[music playing]
Speaker 1: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network
Jennifer Gagliardi: My name is Jennifer Gagliardi. I teach with Milpitas Adult School. And I'm a subject matter expert for OTAN. And I usually present on topics of citizenship and technology.
I particularly use YouTube a lot because I record my students citizenship practices and that's been developed into a YouTube channel. So today I will be talking about YouTube, but before we begin, I'm actually going to upload a video and then we're going to return to the video and we're going to talk about adding closed captions. Also before we begin, would anybody like to introduce themselves or does anybody have any specific questions? Does anybody have any YouTube channels themselves? OK. Great.
So here I am. This is one of the websites that I'm actually going to be using or excuse me YouTube channels I'm going to actually be using. I'm in my studio. I'm going to upload a YouTube channel and then we'll return to this after the presentation.
So I've-- excuse me. I'm going to start this again. Up, up on the right-- up on the right, right corner, we see the create. And we see something that looks like a movie projector. We're going to click that.
It's going to say upload videos. We're going to select the file. We're selecting the file here. And this is just a 10-second video of me saying Hello.
Here I can change the title. So I'm going to say, Hello. I can add a description. And I can upload a thumbnail. And a lot of times I create thumbnails that basically look like an introductory screen or just simply a photo of myself and maybe say, Hello from Jennifer. We could do that in a later part.
I can add it to playlists. So I have a whole bunch of playlists here from ESL1. So I'm going to say something about student. I'm going to add to student interviews. OK. Done.
I'm going to go further down. I'm going to-- you have to say that if it's made for kids or not made for kids. So I'm saying no it's not made for kids. And here I can add things in here like, do I have a paid promotion? No, I don't have a paid promotion.
I want to allow automatic chapters. So what does that mean? It's basically special or certain points in your video where either you change the subject or change the slide or introduce another topic. You want that to be enabled so you can-- so your users can pinpoint where they want to start and stop on the video.
We can add tags, for instance, like ESL or I can add in my hometown, or I can add an Adult Education, or edtech. I want to note the video language then so my video language is in English. And I'm going to basically say that this content has never aired on television in the United States.
The recording date is going to default today and the recording of the video location is going to default to my hometown. Here, I would be adding my standard YouTube license. The other choices I could do is Creative Commons, and you can basically specify the attributions. However, I want to stick with standard YouTube license. The reason is because if somebody violates your copyright, you have recourse to basically-- to file a complaint with YouTube and they can take that down for you.
Do I want people to sample the content? So, for instance, do I want my students or other people to come in and cut up basically take a film clips from it and use it in their own materials? I don't necessarily want to do that. Of course, you can basically choose that yourself.
I'm going to say that this is basically entertainment. Maybe you could say it's entertainment and activity, but it's-- I'm saying that it's education. And Oh, and then again, the United States and those kind of things.
Video elements. I could add subtitles and it's basically-- this is going to be automatic. So this is-- they're going to develop the closed captions there.
The check. Checks is there's no copyright. So YouTube has basically reviewed the video that I already uploaded and they're making sure have I basically copied somebody else's music. And then now we're going to say, I can make it private, unlisted, or public.
So what does that mean? Public, everybody can see the video. Unlisted means only people with the specific links can watch the video. That could be an approp-- that could be a good for your certain group of students that you want to see and maybe people outside your group you don't want them to see it. And then private would be one on one, only you and the student you choose to share it with you.
So again, I'm going to say public, or I can even schedule the premiere and it's going to publish. I had the link that I can share and I'm going to come back to that.
So anyway, it's now-- I can see it on my dashboard. It's going to basically go through its checks. And we're going to come back to this and basically do things with closed captions in a little bit. So let me go back to this, and I'm going to go back now to my presentation.
So during this we're going to talk about adding content to a YouTube channel, create playlists to deliver targeted content, and answer questions about closed captions, privacy, et cetera for future webinars. So let's get to creating a YouTube channel. I want to go through the initial steps and then I'm going to demonstrate this.
So here you can basically simply log in with your Gmail account. When you log in with your Gmail account, you can basically say, I want to create a channel. It's going to show this button that says get started. They're going to choose-- they're going to ask you what name do you want to use? Do you want to use your own name or do you want to create a custom name.
So, for instance, instead of saying I want to be Jennifer Gagliardi it's going to say I wanted to be Milpitas ESL1. Or if you notice in the previous demo, I basically said I was Milpitas Chat. You could upload a profile picture and add descriptions, links, et cetera. You want to do this a little bit later. First, you just want to get that channel off the ground.
Then you can start customizing it with your own creative videos. So some of the ideas for the videos that you can start uploading, you can upload cell phone videos. And my students are always taking videos of each other during their practice. You can start having students share those videos for class consumption.
You do have to get permission from your students. And our students when they register for the classes, they do sign a photo waiver. Now, the people who do not send that photo waiver do not agree to that, I simply do not videotape them.
You can upload your live streams, you can upload the PowerPoint saved as MP4s, you can upload recorded meetings via Google Meet and Zoom, screencasts for your Loom, or Screencastify. But more importantly, today we're probably going to focus a little bit more on adding content from other YouTube channels. For instance, adding videos and playlists.
You can customize the way your videos are uploaded. You can basically say, I want to set all my videos to public unless I state so differently. I want all my videos to be listed under education and then you can pick your licenses.
And, again you can add information about your account especially with channel keywords. One thing that you may want to make a decision about initially and then you can change your mind later is do you want to allow advertisements to be displayed along your videos? In particularly when you're starting out with your own, with a channel related to your school, you may want to uncheck this until you basically see what's happening with your channel, who's accessing your channel, what content is being uploaded to your channel by your staff and your students. And then you can basically scroll down to the end of this at your own school website.
So now we can make checks on about keeping your light videos private. And why would you want to do that? It's that you want people to focus in on what you're doing as somebody who represents their school. What kind of videos do you want them to be-- want to be associated with that.
So, for instance, sometimes I might be on my own school website and I happen to see Oh, there's a new video by Stephen Colbert. Well, it's OK for me to that. But the thing is does that represent the fact that I liked a video, we're not related to my school. Is that a good representation of my school? It isn't. So I want to keep that kind of stuff private.
I want to keep my subscriptions private as well because, for instance, I don't want-- I have no problem letting people know what I'm subscribed to, but again, I want to stay on brand specifically for my own school YouTube account. Now, my personal YouTube account, I don't care about that, but for my own school YouTube account, I want to be a little bit more careful.
Now, this is one thing that you want to uncheck. You want to talk about your saved playlists to keep them private. You don't want to do that. You want to make the public. For instance, if you import a playlist from ESL or YouTube ESL, a channel, you want to make sure that your students can see that on their front page.
So that's one thing that you-- that's one reason because you're going to be trying to share content from other channels. You want to-- so make sure you uncheck it here or you might even see that looks like that way. So keep all my safe playlists private. No, you want to not make it private because you want to see those-- you don't want your students to see the save playlist.
So if you want further information about channel customization, there is a specific-- there's a specific playlist done by YouTube. And this is the bit.ly right here. It's bit.ly/yt-creator. And that's all in small characters. . There's five videos. There's more in here about customizing your own channel branding, how to add captions, adding chapters to your videos using timestamps, boosting the performance, and getting more views with cards, et cetera, et cetera.
So let me check the next slide real quick. So I'm going to step out of this very quickly. And I'm going to demonstrate a very quick way to start a YouTube channel. So I'm going to stop share.
And now, Hi, Gretchen. Good. All right. I hope everybody is seeing the Google page. So what I'm going to do--
Speaker 2: Yes.
Jennifer Gagliardi: Yes. So what I'm going to do, I'm going to go here, I'm going to switch to one of my accounts that I hope does not have a YouTube account. So I'm going to sign in. I'm going to go up to the waffle on the top. I'm going to go to YouTube. I'm already logged on as Milpitas Chat. What I want to do is I want to switch account. And I want to go to that new website.
So here it's saying, it's basically-- got it. So here it's going to say create a channel. So now this is where I would be uploading that picture. I could change the name. And then I would simply say create a channel.
What you're going to be confronted with is something very barebones. Here, this is where you can start-- this is where you would be uploading the videos. This is where your videos would appear, your playlist, channel, be about where you would change things. This is where you would be adding information about your different settings. So I just wanted to show you that a very, very barebones YouTube account just as you're beginning.
I'm now going to step back into the YouTube presentation. And what I want-- so again, please go to the YouTube Creator Academy account. Take a look at this playlist. Again, I provide the quick link here, bit.ly/yt-creator, and take a look at these five videos that can tell you much more clearly and give you a really great demo of what it's like to just get your YouTube channel up off the ground.
So now I'm going to continue on with my presentation. What are the things that I want people to think about when they're planning out or if they're just thinking about their YouTube channel, is the hierarchy that you want to have. So at the very, very top you want to have something that basically welcomes people to your channel.
So I have something here related to-- I believe this is Oh, this is my citizenship podcast. So this is something that's basically welcoming people to the channel. I have playlists that talk about important USCIS news alerts, some interviews that I've done, and more creative videos here.
So these are what are called created, sorry created playlist where I'm basically picking and choosing the videos and the sequence that they appear so the students can follow along in a sequential manner. Again, here's another created playlist. And then here's a series of playlists that students can access.
Also on the side, they take-- YouTube has taken this away and put this actually at the very bottom of the page. They talked about featured channels that are channels that you want to have associated with your channel or basically support the content in your channel.
Another way to look at this is looking at this as a graph. So, of course, on your front page, you want your channel header, which is basically the title of your channel, you want to have your feature video that welcomes people, you want to have your uploads that show your most recent things that you've uploaded to your channel, you have created playlists that are videos that you've organized by you on a certain topic, and then save a playlist things that you've imported from other channels that basically illustrate a topic or that was chosen by another creator.
So digging a little bit further into what a playlist is it's a series of order videos that allow viewers to watch multiple videos in a predetermined order by the playlist owner. So sometimes you're going to be watching the videos that I picked, and sometimes you can be watching videos that have been picked by another creator.
The playlist can be composed of videos that have been uploaded by you, the channel owner or that have been uploaded by another creator and then saved and imported to your channel. So this is important to notice that you're not taking somebody else's material, you're not stealing somebody else's video, you're not downloading that video, and the real uploading it to your channel and presenting it as if it's your own material, you're basically creating something almost like an alias that links the material that's on another creator's channel to your own channel.
Again, we have more information here about playlists and account creation. This is the quick leak, it's bit.ly/playlist-help. And that's all lowercase. We have information here about creating and managing the playlist, sharing videos, and sharing playlists. So again, please take a look at this bit.ly/playlist-help.
So I'm going to start now getting into the whole thing about adding content to your channel. I just want to step out just for a second and make sure, does anybody have any questions as we continue? Somebody said no, not yet, or yes.
OK. Oh, no, not yet. They don't have a channel to themselves. Now, I want to do a shout out to Gretchen just for a second. I know she has a new podcast associated or that you can find on her website, at Lighthearted learning and what's really-- no, the podcast is no? No, wait. Gretchen go ahead.
Gretchen Bitterlin: Lighthearted learning is Jayme Goldstein., not me.
Jennifer Gagliardi: Oh, OK. I'm going to check. So I'm going to talk about Jayme just for a second. Gretchen you should get your own podcast, you can come on my podcast. How about-- that would be cool? You want to talk about citizenship? That would be awesome.
Gretchen suggested a really good playlist, the other day I believe by a Syrian-American What was the?
Gretchen Bitterlin: The website, ameerUSA.com A-M-E-E-R
Jennifer Gagliardi: They have a very, very good YouTube channel. So what happened, I can show this to you a little bit later, was that they have wonderful videos in Syrian and in English. So I have a playlist for Muslim-American citizens. So it's basically different-- so especially during Ramadan a lot of my students couldn't come to class. So I created a playlist, which is now over 100 videos long. And I've organized it into Urdu-speaking Muslims, Farsi-speaking Muslims, Syrian-speaking Muslims, et cetera, et cetera. and things from VOA and et cetera.
So what is happening is the people can watch these videos in line and they're from all over the internet brought together. And people have really found that very helpful. So thank you great tip on that one.
Gretchen Bitterlin: Great.
Jennifer Gagliardi: I wanted to mention Jayme's podcast. A lot of people who are creating podcasts, a lot of people are still not familiar with the podcast apps, but you can directly-- when you create a podcast and upload it to your provider, it can be ported over to YouTube. So people can be using the YouTube app to listen to podcasts which is very helpful for people. So the students who may not be as familiar with podcasting can still get access to that information.
I'm going to return to my PowerPoint. Here we are. Well, this is the Add icon. So and this is the playlist the playlist. So you're using-- any time you see this, you're able to add something to a playlist, you can select that if you want to see that video later or if you want to add it to the playlist, or you can create a new playlist. If you create a new playlist, you have to enter the playlist name. And you can use the dropdown box to select your playlist privacy setting. If it's private only, you can view the playlist and click Create.
I just want to take a second to talk about playlists privacy settings. Why would you want to create a private playlist? Well, for instance, some of our students are fluent in English, but they never learn to write. They're not very-- they're not literate. Many times they're not literate in their own language. They're fluent in speaking, but they still really struggle with writing. And there is a certain amount of shame associated with that.
So what I did was I put together really specialized targeted videos that they can watch in a sequence about things such as writing or forming letters or whatever the case may be. And I can share that playlist so they can simply watch those videos in a row, and they're not basically distracted by other people trying to show them videos. So that's been really helpful and it basically shows-- I can present the information in a systematic way.
So I'm going to make a distinction between created playlist and saved playlists. Created playlists are chosen and organized by topic by myself and saved playlists are created by another user and imported from that channel. Imported I don't mean that I've downloaded it, it means that I've created alias to this.
So here are some examples of created playlists. There's a series that I really like from VOA Learning English about that one of theirs-- what is that called? Oh, sorry, it's just a gun on my head. I have a playlist about ESL jobs. And I have some really simple videos based on ESL Basics say, for instance numbers. So these are things that I pick and choose and organize into different playlists.
Saved playlist. I've brought over a series or a playlist that was created by Mark Kulek. There's 13 videos in that playlist and is basically talking about simple grammar. Or if we were talking about food and drink because we have a lot of restaurant workers, here's another series that my students can do it.
Now, I could go-- send my students simply to Mark Kulek and say, hey, look for the food and drinks thing, but that is a massive channel with so many videos to distract the students. So if you have it on your own channel, all you need to do is say, go to my channel on YouTube, look for this playlist, click Play, and they can basically follow along. You can also basically embed this information into your Canvas course or into your distance learning management system or embed it in my blog. So they have a one stop shop where they can find the video and can follow a series of videos.
So here I'm basically showing you how I basically put a video that I found into a playlist. I found this random video from Mark Kulek about vegetables. I click the little icon that basically talks about saving or sharing. I basically say, I want to create a new playlist, I put in the name vegetables, and I get create.
Now, if I want to-- I'm going to talk about sharing this. So there's a couple of ways that I can do this. And let me step back. I could be sharing this. I could be sharing the-- I'm sorry, the URL or I can embed it here. And if I click the Start at, I can basically move where I want the students to start watching the video. I can get them to start watching it a little bit further in. For instance, there might be some introductory material in there that I want the students to skip. They can skip over that because I preset it and they can continue on.
So again, you share it by clicking the Share, copying the URL, copying and pasting the embed code. Here's an example of me copying the URL. So this one is basically going to collect all the playlists of all these videos from JenniferESL. There are about 65 videos. I don't have to send the URL for every single one of the videos. This one URL is going to take care of everything.
I could basically saved it to Facebook if I had a-- and I know that some schools have Facebook pages where the students go and visit. I have things on blogger. Some people share it to Tumblr. Whatever the case may be there's different ways to share it from YouTube.
Another thing I wanted to talk about was some people want to start videos at a certain place and they want to end videos in a certain place. So here's a way to basically modify the code. You're taking that embed code, you're specifying the start, and you're specifying the stop. So they're going to only watch 30 seconds of this video. So again, take a look at this video bit.ly/startstopvideo. Yeah. Startstopvideo. So take a look at this one and it's going to talk you where to start it and where to end it. Startstopvideo, that's. It
Also one of the things that-- now that I've gotten that video playlist, I want to basically put it on my front page of my channel so everybody can see it. So here I've basically put it on the front page and I'm going to have to show this-- they've changed this a little bit. So I'm going to show this when we go out to our-- back to our website or channel.
Let's see. Kim. Let's see I want to see if I have one more. I want to make sure that I'm in the right place.
So the next series is going to be about channel resources. So now this is a good place for me to stop this. And I'm going to step out to my channel. And we're going to modify my channel a little bit.
So this is one of my channels. Here I basically post a lot of my ESL material. I'm going to go here to cast, Oh, sorry if we take a look at my channel right now, I have a welcome from one of my January classes. I have video content organized by different quarters. I have some information probably the seven part. I have a video playlist from JenniferESL. And another one from JenniferESL. And I've organized groups of playlists here, created playlists and things about conversations. So I go to customize channel
I bet I have to log in again. Make sure that I'm logged in. There I go. Customized channel. And I hear music.
So here, again, this is going to be up here when you get the customized channel, you're going to have the channel trailer for people who haven't subscribed versus people who subscribe. So these are simply welcome videos. We're going to have playlists that-- we're going to have playlists that are already been organized and we're going to have featured channels below.
I can basically change the sequence by simply pushing these up and down. You have to publish it so you can see the changes that are made. So a lot of your modification of your channel will be done here in channel customization.
So what I want to do right now is I want to go back to my channel. And, for instance, I am going to-- right now we're doing things about medical interviews. So I'm going to type ESL medical interview or actually it's a doctor's appointment.
There's a couple ways that I can do it. So I'm seeing some really good things here that I would like to or-- like to add. I can simply hit the snowman on that side. I could say Save to playlist. And I can create this new playlist and I can say, ESL Doctor Appointment. So Appointment. So I create.
And now if I want to add this one, I can simply say Save to the playlist and I can simply click this. And now that's been-- it's been saved. Let's get one more. Save to playlist. Again, ESL OK. So now I think I might get one more simply just because I want to get something in there about sequence. So again, Save to playlist. ESL Doctor Appointment.
Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to my channel. I can go to customize channel. I see, no, right now I'm not seeing that playlist I just created. I want to add that so my students can see the first thing because that's the co-ops that we're doing.
But I can't add anything more because I already have enough material on there. So what I'm going to do-- what I'm going to do right now is I'm basically going to delete one of these things, remove the section. And now I can add that new playlist I wanted to do. So I can talk about I want to add a single playlist and I want to add the playlist that I just created.
So the playlist that I just created is now called, well-- am I not seeing it. MAE emergency. Oh, the reason why I can't add it is because I haven't be able-- I haven't made it-- I haven't made it public yet. So let's make that public and then we can continue on.
So now we're going to go to the playlist. We have the ESL Doctor Appointments. I want to edit it.
One of the first things I want to do is I want to make it public. I can say I want-- I can move it into whatever sequence that I want. I'll say, hey, that looks really good.
And then now I can basically say, so now it's public. Now, when I go back to my channel and I customize it again. Now I can add the section. I hope. Oh.
I could add the section, I could add the single playlist. I can add the ESL playlist. It's at the very bottom I want to move it up slowly. It doesn't like the audit that really quick jumps. And if I publish it, view the channel.
It might take a second for it to refresh. But when it refreshes-- Yeah. Now it's refreshing. The students can see it there. But if you still need to share this with the students, you can basically click the Share, grab that URL, paste it into an email to your students, and it could be disseminated to all your students.
So I'm now going to step back into my presentation. But before I do that, any questions, any questions, everybody OK? Zoom? OK.
So now I'm going to go into more channel resources. And the reasons why I'm going into channel resources is because I want to talk about-- people don't already-- some people don't already have the videos that they want to show their students. They want to build up their channel and then start incorporating student videos.
So first one that I like to use, especially lower level students is Mark Kulek. So this is a Yes or Yeah or EFLs teacher in Japan. And originally I did not like this channel because I'm thinking it's too cute, it's cartoons, it's slow, it's repetitive. And the things that I didn't like the-- didn't like or exactly the student-- the things that the students wanted to see. So I really saw them sitting there and repeating after Mark Kulek, and basically taking things slow and having them watch every single movement of the presentation.
So I'm saying, well, maybe I'm taking a look at this as a native speaking teacher, maybe I should think about what is appropriate for my own students. So the more I started incorporating Mark Kulek into my curriculum, talking about certain grammar points or short dialogues, whatever the case may be, it was really, really helpful for my low level students.
Another one that's good for us-- for intermediate users is 7ESL. So they have a lot of things in there about points of grammar, idioms. What is that called? Phrasal verbs. So this is really good. Again, it's very slow. And they use a type of technology where they basically are drawing out the drawing out the presentation as they're saying the words. So it's really interesting and they're really riveted.
Now, some of these videos can be as long as 15 minutes. I like to show this to my students and maybe 1 to 3 minute chunk. So again, taking a look at the products from 7ESL is really good.
A lot of people love to use JenniferESL. So this is great for multi-level English language learners. She does a lot in there about common phrasal verbs and she stopped doing some member-only live stream. So those are good too.
So take a look at the things from JenniferESL. A couple years ago she was doing a lot, especially with business communication. So that was really good. And I'm going to demo something from her and it's just a bit.
A lot of people are familiar with VOA News and VOA Learning English. These are basically the YouTube channels for those two websites. And again, especially the one from VOA Learning English, they put up 1 minute or what do they call it? VOA 60 seconds. And they take four news stories from all over the world and basically present it within one minute.
So this was a really good conversation starter for my students where they are identifying where this is happening. They might share with what they know about the story already. They might talk about that this person-- what their leadership position is. So that's been a very appropriate. Also VOA Learning English has a really good series about the American presidents and their own language learning situation.
Speaker 3: Jennifer, we have two questions.
Jennifer Gagliardi: Yeah.
Speaker 3: Will you be sharing the presentation and created playlist is like a curated list?
Jennifer Gagliardi: Yeah, exactly. So let me-- can I just take a second and throw the links into the chat? So that's the link in the chat. Anybody have a problem with that? Is everybody able to access that?
And then a curated list is a created list. So that's what I mean by curated. You're the one who's picking. You're previewing all the videos. And you're putting them in a special sequence and you're sharing them with your students. And you can set the privacy, the privacy settings. You choose the privacy settings.
So for instance, if I have a student who really needs to address their writing skills, forming the letters skills. I can create a special playlist just for that student. And only they have access to that. So I have created playlist for numeracy, for citizenship, for Civics, anything that you want to create it for and share it with your students you can do that.
Let me-- I'm going to step back into the PowerPoint. This one is really a great series. Again, this is a part of VOA or associated with VOA. It's called American English at State. And so they not only have a video playlist for teachers about tips for teaching English or talking about journalism. No excuse me, let me step back to that. They have a whole series of different playlists about teaching English. Also they have video playlists related to teaching 21st century skills, learning idioms, conversational English. So there's something for students and they're also something there for teachers as well.
One of the things that I'm personally very interested in is news literacy. And VOA Learning English put out a series of six videos about news literacy. And then American English followed up with that on a-- what is it called? MUC? I'm forgetting about that right this very second. But it's basically an online course about teaching people journalistic skills.
So I was trying to move my students from not only being critical of the news and looking at different sources about the news, and then for them to move from that into contributing to the news. So now I have students actually sending in news reports or-- many reports about what's happening in their neighborhood or pictures that they're taking around town. They're contributing that to their local newspaper. And a lot of that stuff was informed by what was happening on American English at State.
I want to talk about one more initiative that the State Department is promoting is another channel called Share America. And Share America is talking about different issues related to our foreign and not-- yeah, what do I want to say? International relations. So we're talking about, for instance, they're talking about stories from Ukrainian Americans, they're talking about some of their experiences in the earlier war, or they're talking about our commitment to climate change, or they're talking about different parts of America. And they have these videos in multiple languages. So again, really good initiatives from VOA from American English at State and from Share America coming out of the State Department.
I have one more resource I wanted to talk about was gcflearnfree.org. They have a whole-- they, of course, we know their website where they basically have information about workforce skills. This is their website where they're basically hosting all the videos that appear on their website. So you're going to be able to assign these playlists to your students so they can take a look at this. I wanted to stop just very quickly and to share this with people.
And can I ask, what my time is right now?
Debbie Jensen: It is 1:49.
Jennifer Gagliardi: And so I have about 40 minutes to go? Is that correct?
Debbie Jensen: If you're going for the 90 minute, if you're going for the 60 minute, then you have (Inaudible) 11. So it depends on whether you're going for it. Are you going for the 60 minute present session or the 90 minute present session.
Jennifer Gagliardi: It depends. It really depends on-- I'm going to stop maybe my presentation about 11 minutes. I'm going to get back more to demo. So let me return to my presentation.
Does anybody have any other suggestions for any resources that they would like to share that they use online? Some people if you are dealing with very, very low literacy students, some people like to use Zero English which is good about simply doing numbers and alphabet and tongue twisters. They want to share anything from YouTube that they really like. Let's Chat.
Thank you for-- thanks Karen for the 90 minute shout out. I may need to take a drink of water on that-- before that. So I'm going to continue on with the presentation. Let me close the chat.
So I want to talk now about actually using the YouTube videos in the classes. So I know we've talked very quickly about our channel creation, you talked very quickly about the importance of playlists. So we're trying to basically choose the videos that our students are watching and having them focus in on a single topic so they don't basically go off topic and wander into the farthest reaches of the internet particularly if they start watching the shorts, it's basically-- shorts are on YouTube are very much like TikTok or you could just watch one after one and an hour go by and no homework has happened so.
So one thing that really isn't on YouTube or what is actually better to go to the actual website is we speak NYC. And this was a series that was originally created I think in 2008 by the Office of Immigrants in New York City. And then they returned to the series and I think 2018 or 2019. And so they're talking about stories, not specifically related to citizenship but related to El Civics.
So there's things in there about-- let's see, what is that called? They have things in there about domestic violence, depression, diabetes, asthma. And the asthma one is particularly interesting because they're talking about asthma, but they're using the filming of a telenovela to tell the story about how to treat asthma. Or they're using the whole thing about-- for a first date to talk about financial literacy. Or they're using the whole thing about joining a soccer team to talk about the importance of back to school issues.
The new-- these are two videos from the latest series the 2018 series with this young girl in the middle, she's really interested in nutrition. She's interested in getting a good job. But her eagerness to share her knowledge about nutrition and healthy food really gets in her way of doing a good job at work. So she comes off almost as a really judgmental person when she's looking at people's what they're trying to buy in the grocery store and she makes-- starts trying to make quote unquote "helpful suggestions" and her boss is like, you can't do that.
And meanwhile, so she's trying to do this good job, but she's also trying to balance this against trying to do well in her high school. And they also visit a-- what is that called? A food pantry and to give out food to needy families. So it's really they're bringing a lot of elements together into a single episode.
Also with the whole thing about crossing the street, they have something in there about interracial love and debate and working at a bakery. So you got two things that I love just right there in the single episode. So taking a look at some of these videos and taking a look at the PDFs that are attended to it. So they have little photo novellas that are related to each one of the episodes or they have things related to Civic. So, for instance, they have little small little guides about what happens if you're stopped by the police or about the domestic violence, et cetera. So that stuff can be really, really super helpful.
So again, I cannot make the-- I can't suggest that enough. Somebody-- Linda Lamon talked about Bob the Canadian. I did not know that he-- Oh, yes, I did know he had videos. Bob the Canadian is really great. So you'll follow him. He starts in the parking lot and you follow him into the grocery store or hardware store. And he's a very-- he's a very joyful person and has a very good sense of humor. And so people really-- he's very, very entertaining.
It reminds me of a podcast that came out of Canada for ESL it was called Culips. And they were-- there Canadian teachers talking and speaking in a slow and steady English pace. But this one I think you're basically seeing and you get to know Bob and you get to know his life. And so that's very, very interesting. So I'm going to definitely add Bob the Canadian to my presentation next one. So thanks a lot for reminding me about that.
Back to this one. Again, take a look at We Speak NYC. I love using their videos, and I love using the PDFs with my literacy level class.
Next one I want to talk about is have you used you YouGlish. So YouGlish is almost like using a Google search engine, but they're accessing different videos on YouTube. And I particularly like that they usually try to pull things from Ted Talks.
But with YouGlish you get-- so you basically put in information about what you want to see. For instance, I put in the search term binge-watch. So you get to see people, you hear it spoken for pronunciation. You also see how they use it in their talk or you can basically see what it's located with or pronunciation.
So again, is anybody using YouGlish? I was using this a lot of times. Somebody just mentioned envied English lessons are fabulous. Yes. The quizzes are really, really good.
One of the things that I was having a real problem with well, not a real problem, with InVID, there was almost so much information it was basically hard to dig through. But then they basically took the opportunity to divide out some of the teachers, and then to create the channel. So I now think InVID is a much, much better resource.
So again, this is engvid.com. I prefer the-- I personally prefer their website to just illustrate YouTube things. I find things a lot better on their website. So that's a really, really super great resource. Thank you for sharing that ever.
Oh, USA Learns videos. Yeah. The US-- are you talking about what USA Learns videos. Evelyn, can you talk about is there a certain USA Learns video or a channel that you're talking about because USA Learns videos, they were reusing things from VOA News. So they were taking the Let's learn English 1 and 2. They were importing it into USA Learns. And they added a whole bunch of extra activities with that. So it made the VOA news material really pop.
So if that's the series that you're talking about or another?
Speaker 3: I think.
Jennifer Gagliardi: Yeah go ahead.
Speaker 3: I do think it's the same series I usually just I log into my USA Learns count every video you can just click on it and it'll take you to YouTube, but it is the same as the whole Putting English to work series that maybe you're referring to.
Jennifer Gagliardi: Well, wait a minute, is it Anna Mateo? Or is it the Anna Mateo 1 or is there, there is another one.
Speaker 2: It's not Anna. It's not the VOA. It's the teacher, Sylvia, or Sylvie Marquez is the teacher and she works with Adults and-- the Adult Education School.
Jennifer Gagliardi: Yeah. OK and then there was another one that was the guy with basically a shaved head. That was a really old series too. So again USA Learns their genius is taking some material and basically adding a lot of activities and really making that work. So I'm not as familiar with their series making English work, but now you really inspire me to go after that.
So again, yeah you can take a look at this those videos separately on YouTube and embed them in your Canvas course from the YouTube. But the activities on USA Learns it's going to really, really deliver that-- make that content even richer.
English For All. Yes, absolutely. Thank you very much. Thank you, Diana. VOA materials for the citizenship lessons. Really, really good.
Yeah. The VOA citizenship lessons, they used-- if you're talking about the Civic session, they reuse the content from a really older citizenship series. But again, the added video, the added activity is really, really made that really helped it. So yeah. They did a really good job.
And I'm super excited about USA Learns, they're coming out with a new course about immigration which is based off of a USCIS document which was basically welcoming immigrants to the United States and it was-- so you would have this handbook and it was published in 14 different languages. The problem is that you want it-- there's so much material in there, you actually need the activities to help process that. So I'm really, really looking forward to this new series that's coming out. And USA Learns has a really good series now for medical text. So again, USA Learns. But I hope you guys take a look at YouGlish too.
Let's see what's the next one. Oh, JenniferESL. And I wanted to talk about this in terms of how to create a transcript. So I do have a video here, a bit.ly/TR-demo transcript demo. And basically it shows how to create a transcript from a video.
So sometimes you're thinking like wow, this video that Jennifer ESL talked about when she was writing a business email to about receiving a request request for a job interview or to write a thank you for a job interview.
So how can I get this material to my students? So what you would do is you could go down to the bottom, you see the three dots at the bottom of the screen. So it's got the bottom of the video on the very right under the video, you can see open transcript. And when you open the transcript, it's going to basically see-- you're going to see the entire transcript, you can see the timestamps next to it.
So you say, well, I want to make a close paragraph exercise with this, how can I do this? If you click the snowman on the top, the three dots on the top, it will basically take the timestamps off and then you can simply copy the information, put it into a Word document or whatever text document you use, and you can start manipulating the information in there.
And I've had situations where I've actually asked upper level students to basically go in and start correcting start taking care of the punctuation in this transcript. Not down here, you can make-- you can have a choice between looking at the English auto-generated transcript. Or if you click this, it also sometimes has the choice for the English corrected transcript. So again, you can basically toggle back and forth with this and use this information again to share information with your students.
So please take a look at this bit.ly down here again, it's bit.ly/TR-demo. And you can actually see me do this and follow along on that. If people were really interested in that perhaps I can do that during the next section.
Again, I really love VOA. And particularly sometimes I like to use VOA video especially to illustrate part 12 information. So well here we have things about a woman who joined the military. And so I basically embeded in a blog. And then I also paired it up with some-- I attached it to the article itself. She has a further information in here about that she wrote a memoir about her experience of joining the military so she can finish college. And then I associated with some Civics questions. Unfortunately on the bottom, I don't-- you don't see that I've also associated this as part of my blog post with the section and the military-- the section of the N-400 about military service.
So using some of these VOA videos are so rich that you can talk about different parts of the N-400 and the Civics questions and to deliver to again reinforce the things that they're learning-- the students are learning in their citizenship class. Some people mentioned earlier the use of Edu-- sorry Edpuzzle. Edpuzzle is basically you-- is a extension by-- well, by Edpuzzle that you can add to your Google account or your YouTube account. And basically you can use it to create quizzes.
So, for instance, I took one of the president's quizzes, which is just a minute. And it will show a little bit of content and then automatically stop. And the student will basically answer these questions.
Now, don't be like the teacher Jennifer in the fact that I took a minute video and it stopped 10 times, 10 different questions. You're not learning in anything like that. So please be mindful of people's attention span. Let's see.
I just saw some-- I use short how to and do it yourself videos with this or closed caption turned on. And then they can see what is happening in here. That is really, really good idea.
Do it yourself. I had no-- that's really good. I like that.
I wanted to turn that on the on its head. Originally when I really resisted closed captions. Initially when I was posting my US citizenship stuff because I wanted people to really learn to listen and to understand what is being said because so many students would sit there and simply read the closed captions. And I said, hey, when you go to your citizenship interview, there's going to be no subtitles. No matter how hard you look at that officer, those subtitles are not going to appear.
However, now I see that this is actually an issue of justice and inclusion. So basically making sure that my closed captions are good. And now I've been challenged to actually describe what's actually happening in my videos, basically trying to get a little bit closer to inclusion. And it's going to be really, really super helpful. So again, thank you for sharing that comment.
Any other comments? Thank you, Karen I hope some people have used Edpuzzle another-- So again, this is turning a video into automatic quiz. Some people like Edpuzzle, although I have to say one thing about Edpuzzle, they have really great resources for teacher training and different ideas on how to implement that. So again, take a look at that. Yeah. Oh, can be shown once with CC and again without that? Yes, exactly.
I'm going to pick up on that with American history. Wait, what is that called? It's called Preparing the Earth from the Smithsonian. It's a joint venture with USCIS and the American History Museum in Washington DC. You can watch the citizenship videos with a closed captions on and with it off. And it's really good to toggle back and forth.
So seeing that and basically saying, you have an opportunity to watch this again. So test your understanding and go forth on that. Again, anything that basically makes our students comfortable will basically help facilitate the competency. So I really appreciate again, that comment Karen.
Again, we have similar things with Pear Deck and Nearpod. I was interested to see if anybody is actually using Edpuzzle or Pear Deck or Nearpod to basically use to turn their videos into assessments.
Another thing you can do is I did a lot of things related to the census by embedding the Census PSAs into Google Forms and so to basically help create to help teach the whole thing about the Census. So again, that was really helpful. So again, using either Nearpod, Pear Deck, Edpuzzle, or Google Forms is really helpful. Edpuzzle. Yeah. I think that's good.
Now, that's it with OTAN. So I am-- wanted to go and check screen shake is stopped OK and now I want to go and check on our YouTube channel. And I wanted to do something about closed captions really quickly.
So here we are. I'm back at my content. This is the video that I uploaded earlier. I want to go to subtitles. It shows that I have a language chosen. So let's see what language it is.
So this one is that if I basically did it right now, you would simply see the-- this is what you would see. Hopefully it can Oh, let me-- I'm sorry, I have to stop sharing and make sure you can hear the audio. Share. Sure so.
Hi, my name is Jennifer Gagliardi. I'm with-- So if you can see this, that my name is not even close. This is how-- this is what they hear-- this is what YouTube hears. I'm going to want to correct that.
OTAN as a subject matter expert for citizenship and technology. Thanks for attending my workshop. Bye. Bye.
So now what I'm going to do is I'm basically going to show how I can edit this. So what-- do I want to edit the timings? I need to push this out of the way. I'm sorry about that.
What I can do now is I would say that I can copy and paste this into a text file and create it that way. However, this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to hi. My name is Jennifer Gagliardi.
How could they even get that from? How could they even get that from Gagliardi? Oh, it's obviously this. I'm with OTAN as a Subject Matter Expert. Subject Matter Expert.
So as you can see it's just like simply correcting a text. And I can even add something about Otan.us. Publish. So now this is going to be the video language.
Hi, my name is Jennifer Gagliardi. And you're thinking well, that's good, but I only want one. I only want one line appear at one time. So basically here if I hit a return, now you're only going to see one word at a time. Great. My mouth is open, that's just wonderful.
Hi, my name is Jennifer Gagliardi. I'm with OTAN. And you can basically start moving this around and making lines appear one at a time. As a Subject Matter Expert for-- Subject Matter Expert. And again, you can see that's the time stamps to the right. Or so it is, thanks. OK. For citizenship and technology. Thanks for attending my workshop. Bye. Bye.
So now if we take a look at this again, you're going to see a much cleaner video. Hi, my name is Jennifer Gagliardi. I'm with OTAN as a Subject Matter Expert for citizenship and technology. Thanks for attending my workshop. Bye. Bye. So we could publish it.
So now if you go to the website, you're going to actually see this. We're going to go back to my YouTube channel. I'm saying, I don't want this to be my-- I don't want this to be my welcome anymore. I want to customize my channel.
I'm going to go-- I'm going to change the video. I'm going to have that Hello. Change the video, Hello. I'm going to scroll down.
And remember, I was saying that-- earlier I was saying something that I was talking about ESL Doctors Appointments. So I'm going to basically move this up. Move these up.
So now if I publish, what I'm going to see in just a second is that-- and it does take maybe about a minute for it to update. I'm going to see this as the first video of the very top, welcome many people. I'm going to see this new playlist that I created ESL Doctors Appointments. So my students will basically go there and start reviewing the information that they need for the Co-op's assessment that's coming up.
So here I'm going to go back to my channel. There's my video here. And there's my ESL appointment.
Hi, my name is Jennifer Gagliardi. So here we have that OTAN video that I just created. I wanted to talk a little bit about some of the work that I was preserving for my students. I was finding particularly that we were creating so many videos and taking pictures of each other. And there were schoolwork and people would take a picture of the schoolwork and et cetera, et cetera.
So what I had is my students started-- I had my students start texting me their videos of what they were taking pictures of in the classroom. It was getting to the point where I'm thinking, wow, we're almost in a post literate society, nobody's writing anything down and saying, well, hey, maybe I can make that work for us by preserving some of the stuff that we actually do in class. So this is a really quick video.
And originally, a lot of times we were doing this earlier in the year with our Zoom with our Zoom screenshots. Here we have something from you. Oh, this is something that I actually did on Zoom. So you're seeing me present something related to the alphabet. And again, I was basically annotating the videos or excuse me, I was annotating the screenshots as we were done and was taking screenshots of them, the verb to be.
So again, here's a screenshot of when I was presenting from-- ventures their electronic e-book. And I simply did a lot of this stuff, which was again simply things from Zoom that was putting together, pictures that my students were taking. Of course, everybody recognized first class reader. Some of these things were being annotated by the students some of them were being annotated by me.
Can I fast forward this a little bit. And so I would simply gather together things from Zoom or from the pictures that the students were submitting. I would put them together. Sometimes the students would come back and even annotate some of the screenshots see them further.
I gather them together every week. I put it in the Windows video editor and basically I created videos with them. And students really appreciated that their work was being-- that it was being captured, things were being captured at school, and basically they could review it outside of school.
Does anybody have anything to-- OK, somebody was talking about then you have double captions. So a lot of people when they are-- when you're talking about the double captions, some people, when they're watching videos, it's automatically set to the-- what do I want to say? The automatic captions. That's not right. I'm sorry.
But what I did was when I went into the video, I said that the language of this video is not the automatic captions, it's English. And so when they access that video, they're not going to see the automatic captions one they're going to see the proper English one. Yeah. Thank you, autosync.