(SPEECH) --Martha. So as Veronica said, Martha and Janice will be taking care of the questions that are posted. Please, Martha and Janice, let me know if there is anything that hasn't been addressed that needs to be addressed by live-- definitely, I can go ahead and address that. So as you all know, this is TE basics. And we're basically going to cover the basics of some of the software TE TOPSpro Enterprise. So just to give you a quick overview here, when you are to start with CASAS, you are given two applications. One will be TOPSpro Enterprise. That is TE-- that's short for TE. And the other one is eTest Online. That is your testing application. So the testing application will be eTest Online, and administrative application will be TOPSpro Enterprise. What is exactly an administrative task? Well, creating users accounts, say, for example, submitting reports, or creating reports, adding students, and so forth-- that will be in administrative tasks that will be best for TE. Then testing will be for eTest. Now for those of you who do not have TE installed on your computer, you would go ahead and start by going to our eTest website. Our eTest website would let you in-- will let you access eTest as well as install TE Enterprise-- so TOPSpro Enterprise. So let me go ahead and switch to it on my screen-- let me go ahead and share my screen. All right. Very good. Can everybody see my screen? (DESCRIPTION) The webpage for CASAS - https colon slash slash WWW dot casas dot org. (SPEECH) Give me a thumbs up please. Very good, thank you. Thank you. All right. So while I'm certainly at the CASAS website only here but go ahead and switch to TE-- or eTest, I'm sorry-- let's see. Give me one second. Let me just go ahead and click on my page over here. (DESCRIPTION) Oscar switches to the webpage https colon slash slash e tests online dot org slash html 5 slash hashtag slash (SPEECH) All right. So one thing to point out is that we have multiple servers for the connection of all of TE and eTest. And depending on where you are located as far as the state is what server you're going to be using. For example, California has its own server, Washington has its own server. And if you have not been specify a specific server, then you want to go to the global. The global is where everybody else goes to. So it's very important because without that specific address-- each server has its own address-- without that specific address, you won't be able to log in. In addition to that, you would have to have a user account under TE. That's where TE comes into play. That user account is created by your data manager. The account for the data manager is created by CASAS at the point of setting up your agency, all right? So here we are at the global server. And it doesn't say global, but it says etestonline.org, as supposed to California, it will say see ca.etestonline.org-- just to give good example. So the web page looks exactly the same. You can see on the upper left-hand corner. the Install TE a client button. When you click on this button, then the system is going to go ahead and install TE on your computer. The requirements for TE are to be Windows 10 with your most updated update, all right? So if there is no installation in a Mac. There is no installation in a Chromebook. It has to be on TE. On the other hand, eTest, it's a web based application. So in order to sign in from eTest, you can go ahead and do it basically form any platform. But for the purpose of testing alone, you would want to go ahead and test under the three platforms that we have compatibility with. That will be, once again, Windows 10, and then Chromebooks with your most updated updates, and iPads. So those are the three platforms that we are compatible for eTest for testing. For TE, it's just Windows 10 with your most updated update, all right? So once you install TE, the system is going to take you to the screen over here. For the purpose of this exercise, we're going to be using the Rolling Hills0 website. The Rolling Hills website it's a simulation database that CASAS has for the purpose of testing things out. So say, for example, you want to see what's the behavior of the software when you create a new record, a new student demographic record. So instead of using your database to do that, where you can-- might delete something that is important, you can go ahead and use the simulation database, and there is no worry about deleting. You can import, you can export, you can delete, you can import multiple tasks. This data gets reset overnight, so whatever you enter, it will be public to the rest of everyone who connects during that day, but overnight, it resets. So just be careful what you input in the database. But the data will be reset overnight. So really, there is no harm. You can go ahead and do anything you want with that database. Before we get started, let me refer you to a quick document that we're going to be following up. So I'm going to switch to the CASAS website. And as you can see, that is www.casas.org. Once you are at the home page, you would go ahead and click on Training and Support-- so the top menu. And then on the side menu, we're going to click on eTest Online help. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks e Tests Online Help in the left-hand side menu. (SPEECH) We're going to scroll down to the section of TOPSpro Enterprise Basics-- TOPSpro Enterprise Basics. So under TOPSpro Enterprise Basics, we're going to focus on this document over here. These documents are large, by the way. So while each one will give you a detailed definition, basically of the TOPSpro Enterprise quick start. So the quick start is more of a summarized document, whereas everything else, it specifies in detail about that specific section. Say for example, those of you who are looking to know about scanning, there's the TOPSpro Enterprise Basic Scanning. Those of you who are looking to generate a report, which by the way, Martha that we'll be doing a focused report training-- I believe that is this Thursday, Martha, if you can confirm? Yes, it's going to be this Thursday, tomorrow, at 1 o'clock. OK, very good. So those of you who want to focus on generating reports would go ahead and enroll-- please enroll to Martha's training tomorrow. We're definitely going to review reports, but this is going to be more of a general approach. Martha's going to be going into details for reporting, all right? So in order to follow this training for today, we're going to go ahead and download TOPSpro Enterprise Quick Start. That will give us our summaries or what we're going to be covering today. But please feel free to refer to this page-- very, very useful. If carries other information that you will come across such as about monitoring your WTUs. Those of you who are doing eTest, for example, here's a good handy document that will walk you through the report, or Lister, that is available to see your WTUs available. WTU, for those of you who don't know, stands for Web Test Units. And those are test units that are consumed at the point of testing with eTest, all right? Are we good so far? Any questions so far? I'll take that as a thumbs up. All right. Very good. So we're going to go ahead and follow the one document here. (DESCRIPTION) Oscar clicks the Download link to the left of the document, TOPSpro Enterprise Basics - Quick Start. The PDF appears. (SPEECH) Very good. So this will be your TOPSpro Enterprise Basics. So and I have a printout already, so those of you who are following the document, just go ahead and switch to page 3-- page 3-- all right? All right. So on page three, as I said, you basically have multiple browsers to connect. We're going to be using for the point of these exercises, this practice here, we're going to be using the Rolling Hills simulation database. As you can see on my screen, these are the settings for the Rolling Hills. Server, we click on the pulldown menu, we choose Rolling Hills. State Agency Site will be 4908-- that's the number-- the agency number that has been assigned to the simulation server for Rolling Hills. Administrator1@rhas.org will be my username, but we have a total I believe of 50 accounts, so it's basically administrator1 to administrator50. You can have multiple users connect under the same number, but just to free up the traffic in our server, we provide 50 accounts for you to choose anywhere from 1 through 50. The server is not going to reject your logging in if you are entering a login that is already being used. No. This system will go ahead and allow you to come in, all right? So I'm going to be administrator1@rhas.org So rhas.org, that is for Rolling Hills Adult School. And the password will be admin, so a-d-m-i-n. A-d-m-i-n-- a-d-m-i-n-- admin-- lower case, by the way. It's all lowercase. So I'm going to go ahead and connect. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks the connect button at the bottom of the form. A white screen appears with a menu at the top. (SPEECH) All right. So as you can see, this is TE. You have a white screen. You might have on your end, a startup page. This is a default page that has been enabled by the programmers. And we'll go over that in a bit. And that is basically telling you any updates, any news, any new development features that have come with the software, any important dates that have-- they need to be kept in mind. So it's basically just a quick page to update you with information that is important with the software. All right. So we're going to go ahead and do a quick overview starting from the left to the right. So starting with the TE icon. So we're going to go ahead and hover-- just hover, not click, just hover-- on top of the TE icon. Notice that when I hover, it tells me that I am connected to the Rolling Hills website. It tells me my agency ID, and it tells me the user. Many times when people call tech support, the very first thing we ask is, what is your agency ID? And if you are not familiar with your agency ID, yet you're connected to a TOPSpro Enterprise, this is a good way to come up with this information. Only hover on top of the TE icon, and it will go ahead and tell you the server you're connected to, your agency, and the username. Now if we click on this icon, we get the following option. (DESCRIPTION) A menu appears. (SPEECH) So we have Lock obviously that is through locked application. We have Disconnect-- that is if you would like to go back to the login screen-- say, for a purpose, you're walking away from your desk, disconnect will be the best option. You can go ahead and log in back again as you come back to your desk. Change Password, that is to change your password in case of you would like to switch a different password. And Associate Account, we're going to go ahead and leave that, because that will be more of an advanced feature. And for options, we're going to click on Options here. So these are your general options that the system will provide. So here, do you have-- if you would like to set, for example, the time that your system logs out itself as is being inactive, you can always go ahead and set that time over here. As you can see, by default, it's set to 30 minutes. But if you would like to extend this longer, you can go ahead and set it. Or perhaps make it shorter. You could always change it. Again, it's in minutes. On Start-- that's basically the web page that we were talking about. Let's go ahead and click over here On Start, and that will give us the news and updates that are coming up for TE-- and eTest, too. They're both one same database. Then you'll also notice that it also tells you to give you a warning for the remaining WTUs. Once again, WTU stands for Web Test Unit, and this is for those e-Test users. And basically, the system, as you log in, is going to go ahead and give you a update of your WTUs use you happen to be lower than the amount specified over here. So if you are a big agency, 500 will be fine to have as a reminder. If you're a smaller agency, on the other hand, perhaps you want to lower that. I believe that the lowest you can put is 100. But either way. The purpose of this is so that you can go ahead and order new WTUs before this expires. How do you order WTUs? You go through the CASAS website, and there's an order button where you can go ahead and select your WTUs. The department for orders required three to five days of processing. Those are working days, business days. So you have to do it within timing at best. So you might ask, what happens if I hit zero? The system will not stop you from testing. You will get a friendly call from CASAS, saying, hey, you are on the negative. But there is no-- there is no stopping of the test before, if you just reach zero. But either way, by all means you, have to go purchase those WTUs before you reach to zero, all right? So we're going to click on the Edit/View. So the Edit/View basically tells you how names are displayed, whether they are to be on proper settings-- so basically proper is the first letter of the name will be become a capital-- All Uppercases will be, as it says, for all letters to be uppercase. Or unchanged, whether it's lowercase or uppercase, first letter, last letter, it's unchanged, all right? So as you can see the default setting, it's proper, all right? We're going to switch to Listers. And under Listers, here you have default setting for your Listers. So if these are all defaults, and there is no need to change to any of this-- notice that the Listers will autorefresh refresh so if you want to change an ID, the system will go ahead and autorefresh. There is no need for refreshing and so forth. So you have a different settings that are default. We're going to click or Reports. And under Reports-- again, these are all the settings for default. And we're just going to leave everything as default for now, OK? (DESCRIPTION) He clicks Imports from the menu along the top of the Options box. (SPEECH) So these are your settings for your imports. Notice that for those of you who are you are using cumulated hours, there is an option over here through importing through a third-party system to collect those hours ask cumulated. Those are different types of hours that the system receives for attendance. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks Exports from the menu along the top of the Options box. (SPEECH) And for Export, here you have it-- as you know, you have the capability of exporting data to different third-party system. So these are your options to export. In addition to these sections, these tasks, we have these little arrow pointing to the right. And we have additional options for your Panels (DESCRIPTION) He clicks Panels from the menu along the top of the Options box. (SPEECH) so we're just going to go ahead and leave that as it is. And your Dashboard, all right? So just to give you a quick review. So I'm going to go ahead and click OK. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks the View button along the top menu of the page. (SPEECH) And next, we're going to go ahead and continue with the View button, all right? So looking-- our documents here-- printout document-- we are now on page 5-- on page 5. All right. So under View, you have the Start Page. Remember how we're seeing that by default, your staff page would open. Now that we enable that setting under our options in the TE button over here-- so we're going to go ahead and get this screen over here. So this is your starting page. Notice that you have a lot of How-To documents. You have shortcuts, just tips for shortcuts, recent generated reports. So it gives you a preview of what reports you are using the most. And any announcements made by the state, any announcements made by CASAS, by your agency site, and so forth-- alerts, and other information. You can always click this red button to close the screen. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks the red X in the upper right corner. (SPEECH) And now we're going to continue with the next option under View. So again, we're going to go ahead and leave Dashboard to the side. There will be more of an advanced feature. For View, notice that you have Small, Normal, Medium, and Large. So what this does is basically changes is the size of your menus. So notice what happens when I click Large. The menu becomes larger. One thing to disclose is that the larger the menu, though the names of the titles of the menu are, the less real estate you have on your screen. So there will be less space for all their options. So you will see as we travel from one section to the other in TE, that at times when there's too many buttons, the system will use a More button. That is M-O-R-E-- More button. And that will be displayed on the far right upper corner. That button basically will contain a any other button that doesn't fit in my screen. So if I click on the More button, I can go ahead and find any other buttons I'm looking for on that specific screen, all right? So we're going to go ahead and change the view back to normal. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks the Organization button along the top menu of the page. (SPEECH) All right. And now we're going to switch to Organization. So the organization menu basically refers to the agency in general. What exactly is this information? Well, anything that has to do with your agency. That will be your agency information and that will be the very first section, as you see. The fact that this agency has the classes that these agency is given, the user-- TE users, the user accounts that the software have for this agency, their access group-- that's basically the level of access where they can go, what they can do. , Personnel that will be teachers. Test Administrations, that will be your WTUs. So all this information pertains to the agency. Also notice that down the list, we have Testing Sessions. This is very important for those agencies who are doing eTest, especially during this time when we're transitioning from one year to the other, where you're going to find yourself having to copy your sessions from the previous program year. So if you have not copied your sessions from the previous year, or have not logged in under eTest yet, you're going to notice that when you log in under eTest, your screen for eTest under Testing Sessions is empty. Again, this is because the system will go ahead and require you to replicate your sessions from the '19-'20 program year onto the '20-'21. This is a process that even though it has to do with eTest, is done under TE. So that is under your Organization menu in Testing Sessions, all right? So just to give you a little bit of information. So for the practice today, we're going to go ahead and click on Agency. Every agency has one agency record. In this case, this is Rolling Hills Adult School. We're going to double-click on this agency. And notice the format that TE uses where you have a Navigator on the upper left, with all the options presented to the main page. Their main page being, in this case, the agency information page. So here under my Navigator, I have Edit/View-- most of your pages are going to have Edit/View. That's just your current general page. Then also because we're dealing with agency, you have Site-- so I click on Site-- notice that my main page changes to the number of sites I have. Just to give you a quick quiz over here, how many sites do I have under the Rolling Hills database? Without counting them by hand. All right. I will say that, that that is eight. Thank you. And yes, there you go-- eight. And where do you see that? Obviously, you can count them visually, but this count over here is the one that you want to refer to. So there's one other way-- meaning the position of my cursor right now is at the first record out of eight. So a total of eight. Obviously, it's easy to count visually, but this becomes more handy when you have hundreds and hundreds of records and you want to see how many records you have for search criteria. You know, know students under 20 enrolled in ESL. So if you do a filter, which we're going to get there soon, this comes in handy to see the count. All right. Very good. So we're going to go ahead and continue down. Tests Administrations, remember how we talked about your WTUs. So this is Lister format of your WTUs. A little harder to read, I will say, it's best and recommended to switch to a report format, which is under Report, CASAS eTest, and WTU Balance. This will give you a easier way to read this. But essentially, once you understand what the system is doing, you can go ahead and understand the format for this Lister as well. All right, so continuing down, Program Years. What Program Years refers to is the years in which you have been entering data for your agency. So for Rolling Hills, we have a total of 12. Once again, I'm referring to this count over here. We have a total of 12 years of activity. And if I am to expand the column-- notice how I expand the column by clicking in between those two columns. I get that double-sided arrow. I can go ahead and expand this as well as I can expand my funding sources. Those of you who are WIOA, you have your funding sources. And there are your funding sources if you ever need to enable. And you have your years of activity, all right? So users, on the other hand-- we're going to go ahead and click on Users. These are the users that you have created under your own agency. Of course, we're talking about, in this case, about a simulation database, and these are the users that are available in the system. So I stand corrected over here. I said that there is about 50, but it seems that there is higher now. So we have 59, 60-- yes-- we have a total of 60, apparently, users. You might notice that we also have coordinators, we have proctors, and so forth. Those are basically for the simulation part of eTest. So you can not only do a simulation-- log into the simulation website or simulation database for TE to manage your Rolling Hills data, but you could also use the simulation part of eTest, and that will be to go into the etestonline/rollinghills. All that information, we can give you that information you are to contact us at tech support. And you would also see-- let's see-- I don't even see that information. Oh yeah. That information is on page 3, just for your reference. The training page-- the training website is on page 3. That is etestonline.org/rollinghills/html5, just as a reference, OK? So these are your users. Users will require a level of access code that basically determines what about access they are to have. All right. So and as you can tell, there's older information, such as class definition over here, personnel, which will be teachers-- those of you who need to create your teachers, this is one way to access the teachers and so forth. So we're to go ahead and close this, we're going to move along. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks the red X on the Agencies tab. He then clicks the Organization tab to reveal the menu. (SPEECH) And just to show you in addition to agencies, you have classes, you have users, and this data may repeat from what you saw on the Navigator. There's different ways that data could be accessed in TE. But just to quickly show you the display of your classes. So under Organization, Classes, you have Definitions and Instances. So the way TE structures the class format is by first creating a definition and then an instance. What is the definition? As the name suggests, the definition basically carries the ID of the class, it carries the name of your class. So there name or description of your class, I should say. So if I am to create a class, the very first thing I want to do is set a definition. (DESCRIPTION) The instructor hovers over Classes and then chooses Definitions. (SPEECH) When you create a definition, there is no such of a date or anything like that because the definition is-- I'm going to click on the New button here-- the definition does not carry any timeframe. The definition is just purely your ID and your description. Of course, that's all the information that is presented, but the minimum amount of information you need to save a record will be a class ID and a class description. The record would have to be saved under the site level. Once you create that definition-- let's go ahead and quickly create one, so I'm going to save the ID. Notice that TE will take numerical and alphabetical characters. So I'm just going to say CASAS 2020. That will be my ID. And my description will be ESL beginning, OK? (DESCRIPTION) He clicks Save at the top of the form. (SPEECH) So once I click Save over here-- notice that I'm under the agency level. Notice what happens over here. The system will tell me that the class has to be assigned under the agency level. So I'm going to go ahead and set it under North Campus, all right? Then I'm going to click Save. Once I click save, notice what happened on my Navigator. So remember, the Navigator refers to the different sections that pertain to the main page over here. In this case, this main page being my class definition. So now that I created a class definition, I have the opportunity to create a Class Instance, Class Enrollment, Class Records, and add Features. So in Class Instance-- Instances, I'm sorry-- this is where you enter the parameters of that class that pertains to the current program year. So if I am to click on the New button here, notice that I have my site and I have the program year. So in this case, would be my current program year. And you have to TE saving automatically a start and an end date update for my class. Obviously, your class does not start on 7/01/2020. And obviously, your class does not end on 6/30/2021. This is just TE letting you know that these two fields are required in order to save the record. You can always change this record by clicking, deleting these, and entering a new date, or choosing a date from your calendar. So you click over here and it will give you the date. In addition to that, you would go ahead and set your instructional programs here-- any special programs could be set over here. Those of you, who, by the way, are doing distance learning will go ahead and use this menu as well. So distance learning is over here. So while that will be a completely separate subject. But this is where you set up your distance learning classes. So when you enter any of the information that pertains to your class. Again, if this will be a distance learning, you are to determine if this will be classroom plus distance learning or distance learning only-- so we'll just set this as distance learning only. Physical Settings, let's just go ahead and do home over here. And here you are to enter the days that the classes being held. And on the bottom, you are to determine whether this class will collect attendance for distance learning. Notice that by default, it's set as not specified. So we can click on the pulldown menu and say, yes, this class will collect distance learning hours. And then you are to determine the duration of the class in minutes. So that is the daily duration of that class. And here, you go ahead in determines their total time in hours-- notice this is in hours now-- of the class in the term. So this will be for the day, this will be for the term. And obviously, here you specify the distance learning minutes for that specific day, all right? Any questions so far, Janice and Martha? Have I missed anything? Is there anything that needs to be addressed live? There is a couple of questions, Oscar, on the chat box. [INTERPOSING VOICES] is asking, is a class ID the name of the class? I entered a response in there saying that the class ID is the number that he can assign to a class, like for example, class 101. And the class description would be the name of the class-- for example, ESL beginning-- that would be an example. There was another question asked-- Miss Hoffman or Mr. Hoffman is saying, what if you go from classroom to distance learning due to conditions that are out of your control? Very good question. Very good question. So if that is the case-- and perhaps Janice will be the best person to answer this question. Janice, are you there? She had to exit. She had to exit. OK. Very good. So if that is the case, basically a distance learning class is one that would do more than 50% of its time, of its attendance time, through distance learning. If you happen to have a class that does not-- will not-- you basically are to foreseen this. It's difficult because we don't know when we're going back in many of the cases here. So if you do know, you basically set your class regularly without distance learning. And then notice that when you do distance learning, though, here the system will let you select the in-classroom hours versus the distance learning. This is why you are to determine here the amount of time in minutes for the class. And out of that, you are to determine, over here in this field, Distance Learning Duration in Minutes, the amount of time per class that is consumed only for distance learning. So the system does a calculation right there, m and determines if you're saying that the class lasts two hours, and you're only claiming one hour under distance learning, therefore the other hour will be your either instructional in a classroom, or perhaps this will be the homework time for the student, or so forth. But definitely that is a good question. The system will give you the capability of entering in-classroom hours and divide them or specify those distance learning hours from the in-classroom instructional time, all right? Very good questions. All right. So we're going to go ahead and continue. I'm going to go ahead and close this tab. Notice what the system does as I am traveling from one section to the other. So the system provides me with these bread crumbs of tasks, so I can basically go back to where I was before by clicking on the previous tab-- by clicking on the previous tab. If I don't need them anymore, I can just go ahead and click on the More button. Remember the More button we that earlier? (DESCRIPTION) Top right-hand corner (SPEECH) Here it is. I'm going to click on the More button, and I can go ahead and close my pages-- I'm sorry, page is over here-- it's over here. But either way, this is your More button over here. Basically, what this is telling me is that there is not enough space over here to fit all these buttons. So it's going to give me a More bottom, and give me the additional options to export, to print, to disconnect, and so forth, all right? So we're going to go ahead and click on Pages and Close All Pages. When I close all pages, if there is any record that is pending, the system will go ahead and ask me if this is needed to be saved. So we're going to say no in this case. All right. So next we're going to continue with Records. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks on Records along the menu at the top of the screen. (SPEECH) So you might ask, what is the difference between Organization and Records? So remember, Organization pertains to the information for your agency. Records, on the other hand, pertains to be information for the student. What does that mean? Well, what is, for example, the demographics of your student? What are the demographics of the student? What classes the student is enrolled to, what programs the student is enrolled to, the test the student has taken, and so forth. So this all pertains to the student. So we're going to go ahead and go to Records, Students, Demographics-- Records, Students, Demographics. So what you're going to see here is what we call a Lister. Basically, it is a spreadsheet with rows and columns of those students that are active in the program year. I'm emphasizing the word active because say, for example, if you were to create a demographic record just like their way of creating a class definition, there is no date set for that demographic record because the purpose of this is for that demographic record to be available across years. But once you enter activity for the current program year-- and by activity, I mean class enrollment, program enrollment, hours of attendance, tests, any of those records will contain a date that falls under the correct program year. Then the system will go ahead an create activity for the current student. So these records that you see listed over here, they all have activity in the current program year. If you are creating a new student and click on the New button-- notice the New button will always be on the upper left-- and you just created a demographic record, do not enter-- if you happen not to enter any activity, don't expect to see that demographic record appearing on this list. But once you enter that activity, then you can go ahead and see that student being populated under this Lister. So you might ask yourself, well, after-- if I create the demographic record, but how am I going to add to an activity if I cannot even access the record through this Lister? That's a fair question. So what you need to do in the event that you are creating a demographic record, and need to follow up at a later point-- or right after, even-- with activity, you can go ahead and click on this Filter button. The Filter button sets the default for each Lister. So here, the default setting is by current program year. So obviously, if the current program year will be your 2021 year. Meaning, if the student have any activity-- class enrollment, program enrollment, hours, tests-- in the current program year, it would automatically appear in this list. If the student does not, it will not appear. So if you want to remove this option over here-- notice my count over here, by the way, is 6,790. If I am to click OK now, the system is going to be looking up cross years regardless of their status or activity, whether they have only a demographic, or they have all kinds of activity across years. The system is going to go ahead and give me that total number. So what is the number? We're going to click on the handy-dandy More button. Notice now the number is different. We have 15,194 records. Obviously, this is every record possible under the 12 years or so that we have in the database, all right? So if you need to look for any records that does not have activity, the trick is click on the Filter button, remove the option of current program year, which is already removed, then click OK. And now you can go ahead and search for that record. Now since we are at the Lister page will be here, let me go ahead and address some of these buttons, all right? So just to check on our documentation page, we are basically on page 6, addressing records, all right? So page 6 and some of the page-- page 8, I'm sorry. So page 8. All right. So you know, the New button creates a new demographic record. If we click on that New button, notice that the system will go ahead and give me a blank page with the demographic information. There is a new feature, by the way, on TE generating a new ID for agencies. This is a brand new feature that was just released a couple of weeks ago, or maybe perhaps just as far as a month, I will say. So TE now generates IDs for you, and it's a very useful feature. And so you don't have to create one, you to have to assign one. Of course, if you have your registration database that does one, then it's up to you whether you want to follow that format or a format for TE. If you would like to have more information about the generation of student IDs, do know that that is under Organization, Agencies-- we're going to go ahead and take you back over here. I'm going to click with the Agency Record, click on the pencil icon over here, and we want to enable this right here-- ID autogeneration method. Notice that by default, it's set as none. You want to go ahead and change these and switch it to a any format that caters best for your agency, whether this is a random number, whether it uses a fixed 10-digit number, or this is a combination of the name plus the birthday plus a random number-- it all depends. The system will go ahead and do that. And if you do so, do know that your agencies that are already existing your database will not change. They're still the same. So this is just for any new record that you are to create, all right? So that's little tip for a new feature that's coming-- that has been released, I'm sorry-- for the generation of IDs. Let me go back to the Lister. And you want to enter this information. The minimum amount of information in order to create a student ID will be ID, obviously, and I believe it's just ID now because the system will go ahead and-- let's just go ahead and test this out. So I'm going to go ahead and do Oscar123. (DESCRIPTION) He enters Oscar 1 2 3 in the student ID field. (SPEECH) And I'm just going to go ahead and say that. Now one thing to point out is that we are saving under the agency level. The system won't tell us, just like with the class-- remember how we created the class definition and it asked us to save it under the site? It's going to ask us to do the same. There you go. So please select a site, not an agency. So we're going to go ahead and save it under North Campus once again. And also notice that the system will highlight the areas that are necessary. So this is a good guidance of what is necessary in order to save this record. I'm going to go ahead and populate these fields-- first name, last name, and we have a gender. Notice that under gender-- that's a new field as well-- we have nonbinary as well, all right? So notice the birthday was not a necessary field. So there is-- obviously, you want to have as much information as possible. But if this information comes through another means-- let's say, through testing, for eTest or an import perhaps, you have the option to do it one way or another. So I'm going to go ahead and click Save. (DESCRIPTION) The instructor clicks Save from the menu along the top of the student information page. (SPEECH) Required ID is missing-- of course. It changed the ID, so we're going to do Oscar123-- so Save. There you go. So now the record let me save. So again, let me ask you this question. Should I expect this demographic record to appear under my demographic Lister? Quick answer-- the answer is no because there is no mention of date. Nothing to do with the birthdate, that's not a date of activity. There was no mention of dates in this form, as you can see. So if I need to access Oscar the record over here, I would have to make sure that I cleared the filters as I did so I can go ahead and access these records. How do I look for a record? Well, there's different ways to do so. If I am to click-- notice that each column has this little icon that looks like a funnel, right? So this funnel is basically called Add Filters. So if I am to click under my Add Filter for a student ID, I think go ahead and enter the ID Oscar123. And I usually like to select Contains because-- as supposed to the default Start With, if my ID does not start with exactly what I'm setting, this system is not going to give me any matches. Whereas if I click Contains, even if my-- the way I entered the name is close, then the system will go ahead and give me that result. There it is. There's Oscar123, all right? So again this only works when I remove the filter option. All right so in addition to that, you have Aggregated-- Aggregated means basically when the student has activity under multiple sites it aggregates the information under one record, but obviously, there is data from multiple sites. There are subsites and that it means when you have a breakdown of a site, and then another breakdown of another level of a breakdown under a site-- that will be a subsite. So it tells me what are the subsites. Filter, we already said, that's basically setting up some filters in addition to my Add Filter button over here. I have tons of default filters here that I can go ahead and use them, all right? So then you have Columns. Columns basically tells you the default columns that are addressed for that is specifically Lister. But in addition to that, I could also bring an address, I can also bring age, I could also bring email. Any of this information is also viewable by just clicking on that. In addition to that, I can always right-click on my title bar-- this is what we call the title bar, the bar on the top where you have the titles for the columns-- and it gives me that same list where I can choose Additional Columns. This list changes depending on the page that I'm on. If I am at program enrollment, the options are going to be more pertaining to the enrollment of the student in a program, all right? So but those are additional columns. In addition to these subjects, you can also remove the columns. So I can right-click on a specific column and choose Hide Native Language. Which when I do that, that disappears. If I right-click again and say, Show Age, it will go ahead and give me that column for age. And notice that any column that I bring also contains its own filter. For filter for age, you have start and end with. For ethnicity, on the other hand, you actually have available ethnicities there for you to filter. It all pertains to do column that you are selecting, all right? So to keep going now, we're going to go ahead and continue here. Sort, as the name says, is just to sort from A through Z . Delete, be very careful, that is to delete a record. If the record has activity, you will have to delete the activity first before you can delete the record. And a lot of times you are required to have a second person to confirm that deletion. That is just a mechanism that the programmers have set as a security for people not to go crazy deleting, because trust me, we have seen that situation in tech support. And just a reminder, you're dealing with a live database. So there is no undo process here. This is not Microsoft Word, where you can click Undo until the beginning of your document. No. If there is no such thing of undoing. This is all live, all right? So then you have Batch Delete-- takes the concerns of deleting to a higher level. Batch Edit, if you are looking to edit multiple records with the same information Batch Edit will be the button. Notice that these two buttons are not selected, are not highlighted-- or grayed out, I should say-- because it requires multiple records-- a selection of multiple records to appear. Here's my count again-- and any other buttons that don't have space under my screen will come under the More. So here, you have the Print button. Here you have the Export-- those of you who are looking to export. Another new feature that has been released is your RLI invite. So those are basically locators or a placement forms that you can go ahead and send through the demographic records. It's an the invitation that is sent either through email, or text, or perhaps both. And the student gets that, and can go ahead and take that placement test in the comfortable environment or home without a proctor. There is no need of a proctor. They get it through their phone, they get it through their email. They take that locator-- or I'm sorry, that appraisal-- and once they finish, it's translated to or it's reported back to your database in TE. So it's very, very handy. It's not a test. It's a form of a placement test. And it's basically used so that once the student shows up, it puts you in the head start of you know what tests to give the student once they show up to the agency, or if you would like to do a proctored remote testing, you can go ahead and follow up with that. So that will be a very handy feature. Any questions so far, Martha? Or anything that you would like to add, Martha? No, I think we're fine. I've answered a few questions on the chat box. Thank you. OK. Very good. Thank you. All right. So moving along, we're going to go ahead and close that student tab. So I'm going to go ahead and click on that X to close that. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks on the red X on the Students tab. (SPEECH) And we're going to move to Reports. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks on Reports along the menu at the top of the screen and another menu appears. (SPEECH) Again, for those of you who are looking to get more into reports, we're just doing an overview over here. But those of you who are looking to get about deeper into reports, I suggest you to please, please register to Martha's session tomorrow, all right? So under Reports, we have multiple reports of, whether these are reports related with eTest, whether these are reports related with your demographics, whether these are reports related with your test results, which is one of the most common areas. So let's go ahead and quickly run one example for some of the areas. So I'm going to go ahead and start with CASAS eTest and WTU Balance. Let's see-- let's hope that-- again, we're working with simulated data over here, so I'm hoping that there is data over here for this report. Notice that all I did was click on the Generate button on the top and it generates my report. OK, very good. So here we are. So this report, this is your WTU balance-- Web Tests Units-- again, these are the units that are consumed in eTest when the student is to test. So you can see on the report that it tells you when the purchase happened of your WTUs, anywhere from the beginning-- this was back in 8/12/2015 to the very latest purchase, that was on 7/16/2018. The system does the calculation, and basically does the pluses and minuses of consumption here, and it gives you the total. So the grand total we have for the Rolling Hills WTUs is 4,007 WTUs. That's basically the addition of all these remaining balances, all right? So this is a lot easier than referring to their previous section, which was Organization and Test Administration. So this is easier to read, all right? But essentially the numbers are the same. All right. So that is your WTU report. Notice that on the bottom, you have a criteria. It basically tells you the selections that you have made in order to run this report. Obviously, the selections were default, and all you needed to do in this case-- which in a lot of the cases for the reports, is just to click on the Generate button. You don't have to make changes unless you're looking for specific criteria. So we're going to go ahead and close this, go back to Reports, and we're going to switch to Test Results-- Test Results. So under Test Results, we're going to go ahead and show you a couple of them. So we're going to start with Competency Performance. So student competency performance. Now notice that the reports have different options. One of the options here is to select for a particular program here, specific date. When it comes to the date-- and this is just a heads-up-- it's a little tricky because when you are selecting a specific date, you're basically excluding the activity that happens outside of that timeframe. So not a good perhaps some suggestion to do dates. It can be deceiving as far as information that it shows. Notice that part of your information, it says Warn if too many pages. So if this report generates too many pages, it gives you a warning. Let me give you a quick story when I was working at the field. So one time, a data manager comes and says, I need the payment points monitor report. She did not know the difference between a monitor report in the payment points alone summary report. So my assumption was that she needed to get it printed. And she did want it to get it printed. So I went ahead and clicked on Print, and walk out on my desk. When I came back, the floor was full of paper because this particular report, the monitor, it's hundreds and hundreds of pages. So this is a good feature that the programmers have set out to avoid these kinds of situations. It tells you when the report has too many pages, that the report has too many pages and gives you a heads-up if you want it still generate in case you want to print. So you won't be under the same situation I was. So you can go ahead and remove that. In addition to that, you can further filter by these options. Remember how we said the Navigator will show you the options that you have for that main page. (DESCRIPTION) Options located along the left-hand side of the page. (SPEECH) In this case, since we're talking about a test-driven report, you have the class definitions, the class instances, the students that are active in the current program year, or perhaps you want to filter by teachers, or by the test itself. So we can go ahead and do class instances in this case. Notice when I click on Class Instances, it gives me the classes for this program year. And I can go ahead and select the right class. I can further filter using my Add Filters button for different parameters. So let's just say ESL-- so and I'm going to go on ahead and hopefully, I get to select something that has activity here. So I'm just going to hopefully select something that is current. So I'm going to unselect my classes, and I'm going to select these couple classes, hoping that it has some data. So I'm going to go ahead and Generate. (DESCRIPTION) The instructor clicks Generate from the menu along the top of the student competency page. (SPEECH) Noticed that other than that-- well, look at that. The report can't display data that meets this criteria. Again, this is simulation data, so there is no sufficient data for these records. Martha, do happen to have-- do you happen to know any class that happens to have a TBD for ESL, say? Under the Rolling Hills-- Well, you could look into their Organization Classes Lister, and perhaps look through the class start dates from there. Let me check here in my TE. Try the North site. I would try the North site. So we're going to click on this other menu, and we're going to select North site. All right. Very good. So within this one, let's just go ahead and select couple of classes here hoping that any of these will go ahead and give me the data. So let's go ahead and Generate once over. (DESCRIPTION) The instructor clicks Generate from the menu along the top of the student competency page. A message appears that the report is generating. (SPEECH) Looks promising because it's taking a little longer than-- well, look at this right here. This report has too many pages, and gives me a total of 671. So here I have the option of either deselecting some of these classes or going back to my settings and remove that option to warn if too many pages. So I'm just going to go ahead and deselect some and just leave three. Let's see what it tells me now. (DESCRIPTION) The instructor clicks Generate from the menu along the top of the student competency page. A message appears that the report is generating. A gear turns as the report generates. (SPEECH) Again, the report is taking its time, so that means it's rendering, otherwise it would have come up right away would that message that says that there is no data that meets these criteria. And obviously, depending on the amount of records that are to be processed within that safety net it has of safe pages to be generated is how long it's going to take. So very good. So here you have your report. Notice that it tells me the agency, the site, the class, students enrolled to, the teacher was not selected. Notice that the form-- the report is divided by the form. This particular form is your ESL 185R-- that's for Reading. That's on the higher end of your level. That's Level C. And you have the position of the question, of whether it's correct or not. And this is for everyone under-- oh, actually, no. You know what? I take that back. This is for particular students. And this is why it takes so many pages, because you potentially have 30 students under one class. You're assigning at least one page per student, and you can see how long this will take. But the type of information is very useful for your teachers. So here you have the competency description, and you can see whether the student-- the difficulty level of the task here, and you can see whether the student had the questions correct or not, if they need enforcement or describing symbols, identifying body parts, and interpreting directions, same thing as take-- interpret in the four messages. So perhaps the student needs reinforcement. In addition to that, you could run the same report by the class, which perhaps will be even more useful. And you can address those areas as a teacher that need to be reinforced. If all students, or the majority of students, got question 16 wrong, then perhaps the instructor needs to do some reinforcement on the instructional material for this item, all right? So that will be a very useful report. We're going to go ahead and switch. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks reports on the menu along the top of the page. (SPEECH) So we did WTUs, we did the competency performance, and we are also going to do-- under Reports, those of you who are WIOA we'll do the NRS data integrity. Those of you who are CAEP would do the CAEP. Obviously, in this case, we're using the simulation database, and there is no data for CAEP. But under Cape, you see that tables, you see barriers of employment, you have your data integrity, which is a very, very useful report. You have your program hours. So just to give you a little bit of information about the data integrate-- those of you who do not know we like to refer to the data integrity the inventory report. Why inventory? Because the data it shows under the data integrity is an inventory of your data. How many tests you have, how many students you have with less than 12 hours of instruction, how many students you have with more than four hours of instructions but no tests. (DESCRIPTION) The instructor clicks Report, Data Management, and then NRS Data Integrity. (SPEECH) Let me go ahead and run the NRS data integrity, which will give you an idea, a visual idea of what this report looks like. Obviously, these are addressed for NRS-- just keep that in mind. I'm going to go ahead and generate. So all I'm doing over here is I'm selecting-- notice I'm selecting the '19-'20 because this is a complete year. It gives me more of a better idea. And I'm going to go ahead and click Generate. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks the Generate button at the top of the tab's page. A message appears that reads, NRS Data Integrity report is generating. (SPEECH) OK, very good. Oscar? So-- go ahead, I'm sorry? Maybe you can-- after those, you can probably run a few of the CAEP reports to show the examples. Say that again? I'm sorry, Martha. Maybe you can show at the end-- after you explain this DIR, you can probably show a couple of CAEP reports. So by CAEP, you mean these ones over here? Yeah, let me try to enable those on the account. OK. I'll work it out on my end. Thank you, Martha. All right. All right. Thank you. All right. So as you notice-- and again, the reason why we are over here on the NRS rather than the CAEP-- it to point this out again-- is that as of right now, there is no data enabled for CAEP. So Martha is going to do us a favor of populating that database. Hopefully we can go ahead and do that. Some of the areas are similar. So just to give you that visual, we're going to go ahead and look at this report in the meantime. There might be a chance that we have to log out and log back in in order to refresh this data. So here you have, again, missing birthdate outside of 16 to 110, so you notice that there is zero. So that's good. Then you have less than 12 hours of instruction. So we have 131, which equals to 62% of your data. So you can see what-- the type of data that the system collects. And this is why we referred to this report as your inventory report. It gives you the percentage to give you that perspective of how much is taken out of your entire population. There are things to expect because we are starting the new year. So say, for example, a student with less than 12 hours, that will be an area that is expected to be higher at the beginning of the program because obviously students haven't had any attendance yet. As you enter attendance, as you continue with the program year, then that number should be lower and lower. Same thing for those students will have pre and post-tests. If this will be a requirement-- pre and post-tests-- at the beginning, your students have only have the pre-tests perhaps, so you would have to allow additional time for that post-test. But in general, this gives you at least an idea of what the data integrity report looks like. And of course, under your own agency, it's just a matter of you going to State Reports, California, and your report's over here. So once again, you have the tables, you have barriers to employment, you have your data integrity, and you have your program hours. Those are the four reports that are available for CAEP. So we're going to go ahead and continue and wait for Martha's green light to log out and log back in and generate this data. In addition, obviously I would ask you to always-- if there are any questions that we didn't cover-- again, we just have a fixed period of time, you can go ahead and send us a email. And the email is techsupport@casas.org. So here you go. It's-- Sorry, over here-- techsupport@casas.org, or you can call us at 1-800-255-1036 option 2. The office is open-- or the group is available from 6:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon. That is Pacific time, all right? So 6:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon. That translates to 9:00 to 8:00 on Eastern time, Monday through Friday, all right? So just as a heads up. So let's go ahead and switch back over here. And we're going to continue and then go back to this report when we get the green light from Martha. All right. So we're going to go ahead and do a Federal Reports. So again, it shows you the federal data-- again, this is the NRS-driven. We're going to go ahead and skip that. But essentially, under Reports-- this is where you see your information-- let's go ahead and do some demographic information over here, which pertains also to C-A-E-P, CAEP. So we're going to go ahead and do-- let's do demographic detail-- detail or summary? Let's do summary. So demographic summary, all right? So I'm going to Reports, Demographic, and Demographic Summary. All right. So I'm going to go ahead and generate. So I'm not making any chances on my screen, as you notice. I'm just clicking on the Generate. so I'm going to see what these-- so here are all my percentages and numbers based on demographics. If I need information about the age of my students-- so here's the breakdown-- the diploma, highest diplomas achieved by students, gender, and so forth. So you have a program over here, you have lowest program enrollments here as well. You have highest school of-- enrolled, and ethnicity, and so forth. Everything that pertains to your demographic is contained over here. Now this is data only. So it's a lot of data. And if you are looking to have a visual of this data, this is one of the reports that will provide you with one. So notice that I click on Layout Settings. (DESCRIPTION) Oscar clicks Layout Setting on the menu along the top of the Demographic Summary tab. (SPEECH) Under Layout Settings, I can click on the type of charts I would like. Whether this is a pie chart, a bar chart, or a combination of the two. So I'm going to go ahead and choose a pie for now. And I'm going to click on Apply. So now the system is going to render all that data it showed me. And now it's going to give me that same data, but it's going to give me also a chart for that. So now I get to see that those students with Social Security-- you have the yeses versus the nos. And you have your legend over here, by the way, in the corner. Same thing with age. We can see that the highest group will be other, I will not say specify 57 percentage-- I will finish this other. And I'm going to go ahead and scroll down. Same thing, highest years of school, there is your bar. If this is too hard to read, perhaps, you can always switch under Layout Settings and switch to any other type of bar. You can have the breakdown under site, under classes, and so forth. So I'm going to go ahead and scroll down and modify my chart, and then do the bars. So here you go. So the bar-- same information, it's just in a different visual format, all right? So that will be your demographic information-- demographic summary report, all right? So let me go ahead and continue over here. And I'm going to Tools. We're going to go ahead and finish soon, and then we're going to go ahead and address any questions that have not been answered, all right? So Tools-- Tools being almost the last option here. So Tools, as the name suggests, are the different tools that are needed in their software to do different tasks. Those of you who are familiar with scanning will know that the system does accept the input of data through a scanner. This is just not a regular scanner. This is not your Xerox scanner. Is a specific scanner that is sold through a Scantron. So and obviously, if you need more information about the scanning, please go ahead and send us an email to techsupport@casas.org, and we'll refer you to the list of scanners and vendors. obviously, CASAS does not sell scanners, but we can refer you to the vendor that-- and the models that are compatible with TE, all right? So again, just to recap, TE does accept data through scanning. And when you are scanning, those are scanning bubble sheets, and they're double-sided. So they come in different combinations, whether it's test and entry, test and update, test and test, there's multiple combination depending on how the data is used. Usually, the most common will be test and entry because you are to give an entry at the point of free testing, and then test and update because you to give an update at the point of post-testing. That's just the most common I've heard. All right. So the next one is your Third Party Import Wizard. So those of you who are importing data, that is your import wizard, and you can import data from any third-party database as long as you follow the parameters that are to be given for that import file so that TE will go ahead and recognize that import that you're doing. Let me quickly refer you to these parameters. I'm going to go ahead and go to the CASAS website. So in the CASAS website, I'm going to go to Training and Support. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks Training and Support in the menu along the top of the page. (SPEECH) And then under Training and Support, I'm going to go ahead and click on-- we'll go ahead and click on TOPSpro Enterprise Help on the side menu, and then we're going to click on Data Exchange. Data Exchange basically carries all your third-party data here. So TOPSpro Enterprise Data Exchange Specifications, this will be the document that you want to download. When you download this, this specify the settings that are needed for each of these data. Notice that you have personal and user data, which basically is features, class data, which is your class definitions and instances-- your definitions and instances. Demographic will be your demographic records. Students and program status, there will be the enrollment of students into program. Data entry, this will be your entry record. Attendance, your attendance data, your test data. Your student class status will be basically the enrollment of students into classes. And then your update form and any other exams that are needed. So let's just go ahead and switch to-- turn to page 3 because we're talking about demographics before. So we're going to go to page 3. (DESCRIPTION) He scrolls down the document until he finds the page titled 3 - Demographics Data (D E M). (SPEECH) OK. Let's go ahead and do it by hand. So demographics here-- there you go. All right, so demographics. So notice that the format over here, you have row 1, which will equal-- by the way, this will be-- this are to be set in an Excel sheet and then to be exported as a CSV when you are to import them to TE. So the format you want to follow is row 1, which is vendor code will be the equal of column A under your spreadsheet. Row 2, which your state code, will be the equal of column B under your spreadsheet. And same thing, agency ID will be column C, site ID will be column D, and so forth. In addition, notice the required a format, it has to be within the maximum length of characters here. And it also gives you-- if there is a format that is required, it tells you-- in the case of gender, for example, that will be row 9, you have M for Male, F for Female, 3 for unknown, and N for nonbinary, all right? So you would have to follow those formats. Same thing with birthdate. There is the requirement of two dates for the month, two dates for there were day, in four digits for the year altogether. So this is what your programmer has to do either set under your third-party attendance, or you would have to populate a spreadsheet with that. Now we do have some templates that are to be used for this. And again, we can provide you all that information with-- just send us an email to techsupport@casas.org and we can provide you with this information. One quick last thing to mention about this is that in order for you to be able to import data to TE, there is a vendor code that is needed. Notice that that is the very first requirement here, Vendor Code. The vendor code is provided by the programmers. So what you need to do is use one of our templates which has already the columns for that specific data that's a demographic populated with your data-- so just say three to five students, rows of students, and submit that to techsupport@casas.org. That is given to the programmers. The programmers will look that everything was done correctly, and if it has, then the programmers will assign you with a vendor code. And then you can move forward with importing-- populating that spreadsheet fully, and then importing it onto it. This process has to be done for each of these items over here on the top, for personal and user data, for class data, for demographic, for student program status, and so forth. So each one of them will require for you to submit one of these. Why? Because this is a way of the programmers to assure that you are doing the process correctly so that you don't encounter any error under the import process. So it's just a way to do a check-up before you are to import. So Martha, do you have any questions there? There is one question related to that the reading level indicator invitation, so if you would like to address that one. It's on the chat box. Go ahead, please. It says, can you please review how to get to this send RLI invite-- Reading Level Indicator? Very good. Very good point. Thank you. Thank you for that reminder. All right. Very good. So as we say, for this to happen, you have to be under the demographic Lister, all right? So under the demographic Lister, you are to double-click on one of those records-- actually, no, I'm sorry. I take that back. You are to click on the more button. And here you have the send RLI Invite. So obviously, you want to make sure that that record has an email within the demographic data, and a phone number, whether that is a-- it's best, obviously, if it's a cell number because that will be sent in the form of a text. So it all depends on the settings that we are to select next. So first step, again, go to Record, Student Demographics. Once you have selected a record, you click on Send RLI Invite. And then it's asking you to select one. By the way, you can select multiple at the same time, if the all pertain with the same data. So then the system is going to take you to this wizard. We're going to go ahead and click Next. We're going to go ahead and click Next one more time. That's just acknowledging that we have selected this particular record. Notice that the system will then ask us to select what type invite we want to do. Is this going to be an email only? Is this going to be a text only? Is this going to be first by email, or first by text, or we want to send it on both? I will have to say that this might be the most popular-- send them both email and text-- it's just one click when you basically are pushing through both of those means. So while we're just going to go ahead and select that, click Next, and then it gives us primary dates. So you can go ahead and leave them as default. And then it gives you the capability of customizing your invite. Those of you who are familiar with the core performance follow up survey, this is the same approach. So we're going to go ahead and click on Apply Invitation Customization. This is perfect for those agencies that would like to customize and perhaps change the language of the invite. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks the radio button for Apply Invitation Customization in the lower right corner. He then clicks Next in the lower right corner. (SPEECH) You can add, or take, or perhaps you can translate it to any other language. You can go ahead and use these fields to do so. So once you're done, you can go ahead and click Next. The system will go ahead and save that. And then once you click on Finish, allow some time for the server to do the connection and the send that invite. The student would have-- would get the invite on their end, will answer the LRI-- the placement for test, I believe is for 40 minutes. And it's not proctored, so there is no need of a proctor. Obviously, this student is doing that from the comfort of their home using their software or using their computer. Once they're done, they can go ahead and submit. The student can pause if they choose to. Not suggested, but if it's needed, the student can pause and the system basically we hold the time. But it is a very useful feature. All right. Any questions here? I just posted on the chat pod a link to our YouTube channel, where there is a demonstration and how to send the RLI. Maybe would like to access that or maybe the users can grab those links from the chat pod. Yes. Yes. So let's just go ahead and go back over here. One last question, Oscar. How can administrators grant access to their staff members in case they need to run reports? Very good question. Very good question. So we're talking about access scripts here. All right. We're going to go ahead and switch to TE, and then we'll address these the video-- I'll address the location of this video. So switching to TE here-- let's see-- all right. So for access groups-- remember this is an area that is covered under the Organization. So we're going to refer to the Organization menu. And under the organization menu, we're going to go to User-- we're going to go Access Scripts. So there's two ways really to address this. If you're looking to adjust the access group or see the level that access group contains, you can go to Access Group. Otherwise, you go to Users-- Organization, and Users. So again, under Users, we have all the users that have been created under the simulation database. So we're going to go ahead and click on the one I have. And I believe mine is-- was it 01? I think I selected 01-- but either way, let's go ahead and double-click on the record over here. Once again, notice that the system uses that same format where you have your main page-- User Information, in this case-- and I have my Navigator here. You want to click on that pencil icon to enable editing. And here you have basically the user name, which is recommended to use their work email. Password-- notice that the password does not display because for safety reasons, if the user needs to-- forgets the password, the best and only way will be to Change Password. So you click on the Change Password, the data manager assign a password, and know that this password will be a temporary password. And when the student-- sorry-- the user is to login, that password will be-- the system will ask the user to reset that password to a permanent password. So again, what you're doing here is just setting a temporary password. And the system will do that by default. The system will ask the user to reset that password, and that becomes their permanent password. Now to address the question how to give access to the user. So that is done through the next field, which is Groups. So you click on the pulldown menu and you select the Access Groups. So notice that under here, this list, we essentially have two types, one that is with the ET-- its starts with a ET-- that's for eTest. And the other one just starts with the TE. That's for TOPSpro Enterprise. So again, eTest is for testing, TOPSpro Enterprise is your data managing software. So you can only assign one of each. If they user your, for example, happens to be a proctor and coordinator, then you use the combo which is ET Coordinator/Proctor. So you don't have to assign one of each. You don't have to assign one of eTest and one in TE. It all depends on the role of the user. But if the user is to be a proctor and coordinator, and in addition, is to be a TE admin-- so you can go ahead and do that. You would basically give them access under eTest and under TE. So to do that, we're going to go ahead and select that. Notice that in addition to that, I have to click on the button Add. Once you click on the Add button, the system makes me as the data manager or the person assigning this access has knowledge for eTest access alone, that I have confirmed that this user has completed the training of proctor and coordinator, and I have copies of the certification. It's just basically to enforce that these users must complete a training which help them to understand the process of testing-- remote testing or just testing in general. So I'm going to go ahead and say Yes. And I'm also going to go ahead and add access for TE Admin. So I can go ahead and select TE Admin Enhance and then click Add. Now obviously in this case, there is already an access there was assigned, so it's going to give me this error. But I'm going to go ahead and disregard that. And on the bottom, in order to create an account, you, in addition to that, need the minimum amount of information of first name, last name, and email. You can obviously enter anything else, but you have to at least, if you're looking to just entered the minimum amount, will be first name, last name, and email, all right? Once you do that, you can go ahead and save. If you are curious about the options on the bottom, just to explain, basically these access rights are called individual access rights, and perhaps should not be touched. Because what happens is this. The system will go ahead and determine the rights based on the group that you are selecting, all right? So the only place where you are to check these areas will be under the access group where you see all the users and you want to see what type of access they're getting. And we're going to go ahead and visit that next. But this right here should be left alone because the user will be getting this type of access based on the group that they are selected. So notice that there's these boxes which basically means that these access levels are coming from the group rather than the individual, all right? So doing that, we're going to go ahead and Cancel for that page. (DESCRIPTION) He clicks the cancel button along the top of the administrator tab. He then clicks Organization and then Access Groups. (SPEECH) And we're going to take you to the Access Groups. So Access Group, this is where you're going to determine what type of level that access group is given to your users. So I'm going to go ahead and click on the TE Admin, which is one of the highest-- the highest, I should say-- and after the data manager. So as you all know, there's only one data manager per agency. That's the person that is ultimately responsible for the database. So no one else can match that level of access. The next one down, if you're looking-- if the data manager is looking to have that second person, that backup person will be TE Admin. So if we are to click under the Menu Access Rights, you'll see that a lot of these are already selected. Everything that applies is selected for that user. Then if we are to click on Data Access Rights, basically you have listing rights, viewing rights, create rights, update rights, delete rights, and check all. So basically, listing is basically doing this-- going to Records, Students, Demographics. And I am listing-- this is listing part. Viewing, on the other hand, which is the next one down, is me being able to double-click on this record and viewing this information. That is the viewing capability. The next one is to create the record-- so obviously to create the record will be if I want to, from this Lister, click on the New button. That is Create. And then Update, obviously, is still going in a particular record and edit the birthdate, edit the ID, and so forth. That will be Update. Obviously, Delete will be to delete a particular record. So that will be the level of access. So it's right now 11:30, and we addressed the last question, which was access groups. Any other questions that need to be addressed? I think you've covered everything. I just wanted to share with the participants who are still signed in that on your chat box, if you can access the chat pod, there's-- under the below right-hand corner, there is a few buttons in the little icon that you can save the chat if you'd like. So you can keep all these URLs or hyperlinks that we have shared through this presentation. That way you can have them handy and be able to access them at a later point and refer back to the chat if you'd like. You can save the chat on your own computer. OK? Thank you. Thank you, Martha. And in addition to that, please do note the session has been recorded and it will be available through a followup email that is to be sent. So Veronica will be taking care of that. And I can only assume that the chat would also be part of that email. So there's going to be a copy saved of the chat. Another thing to mention is our Help and Communication page. I know I mentioned this, but just to give you that reference from the home page, you can always go to Training and Support. You can go to either eTest Online or TOPSpro Enterprise Help. They both have their own page of Help and Communication-- very, very helpful. And then you have different about areas to get help documents. They all have either videos or PDF documents that would take you through step by step of the different tasks that to be done in TE. So let's say, for example, you're looking to-- how to create classes. So you click on the Download and it takes you to Organization, Classes Definition-- remember we did that. We select a site, we selected the appropriate site, enter your class ID, enter code if applies, enter your description, extended ID if applies, and then you save. Then you takes you to your class instances. Remember, the Navigator created a class instance after that. And then it takes you through the steps. In addition to that, also let me refer you to our-- one second over here-- let me refer you to our Contact Us page. And here you have the tech support email. So you have tech support, and you also have our number. So the email is techsupport@casas.org. And the number is 1-800-255-1036 option 2. We are open or available from 6:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon. That is Pacific Standard Time, all right? (DESCRIPTION) https colon slash slash WWW dot casas dot org slash contact dash us (SPEECH) Any other questions, anything else to address? I'll take that as a no. So thank you very much once again for attending to this training. Please check back for any other trainings that you need to. Again, remember there is another training that is to be done by Martha tomorrow for generating reports. All right. Thank you very much, everyone. Have a nice day. Bye. Thank you, Oscar. And thank you. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Thank you, Martha. Thank you, Veronica. Yes. And thank you to all of you who participated in today's webinar. As Martha mentioned, you can download the chat and save it to your desktop. And we have also included the URL of exactly where the webinar recording, the chat, as well as the resources that were shared here will be located on the CAEP website. So definitely be on the lookout for access to all of those materials. As Oscar and Martha mentioned, she will be facilitating a generating reports webinar for us, and we have also included the URL for that. So please be sure to register for all of those opportunities to access training from CASAS. Thank you all very much for your time and your participation, and everyone have a great rest of the day. See you soon. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Veronica. You're welcome.