(DESCRIPTION) Logo, A figure in a circle with one arm raised outside the circle. A circle of light traces upward on the arms and bursts outward. OTAN. (SPEECH) SPEAKER 1: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. (DESCRIPTION) Text, OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. To lead California adult education in the integration of technology into the educational process, ultimately empowering learners to meet their academic, employment and civic goals. A circle with the logo in the center surrounded by faces, with a burst of light that emanates from the circle. It is surrounded by topics: Face-to-Face and Online Training, Teaching with Technology, Teachers' and Administrators' Digests, News Articles, Annual Technology and Distance Learning Symposium, Online Resources for Adult Education. Below, OTAN dot U S -- 916-228-2580. OTAN Online Digital Leadership Academy (D.L.A.C.) 2021. Mid-Project Report: San Diego Community College District, Continuing Education. Presenters: Monica Cueva, E.S.L./V.E.S.L. Technology Coordinator, Elisia Doonan, D.S.P.S. Adjunct Instructor, Jessica Varnado-Swall, E.S.L./V.E.S.L. Online Faculty Mentor. May 14, 2021. Smaller version of logo with starburst. Text and logo, Digital Leadership Academy, Mid-Term Report: Canvas Orientation Module for Limited Learners, May 2021. (SPEECH) MONICA CUEVA: Thank you. Hi, everyone. We will be sharing our mid-term report for a DLAC project with you, which is to create a Canvas orientation module that has resources that are suitable for limited and beginning level learners. (DESCRIPTION) San Diego College of Continuing Education. Logo. Photos of the three presenters. (SPEECH) We are from San Diego College of Continuing Education. I'm Monica Cueva. I teach in intermediate high vessel course in our ESL program. And I'm also our ESL technology coordinator. JESSICA: I'm Jessica Varnado Swall. I'm also an instructor in our ESL program. I teach low beginning level and I have also taught in our online, excuse me, online learning classes. We just developed for this last academic year and I'm also one of the key online faculty mentors. ELISIA: I am Elisia Doonan, I am the DSPS instructor, adjunct instructor for working on the program. (DESCRIPTION) Video stream of the three presenters in a column on the right, each wears a digital small chef's hat. (SPEECH) MONICA CUEVA: Great. And you might be wondering if you can see us why we have won these hats. But it's because we have been whipping up a recipe for the last year that we'd like to share with you, and it's our recipe for a successful and confident online learners. And we have been mixing all of our essential ingredients that you can see on the screen and working together step by step to make sure that we eventually reach our DLAC goal. And our DLAC goal is to create and collate our els and DSPS online orientation resources into a Canvas module that teachers can use in their online, hybrid, or hyflux courses and that can also be used in our student registration and orientation sessions. (DESCRIPTION) Recipe card. Text, Recipe for, Name of dish, successful and confident online learners. Preparation, Mix all ingredients and work step-by-step until D LAC goal is reached: Create and collate all E.S.L. and D.S.P.S. online orientation resources in a Canvas Module to be used by teachers in class and by staff in student registration. Ingredients, Base = E.S.L. + D.S.P.S., Team member Strengths, Team Support, Resources, Faculty and Staff involvement. (SPEECH) And we're making sure to put in and invest the time now to make sure that these resources are open and fully accessible to all students. And we will definitely be sharing the module in campus Commons when it's ready. (DESCRIPTION) Two boxes, Text in upper left box, San Diego College of Continuing Education. Still Serving, 40,000 + students annually, 7 campuses in San Diego. Lower right box has a map of San Diego county and photos, addresses and phone numbers for the seven campuses, both continuing education and college. (SPEECH) And our institution is the largest noncredit institution in California. And we are serving around 40,000 students annually. And we've been around for over 100 years. We have seven different sites throughout San Diego, two of which are located ON Community College campuses. And pre pandemic we also had several offsite locations as well. (DESCRIPTION) Grid with photos and labels of the different academic areas. (SPEECH) And we offer classes in many different program areas. And we also have many different certificate programs available through ST CCE. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Pandemic Response. 20-hour Online Faculty Certification Program (SPEECH) And our institution and individual departments were very supportive and proactive throughout our transition to remote instruction, and they continue to be so today. And because we are part of the community College District, we receive a lot of the support that the colleges receive. And it also means that we have to adhere to the same requirements and guidelines for online learning and instruction that the colleges do. And so in order for all our faculty to be able to continue teaching online in the fall, they we were all required to complete a district online certification program, which is about 20 hours of Canvas training, accessibility equity, and universal design and training. (DESCRIPTION) C.E. and Program Mentoring (SPEECH) So it's really a very comprehensive program that helps build a foundation for our oncoming online faculty. We are also very fortunate to have a full time distance education coordinator for continuing education as well as several online faculty mentors that have been invaluable to our staff and faculty throughout this time. And. Our individual departments also have their own mentoring programs both formally and informally for ESL we continue to have a mentoring program weekly, and teachers are able to access a live Google spreadsheet. They can sign up for a time slot that works for them, and then they can meet with a mentor one on one in a 30 minute or one hour Zoom session. And we have this available for them weekly just to help with any technology questions that they might have. (DESCRIPTION) Daily professional development opportunities through district and outside vendors. Student laptop and hotspot distribution. Teacher technology equipment check-out (SPEECH) We have a lot of professional development opportunities. We were able to offer laptop and hot spot distribution to a number of students, and also teachers have the opportunity to check out technology equipment that they might need for online instruction. (DESCRIPTION) Online learning Skills classes (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced E.S.L.) (SPEECH) We also started online learning skills classes that just because one of the teachers for our ESL program. And these are offered at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. And they help teach students and develop the skills necessary to succeed in their online courses. Right now all of our ESL, most of our courses in CE are only offered online. (DESCRIPTION) E.L. Civics and CASAS assessment online - E.S.L. Intermediate/Advanced (SPEECH) And we also implemented civics and courses assessment online for both intermediate and advanced ESL. (DESCRIPTION) Program Information, E.S.L., Current Semester Enrollment: 6,400 Students. Five bullet points, 7 levels of general E.S.L., 5 levels of Workplace Communication + E.S.L., Transition to College, Citizenship, Special topics classes: Online Learning Skills, Career Pathways, Conversation, Grammar, Reading. Photo of S.D.C.C.E. Citizenship students around a table, one laughs. Note taped on photo, Ingredient #1: Base -- E.S.L. + D.S.P.S. (SPEECH) And our ESL program is rather large. So our current semester enrollment is almost 6,400 students. And we make up almost 40% of CE. We offer these are the classes that we offer listed here. And pre pandemic we also had online and hybrid intermediate and advanced ESL courses that we were teaching. And we had been offering online courses since about 2016. So it was really helpful to have those experienced online and hybrid instructors help train and mentor other faculty as we've been going through this transition. And we introduced two new special topics courses. One is the online learning skills class that I mentioned and the other is a career pathways course, which provides modules and different pathways for our ELS students to practice, including project management, small business, health care careers. I think we also have child development and we have others. And I will pass it over to Elisia to tell us about DSPS. (DESCRIPTION) Program Information, D.S.P.S., Current Semester Enrollment: 1,260 Students. Eight bullet points: Learning Disability (L.D.), Physical Disability, Psychological Disability, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Visual Disability, Acquired Brain Impairment (A.B.I.), Intellectual Disability (ID), Other disabling conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.), Diabetes, Epilepsy, etc. ,Two photos of S.D.C.C.E. D.S.P.S. students. Note taped on photo, Ingredient #1, Base -- E.S.L. + D.S.P.S. (SPEECH) ELISIA: All right. One of the other ingredients for our recipe besides ESL is DSPS. Our current semester enrollment is 1,260 students, one of the students there is a list learning disability, physical disability, psychological and also visual and acquired brain injury impairment. And there's a list the others also. These are some of the classes. These are the classes that we offer with our district. OK. (DESCRIPTION) Building Team Strengths with Dr. Porter. Note taped below. Ingredient #2: Team Strengths. Three overlapping circles, each with a presenter's name. In the upper left circle, Monica, Achiever, Relator, Restorative. In the upper right circle, Elisia, Empathy, Belief. In the intersection of the two, Arranger, Responsibility. In the bottom circle, Jessica, Input, Maximizer, Intellection, Ideation. In the intersection of Elisia and Jessica, Learner. (SPEECH) And one of the other things as the other ingredient was our team strength. We really are team building with Dr. Porter was really a eye opener for us. We were able to look at all of our strengths, and as you can see in the next slide we'll go over the next one. (DESCRIPTION) Strengths of our Winning Team. Labels next to images: Arranger = Organized, image of file folders. Responsible = Trust, image of a lightbulb with the word Trust underneath and surrounded by the words Reliability, Sincerity, Integrity, Consistency, Commitment, Competence. Learner = Always learning, image of a head with words and images that explode out. (SPEECH) Our team winning strings where we are a ranger thank goodness. We have a Ranger where Rangers were responsible, trustworthy, trusting that will get the job done. And that we are learning, always willing to learn which this whole program has been incredible for us for learning new things. So we appreciate that. Thank you. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Team Support. A drawing of a mixing bowl bounces. Arrows point toward the bowl with the text, Online resources from our D LACers, Team Coach and each team member, Family and friends, E.S.L./D.S.P.S. admin, staff and colleagues, OTAN staff, course work, discussion boards, meetings (SPEECH) All right. And as with any recipe, you have team support. So part of the team support mixing up, one of our most important one was each of us as team members and then our team coach Cindy. So that was good to have and we want to give a special shout out to all of the administrators who are here with us today. So that was Michelle, our vise president instructional services Michelle Pistil, dean of ESL that's Jan, and then we had Stephanie Thomas. And I'm sorry if I missed anyone else. But we are extremely thankful that they are with us. And of course our family and friends. And then we have all our lacquers and online of course OTAN which this we will even be here if we didn't apply and get in. So we are so thankful for all the team support. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Program Collaboration. Overlapping circles, top, E.S.L., lower left, D.S.P.S., lower right, Resources Together. Center, Student (SPEECH) And it looks like Corinne Layton is also here, our chair of ELS. Thanks for coming, Corinne. So we had a lot of thinking to do to think of what kind of project or goal we could set that would benefit both ESL and DSPS and perhaps our whole institution as a whole. And now we're thinking even beyond that, it might be helpful to other institutions. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Integrate the two together: Combine video tutorials (SPEECH) So our idea is to integrate these two departments together for the benefit of the whole. We are very lucky in ESL to have had the time and funding to create a lot of student video tutorials already. So we will be taking those video to, excuse me, tutorials and making more video tutorials for the topics that we either didn't get to before or are now outdated due to Zoom updates or something like that. (DESCRIPTION) Accessible/U.D.L. resources from this project will meet needs of all students. (SPEECH) And making sure that all of the resources that we include are fully accessible and also adhere to universal design for learning guidelines so that they can meet the needs of all students. But we're particularly focused on meeting the needs of the very low level learners and limited learners because of disability or limited English or any other factor. (DESCRIPTION) Timeline: June 2020 to May 2021. A timeline. June 2020, Apply to OTAN slash D LAC. Goal = Accessibility for all Learners E.S.L./D.S.P.S., Sept. 2020, Start of D.L. 1 01 Course, Modules, Discussion Boards. Oct. 2020, Teamwork, 1st D LAC workshop, Team Building Strengths. Dec. 2020, Re-evaluate Goal, Goal shift to Online Orientation for Limited Learners. March 2021, T.D.L.S. Presentation, Learning Checklists, E.S.L. Video Tutorials, PowerPoint Presentation. May 2021, Mid-Term Report, PowerPoint Presentation, Summary (SPEECH) So here's our timeline. I'm sure it looks somewhat similar to the rest of our DLAC cohort. We started in June with our application for DLAC. And we at the time thought we would mostly focus on the goal of accessibility for all learners by helping teachers ensure that their materials for their course were fully accessible for all learners. And after starting the DL 101 c and kind of dialing into what our institution already excels in and the resources we already have, we realized that we have a lot of materials to prepare to the intermediate and advanced ESL learners for online learning. But that very beginning level is very challenging to reach. And I know in ESL that our numbers of enrollment have gone down mostly at that beginning level. So we really shifted into wanting to prepare more orientation and preparatory materials for our low level and limited learners. And when we presented that TDLS, we presented on our video production and learning checklists. Next slide. (DESCRIPTION) Recipe card format with Cooking items at the bottom. Text, Canvas Orientation Module Resources. Lines on card. On first line, Visual Checklist, checked. On second line, Student Online Checklist, checked. (SPEECH) So at the end of this two years, we hope to have a Canvas orientation module which will include visual checklists, a student online checklist. (DESCRIPTION) Beginning E.S.L. Student Guide, checked. Intermediate/Advanced E.S.L. Student Guide, checked. (SPEECH) In the ESL department, our learning persistence committee has produced fantastic ESL student guides at both the beginning and intermediate advanced levels. So we plan to include those in our orientation module. (DESCRIPTION) Video tutorials. Simplified District Netiquette Guidelines, Canvas Orientation Module in Commons. These are in a box with an arrow that points to an oven with a cupcake in it. (SPEECH) We have like I said about 50 video tutorials for students new to digital and online learning, but we might include a few more. c And our district recently came out with netiquette guidelines for our students. Unfortunately they're written that a little bit too high of a level for our beginning and limited learners. So we would like to simplify them, maybe add more graphics, make them easier to understand for our lower level learners, and then put all of these together, make sure they're accessible and in Canvas comments for anybody to use, and remix, and change for their own needs. We would like to show you one of the video tutorials that we have already made. (DESCRIPTION) Video. Text is read. (SPEECH) speaker 2: Study online, get ready for your online class. In your online class meeting, sit up straight, look ready. If your video is on, don't eat or drink and find a quiet place. (DESCRIPTION) Each item has a checkmark next to it. A video icon with text that reads Stop Video. A graphic of a clipboard with checkmarks. (SPEECH) Sit up straight. (DESCRIPTION) Three photos of a man at a computer. In the first his head is down and his hands are in his lap. In the second he sits up straight and has both hands on the computer. In the third, he leans back and has one hand on the computer. (SPEECH) Which picture is the best, one, two, or three? (DESCRIPTION) The numbers appear under each photo. (SPEECH) Good job. Number two is the best. (DESCRIPTION) The others disappear. (SPEECH) He is sitting up straight. Look ready. (DESCRIPTION) Three photos. In the first, a person sits in a bathrobe and holds a phone. In the second, a woman in bed holds a phone. In the third, a woman sits at a computer at a table in a wheelchair. (SPEECH) Which student is ready to turn on their Zoom video for class, one, two, or three? (DESCRIPTION) The numbers appear under each photo. (SPEECH) Yes, number three. She is ready to turn on her Zoom video. (DESCRIPTION) The other two photos disappear. (SPEECH) Don't eat or drink. Which picture is the best, one, two, or three? (DESCRIPTION) In photo 1, a man sits at a computer. In photo 2, a man drinks while at a computer. In photo 3, a woman eats while at a computer. There is a drawn mark on the photo. (SPEECH) Great. Number one is the best. He is not eating or drinking. (DESCRIPTION) The other two disappear. (SPEECH) Let friends and family know it's a Zoom time. Which picture is the best for a quiet meeting, one, two, or three? (DESCRIPTION) In photo 1, a dog barks. In photo 2, a woman sits at a table at a computer. In photo 3, a woman at a computer looks over her shoulder at two children at play. (SPEECH) Yes, number two is the best for quiet meaning. She is in a quiet place. (DESCRIPTION) The other two disappear. (SPEECH) Remember in your online meeting, sit up straight, look ready, don't eat or drink, and find a quiet place. (DESCRIPTION) The four photos are in a column with the text and checkmarks. (SPEECH) Now you are ready to have a successful online class meeting. (DESCRIPTION) The timeline. (SPEECH) MONICA CUEVA: So our next steps are to take some of the surveys that we already have and have been using in our registration and placement for those needs and perhaps revive them to make them. We have these online learning classes already available in our ESL program, and we'd really like to in the placement procedure catch those students who would really need these classes. And also survey teachers and students to see what materials maybe we have not created yet and that would be needed to include in this module. We will analyze the data and any other anecdotal evidence from teachers or instructional assistants. Develop those resources, put them into the Canvas module following all accessibility and universal design for learning. And hopefully publish them to Canvas Commons as part of our final project. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Bakers Hard at Work. A cupcake on a table. Photos of the three presenters with the digital chef's hats. (SPEECH) So here are three bakers hard at work to create the perfect recipe for successful online learners. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Successful Online Learners. Photos of three smiling S.D.C.C.E. and D.S.P.S. Students. OTAN Online Digital Leadership Academy (D.L.A.C.) 2021. Mid-Project Report: San Diego Community College District, Continuing Education. Presenters: Monica Cueva, E.S.L./V.E.S.L. Technology Coordinator, Elisia Doonan, D.S.P.S. Adjunct Instructor, Jessica Varnado-Swall, E.S.L./V.E.S.L. Online Faculty Mentor. May 14, 2021. Smaller version of logo with starburst. Text, OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. A circle with the logo in the center surrounded by faces, with a burst of light that emanates from the circle. It is surrounded by topics: Face-to-Face and Online Training, News Articles. Teaching with Technology, Teachers' and Administrators' Digests, Annual Technology and Distance Learning Symposium, Online Resources for Adult Education. Below, OTAN dot U S -- 916-228-2580. Social Media logos and text, Subscribe, YouTube, slash OTAN Serves Adult Education. Facebook, Like Us, slash OTAN Serves Adult Education. Twitter, Follow Us, slash OTAN