(DESCRIPTION) Title slide, Recruiting Adult Learners During COVID-19: How to overcome barriers adult learners face and get them into your virtual classroom. Logo, Full Capacity Marketing Inc. (SPEECH) Welcome, if you are starting to join, we are here. If you can hear us that is fantastic. Please feel free to go ahead and chat a, Hello, if you need any assistance with that. My name is Mandilee Comstock, I'm with CAEP TAP Go ahead and message me privately or to the general public and I will help you through those pieces. We're going to give it just another minute while people start to log in. As an attendee, you will not be able to communicate audibly. You will have to go ahead and use the chat system which is the preferred method so you can access your panelists as well as the attendees so everyone can see. Welcome, everyone. OK, here we go. We have a lot of our attendees starting to filter in. Thank you and welcome to our CAEP summit. As you enter the room, you will be muted you will be muted through the presentation. I am going to go ahead and start some quick housekeeping so we can turn it over to Celina and Marianne. So good morning, everyone. My name is Mandilee Comstock, and I am with CAEP Technical Assistance project. Just want to go over those few housekeeping before we get started. This meeting is recorded and all attendees are muted in the webinar platform. Your volume can be adjusted to turn the volume up or down in your system settings. The chat is enabled and you will be able to communicate with the attendees as well as the panelists. And during this session, If you would please use the chat that is the preferred method of communication. The presenters may ask you to use the chat during the presentation so again, you can find that at the bottom of your Zoom webinar panel there and you can open that chat button as well. Please select the panelists and attendees to ensure everyone sees your chat. If you only chat to attendees, the presenters will not be able to see what you have written. You may also ask the presenters questions and in this presentation, please use the chat box. And during the presentation, if you wish to exit the full screen mode, you can hit escape or go to a few options to enlarge, reduce, or exit full screen. We invite you to please fill out the evaluation when prompted at the end of the webinar by selecting continue. It is also listed in the session agenda. With that, I believe we are ready and I will turn it over to our presenters. Thank you. Thank you so much CAEP I'm loving this virtual format as I know many of you are, in terms of just our COVID world. But Marianne Collin and I are here from Full Capacity Marketing and we're so excited to share with you. Speaking of COVID, recruiting adult learners during COVID and really how to help overcome some, of the barriers your learners are facing in our virtual world. I'm Celina Shands, I'm the CEO and founder of Full Capacity Marketing and welcome to everyone today. We are going to be using the chat box a lot so we'd love for you to introduce yourself and give us a number one challenge you are facing in terms of recruiting students. We asked that yesterday during our session with three panelists who has done a fantastic job in terms of doing regional outreach. So we're going to dive in a little bit deeper into that today. (DESCRIPTION) A collage of organization logos and campaign graphics. (SPEECH) Just a little bit about our company and have the pleasure of working with many of you on the call today and we've been around for 18 years. We are communications experts, and workforce, and education, and we have more than 500 plus organizations. We've campaigns around student recruitment and retention as well as getting employers engaged with your mission and that is really our passion and we love the missions that you work with and that's what we do every day. (DESCRIPTION) Educate and Elevate campaign graphics. (SPEECH) I wanted to share a little bit about this quote from Sharon Bonney, who was just on our last session with us and she's executive director CEO of COABE and we did a campaign for her which many of you may have heard about educate and elevate. It was a national campaign but she talks about our secret sauce and we're going to share our secret sauce with you today which is about our ability to utilize and leverage what we call psychographic profiles. Don't get scared off by that word, we're going to really dive in because it's about building tailored messages that resonate with your audience. And we're going to really focus on that a lot because you can do all the advertising and outreach in the world but if it's not the right emotional message that's connecting with your students that you're trying to recruit in then it's just a waste of investment. Is one of the things we do really, really well at FCM here and the leader behind that effort is really Marianne and Connelyn. And Marianne, would you like to introduce yourself? Because Marianne is our resident data geek. I'll just say that which she's got a lot more qualifications in loading data. Hi, everyone. It's so exciting to see you and I definitely going to talk about getting the word out because I keep people seeing that is the challenge in the chat box. So if you have other challenges you want to address please put those in there too. My background is from consumer marketing, I worked with Avocados from Mexico who was responsible for their digital strategy. Bringing them kind of up to what we can know today. I've also worked for a number of other large consumer companies. But one of the most exciting and fulfilling things I did was teach and I taught Adjunct for 14 years for a variety of schools including a few in this Cal State, Uc Berkeley, and even the University of Hong Kong, online and on campus, and hybrids. So I kind of feel like I've been here before. I kind of know what you guys are going through in terms of transitioning things online but what really excites me is working in this field and helping you recruit adult learners. And how we do that as Celina said, a lot about data and a lot about understanding the people, their fears, their hopes, their motivations, and we put that together for our secret sauce. It's our secret sauce we're giving away the secret sauce today. I love it Marianne. I'm sorry. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, What will you learn today? (SPEECH) We want to give you a lot of tools to help you because this is a tough time. And so what we're going to do is kind of break out the session in a couple of ways here and again, keep the chat going. I see a couple of, actually, Marianne say, a couple of really key challenges dealing with online and technology and we're going to actually get into that today. Today's outreach really requires a new engagement lens and we need to understand that in order to create strategies that are going to bring people in the door and help them bring awareness. We're going to start off with that and then, we're going to give you some very, very strong tactical things that you can go with right away this afternoon and execute on. One is, why do you need to rethink your website and consider landing pages for recruitment purposes? So we'll get into that. Here's the psychographics and persona, how to target different types of students which is really important during COVID and also to tie-in to our diversity, our equity, and inclusion goals. How do we reach them? How do we target those using this secret sauce, psychographics, and personas? And then how to identify gaps in your own current outreach and move them online? And then another tactical thing, how texting social media and what we call OTT which Mariane will explain can target hard-to-reach populations? So those are our topics. If there are others as we're going through the session today, either myself or Marianne are going to be tag teaming in the chat to make sure you get all your questions answered. So that's the lineup for today and Marianne I'm going to toss it to you because you are our resident data expert and you just actually texted me today and said, hey, check out this new strato. Campaign for your first workshop which is an employer engagement, I didn't get it in time but you're always looking at research. So help us understand what's happening and why the new engagement lenses require. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, COVID-19 Pandemic Requires a New Engagement Lens. (SPEECH) All righty, let's put those up there then. We'll take a look and see those. So I think these are things that a lot of you are aware of. Access, obviously, that's a big issue. Device and internet access as well as a place to study and that's really one that sometimes gets a little bit overlooked. In crowded households which we often see, in underserved communities, or even in some places where a large household that's very noisy, place to study is as important as device and internet access. Added concerns and we know the concerns that the people that we serve have but now they're even more playing a bigger role. Particularly, in the health area and with child care which obviously has been really shaky this last six, seven months. And trust and this was one of the things that came out for some strata research this morning that I saw that we have been seeing little bits and pieces of this over the last couple of months. The message that education equals better jobs is being eroded and you can see that particularly in the hospitality sector. You've been training, working, and offering courses in the hospitality sector or if you've been offering courses that are training people for administrative jobs. A lot of these things are just going away or have gone away for the last seven months. And people say, wait a minute, I'm doing training. How do you prove to me that education is going to get me a better job because I'm seeing people with great jobs getting laid off. And then outreach challenges that everybody in the chat box has been talking about that we can't have events, we can't put out flyers, it's difficult to go to offsite events with our nonprofit partners, how do we get hold of people. And then finally media patterns and this impacts everybody. Social media and OTT which you can really think about is streaming, Pandora, Netflix, things like that, they're playing a bigger role now. Traditional media is less effective now that so much of life is connected online and even their patterns are changing. (DESCRIPTION) COVID-19 Impact on Adult Learner Enrollment. (SPEECH) We just talk a little bit and you know we could change these numbers every day because new numbers keep coming out but we'll just kind of go with this that the COVID impact on adult learner enrollment. The community college and adult education numbers are down about 7.5% in enrollment. And as some of you have mentioned in the chat box, a lot of that's on the most underserved demographics and we see that popping up in a couple of different places. Pell grants are down, ESL courses are down, ABE courses are down. We know that even in places where enrollment is even or even increasing that's not the same people, that is not that community that we're trying to serve. So there's serious equity issues here that we did not see during the Great Recession and most of that is related to going online. (DESCRIPTION) This Time is Different - A bar graph details access to various devices by ethnicity. (SPEECH) And just to get a little more detail on that. This time is different than the last recession. And number one is access and this is a study we recently did a 1,500 students at the Diablo Valley College and we just asked them, do they have a laptop? Do they have they share one? Do they have their own smartphone? And as you can see, they're a good percentage of people had their own personal laptop or desktop computer. But notably less in Hispanic and African-American communities. But everybody, almost everybody had their own cell phone. (DESCRIPTION) This Time is Different Because of Our Online World - A graph details type of internet access students have, with only 59% saying they have great access at home. (SPEECH) But then when we look a little closer, we're look at the types of access and that's a lot of times what you are seeing is the very small percentage who don't have internet access at home. But we ask this question just as a thought, because I think that day my internet was really bad so I threw in this question and this question is, I have internet access at home but it is terrible. 33% of the students agreed with that. So that's another issue that we have to think about as people do have internet access but it's not necessarily the best. 60% of this group had internet access at home. But I think that what we want to really think about is, what does that mean? So when we're looking at different groups of people it's not just device access, internet access, it's how good is it. (DESCRIPTION) Reason #2 :Access and Income - Two survey result graphs detail rates of Covid-related job loss and worries over paying for home broadband and cell phone bills by demographic. (SPEECH) And then just looking at one more thing is just looking at the job lost. We know that we have high rates of job loss with women African-Americans and Latinos and we know we have heard this over and over. So I think we don't need to belabor that point, we know that this is a she session to a large extent. But we also know that Hispanic and-- the one other thing to put on top of this your lower income tech users are also going to be concerned about paying for broadband and paying for cell phone bills and I think anybody who has a broadband or a cell phone bill can relate to that. How much is this about? How much am I paying? Well, obviously that's going to impact lower paid households much more heavily. OK, now you can go on to the next slide. (DESCRIPTION) Reason #3: Housing Instability - A bar graph details risk of eviction by demographic. (SPEECH) And then of course, and again, a housing issue with income. Low income renters are most at the most at risk of eviction and that seems to be kind of an ongoing terror in many people's lives. Because we have more moratoriums and they might end, and then they don't end it, then they might end tomorrow, and they might end next week, and this is just causes stress. Make a move on. (DESCRIPTION) COVID-19 California Reopening Tracker - A color-coded map shows county tiers. (SPEECH) And then, what taking a look at one of these things and it is something to think about during the Great Recession, part time enrollment increased while full time enrollment declined. But this time it's issues like child care and crowded living conditions and the health of family members that are impacting the ability of students to attend class. So take a look at your part time and your full time enrollment. For those of you who are in the community college space, you may have more of the full time enrollment in the adult schools. There's probably more part time but taking a look at those numbers it just gives them one more data point to track. (DESCRIPTION) Reason #4: Childcare - An image of three masked children from the hashtag Come Back California campaign. (SPEECH) And then finally, as we talked about child care, now, this is, again, is another moving target with kids going to school in some places, not going to school in other places, going to school part time, two, three days a week. This is a real burden, particularly on essential workers, because they can't plan their schedules. So I think I've heard some of you have been opening up child care centers, and that's really making-- we're seeing the ones that are opening child care centers or have the ability to partner with one are seeing some increases in enrollment. (DESCRIPTION) Reason #5 - A line graph compares job loss between the 2010 and COVID recessions. (SPEECH) So now this is number five. During the Great Recession, government financial support was not as good as it was this time, and we learned a lot. It does not look like the next stimulus is going through any time soon, though we don't really know, but we're hoping that at some point we will see some additional help for our lowest income population, but again, back to this, less connection between education and a stable job because we're not, as you can see on this chart, we're not coming back as quickly as we did in the Great Recession. (DESCRIPTION) Access and Digital Literacy Biggest Issues - A bar graph compares seven issues. (SPEECH) And again, just taking this a little bit closer is looking at these are the biggest issues, and we asked people what were their biggest issues. The kind of turquoise bar is the need to watch children. The illness is very small. That's the purple bar, but the yellow bar that you see up there, limited access to technology. And again, we have to think about this not just as not having broadband at home, but having terrible broadband at home. And that second one, that orange one, is limited digital literacy, and we're going to get back to this a little bit later. This is the fear, the fear of being able to do it, and there's some ways that we're going to talk to you about how to talk to your students to assure that they can do it. (DESCRIPTION) New Strategies for COVID-19. (SPEECH) Definitely. Yeah. I think that's such a great summary you provided and how different it is this time around, Marianne. And Kelly made a great point in our chat here. And she goes, we haven't closed K through 12 schools like this before, which is a huge piece to keeping students away, and that comment alone speaks to why proactive outreach and communications is so critical right now, especially because of COVID. And the other thing we have to think about is that people are getting message overload. You got the election. You've got all this information about COVID floating around. What do we do? It's in a state of chaos. And so how do you cut through the noise and create these new strategies in terms of COVID-19. So let's go into that. Marianne, I see there's one question there you can answer about the BBC survey here, but there's three things we're going to talk about today. One is-- and these are the tactical things that you can go through, new strategies for COVID-19. One is optimizing enrollment systems for virtual recruiting, and we're going to talk about streamlining the website to inform quickly and also focusing on virtual assets to connecting students to staff, and we're going to have some case studies here. We're going to show you what we did, how we did it to give you that information, and then some examples that you can pull from. The next thing we're going to talk about is flipping the message for today's COVID-19 environment. For students, focus more on the ability to succeed and less on the outcomes. Employers are another story that we'll get into. That's really focusing more on outcomes, but that was in our previous session as well. So you can pull handouts from that session. And then considering just new ways of doing things, really. And that is doing more on your social media and not giving up on non-virtual recruiting, just changing some of the tactics. I may touch on a little bit about employers today. We'll see how that goes. So let's start with the first one, and that's really optimizing your recruitment. (DESCRIPTION) Screenshots of the homepages for Bakersfield College, Cerro Coso Community College, and Porterville College. (SPEECH) Why should you rethink your website presence? Now, when we've got all these wonderful websites up here-- and they are fantastic. They're optimized for current students. There is a lot of information to go through. If you look at your own website or any of these that we have up here, there's a lot of text images, and it takes five to six clicks to find information. It's great for putting everything current students need in one place. However, when it comes to thinking about recruiting and attracting new students, you've got to think about the user experience. Think about device access and why you can find things so easily on Amazon. (DESCRIPTION) The Find It Be It dot org homepage with an arrow pointing to a floating Contact Us link box. (SPEECH) So what we'd like for you to kind of think through tactically is maybe optimizing your website for recruitment, and we can do that by creating just a simple landing page or a micro-site which is just several pages that drives people, specifically new people, to find out information about your school and how to register and the value propositions. What is it going to do emotionally for them to change their lives? So here is an example of a recruitment micro-site that we did for 14 community colleges in Central Mother Lode, and it was called the Find It Be It campaign. You can do it. We can help, college your way, close to home. All of those were key messages that were very important. But in this one, you find it's two to three clicks to find information, and it's divided by users. Larger, images, easy to read text, organized information, and it's optimized for mobile. Just think about that. Most, even the vulnerable populations, usually will have some kind of mobile phone, right? So how do you optimize everything for mobile? And you can see here this has a contact button, and we're going to talk a lot today about generating leads. In this particular one, this little contact form, we fill out the name and go to a certain school within the region, but do you have a place where you're capturing contact information? So we want to kind of think through this concept. (DESCRIPTION) Kern County Career Education pages. (SPEECH) Marianne, what would you like to talk about here for high school students? Because we took that campaign, and we're doing it now with Strong Workforce program for Kern County only, that same kind of career education, which is part of the region. Talk a little bit about this and what we're doing here. Yes. This was really a K-14 program, and I know that a lot of you are interested in pathways of bringing people from the adult schools and putting them on a pathway to your community college partners or partnering with various different schools. And so what we did here is this is a five page website that tells everything students need to know. It has the various programs that they can get into when you click, and you can see it tells you what schools offer what programs, and it tells them where they can finish up. So we're showing the complete connection and making that connection in their minds of, oh, I start here, and this is where I can go to finish, and then these are the types of jobs that I can get. So the whole program is set to get people to see that there's an end point, and they can do it. That's what I wanted to say. Good. I love it. I love it. Very simple. (DESCRIPTION) Connecting High School to Community College - The Find a Program page on Find It Be It. (SPEECH) So think about that. And here's a little kind of screenshot of the video playing of how they do it. They find the school in this particular instance, and then they click it, and then they roll through it. So think about simplifying your website. Even if you don't want to build a two or three page micro-site, one landing page, right, that can really help them understand and connect the dots for them. Oftentimes, we don't connect the dots for students. We'll just say, hey, here are these different kind of classes here and without connecting the dots on how to do it. OK. (DESCRIPTION) An image of a young woman sitting behind a laptop on a floor while pointing at the hashtag, Bounce Back Contra Costa, from a Workforce Development Board campaign. (SPEECH) The next thing that we want you to think about when you're building out that one page, how can you tell your audience, your students, that, hey, you are open for business. Your doors aren't open, but your virtual doors are. And so we're doing a lot with this where we've done bounce-back campaigns. So this one was for the Workforce Board in Contra Costa County, and it's kind of like a positive-- I wouldn't say positive spin on COVID, but the message is that we're here to help you, and we've got a hashtag, BounceBackCampaign. Your virtual bounce back team of workforce experts. And you can have a section on there for motivating students, how do they go through the recruitment process, just information that will really help them. So, Marianne, anything else in the chat box that-- you're typing away. I see. Any questions that are coming up on this section? But the message here is streamline, one, two clicks. Boom. They're there. Yeah. That was the question. And the optimal-- and they call it shopping cart abandonment because it comes from the studies done by Amazon and some of the big online shoppers is three clicks. That's your maximum to get anywhere, and you can see, if it takes more than three clicks, it's not information that they need to have. And what we've seen-- Somebody mentioned we did the OCC career education website a few years ago, and there was mountains of information. I mean, just mountains of information to put on there, but we streamlined it in such a way that you still only took three clicks to get to any information you need. And that's just a matter really thinking it through and putting it together in a thoughtful way, putting your Amazon hat on. What is OCC? I'm sorry. Orange Coast College [CHUCKLING] Sorry. Sorry. That's why somebody-- it was a Valerie, I think. She referred to it as OCC in the chat box. OK, good. So I was on that role. (DESCRIPTION) Returns to New Strategies slide. (SPEECH) So that's something you guys can do right away, right? Think about how you can positively frame COVID, which we're going to get into in the messaging. And I know that sounds so weird. How do we positively frame it? But you possibly frame it through your messaging, which we're going to get into now, on your students' ability to succeed. Right now, very emotional time for your students, for all of us, right? And so they have fears, right, around what they can and cannot do. And Marianne, you're a pro at this. I know. We're speaking to the choir here, but go ahead and share that the next two sides on the importance of emotional messaging. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Students are most likely to enroll when they have goals, belief in success, and see clear pathways to jobs. (SPEECH) Yes. And again, that's extremely important in this particular time period because I think we're all stressed, but what we try to do is always go back and think about the three things that we know from years and years and years of research of what makes someone enroll in adult education. These are specific to adult education, incidentally. Goals, having specific goals. And a lot of times, those might be, I want to be able to help my son with his homework. I want to be able to speak English well enough to read stories to my grandchildren. I want to set a role model for my kids. I want to have a life that I'm not always worried about money. So these goals, not I want to be an x fill in the blank, more personal goals, and then the belief in success. And again, we've been saying this for years. You all know this, but what does the belief in success mean in an online world? It means I want to believe that I do have digital literacy. I want to believe that I can do this. And then, as we talked about earlier, see a clear pathway. Where does this end? What kind of job am I going to get where I'm not going to be laid off? So these are some of the things that we hear people saying. I know I'll get frustrated trying to learn online. I'm not going to even try. When would I be able to study? The kids aren't in school. I'm working. I don't know how long I'm going to have a job. I can't think about going to school now. I'm worried about my job, my health, my family, and what difference will it make going back to school? I see people with really good jobs getting laid off. And I want to say, those last two things tend to be on the male side to a large extent, and we are seeing a definite much bigger drop in enrollment of men than we are women. So just something to-- this may be contributing to that. Mm-hm. And that kind of leads into the next election, right? (DESCRIPTION) COVID-19 Context - 36 diverse cartoon faces depicting various emotions. (SPEECH) Yes, the importance of emotional messaging. And so this is what we're talking about in terms of why this is important to think about. I know a lot of you are really saying, how do we reach people? How do we reach people? But if we give you answers on how to reach people but you're not reaching with the right message, it's kind of spinning your wheels. So we want to make sure today we're telling you. We're kind of giving you tips about those things, how to reach people but then what to say once you get there. (DESCRIPTION) The Power of Personas - blog dot full capacity marketing dot com slash the dash power dash of dash personas. (SPEECH) Yeah, definitely. And actually, Marianne, we put together this article that's in your package, which Marianne is going to get into, which is the power of personas, and Marianne, if you could go just a little bit into what is a persona, and then maybe give them an-- I think we have an Orange coast. college example, and then maybe instructions on helping them to do that. OK. Let me-- give me just a second there. I was getting the link to put in the chat box. Oh, cool. OK. [LAUGHING] Yes. OK. Personas are fictional characters that are created to help you get into the mind of your students or your potential students. And yeah, you know them. You talk to them every day. Of course you know them. But when we develop a persona, what it allows us to do is then look at that and test every message we want to say to someone. So we create personas, which are imaginary people, that represent a student, a type of student at our school. OK. (DESCRIPTION) Personas - O.C.C. Career Advantage - A picture of a smiling young woman next to her story. (SPEECH) And this example from Orange Coast College is Lea, and Lea's family owns a small restaurant. It's hard work, and her parents expect her to work hard, too. She graduated high school first in her class. Her parents' plan is for her to attend community college for two years then transfer to UCLA, but Lea is interested in art and doesn't see the point of a four-year degree. The brand message of Orange Coast College resonates with Lea because she sees a way to follow her interests and make her parents happy. And the message that we used at Orange Coast College is the smart choice because it's something that appeals to both her and her parents. So this is an example, not a real person, but someone that we looked at and said, this is the typical type of person that we want to target and that would be a good fit for our school. And Marianne, why do we go through this exercise? We're building these personas, and you mentioned that for OCC, kind of revamping their particular career education platform. One of the key messages that we put out there was the smart choice, right? So why do we do that? I mean, why is that so important, and how do we get to reach that conclusion that the smart choice was a good, indeed, message for that particular area in Orange County? Well, this is something that's really important to us. Every client we have is different, and every client has a different target. So for Orange Coast College, it's a highly educated area. This is down in Costa Mesa Irvine, Southern California area, very highly educated. It is an area that has-- I'm sorry. It's a college that has a big transfer rate, a lot of people go swimming, very Asian community, also a Hispanic community on parts of it. But we looked and said, what is important in that highly educated community when we have the opportunity for people like Lea who really probably isn't a good fit for UCLA? How can we show her parents that Orange Coast College is a much better fit with their fashion and their art programs yet let her parents know that this is a smart choice for her? So this was a message we had to develop for both the student and for the parent. That's great. Very different than other areas. Yeah. That's great. And you'll see later in our examples-- and a lot of people putting in the chat box saying, well, gosh how would I be able to build a micro-site off my district platform and things like that? The idea here is, and what we're building towards, the case studies, is you'll see that we will show you several case studies in different areas that have different messages that are going to resonate with your adult learners and prospective students, right? And then you can create a campaign website for them. And so that's the idea that we're building here towards. Now, Marianne, here's a good question from Adriana. What's the difference between success stories and fictional personas? That's a great question, Adriana. They have different purposes, really. A success story is a purpose to say, you can end up over here. We really see success stories that say, I am in my third week of class, and I'm actually able to do this. I'm able to do this in this class. I can succeed. That's where the success, that's where the pain point is. Recruiting is about getting people in the door, not necessarily on the success story. You're saying this is the end years from now, three years from now, a long time from now, being able to connect them both at the micro level of, yes, you can get in the door, and you could succeed here every day. That's a little less scary, really. Yes. It's the baby step approach. Definitely, definitely. Now, Dana asks a good question, too, about, for the campaign, do you look at consortium level? Site level? Both? So we're going to share some examples with you because we'll guarantee you that the consortia sites that we have looked at are very much geared towards meeting minutes, and here are our members, and maybe a link out to the schools, but it's very much separated. We're going to talk about the power of a regional plan and what you can do, or even at a single site level. So just bear with us there, and we'll get into some of these examples here on different ways that you guys could approach it based on what your needs are. (DESCRIPTION) Develop Your Own Personas - An image of a little girl with her arms around a woman's shoulders. (SPEECH) So, OK, Marianne, Here we go. So we're going to put them on a homework assignment, right? Yes. Even though we might never see them again, this is your homework. [LAUGHING] Yes. OK. So if you're looking at developing your own persona, let's think about what your students are like. So this is something that you can take, and I put a link to it in the chat somewhere along here, but these are the questions you ask. Sit down and say, OK, this is my exercise. I'm going to think of one person in my school who I think is a pretty typical student. Answer these questions. What worries the student the most? Unemployment, health concerns, bills, child care. And the trick here is don't try to answer for anybody. Answer for one person. Answer, how much has the current crisis impacted their day to day lives? Do they have stable housing? A job? And then the third thing is, how do they see online learning? Is it for and beyond them? Not like YouTube, but maybe they could try, or helping their kids has been so frustrating. They can't see doing it themselves. That's a big one. If they're seeing so much trouble with their kids with Zoom, particularly if they had kids going online in the spring, which was kind of a nightmare, as we all know, of us all, within three days, learning a brand new language, as it were. They're going to come in with a mindset of this is scary and impossible and doesn't work very well, and we need to be able to change that, and what we say to them is important. So it's good to get this down when you're creating personas so you remember that when you get up to the point of developing things to talk to them. Oh, I love that, Marianne because, again, this is your foundational piece, everybody, for getting to your right message. And you're going to see in the case studies, you're going to need that, right? You are going to need to have that right message. (DESCRIPTION) Returns to New Strategies slide. (SPEECH) So let's put a pin in that, and just know that your homework assignment, and now we're going to move on to considering new tactics. And what I'd like for you to do while Marianne is playing around in the chat box, I see her typing furiously, is what types of outreach have played the biggest role for your school in the past. So think through kind of what you've done in the past. It's like, gosh, this is kind of our bread and butter here we go out. Maybe it's a schedule like-- yeah, Rene is saying paper schedules, those kind of things. And then also, how has that changed with COVID? How has it changed? Or maybe it hasn't changed. So as we're working through this next section, I'd love to hear from you all about the types of things. Word of mouth, Audrey is saying, that's still kind of a big one. (DESCRIPTION) Reaching Students: Social Media - A bar graph shows percentage of adult students in the U.S. who use social networks compared to income, with the highest at 83% in the 50 to 75k range. (SPEECH) Marianne, kind of take us through this section on reaching students now in the COVID era and what we need to think about. Sure, and a lot of you have social media. And I will say that you have-- and you've rightly figured out that even at the very lowest income levels, we're close to 70% of people are online in social media. So yes, there is social media. It's available. It's a good tool for you. OK. (DESCRIPTION) Reaching Students on TV? A line graph compares average daily time spent watching TV by ethnicity. (SPEECH) But reaching students on TV is not as important. As you can see, this black line here, all three is going down. In the African-American community, a lot less TV watching, semi-stable but still not very high, less than three hours watching in Hispanic and white communities, sorry about that stumble, and very low in the Asian community television watching. So even though we know, in Hispanic communities, the telenovelas and the Spanish language TV is important, so that would be the one caveat, I would say. Spanish language to reach a very specific ESL student or a parent influencer or an influencer of an English-dominant student. (DESCRIPTION) O.T.T.: Why it's important in the COVID-19 Environment. (SPEECH) So OTT, as I said, really talks about really streaming. Video on demand, Netflix, Pandora, messaging, WhatsApp, Facebook. Twitch is a new one that is out there that is really good if you're looking for a younger male audience. It goes on and on. But one of the things we say about social media is don't depend on Twitter, Facebook. That's not necessarily where it's going to be for you. Focus on the channels that make most sense for your audience. Discord, Marianne. Valerie had a question. What is Discord? OK. Discord is a social media channel that was started by gamers but has actually really become a huge channel now for college students and high school students where they can have almost 24 hour study group, I will say. So that is one. There are a lot of very, very tightly organized channels. Discord and Twitch, I'm going to just tell you those to think about or look up. If you have very specific audiences, they're both very good for, as is YouTube, for being able to hone in on exactly who you're looking for. Excellent. So that gives you kind of like an-- and Mindy, I think it was Mindy, was saying they were mailing brochures to home, but the uncertainty of class delivery methods, is it going to be all virtual, is it going to be a hybrid, it makes it difficult to print. It's very fluid environment, very fluid with COVID. Things change sometimes by the hour and the minute, which is why we're recommending that you set up these online virtual tools and strategies which we're going to move into now in the case studies for you to think about. (DESCRIPTION) Case Study 1 - Central Mother Lode Regional Consortium. (SPEECH) And when we do this, it's not necessarily you have to do each one of these, but we want to share with you the strategy of why things were done within different regions. Some of you have put in the box, gosh, it seems like we're all disjointed within our own district. It would be good to pull resources. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. We did a whole session yesterday with three panelists who have done that in different areas. We're going to touch on some of their campaigns today and go a little bit deeper as well. So on this particular one case study, we've got a recruitment site, emotional messaging and story, sticky, contact forms and lead automation, and virtual pathway guidance. Those are all the things we're going to cover. Penny is asking the cost. We'll get into that, and some of-- I think we've got some data points, Marianne, on cost per school on some of these campaigns, which is very much lower than, of course, if you went out and did it on your own. And of course, asking the cost for a campaign is like building a house. Do you want to advertise it? Do you want one landing page? How many pages are going to be on your site? And also, you want to look at what internal resources you have. Maybe you have web developers as part of your team. Maybe you just need help with the strategy piece. So it's very customized. It's difficult to say, but we'll go to and talk about costs in each of these campaigns. The case study one is the Central Mother Lode Regional Consortium. This is in Central Mother Lode here in California. This particular campaign crossed 14 community colleges who said we need to elevate around the value of career education and generate leads because our enrollments are down. Sound familiar? So Marianne, any particular area or other things you want to talk about in this particular region that we found and just in the research piece and kind of their personas? Yes. It is a very different. This was a very different area than the one we do for Orange Coast College. This was the Central Valley. We did research on here. We found that one of the things that was interesting that came out of this was that the number one driver for students in this area was that they wanted to stay close to home, and so our goal here was to basically say, you can get a good job but stay in your community. You can continue to be a part of your community. You could stay with your family, and look at this opportunity here to go to college. You don't have to go to UC Merced. You don't have to go away to LA or San Francisco to go to college. You can go to college right here, and so that was the message that came right through all the time. And we did how many videos? A whole bunch of videos. We've done a lot of videos. (DESCRIPTION) A Persona of a young woman taking a selfie in a mirror titled, The Mainstream Good Student. (SPEECH) Here's the persona from those particular student, too, in this area. Yeah. This was Rosa, and Rosa was the oldest child of arg-- argri-- agricultural workers. Wow, had a problem with that, but Rosa did very well in high school, but she didn't really know anyone who had a degree or had any post-secondary education. And so she was a good student who could go to a four year college but that'd be too far from her family and the life she knows. So for Rosa, we developed this persona of somebody that we picked out from the area. We looked and said, what would be the thing that we could say to her that would explain to her why she should be going to one of the community colleges here? And the answer was let's tell her. Rosa, you can get a degree. You can get a good job. And guess what? You can stay home. That was it, very simple message, and that's what we told her. Because as educators, we know that one of the most important things, particularly in the adult education world, is that personal contact. And you're going to see that on some of the case studies we do about how important it was that we say a message that says this is possible and then immediately make a connection to showing how they can do that by connecting them with a real life person. Right. And that message is the message that goes on your one landing page or two landing pages or your section of your website that you're pushing people to. (DESCRIPTION) Images of young women training to be healthcare professionals and mechanics in a Find It Be It campaign with the brand promise: Good jobs, close to home. (SPEECH) So on this particular, we had the brand promise. Because when you create a campaign like this, a recruitment campaign for students, what is your promise to them? And it must be emotional. Again, when we go on a lot of your websites and we take a look at it, it's very kind of here are the meeting minutes. If you're in a consortia website, here's your meeting minutes. Here are our members. Here's our schedule of meetings, or a district website has a lot of different information that someone's trying to wade through. Even if you put up just one page and just push people to that page-- so for example, the Find It Be It campaign, we purchased the URL finditbeit.org. And so in our advertising and when we talked with students, the message was the brand promise to them. That emotional message was good jobs was close to home. That was important for them. That was part of the campaign. And so you could redirect someone on your website. Your webmaster knows how to do this. If you purchased, say, finditbeit.org, that was going to be your website, they would redirect people to that one landing page so that the visitor doesn't have to go through all of the different pages to find what is important, what that emotional message is. Oftentimes, again, we have logistical information and all that. We got to get to the emotion in the heart. That's what a recruitment campaign is all about. So each area is going to be very different in your school, perhaps different region, et cetera, in terms of what drives those students. So building the personas is a way to get to the right message. Now, in this particular campaign. This was with Strong Workforce program dollars for this particular region, and they wanted to do a ton of videos. Oddly enough, when our team went out and found students and we wanted to interview them, guess what? They wanted to find a job closer to home, and they had their different stories that they could tell. So we're going to show you how this emotional messages connected during video. And as you're watching it, don't worry about, oh, well, this is a fancy video. I don't have money for that. We're going to show you how to do it kind of homemade style. So make sure your computer sound is up, and we're going to play this for you. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] (DESCRIPTION) A blue line forms between two dots and spins into the Find It Be It logo. Jose Luis, Student. (SPEECH) - I came to Porterville college because it was local, and it was close to home. I really didn't want to take that far drive, and it was affordable for me. After high school, I actually did not come straight here. I took a gap year, meaning I took a year off. That gap year actually helped me decide to continue college and continue my education because, during that gap year, I worked in the fields, the farm work. So it really showed me how to work for things, and it also taught me that I didn't want to be working out in the fields. I wanted something better for me. I wanted a better future for me and for my family. I always wanted to learn about business administration, the business aspect of it, and business is something that's always going to be around. So for me to continue something that's growing, it's a growing industry, is really good for me because one day I do want to own my own business. This semester I'm actually taking an entrepreneurship class, and we actually made a product, and we started selling it. We started advertising it, and we learned all that, and we learned how to take that risk and go for it, spend that money and sell that product and learn that sometimes you don't succeed. Sometimes you fail, and that's perfectly fine. Career education. Find it. Be it. (DESCRIPTION) Logo, Porterville College. (SPEECH) [END PLAYBACK] So that was the message. Career education. Find it. Be it. Is exciting, Valerie, definitely agree. (DESCRIPTION) 5 Storytelling Lesson's from Square's COVID-19 Campaign - A bitly link to a video. (SPEECH) Now, I want to give you guys a tip. I know those are fancy videos. They hired us to do all those videos, but you know your students. You have these stories. One of the things we recommend for that little landing page that you're going to create as your recruitment site is just do a homemade Zoom interview with your students. And in that interview, what you want to get them to say is how your organization is helping them through COVID, right? So the ones that have come back to the online classes and how they're moving through it, you know these students. These are fantastic little clips just to put up a very rudimentary, just create an interview with them, and what I've included in this one is five storytelling lessons from Square's COVID-19 campaign, and it just talks about the same concept. So that's also in your package as well. So a great little tool. Just do it rudimentary, very rough. Creating a YouTube channel is also really super important during this time where you can upload all those little interviews because it really helps when someone else is seeing themselves in that video. Hey, I'm a single mom. I've lost my job. I don't know what to do. I want to get back into school, but I don't know. So anyway, that is-- and yes, there is a suggested time, Dana. You want to do these about 90 seconds. I know that seems like a lot, but they can be snippets of just questions. What's the one thing our school has done for you during COVID. And then you can put on your website, see your name of your school is helping students through COVID, or create a little montage, but 90 seconds to 2 minutes, and then it kind of drops off because of length. So that was a short one that I just showed you. Great questions. I can't wait to see all the videos. (DESCRIPTION) An image of a woman in a chef's uniform on the Find It Be It Contact Us page. (SPEECH) OK. There was another question. I think Jennifer asked about-- oh, go ahead, Marianne. I was just going to say, Jennifer, I keep trying to remember to answer that about the sticky. Yes. One of the things that we've incorporated into our websites is-- when we do a website, and we encourage you to do this, is to put a sticky, and a sticky use that little blue box you see in left hand corner, and it follows you around. Wherever you move on a website, it goes with you. So it ends up being on every page and all the way down the page. Because it moves, it gives people lots of opportunities to be able to contact you, and that is the goal of a lead campaign, as we talked about that. It's we need to get people interested, make it easy for them to say, I'm interested. That's all we need. That's all we need. Because once they talk to a real person-- Yes. Once you can communicate with them, your staff does a terrific job of explaining things to them. Exactly. So yes, Jennifer. It is a coding thing and a design thing that your webmaster can help you with, but it just follows them everywhere on the site. Contact us. It's so important. Again, you don't need to tell a student everything about your ABE, your ESL, your CTE classes. Don't do it on a recruitment site. What is the emotional message? And then get their information so that you can nurture that lead. By the way, here's a fun fact for you all, guys. It takes anywhere from 5 to 12, what we call touch points, to get a student enrolled. What a touch point? Well, maybe they went past your school and saw. It maybe they saw it on a website. Maybe they saw your ad in social media, maybe a newsletter, maybe you texted them. 5 to 12, depending on the market. And Marianne, I think that even leans into the higher end on adult end, right? Yes. Yes. And so you got to think about that, right? It's like, what are your touch points? Are you consistently doing that? So in a recruitment landing page, you want a little form like this, right? Now, in this particular campaign, there's a lot of things that you can really focus on in terms of automating lead generation. So in this particular campaign, because it was going to 14 different schools, the school here you see we say select an option, and then that lead will get automatically pushed to a staff member. That was a little more sophisticated using a customer relationship management tool, or a CRM, that was bolted into the back-end B2B engage. So that's another way we did it because a lot of leads can come in on your campaign once you start pushing this out. Now, in this particular campaign, it generated over 1,200 leads. And when we started the campaign, and Marianne, we'll talk about how we did that in just a minute, the colleges couldn't keep up. So what we did is we created what was called a DRIP campaign. A DRIP campaign is just emails that go out a certain time intervals to your prospects as another touch point to keep them interested because-- I really want to focus in on this. Because the message was so on point in this particular region around staying close to home and all the messages that you see here on the screen, we had a 40% open rate on the first one, which was double the average, and then 30% open rate on the next three. So just speak about that. Keeping your students engaged can be-- it's got to be with the right message-- can be done via email, and you can also automate that as well. Marianne, anything else you want to talk about just in terms of automation and DRIP? And then I'll show the ad campaign. Can I talk about your Riverside? Absolutely. OK. I know some of you were in our session yesterday where we had JoDee Slyter from the Riverside School Consortium, and we talked a little bit there about their campaign, which we started an advertising campaign for them on social media for adult education students, targeted very much to the zip codes for the people they wanted. We started that February 28, 2020. Great timing, Marianne. I thought that myself. [LAUGHING] 10 days later, we were just-- I don't know. I don't know. Should we keep going? Should we keep going? Right. We called JoDee who was going crazy herself, and to stop the campaign. We said we have to stop because this is wasted because nobody's thinking about education at this time. So what we did is that we immediately turned around and started emailing these people because we had an email. Every few weeks, they'd get an email from us, and these were very much tailored for the time, which doesn't mean they just didn't-- they didn't say we don't know what's going on, either, though that would have been honest. We did say, though, that education is good. Education is something that you would want to do. These are the courses we offer, and we kept doing that until September. We started the ad campaign again, and we looked at what those 200 people would respond in the 10 days between February 8th and March 2nd-- no, March 8th, whatever it was-- and we found out that close to 20% of them were still answering, still opening the email, still staying in touch. And so this works either via email or via text. You can also automate it via text if you find that a lot of people that you're targeting don't have email addresses. So keeping in touch, those 5 to 12 touch points, that comes back to this. Keeping in touch is really important. Keeping engaged, as we say in marketeze. So, Juliana asks, how large was the original email list for this campaign? We didn't have an email list. This was 14 different community colleges. We generated 1,200 brand new prospects, and I'm going to show you right now how we did it. And Marianne, you can talk a little bit. I'll play-- I think this is a six second ad, but let's play this real quick and-- (DESCRIPTION) Text, Find it. Flashes of students planting, welding and loading an ambulance. Text, Be It. Individuals in fire suits climb inside a burning trailer. Logo, California Community Colleges. (SPEECH) [MUSIC PLAYING] That was six seconds. That was the Snapchat ad. The Snapchat ad had a post in it with a link to the website to be able to sign up. If you're doing advertising-- and I just want to say right up front. If you're spending a lot of time on social media but not doing advertising, social media advertising is cheap if it is targeted correctly. Yes. It is actually cheaper to do the advertising than to pay somebody to spend an enormous amount of time trying to generate leads just by organic social media. And many of these platforms, Facebook and Instagram in particular, they allow you to have links in ad. So you can have a little form that pops up right there that they can fill out without leaving the platform, and you have a lead. Yes. A lot of times, there's free ad offers, and I think, if you could, try it. Try it a little bit, and test it because they're very, very effective. So we had video ads as well as image ads. We did this campaign for consortium, so it was a number of schools working together. So we were able to put a fair amount of money against it in terms of-- and we're not talking hundreds of thousands of dollars, nowhere near that, just small amounts, really, to be able to run an ad campaign that had ads. We had 50 different ads that we ran in specific zip codes specific to different pathways. You'll see the ad at the bottom that has a nurse in it. We also had that, a health care professional. We also had that ad with an auto mechanic. We also had an ad with all of the other pathways that we had available there. We kind of built it, as we call it, LEGO ads, where you take things out put things in. So again, that becomes cost effective. Yeah. Exactly. Jennifer wanted me to play it real quick again. So here it is. [MUSIC PLAYING] Don't blink. Quick messages. Did you see him there? Anything about a schedule? No, no, no, no. [LAUGHS] Emotion. Emotion. OK. Marianne, I'm going to click play, and talk about-- as we're talking how to move your tools online, so just give a little input on this, and then we'll go into one more section here. (DESCRIPTION) Find It Be It Interactive Counselor Playbook with section links for the website, career quiz, quiz results, search by career cluster, career videos, and wrap-up. (SPEECH) OK. So this is a counselor playbook, and this was something that we were able to-- a counselor can work online with the student. It has all of the links in there to the website to different things that the students may need. It's built upon the website specifically for a counselor to work with the student. We pictured this happening with a counselor sitting beside a student, but it turns out this actually works very well online. This is a PDF that works very well online, and a student can do it with their phone, can do it in a chat. You could do it in a Zoom chat, into FaceTime with a student and be able to show them exactly the types of things that they need to fill out. So this is kind of a next step thing. Once you have a lead and you have someone who's interested, this is the way to take them through the various different options. So I'm not going to go into a lot of detail on it because I'm going to put a link in the chat box, and you can look at it yourself. (DESCRIPTION) Case Study 1: Takeaways. (SPEECH) Yeah, because they were asking for that. OK. Great. So takeaways here on this campaign, emotionally important messages and meet students where they are, right? So these personas help you do that. Tell the student story. How is your school helping them manage through COVID? Reach out on cheap advertising through social media, that lead generation form. Build automatically leads and the follow up, either on your landing page-- if you can, on your landing page with the lead generation form, as well as on social media. (DESCRIPTION) Case Study 2: Recruitment Tactics - A map with blue dots showing locations of members. (SPEECH) OK. That was for community college. I want to go into an adult and consortium campaign right now called Open Doors. Again, the message here is using personas, cutting through the noise because we're on information overload with the right messages, again, using some type of recruitment site or landing page and targeted outreach. You've got to go where they go. So Marianne, this was a little bit different. Tell them a little bit about where the campaign was located and the four different ethnicities that we had to cut across for messaging. Sure. Open Doors covers Santa Clara County, San Jose, a very urban area. There are, I believe, eight adult schools and two community colleges in the area that we were working with. And what we wanted to do was-- this was heavily focused on adult education, and we wanted to be able to show people where they could start with adult education and how they could get everything from improving their English to going all the way and transitioning to community college and get into career education. What was important about this area is, first of all, high cost area. The second part was multiple ethnicities. There was Chinese-speaking, actually, and there was Spanish-speaking, and there was Vietnamese-speaking, and there were English-speaking. So we had to make sure we're reaching all of those audiences. We wanted a recruitment site, again, to make it easy for them to have one centralized place to go. And we did this, I think, two years ago it was. And we looked and said, is the most effective way to get to adult learners, people who would be interested in ABE or ESL or something like that, is the most effective way to go on to social media? Is the most effective way to send them an email? Is the most effective way to do these things that maybe they're not really involved with? So what we said is let's do a transit campaign. We found that a lot of these people were what we now call essential workers, and we went with the bus company there, and we looked at the demographics, which they were able to provide for us. We looked at the route maps. We actually went in and did an analysis of the zip codes, found the zip codes that had those people most likely to enroll, and then we put advertisements in and outside of the bus on those specific bus routes. And because we know that a lot of them were cell phone only, not only that but you don't typically carry around your laptop computer on the bus, we made it a texting campaign. So people would text to connect with the college. Very simple messages, and the message was go places. We go places on the bus, and you go places when you're in education and going through education. So that was the way we were able to cut through the noise and really reach out to these different people. Definitely. And so I want to-- that was great Thanks for that overview. So I want to kind of now deconstruct that a little bit for you all. (DESCRIPTION) A Persona with a picture of a young man wearing a hard hat titled, The New Beginnings Striver. (SPEECH) So here, when we did our personas, it was very different than in Orange Coast College. This is a persona of Arturo, and it was very typical of what they were seeing in the area. So as an example, Arturo left high school nine years ago. He doesn't remember going to class much. He was great with his hands, and he easily got a job. He went back to move in with his parents home. And when his sister had another child, kind of getting crowded, but it was very expensive. So he needed to get a place on his own, so he needed a better job. It had been so long since he'd been out of school that he worried he wouldn't be able to handle it. So the brand message in this campaign, the purpose was to reassure folks like Arturo, right? So the brand promise became we're here to support you. That makes sense, right? Now, how do you translate that to a little micro-site? Well, again, when we looked at the South Bay Regional Consortium website, it was not a website for recruitment. It was, again, meeting minutes, et cetera, that type of thing. So the brand promise here, we're here to help. You can see this reflected in their little micro-site. So the first frame would come up. It just says we care. We support, and we open doors. And by the way, we tested that message across all those four ethnicities that we were trying to target, and it worked extremely well. And then, because we needed some hand-holding, what we did is we put pictures of our navigators from the consortium, and they had a little quote there that said why they liked working with adult learners, which was a very-- it was like a welcoming message and then a way to contact them. So it's like, we're here to help you. Just call us, just text us, just do whatever you need to do, but get in touch with us. So that is an example of how that persona translated into this we care, we support, we open doors, right? Now, it may be different in your area. That's why we're asking you to do your homework assignment to build the personas. So that was for that. Now, the other thing-- (DESCRIPTION) Pathway to Public Service and Law - A cluttered table of certificate and degree programs. (SPEECH) OK. Because this particular group really needed hand-holding, we would come out of these meetings with the consortium and say, hey, we've developed there's a pathway tool. [LAUGHS] This pathway. Can you imagine having this to an adult learner? It's not enough to point adult learners to complicated pathways that are mapped out in meetings, but we need to make it easy to connect the dots. (DESCRIPTION) Pathway questions and option buttons. (SPEECH) So one of the things we did for this particular campaign is build a pathway tool. And in the pathway to, think of this being used as the mobile device where big buttons and the adult learner would pull up the mobile and say, OK, career planning tool. I've selected arts, media, and entertainment. I'm going to start that. And we ask them different questions that would take them to different levels. Do you have a high school diploma or high school equivalent? Depending on their answer, it would branch out and take them into the next step. How long do you want to attend school was another one. And then down into the program area of interest, we would finally drill down and say, OK, you're going to do fashion design, for example, in this area, and it gives kind of the goals and certificates, and description, and where they can go to school, and that kind of thing. So think about this concept and how you can help your learners kind of connect the dots, if you will. Marianne, did you want to say anything else about this particular tool? No, but do you see it only took a few-- there were four questions. Right. So it was very quick to get to all this information. Right. Exactly. Very quick, very quick. (DESCRIPTION) Campaign ads in brochures and on a bus and tablet, along with the San Jose Sharks logos. (SPEECH) Now, here is the campaign that Marianne was talking about and some of the tools. Even on the lower left, you see here we care, we support, we open doors. That was our message. That was the message through and through. Go places. We're here to help. Those messages that resonated with kind of a personality of someone who's struggling but wants to succeed. And again, you've got to sort of maybe test out the message. Maybe we talk here real quickly, Marianne, how they might test out a message, right? Let's say they built the personas and they've come up with a campaign theme in their area, then they run it past some of their students. Just kind of give them a quick tutorial on how they might do that just to validate they're on the right track. Yeah. I think the best way to do it is to do multiple message testing. And you can do this in person with a handout, or if you know how to use Survey Monkey, which is free, you can make a little survey. And if you have two or three different messages, you can put up them up and say, ask them two or three different questions. Which of these do you prefer? Which of these do you think makes you most want to go to school or to take our classes? And rank these. And so we just ask a few questions like that to rank them, asking if they think that they are motivating, and ask them things like, who do you think that this would appeal to. And then you'll be able to see pretty easily which are resonating most with your students. Yes. Keep it simple. Less information. I see some of the folks in the chat. It's like, oh, guilty as charged. I'm trying to tell them too much. Remember, when you are doing a lead generation recruitment, the idea is not to fire hose them with every bit of information. It's to provide an emotional appeal so that they will give you the contact information and you can nurture that lead. That is the lesson of this whole workshop in a nutshell. And then you put that message wherever they go. In this particular campaign, it was on transit. We actually did something on the soccer field, different stations that resonated with our particular ethnicities that we were targeting there. That's kind of it in a nutshell. Here's the bus. (DESCRIPTION) Text, What's Next. A person in a hoodie crosses an intersection. A bus with a Go Places campaign ad on the side passes from the other direction. (SPEECH) There it goes. So someone had asked a little bit about costs. And I know it's really hard to say, but in this particular consortium, there were five districts for community colleges. I think there was nine. And if you divided the cost of all of this with the ad campaign and everything, I think it worked out to under $2,000 or $2,300, if I'm calling correctly, for each of the schools. So you can see where, if you set up systems like this, how cost effective it is to pull your resources. And a lot of people think, well, our area is different. I need to localize my advertising areas. And this was a very diverse area, so you could see how a message can resonate across the region. Push them to a single page or two or three pages for an emotional appeal. Get the contact information, and then distribute the leads accordingly based on the zip code, area of interest. That is a much more cost effective, sustainable way to run these types of campaigns that will help you with your recruitment efforts than onesies and twosies, right? And you can see how we're using kind of social media and things of that nature. (DESCRIPTION) Case Study 2 Takeaways. (SPEECH) OK. So the lessons on this one really is about create good messaging using personas, focus on your outreach efforts on awareness, and go where your target audience is, buses and texting. Marianne, are there any other campaigns you want to talk about? We've done several. I know we've done one in Riverside. We've also done one-- who is the other one we did? Oh, in San Mateo. Are there any other tips or strategies other than these two case studies that you want to share? Yeah. I think that people were asking a little bit about social media and how they might use that for outreach. OK. So I just wanted to just spend a couple minutes to talk about where you start. (DESCRIPTION) Returns to New Strategies slide. (SPEECH) I think that one of the things with social media is you have to look at metrics. What are your metrics that you're looking at? If you do not have a lot of followers, it is hard to work word of mouth through social media. So one of the metrics you want to put in place is to get more followers, and that helps spread the word Immensely . The other very important thing, and we actually-- this might even be up on the COABE website because we did an entire webinar on social media for them in the tools section, but we talked about connecting with your local organizations. If you are social media and you're Facebook, if you're not connected with your local papers, your local bloggers, Catholic charities, all of your nonprofit partners, make sure you're connecting with them and engaging with them, particularly reaching out to looking at your local press, and a lot of places have small websites or a small weekly papers or different things like that. Any local organization, try to connect with them and share their topics. Don't always talk about you. Nobody likes somebody that only talks about themselves. Right. So it's really important to be able to talk about other people within your community who can refer people to you. I think that's a great strategy, Marianne. And also, one of the things our social media director does when we do these kind of campaigns, like I shared the one earlier with you on combat Contra Costa, or bounce back Contra Costa, is we went and we found all the social media handles for the Twitter accounts, for Facebook, everything, of these community partners. And then we would create a post tag them in the post to let them know, hey, we're watching what you're doing. Thank you for that. Please participate in our campaign and that type of thing. So making sure you're following them on social media and that type of thing. Valerie says, and don't forget LinkedIn. LinkedIn, for sure. And also, if you're going after an employer engagement campaign, then by all means, LinkedIn is the one. And we didn't didn't really talk a lot about-- we spent a lot of time in a recession, in our 8:40 session or a 8:10 session on the employer engagement part, two different kind of messages and different platforms and everything. So make sure you're segmenting out your messages, and you're going straight for the employer on different platforms, different messaging, right? Because what would be a value to a business wouldn't be for a student. Marianne posted a YouTube channel for all those videos that we did for Find It Be It, and the tagline for the students was career education. Find it. Be it. Right? For the employer, it was career education, a great business investment. So you want to make sure that you're kind of segmenting out your message as well on that. (DESCRIPTION) Logo, hashtag Move Ahead with Adult Ed - sign up at tiny u.r.l. dot com slash Move ahead with adult ed signup form. Move Ahead infographics. (SPEECH) I'm actually going to-- before I do the summary on this, I want to share with you a campaign that we are helping Sharon Bonney at COABE and Pat Tyler at NASDAE. They actually funded this, and we've given you a link here to download and access what we call the recruitment toolkit. And what this is is a national campaign called Move Ahead with Adult Ed. It's a hashtag. And there are many, many tools in here for you-- and I'll just give you a snapshot of these-- that you can pull down and tailor for your own area. So there's a bank of social media tools. There is a fact sheet with a lot of infographics. There are some emotional messages that will be inspiring for adult learners to get back with you to enroll in classes. There's web copy for you to use that you can pull from to even put on your website. Just say, hey, I'm a proud partner with the hashtag Move Ahead with Adult Ed. That's in there as well. We also created a professional newsletter template that you see here on the screen that's kind of bordered in black where you can take that newsletter and tailor it with your own logo and use it to get the message out. So this is a fantastic campaign, again, funded by these tools. We did them for the campaign. It was funded by NASDAE and COABE, and I would highly recommend that you get on there and download the toolkits and then use them. Start with them, in terms of a campaign. You can even-- we were talking about campaign names, you can put Move Ahead Adult Ed San Mateo, Move Ahead with Adult Ed San Francisco, Move Ahead with Adult Ed Los Angeles, or your county's name or whatever. So tailor that. Tailor that. The toolkit is on COABE's website, and Marianne posted a link in there on where to download it. So anyway, that's just, I would say, a tool. If you guys want to start with a recruitment campaign, we're trying to give you as many tools to jump-start and ideas that you can use as well. (DESCRIPTION) Images of resource pages on blog dot Full Capacity Marketing dot com. (SPEECH) The other thing I wanted to share with you are the resources we have out on our website and our blog. We started a new thought leadership blog, and the address is there. We do have an e-newsletter sign up, but mainly on the blog, too, we're trying to really post about leadership articles to help you all through COVID, how to shift, and also how to shift your processes, your thoughts around and moving through COVID and helping your students through these virtual kind of tools and things of that nature. So that's in there. Is COABE just K-12 adult ed, or does it include the community colleges adult-- it's for all adult ed. You take it and tailor it for your own. If you need another message or whatever, but it's really for anyone that offers adult education, and we're trying to create a national movement to help understand-- our systems in education are really part of the solution for coming back from COVID, and you all can do that, again, by using these tools, using these strategies that we shared with you today to actually get the word out. (DESCRIPTION) Hashtag Employment Bounce Back Blueprint. (SPEECH) The other thing, and Marianne, can you post in there. This is a typo on there, but it's employmentbounceback.com, not dot org. If you want to go to that website, we're doing these things called employment bounce back blueprints. And for those of you who are interested, this is a partnership with our company and BW research where we go in and we create blueprints on what industries are coming back in your area based on the data, ones that will not recover. So you know which employers to outreach to, which ones need help, and also how to train your students for these particular jobs. You can download a report outline at that website, employmentbounce.com. Thanks, Marianne, for posting that. And then with that, the full capacity marketing side, once your region or area has a data, we come in and develop a micro-site and actually do a campaign for you, and it's pretty darn cost effective. So that would be another tool there. If you're interested in that, by all means, you can use that. Yeah, and in here. Go ahead Marianne. I was just going to say, if you're interested in talking with us, just go ahead and drop your email in the chat box. We'll be happy to reach out to you. I know a couple of people at our last session asked about that, and we said that too late. We did say that too late. And one of the things we did, just so you know, is we have-- in our last session that we taught was with three panelists that we did. It was a really dynamic session with Kishan Vujjeni with JoDee Slyter and with Dr. KaRyn Jackson Holder Holder-Jackson sorry with the sale, San Mateo, and there were three very different regions. And the reason I'm mentioning that, I believe CAEP has our handouts on their site. I would download them and take a look at that, because, again, it was also talking about regional campaigns, how you could pull your funding together. That particular one, Valerie, was called A Panel Discussion, it says, Using Regional Campaigns to Recruit Students, I believe. So that was actually yesterday at 10:30, 10:40, I can't recall the exact time, but it was yesterday. So by all means do that. And we've actually started a Doodle poll for people who want to do one-to-one consult, so you can figure out what's best in our region, maybe you want us to review some of these concepts with other people on your team, or actually just think about how you could pool your resources, and things like that. (DESCRIPTION) Contact information and a window to schedule a consult with Celina. (SPEECH) But it can work. Again, the main aha moments we wanted you all to get out of this session is just some very simple things. You've got to change your message. Especially in this time. Don't bombard them with a million things and all the logistics. Start with the emotional message, if you want to pull in new prospective students who are likely to enroll in your courses. That'll help you get your enrollments up. Start with personas, do the messaging, build yourself some kind of campaign. If you can't get there, then use COABE's tool kit on Move Ahead with Adult Ed, OK. So that would be another thing to do. And then think about your website and how you can shift that, even if it's one single landing page. Or creating a micro-site with two, three, four pages, that kind of thing. That would be helpful. And then thinking through other iterations on your website. And we can help you do that, too. Do you need a counselor playbook? Do you want to put videos up there of your students? What will help that page kind of come to life? And by all means, have a method to capture contact information of the students, because you want to build and expand your reach. You want to retain your current student, so those messages still can be used for your current students, right. Because you want to retain them, you want to give them hope. But you're trying to build a new prospect list with that lead generation, and that's really the purpose of the campaigns. So let's see, any other questions in there, Marianne? I know we're a little bit early. We wanted to not fire hose you today, but give you two or three concepts to really, really think through. And we'd love to work with you or have a consult with you. Feel free to do that. Feel free to reach out to us. We're very accessible. Also, I do run a LinkedIn work group for workforce and educational professionals that is just about social media. So you can connect with me on LinkedIn, ask to be part of the work group, and I'll admit you into the work group. Let's see. Dana has a question here. Oh, OK, it was just about connecting. Connecting-- speaking of connecting, I want to just give you-- Connect, connect. --those of you who dropped your email in there, that's great. We'll definitely reach out to you. But also, this is Celina's email. I just put it in the chat here. Marianne, OK! Yeah, and if anyone is on Twitter, both Celina and I do have Twitter accounts, and we do say things. We say things! Some of them about education. We tweet things, and we connect with you all. Especially LinkedIn, we have a full capacity marketing company page as well. So you can join that. We post up things all the time, because really, at the end of the day, it's about sharing our knowledge with each other. We're at a critical time right now, in our country and our state, where we really need to come together as a system, right, and share as much as we can, not reinvent the wheel. You pick up ideas from your other colleagues? Absolutely fantastic. Would be great. Anyway, we really enjoy being with you. I'm going to turn it back over to the TAP now. We'll stay on and just answer any further questions you may have in the chat. And so I'll turn it back over to the TAP. Thank you so much, Celina and Marianne. That was a wonderful presentation. So for the rest of our attendees, they will stay on for the next few minutes. It will end at 11:40, so you have about four minutes to chat with them where they will be able to respond. Otherwise, they have put their contact information in the chat where you can access them. You can also access any of their handouts. It should be attached to this presentation, as well as in the resource section. You can add it to your swag bag, and then later in the day, or whenever is convenient for you, you can then email it to yourself, or you can download it, or print. I also want to remind all of our attendees that we do have an exhibitor-sponsored break at 11:40 to 12:00 with LiteracyPro Systems, and then we have a Learn at Lunch with Virtually Recruit Instruct and Retain Students in Adult Education. You can access both of those, the sponsored break with LiteracyPro Systems as well as the Learn at Lunch, through the vFairs platform. And it looks like, Celina and Marianne, you have some people chatting you. And I will go ahead and save your chat and email that to you after it's been cleaned up. Thanks for the opportunity to present. This has just been so wonderful, being able to connect with so many people virtually. And I just want to thank CAEP and the leadership there for putting on such a great conference and allowing us to be a part of it. Thank you so much. Oh, thank you. It would not be the same without you guys. (DESCRIPTION) Contact: Full Capacity Marketing dot com, Info at Full Capacity Marketing dot com; West Coast Headquarters phone: 760-274-6370, East Coast Office phone: 202-731-0904. (SPEECH) I think we're-- Anybody else want us to reach out, please drop your email in there. I see a lot of people have. Celina, you've got a busy schedule here to get back to people, you know that? OK, I'm on it, Marianne. Marianne's my boss. Yeah, and thank you for connecting with me on Twitter. Dana, I think that you did and I'll be giving you a shout out here. So thank you very much. And I think there's a lot of things that we didn't cover in this. I mean, keep your eyes open. We are doing a lot of workshops, we're happy to share information with you, and we just have a lot of new things coming up every day, because this is a whole new world we're all in. Yeah, we don't know what's going to happen. We get up in the morning and it's like, OK, we got to shift and get info out ASAP. So yeah. All right. Well, looks like you have a couple more coming in. Yeah, I'm just copying and pasting here so we keep them. Oh, thank you for that. That's great. That's helpful for us. And the ones, too, on the other sessions as well would be helpful. Yep, we can go in and download those. That'll typically happen at the end of the day. OK. Dana had a question on Twitter, Marianne. I have a Twitter through school account. Do you keep personal and professional separate on Twitter? Complicated question, but I'm going to go ahead and answer that. Dana, there is something around being able to have personal and professional. If you have a professional school account, you are broadcasting information that is needed within that community. And you can also recruit and all that, but again, remember what is on Twitter. Twitter is for influential voices. For people making comments. Reporters go on there a lot. So if you do have a personal Twitter, yes, you should refer back to your school. If the school is doing it, they should be definitely reaching out to all the journalists with interesting stories. The more interesting stories you put on Twitter that are just an interesting twist on something. They're always looking for personal interest stories. Particularly, I would say, if you have students who have been able to overcome COVID-induced issues and been able to succeed at school, that is a human interest story that somebody in the press would be interested in covering. And thank you both again. We hope you all enjoy the summit. Thank you.