WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.914 align:middle line:84% Tableau empowers everyone to see and understand their data. 00:00:06.019 --> 00:00:08.960 align:middle line:84% It’s business intelligence for your entire organisation. 00:00:10.031 --> 00:00:16.097 align:middle line:84% Explore and analyse data in seconds. Just drag and drop to discover trends and outliers. 00:00:17.193 --> 00:00:22.205 align:middle line:84% Connect to the data you care about, whether it’s a spreadsheet, database or big data. 00:00:23.079 --> 00:00:25.790 align:middle line:90% Access data warehouses or cloud data. 00:00:28.329 --> 00:00:33.676 align:middle line:84% Tableau Prep helps you quickly and confidently transform and shape your data for analysis. 00:00:35.493 --> 00:00:38.134 align:middle line:90% Easily combine data from multiple sources. 00:00:39.626 --> 00:00:43.842 align:middle line:84% See all your data at a glance with Prep’s visual and direct interface. 00:00:45.264 --> 00:00:48.749 align:middle line:84% Smart grouping algorithms make it easy to reorganise your data. 00:00:49.811 --> 00:00:52.428 align:middle line:90% Then open in Tableau Desktop for analysis. 00:00:54.061 --> 00:01:00.951 align:middle line:84% Where you can ask questions, change your perspective, and reveal deeper meaning. 00:01:03.983 --> 00:01:07.859 align:middle line:84% Transform your data into powerful, interactive dashboards. 00:01:09.284 --> 00:01:13.728 align:middle line:84% Securely share your data and dashboards with Tableau Online or Tableau Server 00:01:13.729 --> 00:01:17.691 align:middle line:84% so everyone in your organisation can ask and answer their own questions 00:01:17.692 --> 00:01:20.966 align:middle line:90% right from a browser, tablet, or phone. 00:01:22.236 --> 00:01:26.158 align:middle line:84% Whether your want a fully-hosted solution like Tableau Online or to manage 00:01:26.158 --> 00:01:30.541 align:middle line:84% your own Tableau Server on-premises or in the cloud, the choice is yours. 00:01:31.589 --> 00:01:35.999 align:middle line:84% Everyone in your organisation can access data and dashboards to explore and 00:01:36.000 --> 00:01:39.571 align:middle line:84% find their own insights in a trusted and secure environment. 00:01:41.672 --> 00:01:44.821 align:middle line:84% Tableau’s management tools give you control over everything, 00:01:44.822 --> 00:01:48.190 align:middle line:84% from user permissions to data source connectivity, 00:01:48.191 --> 00:01:50.809 align:middle line:84% and the visibility you need to support your deployment. 00:01:52.176 --> 00:01:55.012 align:middle line:84% Tableau naturally fits within the fabric of your business 00:01:55.013 --> 00:01:59.935 align:middle line:84% so you can easily scale from small teams to full organisations with thousands of users. 00:02:01.435 --> 00:02:04.245 align:middle line:90% Tableau. See and understand your data.