[audio logo]

Announcer: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.

Audrey Dierdorff: So hi, everybody. My name is Audrey Dierdorff. I am a subject matter expert with OTAN, but don't let that fool you, OK? I just love technology. So some of you might be more experts than I am. So this is why we're here together, and I want to hear what you have to say. So if you have anything to add, you can put it in the chat, or you can raise your hand, and we can learn together.

This is a follow-along workshop. So we did put in the description that you should bring your own device. If you didn't, then I'll give you the slides at the end of the presentation. And then you can just follow all the instructions on the slide. I have it on this view of-- All right, I need to move this down so I can see my slide.

I have a preview view. So it might look a little bit different because we are going to go to Canva. We'll sign in, and I will show you each of the magic tools that it has. OK?

I'm also a resource teacher at Sweetwater Union High School District. And if you notice little things down here, I am what's considered officially a certified educator of Magic School AI. You can ask me about that later.


Audience: work for me.

Audrey Dierdorff: Hold on. As I said, I work for OTAN. we have a lot of different services, opportunities, besides just the TDLS. But teaching with technology, professional development. If you want us to come out and teach this, teach Canva at your site, you can call or email support@otan.us and get something on campus.

Audience: People are asking if you have a PowerPoint deck you can share in the chat?

Audrey Dierdorff: I will-- actually, at the end, there's a QR code, and there's a Bitly at the very end. OK. So today, let's talk about who's here. So I want to know what your level of expertise is. So how many of you, whether online or here in person, is a first-time user of Canva? Raise your hand. OK. 1, 2, 3, 4. And people in the chat, do we know-- we have how many?

Audience: Beginner.

Audrey Dierdorff: Used it once before. A little first timer. OK, this is good to know. How many of you would consider yourselves a beginner? Raise your hand. OK, beginners? And then in the chat-- OK, there is a beginner. Intermediate? Oh, good. OK. Share your expertise with us. Advanced? OK. Maybe. We'll see. OK, all right. Let's go on.

OK. So what I want to know, for those of you online and in person, what have you created with Canva? So there are so many things you can create. It's ridiculous. But so in the online, please just put it in the chat here. Why don't you call up one of the things you created?

Audience: Fliers.

Audrey Dierdorff: Fliers?

Audience: Presentation video for us.

Audrey Dierdorff: Presentation video? OK.

Audience: Logo and image for a T-shirt.

Audrey Dierdorff: Image for a T-shirt, nice.

Audience: Social media post.

Audrey Dierdorff: Social media post? I use it all the time for social media post.

Audience: Business cards.

Audrey Dierdorff: Business cards. That's cool. Yeah.

Audience: Zoom backgrounds and graduation videos.

Audrey Dierdorff: Zoom backgrounds and graduation video. Very nice.

Audience: Logos.

Audrey Dierdorff: Logos? OK, awesome.

Audience: Thank you cards with photo images.

Audrey Dierdorff: Photo images. Perfect. OK. So how many of you have actually used the Magic Studio within Canva? Anybody? One, two. OK. And online, anybody use Magic Studio? OK. Well, that is our main objective for today is we are going to do an introduction of Magic Studio, which makes it a lot more simple.

And we're going to go over each individual feature. But first of all, if you're new, you need to get registered. So because I only have now 55 minutes, I'm going to go through it pretty fast because it's pretty intense. Before, when Canva was pretty new, it was easy to get a free Educator account.

It was just a matter of saying, yes, I'm a teacher. And OK, there you get it. Not anymore, because they're realizing they're giving away a very good product or free to anybody, and they're expecting the people to be honest. And it's not happening. So there's going to be a little bit more stuff. So I should have-- you should have Canva Educator or Pro account. We are going to go through the steps on how to sign up for that.

And then follow-along device. So if you're at home or online, if you have a second device, that's great. If not, if you know how to split your screen, you can do that side by side. I don't recommend it on a laptop. But if you have a giant gaming monitor, it works pretty well.

OK. So the first step to get the free account is you can't go to canva.com. You actually have to go to canva.com-- for-- that is a forward slash, right? I always get my backward and forward-- education. OK? So you have to get to the Education account. I'm really sorry, I'm going to run through this a little bit faster because my 90 minute, as I said, went to 60 minutes.

So when you do that, you go to that site, you're going to see this beautiful photo. And on the bottom left, you say Teachers Get Verified. So you're going to select that purple button to get verified. And now we're going to get to go through the fun steps of getting a free account.

It will ask you to sign in, either with Google, Microsoft, Clever. Have you ever heard of Clever before? I had to look it up. It was really interesting. It's an LLMs for students-- yeah. Email or another way. So I always suggest, if you have a work Google email or Google account, use it. It'll be the best way to get in. So go ahead and select with Google or if you want to do it a different way, you can.

Audience: So if I logged in over on the left, it says my name, it says education, that means I must have set it up before?

Audrey Dierdorff: Yeah.

Audience: Yeah.

Audrey Dierdorff: If yours already says education, you are good to go. So it's going to prompt you to claim your free account. Then you're going to select the Get Started button.

Now, if you're not a K through 12 teacher, which we're an adult Ed, we are not, we're going to say Get Started, right? You don't have to tell them that we're adult ed. We are teachers. We claim it. Get Started, OK? So click that purple button.

Then it's going to prompt you to fill out some work information. So your name, your school name. Sometimes when you start typing in the school name, it will pop up. So if somebody on your campus, another teacher, another administrator, or staff have used it before, they could have inputted that school in there.

So you want to go ahead and search for your school name. And after you do that, all of that information, go ahead and select the purple Continue button. And then this is the new thing. You have to take a picture of your ID, and it has to have basically your name, the year, and the school name, school ID card, or employment status.

So you take a picture and you have to upload it into Canva. It says-- yeah, date with the current academic year in your school or organization name and your full name. OK? Yes.

Audience: Do you know if you haven't had it for a really long time that-- are you kind of grandfathered in if you got the free version a while ago?

Audrey Dierdorff: Not necessarily. If you've never-- if you've got an old Education account, yes. But--

Audience: She used to work, but she had-- it's just a regular free personal. Yeah. I mean it's OK. It's working. I just wanted to make sure that--

Audrey Dierdorff: So the reason why I want you to get the Educator account is because some of the Magic Studio features will not work with the free account. So If you can get a Pro account by doing the step that I talked about, it's going to be a lot better for you.

Audience: Yeah, I've had my account for a long time, but something came up on my Canva the other day about the effect. Do we have to update periodically and send them that? If we haven't--

Audrey Dierdorff: Maybe. They might be rolling that out.

Audience: And I'll- Let's get it out of the way.

Audrey Dierdorff: Well, they will do it again. I promise you. So they're not going to miss it. If they're trying to make sure that everybody that signed up in the past was an educator, they're going to ask it for it again. You're welcome. So it does have to be either a JPEG, a PNG, or a PDF. Those are the type of files they accept.

Then after, it says they're going to give you seven days to be upgraded. I did this recently so I could get the little clip art thing. So the screenshot-- and it took one hour. Until I got that, hey, you now have the free account. So it's up to seven days? Not necessarily. They're pretty quick.

And then you're going to go ahead and click Done. But they're not done yet, even though it says done. Then you have to do the subject areas. And this is where it's very biased towards high school, middle school, elementary school. Nothing here about adult ed or continuing education.

So I just picked English because ESL is my background. And then what grades do you teach? They only show primary, middle, and high. So I went with the level that my students are at. So are they at a sixth-grade reading level? Seventh-grade reading level? Second grade reading level. So you want to do it that way.

No matter what grades you actually choose, you're going to have access to all the templates. So I don't find this helpful. It's never stopped me from getting all the primary templates. So I'm not sure why they asked this, but it is something that they're asking you to do. And then you click the Submit or select the Submit purple button.

I'm hoping I'm not going too fast, but it will be this step by step when you get the slides. OK. I'm going to pause here for questions. If you're trying to do it right now-- I know it's hard because you have to upload your ID and all that, but is there any questions in the chat?

Audience: Not that I haven't answered.

Audrey Dierdorff: OK.

Audience: So you just need to know for that session leaving early, and they miss the URL. So I put it in the chat form.

Audience: Thank you.

Audience: Thank you. You're so sweet.

Audrey Dierdorff: OK, are we good here in the room?

Audience: Yes.

Audrey Dierdorff: All right. OK, let's get to the magic, people. Whoo, meet Magic Studio! I wish I had the music going. OK. So it's the newest feature in Canva. I decided to present in Canva, I think, at the last TDLS. And so I wanted to do it. And then they changed everything as of October 4. And I had to redo all my slides because they put it all in one, which is better. I like it. It's all in one area. So it's going to make you have fun using it because you're just going to go to that one tab and just have at it.

So a lot of features. I'm just going to name them real quick, and then we're going to go into every one. So we have Magic Design for three different things. General, which is like flyers, presentations, and videos. We're going to go over Magic Write, which is similar to what you do with ChatGPT or with Gemini.

You have Magic Switch, which I love, and we'll talk about that. We'll talk about Magic Animate. Basically, it's putting the transitions between your slides or on your slide. Magic Morph. This is my least favorite, where you can take the letters and actually blow them up like a balloon or something like that, but it doesn't really work very well.

And they're very good at saying, if you don't like it, send us feedback. So they are constantly trying to update their AI. You have Magic Media. This is my favorite. You can turn text into either a video or image. So not just an image, but you actually can create a video with your prompt.

Magic Edit. So you can-- say, somebody has a hat on. You don't like that hat. So you can actually erase the hat and ask them with a prompt. Ask them with a prompt to put in something else, maybe like a chicken or something. Magic Grab, where you pull the image out. We'll talk about that. And Magic Extend. Sorry, I am going fast, people online. I apologize. I have 45 minutes.

Audience: On Media Grab, it says Pro. Does that mean that I wouldn't be able to do it?

Audrey Dierdorff: So yes, everything on the slides that say PRO/EDU, that means that if you have that Educator account, you can do all of this stuff. All the ones. So Magic Media seems to not have it. So it's not a PRO/EDU. What else? And then the Magic Design is not.

So let's talk about Magic Design, General. So all you're going to do is you're going to describe what you want, either social media post or presentation. And then you're going to type your idea into the little box. You can even upload your own media if you want. It's going to generate a custom template just for you. OK, let's do the live demonstration.

Audience: We do have one question in the chat. Where in Canada do I access Magic Studio?

Audrey Dierdorff: Perfect question. We're going to go there right now. I like it. I love it when you just help me with my segues. Wait, no. That one's called? No.

Audience: Yeah.

Audrey Dierdorff: I always think of the thing that you write as a segway. Right? Oh my goodness. All right. So here I am in my Canva account. And right here to the-- we're under Home on the left column. You're going to select Magic Studio. And ta-da, when I select it, all of it is there. All I have to do is scroll.

So I'm going to scroll up, and here is Magic Design. So the first three cards that are side by side are all the Magic Design. So I'm going to click my Magic Design, the very first card. And it's going to say, try Magic Design. And so a lot of the things I put in my slides is what you see here.

So you're going to see it twice. And I'm just going to select the purple Try Magic Design button. OK, this is where I'm probably going to have to put down the microphone. And I need to write where it says, use 5-plus words to describe.

This is where I put my prompt. This is not like ChatGPT, right? This is simple-- just kind of try it. You don't have to add all the context, unless you really want to.

So I do recommend that if you are looking for a certain type of, quote unquote, "person," that you have to be specific to the demographics of the student that go to your school. Unfortunately, that's the way AI is. It's biased.

So I work around the bias by saying, I work by the border of Mexico and San Diego. So I say, a middle-aged Mexican man wearing, you know. So I have to do that if I want the image to look like my demographic so that the students can connect with the image, OK?

So hopefully, one day we won't have to, but I don't think so. I mean, it's just something that's happening, unfortunately. So really simple. I'm going to do how to create a cheese pizza. OK? So I'm going to go ahead, and I will then select Templates. Oh, and Enter. Sorry.

It's already showing. So I'm just going to select Enter after I have put it in the chat. And you can see that Magic Design. Notice that it says beta. So they're still testing it out. They're still making it better. And there is my Magic Design.

So it gave me a story that I could put in Instagram. It gave me a Facebook cover. It gave me a YouTube thumbnail. It gave me a Facebook cover. Where are my slides? No slides. Instagram posts. So let's see what this says. Look at my Instagram post. I'm going to continue with this template.

So all I did was select-- sorry, I'm going fast. All I did was select the template I wanted, OK? So once you select it and you then select the purple Customize This Template, you can now edit anything on here. You don't like cheese pizza? You could add pepperoni, right? You could through Magic-- what is it? Magic Edit, OK?

So let me increase the-- whoa, delicious. Come on. It didn't work with me. OK. So that's how to create a delicious cheese. So if I had-- so we do have a culinary class. So if I wanted to do a social media post about, hey, come learn how to do cheese pizza, there I have it.

All I'd have to do is maybe put in my logo. Maybe I'd have to add maybe the time and date of the course. So it's just that easy. It's like a snap of the button. Any questions with this Magic Design? You guys have used it before. maybe? OK, let's go on to the next one.

Anything in the chat? No? OK. So this is for presentation. Now, I will say I've used this several times, and it seems to like the same templates over and over. All it does is change the content. So I just wanted to give you an FYI on that. It's not as fancy as some of the other features, but you would-- again, you start describing your presentation.

Again, the five or more words. And then it lays out the slides based on what you described. Usually, it's about seven slides, which is it seems to be their norm.

So let's go ahead and look at what that looks like. So I'm going to go back to my Magic Studio button. So go back Home, and I go to my Magic Studio. Scroll down to the second card for Magic Design. It says Magic Design for presentations. And then try Magic Design.

And here, it's now a presentation. So these are slides. So I'm going to go ahead and say, How to make a cheese pizza? It kept what I wrote. And now at the very top, on the left-hand side, is where the slides will come. All the rest below it are already created templates. So it gives you templates that they've saved over the years. And then the ones created by AI are at the top.

So I will go ahead and say, See All. OK, I don't know if you can see that very well, but I'll just go ahead and choose one of the templates that catches my eye. And then once I select the one I wanted, I'm going to say, Apply All Seven Changes or All Seven Pages. And this is what it looks like.

So I'm not going to change anything in it. And I'm just going to present so if you didn't know, you can actually present your slides within Canva, which is pretty cool. So you're going to notice that it has transition that I didn't have to put in.

All of your Google slides, you have to do transitions or PowerPoint. I don't have to do that in Canva. So I'm going to select it. Let's see how they think we should make a cheese pizza. So it's a correct picture, right?

Audience: Oh, can you--

Audrey Dierdorff: Yeah, sorry. Thank you, sir. OK, so step-by-step guide. So I did say how to make it. Oh, look at that. Welcome to cheese pizza making class. [laughs] I don't want to have pizza tonight.


Mastering the cheese pizza. That looks good. Making a delicious cheese pizza. So then it gives you a little bit of how to make it. Sprinkle this, bake in a preheated oven. But it's not very specific. Now, I could have made my prompt a little bit more specific, and it would have done something better. OK?

So but all of these things are editable. So you can go ahead and put in the steps yourself, like I was showing our culinary teacher how to do it. And then the recipe. Oh, it wants you to make your own dough, by the way. Stretching pizza dough, OK? And then some cheese. And that was it. OK. So what did you think? Would you be able to use something as your foundation?

Audience: Yeah.

Audrey Dierdorff: Pretty, pretty cool.

Audience: Pictures are good.

Audrey Dierdorff: Pictures are good. Sometimes if they're not, you just have to replace them, or you can actually erase different things. OK, what's next? All right. So this is Magic Design for Video. So you're going to transform your content into short, shareable videos with built-in music. Pretty cool.

So I could use the microphone to let you hear. The music will come up again. OK. So you have to upload different images, three or more, from your device. You're going to select your clips and then enter a short description of the video.

So depending on what kind of video you're looking for, and it's going to generate the rest. And it will pick the music for you. You don't get to pick the music. And then it will sink in. So let's try it.

So I'm going to go back to the third. This is the last card on this Magic Design row. Select that and try Magic Design. So I want you to-- when it popped up, it looks like an Instagram story. It doesn't do the landscape. It only does portrait. And it only does the side for TikTok and for Instagram, because I think they think that's where only where you post, right? So that's what it's doing.

So now you can select different photos. So I'm going to select that one, that one, that one. And then you can select up to ten, I believe. Let me select that one. And I don't know why I have Michael Scott there. I'm so sorry. OK, I'll just do-- OK, I'll just do this.

So then I'm going to go ahead and write-- so I'm going to put my microphone down-- what I want. Ah, don't roll. OK. Sweetwater Adult Education Promotional Video. OK? And now, all I'm going to do is click the purple generator button at the bottom right. And here we go. It's generating the video.

I'm going to take a minute, 30 seconds to a minute. And there it is. So let's play it. Hopefully, you'll be able to hear the music. Did I share the sound? Hopefully, I-- if you guys cannot hear the sound when I play the video, let me know or let Holly know. [laughs]

What happened to my sound? Oh, man. OK, so that was really quick. I don't know what happened to my sound. Let me-- OK. Well, it says Join Audio, but I don't want to do that. It started to go and then it stopped, huh? Well, let me-- let me stop sharing real quick, and I'm going to go ahead and share again. And I'll do the screen share. Sound is on.

OK, let me try it one more time. No. That's weird. OK. Well, but you can see what it's doing, right? It actually gave titles for the video. And so you can then go in and-- why is this in front of her face? I have no idea why it's in front of her face.

So if you don't want to do that, you just will go down, and you just pull it down. So everything is editable, right? Not edible, but editable. The cheese pizza one was edit-- I cannot say. Never mind.

Audience: Edible.

Audrey Dierdorff: Edible. OK. So pretty cool? You guys like that?

Audience: Yeah.

Audrey Dierdorff: Like a snap of a finger and there you have a promotional video. And so, by the way, all these people were generated by Canva, the AI. So we're going to talk about that. All right. Sorry about the sound. Us, too, no sound.

OK, let's talk about Magic Write. So this is, again, similar to ChatGPT. It's AI-powered teaching assistant is what they call it. So you type a prompt, you watch Magic Write generate a first draft just like ChatGPT, and then you can immediately take that and turn it into a presentation.

You can change content and design it with the Magic Write tool. So let me show you a little bit from this video that we just tried to do. So say, I didn't like-- I'm going to just enlarge this. So it says, are you looking for a new-- are you looking to learn a new skill? I don't like that wording.

So notice that when I select the writing, there is a Magic Write button right on top. So I will select that. And then I can either rewrite it, make it more fun, more formal. Or who would like to sprinkle some fairy dust? Do you sprinkle some fairy dust? Let's see what it said.

Audience: Let's do it.

Audience: [laughter]

Audrey Dierdorff: Somebody wants to read it for me in your best sprinkly voice?

[interposing voices]

Audience: I don't even know what it says.


Audrey Dierdorff: Seeking to embark on a voyage of acquiring a fresh mastery?

Audience: [laughs]

Audrey Dierdorff: OK, wow. OK. So I was like, OK, I want to change that. So if I select it again, I can do Magic Write over again. And I'm going to make it more fun. Ready to dive into a new skill set adventure? OK, that's pretty good.

So it can do any writing on any of your presentations, your social media posts, or whatever. You can use this Magic Write on anything that's written, OK? Or you can use it like ChatGPT, where if you go to the Magic Studio, try Magic Write, try Magic Write.

Here, you're going to type in what you want to write. So let me put this down. I'm going to keep a pizza, by the way. So write about-- write a recipe on-- I spelled it wrong. How do you spell recipe?

Audience: R-E-C-I-P-E.

Audrey Dierdorff: Thank you.

Audience: Want to correct you.

Audrey Dierdorff: Uh-oh.

Audience: It's squiggled.

Audrey Dierdorff: Yeah, it's squiggled. I'd have to-- yeah. But you guys know how to write. You guys know. I got-- let's write a recipe on how to create a simple cheese pizza with instructions. OK? So then I just select Generate. And there it is. To embark on the journey of crafting a mouthwatering cheese pizza--

Audience: Is this sprinkled with--

Audrey Dierdorff: I don't know. It sure sounds like it, doesn't it? So there you have it. Notice it's not bulleted like you can at ChatGPT or Gemini, right? So it is actually writing. So this would be a great platform for students, if they wanted to practice their writing, or for you, right? If you needed to write a letter of recommendation or something like that, you can put in the information.

So from here, if I went to-- Generated with AI. Technology is new and improving. So please check it. All right, I will. So see how I click this plus button to the left of the last paragraph? I'm going to select the paragraph, and I can actually then go ahead and put in bulleted list, numbered list, check, divider.

So there are formatting that you can put into this, if you would like. It doesn't magically do it for you, but you just have to go an extra step of selecting. OK? All right. Moving on. We have a lot of time. And then if there's any questions, please make sure to raise your hand or yell it out.

Magic Switch. It's going to change the size and format of your design. So for those of you that use it for social media posts and then you're like, you know what, I want to make a flyer. It's a click of a button to make it into a flyer, the same social media post of that size. So we're going to show you how to do that one.

You can also take a flyer or something and actually change it into a presentation as well. So let's look-- oh, the Translate. So I've been using lately. All of my social media posts, I translate into Spanish because that's our population of where we live. And it's a pretty good translator.

So you guys, if you speak Spanish, we can try it. Or if you speak another language, maybe we should try that because I think in California, Spanish seems to be the second language.

Audience: Yeah.

Audrey Dierdorff: So maybe we can try a language that it's not too familiar with and see how well it works. So let's take a look at it.

Audience: Try Hawaiian, they say.

Audrey Dierdorff: Try Hawaiian? OK. All right. So here we go. Here's the resize Magic Switch. I am going to-- so you can be doing what I'm doing. So you go to the Magic Studio and you can play with each one of these by selecting it. OK. So this is the format that it has. Try Magic Switch.

So what I would do is I would go to this resize and Magic Switch at the top, on the blue button, or the blue banner. This tab. And then I can transform, resize-- transform or translate. This is new and updated. They didn't have the three tabs before. This is new to me. I just used it, too.

So I'm going to go ahead and translate. Let's see what they can translate it into. I don't see the wine. What is that? Dogri? Interesting. Finish, French, Frisian?

Audience: Korean. Korean. Try Korean.

Audrey Dierdorff: OK. All right. I know my Korean sister over there. All right.


Audience: You missed it. They do have Hawaiian.

Audrey Dierdorff: They did? Sorry.

Audience: You just type H. It'll go to the first.

Audrey Dierdorff: OK, I'll go back. So you can translate it to this existing copy, or you make a new copy. So let me go ahead and just translate it, and it will actually go to a different copy. I missed it. And then I opened the presentation. Whoa! Does it read right?

Audience: Yeah, it is. Yeah.

Audrey Dierdorff: Yeah? Is it correct?

Audience: It's correct. Amazing. But I would look at this one, two-- one, two, and three. Instead of three, they put it in Korean language.

Audrey Dierdorff: And that's the written three?

Audience: Sam, yeah.

Audrey Dierdorff: Sam.

Audience: Sam. Sam is a--

Audrey Dierdorff: Il, i--

Audience: Il, i, sam.

Audrey Dierdorff: OK. That's pretty cool, huh?

Audience: Pretty cool, yeah. I like it.

Audrey Dierdorff: All right. So somebody-- OK, I'm going to-- I'm going to look for a wine because I don't want to-- I don't want to miss a wine. I want to see what that is. For some reason, I just thought Hawaiians spoke English, I'm sorry.

[interposing voices]

Audrey Dierdorff: I did. Oh, I see. OK. There it is. OK.

Audience: I'm so curious.

Audrey Dierdorff: All right. And Translate. Open. Ooh.

Audience: [muffled]

Audrey Dierdorff: OK. So--

Audience: Actually, it has the [non-english] on it, too. It's pretty good.

Audrey Dierdorff: Yeah? That's amazing. It always amazes me when the translate actually is good.

Audience: Yeah.

Audrey Dierdorff: So for me, ChatGPT-- I do all my translating on ChatGPT or my district translators. So I have two options. If they're too booked, I use ChatGPT. OK. So there's that part of Magic Switch. But say, I wanted to then go ahead and actually make it a video, make it a flyer. I can make it a social media post, right?

So say, I want an Instagram post in square, and I can click Continue. And it can copy and redesign. Copy and resize. So then it makes it into-- so you don't have to worry about the inches, the centimeters, and all of that.

And there is your square Instagram post, if you wanted to post it onto social media. And you can do that. I've created logos and I've made them into big posters that we then printed and put it on the walls of the school. So there are those options. OK.

Now, there was another thing on there that said-- [muffled voices]. Back. Magic Switch, Transform. OK? So now anything, any content, that is actually on the slide, you can transform. Format email, song, lyrics. You want to try song lyrics?

Audience: Yes.

Audrey Dierdorff: Or a poem? No, I like song lyrics. I like to sing. As you can see, I have the carry on.


OK. So then I'm going to say Transform.

Audience: Now you got to sing that. You got to.

Audrey Dierdorff: OK, I'll come up with a song.

Audience: No, it'll translate that into a song.

Audrey Dierdorff: Yeah. OK. So transform into doc. So it's going into a document. Large designs may take a little longer, OK. Trying to make excuses of why it takes time. Open doc. Here we go. Here is the song. Rock and roll. The Magic Switch song. I don't want to sing, sorry.


I gave it a try, flip the Magic Switch, oh my. The transformation, it's a doc, and that's no lie. It sounds like a rap to me. [laughs] I clicked Continue, didn't even break a sweat. It's like a blog post, the best one you can get. Pretty cool, huh?

So it transforms just whatever you want it to go-- summary, presentation. OK. We still got 20 minutes. All right. So the next one, Magic Anime. So this is basically the animation or transitions. It's going to add motion to your design.

And then it actually looks at the content. So this is the AI. It reads the content of your document and then tries to come up with the best motion for your content.

Audience: Question.

Audrey Dierdorff: Yes?

Audience: Catherine has asked, when you use this, do you cite Canvas since it's AI generated?

Audrey Dierdorff: No, I do not. But that's also with ChatGPT. You can't claim it as your own, but you don't have to sign it. It is open, but you can't claim it as your own like, I created this. But at the same time, you don't have to cite ChatGPT, or you don't have to cite Canva. But you can't-- it's not yours.

It doesn't belong-- It belongs to the World Wide Web or whatever AI, wonderland, or whatever it's called. And that's my next presentation at CCI in state.

Audience: The ones that say the Pro, we can't try with our own content unless we--

Audrey Dierdorff: Unless you have the Pro account, yes. And it says there, I think, on the actual Magic Studio tab or page what is free and what is Pro.

Audience: Catherine said they cite ChatGPT.

Audrey Dierdorff: Oh. OK, Catherine. Good. It's really up to each person whether they would like to or not.

Audience: She says it's a business ethics issue.

Audrey Dierdorff: OK. Thank you. It's good to know. OK. So let's do the live demonstration. Oops, go back. All right. So I'm going to go back to our Magic Studio, and I'm going to go to this Magic-- yeah, see, it says Pro right here at the top.

So it's under Magic Write. So we did the resize Magic Switch. Now we'll go to Pro-- or Magic Animate. I'm going to select that card. Try Magic Animate. OK?

So now it's looking at the content of this already created template, and it's recommended. So if you want, this is the recommended style at the top left here. And if I select it and then present it, you're going to see the movement of it.

OK? So it's a little bit spacey, right? Because it's space, so it's a little spacey. Digital is what they call it. So notice that it has the fly-ins from different areas and also the actual page changes. OK? So that's kind of what--

Then you can go back and decide to change it to something else. You don't like it. So there's playful. So let's see what playful looks like. I'm presenting it within Canva. Oops, sorry. Go back. OK. So that's playful. It's a little bit different.

Right, different font. And also the-- it's not as jumpy, right? It's not as jumpy as the other ones. So you can play around with that. And that's all it does, actually.

So you can also do transitions between slides. So all you have to do at the bottom here is if I go between the slides and I can click and add transition, it's below the plus button and I select that, I can also add transitions, if I wanted to from slide to slide, if you don't like what they already created for you.

Audience: I have a quick question. When it had Pro at the top, is that-- Pro and Education--

Audrey Dierdorff: Same.

Audience: Same? OK. So if we have an Education, we can click on Pro?

Audrey Dierdorff: Yes.

Audience: OK.

Audrey Dierdorff: So I have the Education account. So I was able to--

Audience: --access Pro. OK.

Audrey Dierdorff: Yeah, access Pro. It seems to be Pro and Education account are one and the same.

Audience: OK, See, I didn't - I didn't see that. I couldn't-- I couldn't bring in my own-- I have an Education account. I couldn't bring in my own content. I could only-- it seems like with what they offered, which was the one you have.

Audrey Dierdorff: Oh, the transitions, you mean?

Audience: Yeah. For Magic Animate and the resize, I could only use their presentations. I couldn't bring in my own thing.

Audrey Dierdorff: That'll do it. OK. Yeah. I think this-- I think that's right that if you bring in your own, you can do the transitions at the bottom. You should be able to also-- let's play around with that maybe, and let's look at that a little bit deeper once we are ended, if you can stay. I'm just-- for the sake of time-- I'm so sorry.

All right. Magic Morph. This is the one I said-- ah, it's OK. You can transform words and shapes into different things, add your own style, and describe how you want it to look. So let's look at it real quick. I'm going to use what they do because they seem to-- their-- what do you call it? Their Example is a lot better than whatever. I could actually use it and create it.

So here they have Magic Morph, and you can see it's supposed to be Wow but without an O but with a star. So you're going to select the actual image you want to morph. So I have to select the star. Then I have to describe the look. So if I wanted it to look like a green balloon-- green balloons.

So I'm just doing green balloons. And I Magic Morph at the bottom, the purple button. It will then give me four different designs. It likes the number 7 for presentation. It likes the number 4 for any type of image. And Magic Morph, it likes four.

Audience: If you're not happy with the four, can you try it again?

Audrey Dierdorff: You can try it again. Definitely, you just probably want to change. So it has the Create Again button. So you could do that. So all I would do is I would select it whichever one I liked, and then I would put it in here. And I can-- there's a little white round circle, where if I click and drag--

Get it right. And then I can move it. And of course, I can drag it so that it's bigger, so that it fits and covers the white, if you wanted to. Or if you get rid of the white, just put it in there. OK? So that's basically what it does. It also does it with images like this, and it does it with letters.

Audience: 10 minutes.

Audrey Dierdorff: 10 minutes. Thank you. OK, we gotta get going because the best ones are to come. All right. Magic Media is my favorite. It's probably what I use most. And that is to the two tools. Text to video. You describe a scene, and it will generate a few seconds of video. You have to include colors and movements and things. So let's take a look at that real quick.

I'm going to scroll down at the Magic Studio web page. Text to video. Try Magic Media. OK. Here, describe what you want. Does anybody want to describe to me a video they want to see?

Audience: Let's see if we can do Voltron. Five lion robots becoming one human robot.


Audrey Dierdorff: OK. I'm a good typer, but do it again.

Audience: Five lion robots--

Audrey Dierdorff: Five lion robots?

Audience: --becoming one human robot.

Audrey Dierdorff: Becoming one human robot. OK.

Audience: [muffled voices]

Audrey Dierdorff: All right, let's see if it takes his suggestion. Generate Video. Look, it has that-- it's experimental. So generate the video.

Audience: Grab your--

Audrey Dierdorff: Grab your popcorn, yeah. A brand new video inspired by your scene is being generated. One to two minutes.

Audience: Question.

Audrey Dierdorff: Yes?

Audience: Can you tell them how long you want the video? Like, if you wanted a 15-second video?

Audrey Dierdorff: For this? No. You cannot. It is limited on video. I'm sure it's going to get better, but you cannot do that now. You could create your own video by bringing in pictures and actually adding your own music. I've done that for graduation. My cousin graduated from high school, and I did her graduation-- like her baby pictures and all that with songs that she liked. And I did that all in Canva. It's still--

Audience: Any other questions?

Audience: In this Magic Media, is that where you did it? On Canva?

Audrey Dierdorff: No, I didn't. I did it by hand. I did the whole downloading or uploading all the photos and all of that into Canva. Yeah, the Magic Media videos are short. It's like three seconds. It's almost like a GIF, where it's just moving and that's it.

And also, the other video is very short because you only have 10-- the max of 10 photos that you can install into that Magic Design for videos. So come on, we don't have that much time.

Audience: [laughter]. It's always the last line.

Audrey Dierdorff: I know, yeah. Everybody get off the TDLS 24. I need the bandwidth. There it is. Ooh. OK. So I am going to pull it in. So I'm going to delete this. OK. There it is. Now, for some reason, it didn't do it the size it should have. So I am going to go ahead, and I'm going to do Magic Switch. And I am going to make it a landscape-- a landscape flyer.

I'm going to resize this design. OK? So see how easy it was for me to switch the parameters? It's pretty cool. And then here's your video. [laughs] And isn't that great?

Audience: If we do it again, [muffled laughter].


Audrey Dierdorff: Sorry. Yes. So it's not the best. It's experimental still, but there you go. Here you have a little GIF of-- maybe your school are the lions. There you go. Here's your little logo. OK?

So let's go back and try-- this text-to-image is what I use the most because we have a big CTE program, and I'm trying to find students-- that pictures, images, that look like my students actually doing the work. And it's so hard to find on Unsplash or the free photos. So I always use this.

OK. So somebody with-- I mean, you all have great imaginations. I'm not going to say. But somebody, off the top of your head, give me an image you want to see. Or somebody from the chat even or online. Somebody online want to unmute and tell me what you're thinking? We got six minutes.


Audience: A Golden Retriever puppy running on the grass.

Audrey Dierdorff: OK. Golden Retriever puppy running on the grass. OK, I'm going to go ahead and select at the bottom, Generate Image. You can tell that I was looking for rubber ducks. Don't ask me why. OK. So again, here's your four images.

Audience: Remember, text is just the default.

Audrey Dierdorff: [laughs]

Audience: The item there with rubber duck.

Audrey Dierdorff: Oh, was it rubber duck? OK. Oh, look at that. Pretty good.

Audience: [muffled voices]

Audrey Dierdorff: OK. So you can bring in the puppies that you want. You can size them. That's a pretty good photo of a puppy, huh?

Audience: Really good.

Audrey Dierdorff: So--

Audience: She's smiling.

Audrey Dierdorff: Now, it does do some crazy stuff. So if I wanted to do something else-- so Golden Retriever puppy with a top hat and a black tuxedo running on water. OK? So I'm going to Generate Again.

Now that photo will end up in your uploads. So when you go to your Upload button on the far-left column,

Audience: That image will be there.

Audrey Dierdorff: Oh, look at that. So I'm going to delete this one. I'm going to pull in this one. And it did really well, right? Pretty good?

Audience: Hm-mm. Yeah.

Audience: Can we put our phone image in and say, put a top hat and a tuxedo on my puppy?

Audrey Dierdorff: No, no. Oh. So if I wanted to change something with the puppy, I could then use-- so if I click on the photo and edit photo-- OK? I could grab that puppy with Magic Grab. So this is-- because we only have three minutes. Magic Grab. And it will take the puppy actually out of the water. And now you just have the puppy. You see?

So I'm going to get rid of the background. Assh! No, don't do that. Get rid of the background. Notice you just have the puppy. So that's Magic Grab, where you grab something out of the photo.

And then you have this Magic Eraser. So you can erase things that you don't like. So you increase the brush size. And I don't want him to have a tail. So I'm going to brush it out. OK? And it will automatically delete it.

So it's like your phone, how some of the phones have that AI stuff on it. And then there is-- delete photo. Magic Edit. So this thing, where I can actually take the brush. I'm just doing this real quick for everybody. And I'm going to brush off the hat. And I can change it into something else.

So I'm going to select Continue, describe what I want to put on his head. I had put in a rubber chicken. And then I'm going to select Generate, and it should put a rubber chicken on top of his head because that's just the place I wanted it. And it's again with the four.


Audience: Well, there you go.

Audrey Dierdorff: That's interesting.

Audience: Is that your choice?

Audrey Dierdorff: I don't know. Yeah, this is interesting. So it's not the best, but you can do stuff like that. And then the last thing for editing photos-- one more minute-- is this Magic Expand. So if I want to expand the whole page, I can expand it. And it will put in images or content that it thinks goes with the picture.

Oh, because I took the background. Well, anyways, you guys can play with it at home. We are-- yeah, we are down to the last 30 seconds. Here it is. There's your Bitly. If you want to write down your Bitly for the presentation or scan the QR code, this is the presentation slide.

And again, you can contact OTAN if you wanted more in depth about Canva. There are a couple of us that can come and present at your school site or do it online with your staff, if this is something that your staff wants to learn.

There is a student type of interface. I wouldn't really use it because it takes a while to share things, but I've had people get on. And at the same time, we're editing the photos. We're editing everything together. So that's it.