[music playing]
Emily: Hi, I'm Emily Mitchell and I'll be your host and teacher. Today we will learn about free medical and legal services. Let's begin at the Los Angeles free clinic. People with low incomes can come here and get medical care at no cost. Here are some of the words you'll be hearing today. Please write them down.
Appointment, examination room, clinic, forms, pregnancy test. Now, let's join Marta and Rosalba. Watch and listen.
Marta: Good morning, miss. My sister has an appointment.
Woman 1: What is your name?
Rosalba: My name is Rosalba Martinez.
Woman 1: Rosalba Martinez. You have a 10 o'clock appointment. You're a little early.
Rosalba: Yes. I really need to see the doctor.
Woman 1: Of course. I understand. This is for a pregnancy test, isn't it?
Rosalba: Yes, it is.
Woman 1: Good. OK. You'll need to fill out these forms, and a nurse will be with you shortly.
Rosalba: OK. Thanks.
Marta: How much is this going to cost?
Woman 1: According to your application, this visit will be free.
Rosalba: Wonderful.
Emily: While Rosalba is filling out those forms, let's review. Do you need to make an appointment to see the doctor?
Voice 1: Yes, you do.
Emily: What time was Rosalba's appointment with the doctor?
Voice 1: Her appointment was at 10 o'clock.
Emily: Does it cost a lot of money to get medical care at a free clinic?
Voice 1: No, it doesn't.
Emily: I think Rosalba's finished filling out those forms now. Let's listen.
Woman 1: OK. Follow me. I'll take you into the examination room.
Rosalba: OK.
Marta: Well.
Rosalba: Well, now we have to wait. In about 30 minutes, we'll know if I'm pregnant or not.
Emily: Why did Rosalba go to the clinic?
Voice 1: She went to the clinic to get a pregnancy test.
Emily: Does Rosalba think she might be pregnant?
Voice 1: Yes, she does.
Emily: Does Rosalba have to pay for her examination?
Voice 1: No, she doesn't.
Emily: When will Rosalba and Marta know the results of the pregnancy test?
Voice 1: They will know the results in 30 minutes.
Emily: Good. Now let's review some of our vocabulary. Listen and repeat the words you see and hear.
Voice 1: Appointment, appointment, examination room, examination room, clinic, clinic, forms, forms, pregnancy test, pregnancy test.
[music playing]
Emily: That was excellent. Now let's practice what we have learned today. Watch and listen to our friends. After they speak, you will repeat what they say. If you need more time, you can always stop the tape.
Marta: We have a 10 o'clock appointment.
Woman 1: Please fill out these forms. Please follow me into the examination room.
Rosalba: In about 30 minutes, we'll know if I'm pregnant or not.
Emily: Excellent. Let's follow Ivan and see where he's going. Do you think he'll get the job from Mr Gray?
Amir: Hi. What are you doing here
Ivan: I just came from seeing Mr Gray.
Amir: Oh, that's right. You were going to give him your answer on that part time position?
Ivan: Yes. And unfortunately, I had to turn him down.
Amir: But I thought--
Ivan: My cousin, Stefan, he won't let me do both jobs. And I can't afford to be fired right now.
Amir: You really should talk with Mr Jackson. He's a very good lawyer. I bet he could help you.
Ivan: I know. I'm on my way up to see him right now.
Amir: Oh, his office is on the third floor, isn't it? I'm going down to the second floor to see Ms. Brown.
Ivan: What are you seeing Ms. Brown about?
Amir: A promotion. I've been here two years already, and there's an opening for a legal assistant. I think I would make a terrific legal assistant.
Ivan: Well, good luck.
Amir: Thanks.
Emily: Did Ivan accept the job offer from Mr Gray?
Voice 1: No, he didn't.
Emily: Is Ivan going to see Mr Jackson, the lawyer?
Voice 1: Yes, he Is.
Emily: Where is Amir going?
Voice 1: Amir is going to see Ms. Brown.
Emily: Very good. It's too bad that Ivan had to turn down that job. Maybe Mr Jackson can help him figure out what to do. Let's watch and listen.
Ivan: Excuse me, Mr Jackson.
MR. MILLER: No, I'm Mr miller, Mr Jackson's assistant.
Ivan: My name is Ivan. And I was looking for Mr Jackson. I wanted to discuss a personal problem with him.
MR. MILLER: Well, come on in, Ivan. How can I help you?
Ivan: My boss, my cousin, Stefan, he does not want me to work here part time.
MR. MILLER: Why not?
Ivan: He says it will interfere with my other responsibilities at the apartment building I manage.
MR. MILLER: And what are your responsibilities?
Ivan: They are only supposed to be minor repair.
Ivan: For the last several months, I have been fixing electricity, painting, repairing the plumbing, and doing things that I was not hired to do.
MR. MILLER: It seems that your employer is taking advantage of you. Let me call him. And I'm sure that I can get him to see it your way.
Ivan: Will this visit cost me a lot of money?
MR. MILLER: Oh no, no. This isn't going to cost you anything. Our firm does pro bono work.
Ivan: So if it all works out, then I can keep my job at the apartment building and begin to work part time here?
MR. MILLER: That's right. Ivan, before I make this call, why don't you talk to your boss, and tell him what you've told me today. Maybe if you do, I won't have to call him.
Ivan: Yeah, I think you are right. I will go and see him right now.
MR. MILLER: Good luck to you. Let me know what happens.
Ivan: Thank you very much, Mr. Miller.
Emily: Is Ivan upset with Stefan, his employer?
Voice 1: Yes, he is.
Emily: Is Ivan's employer taking advantage of him?
Voice 1: Yes, he is.
Emily: Will this visit to the lawyer's office cost Ivan anything?
Voice 1: No, it won't.
Emily: Will Ivan speak to his employer?
Voice 1: Yes, he will.
Emily: Good. Let's see if Amir gets that promotion.
Julie: Good morning, Amir. What can I do for you this morning?
Amir: I'm here to see Ms. Brown.
Julie: Oh, is she expecting you?
Amir: Well, no. I just thought I would stop by and talk to her about the job position that I saw on the bulletin board.
Julie: Oh, which one is that?
Amir: The legal assistant.
Julie: OK. Just a minute. Let me see if she's free. Ms. Brown, Amir is here. He'd like to talk to you for a minute. OK. She'll be right here.
MS. BROWN: Julie, where is the Robinson file?
Julie: It's on your desk next to your phone.
MS. BROWN: Thanks. Good morning, Amir. I'm glad you came by. There's something I wanted to talk to you about.
Amir: Oh.
MS. BROWN: Come on in.
Amir: Great.
MS. BROWN: Julie, the Robinson file is not on my desk.
Julie: It's next to your phone, Ms Brown.
MS. BROWN: Julie, will you come in here, please, and show me where it is because I can't find it. Mr Robinson will be here at 9:30, and I need that file.
Julie: Sure.
MS. BROWN: So you wanted to see me.
Amir: Yes. I saw the job posting for legal assistant last week, and--
Julie: I don't understand. It was right here next to your phone before I went home last night.
MS. BROWN: Well, it's not here now. I looked on top of the file cabinet. I looked inside the file cabinet, on top of the bookshelf, I can't find it anywhere. Just look for it, please.
Emily: While Julie looks for the file, let's review what we've just seen. Was Ms. Brown expecting to see Amir?
Voice 1: No, she wasn't.
Emily: Where did the Secretary say the Robinson file was located?
Voice 1: The Secretary said the file was next to the phone.
Emily: Did they find the file next to the phone?
Voice 1: No, they didn't.
Emily: Did they find the file on top of the file cabinet?
Voice 1: No, they didn't.
Emily: Good work. Do you think they will find the file? Do you think Amir will get a promotion? Let's watch and listen.
Julie: Oh, I remember now. I must have taken it out this morning. And it must be inside my desk drawer. Let me go check outside.
Amir: I wanted to talk to you about the--
Julie: Here it is.
MS. BROWN: Where was it?
Julie: It was in my desk drawer.
MS. BROWN: Thanks, Julie. Next time, be more careful.
Amir: Well, I've been working here for two years now, and I feel I'm ready for a promotion. I would like to be considered for the position of legal assistant.
Amir: I meet all of the qualifications required for the job. I have a high school diploma. My typing speed is 65 words per minute. I have excellent proofreading skills, and I'm very familiar with the terminology.
MS. BROWN: Amir, you've been seeing a lot of my niece, haven't you?
Amir: Well, yes. But I came here to talk about my promotion, not about Tanya.
MS. BROWN: I understand, Amir, but understand me. I would like you to stop seeing my niece.
Amir: Are you saying that if I don't stop seeing your niece, I won't be considered for the promotion?
MS. BROWN: Think about it. It will benefit both of you if you would stop dating. I only want what's best for both of you. You two could have wonderful opportunities at this firm.
[phone rings]
Thank you, Julie. Would you ask him to hold for just a second. Amir, please think about what we have discussed today.
Emily: Well, let's talk about what we just saw. Is Amir feeling very happy right now?
Voice 1: No, he isn't.
Emily: Why did Amir go to Ms. Brown's office this morning?
Voice 1: He went to Ms. Brown's office to ask for a promotion.
Emily: Which position did Amir want to apply for?
Voice 1: He wanted to apply for the position of legal assistant.
Emily: Does Ms. Brown tell Amir to stop dating her niece?
Voice 1: Yes, she does.
Emily: That was very good.
[music playing]
In the following scenes, you will hear someone ask a question. When you hear the answer, repeat it aloud.
MS. BROWN: Is the file next to the phone?
Julie: No. The file isn't next to the phone. Is the file in your desk drawer?
MS. BROWN: No. The file isn't in my desk drawer. Is it on top of the filing cabinet?
Julie: No. The file isn't on top of the filing cabinet.
Emily: Good. Now you'll have a chance to answer a few questions yourself. After you hear the question, fill in the blank with the correct choice. Is the computer next to, on top of, in, under the desk?
Voice 1: The computer is on top of the desk.
Emily: Is the paper in, on, at, under, between the drawer?
Voice 1: The paper is in the drawer.
Emily: Is the trash can next to, under, on top of, between the door?
Voice 1: The trash can is next to the door.
Emily: Is the pencil on top of, next to, under, on the desk?
Voice 1: The pencil is under the desk.
Emily: Good work. Today you learned that we can find legal and medical services at no cost to us. I hope you enjoyed today's lesson. Until next time, keep putting English to work.
[music playing]