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Speaker: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.

Audery Dierdorff: Welcome, everybody. I'm so excited to be here with you today. We're going to be talking about Canva. Now, this is a basics course. So we're going to talk about just the basics in order to get you started with creating a design.

A little bit about me, I work at the Sweetwater Union High School District down here in Chula Vista. I am the adult education resource teacher. And I've been with the district for 30 years. And I've been an adult Ed lifer. The whole time I've been in adult Ed.

And recently I came on board with OTAN as a subject matter expert and doing webinars and conferences. Maybe you were at TVLS down at one of our sites, Chula Vista Adult School. I did Canva there as well.

So just a little bit more about me, I'm just going to get really vulnerable with you right now. I am not an artistic person when it comes to drawing. Or when it comes to sculpting or design, I'm bad. Pictionary, yeah, I lost every time. I do stick figure people, and that's probably about it.

So how good can I be with Canva? Well, why don't we take a look and see what you think. Here are some examples of some projects I've done. I've been using Canva now probably for about two years doing different things.

So the one on the left is our CTE registration social media post that we put on social media and on our website. The one on the right is basically an announcement that schools are going to be closed for President's Day weekend. So those are two that I've created.

Here on the left, we had a career in resource fair down at one of our schools. So I was able to upload different logos from different partners that were at the event and just some simple information in the middle. And then on the right is our graduation flyer from last year. So it was our invitation that we gave out to students to invite their families and friends.

Oops, out of the way. OK, so this is part 1 of a part 2 series. Part 2 is coming June 16. So I'm going to show you a slideshow that I made. The title is going to be Canva scintillating slides. I decided to do alliteration.

And so I'll play-- this is something I created for my cousin's daughter who is graduating this year. And they wanted what's your life or who's-- I can't remember the game show, that's your life kind of thing. So I'm going to show you-- everything was done with Canva, even downloading it into a video format.

[music playing]

OK, I'm going to pause it here. These are frames. And you'll learn at part 2 how to drag pictures in, and it will actually cut itself. So it will fit into the frame that you drag it into, which is really cool. Let me go a little bit more.

[taylor swift, "never grow up"] Your little hands wrapped around my finger, and it's so quiet in my world tonight.

OK, so just you can download music to go with it. You can do all the transitions. You can how things fly in. You can add text, pictures. So we're going to learn all about that in part 2. So I hope you will come back for that on June 16.

All right, so now that you know a little bit more about me and my vulnerable side when it comes to design, I want to know about you. So in the chat, I'd like you to answer these three questions for me if you can. One, have you used Canva before? Go ahead and type in yes or no. Then add to that if yes, what level of expertise are you? You consider yourself beginning, intermediate, or advanced. And if yes, what actually have you created with Canva?

If you said no, you haven't used Canva, I'm going to do a question for that. That's not on my slide. But what do you want to create with Canva? What motivated you to come and take this webinar? Was it social media? Was it slides presentation. What was it for? So if you would do that, we'll give you about a minute to type all that in the chat.

So some people do not have any experience, some do. Some want it for social media infographics. They have good infographics on Canva, hyperlinked document. That's awesome. Made a flyer. Beginners, beginners. Slide presentation. Intermediate. Short videos. Intermediate. OK. Slide presentation.

So it looks like we have mostly beginning. And maybe this is your first or second project or you've never used it at all, which is great. I've always liked to start at the beginning. So this will be basic. So if you are intermediate, just roll with us, and hopefully you will gain something from here. But we're going to start at the very beginning. It reminds me of the let's start at the very beginning. OK, sorry. My musical trivia, all right.

So this is our agenda for today. We are going to be learning how to open an account. You're going to learn template selection. How do you select the right template for you? And then how do you design that template? They're called projects. So different projects that you have, how do you design them? How are you going to upload content from your computer, from Google Drive, and then share your content?

So the notice at the bottom right, it is a follow along webinar. So if you have a secondary device, whether-- or you can split your screen in two. You're going to want to do that because I want you to follow along, and I want you to just start to get comfortable with it.

Number one thing with tech, play with it, get comfortable with it. And it's OK to make mistakes. I'm going to say that continually. It's OK to make mistakes. It's OK to erase things. And it's just a work in progress. So please feel free to just play with what we're going to do today.

So going forward, let's talk about opening an account. So if you've never opened an account before, you're going to want to open what's called a Canva for education account. How do you do that? You must have a district or school email. Now, can you do it without it? Yes, you can. But you're not going to have all the bells and whistles that you are going to have with Canva for education. So you're going to want to-- let me put this in the chat.

Copy link address. Sorry, this is just taking me a second. So there it is. It's in the chat. If you want to click on that and open it on your secondary device or on your split screen, it will take you to where I'm going to go right now. I'm going to click it myself. And it looks like that. As you can tell, I'm already signed in. You can see my picture on the far right at the top corner in the circle. But it's going to look like this.

If you scroll down, you're going to see a Teacher box. It's the first box on the left. And you're just going to click Get Verified. So if you could follow along and do that, I'm going to go back to my slides to show you what happens next because as you can tell, I already have one, so it's not going to do that for me.

So it will open. Once you verify, it's going to open a pop up box. It's going to prompt you to sign in, in many different ways. We have Google. We have Microsoft. I don't know what clever is. If anybody knows what clever is, you can type that into the chat. But email another way. You can also-- at the very bottom of this pop up, it's a sign up with your work email. So this is how you're going to verify. They're going to verify your district or school account.

Then once you choose how you want to sign up, you're going to select the account you want to use, the whatever email, then you're going to get a pop up, another pop up. Invite your students to use Canva for projects. So we're not going to go over this.

This is another training. It's a pretty advanced training. The students need to know how to use Canva in order to edit and move things around. So if you have not a very techie class, then I wouldn't recommend using Canva. Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams Classroom is probably better. But all the worksheets, even tests, you could create in Canva

So the next thing on our agenda is this template selection. So you're going to be overwhelmed with how many templates you can choose from. I mean, there's thousands and thousands. It just depends on what you want to create. So I saw some wanted to do infographics. Some people said they just want to do a flyer or social media-- scrolling back up. Let's see here-- a flyer for a ceremony.

So depending on what you want, you do want to have an idea of what you want to create and your audience. So that will determine the pictures and the photos and the fun stuff. So I'm going to take you to the actual page.

So when you go to your home page, this is what it will look like. You're going to have your class name or your name on the left. You're going to have your profile at the top right with either your initials or your picture like I have. You're going to have a purple Create a Design to the left of your circle account. You will have a banner box, blue, that you can also search with. So we're going to take a look at that a little bit more closely. Let me go back to my slides.

So there are, as I said, different ways-- the Create a design button, the purple button, or using the blue banner. When you select the template, a new window will pop up with your chosen template. And when you create a project for the first time, it should look something like this. So for this snapshot, I chose a whiteboard.

And so to the bottom right over here in purple with the red outline, it says take a tour. I highly suggest taking tours. I highly suggest watching videos on the Canva website. I highly suggest that you follow them on Twitter. And they will show you. It's like Google. They're always adding and adding and adding and making it better and making it better. They've added AI now. The AI is not that-- I'll show it to you briefly. But it's still a work in progress.

So you will have something pop up. You'll have the toolbars on the left side, the design tools. And in this area where you see the slide presentations or these are whiteboards, you'll see also more templates.

So now it's your turn. You're going to have about five minutes. I want you to take a look and search either way of what you want. Let me show you a little bit-- before we go there, let me go back to the home page.

Now, if you look at the blue banner, you're going to see at the bottom of the blue banner a For You button, and then different types of projects. If you click For You, and you've done different projects already in Canva, it's going to give you some suggestions based on what you've already created, which is pretty cool.

So Doc, whiteboard, presentation. I have this scroll to the right arrow in a circle to the very right of my computer, Instagram post, Instagram. So these are things that I have created in the past. If you keep scrolling down, those are my recent designs that I've done. And then you can scroll as much. It's going to happen. So each button that you push on the-- or select on the blue banner will be the same. So it will give you more options that you can scroll and go all the way down.

So with that, I'm going to let you play, and I'm going to let you figure out a template. Hopefully you have something in mind, again, that you came wanting to do, something for your school, your district. So go ahead and select your template. I'll give you five minutes, and I'll answer questions in the chat.

OK, so we are going to do the simple project design. I'm going to ask you to now follow along on whatever template you chose. So let's talk about the toolbar on the left hand side. The first button on your toolbar, your design toolbar, is going to be Design. Then you're going to see Elements. You're going to see Uploads. We're going to skip over Uploads in this section because it has its own section.

Then we have the Text. This is brand new, this Draw. If you've never seen the draw function, again, I probably will never use this function. But it's easy to draw stick figures with my mouse. And then the projects and the apps. And if you have more than that on here, that's OK. You can actually add to this toolbar as you add different apps that are available through Canva.

OK, so the design button also is a way to find templates. It also layouts and style tabs. So we did talk about templates already. And you're able to edit the template according to what you want. But it gives you a pre-created foundation so that all you're doing is editing and reviving. Also you can do different styles, like different colors and fonts and combinations of those things that they actually give you in packages.

And the templates at the bottom, the note, is depending on what you put in. So, say, you wanted like a graduation flyer, the templates will come out with all these graduation photos or things like that. So it actually is showing you templates from what you chose to create, if that makes sense.

OK, so let me show that to you, the design button. So I'm going to go ahead and open a new-- I'll just do an Instagram post. OK, so when I opened Instagram post there, it automatically defaults to my Design tool button. Here you're going to type in. So we have a pastry chef course. So I'm going to do pastry chef. Maybe I want to highlight that we're registering for pastry chef right now. So I can go ahead and type in pastry chef. You're going to have suggested things at the bottom, but you just going to hit Enter.

So now you'll see there's all these templates that goes along with pastries. Hopefully you guys ate lunch before you came because I'm going to be talking about pastry. So here's the templates. And the templates has its own tab. But on the right is our Styles tab. So if you click the styles tab-- oops, they couldn't find any styles for pastry chef. I went too minuscule.

So if you did something like-- let me just say graduation. So here are my graduation templates that they're showing me. If I click on Styles now-- oh, it's still too minuscule. But usually what will happen-- say, I just put-- let's do infographics. Someone wanted to do infographics.

If I click on the actual infographic, then I'll get the template style. So this is what's called the Northwestern notice. It gives you the template. These will be the same colors that you'll get to use, but you can also add colors. So you don't have to worry about anything like that.

Now, now that I have my template up, and I click Styles-- it still doesn't show me. It hasn't done that to me before. So I'm not sure what's going on. But anyway, that's how you would select your template.

Now, there is another project design. It's a beta version-- I don't think I have it in mind, but maybe you have it-- layouts where you can change the layout for all of your slides at once or on your project. So if I did-- let me go back to my home. Let me do a presentation. So a presentation. I'm going to do education presentation. And I selected-- let's do this one. OK.

I'm going to go back home and select Presentations here. So remember, it's very specific. It was only giving me social media post, the Instagram posts. So it wasn't really giving me a presentation itself. So I'm just going to click on Presentation. OK, so now with Presentations, it has this layout button.

So if you're doing a presentation, depending on your project, you're going to have different tabs, different styles, different looks, and different options. So this presentation option, which we will go over again more in detail on, number two, session two, you're going to have this magic design. The magic design is the AI version. So if you click on it-- and so we'll go over that. But this is where it's at. We'll go over this on session two.

But this is where the layouts come. So I'm going to go ahead and type or add this and apply all 12 of my slides. I'm going to go back here. If I want to change the layout, it's going to give me suggested layout. So right now the main one shows me an arm. But if I scroll down, you can see that it has different looks. So if I decided that I didn't want-- I want on the side, and I click that layout, it will go ahead and change that layout for that slide.

Now, this is a frame. So if I pulled in a picture to put in that frame, which we're going to go over later but I just want to show you real quick, it should click on there. So I was just easy. I just pulled it in, and it cropped it for me. Oh, oh, I did something wrong. Remember, it's OK to make mistakes.

You're going to want to use these arrows at the blue toolbar on the top. You're going to see a left curved arrow and a right curved arrow. I'm just going to click that to undo. And I can click to undo as many times as I want back to the very beginning. So that's a little bit of the design portion of doing your projects.

And now we have elements. This element is going to be your bread and butter. This is where-- this is all the stuff you're going to add, all the frills, all the meat and potatoes, bread, butter. Of course, I guess I'm hungry because I keep talking about pastry chef food. So you're going to find here lines and shapes, graphics, stickers, photos, videos as much as you want.

So let's look at it first before I go to this slide. I'm going to go back to my design, OK. And I'm going to click on my elements. Now, when you click on the Element button, again, another box will open up. You can search in the elements and browse by category depending on what you want, frames, charts, or you can scroll down.

So right now I have a Recently Used. I have lines and shapes-- I'm scrolling all the way down-- graphics, stickers, photos. So maybe I don't like this arm right here on my actual presentation. So I'm going to click on it and delete it. And notice how the photos changed. So because it was technology before, it was giving me a different set of photos. Once I took it off, now they're giving me more generic photos or maybe photos that are actually in the slide, similar things.

So I'm going to go ahead and put them back. And notice how it then changes back to more of the robotics. So it's pretty savvy in terms of what you want to do in terms of your theme. There's videos that they'll put in. There's audio that you can put in it, charts, tables, frames, grids. There is so much, so many collections that you can put in it.

So, say, I wanted to do-- I wanted to make technology. I'm just pulling in things. So I'm clicking and pulling in, clicking and pulling in, that simple. Oh, oh, I don't want to do that. You're going to use your back curved arrow, and you're just going to do that. Or, of course, if you just want to click on it, and then there's a Delete button on the bottom or it might be on the top. You can delete it that way.

Your Elements here, you can also-- there's at the top these little black buttons, and there's an arrow. So if I click there there's more things that you can find. It's just a matter of searching and putting in the right words and coming up. I mean, anything, really anything you want to put in here, you're going to have.

All right, let me go back here. All right, let's talk about-- let's do a couple of these just as practice, and then I'm going to let you probably try and add different elements once we finish this section. So let's talk about adding shapes.

So you're going to select that Element tool. And in the search bar, I want you to type rectangle, and then hit your Enter button. So I will do that with you now. I'm going to go to my design. I'm going to type in rectangle. Now, some of it you might have a quick add where you just click on it and it's there. Or if you want to look at all the different types of rectangles they have, you can go ahead and click the suggested.

So notice that it still keeps the categories, lines and shapes, graphics, frames. These are all in rectangle form. So I didn't say rectangle shape. I didn't say rectangle frame. I just said rectangle. So it's going to give you a lot more options the more vague you are. So the more specific you are, you're probably going to find it easier.

So I just want to do a box. So I am going to do this. Let's see. I'm going to look at-- there should be a See All button at the header. So for lines and shapes header, to the right, you see All. If I click that, everything will change, and I'll be able to see all the lines and shapes. So I want to add this box here.

Now, it is not a rectangle, but I can make it a rectangle by basically changing the size. So this works similarly as when you are using Google, like if you're adding boxes, text boxes, and everything. But we're going to go over this type of stuff. So let me go back to the slides, OK.

So you're going to notice the quick add, or you can select Enter to bring up all the search items. Select the shape, and then place it into your project. So hopefully you're following along, and you are able to do that.

You're going to notice that the shape is going to have a toolbar at the very top. There are options to edit your shape. You can also change your shape, the color, the font, the font size, so many different things. So let's play with that a little bit.

So here I have my shape. I put it into my presentation. I'm going to hide the black box by clicking the carrot or the back arrow that's on the tab to the side of the box. And now you're going to see that same toolbar at the top.

So if you click the Shape button, you can click the shape that you want. So just by clicking, you see how it's changing my shape. So, oops-- I want to go back to my original shape, back arrow, until I get the shape that I want. Close that. You have to deselect shape.

I want to change the color of my box. So I'm going to click on the color, this purple color to the right of shape, and you will now have a whole section about different colors. So if you are doing a logo, and you know the colors that you want in your branding, then you can add your brand colors here. We are red, blue, and white. So I could add that here by just going like this and going, OK, this is the color blue.

You can also use this number. I'm sorry, I can't remember what the-- maybe, Melinda, do you remember what these are called when you actually type in the number of the color?

Melinda: That is the hex code, H-E-X.

Audery Dierdorff: The hex code.

Melinda: And it actually has more to do with website colors than it does the RGB, so more information than you ask for.

Audery Dierdorff: No, that's good. But I use it because I will use my-- I have a tool that shows me what-- I click on top of the color, and it'll show me the hex number. And so then I can come in and put it in here. Yeah, so that is helpful. So you can add all of that there. And then these are the colors that are within the photo itself or within the slide presentation. And then you have your generic default colors and gradient colors.

So again, as I said, I don't want you guys to feel stressed out. This is meant to be fun to just play with it. See what you come up with. You don't like it, delete it, start over. So please don't feel stressed. This is just meant to have fun. And, again, if I can do it, anybody can do it. That was my Melinda voice. Anybody can do it.

So, all right, let me go back to-- so I have to deselect again the color box so the color on the left go away. You can also do borders. So if I wanted to do a border, a border weight, a rounding, and also different broken lines and things like that--

So notice how-- I don't know if you can see it very well. At the bottom-- because this is really small on my laptop, because I have a small laptop, at the bottom, you're going to have a slide bar. And that slide bar is going to allow you to increase the size of your window, so depending on what you want to do and how big you want it. So don't feel like you have to work in a tiny space. If you want to get detailed, you can scroll all the way and do something like that.

So now I put the border on there. I don't know if you can see the border because the border is black. So I'm going to go ahead and change the border color. So all I did was, I don't know if you saw that. Let me go back and do it again. So once I put a border onto my text box.

Now in between the color and the lines, you're going to see a border color. And I'm going to click on that. And now it'll bring up the template. And I'm actually going to do it in white. So now you can see the border in white. Again, you can have your brand kit, what's in the photos. So like, this is in the photos and default color. You're going to deselect your button, and now you can change basically all the different-- there's so many different fonts. It is crazy.

So notice. Here are the crowns. So the crowns are for our Canva or the Pro, our Canva education or Pro. So I can actually use this one. Oh, I didn't select. So let me select the text boxes. So somebody just asked, can you temporarily or permanently group two elements together? Yes, you can, which I think you just saw me do. Let me try it one more time.

So I'm going to click in the text box once. I'm going to hold Shift and click the second text box. And notice at the bottom, a white box pops up. You're going to click Group, and it's now grouped together. Ungroup, ungrouped. So it's that simple. Click. You do have to select them first and then click. Let me go back to my elements.

So I will now-- there's two ways. These are text boxes within the actual box. But I'm going to pull it out. Let me pull it out because you can also add text directly to the shape. You don't have to put in a text box in front or in front of the shape. You can actually just do it right in the shape. So if I double-click, you're going to notice a little. I don't know if you can see it. Let me change the background.

Let me do that. Maybe it'll be easier to see. You see the blinking line? So let me increase it. And now I can actually just type. Right now, it's what's called Argent. If I highlight, just like in any other thing, I can then go ahead and search for something else. So Copperplate, Futura Black, Intro Rust. There are so many I can't even go, so I'm just going to leave it there.

Usually, the templates that you choose come already with fonts that they want to use. But a lot of times, they're not really readable. So if you're trying to make them accessible, you're going to want to try and pick something that is easily read. So just throwing that out there. All right, so that was how to do the lettering, the fonts. And then, of course, you have the plus and minus to make it bigger and smaller.

Now if I want to go back to-- I just want the background as the shape, so I'm going to delete that. So you can always just enter your own text material in there. And I'm just playing with it. It's OK to play. Play. Play. Play. And so these were text boxes that were added on top of the shape.

All right, let me go back to my slides make sure I'm on track. OK, so there are more buttons that we can go over. Let me just check the time. So we're almost at an hour. So let me click the shape. My screen is really small, so I'm going to have a More button. If you have a large screen, that shouldn't be a problem. You should be able to see all the buttons in a row. But if you don't, you're going to have to select More.

And then you can underline. This is going to be uppercase or lowercase. You can animate it. You can put it in a certain position. You can make it more transparent. So maybe I want the background to be a little bit more transparent. So even though it still has the purple hue, I'm going to make it transparent so you can actually see the Black kind of technology background.

There's those things as well as copying a certain style and pasting it into another slide and then locking everything in so you can't move anything else. All right, I know this is a lot. Hang in with me. I'm just letting you do a few things, and then we're going to have about 10 minutes for you to go and play. All right, so I did mention these little boxes that pop up. So let me show you.

Directly above your selected shape, you're going to see a rectangular box. And to open the pop-up box that I'm showing on my slides on the right, you have to click that more button, which is the laying down three dots. And then it has many different tools. So you can copy things. You can paste things. You can duplicate things. You can layer things so that things go to the background and other things come to the front.

Alternative text. So if you're doing a presentation, you can put alternative text right into the presentation. So again, this is going to be different for every type of presentation. So if I do another presentation, let me go back to I think I had opened my Instagram post, and I'm just going to do that. So I'm going to put in a shape real quick, and I'm just going to drag it over, and I'm just going to make it larger.

So here you noticed that it's almost all the same things. So this toolbar is not going to change very much. Slightly, slightly change according to what you select and according to the presentation or project that you decide to do. But not very much. More than likely, it will be what you want. Now if I click the box again, here is that rectangle. So I can duplicate it right away. I can delete it right away. And here's my More button, and then here is my pop-up.

I can copy it. I can layer it. So if I want to layer it, I want to bring it forward in front of everything else or bring it to the front, send to back, and all of that. So you do have options when it comes to aligning it to the page. I want it to the left, or I want it to the right, top, things like that. All right, let me go back here. So that's shapes. Now I'm going to focus on photos.

So you do need to upload photos, which we're going to go over later. But there's also photos within the actual program. So you're going to select that elements toolbar again on the far left-hand column. In the search bar, you're going to type in a photo you want to find. Then categories are going to show up. You're going to select all. So you can find Photos then select all. Select the photo or graphic you want, and it will show up in your project. And you can also drag it to where you want.

So let me open up my Instagram post, and I'm going to make it bigger because it's really small. I'm going to get rid of this. So I'm going to go to my elements. I'm going to do What I just said. I'm going to type in. I want a photo of a teacher. So you're going to see again you can scroll down there's graphics. There's photos. You have audio if you wanted to add audio. I wouldn't to an Instagram post, but you can.

So I'm going to go ahead and select-- I'm going to see all right here for graphics, and I am going to scroll down, and I am going to either click on the graphic or a photo, or I can click and drag. Depends on what you want to do. So I'm going to go ahead and just click on him, and he shows up. Now he showed up in the middle of my project. That's not good.

So what you can do is you can go ahead and click on it and drag it to where you want. Notice how he is in front of my pencils at the bottom. I don't want that. I want him to be in back of the pencils. So at this rectangular box that we showed you previously, I'm going to click my more button. I'm going to go to the layer, and I'm going to bring him to the front. Oh, sorry, I meant back. Bring him send to back.

Notice now he is behind the pencils. His book also is a little bit hidden. I can change actually the colors of the graphic itself. Now it's harder to do with photos. There's other things that you'd have to add as an app to it. So this is why I like graphics because if I wanted, I'm just going to find-- you see, the book is green. So I'll go to the green color at the top left of the toolbar. I'm going to click it, and I'm going to maybe I'll do brown or gray let me see that and see how it changed.

I can make it pink. I can make it orange. Ooh, I like the orange. I'm going to keep the orange. So that's what's good about graphics, if you don't mind kind of caricatures and things like that. All right, so that was photos. I'm going to go through the other stuff pretty quickly because adding text boxes are very similar to what you would do with Google presentations, Google Docs.

The text box allows you to do different fonts, fonts combinations. You can add a text box, heading, subheading, body text, font combinations. There are so many things you can do with text. When you add a text box to your project, you're going to have a lot of editing options. So you'll have this plus symbol that actually has arrows on the end of it, but I couldn't get that on here to add a note in whichever direction you want.

The circles and the lines are going to enlarge or reduce the size of the text box and rotating the text box. So if you want it up and down or kind of tilted as long-- and also the toolbar. So look at the toolbar. It looks very similar to what we did for shapes, but it has a little bit more like with bulletin and line spacing and effects of your text. So you can edit the look of the font. So you select your toolbar-- excuse me. You select your text box, and using the toolbar, you change the font, the size, and the color of the text.

So hopefully, again, you're following along with me, and let's try all of that. So I'm going to go to my text tool at the far left column. And notice when I bring it up, it says add a text box. Again, if you're doing logos, you have certain colors. You can add those colors. These are default styles, adding a heading, adding a subheading, and a little bit of body text. So it's just a difference of sizing. That's all it is.

And then different things, font combinations, different things how it looks. So you can do all of that. Now if I wanted to basically type in school, so here's a Schoolbell font. Here is a Primary Penmanship, Florentine, Finger paint. I like that, Finger Paint. So you have all these options. But again, you can always do it once you actually add the text box.

So let me add a subheading. I'm going to click, and it will show up in the actual project. It always shows up in the middle. So I'm going to have to grab it. You see the arrows? I have to grab it and drag it. Now if you don't have those arrows there, there's this arrow here. Because it's in the middle, it's really hard to get to because it doesn't know what you're clicking on.

Are you clicking on the picture, or are you clicking on what back here? So as long as I can get it here, you see, there's this here at the bottom. It's the same shape, and now I can move whatever I want around. So you can either wait for it if you click on it. So now I have my heading, and I'm going to just type in maybe I don't know, this is January 24.

Let's celebrate International Day. So say, I want more of a celebratory. The default is always going to be Canvas Sans up here at the top left of your toolbar. So maybe I want something more celebratory, so I'm going to put in here celebration. They couldn't find anything for celebration. How about for fun? All right, fantastic.

So you can go ahead and look at all of these. Which was the one that I had? Finger Paint, I think. That's the one I wanted, Finger Paint. OK, and so if I click Finger Paint, notice how it changes automatically. I didn't have to highlight inside the box. All I did was select the box, and then I can go ahead and change everything within that box.

If I just want to change let's, then I would have to highlight it by clicking inside the box, holding, and dragging so that I highlight it, and now I can go back to maybe-- let me do funtastic. OK, there it is. So I'm going to do that and click Funtastic, and it did it that way. Oh, I noticed it changed the whole thing. Interesting.

So if you want to do different fonts, you're going to have to do a different text box. I forgot about that because usually I have it all the same because I don't like to mix fonts. That's my own personal preference. So it looks like you'd have to do a second text box if you wanted to mix the fonts. But then you can put them right together. So if I took celebrate and I deleted it, and I duplicated it. How do I duplicate? Do you remember?

So if I click on the box, sometimes you have to click off click back on. I'm going to go to the More button right here. I'm going to duplicate. You can also do Control-D. So they all have keyboard shortcuts. So Control-D, I'm going to move it over. And now, I'm going to type in celebrate. I can move it again. And then, I can change the font that way.

Now what if I want it at an angle? So maybe I want let's over here. I'm going to take the two arrows, the curved arrows, and I'm going to select it and move to the left or move to the right. It has the amount of degree on it so you can match your text boxes. So this is negative 22. So if I take this one and move it, I'm going to want to do positive 22. And notice how now they're at the same angle. So many fun things you can do with your text boxes.

OK, you have the draw tool. It's very, very simple. All I'm going to do is click the draw tool. A toolbar is going to pop up, and you're just going to pick whichever one you want, and you can highlight. Now if you have a good steady hand or you like to draw, some people use the computer pens with like a bamboo mat or something like that, you can do that here. I have a touch screen, so I can actually touch it with my finger, and it will draw as well.

So you have the erase if you wanted to erase it. You can change the color and change-- this is the settings, the weight of it as well. But it's very limited right now. I'm sure that they're going to actually do it more and more, like build up this draw. OK, and then the projects. The projects part is where all of your old projects are stored. So if you ever wanted to revise it, so graduation flyer, I did it last year. I'm going to go back to it, but I'm just going to revise it.

So everything is accessed in one place, and it also accesses what was shared with you by other people. The apps button on that same toolbar you're going to allow you to do different applications. So Bitmoji, Google Drive, YouTube. And all of the apps that you decide to add onto Canva are going to be located in this tab. OK, let me go back real quick. So let me just show you.

So here's projects. These are all the projects that I just designed recent. I can see all. And so I can see everything that I've created here. And then, you can also do the dropdown menu. All projects, project shared with you. So you can filter a little bit you can also search your own content. If it's a year ago and you don't remember, but you remember it was graduation, you can go ahead and type graduation.

When you click Apps, again, these are all the apps that they have available, charts, photo apps, popular apps, emoji apps. My Google Drive is on there. Bitmoji, I don't have a Snapchat account. For some reason, you have to jump into Snapchat. So what I do to get my Bitmoji is I just copy it and paste it into the slides. So now what time is it? 2:10.

OK, so let's play. You ready to play? I'm going to give you 10 minutes. Hopefully, you were following along and playing with me. But now you're going to have 10 minutes to go ahead and kind of try and finish your design. So and I will start the timer, and again, you can ask questions. I'm going to look at the chat and answer. I know that was a big section, and I'm sorry. There's just so much you can do. There's my Melinda voice.

So I'm going to go ahead and do countdown, and I'll look at the chat to see for questions. All right, so our 10 minutes are up. Oh, Laura, thank you, Laura. Laura says you can remove a background, but you have to have Canva Pro. So that's a good comment. Thank you. I did not know that. All right, so we're going to move on to uploading content. So let me go back.

This is the presentation I had. The Upload button is right in the middle of your toolbar on the left. If I click it, you're going to be able to do different things. You're going to be able to upload different files, and you're going to be able to record yourself. It does have a video record function. I can show you what that looks like. Let me go back to my Projects. And we'll share Any owner.

So I was playing around with video, and I was playing around with the record feature, and this is what it does. So this is my recorder here. That's my office, and all I did was that. I just gave a peace sign and waved it at you, and it's just that simple. So we can go over it, but it's easy to play with, and you're going to have time to play with it. So we're going to do it that way.

So the Upload button is going to allow you to bring content, images, videos, or audio from your computer, from Google Drive, Dropbox, social media, Google Photos. The only thing is you have to allow Canva to use your site, so you have to sign in with your Google Drive account. You have to sign in with your social media account. And Canva is going to have access to all those photos.

And you also can record yourself as I just showed you. OK, so by selecting the purple Upload files button on your computer, it allows you to download from other places. If you hit that More button, the three dots, and then Record yourself, opens up a studio. And so I'll show you all of that. So hold on. It was supposed to say upload, but it said the wrong thing. Sorry.

OK, so let's look at it more closely. So I'm going to click Upload files, the purple button, and it takes me right to my Drive. So I can add whatever I've done. I can go to my pictures, and here are all my pictures. Here's my Bitmoji pictures. So I can add that. And as Tushel let us know, I can click and drag. So I can open up my files on my computer and click it and drag it to it if I want it to. So here I'm going to pull in.

So the upload's here. Here are my images right here at the bottom. And so I'm just going to click and drag this image into here. Remember, if you click on it as well, you can go ahead and drag it. Yeah, this does not have a background. Now this is one thing about Canva. I'm just being really honest that I don't like. You can't fill the background of the graphic or the photo. And so those are things that you probably have to have Canva Pro, or you have to have some other type of program that will help you do that.

So there's that. If I click the three buttons laying down, you're going to see that there's Google Drive, Dropbox, Facebook, and Instagram. Those are the only things available right now where you can upload from it. Videos. So here are some of my videos that I did. You can either do GIFs. You can upload GIFs. So like, if I wanted this as my background instead of the black background, So let me--

And I'm going to put in my minions instead. I can send it to the back. So all I did was I right-clicked-- so instead of having to go through all the buttons, you're going to find, as you use it more, some of the shortcuts. So my shortcut is I'm just going to right-click. I'm not going to use this three buttons. I'm just going to right-click, and the pop-up box comes up.

And I'm going to layer it so that it goes all the way back, sent to back, and notice how now the GIF is in the back. It still has the hand. It still has all of that, but now the GIF is there. So now, I can move it to make sure that it's the entire screen, and that's what that looks like. Audio. You can drag media here. So you can take it from wherever you have it on your computer and drag it here, and you can again do it from Google, Dropbox, Facebook, or Instagram.

So let's look at the record feature. This is a fun feature. Now you do have to have stable internet in order to record yourself. I want you guys to play with this. Don't be afraid to play with it. So if I click Record yourself, so this is going to pop up. This is the studio. So right now, it doesn't have a camera. So I need to select the camera.

But because my camera is being used by the Zoom, I can't use the camera. But I can record. I can move my picture anywhere I want it to be. I can also move it to a different location of slides. All the slides are below. So say I wanted to move it here, and I wanted to create this one here. I can do that. I can record my voice. It's going to give me a 3, 2, 1.

Hey, everybody. Thanks for coming. Hope to see you again on June 16. I click Done. Now I'm going to save and exit. Now I got to go to that slide that I put it on.

(ON RECORDING) Hey, everybody. Thanks for coming. Hope to see you again on June 16.

So my internet looks like it was bad, so it didn't do it. But I can also make it bigger. So you can adjust the video according to your needs. And look at this. It's got show captions. So if I click the show captions box and I play.

(ON RECORDING) Hey everybody. Thanks for coming. Hope to see you again on June 16. I clicked done. OK, so it recorded my voice as well as put captions on it. So that's the record yourself. OK, now it's your turn to play. So you have five minutes to go ahead and try and upload some things from or attach your Google Drive. We didn't go over that, but you would have to sign into your Google Drive.

So if you want, in the chat, I can try and in this 5 minutes that we're doing demonstrate that if you would like, but I'm going to go ahead and start the timer. Hopefully, you're happy. If not happy, at least you started something that you're going to be able to work on after we finish this webinar or this session. But I want you to be able to share your content with each other to see what it looks like.

So this is what I'm going to have you do. Just to let you know, there are a lot of ways to share. You can share by email. You can share by a link. You can download it. So I know there was a question about downloading and printing. You can share straight to social media. So if you attach your Facebook and your Instagram account to Canva straight from Canva, you can post into social media.

So you don't have to download it, then go to your Facebook, open, put it in Facebook, post. You can actually do it straight from Canva. So when you click Share, which is at the top right corner of your page, you can add people with their emails. You can add groups. So here, they have groups, so you can type. Maybe it's my office, and then you would type in or my teachers, and then you could type all of their emails into one group, and so everybody gets the design.

You can also restrict the access. So only you can access. If you click the down arrow, you're going to see you can editing access. You can copy the link. So you can download different ways. So I'm going to show you all that. Let me go to the next. So but for this section, I want you to be able to share it in the chat.

What you're going to do is you're going to select the Share button. You're going to make sure you're going to share by the collaboration link. Make sure you choose Anyone with a link Can view, copy the link, and then paste it into the chat. If you can multitask, I'm going to go back and show you how to share your project.

If you want to hold on and paste later and just listen for right now, you can do that as well. I'll give you time to go ahead and do that again. So let me go to my guy here. Let me click off. I'm going to make him a little bit smaller. All right, so here is my finished product, supposedly. I'm going to click my Share button at the top right. It's light purple until you move over it, and then it's white.

So here is where I would type in email. So I'm going to just use Melinda as my mholt@scoe.net. From here, just like Google, Google Docs and Sheets, and all that, you can change how you want them to either view it. They can just comment, or they can edit. And then here you would do a message of, hey, please look at this design and tell me what you think or edit what you want. So it's really collaborative, especially if you want somebody to help you edit. So you can do it that way.

Here's your collaboration link, which is what I had. I want you to do is to click the down arrow to Anyone with the link. You're going to click the purple Copy with the link button. I'm going to now go to the chat, and I am going to paste into the chat, and hit Enter. Thank you, Betty. Betty was the first one to do hers, and there's mine. And so now you can go in and edit mine because I forgot to change it to Can view. Now what happens?

So I did this recently. So if Betty tried to go in right now to my link, she could edit. It but as soon as I change the dropdown to Can view, when she goes now to try and edit it, she can't anymore. It's that instantaneous. So don't worry if you accidentally sent the link as Can edit, but you just want them to view it. Go back to your share button and just select Can view or Can comment. You can change it at any time.

Awesome. You can edit. You guys can edit mine too. I'll just go ahead. Now notice that at the top. Now I see that Laura is looking at my design. So you will be able to see, just like you do in Google, who is actually looking or editing your design at the same time. So there goes, Joyce. So I'm seeing everybody. Another way to share. You can make it an Assignment. You can do it as a Google Classroom. You can download a View-only link and send that.

So if I click the View-only link, anyone with this link no sign-in required. So this is really important. A lot of times, if you just share something, a lot of times Canva wants the business free or not free, Pro. They're hoping some of you will go Pro. They're going to want the business, so they're going to make people create an account.

If this is something that you just want your students to see, you're going to want to do this view-only link so that they will not be able-- they don't have to sign in. So I'm going to copy that, and I'm going to go ahead and put it in the chat. Again, it's the same one, but notice that it's a little bit different. At the end, it says publish share instead of share button. So just little things like that.

Now somebody asked me about printing. So there is a Print your design, but you have to use Canvas services. So they'd have to become a part of the district, your vendor list, and all of that stuff. So it's easier to just download and send it to whatever printer you want. If you have a color printer, the colors come out amazing. If you have color copiers and things like that, I would say do it on your own, or you have your own duplicating within your district. So all of my brochures are duplicated through the district.

So I'm going to click my right caret next to download, and you're going to do so many file types. So let me give you a little bit. PNG is going to be best for social media posts and for logos. PDF Standard would be like for an infographic that you're going to email to teachers or email to students. But if you're going to print it like you're going to send it to the printer like we just had WASC. I did my WASC flyers on here, our mission statement, and our learning outcomes so we could post it in every room. I did PDF Print. This is the best for printing. It's going to give you the best quality.

And then, for that video that I did for my cousin's daughter, I selected MP4 Video. A web design again with the crown that means it's Canva education or Canva Pro. And then a GIF if you just want a short clip. So there's different ways to save or download your project. So I'm going to do best for print. And then, usually, I don't play with these crop marks and bleed, but I just use the default. And then I download, and then it'll ask me where I want to download.

So this is what happens. PDF Print, and then it shows me this-- I forgot to change the title. Sorry. So you can change the title. Let me show you. Let me make it small. I don't know why I don't see my title on here, but you can change the title. So that is upload. So make sure to please paste your link to your project into the chat. Select different links in the chat to see what was created.

So I'm going to give you some time to do that now. So once you're done, I see a lot of people have done it. I'm going to look at some. So please do that. Don't be afraid-- don't be embarrassed, I guess is the right word. We're all learning. It's all new to us, and it's just nice to be able to share. Did you say this saved automatically? Yes, your project saves automatically. Let me show you.

I'm going to delete this right here. Delete the frame. And now I go home, and I look at it again. It's saved automatically. So all of the things I had put in this slide are now gone. So yes, save automatically. How much time do we have left? We have 10 minutes left. Hopefully, you guys all got to see different designs.

So I just clicked. I think this is Sonia's. It says I don't have permission to see this design, so I need to request access. This is similar to Google. If you guys use Google, it's exactly the same it feels like. So you want to make sure that anyone with the link can view. So make sure you change when you share. Make sure that you can say anyone with the link can view. Or go ahead and use that link, the view-only link.

I just clicked on my own. I'm going to click here. For some reason, it's saying that I don't have permission. I think that was Vicky's. Let me see. This is Laura's. Nice. So again, at the bottom, you have a slider so you can make it bigger if you want to do your infographic so that you can add.

You also have a tile button at the bottom right, so you could do a grid view if you had more than one page. And you can also make it fullscreen. So that's what it looks like full screen. I don't know. Can you see that full screen, Paulina?

Audience: Yes.

Audrey Dierdorff: OK, perfect. So again, when you share, make sure you do the view-only link, or you go ahead and make sure that anyone with the link can view. Oh, Sonia says she's done, so I'm going to click on hers again. There it is. I see it. Ooh, house for rent. How much is the San Diego price nowadays for rent? A lot of money. So cool.

All right, well, we are coming to a close. This is your time. I'm going to go ahead. The presentation slides are right here. If you want to scan with your phone or scan with your tablet or I'll go ahead and put it in the chat as well once I stop sharing. But are there any last questions? We have about 8 minutes left.

Audience: Can I ask you a quick question again? Because I know I saw it, but somehow I've already forgotten it.

Audrey Dierdorff: All right.

Audience: When you add in a photo or a graphic, can you automatically type into it, or do you have to add the text box to it?

Audrey Dierdorff: So let's do-- it's usually with shapes. I'm going to add a new page. Let me add this new page. So I'm going to upload elements. Let me just do a photo. OK, so if I double-click, I cannot add anything in here. But I don't know if you noticed, but when I did a double-click on the photo, it actually can give me effects, adjust, crop. You can smart crop it according to how you want it. You can rotate it. And then, of course, you can always go back. I can cancel.

So if you have a photo, you're going to have to drop a text box in front of it. That's what's going to happen.

Audience: And so if you're doing a shape because maybe I'm just using the wrong thing because I thought I put a shape, but now it's saying it's a photo.

Audrey Dierdorff: So make sure that you go to lines and shapes. And you can see all. And so if you do a shape, these are all the shapes you have available to you. So they don't have quite many shapes unless you try and do brains and things like that. But even if I do a shape like a triangle, I'm still going to be able to type in the shape.

Audience: OK, I think it's a graphic. That's what it is. Just an empty circle. It's not that old a shape.

Audrey Dierdorff: Yeah, so it has to be a shape in order to type texting.

Audience: Thank you

Audrey Dierdorff: You're welcome.