[music playing]

Speaker: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.

Hannah Gandy: We are the team representing Clovis Adult Education. Our team comprises our awesome coach, Yecsenia Delgado, our director of nursing, Chun Hee McMahon, and CTE instructors Amalia Pizano and myself, Hannah Gandy.

Behind the scenes and in our first year here in DLAC, we had Elaine Sims, who is our department chair. Elaine continuously supports development and implementation on campus as our main teacher trainer and assistant director for our nursing program.

Along with Elaine, we have had the support of our nursing office staff, specifically Erika Tapia and Lisa Strong, who created our forms and collected images for our power presentations.

We are part of adult education, but the nursing program itself is ran directly by 13 nursing instructors, our full time office staff, and our assistant director and director. Together, we are currently managing approximately 90 vocational nursing students across three cohorts. This is the group that I started just here in January.

We also have approximately 30 nursing students and 15 home health aide students. With prerequisite courses, we collectively service approximately 1,100 students annually. So these are our CNA students.

Audience: That reminds me of my visit. They were so nice when I came. Hello, Dr. Porter. I thought I was a real doctor.


Hannah Gandy: You are.

Chun Hee McMahon: Clovis Adult Education nursing department had used to use the Moodle as a learning platform since 2017, before converting to canvas. All CAE nursing instructors were trained and familiarized with the usage of Moodle at that time with varying degree of comfort and utilization. When OTAN announced that Moodle was no longer supported by OTANs, we had to transition to Canvas.

The CAE nursing department concerned with the tradition as some staff still struggled with the Moodle. And through the Moodle to Canvas transition, we transferred over 89 nursing courses. In this process, the instructor had to update the digital classroom, online test, supporting instructional material, and grading systems individually.

OTAN was pivotal in providing early education and providing support to our staff through this transition in August, 2022. And here, our chronological calendar, August 22, it was Moodle. And then January 21 campus conversion announcement, we announced it to teachers. And January 22 campus implement plan was announced.

And then March 2022 campus training started, unofficial at that time. And then August 2022 and first the prerequisite and it was alive. And then September 2022, first the VN, that's a vocational nursing courses online, went online.

Ideal 101 give us agency some great structure to our goals by keeping us on track when it came to time management and goal achievement. And we had some clear goals and the timeline for executing that many not have been timely due to time constraints and challenges. We had this abstract thoughts about what we want to see in our transition to Canvas from Moodle and fully going paperless. But Ideal 101 helped us center and clarify our ideas.

Ideal 102 has continued to push us forward to completing our goals. And we completed a teacher resources classroom in Canvas where our instructors have a one stop shop for all resources to develop their own Canvas classroom. We also completed to form to help maintain continuity for our nursing instructors and to help our department chair audit Canvas classrooms and ensuring communication and clarification of expectations.

Amalia Pizano: So our goal was for all nursing instructors to be able to use Canvas as a main LMS and other technological resources to its full potential. And with some continuity in our classes, of course. So we incorporated the skills that we learned about, such as handling conflict and communication skills in DLAC to empower our instructors.

We continue to have monthly instructor meetings and have encouraged instructors to join online through Zoom if they're not able to in person. We encourage communication of frustrations and requests for help. The skills we refined during training sessions have been to lean on our strengths and divide the project's labor accordingly. We have grown our less technologically savvy instructors to instructors that are comfortable using Canvas 100% for all classes and 100% testing online.

So in our all things Canvas course, which is our resources for our teachers, we put in meeting minutes. So if an instructor missed a meeting, they can go in there and see what topics we talked about. Time sheets are in there, anything that we may need for HR like requesting PTO time off, remediation forms for students, templates for our syllabus to create that continuity, instructional plans to clarify what we are supposed to be teaching in our courses, and then, of course, our Canvas checklist.

So here is a snapshot of our teacher resources, all things Canvas. So if there are any questions that need to be addressed, instructors are encouraged to take advantage of this all things Canvas classroom, which was created by Elaine, where resources are posted for our instructors for the how to's and navigation of Canvas. If, for any reason, the instructors cannot find the information that they're looking for, then Elaine is available as well as the fellow more tech savvy instructors.

The way we formed continuity within our nursing courses regarding our Canvas classrooms was by creating this Canvas check-off list. This is a list available in that all things Canvas resource classroom. The Canvas checklist contains and lists out the bare minimum requirements, which includes a syllabus, ATI, which is our assessment testing, assignments, exams, and the grade book. The checklist is a tool for the instructors to use to ensure that they are meeting the expectations for Canvas classroom setups.

Elaine is our Canvas administrator and utilizes the check-off form to keep the instructors accountable. Elaine gives the instructors feedback using the form to document what is missing and gives the instructor a deadline by when the corrections need to be made.

Hannah Gandy: Our challenge is to during our transition roles we're also a great part of our success. I think we talked about a lot in the first year. Two of our more technologically resistant instructors step down. So that expedited the closure of the technology utilization disparity, but that left us very, very short-handed in terms of teaching.

So the shortage of instructors has stretched us very thin, and we've been taking over courses last minute, having to build them, and maybe teaching classes that we may not like or feel very knowledgeable about. But this has definitely not set us back. We have risen to the occasion through hard work, dedication, and through the continued support of the entire team within our nursing program and school administrators.

I do want to point out that while we did this and in during COVID, you're going to see a picture of one of our COVID groups. But the last two cohorts, 100% pass rate on that class. So even while that was going on that-- yeah.

Chun Hee McMahon: In fact, the last two years, five nursing instructors have completed California State Career Technical Education Certification and have cleared their teaching credential.

[cheers, applause]

The CTE credential course were 100% online, and the instructors learned to use technology not only in their own assignments for submission, but they also learned how to incorporate technology effectively into classroom they were teaching. The instructors used their experience as students in the CTE credential courses to better understand what their students were experiencing daily during our nursing program in their campus courses.

In the last six months, we have added two new teachers, two nursing instructors, and have another one coming this summer. Thank God.


Some new and exciting things we have related to technology are that we have obtained two laptop carts that contain 35 laptops in each cart. So a total of we gained 70 new laptops for use in our classroom. And this facilitates our student's access to technology as they are able to check out the laptops for use on campus, along with free access to our school Wi-Fi for students at any time and any personal devices.

Hannah Gandy: The carts are in addition to the one that we already had. So now we have three carts in our department.

Chun Hee McMahon: In addition to our new laptop cart, we also have a brand new desktop computers as all 35 computers in our computer lab have been upgraded.

Hannah Gandy: Since being in DLAC, DLAC leadership has visited our campus and met with our school administrators. Through this meeting, DLAC influenced Clovis Adult Education administration to give all full time instructors one paid office hour a week and a half hour off for our part time staff. The instructors have also gotten clarification on how many curriculum development hours when we get a new class. So we get 20 hours to develop curriculum when we get a new subject.

Amalia Pizano: So with the new instructors onboarding and the allotted hours for curriculum development, the current instructors are now getting to a point where they are able to modify and finalize their curriculum within their expertise. A big theory that drives nursing is Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Are you guys familiar with Maslow's?

So the lowest item on the hierarchy is your basic survival requirements-- breathing, sleep, food, shelter, water. This is where we feel like we have been living-- in survival mode. But now, with all of our changes, we are getting to move up the hierarchy of needs into safety and security and love and belonging.

So we feel more secure and more comfortable in our roles as educators as the consistency in our classes and curriculum grows. So as we move towards a more digital era with these new students and staff, we are hoping that we can continue to receive DLAC support in coming up with ideas on how to retain our school's students from other programs such as ESL. We want to collaborate and want to recruit these ESL students into our NA and VN programs. We want to ensure a smooth transition by providing them with any resources they may need for the completion of our nursing program application requirements and beyond.

Long term, we're hoping to add more instructors that are open-minded and willing to learn new things. In addition, each new instructor brings a new expertise, but those we seek must also have flexibility, flexibility to cover other instructors or other classes as changes happen in staff, courses, and schedules.

In summary, we have moved into a technologically centered program through the help of the Digital Learning Academy and Consortium and its wonderful leaders. We look forward to continuing to grow in this digital era. We want to take a moment to thank OTAN and DLAC for the opportunity to participate in this experience. And yes, thank you to our coach, Yecsenia, for her guidance.

Hannah Gandy: So you can see here, this was one of the groups that pretty much entirely did the program through COVID. And this was a big shift for our program. You can see where it says we had 98% of students passing. And so it's a big accomplishment. They started off online on Zoom.

Chun Hee McMahon: And now our passing rate is 100%.

[cheers, applause]

Thank you all. Any question?