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OTAN. Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.
Theresa Sladek: Nice to see you all again. I'm Theresa Sladek from Literacy Minnesota. And I have the pleasure of working with all of our larger partners like OTAN and telling you about how you can more effectively use Northstar. So if you weren't here yesterday, please know that I really love your questions. And you can feel free to either unmute and ask them or put them in the chat. And I like to answer them as we go because it usually is pertinent to what we're talking about.
So today, we are going to talk about how to do some of the tasks that are in Northstar, like how you create a learner account and why you would do that, how to do tagging and, again, why you would want to tag something, how to do proctoring both in person and remotely, and where to find the instructor-led curricula and a little bit more about how to use it. We'll focus much more time next week on that.
And then the main message I want you to take away is, I'm going to give you a lot of details today. There's a lot to remember. You don't have to write it all down. You don't have to memorize everything I tell you. And I would be amazed if you do remember everything.
But what I want to tell you at the end of this is I'll show you all the resources in Northstar and where you can find all the details of what I've just told you today. So really, my point today is to let you see why you would do these things. And we'll go through how to do them mostly so you can see how easy they actually are. But you don't have to worry about, you're not going to be doing this for a couple of weeks. You probably won't remember all the steps and that's OK. So don't worry about that.
All right. So let's get started. So if you were here yesterday, you remember this. And if not, I'll just refresh your memory. Northstar has 16 different assessments. And those assessments, once you take them, they'll give you a results page that will tell you what standards you know and what standards you have yet to learn.
And then on the learning end, there are two types of educational materials. There's the instructor-led curriculum where that's more of a classroom teaching situation or a digital navigator, one on one teaching. And there's also the practice lessons. So these are self-directed. The students do them online mostly by themselves.
You can use-- you don't have to use any of the education materials, but you can also just use the instructor-led curricula. You can only use the practice lessons, or you can use them both in combination with one another, depending on really your setup and your staffing and how you want to work this.
Tie everything together then is the learner management system. So learners can see their progress and see what they have available to them and then reports so that you can see how individuals are doing, as well as how your agency is using Northstar.
Northstar is in English. Also most of it is in Spanish. All the assessments, all the practice lessons are in Spanish. And half of the instructor-led curriculum is in Spanish. And then, as we said yesterday, it's compatible with desktops, laptops, and Chromebooks. And we are in the process of making it mobile compatible.
So all of those of you in the pilot should have access to Northstar is my understanding. If you don't, I'm guessing Anthony is a person you can talk to, or the person at your agency who's the Northstar administrator would probably be the first person you talk to. And if don't know who that is or if you are the Northstar administrator, you have questions, Anthony is a good person to start with.
So the way you get access to the admin portal is your Northstar administrator would have added you as staff or a proctor to the Northstar admin portal. You would get an email from Northstar. And it would say, so-and-so has invited you to the Northstar admin portal. You are then given instructions on how to create a password and some links to starting learning material.
And you're given a link to your admin portal page. It's really handy to bookmark that page so that you can find it easily and log into your portal. However, you can always log in at the Northstar home page, and it will go to your portal.
And let me back up and say that all of your agencies have your own unique URL so that by going in through, by using the email and the password to go through your unique URL, that means that you'll only be seeing your agencies, students, and data. And that's how we separate it out for different agencies. And so that's why the password is important.
So if you want to log in, I'm going to show you what it would look like. And again, you can always go to the Northstar home page. If you're not at a computer where yours is bookmarked or if you don't want a bookmark, our website is digitalliteracyassessment.org. But if you typed in North Digital Literacy, you would find it.
So what it looks like, what our website looks like is this. And then you see at the top, this black navigation bar. And on the far right, there's a gray oval that says login. So that's where you're going to log in. And you're just going to put in your email and your password and then click on the aqua login button.
Mine's going to look a little different than yours just because I have greater capacity and can see more things. What yours will look like-- well, you probably won't have this page at all. It will probably just go right to your landing page. So this is the landing page. And what we're looking at here and what we're going to talk about today are some of these different tabs that you see in the blue navigation bar here and what they do and what you can do on each tab.
So where we are now, where the landing page is in the blue navigation bar on top, we are where you see the Northstar logo on the left. And on mine, it says demo. I would like you all to log into your Northstar admin account now and tell me in the chat what yours says, because it's going to be a much more exciting name than demo.
And that will let me make sure that you all know how to log in. So if you don't yet have Northstar, if your agency doesn't have Northstar, that's OK. But if you do and you are able to log in, please do that and let me know what it says. And if you're not, that is good for us to too. If you can't log in or you don't know how to log in, but you should be able to log in, let us know.
All right. So we have El Dorado County Office of Education, Tustin Adult School, TUSD, great. See, much better than demo. Sweetwater UHSD, Roland Adult and probably family. It didn't show up in my chat.
So let's look at this blue navigation bar. So now you know that you're in the right place. And there's a couple different tabs that we're going to talk about today. And so we have mine that says demo and yours says the name of your school. And to the right of that, you'll see a Learners tab.
And so I always think of Learners, this is where you add the new learners to set up the learner management system. So that's what this is mostly about, this tab, and we'll look at it in more detail, trying to get this off my screen.
Next to the right of that, it says assessments. So this will be all about proctoring and running reports on assessments. To the right of that, it says Reports. We looked at these yesterday, those big picture reports. We're not going to talk any more about them today.
To the right of that says Curriculum. So this will be the instructor-led curriculum. And we'll look more into that. Then you see Location Information. And that is only something that Northstar administrators can access. And that's where you would add or delete staff. And there's a few other things you can do there. We're not going to talk about that much today. But just know that if you're not a Northstar administrator, it will say Location Information, but if you try to click on it, it would say, you don't have access.
And then the last one there is Resources. And we'll look at those. And if we go over to the very far right, you'll see my name here with the dropdown arrow, and we'll talk about that a little bit. So we're going to first talk about-- we're going to talk about how to add a learner and why you would want to do that. And we're going to start, though, by talking about how to do a tag, how to create a tag.
So the reason that you would want to add a learner, there's a couple. The main reason is that if you want people to use those practice lessons, those self-directed practice lessons, they can only do that, they can only access them if you've added them to the Northstar Learner Management System. So unless you've added them, they cannot access the practice lessons.
The other reason you might consider adding people to the Learner Management system is it's fairly easy, but also you can have people take assessments without being added into the Learner Management System. But your records won't be quite as clean. And by that I mean, if someone takes an assessment. And they have not been added to the Learner Management System, it requires them to type in their name.
So let's say their name is William Jones. And the first time they take an assessment, they type in William Jones. And the next time they take an assessment, they type in Bill Jones. Northstar will not be able to tell that that's the same person. So those records won't be connected. So you won't see the progress. So it's often better to actually have people entered into the Learner Management System and then using their email and password to log in so that Northstar can accurately track it.
And the other situation where this would be helpful is if you have someone who has the same name. So here in Minnesota, we have a lot of people from Somalia and oftentimes their first name and last name is spelled Muhammad Muhammad, many people. And so the system, if they're not actually logged in, won't know that those are separate people. So by having a unique email and password, it really makes your data really clean.
So that's why I would advocate for adding people to the Learner Management System. However, there's other reasons why you wouldn't. Maybe it's difficult for your learners to type in their name or their email and password. Maybe you don't have staff capacity to add those people. You are going to have to do what's best for your agency with all those things to consider.
All right. Great. I'm glad you got in. All right. So now that's why you'd want to add people to the Learner Management System. And let's talk about tags a little bit. So yesterday, I mentioned that the reports-- there's a lot of reports in Northstar. All the reports default to everyone you have added in your system, everyone that's using Northstar in your system. And sometimes you want to see agency-wide that information and that's great information.
But sometimes you want to see a subset of people. So if I'm a teacher, maybe I just want to see those people that are in my class. I want to see how they've done on the assessment. And I don't want to weed through three pages of people on my screen. I just want to see those 10 people in my class.
So in order to do that, I can run a sub report if I have tagged people to run this so that I'm able to run that sub report. So creating a tag is really easy. And the reason I talk about it first is because I find that is very helpful for agency that's going to be using Northstar to talk about it with your fellow employees what you're tagging nomenclature is going to be.
Now, you might not use tags, you might not use tags right away, but it's really good if you are, a really good conversation to have so that you're all on the same page and you're calling things the same name, so that your data is clean and that there's not a lot of confusion at the agency and everyone knows how they're going to tag things.
You can always change tags. You can always add new tags. You can always stop using tags that you've created. So you don't have to figure all of this out beginning, but it's really just a good conversation to start having before you start adding in a lot of learners.
So the way to create a tag is really easy. We're going to go into the admin portal. And we're going to go to that Learner tab that was to the right of where we were. And I'm just going to go here. And if you look-- I'm just trying to close some of my open tabs here. All right. So if you look to the right of where mine says demo and yours says the name of your school, here's the Learners tab. We're going to click on that.
And this is what we see. So as you are looking at my screen and it looks like I don't have the ability to let people or to let myself annotate on here. So I'm just going to tell you where to look. If you look at the top third of my screen roughly where you see all the above where it says Status, Name, Activity, where do you think without me telling-- and up through the blue navigation bar. Where do you think you might go?
I haven't told you. But just as a guess, where do you think you might go to create a tag? And the key word is tags. Any guesses of where I might click and this upper portion of my screen to create a tag, keyword tags? Let's see what we have in the chat.
Manage tags. Yes. Thank you. Very good. So I'm going to go-- you can see the sub tab I'm on right now is View Learners. I'm going to go over to the right to manage tags and click on that. And this is where we're going to be able to enter the tag names.
Northstar doesn't have any set names. You can choose whatever tags you want. The only thing that you can't do is personally identifiable information. So no credit-- well, credit card numbers, but no Social Security numbers, driver's licenses, birth dates, anything like that. But otherwise, you can choose whatever tag you want.
And the way to add a new tag is if you click in the box where it says Enter Tag Name on the upper left and then just type in your tag, anyone have a name that they might want to use as a tag, just as a more fun way or otherwise I can make something up, but any thing you can think you can think of.
It's all right. I'll make something up. Let's see.
Speaker 1: Excuse me. Wouldn't it be someone's last name, like a teacher's last name or--
Theresa Sladek: We could use that--
Speaker 1: For the school site.
Theresa Sladek: You wouldn't need the school site probably because that's already delineated in your admin portal.
Speaker 1: No. Our situation is different, sorry, because we have four sites.
Theresa Sladek: Yeah, if you have more than one. Well, each site is probably a location, but if it's different than that, if you have different schools within one location, then yes. And teacher name is often what people use definitely or maybe it's a program name or a class name. And so we're going to do home care aide number one in ours. Thank you for that suggestion.
But you can see-- well, let me just back up. So I've typed in Homecare Aide number 1. That's going to be the name of the tag. And I'm going to click on the green Create Tag. And then it's been added to the list alphabetically. So if we go down to H, here it is. And you can have as many tags as you want, as you can see by mine.
And like you're saying, they could be the name of a class, they could be the name of a teacher, they could be the name of a grant, whatever you might want that makes sense to you. And yes, good question in the chat. Is the tag a label where students can have more than one?
Definitely, yes. So it could be that someone's in my class and I teach several classes, so they're in my Word class. They're in the Tuesday morning class. And maybe I'm tracking zip codes. So they could have all those tags associated with them. So you can run-- it's really nice how you can slice and dice the data.
Yes. When you import-- when you run the reports-- I think I see what you're saying. The question in the chat is when we do an import of student usernames and passwords, can we have tags via column? Actually, unfortunately, no, if you do a bulk import. That's the one time you can't. But I'll show you how to add tags after the fact. And it's pretty quick and easy.
So the other thing I want to show you on this page, we've created our tag. And you can see we're Homecare Aide number 1. It has a little pencil by it. And so that would be if I had mistyped something, I could always edit it. And then to the far right, you can see that there's a trash can. So if I saw that, whoops, someone already created this, I could delete it.
Everything else in the middle here was actually something created for the state of Hawaii. So it's nothing that you will ever be using. So the only things that you really have to know about on this page is where to type the name, how to click on the green box-- I'll go up there in a second-- the edit pencil, and then the trash can.
These other icons will show that if I hid some of these tags because we have so many, but if you have data in there, the data doesn't go away. So you can actually always reactivate them and run those sub reports at any point. If you want to make your tag list not so long when you go to the Learner page, you can do that. And so there's a bunch of different options.
So also if you want to see, OK, do we have-- well, so we have all our tags here now. Now we're going to go back to add a learner. So we're going to go back where we started, the default sub tab, which is the View Learners on the left right under where it says demo on mine.
And looking at this page, again, in that upper third part, we're going to add our new learner. And so looking again at the screen, may not, I haven't told you yet, but knowing that the key words are new learner, where do you think you would click?
Speaker 2: Invite New Learner.
Theresa Sladek: Exactly. So we're going to go to this green button that says Invite New Learner and click on that. And then all you need to do is you'll click in the box, and you'll enter the first name, last name, and email.
And remember, I said, a lot of times people who have lower or no digital literacy skills don't have an email or don't know how to use an email. You can create a fake email for them or you create a real Gmail account. They don't have to yet know how to use it. It's just a way for them to log in.
So I'm going to make up a name. And I'll make a fake email if I haven't used this, I don't [audio out] already used it, it won't let me create the account, but that's all right. And then I'm going to enter my tags. So you see the box that says Tags, I'm going to click on it. And once I do, all the tags that we have entered in our admin portal will show up.
Now, I don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom if I want to, let's say, do my-- this person's my class. I can just start typing my name, and then it will show up. And then to your point, you can add as many tags as you want. So I could click in the box again. And let's say their in my Friday morning class and I'm teaching intro to Word or something like that. So you can have as many tags per person as you would like. And then you see the--
Speaker 3: May I interrupt, asking about tags and processing that. Is that really for filtering purposes to pull information in different ways is creating the tags really?
Theresa Sladek: Exactly, right. So when you're looking at your data and you want that sliced and diced, either if a teacher wants just to see their classroom or if it's for a bigger reason, a different project, different projects you have or different programs maybe you're doing, it would allow you to just see the people involved in those programs or the teachers those classes. Yeah.
Speaker 3: Thank you.
Theresa Sladek: Yes. Yeah. Good clarification. So then the other thing on this page is you can see that there's a language preference. And mine is set to English. But if the person you're working with, if they would prefer Spanish to be their language that they're looking at, you can set that here. Just click on the Latin American Spanish toggle. And then that will be their default language. They can always change it. You or they can always change it back to English at multiple points. So it's really up to you if you think what language you think they prefer.
Once you are done with that-- and you don't have to have a tag also, I should say. If you don't want to put a tag on here, you can leave the box empty. And then we're going to click on Invite Learner and we'll see if I've ever used this email or not. If I have, it will tell me I can't use it, but otherwise, it should be all right.
And so it looks like you see in the upper right hand corner, I got this green check mark that, hey, this user has been created. And then the learners are alphabetical by last name. So we would find-- I forgot to change my status here.
See, if it will come up. I think I did last name Brown. Well, OK, I lost my person because I forgot their name. But anyway, it will come up as alphabetical by last name. And so you can see here Rob As Student. The last name was S. So this is why it's showing up as an A.
And when I want to find myself, I think it's because-- here we go, Big Brown. So you can see that if you do the status sorting like I just did, it's putting all these that have this yellow clock at the top under Status. And what the yellow clock stands for is it's pending.
So once you create a learner account, what happens is that email that you put in there, an email is sent to that email address and what it looks like is this. So if this person can read this email, either in English or Spanish, and they have the digital skills to go on to email and use email, they can click on this big blue bar and create a password.
Now many of your students may not be able to do that, and that's all right. You can create a password for the students yourselves. So when you see that little yellow pending clock and you either know that they can't do this or you suspect that they aren't able to do it, you can manually activate their account by creating a password.
And so you'll see on the left was the little clock, the yellow clock, and their name. And on the right, I'll show you this in a second, but there's four little boxes. And then one of the boxes, there's a lightning bolt. And that stands for activation, so think energy activation. And that's where you're going to click to create the password.
If you are creating passwords for people, we all know that all of us forget passwords all the time. And for someone who is new to digital literacy, it's even harder to remember your password. So I would recommend if you are going to set-- if you're going to be creating people's passwords, that you have some kind of consistent system so that when they invariably ask you, what's my password, I forgot it, you have a quick way to remember it.
You can always change someone's password too. But just to save yourself the hassle, it's easier if you have a quick way of remembering what it is. So you can see here the Friday student has the yellow pending clock. And then over on the far right, this is the lightning bolt. And I would click on that.
And when I do, it says, are you sure you want to activate the learner membership? And I say, yes, I am. I press OK. And then the names and the email addresses will already be in here. And where it says Set New Password, that's where you actually would type in the new password.
Here you can also choose the language preference, and then you click on Update. And that person then would have access to the learner management system, the learner dashboard. And of course, you would want to share with them the email you used and the password so they know how to get in. And you probably may have to just might even be part of their first digital literacy lesson is logging in. That is a skill.
And even typing in a password, not so much with Northstar, but with other systems, sometimes you have to have uppercase letter, sometimes lowercase, numbers, symbols. To people who are not used to the English alphabet or to typewriters, that's a great place to start their digital literacy learning.
So you're are actually teaching digital literacy when you're teaching how to log in to a system. And my point here is, don't be frustrated that it's taking people time to learn that. And you might think they're not getting to the lesson. They are actually learning digital literacy. And it is a critical step and you're teaching it. So just give yourself a little bit of a break and remember that this is a very important component of digital literacy that you're teaching.
Passwords cannot be a mass import. Well, yes, passwords can't. You would have to create a unique-- you'd have to create a password for each person as you want. But let me show you the bulk import page. So you can add people in bulk. So if you have a class or a new program or whatever, there will only be three columns.
We do give you the spreadsheet. And it would be first column, first name, second column, last name, and third column, email address. And then you would fill out that spreadsheet, save it to your computer, and then upload it. And so where it happens and what it looks like is on this Learner tab.
Next to where we want to, Invite New Learner, you see, in that green box, there's one person. And if we go next to it where it says Import, you see there are two people. So that stands for bulk import. And if we click on that, here in the blue box rectangle in bold, it says CSV Template, that's where you would get that spreadsheet, you'd fill it out, save it to your computer, then Choose File to upload it.
So then all those accounts would be created at once. All those emails would go out at once. You would have to your point, if there were people that you wanted to create a password for, you'd have to go through and create the password, unfortunately, one by one.
But you can tag in bulk. So if you want to tag a bunch of people after the fact or maybe you have a new tag that you want to add to people, that's relatively easy. Yeah, I know, that's-- it will be a little bit of time on-- a little bit of admin time on your part to start.
Unfortunately, being a nonprofit, we can't make upgrades as quickly as we would like. But I will suggest it to the team and see what they-- they'll definitely put it on their spreadsheet as something to look into. So in order to tag people after the fact, you can see to the left of every one, there's this square.
And if we click on those people that we want to add the tag to, we're going to go here. I'm going to do-- you can see that it says on the right that I've assigned the tags or I'm going to assign the tag to three people. So when I know how many people I want to assign, I'm going to click on Assign tags in green. And then all again, all my tags will come up again.
And so I can search again for what I might want. See, and then click on it, and then click Apply. And then all those people I check-marked will have that tag assigned to them. So you can see they all have the Excel tag assigned to them. So that's pretty quick when you want to bulk assign tags at least.
Any questions about any of that? OK. Let me make sure I told you everything. I do want to show you that why you're doing the tags, so you can see when we go into my admin portal, that I have-- I'll show you my deactivated. I have multiple pages of learners here. You can see I have 11 pages. That's a lot of people to look through. If I'm a teacher and I only have 10 students.
So if I want to run that sub report so I'm just seeing my students, I'm going to go to where it says in the middle in the green Filter Results. And this is on every report except for one, I think, that lets you do filtering results. And here you can either filter by someone's name on this particular report or by the tag.
So if I only want to see the people that are in my Friday morning class, I just clicked in the tag box. I chose the tag I want and I'm going to apply the filter. And then I see that instead of 11 pages of people, I have three and most are deactivated. So I really only have a few people.
If I want to see everyone who's in my Friday morning class and who's in cohort 10. I'm going to Click cohort 10. So I clicked in the box. I clicked two tags. That means that the people who show up, I don't know if there'll be any, but the people who show up on here would be in both. So they'd be in Friday morning and in cohort 10 Let's see if there's anybody. So you can see there's one person. So that really narrows it down, which is what we would expect.
If I wanted to see who was in cohort 10 or something else, so maybe cohort 10 or my advanced ESL Class, I would click on where it says plus Or Other Tags. And then again, look for my advanced ESL class. So now the list that comes up should be bigger because it's all the people that are either in cohort 10 or they're in advanced ESL class. So it's a bigger group.
And I'd apply filter. And then we see that it's a much better, bigger group. So that's how you would use the Boolean searching basically to run these sub reports. And again, there's multiple reports that you can do this with.
So if there are questions, please ask them. If there are no questions, I'd like to take a moment to have you all go into your own admin portal, not my screen, and create a tag. It can be a fake tag because remember, you can always delete it, and then create a fake learner or real learner if you know someone.
Just don't use your own name because that will confuse the system because you're already in there. And again, we can get rid of this learner after you-- you don't have to activate it, but just want you to practice doing that and see if you have any questions when you're doing that. So go ahead, create a tag, create a learner, and tag that learner.
The other thing I want to mention, and this might help you, Matt. If you have a lot of learners and you don't have a lot of staff time and you feel that the learners could sign themselves up, you can enable that, can create an account for themselves. You can enable that. Your Northstar administrator can enable that in Northstar.
So as you're looking at my screen, you see that-- the person is looking at demo. And it says, at the bottom, if you have a learner account, log in. Now that's where they'd enter their username and sorry, their email and password. And you see I've circled in red. We've enabled the fact that if they need a learner account, they can sign up.
So if someone has the digital skills to actually go online and create their own learner account by entering password, you can allow that. If that does help with the number of people you, you could even that. You could even do that in a classroom setting where the teacher is directing people on how to do it. And that would make the process a little faster. You would still have to tag them after the fact, but at least they'd be sitting in their own creating their own password.
The last thing I want to talk to you about this is that if you remember the main reason we're adding learners into the learner management system is so that they have access to those practice lessons. I want you to know that you also have access to your own practice lessons, to your own learner dashboard.
And we did that because we want to make sure that you what it looks like. So you can talk about it to your two learners so that you can use it yourself for your own professional development. And so what you can determine if you want to use it for teaching purposes.
And it's really easy. There's an easy way to switch between the admin portal view and the learner dashboard view, and I want to show you how to do that. So if you're in your admin portal, your Northstar admin portal, you are-- let's go back to our landing page. Actually, we're on learners, I guess. You're adding learners or whatever, and you're like, oh, I want to see what something looks like in the monitor dashboard.
You can go over to where you see in the far right my name, and on yours, it would say your name, and go to the dropdown arrow and choose Northstar Online Learning. So these are the practice lessons. Click on that and you're going to come to your own learner dashboard. So this is for you and reflects what you have done in the system.
So if you've taken an assessment, your scores would be here. If you've done any of the practice lessons, you could see that. But it allows you access to those practice lessons in that learner dashboard so you know what's going on and what the learners are seeing.
If you want to then jump back to your admin portal, you go again to the upper right, you'll see my name. And you'll see your name on yours. You click on the dropdown arrow and then you're just going to go back to where it says Admin Portal. Mine probably will ask me which one I want to look at, but yours would go right back to the landing page. Yeah, yours will go right back here. So that's how you can switch between the two of them.
So that's the piece about adding learners and doing tagging. So just to recap, you'd want to add learners to the learner management system. That's the only way they get access to the practice lessons. And it really does make your data cleaner. But you got to weigh in the other factors, of course. But it does make the data cleaner.
And then tagging allows you to run smaller sub reports. Rather than looking at everyone in your organization, all the learners in your organization, you might want to just look at a few and that makes it much easier if you're using the tagging.
So we're next going to talk about assessments and proctoring. But if you have any questions about adding the learners, let me know. So we're going to talk about assessments. Oftentimes, ideally, you would want a proctor every assessment. In case someone passes, you could give them the certificate. Not everyone has that staff capacity.
So if you don't, I always would recommend that when you do the pretest, you do it on proctor. But make sure you're seeing what the person already knows and where there's an opportunity to learn more. And then when you do the post-test after they've done the education, then if possible, do the proctoring. If you can't proctor either one because of your situation, that's all right too. But when in doubt and you have some resources, I do the proctoring on the post-test.
The assessments, of course, help us determine what the instruction will be. They also certify achievements, and people love seeing that they pass these assessments and especially getting the certificates. And they can help prepare your teaching staff. So many times I've encountered organizations where teachers really did not feel comfortable teaching digital literacy because they just had never taught it before. And it was new to them.
And if your teacher is feeling uncomfortable, the class is going to pick up on that. And if they're uncomfortable, it's not going to work. So it's really helpful for your teachers or any of you who are teachers to go through and take the assessments yourself, see where you might have gaps in your knowledge and fill in those gaps using the educational material before you teach the class. It's going to make it much more fun.
In order to-- let's say you have a person that you want to give an assessment to, a learner, you have to know how you can get them to your site specific URL so that they are logged into your agency. So first, you have to know where your site specific URL is. And you'll get that in the email that you get from Northstar. We'll have it there. But you might forget or you might not realize that you should be remembering that.
So when you log into your admin portal, you'll find again, I'm on the landing page under where it says demo on mine and the Northstar logo. And you'll find that you see this teal colored square that says location pin. And if you look to the right of it, the second bullet point says, bookmark the page it takes you to. This is your site specific URL.
And you can see why they recommend that you bookmark it because you don't want learners typing in this huge long URL. So I would either bookmark it and have it on the computers that are at your agency or you can put it on your website so that people can log into it from there if only your learners are actually logging into your web or seeing your website. That's more often than libraries where it's behind a library card that they have to enter, but just as a quick way for people to get there.
If people are taking it remotely, you can always send this to them in the chat if you're on a Zoom call or something. But when someone clicks on this, it goes to my organization. So you can see this is demo. You see the address. And you see that it says no Proctor available. And this warning disregard that. That's just because I'm playing dual roles here.
So you'll always want when someone's taking an assessment, whether it's proctored or not, you'll always want them to go through this site specific URL, your own, not mine, but your own. So that it's recorded to your location, to your organization.
Let's say they're working on the practice lessons and they've done some learning and they want to take the assessment, they can also go from that learner dashboard. And so let's take a look at that. If they're in their learner dashboard and let's say they've been working on, I don't Windows 11, and they want to take the assessment, they're going to just click on the Take Assessment in the lower left hand corner of that square.
And then, in this case, we're at a different location called Open Door Learning Center-Midway. And it gives the information. And then they can take the assessment. So those are the two ways that the learners can get into your site specific URL, either from their learner dashboard or if you're giving them the URL, then they can go there and log in.
I see something in the chat. The validate computer via pin. We will talk about that in a second, but I'm glad you noticed it because we're going to be using it. All right. So you're sitting with someone. They're going to take an assessment. They clicked on. You have it bookmarked that site specific URL. They've clicked on it, or you've clicked on it for them, and here they are at this page with the name of your organization, your address, and this gray hash bar that says, No Proctor Available.
Backing up a bit-- we talked about this already-- but if someone is going to be taking a Northstar assessment at your location, what are some of the really basic things that you're going to need to have in order for them to take this online assessment? Really, really basic thing digital equity do.
Let's see. Computers. Yes. You're going to need some kind of a device. Exactly. What else? So that's one leg of the stool. What else will they need? It's internet based. Internet. Yes. You're going to need a stable internet connection.
The other thing I would highly advocate for would be headphones. There is an audio component to Northstar that's often very helpful for people. But unless someone's in a room all by themselves, it will just be distracting to those sitting around them. So I do highly recommend headphones if that's possible.
So you're sitting with this person and you're going to proctor their assessment, just one person at this point, and you're going to proctor their assessment. The reason we proctor is to get that if someone passes, they can get that certificate. So what does it mean to proctor? Really just that you're sitting next to them watching them take the assessment to make sure they're not using notes or their phone or someone's helping them. And you just watch the whole assessment, and that's what proctoring is.
So you're going to help the people log in. Then you're going to check their ID. Now, if this is someone that you've been working with a long time and you know who they are, you don't have to do this step. This would be more for agencies that see a lot of people coming in on a daily basis that maybe they don't know.
And the reason we check for ID really is because there are many programs throughout the US, training programs, that require a person to pass a certain Northstar assessments before they can start the program. And that's really so that they're ready, and they're going to be successful.
But if person A is applying for that program and they have person B take the test for them, that's not going to show that-- I mean, they may not be ready to take the program and they won't succeed. So that's mainly the reason that we check IDs to make sure the person is who they say they are.
We also have a testing code of conduct, which is written out. It's very straightforward. Things like don't eat or drink by the computer. Ask for any questions you have about the actual assessment before you start it. Don't be rude. Basic things. So you're going to either read that to the test-takers, or give them a copy, or paraphrase it however you want to do it.
And then you're going to start the proctoring. So in order to proctor, you have had to go through this video on proctor training that Northstar would-- if you're going to become a proctor, your Northstar administrator would sign you up to be a proctor when they add your name in. And you'll get an email from Northstar saying, watch this video. And so it's a 15-minute video. You learn how to do proctoring and you take a little three or four question quiz.
And once you pass that, you get what we call a proctor pin, which is really a alphanumeric code that's unique to you. And that is how we have this question yesterday. That is how the Northstar system knows that someone's proctoring and that it's actually you that's proctoring.
So in order to proctor, you're going to have to know your proctor pin. And of course, you'll be sent that information once you are a proctor. But I want to show you in your admin portal where you can find it if you are a proctor, and you've kind of forgotten what the PIN number was.
So there's two places you can find it. The first place that I like to think of is I'm in my Northstar admin portal. And in the blue navigation bar, I clicked on the Assessment tab. We're giving an assessment, I'm proctoring for an assessment, so think assessments. And then at the bottom, you can see my proctor pin in yellow here, and that's what I'm going to use.
Now, despite the fact that I'm sharing mine with you, you don't ever want to share your proctor pin because someone could enter it, and it looks like you proctored and you actually didn't. If for some reason your proctor pin gets compromised, we can always regenerate you a new PIN. But to avoid that hassle, best to keep it confidential.
The other place you can find your proctor PIN is when you log in to Northstar, on the landing page where it says Demo on mine, you'll see that it has the proctor pin here at the bottom. And if you click on it, it will show the pin. So in yellow on the landing page or on the assessment page, that's where you're going to find your proctor pin if you've done the training.
So you're sitting here with a person. And now to your question, what does validate computer via PIN do? That's where we're going to put in our proctor pin. So you're thinking proctor PIN, proctor code goes in where it says Validate Computer via PIN, here, right above the globe where it says Language.
So I click on that. I enter my proctor PIN. And I click on Authorize. And now you can see, oh, hey, proctor mode is on and the bar is green. Now the system is knowing that you're proctoring this. You're going to have someone scroll down, click on the test they're going to take. They take the assessment, look at the results page together maybe.
And when you're done, just make sure that you end proctor mode because, again, you don't want to walk away from the computer with proctor mode on and someone sits down to take an assessment, and it's not really proctored. Obviously, that does happen. And there's ways in the system you can change that. But again, just to make it easier on yourself, you always want to click on end proctor mode.
So that's basically how you proctor just one person. But maybe you're teaching a class and you have 10 people in your class, kind of impractical to go around from computer to computers entering in your proctor PIN while everyone's waiting, maybe seeing your proctor pin. And of course, if you're doing this remotely, you can't do that. So there is another way that you can enter your proctor PIN for a group of people or for people who are remote that actually like better. So I want to show you that too.
So if you are going to be doing proctoring remotely, you need to make sure that the student has a device, and they have stable internet. You're going to interact with them over a video chat program like Zoom, Skype, GoTo meetings, Teams, whatever.
And they're going to need a webcam so that you can see them. They'll have to be able to chat with you either by unmuting or typing in the chat. And if they are using a microphone, you want them to be able to mute it while they're taking the assessment, especially if you have several people on the screen, again, because, otherwise, there's too much just noise.
These platform requirements we do have listed out in a test-taker checklist. If you want to provide it to people, I always recommend that if you're going to be doing remote proctoring, that people know how to contact you out outside of the video conferencing app. I'm sure-- I mean, I do this all the time.
And there's been some times when I don't-- the link isn't working, or I can't get in, whatever it is. So however, they usually talk to you, by phone, email, WhatsApp, or whatever it is. Make sure they know how to reach you in case the video platform isn't working or they don't know how to get in.
And then take the time to be sure they are comfortable using your video platform so that they know how to turn on their camera, and they know how to mute and unmute, and/or write in the chat. It's worth it. This is something that is digital literacy. So just that part is digital literacy. And even if that's all you do, you've been successful in teaching digital literacy that day.
And also it's what we call it's a transferable skill. And we call this digital resiliency. So you can never teach anyone all that there is in the world about digital literacy. It's just impossible because it's constantly changing. There's just too much.
And sometimes people think that if you teach them how to use Word, that's all they can do. They've learned how to use a Word. They can't use any other program. But we know that that's not true. And if you know how to use Word, you probably know how to use Google Docs. And so that is the concept of digital resiliency, that you can take the skills you've learned and transfer them across platforms and across situations.
So just talking about, let's say you're teaching them how to use Zoom, you can talk to them about if you encounter this in a different situation, maybe it will be Teams and it will be similar. There'll be a microphone. There'll be a video camera. If you could use Zoom to talk to someone in your family.
So just always, always when you're teaching digital literacy, be talking about it's not just this particular program you're teaching, but this is something that they can use in multiple ways. And that's really the best way to make someone start to feel more comfortable around computers in general or digital literacy. We'll talk more about that tomorrow.
So once they're comfortable using your video platform, you're going to check their ID by having them hold up to the camera. You're going to again, read that testing code of conduct. You're going to help them log into Northstar. And the best way to do that actually, if it's remote, if you're in a room with a bunch of people, you could have it still bookmarked on all your computers. But if they're remote, I find the best way to do it is just to put the link in the chat.
So we're going to, again, in the Northstar admin portal in the blue navigation bar. I'm under the Assessment tab because I'm going to give an assessment. We're going to proctor an assessment. That's where we found our proctor PIN. And that's where we also, if you remember, found our site specific URL here where it says-- I don't know if I told you that, but anyway, where it says Assessment Launch Page, your site specific URL is there as well.
And so what I do and what I'm going to do for you is, I just copy it. And then I'm going to put it in the chat. Don't click on it just yet. Don't open it just yet, but we will in a second. So now it's in the chat. So what the learner would see when they click on that, and you can watch my screen for the moment, is they'd see again there with Demo, Proctor Mode is Off.
What I see is I'm still on my Assessment page. And now I'm ready to start the proctoring. So let's imagine. This is how I like to imagine it. I'm in the computer lab as the instructor. The door is shut and is locked, and the students are waiting patiently outside for me to open the door so they can come in and take their assessment.
When I'm ready to unlock that door, I'm going to click on View Current Proctor Session. So that's how I start the proctoring. And then my screen changes and I say, OK, I'm ready to start proctoring. No one has come into the room yet. So I've unlocked the door. And now I'm going to say to the learners, come on in.
And what you still see on your side is it still looks the same. So now if you go to that link I put in the chat, if you would go there, you can see that when you click that link, it says Proctor Mode is Off. Now I want you all to click Join Proctor Mode. And you'll see a little spinning circle and it says it's waiting for the Proctor response. So this is like the learner's shyly knocking on the door saying, can we really come in.
And again, on my side, if you want to look on my screen, switch back to Zoom, you can see that all these people are pending. So they're waiting to get in. And when I want them to come in. I click on the Start Proctoring in green. So as I do that for you, you should see that your screen changes. And your screen looks-- there's a green bar and it says Proctor Mode is On. So that way you as the learners know that I am proctoring. And I see on my screen that you all are active.
So you can ask me. I'll make sure with the students that are all seeing a green proctor. The band is green now. Once that is the case, then you would tell people you're ready to start proctoring. They can start their assessments. If you're doing this in person in a classroom, as long as you can see everyone's computer screen, you can proctor that many people. So if you have 12 computers in your classroom and you can see them all at one time, you can proctor 12 people at once.
If you're doing this remotely, Northstar says you can do up to 10 at one time as long as you can see them all on your screen. So Zoom will let you do that. I think Teams maybe not that many, but as long as you can see all their pictures in one go on your screen, then you can do that.
And when you're doing this remotely, you would also have them move their laptop around or use a camera to show that there's no one else in the room. That there's no notes that you can visibly see at least. So then you have them start the assessment. They don't all have to be doing the same assessment. Everyone can do a different assessment. And then when someone is done, you can always stop the proctoring for that one person until everyone is done. So that makes it a lot easier to do a group of people or people remotely.
And again, once I turn it off, it should say Proctor Mode is Off for you. And on my side, I'm going to make sure I end the proctor mode by clicking the gold End Proctor Mode. It says, are you sure? I say yes. And then it's done. So it may seem right now there's a lot of steps. There actually aren't that many. It's pretty straightforward. Don't worry if you didn't remember the order or how to do it all. That will all be in Northstar. Just want to make sure that you can do it, and that it's easy, and why you would proctor, what the advantage of proctoring is.
I will show you where all of this is in the resources. In fact, I will go there next. But I just want you to show you the reason you proctor is that hopefully someone passes, they get a certificate. There's a lot of places in Northstar to print certificates.
One of the easiest places that I remember is you're thinking, OK, this is an assessment. I'm printing a certificate for an assessment. I'm going to go in the blue navigation bar two Assessments. On the left hand side was all about proctoring the assessment. And on the right hand side, this is about the assessment results.
So if I'm looking just for one person, I can type their name in the box down here [audio out] I can look for all those that were proctored and passed or whatever I want. So I'm going to type in the learner's name.
And when I do that, I see all the assessments they've taken. And if they've passed and it was proctored, in the certificate column at the far right, it will have this little box that's either in gray or blue that says Certificate. And click on that, it comes as a PDF download. I open up the download and print it out.
So you can see it says what the learner's name is, what the organization's name is, what they completed, the date, they actually took the assessment, and then in the lower corner today's date and then the proctor's name. And if you're printing this out, it's always fun to sign it for the person if the proctor is still around. If you're doing this remotely, you could either mail it to them or if they have the understanding of how to open an email with a PDF attachment, you can send it as a PDF.
Any questions about why you proctor or how you proctor? Again, don't worry if you don't remember all the steps. I'll show you where to find that information.
So I do want to show you where the curriculum is and where the resources are. As a reminder, everything in Northstar is written at this intermediate language learner level. And so that would be great for reading level. If you use these tests, which you probably do, you know what these numbers mean.
Don't think, though, that people have to be at this reading level to use Northstar. Many instructors use it for much lower level English language learners. It just requires them to scaffold down. And by that, I mean you're going to take a lot more time teaching the skills, a lot more repetition, probably have to work in just regular vocabulary, unrelated to digital literacy vocabulary.
You might start again, like I said, with pre-beginners. If they don't know the English alphabet, you might be teaching them typing, or you might be teaching them how to do a password. What's the difference between an uppercase T and a lowercase t. Those are all building blocks for digital literacy. So build that into your programs, just your regular classes. And then you can also use a lot of the pictures in Northstar and the information in Northstar to help you even at that level.
So let me show you where the instructor-led curriculum is. I'm going to show you the resources. And it's in there, too. But if we look at our blue navigation bar, you'll see in the middle it says Curriculum. That's the instructor-led curriculum.
And we'll take a quick tour of it now. But next week, we'll look at it more in depth. So here you can see that on the right hand side, you can switch the language to Spanish. And all those that have been already translated into Spanish are there.
On the left hand side, there is a teacher guide. I find the lessons really easy to use, even for people who don't have an educational background. However, if you want to use the teacher guide to understand more why were these incorporated or how do we make the best use out of these different sections, the teacher's guide has been informative on that.
There's also this next two bullet points are all about if you're going to do remote teaching or have a virtual class, some things to think about if you're going to do that, especially the sample agenda. If you like checklists, this is very thorough checklist of what you want to do to set up virtual class.
The next two we'll talk about more later. But they're really meant for lower level digital literacy learners or lower level English language learners and/or both. And so they're taking Northstar. They're kind of pre Northstar, let's say. And so what I find in the first bullet point, these are 7-minute videos that we've developed.
So they are actually videos on topics that we kept getting asked about that we didn't feel warranted a whole unit, but that we do get a lot of questions about. So they are, especially the ones I see mostly used are Zoom, how do I do Zoom. And then you watch the video, the student watches the video. There is a student worksheet. Make sure they understood it. And we've provided the answer key.
Smartphone apps is another one that a lot of agencies use. Excuse me. WhatsApp. Many students have that and then Gmail, I would say those are the main ones that people are using, but you can use any of them.
And then the last bullet point are these routines to start introducing digital literacy skills into your ESL classes. And there are a series of actually PowerPoints that you can edit to make it fit what your class needs are. But there's some suggestions and pictures and wording that we've put in as well.
But all the main lessons are here in the boxes. And if you click on one, you'll see that it has all the lessons in here. We'll talk more about this later. But all the information about internet basics would be all under Internet Basics for the curriculum.
So I want to make sure I show you the other resources that are available to you here in Northstar. So if you forget all the things I've told you, all the details I've told you, you can come to the Resources tab here on the far right, middle right. And it's all here.
And you can see it's a grid of nine. In the upper left hand corner, the North Star manual, very comprehensive. If you click on View Manual, it's broken into parts. So the first part is this overview of what's in the admin portal, a lot about what we've been talking about today on a high level.
Part 2 is all about assessments, and printing certificates, and how to do proctoring. The third part is all about the practice lessons for staff, so how to add people into the learner accounts, how to use the tags, how to set people up. And then the fourth part is really how to talk to learners about the dashboard and about how to use the dashboard and use the practice lessons.
Part 5 is for those of you who are Northstar administrators. Part 6 would be for the instructor-led curriculum. Part 7 is just for your own managing your own Northstar account. We also have a Northstar dictionary. Here in part 9 is where you'll find the codes of conduct, and I'll show it to you in a second.
But part 10, I think I've said this, we have a lot of reports in Northstar. And they're scattered throughout Northstar. So they're under the Report tab but then there's also individual reports in the Learners tab and the Assessment tab and the Report tab. So you can find them in many places.
And you probably won't be running reports for a while since you don't have any data yet if you haven't been using Northstar. So just come back to part 10 when you're ready to run the reports. And we'll tell you all the reports and where they all can be found and how to run them all.
And then let's quickly show you this test-taker code of conduct, just to show you that it's pretty basic. So it's about listening carefully, being respectful, being honest, basic things like that. It's a pretty straightforward.
All right. So under the Northstar manual are the FAQs. And these are nice because they're broken out into sections as well. So there's general info, questions about assessments, the curriculum, Northstar online learning, and tasks, which is probably what you'll be starting out with now. So that will help you with some of the tasks if you have questions about that.
Below that this is all about the practice lessons. We have created some videos that are on the learner dashboard for learners to talk to them about how to use the learner dashboard and how to use the practice lessons. But we wanted to make sure you have access to those videos, not only there but here too. So if you click View Videos, that's where they are.
And then we also created a teacher guide. If you want to use the practice lessons, like in a classroom setting, you can. Many organizations instead of or/and in addition to using the instructor led-curriculum, they'll go through the practice lessons, especially those who are teaching remotely as a group. So this talks about how to do that.
In the middle, we have our quickstart guide. And this is arranged by your role. So if you're a staff person in Northstar, if you're a proctor, if you're an admin. And it will tell you the things that you need to know get started in your role.
In the middle is all about proctoring assessments. So even if you are a proctor, you want to watch that video again, you can watch the video on how to do proctoring. And it does jump to the Northstar manual to the specific part on proctoring. And then you can see it has short sentences, screenshots, again, of how to do everything that I talked to you about, probably more.
I'm going to skip other resources for the moment. On the upper right, video tutorials. If you'd like to learn by video, these are 1 to 3 minute videos that tell you how to do things. You can also access the Northstar curriculum here underneath Northstar Curriculum. It's the same. They go to the same place either up here or in this middle box. They both take you to the same place.
Then in the lowest right hand corner, Create a Support Ticket. This is very important because this is how you access the Northstar team. So again, if you have something that's not working, or you have a question, you don't know how to do something, or you have a suggestion like Matt did, this is where you can go to send basically an email that goes to the entire Northstar team. And this is the best way to contact us.
So as much as I like helping all of you and talking to you, my schedule is such that I won't get to you as fast as I would like to but the team will. And if it's something that has to come to me, they'll definitely get it to me. So use that if you have any Northstar related questions or problems.
The last category or the last box out here we haven't talked about yet is in the middle bottom called Other Resources. Now, this is a hodgepodge, as it sounds, a hodgepodge of other things, but a lot of important things in here.
So the first box you see is Proctor Training. Again, if you're already a proctor and you just want to review the proctor training, you can come here. Let's say you became a proctor years ago and you want to review it, it's probably changed, you can review those videos.
Underneath that, these are all the standards all in one place. And that's nice because you might be thinking, OK, I want to teach this skill, but I don't really know if it's an internet basics or basic computer skills or using email. You can come here and look at the standards for each topic and compare them, keep scrolling down and compare one to the other. So you can find what you're looking for, the standards you might be looking for, or you just want to know what's in Internet Basics. It's all right here for you.
Underneath that again, the codes of conduct, same codes of conduct. Then after that is the Northstar style guide. So if you want to put the Northstar logo on anything you're doing, if you want to say, hey, we're having Northstar classes or we do Northstar assessments or whatever it is, please feel free to use the logo. And it's in here in a couple forms. If you want to use our color palette and font, you definitely can, but you don't have to. But that's just there if you like.
We do have remote learning and testing resources if you're doing remote teaching or classes. This next box, External Resources, is a little not used as much anymore. It was before we had the practice lessons, but there are other websites that we did not make that are free that we feel do teach the standards in Northstar in maybe a different way.
So if a student is looking to-- they've gone through the practice lessons, they've gone through maybe the class that you're teaching, and they want another way to practice this, this might be a way for them to do that. So it's arranged such that they're in the same order as our topics.
If you clicked on one, if there's a little book by it, it means it's something you read. If there's a play button, it means it's something you watch. And if there's a little brain here, it means that it's something that you're doing. Let's go to Internet Basics, for example, you can see that standard 1. There's three other resources outside of Northstar that we feel teach this standard.
They're all going to look different. So you want to make sure the learner knows that. But if we have learners who they complete all the assessments and they want to do more, they don't really want to go to higher level digital literacy, they just want to keep doing digital literacy, so we often recommend some of this.
We also have printables. So if you want to print a flyer or a poster, we have multiple iterations with different pictures. We have some words on them and then a place where you can put in your agency's information, so what you're offering, what time classes are, who to contact or whatever. So you can feel free to use that in English or in Spanish. And then these screeners we're going to talk about next week.
So I've given you a ton of information. You're probably tired. And we have come to the end of our time. So the big takeaways are, when you log in to your Northstar admin portal, the blue navigation bar is how you get around the landing page that you come to.
We've put some things there of where to go just to start learning, the North Star manual, the video tutorials, and the quickstart guide. It does have your location URL, your site specific URL here in the second bullet point. And once you become a proctor, which most of you probably are not yet, it would show your proctor PIN.
Then in the blue navigation bar, the Learners tab. This is where you create the tags and where you add the learners. The Assessment tab. This is where you will do the proctoring and also you can look at assessment results. Reports we didn't talk about today, but these are the big picture reports for your agency-wide.
Curriculum is where you're going to find the instructor-led curriculum. Location information is only for Northstar administrators, and Resources is where you're going to find all the educational materials in Northstar.