Audio Logo: OTAN. Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.

Cindy Wislofsky: So have you used any of these with your students? Maybe at meetings or whatever. OK, good. This isn't working. OK, no problem. Maybe I'm not in presentation mode. It looks like it. Yeah. OK. So we remember Jamboard. What do or did you like about Jamboard? It was easy.

Audience: They didn't need a login.

Cindy Wislofsky: They didn't need a login.

Audience: The great thing that Jamboard has that opened my heart to have is how easy it is for folks to access the Jamboard without having to even log in to the annual.

Cindy Wislofsky: Right.

Audience: Remove that barrier for students where to share the link, make sure the settings are open and the students within 10 seconds are in there.

Cindy Wislofsky: They're in there. Yes.

Audience: I don't think--

Cindy Wislofsky: Only the teacher had to have an account, right? Anything else?

Audience: You've got a lot of stuff on the chat there.

Speaker 2: Yeah. So from the chat, they were saying it's easy to use. It was free. Easy to teach.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Simple.

Cindy Wislofsky: Nice. OK. Yes, I agree with all of those things. But unfortunately-- you know, in September, they announced the wind down, so here are the dates, in case you forgot. October 1st, you can-- you're going to stop creating or editing.

So before that time, you want to either move-- if you want to save your Jamboard, you can download them as PDFs. Or if you use one of these other digital whiteboards that I'm going to show you, you could import them hopefully. You can do it now with FigJam, but that's the only one so far. And then after December 31, you can't access everything. All your Jamboard files will be not accessible unless you have moved them somehow.

So I'm going to share this presentation with you at the end. So if you want to more of the winding down information, you can click there. But there are other whiteboards available. I might say, this is something about using Google. You have to expect that they are going to get rid of - Take things away on their own.

So like I said before, Google has partnered with Figjam, Miro, and Lucidspark. I hadn't heard of any of those before. But you guys probably got the emails from Google. So you'll be able to import your Jamboard files. Figjam, definitely. You can do that now. I've done it. I can show you how to do it if you want to see that. Miro, not yet, but it's coming, they say, before the wind down happens.

And Lucidspark, it looks like you can do it but when I've tried it, I'm in an endless loop. It never really-- it wants to know what's your Google account you're going to get them from, and then it goes back and forth and nothing ever happens.

So I think they're working on that. I've reached out to them and we'll see if they respond. You can also export your Jamboards. Currently, if you just want a PDF of them or an image of them as a resource, you can do that now.

Audience: Cindy, I have a question.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Audience: Can go back a slide?

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Audience: If you import it as a PDF, can you then later import it to one of those other ones?

Cindy Wislofsky: Well, it's still going to be a PDF. It's not going to be editable. So I would wait if you want to be able to edit them again. All right. So there are a ton of them out there. Have you tried any of these-- any of the whiteboards in any of these? Miro. Mural. Microsoft Whiteboard. You know Microsoft. Have you tried something?

Audience: I've tried the standalone Zoom one.

Cindy Wislofsky: The standalone Zoom one. OK, good. Anybody else?

Audience: Canva.

Cindy Wislofsky: Canva.

Audience: [muffled voices]

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah. I know. It's a lot to get used to. But anyway, there are a lot of them out there. This last one. Tutorialspoint. It says you just open it up and you start working on it. There's no sharing. There's no account with this. So it's like--

Audience: Is it like Figjam and Canva?

Cindy Wislofsky: Well, I mean, you can do the same thing, but not exactly. But it's a basic one board. So of the three, FigJam, Miro and Lucidchart, there are a lot of common features. Free for educators.

And when you sign up-- you have to sign up for all of them. When you sign up, absolutely use a school email. They're looking to see that you work for a school. I don't work for a school now, but I do work for OTM, so my SCOE email worked.

One of them-- I think it was Miro, we kind of had some emails back and forth. They wanted a picture of my school ID to prove it or somewhere where you are online on the website, your name on the school website.

So sometimes you have to do a little more digging. But in general, with your school email, it would work, especially if it's dot edu. Some of them are looking for that. That's easier. And unlike. Jamboard, it's not slides or frames.

These are like one huge canvas, one huge board. Endless. You could be scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. So it took me a while to get used to that. But then I realized, you can make frames, and then you can of imitate slides. So there's hope there.

In the beginning, FigJam, so hard. How am I going to zoom in and out? But now, each of them, they have a little Zoom control, or there's a little shortcut you could use with your mouse, left click or right click to zoom in and out. They all have tons of templates, which Jamboard did not have.

So that's a plus. And all the general things, sticky notes, text boxes, shapes, pens, highlighters, erase ratios, those are all there. All of them, you can comment. That's a big thing, commenting on something, someone else's post. You can use that feature.

They have timers and voting very easily. Some of them have music while the timer is going if you want to set that. You can make frames or sections. Again, that's imitating my slides to me. You can add links and images much easier than you could.

Well, some of them, you couldn't even do it in Jamboard. But I don't think you could do links in Jamboard, right? You couldn't add names, but you can in these. And tables are pretty easy. Working with tables.

And usually, in the top left corner, if you click on there, that's where you're going to get to all your files. They all have help centers to help you with tutorials to get used to their product. So alternate number one, FigJam. This is what a blank one looks like.

And here's their symbol in the top right. Kind of looks like a fancy F and a J together, right? So when you get this, if you're interested, you click on the to get verified. There's also more information there. And here's the information about how to start a new FigJam, but I'll show you that when we're in.

Special features of FigJam. Unlimited boards. Great. If you set up a free account with some of these, without a school email, not educator, sometimes three boards. That's it. To be active. So definitely, it's good to get the educator. Supposedly, up to 100 people can edit at the same time. [overlapping voices] to that, but that sounds like a lot of people. And in FigJam, you create a team, which is like a class.

Audience: Quick question, do you know if students need an account to edit and to contribute to FigJam?

Cindy Wislofsky: OK, so for all of these three, your students can sign up for free. And it's up to you if you want that to happen. It's kind of hard with adult Ed sometimes. Students are enrolling and leaving, coming and going and remembering to sign them up might be not that feasible.

But there is a way with the educator account to share with nobody signing in, which is what we're going to try today because none of you have accounts. With FigJam, the deal is it's called an open session. So it's like a 24-hour time frame where anybody with a link can go in and edit.

So it's different from JamBoard, which would be unlimited amount of time. So currently, that's what they have. I've already reached out to the FigJam people to say, is there a way that we could get around the 24-hour? But I don't know if they will do anything. They thanked me for my suggestion.

Audience: Can we open the session then?

Cindy Wislofsky: I suppose you could. If it doesn't work for you, but it might be good for homework or for that day in that class. I started ours-- that we're going to practice today, I started it last night, so it's still open for now. It does have an AI feature.

But I want to say, you're going to create a team, and then a lot of projects or assignments, which are your boards. It does have an AI feature. There are lots of what they call widgets and plug-ins. There are some examples up there and stickers.

FigJam, I think, was used a lot with K12. So stickers and emojis and a lot of that stuff. You may or may not want to use that. It's easy to add links. You can add video images. And there's one category in their templates called For the Classroom. So you might want to investigate that if you sign up.

And then one of the hardest things for me was navigating around selecting something versus moving around the board. So in FigJam, if you just hit the V key on your keyboard, that will change it to the Select tool and the H for the hand. Or you can click on the screen as well.

So here's the deal about the sharing. If you have-- like I have a team called practice 101. So if you have all your students signed up or people at your workplace, maybe you're using it for meetings or something, then it's a lot easier.

But here's the open session. So anyone can edit, no account required, but it ends automatically after 24 hours. So you can do that, and I did that for today. But just be aware. That's a limitation of FigJam right now.

So let's go into FigJam. It's OK. I'm going to sit here. It's a little easier to navigate. OK, so FigJam. Can the online people see that?

Speaker 2: Yes.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah. OK So when you have an account, this is kind of your landing page with your name and that. And so down here, I've made a team called Practice 101, which is like my class. Maybe when they go for your class.

And then I started a project called Let's Try FigJam, and I have all my boards here. So, for example, here's one. Where just put in some text like you might have done with Jamboard.

And let's see. OK, I'm going to move this up to the top. Fancy that. OK. So here are you select tool. And if you move your mouse right, you could see what the item is. And here's the hand tool. So if I wanted to select this, you can see it's that. But if I wanted the Hand tool to move around the board-- you've got to get familiar with those two, the select versus the hand tool.

You've got your markers and pens, erasers, all the different colors, sizes. So if you had something like this, you might want to use a marker of some type. You're using for language. When was Hanh in Vietnam? Yeah. All right. So you can work with the text. The usual stuff. Pens, highlighters.

Then you got your sticky notes. If you want to start a new one-- let me go back to my files. So you always find the logo for your product, FigJam. Go back to your files. And you can see on the right here, it says, add a FigJam board. So this would be a blank one.

So stickies, all the different colors like usual. Shapes, lines, text box, section, if you want to start with section. This is an easy one, the table. Just click and drag it. And what is kind of cool is when you move your mouse around, you can add columns and rows very easily. If I want to select one column or one row-- and when you just click in the column, you can add text.

Which is different from Jamboard. Remember, Jamboard, you had to move in a text box into a shape, right? So it's very easy. If I want to delete something, I decide I don't want to use it, you can highlight it. Just pull your mouse around it and then delete it.

A lot of them have the undo tool, but FigJam doesn't seem to have that. This is where you get stamps, if you want to use stamps. And then the plus sign is on the stickers. This is a cool one. It's a clipboard, and you can edit it. So you can make an agenda for your time with your students or your meeting.

Audience: Is that in the widgets or?

Cindy Wislofsky: That's a sticker, actually. Then there are templates. Widgets. The one I like is the voice memo. That's where you could record. You just allow the microphone to be activated. There's roll the dice. You can do a photo booth where it takes your picture from the camera on your computer.

Plugins. You can hook up with Unsplash and get the free photos. And then down at the bottom right-- this is common with the three that I'm showing you, is another way to zoom. You can also use the plus or minus, but sometimes, it's so little.

So if you're working with students, you'll definitely have to teach them that, how to zoom in and out. OK. Any questions so far? Anybody awake?

Audience: Yes. We're awake.

Cindy Wislofsky: All right. Up at the top, this is where your timer is, up here. You can pick some music, set the timer. You can also start a vote of some type where they going to stamp on something. You can change the number, how many votes they get.

Here's the AI feature again. Templates. Tons of templates. Brainstorming. You just have to explore. Diagramming, meetings. And here's the comment. If you want to comment on something, you just add your comment. Great idea, whatever that is.

All right. And then because it knows me, you can see my little face there. And move your mouse to see the comment. Up at the top, this is my project, but it's not titled right now. You just click on that, and I can make a title. Whatever it is.

The sharing is over on the right here. And that's where you'll see the open session for now. All right.

Audience: Cindy, have you imported one of your Jamboards into this?

Cindy Wislofsky: Yes. I've imported a Jamboard. I can show you that. Here's a sample Jamboard import.

Audience: Those are all the different boards--

Cindy Wislofsky: So these are all the different frames. So if you make it bigger, you can see it better.

Audience: Can you actually move those sticky notes or just an image?

Cindy Wislofsky: Now, they're editable now. See, I can click on them.

Audience: That's cool.

Cindy Wislofsky: We'll make it bigger. FigJam is the only one so far that you can bring them in. They import them. But later on, supposedly, the others will as well. Yeah. And it's easy to import. I'll show you how to do that.

When you're on your landing page here, you see next to add a new board, there's import. So you just click on Import. And then look, from Jamboard. It's going to connect me to my Google Drive.

Audience: Where was that again?

Cindy Wislofsky: OK, let's go back.

Audience: Oh, I see. OK.

Cindy Wislofsky: So your landing page where you see your name at the top, your account. Next to Add a New FigJam board is import. So you click Import. So maybe you're importing from your computer. But I'm looking for Jamboard, so I'm going to click the Jamboard.

Now, they want to connect me with my Google Drive. Connect. Bless you. Pick your account. It wants to have access. OK. Now, when they first started doing this, you had to do one Jamboard at a time. But now, I can pick multiple ones. I could pick this one and this one. You could pick multiples. So that's a good thing. You can select one to import. Does that makes sense?

Speaker 2: There's a question. It says, if I want students to use FigJam to create projects, can students easily access like they did with Jamboard?

Cindy Wislofsky: Do they want them to sign up? If they sign up, it's much easier.

Speaker 2: OK, so if they sign up. But I guess the question is, can they access it like they did with Jamboard? So I'm assuming if they--

Cindy Wislofsky: Well, like the teacher puts out?

Speaker 2: Mhm.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK. It's For 24 hours.

Speaker 2: Oh, it's for 24 hours? OK.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah. OK. So anyway, you could work with text. Here's one where I put in some dictation maybe for groups. You can make groups. Let's see if we can hear it. [muffled voices].

Audio Recording: The store manager helped the cashier with a difficult customer.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK, for example. So you could have each group responsible to listen to one and somebody types. Let's try this one.

Audio Recording: I need to ask for a day off next month.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK. Something like that. And you might have a text box ready for that group to type in. OK. Does that make sense? And that audio recording is-- remember, one of the widgets.

So if you wanted to use it, you just click on it and it shows up on your board. You can move it around. You just have to activate your microphone and then you can start recording, which is kind of neat. Are you ready to try one?

Audience: Yeah.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK. So I'm going to go back to my PowerPoint. So if you have your computer and those at home, you're just going to type this in, slash W-B, for whiteboard, FigJam. Wbfigjam.

And it's going to take you to one called four corners, hopefully. And what you're going to do now is double click. Look at the question I put in the middle. Now is the best time in history. So do you strongly agree? Look, your name-- did it ask you to put your name in?

Audience: You should have put [muffled voices].

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah. I see your guy's name, so. Here it is again.

Audience: [muffled voices].

Cindy Wislofsky: Wbfigjam.

Speaker 2: And Cindy, on the FigJam, if I want to add images, it could be images from the web and personal pictures that you have, correct?

Cindy Wislofsky: Yes.

Speaker 2: Thank you.

Cindy Wislofsky: Absolutely. So you just double click in one of the boxes and type your name. It'll make it bigger. You can make it bigger on your own screen. You do have to double click. Or maybe you don't. Anyway, pick one. You can put your name in. Does it let you type?

Audience: Yes.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK, good. So basically, it was, do you strongly agree, strongly disagree? And you can see how it's moving a little bit. So that's where you've got to train your students what not to click on. But yeah. So this is part of the 24-hour thing that you can get in.

Audience: Look at how easy it is. We thought it was pretty cool.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Speaker 2: And after 24 hours, it will disable?

Cindy Wislofsky: It automatically closes. Yeah.

Speaker 2: Even if a student creates it within-- Oh, because this is a shared one, right?

Cindy Wislofsky: Because I'm sharing it with nobody having to make an account.

Speaker 2: OK.

Audience: It could be that after 24 hours, the person is supposed to sign in to access it.

Cindy Wislofsky: They really want the students to sign up, but.

Audience: 24 hours is not a requirement. It can be there longer.

Cindy Wislofsky: Exactly.

Audience: You get to keep it, right? So you can see all the student work.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Audience: Can you reopen it after 24 hours?

Cindy Wislofsky: I haven't tried that, but that's a good question. Possibly. Get more work done. OK, you guys are doing a great job playing around.

Audience: I think that second one right there [muffled voices]. I just went down here to see that.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK. Moving on.

Audience: Everybody's busy.

Cindy Wislofsky: You guys are having a great time. OK, so we're going to move on. The next one is called Miro, and they kind of looks like this. Make sure I'm doing so. Oh, one thing I wanted to show you-- sorry, back in FigJam is-- for example, like this. Let's check in. So say this is one of the cool things you can do in FigJam if you want to make a board for each group or something.

So if I highlight this, you see how it's framed. Then I can duplicate it. This one says check in, right? So if I do-- on my Windows, Control D, duplicate, you see now there's another one. Now, if I name this group one-- it should have done that first. Group two. OK, now if I duplicate this one, you can't spell group, though. If I duplicate that one-- Oops.

No, it went on top of it. All right, let me delete these.

OK. Now let me try it again. OK. Now, see, I did it and it says group two. Group 3. It's already numbering them for me.

Audience: How did you do that?

Cindy Wislofsky: Well, I had the first one, I changed it to group one, and then I did a Control D and it keeps--

Audience: It adds a number on there.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Audience: That's cool.

Cindy Wislofsky: So that's kind of cool. All right, if you want to have multiple groups going. All right. So Miro. Another nice one. A lot of options. Again, you can sign up with an educator. Here are some features. Make a new board. I'll show you that.

Again, unlimited boards. And they call them members. 100 members. You can create board recordings. So with your camera and microphone anyway. And you can make a slideshow using frames, but they're all in the same board.

You can categorize sticky notes, and we're going to try that. And again, the Select tool versus the Hand tool, you want to practice with that. Sharing this one, you could go with a link where anyone can edit. We're going to try that today. Hopefully, that works.

So let's go to Miro.

Audience: Question. So it doesn't have a 24 hour?

Cindy Wislofsky: No 24 hour. So hopefully, you guys can get to this. OK. So I'm going to share this with you. And here's the question-- what are some uses for digital whiteboards at your school? So you're going to just.

This one, I think you have to double click to get to the text where you could type something. Just pick any one you want. So let me tell you what it is. So you can see the theme here. So if you want to type that in, see if you can get to that board.

And I'll watch and see if you can get in.

Audience: Would you put that slide back again?

Cindy Wislofsky: Sure. Bit dot L-Y slash wbmiro.

Audience: Visiting.

Cindy Wislofsky: Is it working?

Audience: Yeah.

Cindy Wislofsky: Nice.

Audience: But I don't see the board. I see-- maybe it's got a [muffled voices].

Cindy Wislofsky: I'll make it bigger. Visiting. So just write--

Audience: I'm not seeing the sticky notes.

Cindy Wislofsky: You don't see the sticky?

Audience: Not yet. Maybe it's just loading. I don't know. I see all the people in there. Maybe I'm in the-- too big. Hold on. There it is. So I guess I was zoomed in to the other side of the board.

Cindy Wislofsky: See, that's a problem.

Audience: Yeah.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Audience: So you have to be in the right-- you have to know where you are.

Cindy Wislofsky: And you can see how now there's a couple holes, like somebody moved. So sticky-- so you've got to practice with your students. Somebody over here typing. OK.

Audience: [muffled voice] the board and it moved to a hand.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK. The hand-- for this one, If you use your right click, you can move around the board. And left click is like selecting. So try right clicking. You can move around the board. Or if you don't have a mouse, you can go back to the select arrow at the top here. And it just toggles back and forth. Or you can push the V key on your keyboard to go back and forth also. OK, good. Good job.

Audience: Is there any way to lock it down so people can't move the sticky around or make it bigger or no?

Cindy Wislofsky: Because we're all editing. So that's the problem. You've got to train your students well. OK. So everybody stop.

Audience: Help new people.

Cindy Wislofsky: Stop new people too. And then let me show you one other feature that's kind of cool. It's clustering. The stickies are all different colors. You might have told this group, you're using the blue ones and this group, you're using the yellow ones or something. So what you can do now is-- if I highlight all of these, this little board comes up. It's so small. Let me try again.

OK. It's not working. OK, here it is. So I highlighted them all, and then this other toolbar comes up. One of the options is cluster object. So if I click on that, I can cluster by color. So now, it's divided them for me.

Audience: Is that called objects?

Cindy Wislofsky: It's called cluster objects.

Audience: Cluster?

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Audience: Switch or--

Cindy Wislofsky: You could also cluster by key words. And then there might be some common words that came up. Anyway, kind of a different feature.

Audience: Oh, that is FigJam.

Cindy Wislofsky: This is in Miro.

Audience: I know, but could you do this in FigJam?

Cindy Wislofsky: No. At least I haven't seen that feature, but I might have missed it. OK, we're moving on. Thank you for Miroring. The third one is Lucidspark, which is a little more basic, but it has some cool features.

Again, there's a way to sign up. And features, how to make a new one. Again, left click, right click to move around. It has a really cool AI feature, which I'm going to show you. You can record board video with Loom. It kind of integrates with that. Unlimited boards. Unlimited sharing. Nice.

So Lucidspark. They all have a different logo. This is kind of like an asterisk. Here's a blank board. You can see my initials, my account. You're in your account. Lot of templates. And the common things, sticky, pens. If you move your mouse slowly, you'll see what's in that category.

Audience: Cindy.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Audience: So when I went to get the education in Canada, it says you can only have three boards for free.

Cindy Wislofsky: For Lucidspark?

Audience: Yes.

Cindy Wislofsky: In an educational account?

Audience: I guess. I'm not sure. I just went Lucidspark for education.

Cindy Wislofsky: Well, it's supposed to be unlimited, so. It's kind of like a professional plan. They have a dynamic, a table, which is kind of fun, where it already has kind of the headers on the sides and the top ready for you. Just like the other ones, very easy to add rows and columns.

But what I really liked about this one, too, is the AI feature. You can type in something. Let's see. We can have an idea here. What are the best activities for teaching adults? OK. Good question.

So you generate it, and let's see what it comes up with. OK. Role play, group discussion, debate, field trips, interactive lecture, team building, simulate brainstorming. Anyway, some ideas. So you could try that sometime if you like. It's very easy to-- here's an example of getting images in here. You can actually do emojis also on this one, and GIFs or GIFs.

You just click and drag it over and it's on your board. You can have your students do that-- how are you feeling today or something. So that's kind of a cool feature. Up at the top-- that's probably distracting. Let's get rid of that.

At the top, you've got a timer like the other. Voting. Here's where you could record video. You can use Loom or Zight. I haven't heard of that. Sharing is pretty easy. Right now, it's private, but I changed the link to anyone. I change this to guest. Anyone with a link can edit. So make sure you look for those things.

All right. Do you want to try posting on one of these? Sure. OK.

Audience: I keep getting we don't have a premium account, so you can't do this and you can't do that.

Audience: I get that too.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK. So try it., again, slash wblucid. Are you lucid today?

Audience: What did you do to send me to get this application available?

Cindy Wislofsky: I filled out the form and I made sure I included my school email.

Audience: And could you show us at some point where that form is because I couldn't seem to find it.

Cindy Wislofsky: You couldn't find it?

Audience: Yeah. I didn't see it.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK. So if some people want to work on the board, I'll go back.

Audience: [muffled voice]

Cindy Wislofsky: I guess because I'm already signed up. But if you're not signed up, what did it bring you to?

Audience: It kept saying, what you're trying to do is a premium feature, sign up here, and they gave me the price of $119.

Cindy Wislofsky: Well, when I share this with you, go to the Lucidspark solutions education website.

Audience: OK, Lucidspark dot com slash solutions.

Cindy Wislofsky: Slash education. There might be a little more to the link, but that's the first part of it. Oh, nice. You can see how you can add pictures really easily here too.

Audience: Yeah, the same thing happened.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah. Play around if you want. And the idea with this template was throw out a question and then the first row is your first ideas for each team member or group. And then there's a second row. How are you going to make the first idea happen?

Speaker 2: So also, I found if we go to lucid for, right there, Susan, is where you'll see the individual. When you sign up with your school account, it says unlimited document creation, unlimited sharing, great for indo - umm.

Audience: --here the website, it asked me--

Cindy Wislofsky: What is it, again?

Speaker 2:

Audience: I have an account but I also have the rewards. Oh, I haven't checked them. Lucid for education?

Cindy Wislofsky:

Audience: Let's try that.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK, good.

Audience: OK, here we go. And then explore education pamphlets.

Speaker 2: Yes.

Audience: There you go. Is there a form?

Cindy Wislofsky: Well, the link I've got in my PowerPoint, I thought that was a good one, so.

Audience: You might have actually signed up when it was free.

Speaker 2: It could have been. That's what happens. A lot of times, we sign up when it's free and then we--

Cindy Wislofsky: The last thing I want to show you just in a few minutes that we have left is about Zoom, the Zoom whiteboard. A lot of these things are on Zoom already. Templates, timer, tables and links. How many of you have a Zoom account?

Audience: Is this new on Zoom or?

Cindy Wislofsky: We're going to try it right on Zoom here. Can you show us your controls on the screen? Yeah. See where it says whiteboard?

Speaker 2: Right here?

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah. Click on New whiteboard.

Speaker 2: But it might do--

Cindy Wislofsky: That's OK. Yeah.

So close that out so that I direct you because you're in it. And anybody online is probably in it too. So you can see off to the left here, you just move your mouse down slowly in the toolbar. You can see what they are.

Very common thing. Let's go to templates. And there's a fun one under science and education. Sentence maker with ESL. So click on Use the Template. So it's like an unscrambling game.

You can actually assign names and then-- like put Monica. I saw Monica was there. And then you see this dot-- see the dot outside the box? Click in the box again, the dot. You can make an arrow to the first one. It's like you're telling-- you could tell each student which one they have to do. Put an arrow. So Monica Cueva, can you do the first one? You just move. It's like an unscramble activity. They'll all do it.

Audience: It's funny to see them all on there. They're having more fun than we are.

Cindy Wislofsky: They're just moving around. Yeah.

Audience: Are they doing it?

Cindy Wislofsky: Nobody wants to try it but me, I guess. What happened to Monica?

Audience: It wasn't letting me do it.

Cindy Wislofsky: I'm sorry. I wonder why. You guys are in there. Can you click on the blue words and move them?

Audience: No.

Cindy Wislofsky: No?

Audience: When I click on one of the words, the whole screen moves.

Speaker 2: The whole screen move. Yeah, I'm seeing that too.

Cindy Wislofsky: OK, well, maybe--

Audience: We need to explore it more.

Cindy Wislofsky: We have to share it differently or something.

Audience: What's the name of this one?

Speaker 2: This one's on Zoom.

Cindy Wislofsky: It's the Zoom whiteboard, which is in the bottom controls of the control panel.

Audience: And then there's templates, right?

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah. And this is part of the templates, but.

Audience: Oh, this is one of the templates in the Zoom whiteboard?

Cindy Wislofsky: Yes.

Speaker 2: Yes. So it says everyone who has access to this whiteboard, including people in the meeting can save, share things here, but it's not letting us.

Cindy Wislofsky: I don't know why. I could do it, but nobody else could. So it could be a sharing thing that I didn't do right.

Speaker 2: It says on the top, signed up as an educator. Yeah, I'm doing it. It's giving me the same.

Cindy Wislofsky: It's all right. Close it.

Speaker 2: OK.

Audience: OK.

Cindy Wislofsky: Sorry.

OK. Somebody asked again about the Miro whiteboard.

Speaker 2: Yes. I put it in the chat.

Cindy Wislofsky: Perfect.

Speaker 2:

Cindy Wislofsky: I think I have to share again.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Go ahead and share your screen.

Cindy Wislofsky: All right. So anyway, that's another option, Zoom. Try it. Play around.

Audience: We need to figure out how those templates work.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Audience: Did you make the template with the blue words or did Zoom throw it up?

Cindy Wislofsky: It's a built in, and you can edit those words to put words you want in there. So, no, it was just a default.

Audience: I wonder if only the person who owns the whiteboard can do the moving.

Cindy Wislofsky: Well, that's not right. No. I think you might have to share it maybe, somehow. Anybody in the Zoom should be able to use it. So there's tutorials there as well for you. And here's PowerPoint if you want to-- get some of those links to sign up. And thank you for coming. Do you think you'll try one of these other one?

Audience: FigJam looks pretty good.

Cindy Wislofsky: FigJam has a lot of options. You can already get your Jamboard in there.

Audience: It's working with a huge Canvas.

Cindy Wislofsky: You can have all of your activities on one huge board. But you can see how you've got to teach your students how to work with it because it's easy to move everything around.

Audience: That's what Jamboard does.

Audience: Jamboard lets you bring in a slide picture that couldn't be moved.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah.

Audio Recording: I'm hoping that tomorrow, we can go up to Nevada and that the weather will be improved by tomorrow.

Cindy Wislofsky: Any other questions from the onliners?

Speaker 2: Let's see here. No. Just about the copy of the presentation. So put it in the chat box already so that they can-- evaluations.

Cindy Wislofsky: Yeah. If you guys want to do an evaluation, I appreciate that. OTAN appreciates that.