(SPEECH) [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) O TAN logo depicting wavy figure with raised arm inside circle. (SPEECH) MAN (VOICEOVER): OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. (DESCRIPTION) Text, O TAN Online. Technology and Distance Learning Symposium. Three Teachers and a Techie - A Panel Discussion of Best Practices for Successful Online Learning. Presenters: Renee Ramig, Shari Becker, Katy Gerard, Mee Ying Coffer, Mount Diablo Adult Education. March 4, 2021. Renee Ramig. (SPEECH) RENEE RAMIG: Well, welcome. Thank you for coming to our session. So our session is three teachers and a techie, and I happened to fall in the techie category, so that's me, and then there's three teachers. I just want to know I created a website. Here is the URL for it and it has some best practices for distance and in hybrid learning. (DESCRIPTION) Tiny u.r.l. dot com slash O.T.A.N. 2021 (SPEECH) It has some short Canvas videos, some of them are ones that I did, some of them are ones I pulled from the Canvas site. I also linked to the community guides, which can be overwhelming, but it's really helpful. You can find a lot of Canvas support there if you're a Canvas user, Zoom resources, and then this presentation is here if you want to pull it up along with some other documents. So I just want it to show you that you can get all of that on this particular website. I know, I stole the OTAN 2021, so hey. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Introductions. Shari Becker - Becker S at m.d.u.s.d. dot org; Mee Ying Coffer - Coffer M at m.d.u.s.d. dot org; Katy Gerard - Gerard K at m.d.u.s.d. dot org; Renee Ramig - Ramig R at m.d.u.s.d. dot org. (SPEECH) So I'll just start by introducing myself. I have been working at Mount Diablo for about a year and a half. But I've been doing educational technology and teacher training for almost 40 years because I'm just that old. And when I was hired at Mount Diablo, it was to do tech support, but I've been really blessed with this COVID thing to be able to, again, work with teachers and help them to move online and be successful in this hybrid and distance learning environment. So I will let the others introduce themselves, Shari. SHARI BECKER: Good morning, everybody. I'm Shari Becker and I'm currently working clinical. I'm a registered dental assistant, we're clinical, and do chair site assistant and have been in the field for over 36 years. And I am honored to be teaching with my other colleagues, I have been an educator now for over 26 years at Mount Diablo with my teaching credential. And have enjoyed all aspects of it, enjoy still the clinical aspect of working in the office as well as the teaching aspect. And I'm very honored to be presenting with my colleagues today and super happy that all of you guys are with us too. So welcome aboard. Happy to have you. RENEE RAMIG: Thank you. MeeYing. MEEYING COFFER: Hi, everyone. My name is MeeYing Coffer and I've been teaching with Mount Diablo for 34 years now. I just celebrated my 34th year anniversary on the 1st and I'm still loving it. And I also had dental experience all for over 20 years, I'm not going to tell you how long I've been teaching in the dental field. But I thank everyone also for joining us today and I hope we learn something from you too. RENEE RAMIG: All right, Katy. KATY GERARD: Hi, my name is Katy Gerard and I've been a clinical dental assistant for 37 years and an educator for 11 years with Mount Diablo School District. I love it, I love the results that we get. Our program for dental assistant and career technical education has 100% hire rate and I'm just happy to be a part of that and watching our students get jobs. And I'm happy to be here and I'm happy you're here. RENEE RAMIG: OK, thank you. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, March 16, 2020 - Mount Diablo Adult Education Closes. (SPEECH) So the teachers are going to do almost all of the talking, but I just wanted to start it out. So March 16 was the da, da, da date. We came together in a classroom in the Sytek administrators basically said at this point, we're going to have to close the school indefinitely, because they had no idea at that point, like all of us how long. And they basically gave teachers two options. One was to move online and the other was to cancel indefinitely. For a lot of our programs, it made sense to cancel because they had just started within the past week or two, so our EMT program, our office professional program, and our CNA program had just started. So they chose to cancel, but two of the programs were in the middle of the program, it had gone for several months and that was surgical technology and dental assistant. So those had to think a little bit about what do I want to do? How do I meet the needs of my students? And where do I want to go? Because it was scary, the dental assistant teachers had never taught online before, we didn't have any technology in place, they didn't even know me. I mean, I hadn't been working with teachers. So they're like, how do we do this? So it was a difficult decision. So we're going to-- they're going to share the process of what they went through and what was challenging and what is working well. (DESCRIPTION) Choices That Had To Be Made - What online system will be used? Who will support teachers? Technology for teachers and students? What will the course look like online? How do we teach skills? How do we grade students? (SPEECH) Katy, do you want to start? KATY GERARD: I will. Thanks, Renee. I was shocked, it was scary. We were called into a room, we needed to quickly also, we were going to be vacating our classrooms. We also need to notify our students and then they had questions and we didn't quite have the answers. After hearing that we needed to decide, because our administrators needed to apply for an accreditation waiver to see if we could be hybrid and go online. And so they needed an answer that day and my answer was no, I don't think we're going to do this. I couldn't quite imagine it because we are in the classroom every day and it was just hard for me to fathom. So I went home that night and my boss called me and asked if I was OK. So I guess my face had said it all, I must have looked like a ghost. Then the weekend went by and I realized this isn't about me, it's about our students, and it's about getting them working and they were halfway through the program. So no matter what it took and I just would move through the fear and we would make this work. So I called them and said, we're in on Monday morning. That was my story. RENEE RAMIG: All right, so Shari, do you want to talk about-- yours looked a little bit different because you teach the first class, which had already completed for that cohort. So what was it like for you to have to move your program online and the changes that had to happen? SHARI BECKER: So yeah. Thanks, Renee. So for me, I teach the introductory course, which is course 1 in our dental assisting program. And my cohort was actually supposed to start in March, and so that entire cohort ended up being canceled. With that being said, I usually teach in the evenings when I would come on campus with my class. And so now, we weren't allowed to come on campus at all. And so I was like a fish out of water I guess. I'm not really sure direction that we were going to be going in, there was a cohort that was in the middle of transitioning. And so there was some time to put some thought to it. But as far as the technology being limited, I was not familiar at all with the Zoom, I was not familiar at all with Canvas, not to mention too my course was being consolidated down from an eight-week course to a six-week course. So the development and the progression of having to merge everything into an online format was very overwhelming. On top of that with everything that was happening environmentally with all the unknowns and COVID and with myself being involved in health care directly, it was a very daunting and trying time. And I think that Katy and MeeYing along with Renee's amazing assistants, they pulled it off. I mean, I was amazed. So they actually set much of the foundation for me when I was going to be starting my next cohort. But in the meantime, it was like walking in a cave with one of those headlights on that you have on your head and thinking you have some sense of how to navigate or what would be expected in the cave. And then all of a sudden your battery ran out on your headlight, and now you are totally in the dark and just trusting basically on good to use the analogy of somebody talking to you, like sound. So it was administration and it was Renee's voice of confidence and encouragement, I think, that really assisted us in laying our foundation and moving forward with any of this. So I was very fortunate to have some of that foundation already set for me when my next cohort was going to be starting. But there was always transitions and I know we're going to be talking and getting a little bit deeper into the weeds in a few more minutes. So it's very, very different for me, very different. RENEE RAMIG: And so, MeeYing, what was it like for you? You started right away with Katy literally just a couple of days after we found out the school was going to close. MEEYING COFFER: Exactly, and it was great that Katy and I were able to do this together, put our heads together and figure out how are we going to do this? The didactic was pretty easy but doing the hands-on, because that dental assistant is hands-on skills and so how to demonstrate skills to the students was the biggest challenge. And I just go back to thinking about classes that I've taken in the past and challenges that I had. And so it was hard for me to accept technology as our future. And I stay open-minded and with Renee as our big helper, we made it through it. RENEE RAMIG: You did great. Yeah, so I just want to mention the technology piece. So a lot of the teachers, you were using desktops so we had to figure out how to get them devices that they can use off campus. All of our student laptops, which were windows, were imaged or set up only to be used online. So I had to work with our on-site hardware person to get them reimaged so that the students that needed them could get a loaner laptop that could be used offline. And then a lot of our laptops didn't have cameras, so then we had to figure out how do we get cameras because as you know on Zoom, being on camera is critical to being able to do Zoom synchronous times successfully. So we made sure that we got technology to the students that needed it, got technology to the teachers that needed it. And then like I said, I'm really lucky that I got the opportunity to then work with the teachers and do some training so that they felt supported and then the students got this amazing education. (DESCRIPTION) What Has Worked Well. (SPEECH) SHARI BECKER: Well, and that's one thing I would put in there too was, even back on the previous slide, Renee, is that-- RENEE RAMIG: Sorry. SHARI BECKER: --is that-- no, you're fine. (DESCRIPTION) Renee returns to "Choices That Had To Be Made" slide. (SPEECH) Is that the support for the teachers, so administration and Renee had set up weekly meetings for staff for us to go through some, I'm going to call it basic training, for me anyway. And I'll just admit that I'm of the generation that is not very techie and technical. And we have computers and we do things in the dental office and I'm somewhat familiar with some systems. However, trying to learn Canvas while simultaneously also trying to learn Zoom really presented for me some vulnerabilities and along with the technology for the students too. So trying to get the students up to speed, I know we're going to talk about that a little bit more too, was a very interesting transition. And it really stretched me as an instructor on certain limitations and boundaries, so that we're going to talk about that too in a little bit as well. But I think all in all, the choice that Katy made was very brave. I will frame it that way because we were-- I was at the very back of the cave, at the very behind everybody. But Katy was at the front of the cave and her head light went out, and she was in the dark. And like I said, it was through great support that we were able to push ahead, so right. KATY GERARD: We had Renee too. SHARI BECKER: Renee, we would not have been able-- yeah, we would not have been able to progress without her assistance. MEEYING COFFER: So we had to think out of the box. RENEE RAMIG: Absolutely, absolutely. SHARI BECKER: Definitely. RENEE RAMIG: All right, so these are some of the things that the teachers identified that are working well. (DESCRIPTION) Returns to "What Has Worked Well" slide. Benefits include more time to talk about real life experiences, more teamwork, more critical thinking, more flexibility, and others. (SPEECH) So any of you can jump in and talk about any of them. (DESCRIPTION) Katy. (SPEECH) KATY GERARD: I'll jump in with the synchronistic time. After, it's a year later, but after now, I would say I can't imagine it the old way anymore. Just from the standpoint that the student is more like a flipped classroom and the students use their asynchronistic time to be very prepared. So when they do come in for lab skills, they have that foundation of the topics that we're studying and we're just ready to go. So it actually, I would never have thought this, it ends up being much more productive when we are live instruction because of the foundation. That's been exciting. MEEYING COFFER: Yeah, getting to learn different parts of Canvas has been fun, like using the breakout room for discussions and critical thinking, using scenarios that we learn from our lectures to relate it to the dental office. And then also using screen share, because some students need visual aids. So using PowerPoint on screen share was very helpful to show pictures as we gave our lectures. And we limit our lectures to just the basics when we did that. RENEE RAMIG: Right. I think the three of you said that you try to not lecture more than 15 minutes during the two-hour Zoom time, right? MEEYING COFFER: Right. RENEE RAMIG: So the majority of it is breakout rooms and discussions and other hands-on times. KATY GERARD: And Renee, MeeYing touched on it too to where the visual aid. So we gave them visual aids to take home. So if we're studying like for example, we could do two-number warm ups and they have the cards they've made or we've given them teeth to take home, a little pit. And then we had gone to the hardware store, that was in our panic mode, of how to create a suction and a water syringe. MEEYING COFFER: Yes, that's right. KATY GERARD: But I think having that, it breaks up that two-hour Zoom time, the breakout rooms, the visual aids, and then obviously doing all the lecture didactic topics. MEEYING COFFER: Yeah RENEE RAMIG: Nice. SHARI BECKER: Well, and I think too it's contributed to us as educators to rethinking how we organize our time and what materials are really critical for the students between the synchronous and the asynchronous time. So pulling out some fluff that maybe we would have had previously and some of our material and really finding more of what the meat and potatoes and what's really going to be needed for this for the students. And not only that, but I think as far as previously, maybe in the classroom, we were doing a lot of hand-holding, a little more spoon feeding along the way. And so this has really stretched us I think as far or I can speak for myself, as far as my ability with my education skills to think like MeeYing said earlier, to think outside the box and what's in the student's best interest. And having, instead of us being a talking head for however long we would talk in the classroom, way more student engagement and different types of thinking. And so we have on the slide they're more critical thinking. So a question asking having the students be prepared with the material prior to them coming online with us has really been an asset too. And I think one of the instructors was going to talk about some practice test things that has worked well. For myself, not so much breakout rooms that I would utilize in my introductory course. For me, I did more screen sharing with the students and had them utilize their whiteboards in the class for our conversations and for critical thinking and introducing a broad concept that we would then have to pare down into some bullet points. And so what I enjoyed about that aspect of the synchronous time on the Zoom was that it allowed them, the students, to have to pair down a lot of details into some bullet point thinking. Which is a skill that they're going to need to utilize also in the dental office in reporting things back to the doctor, when they're interviewing a patient for maybe an emergency or a new patient, finding out goals and things along those lines. So utilizing the whiteboard with the students actually playing secretaries oftentimes and utilizing the screen share. However, I think that as we progress with our next cohort, I will venture into doing some breakout rooms because I think that learning that skill will be good not only for the students, but for me as well. So getting a little more practice on those breakout rooms will be good as they transition then from my course, which is now a six-week course into the remainder of our program, which is really handled with Katy and me as the full time educators for the remainder of that program. So those things have been helpful for me along the way. And I think they've worked fairly well through the transition also. RENEE RAMIG: And I love that you said, I mean, something that's really critical is that it doesn't stay the same. So I love that you said, hey, I think I've talked to MeeYing and Katy and they really find that breakout rooms are really great with the students and you're saying I think I'm going to try it. But I think it's also really critical that you don't try every new thing all at once. So you were learning Canvas, you were learning Zoom, you were figuring it out online, you were digitizing your resources, and you were dealing with the dental office and COVID all at the same time. It was not time to do breakout rooms. But now that you feel comfortable, you're all like so you continue to move forward and try new things, just not all at once everybody. And don't feel-- I think it's so important, I have teachers that always come to me go, I'm just not ready to do breakout groups or I just can't do the whiteboard yet. I'm like, OK. Don't feel guilty, it's absolutely OK. The goal is to move forward a little bit at a time, not to get so overwhelmed that you can't be successful in what you're using. But I think Shari brought up a good point about this has led to using practice tests differently. MeeYing and Katy, can you talk about how you're using practice tests now, sort of how that's changed since you moved online. KATY GERARD: Absolutely. I love what Shari said about cutting the apron strings and it really has forced you to do that, which works great for preparing them for their externship which is a very self-directed career that they're embarking on. And empowering the students to use all the resources, it's been very helpful. And like the whiteboard and put their thoughts on there or collaborate with critical thinking in the breakout rooms. It's been awesome to do that. As far as the test what we would do, we do practice tests that they can go in and take and it will be numerous questions, way more than it's on their actual test. And I was so against that originally, because I felt like, oh, they can't see the test question before they take it and that's just helping too much. But it actually has been better that they see all the material and they put in more time doing that on their own time and everybody takes those practice tests. At first, we were requiring it before you can qualify to take the test, but now with the new cohort, we just have it in place and they all do it. So they want the information, they want to put in the time. And I think it works well that they can do that when they're not in the classroom, that it's the asynchronous time to prepare. So-- RENEE RAMIG: And they could take those multiple times, right? MEEYING COFFER: Right. RENEE RAMIG: They could take it-- KATY GERARD: They can. RENEE RAMIG: --as many times as they want. MEEYING COFFER: Yes. KATY GERARD: And you can scramble the answers and it's been a good thing. I've resisted it, but it's worked out pretty well. And their GPAs have stayed 80 and above. So I think that's been a good tool. MEEYING COFFER: Another item I think has helped is we required them to preread the chapters of the lectures before they come on Zoom. So that way, they have questions for us if they need to ask us questions. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah, so that's a perfect example of a flipped classroom, right. So they're coming to you and you're not spending class time like you used to do saying open up your textbook and go ahead and read this chapter and answer these questions. You're saying, read it ahead of time and then let's have some critical thinking and deep discussions. And does anybody not understand part of it? Let's talk about it. So it's really diving deeper rather than using your synchronous time, whether it be Zoom or in person to read a textbook that is the perfect thing to do during asynchronous time. So that, yeah, I love that that's working for you and your feeling that the students are coming prepared to have discussions and ask questions, rather than spending time reading the chapter. MEEYING COFFER: Right. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah. I know one of the other things that all of you have brought up is that creating a Canvas course requires you to be at least somewhat organized. And so it's helped to organize curricular materials as well as think of how you're organizing your curriculum in general. And I think Shari mentioned taking out quote, "fluff", I believe do you call it, for things that really are critical to the learning. Does anybody want to talk about that? (DESCRIPTION) Shari. (SPEECH) SHARI BECKER: Sure I'll jump in. So I think I was faced with two kinds of things, developing that course on Canvas but also consolidating the course. And then really having to put thought to the synchronous versus asynchronous time. So putting myself, I think back into the student's shoes like. And it was really hard for me really quite honestly, because I know the material so well. So trying to pull myself back to like if I didn't know anything, how long and what would I focus on? And for myself too and I think, Katy and MeeYing do the same, but I offer study guides for every topic that we cover and so it's a little bit of, I wouldn't say it's the full headlight in the cave, but it's a flashlight in the cave to try to have the students be able to funnel down some of the main points and give them some direction. Because I know that it can be daunting and overwhelming, especially for those students that haven't been in a formal education setting in quite some time, which is the majority of our students, of course. So even things as far as organizing our curriculum, but inserting into the curriculum study skills and other resources that they have for studying. And I know we're going to talk a little bit about time management in a little bit, but this also, reorganizing of the curriculum stretched me back I think to having to think more like if I was the student and didn't know anything, what would that look like? And then the consolidation also forced me, which wasn't a bad thing. It was uncomfortable at the beginning and I don't think any of us like to feel like we're forced, but it did in a positive way force me anyway as an instructor to really say, OK, let's do this. I know we could do this, so let's do this. So that's just some of my insights. KATY GERARD: What did you say that sometimes it's better just to be pushed off the cliff? SHARI BECKER: Yeah, ready, set, go. Yeah, we can sometimes be our own worst enemies in trying to either talk ourselves out of a process or a direction. Procrastination sometimes can be our worst enemy. And so the fact that I think we didn't have a lot of time and it's easy for me to say because I wasn't involved in that first panicked March episode a year ago. But knowing too that there were some safety nets and there were some parachutes that were given to us, which was great, and taking the pressure off. And I would also say one other thing, for me, when I was doing my curriculum, I was only one week ahead. So-- RENEE RAMIG: And that's important. SHARI BECKER: --I didn't only keep up with it because it was-- and I know we're going to talk about that in a little bit on the next slide. So I'll wait. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah, that's a really good point. So let's go. So these are all the things that worked well and we inserted a few things that were challenging. But the next slide is what has been challenging? And so go ahead and I'd love, one of you can start with before you went online, you knew your curriculum and your candidate was done. You had the whole cohort done and now you're a week or two ahead because you're having to organize your material, create your Canvas course. Do you want to talk about, any of you want to talk about that a little bit and how that made you feel? (DESCRIPTION) Challenges on slide include more time to plan required, resistance to change, technology issues, setting boundaries, and more. (SPEECH) KATY GERARD: Being you mean, just-- RENEE RAMIG: Just that you're having, yeah, that you're not as far ahead from the students. That you're just a week or two ahead of where the students are with basically getting your curriculum all organized and uptight. KATY GERARD: I felt it was very poor and it felt like I was unprepared. I didn't want them to think that, that we were only a week ahead. But it also was just logistically what was possible when navigating so much. And the neat thing about it being a year later. And what this year has been like is that the course is created and then you tweak it and you the next time, but a lot of the foundation is already there. And then you can just add things or see things that worked in a breakout room or what was engaging and what wasn't. And like Shari said, just you have to change things because you need to give them what is most important and getting rid of-- That was hard to cut out things, I felt like oh, everything was important. But you had to think about what would most make them successful at their job? What they need to know, what's going to best prepare them? Just whittle it down and then put back that curriculum in. RENEE RAMIG: And I think that was true for all the teachers that I worked with. I think it was really hard for them to, the two things is take out pieces, but also not be the overseer. Like give up and say I'm going to allow students to read the textbook on their own and I'm not going to be there to make sure that they're reading it. And so that was really hard and I know some of you said that some of your challenges has been helping students figuring out ways to manage their asynchronous time. KATY GERARD: Absolutely. Renee, when you said read the textbook on their own, sometimes that doesn't happen. So what we put in measures for that is we make a PowerPoint of the chapter and ask them to ask questions or answer, they have to answer 5 to 10 questions after viewing the PowerPoint. So it's just a little security that it makes our time more quality when we get into the classroom. MEEYING COFFER: Right. KATY GERARD: That makes sense? MEEYING COFFER: So we found Katy and I would have to brainstorm at times to think of ideas to keep the students engaged before class begins. KATY GERARD: You mean before-- RENEE RAMIG: Yes so I love that you did a summary PowerPoint that they had to watch and answer questions on that was a summary of the chapter. KATY GERARD: Exactly. MEEYING COFFER: Right. KATY GERARD: Just a summary. Just a summary. And we put PowerPoint questions, we put questions of the last slide and in the middle, so you made sure that they didn't just watch. A couple of them, we always make sure they spread. But it's some people are more visual and they like to learn that way or it reinforces that what they've read. So it works, I wouldn't have thought to do that unless this had happened. That's been good. SHARI BECKER: I think another challenge too was that we as instructors, as the educators really had or I'll speak for myself, I had a different reliance on the resources. So for example, our publisher and our textbook, I had to view it differently because the resources now that would be available to the students through the technology, we were utilizing it very differently. And then offering additional resources for the students, not just with the curriculum, but with their technology, with their computers, with their connectivity, with their modems, with their phones, with their iPads, with their cameras. It was daunting for me and Renee was there with all the life preservers that you could ever ask for. But that continues, I think, to be a challenge from the student perspective with some of the technology as well. So I'm a curriculum expert, I know my curriculum, but I am not the technology expert. So having even thinking backing the train all the way up before, because my course is the first course, doing certain orientation and then talking about doing a technology orientation with the students. So that my eight weeks that got crunched into six weeks now isn't with the whole first week, just dealing with technology issues and pulling away from my time with curriculum. So we're still a work in progress and to see how that goes. But the boundaries issue at the bottom there, the boundaries issue talking about that is setting boundaries not just for us as educators, but also setting boundaries with the students. And I think Katy and MeeYing we're going to speak into that a little bit also. KATY GERARD: That's a big piece, Shari. That's a good point. When we started, we were getting text messages at nonbusiness hours when a student might be panicked about an assignment or had a question. So we went over what would be expected and same in their workplace. So we went over that you could text us from 8:00 to 6:00 if you had a question. But you could send an email after or a notification on Canvas, notify us that way. And we would-- and Shari, I think you did the same thing, you told them that you check your email and you told them what time. So that you check it twice a day, so they knew what to expect. And they also knew office hours was a time, so we set those in place where they needed to, we needed to be available for them for their questions. RENEE RAMIG: And you have those every week, right, where they could pop in to ask questions? MEEYING COFFER: Right, every Wednesday. KATY GERARD: Every Wednesday. And then sometimes, they'll stay after, we never get off Zoom class right away, we wait if they have any questions and then we can actually put them in a wait room to have one on one, a quick one, with a student just before we end the day. And then MeeYing does the best wrap ups that have been great I'll let her speak on that. MEEYING COFFER: Yes. RENEE RAMIG: Yes. Great. KATY GERARD: But the other boundary too, and I call Renee because you're not just a techie, she's a student support advocate and a teacher. And I would have students sitting on their bed eating cereal during class. And then their kids would come in and push on the camera or sit on their lap. And then their pets, they would want to show their pets. And all that was good, so we just-- but it didn't help us transition into our classroom time. So we learned to take the first 5 to 10 minutes, check in with everyone. It's like a morning huddle which they'll have in their dental offices and see how everyone is, do a check in, maybe they want their child to say hi before we start. And then Renee had said it's perfectly OK to expect them, ask them to sit maybe on the edge of their bed. Because they could go into their bedroom, I think, for privacy, but it just wasn't a good learning environment to be all sprawled out on your bed eating. And it just didn't fit so we had them get a chair and a surface that they could write on and that was a requirement as well as not turn their cameras off. And they are so good about it now that if they do turn it off, they are saying that I'm just going to use the restroom, I'll be back or I need the two minutes and I'll be right back. RENEE RAMIG: Right. MEEYING COFFER: Well, we learned something, I learned something new last night. Renee sent an email about emails on the send, the little arrow that you can respond to them, but the email will be sent to them the next morning. So you don't have to worry about them communicating with you late at night. So that was a nice way of thinking oh, it's good way of setting boundaries. But yes, I love to do the wrap up in the Announcements section of Canvas. (DESCRIPTION) Mee Ying opens a Wrap-up section under Announcements for a D.A. course. (SPEECH) I usually wrap, yeah, I usually tell them what we did that day, positive things what we learned that day. And then I usually tell them, I make it a list of what their homework is, assignments are coming up, or the quizzes that are opening up and when is going to close because they forget. Even though we write it on the board in class, they still forget. So then I do that. And then I also do at the end of the week, I wrap up what we learned and what's coming up the following week, what are we going to be teaching the following week? So it gives them an idea mindset of what we're going. RENEE RAMIG: And so this is daily, right, after-- MEEYING COFFER: Yes. RENEE RAMIG: --you do a meeting or after class? MEEYING COFFER: Yes. RENEE RAMIG: And can you talk about why you started it and how it's helped with the issue. MEEYING COFFER: Well, we started because we thought, well, maybe this will help reduce emails and text. So as long as they read the announcements, sometimes we have to remind them, did you read the announcement? I like to put pictures in the announcements too if I can find good pictures, because I feel that, that will help attract them to look at the announcements. KATY GERARD: We could put pictures of them doing skills, for sure they'll check the announcement. SHARI BECKER: I love that. MEEYING COFFER: Yeah. KATY GERARD: Yes. So I guess it's a way of empowering them. RENEE RAMIG: And has it helped? Have you found out that it has helped? MEEYING COFFER: It has helped. KATY GERARD: Yeah. MEEYING COFFER: It has helped. RENEE RAMIG: And I think one of you mentioned when we were doing our practice that you're having to teach different skills with the students. Not just your dental assistant skills, but you're having to teach, as Shari said, technology skills. So you're having to teach digital literacy, which is new, but also things like time management and responsibility. So that they are not texting you and saying, hey, I don't know where the homework is when the homework is listed in multiple places in Canvas. KATY GERARD: Exactly. RENEE RAMIG: Do you want to touch on how that's been a challenge to have to incorporate time management skills and scheduling asynchronous skills and digital literacy skills, add it to your curriculum? (DESCRIPTION) Shari. (SPEECH) SHARI BECKER: Sure, I'll jump in first. Excuse me. So having the students set aside that time and have a designated place also for their asynchronous time as well as there are synchronous time, I think is important. But time management, not just for the students, but for myself also as an educator has been somewhat of a challenge. But with the students, they're busy with work and kids and pets and things along those lines. So I remember this last cohort I had a student who would do her synchronous time in the closet and I would think where are you? You're-- and so that was her only quiet place that she could find at the time under her living circumstance. But yeah, time management, very, very important and offering the resources for the students too so that they don't impinge on our time management. Because time management, not just in the educator mode of it, but also in the communication mode of it as well. So having them understand I check my email two times a day, once in the morning, once in the evening. So if you've missed that time slot, you know I'm not going to get it, maybe after 6:30 on a weeknight, I'm not going to get it until 6:30 in the morning the next day. And time management with our office hours and having them be disciplined enough to know that if they have a specific concern that needs additional time to address, they need to carve out, it needs to become a priority for them. So that's a great thing for them to understand and learn as they progress, not just through our program, but also when they're employed. That time management is important because in the dental office, time management is what runs our offices. So yeah. RENEE RAMIG: That is great. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Wrap Up - No looking back, continue with hybrid, lots of great successes, continue to grow and change, expanded opportunities for staff and students, more collaboration, new disciplines, sky is the limit. (SPEECH) So since they call them wrap ups, we thought we would do a wrap up and before all of you share. So some of the things that the teacher said is, and sorry guys, and please clarify. But if today the pandemic was done and you were given the option of going back to the way it was, you would choose to stay with hybrid learning rather than going back to full face to face. MEEYING COFFER: Right. KATY GERARD: Yes. RENEE RAMIG: Right? KATY GERARD: Yes, absolutely. MEEYING COFFER: Yes. Yeah. SHARI BECKER: Yes. RENEE RAMIG: And I think we talked about this, but it's important to continue to grow and change. But it's important to not change all at once. So I think hopefully we've really shared that it was scary and the things were scary but they took on what they could took on. They made the students part of their team saying we're all in this together. We're here for you, that's why we're going online, that's why we're doing this hybrid learning. We don't know what we're doing, we know our curriculum. And that's what we want to teach you, but together, we're learning Zoom and Canvas because those are things that are new to all of us. And students were helpful. And students, I know in your class, students will use breakout rooms on their own now when they're doing projects and things. So they are learning digital tools that hopefully will help them in the workplace and beyond, things that you didn't do before, which is very cool. You've also mentioned and maybe you can expand that one of the worries you had was that you wouldn't have enough time with them. You wouldn't have enough one on one time, you would feel really distant. But that with office hours and Zoom as well as you're in class time, you actually feel like there's more collaboration time and more one on one time. Do you want to mention anything about that at all? Because in case somebody hasn't done a lot of online and they're worried about that for collaboration. KATY GERARD: I notice, it takes, I need to communicate and send emails to them when I grade their work, give more commentary. Just a lot more communication online to the students, positive reinforcement. But I think you said it very well. Cool. MEEYING COFFER: Right. So the Speedgrader in Canvas has been very good because not only do you give him a grade, but you actually have a place where you can comment, giving them the positive reinforcement. And I haven't tried this yet, the audio one rather than just type-- RENEE RAMIG: Oh-- MEEYING COFFER: --type the content. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah, I haven't used the audio grader either. OK. MEEYING COFFER: Yeah. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah. And then I know that Shari had, when we were typing up the list, Shari said that she's using a lot more, like audio visual things that she didn't used before. So we've got a video library that students, and it's nice because students are watching them on their own. So you're not having to use your synchronous time either in class or during Zoom to watch videos. Right, so you can say, I want you to go watch this video demonstration of how to Don and Doff your PPE and then we'll discuss it. So it's not just reading ahead of time, but it's also being prepared by watching videos or like I said, if they're doing a project, they can do their own Zoom and do breakout rooms on their own. And then, of course, the interactive whiteboards. So there's a lot of tools that you can use to make it as collaborative, if not more collaborative than it was when you were fully face to face. KATY GERARD: Right (DESCRIPTION) Text inside speech bubbles reads, We want to hear from you! (SPEECH) RENEE RAMIG: Anything else you want to share before we open it up to the floor. And I'd love to have people share what has worked well and what you still feel challenged with. Anything else, Shari, MeeYing, or Katy? (DESCRIPTION) As Shari chimes in, Renee opens a blank Google document and titles it, "Notes." (SPEECH) SHARI BECKER: I just want to say that I think because of the situation before we became a hybrid program, my class ran in the evenings only. And so I was not available to come on campus during the day because I'm in the dental office during the day. So this has really spawned an opportunity for us as a team to get closer. And even though we've worked all these years together, oftentimes, I would feel like the Lone Ranger at night and a little bit disconnected from the rest of the program. But this has really enabled me as an educator with my colleagues, including you Renee. RENEE RAMIG: Thank you. SHARI BECKER: And including Tricia, who I see there too. SPEAKER 5: Yeah SHARI BECKER: It's really enabled the technology in general, just has really enabled, I think. Even though it's distance, it has its own minutia of bringing people closer together and with a different perspective. And so I'm appreciative of that opportunity to feel more engaged and connected with the program and with the campus administration as well. So I'm appreciative of that. And I think the students have a different perspective of resources and different ways of connectivity that they're utilizing as well through not just their Canvas, but through Zoom. Like you were saying they're doing their own breakout rooms in their own projects on their own, where normally it would be like can we meet at the Starbucks at 10 o'clock or whatever? So it does afford new opportunities. So thank you. That's all. KATY GERARD: I like that, Shari. Even though it's distance learning, it still has created more intimacy in a way and way to connect with our students and each other. Isn't that something you would-- who would have thought? RENEE RAMIG: Yeah. SHARI BECKER: Who would have thought? RENEE RAMIG: I don't see a lot of-- I just reposted the website link in the chat, somebody asked that. And then somebody just said I'd like to hear more from MeeYing. Jump in if you want to ask questions, if you want to share your experiences, this is part discussion. So we'd love to have you share. SPEAKER 6: Renee, this is Anthony. So hi, again, everyone. RENEE RAMIG: Hi, Anthony. SPEAKER 6: So we don't all talk over each other, just remember that there are the reactions on the bottom of your Zoom toolbar. So maybe if you do want to raise your hand or chime in, why don't we take advantage of that? And then everyone is able to come on mic. So if you want to yourself while you're asking your question, you are also free to do that as well. KATY GERARD: And Renee, you must stop sharing so we can see everyone. RENEE RAMIG: Sure, I will do that. And I will just take notes in case I need to add it to-- because like I said, if you want to share things, resources, or anything, I'll add it to the website after the presentation. So maybe like to share, how about, how many of you can use the thumbs up? Maybe how many of you-- SHARI BECKER: Tricia has her hand raised. I'm sorry. RENEE RAMIG: Well-- MEEYING COFFER: Yes. RENEE RAMIG: OK, I guess I could call on Tricia then. Hi, Tricia. SPEAKER 5: Hi, guys. I put this in the chat, but I just wanted to tell her because I was so impressed and hadn't really thought about this. But the other day I visited Katy and MeeYing's class. And I'm the coordinator, interim coordinator at this time. But visited their class and Katy was on her computer. She was using a document camera and showing them doing some instruction and on MeeYing's camera, she was actually doing the demonstration. So as a student, because I was working as a student, I could see the instruction right here and I could see the demonstration right here. And I thought, oh, my goodness, there is no way we could have done this in the classroom. MEEYING COFFER: That's right. SPEAKER 5: Where the students would have the close up of everything they needed right there in front of them because everybody be circled around MeeYing or something and they're trying to look over each other and see what she was doing. And so I was like, I would not have thought this thing, so much better than being in the classroom. So I just wanted to mention that we have probably teachers here that aren't doing where it would be certain skills like in the demo office. But certainly I'm sure you could think of other skills where just giving the students a better view of what you're doing would be helpful to them. RENEE RAMIG: Oh, I like that. Thank you for sharing MEEYING COFFER: We thank the school district for letting us have this. It's kind of HUE Pro camera and I didn't bring it with me to the classroom today. So I couldn't show you it. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah, I think there's tons of webcams. The advantage of the HUE HD is that it has a neck that you could send really easily and the bass is heavy. So I don't know if any of you, have worked with some webcams-- KATY GERARD: Do you see this? MEEYING COFFER: there it is. RENEE RAMIG: --there you go, where you bend it and it falls over because the bass isn't strong enough. But this one, even if you bend it all the way over, it'll still stay standing up and it's not going to fall forward. (DESCRIPTION) Katy and Shari display their HUE H.D. web cams with bendable arms. (SPEECH) And it's super easy to use, you can use any software with it. But it has built-in software to either just show it live, like they were doing or to record some skills. So super easy because as we grow, we're talking about if we're staying in hybrid mode, to start recording some of the skills that they can put up, so if students miss something, they'll have a skill. And you don't really want a student to come back and sit through a two-hour meeting. So yes, you can record your Zoom meeting, but it's pretty torturous to have to sit through two hours Zoom, but what if you sit through 10 minutes of the demonstration? And so having those recorded and being able to go back and get them will be a real asset. So hopefully, we'll work with the different programs and start getting a library of skills that our teachers themselves have recorded. So we're sure the skills are done properly in the way we want to teach them. So yeah. SPEAKER 6: Renee, you have B. Gable has her hand raised and then there's also a question in the chat when you want to get to that as well. RENEE RAMIG: OK, so be B. Gable, I don't know, what's your first name? SPEAKER 7: Beth. MEEYING COFFER: Beth. RENEE RAMIG: OK. Hi, Beth. SPEAKER 7: Hi, there. So MeeYing, in your program, do the students have basically like a program online or do you use Canvas as your main vehicle for teaching the students? MEEYING COFFER: Well, we do both. We have Canvas that we do, the assignments are in Canvas, the quizzes are on Canvas. We do the share screen, well, that's all off of Zoom, I guess. Yeah, and then we have the students come back twice a week for skills, we're shooting for third time, three times a week. Because we get to the point where we need to do more skills than didactic teaching lectures. RENEE RAMIG: So Beth, but to answer your question more is they do have a textbook that has some electronic resources. But the majority of their curriculum is created by them and uploaded to Canvas. SPEAKER 7: Oh, wow. RENEE RAMIG: So they have created all, all their PDFs created by them, all their skill sheets are created by them. MEEYING COFFER: With Renee's help. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah. KATY GERARD: That's right. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah, but I think the advantage of that is like what Katy says, they're very tired because they've worked a lot of hours. But hopefully, next cohort they'll be less tired because they've got the bones there. And they're just editing it and changing it and maybe deciding that this skill needs to be added a little bit. But everything's organized because it's all together in the course and you could just go and edit it. And so I think every time you teach it, the course gets better, but it takes you less time. SPEAKER 7: So I have another quick tech question for you Renee, because I'm not very techie. How would I change my B. Gable to Beth Gable? RENEE RAMIG: I will tell you in a minute, yes. SPEAKER 7: OK. RENEE RAMIG: I will send a note to you. SPEAKER 7: Sounds good. RENEE RAMIG: OK. Anybody else have questions or would like to share? Yeah, Shari, did you want to share? SHARI BECKER: Yeah, I was just going to say to Beth, I don't know what you're teaching but once you have the scaffolding in place for your course, then it's just a matter of filling in. And it is like building a house, so once you have the framework, then you put up the walls, then you've got the roof. And then you're going to update, you're going to redecorate, maybe move the pillow from one couch to another. So it is kind of once you have that initial scaffolding in place, which is the bulk of the work, then you can modify and things aren't as daunting. But I think you hit the nail on the head with some technology things because what I find to be more daunting now is not the curriculum itself, but is the keeping up with the technology. And even, like for this, making sure I had the updated version of Zoom. Well, for some people, that's like well, why wouldn't you have the updated version of Zoom? Well, I didn't even know that I could update Zoom. So anyway, there you go. So you're not alone. SPEAKER 7: Well, I teach GED prep so we had all of our contemporary and step Vonne and so now we have essential Ed as a supplement which has been really, really good. It has its flaws, but it's been overall good, but then yes, I gather other resources and use Canvas and other resources. RENEE RAMIG: And so maybe, Tricia, you could jump on because you're ASC. And how much of your teachers are doing, because they do GED prep and things too. How much are they using built-in curriculum? And how much are they doing their own curriculum and things? SPEAKER 5: Well, why make curriculum if somebody else can do it for you, right? MEEYING COFFER: Right. SPEAKER 5: And so we use New Readers Press online. We've started using that, but that said, my teachers do use a lot of their own curriculum. We've been paying teachers curriculum development time for the last four years with we money. And so that again, when you can have those two cameras, you can have thinking of maybe science, you've got the New Readers Press open, where there's a question and then you've got another camera open over here, where you're maybe doing some instruction on Newton's law or something that force and energy and all that stuff that they get to learn in science. And so they do a little bit of both. They try to use a lot of their own stuff for the actual instruction because science can seem like a foreign language if you don't know a lot of the vocabulary there. And so they'll do some instruction on that but then try to connect it to questions. So they can say, see this is why you need to learn this because there are actually questions that are going to-- RENEE RAMIG: Thank you. So we do have a question here from Maryanne. So if anybody can jump in, not just our teachers. If our students were here, what do you think they would share, especially ones that started on campus and then had to go online? Good question. KATY GERARD: Well, both those students, that is a good question. (DESCRIPTION) Katy. (SPEECH) Maryanne, those students are already employed. SPEAKER 8: Wow. KATY GERARD: Yeah. Yeah, they're all working and hired. But I wish they were here too. They-- RENEE RAMIG: I know you know next year, I might have students come for a presentation like this. Because-- KATY GERARD: That would be awesome. RENEE RAMIG: So what do you think, feedback wise, that the group that just got employed, that graduated what, in December, right? MEEYING COFFER: Yes. RENEE RAMIG: What do you think they would say? KATY GERARD: I think they would say it was rougher start, but a good finish. Because we had some technology problems and they were caught in the storm. They didn't have computers, cameras. And we had Renee support, so we could try to use the time for not all these issues, which I don't know that I could help them all with, like Renee can. So we had Renee support to try so we could-- but we lost some class time, for sure. RENEE RAMIG: We did. But I think you made a really good point, Katy. In that we really tried, if somebody was all like, my computer is doing dada, dada, da. Rather than saying, hey, let's sit here and everybody's going to watch while Renee works with Katy because her computer isn't working. No, it's like, either I go to a breakout room or I'd say, hey, just hang out, learn what's going on, and right afterwards I'll meet with you to fix the problem. So we tried to move the tech issues out of class time. But we did have, we did need some class time for tech and some class time for other skills we talked about. Time management, you had to take class time of how are you managing your time, class time on how to access Canvas, how to use Adobe Acrobat to fill in a form, how to submit a form. So there's tech pieces you are having to use class time for that you didn't before. But then, there's so much time you're giving them asynchronously that you're not having to do in class that it balanced out eventually. But at the beginning, it was-- KATY GERARD: I think the biggest problem is we had to go four months or five months-- MEEYING COFFER: Five months. KATY GERARD: --with just being on Zoom. MEEYING COFFER: Yes. SPEAKER 8: OK. KATY GERARD: And then so when they came back, it was like we couldn't get them to leave the classroom. RENEE RAMIG: I remember that, like it'd end at noon and I'd be in there are 3:00, and there still be students. I'm going, weren't they supposed to go 3 hours ago? SPEAKER 8: Wow. RENEE RAMIG: That is true, yes. That's-- KATY GERARD: Right. Sometimes-- yeah. MEEYING COFFER: Yeah. So they had to blend what they learn on Zoom into the classroom all at once right before we went to externship. And then externship went smoothly, they were very quick learners. At the office, they always got praises from the office how great they were. KATY GERARD: They felt more insecure. So we had to say they're going to be fine and that-- SPEAKER 8: I see. KATY GERARD: You're extra doctors know what you've been through, they know that you're ready. You're ready, I know you don't think it because you haven't spent this much time in the classroom, but you're ready. MEEYING COFFER: Yeah. KATY GERARD: And they're all hired. SPEAKER 8: Just to try to get it, was there any particular set of skills or any of what you try to convey to them that was easier or harder because of not being face to face? And I think you're going to say not really, but I'm just curious or maybe it was easier because of your use of the videos and demonstrations that were maybe more accessible. KATY GERARD: That's a great point. I think Shari might even be able to share about this because we noticed there is this discrepancy with students. I'm thinking of one in particular with this last cohort and she was so engaged in the Zoom time in the classroom. And Shari started-- we realized that you learn what's right and what isn't right, so we learned that we can't have too much Zoom time without having the students come to see them on campus. Like the first cohort got caught in the storm and couldn't physically come on or maybe it was almost five months. But Shari had this very engaged student who just she thought, wow, I'm going to have to keep up with this student. She is just on it and I really want to keep her engaged. And then when we got to her, is it really present doing the skills? And it was a very discrepancy, she was struggling. You want to speak on that, Shari. SHARI BECKER: Sure. So I think that some of the students and what we're finding, and I think what we're going to continue to find in the future, is that some students are going to be very engaged electronically, so in this format. And that the classroom setting may introduce another distraction. For some students that we're not able to identify that until we can actually get them into the classroom. And so we're looking at possibly for my course, getting them into the classroom a little bit sooner. We had to wait until their final week for my last cohort, for the last cohort, to get them into the classroom but I think we're going to look at trying to integrate them into the classroom earlier so that we can help identify, excuse me, some of those skills that are not quite developed yet. And things that maybe we can head off a little bit sooner and help the student determine because of course, the goal is always to have the students be successful. So and if there is something that we can overcome because sometimes quite honestly, there are some things that we can't overcome with our students. So God bless the administration and for them being able to offer resources and step in as needed. But those kinds of things I think are just inherent in this world of a hybrid class. That there's going to be some things and you're going to have the students that are going to be distracted in this environment and with the technology. So finding a balance, and I think we talked earlier about I have Zoom etiquette that I introduced to the students initially. And one of them is find a quiet place, to work in a specific area, but Zoom etiquette about using your cell phone and things along those lines. We're still in discovery and I'm sure for the next number of years we'll still be in discovery as we go along and redecorate our courses right as we progress. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah, we did forget to mention Zoom etiquette. So I know that the goal is that Shari is the first class, so she goes over the Zoom etiquette so they are quote, "trained" when they move into the second course. And I know that Katy talked about you're not in your pajamas, laying on your bed, eating a bowl of cereal with your cat on your stomach. Right, but that some students might have to have a closet, that might be their only spot or maybe they need their bedroom. So pull in a chair to accommodate them, but there's still an appropriate learning space. There's a space where you can sit up and you've got appropriate clothes on and you've got a flat surface that you can put your computer on and you're, like you said, your camera is on and they're trained now that they're cameras on. I think the students don't know what they don't know. So they figured well, gosh, I'm talking to my friend, I'm laying on my bed with my cat on my stomach, eating a bowl of cereal. So just reminding them just like we say when you text a teacher, you're using teacher language, when you're on Zoom with your teachers in your class, you're using appropriate behavior just like you would if you were working in an office. So-- SPEAKER 8: Right. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah, and so-- SPEAKER 8: Thank you. RENEE RAMIG: But it's teaching them, we forget that things we didn't have to teach them before. Yeah. SPEAKER 8: Well, I just thought it strikes me that a classroom is also an artificial construction in a way. It's never going to be the same as being in the office with real customers, patients, or clients, and your supervisor or so forth. But the online classroom is just a different one with advantages and disadvantages from the physical classroom. And then the real world is yet, that's the goal. RENEE RAMIG: Right. SPEAKER 8: That's the real place where you are practicing and modeling behaviors in these other spaces. RENEE RAMIG: . Yeah. MEEYING COFFER: Exactly. RENEE RAMIG: And that's the goal, that they get their externship or successful and get employed. So it's trying to model what a real world would look like as much as possible. SPEAKER 8: Yeah, I want to take your program. It sounds fantastic. SHARI BECKER: We start a new greet in April. RENEE RAMIG: Yes, April, 26 to be exact, if anybody wants to become a dental assistant. MEEYING COFFER: Pass the word around. RENEE RAMIG: Thank you, Anthony, would be able to place the evaluation in. And I will still be here if anybody has questions. I'm sure our teachers will be here if you have any more questions, but I'd love to have the evaluation in the chat. SPEAKER 6: Sure. I can do that in a second. I actually just wanted to piggyback on Maryanne's question/comment here and that and I think you've talked about it during the presentation is not to lose sight of that student voice. What is the student experience like in the middle of all this? And I think it's really, from our point of view, from OTAN's point of view, for example, we're really hoping that all of you agencies when you do go back to something that is more in person, more face to face that we don't lose sight of all of the lessons that we've learned in the last year. And again, from our point of view, from OTAN's point of view, we don't want agencies. Well, I'll speak for myself, maybe I should speak for OTAN, but we don't want people to just go back to where you were in February and March of 2020. And I think that you've given us so many examples of how this is the way we did it. And then we came to this place, where I had to do it differently and I wasn't necessarily convinced. But now that I tried it and did it, it's actually worked out better than I thought. And so it's these kinds of lessons that I want all of us to be able to bring back. I've been just watching the online discussions about teachers and schools and what everybody is going through and how the prospect of, in essence, almost going from one new system to a new new system, which is going to be hybrid or blended or whatever you want to call it. And how that is another daunting prospect because wouldn't it just be easier to go back to 2019, 2020. Because we know what that is like and we know what that looks like, we're set up for it, we just need to get back in our classrooms for a weekend or whatever and get that going again. But really, Pandora's box is open here. I mean it's going to be hard, I think, for all of you to go back to something that you know really maybe it didn't work as well as I thought it did. Now, I have some new tools under my belt. And we can bring those back to the school and the students are more digitally literate, the teachers are more digitally literate, the staff, administrators. So why don't we-- let's think about what that's going to look like come the fall 2020 or what year is this? The fall 2021, the 2021/22. We need a new view. So I think Maryanne's question/comment was a great segue to that. But I think to also say let's not lose the student voice because it's also their experience of what they're going to be going through and how do we make sure we speak to what the students want and need out of the adult education program? RENEE RAMIG: And I love that section, we went around in a whole circle because we started out our presentation with Katy saying the reason I said yes, even though I was scared to death is because I was thinking about the student. So thank you, Anthony. That was a perfect way to bring it full circle. And I love that we're all thinking about, no matter how hard it is, for us, we're thinking about what is the best for the students. And that's great. KATY GERARD: Yeah. SPEAKER 6: And I'll go ahead and pop that link in the chat. Let me do that there. So at the end of all the presentations during TDLS, if you wouldn't mind just taking a minute or two to fill out the evaluation session. We'll take a look at it, we'll share it with the presenters. That feedback is like, I just said with the student voice, it's also the participant voice is also very helpful as well for all of us. So if you mind taking-- RENEE RAMIG: And I'm really good at answering email. So I know if you're anything like me, things go around in my brain and like around 3:00 in the morning, I'll think of the question that I didn't ask in a presentation. So feel free to email me at any time and if you have a question. And I know the teachers obviously they're teaching during the day, but they'll get back to you when they can if it's a teacher-related question. But feel free to reach out if your brain works like mine and you get to think of the question later on. SPEAKER 6: And we still have the room for 10 minutes. So if there are other questions or comments or if people want to share what's happening at their agencies as well. MEEYING COFFER: Right. RENEE RAMIG: Yeah. Well, thank you. SPEAKER 8: I wanted to say I think you guys really are pioneers with a great story. And you've told it in this conference presentation and I hope that you can share it broadly in whatever way works best. Because I think people in other fields, not just the dental assistant training or so I might have the name of the job wrong. MEEYING COFFER: Right. Look at it. SPEAKER 8: I mean I think that what you've done is an example for people in lots of other contexts. And I mean, I know you aren't claiming any fame here, but I think you can pioneers and your enthusiasm and your professionalism it's inspiring. And I think it could inspire a lot of other people too if you find good ways to share your story beyond the conference. RENEE RAMIG: Thank you. And I think for the teachers, especially they went in without being techies. So I think that's so powerful going, I've got to figure this out and I have no idea what I'm doing and working together, we figured it out. And that's huge because it's scary when you don't know tech and you're trying to learn new stuff while teaching students at the same time. SPEAKER 8: And just to be honest with you guys, I'm a product developer with a former ESL teaching background and also publishing background. And I maybe will be able to share some things with you guys in the future. But I think that workforce education is in a very difficult place right now. And that's why I think your positive example is so powerful. And I just maybe anybody can do what you did, but I'm not so sure about that. And I think that people in a lot of other workforce training and career training contexts are trying very hard to figure out how they are going to do something. But to be honest, to be able to teach people how to work with teeth inside the human mouth in that close contact, I can't think of a lot of things that are more challenging than that. You know what I mean? RENEE RAMIG: Yeah, I agree there. I always say, I can help you with the tech, but I don't know your curriculum at all. So I love that they have, what, probably close to 100 years of experience between the three of them and working with teeth. And they and they know students and they know their curriculum. And I think that was helpful for them to be successful. MEEYING COFFER: Yeah. And I think also being successful as we work together as a team-- RENEE RAMIG: Thank you. MEEYING COFFER: --we collaborate together too pretty well. SPEAKER 8: I can see that, yeah. SHARI BECKER: Thank you, Maryanne for your kind words and enthusiasm. I appreciate it very much, thank you. SPEAKER 8: Yeah, well, just don't underestimate the impact that you can make in a broad way with your story. Whatever, you write an article or you do something that you can share on social media, I just think it is some really hard time for people all over the country who were trying to meet the needs of these learners in so many different towns and states and contexts. And in any way, this has been a really positive thing hearing you tell your story. RENEE RAMIG: Thank you. SHARI BECKER: All right, Anthony, no pressure. SPEAKER 6: You know actually I was going to say, so Renee, actually came to me a few months ago at the end of 2020 and said, she knew that OTAN actually published a periodic newsletter. And we were in touch and I don't remember actually-- Renee heard about me from someone else, I remember what the connection was. But anyway, she actually wrote an article about this presentation in our winter newsletter. So let me bring up, yeah, let me bring up that link and you're welcome to share that as broadly as you would like. Let me just get that link here. But it's a nice summary of the presentation today. It touches on a number of points that Renee and the teachers discussed. And if my computer would cooperate, actually, if I could just copy the link here, I think you should-- KATY GERARD: Anthony, until Renee asked us to talk about this, I never thought about it. And I love that article that Renee wrote in December. And this is a living context of that. We've never looked back and I don't know that we can now. Like you said, Anthony, Pandora's box. SPEAKER 6: It's a hard one to close that Pandora's box. KATY GERARD: Yeah. SPEAKER 6: Let me just share my screen for a sec. I popped the link in the chart, but here's page 2 of the winter newsletter. So Renee did write the letter. (DESCRIPTION) An article titled, "Moving Online - One School's Journey," with images of a woman wearing headphones taking notes as she watches a laptop screen, and a man participating in a Zoom call. (SPEECH) And again, based on the experience in the programs that were talked about. But please have a read and feel free to share it, Marianne, and with others-- SPEAKER 8: Sure, yeah. SPEAKER 6: --out there. I'm sure that yeah, it's always great to share those stories. So if there's anything that we can do also to help spread the word as well at OTAN, we're happy to do that too. And actually again, I think that there's a lot of power, Maryanne, in what you're saying, in all of these agencies that are doing these blended experiments, these distance experiments, and these splendid experiments, and we really are able to learn from each other. Like you said how does a CTE program go from no-tech to a tech in a weekend or a week and to be able to sustain it for the year as well. MEEYING COFFER: Yeah, right. SPEAKER 6: So we got about five minutes or so, not the eblens any other thoughts or any other questions from the field? MEEYING COFFER: No, I think we covered it. SPEAKER 6: OK, maybe we can take off a few minutes early for lunch. RENEE RAMIG: OK. SPEAKER 6: Let me do the evaluation link one more time in case you missed it, pop that in chat right now or if you don't do it now, just go back to the conference schedule later and the link will be there to complete the evaluation. And we'll make sure that-- my former colleagues at Mount Diablo, I used to work Mount Diablo before I-- so Mount Diablo has a big place in my heart. MEEYING COFFER: I know. It's so sweet. SPEAKER 6: But we'll make sure to share the good feedback with you all. RENEE RAMIG: All right. Well, hopefully, those that attended, thank you, and you learn something. And again, feel free to reach out to any of us. You have our website that has our presentation and our emails on it. And if you'd, like I said, if you do have resources you want to share, I'll take the article and I'll put it on the website too. But if you have other resources you want to share if you email them to me, I'll just add it to the website. And if it needs to be sited, I'll be glad to site it when I put it on. (DESCRIPTION) Text, O TAN Online. Technology and Distance Learning Symposium. Three Teachers and a Techie - A Panel Discussion of Best Practices for Successful Online Learning. Follow On YouTube and Facebook: O TAN Serves Adult Education; Twitter - O TAN. O T A N dot u.s., 916-228-2580.