. (SPEECH) You wanted to see what we have done so far with ESL. We are very proud of what we've done. (DESCRIPTION) She mouses over the Subjects tab again, and again clicks Basic Education under the Adult Education category. She scrolls through sections of subject tiles. (SPEECH) It's just a beginning. I would like to see all the ASE ones here. AUDIENCE: I would, too. DEBBIE JENSEN: Fabulous. Because the platform is quite simple to use, so that would be nice. OK, so there's ABE. Then you've got the high school diploma. Notice it has a pretty big set of what you need. You need US history. You need US government. You need economics, biology, chemistry, physics. Free algebra. AUDIENCE: High school equivalency. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yeah, that's that. And then the high school equivalency, it is here. If you've been in the high school equivalency, you'll see the names. Like data statistics and probability, that's right out of it. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scrolls to a section of tiles under the heading, Adult Secondary Education (ASE) - High School Equivalency. (SPEECH) AUDIENCE: Again, I mean, I love it has math and science. Is it because it's based on STEM? What about reading? DEBBIE JENSEN: She's working on that one. AUDIENCE: OK, because it's math, science, social studies. DEBBIE JENSEN: Right. And that's where she's at. She's continuing to work. Each year, she works on a different part of it. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scroll to sections that say, Career Technical Education (CTE), and, English as a Second Language (ESL). (SPEECH) OK, here's our career tech. The first one, career and technical education topics was me trying to prove to my school that there were things for cosmetology, there were things for automotive, there were things for all of them. Now, is it a complete course? No. But it's materials that you can use that the students are going to be able to access when they're at home, and they can get help with what they're going through. The anatomy and physiology. I ask the health teacher, and she is very picky. No, she's very critical-- in a good way. Because she said no, there's things that you have to have. And if you don't have it, it's just not a biology book. You've got to have more. And they were here. (DESCRIPTION) Under CTE, Debbie clicks the Anatomy and Physiology tile, opening the Flexbook. She scrolls down to the overview section with a list of 12 expandable chapters. (SPEECH) So she was extremely pleased with the breadth of what's here. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks 5. M5: The Digestive System, which expands the chapter into a list of 9 lessons. (SPEECH) I think that when I had to update everything, it was like 68 lessons. This is huge. And they're beautiful and well done. Like you did nerve cells. AUDIENCE: I am here at basic grammar, and he wrote this book. Says Debbie Jensen. DEBBIE JENSEN: You are looking at that? AUDIENCE: Yeah. DEBBIE JENSEN: Sorry about that. OK, so here's your nerve cells. Notice the green? (DESCRIPTION) Debbie opens the lesson 8.1 Nerve Cells, closes the Flexi sidebar, and scrolls down. In the body of the page text, the word neuron is bolded in black. The term, glial cells, is bolded in green. (SPEECH) The green was because they realized that there are words in textbooks that our students don't know. And so you hover over them, and there's the definition. Isn't that nice? That's very nice. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie hovers over glial cells, and a box reads, a cell that provides support, such as nutrient and other materials for a neuron. (SPEECH) I like that. This is where you can take notes, you can highlight, and do those things. And everything you do is gathered for you. So you've got diagrams. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scrolls past diagrams and illustrations of neurons and other cells. At the bottom of the page, a green button says, View Practice. (SPEECH) And then this one, we have view the practice. OK? All right, so let's go back. So career technical. This one is brand new. The one that's on home health aide. That was created by one of our OTAN who was still working as a teacher, and she created the course, and she used it in her school. (DESCRIPTION) Back on the list of subjects, Debbie chooses Career Technical Education under Adult Education. She clicks a tile that reads, Home Care Aide, then expands Chapter 1 and opens the lesson 1.7 Applying for a License. (SPEECH) And so it is comprehensive, and she even created the diagrams herself because she wanted to be sure that she had no problem with this. The introduction for the home care aide, it's very specific for applying for a license. She used the actual addresses in her area. So you'd want to go in, and you would want to make that reflect what's happening in your school so you can find the things that you need for that so that you can get the help for the students. But amazing things, teaching them how to do it. And I know that health care aide is one of the-- what would we say, exploding as everybody gets older? And so this is a great one that's already created for you. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scroll through the lesson, then navigates to the next lesson, 1.8 Employment Opportunities. (SPEECH) And that to me is-- AUDIENCE: Can I have one comment? DEBBIE JENSEN: Uh-huh. AUDIENCE: All right. I'm under there, because I'm a citizenship teacher, and I'm about to teach the US geography and around, like surroundings and all. I am under the physical geography of the United States and Canada. It says two days for that lesson. When I open that, number one, this is kind of a critique, but probably, I need a clarification. This is like I'm reading first to Canada, by the way, and climate everything. It's like reading a Wikipedia for me. DEBBIE JENSEN: There are some of the courses that are very text intense AUDIENCE: Very [MUFFLED] from somewhere DEBBIE JENSEN: And for me, I would-- or that they have generated, but it's very much text, text, text. AUDIENCE: Very detailed and very unnecessary for me. Like-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] AUDIENCE: And then number two, there are some videos embedded in the text mixed up with the Indian territories and all, and there are some videos that are not available anymore. So we are depending on someone else's video. That means it should be updated by somebody. DEBBIE JENSEN: I appreciate your comment. (DESCRIPTION) Back on the subjects list, Debbie opens English as a Second Language under Adult Education. (SPEECH) The updates are made with the CK-12 materials. The community contributed. That one is up to them, and then to notify CK-12. Now in adult ed-- that's me at the end of every school year going through and being sure that the updates are all made. So yes, that is something that if you are going to use this as a core text. And if the videos-- take a look. Where do they come from? Do you think they're going to be competent and they're going to be competent with them? Add more. Check it out because it's the internet. And I swear, things change overnight. And so, yes, that is a true thing. OK. Now you asked the question about the ESL. AUDIENCE: Correct. DEBBIE JENSEN: They told me-- I'm an AB teacher, remember-- that they needed some grammar courses. So I went in to the community, contributed, and found Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of materials to use. And so I gathered, and I put them together. And I was extremely proud. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks the tile, Basic Grammar, opening the Flexbook page. She opens the first lesson, 1.0 9 Parts of Speech. (SPEECH) Only to find that my ESL teachers said, well, that might work for intermediate and high, but it won't work for the beginning. So you guys make me a course for the beginners. But you can see what could be added. OK, so now that, you recognize, that's a link to Quizlet. OK? (DESCRIPTION) Embedded in the lesson page is a set of 9 flashcards. The first one reads, noun, above an arrow that says, flip the card. (SPEECH) You use Quizlet in your classes, you can link them and have them here. You've got links to English club. And this is the practice that can be inside the actual work. (DESCRIPTION) Below the heading, what do you know, an embedded question set with a progress bar begins with the question, What part of speech in English describes how, when, where or how much an action happens? (SPEECH) This one is not graded. This is kind of an assessment that goes along as they're reading to see if they're understanding what's going on. So that was that. And they said again, if you're low-level ESL, this is too high. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie navigates to the next lesson, 2.0 Nouns. (SPEECH) OK, you've got your progress. There you go, where you're going to cut and paste. (DESCRIPTION) An embedded question with a word bank has a column for nouns and a column for other parts of speech. Debbie scrolls down the page to a video called, Grammar: Meet the Noun. (SPEECH) You got your videos. But you can go in, and you can change it. If there's a paragraph that you don't like, fix it. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scrolls to another embedded flashcard set. (SPEECH) That was so empowering to me that I just loved that idea. All right. So those are the things that we've got for the ESL. The low-level ESL were created by Susan Gaer, if you have had any classes from her. So she was aiming for your beginning ESL. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie navigates back to the section of ESL tiles, then clicks the one titled, Employment Safety for ESL Students. She expands Chapter 1, then opens lesson 1.1 Safety Signs. (SPEECH) So we start with safety signs. And again, just consider what you could do. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie closes the Flexi sidebar. A paused video in the lesson shows different warning and info signs. (SPEECH) Now, so we've got a video that she created. It's her on the video. I think made one. And then there's things from the Quizlet, and then you can move to the next lesson. And she included a lot of different vocabulary. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks the rightward arrow to go to the next lesson, Safety Sign Practice, which has tables of safety signs. (SPEECH) So all right, let's go back to my PowerPoint, and I will see if I can give you some more ideas. AUDIENCE: I know from that-- [AUDIO OUT] (DESCRIPTION) Debbie reopens her presentation slides. (SPEECH) DEBBIE JENSEN: All right. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Review Our Look at CK-12 Lessons. The slide displays a lesson called 5.0 Divisibility Rules to Find Factors. An arrow points to an Assign button in a black ribbon across the top of the page. A green oval surrounds the so-called "breadcrumb trail," which is a list of links to the corresponding book, chapter, and lesson. A section of body text is highlighted in yellow on the page. The page has a leftward arrow button and a rightward arrow button. (SPEECH) Things I wanted to make sure that you saw. We may have talked about them, but I want to make sure that you understand that you can assign the arrow on the top menu bar. You can click right there and you can assign it. You can put it in their email and get it filled on Mondays. That's cool. You've got your breadcrumb trail, that helps for navigation. You've also got these little arrows to the side, which will go to the lesson to the right and the lesson to the left. AUDIENCE: When you're assigning, are you assigning just for the student or can you assign it to the class? DEBBIE JENSEN: It depends. If you're using email, you can put it in everybody's email and send it out to them. If you've got a general place where they go for all their assignments, you could put it right there. You could do it for individual students. If you create your class here at CK-12, you can put it there, and then it will go up. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Drilling Down: Flexbook 2.0 Lessons. On the Divisibility Rules lesson, one arrow points to a Class Insights button in the upper right of the page. Another arrow points to a green set of buttons depicting a pen and a piece of notepaper, to the right of the lesson title. Another arrow points to a green, View Practice, button in the bottom right, and another points to the orange, blobby Flexi character in the bottom left. (SPEECH) All right, so other things. We haven't looked at the class insights yet. I told you about them. There on the top at the right, and that is where the teacher information about the class is. Number 2 is where you can do your-- the student can do their note taking, editing, highlighting, and that kind of stuff. And then your practice is here at 3 on the bottom right. And you can try that out, see how that works, and then flex it is always in that lower left-hand corner. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Improved Study: Notes in Lessons and Guides. Students can underline and take notes in the lesson, also study guides. Now, a Notes and Highlights bar sits open in the right side of the page. The text, Their total comes out to $28.87, is highlighted in yellow in the body text of the page, and it allows appears under a yellow banner in the Notes and Highlights bar. A picture of a page called Basics of Real Numbers sits behind the lesson page. (SPEECH) OK. I opened up the tools. And that's where the notes and highlights. Everything that we had highlighted is going up there. And they actually have a place where they can do the math problems. It opens up and they have the ability to do that. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Related Content. To differentiate a lesson, use Related Content. Toolbar icon at top right opens many choices. Insights. Related Content. Notes/Highlights. Resources. Actions. On a lesson, an arrow points to the toolbar button, indicated by a crossed wrench and screwdriver. With Related Content selected, the toolbar displays a list of text, videos, and lesson plan, related to the math lesson. (SPEECH) There's your toolbar. And this is one where you can see the related content. And it's rich and a lot there. Because CK-12 has lots of materials. And so they put them in for you. They used to be at the beginning of the lesson, and apparently, over time, maybe people thought that was a distraction, I don't know. They moved them to related content. And so here you see videos, lesson plans. On occasion, there's creative lesson plans that are there for your videos. (DESCRIPTION) Text, More in Lesson: Videos and Practice. From Pre-Algebra for Adult Basic Education. The slide shows a paused video titled, Divisibility Rules. Numbered arrows indicated elements of a practice activity. On arrow in the upper left points to a progress bar that reads, 2 out of 10. Another in the upper right points to a skill level meter that reads, Beginning. Another points to the scratchboard in the lower left, and one in the lower right points to a bar of tools with pencil, paint bucket, and eraser icons. (SPEECH) This is the adaptive practice where they can actually write and practice the problems down here at 4 at the bottom right. 3 is the scratchpad, it's on the left at the bottom. 1 tells me that there are always 10 problems and this student has done two of them. At 2 over on the right-- quickly, I can see. And the student will see, as well. Where they are? Are they at a beginning level? Are they at middle level? Are they at the mastery level? And so it gives them an idea of how they're doing. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Getting Started. Ways to Search for Content. On the homepage, arrows point to the Subejcts and Explore tabs. With a dropdown open in the upper right under Debbie's name, numbers 1 through 3 sit next to menu options for Dashboard, My Courses, and My Library. (SPEECH) OK, we've looked at ways to explore, to search. You can use the search bar. We'll talk about that in a minute. We've looked at subjects and explore. If you click on your name, not your profile, this is important. The dashboard is-- AUDIENCE: Sorry. There've been a couple of questions in the chat. Everyone now, can I have access to the PowerPoint, so I just thought. They're asking right now. DEBBIE JENSEN: I have got it on my website. And so you will all have access. I'll show you that site. I'll write it down here, and then I'll show the slide so you can have it. AUDIENCE: Thank you. AUDIENCE: Thank you. DEBBIE JENSEN: My classes, those are the ones you created through CK-12. My library is everything that I clicked on and thought was cool. And I'm a real gatherer. Some of them, I may never use, but I thought they were super cool. You have the settings, and you sign out here. Dashboard is CK-12 watching what you're doing and saying, you know, I think you'd like this. And that's cool. So that you can try that, too. All right. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Your Dashboard. Quick to Resources, Support. With the dashboard open, a large green button reads, Support, with a search bar below, toward the upper right of the page. A search bar in the upper left of the page has a funnel icon to the left of it. A dropdown from the funnel has Math selected. A further dropdown next to Math lists grade levels. (SPEECH) OK, now, what we've done here on this screen is I've gone to my dashboard. So you can see that this is what I've recently viewed, and then they're going to give me recommendations underneath that. If I go to the search bar up at the top left, and if I click on that little funnel shape of lines, they open up and they're giving me-- they're trying to make things easier. Did you want math? Did you want science? Oh, the math. Did you want grade 6? Oh, maybe you wanted pre-calculus. AUDIENCE: Through the college. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes. Yes. And I'm trying to convince my grandson, who lives far away, that he should be paying attention to this because he's here. And with the AI, they're going to help him with whatever he's struggling with. OK, support here. If I click on Support, it comes up. Support is on the right. It's down about 3/4 of the way. And they will ask, well, what can I do to help you? They're really anxious to try and make this work for you. All right. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Use the Search. Pictures on the slide show official CK-12 results and Community Contributed results for, "car loans." Both photos show a Flexi, AI-generated blurb on car loans. The first picture has CK-12 Content selected and underlined in green above the results. The second photo has Community Contributed selected and underlined in green. (SPEECH) So in the search bar, I wrote Car Loans. Because I was working with high school students, and we were trying to create a course where they could learn about creating loans from that angle. This is CK-12 content, and then right beside it is community contributed. So this is the one that comes up, and it's going to be in the center here. I put them both on the same page. It looks like this. This is your whole page. And so CK-12, you can see that the green line is under it. And so that's what you're going to see. Car Loan, Real World Application. And then from then on, it was math. They were from math classes, and that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to have something that kids would be practicing, going out for car, and that kind of stuff. A real life thing. And so I was kind of disappointed. I clicked here, and this is what I saw. There's 161,674 results for car loans here under community contributed. Something's wrong. Because it's starting. I'd have to go back and show that to see what happened. I wonder if I took the picture because they shouldn't be some number. There should be many more and more. Don't ever forget the community contributed. Because all they are are people like you who wanted a class, and this, they created it and they made it so that you can use it. Some of them, there may only be one section 1. When I was looking for those grammar courses, I was finding courses that were English courses for an entire year, and I only wanted the grammar part. That's OK. That's all I took. And so don't forget that it's going to be there for you. (DESCRIPTION) Text, New Webpage for Adult Education. OTAN and CK-12 Partnership. The video of the woman in the green graduation gown sits below the text, and an image of the video sits on the OTAN webpage, under the heading Adult Education and a button that says, Browse Adult Ed FlexBooks. A link below the video near the lower left of the slide says, Transcript. (SPEECH) OK, here's our web page. They're anxious for us to succeed, which is so cool to know that they're anxious and wanting us to build a site and make it available for anyone and everyone who wants to use it. If you click on this, and this is what I was going to do to show you, you will see the testimonials of the teachers, the teacher that is here. She's here today. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Immediately Ready for You: Adult Basic. The slide shows a picture of the five tiles under the Adult Basic Education (ABE) heading. (SPEECH) All right. OK, so we looked through this. These are the ones that are for adult basic education. They need more? AUDIENCE: Yes. DEBBIE JENSEN: So definitely, they need more. Absolutely in agreement with you. High school. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Adult Secondary Education: H.S. Diploma. The slide shows a photo of eight tiles, including Algebra 1 for High School Diploma. (SPEECH) This is fuller. I mean, it's threadbare. There's not extra classes, electives and stuff, but you could get electives in the community contributed. It's just whatever you would want to have. But they have a pretty good program there. (DESCRIPTION) The next slide reads, Adult Secondary Education, H.S. Equivalency, above a picture of eight tiles, including, Science for High School. (SPEECH) This is the high school equivalency, as you pointed out. Reading is missing. That's what she's currently working on. The most recent one she was finishing was the data statistics and probability one. And they're great. These I really like. She's done a fine job. (DESCRIPTION) The next slide shows five tiles, including CTE Cosmetology, beneath the heading, Career Technical Education (CTE). (SPEECH) And then I pointed out the career technical education. The CTE cosmetology is not a complete course, but the lessons that there are very, very good-- about hair and skin and nails. And so because those are all things in science. And so we could pull those. (DESCRIPTION) Th next slide shows four tiles, including Basic Grammar, under the ESL heading. A stock photo shows a featureless figure looking up at a large red question mark. (SPEECH) And then your ESL. My question mark here at the end is that we need more. So create a course. Let's put it in, because that would be great. (DESCRIPTION) Text, What You Can Add: Use This Introduction. VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS TO SHOW ADULT STUDENTS HOW TO SUCCEED USING CK-12. The slide displays a picture of the lesson, 1.1 Flexbook Features, with text and a video. (SPEECH) OK, I pointed out the introductions, That you could just take her introductions and put them into yours. So you wouldn't have to create it. I pointed out that there are three LMSes that integrate immediately. You (DESCRIPTION) Text, Learning Management Systems. INTEGRATE WITH WHAT YOUR SCHOOL USES ALREADY. A photo reads, Integrate with CK-12. If you are a teacher, and your class is on an existing LMS, we make it a breeze for you to assign content to your learners right from CK-12. Logos for Google Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology sit next to the text. (SPEECH) have to go to your school district for Canvas and Schoology. I was with Google Classroom because our district wasn't making it available. So I use that. So I ran it myself. AUDIENCE: You also mentioned, we can email them the lesson plan individually. Where was that? Maybe I missed it. DEBBIE JENSEN: Remember when it says Assign? What you will get when you get Assigned is a URL. And you'll just send that to them. Now, question, if I create a course, what about the URL there? And then what happens if I change it again? Each one's a new URL. They must have a whole lot of [MUFFLED] or something there. All right. And so these are the testimonials from the adult program. We have the teacher, Christine Hyatt. We have our director, Neda. And then this is the student and her experience, and she's wearing a mask. So you can see that it was during COVID. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Testimonials from Adult Education. Students, Teachers, Administrators, and OTAn. The slide shows a page of four paused video testimonials. The next slide reads, Quick Overviews. Tasks you may need demonstrated. The slide displays a Quick Overviews page with three paused videos called, Finding Flexbooks on CK-12, CK-12 Insights for FlexBooks 2.0, and Assigning FlexBook 2.0 Lessons. Text, Watch the full playlist on our YouTube Channel. (SPEECH) I told you that there was a YouTube channel, because you're going to have questions. How did they do that? I don't know. And the YouTube channel, these are each about three minutes, four minutes. These were just one-- how to find FlexBooks? CK-12 insights, how to use those? AUDIENCE: What is the name of the YouTube channel? DEBBIE JENSEN: I think it would just be CK-12-- AUDIENCE: How did you get to that page? DEBBIE JENSEN: This page and scrolling down? I just scrolled down. One of those screens that you go to-- AUDIENCE: Is that going to be on everybody's site or is that something that you create? DEBBIE JENSEN: No, I did not create it. It's a CK-12. These images are theirs. So you'll be able to find those. All right, now, I told you I [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - Introducing Flexi to the Window, the world's most powerful AI tutor. [END PLAYBACK] DEBBIE JENSEN: And they will talk to you about everything. When you go to the simulations, there's this fabulous video about how to use them and all the things that are there. (DESCRIPTION) Text, A Free Assistant for Every Teacher. The slide displays a chart with Engagement on the x-axis and Skill Level on the y, with students plotted in dots across the chart. The info over a sample student, John D., says, Skill Level: Intermediate, Engagement: 24%, Time on Lesson: 45 minutes 36 seconds. (SPEECH) So they're trying to make it very accessible. So here we go. This is the whole class insights. Now, if you don't have a class here, then you're not going to see the insights. But they have created a demo class. And so you can go up to the right, and you can click on it and then you can see all the things that are available. So here we've got John D. His skill level, he's intermediate. He's about 24% engaged. So that's what he's doing. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Insights and Recommendations. The slide shows an Insights and Recommendations page with four insights, beginning with, Only 3 out of 9 students who turned in this assignment have reached the adaptive practice goal of answering 10 questions correctly. (SPEECH) We have more. I love the Insights because this is the stuff you'd never-- unless you were really, really working hard in gathering, you wouldn't know this. So these are the names of the students and the recommendations. Remind the students to complete the goal of answering the 10 questions in the practice correctly. In other words, these students didn't do it. And so you can come into class, and say, you didn't finish your work. Staring at this teacher. No. All right, the top questions that the students answered incorrectly. So you know what lesson to teach because that's the thing that they all got wrong. Let's see the next one. Students with low skill levels may be struggling with a prerequisite. Again, would you know what the prerequisite for that lesson might be? You may, but some of the math things, you might not. And so they're actually giving you a link to a lesson to help that student. And then these three students are doing magnificently, and this is what you want to sign so they don't get bored. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Heat Maps Show Your Class at a Glance. A color-coded table shows student grades in percentages across different assignments. (SPEECH) This is an example of a heat map to show you which students are in trouble and which ones are not. Quickly, so that you can move forward and know what you're doing. (DESCRIPTION) Text, New Reports. An arrow points to a question mark icon in the upper right of a New Reports page. A dropdown next to the question mark lists Score, Score (Heat Map), and Skill Level. (SPEECH) And then one year, CK-12 had a lot of people say, well, I don't understand how what's your definition of this is and stuff. So they created a question, and they are going to then tell you [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - The world's how to read the report. [END PLAYBACK] DEBBIE JENSEN: This is a quiz. This is a practice. This is a read. This is a simulation. This is how the percentages work, and they're just going to get more. So that's helpful. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Reading Reports. How to read Reports When and how are different modalities scored? The slide displays a how-to page, listing the modalities, practice, quiz, read, and RWA.\ The next slide reads, How to Get Your Class up and Running. One tile reads, New to Remote Learning? Check out our guide to getting your class up and running. Get Started. Another reads, Are you a student? Get started with Flexi, your AI-powered tutor! Take a tour. (SPEECH) If you're scrolling down the page, you're going to get, are you new to remote learning? This started with COVID. And then they're going to tell you how to do remote learning with CK-12. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Three Steps for Getting Started. A page reads, 1. Create or Connect a Class Create a CK-12 class or connect your existing LMS. See all integrations. 2. Find Your FlexBook. Whichever K-12 subject you are teaching, we have a FlexBook that covers it. Browse FlexBooks. 3. Assign to Students Once you've found your subject matter, you can assign entire units, or just a single lesson, right from the content page. Learn about Assigning (SPEECH) If you're a student, you can take the tour. But the very next screen after that, are you new to remote learning is a deep dive into how to get started, creating or connecting a class. Finding your flexbook. How to browse? How to assign the students? (DESCRIPTION) Text, Deeper Still! Strategies for using CK-12. FlexLets. Customizing. Getting Started with LMS. A page reads, Take a Deeper Dive Explore walk-throughs on FlexBooks , LMS integrations, assignments, classrooms, and more! Strategies for Using CK-12. FlexLets: Overview. Customizing CK-12 FlexBooks and Adaptive Practice. Getting Started with Canvas or Schoology. See More on CK-12's YouTube Channel. (SPEECH) Deeper dive strategies for using CK-12, the FlexLets. These were one of my favorite things. Remember, we just had COVID. Suddenly, your students are not with you. I remember the Friday and the Monday. Suddenly, you're all at home. The rest of that March to May, you're scrambling. And then nothing's happening over the summer, and you're starting up in the fall. You thought you wouldn't have to be online in the fall, but you weren't. What can you do to get those students ready? And that's what they did. They created the FlexLets, which are in the math and the sciences, and they're really tight. What are the basic things you need to at this level? And this one? And this one? And they're marvelous. They also teach you how customize and getting started with Canvas or Schoology. Those you will be required to have your school districts help. (DESCRIPTION) Text, FlexLets. Prepare for New School Year, or Review. One photo displays a colorful library of math FlexLets and one of science FlexLets, under the heading, Summer FlexLets. For example, one FlexLet is entitled, Geometry Review. Next to a sample FlexLet called Prep for High School Math, another photo reads, Students review lessons including interactives and videos Do Adaptive Practice. Goal: Be able to do all the Easy and Medium questions. The Practice fills in gaps along the way. Each FlexLet has 20-30 lessons/ practice that are about 45 minutes. (SPEECH) All right, so this is an example. These are the FlexLets. Notice, students review the lessons, including the interactives and the videos. They do the adaptive practice. The goal is to be able to do all the easy and medium questions. The practice fills in the gaps along the way. Each FlexLets has a 20 to 30 minute lesson and the practices are about 45. AUDIENCE: So this is the preparation for the actual assignment for me to complete in order to get, whatever? DEBBIE JENSEN: So they created these little mini kind of books that really were useful because they didn't go in a lot of broad. They were narrow, but they were deep. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Student Access. Use a Class Code. On a CK-12 home page, an oval surrounds the text link, Have a class code? beneath a search bar that says, What do you want to learn today. (SPEECH) All right. So if I'm a student, The one this-- remember, in the center on the top, it says switch to teacher version? The other one says, switch to student version? I'm at the student version. And here is if I have a class code. If you use Google classroom, you have a crack coke, then everybody is in the same page. Same ID here. So that's another way that you can use. (DESCRIPTION) Text, My Experience. My Goal: Create an ABE math FlexBook 2.0. Find a resource you like: 1. Subjects. 2. Explore. 3. Search box. Look for a resource or a FlexBook 2.0 you want to use. Arrows point to the Subjects tab, the Explore tab, and the search box next to them, which has the text, Free STEM Teaching Resources entered into it. (SPEECH) This was my experience. I needed a map. I was looking for the research sources, and I went and looked at subjects, explore, and I used the search bar box so that I could find a math lesson that was going to be appropriate for my students. These were the students that they either don't attend as often or regularly. They need more help. They need extra practice. And that's what I was looking for. And so, I found one. The original one-- It was not the algebra one, but this is the image I'm using. (DESCRIPTION) Text, If You Choose a FlexBook. CK-12 Algebra Basics for High School Equivalency. Individualize FlexBooks 2.0 Select Choose. Assign. Add to Library. Customize. Add to FlexBook 2.0. Share to Class. Download PDF. On the open FlexBook page, an arrow points to the green Choose button, which has an open dropdown of the options listed on the slide. (SPEECH) And I click on the green choose. That's where you get to do the customizing. If you just go in the book, there's nothing you can customize. The students aren't going to be customizing. But you will want to. So I go to the choose the green button and I click on it, open it up, and I'm going to go down here to customize. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Customize Your FlexBook. Things You Can Do: Change the name. Change the cover picture. In an image on the slide, arrows point to the title of the FlexBook across the top and the image to the left. A banner over the image says, Change Image. (SPEECH) All right. The first thing, change the name. This is Jensen's math class. Change the name. If you do nothing else, you can change the name. And then always be sure you click on now. Then you can change the images easily. But time has brought it so that we are much more aware of citations and copyright infringement. And so they want you to go to Pixabay. So that's where they want you to go if you want to change the image on the screen. But you can. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Editing Lessons. 1. Click on the arrow by the chapter number. 2. To edit the lesson, click on the three dots to the right. 3. Note Update. With the table of contents open, an arrow points to the small green arrow next to a chapter called Integers. Another points to a three-dot icon on the right side of the lesson, 2.1 Integers in the Real World. On a dropdown, the first option, Update, is circled. (SPEECH) OK, now here's the place. You might get confused. Remember I told you that you have chapters? We have 1 and 2. There's two chapters. One is called introduction, and the next number two is called integers. Those are chapters. If I click here on the little arrow kind of shape, the triangle shape on the left of the two, that will open up the chapters for me, open up the chapter into the lessons so that I can go to the lessons and do the customizing. To customize a lesson. I need to come over here to the three dots on the right and open it up. And this is what you're going to see. Notice updates. If it's CK-12, they will tell you if there's an update that's been made. And you can just click on it, and it will change it for you. Now, if you've gone in and changed the lesson, if you've added videos and changed the names of the people and added pictures, the updates are going to mess you up because it will take it back and take those things out. So you'll have to decide. You can preview the update and maybe see what they changed and then go in and change it yourself if it's important, or maybe it won't be important to you. OK, then the Edit and renaming, and then move to so you can rearrange them. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Rich Text Editor. Tools: You can edit text, add color, change format, even add emoticons. You can insert, embed images, media, even interactives. An editable text box displays a photo and body text with a toolbar above. Text reads, Insert Links, Tables, Math Editor, Images, Media, Embed Interactive, So much more. (SPEECH) This is the rich text editor. This is the power that you have to be able to change things. You can insert links, you can put in tables, there's a map editor, there's images, media, you can embed interactives, and that is even all the buttons. But you have a lot that you can do. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Customize to Your Class/School. Click on Save! An arrow points to a green Save button below the image with the banner that reads, Change Image. (SPEECH) So customize it. And when you're done, save it. I didn't. I was a little frustrated. Actually, a lot frustrated. But anyway, OK, to assign it, how can I assign it? You can share the link. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Create a Class. To assign work: 1. Share a link. 2. Create a class on CK-12 and assign. CK-12 assists with record keeping and evaluating student progress. Or 3. Use an LMS. An image shows a practice math class, with different assignments and readings listed along a vertical timeline. A menu to the left reads, Home. Assignments. Reports. Q and A. Shared Resources. Members. Settings. (SPEECH) You can create a class on CK-12 and assign it. And this is an example of a class where these are the lessons that have been assigned. These are the dates. Notice the reports, the assignment, the shared resources. They tell you a lot to create that class. CK-12 will assist them with the record keeping and evaluating the student progress. Or number three, you can use an LMS, and that one works really well. (DESCRIPTION) Text, LMS Integration. Example: Use the LMS available to you or your school. An image shows the Google Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology logos, with Google Classroom circled. Text, Example: Connect to Google Classroom. Choose the Google Account. 1. Click on Connect to Google Classroom. 2. Select your Google Account. An image labeled 1 shows an arrow to a green button that reads, Connect to Google Classroom. An image labeled 2 shows an arrow pointing to a profile image and email address of Debbie's, under the heading, Choose an Account. (SPEECH) I use Google Classroom. It was as simple as clicking on that button that said Google Classroom. They want to know which of my accounts. I clicked on the account. I connected to my Google Classroom. (DESCRIPTION) Text, A Look in Google Classroom. Success, now place it where you want it. In an image, with a Classwork tab selected at the top, a circle surrounds the text Overview of Percents, with a list icon next to it. (SPEECH) They then put it into class work at the top. I had to move it down. And you notice about CK-12? AUDIENCE: Mm-hmm. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Studnet View: Google Classroom. Go to Classwork at the top, middle. An image shows an ABE Math header. Another shows a circle around the CK-12 lesson, Introducing Percentages. (SPEECH) DEBBIE JENSEN: And the lesson was there. When the student did it, there it was in my gradebook. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Google Gradebook. Teacher View. In an image of a grade book, a circle surrounds a grade for the student, Demo Pete, on the Introducing Percentages assignment. (SPEECH) So that was cool. That was very cool. (DESCRIPTION) Text, 1. Class Overview. 2. Level of Engagement. 3. Skill level. 4. Performance low to high. 5. Haven't turned in yet. 6. Insights and recommendations. An image shows students plotted across the engagement/skill level graph. Another shows the text, Try Demo Class, above a dropdown with Practice Class selected. (SPEECH) All right. So don't miss the insights. Go to the demo class, and then you can try them out. They give you the class overview, level of engagement, skill level, the performance low to high, those that haven't turned it in yet, and then what they suggest you should do next. You really can personalize this so that you can help individual students. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Be Impressed, I Was. New version available, updates. On the FlexBook, Foundational Math for Adult Basic Learners, a circle surrounds a bright orange text box above the title that reads, New Version Available. (SPEECH) Now, this one, no version available. This is Shana friend. When she changed it, that was then put in so that it could be updated. Does that happen for all the community contributed? No. But for hers, we have worked it out so that that one would happen. So they're trying to keep you updated. Now, if you go to the US history, it's in 21, if I remember right, so you've lost two years. So you're going to have to add some stuff in order for that to make that updated. All right. (DESCRIPTION) Text, What if you could engage every student? Anywhere, using any device, 24/7 for FREE. In image shows a young woman blowing confetti out of a book. A yellow spiky shape reads, LIVE! (SPEECH) CK-12, for me, was the first time that I could truly customize and make it so that my students could use the material any time of the day or night that they needed it. And if they were having troubles, then I could give them more customization to help them to get what they needed, and that they could also learn to do it. All right. Before I do that, let me finish this, and then we'll be live again. All right, so I want you to remember the AI and Flexi. Remember the community partners, the certified educator. It's a great series. They walk you through the assignments. They're trying to get that to happen. You can differentiate assignments, the updates are there, and they're working on Spanish FlexBooks as we speak. This is the website that you can get the PowerPoints. So I will write it here. AUDIENCE: This one right here. DEBBIE JENSEN: By hand. OK, try it again, and I will put it down so I can't touch it anymore. All right, https://sites.google.com/view/dj-- Debbie Jensen-- --presentations. (DESCRIPTION) Above the link, text reads, Contact Information. Questions? Debbie Jensen. D Jensen at S.C.O.E dot net. Debbie smiles in a headshot above her contact info. Links below the CK-12 logo say, Partners at CK 12 dot org, or support at CK 12 dot org, www dot Ck 12 dot org slash help. (SPEECH) And you will find the presentation there. Remember, all of the things. If you have any questions, I would love to help. I'm at School, but don't forget CK-12. They have people that are just there to help. And they change things dependent on what people ask, which I think is just remarkable that they are that interested in helping you. OK, is everybody got it written down? So I'm going to get out and we'll go live again? AUDIENCE: Can I try to access that, you need access? What do I need? You have to sign in or-- DEBBIE JENSEN: You shouldn't. AUDIENCE: Well, I'll help you when we're done. DEBBIE JENSEN: You shouldn't. You shouldn't. All right, so let's go live again. All because you have it on view only because it says that view. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie goes back to the safety signs lesson in her browser tab. (SPEECH) But it should open. I'm puzzled. You haven't had that problem. But that's OK. It wouldn't be technology. [LAUGHTER] If you have something. OK, what do you want to see? What? AUDIENCE: I had fun with just seeing how Flexi work. I wanted to see if it was all they showed in that video. And it was remarkable. I asked some questions. They were pretty normal questions. Immediately, you get AI, just immediately. And then you got the CK-12 materials afterwards that were there. AUDIENCE: Can students record themselves during for a lesson or something you listen back to? DEBBIE JENSEN: No, they haven't got them. No, not yet. All right. All right. Do anybody have any thoughts about that? (DESCRIPTION) Debbie navigates back to the Adult Education page, with five tiles under Adult Basic Education. (SPEECH) A course you want to look at that. We're going to modify. AUDIENCE: Algebra. DEBBIE JENSEN: Algebra. [LAUGHTER] The algebra was a good one. All right, We can do algebra for high school diploma. We can also do algebra basic for high school equivalency. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scrolls down the page and clicks a tile titled, Algebra Basics for High School Equivalency. (SPEECH) They're both excellent. Perfect. All right. So to edit, you're going to go to the green button in the bottom, and you're going to open it up, and you're going to-- AUDIENCE: Just go over the green button. That first one is, do you want to sign it? DEBBIE JENSEN: Yeah, that's right. (DESCRIPTION) With the FlexBook open, Debbie clicks the green Choose button. Nothing happens. (SPEECH) I'm not sure why I'm having trouble. Think out here. It's ran around. Let's try the Choose, see if that goes OK. We are being edited. They don't like that one. AUDIENCE: So that's OK. We remember where it was under that. DEBBIE JENSEN: Which one? AUDIENCE: I remember the options under the green button. DEBBIE JENSEN: OK, so we're going for Algebra, a high school equivalency. I use the algebra basics for ABE. It was a very good. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie goes back to the rows of tiles, and picks, Algebra for High School Equivalency. She clicks the green Choose button, then clicks Customize on the dropdown. (SPEECH) OK, there we go. OK, there we go. Customize. OK, so the course opens up in a box. OK first, you got to pick your lesson. So let's see what-- ho. Ho, ho. Quadratics? Or shall we just do basics? (DESCRIPTION) A table of contents opens. Debbie clicks the Algebra Basics chapter to expand it into a list of lessons. (SPEECH) AUDIENCE: Basics DEBBIE JENSEN: All right. We'll do basics. There's four chapters. Add and subtract integers, multiply and divide integers, order of operation and scientific notation. OK, so let's say we're just going to look at this one. Add and subtract integers. Come over to the three dots on the right. I can rename it. I can move it. And that's valuable because remember, you don't teach math in the same order as other people. So change it. Decide what you want. But let's go to Edit. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks a three-dot icon on the right side of the lesson name, then chooses Edit from the dropdown. (SPEECH) Usually, it doesn't make the lights quiver. (DESCRIPTION) The next page shows an editable text box under the heading, Title. Buttons below say, Save, and, Go Back. (SPEECH) Now this screen is if you want to change the title. So they're saying change the title and then save it. I don't need to change the title, so I'm just going to keep going. And here we have it. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks save. The text of the lesson appears in a text box with toolbars above. (SPEECH) AUDIENCE: And how come there's no copyright on this? SPEAKER 1: Because they're trusting you. And if there's problems, then that will be problems. Then they will have troubles with that. But at this point in time, I am supposed to check the copyright for the adult stuff and make sure that everything's still good there. Texas, which did a huge block of courses, I don't know which district, they completely converted over to save the money. They then made sure that all the standards were adhered to and all the copyright. So can you break that washer? AUDIENCE: You can't. DEBBIE JENSEN: Don't. [LAUGHS] But, again, that URL is private to you and whoever you're giving it to. And so no one's going to know, unless you decide to share. But again, that would be something with your district if your district knows that you're using materials. Aren't copyrighted. OK, so here we go. You're just inside of it. You scroll down to what you want to change. If you want to add a video, if you want to, this one's got just a lot of things. They need some pictures. [LAUGHS] This one, she has actually included some problems, and she's given answers for the problems. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scrolls through the editable body of the lesson, down to a licensing notice at the bottom. (SPEECH) And she's included the licensing. And notice that she's CC, Creative Commons. So that you can use these lessons. And they're trying to get that more in there. So it's adhering to the things that we're trying to include. So if I wanted to add a video, let's say I was going to put it here, I would just set my cursor. Where would I like to put a video? (DESCRIPTION) Debbie scrolls up the page, past problems. (SPEECH) How do you write your own problems? All right. So I'll say just click it here, and then I would then come up here and let's see which one is it. That's insert and edit media, and that's where you do it. You put it in. And it's simple. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie clicks in the page to plant her cursor, then clicks a button in the toolbar that resembles a triangular play button. Mousing over it the button says, Insert/edit media. (SPEECH) The reason I say that is I'm not a techie person. And I was able to do this. And you can go back and change it. So you can go back and edit. You can go back and add. I liked the ability to swipe from a lot of them and create my own book that had-- I could not find a math one that taught the way I taught math. And so I wanted to of this and I wanted three of that. AUDIENCE: Then I make a copy of the book and then customize my copy. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes. Yes. Let me show you how. AUDIENCE: Instead of just customizing what we have here? DEBBIE JENSEN: RIGHT. So let's go back, OK. (DESCRIPTION) Near the top of the page, Debbie clicks a link with the FlexBook title to go back to the main Algebra for High School Equivalency FlexBook page. She clicks the green Choose button again. (SPEECH) All right. So I'm back at the general screen for the map. I'm coming back to the Choose. And if you saw before it went blank, which I don't know why it did, there was one that said customize. That, you can get into it that way, and you can take the whole thing. You can also take this whole thing. And there's another one that says, add two FlexBook 2.0. That one was scary to me because I didn't understand the idea. But the idea is that you are creating a flexbook. Let's go to the library. I'll show you a library. (DESCRIPTION) In the very top right of the page, Debbie clicks her name, opening a dropdown. She clicks, My Library. (SPEECH) AUDIENCE: I see that. Oh, yeah I see that. DEBBIE JENSEN: OK. I'm in my library. Notice the green button here that says Create New. I'm creating a new FlexBook 2.0. It's going to be completely blank. All I want to do is give it a title, because then I can start grabbing and putting stuff in. OK. (DESCRIPTION) With her library open, Debbie clicks a green button that reads, Create New, in the upper right. A dropdown reads, FlexBook 2.0, Modality, and Quiz. (SPEECH) AUDIENCE: Can you go back so I see where you clicked. DEBBIE JENSEN: Oh, that's important because it used to be along the top, and it's now in your profile. And that's where your library is. So, yes. And then notice again that once you put something here, search the library-- let's see, we're going to search for-- I don't know-- skin. (DESCRIPTION) In a search bar above her library, Debbie searches, skin. (SPEECH) Oh, but this is searching my library. Yeah, up here, I was doing cosmetology, and I was doing skin and nails, and I wasn't getting anything that I wanted. So I did a Google search with CK-12 at the back of it, and they found the license. So once again, Google did a better search. What can we say? So you can find things that are buried in CK-12, that they haven't pulled out. (DESCRIPTION) Debbie puts her cursor in a different search field in the upper left of the page, where sample search text says, Free STEM teaching resources. (SPEECH) Any other questions, things I can help with? My dream-- and we're not at the tipping point yet-- but I believe the day will come when there will be enough teachers. See, this would be great if you went back to your district and worked with several people. Not just one having to do all this. You can create your own little fiefdom, but it's nice to create a program that you work together. AUDIENCE: OK, you're doing the low level, you're doing the intermediate, you're doing the high. DEBBIE JENSEN: OK, let's share. I found these things. Let me send those to you and share it so that it can be done faster. But my dream is that you guys all get excited. You go back, you get started because you can do it for yourself. Maybe you get a couple people excited. Or you get a couple people excited that includes an administrator, and then I come to you. That's what's happening in Apple Valley. I'm going for the second time, and we're going to customize. So get everybody together, and they can all then create. And then, please share them with us. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Technology and Distance Learning Symposium, See the latest in AI! Free Online Interactive Resources for Adult Learners. Presenter: Debbie Jensen, OTAN Subject Matter Expert. March 1, 2024. Follow Us. Twitter /OTAN. LinkedIN /company/otan 2. Like Us Facebook /OTANServesAdultEducation. Subscribe. YouTube/OTANServesAdultEducation. Professional Development. News. Teach with Technology. Videos. TDLS. Online Resources. OTAN.US 916-228-2580.