KENADIE HILLSMAN: I love nursing. I am really passionate about patient care.

My mom works in administration, and then my grandmother retired and was a part of the foundation. It's all three generations working at the same organization.

My mother and my grandmother utilized the Principal benefits, and I have learned a lot from them, especially my grandma. Seeing where she's at now just creates a motivation in me to eventually have the financial freedom that she has and to utilize what Principal offers us as employees here.

KIM STROUP: As a new nurse, my daughter is learning a lot. I'm excited that as a young adult, just starting her career, that she's thinking about her retirement, even at a young age.

KENADIE HILLSMAN: I feel like Principal really helps me grow in my financial security through the benefits that we receive here as employees, as well as the options we have for retirement plans and where to put our money for savings.

With my grandmother and my mother, I've seen how it's supported them in their financial journey. And where they're at now--my grandmother being financially free in retirement, and then here I am just starting out--I feel lucky to have the examples that I do.