Speaker 1: I think I hit the button. All right, I'm going to now turn it over to Nicole Clark, who will be presenting Employment and Earnings Survey.
Nicole Clark: Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for spending I guess the last session of the day, of the week with me and the Employment and Earnings Survey. Again, my name is Nicole Clark. I'm a senior data analyst here at CASAS.
A majority of my role here at CASAS is to accept and then gather, analyze the CAEP-funded data and also the WIOA Title II funded data. And I deal a lot with data submission as well, the Quarterly Data Submission. So that's how I'm involved here at CASAS.
But today I will be going over the Employment and Earnings Survey as it pertains to CAEP agencies. This is a new requirement this program year for any of those K through 12 agencies, COEs, that are reporting into TOPSpro Enterprise.
So here for those of you who are brand new to this whole subject of the Employment and Earnings Survey, I wanted to gather it all together so that you get a better understanding of who's getting surveyed and how things are calculated. So this is my slide here.
So again, any student who does not have a Social Security number and exits a CAEP-funded program will be required to be sent an Employment and Earnings Survey through TOPSpro Enterprise. TOPSpro Enterprise calculates exiters based on the National Reporting System, or what we call the NRS, the periods of participation.
Our definition of a period of participation is a participant's-- let me get my laser pointer out-- a participant's uninterrupted period of attendance. And if a student stops going to class and stops getting attendance for over 90 days, then that's when they end their period of participation and officially become an exiter.
So as we think of exiters, we have to think of that 90-day rule that the NRS created. It's not exactly the end of the program year happens and they become an exiter. It's based off of attendance that is entered into TOPSpro Enterprise. So that's a little bit of background about what needs to be entered into TOPSpro Enterprise in order for your student to become an exiter.
And I see a question in the chat. Are the 90 days calendar days, i.e. including weekends and holidays? So yes, it's those 90 calendar days. And just a little refresher, this is for the students. You're entering these students and they have attendance hours, they're entered into a class or associated with a class instance. And they have one of those CAEP instructional programs, CTE, ESL, ABE, and then those other CAEP-funded programs as well.
And all of this is to gather employment data, right? So for those students who have a Social Security number, those will be those will go through an EDD data match in the background. And that's why the more students that you have Social Security numbers for and exit your program, the less work you essentially have to do on your end as the administrator or maybe the data tech that's doing the Employment and Earnings Survey.
And just a little bit of background here on this number 2. So this all started with the WIOA Title II program for the NRS table five, where they enter in those employment and post-secondary outcomes. CAEP adopted a line with this program. And it also is including those additional CAEP-funded instructional programs.
And quickly, for those students, again, who don't need a survey, students who have a Social Security number or are exempt due to death, military, long term hospitalization, or incarceration will be exempt from receiving an Employment and Earnings Survey.
So before we move forward, does anybody have any general questions about the Employment and Earnings Survey? I just wanted to do a quick run through before we get into all the steps that are required to submit and send out these surveys. So any questions?
OK. So let's move. So let's get started. So going through the exact process. So if there's anything to take away, really, from this session, especially as a new person completing the Employment and Earnings Survey requirement, it's that it's a quarterly process.
This is not going to be one of those one-and-done thing for the rest of the year. You're going to have to keep coming back to it every single quarter . So thank you, Jamie. I can include the slides here, right? Or does it have to go through CAEP? I just want to make sure. I can upload them, right?
Speaker 1: You can upload, yeah. Just in the chat, if you have your slideshow, just click and drag.
Nicole Clark: OK, perfect. I didn't want to ruin any--
Speaker 1: Or if you have a link, I can post that too.
Nicole Clark: I have it here. Sorry, I didn't want to ruin any processes. So it should be in the chat. And if somebody can give me a thumbs up that it went through correctly.
Speaker 1: I see it. It's downloading for me still.
Nicole Clark: OK. So there's the slides. OK, so again, it's a quarterly process. So whoever is in charge of this, they're going to have to continually keep this in mind every single quarter for every single data submission period. First bullet here, so CAEP-only students who do not have an SSN will need to be sent an Employment and Earnings Survey two quarters after they exit.
So there's a lot of quarters to manage is what I like to say. So I break this down into a couple of different boxes and a couple of different terms. So the first one being the quarter to take survey. The quarter to take survey is the data submission deliverable requirement date.
And then we have an exit quarter. That is the quarter that the student exited. That was the 90 days after they've had no attendance. Now, some of you are WIOA Title II agencies. I do already recognize your names. And I know where you're from.
So for those of you who are WIOA Title II agencies or maybe you're applying and are going to be a WIOA Title II agency, just know that students who exit-- or you'll also have to survey those students four quarters after exit as well. And then we have our quarterly data submission due date. And that's the last date that these surveys can be sent out using TOPSpro Enterprise.
So question, if there is 90 days between the end of one school year and the start of the next, continuing students would be considered as part of the survey? So even if we start at one program year and-- or at the end of the program year, let's say your school ends in May and the student doesn't come in for 90 days because your school starts back up in October, those students who exited and whose last attendance date was in May will be considered an exiter.
So just keep that in mind. So again, quarter to take survey, exit quarter, and then the data submission due date. I'm sorry there's a plane coming. What if the student's name is on the survey but the student is attending now? So we get this question a lot. And I'm going to drag it out as this plane flies over right now. So hold on, sorry. Can everybody hear me OK? do you hear the plane?
Speaker 1: We can hear you fine. The plane is barely there.
Nicole Clark: OK, perfect. So the question was, what if the student's name is on the survey, but the student is attending now? So even if a student is attending now, because they've come back to school after not attending for 90 days, they are still considered an exiter in TOPSpro Enterprise and will need to be sent a survey.
And I can link the-- OK, thank you for the slides. So let's move on to the next slide. So again, here are my definitions, quarter to take survey. This is the quarter that exiters need to answer the survey. Exit quarter, that is the quarter that the student exited.
Now, these are two separate quarters. Exit quarter happened two quarters ago and the quarter to take survey is the current quarter that it's due. So just keep that in mind as we're throwing around the word quarters. You have to know which student is falling into which. If you're asking a question, are you talking about the quarter to take survey requirement or are you talking about an exit quarter?
And again, here, this last one, TOPSpro Enterprise will determine all on its own when a student exits. So as you are uploading your attendance into TOPSpro Enterprise, it's going to keep track of how often or how frequent the student is attending.
So uploading your attendance at least once a month will prevent any unnecessary exiters in your program. That's my last line. so again, agencies should enter attendance regularly if you are collecting attendance into TOPSpro Enterprise.
So here's my quick survey calendar. And in this presentation, I'm going to focus on the second quarter data submission due date, which is due in January 31st. We're really coming up close to the October 31st date. So I just want to move a little bit forward here for that. But all the documentation is posted on the CASAS website, if you still need to go back and do quarter one.
But it will be the same process. They're just a little bit different dates. So here on this calendar I've parsed out what the quarter to take survey is, what the exit quarter will be, and what the due date is. There will be a term or a column in Enterprise called quarter to take survey. And that's going to be different from your exit quarters.
So this one in red is the one that we'll be dealing with. And so you'll see that pop up as we go. So for this presentation, we're going to focus on the quarter to date survey equals 2022-23, that's the program year. And then quarter two. And again, we are surveying students who exited two quarters ago.
So two quarters ago, that would be those students who ended the last program year in that quarter four. If you're also WIOA Title II, you'll also have to do a survey of these students. And all this needs to be completed by January 31st of the next calendar year.
Here's a little visualization of what this looks like. So again, this is our quarter to take survey, 2022-23 quarter two, where here we're in the calendar quarter of Q2 of program year 2022. And if we're looking back two quarters from now, that was one, two, and we're here in 2021-22 Q4.
Here are the tasks to complete the requirement. So there are a lot of buttons to press. So keep that in mind. And there are tasks, so I like to break it down into these couple of tasks. The first one is always preparing your data, making sure your attendance hours all that stuff is updated regularly.
Then the next one is saving your exit population. And then the third one is to send a survey invite to all students in that exit quarter. You can't move onto step three without doing step two. So always making sure you go step by step doing the save your exit population first and then sending out the survey to those students.
Now here what we have recommended are viewing your current quarter invitations and then personally contacting those students who didn't respond. If you are a WIOA Title II agency or you plan on being a WIOA Title II agency, just know that this recommended section is required. But if you are a CAEP-only agency, then focusing on these three and then going above and beyond expectations for these last two.
So first step is preparing your data. We always like to say cleaning your attendance hours, making sure they're all entered. The students who exited two quarters ago are from last program year. So hopefully, you've already done that throughout the summer, all your attendance hours in.
And again, students are considered exiters based off of attendance. So if your attendance hours aren't up to date and you run that Core Performance Wizard, then you might have some students who are showing as an exiter that really shouldn't have, because you haven't uploaded your attendance frequently. So always make sure to upload those attendance hours frequently.
The next one is check for students who are marked as retained in program. And to do that, I've listed here on how you can do that to go find those students who are marked as retained in program. Sometimes we find here at CASAS that if you have a third party system and you're transferring those students into TOPSpro Enterprise, there could be some times those students are getting marked as retained in program.
You want to always make sure to go back and make sure that they're not checked. Retained in program will end at the program year. So if you think you're doing something special by marking retained in program, all your students will exit at the end of the program year and you will have a really, really big list in quarter two of every year you're doing the survey.
So don't mark retained in program. Again, don't mark the Program Status in the TE. Make sure your attendance hours are updated. You'll be good. The last one is always running the Core Performance Report as a pre-check. And we recommend this because you might see some students who maybe they have an issue with your attendance and you can catch that quickly.
Or you can catch a student who do have a Social Security number for. And the more Social Security numbers you have, the less students that you're going to have to manage and send out these surveys to at the end of the day. So always do this first as a pre-check, making sure that the report works.
Because you're only allowed to run the Core Performance Wizard one time. After that, all those students who the Core Performance Wizard checks off as an exiter, they're set in stone. They look like exiters to us, so we can't go back and undo it. It's a one time only thing.
So here's how to run that Core Performance Population Report. You'll go to Reports, State Reports, California, Core Performance Population. As you can see here, I have the filters. And when you're running this report, you want to make sure to select the exit quarter. Not the quarter to take the survey, the exit quarter while running this.
So in this example, I have '21-'22. And then under Special Options, I checked quarter four, because those are the students who exited two quarters ago. And when I run this report, it will only show me those students who exited that quarter.
What if your attendance is loaded into TE late two weeks after the real date? If this puts them over the 90 days, do they need to be surveyed? So if you are running the Core Performance Wizard after you've uploaded those attendance, then you'll be OK. As long as those attendance dates are correct in TOPSpro Enterprise, then you're good.
You just don't want to run the Core Performance Wizard first and then do the attendance last. But if you're only waiting two weeks after the real date, then you'll be OK, because you're running this Core Performance Report two quarters afterwards. So two weeks, you should be fine. But always review your report first to make sure that everything went in well.
So here's a look at what your Core Performance Population Report is. And it's broken out into two separate tables. This first table here will be NRS students. And those will be your ABE, ASE, and ESL groups of students. And this is an unduplicated student count.
And then as you scroll through the report, you'll get to a portion where it says CAEP-only students. And these are going to be your students maybe in those CTE classes. And between those group of students who are NRS students and the CAEP-only students, there won't be students who are in both tables. They should only show up once.
And we always like to give a suggested timeline on when to complete these requirements. So in the CAEP-only view of completing this Employment and Earnings Survey, I suggest starting in November. You can always start in October. But I usually recommend focusing on one data submission at a time, especially if you're new.
The more advanced you get, maybe you can push that up a little more. So you'll do step two in November. And that's saving those students you exited in '21-'22 Q4. And then November through December generally is when you'll want to send those students their invites. And the invites is the survey link or the text.
And maybe you're sending those students more than one, just to keep following up. And then in December, you really want to do that. You want to continue the follow up there. And then in January, maybe personally contact those students who haven't responded.
Again, if you're a WIOA agency, then you're going to have to do those ones with the stars. But the CAEP-only agency, it's recommended to follow through with those students and obtain the most responses that you can. Every quarter, CASAS posts a guidelines or instructions on how to complete each quarter's tasks.
And this is a copy of what this quarter's guidelines will look like. And they'll get posted on the CASAS website next week after October 31st. Again, I like to just have everybody complete one data submission. And then we could start with the next.
And thank you, Lydia. I agree. Even though I write them, I do think that they are super helpful. So if you're the administrator, maybe you're going to do it this time around. And are you going to remember two quarters from now how to do the next quarter?
It's OK if you don't memorize all these steps. We have them written down for you. And you can go line by line, step by step. If you follow the packet from top to bottom, then you should be able to complete the entire requirement.
So step two, which we have here as saving your core performance population. So now we've prepared our data. That's always step one. And then step two is saving your exit population. And to do this, you'll go to Tools and then Core Performance Wizard.
Next, it'll take you through this Wizard. So it's going to be a series of pop ups. And you'll just click Yes or you'll click through certain things and then click Next. So this is the next pop up that comes up. You'll select the program year.
And this is the program year of the exit population, not of the quarter to take survey. So in our example, the exit population that we are surveying is from last program year, which is program year '21-'22. As we click through next, the next thing we'll want to do is select the exit quarter.
So you in this example would select Q4. Now, a lot of you, first time-- CAEP agencies who are doing this for the first time, your screen might look like this, where you might have Q1, Q2, Q4. And if you were to try to click Q4, it won't let you continue on.
And that's because you have to go back and save all the core performance populations before you get to the current one. So if you come across that, just keep trying to go back in the wizard and run all the wizards before you can get to the Q4. It's just because this is your first time running it. You kind of need to do some backtracking.
And then as we continue through the wizard, it'll generate that Core Performance Population Report that you ran as a pre-check before. Here you can click Export or you can print this out for your records. It'll show here who has a Social Security number, when they started, when they exited, just some basic demographic information about those students. And then here we could see the NRS students. And then in a couple pages or two it'll show the CAEP-only students.
Make sure that this report looks good to you before you press Next. Once you press Next, then it's just to the finish line you'll go ahead and press Finish. And after that, your whole core performance population is saved. So again, prepare your data and then run your Core Performance Population Report to make sure everything's good and run the wizard.
Once you run the wizard, that's it. You can't go back. Everybody who is identified as an exiter in that report is going to be saved and need to be sent a survey NRS. So step three, any questions before we move on how to actually send students their invite? That was a lot of like pre-workup stuff up until now.
So now we're getting to the part where we're sending invites. Any questions? And I get that it's a lot of steps. And again, we have documents, so it'll be OK. Yes. That's a good one too. So check for duplicates before you finalize.
We also recommend before every submission too to always check for duplicates as well. And there is a way to do that through TOPSpro Enterprise. But yeah, make sure you're checking for those duplicated students. You don't want that.
So step three is sending the surveys to the students. So now we're here. We're sending the surveys, right? We have our group of exiters. TE determined all that for us. We don't have to really think about who's an exiter and who's not, because TE determined it through the Core Performance Population Report.
So here now we'll have to go to our Core Performance Students lister. And to do that, we'll go to Records and then Core Performance Students. On the lister that gets shown, these are all the students who do not have a Social Security number. And these are going to be all those students who need to be sent a survey.
By default, this lister will default to two exit quarters back. So if you're completing the first quarter requirement, you might need to check this, unfilter that, and then check off the right box. So make sure you're looking at the right exit quarter. And before you send out these surveys, you can go through and make sure that all the students' emails and phone numbers are accurate and that it will actually send them an email.
This is also something that shows up in your CAEP Data Integrity Report. So if you are running that Data Integrity Report monthly, at the very bottom it'll say missing Social Security number, missing phone numbers, missing emails. You can check there how many students are missing emails.
But hopefully, you've checked that. And then now you have accurate emails and phone numbers on this. So some agencies, you might want to know who is a CAEP-only student and then who's not. There is a column that you can add to the solicitor and it's called Is CAEP Only. And that'll show you who-- it'll mark a Yes for those students who are in that CAEP-only bin and then those students who are in the NRS bin.
Now, to send those surveys-- and I'll be able to get into TOPSpro Enterprise and go through this a little later. But to send those surveys, you will highlight a group of students. I usually recommend that you maybe highlight them by their native language or maybe you want to highlight them based off of email or a group of students you know you're only going to send a phone number to.
So you'll determine how you want to group these students and then send them out. Like for example, if you know you want to group up all the students whose native language is Spanish, then you'll group all those students together and then send them all the same email.
Then you can go back in and then group all those students whose native language is English and then send them a different email or survey. So you can group those students that way. It's all dependent on you. Maybe your agency is big or maybe you want to do it by class. It's all up to you.
And I can kind of go through why a little later why that might help out. But you'll select that in TOPSpro Enterprise. And then at the top, you'll click Send Survey Invite. If you have a small screen, you might have to click More and then click Send Survey Invite.
And then here we are in another wizard. So it'll have you review those selected students. It'll take you to the screen here, which will list all the students that you've selected or you've highlighted. If you have a student that got into this group of students on accident, then you can highlight that student and click on this and I'll just remove them from this list.
Next are more popups. You'll select the language of the survey. So this is why I said maybe you want a group those students whose native language is Spanish together and then group those group of students whose native language is English in a separate case, or Vietnamese. That's one of the reasons why you might want to group them all together. And then you'll decide the delivery method, whether that's by email only, SMS only, or both email and text message.
Maybe you don't want to text any of your students, you only want to send emails. You can do that by selecting email only. Or maybe a certain population of your exiters is OK with text. Then you can send them both an email and a text.
Next, you'll select a survey invitation date. And this just indicates when the survey is going to be sent out and when it will expire. So maybe it's Friday and you think that that's a bad day to have these surveys sent out to your students. Maybe you know that all your students are going to be near their phone Wednesday afternoon.
Then you can select a Wednesday to send out your surveys. For the expiration date, we really just recommend having it set by default. It's all up to you. But you can really choose when they're sent out. But the but the expiration date is the last day that the student can use that student portal.
OK, next step we get into customizing what the survey looks like. So there's an option to send it by default plain as is. Or you can do a lot of customization. And to do that, you'll select one of these. And then you'll get to this customization screen.
Here, you can change the font, change the color, change the background. Maybe you want to change the background to your school colors. There's also a section where you can upload a logo for your school. And maybe you have multiple schools under your district.
So maybe you want to-- and each of those schools have a different logo. Then you can upload that logo. And the more personalized you make your survey, the more likely students are going to make it seem like it comes from your school. Because the default looks very plain as is. So if it has your logo, they're going to be more confident that it's actually coming from your school.
Let's see, you can upload student logos. You can use a certain site name. You can edit the welcome message through this customization. And then you can also have a friendly sender name. So that means if you have a totally different nickname for your school and you want to enter it into there or if it's a nickname for your class, you can enter whatever your nickname is there.
By default, the emails get sent by a CASAS email. So it'll be sent surveys@casas.org. But there is a way in this customization to have it be sent out through one of your emails. So keep that in mind, if that's something that you're interested in. I think the more personalized and the more it looks like it's coming from your agency, the more likely students are to trust the survey and then answer it as well.
And also, if you customize your survey and it has your name and logo, they will know who to also contact and who it comes from. I do have somebody who did call CASAS trying to figure out why we sent them a survey. So as you're going through this throughout the program year, you know that this is a requirement to send these students surveys.
So informing your students that they're going to be sent a survey and having it show in your name would help them out a lot. The person who called didn't feel very-- wanted to double check that the survey was a legit survey and wasn't somebody just trying to collect some information from them. So make sure you're prepping your students to receive the survey as well.
And maybe that's something that you do at your administration level. We do have some agencies that have a poster with all the questions, so that they're aware that they're going to be asked these specific questions. Or some schools have a liaison for their agency that-- a student liaison that talks to students is the one calling the student, so somebody that they're familiar with.
There's different ways. And we have some videos on our websites on how to improve your response rates using the Employment and Earnings Survey. So after you've ran your surveys, you want to make sure that you've sent surveys to all of your students. And so there are two columns that you can add to the Core Performance lister.
And that's Has Survey Q2 and Has Survey Q4. You can add those columns in. It'll give you yes or no if they've been sent a survey. And that way, you can just do quick groups from there. So here is what the survey looks like by default.
And again, this is what it will show if it comes in through email. If it comes in through email, by default, it's being sent by survey@casas.org. It's getting text messaged, I believe it's a short code that gets text messaged to students or a 619 number. But I don't have that off the top of my head right now.
But this is what the survey is going to look like by default. So there is a greeting message. It'll first ask if the student has a job. If they mark yes, then how much they usually earn in a month. Then next they'll ask if they're attending school in a different area, and if so, what school.
And then it'll end on a thank you note. So in the survey customization, you can customize the color, the background, the font. You can customize what this message says, what the ending message says. You can customize the name here. And you can also add your logo at the top, if you need.
So that's what the survey currently looks like. Some changes that will be made to the survey is that starting in January, we're going to move the are you attending a school in a different area first and then move the do you have a job to the very end. And that's been a request we've had from the field. So just know that that's coming up, but it hasn't happened yet.
Any questions on sending out the survey, going through the wizard, core performance report? Now I'm going to talk more on following up students and how to manage those listers. Question. I saw another agency, are you currently attending school versus attending school in a different area? We will have students who are continuing with us after a certain break.
Yes. So by default, that is what our questions are set as. But if you are on the phone or maybe you're using different means or methods to gather responses, then you can use different language, I guess, when you're asking those students too.
Audience: Nicole?
Nicole Clark: Yes.
Audience: This is me, Kathleen Peterson. So if we're going to have the current ones, if they pass the 90 days from last May, we're going to have them answer the questions. So can we just inform them that if it says different area, then they still just put yes and then name our school?
Nicole Clark: You can.
Audience: Or should we just change the question or form?
Nicole Clark: You can change the question in TOPSpro Enterprise. So that one's set-- I would have them mark as no, if they're in the same school.
Audience: Yes or no, you would have the mark no?
Nicole Clark: Oh, sorry. No. Oh, wait. I would have them mark no, I'm not attending school in a different area.
Audience: OK, then how do we capture that they're in school now?
Nicole Clark: So the survey is not looking-- I mean, TOPSpro Enterprise will know that they're attending school or that they're currently in school. Periods of participation will know that another period has began. But we're not exactly trying to capture in this particular survey that they're back in school. We're just trying to capture if they're attending-- if they maybe moved from your school to another school in your area. Does that make sense?
Audience: OK, so I'm going to rephrase. We will have students answer the question, are you currently attending a school in a different area? We will say no.
Nicole Clark: Yes.
Audience: Even though they're with us? OK.
Nicole Clark: Yeah.
Audience: OK. Thank you.
Nicole Clark: You're welcome. Is there any talk about removing or changing the question about salary? I know students are very uncomfortable with that? I think if you have any suggestions on what you would like that question to say, then you can submit that to CASAS or your CDE consultant or maybe your CAEP administrators, and then we can see from there. That's my answer to that.
OK, so following up on students. So viewing and managing current invitations. You can do this through Records and Invitations. And you would use this lister just to see what all the invitations-- what the current invitations are going to-- when they're being sent and when the future invitations are going to be sent.
I personally don't use this lister too much, only if I'm looking for what's going to be sent in the future. A lot of the same information on this lister can be found on the next lister that I'm going to show you. And something important to note about this invitations lister is that it's only filtered by Quarter to Take Survey.
So if you are looking for a specific exit population, it's hard to identify what exit population you're looking at through this lister. You're only looking at all of the surveys that need to be sent out that quarter. So that's my warning about this invitations lister.
And then on any of these listers, especially this invitation lister or the surveys lister that I'm going to show next, by default, it defaults to NRS surveys only. So if you're looking specifically at CAEP, you're going to have to go into this filter here and then click Filter at the bottom and drop down and select maybe CAEP-only, NRS-only. And you can toggle between those two.
Again, by default, usually it's NRS surveys only. But if you've last looked at it on CAEP and you're coming back out again, it'll probably show CAEP again. So I always try to look at this filter multiple times, just to make sure I'm looking at the correct population here.
Now, this is managing survey responses. And this is where I like to manage who's been sent to survey. This lister specifically will tell me as a person that's marking you off as an agency on if you've completed the requirements. So this is what I look at to show if you've completed the requirement.
And to do that, you'll go to Records, Survey Responses. And there are export buttons. There's a bunch of different columns that you can add, just to review your responses. And by default, it will always default to the current quarter to take survey.
So being in October, the default for quarter to take survey will be what's due in January, and not what's due October 31st. So always take a look at that. It gets really confusing in these grace period months.
And here's how you'll contact those students who don't respond. To do that, you can double click on any student. And it'll take you to this screen. And here, you can manually enter responses. If you have a student, you can call them. And then you'll click Answer Survey and you'll answer that a survey like the student is-- it'll pop up in like what the survey looks like in the student portal.
And you'll go through the actual survey and enter in the responses. And once you've entered in the responses and then completed it, then you'll click Get Responses and then they'll show here. If you've called a student and you need to write some additional notes, we have a section to do contact notes. You can say that I've contacted them. You can write in customize notes here. It just depends on what ever you need to write.
So reviewing survey responses, before I get into showing you what this actually looks like in TOPSpro Enterprise, we've added two columns recently. The Survey Answer Employed, so if they're employed yes, if they're not no. And then the Survey Answer Quarterly Wage.
So it will list in this lister, in the surveys response lister, if they're employed and then what their wage is. You can do exports. You can click Export, export the whole lister. Or you can do Export Student Survey Items. And then that will also show you all the survey items, if they answered, if they're attending school in a different area.
That'll be on this Export Student Survey Items. And it will be on the very, very right of the Excel sheet. So you'll have to scroll all the way to the right to get that. Some additional reports is, again, the Core Performance Population report. We have some WIOA Title II specific reports. So I'll just look through that.
Here's what it looks like, how many were delivered, failed, how many responded, how they were responded. And then just another summary, if they got an invitation, how many accessed it, how many haven't responded. You can see who has access and who has responded on the listers as well. So you don't necessarily need to run these reports.
And like I mentioned too, we have a full page dedicated to the Employment and Earnings Survey. There are CAEP-only guidelines. So if you do not do WIOA Title II, you would select these CAEP-only guidelines. And it's a shortened version of everything that the WIOA Title II agencies do.
If you are a WIOA Title II agency, you would only need to click on the one titled Employment and Earnings Survey. The WIOA one covers both the CAEP requirement and the WIOA one. You don't have to look at both documents. It's only one.
Where do I go to understand the E&E summary report? YouTube? I would have to check to see where we have that summary report available. And I would also need to double check that CAEP-only agencies-- that data gets in there too, just because it's specifically titled WIOA Title II.
So let's get into TOPSpro Enterprise. And this is our Rolling Hills simulation server. So I'll be able to go through all the steps. This is a fake database. This doesn't have any real data in here. So my first step is always to enter in all my data. Let's say I've already done that, so check.
The next thing I want to do is run my Core Performance Report as a pre-check. And to do that. I'll go to Reports, State Reports, California, and then go to Core Performance Population. And again, on this filter, I'm making sure to select my exit quarter and not the quarter to take survey.
So I'm thinking about the students who exited two quarters ago, which is those students who exited in program year '21-'22 and then exited in quarter four. So I'm going to uncheck the special audit options. I'm going to uncheck the first three and only leave quarter four.
I'll click Generate. And let's see how long that takes me to generate. Hopefully not long. It'll probably be long, because now I've done it. There you go. So here's my Core Performance Population Report. Here's that first table I was talking about with NRS students.
And then if I scroll down, here you'll see birth dates, if they have a Social Security number, when they started, when they ended. I'll also mention here now too, if you are entering attendance hours, make sure that you continue to enter the same attendance hours throughout the whole program year. You don't want to switch from daily to update and go back and forth, back and forth.
You want to make sure you're doing one and only one in TOPSpro Enterprise. Sometimes that can mess up the exit, the periods of participation. So sometimes there might be a student in here that looks like they've exited but hasn't. It could be that switch between update and daily that are making the students look like they're exiting.
OK, so scrolling down, here is where my CAEP-only students start. And it has the same information. Again, none of these students listed on here should show up here. If you have a duplicated student, I can't guarantee you that. But they shouldn't be duplicated.
OK, so now I'm going to say that everything here looks great. I've double checked that I have Social Security numbers for as many people as possible. Yes, some agencies are allowed to collect Social Security numbers and some districts don't allow you to. That's fine. It's always up to your agency.
But the more Social Security numbers you collect, the less Employment and Earnings Surveys you have to send out. OK, so the Core Performance Population looks great. Next, I will run my Core Performance Wizard, which is under Tools, Core Performance Wizard.
And then this pop up comes up. And again, I'm selecting the exit quarter. So in this example, Rolling Hills, that's my agency. Then I'll select 2021-22, which is the exit quarter. I'll click Next. And if I get to a screen and it tells me surveys already generated for all quarters, this means that I've already ran the Core Performance Wizard.
So I can check that off my box. I can move from step two to step three. If I haven't, then you can just continue on through the wizard. So I'll exit out of here. The next thing I'll do is I'll review those core performance students.
And to do that, I'll go to Records, Core Performance Students. And by default, again, this is two quarters back. And this is why it's showing me that '21-'22 Q4 students. Here are all their phone numbers or cell phone numbers. When you're sending them a text, it's going to look for a number here to send a text to.
Here are the emails. I showed you that you can look at certain columns. So what I'm doing is I'm right clicking here at the very top. And then I have all these column dropdowns. I can add in Has Survey Q2. And here I can see that none of these students who exited in '21-'22 Q4 have been sent a survey. It'll also tell me here invitations ready to go, if they have or have not as well.
So now here's my list. I'm ready to send out students. Are we allowed to send them text messages? So the TOPSpro Enterprise will allow you to send text messages out to students. And you'll have up to three times to send them a text message. You can send as many emails. But we really recommend three times before personally contacting them.
I'm not sure if there's any-- oh, without a signed consent saying they get approved or not. I'm not too sure if that might be a local policy decision. I'm not sure if anybody has that or not. Lydia, I know I'm putting you on the spot here. Do you have that policy?
Lydia: So what we have found is a lot of our students are getting inundated with both emails and text messages. Our third party system does have an opt out. But I'm not quite sure about TE having an opt in or out with regards to the Employment and Earnings Survey. So I can't speak to that.
I don't know if they have that option when they get sent a survey. So I'm only sending it out twice, and then it goes immediately over to our office staff. And they do the third time with a phone call. And it's at that point where the students have the opportunity to say, leave me alone.
And then I'll go in and remove their phone number or their email address from the database so that there's no way they can get it again, because I don't see an option in TE to say stop contacting these people. And that's with us prepping our students in all of our orientations with saying, oh, this is going to happen, these are the questions. So they're all fully aware that this is happening. But I don't see anywhere where it says stop contacting me.
Nicole Clark: And so if that's something at your agency too, then you could just send the emails too.
Lydia: Yes.
Nicole Clark: Yeah.
Lydia: But we only do it twice, and then that's it.
Nicole Clark: Yeah. So here we are sending email. Oh, so now we're selecting the group of students. So I'm just going to select these first three. Let's say I want to select all those who are in Spanish. Or I'm just going to select this very top with a native language of Spanish.
I click on the first one. I press Shift on my keyboard. And I can click on the last one. And I'll highlight all of these students. Then I'll click Send Survey Invite. OK, it'll pause on me. So everybody can still hear me OK?
Lydia: Yeah, we can hear you.
Nicole Clark: OK. Well, I think my TE might have given out on me a little bit. But let me check really quick. Yeah, let's see here. OK, hold on just a minute. Oh, here we go. There it is. It hid behind a couple of my Zoom stuff.
So then it'll ask me if I want to administer the survey for 10 students. Yes. Then another pop up should be popping up. There we go. So here is the Survey Wizard I'm clicking through. So here are all my group of students. I see that this student doesn't have a native language of Spanish. So I'm going to remove them from the list.
I'll highlight that and click Delete Student Records. And then I'll click Next. And then I can select a delivery language. I know that the native language for all these students is Spanish. So I will select Spanish. Next. I know that these group of students might only want to be contacted through email, so I'm just going to say By Email Only. And then I'll click Next.
Here I have the option to select when the surveys get sent and when they don't. OK, Friday is not a good day for my students, so I'm going to select Monday. And then I'll leave the expiration date usually as is. And then here's where we get to choose between administer without customization or administer with customization.
Let's do Apply Survey Customization and click Next. And then here I can preview what it looks like in the Student Portal by clicking here. It'll give me this link and I'll copy this link and put it into a web browser. So I can copy that.
Let me put this into a web browser. And then this is what the survey will look like to a student who's viewing it through their web browser. So go back to TE really quick. OK, so here I can change the alternative name. Let's just say we go by Rolling Hills School and not Adult School.
I can scroll all the way down here. And maybe I need to clear this image or select new image. I can determine where it's going to be set, if it's small or large. And then here in Friendly Sender, this is where I can say, oh, this is from Rolling Hills.
Or I can select alternative email sending survey invitation. Then I'll put my information here for it to be sent through maybe your email and not the survey@casas.org. You can edit the message. And here's the default layouts, the colors, and all that.
So once I do that, I will click Next, and I will continue through. And I'll do that for all the students who are on this list. And once I send out those surveys, I can go to Records, Survey Responses. And then here on this list, I'm going to look at my filter.
And here, I'm looking at only NRS exiters. I want to look at CAEP. So I'm going to go to Filter, filter here, then go to CAEP-only and look at my CAEP-only students. Here I have two. I can see if they've accessed the survey, responded.
It looks like these students, they don't need to be surveyed for a while. So these are in the future. That's OK. I can see any contact notes that I have here. Maybe I'll write a contact note that says don't contact their phone anymore.
And then I can add a couple of columns here that says survey answered employed. Surveyed answered quarterly wage. I'm going to go back to my NRS, because I know that there are some responses here. So I can do all that. I can export. I can click Export Student Survey Items To. So it's all up to you about how you want to look at it.
And if you use your own email, how does the students on the second set of surveys know-- how does the same students on second set of surveys normally sent auto by TE happen? Can you clarify that question for me? OK, so I'm coming up to one-- go ahead.
Audience: Sorry, I wasn't sure how to word that. So we're sending out this set of surveys for students right now for this exit. And then two more quarters from now, TE is going to send out the survey again to them?
Nicole Clark: Mm-hmm.
Audience: So if we have sent in our first time, if we went through and manipulated all the friendly stuff, then how does TE send it the second time?
Nicole Clark: It'll remember it and it'll send it out that same time.
Audience: It'll send it out friendly from me?
Nicole Clark: Yeah. It's an automated sent. It's an automated send out. So once you do it once, it'll do it again in two quarters from now. Yeah.
Audience: Got it, thank you.
Nicole Clark: No problem. And since I only have probably less than a minute left-- I'm sorry to really push this up to the last of the hour-- I'm just going to go over here, where you can find all this information on the CASAS website. So we're here at CASAS.org. We'll go down to California Adult Education and Accountability. Click on California Employment and Earnings Survey.
And then here we have a panel discussion that you can review that's on YouTube, some general information about why we're completing the survey. And then here for you CAEP-only agencies, you'll select this CAEP-only. And you can download the documentation.
Again, it goes through each and every step, each and every click that you need to make. And then also at the very end too, I have a Frequently Asked Questions. And my top frequently asked question is, how do I know I've completed the requirement? And that's the first one.
So again, here's how you know that you have completed the requirement. I basically need to see that you've sent out the surveys to the proper exit quarter. And if you have those exit quarters in the surveys lister here, then I will mark you off and you'll be sent a data submission confirmation.
But you can always refer here on how you know that you've completed the requirement. But I think I went over by a minute. So, sorry about that. Any ending questions or anything like that? If you have any questions, you can always email capm at-- or no, sorry.
For you at CAEP, I would recommend emailing me at caep@casas.org or tech support. If you email caep@casas.org, you'll probably get me again too. So if you have any questions, if you just need me to look at making sure that you've done certain steps correctly, I'm always happy to do that. You can just send us an email and I'll do that. But thank you all for your time. And I guess I'll stick around, if you have any questions.
Audience: Hi, Nicole. If it's OK, I have a clarity question to ask about the--
Nicole Clark: Sure.
Audience: OK, so I'm the one that asked about the two weeks late on attendance. What happened was we are one of the schools that do not meet during the summer. So when we count the days from when they left on May 26th to when they returned to classes on August 22nd, it's not 90 days. But because our data was submitted two weeks later, now it becomes 94 days. So that's why I was asking, is it when the attendance started again or is it when it gets entered into TE?
Nicole Clark: When your attendance starts again.
Audience: OK, so we don't have to survey if all those students that are currently with us now that were with us in May and had that period of non-attendance, if that period of non-attendance from their last day in May and their first day in August, if that number is less than 90 days, then those students do not need to be surveyed?
Nicole Clark: Correct.
Audience: OK.
Nicole Clark: And you can review that that's all happening correctly is if you run your Data Integrity Report, you'll see who those students are too. And as long as they're dated, as long as those two attendance dates are within 90 days, then you'll be OK. You just don't want to run a report before you do that attendance upload.
Audience: Oh, OK. Yeah, it's been done now. We learned our lesson. It has to happen from-- our district office has to put them in from AERIES into our TE and they were behind. And we didn't jump on them. And now we know that we have to make sure that this should be the last time it would ever happen.
Nicole Clark: Yeah. I mean, it's all dependent on that attendance date.
Audience: OK, OK. So yeah, because you can enter three weeks ago. I could say, oh, I made a mistake and I didn't include a student. So I'm putting their attendance in now. Yeah. But it's after that date.
Nicole Clark: Yes.
Audience: OK, so what do we need to do first? We need to run a DIR on what?
Nicole Clark: Yeah. I always recommend continually running the Data Integrity Report, just to make sure everything's up to date, that you have the certain students and programs there, you have all that data. And then at the very end, it'll kind of tell you if they're exiting or not, or if they're about to exit or if they're going to exit.
You can catch those students. So that's a good way just to clean your data. And then maybe use that to help clean your data. Make sure that all the attendance is done. And then you'll run your Core Performance Report, just to verify that everything still looks good, and that the students are not showing as exiting. And if somebody is looking like they're exiting in that, then that's when you would go back and kind of figure out why.
Audience: OK, yeah, because it could be students that weren't there till the last week. Maybe they exited at the beginning of May and it took them into the 90 days. Or they came in the second week of fall semester.
Nicole Clark: Yeah. Yeah. And I'm not sure, what agency are you from?
Audience: Garden Grove Adult Ed.
Nicole Clark: OK, so you're a WIOA Title II agency. So that's also another thing to keep in mind, especially because this is very particular, those 90 days.
Audience: Yeah. And I was told by Jay and I was told by others that we do want to make sure that we get the 90 days. But when I found out that the 90 days was, that we added the caveat of, oh yeah, we didn't get our attendance in in time, then that put another step on me clarifying.
Because we were ready to set up all of the continuing students. We were ready to just set up a tech day and have them all go in and do the surveys. OK. All right. Thank you very much. Thank you for that clarity. And I'll and I'll be talking to our data people about making sure that we can clean up our data.
Nicole Clark: Yeah.
Audience: Thank you so much.
Nicole Clark: No problem. Any other questions?
Speaker 1: All right, while people are thinking of questions, I just want to point out that I put the session evaluation and the overall conference evaluation in the chat. So please make sure and take a moment to provide feedback there. It doesn't look like there's any other questions.
Nicole Clark: I don't think so.
Speaker 1: OK. Well, with that, it's a wrap for the CAEP Summit 2022. Wow, we made it. All right, well have a great evening and have a great weekend everyone.
Nicole Clark: Thank you.
Speaker 1: Take care. You got a couple of thank yous in the chat too.
Nicole Clark: Oh, yes. I see somebody I know very well.
Speaker 1: Nice. Oh, it's Jane. Hi, Jane. All right, take care, everyone. Have a great weekend. Bye.
Nicole Clark: Bye.