[AUDIO LOGO] ANNOUNCER: OTAN-- Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. CHRIS VELE CHE: My name is Chris Vele Che, and my session today is on YouTube Shorts. YouTube Shorts. So here are the session goals. Here are the session goals. We have one 1 and 30 minutes. And as Melinda mentioned before, please do not try to do this as we are going through these slides because you may be stuck in some areas that you may need help. And then it's not going to be a good idea to try to do two things. I know you can all multitask because I also multitask. But for this session, just get a cup of coffee, get tea, get comfortable, just listen. And if you have any questions, write it down, put it in the chat. Melinda is going to help me answer those questions as well, if we need to stop at any point in this presentation. So for today's session goals, we're going to focus on three main questions. So the first question is, what are YouTube Shorts? What are YouTube Shorts? Does anybody know? Does anybody have a good idea for what are YouTube Shorts? You can put something in the chat. If you know anything about YouTube Shorts, if you have any idea, or maybe you have never heard of YouTube Shorts. So go ahead and chat. Like TikTok, Christy says. Yeah. Excellent. Yeah. So YouTube Shorts are similar to TikTok reels. And we'll talk a little bit about what they are. So that's going to be question number 1. Question number 2 would be how do I create YouTube Shorts? So we're going to dive into all the step-by-step instructions on how to create YouTube Shorts. And the last question would be, what should I create for my adult class? So if you buy into-- OK. So YouTube Shorts seems like something I can do for my class. So what should I create for my adult class? Well, it all depends what you teach. So we're going to go ahead and begin with question number 1. So what are YouTube Shorts? And I think we have people with some comments in the chat. Yes. Short videos. Only familiar with YouTube. So let's begin with question number 1. What are YouTube Shorts? So YouTube Shorts are vertical videos. Vertical videos, that means that you are going to enjoy watching a video in a vertical format using your phone. And I think we all watch videos at this point using our phones. We watch many things using our phones. So these videos are perfect. If you are creating content for your students who only have phones or spend most of their time with their phones. So these are vertical videos. They are 60 seconds or less. 60 seconds or less because if you google what is currently the average human attention span these days, I think it's 8.25 seconds. That is pretty bad. So our attention has decreased over the years with so much technology. So seconds or less is a lot. So with YouTube Shorts, you only need your phone to create videos. You don't need extra gadgets or anything else. Only the app and your cell phone, and, of course, good internet. These videos are typically very catchy, if you have experience watching one of these videos, like TikTok. And the beauty of these YouTube Shorts is that you can-- once you create your video, you can public. So millions of people on YouTube can have access to your video or you can. Simply put the visibility as Unlist. Meaning that you can create videos only for your class. You don't have to share with the world. So that's a little bit of YouTube Shorts in a nutshell, I guess. You can also add music to these videos. You can add music, you can add text to this YouTube Shorts, you can add filters. And I don't know if you're familiar with filters. But filters is things that you can add that makes your video even more appealing to the audience. And then you can also create a library. So once you create a video, you'll have a place within your app, within YouTube Shorts where you can reuse these videos. So you can create more, you can reshare. So you create your own library of content to be used with YouTube Shorts. So what do I need to do first? What do you need to do first if you want to start creating content with Shorts? Number 1, you need to download the YouTube app if you haven't. Download the YouTube app if you haven't. And number 2 is create a YouTube channel. You have to create a YouTube channel. You can sign in, but you have to create a YouTube channel. So you can store all your Shorts, your videos, and you can, again, reuse them later. So you'll have your own library on your YouTube channel. Again, you'll have the options to make all your content not private, but unlisted, meaning that you can only share the link to the people you decide to share the link with. So to create your YouTube channel, you can sign up with your email, maybe a Gmail account. And it's very simple. Once you sign into your email account, you tap on your profile picture like this, and then you tap on Create a Channel. And it's as simple as that. So sign up with your email, tap on your profile or click on your profile, and create a channel. So again, two important requirements. Download the YouTube app and create a channel, YouTube channel. It could be a YouTube channel-- educational YouTube channel for your class. Anyways, let's move along here. So how do I create YouTube Shorts? So this is the part where I don't want you to be distracted. Try to concentrate. Maybe you know this already. Yeah. Let's begin. So how do I create YouTube Shorts? Number 1 is plan. Plan. And I would suggest that you plan something easy, like a welcome and introduction video for your class. I am assuming that all of you are teachers. If you're not a teacher, maybe you're an administrator, maybe you can also make a YouTube Short introducing yourself to the staff or the people you work with. So plan a welcoming introduction video for your class. That's something that maybe we can all do. Something easy. Number 2, practice what you will say. Remember, only 60 seconds or less. Otherwise, you lose interest. I mean, students will lose interest. Or they will be forced to watch it because they are in your class. But only 60 seconds or less. Now, when I say going back to practice what you will say, try to not add fillers when you talk, especially if you're teaching a multilingual learner, an ESL student. Try not to add a lot of um, uh. Those little fillers that we tend to do when we speak. Try to be clear. Enunciate all your words and plan what you will say, because most likely, you will have to add captions. So again, plan, practice. And number 3, also practice your patience and your imagination during the creating process. So technology can be frustrating, especially if you're using a tiny phone. And if you don't have fine motor skills or good fine motor skills with your fingers, then that can create maybe frustration. So always practice patience with technology, especially new things that you are trying. Patience and, of course, imagination. You got to stimulate that imagination, so you can create the best you can for your students. Be creative. So three things to take into consideration. Plan, practice, practice. With that said, I think we are ready. I think we are all set. And I think it's time for us to dive into how to create YouTube Shorts. Well, I'm going to offer you two options. Option A or the first option is using your camera. Yeah. You have your cell phone, use your camera, your phone camera, and record yourself. Remember, 60 seconds or less. After you plant what you'll say, open your camera, record. And then you open the YouTube app, which you already downloaded. And then something will come up when you open the YouTube app. You're going to select more photos. The last step is where you're going to upload that video that is already in your phone. So again, first step, make a video, use your phone camera, record yourself. Hello, my name is. Welcome to this class. If you're satisfied with your video, you open the YouTube app, and then you are going to select more photos. Now, these are four steps. I have to give you visual. So what you will see, because you're not doing this as we are speaking. Hopefully not. So this is what you'll see. So again-- oh. I got my video. I got my-- Sorry. Hello, students. Happy new year. This is me. My name is Chris Vele Che. And I will be your English level 1 teacher. Our classes will begin on Monday, January 23 at the Community Learning Center in Oceanside. Our classroom number is 21-- Anyways. That is a little introduction of myself, beginning of the semester, which is a best practice for all of us teachers. To send videos, so our students get to know us before the beginning of class. So I got my video. I like how I look. I like how my skin looks. So I look good. [LAUGHTER] I like how I sound. I'm satisfied. I got my video. So the next step is what? Open the YouTube app. Exactly. So you open your YouTube app, which is a little icon like this one over here. And then you are going to tap on the plus button. You will see a plus button on your app. Once you open it, of course. And a little box will pop up, and it says, YouTube would like to access your photos. Now, please don't panic over here. This is just the pictures and videos you give YouTube permission to store in your YouTube Short account. You're not going to share the millions of pictures to the world. So click on Select More Photos. So YouTube have access to your camera and the video that you already created there. So select More Photos. After you select more Photos, here is the picture. So I got my video. I open my YouTube app. And then I'm going to select More Photos. This is my phone. My YouTube Short account. Select More Photos. And then you are going to click Add right here. This is not the best design layout because sometimes you're like, OK. What do I do next? Where should I click? Click on Add. You're adding the video from your camera to YouTube Shorts. So click on Add. And then here is the video. If you are satisfied with the video, I mean, during this stage of the creation process, you can trim your video. If you notice right here, up at the top of-- right here, what are the seconds that we have there? We have 60. 60 seconds. And how long is my video? AUDIENCE: 41. CHRIS VELE CHE: Exactly. 41.1 seconds. So this is excellent. So I'm not going over the 60 seconds. So I don't need to trim. I like everything. So I don't need to trim anything. If I'm happy with my video, I'm going to click Done. And what do you do at that point? Well, you add your video. And then you are happy with your video, you don't need to trim, you click Done. And that's it. That is it for option A. Option 1. Now, at this point, you got your video, you uploaded your video. And this is your phone and this is it will look like once you uploaded your video. What you need to do next is tap on the. Check icon right here. Tap on the check icon. And here is your video again. And this is the fun part. This is where you get to decorate, to customize your video with text and music, voiceover, filters, and more. So tap the check icon. Here is your video. And you are ready to customize, because you already uploaded and you are ready to add your text or music. Now, let me go back again. Over here, this is my phone. And we're going to go into every single one of these icons, so you have a better idea of what is there to be used for your video. So we're going to begin with our sound. I think the beauty of this video is you can add music. You can add music to your video. You tap on the icon sound. It will take you to a box like this. And you're going to type right here any song. Beyoncé. Anything. Pretty much anything. Anything you like. Jazz, Miles Davis. Any artist that you like. You can select the music over here. And well, type the title of the song and select it. And that's it. So this is going to take-- probably, you want to spend a few minutes over here because there's so much to listen to. And depending on the type of video. If you are making a welcoming introduction video, what music are you looking for? Happy. Something that is welcoming and happy vibe type music. So yes. Right here. So that is for sounds. Now, when you are adding music or sound to your video, it's very important that you check the volume. And how do you do that? Well, you tap, you will see an icon, volume icon. And then you will adjust the volume so that your voice is louder than the background music that you are adding. So you adjust the volume of your voice and the music, that is, better. And Melinda and I were watching some of my YouTube Shorts, and there is one YouTube Short that I created last year, and that's my sound, my volume, my voice is very soft. You can barely hear it. I mean, you can still hear it, but you really have to be in a quiet room, maybe, to listen to my video. So please take this into account. Always adjust the volume. So if you're sharing this with students, they don't have a hard time trying to understand what you're saying, especially if there is music in the background. MELINDA HOLT: Chris, on the music, this is important question. I'm sorry I'm interrupting but-- CHRIS VELE CHE: Yeah. That's OK. MELINDA HOLT: Are there any copyright issues with the music? CHRIS VELE CHE: YouTube Shorts have-- because it's less than 60 seconds, there is nothing that you need to do or add. It is part of the YouTube. I guess is already built in. There's no problems with that. YouTube is not going to-- yeah. I'm assuming it's only music you have on it. Yeah. If it is music on Apple Music maybe, but if it's an album. But these are just samples or bits of music that you will be using. So you don't need to add anything. Once you upload the music, it will come with the author, the album that you're using. I will show you how would that look like. So you don't have to worry about, oh. Do I need to worry about my shorts that will be taken off because of copyrights? No. No. There are no problems with that. And I will show you later on how would that look like so you don't have to worry about that part. Any other questions? Anything up to this point? So maybe not. The music is always fun. Now, the text part. Over here, once you are clicking on the text portion over here, you can check all the font that YouTube Shorts have. So you can select the font. If you tap over here, you can see what types of fonts they have. This one is fun. I didn't take pictures, so how would that look like. But you can explore on your own the fonts that best fit the type of video you're creating. So you can also select the color of the font or the background of the font and, of course, align the text right here. Hang on. Oops. One moment. OK. So you can align the text right up here. Whether it's left, center, or right. And the last bit of the text portion is adjust the text size right here. Adjusting the size of the text, it's hard to find, but it's right here. It's a little line. So you can adjust how big of the text you want or small right here. So again, font, color, align, and size the text. Any questions over here maybe? No questions yet. Let's go to Trim. Trim, I don't think you have a problem, because at the beginning, when you are uploading your video, you'll have that option to trim your video. You will also continue to have that option during the creation process to trim at any point. And how do you do that? Well, you will see you'll click on the Trim icon, and then you'll see something like this in your phone. So you'll click the thumbnail, which is a little picture down below right here. So you click and you will have, again, the options to trim as you need it. Very simple, again, to use. The trimming part is very simple. Yes, you can upload your own music or your own sound. YouTube has that option to upload sounds, even sounds from-- yes. You can upload your own music, but your own music, like you create your own music. You are the author of that music? MELINDA HOLT: Yes. CHRIS VELE CHE: Oh, yes. MELINDA HOLT: And I'm going to drive that home, folks. Your music does not include music that you have bought. CHRIS VELE CHE: Yes. MELINDA HOLT: Your music does not include a CD that you may have bought 50 years ago. No one listens to it anymore. It's no big deal. Yes, they do. You will be in violation of copyright laws. CHRIS VELE CHE: Yes. MELINDA HOLT: Yes. Your own music. We might have some musicians in the house. If you make it up yourself, that's OK. If you want to make the little noises like beep-beep, zipang, that's fine too. But it has to be your own. You don't use anybody's music no matter how long or short it is. CHRIS VELE CHE: Yes. Now, we have another question here. And that's an important question. And I forgot to mention that. I'm so sorry about that. We have. How about if the piece of the song that I want to use is in the middle of the song, not at the beginning of the song? Oh. You can drag as much-- you can drag the music or-- you're going to see a little option over here. And I don't think I have it right here. I don't have a picture of it, but you will see a box with the music. And you can move that music box to the portion that you want to be played. So there is an option for that. And I'm so sorry, I don't have a picture of how would that look like. But you will see once you upload or you select the music, you will have the option to go to any segment of the song that you want to be played. That is absolutely-- I mean, you can do that. If I have time, I can show you, but I don't think I don't have any pictures. But yes. And that is a question from Ariana. Ariana, yes. You can do that. You have options to play whatever segment of the music you want it to be played during your video. So before you upload, you can edit from the middle of your phone. From the middle on your phone, yes. You can edit it before you upload anything. Once you upload it, you can't really edit the video itself. Maybe the settings of visibility and sharing, but not the video itself. So everything you can edit before you upload. Well, let's move on, if there are no other comments or questions. We talked about sound, trimming, text, font, color. And remember, you will have access to these slides. So you can always go back to these slides as a reference. So yes. So let's go to the next thing. So the next icon is voiceover. And this is pretty cool. I haven't done any video, but I have a couple of ideas of creating maybe a recipe video, where I am just filming what I'm doing in 60 seconds or less. And then I will put my voice. And that's the option. I don't have to talk during the video recording. I can just make my video. And then after I finish my video, upload it, then I can click on Voiceover. And then I can talk about, well, in the first step, I cut the onions. Then I boil the water, blah, blah, blah. You can talk over your video, which is pretty nice. Maybe that day that you're making your video, you don't feel like talking. So you can just make your video and then later on, upload it and voiceover. You can record your voice or you can maybe record your students' voice, if you wanted to. So how do you do that? Well, it's easy. You can just select Voiceover and tap on the red button and you are good to go. Any questions or comments? Maybe not. Maybe no questions yet. OK. So let's go to the next part. The next icon is the timeline. So this part is the caption part. When you're adding captions, if you're adding captions to what you're saying, you will have to tap on timeline. Now, this is for me very tedious, because typing and dragging in a cell phone, it's harder for me. Sometimes my fine motor skills are not very good. So I tend to get frustrated. This is the part that I don't really like. But it could be easy. Maybe it could be easy for you. But for me, I struggle sometimes during this part to add captions. So that's why it's important to plan what you will say so then you don't have to type a paragraph or a lot of things. So it's clear and concise. And you can easily add your captions. So how do you do that? So you select Timeline and then you tap on the A-- uppercase A and lowercase a logo or icon. As far as managing your captions, the leading, and dragging, and trimming goes, is very easy. But the typing. If you want to caption everything you say, you have to type it. And you have to go along with the video, as you're speaking. If you say, "hello, students," you type "hello, students" and then you trim. And then next text. Welcome to class. And then you trim and adjust. And then next. And the next. If you don't like it, you can delete it. And then again, you text back. You see what I mean? This part, I don't really like. But remember, you can always turn on the captions on YouTube. These are things that you are creating within your YouTube Shorts. But remember, when you're sharing this video, YouTube itself will give you captions, automatic captions. They're going to come out as very tiny letters in white. But for me, it's better for my students, if I highlight it with colors and everything is nice and with good font. That's what I like to do the extra work of just captioning my video. And it's less than 60 seconds. So caption something short or maybe you don't want to caption that like texting, that's OK. Just make sure when you upload it, you go to your YouTube channel and edit the captions that YouTube will give you. OK. So it's not going to look pretty with purple and white colors and nice font, but it is another option in case you run out of patience and you just want to get your video out. You can still have captions, but it's not going to look as nice as the ones that you can create within the app. Does that make sense, everybody? Maybe, maybe not. I hope I'm not disappointing, like, this is so much trouble. Forget about it. All right. So the next thing is select filters. Filters are just lightning and things that can make your video more appealing. Maybe you didn't wear makeup that day and you want a little bit of matte. I don't know. You select. Select what kind of filter you want. So it's basically the tone in which your video will-- the color, the color contrast of your video. Those are the filters. So you have selections over here. You can play around what looks best for your video. Again, this is the fun exploration part. Now, this is the last part of your customization or customizing your video. You can engage the audience and ask a question at the end. Say you are teaching a beginning literacy level 1 class or a level 1 class, which is what I teach. And then you're introducing yourself, and then you can click on the Q&A icon, and you can ask a question. So then students, when they watch your video, they can click on the comment because this little comment will pop out in your video. They can click to and read the question and click on Answer. And students have the option to answer without-- and then using emojis, answering your question. Now, the only problem with this is that your students need to be logged in into YouTube. Otherwise, they cannot comment on it. They don't have to have a YouTube channel. Students do not have to have a YouTube channel. They only need to sign in into their YouTube account. They can sign in with their email. They don't need to create any account. If they sign into their email, they can comment on your video. Does that make sense, everybody, maybe? Yes. Maybe no comments here. Maybe did I make myself clear? So this is a very cool option in case you want engagement. Hey. What's your name? Again, remember to tell students, you have to sign in to YouTube with your email. That's all they need to do in order for them to answer the question they see on your Short. AUDIENCE: I have a question about the question. CHRIS VELE CHE: Yep. AUDIENCE: So if you're doing that title or you're doing the other options of the timeline and whatnot, when does the question appear when you have all that other text? CHRIS VELE CHE: Well, at the end. It will usually-- at the end. And you can drag this little box and make it into different colors. If you can see the color line pop out here, and you can move it along so it's not interfering in case-- I think I saw it pop-- hang on. I think I need to go back to my-- I made a video, and I'm going to share-- a YouTube Short, and I'm going to share that with you. And that's going to be a test video. And what I want you to do at the end is answering that question and see what you can see as a student. So I created this box and I remember being in the center with all that text and I remember I moved it to the bottom. So it's not interfering with anything. But again, I need to double check, and we'll get to that video in a minute. But yes. It typically comes up at the end, and you can move it anywhere you want from the video and put into color. So we'll get to that in a minute here. So any other comments or questions, anyone? So this is a very good way to engage your students. Adding the last bit, which is a question at the end. So if you are happy, you customize your video, you are very happy. Everything is all set to go. The only thing you need to do is add details and upload. So you're going to add the title of your video, welcome video, you're going to select the visibility. Again, you want it unlisted. Not private, but unlisted. Unlisted, so it's only the people you share the link will be able to see your videos. So unlisted. And for audience, it's not for children. Is not for children, is for adults. And the last bit would be upload the Shorts. Once you upload it, you cannot go back and make changes and then upload it again. That's it. So that is the last little segment or the last portion of the creating process. Add details and upload. Any questions over here? Maybe no question. So once you upload your video, is ready to be shared, you can share this video right here on the Share icon right here. You can share that. You're going to have a link to share the video on email. You can share the video or embed the video into a Canvas page. You can share the video if you're using WhatsApp with your class. I know some districts and adult schools use WhatsApp. In our colleges, we do not use. We're not encouraged to use WhatsApp, but we use an app called Pronto, which is similar to WhatsApp. Similar function. It's a texting platform. So Pronto. You can share your video in your syllabus. Either your digital syllabus or your paper syllabus. And how do you do the one with paper? If you have an in-person class, well, you can create a QR code. And I don't know if you're familiar with QR codes. QR codes are these squares that you can scan with your phone, and that will take you to a website, in this case to the video you created. So it's very simple. In fact, I have another webinar coming up in April, my webinar. And I'm doing a little promotion here. My next presentation or webinar is going to be on creative ways to use QR codes in your class. So you can create a QR code to your video like this. This is my syllabus, and I have my information, my class information, and then my welcome video for my in-person students. So they can scan and they can watch my Short, my YouTube Short. What else? You can also add any educational Shorts on any worksheets. If you know how to create QR codes, and don't worry. We'll have a session on that in April. But it's not very difficult to create QR codes so that you can refer your students to your YouTube Shorts. So this is an alphabet letter I made for my students and I created a video. So I put this on my-- well, I put it in my bulletin board in my classroom, in-person class. And then in my bulletin board, I have something that says, scan and listen. So for new students, if they want to look around, they can check it out. They have the QR code, they have the letters. A, as in apple, B as in banana, C as in cake, blah, blah, blah. And they have a video of the same things of me saying the alphabet. This is a worksheet. This is another worksheet I created. This is about me. Learn from your teacher or learn about. I don't think is learn from your teacher. But it's learn about your teacher. In this video, what did Chris say at the beginning? What is the name of your class? You scan the QR code, watch the video, and you insert these questions about the video you created. This is just a QR code excellent for a worksheet. And you can reuse. Any questions over here maybe? Maybe not. Maybe yes. MELINDA HOLT: Actually, Chris, we do have a couple of questions. CHRIS VELE CHE: Yeah. MELINDA HOLT: What is the remix option about? I'm not sure you're going to cover that later, maybe, or if you want to answer it now. CHRIS VELE CHE: Remix is-- yeah. We can talk about-- well, remix is when you are using your YouTube Shorts and streaming everything. You're sharing one YouTube Shorts to a different YouTube Shorts that is linked to another YouTube Short. I haven't really played much with the remix, but you know what? Maybe we should have another session on part 2, YouTube Shorts. MELINDA HOLT: We can that. Yeah. We could also actually do a workshop, if people would put that in the evaluation at the end of the session. So next question. Can you film something you are doing on a whiteboard instead of your own face? CHRIS VELE CHE: Yes. Yes, yes. I was going to go to my school right now and-- well, not today, but yesterday to create something-- you're explaining. And I don't know if you have seen people on Facebook when they-- they're English teachers teaching something using their board. Absolutely. You can record something. Remember, you can flip the camera and film whatever you want as long as it is vertical friendly format. So if you're going to film something, it has to have that component. Like, it has to be from your phone. So yes. You can absolutely flip the camera and film maybe yourself with the board or maybe just your hand and the board. And you can talk. Or maybe you don't talk. You can just film explaining anything, maybe a recap lesson, and then you can voice over later. Oh. The sky is not the limit in this case. So yes. You can do that. Anything. You can even film the ocean, and add whatever. A poem that students can listen to while they're listening to the waves, the music, and your voice. Pretty much anything. This is another way to make videos on YouTube Shorts. The first option, it was option A, which is use your camera. You use your camera, that's option A. Use your camera and you record. You don't need to do anything. You just use your camera, record, and then upload. Option B is you still use your camera, but you're going to be opening the YouTube app. So what do you do with option B? You can make a video by opening the YouTube app, and then tap on the Plus button right here. And keep current selection. Now, this is another way to create the video. Just another way. So how does that look like? Well, option B, again, is you open the YouTube app, you haven't created your video yet. You open the YouTube app. And then what do you do? You click or tap-- not click. But tap on the Plus button right here. And then instead of select more photos, because you're not going to your photos in your phone, you're going to keep current selection. This is option A, this is option B. You're creating your video in the app. Keep current selection. So open YouTube app, plus button, keep current selection. Let's take a look how would that-- well, let's take a look at this. So this is me, of course. And I tap on-- first, you got to tap on the timer here. So if you're going to make a video using the app, is it going to be a 15-second video or a 60-second video? So tap the timer. I think I would say, 60 seconds. Otherwise, in them cut you off. If you miscounted, oh. I thought I can do it in 15 seconds, you were wrong. So I would suggest you begin by tapping on the timer 60 seconds, then you tap on the Drop button right here, on the dropdown carrot or whatever you call this little thing. Dropdown. And then after you tap on that, you are going to tap green screen. If you want to add a picture in the background, green screen. This is the green screen over here. And again, this is one option. I'm not saying you need to create something-- filming yourself, you might be shy. It could be anything. But these are instructions on how to create a welcome video, filming myself. So you are selecting the Timer, Dropdown button, green screen so you can add a nice picture because my house is very dirty and I don't want to show my house. You can also select a video. A video can be running in the background as you are talking. Again, the video, because well, you're going to have to upload the video, and I'll show you how. But you can select a picture like this is my neighborhood in the background or you can select a video. And how do you select your own picture? Well, you will have an option that looks like this. Like a little black square where you're going to tap so you can get any picture for your background. So let's dive into this portion of making your video in the YouTube app. OK. So I was saying before that you can record yourself or you can record a whiteboard in your school explaining something by flipping the camera. So if you're using the YouTube app, you will see this option. So you can flip the view, you can film yourself, or you can film the ocean, or anything you want. So you click on that to select what you want to record. Next one is the timer. The timer is a countdown. Some people need extra time to get ready. Like, how many seconds do you want until YouTube start recording you? 3 seconds, 10 seconds. It'll have a countdown. So set your countdown. Otherwise, it's three 3 seconds. You'll be recorded automatically. The speed. This is very cool, because if you are talking, maybe you are explaining something and you only have 60 seconds or less, maybe you want the speed a little faster or a little slower. So your voice will change. Instead of going a normal at a normal speed, it can go faster. [VOCALIZING] It'll sound a little funny. You have to explore and see how it sounds. But you have the option of speeding how you speak. And this could be excellent for our English language learners. So you can modify the speed in which you're speaking in that video. You can also add effects, which is the next icon. Effects are these cool things. You can be a monster or a potato or I don't really like the options we have here. But you can see what it does and you could be a zombie for Halloween and wishing your students Happy Halloween. I don't know. Select on effects. So you can add anything. So if you don't want to come into the camera as you, you can be a zombie by clicking on Effects. Now, my welcome video, I added a nice picture of the neighborhood. So I use green screen, because I don't want my background, I want to add a picture. Maybe a picture of the ocean. So I select Green Screen, and then I add a picture or a video to my background by clicking or tapping on this screen or this square, 1 second here. This one. And it's going to look like here. This is where you tap so you can upload the picture you want in your background. Maybe the logo of your school, maybe, I don't know. Any picture or video. So you tap over here. And it'll take you to your photos and videos from your phone. So you can tap over here, and then you select the picture. And it'll be right in the background. The next feature is filters. You have the same options as the option A. Filters, just adding lightning and color contrast so your video can look nice. And then this is the last part of the video, which is customizing your video. So you created your video using the YouTube app, you are satisfied with the video, and now, it's time to customize the video. And the good thing about this is that it's the same way you customize the video in option A is the same way you can do it. It has the same icons. So you can go back to slides 14 to 21 to check how you add sound. We already discussed all of this. So this is going to be the same way you customize in option A. You're going to customize this video in this option, using the YouTube app. Once you're happy and ready, the same thing, you are going to add details and upload. Upload. Again, you can go back to slides 22 to 23. And we explained that. We talked about this already. So unlisted, not for children, and then title of your Google-- I'm sorry. --your YouTube Shorts. And then you are good to go. Perfect. So this is my YouTube channel. And I have here-- if I scroll down, this is all my Shorts. You see it right here, Shorts. So these are everything that I have created. So let me just give you a very quick-- this is one Inside The Miller's Barn. This is my-- [HUMMING] These are my in-laws' barn in North Carolina. So imagine how much language you can create in this lesson, even for beginning. What do you see? I see tables. I see. I mean, there's so many things that you can ask students, because this is visual, this got music, and it's engaging in a way. This is one YouTube Short and then another one. This is not the one. [VIDEO PAYBACK] - What holidays do you celebrate in your native country? [END PLAYBACK] It's not very good. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - What holidays do you celebrate in your native country? [END PLAYBACK] Now, this is not good. This is why-- the reason I told you about. MELINDA HOLT: It's wonderful. That's wonderful. CHRIS VELE CHE: I don't like it. Melinda likes it. It's weird, but it helps, especially language learners. Any language learners. Spanish language learners, English language learners. You want to show how you are enunciating each word. So showing your voice. I mean, showing your mouth as close as you can is good. The volume is not the best. So again, be careful when you're recording. This is-- my friends. This is my encourage. You finished. Happy holiday, students. This is me. Oh. That's my gum there. I'm relaxing at the beach. What are you doing? And I can add a question, what are you doing right now, students? And again, get the conversation going. This is me. Good morning, students. What are you doing today? I am cooking right now. Look. And hmm. I am cooking eggs with-- You these are the captions from YouTube. What are you eating for breakfast? See you in class. Bye. Again, that's one video. And then this is another one about a website. How students can access a website from their phone. How to access Canvas. These are encouraging. I'm invisible. Anyway, this is one of my favorite. Week 1, English 1. There is no talking. But you can ask students what they see. What is happening in the video. We all going to be friends. I like that song. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - (SINGING) I can tell that we all going to be friends. [MUSIC PLAYING] Walk with me, Suzy Lee, through the park. [END PLAYBACK] So these are-- [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - (SINGING) We will rest upon the ground And look at all the bugs we found Safely walk to school without a sound. [MUSIC PLAYING] Safely walk to school without a sound [MUSIC PLAYING] [END PLAYBACK] Anyways, everybody. And this is the one that I created. Ooh. And there is more and more and more and more. Anyway, so I'm not going to bore you here with all my goofy videos. So you can have access and get ideas, maybe. Or what not to do with my videos here. So you can click and you'll have access to all of that. It will take you to my YouTube channel. If you have time, this is a good video on everything that we talked about today. So get your favorite drink maybe tomorrow, this weekend, and you can watch. This is a six-minute video on things to create-- I mean, things YouTube Shorts. Everything about YouTube Shorts. Well, I think that's it for today. So thank you so much, everybody. Gracias and niib' ool.