[AUDIO LOGO] ANNOUNCER: OTAN-- Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. MARICEL MANGLICMOT: So we're the East Side Adult Education. This is our project update. We are from San Jose-- and the east side of San Jose. And this is some of the results of our adventurous journey. But first, I know you have cell phones. Please scan this code. Also, if you are unable to scan, like maybe your cell phone is not cooperating, I do have a website and a code number that you can pop in. Oh, all right. I'm going to switch 5, 5, 3, 2, 1. Don't worry. I got you covered because we can just use the code here. So this is Mentimeter, if anyone is wondering. Oh, some of you have already put your choice of drink. So we have a lot of people drinking water, some coffee. Where's the alcohol? Someone put alcohol in there. Oh, OK, OK. There's a-- that's a Mai Tai. [LAUGHS] Red. There's the red wine. What is your purple drink? All right, we even have some lemon. I knew there would be someone in the audience that said tequila. [LAUGHTER] So most of our audience members and those on Zoom as well picked mostly water and coffee. So water and coffee is the most you know this because it's the biggest size. All right, but bigger does not always mean better. So-- sorry, is that inappropriate? We can cut that out, right? CREW: It's recorded. MARICEL MANGLICMOT: Oh, no. What are these called? What are these called without looking at Google, if possible? Apparently, everyone knows what these are called. Something I had to look up yesterday. Dr. Porter was there. AUDIENCE: So you used Google? MARICEL MANGLICMOT: I did use Google. And I also had Renee and Dr. Porter. All righty, guys. So the correct answer is spokes. Like a spoke in the bicycle. So you're probably wondering why are we using an umbrella. It's part of our analogy here. And yes, I am an English teacher. So we have a big umbrella goal at East Side Adult Ed. And our big umbrella goal is that our team will provide East Side Adult Education with technology through online or blended teaching. So here are the umbrella spokes. We have our big umbrella goal here. Our big umbrella spokes includes Michael, who is doing Canvas and Northstar, Michael. And Michelle will be doing the training for teachers for the Blended Learning Model, and I am going to be doing the technology access. So this covers that big umbrella goal of providing our school with technology integration. It takes the three of us to individually work together and as a team to work together for this umbrella goal. So the school-wide support here that I'm doing is through website or video. So when you have training, you want to make sure that your audience leaves with some sort of job aid. And one of our job aids is going to be website videos. So short little videos and it says shorter and unpaid because it's a job aid, maybe 3 minutes worth of training materials so that if a teacher did training on edgenuity, for example, then they could go back onto the website access for all the teachers-- easy access. They could go back to that video and kind of review what they learned for that training. For longer paid, an hour or longer professional development that will be put on Canvas. Where's Ava? I'm looking at you, Ava. So the Canvas PD will include professional development training that are supervisors do meetings-- first day of school meetings, mid-meetings, or if you have a trainer come in and, for example, show you how to integrate something into your curriculum. Usually, those are longer than an hour. So they would not be able to fit on a website with a shorter video from YouTube or something. So a Canvas shell, I guess, would be able to hold that professional development training. And for me, what I'm using is I'm taking bits and pieces. I'm cutting those that video training into smaller steps using Adobe Captivate. AUDIENCE: Me too. MARICEL MANGLICMOT: Yes, thank you. So this is one of the modules that I created a couple of years back. It's on Andragogy because we teach adults. We treat our students like adults and not children because they have responsibilities and whatnot. So these modules have a progression in which they have a bit-- sorry. They have some sort of lecture. For example, Principle 1 of Andragogy. And then they would have a knowledge check. One of the things that our supervisors want and our director wants is to show that the teacher is actively participating in order to receive professional development extra duty monies. So to show that and to show proof that our teachers did go through the training and participated actively, I'm using the quiz section or a quiz from Canvas to show a knowledge check. And it's a quick knowledge check what they learned for the previous principle. And that goes on in the pattern. You have principle 2 knowledge check, principle 3 knowledge check. I do have this ready to go, but I think I would like to let my members-- my team members also present there. So if we have time at the very end, I could show you a quick snippet of what this module looks like. All right, so next up is Michelle. She also wants you to do a poll. MICHELLE CHUANG: Hi, everyone. I'm Michelle. So here another QR code for you to scan. So there are two questions for you to answer. So can they see the question or-- MARICEL MANGLICMOT: They have to scan it first. MICHELLE CHUANG: Scan, and then they will see the question. All right, so please submit your answer to those two questions. AUDIENCE: Is there an eight-digit code? MICHELLE CHUANG: Yes. OK. AUDIENCE: Yes. MICHELLE CHUANG: Great. All right, so I think most of you answer to how many active students are currently enrolled at East Side Adult Ed. So I think 17 people chose a thousand to 3099 students. So let's check the correct answer. MARICEL MANGLICMOT: Oh, we're still voting. MICHELLE CHUANG: Still loading? MARICEL MANGLICMOT: Still loading. Yeah. MICHELLE CHUANG: Who's that person chose more than 4,000? Great, great, great, great, great. Yeah, so we have more than 4,000 students. AUDIENCE: Wow. MICHELLE CHUANG: In the year of 2000-- in this school year-- school year. All right, so that's for the whole program. All right, let's go to the next question. What's the largest department at East Side Adult Ed? So please submit your answer. AUDIENCE: Oh, that's great. [LAUGHTER] MICHELLE CHUANG: So what would-- do we see? AUDIENCE: Single out the wrong people in [ INAUDIBLE ]. [LAUGHTER] MICHELLE CHUANG: Good thing it's anonymous. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, the correct answer ESL. So we are right in the middle of Silicon Valley. We're in San Jose. So we're next to many high-tech companies, but the largest department in our school is ESL. So where many, many people want to learn English, and they are all new immigrants. So let me introduce myself first. I'm Michelle Chuang. I am the ESL curriculum chair at East Side Adult Education. And I'm in charge of ESL curriculum-- EL civics and then professional development teaching resources. And now I'm a DLACer. Very proud. So East Side Adult Education is the largest adult school in our consortium. And so, for this school year, there are more than 4,800 active students. And then ESL serves as the largest department in our school. So for ESL students, we have more than 3,300 students so far. And then-- yes, we are big in terms of student population, but we are making baby steps in terms of integrating technology and teaching. So that's why I'm here. So let me show you the lesson plan that our ESL teachers are using. So we're following on WIPPEA model. I think you're pretty familiar with that. So let me just show it real quickly. So for our ESL department, we're following the model. So start with warm up. So this is for 3-hour lessons. Then introduction, presentation, practice, evaluation, and assessment. So this is WIPPEA as we take the first letter of each word. So all of ESL teachers follow this model for now. But we are proposing a new learning plan, a new lesson plan with a Blended Learning Model. So the revised lesson plan will be like this. It starts with warm and review and introduction, and presentation. So same as the traditional lesson planning model. And then we're going to change practice part to online and evaluation part to online as well, and assessment part to online. All right, so the reason we want to do this because teacher create the materials for practice evaluation assessment so students can do this part on their on in their free time. Then our teacher will be able to have some time available for other things. So they can have time to do collaboration. They can have time to create their lessons and then put it online for students to assess. So with this model Blended Learning Model teacher has more options, and the student will have more options as well. All right, and here is the comparison of current class setting and the Blended Learning setting. Right now, five days a week, Monday through Friday, our student and our teacher stay in the classroom for five days, three hours each day. And with the new Blended Learning Model, we're proposing to change Friday to a synchronous online lesson. So students don't need to come to school on Friday. They can stay home, and then they have the access to the lessons, and then they can do it anywhere. And then they can even do it over the weekend. So when they return the following Monday, they need to submit their assignment. So teacher can evaluate their work when they come back. So then on Friday-- with the 3 hours on Friday, teacher can use the time here and then to do collaboration because that's one of our WASC learning growth area. We want to have time to collaborate with our peers, but we couldn't find the time. Now with this new model, we finally have time to do it. OK, next one. This is the pie graph-- a pie chart of our ESL classes by level. So as you can see that more than half our students are in low level. So from Pre-lit to Beginning High. And then we offer 46 ESL classes so far. And then-- so we tailor and differentiated the curriculum and the lesson to suit our students' language levels and their needs of using technology of learning. The last one, our biggest barrier is our teacher. [LAUGHTER] Not our student, not the resources, is our teacher. So how we will help our teachers. So we can adopt digital literacy in the ESL curriculum officially. And then we're going to create Chromebook user guide for our students. We're going to create some lessons for typing and keyboarding. We're going to create more lessons about Gmail and Google Docs. And then we're going to guess OTAN trainings for Google Apps, Blended Learning Models, Triple E, and et cetera. And then one last thing is we're going to continue to provide training on campus and more staff to our teachers. So that part is Michael's part. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] MICHAEL DELANEY: So I would give you just a quick run through what we've been-- some accomplishments to date. We got on the Northstar just about a month ago, but I'm going to take a quick walk through. I've been using it myself in my own classroom, and hopefully, we're going to be expanding it. And then I'll give you a quick look at what we would do in Canvas. We've been in Canvas for a couple of years now, but it's been a slow-- slow advancement. I became our Canvas admin earlier this semester. And then if there's time, I'd like to say a few things about some of the lessons learned from Ideal 101. I may just weave them in as we go. So if you're not familiar with Northstar, a couple of things. Ease of use. It's really actually quite easy to use. I think people can pick it up really quite easily. I went to just a couple of online trainings, but really just dive in and use it. A couple of ways that I've used it already-- EL Civics. Over the winter, our assessment was-- the students had to write an email to a doctor. So we went through that particular the email unit in Northstar just to help them out with that. Write in assessments-- we just had our final writing test. I like to use Google Docs. I teach advanced low in the morning in person. So a lot of the students don't know how to use Google Docs too well. So we use that, in particular. And then there's a loads of life skills. And then the data, as you'll see, is copious. This is some of what Northstar offers essential computer skills. So again, I used email and Windows recently. Email-- we actually, if you don't even-- you don't even have to pilot Northstar. You just want to try it out Google Northstar digital literacy. You can get right in there and take some of the assessments, which you don't have is the lessons. And that's really part of the great thing about it all these pre-made lessons. The student goes in, they take an assessment, they get immediate feedback, and they can go and then just click on the ones that they missed and go directly into a lesson. So it's really, really quite nice. This is just some of the things they offer. Then they get more specific. Again, Google Docs is one that we've used a lot, and then MS Word a little bit. This is the student dashboard. So they would go in and click on Take Assessment, and then they can go into Lessons. They can see what they've already done. These are some of the other life skills, your digital footprint, social media, all sorts of things. So there's a lot to it. Again, lots of data-- what have they done. This then goes through-- it shows some of our passing rates. Like for MS Word, I had 10 students do it in my class. Only four passed. With Docs, 11-- only three passed. But they really weren't frustrated. They was-- everyone wanted to learn. It's relatively easy to use. You get right into the lessons. So it wasn't a sense of failure at all. It was really like this is what we need. So I've been really enthusiastic about it. Canvas is a bit of a slog. Northstar is-- it's a lot of fun. You dig even deeper now, you can see exactly what they've gotten. This was in the Doc. So which questions do they get right? Which questions did they get wrong? Down at the bottom, then you can click into specific questions, and it'll open up. This is actually the interface that they would actually take the test in. And this one-- the task at the top left there open a new Google Doc. As you can see there in an email-- so they need to figure out, well, I need to click on that to get over to Docs step by step. So it's really quite nice. Canvas-- that's our growth over the course of a couple of years. We're at a time you can-- if you have any questions, I can-- there's all sorts of data you can get. This is just interactions with Canvas. Blue is-- the darker blue is participation when they actually do something. So there's a lot of people just looking at-- there's a lot of teachers just posting files, and there isn't always as much interaction as we might like. If you have any questions, you can head over. I'll keep talking until somebody comes over asking questions. Again, I mean you need to be careful about your statistics. I showed you the one graph. It was rising. It made it look pretty good like we're making slow progress. But you can get incredible this is an analytics. They call it a new analytics. And you can get pretty bad courses where 60% of students have no activity in the last seven days-- 96% of 67 courses. So we don't actually have 67 courses open. So you need to be careful about how you select it. Campus works really well on a semester basis, but yeah. So again, more kind of discouraging statistics. Students with no activity in the last 30 days, 79% of 726 enrolled students. But we only have 500 licenses. So we don't actually have 726 students enrolled. So again, you do need to be careful about how you select the data. But if you're a teacher, not an administrator, you should notice down here teachers names. So the administration knows exactly what's going on, and they know how you're using it. They know what you're using it for. So you better use-- better use it. This is for initial training. This is one that we've used. One plan for the future I'd like to improve it at a bit. It really just adds a few-- it really just links you out to its structure videos made by the company.