Adrian Vargas: My name is Adrian Vargas. I work for CASAS tech support. I'm probably spoken with some of you on the phone when you call in. I will be presenting first and then I will be followed by Oscar Pena. Oscar, would you like to introduce yourself?

Oscar Pena: Yes. Thank you very much, Adrian. So I'm Oscar Pena. I've been with CASAS for a little over eight years so I probably have spoken to you as well. So just to a quick overview of what we're going to be doing right now, if I may. So we're going to be doing the TOPSpro Enterprise, which is an overview of TE. We're going to stay basics. We're going to cover Listers' reports, users, and so forth.

There will be a document that I'm going to be placing on the chatbox that covers all the items that we're going to be doing. Adrian's going to be covering items one through five, while I cover items 6 through 8. The last item on seven, it will be for submissions, California submissions. So those agencies that are not California, you're welcome to leave at that point. And please note that these training will not generate any certification for data purposes. Thank you.

Adrian Vargas: Thank you, Oscar. OK. I am going to go off video and I'm going to share my screen. Make sure everybody can see it. So what everyone should be seeing right now is the eTest online. Should have two green icons saying take a test under secured, take a test secured. Is everybody seeing that?

Oscar Pena: Yes.

Adrian Vargas: OK, good. Thank you. So when you're getting ready to launch TOPSpro Enterprise, the first thing you have to do is install it. And what we're going to do is you're going to go to And this is based on your server. We're going to be using Rolling Hills today. I'm in the Rolling Hills server. But if you have a California server, this would be CA eTest online. Washington has their own separate server. If your global, you're just it's So make sure that you're logging or going to the correct browser for your server.

As you can see, you would be brought to this page. In the top left hand corner, there's the Install TE Client. This will install TE Client to your computer. And when you're done with the install, you should be brought to a screen that looks like this. This is your login for your TOPSpro Enterprise. And again, you want to make sure that when you're logging in, you select the correct server.

We're using Rolling Hills as a simulation server. We recommend that if you want to experiment with anything within TOPSpro Enterprise, to use the simulation server because it resets every night. And you really can't break anything or mess anything up in it. If you have California, you'll select California. We have global, Washington, Laraec, and Miami.

If you're using the simulation server, the agency ID that you want to put in is 4908. The user identification is administrator, and any number 1 through I believe it's 60. Today I'm going to use The password for this particular server is admin, all lowercase. And then you just connect.

When your TOPSpro Enterprise opens, you're going to see the Start page. And what's on the Start page is just some quick references. You have your shortcuts, your most recently used listers or reports that you have run will be located here. You have My Report. So if you select that option under Reports, which we will cover, those would be here. So just a quick report that you can generate.

We have state announcements so depending on your state, you will have an announcement here. CASAS announcements. Now, these are older announcements because this is a simulation server. But this will tell you if there are any deliverables that are coming up, if it's time to with the end of the program year in June. There would be an announcement to replicate your eTest sessions. And that announcement would be here.

If your agency is so inclined, they can put announcements here. They can say, meeting "Meeting on Friday." Same for individual sites. Alerts and notifications, you notice we just had a new build on September 21 which is today. So we're on to build 6. And you would just click on here. It'll tell you all of the notes and what has been updated.

If you're pretty used to using TOPSpro Enterprise and you don't need to see all of these announcements, or you just feel that this page is clunky, you can either click the red X here to hide it. Or under Your View, you can unselect the check mark and get rid of it that way.

Up here on these tabs, we have our TOPSpro Enterprise tab. This allows you to lock your screen if you have to walk away. Disconnect. Again, if you have to leave, it just disconnects. Change your password, and exit, and other options. We have Our View. Again, the view, this is where if you would like that Start page, I can bring it right back or I can get rid of it.

I can see my dashboard. I can make my font size, my screen size small, normal, or medium. Right now, we're on normal. As you can see, medium makes the font a little bigger and large makes it even bigger. So we're going to stick with normal for today. That is your view under Organization.

Let's see. I'm missing something. Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to cover Options. Under TE Options, these are general options that you can set for your TOPSpro Enterprise how you want it to look. Inactive timeout, you can have that be whatever you would like meaning after 30 minutes, TE will disconnect you and you'll have to sign back in.

Your On Start page, again, I can click this and click OK. And I'll never see that Start page again until I enable it. This shows you your warning for your WTU. So if you've ever had that pop up that states you're under your 500 limit or 300 limit, if you want to change that warning, you can here.

Edit View. We usually ask that you leave this by default. It's pretty much set up the way that TE should be. Listers, you can customize your listers here if you would like. You can hide program years, older than, or show all. So here, you can select maybe you don't want to see any program years that are older than four years old. But for today, we're going to show all.

Under Reports, you can have pages to load in advance, set default drilldown to first available. Remember, last selected schema. So if you have a report that you have set up with certain filters, it will remember your last schema.

Your imports are where you can set this up for allow records with dates outside the current program year. So if this is unselected, then it's not going to allow you to import dates that are outside of this current program year selected. It will allow you to adjust class ranges, personnel records, agency level. Exports, its student ID, Social Security Number, default student identifier. Usually, its by ID but you can set it for a different type if you would like.

Our next tab over from the View is organization. Organisation is everything at the agency level. So this houses all of your data at the agency level. The Cape Consortia, your agency. It tells you what your name is of the agency, your funding sources, your contact, your WTUs, your sites. What sites you have associated with that agency. Again, this is all agency level.

Your class definitions and instances. What users are associated with this agency. Your access groups, your authentication settings, personnel. So what personnel are associated with the agency as well as their functional roles? What classes are they tied to?

Your test administrations. WSCS Administrations, your forms. If you're running COAAPs this is where you're going to find your additional assessments. Special programs, your deleted objects. If you have the access to view this, then you can see if there has been any items that have been deleted.

This is for California agencies survey invitation sets survey forms. What testing stations that you have that are active or inactive. This is where you would replicate your testing sessions at the end of the year. You would click on Testing Sessions and this is where you would go through and replicate them into the new year.

Your templates that are being used, your tests in progress. If you've had a student who started a test but then had to leave and the test was disconnected, it will tell you that here, what the student's name is and what test they're currently on. Any important announcements. These are also available on the Start page.

Graduation policies and programs, student portal, data container, settings, Active Directory, data sharing responses. If you're sharing data with another site or agency, and your quarterly data submissions. When you submit your quarterly data reports, this is where you can check to make sure that they were submitted correctly, and what date and time.

Records. Records are all things associated with the students. So organization is at the agency level, records is at the students level. Right from the very top, we have students. Demographics is your main lister. This shows all of the students demographic information. In program years, this will tell you what students are enrolled in this current program year as well as previous program years.

Student records. This is when they're putting in their personal goal, their primary goal, secondary goal, highest year of school completion. This is under their records. Any documents that have been uploaded for the students and the data sharing request. Again, if you are sharing data with another agency and a student has come to your agency from there, you can see if there's a data sharing request for that student.

Classes. This is going to show your class enrollments. Your records for that class. Records are records of attendance. So how many attendance hours the students have. Any class cancelations that have been brought up or canceled and any requests as well.

Next is the programs. The programs go over your program enrollments as well as your program records. Program records are who completed, who is still retained? What updates have been done at the program level? Your test lister. This shows you a lister and we'll go over what a lister is, of all of the tests that have been conducted up to date. So our school year, the new program year started July 1st. And this will show all of the testing that has been done in a lister form up until today's date.

This is primarily for California. This is Core Performance students. This is where you will see your employment and earnings surveys that have been sent out or need to be sent out to your Core Performance students. Again, for California, your invitations that have been sent to your students for the survey.

Your survey responses. Graduation. You can look at your graduation enrollments and transcripts here. Employment history for the students. Remember, records is connected with the students and places of employment. So if you're tracking that, it'll tell you their history and where they've been.

Next tab over, we're going to cover reports. This is where you can find all of your reporting to find your data. You have your courses eTest reports. This is your next assigned test. If you are curious, your student came in and took a math test and they got the 913. And you're wondering what the system is going to give them next for their post-test. You could run the report here and it'll tell you what their next assigned test is.

Personal score report. This is the same report that is shown at the end of the test session for the student. It's a breakdown of their NRS level, scale score, and a brief description of what that means, what their level is. Your test administrations. If you're curious how many web-based test units you have left, you would run your WTU balance report.

The test score overview at the agency level. So this just gives you an overview of how your test scoring is going at the agency level. Your content standards by NRS level. This will show you precisely that, the content standards for the student. This is by form. So by their NRS level 1 through 6. By form meaning what test form they were given. Competencies align with standards, is just a description of what that standard competency means.

Oscar Pena: Adrian, if I may interrupt.

Adrian Vargas: Yes.

Oscar Pena: If you can one, slow down a bit.

Adrian Vargas: OK.

Oscar Pena: Whenever there's any definitions of whether it is COAAPs or WTUs, please go ahead and let us know what these are so that those are the basic level. Those new users can go ahead and understand and connect how that relates to whether it's the training, whether it's that data submission, or the data in general. Thank you.

Adrian Vargas: OK. Thank you, Oscar. So I will slow down. Sorry if I was going too fast. So for the reports that we were on, WTU is web-based test unit. That is all of your eTesting. COAAPs is Civics objectives and participation, that is for your EL Civics classes if you're running those.

What I wanted to bring up is you'll notice that, and you'll notice this on other reports as well, you may see an asterisk next to a test, a report option. And you'll notice down here that there's the definition of what that means. At July 15, CASAS launched new testing series. We launched math goals 2 which replaced math goals. We also launched the series steps which replaced your ESL life and work series.

These are going to be fully implemented next program year but you are able to use your life and work series as well as your math goal series until the end of this current program year. If you see an asterisk next to a report option, that means that report is not available for these particular series. They're only available for math goals and for the life and work series, not for goals 2 or steps.

We're going to move on to the next report category, which is your demographics. Your demographic reports will essentially include everything that the student has entered for their demographics. Gender, ethnicity, date of birth, employment history, phone number, all of that.

Demographic detail is itemized by student so it gives you a list of the students and what their demographic details are. Demographic summary is the demographic detail but instead of itemized by student, it is a general summary based on your agency or your site, depending on how you're running the report.

The student total hours, or I'm sorry, total student hours. This will give you a report by individual students and let you know how many hours they have based on your time parameters. Normally, if you run these reports by their default settings, and I'll just click on this really quick so you can see. If you ran just by its default setting, it's going to run for the current program year and it's going to run from start of the current program year, which is '71, up until today's date.

Total student hours DL. So DL stands for distance learning. This will give you the students' individual hours for distance learning only. This is going to let you know your distinct distance learning hours by class. So it'll break it down into classes instead of students. Instructional hours. This is, again, run by class. So instead of running it by individual student, you can run it by class and it will tell you your classes' instructional hours as an average or as an whole.

Your class attendance analysis shows your attendance more on a summary level, based on hours of how many hours were in July? How many hours were in August? And it gives you an analysis of how the attendance is going. Class enrollment. Again, this is run by class. It shows you the enrollments for a particular class or you can run it for all of your classes.

The summary is a summary that will show you not individual students' names, but the summary. Class 302 has 50 students in it, whereas the enrollment will show you class 302 and each individual student enrolled in that class. Hours since last test. We'll run a report that shows you precisely that. How many hours has it been since the student took their first test till now?

Monthly attendance is good for if you're wanting to see how your students or a particular class are doing as far as popularity or attendance. You can run this report. It will break it down by month and by day. So it will show July and it'll show what days in July that student had attendance or that class had attendance. And last activity shows the last activity for the students.

Program outcomes is just a basic enrollment summary. So this is upon entry. When your students enroll in the program upon entry, they put in certain records. Again, their employment barriers. Their primary and secondary goals, their employment history. That goes on the entry. Update is any updates that have happened since that entry.

Labor force detail is how many students if they're employed, unemployed, retired. Labor force summary is for a general summary of the agency as a whole. Test results. Your top one is your skills profile. Again, if you see one that has a summary, that means it's a summary of the whole class, or the whole site, or the whole agency.

Whereas if it doesn't have that summary attached, it's broken down by individual student. This will give a brief description and overview of how your students did on a test. It will show you their name, test form, test date, level, and grade level, as well as a brief description of their competency and content.

And moving on to competency performance. Your student competency areas. Again, this is broken down by student. The competency area summary is broken down by class. Student task area. Tasks are connected with competencies. So what task is that competency related to? And again, this is by student. Summary is by class, or agency, or site.

And you'll notice that we have those asterisks again and a very faint gray line. So these asterisks down here, if you ran these reports, they are only for math goals, and life and work series. If you're running the new series, you'll want to use these reports up here. So these are for math goals 2 as well as ESL steps.

Content standards, again, covers the content standard area that is in connection with that competency. The student content area breaks it down by student. Content area summary, again, is a summary. It's a little gray line and you'll see those asterisks again.

Learning gains. Student learning gains will show you the learning gains from one test to another by individual student. The summary will show you based on a whole, again, either by class, agency, or site. Learning gains comparison is you can compare from one year to the next, or from one class to the next.

Test responses. Again, this is not available for math goals 2 or steps. And this can only be done by class profile. So class profile will show you what students are in that class, and what their responses were as a general, as a summary to the test questions. So it will list the report of the questions 1 through 30. And it will give you the general responses and correct answers to those questions based on the class.

Test history. The student test summary is the student's test history. If you run this report for a particular student, or all of your students, it will show you the student's test history for their enrollment in your program. So if they started in 2019, it'll show you their summary all the way back to there.

This is an overview of the test scores so shows mainly the scores and not so much detail. And again, the summary is based on the class, agency, or site. Consumer report has your consumer skills profile. Graduation reports. If your agency is using the graduation records and running reports, this will give you your graduation program detail. Summary, graduation class summary, student graduation activity, and student transcripts.

Data management. Here is where you're going to run your reports for your NRS, Data Integrity Detail, which will give you the detailed information on your NRS Data Integrity report. This is the one that you submit for your quarterly data submission. And this just gives you a more detailed look at that NRS Data Integrity.

You can run your student profiles here. See what the students summaries, are what classes they're in, what programs they're in. Class personnel detail, what personnel, meaning your users that are also aligned with personnel. What class personnel detail. So what classes their functional role is associated with.

And duplicate students. This report is good to run if you have a feeling that you may have duplicate students. Maybe they put in the wrong student ID. Maybe they put in the wrong name but it's the same student.

Your state reports. So for California, this is for California only. This will go over all of your tables, barriers, data integrity, employment earnings, employment earnings summary, quarterly survey reports. Pay points, student gains, your additional assessments. Those COAAPs, those civic objective additional assessments. You have your static statewide reports as well for California.

Federal reports. This is where you can run your NRS tables 1 through 11. That give you very good detail about what information is missing, what students have, again, have a paired score. This is your period of participation audit or POP. If you ever hear us say the word POP, that is the period of participation for the student. Your periods of participation statistics.

NRS tables monitor. So it will essentially show you all the tables, not just 1 through 11. And you can, again, view your data at a more drilled down level and see what needs to be corrected, and how your performance is going. NRS performance. How the students and the agency are doing as a whole. NRS persister, NRS barriers to employment.

The Core Performance Population, that is for employment and earnings surveys. And then your WIOA II. These are all for employment and earnings surveys which are currently in California. And so your agency may or may not be doing these. Then you have your ad hoc NRS tables and your ad hoc NRS cross tables.

Your report locator wizard. Let's say you have a report in mind that you want to run. You want to run an attendance report. If you type in the keyword, it'll bring you up any reports that are available with the attendance. So class attendance, monthly attendance.

If you're looking for a specific test result report, all you have to do is type in the keyword test and it'll bring you up all of the reports that are associated with testing. And you can just launch and add to my reports. That's where that add to my reports is. If that's one that you want to have readily accessible to you, you would just add it to My Reports.

This is your dashboard resources percentages of paired scores. So how many students have paired scores? Students by category, drop reasons. So if you want to see what is the main reason that your students are dropping. Your NRS performance dashboard so that is your performance but more on a dashboard report. So it's much more of a summary, and your test administration.

Ad hoc reporting is if you want to create a certain report with a certain filter, this is where you would do your ad hoc reporting. Your tools tab. Was there any questions on any of the reports before I move on to the tools? I know that was a lot of information to cover.

Oscar Pena: No questions regarding the report.

Adrian Vargas: OK. Thank you, Oscar. So your Tools tab is where you're going to find all of your tools, all of your wizards. Scanning wizard if you're using a scanner to upload your test scores or your demographic data into TOPSpro Enterprise. This is where you're going to run your scanning wizard.

Third party import is where you're going to run your third party imports from your third party to TOPSpro per Enterprise and that will be covered later. Class replication wizard. If you would like to create all of the same classes from last program year, you could do that with this wizard.

Your proxy wizard allows you to bring over student information, including test scores from a certain time period. So for California, your proxy dates are May 1st, 2023, through June 30, 2023. Meaning you are able to bring over data from students who were in that time frame into your new program year.

TE to TE import export wizard. If you have two TE accounts, this would be good for that for some of the jail programs. Core Performance Wizard. Again, this is for your employment and earnings surveys. This is where you will run your wizard to populate your core performance.

This does not send out the surveys. It just allows you to populate to send them out. Quarterly data submission. That is where you submit your quarterly data reports. Additional assessments Import wizard is for your COAAPs, your Civics objectives. And your scheduler is where you can run your reports or your exports at a specific time.

Right now, what I'm going to do is move on to customizing lists of records. Also, I'm going to run a demo in the student demographics. So any student demographics, again, we go under records, students, and demographics. So here, you'll notice we have quite a few columns. And you can actually hide these columns so you can customize this. If you would like to hide native language, you'll right click that column with your mouse and I can hide native language.

Now, as you saw, when I right clicked, there were quite a few other options that are available. If I wanted to show the student's phone number, I could click this and then now, I have a column that will show me the student's phone number. These columns are expandable, so you can expand them.

We have new, so you can enroll student to this agency. So you can create a new student identification here and enroll them into your agency. I'm just going to do this for right now. We're going to go test. This is how you would manually create a new student. The minimum requirements are an ID, first name, last name, gender, and date of birth. I'm just going to do this for the heck of it. And now that student is saved.

So if I exit out of this and I go back to that lister, I can filter for that student. I know I named the student test. So if you click on this funnel, you can add a filter. And these funnels are available on all of the columns. We can do starts with, equal to, which means the exact name, ends with, or contains. I'm going to do contains. And I'm going to put in test.

So as you see, that did not come up. Now, we know that I created that student. I enrolled them under new into my agency. So if this happens, one of the number one reasons why you know that there is a student enrolled in your agency but you cannot find them, or you're trying to input some student information and it's flagging that there is a duplicate student, is because nine out of 10 times, they are not enrolled in the current program year.

They're enrolled with your agency but not the current program year. And how we filter for that is we click on this green filter box here. We click on the funnel. And you can see it's set to my current program year. If I click this dropdown, it gives me the option to go all the way back to 2009. But if you're not sure where that student is, the best thing is to click this red box, which gets rid of that filter entirely, and click OK.

Now you can see the student comes up because I was not enrolled in this current program year. I'm only enrolled in the agency. If you need to enroll your student manually into the current program year, you would double click on the student. And over here under our Navigator bar, you'll see there is a bunch of options in program years. Record student enrollments for class, class records, and so forth. I would click on in program year.

And as you can see, there's no program year. I would click New. And from here, I can select my program year. Maybe this is from last year and I just need to get the student's information to populate for last year. But most likely, it's for current so that if I click on Current, this is also where you can select your site.

So if my student is not going to be at my Rolling Hills North Campus, maybe they're at my corrections. I can select the site here, as well as update some information. I can update their barriers to employment, current work force service. And here is where you can enter training services, transitional services, any services that are provided. Once you've made your edits, you just click Save.

And if I back out of the student information page and go back to in program years, and I clear my filters. So how I can clear my filters, two ways. I can either click on my filter icon and Edit Filter, reset to default. That will take me back to my default filter. Or just click the red X.

I'm going to go ahead and click the Reset to default filter. Click OK. Now, this is back on the current program year. So now, if I go look for my student, again, you have the options for how you'd like to search. I'm going to do contains. And then the student comes up.

And you have these funnels, these filters under every single column. So if you want to search by, again, a certain ethnicity, a certain gender, you can filter. Click on the little funnel and it will show you the filter. It'll show you your options.

Also, you'll notice that you have these little arrows here. So maybe I want my names to be alphabetical from A to Z. I click the little arrow up and now, my names are from A to Z. And if you want to reverse that, you would click the arrow again and then it's going to go from Z to A. Same with your student ID. You can have this go in numerical order as well as your birth dates, genders, and so forth. There is a lot of filters.

So we know that new enrolls them into the agency. Enroll. This is going to enroll them into a site. So this is where you would select your student and you could put them into a specific site if you wanted to. These are your sites. As you can see, 4908 is your main agency. So we're seeing everybody at the agency level.

If we click this dropdown, this is where you can see it by site. So if you have students that are connected with only a specific site, then this is where you could filter out for them. Again, here is your filter icon where we found the current program year. And there is a plethora of options here. This is your current program year. But if you click on these little plus symbols, it populates so many more filter options.

This is on your columns, but you can do more drill down and filter here as well. You can do also by program records, or class enrollments, or program enrollments. So if you wanted to see your demographic students for only a specific class, you would click class enrollments. As you see, there's a little plus sign that populates.

If you're looking for a specific class ID, this is where you then get more filter options. And you can go by date entered class or class ID. Then you would put in your class ID. Click OK. And it will show you all of the students who are currently enrolled in that specific class. Now, that being said, this filter option up here, you have to trust it because when you click OK, that class enrollment isn't going to show up. It's going to filter it because we added the filters, but it will not show a class ID column.

These are the columns that are the same ways that you can edit them as I did by clicking the right click. You can just bring off the phone and remove it from here as well. Just another option. You have your sort. Again, same with the arrows, is the exact same. You can just do it from up here if you would like.

If you need to delete a student, which we highly discourage, but you can delete a student from here. Refresh. If you've done some editing and you need to refresh, you can refresh your lister. This is your pages, so which page you're on. Export if you need to export your data to an Excel spreadsheet. Print your data. Your schema which is basically how your listers are currently laid out by default. Your view. So you can do record, info, and notes.

And More. Your More icon has other options. So if we were going to do a quick batch edit, you have to select more than one student. You can do a batch delete. Again, we highly recommend you do not delete a student. You lose the information permanently. You can go more and then we have batch edit. Excuse me, batch insert into a class or program.

Request data from a different site and see what child listers or other agencies that student is associated with. So that ends my time for going over the LT overview for the text and some demographic information. Oscar, was there anything you could see that I missed?

Oscar Pena: No. It was covered so yes.

Adrian Vargas: OK, perfect. So I'm going to stop sharing my screen and I'm going to take over the chat. And Oscar is going to take over from here. So take over. Go ahead, Oscar.

Oscar Pena: Thank you very much. I'm going to go ahead. And once you stop sharing, I'm going to go ahead and share mine. OK. So one second over here. OK. So a couple of things to mention before we continue. One is, under your chat box, you should see a document that was placed. And that's basically our outline for today's training.

As you can see, Adrian went ahead and cover items 1 through 5 and cover items 6 through 8. We understand that this training has a lot of information, especially for those of you who are starting. So there will be terms. There'll be questions that you might have to follow up. If you need to follow up on any questions, perhaps these are questions that are specifically to your agency, please go ahead and send us an email.

I'm going to go ahead and put that on the chat as well as there you go. Thank you, Adrian. As well as the link for any other trainings that you would like to take, whether these are the same training, or any other related trainings, or any other data submission type of training. So that link is placed there in the chat box.

And we try to give one of these trainings once a month towards the end of the month. Usually, it's the last Thursday of the month or around that week. So you can go ahead and sign up for the next training. You should see it by going to that email address. I'm sorry, that URL. All right.

So let's go ahead and continue. So we're going to go ahead and pick up from step 6, adding records manually. As Adrian explained, I'm going to go ahead and use the Rolling Hills database. And we're going to be using the admin, which is basically your data manager type of access.

That gives you most of the access one can have under our training server. So the password, as Adrian explained, is admin, short for administrator. And anyone can by the way log in to this training, to this training website, to this training server. Let me go ahead and connect.

All right. Very good. So we're going to go ahead and close our star page. As Adrian explained, the purpose of this star page is basically just to see the announcements in any shortcuts that you might need. So we're going to go ahead and close that. So question, this is just more of a general question that I want you to ask yourself.

How does the agency bring your demographic data? Is it through an import? Is that import through a specific third party application? Or perhaps are you using a template? Templates are basically a file that we provide for an agency to import data into TE.

Or are you doing it manually? Meaning as Adrian did a quick demo, you're basically going to TE, creating that demographic record by hand. So those are basically a few of the ways. You have standing as well that you can do it in some information can be imported through eTest. eTest are basically are importing. It's our testing application. I'm sorry. All right. Very good.

So we're going to go ahead and add a site. What is a site? The definition of a site is a location away from the main building. So you have your main building where you hold your classes, you hold registration perhaps. Any other sites that you are to have, you can go ahead and assign a site. So this is just for structure purposes. It's not mandated, but it's there available as a tool for you to use.

Now, how do you add a site? You go to organization. You go to sites. Now, you're going to notice as we travel through the different windows, that TE uses the same format. One of the questions that were placed earlier is, what's a lister? Lister is basically what you're seeing right here. Not the best example, we'll get to a better example soon. But this is basically more like a spreadsheet meaning you have columns and rows.

You see the columns site ID, column site name, columns. It's a site and then the row is the specific sites that have been created under our simulation database. So this format carries from one lister to the other. And when I say one lister to the other, I mean there's a lister for demographics, student demographics. There's a lister for classes, instances, and definitions. Those are two components of your class and so forth. So it's a lister.

And also, while we're talking about listers, TE has two ways of showing information. One is listers which I explained, and the other ones will be report. As the name suggests, it's a report that is generated. And we'll go over those options later, all right? So for sites, I'm sorry, we're going to go ahead and click on the New button. That new button is always on the upper left hand corner. Just for guidance purposes, for reference purposes, it's always there.

So we're going to go ahead and click on New. Obviously, we're trying to create a new site this time, right? So you're going to notice the format as well that when you are into a lister, when you click on the lister, TE will show you the following format. You have your Navigator, which is the menu on the upper left hand corner. So anything that applies to the record that you're creating, in this case, we're creating a site, would be displayed under the Navigator.

In this case, it was just Edit View. Once I save this site, you're going to notice the option to under my navigator extended. So again, because this is a fictitious site, let's just go ahead and name this site B6. And we're going to go ahead and say, North. I think there is North Campus so we're just going to put East Campus. All right.

And obviously, we can enter the demographic information or the contact information, I should say. Now, very important. Notice this option over here. Is it a site or it's a site. That basically enables this site to be used for testing under eTest. eTest, for those of you who don't know, it's our testing application. So if you click on this, then this site will be available under what testing application, all right?

So I'm going to go ahead and click on this with a check mark here. And obviously, we are to enter the information. So let me just go ahead and enter some fictitious information and put myself as the contact person. And we're going to go ahead and save. Once again, notice what happens when I'm going to click Save. Look at the Navigator.

So once I click on that save, now, any information that is related to the site, because this is the current record we're creating, is displayed under my Navigator, whether there is a soft side, whether it's class definitions, class instances, two very important components. Students that are registered, students that are registered in the particular year, and so forth. So these are the options that one has. And again, TE uses this same format for any records that we are to create. All right.

So we're going to go ahead and leave this as it is. We'll follow up on class definitions and instances because those are two important components. But just for the purpose of following our outline, we're going to go ahead and switch now to adding a user record, all right? So I'm going to go ahead and close this.

One more thing to mention. Notice that as we keep creating, you're going to notice as I'm demoing things, as I keep opening windows, TE will create a trail of tabs that will go along your window over here. So it's just a matter of you closing those.

Those are important because if you want to go to your previous step to what you were doing before, in this case for me was creating a site, I just have to click on the tab that is located to my left. Now, if you were to have multiple tabs and there's a lot of tabs and you don't want to close them all, here's a quick shortcut. If you click on that Page button, which is located on the upper right hand corner.

When I click on this button, notice that my top option is close all pages. So if I do that, all the pages get closed. Obviously, if there will be any information that is in the midst of being inputted and is not saved, the system will go ahead and ask you if you want to save it before closing, all right? So this is a quick tip for when you have so many pages or tabs open. All right.

So now, next step will be looking at your outline, we're going to do a step C, that is under 66C, C as Carlos. Demo add and manage users. So we're going to go ahead and add a user. What is a user? A user is what the data manager creates under your agency. Who is the data manager?

Well, the Data Manager is assigned to the agency at the point of the agency being set up. So there is one data manager. And then that data manager is responsible for the data and is responsible for creating any other accounts, whether these are TE admin, which are the next level higher. Or these are proctors, coordinators that are going to be testing. There's multiple levels. So we'll see that next.

So to create that a user, we're going to go to Organization and Users, Organization and Users. Notice again, the format that TE uses. This is, again, it's a lister. So this is a better example of a lister. Again, it's like a spreadsheet type of format where you have your columns and your rows. So A, notice how that new button. Again, it's on the upper left hand corner.

Notice that TE right now has this fictitious server has 369 users. I can see that number by looking at this count over here in the middle upper side of the screen. Notice that within that, we have data manager. So if I am to click in between these or hover in between these two columns, notice that my cursor changes to this arrow with left and right markings.

I can expand this column by clicking and dragging. And I can see that there is a data manager. Obviously, the name has been given admin based. But there is a data manager. So if you would have access to your users, that's depending if your data manager gave you that access, you would go to Organization and Users, expand that access group column, and see who's the data manager under your agency, all right?

So we're going to go ahead and create a new account. So we're going to click on New. Notice the same format that I was explaining before. Here's your user information for that account. Once I create that information, you're going to notice that under my Navigator, I'll see more options pretending to the user account information. All right.

So I'm going to go ahead and just do a fictitious record for myself here. So we're just going to go ahead and say, usually account what CASAS recommends is to enter the user's email, which is going to go ahead and enter our tech support email. So

All right. So at this point, the system will require to do a password. This password, it's a temporary password, not a permanent password because this is the password that the user is going to go ahead and reset at the point of logging in. So I'm going to go ahead and just set.

We usually recommend to use the user's first name so to make it easier for the user because the user is going to go ahead and reset that password. So I'm just going to go ahead and put oscar, all lowercase. For the password over here, just as a note, it does not take caps. So it's not caps up sensitive. So I'm just going to go ahead and retype oscar. again, all lowercase.

Now then, you have the roles and groups. So these are just basically different ways of giving access to the user. So I'm just going to go ahead and assign this user as a TE admin. So TE admin, again, is the second highest level a user could have. And then I'm just going to go ahead and enter some basic information. I don't need to enter everything. The basic will need is to enter what I'm showing over here, first name, last name, and email.

So again, I'm going to go ahead and do. I can just go ahead and copy this and paste it under email, all right? So I'm going to go ahead and save it. And if I am to open to TE, some of you don't know but you can have multiple instances of TE open, especially if you have two screens and you are comparing records. Or you want to see two records matching side by side. You can have two instances of TE open.

So let me go ahead and right click over here, and click on TOPSpro Enterprise. Once again, that brings the login window as you will see right now. And this time, I'm going to go ahead and log in as Username is not case sensitive either, all right? So remember, we put the password oscar so I'm going to go ahead and put oscar.

So what I'm expecting to see right now, so we're playing the role of that new user, right? So data manager referred this information to the new user. The new user is logging in. The system should prompt me to reset my password. That will be the very first thing. So right now, it's just basically recognizing that new account. And let's see if it does. All right. Very good.

So it gives me some license information in agreements. So I'm going to go ahead and say, "Accept." And then according to the application setting, you are required to change your password to be granted access. So I'm going to go ahead and say, "OK." At this point, it asks for your old password. My old password is the password that the data manager set for me. That will be oscar.

The new password is whatever password I want to set next. So this is the point where the user gets to put their own password. One note to make over here is that the password field is not saved under the user account. Neither tech support, neither the data manager is able to see that password. That is for security reasons. So it's always good to have a password that you can relate to, that make a note.

And if your data manager, and that's a relationship between you and the data manager, requires for you to give that password, then denote it that will be the case. But again, the data manager is not able to see the password. Tech support is not able to see your password.

You might ask, "Well, Oscar, what happens if I lose my password? How do I get it back?" The only way to do so is to reset your password. So you will go through the same process and the system will ask you for your password once again, and then your new password. All right.

So for new password, let's just go ahead and say 123, all right? Not the best password. Notice that the system is telling me that the password strength is weak. Now, is it required for you to enter one that complex? It is recommended but not required, all right? So the system would allow you to still save. So I'm going to go ahead and save it. All right. And now this system gives me access as a TE admin. All right.

So that's just to show you how to create a user account. Again, that was on your outline under adding records manually. That was step C. Now, we're going to move to step D. That's class definitions and class instances. So for that, I'm going to go ahead and close this record I created and TE takes me back to the data manager's account. I'm going to go ahead and close these two tabs by clicking once again on that Page tab on the upper right, and click on Close All Pages, all right? So that closes both of those pages. All right.

So how to create a definition and an instance. To start with, what is a definition and what is an instance? A definition, as the name suggests, is when you are creating a class. So the components of the definition will basically be your class number or ID, and the class name or description.

And then the instance, on the other hand, is basically all the settings that correspond to that class. What do I mean with settings? When the class start, when does it end? What type of instructional program is this in a special program? Is this an neo civics for those California agencies? Are you collecting hours that are distance learning or there are in person?

So all those parameters, all those settings will go under your class instance. The class definition, as I said, is basically just the ID and the name. We're going to go ahead and go to Organization, go to Classes, and go to Definitions. You have to start with the definition in order to create the instance. That's why it's listed first. Obviously, you have to set that up ID and set the name. Once the definition is created, then you can go ahead and create whatever instance. So let's go ahead and click on that.

Once again, notice the format that TE uses. You have your list over here with columns and rows. These are the classes that have been created. Just a quick question over here. How many classes do I have over here listed? Can anybody put in the chat box? 218, very good. So you see that number on the upper center of my screen being listed. So it's saying this one record out of 218.

If I click on Record 7, it's telling me highlighting 7 out of 218. Very good. Thank you, Arnold. So again, we're going to go ahead and create a new record. Same format. The New button is located on the same position, upper left hand corner. So we're going to go ahead and click on New. Same format. Once again, you have your class definition information here, your Navigator.

Once we create that class definition, you'll see all the options for the Navigator which you can assume that one of them will be class instance, right? So we're going to go ahead and create this record. So let's just create this record 1234. I'm being very general over here. Class description, let's just say that this is a ESL level 1, all right? So I'm going to go ahead and click Save.

Again, notice what's going to happen when I click Save. Oh, look at this. It's requiring for me to put the class under the site level. So this will be one reason why each side is required. Now, to mention, when you are set up with TE, you are provided with one initial site. So at all times, you would have one site to select. If you need to create multiple sites, again, given that you have different locations, then yes, you're welcome to do so.

So I'm going to go ahead and select my North Campus. I'm not going to put it on the East Campus because that's empty. North Campus, I know there's data there. So I'm going to put it under the North Campus and then save. Once again, look at the Navigator and see what's going to happen. Boom. There you go. So now, I have my class instance and just as expected, you would want to see class enrollment, class records, teachers to add the teacher to your class right.

So this is a good time for you to add your class instance. Because if you don't, and this is another note over here, if you were to close over here, notice that when we created that class instance, there's no mentioning of time. There was no program year. There was no starting date or end date. Obviously, those are components of your class instance.

If you were to close this, this class will not be available to see right away under your lister because there is no time set for this program year. So the system only shows data under the current program year for each lister. So as of right now, there is no date set so the TE would go ahead and just put it in the background, for lack of better word here. And you would have to clear your filters, as Adrian showed before, in order to see that class. It gets complicated.

So by all means, go ahead and create that class instance right away. All right? So I'm going to go ahead and click on that new button. Now notice, these are all the parameters that my class instance, what it gives me, starting with the program year. So we want to make that class active. We have to select the program year. So 22, 23. It's actually 23, 24. I'm sorry, current program year. All right.

So notice that once you select that, the system would automatically set a start and an end date for your class. Those are the parameters of your program year. Obviously, the class, chances are does not go through the entire year. You feel welcome to go ahead and change this starting and ending date. Just keep in mind that it has to accommodate any activity that happens within this class, from enrollment, to pre testing, to post testing, and so forth.

For the purpose of this practice, we're just going to go ahead and leave it as it is. We're going to set the instructional program as ESL. We're going to set it. Let's say, for those California agencies, this will be an EL Civics class. So it collects Civics records and focus area will be 231 or 243. Let's just go ahead and say, 231, right?

So notice that in addition to that, you have many other settings. Are they required? No, they're not required. The only thing that you want to enter will be whether you collect distance learning hours, which you see the selection over here under intensity, circling over here. Notice that you have the hours per term. Those are hours.

And you have the minutes for the class. And then it breaks it down whether this is distance learning or this is regular in-person hours. So that would be one that I would recommend for you to enter. Other than that, the rest it's informational. It's for record purposes. It's good for you to enter but it's not required. All right.

So we're going to go ahead and save this class. Once again, I'm saving this class and now, it gives me the opportunity to enter attendance. So you see how the breakdown goes. It goes from a parent record. This is what we call the higher level, to a child record meaning a record that is dependent of a parent, right? So all you're seeing over here, these tabs basically are your child records. My parent record basically was my class definition.

So now you see the relationship between that class definition and the class instance. All right. So that's basically step D under Section 6. I'm sorry. Now, we're going to move to section E and that is demo steps to add student records. All right. So we're going to go ahead and close all those steps. Once again, I'm going to click on my pages tab on the upper right hand corner and click Close pages. All right.

So we're going to go ahead and add a student record. Adrian went up over some of the steps to do that. So you might find some of these being familiar. We're going to go ahead and click on Records. Then we're going to click on Students and Demographics. You might ask yourself, we'll ask, "How do I know where to go when creating one record or the other? When creating a class instance or a user versus creating a student record, how do I know whether it's Organization and Records?"

As Adrian pointed out towards the beginning, Organization relates to anything that has to do for the agency itself, whether it is the classes that are under the agency, or the users that are under the agency, the sites that are under the agency. Records on the other hand, is strictly for the student, any data that relates to the student. What's the demographic of the student? What classes the students are enrolled to? What programs the students are enrolled to? What tasks the students have taken, all right? So that's just a reference to guide you where to go to create one or another record. All right.

So to create a demographic record, we're going to go to Record Students Demographics and we're going to click on Demographic here. All right. So we're going to go ahead. And once again, notice that New button is on the upper right hand corner. So I'm going to click on the New button. And this time, I have my student information window. Lots of information as you can see, and I have my navigator located on the upper left.

I'm going to go ahead and create this fictitious record, which is going to go ahead and do a generic 12345. And I'm just going to make myself as the student here. I'm going to go ahead and enter some basic information. Let's just say that I was born today or following today's date, I should say. Let's just say 19. I don't want to give my year of being born or anything. So I'm just going to go ahead and save the record.

Notice that there's additional information. Here you have the education, you have the ethnicity, language. All this information, it's important to enter, especially if you're doing any demographic reports. It will be important for you to enter this information. Is it required to say? No, it's not. You can always enter it later. You can enter it in different ways, in different other ways through an entry in update. Those are additional records that can be entered through eTest or an import export. All right?

But for the purpose of this exercise, we're just going to go ahead and save these basic information. Now, notice what happens. Once again, now, the system gives me all these options that are related with the creation of a student demographic record in program years. In program years is important.

That basically tells you when the student is active. Remember how I said when we created the class definition? And if you do not create that class instance right after, because there's no mention of a date under the class definition, the system will not show that record in the lister. Adrian went over this in her part of the training.

Same basis over here. There is no date that was mentioned under the creation of a demographic so far. So this is why you want to follow up and create that demographic, that in program year record. This record gets created automatically if you are to import, if you are to do eTest. But when you're doing it manual, which is what we're doing manually, and then you have to read this record as well. All right. So the current record. The current year is '22, '23.

We're just going to click North Campus. And again, there's many other options over here but for the sake of this practice, we're just going to go ahead and follow up with this. So I'm going to go ahead and save I have additional information then that is displayed, but I'm going to go back to my previous steps. I'm going to close this particular tab and notice that now I have a program year.

So now, if I were to go to records, students demographics, I can go ahead and search for ask. I don't even have to, it's right here. ID 12345. So this is what triggered that record to appear under My Lister. If I were to not have that in program years record, the record over here, the demographic record would not appear under My Listers. Again, remember, anything that appears under Listers and Reports, those are the two formats that TE uses to show information, has to have activity in the current program year, all right?

So we're going to go ahead and switch back to that tab. Student records. That's basically enter your update information. Class enrollments, as the name suggests, is the classes that students enrolled to. Class record, that's another word for attendance. So whether it's combined, instructional attendance, distance learning, it displays all the attendance.

Program enrollments, as the name suggests, those are the programs the student is registered. So you'll see all the information that is pertaining to the student, including tests. Obviously, this is a new record so you wouldn't expect to have any tests. But the system, this is where the system would show. All right. Very good.

So we're going to speed things up because we got 15 minutes left. Again, if you have any questions related to the specifics of your data, please send us an email to All right. So moving along. I'm going to go ahead and close these pages. Let's see. Wait, let's see. Just to record at a test record. OK. Perfect.

So we're in the perfect location to create a test record. Usually, you would not have to create a test record because that would be either imported, taken through eTest, or scan, right? But for the purpose of this practice, we're going to go ahead and click on that same format. As you notice, you have your test information. We're going to select the current program year.

The class is not required. And as a matter of fact, I would say not to select it. It's just best because it links that test to a class and that could create some challenges at sorting the data later. So I'm just going to go ahead and say that it was today's test. So this is an ESL student. So it's going to be under North Campus. Let's just go ahead and say that, it was an ESL student taking life and work. So the student tested under the 081.

Notice that as I'm entering, the system is trying to guess what I want to type so it offers that selection, and it gives me the questions over here. So again, for the purpose of this practice, I'm just going to go ahead and do all later A's over here. All right. So then if I save, notice that the student gives me-- the system will give me that score. All right.

So now that I saved, notice that the score, obviously, you have your raw score, of course. So raw score is basically the total number of correct answers. Scale score is translation of the raw score. There is no scale score because my raw score is so low. I went ahead and just did all As across that it doesn't generate a score. So that's just to explain what happened there. OK. But that's how you create a test manually. All right.

So last step will be G. G is George, under step 6, adding records manually. That is demo export wizard. What is the export? So what would you need an export? Well, we're talking about the demographic data, right? So the demographic data perhaps you need to export it for another database that you might have, and you want by all means, match what you had, not having two different datas that you don't know which one is more updated than the other, right? So you're exporting from here so that you can match exactly what TE has on your older database.

So to export, you click on that Export button over here. When you click on the Export, notice that it gives you different options for exporting. If you're just looking to export for the purpose of your own database, just choose Export. This way over here, it's only with the specifications of a VOA document which is not usually used. So if you are exporting, usually, that's more importing than exporting. But again, exporting with those four California agencies with VOA, that will be in the case.

But otherwise, you go ahead and click Export. When I click Export, the system obviously opens my window to open. Notice that it saves as an Excel document. But you can go ahead and click on that and export it as a PDF, export it as CSV file which those that might know a little bit about databases, is your common format for that. But usually, perhaps this will be a PDF file. Let's just go ahead and try it like that, and save it.

All right. So I'm going to go ahead and save that. Now, I'm going to go ahead and go to my desktop. I believe I put it on my desktop. There you go. Student lister. So if I click on that, there is my PDF document of all the records. If I were to save it under Excel, obviously, they will show me the worksheet. All right. So that is how you export. All right.

So we're going to go ahead and close this window go back to TE. And by the way, if you were to change the columns on your export, include additional options as Adrian showed you before. You can right click on this title bar. And when you right click, it shows you additional options that you have. And you can have the age shown under your export.

You can have the cell phone number showed under your export. Whatever information you want and then you click Export, that information will be exported at that point. All right. So that basically concludes step 6. We're going to switch to step 7, which is TE reports. Identifying report submenu options. That's A, letter A as apple. All right.

So I'm going to go ahead and close my tabs just one tab. So I'm just going to close it over here. All right. So reports. We're going to go ahead and go to the Report menu. And most of the reports that are required will be teacher data, or test data, right? The teachers will request. So just to do a practice over here.

We're going to go to Report test results and we're going to do a skills profile. And we're going to do individual skills profile. So as Adrian said, anything that has the summary word refers to the class. The tab word refers to the student itself. So let's just go ahead and run it by the class. All right.

So I'm going to go ahead and choose a class because otherwise, it's going to go ahead and run it by multiple classes. So remember, we are using a fictitious database over here. I'm going to remove the check mark to select only the class that I want. So I'm going to scroll down and I'm going to choose a class that I believe that has some data in it. So I believe this one right here has some data. So let me go ahead and click Generate.

So notice that I put a checkmark to the class I wanted and then click on the Generate button. If I were not to do so, then it would go ahead and give me all the classes. And if I wanted to do that, then that's what it is. So notice that know this is your individual skill profile. It's broken down by the total number of students taking a certain form. In this case, will be a level A form.

Notice what happens when I hover on top of the form. Same approach as I hover on top of the 18 students that were tested for the level A. Same thing of the total of our students. This is called a drill down feature. Whenever you see this red outline box, it means that I can go ahead and click under the seven students. I want to see who were the seven students that tested under level 8. So click on that 7.

And notice, under your count over here, it says seven so you can confirm and these are the seven students that tested under the level 8. If I want to go back to the report, I just click on that orange bar and it takes me back to the report. So in short, that's your reporting. All right. So for purposes of timing here because we have five minutes more or less, we're going to go ahead and move forward. So we're going to go ahead and close that.

Next option is steps to generate a-- steps to generate sample TE report. So basically, that's basically what I just covered. How to generate a TE report. Now, we're going to go ahead and show you how to create one with graphics. So there are certain reports that have graphics. We're going to go to Reports Demographics and Demographic Summary, all right? So reports, demographics, and demographics summary.

As the name suggests, this is about demographics, right? Notice right away that under my General Options, I have a chart with a pie chart, a bar chart that I can go ahead and select. We're going to go ahead and do a pie chart for now. All right. So because this is the summary, this is about my entire database. So I'm going to go ahead and click Generate. No need to make any selections here. There you go.

So now, you have the demographic summary report. And just as I showed before, if I am to hover on top of those numbers, it tells me those students that have a specifically information. Let's say, for example, I want to see which are the students that are under 40 to 44. That's 72 equals to 8.92%. I click on it and I can confirm this is the right account because it's 72 records. So these are my students.

If I click on that orange bar, once again, it takes me back to the report. And it's the same thing. Let's just say this is good for showing but my data manager wants to see bars instead of pie chart. No problem. You click on Layout Settings. That gives you some basic options of your setup options that you have.

You switch it to bars, click Apply. And then it gives you the same information with bars, all right? The graphics are for certain reports that every report gives you graphic but this is one that would give you. All right. So that basically covers steps of ABC for the TE reports.

We're going to go ahead and now cover step D. Now, this right here as I mentioned at the beginning, I'm going to go ahead and close this page. This is specifically for those California agencies. If you're not a California agency, obviously, you're welcome to stay. But if not, you feel free to go. You have fulfilled your training here. Again, remember there's no certification here. But the next area we're going to cover will be data submission for California agencies. That is for VOA in Cape. All right.

So data submission. You are required to submit your data on the quarterly basis. You should have a calendar that tells you all the items that are required. So how do you submit your data? It used to be the case for those of you who have been in the system for some time, that you will send an email. And you create a PDFs of your data and send it.

Now, the system has an automated wizard that would go ahead and combine that information for you. You might ask, "Well, Oscar, don't you have my database? Why would you need me to send the data that you already have?" This is a way of confirming that you are ready for us to see your data as CASAS. So when you submit your data, you're basically saying, "We are ready for you to look at your data. I'm done cleaning. I am done doing my surveys. I am done by entering all my by test or hours of attendance. So now, you can see the data."

To do that, to submit that, you go to Tools, and you go to Quarterly Data Submission wizard. Tools and Quarterly Data Submission wizard. So I'm going to go ahead and click over here. You select the corresponding year. So obviously, we're under the '23, '24. You click Next. You select the quarter that it's selected. Usually, the system will for safety reasons, would go ahead and restrict you to the current quarter that you are to submit, or any previous quarter if in case you haven't submitted which you should be in trouble if you haven't.

But notice that the system, it basically restricts me to quarter one because this is the quarter that we are on. So I click Next. Keep in mind that this is a fictitious data right here, right? So there's just so much we can go far and this is part of what you're seeing in the message over here because this is a fictitious database.

But just to rehearse the next steps, the next step will be the system generating those PDF files that you are to create. You have your core performance-- your DAR, I'm sorry. Perhaps your payment points, if this is the end of the year. And any other data, such as your employment and earnings survey, your TE data. All that is included in the background within this information.

Again, keep in mind that CASAS holds your information and really, this is more of a symbolic way for you to say, "We are ready to submit. Here is a receipt of what I'm sending you. We're both in agreement of what I'm sending you, and you are receiving, and we are ready for you to look at the data." So in a short, this is basically how you submit your data.

No longer need to send an email. This wizard will collect all your data for this specific quarter and will send it. By end, as the point of contact, if you are the point of contact, it would send you a email acknowledging that this was absent. So this will be your receipt, right? So I'm going to go ahead and click OK.

And the very last step will be disconnect and exit. That's a very easy step. You just go ahead and click on that top red X, or you can click on the TE if you need to disconnect for a while. You're stepping away from your desk. Or you can click on Exit here too. All right.

So this concludes our training for TE. Keep in mind that this training, just a reminder, this training is given once a month. Feel free to register for the next trainings under the Cloud and ED training. The other two trainings should be there available. All right. Thank you very much.