[music playing]

Speaker: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.

Katrina Tamura: Welcome everyone. My name is Katrina Tamura, and I am a teacher from MiraCosta and Palomar College. I'm presenting today about Canvas. And I know that a lot of us have been using Canvas during the pandemic time, right? We're in the era of Canvas and learning management systems online.

And during the pandemic, I had a really great opportunity. And that opportunity was to develop three different courses-- Canvas courses for other teachers to use with their students. And I did that for my college for Palomar. And of course, for Mira Acosta, I made my own Canvas courses as well. But the ones I developed for Palomar were to share with other teachers as well.

So I want to share what I did with those Canvas courses today and what I learned through the process of developing them. And also, at the same time, I was taking a lot of AT1 courses. And I got a certificate in online teaching and design from AT1, which is no joke. That course and that program is very effective. And it gives you a lot of great information if you're looking for certification, or if you really want to know more about designing in Canvas.

So today we're going to focus on two things. We're going to focus on the home page and the module flow, OK? And so today we're going to learn about student-friendly Canvas courses-- what makes it student-friendly and the creating of your home pages and the planning of those modules.

So I just want to just start off to kind of learning a little bit about you. And so in the chat, could you let me know? Do you currently use Canvas? What is your class format? Are you synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid, hyflex, or in-person? I know that personally, I'm teaching five classes this term. I'm going to be synchronous in Zoom. I am asynchronous in Canvas. I'm hybrid so I do both on Canvas and in Zoom, depending on the day of the week.

And next term, I'm going to be hyflex, which means that the students will be with me in class physically. And also some of them can choose to be online at the same time and through Zoom and then I'm also in-person. And I have a Canvas page for each of those. So I see, Evelyn, you use Canvas with low beginning ESL students in-person. You use it for CTE. OK, we're in-person and, no, you don't use it yet.

And so anyone else want to waiting for some-- OK, so you use Canvas for four classes to distance learning courses. One in-person and-- OK, you're like me. You're an eclectic teacher, eclectic formats here. But I think we can agree that whatever-- however intensively you're using Canvas courses, they are-- the home page and module flow are really important.

I see Lois, you're using this online. One on one in Zoom. No Canvas courses yet. No Canvas course yet. All right. Well, I want to take a look at some of the things that might be helpful to you. So what's important-- what I've learned is really important from building these courses and from taking the certification program at AT1.

We need to have a lot of-- we need to pay close attention to the placement of our objectives and consistent placement. An easy to locate objectives is really important. So students should be able to go into our Canvas courses and find out-- find information about what they're supposed to do and why they're supposed to do it, right? What's the goal?

And I didn't mention, but these are guidelines from the OEI rubric. The California initiative. It's online education initiative. And they have a rubric that you can follow that really helps when you're planning your course, when you're designing your course. Is anybody familiar with the OEI design rubric? Has anybody read that or used it? No? OK. So this is really going to be helpful to you.

I'm just going to discuss a few sections of this-- or one section, actually. Right now section A. And that does refer to navigating the course and how students-- how we should set it up so students can easily find the information that they need. So let's see. I will put the-- I see you want the link to OEI and afterwards I'll get that for you. And I actually have that on my slide. So I'll share my slides with you.

So again, placement of the objectives, clearly written objectives. We should use student centered language when we're-- because we're not there in person when they hit our Canvas page. They should find some language that is speaking to them and about them, right? And they should realize that all of the content in the course is for them and relevant to them.

So clearly written objectives with student centered language. And then the learning objectives should show a clear connection between the content and-- so when they go to the page and they see what they're doing-- the activities that they're doing. They need something to tell them how it relates to their objectives. So on your pages, you should have that listed, and I'm going to show you how to do that.

And we have the learning units or modules. They should be consistent structures and sequence to reduce cognitive load. So that means that when you develop the structure of your module, it should be predictable. So module 1 should look like module 2 and module 3. It should have a consistent pattern.

I personally use the WIPPEA pattern. Is anybody familiar with WIPPEA? It's Warm-up, Introduction, Practice, Presentation. We can do that in Canvas. We can actually make our modules the same way so that they're predictable. And we make sure that we have a sound lesson plan as well that we're hitting all those really important marks, OK?

So we also need clearly label to tutorial materials, like, students should know how to ask for help and how to get help when they're navigating through our course. And we need to frontload them with information to help them move smoothly through our courses, OK? Let me see.

All right. And section D of the OEI design rubric refers to a lot of the-- addresses a lot of the accessibility issues to like, we should have headings that are consistently used to aid in navigation. And links need to be identified with meaningful and unique text.

So we shouldn't just-- if we have a great website students want-- we want students to visit or linked to some sort of resource. We're not going to just copy and paste the link into our page. We need to identify them with meaningful and unique text. And color contrast, we need to pay attention to our color contrast using sufficient color contrast.

And the images, we really need to have appropriate alternative text or indicate that it's decorative. So if you put an image in there, we should say-- we should describe what is in the picture if it's important for student learning. If it's just something that you put there because it looks pretty, then you can indicate that it's decorative.

So it's a-- when students turn on their maybe a reader or something to help them read the screen, they know that they're not missing anything. Or for example, sometimes my pages don't load, right? Sometimes that happens internet connection is slow. So if you have had an image there, the text will appear so that they're not missing that content even though they can't see the image that we intended them to see.

And then we also have video, right? We posting videos with accurate captions. It's really important, right? We need to go back and not-- we shouldn't just take the transcripts that are auto generated because it might not be accurate, it might say something completely different or nonsensical.

So going back in reading through the transcript, adding punctuation, correcting any errors that there might be words that have double-- or different spellings or something, but it sounds the same. We need to make sure we catch those. I know Zoom has lots of different ways. It's picked up by those that auto transcribing machines. So we need to go back and make sure a human has looked at it and corrected those captions. All right.

And so for the home page, we have-- you have a lot of different options. There's different styles and everybody's different. I'm going to recommend one way of doing it today. And I'm going to show you one way of doing it. But you should know that there are multiple ways you can create a home page in Canvas.

And you can have it-- your home page be the course activity stream. This shows when you post things when things happen in the course, it comes across on that front page. You can have a content page, which is what I recommend and what I'm going to show you. And this way you can put images there, you can put links, you can put information a banner. Things like that to welcome the student into a course.

And the module view, OK, you can have just your modules listed on the home page. I don't like that a lot. Many people do that where you just log into Canvas and then you're going to see just all of the modules right there in front of you. No welcome or anything, you just the modules.

I don't recommend that, but that is a way you can set up a home page. And then you can have the assignment lists. You can just have a list of what's due or maybe just posting the syllabus or creating a syllabus page and having a signing that as your home page. So there are many different ways. What do you use? Anybody who's using Canvas? What do you use as your home page? What's your preferred home page? Just go ahead and type it into chat.

No preferences? OK. All right. Well, I'll check it out. OK, I have one. Yes. OK. I use a content page, but it was difficult for my low beginning ESL students. OK. So kind of making it student-friendly, how can we do that? I'll show you mine. I have a-- I don't know what it's called, but I have a welcome banner, OK? Good something to greet students. Welcome with buttons and a syllabus and resources and module-- to resources and modules. OK. All right. Good.

All right. So what should you include on your home page? Again, I'm going to be showing you how to make the page-- a content page. And it's really important to include instructor content or contact information. How can-- maybe your name possibly a phone number that they can contact you. And your email address, possibly your Zoom meetings if you meet in Zoom. You might put that information what days and times you meet.

And maybe if you're meeting asynchronously and you have maybe office hours, post your office hours there or something indicating how students can contact you. Because oftentimes, especially if you do have some live meetings, it would be really important for them to have that information right when they get into your course. And so they don't have to really look for it, right?

And navigation, getting started instructions. A lot of times it's overwhelming to students, especially like I am an ESL teacher and the courses I developed for high beginning and low intermediate students. And it is a lot of-- too much text can be overwhelming.

So helping posting maybe a video that has instructions and talks about how they should use the course and how they can navigate from screen to screen is really helpful. Again, put in those the captions, the transcript there and make sure that you have added punctuation and corrected your spelling-- or corrected spelling.

And then links or buttons to course modules. You might-- some people just type in module 1 and then they have a link to module 1. Or they might have buttons, right? You might create buttons. Buttons can be created in all sorts of ways. I like to use Canva. Canva is pretty easy for me to use and I make buttons little images and then add links to them so students can-- just click on module 1 and then visit the page, right?

And then also links or buttons to support pages and resources. So being able to contact maybe if there's certain services your campus offers tutoring or something like that, library resources-- something like that, that would be nice to have on your home page. A link to it or some sort of button that they can click, or maybe even on the side have that posted there clearly so they can get the help that they need when they need it.

And also in your module when you're building the module and the individual assignments. Having a link or a button to some help when their students are completing the assignments is really, really good, especially for beginners if they can just-- they say, I don't know. I don't understand this. How to use this quiz or what to do? They might have to maybe contact the tutor or maybe contact you, right? So just giving them instructions with links or information about seeking support.

All right, so here's a couple of examples of what you might find on a home page that's created using a content page. I have a banner here and I'm using some high contrast colors so they can see when they get into the course like if they're not supposed to be in level 4. OK. Maybe I'm in the wrong class.

And then I'm using some headings, right? And then giving some course information here like, my name, my contact information, the date that this course starts, and when they're going to log in, or when Zoom will start if I have the synchronous component to my course. What time does this class start, right? If they come to the home page and they see this information, they see how to connect with me right away. It is very helpful and reduces their stress. And increases the chance that they'll actually make it into your Zoom course if you're using Zoom.

And then I have instructions, right? Watch this video. OK, here's a video and it's telling them how to begin the course before anything else, right? This is what you're going to do. This is how you're going to navigate the course. Let me see. This is another way, right? You might have little buttons here, and you have the modules set up here so they can see each module.

They might-- like week one, they click on week one and go to that week one module. You can open these modules at different times in the week and/or only as needed possibly, right? Maybe you open them all at once, but I do think that that's content overload and students-- we kind of want them chunking the information, especially for-- if you're working with ESL students, I know mine, they get a little overwhelmed if all of the modules are visible from the beginning.

So you can post a button each week or you can have the buttons there, but the rest of them they don't work until the week you want them to work in. And so here's a video. This would be-- this is an example of a video that students might find when they land on your home page and they're new to Canvas and they want to know how to navigate the course. So I'm going to share this with you.

[video playback]

[music playing]

- Welcome to NESL 904. This is intermediate ESL. I'm going to take you on a tour of our course. This is your home page, and this is the Start button. Today, your--

[end playback]

Katrina Tamura: Oh, sorry. Pardon me. [laughs] How rude, I've turned it off. OK.

[video playback]

- We're going to click this button after you watch this video, and you're going to visit the orientation module. The orientation module has a lot of information that will help you as you go through this course this semester. After you review this information, you can get back to the home page by clicking Home.

Under the Start button, you'll notice there are different buttons for different modules. Each week, your teacher will post a description of what you're going to be doing next to the module button so that you can click on the button and go to the coursework you need to complete. If I click on module 1, now I can visit module 1 getting to know you. And I can go through all the different pages and activities that my teacher has assigned.

If I click on the welcome and overview page, I'll see a description of what this module is about. If I scroll down, I'll be able to go to the next page and I'll also have some hyperlinks to different activities in this module. If I'm done with an activity, I can always scroll back up to the top of my page and click Home. And this will bring me to the welcome page where all of the different module buttons are located. And I can check grades and go to any of the modules I want.

I can just click on the module button and it will take me to all of the modules. As you can see, there are so many wonderful activities and lessons planned for you. And we hope that you enjoy working through them. And if you have any questions, please let your teacher know.

[music playing]

[end playback]

Katrina Tamura: OK, so that's just an example. Again, I was designing for-- oh, how did you add the music? Is this video created through Camtasia? It is. I created that in the Movavi Editor. And so I-- the best way I've found to create these videos would be to you're going to go in to your Zoom-- to your Zoom and go ahead and record and then put that into an editor. And then it's kind of easier that way. You get the transcript as well. And then put it into an editor and then you can post it online in YouTube.

So I use Movavi, but there's lots of different-- really wonderful programs that we have out there. I was just most comfortable with Movavi. And it's, yeah, free music with your program. Let me see here. Thank you. Yeah, studio. Let's see. There are lots of them and you can play around with what's most comfortable for you.

When I started making videos, I started with just like the Microsoft, whatever they had. And then I just kind of started playing with different editors. And the more you do that, the more you find what kind of fits your style. What kind of user you are and what kind of works for you. So don't get restricted to just one kind, just try a few. And if they don't work for you, sign up for some trials and edit a video and see what works for you.

Because in the end, we do need to feel comfortable with what we're using. And that makes it more fun, too, right? If it's not a pain to make it and I like making the videos. It's fun for me. I make a lot of them. All right. So let's see. Let's pause that, and we'll go on. OK. So that is the home page.

In a minute, we are going to go into my Canvas courses and I'm going to show you an in-depth look. And we're going to take a look at the home page and we'll look at the modules, OK? But for right now, I want just to show you what I was thinking about when I'm designing. Again, for the module, I'm thinking about consistency. And each module had-- should have the same structure or lesson planning. It shouldn't be just kind of like, oh, I don't know. I'm going to put this here this week, right?

It should be like think in your head what-- if you're filling out a lesson plan on a piece of paper, it's just going to be the same thing in your module. And you want to be varied, too, right? You don't want to just have content pages. You need opportunities for assessment, right? So you want to have put some quizzes in there. If your quiz is going to be for practice, you can set it to as a practice quiz. You can use discussion boards for evaluation or to check for understanding.

So use different things. The quizzes, the discussions, the pages, the assignments. And you want to have a variety of ways that students can interact. Some of them will do well on the quizzes and some of them won't, but they'll do really well on the discussion boards. So having a variety of ways students can participate is really valuable. But keep it consistent. Have the same types of things in your modules each week or maybe if you have a discussion board, maybe put that the first thing that we're going to do each week or the last thing. Put it in a consistent spot.

And then student centered. Make sure it's student centered, right? Using that student centered language when you're explaining activities and goals. It doesn't-- especially for some of our students who they're learning English and they shouldn't have to go get a dictionary and look up every word you're using. It shouldn't seem like a manual. It should seem like you're talking to them because it's relevant-- what they're doing is relevant to them.

And let's see here. Another presenter mentioned something to click on to make sure the site is accessible. What is this? I'm going to show you that. When we go into the course, I'll show you that. And let's see here. We have provide an overview, right? The first page of your module should list the objectives and the instructions.

Plan ahead. Check your links and content before publishing your module. This is really important, especially if you're posting videos from maybe a website or YouTube channel that you think is amazing and you've curated all these wonderful things to show your students. And then they take down their site, right? Uh-oh. So if you're reusing your site-- or you're reusing your course, make sure you go in.

Click on all of your links, make sure that everything is loading because that is a problem. And you can make sure to head that off so student you don't get a mid-week confused email from a student that says, there's nothing on this page that says it's taken down. So you can head those issues off and make it more student-friendly by checking your content.

And especially if you're using somebody else's, for example, if you're sharing if you get something from an OER site, really make sure you check everything because we share things. But by the time it gets to you, it might not be functioning as well as it originally did. And be clear, include instructions and due dates.

So on each of your assignment, on each of your quizzes or your discussion boards, make sure you include the instructions and due dates. Don't just say, OK, I posted an assignment for you and the students get to Canvas and they just find a submit button, right? That's not very helpful to them. And the likelihood that they're going to successfully complete that assignment, it kind of lessons obviously. So include instructions and due dates.

All right. So when we look at the module-- let's see. We have a student-centered-- OK, so that home page, I'm sorry, I was reading from the chat. When we look at that overview page in our Canvas course in the module, it should say something like, what will we do? Or some language that tells a student that this is-- OK, I'm going to tell you what this whole course is about.

And so, for example, I have a personal note here. It's nice to see you in class. I look forward to getting to know you this week. You are going to work on introducing and describing yourself to others. There's a lot of ways we could write that. But directing it to the student as if you're having a conversation with them is much better than just kind of finding a landing page and all they get is this kind of the objectives and it's a list.

This is very helpful and you could even change these objectives to be more student-friendly using student-friendly language. But I think that these ones right here were simplified. So any of your course objectives, don't just take it from your outline of record. Kind of modify it for what your students are going to understand because it's not-- the real importance is not listing the objectives, but making sure students understand those objectives, right? So you can change the language and simplify it according to your student group.

All right, so student-friendly language. Let's see here. So we're going to visit my Canvas course and we're going to view the home page and we'll view the settings on the home page. We'll check for accessibility. So I'll go to some pages where I know it's not accessible. We need to change it. And we'll see how the buttons are working and then we'll review the module structure and flow, OK?

Any questions up to this point before we dive in? OK. All right. OK, so I'm going to go to my dashboard. If you don't use Canvas-- if you haven't used it yet when you log in, you'll have a list of all of your courses, right? So up here are my published courses or courses I'm taking.

And down here are my practice shells, which is always really good if you can design your course in a practice show and then move it over. And yeah, I saw that in chat broken links and I'll give you some advice on broken links as well and how to avoid them. So here are some courses that I haven't started yet. So if I open them up, it looks like this, right? It says create a new module.

And so here people might-- you have all of these items that you can choose from over here. This looks really kind of not friendly, right? A student really wouldn't know what to do with this. So what I do I'm going to show you this one, which was created for other teachers during the pandemic to give them something to start with.

I used-- I created a home page, right? So I created a page. You can go to Pages. And if you want to create a new one, you're going to-- you can view all pages and you can add a page and then you can start creating your page. You'll give it a title. You can insert a banner here created on Canva or whatever site. Buncee has really good banners you can use as well. And so you can insert your banner here and you can give instructions all right here. Let me leave that.

So on this page, I have my welcome video that I showed you. And this is just giving instructions for how to navigate the course. Of course, you can also-- this one was not personalized because I was developing it for someone else to use, but you can add information about yourself as well, which is always nice, right? Hi, my name is-- I'm from-- I've been teaching for-- and maybe show a picture or two to personalize it and humanize it.

And then start here if the students start click Start here, it'll take them directly to an orientation module, right? So let me go back to home and show you that. I'm going to edit right here so we can go into Edit mode. And I have my banner here. If I click information image options, so I've added some alternate text. Blue and white banner, intermediate ESL level one and ESL 904. So I put what it is and what's on it, right?

So of course, if this doesn't load, the image doesn't load on someone's phone or on their computer, then that text will pop-- will be there still so they know what's there. And then I'm using-- let's see if I click here if you can see there's a heading here. And then I have my video posted and then I have some buttons. You can see that this is an image that I've posted here and then I've added a link.

OK, so here's the link options, right? So you can click here and let's see. I can remove a link. Let me see. I'm going to remove the link, OK? And now I want to add a link, OK? So I'm going to go over here Insert. Sorry, Insert a link and I'm going to put Course Link. OK, so when you do that, it shows you all of the pages and everything you've developed.

And I'm going to click on module because I want to link this to a module. And it's going to be the start here orientation module. OK. And now my student when they click on this link, they'll be brought directly to that orientation module so they don't have to go. Alternatively, they would click modules here and then look for the module that they're in, right? Or the module I want them to go to.

Here, I have a module 1. And this links to if you can see it says module 1 getting to know you. So my button is labeled, right? I have the alternative text, right? It says module 1, so it's telling the student what it is. And then I can also add more information here to the side if I wanted. This right here is what you would call a decorative image. So I'm not adding the alternative text there.

And then I want to check to make sure everything is OK so I can go to my accessibility guide, right? And it'll tell you, oh, your documents and video. Make sure it has captions there. Make sure everything is what it's supposed to be, right? Did you add the text? Is it correct?

If I don't have-- if I didn't check this prior, it might show me that I didn't label. I didn't add alternative text to my buttons or that I didn't use headings or something. OK. And Penny-- Pearson is saying, can you show the ally accessibility? OK. So we did that. All right. And so we're going to go to-- let me see, let me scroll up.

I want to show you here. Do you see all of this? This is a lot of stuff here. And if you don't change the settings here, all of this will appear to your student. So I'm going to go to Settings and I've added a picture here. It goes along with-- it's my banner. But what I'm really interested in is the navigation. So you can add or take away items from this landing page here.

So I want my home page to have announcement. Let's see here. I can have this. I don't know what that is. Comet connect, that's a resource. Ally accessibility report, online tutoring. Let's see. So my student doesn't really need disability support. Ask a librarian. Item banks, no. Maybe I'm not going to use collaborations. They don't need to know everybody who's in class. Grades, yes. Announcements, yes.

So I'm going to leave this. I'm going to leave these items here and then I'm going to click Save. OK. And then I'm going to go home. I'm going to check right here student view. What does this look like to my student? Oh, OK, good. You see it's a lot less content and it's more usable here. And they can still get to the modules from here. If they click Modules, then they can find all the modules listed here, right? But they're probably going to rely on the buttons.

So for example, if they want to go to module 2, it'll land on module 2, right? So let me leave that. And let's take a look at the modules. So when you're building your Canvas course, you should always have an orientation module. So you don't have to post. You don't have to put everything on your home page. You can just put the most important things like your name, your phone number, right? Your email address, your Zoom time.

But this is going to have more in-depth information and maybe an icebreaker, right? Something to get students started in the course. And if you want to, you can set it up where students have to progress through the course in a certain way, right? So you can do that. You can add a module here as well or you can add pages. You can create content. You can create an assignment or you can create a discussion.

And then you're going to add the name, right? And if you want to indent it or not indent it, right? The levels how far in should it be. And so you can add things there on the side by adding your little plus here. And then my content modules where I'm actually teaching a lesson, these are my lessons. I'll label it clearly and you can even put the date like maybe the week that you're in and you can do that by-- you edit your module and you can add the date.

You can add requirements. For example, if you want your students to move through the course, you don't want them to just go willy-nilly all over, press whatever. You can tell them that they need to move through the course in sequential order so they can view the item and then it's marked as done, right? You can pick each one, the simple lesson and then simple present tense lesson. And then they need to view the item or mark it as done or contribute to the page, OK?

So this kind of helps students who get lost in the modules and they're not sure which pages they've completed yet. So here you can see I'm using the WIPPEA format. The welcome and the overview. Getting to know you. So if they click on this page, they'll find a banner. It's clearly labeled, this is module 1 and the theme is getting to know you. I have a personalized message to them.

And then I'm explaining to them what we're doing-- the objectives and the content. What exactly are we doing that's going to help us to reach these goals? And then I have links to the different pages. You can do this or not do this. It's OK. I included this in here. And it lists everything so they can visit each page just from this or they can navigate through the module.

I put on here click the Next button to go to the next page. Sometimes if you're new to navigating through the course, you might need these indicators, right? A student might need this. Just make sure that button is you've checked for accessibility. And when I'm looking at this, I can see this little green thing right here that tells me that, yes, I did. Go ahead and add in the alternative text and everything's OK there. And I can go next, right? And then I'm going to find this practice quiz. Let me preview it.

So when I end up on this my warm-up page, right? I'm going warm-up and then practice and presentation. So this is a warm up activity. You can choose-- you can have lots of different things as a warm-up activity. And then so I have the goal, what they're doing. And then the instructions, right? What they should do? And I'm telling them, you can do this activity as many times as you would like. And then, of course, the teacher would insert the due date here.

And I've made sure that this video has closed captions on it. At each time, you need to make sure that they do have closed captions. And if not, you can put them through your Canvas Studio. In Canvas Studio will add them if you have a link. If you find a video from YouTube, you can take that link and add it to-- let me show you where you can do that.

So I'm going to edit this quiz, OK? And if I wanted to add something right here the Canvas Studio, then I could add a link, right? So external link or upload from a computer and then I would just add my YouTube or Vimeo link. And then you could add your captions or your transcripts from there. Let's see. OK.

All right. And here because this is a practice, this is a part of my lesson that is a practice. I'm going to allow multiple attempts. I'm going to let students see the correct answers maybe. And then I can set my due dates here. And that will-- then students can see on their home page. It'll pop up what activities are due, OK? Let's see here. Let's go back.

I'm going to go back to the home page, OK? And I'm going to do this in-- yeah, let me see here. Go to and save week two again. OK. And if you can see here just like module 1, I have my overview. I have a warm-up. Maybe flashcards here and family tree practice quiz. And then an activity here that students can see what kind of activity it is.

Now this one, I really-- this one is a link, OK? And it's risky, risky putting the link in because when you just use create a page using a link, it might be broken, it might not load. So you can embed as opposed to just using-- creating a page using URL, you could create a page and then insert the link inside that page and then have students visit it. Yes, Yolanda, you had a question?

Yolanda: I just wanted to let you know you've got about eight minutes to go.

Katrina Tamura: OK, thank you so much. Let's see. It's not all create-- is this all create through page? No. The content pages, yes, but the activities are a variety of things. They're quizzes, discussions. This one was a link, right, to something else. If this wasn't working, then the students would arrive at this page and it would be-- I would say, link is broken, right?

So the best way to avoid that is to create a content page and then embed or to put the link so they can go to whatever it is that you wanted them to see. In this case, it's a Buncee. I can see that 710 students have accessed this page successfully. So, yay, I'm glad that this one isn't broken. But if it were to be broken, they could just click here and they could go directly to that page. Anyways, it's just a link, right?

So you might create a page, give instructions, right? Tell students what to do with that instead of just putting it there like that. OK. So Julie, you say I teach a higher level listening and speaking class having captions would compromise the integrity of the course. So I let students know at the beginning that many of the videos are purposefully not captioned. But if anyone needs captioning to let me know, I was told that this is OK to do.

Yeah, maybe if there's some listening task, I would-- I think that if it's a teaching video, you do need to have all of the captions in there. If it's a practice video, you need to indicate in there and maybe like you said, provide transcripts upon request. That is tricky, but any sort of lesson that you have, it needs to be-- you need to have the captions in there. It can't just be kind of like-- you have to have a specific task relayed if you're going to take out the captions.

And let's see here. So you might have-- Let me show you a discussion. So this is a discussion board. OK. So you're going to have-- this is labeled. Here, I've put some teachers choose to put the due date at the top or you can have the due date at the bottom, right? But this is instructions, the prompt. Here's what the questions are and then instructions for the activity.

And then when if I want them to be talking to each other, when should I put my first reply and when should I put the second reply to the peers directly? So we're having a conversation. And I also-- here, I put in a lot of resources here. How to submit an audio file? Because it says, I did-- in my instructions I said, include an audio recording of your answers, right? And that's something where you're going to need to go back and I've given instructions how to submit an audio file.

And I also have a link. These ones right here-- technically, this is not good, right? What's wrong with this? What do you think is wrong with what I did here? Anybody know critique this one? OK. So I haven't put in the unique text. I'm just posting the link in here. It would be better if I changed added words instead and a hyperlink to those words not just posted this like that. That would be better for our students if we did that.

OK. So I know I only have like a minute left. [laughs] So do you have any questions for me, anything that I can answer for you? Anything you want to see.

Audience: I have a question.

Katrina Tamura: OK.

Audience: Hi.

Katrina Tamura: Hi.

Audience: The part that says click on the next button to go to the next page at the bottom before the next. It's already in Canvas. What is that? Is that something you made on Canva?

Katrina Tamura: Yeah, I did. I made that on Canva.

Audience: And then you just inserted it down there at the lower right.

Katrina Tamura: I inserted it down there so just to give them-- and you can do that throughout the course or you can do it just on the initial pages until they get the hang of it.

Audience: OK.

Katrina Tamura: But I found that sometimes people just don't. If they don't know, right? If they've never used it before, sometimes just some additional instructions might be a very useful. Yeah.

Audience: Thank you.

Katrina Tamura: All right. Anything else I can share with you? No? OK. All right. Well, thank you for being here today. And again, thank you for letting me share my experience. Again, this was collected experiences over the past couple of years and developing courses for other teachers. So this I would-- my personal courses, I would add more of myself into them. But this was designed for other teachers to kind of take off to get develop and use during this time.