Neil Kelly: Thanks, Veronica. OK, let's look at the agenda. So summer must be over because everyone's back in school, I guess, because we have people from all over the state today. Well, welcome. So next slide, please.

So what we'll do is I'll cover the first three items, the statute, the planning components, and moving from AB86 to AB104. And then Mayra will cover breaking down the annual plan timeline, deadlines, and tips. And then Veronica will take you through the live demo. And then we'll probably have time for questions at the end or discussion if you have anything you want to discuss.

And it should be-- I think we'll wrap up by 1:00. So we'll have plenty of time for questions. OK, next slide, please.

All right, so for those of you who are not familiar or haven't been with adult education from the beginning of the block grant period or the AB86 planning days or even flexibility or in some cases preflexibility, so historically, adult ed was flexed. And we came out of flex with the AB86 planning grants. And then those planning grants developed into the block grant, which developed into the CAEP.

So when we did our first three-year plan, it was based on the AB86 planning. And so there were different components for AB86, not too different than what we're doing now, but different verbiage and things like that.

And so when this Ed Code 84906 came out for 2019-2020 fiscal year, it came out midyear. And consortia and their members were already working on the three-year plan, which was due June of 2020. So when this Ed Code 84906 came out, it was too late to incorporate into that three-year plan that was due in June 2020, the one that you just finished on. So that was for 2022, '19-'20, '20-'21, and '22. And now the new plan is for '22-'23, '23-'24, '24-'25, I think.

So this is why this three-year plan that we just worked on incorporates Ed Code 84906. And we'll go over that, that transition. And that's my portion of the webinar today.

So the key thing to remember here is the italics, bold italics part, "The plan shall be updated at least once each year based on available data pertaining to the requirements of subdivision B," which is the three-year plan. And so that's why we have an annual plan, because it's in code. You have to update your three-year plan once a year, which we call the annual plan. And if you go into 84906, you'll see all kinds of other things you have to do for the three-year plan that you update once a year, which we call the annual plan. So next slide, please.

All right, so, like I said, 84906 includes all your three-year plan components. It has three action areas, three evaluation areas that you're supposed to do, three descriptive areas, and a list of entities that provide education and workforce services in your region. So you just went through this. So you're all familiar with those components of the three-year plan. And you can always go back to Ed Code 84906 to look at that 1 through 10.

We're going to focus on the three action areas. So next slide, please. And so those three action items are actions that members of the consortium will take to address educational needs identified pursuant to the paragraph one, which in the 84906 is your adult ed needs, your needs assessment.

And then the second action item is actions that members of the consortium will take to improve the effectiveness of their services. And then next slide, please. The third one is actions that members of the consortia and other interested parties will take to improve integration of services and improve transition into postsecondary.

So those are the three action items that were put into code back in January 1, 2020 or whatever it was and that we just put into the new three-year plan. And so I know some of you were saying, well, what happened in the AB86 planning effort? So we're trying to transition to that. Might have been a little clunky, but we'll get familiar with it. Next slide, please.

So another ed code that I wanted to bring to your attention is Ed Code 84914. And that states, along with the funding, which is, number one, the amount of funds to be distributed to each member of the consortia for that fiscal year, that's your CFAD. And then a narrative justifying how the plan allocations are consistent with the adult ed plan, that would be your annual plan and your member work plan and your budget.

So all those things, the three-year plan, annual plan, member work plan, and budget all come out of these two ed codes, 84906 and 84914. And so those are all in NOVA for those of you who are familiar with NOVA. And so some are at the consortia level-- three-year plan, annual plan. And then that cascades down to the member level, where it's the work plan and the member budget. Next slide, please.

OK, so, like I said, three-year plan, CFAD, annual plan, member work plan, member budget. Those are your planning components that are all in NOVA. Make sure you're all familiar with that. So next slide, please.

OK, so here is that transition piece from AB86 to AB104. And AB104 was the legislation that gave us the $500 million block grant and put in statute the ed code that we use today for the California Adult Ed Program. So what was going on during AB86 days were the regional consortia planning grants. And that established the regional consortium structure based on the community college boundaries.

And we, I think we had six counties that weren't included in community college boundaries. So we had to add them. But that created those-- it was 72 community college districts. Now it's 71 because two districts in San Jose combine to make one mega regional consortia.

So AB86, these are the ones you are familiar with from the last three-year plan, so plans to address gaps in services, plans to integrate their existing programs and create seamless transitions into postsecondary and/or workforce, plans to employ approaches proven to accelerate student progress, plans to collaborate the provision of ongoing professional development, and plans to leverage existing regional structures. So that's what we were working with. And now next slide, please. And so we already went over that. Next slide, please.

And then these are those action items as a result of that ed code. So just to refresh you from a few slides ago. Next slide, please.

OK, so here is that transition. So if you you're curious to say, well, I want to mirror my old three-year plan from the last time to this new three-year plan to my annual plan, so this is in the guidance. But it's just a little chart to show you gaps in services, now you could call addressing educational needs. Integrating and creating seamless transitions now could be considered improving integration of services and improve transition into postsecondary in the workforce. And that would include also student acceleration.

And then collaborating and ongoing professional development could be improving the effectiveness of their services, which could be pretty much everything. And then leveraging regional structure could also be added to addressing the educational needs. So it's not an exact alignment, perfect alignment. But this just gives you maybe a little chart to help you with that transition over to the new planning effort, three-year plan, annual plan moving forward. OK, next slide, please.

OK, so I'm going to turn it over to Mayra. And I'll check the chat to see if there's any questions unless, Veronica, there's any specific questions I can answer now before we turn it over to Mayra?

Veronica Parker: No specific questions, just a question about the PowerPoint. And then John just posted, "This is helpful, as we have heard concerns about the shift in language on objectives from previous three-year plans."

Neil Kelly: OK, great. Thank you.

Mayra Diaz: All right. Thank you, Neil. So we'll transition over to address the breakdown of the annual plan. And before we jump into that, I just wanted to touch on some key points as I start covering the following upcoming slides.

So, as Neil had addressed, the '22-'23 annual plan consists of the CAEP transition from AB86 planning to Education Code 84906 by replacing the existing planning requirements into action steps. Additionally, keep in mind, the CAEP annual plan is a condition of receipt of apportionment from CAEP and is a justification demonstrating how planned allocations are consistent with the adult education plan. As you know, the annual plan references the consortium's key accomplishments, goals and strategies. And the annual planning process is designed to be inclusive and collaborative among consortium members and entities that provide education and workforce services for adults in the region. Lastly, the annual plan memo and guidance documents have been made available in collaboration with CAEP TAP and are accessible on the CAEP website.

So in this slide, we reference sections 1, 2, and 3 of the annual plan, as they are outlined in NOVA. For section 1, Plans and Goals, the Plans and Goals section will include an executive summary, a regional planning overview, and outline how the annual plan will meet the identified regional needs. In the executive summary, you will include a narrative justifying how the planned allocations are to be consistent with the consortium's current three-year adult education plan.

Additionally, the executive summary is generally a clear and concise description of the consortium's vision. It lists accomplishments made during the program or the prior program year. And it will also list primary goals for the upcoming program year. In the Meeting Regional Needs section, the consortium will identify and describe the reasons for the gaps between the need in the region and the types and levels of adult education services that are currently, excuse me, being offered.

In section 2, Address Educational Needs, in this section, the consortium will identify the strategies and activities and metrics to address the educational needs in accordance with Ed Code 84906. The consortium will describe how the strategy will achieve the objective and the educational needs, barriers, and gaps in current education and workforce services. You'll notice a feature on the plan where the activities and metrics that are identified in this section are integrated from the consortium's CAEP '22-'25 three-year plan and are found by accessing the dropdown menu, which Veronica will be able to walk us through during the demonstration.

For section 3, Improve Integration of Services and Transitions, it will ask the consortium to identify the strategies, activities, and metrics to address improving the integration of services and transitions. In accordance with the ed code, the consortium will describe how the strategy will achieve the objective and the educational needs, barriers, and gaps in current education and workforce services. Next slide, please.

So continuing with sections 4, 5, and 6 of the annual plan, section 4 asks to address, improve effectiveness of services. In this section, the consortium will identify the strategies, activities, and metrics to address improving the integration of services and transition in accordance with ed code.

Section 5, Fiscal Management, will ask the consortium to describe how the available funds, including carryover funds, will be leveraged to impact the strategies identified in the plan. And section 6, Preview and Submit-- when you reach this section, review the content of each prior section. Once it is satisfied with all the content in the annual plan or once you are satisfied with all that content, you'll submit to have it reviewed by consortium members. The member representatives will be notified via email to review and approve the plan. Next slide, please.

So just a few reminders on the upcoming timeline and deadlines as you get to work or have been working on this annual plan. The annual plan must be submitted and approved by all members in NOVA by September 14 for to '22-'23 program year. After submission and approval of the annual plan, the consortium member agencies will have until October 30 to submit their member work plan and budget. And additionally, the consortium has until November 30 to certify all member work plans and budgets. The member Q1 expenditure reporting is due December 1 of this year. Next slide, please.

So the consortia, a few annual plan tips-- as we've recommended in prior years, the consortia can copy and paste from last year's annual plan or they can modify existing strategies that are ongoing. The annual plan can have a mixture of new and/or existing strategies. If a consortium's annual plan is similar to the year prior, please do your best to describe what is different from last year to this year and how it's going to be responsive to the current events described above. Next slide, please.

The annual plan can consist of implementing existing strategies. As the CAEP office knows, some strategies are long term in nature. CAEP planning is hierarchical. The three-year plan aligns with the state CAEP vision and goals. The annual plan contains the strategies that help consortia achieve those goals so the member and budget-- the member's budget and expenses support those specific strategies. As a reminder, the annual plans can be amended throughout the program year. Next slide, please.

And additional tips-- use the Send Reminder feature in NOVA to notify member representatives to approve. The consortia work plans and budgets will open after the work plan and budget has been approved by all member representatives. The strategies are selected by checking a box. You won't need to rewrite the strategies or provide additional information. And you'll get to see that when we do the live demonstration, what that looks like. Next slide, please.

And the consortium annual plan strategies will be used by the consortium members to drive their member work plans. They will be consortium certified by October 30. The members will select a specific number of strategies from the annual plan to focus on from July 1 to June 30. Next slide, please.

And I am going to hand it off to Veronica, who will walk us through the annual planned live demonstration in NOVA. Thank you.

Veronica Parker: Thank you, Mayra. And thank you, Neil. I see the question from Elsa about revisiting the metrics and targets identified in the three-year plan. And yes, you will be able to revisit the metrics and targets from the three-year plan. There are two ways in which you will be able to revisit those metrics and targets. And I'll show you in this live demo. So I'm going to--

Neil Kelly: Woo-hoo, that's exciting.

Veronica Parker: All right. So I'm going to start with the live demo. So I'm going to go to a new share. And I have NOVA opened. So I have now transitioned to NOVA. Does everyone see my NOVA Sandbox screen? OK. So yes. OK, great.

So we are in NOVA. I have access the annual plan by logging in using my email and password. I'm just going to take a step back to show you all how I accessed the annual plan. And then you can use this filter to identify your particular consortium, either by name, member name, or even the number of your consortium. And then you'll click on the consortium once you have pulled it up.

And then you're going to scroll down on the consortium details page. And it is the fourth, fifth-- no, actually, sixth section on this page. So here is the annual plan. It's right underneath the three-year plan. So that makes sense.

So here is the annual plan. And so I'm going to click on this first link. So it's the annual plan for the 2020-'23 fund year. And for this particular consortium, this annual plan is in draft status.

So I'm going to click on the annual plan. And I am in the Sandbox, which means I am not on the live site. So anything that I access on this site will not mess up any information for this particular consortium, just in case there's anyone here from Allan Hancock.

So here, once I open up the annual plan, the first section of the workflow is the plans and goals. But before I get into each of the sections, there are a few things that I would like to point out to everyone that has been added as a new feature this particular year. So, first and foremost, you can bookmark this page. So let's say you are working on your annual plan and for some reason you take a pause and you want to come back to your annual plan. You can do so by clicking on this Bookmark icon here. And then when you go to your Bookmarks section after you've logged in to NOVA, the annual plan will appear.

This is actually a new feature, the three-year plan preview. So because the metrics and targets, as well as the activities, are tied to your annual plan, we thought that it would be a great-- it would be great for you all to have access, kind of a quick access to your three-year plan. So if you click on this link here, the Three-Year Plan Preview, then you will actually see your three-year plan.

And so it is loading now. And here is the three-year plan. So here is the Preview and Submit page of the three-year plan. This is actually certified. And if you scroll down, you see all of the information from the three-year plan.

So hopefully this is helpful. And, of course, you can always have the document in front of you and be able to access it that way. But this is the three-year plan, in case you want to have a preview.

And you can also print this template. I know some consortia like to print a template and be able to take it to their members to work on it collaboratively, take it to a meeting to work on it collaboratively, and then input the information into NOVA. So this is another opportunity for you to print the template. You can also print the template after you've completed the annual plan and, again, use it for review purposes, et cetera.

And then the Next button we will use as we navigate through the annual plan. So going into the workflow of the annual plan, again, the first section that will appear for you is the Plans and Goals. We have provided guidance document on each of-- at the top of each of the sections that are part of the annual plan. So here, we just tried to give you some guidance that was provided in the actual annual plan guidance document to be able to help support you through input of the annual plan. So pay attention to the text that is written here.

And then underneath the first section of the Plans and Goals or the first area of the Plans and Goals section is the executive summary. And, as Mayra pointed out, here are the information that we are looking for in the executive summary.

So this is a general text box. You will type in your executive summary. You do have some small formatting features here that you are able to utilize. And please note that the character limit for each of the sections is 5,000. That's the max character limits that NOVA has. So each of the sections are allotted 5,000 characters.

Again, you cannot post or upload any pictures, graphs, or anything of that nature. However, you are able to hyperlink. So let's say you do have a picture that you would like to insert in any of the sections and you upload it to, let's say, your website or whatever the case might be. You are able to hyperlink it here. So someone can click on the link and be able to access it. So that's pretty cool, especially since we are unable to add those pretty pictures and graphs, et cetera.

And then the next section is the Regional Planning Overview. So here we're asking you to provide an overview of how the consortium will implement the 2022-'25 three-year plan. And again, this is a 5,000-character limit.

Then the next section is the meeting regional needs section. So here, we're asking you to describe the reasons for the gaps between the need and the region and the types and levels of adult education services that are currently being offered. And so you will identify the gaps in service in the regional need. How did you know this information? What resources did you use to identify the gaps?

And then how will you measure effectiveness or progress towards meeting the needs? And so those are three separate areas in which you will fill out for each of the regional needs that you identify in this annual plan. So again, these are all text fields, all 5,000-character limits, with limiting or limited formatting options.

And you are able to add an additional regional need. So let's say you have three additional regional needs. If you click on this button here, regional need number 2 will appear. And again, you're asking each parts of this regional need. And then if you have a third, you can click on this button and you can add the additional regional need.

If, for any reason, you need to delete any of the information that you have inputted, or the regional need, I should say, then you'll use the Delete button. And you will delete that particular regional need. But you need to have at least one regional need identified in your annual plan. So once you have completed this action, then you will hit the Next button. It's either below here or even up top here. You have two options.

We're going to select Next. And then we're going to go to the Address Educational Needs section. So this section, you identify the strategies and activities and metrics to address this particular objective.

So here you're going to name your strategy by typing in a name here. Now, the activity that applies to this strategy-- so you will select an activity that applies to the strategy from the list of activities that were included in the three-year plan. So all of the activities that you identified in or that this particular consortium identified in their three-year plan are now listed here. And those are all of the activities that align to addressing educational needs.

So here in their three-year plan, there are three activities-- so increase number of students achieving gain, quarterly meetings to improve services and common transition, and then student one-on-one needs. So this particular consortium could identify, let's say, increase number of students achieving gain here. And then the associated metrics from the three-year plan are imported as well.

So for this particular activity, the metric that they identified in the three-year plan was progress. Participants with educational functioning levels gains ESL. AE 400-ESL was the only metric that aligned to this particular activity under Address Educational Needs. And so they would click on that particular metric.

And then now they're going to move into describing the strategies that they will plan, that they will implement to support addressing this particular objective. And so they will include how the strategy will achieve the objective and the educational needs, barriers, and gaps in current education and workforce services. And that is the completion of one strategy.

And you have the opportunity to add an additional strategy by clicking the Add Strategy button here. Click it again. OK. So now we have an additional strategy.

So you'll go through the same process by naming your strategy, picking an activity that aligns to-- that applies to the strategy, picking the metric that will be at the first click, the activity. And then the metric will appear. And then you will describe the particular strategy.

And again, if you do not want more than one strategy, you can delete here. But there has to be at least one strategy per objective.

And then once you have completed this particular section, you will hit the Next button here. And then now we're moving to the next objective or action item, which is Improve Integration of Services and Transitions. Again, guidance document-- guidance information is provided in this section here.

And then you'll go through the same process as you did with the Address Educational Needs section, where you will name the strategy. And then, in this case, you will select the activity that applies to the strategy. So their activities are increased number of students achieving gain, quarterly meetings to improve services transition, student one-on-one, improve retention.

So we're going to select quarterly meetings to improve services transition. And then we're going to select the metric that applies to this particular activity/strategy, which is participants with educational functioning level gains. And then we're going to describe the strategy in this next box. And once you have done that, if there are no additional strategies, then you will hit Next. If there, are will click on the Add Strategy button. So then we're going to go to Next.

Neil Kelly: Veronica?

Veronica Parker: Yes?

Mayra Diaz: There's a quick question about any recommendations-- they asked if there's any guidelines. But I think this would be a recommendation, maybe, from you. How many strategies should you pick in each category relative to the three-year plan? And I know that's specific to the three-year plan, but wouldn't you want to avoid having dozens and dozens of strategies to follow up on? I mean, what's your thoughts on that?

Veronica Parker: Yeah, I would definitely say be realistic about what you plan to-- the strategies that you plan to implement for this program year. However, if there are multiple agencies within the consortium and maybe not all agencies are addressed in the same strategies, you would basically identify the strategies that your members in the consortium would be implementing for this program year.

Neil Kelly: OK. Maybe they could keep it high level so they cover-- but I know what you mean. You have specific members that maybe have specific strategies. So it's going to vary, I think, from region to region probably.

Veronica Parker: Mhm.

Dana Galloway: Yeah, if I can clarify that, I'm going to be rewriting the three-year plan if I put everything in. So the way I see this is these are the things that our choosing maybe to prioritize in this first year from the three-year plan. And so I have two in each category, which isn't everything I have in the three-year plan. But those two are things that basically all of our members can work on.

Now, I what you to say if there's something that one member does in another doesn't, you can include that for them, too. So that's reasonable, what I've done?

Veronica Parker: Mhm, yes, yes. And then you also have to think that these strategies will then be imported into the work plan for the budget, the budgeting work plan. And so there, each member will identify the specific strategies that they are going to implement this year and then also allocate funding towards each of the strategies.

Dana Galloway: Right, right, so it shouldn't be everything that's in the three-year plan.

Veronica Parker: Correct.

Dana Galloway: OK. OK. Great. Thank you.

Veronica Parker: Mhm. You're welcome. All right, anything else I can answer? Or is it OK to move forward?

Neil Kelly: Sure, yeah. There's just some discussion going on in the chat, so we're good.

Veronica Parker: All right, sounds good. So this is the last objective of the three-year plan, which is the improve effectiveness of services. And so, again, it's the same process, where you will name the strategies, the activities that align to this particular strategy. And then you will identify your-- you identify the metric, which it's the same metric for this particular consortium. And then you will talk about the strategy in the Strategy Description section.

Oh. Uh-oh. Metrics have variable already been selected for the current activity and will be discarded in my control when window. So I can read this. You've changed to a new activity. Are you sure you want to change this activity?

Oh, let's cancel this. Let me take a step back then move forward and see what happens. OK, that's-- yeah, that, there's something wonky going on with the programming because what's supposed to happen is as I move to a new section in this workflow, it's supposed to be blank. But it looks like it's capturing my input from the previous section.

So we're going to move past that section and go to Fiscal Management. Again, this page, Improve Effectiveness of Services, is supposed to be blank once I come to this section. And I'm supposed to be able to identify my activity that applies to the strategy, as well as my metric. But it looks like it's carrying over information from the previous section.

The good thing is that the process is the same. Hopefully the functionality works properly. And again, I'm in the Sandbox, which is-- it's the same information, but where the programming is maybe different from the live side. So hopefully if you all have started this process, you are not experiencing or encountering that issue. But if you are, definitely let us know so that we can work with the programmers. I'll also bring this to their attention.

But I'm going to move to the Fiscal Management section, which is the last section of the annual plan. And this section is just asking you to address planned, the consortium planned allocations, and outline how the plan allocations will be consistent with the annual plan. So this first overview section, we're just asking for you to provide a narrative justifying how plan allocations are consistent with the annual-- the annual adult education plan or the annual plan, which is based on the three-year plan, the current three-year plan.

And it's the narrative box. The character limit is 5,000. And again, you have those formatting features.

And then the last question that we ask is to approach-- approach to incorporating remaining carryover funds. So here, we're asking you to describe how the consortium plans to incorporate remaining carryover funds from prior years into strategies planned for the 2022-'23 program year. So be mindful of the carryover funds that are still available, which I believe are the 2020-'21, '21-'22, and now the '22-'23. Well, that's the new annual allocation, but the prior annual allocations.

Just be mindful of the moneys that you have available in carryover funds and how you plan to incorporate them into this annual plan for the 2022-'23 program year. And so once you have done that, you will go to the Preview section. And again, I did not answer any real information here. So I don't have any real information. But if I did have real content in here, then I could be ready to submit.

And so once you do hit Submit-- oh, it's not going to let me because not all steps are completed. But once you do hit Submit, you'll have the opportunity to leave comments for your members, alerting them to what has taken place in this annual plan. If you do not have any comments, you can leave that section blank. You will hit OK.

And then all of your members will be notified that you have completed the annual plan. And then they would go in and either approve or reject the annual plan. And we have given you all a due date of September 14 to complete the annual plan. And so if you are approaching that deadline and, let's say, one or two of your members have not submitted the annual plan, of course, you can definitely send them a courtesy email, letting them know that it's time to approve the annual plan. But also if you need to send a reminder, send a reminder from NOVA so that they are-- once they go into approve it, they can utilize that notification and go right to the annual plan and approve the annual plan so that you all meet the CAEP deliverable deadline.

So that is all that I have for this live demonstration. Are there any additional questions?

Neil Kelly: One thing-- I'm just responding. There were some questions from Nahora. I don't know if you saw that comment. But you got a lot of responses. So I think we're good there.

But one thing I was thinking, Veronica, if you wanted to go back to the tips that Mayra was referencing on the slides. And maybe show if that's something that you can show in a live demo of how to take advantage of some of those tips. But I don't know, what do you think, since we have time?

Veronica Parker: Let me revisit the tips. And let's see.

Mayra Diaz: And the tips are also outlined in the guidance document that was sent out or that's on the website. So that would be a really good reference point as well. I don't know if maybe we can drop it in the chat box.

Speaker: I just placed it in the chat.

Veronica Parker: So everything that I'm able to live demo I have done, according to this tip sheet. Yeah, and the only thing that I will touch on verbally but I'm unable to show at this time because I don't have an approved annual plan to be able to show the work plan and budget, but, as you all know from prior years, the consortia work plan and budgets will open after the-- will open after the annual plan has been approved by all member representatives. And there's actually, we need to update this PowerPoint because there's something that's incorrect on slide 18. And yeah, so once the annual plan is approved, then the budget and work plan will open. So know that the budget and work plan will not open prior to the annual plan being approved by all members.

And the strategies are selected by checking a box. Yes, I demonstrated that. And then the consortium annual plan strategies will be used by the consortium to drive the member work plans. So we talked about the due date for that and when the work plan will be open. And then members will select the specific number of strategies from the annual plan to focus on from July 1 through June 30. That's correct.

So yes, everything that were part of the tips, the annual plan tips, everything I was able to demonstrate, I have taken care of. All right, anything else?

Neil Kelly: I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, there's some suggestions in the chat, but not really any questions. I think John did have a question about will support on the annual plan completion be available during professional learning communities? Will it be available through targeted technical assistance efforts? So how are we going to support the completion of the annual plan?

Veronica Parker: So we will start by if you do have any questions or if you do need technical assistance, definitely feel free to contact TAP. And we will support on a case-by-case basis. If there is an influx of individuals who need support and we think that our time will be utilized more effectively and efficiently via a group PLC, et cetera, then we will move towards that.

We will have some time at the director's event to address the implementation of the three-year plan. So that also includes the annual plan. So there will be time and support available there.

So that's kind of the mechanisms that we are utilizing. And again, if we have consortia who are in dire need of more intensive assistance beyond what we are able to provide on a case-by-case basis, then we would move towards aligning that particular consortium with a technical assistance coach. But that's the workflow in which we will address the field's needs with this particular CAEP deliverable.

All right, and it looks like Janai says, "Address educational needs comes before improve integration of services. Could this possibly indicate any other glitches in our template?" No, I don't think so, Janai. But again, I'm going to work with our programmers to figure out that particular glitch that just occurred.

Janai: Yeah, thank you, and I wrote that backwards. It's actually improve effectiveness comes address educational needs.

Veronica Parker: OK. Thank you.

Neil Kelly: So, Veronica, let me ask you a question. So basic, I mean, basic direction would be take your three-year plan, focus on the activities or strategies that you're doing this year, and that becomes your annual plan, right, basically?

Veronica Parker: Say that one more time.

Neil Kelly: So you take your three-year plan. You look at all the strategies and things you're going to do over the three years. You look at what you're going to do this year. And that should be your annual plan.

Veronica Parker: Yes. Yep.

Neil Kelly: Now, how many of those strategies and activities do you list? Like Dana's question, it depends on your membership and who's doing what, and how high-level, overarching they are.

Veronica Parker: Right.

Neil Kelly: But that's something you'll have to figure out from your consortium perspective.

Veronica Parker: Correct.

Neil Kelly: So trying not to make this complex, trying to make this really simple. And hopefully in NOVA it will be simple. And it'll be easy to input all your annual planning stuff. And then it'll open up your member work plan and budget. And before you know it, everything's completed.

Veronica Parker: Mhm. Mhm.

Neil Kelly: That's on the Good Ship Lollipop, though.


So you have us for some time, if anybody has any other questions. You can unmute if you don't feel like typing.

Erin Andrade-lopez: Excuse me, is it possible to see a real sample of a school site that somebody has turned in already or just is a sample that we can look at?

Veronica Parker: Let me go back to NOVA. I don't know of any consortia who have completed. Are you all looking at annual plan?

Neil Kelly: Does anybody want to volunteer and say they've done their and your plan and we can go in and look?

Eileen Stear: It's me, Eileen. Hi, Erin. Erin is new and she is dynamite. She's a new principal at our Rancho Adult School that we are so happy to have joined with us. And, Andrea, I'll be showing it to you, OK? I'm there for you, man.

When newbies come in, it's a little different thing here. And these, the NOVA looks like an overwhelming mountain. It's really not.

Erin Andrade-lopez: Thank you.

Neil Kelly: All right, I think Janeth has her hand up.

Janeth Manjarrez: Yeah. Hi. Thank you so much for this wonderful webinar. Well put. And I do see now the correlation between the new three-year plan, right, and then now this upcoming annual plan. But my question to that was, what's the difference between certifying, having our member certifying in September 14 and then the November 30 day, so that I'm just clear? Or I think it's November 30 or November 14.

Neil Kelly: So what would happen, Janeth, is the annual plan that you're certifying September 14 is for the whole consortium. And then the member work plan and the member budget is specific to that individual member. So you might have maybe eight strategies and a bunch of activities for the whole consortium. But that member might only be doing a couple from that long list.

Janeth Manjarrez: Got it.

Neil Kelly: And so they would only select those couple of strategies and activities and then budget accordingly for that.

Janeth Manjarrez: But it has to equate to the amount that we are given that year, right? So let's just say the annual plan is what Veronica beautifully went over that I'm seeing through and I'm walking-- that I was walking with her in NOVA. And then the November 30 is actually our member work plan, where we submit actually the activity and the budget related to it, that all of it has to amount to the annual release for our consortium in this case.

Neil Kelly: Yes. So the budget would reflect the allocation that you're getting. And then the work plan would reflect the annual plan that's based on the three-year plan. So it's kind of a cascade on both sides. There's a cascade for planning and then there's a cascade for the allocations and the budgeting.

Janeth Manjarrez: OK. Got it. And that's-- yeah. OK. Thanks.

Neil Kelly: Did that help?

Janeth Manjarrez: Yeah, it does. Than. you.

Neil Kelly: OK. We did have some comments in the chat. Nancy Miller said, "It's really helpful to have the toggle button for the three-year plan on the header bar for the annual plan template. It made the input of activities much easier."

So that's a great tip. I guess if you're entering activities from your three-year plan, you can toggle to just include them in your annual plan. You don't have to, I guess, cut and paste and save and all that stuff. It makes it a lot easier.

Let's see. And this might be for Veronica. This is from Emma. "Will the strategies in the annual plan be reflected in the budget and work plan as they did before?" So in the past, Veronica, you could just check your activities that would come over into your work plan. Do you know if that's still going to be the practice?

Veronica Parker: Yes, that will still be the practice.

Neil Kelly: Oh, great.

Veronica Parker: You'll be able to select your strategies from your annual plan in your work plan. Mhm.

Neil Kelly: OK. Now, the answer on--

Gary Adams: Excuse me, Neil. I don't mean to interrupt. This is Gary Adams. I'm the Dean of CAEP in the Chancellor's Office. John, you seem to be asking questions. No, we are not pursuing the Harmon report. We're going in a different direction. Does that answer your question?

John Werner: Hi, Gary. Yeah, it does. I was just curious when we would get to see that. We submitted all that data back in September of last year when we upload our program hours report through NOVA. Will we be uploading that same data, though, even though the report goes a different direction for this coming fiscal-- well, it'd be the '22, '21-'22 report.

Gary Adams: Good question. Great question. Yes, you will. We're just doing different data analytics. So we will have a report on the data. It's just not available yet.

John Werner: OK.

Gary Adams: OK.

John Werner: Yeah, I was just curious what prompted that, because we're all used to the Tim Harmon report had helped craft what that should look like.

Gary Adams: Because it was not connecting to impact.

John Werner: Oh. OK.

Gary Adams: We're looking for impact. So I can report x number of hours of instruction and expenditures, but it doesn't tell me impact. So we're looking for a little bit different direction. It'll be easier to discuss when we're able to present the report. OK?

John Werner: Yeah. Thank you.

Gary Adams: Thank you.

Neil Kelly: Veronica, I think Feather River have completed their annual plan. It's not certified. So I don't know if you want to go in and take a look if people want to see what it looks like.

Veronica Parker: OK. One second.

Neil Kelly: Let me know if that's putting Feather River on the spot.

Veronica Parker: So let me go to Feather River. All right, so Feather River, here is their annual plan. All of the content is in there. Its still in draft status. But it is completely filled out.

So here is their executive summary, which talks about how they will be-- how the consortium will implement their plan for the 2023 program year. And then if I scroll down, their regional overview is provided as well. And then they have also identified their regional needs. So they provided a description of the gaps in service or regional needs.

And you can also see some of the formatting features that they have utilized, such as the bold headings, bullet points, et cetera. And here are descriptions of how the gaps were identified and then a description of how effectiveness will be measured. And so they have one regional need for their annual plan.

And if I hit the Next button, then we'll be able to see their educational needs. So here they have named their strategy. So they are-- their strategy is gaps and service, digital literacy. And one of their activities is internet access for this particular strategy.

And then their metrics, so here are all of the metrics that applies to this particular activity/strategy from their list of metrics in the three-year plan. So you can see all of the metrics that they had available to them and then their strategy description. So they said the member districts will adopt a curriculum to address the digital computer and technology learning needs of the students served. And they say that this strategy addresses the CAEP state priority of technology and distance learning.

And so they have an additional strategy for addressing educational needs. And this one is marketing outreach. Same process, where they have named the strategy. They have identified the activity that applies to the strategy. And they have identified the metrics that are applicable to this particular activity and strategy. And then they have provided us a description.

And then here is a third strategy and so on and so forth. So they have provided all of the strategies for this particular section. And then improve integration of service, same concept, where they have named their strategies, provided the activity from their three-year plan, as well as the metrics from their three-year plan that addresses this particular activity and strategy. And then they have described the strategy. And they have multiple strategies for this particular objective.

And improve effectiveness, same idea or same task completed, where they have named the strategy. They have provided the activity that applies to the strategy from the three-year plan, as well as the metrics and their descriptions.

Neil Kelly: Veronica?

Veronica Parker: Mhm?

Neil Kelly: Michele from LA consortium has her annual plan in a template form. So if you give her sharing rights, she could share what they went through. It kind of look similar to this, but it's for the LA consortium. So I don't know if you can give her sharing rights.

Veronica Parker: Yeah, we could definitely do that next. And then here is the fiscal management section. So they've identified how their plan allocations are consistent with the annual adult education plan, which is based on a three-year plan, and then their approach to carryover funds.

And so you can preview all of this information on the preview page. And then now they are just in the process of submitting. And then the consortium will approve or reject their annual plan.

And so anyone with access to NOVA can actually see other consortia annual plans through your plans, et cetera. You just need to go to your consortium member's page, click on the consortium in which you would like to review. So let's say after you leave this meeting, you want to go back and review Feather River's.

And you just type in their consortium name. Click on the consortium. Scroll down to the sixth section here. Click on the annual plan. And you can view this information.

And you only have view access. So you will not be able to alter any of their information or anything of that nature. But anyone with access to NOVA can view other consortia information, just as an FYI.

So I'm going to stop sharing. And Michele, you said Michele Stiehl, right?

Neil Kelly: Yes.

Veronica Parker: OK. Michele, I'll give you access to be able to share your screen.

Michele Stiehl: Awesome.

Veronica Parker: And there you are.

Michele Stiehl: Cool. Hold on one second. I just wanted to share just what I really loved is-- we weren't sure how this was going to work in past annual plans. It was always challenging to take the three year plan and then figure out, where do you put everything into the annual plan?

And I just loved how much they aligned with each other and how it was super simple. So for us, it was really just, here's our strategy. And then all I did was most of this was a cut-and-paste job.

So I just went to our three-year plan. I looked for, what are the things that we're going to start on this year? I pasted in here.

We modified some of the text a little bit to just deal with what's this year. But it was really cut and paste. And then we put in outcomes, too. These things that are right from those little boxes where it said "short term." And I found that since we did short term already, this is what we're going to do in 12 months, it made it super simple to take every one of those things and just paste it in here.

Some of ours are a little multipart. So instead of having a zillion strategies, we made one overarching strategy, like materials for special populations. And then we put all the items that we were going to do around that there. So we have multiple things we're going to do for this one strategy. But it kept it so that it was a little more streamlined in terms of strategy. We weren't looking at a zillion pages.

And we just went through and did that for each one of the areas in the three-year plan. All we did is copy pasted everything here. And then we kept everything really the same, true to the one-year goals, if that's helpful.

I just thought it was really-- I thought this template was-- this was my favorite time doing an annual plan because everything really aligned really well. So thank you all of you for making this align really well this year. I appreciate it.

Neil Kelly: Thanks, Michele. Appreciate your sharing. All right, any other discussions, sharing? Questions, comments?

Mayra Diaz: I just want to chime in really quick and say thank you all for those that contributed the feedback that you provided in helping us making sure that we were able to align it. That was easy for you to be able to access. So we're always looking for that feedback in ways that we can go in and whenever we have to update NOVA and make any updates or whatnot. But we do appreciate all the feedback that we received, all the contributions. So thank you so much for that.

Veronica Parker: All right, and I see a question from Emma. And I don't believe it's been answered, regarding this. There are a number of metrics that should be used as a minimum or maximum. And to the best of my knowledge-- and, Neil or Mayra, please correct me if I'm wrong-- but there is no minimum or maximum.

Neil Kelly: Right.

Veronica Parker: Well, I guess the minimum would be at least one because that is a required field. So you will need at least one. But no maximum that I am aware of.

Neil Kelly: And, Veronica, what are the dates on the director's event. Again, I'm trying to find it. I'll put it in the chat.

Veronica Parker: Right, it's September 19 through 23. The registration is not open yet. We hope to have it open in the next couple of weeks. However, the Save the Date will be released to consortia leads and members this afternoon. We'll also have an entry in the newsletter. So that information is forthcoming.

And it's going to be a virtual experience over the course of five days, one to two sessions. So half, 90-minute to half-days for the week. And then that Friday, the 23rd, is the new lead onboard training. And so the target audience is, of course, new consortium leads. However, anyone who wants to participate in that experience at the consortium leadership level, you are definitely welcome to participate.

And I see Holly has posted links in here regarding the summit. Summit registration is open. It will also be a virtual experience this year. We moved away from three days to four days to accommodate varying schedules. We will have alternating start and end days-- start times for each of the days, as well as end times for each of the days. But that will be October 25 through October 28.

Call for proposals is also still open. The call for proposals align to our statewide priorities. So there are seven of them, ranging from equity to learner transition to leadership, marketing, technology, and distance learning, program evaluation, and program development.

So if you have a practice or a program that you have implemented or anything of that nature and you think that it will be worthwhile for the CAEP field to learn about and potentially implement, please be sure to complete a call for proposal. We are still looking for proposals in all of the statewide priorities. None of the priorities have been filled up at this point. So all of the priorities are open and available.

And then we also have nominating a model program. So if you have a model program that you feel is worthy of recognition and would like to be shared to all CAEP practitioners, please submit the model, model program. I actually see some of our recipients from LA as well as Riverside Adult School was on this webinar and then others as well. But yes, please submit all of those pieces-- model programs, call for proposal, and register for the summit. And directors' event information is forthcoming.

All right, I'm not seeing anything else. Oh, here is a question. OK, this is for Mayra, Neil, Gary.

Neil Kelly: So this is from Mendocino Community College. At this time, will CAEP and the Chancellor's Office and CDE leadership personnel will be shared? It seems that they have new leadership and leads are coming on board, but I'm not aware of who's leading what and who in our program. Is it Euline? Am I mispronouncing your name?

Euline Olinger: No, you're correct. It's Dr. Olinger. Thank you, Mr. Adams.

Gary Adams: My name is Gary Adams. I'm the dean of the CAEP program. Mayra Diaz is the program lead. Lindsay Williams is the program manager. And Sanjay Mehta is the program analyst.

Carolyn Zachary is the director at CDE. I think you know Carolyn. And Neil is the program lead. So that completes what I would call the CAEP office. And Veronica and Renee represent the CAEP TAP. Any other questions?

Euline Olinger: Thank you.

Gary Adams: Thank you. Thank you.

Veronica Parker: All right, so I am not seeing anything else. Oh, Janai, Neil, I don't know if you-- oh, you caught it, AB1491. All right, so if there are no further questions, I think it may be safe to move towards closing. OK. Eileen asks, are you all from the Chancellor's Office, as I see the seal?

Gary Adams: Well, they're both representatives of the Chancellor's Office, as well as CDE, in addition to our TAP. Is that your question, Eileen?

Eileen Stear: Yes. I was thinking then who is over at CAEP? Because I'm a little confused now. Is it all the Chancellor's Office and Neil and Carolyn? I don't understand. Maybe you can help me out there. Because Neil was always over at CAEP. And so now I'm not sure who's representing CAEP, then.

Gary Adams: So Neil now works for CDE. And the program lead for the Chancellor's Office was replaced. The Chancellor's Office and CDE collaborate on the administration of the program. Does that answer your question, Eileen?

Eileen Stear: Yes, it did, Gary. The thing that I was thinking is because we're always a little separate, the Chancellor's Office and the CAEP. And I'm trying to figure out what's happening here because, I mean, I have to tell you that Neil's the guy for me. So when I see his face, I'm clapping, because we started together. So it feels a little weird.

Gary Adams: Eileen, Neil and I have worked together for years. And Neil's the guy as far as I'm concerned as well. But he now works for CDE. And we had to replace his position at the Chancellor's Office. It doesn't mean we've lost Neil. As far as I know, Neil plans to keep on doing the great work that he has been doing.

Eileen Stear: That makes me really happy. That's like a party in myself.

Gary Adams: Oh good.


Eileen Stear: Since we're used to certain things, Gary, then what we don't have--

Gary Adams: I totally understand that.

Eileen Stear: [inaudible] is saying an organizational chart and their role because we've always had direct access to Neil as the Chancellor's Office. And so I'm a little, I'm a little shaky because I want to know who I can talk to and feel like we're being represented because it has always been two things, CAEP and Chancellor's. So now that you're saying they're blended, that's awesome.

Gary Adams: And I think what you can do is you can reach out directly. Continue. Neil has tremendous knowledge of the program, as you're aware. And Mayra is our new program lead from the Chancellor's Office. So together, the two of them provide the continuity that I think you're looking for. But I do appreciate your question.

This program, Neil, you came over to the Chancellor's Office in 2011, correct? And prior to that, you did adult Ed for CDE. So Neil has been in the program area, as you say, for quite some time.

Eileen Stear: Mhm.

Neil Kelly: Right, so, Eileen, what would happen is so if you have a question. You send it to TAP. If it's policy and it's related to community college statute, maybe program approval or something related to specifically to ed code for community colleges, then it would go to Mayra. If it was specific to K-12 or county office, ed code, or policy, they would send it to me.

And if it wasn't like that, so TAP could help with technical assistance if it wasn't policy related. And so they kind of triage that. Or you can always email us directly. But that's kind of how the separation of duties is working between the two offices.

And then Gary and Carolyn are the administrators of the program. So they oversee and coordinate between the two agencies.

Eileen Stear: Thank you, Neil. That was really helpful, and you too, Gary. It's just that when we don't have access to-- we don't try to have access to you guys very often because it's usually a silly question from a member. And I love my members. But it's usually, Neil, I'm sure, rolling his eyes when it gets to him. Thanks, Neil.

But the whole thing is I've been over here a long time. And when changes get made, we get your titles, but we don't know where to move next because Neil's answers are always logical for all of us on the K-12 or program side. And it's not always that way when you're dealing with a community college. I happen to deal between both. But the answers need to be clear for us that are answering the people questions. That's all I was saying.

Gary Adams: And I understand. And if you don't get clear answers from the Chancellor's Office, reach out directly to me. All right?

Eileen Stear: It's not that. I wanted to know, Neil's moved three times now since I started this program. And it sounded--

Gary Adams: I see.

Eileen Stear: --like he was leaving us.

Gary Adams: No. Neil, you don't have any plans to retire, I don't think?

Neil Kelly: Never say never. You never know what can happen. I was almost dead two years ago. So you never know.

Eileen Stear: Well, we revived you.

Gary Adams: Yeah. Well, Neil, you and I have worked together for years. And as Eileen and others on this call value you, I value you as well. And I know that Carolyn does. So you're a tremendous resource. I think all of us were very concerned two years ago.

Eileen Stear: Absolutely.

Gary Adams: But thankfully you're back in fine fettle and helping us down the road. So I think we're all the better for it. And thank you for your questions, Eileen.

Eileen Stear: Thank you, Gary. Not trying to cause trouble, just clarification.

Gary Adams: No, no, questions are always welcome. All right.

Eileen Stear: Neil, I don't care that your foot is tied to that desk. We'll see you in the next webinar.


Neil Kelly: All right. Thanks, Eileen.

Eileen Stear: Thank you, though.

Gary Adams: We will put something on the CAEP website for you. All right?

Eileen Stear: Thank you. It looks like there's a lot of people in this chat running an org chart is what I keep seeing. It's just that we're all, especially us long-term-- hi, Veronica-- this long-term group that is very, very--

Gary Adams: No, I understand.

Eileen Stear: --connected with Neil and Veronica and Holly. It's we just need to know.

Gary Adams: I totally understand. We're more than happy to put an org chart on the website. All right?

Eileen Stear: Thank you so much.

Gary Adams: You're certainly welcome. Thank you, Eileen. And thank you those who have been asking.

Veronica Parker: All right. John, you have your hand up?

John Werner: Yeah. Thank you, Veronica, for noticing that. So yeah, Eileen, I think-- this is John. I'm the president of CAEAA. And I think what you're sensing and feeling-- right, we're in good hands, but I just think it speaks to how the joint administration of CAEP over the years, even from the days of AB86 through AB104 into our current iteration and work that we're doing with the changes, but the joint administration of the program has really been a good model, particularly when we consider struggles in the field, where we're asking the colleges and in the K-12 world to come together to do these joint strategies and to work together for all the good purposes and objectives outlined in the ed code, some of which we saw today and others, that the architects of this grand experiment or vision had so many years ago.

So I just think it's a good model. And we're going to see, yeah, those staffing changes are hard to track with and follow. And that causes a lot of questions around the field that kind of come back to some of us in the professional organization, leadership positions. But that ongoing joint administration is just absolutely critical. So it's a [inaudible] initiative, really.

Gary Adams: Sorry, John. It is, indeed, something that is critical. It is the thing that sets California off, right, that there is the collaboration between the two systems. So that moves forward.

There have been some staffing changes. That happens in every organization. But even though they're new staff at the Chancellor's Office, there is ongoing stability in terms of our program in Neil, in Veronica, in the folks that you have trusted over the years.

And Neil, thank you for putting that in the chat. But we'll put something up on the website that will more fully flush it out. But your points are well taken, John.

John Werner: Gary, something that may help-- I mean, just an idea, is that as we do our different in-person events, maybe that's kind of what's hurt here a little bit, is we don't get to see each other so much. And as we do our in-person events throughout the year, whether it be the summit or a state conference here or something, if we've got the folks all around and we see and that helps us know who's who and where. And then we're more familiar with faces, too, once we meet folks at those types of events.

Gary Adams: I think you're absolutely right, that directors' event, the summit, those provide the opportunity for us to get to know one another as colleagues and as friends. And it helps facilitate the collaboration. So we'll try and take more advantage of that. But thank you for your comment.

Eileen Stear: Thank you, John, for your clarification also. And, Gary, I want you to know that our consortium, I don't know, I'm pretty sure everybody else is, we work really well with our community college. They are not only collaborative and training and teaching adults with us. But we're also all friends.

The point was we just didn't understand. I've been hearing from the field and friends that are in this webinar that we didn't understand who does what and who we should talk to. So you've clarified that. And I can't thank you enough, both you and John, and Neil.

Gary Adams: Thank you, Eileen. As usual, Neil is very succinct and has put it in the chat. Thank you, Neil. Thank you, John, for raising your questions. And I see the community college of Mendocino agreeing. So I'm sure they're close collaborators between the two parties. I know that we've gone over a bit.

Veronica Parker: We're actually right at time. We were scheduled to end at 1:30. So we are approaching time.

Gary Adams: I see.

Veronica Parker: But if there's nothing else, we can definitely move towards closing. And I'm not seeing anything else, any additional hands raised or anything of that nature. So I will move forward with closing.

Again, definitely complete the evaluation. I know Holly has posted it in the chat. So please complete. And she just posted it again. Thank you, Holly. Please complete the evaluation to let us know what you thought about this webinar. But then also let us know if there's anything additional you are needing, especially around this annual plan, as the format is different. We're aligning closer to the three-year plan, so on and so forth.

But thank you, Neil, Mayra, Gary, Holly, Lindsay, and all of you very much for participating this afternoon. Again, if you have any questions related to the Annual Plan or any of the other CAEP deliverables or anything else, please be sure to contact TAP. And we will be able to provide assistance to you. And if it's specific to our CAEP leadership, we will connect with our leadership and get everything worked out for you.

So thank you all very much for your time and your participation this afternoon. And we will see you later. Take care, everyone.

Gary Adams: Take care, everyone.

Mayra Diaz: Bye. Thank you.

Janeth Manjarrez: Thank you.