(SPEECH) [LOGO CHIMES] (DESCRIPTION) The O TAN logo depicting a wavy figure with a raised arm inside of a circle. (SPEECH) SPEAKER 1: OTAN. Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. (DESCRIPTION) Text, O TAN Online. Technology and Distance Learning Symposium - All You Need Is Google Jamboard. Presenter: Celine Signorini Bakan - California College of Communications. March 5, 2021. (SPEECH) CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: Good morning, everybody, and welcome to this workshop. I intend to teach you how to use Jamboard. Jamboard is a Google tool, and it is, to be honest, one of my favorites. So I am starting to share my screen, and as you can see, my presentation is, of course, on Jamboard. I will bring your little faces here. And let's get started. So all you need in a classroom is Jamboard. Well, I use slides and other things, but, to be honest, I really like Jamboard. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, About Me. Email: C.e.l.i.n.e. dot S.i.g.n.o.r.i.n.i. at gmail dot com. (SPEECH) So a little about myself first, my name is Celine Signorinr-Bakan, and you have my email address here, I will share. I have three different Jamboards. I will share them at the end of my presentation. I am an ESL instructor. I teach academic classes at California College of Communication, and I teach level five and level six, which are the upper levels. And I teach grammar, writing, listening and speaking, reading, and practical English. And I use Jamboard in every single of these classes. And I will tell you that Jamboard is awesome, Jamboard is awesome, but I'm not paid by Google, unfortunately. I would make a lot of money each time I say that, but it doesn't happen. And so this is the agenda of these presentations. So basically, it would be an overlook of Google Jamboard step-by-step. Getting to know Google Jamboard, and then we will learn about the toolbar, which is this thing here. And then, see how it is a collaborative platform. It is one of my favorites asset about it. And how do you use Google Jamboard in your classes? I will just show you a few of the Jamboards I use. So let's get started right away. So Google Jamboard step-by-step. So first, where is it? Where is Google Jamboard? So this is where it would be very important for you to move from the Zoom screen to your computer because I really want us to experience Jamboard together. So you will find Google Jamboard when you open your Google Drive. Anybody here doesn't have a Google account? I hope everybody has. And by the way, I was intending to ask you if you know Google Jamboard already? But I am a little nervous, so I have forgotten. So I will ask you that now. Do you use Jamboard already? OK, no, that's good. That's good for me [LAUGHS] because you have a lot to teach. I know, Grazia, you use it. Oh, no, so many no. OK, this is awesome. OK, so I am very happy that I hope at the end of the session, you will-- Oh, I like this not yet. It is full of optimism and hope, that's really good. So if you go to your Google Drive, so I can even show you from here. So you will open your Google Drive, and then it is here, New. (DESCRIPTION) A button with a plus-sign icon in the top left corner. (SPEECH) And then, you need to click on More because you won't find it at the beginning. So New you click on New. And then, you will have More at the bottom of the drop-down menu, (DESCRIPTION) More opens secondary drop-down with Jamboard as the fourth option down. (SPEECH) and then it will open Drawings. And eventually, you will find Jamboard. If you want to use the Google Search, you can also type Google Jamboard, and you should access it that way. But I like doing it that way, so that is very easy to save my Jamboard on my Google Drive. So everybody found it? So you open your Google Drive, and then you found Google Jamboard. Yes, all right. I like that, yes. So I will just give you a few more sec to everybody to do it but open it right away. I wanted us to start working on that right hand. So, as you know, year ago exactly, we went online, and I had never even heard about Google Jamboard. So let's just-- I got two more, but it isn't there. That's incredible. Speaker 2: One suggestion. If you don't find it through Drive, you can just type Jamboard-- CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: --in Google, like, yeah. If you open your like JamboardGoogle.com, you can find it that way too. All right, so let's found it, perfect. So now, we are going to get to know Google Jamboard a little. So this is the page when you open it. It is a blank, totally blank Jamboard, and so, as I said before, you have the toolbar here on the left. (DESCRIPTION) Vertical toolbar includes eight icons: draw, erase, select, sticky note, image, shapes, text box, and laser pointer. (SPEECH) And then you have untitled Jamboard because it's new. Mine is called OTAN 1 because I named it. (DESCRIPTION) In upper left corner. (SPEECH) And then, you will have these little carets to move from one book to the others. So that's what I do when I do that. (DESCRIPTION) Left and right arrow in the center above the board. (SPEECH) And here, you will have all the sharing possibilities with your students. (DESCRIPTION) Blue Share button in upper right corner. (SPEECH) So let's first name our Jamboard, so you will click on the top left-hand corner here, it is, rename. You will open that. It opens this window, and then you just need to click on the window, and you can name your Jamboard the way you want to name it. And then, you click it, and you've created may be your first Jamboard. So that's where we are now. You have your own Jamboard, so I think that's already great. And then, you have-- so I divided like top corner, middle, and then right-hand corner. So on the top-left hand corner, you have set background. So if you click here on the set background, you will open this and, you have possibilities. So you have preset ones, so I can change. I will go for the dots. I will go for the lines, or for like the kind of very like scholar. My favorite is this one because whatever you put in it, I think, it is easily visible. (DESCRIPTION) Gray with white grid lines. (SPEECH) Blue is definitely not my favorite, and black depend, and I will show you later for grammar. For example, I have a very visual one. It is very nice. And then, you can import whatever you want as a background. So I will maybe talk a little about that more later when I do posters with my students on Jamboard. So we decided to have a full different background. I will put it back to its original. So Auselia is saying that she can't find it. So did you try to type the link? Grazia gave you Jamboard.google.com. You should be able to do that. So that's for the background. So you choose from all these, and then it automatically appears. It is very easy. You have these arrows like, of course, undo, and then redo. (DESCRIPTION) Left and right curved arrow icons. (SPEECH) They are still here on the top left-hand corner. And then, you have the Zoom. So you can Zoom in and Zoom out. (DESCRIPTION) Magnifying glass icon. (SPEECH) The setting by default is that you can see your frame, so this page is a frame. So you can see your frame completely. So I like it because it is what? It makes things easier. And then, if you want to clear your frame, you will click on Clear Frame, and everything has gone. But we have this undo, which will help you a lot at the beginning because something will vanish and you want to retrieve it. So you can undo. So that's on the top left-hand corner. Now, let's go to the center. So we have these little carets on the side and then in the middle. So the frame here tells you the numbers. So you see that I have 20, and 20 is the maximum frame you can have in the Jamboard. So this is why I created two for today. And then, you we click here. (DESCRIPTION) Clicks on numbered frames between left and right carets to open a pane with board previews across the top of the page. (SPEECH) And so these are all my boards. And you can normally duplicate. I can't because I have already the maximum number, and you can delete. (DESCRIPTION) By clicking vertical ellipsis or kebab icon in the upper right corner of preview tiles. (SPEECH) And let me do that, actually. Let me open the white one so that I can show you a few more things. So I'm here. So if you want to add a frame before, you just need to click on the plus. (DESCRIPTION) Small blue plus icon to the right of preview tiles. (SPEECH) And then, if you want to add one after, and then you can add like that whatever you want. Now, I am posting it. I will go with my name, at least, I know it's true. (DESCRIPTION) She creates a yellow sticky note. (SPEECH) And then you like this board, and you want to keep it that way. So you will just come here, and you will duplicate. (DESCRIPTION) The duplicated board is inserted to the right of the original. (SPEECH) And you will duplicate until maybe 20. So this is very, very useful when you have all your student work on one Jamboard because I prepare my template. I will show you later when complete is ready, and I will multiply and just add the name of the students. So it saves a lot of time. And if you have too many, you just delete them. And one more thing. If you move forward here, it will create both frames as long as you click on it. So it is until 20. So that's for the top corner here. What else do I have to tell about it? I think nothing, and so, of course, carry it for the next frame and carry it for the previous frame. So far, so good. Do we have any questions? No, I think everybody-- OK, so everybody found the Jamboard. I am very happy with that. So let's go now to the top right-hand corner. So you have here the little icon I chose for my Gmail account. Some of you might have your picture or anything like that. And then, you have the Share button. So I will talk about that extensively later. And you have this kebab menu to access more option. You can rename your goal. You can download as a PDF. So depending on what you have, if it's a lesson, it is very handy. You can save as image, remove, and make a copy. So make a copy is important because very often I prepare something, and I have my students make a copy and then work on their own Jamboard, so that's good to know. And for the sharing option, I will go back to that later. But if you click just to get used to it, so it opens this window. (DESCRIPTION) Share With People and Groups. (SPEECH) And you will get the link, but you will decide who gets the link. So anyone on the internet with this link can view. It is mainly what I choose, but you can change. And it can become, I think, restricted if you click here. You can restrict to only people you add. And in that case, you need to add people here, and if you don't add them, they won't be able to use it. So this is why I automatically choose anyone with the link. So is a viewer or is an editor? This is also important. You want people to be able to write on your Jamboard. You want people to be able to view your Jamboard, and then you copy the link. And then, you are done. And for example, I can copy the link in the chat. So that's what I do usually with my students. I share the link in a Whatsapp group, and I share the link on the chat of the Zoom chat. So I will ask you not to all come to my Jamboard because it will probably bug at one point if we are too many. So you can open it later, but please don't all rush into it. Speaker 2: Celine, excuse me, you have a couple of questions before you keep going. It was asked, could you show them how to duplicate again. And then, the other one is, is this a concept like PowerPoint slides? CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: So first, on my computer, it is lighter in terms of bandwidth than Google Slides, except if you use like very basic slides. But if you use fancy slides, this is easier. And I think for the students, so it's the same concept, yes, but it is so much easier to use. It is easier to share, and I like it more than Google Slides. Not for everything, but for activities with my students, for example, when we collaborate, I really like that. And for duplicate, so let me go back to my empty one. So you click here, on your little like the frames here at the top between the two carets. And you have these little kebab menu, and you click, and you duplicate. So, of course, it is not very visible because my board is white, so let me add something. So I will add in green this time, and I will type green because my inspiration is close to zero for now. And so you see it here, and you can duplicate. And then you're not happy because you duplicated it and you didn't want to do it. You will delete. Did I answer your question? Where again do we allow students to edit? So I will go back to that later. All these like sharing because it's an important part of the Jamboard. So what number of maximum? It is 20. How many students maximum? I had a class with 15 people working on the same Jamboard, and it was starting to be a little complicated. So I would advise if you have big numbers to create two. You can still have them on your screen, and you can still monitor what every single student is doing, just moving from one frame to the other. I would show you examples of that a little later. So, yes, sharing, I will go back to that later because it is very important. So that was the top right-hand corner. Sharing is actually here. So it's even better than I thought. So the Sharing button is here. So, as I said, when you open, when you click here, let me show you maybe from-- this is always in the middle. Here, Share. And it opens this window, so automatically, it opens in a restricted mode, which means that only people you add here with their email address will be able to open the Jamboard. So to me, it takes too long. So I will always change and choose anyone with the link. So anyone with the link so that you just copy the link here, and then you paste it, and then everybody can access. The next choice you have to do is to decide if you want your students to be viewers, they can only see it, or editors, they can write on it. So, for example, let me do that. I will copy this link. Anyone can see, done. And then, I will paste in the chat. And so come people and stop to just do some stuff on the Jamboard. I just copy and paste the-- so you arrive on my Jamboard. And then, you can decide to add a stick with your name. OK, let's start with that. If students make their own copy, how do you see their copy? Because they can just share with me. But I was talking like when we collaborate, if you have a big group, I will create myself two copy of my Jamboard. I will have group one on Jamboard A, group two on Jamboard B. And they will be C. I have many open here. So you can have your Jamboard open, and you can still monitor the work of every single of your students. And when they work on their own Jamboard, it is homework, and they submit it in the Classroom. So that's how it works. And the like Jamboard, what is good is that when they work on your Jamboard, you don't need to share because it's yours, so you can already see everything the students are doing. OK, so anybody wants to-- someone changed the background, that's cool. Is there a way to make tons of sticky notes around the Jamboard to make it user-friendly? Yes, you can totally do that. I will go to sticky notes in a moment. So yes, you can do that. So, yes, so you see you can write on it, you can create your, you can-- so it is very easy to share a link, and right away, people can start to work on it. So it is great. I so agree with you because it is a great tool. (DESCRIPTION) She moves sticky notes around as they pop up. (SPEECH) So back to my slides, let's move the chat here. So I talked about the fact that the students can be viewers or editors, and this is very important. Because editors can modify your document, so make sure that when you share, you choose the right option because if you share a document and someone starts to work on your own Jamboard without making a copy, all the other students will have the answers. So it is not-- how do you type on it? So typing will come later. But for the moment, you can click on the sticky note here on the toolbar. I will explain in a moment, so you will know how to do that. I would just want to finish with the sharing. So make sure that you share the way it is better for you. Don't let your students ruin your Jamboard because it happens. So right away, teach them how to, once again, make a copy. They click on the top right-hand kebab menu, and then they make a copy so that your Jamboard is safe. So we can go back to that sharing thing at the end if you want. Yes, I would say that they need a Google account to have a Google Jamboard. The question doesn't happen in my class because we use Classroom, anyway, Google Classroom, so everything-- they all have a Gmail account. And then, if they don't have a Drive, I teach them at the beginning of the class how to make that. So now, let's go to the meat of it and talk about the toolbar. So you have here eight little icons, and you will be able to write, erase, select, Insert sticky note, insert images, and we are all going to do that together at the same time. So Canvas, I've never used. So I wouldn't be able to answer that question. I don't know. Maybe someone knows, and if you know, feel free to answer the question. So we are going to talk about the first one, which is draw, so the one on the top. (DESCRIPTION) An image of the default pen-shaped Draw icon window with style options for pen, marker, highlighter, and brush, along with color choices. To the right is an image of Celine's name drawn with the four styles in cursive. (SPEECH) So you will click here, and it will open this beautiful little window. You will be able to choose four different types of writing, and then, you will be able to choose among different colors, so six. So you have the style, and then the color. So I just stamped the sample here the style of the writing. So the first one is very thin, and then it is getting thicker and thicker until-- that I never use it to write, but this one is very handy if you want to highlight. So let's say that I am working on style, and I want to highlight style in my Jamboard so you can do that so that students can see better. And if you want to undo what you've just done, you do that. So do you have any questions about that? Let's just take a little time for everybody to experience that on your own Jamboard. So Safari without signing in, and it worked, so it is perfect. It seems that it is accessible from many different places without having-- Mine doesn't have any style, how is it possible? Oh, maybe you have-- Is it possible that when you don't have a Gmail account, you have a limited version of Jamboard? Did you sign up with Jamboard? Auselia. I can only change the color. Auselia, you opened it with your Gmail account or? AUSELIA: Yes, I went to my school site, and then I went to-- CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: Your personal-- AUSELIA: Yeah, then I went to Apps, and then I found the Google, and that's when I found the Jamboard. But it doesn't give us any choices to do anything as far as even using a pen on your sticky note. All you can do is use the font that they have and then change the color. CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: Oh, but because this is sticky note. It is the same for me; like in the sticky notes I tend to do better than like writing. But we are talking about sticky notes. Here I am talking about the toolbar, the one on the left, The left side of your screen, you have this-- So if you click on the little, it's a paintbrush, but I think like by default, it is more like a pen. And so this is where you will be able to write. AUSELIA: Oh, I see, OK, thank you. CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: So you can use that to-- I said before, like you can also connect things. To be honest, I don't use it a lot, but when you need it, it is very handy. And then, as I told you before if you-- where am I? Here, if you are not very because this is particularly ugly, you don't want that. So this is terrible, what can I do about it? Well, you will go to the second, which is the eraser. And you will start to-- so you click on it, and you will have these little round. You can just delete everything. So whatever you've written, you can erase. So I will keep my Jamboard pristine, but you can definitely experience-- [LAUGHS] This Jamboard is the most extraordinary Jamboard ever. (DESCRIPTION) Participant-added emojis, drawings, and writing cover the graph paper background. (SPEECH) So like Celine, for example, someone doesn't know that my name. There is a cute ear. So you can absolutely clean something you don't like. You can just change everything. So the eraser is handy if you need to use it. So you can erase what you have written, and it is very convenient. So now, let's move to the third, which is the pointer. Well, there is no mystery here. It is just the pointer. It is the way you are going to be able to move your things to select and to take actions after that. Clicking, clicking everywhere. It's the pointer, it's just like the usual pointer. (DESCRIPTION) A sticky note reads, When something is selected, it is circled in blue. (SPEECH) Any questions so far? Everybody has tried to write on their Jamboard. How is it going? Writing with a mouse is not my forte, so this is also why I don't use it a lot. But for my grammar lesson, I highlight a lot, so I use this one, the last one a lot, or maybe it is-- The thickest one, yeah, I used to like to highlight on my slides, frames because it's called a frame. So if there is no question, can you show the pointer again? It is here, the third one on the toolbar number three. And so you just select, you move. I will show that later, you will be able to give an order, you will be able to duplicate. So each time you have a little hand appearing, it means that you can click and do some things. So I feel good about that. I didn't even notice. How do we make pen a marker? So let me go back to that. So you need to choose here. When you click on the pen on the left, you have three different-- you have pen, marker, highlighter, and brush. So this is where you will decide. So basically, pen and then this might be the marker, number two. And then, the highlighter, number three. And the number 4 is the brush. So they are all here on the left side. It is your toolbar. It is mainly what you will be using when you use Jamboard. I hope I answered the question, and so let's move to-- One of the most exciting thing about Jamboard is the sticky notes. I move the chat on my other screen. So to open the sticky notes, it is your number four icon here. So you just click, and as we saw before, it opens a sticky notes. And this sticky note, you will be able to choose the color. (DESCRIPTION) Next to the row of color options along the top of the window is a crossed-out water drop icon for transparent. (SPEECH) It can even be transparent. We can come handy. If you want to add on a picture, if you want to add some comment on the picture, for example, you can use the transparent one. And then you will write in it. You will save, and then it appears-- so by default, maybe I will open a new board because it is starting to be really Crowded, but I like the way you're all having fun on the Jamboard. (DESCRIPTION) She moves to the next board and deletes the green sticky note created earlier in the presentation by right clicking on the note and selecting Delete. (SPEECH) So let's just delete this one. And so I want to create an orange one. And I will write, I don't know, my name again, my brain is blank. So by default, it appears at the top left-hand corner of the screen of your frame, but you can definitely move it around everywhere. So that's very easy to create your sticky notes. And about the sticky notes, there are a few other things you need to know. So I will show you here. You click on the kebab menu, and it will open a little window. So you can edit, you can duplicate. Duplicate, to be honest, what I do is like, I copy and paste. It is also very easy. You can copy and then paste like you can paste forever. So you can duplicate from here or duplicate with your like a shortcut on your keyboard. You can delete, of course. But delete, you just also need to select and delete from the keyboard. Well, it should work. It doesn't work. Oh, I didn't know that. So it doesn't want to delete from the keyboard, is it true? No, of course, it's because, I don't know, anyway. So you can delete from your keyboard. And then after that, what was I planning to talk about? Delete. And then, you have this thing that gives order. So I have here four sticky notes, and I want to draw order in my sticky notes. So I will click here. (DESCRIPTION) Kebab icon. (SPEECH) I will come to order. And so before that, let's say that for the purpose of the visual interest. I will give different colors to the sticky notes. So the yellow one is on top of the orange, and I don't really like that. I really want the orange to be on top. So you click on the kebab menu. You scroll down to Order, and you will send it to the back. And then, now, this green is in the back, but I don't like that, and I want it to be in the front. So you bring it to the front. So you can decide the order. That's different. It is very, to be honest, handy like, for example, for my presentations, I have to make a lot of orders so that this red round circle could be seen from, not hidden behind et cetera. So you can play a lot with that, and it gives-- Yeah, it's pretty neat. And so here-- Yeah, so you can bring it in the front, and it will be covering the other ones. So I really like all these possibilities you have with your Jamboard to draw order. So remember it is these-- you click on your sticky note, you click on the kebab menu, and then you scroll down, Order. And then, I will so-- Here, for example, it is interesting. It is on top of the orange one, but it is below the blue one. And I want the-- let's see, I want, what do I want? I want the green one to be on top the orange one and the blue at the same time. So I we go here, and I will say again, bring to the front. And so now it is covering the two others. So it is interesting not only for the sticky notes but for many of the things, actually. I will explain after that with the photos and other documents you can bring to your Jamboard. So far, are we good? Do we have any questions about how to draw order? It seems that no. Have you tried on the shared Jamboard to grow Order? So here, for example, I have thank you, but we cannot read it, and I really want to see thank you. So maybe we can try to do that. No, I don't see thank you at all. So Order on the Jamboard. Yes, so you draw Order, and it is fun. Another thing about that, so someone is making a big pile. So remember, you just click on the kebab, and then you go to Order. You can bring forward. You can bring to the back. You can really do whatever you want. Oh, yes, and look at that. Someone just flipped it. So yes, you can definitely flip it. I think it is my next slide. No, I forgot to tell you that. So when you create a sticky note, you can bring it to-- It is good because it stops. When it is at-- I don't remember how to say that, but anyway, it stops when it is really like straight, and it will stop again when its head down. (DESCRIPTION) A curved double-ended arrow appears in the top right corner of a note when it's selected, which can be dragged to rotate the note. (SPEECH) So up, it stops by itself so that it is in line. It will stop here again. So that's what you can do, and of course, you can make your sticky note pretty big or very tiny. (DESCRIPTION) Drags corners inward or out. (SPEECH) So the tiny one is good when you want to put numbers, for example, like number 1. (DESCRIPTION) She adds a yellow note with the number 1. (SPEECH) So I also like to use them, for example, when I give a lesson for the title. (DESCRIPTION) She enlarges a blue note and moves it behind the corner of a green note. (SPEECH) So I need to bring these blue in front, so bring in front. (DESCRIPTION) She moves it over the center of the blue note. (SPEECH) And then, you can have a nice frame, and then you can have your sticky notes on top of it. So it gives more colors, and it is visually very nice. Do we have any question? How many people are posting on saying, OK, no? How do you put the pictures? Yep, we are getting there. I was wondering, but maybe we can see at the end because I had that. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Baby Quiz - How do you... (SPEECH) I don't know if it-- how many people? I don't know if it's doable? So baby quiz is a joke with my students. I always tell them I have a little quiz. It's a baby quiz. It's really like very quick. So I was thinking that maybe we could go through what we've seen so far. So how to add a sticky note? How to erase? How to name your board? You should, by now, If you don't remember, it's OK, but you know how to do all these things. You know how to go to the next frame, to choose the background, to change the color of the sticky note, new frame, write on the frame, draw orders on your notes. Maybe it is the trickiest one. So that's normally everything you can do now. OK, if there is no question, can they do this on their phones. So I know that Jamboard on the tablet, I have an iPad, and I have the app. It works, but there are glitches. So on phones, I have never tried. Anybody who has tried on phone? SPEAKER 3: Yes, it's very limited. SPEAKER 4: Yeah, it's a little bit also trickier because on phones, when you want to like, as soon as you put your finger on the screen because you're trying to maybe move things around, it will write something on the Jamboard. So it's doable, but it's not ideal. CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: Yeah, I think, for the phone, it's not very easy. I have another question. Should we have made a copy of what you said? No, no, not at all. You don't have to do that. And writing, that you mean I haven't told you already, so you didn't miss anything. Someone is saying, I'm sorry, can you go over right on the frame again, but I haven't done that. And how do you get the different forms? Yes, good question. We are getting there. So it's good because everybody wants to learn like so many things, so it's exciting. We are here. We are at sticky notes, so we still have four different options from the toolbar to use. Now, let's get the image, and this is a big one. So when you click on image, it will open a big window, so try that. Open it, and then the first option you will have is to upload from your own browser. You have all these different options: Upload, By URL, Camera Google Search, Google Drive, Google Photos. So let's see. The one I use the most is Upload. So you just click on Upload. Wait, I don't remember, so let me do that here on number three. (DESCRIPTION) She moves to the third board and clicks Add Image. Upload options are listed across the top of the window with a blue Browse button in the center of the page along with the option to drag and drop a file. (SPEECH) Upload, so you can choose move from one to the other. But I select Upload, and then you click on Browse. So what I have done on my desktop on my computer, I have symbols that I use very often in my slides. So I have all types of things because I use a lot. So I use the little heart for the mouse. This is about like phonetics, and so I have many, many different things. Some seem weird, but you will find out that after a while, it is OK. You can also import like I created that for a game, so you could totally import that as an image. And so that's how I choose. So let's say that I want this, not a blue one. (DESCRIPTION) She chooses an image of an exclamation point inside a blue circle. (SPEECH) So you just click on it, and it will automatically come on your frame. And then, as usual, you will make it very, very tiny. So tiny, very, very, very big. You will have here the possibility to duplicate. And I don't want two, so I want only one, I delete. (DESCRIPTION) She adds a yellow sticky note with the word "Oh" (SPEECH) And then, let's see. And I want this 'Oh!' to be behind. So as I did before, the kebab menu, Order, send back. And then if I move it, it's gone. And then to find it, it's a little complicated. So and if you want, you remember I told you before for the transparent. So it's here. It is hidden. So first, I need to bring it to the front, and after that, I want it to be transparent. (DESCRIPTION) She double-clicks the note to open the formatting window and change the background. (SPEECH) So that's how you can make funny comments on photos, pictures, and it is very handy. So what do I have? What else? So basically, what I do is that I go online. So maybe we can do it. I will look for whatever, a blue arrow, but I want them to be PNG so that there is nothing in the background. So I will open Images. I would find one. Let's see that I want this one. I hope it will work. But anyway, it shows you the process. So I want this one. And so I guess that. So there are many sites when you need to pay, but there are many where you don't need to pay, so just choose. And then, Download PNG. So I will download that. OK, maybe not this one. But anyway, you can download from the internet, and then it will come on your-- Here, I am here. It will come on your finder. For me, it is called finder, so might download. So it is in download. I created actually one folder called Images, where I have all the one I use very often. And so they are all PNG so that they are all transparent. So this mouse, for example, it is not in a square in the bedroom because I don't really like that. I like Jamboards because you can make them very beautiful. So this is very important for me to try to make them cute, so I downloaded the hearts. So the hearts, they are here. And if I want to add them to my Jamboard, I will go on Image, Browse, and then I will look for them. They are here, and I will just click on Open. And it will open my hearts. And then, I make them smaller, and I decided that I want them a little crook, so I decided to go for that. So I really love, love, love Jamboard, I told you. So this is how you can insert a photo or anything actually from your hard drive. So I use that a lot to illustrate my frames and also for symbols because I will show you later. I do grammar lessons, so you need arrows, you need to equal, you need so-- It is very handy to use that. So that's one. You remember the first one was Upload. The second one, you can choose this from URL. To be honest, I never use that because I think it is a bit complicated. It is not very useful for me. Camera, so I could take a picture of me, and then I can include it. Let's do that. Does it work? I've never done that. So let's not experiment today. And then, you can go to Google Image. So that's the next one. Google Image, you will just click on it, and it will open a big window. And on this window, Google Image, you will type here, search for image. So as you saw, I looked for a dog. I just typed dog. And of course, it's Google, so it gives you thousands of possibilities, but I really like this cute little one. So I will click on this one, and then I will insert. And then, look, it is so cute. So let's do that on my-- let's get rid of it. Let's do that again here. So Google Image, and then I will search for you know what? I'm French, so we will look for the Eiffel Tower. And I really like, I don't know. Maybe this one. I'm not sure. Let's take the black and white here. And then I insert, and it is very small. So maybe I want to make it a little bigger. So sometimes when you make it bigger, the quantity will be very, very damaged, so just check on that. And so that's how you do it. So I'm showing one more time. And maybe we can look for something that is a bit too patriotic. Oh, a view from Le Sacre-Coeur over Paris, so that's a nice view, up. So you can have pictures, and once again, if you want one to be on top of the other, you will choose your order. And maybe you want to add a little sticky notes, and you will say Paris Forever. (DESCRIPTION) She uses a transparent background and drags it over a picture. (SPEECH) And then you will add that here so that there is no frame, but we can see it. So it's full of possibilities, really. So you can have, I think, this is not supposed to be here. You can have a little dog. You can have virtually anything. And then, after that, you can choose pictures from your Google Drive, so it will be the same thing. You will just select one picture, and then you will have it on your frame. And finally, you will have Google Photos, but I don't have photos in Google. Oh, no, it is Google Photos, actually, so I have photos in Google with a nice swimming pool. So you can definitely. All you have to do is select and then type insert at the bottom of the page like it is shown here. And then, your picture will be on your Google Jamboard. I know that there are copyrights questions very often. I don't publish my Jamboards anywhere. It is for me or for my students. So I don't, to be honest, I maybe should, but I don't pay attention to all the copyright problems that could arise. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Now how to get to those - Go online and look up PNG files. Various symbols, graphics, and a bitmoji of Celine with a speech bubble that reads, "Hello." (SPEECH) Now, I told you that already. So you can get so many, many, many symbols, pictures. (DESCRIPTION) Moves dialogue bubble. (SPEECH) I had this one, it's an empty one because I really like writing on it, so I looked for, and be very straightforward. You will type in Google. You will search empty-- Be descriptive, empty white bubble, PNG. Don't forget the PNG because PNG makes them transparent at the back, and then you will find that. And, as we did before, you go to the website. And if you are lucky enough-- This one is not particularly nice, but you maybe can find another one that you like more. Oh, this one is really nice. And then you will just download. So I will rename it. I will call it Bubble 2 because I have already 1. So Bubble 2, I will save it. And then, I will come to my Jamboard. I will open images. I downloaded on my computer. And so it should be bubble somewhere here up, and then I upload it on my board. (DESCRIPTION) The bubble covers the text, "Paris Forever." (SPEECH) So if you want someone to say Paris, same problem. We have a problem here because we cannot see it. So we want to bring it-- we want to bring this one forward. Because if I click here and bring this one back, it will disappear behind. So it's gone. So you need to be like-- Yeah, you need to think about the order from one to the other. So here, I would put it here. And I would bring it forward again. So bring to the front, and then there is somewhere here in Paris saying Paris forever. So you can do very funny things. What are the last three letters for transparent? You mean in the sticky notes? None, it is called actually-- Oh, for the transparent PNG, thank you, Blaire. BLAIRE: I was hoping I was right on that. CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: PNG, yeah, so be careful sometimes you have the feeling that this website is a little shady and you don't want to download, but I've downloaded many, many and never got any virus. You can pay, but I really don't like to pay for things like that, so I don't do that. So, yeah, PNG. So these are all PNGs. So, for example, you have an activity where students need to record themselves. So you can have that. Oh, be careful, this is very important. And then, anything like you are planning like an exercise in your Jamboard, and they need to check like this sentence. Let me do that. So far, let me create another sticky note. So you will have answer A, and then you will have answer B. Oh, by the way, as long as you're not done, you just save, and you can create, create, and create, and it never ends. So until you just click in your frame, and then they all go. (DESCRIPTION) She lines up the letter notes and moves a green checkmark and red x. (SPEECH) So let's say that I give them a question. And then, there is answer A, B, C, or D. They will just need to move the correct answer to the A or the wrong answer to the D, so it is, once again, very, very flexible. And multiple possibilities, it is really amazing. So that was for these PNGs. So everybody managed to download a PNG gifs, and PNG support the transparent background. [Inaudible] So this is why I don't like-- I will show you, I will remove this PNG. And then I want a bubble. So I come here. I will click here. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks on a Google image which opens the picture in a link and related image pane on the right, then right clicks and copies from there. (SPEECH) And I can actually from right here, like click on my mouse and then copy the image. Go to my Jamboard, and then I will paste my image. So I don't know-- I have a Mac, so I don't really the shortcut for anything in like PC. Then the problem is that it's OK if your background is white because you don't see it. But I don't use white background, I most of the time use this one, and so I don't really like that because I'm kind of I like details, and this white trim around it, nope. So if you choose PNG, then you won't have that. And this is what I like. Let's move on shapes. (DESCRIPTION) Sixth icon in left toolbar with circle as default. The slide includes a snowman constructed with the Shapes tool and the text, Be creative! (SPEECH) That's a big one, and it's already 11:26, guys, so we need to move on. So it is this one. On the side of your toolbar, is there a way to navigate around the Jamboard when zoomed-in other than using the sidebar like other online whiteboard. Identificated navigation, hotkey, I don't know that. I have absolutely no idea. Kyle, I cannot answer your question. Maybe someone in the meeting can answer, but I don't know that. So shapes. It is here; it is symbol number 6. And when you click, so by default, it is the circle. And when you click, it opens these little shapes. You can add a circle, a square, triangle, a diamond, everything that is here. So you have examples here. The thing is that always think that it is Google, so you can change everything. So you can draw a perfect square. (DESCRIPTION) She inserts a circle, then stretches and rotates it. (SPEECH) And then, we don't like square. We want it to be like that. And then, it's too thin. You want it to be like that. And then, it could be a little like that, and that would be nice. So you can really do whatever you want. So I used that in my slides at the beginning. You remember when I circled many, many, many things. So that's what I used, for example, here to do that. This is this option. And here, you can see the arrow. So here is the arrow, so you have them here all in big, bigger than they are here. And yes, I told you, you can download from the internet anything. How do you write in the image? Like the question is about this one? SPEAKER 5: The image that we just moved. How do we-- so I moved in the diamond. So if I wanted to write inside the diamond, how do I write inside? CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: So write is the next, it's actually the next-- The text box is my next explanation. But for example, you draw that, (DESCRIPTION) She draws a circle beside her Paris pictures. (SPEECH) and then you can add a sticky note and transparent, and so it won't be seen like you don't see the lines. I will just tell you how to write in the frames just after that. So you can just have fun. I typed, you know what I typed? This is not what I wanted, but I have another one. I typed snowman face PNG. And then it pulled me that. And snowman had PNG and then branches. So all this is just like PNGs I downloaded, and then these are two circles. So you can have shapes, but the beauty of it is that they can be colored. So for that, once you have opened here, if you click here, automatically, on the top left-hand corner, you will be able to choose the color here. (DESCRIPTION) Pen and paint bucket icons in the upper left corner of the board next to the Zoom button open border and fill color options. (SPEECH) So you have the usual Google colors. So you choose the frame, and then you choose the inside of your frame. So you can choose, once again, among all the colors, and of course, you can have, here is, transparent. So you can choose to go for the same colors. You can go for different colors to create a contrast. No colors at all. So that's very-- like I like it because it is really beautiful, actually. Now, I have missed how to get shapes other than circle. It is here. Let's go back. You click here in the shape, so it is button number 6, and then it opens the circle by default, but then you can just move on to choose where you want to go. So let me go here, use another one. So I want to create an arrow. And then, I just open the arrow, and then you go here. I don't really like black and white, so I want it to be blue and yellow. That's not really what I like, so green, maybe. And then, the same, it's always the same. As soon as you have an item on your page, you can make it bigger. You can make it very, very tiny. You can rotate. So it's very useful for arrows because sometimes you want the explanation to go down. It's very useful here because sometimes you have two explanations. So one arrow, don't open a new one, just come here, duplicate, and then you just move it where you want it to be. That way, you save a lot of time. So as I said before, duplicate or like in your keyboard shortcut. So let's see what we have after that we are going to write. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, 7 - Text box. (SPEECH) And this is where, I think for me, the magic happens before, I think, six months ago the frame and the text box didn't exist. And I was not so much into Jamboard, but that probably changed my-- shouldn't we clean? Also, look at that. Yeah, you can totally clean the board, you know what? You know how to do it. How do you keep the frame? (DESCRIPTION) Returns to first board with participant drawings, pictures, and writing. (SPEECH) So I am in the frame. Someone clear the frame, the one we are sharing together. No, there is an easier way to do that. Top left-hand corner, clear the frame. Yeah, here. (DESCRIPTION) Next to Undo, Redo, Zoom, and Set Background options. (SPEECH) Up you click on-- My Jamboard is overloaded. I think everybody has been chased away, so maybe I will open a new one so that we don't have any problems. So let me open a new one, up, and I will share with you so that everybody we can start with a fresh one. This one was a little overloaded. So once again, I choose anyone with the link. Editor, I copy the link. I'm done, and I paste it here in the chat. And you know one frame is full. You just need to click here to create a new one, up the little caret on the side. So when one is full, just go to the next one. So where are we? I'm a little lost. Right, of course. So up here, you will click on text box, and you will come to your frame and click. And it opens a text box. Nice, and then you are going to write "I love Jamboard." I don't really like the fact that it is black because black is a little sad in the color of my Jamboard, so I will put it in red. And then, it is too small. So I want it to be bigger. (DESCRIPTION) Drags corner outward. (SPEECH) You can just choose the size of it, knowing that if it is not the right size, it will go to the line automatically, but you can just make it bigger. Now, this is cool, way cool. I agree with you, but now the beauty is that look at that, I will use that. I want to put my I love Jamboard into this elliptical shape, (DESCRIPTION) Covers text with shape. (SPEECH) so I will do that with-- Oh, I cannot see it, where is it? (DESCRIPTION) Clicks kebab icon and Order. (SPEECH) Click, bring it to the back. I love Jamboard. This is much nicer than having something alone on the page. And then, you can choose that. So if you click on the writing, it will change the color on the writing. But then, if you click in the empty space, you can change the color of the frame. That's very lovely. (DESCRIPTION) She moves and resizes an image of hearts that a participant added. (SPEECH) So you can decide that your frame will be red and because we are all about love, even the background will be red. (DESCRIPTION) Other participants add text that reads, "This is cool," "You are awesome Celine," and "Thank you." (SPEECH) So that is very, very useful. You can really play with that a lot, and then you can add any shape. You can decide to write on the arrow, like you will have. For example, if you want to write, example. You can totally do that, and then you can position it so that it is a little in the middle. (DESCRIPTION) She centers it inside an arrow shape. (SPEECH) I missed how to make the text box. No problem. Here, we are on the left side, and it is number, I think, seven. So you click here, and then you click on the frame, and it automatically opens up text box. (DESCRIPTION) Participants add shapes, drawings, and text. (SPEECH) So they can do that. Look, everybody is doing it now, so it is exactly how it happens. So depending on the activity, it will be very easy. I will create a Jamboard, and I will write student a. (DESCRIPTION) Inside yellow sticky note. (SPEECH) And then, student b. So, to be honest, I would make a copy because I don't want to write over again. And then, I would just change that, student b and student c. So they all have their own frame. And as a teacher, I can overlook that everybody is still working. And also, what I like is that because it's collaborative so I can have student a or I can have group a. Most of the time, it is what I have. I have a team a, team b, and team c. And well, they can also kind of cheat and check the board of the guys from the other team. But it is actually interesting like I have one word I will show you later for gun control debate. And so they are-- I have both for like you are against it and words for you are in favor of it, and they can sneak so that they can have their arguments ready for the debate. Please comment on using this live in class. Students should have a laptop? Yes. But students will have only one-- But the time is it's only one thing that is open. You navigate here with the carets to the left and to the right. I would just quickly finish to explain how to use the tools, and then I will show you how I use it. And, to be honest, Jamboard compared to slides, for example, because someone is asking about the skills of the students. Jamboard is really easy. Once you have your hands on it, you need to practice a little bit. I find it pretty straightforward, and everything is under your eyes. Zoom and Jamboard. So they just don't have their Zoom? I see what you mean. If I share something-- So if I do an activity on Jamboard, I will have my instruction on the same Jamboard so that they don't have to go from one place to the other. So let's say that I will have my instruction here. Instructions, I will explain exactly what I want here. And then, I will have team a, team b, team c. It's the same like when I sometimes work on an article. Because I didn't tell you that before, but I do a lot of copy and paste from, so let's say, New York Times article. Any of it will do. I will open that. And so, let's say that we want to read that, so I would just take a screen capture. And then, I will go on my Google Jamboard, and I will just paste it here. And so let's imagine it's an article. So I will leave the article on one frame so that everybody can read it. Instruction, article, and then students will work on the following frame. So we are all on the same Jamboard. Yes, they don't look at Zoom, no, no, no, no. Most of the time, yes. So I'm happy I could answer. Let's just move on. So we know how to choose-- Yeah, I see that you are getting very good at it, very, very good. Taco Tuesday. I closed it. I'm sorry, guys. What did I do? It is here in the-- should be this one. And then, you can choose the color, I told you. And also, you can choose the alignment of your text. Earlier, I didn't say that. (DESCRIPTION) Text size, color, and alignment options are in the upper left corner of the board. (SPEECH) So this is about the text, and then, you can choose the size. So the size either you change it. Where is it? It's going all far away. You change the size by just sliding it here. Or you can choose to change it here, normal, display, is very big caption. It is very small. So you just choose here, and then for the color, you don't need to select everything, that's very, very handy. You just need to change the color here, up, and then red, and then it's yellow. So that's easy. And under your nose, always that's what I like. Like a Google Slide, you need to look for things everywhere all the time, and it's not very easy for me now. Now, I wanted to talk about the alignment of the text. It can be aligned to the left. It can be centered or aligned to the right. So you will just decide whether you want to use it that way or the other way. Now, I showed you that. You can move your text so that your text comes to the inside the circle or inside the shape. Are you student doing this interactively? Oh my God, so many questions. How do I turn the arrow? So to turn anything actually, it's always here. You have this little arrow going up and down. And then, you will move it. So it is present in everything, even in the writing, you can decide that you want to write that way. Here, for example, I decided that it would be that way. So you can really move any shape writing you want with this little arrow on the side. I might have missed some questions but-- Speaker 2: I'm following it too, Celine, so I think you're caught up. The last one was the error. You're good. CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: So, yeah, and always, if you want like, oh my God, my text, let's see. Bring to the back. Oh, no, no, my text is disappearing. Up the kebab, Order, bring to the front, and then you can use that. And the examples will be going up over there. So that's one. Can you show how to create text up and down again? I can totally do that. Let's go to the next one. So you will create-- use here. And for example, I wrote on the other side, agenda. So you limit your text box, and then it will go to the line automatically because there is no room, so let me-- so "uh-jen-duh." (DESCRIPTION) The letters are spaced on separate lines to create vertical text. (SPEECH) Didn't work the way I wanted, but you can just go to the line, and then you can write that way. And then, I don't like it. I told you I am over details. I really don't like it because it's a little crooked, so I would decide to make them centered. Oh, and now it is very, very nice. And once again, you move it everywhere. Change the background color on the text box. I can do that. Let's take this one. So you click on the frame, maybe. And then, it is here, top left-hand corner. You can choose to change the frame, and you can choose to change the filling. How do they call that? Fill color. You can also decide that it will be transparent. So it can be transparent, and then if you change the setting of the frame, it will be like that, which is visually very, very nice. (DESCRIPTION) Changes to black background. (SPEECH) Or you can decide that you will have a white background. So I think I answered the question. Let's just move on. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, 8 - Laser. (SPEECH) Laser. With laser, it is easy. It is that. So I am explaining, so laser. (DESCRIPTION) She draws a red laser pointer-like circle which gradually disappears. (SPEECH) It is here. It is the last one, the last tool. So it is handy. I never use it. To be honest, I really don't know why, because it is pretty handy, but I don't know. From tomorrow, I should start to use it. Now, the collaborative part of it. Remember that it is possible that everybody in one class works on the same board, which makes the work of a teacher in terms of checking that everybody works very-- Look at that. This is wrong. So when I check my students' homework, I will probably do that. It's wrong. So I use it in class to make sure that my students they collaborate, and it happens all the time. As I said, it is under your eyes, so you can really, really appreciate that everybody is working. I will show you maybe right now. (DESCRIPTION) She opens a document with Jamboard links. (SPEECH) So I use Jamboards a lot in writing class. So I am looking for one in particular. I hope it is here. Oh, look at this one. (DESCRIPTION) She opens a board with pictures of people doing activities divided into mountain and sea categories. (SPEECH) How do you turn it off once you turn it on? Like what do I turn off on-- Speaker 2: --once you press the laser. Now, I'm trying to turn it off, and it won't go. CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: You go back to the arrow to the third button, select. So everywhere, you need each time if you want to do something after that you need to go back to your pointer. So the third icon on the left side. Can you use this tool to design your Google Doc on slides and then copy and paste? So I copy and paste all the time. So I do that like I do a screen capture. And then, I can paste it. I'm not sure I can paste it. Hopefully, I can paste it here. (DESCRIPTION) She pastes to the Student C board. (SPEECH) So I took a piece, so it would be even longer. It is coming. But I constantly do that. So you can use one Jamboard. You can use anything you want, and actually, I use it. So I was-- let me because I go everywhere. So this is, for example, what we do, comparison, they say, vacation in the mountains, vacation in the sea. So I have normally, the first frame is empty. You just have mountains, sea, and then in the middle. And I write the name of my students at the bottom, and then they come to the Jamboard, and they complete their own Jamboard. The name is here, and I told them just to use pictures to compare vacationing in the mountains, vacationing in the sea. For me, as a teacher, I am here, and I just go to the left, and I'm like, then you, I'm not sure that it works. So maybe you want to change that or and you can really check on the students and help them to improve. And this is very important. (DESCRIPTION) Returns to document with links. (SPEECH) And I had another question. I can show you, and it is nearly time, so I really need to finish. Grammar, so I have some lessons, so I will show you. (DESCRIPTION) She opens a board with text inside shapes that reads, Be versus get with past participles. (SPEECH) So these are, for example. We have a book. I don't know if the book. It is grammar in context, and the frames are pretty, like the tables for the rules are kind of boring and heavy, but it's an excellent book. And so I do the lessons in my Jamboard. (DESCRIPTION) She flips between boards with examples of past participles. (SPEECH) So I move like I decide, for example, this one was black. And then, I use all my little symbols. So because it was black background, I decided to go for a white background. It is OK. And someone asked me about like with slides. I have this one. I'm very organized. I surprised myself. (DESCRIPTION) She opens a set of boards demonstrating tenses with examples and diagrams. (SPEECH) So I created that on Google Slides because I cannot really do it here. So I create on slides. I make a screen capture, and I paste it here. So it is an endless possibilities of what you can do with Google Jamboard. And this is also what I like, is that you can go from one support to the other and mix them all together. You can include your own image. You can really do everything you want. It is incredible in terms of possibilities. I have also this little funny thing. (DESCRIPTION) She opens a set of boards about Modals with graphics of signs. (SPEECH) So for the modals, so it's a pre-lesson activity. So I have that all these signs, and I ask my students to write on them. And all these things are copied and pasted from the internet. So don't hesitate to use this copy and paste thing. Let me go back to that. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Ideas - How to Use Jamboard in Your Classroom. (SPEECH) So, yes, so I'm done, I think. So I use it in writing a lot for brainstorming, so I can show you that here, brainstorm and outline. Let's see. (DESCRIPTION) She opens a board with idea sticky notes around the question, Why do people divorce? (SPEECH) So why do people divorce? So that's my template. I told you about creating a template. So the students wrote their name, and then they will write their ideas, so why do people divorce? Because they don't like each other. Because whatever. And then, I ask them to organize their ideas so that they start the outline. So they have many, many, many ideas in their brainstorm page, and then they would get organized here in body 1, body 2, and body 3. So they love it because, for them, it's very easy to do. When you give them a Google Doc to make it outline, they don't want to do it, but that they really like it. So that's one thing I do, and it works all the time. And I have so many. I have another one, what is that? So pros and cons of limiting children's access to TV. (DESCRIPTION) Pros are listed in yellow notes on the left, and cons in blue notes on the right, with a thick black line down the middle. (SPEECH) And so they are here on the right. So this is teamwork because it is when we prepare like the prewriting activities. So they can write on either side, they don't need to take a side firmly. And here, once again, it is an image I downloaded from the internet. So I have these black longline in my computer. And when I need it, I can retrieve it very easily. They don't need to be super good at tech. It's a question. They don't need that. Because, as I say, like in a little time we had, you were able to-- where is it? It's gone. The Jamboard we have together. Maybe it's gone. Oh, no, it's the one. So you see, like many people have already like created many things, so it is not that hard. And to be honest, if you want to make it simple, look, it's just sticky notes. They just click here. And then, they just paste. So it's the basic thing, like the most basic of Google Jamboard. And about that, I can also show you something I do with my podcast because they like it a lot. So every morning when we wake, you know it's online classes, many students are very late. So we listen to podcasts, we listen to PBS NewsHour, we listen to CNN 10, we listen to NPR, sometimes a piece of 60 minutes anything that is news, so basically newscast. And this is a shared Jamboard. It is in my Classroom. They can find it in the stream, it is very easy to find. And we listen to the piece of podcasts, and they will write notes all along. So everything they can hear, even if they are not sure about the writing, they just write on it so that we can recreate the story after that. And I decide that they all write in yellow and my vocabulary I want them to work on, and they will have a quiz on after that, I use those sticky notes. So when I want them to review the vocabulary before the quiz, I tell them open the newscast session three and then review your vocab, and you will have a quiz. Do I have anything I really wanted to share with you? Listening, grammar. Speaker 2: Celine, you had one question that I thought was kind of intriguing. It is. Can you freeze a frame so that the students can't edit that particular one? CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: No, but what you can do is that once again, you will take a screen capture of your frame, and you will paste it on another Jamboard so that your students, this frame particularly, they won't be able to change anything on it. (DESCRIPTION) Opens Jamboard with ideas listed under writing, reading, listening, and speaking sticky notes. (SPEECH) So that's the only way I know you can because no, you cannot change only one. What separates Jamboard from something like online collaborative whiteboard? I've never used them. So I wouldn't know how to answer that question. I just love Jamboard because of the possibilities, but maybe I should try the other ones. What if you have more than 20 students? Oh, it's OK. So I will do that. So let's say that the Jamboard will be Team 1. (DESCRIPTION) She renames the board "Team 1." (SPEECH) So you will tell the students like from Frank to Tayane. You go to this one, and then you come here. You make a copy, you can call it Team 2. You tell half of your class to go to Team 2, half of your class to go to Team 1. And then, you can, as a teacher, just make sure that everybody is doing the job. Yes, screen capture. I do a lot of screen capture. I am unable to tell you how to do it in PC because I have a mac, so the shortcut from the keyboard is very easy. I have only five more minutes. So if you have questions-- Speaker 2: Yeah, I have one question for you. Are you going to share a presentation link? So that was Jess. CELINE SIGNORINI-BAKAN: I will actually share this one, the first one. I will do it right now, actually. So you will be-- anyone can view so that nobody will change my-- so that's the first one, and then that's the second one so that you can review. And to be honest, I will be very happy if you need some tips or anything. You have my-- well, I will give you this one too because my email address is here at the beginning. So you should have three links. So I am changing to anyone is a viewer. And then, I copy here. There was another Jamboard. For practical English, for example, just one final thing, and then I am done. (DESCRIPTION) Opens a set of Jamboards titled, Idioms and Expressions, with illustrations and pictures along with sticky notes. (SPEECH) We work on idioms. I'm working on idioms. It's the same like this old Google Doc is to me. It doesn't work anymore. After one year online, you really need something else, so that's what I do. I go online, and I pick up the illustration of the idioms. And then, once again, I tell my students make a copy. So they make a copy, and then they just have to slide: to die, to buy the barn. And then, they just need to do that, and they have seven slides about that. They just need to move the sticky note where it needs to be. So that's they like it. It is really fun. I think I am done. I know it was a marathon, but I think I've covered everything that you may need to use right on, and then, yeah, I told you about the debate. (DESCRIPTION) Opens Jamboard with illustrated children shouting and the text, Let's have an argument! The next board contains topic and instruction sticky notes. The third is divided by Team Yes and Team No. (SPEECH) So here, it's the first one I made. So they are not as nice as the last one, but you have all the instructions, again, and then, they need to say if they are team yes or team no. They write their names, and then hereafter that, they will put all their ideas. Maybe they will look for some graphs online and stuff like that. So it works very well. Now, I'm done, done. [LAUGHTER] For real, I will drink a big glass of water. So anybody has questions? No, thank you. Thank you, guys, for your support. I really hope you will dig into Jamboard and use it because students love it. (DESCRIPTION) Text, O TAN Online. Technology and Distance Learning Symposium - All You Need Is Google Jamboard. Follow On YouTube and Facebook: O TAN Serves Adult Education; Twitter - O TAN. O T A N dot u.s., 916-228-2580.