(DESCRIPTION) Text, OTAN - Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. Slide, Screencastify part 3. Alisa Takeuchi, alisa dot T-A-K-E-U-C-H-I at gmail dot com. Anthony Burik. (SPEECH) ANTHONY BURIK: OK, aloha, everyone. Welcome to Screencastify Part 3. So I'm going to turn it over to Alisa. Welcome to Screencastify Part 3. Alisa, go ahead. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Thanks. Let me share my screen. So welcome. I know this is going to be a little bit more of an intimate group with us. If you've gone through Part 1, and then you felt pretty good about it, and you did your homework, and then you did Part 2, and the mother bird sent her babies off. And hopefully, you were starting to play with it a little bit and practice, and now we're at Part 3, where we're actually going to maybe do a little bit more hands-on, so I'm right with you. I'm going to give you some information and some tips on other ways to use Screencastify than maybe just the normal how-to, because I think maybe that's where a lot of you is your go-to, because that, for me, was my easiest thing is to show how to do something. So that was normally what my screencasts were. But now, we'll talk about other things, so we can do a screencast and what tools we can do with them. So as you know, my name is Alisa Takeuchi. I work at Garden Grove Adult Education in Southern California. I've been working with OTAN for about three years, and I have been more busy than normal because of our circumstances, which is great for me. And so I've just been super appreciative that OTAN has really gone-- stepped above where we could have them as our resource for all this remote instruction. And I'm currently in Sacramento. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Agenda (SPEECH) So here's our agenda for today. [CLEARS THROAT] Excuse me. We go through the welcome. We're going to start learning about screencasts as-- Screencastify for teaching a lesson. And I'll give you a little demonstration on that. We'll talk about feedback to students, how we can use video to give feedback to students in a variety of different ways. We'll review some of the tools and how to share, and in between all that, we're also-- we'll be doing some activities. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Working with Multiple Tabs (SPEECH) So-- oh, don't forget that when you're working with Screencastify especially, one of the things that might be daunting for some of you is working with multiple tabs. And my screen right now is black. I don't know what it looks like for you, but I'm going to play the video and hope it works. (DESCRIPTION) A video plays (SPEECH) [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - An important skill to have when using Screencastify is the ability-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: Sorry. Can you hear that? ANTHONY BURIK: Alisa, yeah, I can hear it. ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK, it's like I don't remember pushing that button above the sound, but OK. - You can toggle between multiple tabs at the top of your screen. This will be important, because you'll want to organize your tabs in an order that's efficient for you so that your Screencastify goes more smoothly. Now, as you can see, I have multiple tabs at the top of my screen. This is what's called tab hoarding. Now I'm hoping-- no, wait-- I know that I am not the only one that does this. So even though I have plenty of tabs open, I'd like to organize them, so again, I can use it more efficiently. So as you can see here, I have my work email. I have a Gmail, and I have another Gmail over here, and I would like them all together. So I'm going to click on my Gmail, and I'm going to physically drag it over to where I'd like it to go and let go. So now I love my work email, a Gmail, and another Gmail here. So again, I'd like my Google slides next to each other, so I'm going to click, drag, and let go. One more time with my Screencastify. I'm going to move my Screencastifies so that they're all next to each other, and now, as you can see, I have a pretty organized order of my tabs at the top of the screen. Now let's say, for some reason, I'd like to move my Gmail to the end, so I'm clicking, and I'm moving it. My hand moves it off, and then I don't know what to do, and I let go, and oh, my gosh. Where did all my tabs go? I've lost all my tabs. Don't worry. They're still there. If I move this tab right here, if I drag it down, and I let go, there are all my tabs. The tab that's been moved has just been layered on top, so don't worry. You can do two things. You can exit and get rid of the tab itself, or if you want to put it back, click on the tab. Don't click in the middle. Click on the tab, put it back in the line, and then manipulate it to wherever you'd like it to go. So let's try that one more time. I have my Screencastify. I'm going to move this back. I'm going to move this back. I look, and oh, oh, and now it's gone. So all you need to do is click on the tab itself, move it, and look, it's right back in the line of tabs. And I can let go and put it right back. You're not-- you haven't lost anything. So that's how you go ahead and manipulate between tasks, and again, this will be important for your Screencastify, so let's go ahead and practice. If you're on Zoom right now, you may have to exit full screen. And you might have some tabs behind it. [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: All right, so I'm going to stop that, because we practiced it before. And if you want, I mean if you're watching right now, and you're like, oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that, go ahead, and off to the side or on your other computer, practice moving the tabs over. Excuse me. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Side by Side Views (SPEECH) This is what Anthony was talking about earlier about side by side. If you have just one computer, if you're on a computer, and you have just one screen, then if you want to do this hands on, as we're talking, and you want to practice, you're going to want to have two screens open at the same time. One is going to be the Zoom with this presentation, and then one is going to be with whatever activity we're doing, whether it be a Google Doc or a Google Slide or whatever it is that we're practicing with. So you're going to want to manipulate so that you have two slides side by side. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Teaching a Lesson (SPEECH) And again, if that's too much for you, then please, go ahead and just sit back and watch, and then you can practice on your own afterwards. We're going to go ahead and get started with teaching a lesson. And again, I don't know why, but my screen looks black right here. I'm not sure what it looks like for you, but I'm going to play what I made for teaching a lesson. So this is how I could use Screencastify while teaching a lesson. And I want to make a side note also. I did this during a meeting, during a Hangout-- sorry, a Google Meet. And I didn't practice with a Google Zoom, but I can't see why it wouldn't work. But I thought about it later that this could be a really good way to screencast part of a teaching lesson, if you're having classroom on Zoom or on Google Hangouts, and you want to just capture that part of that lesson in case any student was absent or couldn't make it to that meeting or wants to review it again. You can go ahead and capture that lesson, and then save it for later. Remember, if you only have the free account, you have a limit of five minutes. So just go ahead, and let it run out to five minutes if you want, or stop it when you need to. And then you can reshow it again later on with your students. Excuse me. (DESCRIPTION) A video plays (SPEECH) [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - If you are in your Zoom class or a Hangouts Meet, you can still screencast a lesson that you want to show your students, and in case they were absent or some students couldn't make it to your meeting, then you can share the screencast of the lesson with them through email or reminder classroom, however you communicate with your students. So I'm in a Hangouts meeting with my students, and I'm going to explain page 112 with them. First, we're going to listen to the vocabulary. - Page 112, Lesson B, Exercise 1. One. - Cutting the grass. Cutting the grass. - OK, and, of course, we would listen to the whole thing, and we would practice the pronunciation, and we'd go over it a couple of times. And in the meanwhile, I'm still screencasting. So then now, we're going to practice. And one thing I did notice, though, is that I have to use the toolbar from Cambridge, so this happens to be from Cambridge It's Ventures. I cannot use the Screencastify Draw tool. And I think it's only just because it's the software that I'm using. If you're using just a regular PDF worksheet or something, then you'll be able to use your toolbar. So I would explain my practice, so students, this is we're going to match the vocabulary with the-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: Sorry, I'm going to stop this real quick. I just want to give a little disclaimer. So if you're looking at this, and you're like, wow, that's kind of blurry or fuzzy, it's because I made it smaller so that I could fit it on the screen right now. But if I were actually with my students, I would blow this up. The Ventures presentation tool has the option to zoom the page in and out, so I would actually use zoom this in. So if we were in a Hangouts meeting or Zoom, then the picture would be-- the pictures would be bigger, and we could see the writing clearer, so-- - --the picture, the vocabulary with the picture. So taking out the trash, so which picture is taking out the trash? We get our pen, and if you're on a PDF, you would just still get your pen. And yes, we're going to match to the person. And students, is this a man or a woman? The man. The man is taking out the trash. If you want to write your sentences, capital T, the man is taking out the trash, and then don't forget your period at the end. The man is taking out the trash. So go ahead, and you're going to finish one, two, three, four, five, six, match to the picture, and then write your sentences. [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: Great. So that's how I could use Screencastify if I was in a classroom with my students, online classroom with my students. And this particular lesson, if I knew students weren't in the meeting at the time, then I would save this, and then they could watch it later on. I could email it to them, or I could put it-- I can save it as a YouTube video, and they could watch it later on. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Feedback on Google Docs. (SPEECH) So I'm going to stop there real quick. Anthony, do we have any questions or comments so far? ANTHONY BURIK: Yes, a few. ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK. ANTHONY BURIK: OK, so again, just a reminder from you, is there a way to get more than five minutes per Screencastify, or do you have to pay for that? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes, you'll have to pay for it. It's the premium version, and so with the free, you have a limit of five minutes but unlimited videos. And then with the premium, it's $29 a year for educators, and it's unlimited time, unlimited videos, and extra tools. And you can also merge videos together, and you can also trim videos anywhere in the video. And with the free, it's only trimming at the front and the back end. ANTHONY BURIK: And then, again, just as a reminder, you showed us-- the Screencastify you just showed us that was the Cambridge Venture, so you said that Cambridge had its own set of annotating tools, and that was over on the left hand side, right? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Correct, yes. ANTHONY BURIK: But normally, when you're doing a Screencastify, those annotation tools will come up, right? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes, so if I was on a Word document or a PDF, the toolbar would be on the bottom left hand side. And I tried my best, because I kept thinking, why can't I use-- I had-- I could see the toolbar when I was doing this video. I could see the Screencastify toolbar, but when I went to go try to use it, it wouldn't let me. But I was just thinking also, I'm using two different monitors, and it might have been because I couldn't move the toolbar from one monitor to the other. So if you go, and you try it, if you have like a software that has its own annotation tools, you may be able to do both, but I'm not too sure. So in my case, it did not work. ANTHONY BURIK: OK. So I think here's a couple of more-- two more toolbar questions. So Amy said, I seem to not be able to see the Screencastify toolbar when I'm screencasting with a Google Slide presentation. Is that because the Slides toolbar becomes my only option, or is she not doing something correct? ALISA TAKEUCHI: There could be two things. If you're in presentation mode, the toolbar will be there, but maybe not all the tools. But if anything, double check to make sure, when you're just starting your screencast, and it has all the different options about tab browser, desktop, webcam, that toolbar-- I mean that menu, make sure to click More Options, and that your-- down at the bottom, it says, Show Toolbar, is toggled on, because that could be an oversight also. So even if you want the toolbar, but you don't see it, make sure that it's toggled on so that it shows. And then if you're in your screencast, and you don't want it anymore, you can always do Alt+T or Control+Alt+T, and it goes away. It'll toggle off. ANTHONY BURIK: What about-- so somebody asked, why can't I see the Screencastify tools at the bottom of my Chromebook? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Again, you might want to double check to see that your toolbar is enabled. And it depends on where you are on your Chromebook. And we're going to talk about that in just a second, where if I open up a new tab, it actually just says New Tab, I cannot use-- and I start a screencast, the tools won't work there. You have to type google.com or whatever your home page is. You have to be on a site, and then the toolbar will appear. And I'll show you that in just one second. ANTHONY BURIK: And let's do one more question. Sometimes I can't get the arrow to show in a recording, even though I select it in my tools. What could I do in that situation? ALISA TAKEUCHI: The arrow as in the cursor maybe? That-- ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah, it just says error. I'm not sure if she meant cursor or not. That's Laura. ALISA TAKEUCHI: If you used a different tool-- let's say you used the pen or the eraser or something-- the spotlight, then you're going to have to go back to the toolbar and physically click on the arrow, and then the arrow should come back on. ANTHONY BURIK: OK. ALISA TAKEUCHI: So hopefully, that helps-- hopefully, that helps your situation. ANTHONY BURIK: So I think if you're ready to go, why don't you show us-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK. ANTHONY BURIK: And then there was just a comment. Somebody said that, actually, Screencastify recently has made a number of updates to the free account, so there may be some more options there that weren't there when you first presented for us. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah, there's one definitely that I noticed right away, maybe about five days after our Part 2. And I kind of added it at the end of this presentation, but I didn't want to waste too much time on it, because I didn't-- I delved into it, but we'll talk about it later. Great. All right, so not only can you use Screencastify to do how-to videos, which seems to work the best, I believe, especially for me, because I teach such low level English students. Having the video to show how to do something really helps them, because I can talk to them, and I can write it out. But if they actually see me doing it as if I were in the classroom, then it helps them to be able to repeat what's being asked of them to do. So we're going to talk about feedback also. If you are able or if you have a class that's pretty established, and a lot of them or most of them or all of them are using a computer to do their homework, and they have their Google accounts, either Gmail Or G Suites, then utilizing Google Docs or Google Slides, all the Google products would be really beneficial for you, because they all tie in together. And Screencastify is no exception. Screencastify is part of Google, and so using that in addition to the Google tools will enhance it. So if you have a Google doc, and all the students are contributing to it, or a slideshow, and they're all contributing to it, and you're going to go and make comments, instead of just typing out an email or a comment saying, hey, great job or something, the students would be so excited to click on something and see you talking to them as if you were in the room with them. And you're specifically speaking to them, not the whole class. So for example, if I made one, I could say, Louise, I love your slide. You did such a good job. Your speaking was clear. Your sentence was perfect. Great job. And it doesn't have to be very long. It could be a few seconds, but those few seconds will make a world of difference to your students. (DESCRIPTION) Text, 1, Make your screencast. 2, Copy the U.R.L.. 3, Highlight the text in the Google Doc. 4, Select Add Comment. 5, Paste into the comment. 6, The video will appear in a new tab. Suggestion, if it a shared doc, type the person's name for each comment (SPEECH) And so these are the step by steps on how to do it with a Google Doc. Now I have a link right here, a bit.ly. If you are working, if you want to do this hands-on, if you can open up a new tab, so you might have to get out of full screen on Zoom, and then go to a new tab. And type in the URL, bit.ly/ScreencastifyGoogleDoc. Now it is case sensitive, so you must have the capital S, the capital G, and the capital D. If I were doing this with my students, I would make it much shorter, and I would not have any capitals in there, just to make it much easier for them to type. So that's something that you might want to consider, keep in mind. But for you, who are professionals, and typing is no problem, then go ahead and type in bit.ly/ScreencastifyGoogleDoc, and we're going to cross our fingers that this is going to work, because I haven't done it before. ANTHONY BURIK: Alisa, I think people need to sign into your Google Doc, unless you want to make it-- do you want to change the settings on it? ALISA TAKEUCHI: I thought I did. I made it so that anybody with the link could-- let me just double check. ANTHONY BURIK: So Alisa, though, people should be signed into a Google account, though, right, anyway? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes. More than likely. I mean most the time, when you go onto your computer-- if you use Chrome all the time, then when you get on to your computer, it should be pretty automatic. But if not, if Google-- if Chrome is not your go-to, your default, then yes, please make sure that you're into a Google account. Anthony, can you put in the chat, bit.ly/Doc-- bit.ly/, D-O-C. ANTHONY BURIK: Lowercase? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Everything lowercase, yeah. Everything lowercase. D-O-C, practice, and the number 3, Doc Practice 3. Let's try that. Let's see if that works. Basically, you're going to type in your name, and then you're going to make a very quick screencast. But because this is a living document, you can't all start at the top. So I made plenty of cells for you. So some of you that are just coming in, you might want to go down to the bottom, because you don't want somebody to override you. I would never do this with my students, because I have lower level students, and it would be more difficult. I would have numbers, so this is another thing that I would do with my students is that I would number all the cells, and I would assign a number to my students. So Maria, you are number one. Khang, you are number two. Jose, you are number three, et cetera, so that they know where to find their cell, and then type their name. Otherwise, they're kind of fighting each other on where to write. What I'd like you to do is you can do it right on this screen, if you'd like. So if you're signed into Google, at the very top, on the right hand side, you should see your Screencastify logo. It's like an arrow, a peachy colored arrow to the right with a camcorder in the middle. If you've been practicing with your screen, if you've been practicing in Screencastify, you know this. This is automatic. So go ahead, and you're going to make a five-second video of yourself. Just say, my name is, da-da-da, and then something else. You could say what district you work for or whatever you want to say-- five seconds. And then finish. When you finish, then go ahead and copy the URL. I just want you to get an idea of how to do it. So you can do this project with your students. So your students could actually do it. If they are on Google, or if they're using Docs, and you have them get Screencastify and start utilizing it, this is a pretty easy link that they-- I mean a pretty easy activity that they could do also. ANTHONY BURIK: Lisa, there was a question from someone. What should I click on-- the webcam only question. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes, that would be great, because that would give that face to face kind of feedback to your students. And we're just doing this as an activity, just so you have an idea. But for example, your students may write-- maybe they did some writing, and they wrote a sentence or a paragraph or an essay, depending on their level and what the activity is. You would do the same thing. You would screencast a webcam, and you would say, Martha, great job. You finished quickly, and your sentences are perfect. I really like this. You might want to think about using different adjectives, or some sort of feedback. And then you finish, and then there's a video for them. So depending on how many students you have, it could take a little while. But the rewards will be so worth it. They'll be so excited to have their own personalized video, as if you were speaking directly to them in person. ANTHONY BURIK: Alisa, so-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: Angela-- mm-hmm. ANTHONY BURIK: A question. So this is the first time somebody is doing this. So can you tell me again where to find the link to make the video? ALISA TAKEUCHI: As soon as I finish-- it saves in your Google Drive. Like, there's no saving. It automatically put it in your Google Drive, and then it'll say, copy shareable link. You click on that, and that's the copy, and then you go into the doc, and you right click and paste. ANTHONY BURIK: And Alisa, so again, just so people-- there's another question. So once you have your link copied for your Screencastify, then go over to Alisa's Google Doc. But you have to make sure that you have a line selected with your name on it, right? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes, so if you don't have your name already, just find a blank line, a row, a blank row. Type your name, and then right click, paste into the second column. So this was just one example. I wanted to show you an example of what it could look like, and you could manipulate this any way you see fit for your class. So if working with a table works better for you your students, again, I would recommend maybe the first time, even if you have advanced students, I would probably number the cells in the rows, and then assign each one a row first just so that they're not fighting, because it's a new thing, and you don't want them to be all confused about it. So I would assign them a row, and then have them type in their name. And they can make their own screencast and insert it. Or if you have their writing, then you can insert it into a box. The other thing is-- the second part is you can also add it as comments. And if you can see on the right hand side, if you see my name, and you see some comments, if you see the row, Terry's there. Jacqueline is there. You can highlight a name. And then on the right hand side, you'll see the-- I wonder if I can do this. Just a minute. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks on a Google Doc with a table that shows a list of names and video links. Alisa's name appears first on the table, as well as in a list to the right of the table (SPEECH) If you can see, on the right hand side, I have-- so I inserted my video here, and I also inserted it here. So for example, if you don't want to make a table, and the students have their writing on the doc, and you just want to make a comment, you can highlight. And when it's yellow, that means there is a comment. So for example, if I highlighted Jacqueline's right now, if I highlighted her name, you'll see a little plus right here, and it says, Add a Comment. So I can click on that, and then I can paste. I can either type a comment-- wow, you did a great-- you did a great job. Or I could do both. I could right click and paste my video in the comments as well, so you have your choice. You can do it in a box like this. You can do it on the comments on the side. So if you would like to practice that, that would be great. Go ahead and highlight your name. Click the plus button on the side, and then add your comment. ANTHONY BURIK: Well, Alisa, just a question in the chat that's come up, so once you-- if you have a your first screencast, and you finish your first screencast, and it's still processing, can you immediately start doing a second screencast, or do you have to wait until the first one is finished? ALISA TAKEUCHI: I am going to-- just off the top of my head, because I don't think I've experienced it, but I'm going to say you have to finish the process first before you start another one. Otherwise, I feel like maybe it'll slow things down for everything. It'll slow down your second one and your first one. So I would wait. But hopefully, I mean-- and, of course, the shorter the screencast, the faster it'll process. So if it's a 10-second one versus a five-minute one, it's going to take different amounts of time to process. And again, this is just one example of an idea of how you can use screencasts-- Screencastify to give feedback to your students. And how exciting would it be that they could actually do it? So I'm glad that worked out. OK, so let me move this back. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks back to the slideshow (SPEECH) When we finish today, and you're like, that was so much fun. That was great. I wish I-- you know, I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. And you can't remember, it's right here. It's the step by step on how to do that particular activity. So if you want to take a picture, you'll get the handouts after. All right, oh, and so just as a side note, two side notes. The video, when they click on the link, it will open in a new tab. So if you're working with students that are new to computers, you're going to want to forewarn them on that, and then show them how to get back to the document or wherever you need them to go, because it will open in a new tab. And then, also, if you are using the comments section in lieu of the table, if you're making a lot of comments to different students, my suggestion is that you write their name first so that they know that comment goes to that person, versus all of them looking at everybody's comments, which would be fine also if you don't care. But if you just want them to find their own comment, then type their name in first. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Let's Practice. Text, bit dot l.y. slash screencastify doc (SPEECH) Oh, look at that. Oh, I guess I gave you the wrong thing. That's why. This, right here, I'll show you what it is. (DESCRIPTION) She indicates the bitly link in the Feedback slide. (SPEECH) I gave you the wrong-- I was ahead of myself. This is what I wanted to show you. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks the link to open a Google Doc titled Screencastify Webinar Doc, Feedback in comments (SPEECH) So if my students were writing a sentence, they would write their name and write a sentence, and then I would write a comment to them. That's what it was. Sorry, I got lost. (DESCRIPTION) The Doc consists of a table with columns labeled Name, Sentence, and Feedback. A list of comments with clickable links from Alisa appears to the right of the Doc (SPEECH) So my student writes a sentence. "On Saturday, my son wash car." And then I say, Khang, watch the video. And then I have the video there. They would watch, and it would have the comments back to them. And then, again, so I put their name in front of the comment so that they know that this is theirs. And then this was the table, so they typed their name and their sentence, and then this is the comments, the video, the screencast. Sorry about that. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks back on the slideshow. Slide, Working with Slides (SPEECH) So then that's the practice. So now we're working out with slides. If you are using Google Slides as your presentation tool versus PowerPoint, then you can also do some of the same feedbacks, or if your students are creating presentations on Slides, you can use some of the same tools that we just practiced with Docs in Slides. So again, because they're all connected by Google, then it's very easy to transfer some skills from one tool to another. So we will talk about how to work with slides as a presentation, so you are creating a presentation for your colleagues or your students. And you are adding a screencast to add to the multimedia of it. We'll talk about the feedback on a student presentation, similar to what we just did. You watch the student presentation, and you can create comments on their presentation. You can also do Screencastify to just add audio only for listening practice. So we'll talk about that, because there's a couple of ways to do it, and I'll show you how. We'll practice. And then, of course, students can create their own slideshows. Either you create one slide with a bunch-- one presentation with many, many, many slides, and you assign each one a slide, and they create whatever it is the assignment is from you, or you can just have them create one by themselves. It's all theirs. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Listen and answer the questions. 1, What day is it? 2, Where is Alisa? 3, What is she doing today? (SPEECH) All right, so let me show you what this looks like. (DESCRIPTION) A video plays (SPEECH) [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - Today is Monday. On Mondays, I do the laundry. I am in the laundry room. [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: That was a listening practice, where I have a picture and just my voice. So I could have just put nothing, or I could have put some abstract picture there, but I kind of wanted to give them a little bit of a clue of what it is they will be listening, because I teach beginning literacy. I want them to have some sort of idea of what it is they will be listening about, listening to. So I had the picture of the washer and dryer, and then I gave my sentences, and then the questions. OK? (DESCRIPTION) Slide, As a presentation multimedia (SPEECH) So as the presentation and multimedia, you're going to open a Slides presentation. You're going to start your Screencastify. You'll choose Tab Browser, because you're not going to be moving around from different tabs or different places on your desktop. So go ahead and choose Tab browser. Make sure that your mic is on, and then you can pick and choose if you want to embed your camera or not. So for me, for example, in that example, I did not use my webcam because I just wanted them to listen and focus on the questions and the picture and not on me. So again, you're going to have to decide when it is you want them to focus on you talking with your face or just you as your voice. You can use the toolbar to do the-- embed the video or not. You can also use Alt+W or Option+W for that. So again, this is the how-to. If you want to practice this later, on this is the how-to step by step. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Let's Practice (SPEECH) And so then-- OK, so let's see if this works again. I hope this is the right one. So go ahead and open up a new tab, and type in bit.ly/screencastifyslides3, all lowercase. ANTHONY BURIK: The questions are, again, I seem to not be able to see that the Screencastify toolbar, when I'm screencasting with a Google Slide presentation. Is that because the slides toolbar becomes my only option, or am I doing something wrong? So again, if you want to remind us, especially when we're using the Google Slides and if we're having trouble seeing that toolbar, what we should do. ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK, let me move this over. I don't want to-- oh, well. (DESCRIPTION) She opens a Screencastify tab (SPEECH) If anybody-- it's Screencastify Slide 3, so number three. (DESCRIPTION) She indicates the vertical list of slides on the left of the screen (SPEECH) So in here, I have-- OK, so we have a bunch of people fighting for the slides, or maybe you're just clicking on mine just to look at it. But again, this would be another example of I would already have this manipulated, and I would tell my students, OK, Maria, you're number two, one. You're number three. Yung, you're number four. So they would choose their slide-- they would find their slide and start working on it. So I'm going to start a Screencastify. I'm going to make one right now. We're going to start Screencastify. I'll do my browser tab. Now here's the more options. This is one of the things to troubleshooting. You want to click on this, and you want to make sure that you have this toggled on-- Show Drawing Tools-- just in case. I think the default is this, but sometimes I don't want my toolbar to show, so I will toggle this off. OK, so just in case, double check. Make sure that it is on. And everything else sounds good, so then I'm going to record. All right, so even though I didn't hear the three-- I didn't see the 3, 2, 1, I know that I am recording, because there was a red dot on my Screencastify right here. That means it is recording, and if you look down at the bottom left hand corner, there's my toolbar. So if I present, yeah, the toolbar does go away. If I am presenting, then I only have the presentation toolbar. It overrides the Screencast. So I'm going to stop my video. (DESCRIPTION) A new tab opens with the recorded video (SPEECH) And this defaults to unmute. You can unmute. You will mute that so you can hear it, and this is where the trimming is. And it's saving. It automatically saves to my drive, so I'm going to copy this. Copied. I'm going to go back to my slides. I'm-- and then let me find an empty one. Here's one. And then, so we're going to insert video, and then you can do it by URL. You can do by Google Drive. So if I go to Google Drive, it's the very first one. Usually, it comes up in order. If you cannot find it, there's a folder that will say Screencastify. I don't know if this is work-- if it's finished loading or not. (DESCRIPTION) The video appears in a new slide (SPEECH) Yeah, my computer is going a little slowly, but you can see that this is the video that I just made. So if you're asking, if you're looking at this, going, I don't even know how to get a picture. Like, where is everybody getting the pictures? Let me go to a new slide. When you're in your slides, if you hit Insert, you click on Insert and Image, you can upload it from your computer, or you can search the web. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks Search the Web. A search bar appears. She types dog, and a list of images appear under the search bar (SPEECH) And you type in whatever. Like, I typed in dog. You can type in "money" or whatever the subject is. And the good thing to know about this is that Google only puts in free images. These are images that are open resource, so there's no copyright infringement. So everything-- if you do a search and insert and search the web, they'll only show you photos or images that are OK to use. So I'm just going to pick whichever one, insert it, and then there's my image, and I can resize it. (DESCRIPTION) An image of $20 bills appears in the new slide (SPEECH) OK. So if you wanted to make a comment, or if you wanted to-- if your students, if this was your student's project, and they wrote some sentences, you can come right here to where it says, open comments, and you can add a comment here. And you can insert your video as a comment, (DESCRIPTION) She clicks the Open comment history icon on the toolbar at the top of the Doc (SPEECH) so if this was my students, I probably wouldn't want to put my screencast, my video on their slide, not necessarily. I wouldn't want it off to the side as a comment instead. So as we are working through this, Anthony, were there some other questions or comments or anything? ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah, just a couple of questions for you, Lisa. Cynthia was asking, as you get in the process of making more and more of these Screencastifies, and they're saving to your Google Drive, do you have any suggestions about how to actually organize all of these so that you can keep track of the ones that you make and what they're connected to and all that? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes. So that's a really, really good question, because what happens, because it saves automatically, you don't even have to do it. It doesn't say, where do you want to save it to, or do you want to organize it, like some of the other Google products. But the very nice thing about it is that-- let me go back to my live screen real quick. When you go into Screencastify, and you get this main menu, so you don't have to go to screencastify.com to look at all your videos. You can come here, and then you have My Recordings. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks the three vertical bars on the top left of the main menu (SPEECH) But also, if you go into your drive, they have created a folder for you from your very first screencast. The very first one you made, you didn't save. It saved for you in a drive, in a folder called Screencastify. So that was really nice of them, I thought. Let me see if I can find it very easily here. And from there, you can divide your screencasts into other folders, if you would like, like subfolders. That way if you have grammar ones, or maybe you have two different classes or something, but they're all one there. So the other thing is that when you make a screencast, it becomes the very first thing in your drive. (DESCRIPTION) She opens a new tab and navigates to her Google Drive (SPEECH) Now we'll get to see how messy my drive is. I won't be a very good example of this, but so if you go into Recent, these are all the things we've worked on recently. So here's some of the screencasts that I've just made. So it goes by your-- whatever the tool is that you used. But if you're like, what happened to that screencast I made a long time ago or a while ago? I don't know what happened to it. You're going to go into your drive, and somewhere in your drive, you can just type in screen-- you can-- Screencastify. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks on My Drive, then types in the search bar at the top. A list of folders appears (SPEECH) If you opened that folder, if the folder opened, then you would see all your screencasts, and then you can organize it into subfolders, if that is helpful for you. And, of course, it's not working for me. And then the other question, Anthony was what? ANTHONY BURIK: So there was a question about-- so if we can go back to the slides for a second. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Mm-hmm. My Presentation. ANTHONY BURIK: Yes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The Google Slides with the cat and all that. So people, if you go back up to your slide number one, and I think this is the question, if I understand correctly. So people are trying to view your screencast, but they're not able to, or they said they were denied access. ALISA TAKEUCHI: If you go into-- let me present. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks the Present button on the toolbar at the top of the Doc. The slide opens in full screen, with a message in a box at the bottom (SPEECH) You don't have permission to play one media object on this presentation. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah, I think that's the message people are getting. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Oh. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks play on the video (SPEECH) [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - The dog is brown. ALISA TAKEUCHI: I got the message, but I'm still able to play. Were people not getting-- and I've never seen this message before, so I'm not sure where-- due to requests-- oh, I wonder if I could play it, because it's mine. [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: But yeah, I've never seen this error message before. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks on another slide and clicks play on the video (SPEECH) ANTHONY BURIK: So are there settings on this, since these things are ending up in Google Drive? ALISA TAKEUCHI: I'm sorry. I don't know whose this was. - Hey, it's Mrs. Cisneros. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Oh, Mrs. Cisneros. Good job. I don't want to invade your privacy. Sorry, I just wanted to check. But yeah, I'm not sure where that error message came from and why some people aren't-- but I was able to play her video. What was-- what were you just going to ask me, Anthony? ANTHONY BURIK: So I guess the question is about sharing, right? So are these-- when you make these screencasts, are they automatically viewable, or are there settings that you need to adjust on the screencasts? ALISA TAKEUCHI: I've never had to adjust any settings. It just goes straight into my drive, and then I add it to wherever I need it to go. And I've never had people not able to look at it, which I'm very surprised. I've done it with my students, and they've all done it. I wonder-- well, no. Everybody's in-- if you're in Slides, you'd have your Google open. I would think that would probably maybe be the only way, if you were looking at it from a non-Google account. ANTHONY BURIK: So people are-- OK, so there's-- Alisa, go to slide 22. ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK. ANTHONY BURIK: Terry's suggesting we try her slide and see what happens. 22. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks on slide 22. She clicks the Present button, and the slide opens in full screen, showing two videos. The error message appears at the bottom (SPEECH) OK, so I'm getting the message, and then let me see. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks play on one of the videos (SPEECH) [VIDEO PLAYBACK] [MUSIC PLAYING] - [SNEEZING] ALISA TAKEUCHI: And she saved hers as a YouTube also. [LAUGHTER] ALISA TAKEUCHI: You're so cute. [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: And then let me see this one. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) She plays the other video (SPEECH) - [speaking Asian foreign language] ALISA TAKEUCHI: [LAUGHS] - (Calls dog.) [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: Oopsie. So I was able-- she has hers, actually, as YouTube videos. So she might have pulled them up from YouTube and inserted them, which is fine, too. But as far as for, like, my video, it's a WebM, which should open with everybody. ANTHONY BURIK: So Alisa, because the Screencastifies are being stored in a Google Drive, that doesn't mean that people don't have to take a look at the settings first? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Correct. Well, I have never had to do that. So I have never had to adjust any settings or set it to public. The only time I have to set it to public or change any kind of settings is if I'm uploading it, if I'm publishing it to YouTube. That's when you'll see the-- that's when you'll see the menu to change to public, unlisted, or private. But as far as regular just screencasts, I did it. But I'm really surprised that people wouldn't be able to watch mine right now. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah, I mean Melinda-- or OTAN Melinda is here. She says the video needs to be shared, because it's in Google Drive. And I think people are-- there are a few random comments here and there about-- Cynthia said, when I added the link, I had a choice, so I guess choice on the settings. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Hmm, maybe mine is already default-- you know, maybe I've already set it, so I just forget it. So maybe I had done it, and I totally forgot that-- I'll have to-- let me just-- ANTHONY BURIK: Melinda also put a suggestion too, a reminder. You know, when you're-- go ahead. ALISA TAKEUCHI: No, no. Go ahead, Anthony, if you're waiting for me. ANTHONY BURIK: OK, so there's also Melinda reminded us in Google Drive, if you adjust the share settings on the folder, like you were telling us about the Screencastify folder, so then everything in the folder will be subject to the settings that you create for the folder. So if the folder is public, then everything in the folder will be public. So maybe folks need to double check in the settings on their folder first, and then see how the videos show up after that. ALISA TAKEUCHI: This is brand new, too. I've never seen this. (DESCRIPTION) She creates a screencast. Under the Copy shareable link button, she clicks More options. A dropdown list appears (SPEECH) Let me-- so look, I created a video, just a five-second video, and I'm looking at the shares. Oh, see, here it is right here. Private-- only you can view the video, public, or unlisted. Mine must-- I must-- I don't think I have to do it all the time. Nope, probably-- yeah, I hardly-- I mean this is probably one of the first times I've ever toggled between any of them. (DESCRIPTION) She changes the dropdown from Private to Public (SPEECH) And so I don't know why some people can watch my videos and some people can't. My students don't have a problem. They all can watch my videos. ANTHONY BURIK: So Alisa, we had a reminder, too. People are signing into all kinds of accounts here-- club accounts, pub accounts, so maybe that's another-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: Sure, yeah. That could be it, too. ANTHONY BURIK: --factor. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah, the club account could have some blockings or just some more extra security settings in it so that not everybody can see what's on the Google Drive. That could be-- that definitely could be it, too. And I think once you do this, it's right here under the copy of the shareable. It's right here. I believe once you select one, it defaults to it ongoing, until you change it again. So if you do make a screencast, but you don't want it to be public, then you would physically change the settings to private or unlisted. That's a good one. Thank you. ANTHONY BURIK: Great, yeah. The sharing is always a little tricky, so we have to make sure that we understand how that works. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes, definitely. ANTHONY BURIK: A couple more questions, Alisa. There was a question about the Explore button, so when you're back on making the screencast, so what does the Explore button do? (DESCRIPTION) On a slide, she clicks the Explore button on the lower right of the page. A box pops up with a search bar and text, Build beautiful slides (SPEECH) ALISA TAKEUCHI: I push this-- Melinda might have a better answer for me. I pushed it today, and I went to go look at it, and I don't know. See, I think it's more like themes maybe. ANTHONY BURIK: Well, you could actually type in-- see where it says, search your box in the web? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Uh-huh. ANTHONY BURIK: So I believe you could do-- isn't that where you typed in to get the images that you showed us? You typed in money or whatever, and then you (inaudible). ALISA TAKEUCHI: Oh, I didn't do it here, but yeah, this might be it. (DESCRIPTION) She types money in the search bar. Three results tabs appear, labeled Web, Images, and Drive (SPEECH) Oh, so-- ANTHONY BURIK: And then you had some different options there. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Oh, I see. So it kind of gives you a web browser. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Oh, so it also goes into your drive. So anything that has the word "money" will show up from my drive, or those images that we did, or web, if you need something more from the web. ANTHONY BURIK: Oh, right. So you just showed us-- yeah, Alisa, I'm sorry. You just showed us how to do a search. ALISA TAKEUCHI: I did an insert, yeah. I did Insert and Images, because that was my go-to, yeah. But there's so many-- ANTHONY BURIK: This is nice little Google feature with the Explore, because not only with what's within your drive, but you can also search just images-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: Or information. Yeah, it's information. You could Google something or get images or find it in your drive. So this is actually a really handy tool. ANTHONY BURIK: OK, so Guillermo was saying he's got a picture in a slide. And he created the video, so how do you add the video so that you can put it next to the slide, or put it next to the picture? Oh, well, actually, put it next to the slide, he said. ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK. So let me go here. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks on a slide, then clicks on the toolbar at the top of the Doc (SPEECH) So Insert, Video, and then look for it in your drive or a Recent. It should-- hopefully, it'll come up, at the very top if you just made it. I hope that helps. ANTHONY BURIK: And Alisa, I'm sorry. Did you say that if your students make a slide, and you want to give the feedback, you can put that in a comment? Is that what you said? Can you show us how to do that again? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes, it's right up at the top. Next to the word "present," you'll see the little message, and it'll say, Open Comment History. And then you can add comments here. You can add a comment, and it's the same, like we did with docs. You can just type in your comment, "cute dog," and then you can paste your video, and then you hit Comment. (DESCRIPTION) The comment box appears next to the slide (SPEECH) So this will be on their comments. It won't be part of their-- it's off to the side. It's not part of their slide, so I don't want to put my comment on their slide, because I could, technically, copy and paste directly on their slide. But I wouldn't want to do that. ANTHONY BURIK: OK, and then Alisa, this is actually-- this is good right here. So in your-- do you see Slide 1, and then Slide 2. So Jacqueline is asking, she added a video to her slide, but it looks black. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah, sometimes if you add a slide-- I mean if you add a video before it's completely processed in Screencastify, it will turn black. But I think-- I've done this a few times too, and I couldn't figure out why. But I think-- let me see if it-- sometimes it just takes a few minutes. And if it doesn't-- if it-- like, right now, I see black. It hasn't changed. I might want to just delete it and try to upload it again and see if that helps, because maybe it's already processed in Screencastify, and then when you upload it into your slide, it'll come up. You'll see on Screencastify, too, you'll see like a thumbprint of your video. ANTHONY BURIK: How do you record audio over a previously recorded screencast? Did we talk about that last time? ALISA TAKEUCHI: No, but we can do it over video. So let me see if-- let me see if-- let me see if I can do it right now. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks on a slide with two videos. She plays one of the videos (SPEECH) So this is a screencast. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - The dog is brown. He has money in his mouth. [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK, so this is a screencast. It's a WebM-- I mean a .webm, and if you have the whole screen open, your best friend is going to be the Alt+Shift+R, Alt+Shift+R on a PC. And I think it's the Option-- I don't know what the key is called on Macs. Sorry. The Option+Shift+R. That starts and stops recording. So we'll see if this works. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - The dog is brown. ALISA TAKEUCHI: So I am screencasting over this screencast. [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] (DESCRIPTION) A new tab opens with the recorded video (SPEECH) ALISA TAKEUCHI: So I recorded a screencast over this screencast. (DESCRIPTION) She indicates the Screencastify icon (SPEECH) So even if you can't see the toolbar, I mean you can't see the-- if you can't see this right here, then know that you can always start recording. You can always start a recording with Alt+Shift+R, and I have that on my slides. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks back to the slideshow. Slide, As a presentation listening (SPEECH) Oh, here it is. Alt+Shift+R shift starts and stops recording, so even if you're on full screen, like right now, I'm on full screen on this presentation slide. If I hit Alt+Shift+R, you'll hear the plink, plink, plink. And then you can start recording, Alt+Shift+R again, and it'll stop the video, and then it'll get you to your menu. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Audio Only using webcam (SPEECH) We're not going to have enough time to talk about video-- I mean audio only. But just know that when you create a screencast, and you use your webcam only, your webcam, then when you finish, your option is to save it as-- to save it as audio-- an MP3. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, As a presentation listening (SPEECH) So you can always add that into your slides, also. So if you had a picture of something, and you wanted your students just to listen to it, then they can-- just like we did before, where you could focus in on-- they can focus on listening, and then answering questions afterwards. And then this is how you-- this is the step by step process. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Insert audio only. The slide shows a toolbar with a play button next to a still image (SPEECH) So here, I have a picture, and here is my audio. So I am going to-- oops, I'm sorry. I'm on presentation mode. But it-- if I take that, and I go right over, so I'm hiding. I'm kind of hiding the audio. (DESCRIPTION) She drags the image over the audio bar, then clicks on the toolbar at the top of the Doc (SPEECH) I can group them together. I just make a thing over the whole thing, and I click Arrange and Group, so now they're one entity. They're not separated anymore. And then when you go to play, here's the-- when you hover over it, here's the play button. So if you present-- [VIDEO PLAYBACK] A, B, C, D, E, F-- [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: --and so forth. So that's how you insert audio only, and I have the step by steps for you. And we're completely rushing through this now, and you're going to export as mp3. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Insert Audio Only. 1, open a blank slide slash insert a picture or word. 2, Present slide. 3, Alt slash Option shift R to start or stop recording. 4, Finish recording. 5, Export as M.P. 3, Download M.P. 3, Save. 6, Go back to slides. 7, Insert slash audio slash find in Drive. 8, Resize and place on slide, right click slash order slash move to back. 9, Place picture over audio slash select both slash Arrange slash group Slide, Gmail (SPEECH) In Gmail, it's basically the same principles. You're going to insert-- when you're in, you're going to make a new email. And you're going to come down at the bottom where it says, Drive, insert files using Drive. And you find your screencasts, whatever it is that you're looking for. And then you insert. Oops, I pushed the wrong thing. And then it comes into Insert. So that's primarily how I communicate with my students is I use Gmail. I send everything through Gmail. We haven't quite advanced to the part where we can start using docs yet. They're still kind of getting used to the whole Zoom and Hangouts, so it's been a little bit of a slow process. But I think once we get back to the classroom, and I'm able to work with them on Chromebooks in the class, I think that the process will be so much faster, because our students, my students are going to be used to at least using the computer a little bit, so hopefully, with yours, too. (DESCRIPTION) Slide, Ed Puzzle. Text, Newly added to Screencastify share options. HTTPS colon slash slash bit dot l.y. slash OTAN ed puzzle (SPEECH) So this is one of the things. I don't know if anybody-- I had never heard of EdPuzzle before, and I don't know if anybody here used it or has heard of it, but it's new. When you look at the-- when you finish, and it says sharing, and it says to the classroom or published to YouTube, it comes up as EdPuzzle now, too. And what it is is that you can make videos into quizzes. And so I, of course, created an account, and I just wanted to check it out. I probably won't use it myself, but I thought it was a pretty good idea. And this was something that I had looked at for this, but we are running out of time. But I did want to let you know that that's what was there. But if anybody uses EdPuzzle, I mean now it's easier for you to take your screencasts and send it right to your EdPuzzle account. ANTHONY BURIK: Alisa, for those folks who are not too familiar with that puzzle, it's a great tool that you can use with your videos, because what you can do is you can basically segment your videos, so you could show a part of a video, stop the video, and then ask some assessment questions. You know, you could even just simple true/false or multiple choice or something like that. So yeah, that's a really handy feature now for putting those two tools together. (DESCRIPTION) She copies and pastes the bitly link into a new tab. Ed Puzzle dot com opens (SPEECH) ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah, I mean if we have-- let's see here. Oh, I'm already over one minute, but I mean-- I'll just, if anybody wants to stay and take a look at that, I can put that-- I can pop that up there. It was one that I had found on ESL, about ESL, and I thought it was really cute. But let me just go ahead and wrap up the session first. ANTHONY BURIK: Alisa, I did remind people or I've been reminding people in the chat that we do have all of the presentation materials from Alisa's part 1 and 2 on Screencastify. Those are on the OTAN website. And we can show people quickly how to get there, but that was from April 23rd-- I'm sorry, April 22nd and April 23. (DESCRIPTION) She navigates to OTAN dot U.S. and scrolls down the home page (SPEECH) So if you want to go back and review the presentations and also download Alisa's materials, they are available. So Alisa is showing us on the OTAN website, otan.us. You go to the COVID-19 field support page. We hit that button. Scroll down a little bit to the previous OTAN Webinars link in the blue table or bluish table, and then the table is in reverse chronological order. So scroll down to April 22nd and 23rd, and we have both of the video presentations there, video recordings, and also Alisa's slides as well. So please feel free to go ahead and review those recordings. Download her slides. And as soon as we can get Alisa's slides and presentation up for today, probably slides first before the recording, but we'll get that onto the table as quickly as we can within the next day or so. So that's where they're going to be housed. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes, and I just noticed that this is PowerPoint, so if anybody is having trouble opening the PowerPoints, I can reset that and put it as a Google Slides also. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah, we do that mainly for accessibility purposes, but if they're already-- yep, our folks can just email us, support@otan.us, and-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: We can send it off. ANTHONY BURIK: --we'll help you work it out. Alisa, just there was one more question. Imparro asked-- so she was saying-- and I think you talked about this. We talked about this in part one somewhat before, but most of our students, they tend to be just on their phones, right? So they don't have computers. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes. ANTHONY BURIK: They don't have a lot of things available at home. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes. ANTHONY BURIK: So I think you reminded us that you can only-- you can't create screencasts on your-- or using Screencastify, you can't use it to create screencasts on your phone. Is that correct? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Correct. Yes, yeah. Unfortunately, on any mobile device, you can't create. They can watch. They can watch your videos, but they wouldn't be able to create them, or you wouldn't be able to create them. ANTHONY BURIK: Have you found any tools, other kinds of tools that students can use on their phones besides Screencastify? ALISA TAKEUCHI: I'm not familiar with the other ones, like Screencast-O-Matic or Loom, but I mean you definitely-- you guys can-- OTAN people can definitely answer better than I could about that. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah, people-- or Melinda was just saying, can't folks just create videos on their phone? ALISA TAKEUCHI: That's what I was-- that's how I originally started doing it. Before I started using Screencastify, I was literally just like-- as if I was taking a selfie photo, I would just take a selfie video instead. And that's how I started it at the very beginning when we first went remote. So I was just using my phone, and students are more than welcome to do that. And then they can email it to you or text it to you, and then you can upload it for them onto Google's-- or I guess they could upload it to a Google slide on their phone. ANTHONY BURIK: And then you can give that video feedback, right? And then the video feedback, you can send back to the students, and they'll be able to see their-- see your video feedback, right? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes, correct. Yeah, so for them to create their own video, just have them use their phone. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah, OK. ALISA TAKEUCHI: But that would be a whole other lesson, too, you'll have to teach. But a lot of them know how to do it already, so they're probably professional at it. They already know the lighting and everything. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. I know Imparro's still in the room. And I do want to point out, back on that OTAN COVID-19 field support page, we were very fortunate to get a link to a guide created by West Contra Costa Adult Ed, and they focused-- so Alisa, if you go back to the previous page, (DESCRIPTION) She clicks back to the COVID-19 Field Support Page (SPEECH) so right there, right above the table where it says, From West Contra Costa Adult Education, so they actually created a whole guide on learning only on phones. So you may want to take a look and see what they have suggested. It's a Google Doc. I don't know how much they-- I know that they created this kind of early on in the stay at home process. I don't know how often they're updating this guide, but you may want to take a look at this one as well. You may want to take a look-- I'm looking at Cesar's comment in chat. You may want to take a look at this guide as well. I think that they have some ideas not only about video, but just in terms of staying in touch with your students and how you might be able to send them assignments and other kinds of materials and such. So this might be another resource, Imparro and folks. You might want to just take a look and see what our friends at West Contra Costa Adult suggest, what they recommend. Like I say, I'm not sure if they talked at all about video tools. At all I know that they were very focused on just trying to get their assignments and such out to students. But OK, (inaudible) so here's how-- like, making recordings. OK, so they have some ideas, video recording. OK. ALISA TAKEUCHI: And then turning a PowerPoint into a video, so in case somebody doesn't have PowerPoint or et cetera on their phone, then they could watch the video. Oh, there's Screencastify and Screencast-O-Matic. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah, but we do know about Screencastify, so Alisa just said that, unfortunately, the creation is not possible on the phone. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Right. ANTHONY BURIK: The viewing is possible on the phone. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. ANTHONY BURIK: I do think, actually, Alisa, if you can go back to the-- go back to the COVID-19 page for a second. And click on our resource guide, the one right at-- the very first one. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks on OTAN Resource Guide (SPEECH) So-- and then if you-- there should be like an index that opens on the left side that can help you. Well, anyway, I believe that we have a video section. Yeah, go ahead and open that up, using video right there in the middle. (DESCRIPTION) She clicks on the index icon to the left of the Doc, then clicks on Using Video. A table opens (SPEECH) Yeah, there are other tools that are out there. And if you scroll, actually, up a couple boxes, they'll be set right up even about that. So, like, Powtoon, for example, Animoto, Animaker. So you might-- oh, Adobe Spark might be a good choice as well. And Adobe Spark is pretty easy to do, and it's built for mobile. So you may want to take a look at some of these other tools as well, not just on your phone, the video on your phone. But there might be some of these other possibilities as well, so-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: Is Adobe Spark free? ANTHONY BURIK: It is, yeah. You can-- teachers and students can create a free Adobe Spark account, so you may want to take a look at that tool. ALISA TAKEUCHI: All the ones that are highlight, if you see a yellow highlight, that means it's a new post. So it's been added. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. ALISA TAKEUCHI: So that'll differentiate between what's already been up there and what's new. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah, we've-- we're still learning. I mean, yeah, there's so many tools that are out there. I mean, we're still learning about tools and carrying those out to the field. So yeah. OK, so Alisa, thanks much to you. Anything else you want to sign off with before we exit? ALISA TAKEUCHI: If you have any more questions, please contact OTAN, and direct your questions to me or whomever at OTAN, at support@otan.us, or come to the office hours. And yeah, let me know. Share your success stories. I'd be really happy to hear them. Thank you so much, guys.