KELLEY KAISER: We here at Samaritan Health Services are experts in health care. We are not experts in retirement and benefits. Principal brings that to us, which allows us to take better care of our employees.

PEGGY TIMM: We've been in the industry for 140 years, so we've seen all types of plans. In the large market, we pride ourselves on being able to offer any types of solutions as it relates to retirement, whether it's in the 401(k) plan space or the defined benefit space.

KELLEY KAISER: Principal has gotten to know us and understand the complexities of our organization. They work with us to achieve our objectives, and they've been really good at understanding what we need and working through that with us.

PEGGY TIMM: When I think about holistic plan designs for organizations like Samaritan Health Services, I think about how Principal can help their employees save enough and have enough in retirement.