(DESCRIPTION) OTAN circle logo. Text around the circle reads, Distance and Online, Tech Integration, Research, Resources, Collaboration (SPEECH) MELINDA HOLT: Hi, everybody. This is Google Classroom, part two. Now, we had a problem with the video on the first go round. So what we're going to be doing is redoing the video and giving the presentation at the same time. So if it sounds different than the first one it is because it is. If you have any questions after watching this video, please submit them to support@OTAN.us, and if we can answer them, we will do that. And if we can't, or if you have a question specific to the presenter, who, by the way, is Debbie Jensen from Baldwin Park. She is also an OTAN subject matter expert. Anyway, if you have a question specific to her, then we would certainly forward it on to her. So we're going to get going here. Debbie, take it away. (DESCRIPTION) PowerPoint slide. OTAN logo in upper left, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. Text, Google Classroom Part 2. Presentation by Debbie Jensen and Melinda Holt. Google Classroom logo. www dot OTAN dot US Debbie Jensen appears in a small rectangle in the upper right corner. (SPEECH) DEBBIE JENSEN: Hello, everybody. I'm excited and Melinda's excited. We love Google Classroom, and so we wanted to share with you what we have learned. I use Google Classroom. I have used it for about four years, five years. And so I've gone through some of the transitions with it, and we want to share with you the new things that are happening there. From last time when we were together, there were some questions that we want to be sure that we cover. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Text, To Guide our Presentation. Questions from our last meeting, followed by a bulleted list of questions. (SPEECH) And so this is what I'm hoping to answer these questions. I still don't get pubs and clubs, and I can't get into Melinda's class. If you couldn't get into Melinda's class, the pubs and clubs will probably explain it. Move files, doc, sheets from my drive to my Google Classroom. How do I create a quiz in Google Classroom? What is a template assignment? How do I grade assignments? How do I important grades into Classroom? How do I use the grade book? How do I do grade calculations? How do I use rubrics, and how do I communicate with my students? We're going to try and weave those things into the presentation today so that all your questions from last time were answered. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Text, Today's Objectives. Classroom 201, Google for Education. 1. Review Tips from Part1 2. Quizzes 3. Gradebook 4. Rubrics 5. Communication (SPEECH) I call this Classroom 201. Part A was 101, and so we're going to kind of dig it a little deeper. We're going to review the tips from part one. We're going to go over quizzes, look at the grade book, look at rubrics and how to use them, and then talk about the communication piece in Google Classroom. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, text, Tips on review. My Classroom Tips 1. Number your assignments 2. Use due dates to activate Google Calendar, asterisk 3. Create a demo student 4. Use To Do, asterisk 5. Archive your courses 6. Create a dedicated Google Account just for Classroom 7. Remember you can turn off notifications. Asterisk, we will talk about these. (SPEECH) OK. Here's our tips on review. Number your assignments. The reason you do this is because then you can refer to them. When the student says, teacher, I couldn't do the assignment from last week, this way, you can say assignment number five, and then everyone knows what you're talking about. Using due dates-- and we'll talk about this one why you should use due dates. It activates your Google Calendar. Creating a demo student, the importance. And you'll see my little demo Pete here on our screens when we're in the student view. What the student season what the teacher sees are two different things. The magic of To Do and why you should use it and show your students how to use it. The value of archiving your courses, creating a dedicated Google account just for classroom. And remember, you can turn off the notifications. The reason in number six that I think you should create a dedicated Google account just for Classroom is that Classroom takes a lot. Now, Google keeps it all in one folder, all the things that are dedicated just to that classroom. But if you're trying to organize your files so that you have all your quizzes in one place and all your assignments in another place and all your success lessons in another place and vocabulary, that's going to kind of make-- it will be a little challenging to do if you're using your personal account or another account. And so I've always had one that I've just dedicated to my Google Classroom. All right. Once again, we're going to talk (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Text, Pub equals public. Club equals district. The two don't mix. A photo of a British pub on the left side and a family crest on the right side. (SPEECH) about the pub and the club. Pub stands for public accounts, and these are the ones that end with .gmail-- @gmail.com. They're great accounts. And if you didn't know already, you have a Google Classroom in that account. And so you can run a Google Classroom from a public account. The club account, that's the one that's your district account, the one that the district gives you, the identifying account. And then also your students have accounts. The two don't mix. So if you create your Google Classroom in your personal or public account, your district students, who are using their district accounts, can't see it. And reverse is true. I have a Google classroom that is made through my district account, and my students that just joined my class who do not yet have a district account, they can't see the Google Classroom. So you're going to have to match. You're going to have to have-- if you're doing you working with-- if your district is having to use district account numbers, you have to create your Google Classroom in that. And if when you were trying to get into Melinda's account, if you were using your district account, you couldn't get there. It wouldn't work. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, text, Tips on Topics: Organize by dates. Weekly calendar screenshot from Google Classroom, label across it says, Organize by Dates. (SPEECH) OK. Now let's just get into some suggestions to assist in making your classroom even better. Use topics. Topics is absolutely wonderful. This is how my students find things. And you can use them in different ways. And so I just wanted to present a couple of different ways that you could do it so that you could kind of stand back and say, well, how do I want to present my topics in my classroom. You can organize by dates. If that's how you do it in your assignments for a specific week are in one place and then you go to the next week and next week, that's fine. Your students will find things. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Use Topics to Organize by Activities. Tests, Vocabulary practice, Worksheets, lessons. Screenshot from Google Classroom of a list of activities. Headings read, Introduction, Vocabulary, Success Lessons. Label across the screenshot reads, Organize by Activities. (SPEECH) But you could also organize by the activity itself, putting all the tests in one place, all the vocabulary practice in one place, or the worksheets in one place. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Text, Use Topics to Guide Students by Course Topics. Screenshot of a list of Topics, with headings and subheadings. Screenshot is labeled, Organize by Topics. (SPEECH) You could organize by a specific book, like this one is math. And so the first one is number sense, and then we go to decimals, and then we go to fractions. And so the student moves through your course in tandem with the textbook that they will be working with. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Use Topics to Facilitate Time. Or at the top, include daily recurring activities. Classroom materials, teacher website, today, bell ringers. Screenshot from Google Classroom. Under Classroom Materials, links to Syllabus and Teacher Website. Under Today, links to activities. Under Bell Ringers, number 005 Bell Ringer. Screenshot labeled, Organize by Specific Activities. (SPEECH) The last one, I was kind of intrigued by. I saw this recently. And you can maybe blend this with another one and put these particular topics at the very top of your screen. You could have your classroom materials all at the top. And the classroom materials are things that the students don't make copies of, they don't make an assignment from. But what it is things like your syllabus and things like that so that if they have need of them-- or maybe there is a website you want them to have access to, or, this is a really good one, maybe this is your Zoom Room or your WebEx, or however you're planning on getting with your students. And you want them to always know where that code is and so that they can readily find it. You could also have your bell ringers right at the top of the screen. And this would be what they do-- I don't know about you, but this putting everything online and having an online classroom, it takes my students 20 minutes to get in there. And that's a long time to just be shooting the breeze and just chatting with those that are there. You could have a bell ringer assignments that they can be working on while everybody arrives. (DESCRIPTION) New slide. Text, Review, Template Assignment 1. Tip: Make the template first in Drive. Go to your Drive. Create the assignment. Screenshot of a typed assignment in Google Drive, titled, Watch the CNN 10 Video for March 27, 2020. (SPEECH) OK. We're still in the review mode. These were things mentioned by Melinda last time we met. And so this one is looking at the template assignment. A template assignment is an assignment that you-- for example, I do CNN 10 with my students. I have them watch the video, and then I have specific questions I want them to answer. And it would be very nice for them to answer those questions on the same paper or the same worksheet that the questions are on, so they don't have to go back and forth and back and forth. That's tricky. And so that's the template. That's me creating the assignment that they're going to write on. This works particularly well with ESL. MELINDA HOLT: Debbie, I'm going to interrupt just for a sec. We did have a question. This template that you created, is it something that you got from Google, from their templates, or is it actually something that you created and you're calling it a template because it's something that you use? DEBBIE JENSEN: Right. That's what I'm calling it. It's the thing that I create, and I have my own. And I save them all in folders in my Google Drive. And so that's where I'm going to go find them, and that's where I create them first. And then I can embellish and with pictures. I can put links on them. I can do whatever I want with them. This, though, is each student will get their own copy created in your Drive. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Template Assignment 2. Go to Classwork. In Classwork, select Create Assignment. At the bottom, select Add, go to Google Drive. Find the assignment. Click on Add. Screenshot from Classwork. (SPEECH) OK. Then, once you've got it in your Drive, you're going to go back to your Google Classroom. You're going to go into the center one that says Classwork, and you're going to go down there and select Assignment. At the bottom of the screen, on the left, where it says Add, the first one is Google Drive. And that's what you're going to click to go find that assignment, that template that you made. And then you'll click on Add and find the assignment. All right. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Template Assignment 3. Tip: If you can't change this later, if you forget, start over. Select Make a copy for each student. Then fill out all the remaining choices. (SPEECH) When you have clicked on it and you've brought it in and you can see it, it's right here behind-- there is a little-- under this open dialog box, there is a little one that says Students can view this file, that's the default. Every time you put this put any kind of a link like this to a document or something like that, it'll say students can view the file. But you have some other options. And so if you click on that, there are three. Students can view the file, students can edit the file, and make a copy for each student. The first one is the default. We use that most often. The student will see it. They can't write on it. It's just kind of like a PDF. That's the kind of thing it is. The middle, one students can edit this file. This is really fun if you try it and you don't expect it. Because it means that as they write on it, it changes everybody's. And in fact, you're all writing on the same document. And you're thinking, why would I ever use that? But there's a great assignment that you could do where you have a Google Slide presentation and you assign that each student creates one slide. When we did it, we were talking about tech terms and things like Trojan and cookie and byte. And they had to go to Tech Terms, which is a really wonderful website, and they'd have to cut and paste the definition. They put the term, the definition, and then they had to illustrate it. So, of course, for cookie, we had cookie monster eating a cookie. And then they put the name on the slide. Then the final of the whole project was, we all enjoyed watching the presentation together and learning. Another great thing that could be done with ESL when each person takes a term, vocabulary work or something, and everybody looks up one word. And then you get to enjoy that that you've created at the end. Medical terminology, just lots of applications. So this is a great one, but not if you don't expect it. The last ones that you want if you're doing the template assignment. This will make a copy for each student. It doesn't do anything to the original, and they can write on it. So that's the one you want to pick. Now, as you can see in red, it says, you can't change this later if you forget. You're going to have to start over. There are many times that you can just go back and edit something, but not this one, if that's what you want to edit. You can't go from students can view the file and then later come back and say, oh no, I really wanted this to be them having their own copy. If you make that mistake-- and I've done it plenty of times-- you just recreate it again. And to me, the good news is that none of these processes are really long. You can recreate pretty easy. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Student View, Template Assignment. Student finishes template assignment. Click on Turn In. Google Classroom Screenshots. 0.3 Google Goal for the future (Monday). Due December 8. Write five steps you plan to take to start using Google Classroom. Arrow pointing to link that says, View Assignment. Next screenshot is of the assignment. To the right, text, Your Work, Assigned, link to Google Doc. Blue button underneath says, Turn In. (SPEECH) All right. Students finish the template assignment, and this is something you want to teach them. There's our demo Pete right there. On the left, you see with this is what the student is seeing. And he's going to go to this assignment. He's going to click on the View Assignment. That pulls him in to the assignment, and then on the right, he sees the file that has already been created for him. He doesn't have to add a file. It's already done. Always remember to teach your students to go back and click that blue button at the bottom there were it says Turn In because otherwise, they'll come back on Monday and say, teacher, I didn't get a grade. And you'll say, I never saw the assignment. And so, have them turn it in. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Review Navigation 1. Demonstrate a lot to your student. Use the icons at the top. Screenshot of toolbar, Practice Google Classroom. Tabs read, Stream, Classroom, and People. (SPEECH) OK. Another tip, demonstrate a lot. The navigation is-- there's multiple ways to get places. And sometimes they'll get one place, and the way they learn to navigate isn't readily available. And so demonstrate this a lot, over and over again. The first one, of course, is when you first get into your stream. This is what they see. How do I know this is what they see? Because there's no grade on the fourth choice at the top. Just Stream, Classwork, and People. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Navigation 2. Quick Access for Students. Text, Topics are listed on the left. View your work lists assignments to be done. Page from Google Classroom. Toolbar on top, Practice Google Classroom. Screenshot of the Classwork tab. Menu on left-hand side, All topics, Introduction, Google Classroom, Resources. Link at the top reads, View Your Work. (SPEECH) That's one way to move around. Another way to move around-- notice that we are now in Classwork. That's this middle one. How do I see it? Because there's a little line under it that's telling you where you are. And if they're in Classwork, what they're going to see at number one is all the topics that you have made are there on the left. Sometimes in an online classroom, there's a huge scroll that can take place in the center where you're going to find the assignment, and it can go on and on and on and on and on. This way, they can just go to the topic that they want, even if it's at the bottom of the page. This takes them directly there. And then number two, this is view your work, and it lists the assignments for the student and what's been done and where they need to go next. So that's a valuable one to show them. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Navigation 3, horizontal lines, navigation and much more. Screenshot of toolbar. Three horizontal lines appear to the left of the header, Practice Google Classroom. Text, If you haven't asked yet, you will. (SPEECH) We're still in navigation. Over on the left is what we sometimes call the hamburger. And if you click on that-- well, you're going to want to learn about this one. This one's really very cool. But also notice the screen. Where am I? I'm in the teacher. How do I know it? Well, I've got four across the top-- Stream, Classwork, People, and Grades, but I've also got the class code right here. The student does not have the class code listed. And so this is a second way. OK. So let's take a look at what happens if you click on the hamburger. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Under the Hamburger, 4. Text, Lots of choices. 1. Classes (takes you to front) 2. Calendar 3. To-do, Tip 4. Listing of courses 5. Archived classes, Tip 6. Settings-- password and notifications off. Tip (SPEECH) You have choices. At the very, very, very top, you'll see them, is Classes. And then we go to Calendar, the To do. You have a listing of the courses, and then down here at five is Archive Classes and at the bottom is Setting. So Classes at the top takes them out of the class that they're currently in to the original screen where they would be able to click another course if they wanted to. Or if they need to join a different course, they could do that. Number two is Calendar. This is Google Calendar. And if you have put to do-- if you have put dates due-- due dates on your assignments, those will appear on Calendar. And so this is one way that they can visually see what assignments are due on any one day. And not just see them, they're links. They can go to the assignment there. And I have some students that this is the method they use to move around. They don't go to the assignment in classwork. They go to Calendar and they click there, and that's how they do it because they know that then they're doing the assignment that's most due. Yeah. Number three is To do. We're going to look at this one. This one is just cool. Number four-- and this person is in a lot of courses. They're in basic skills reading, basic quarter three, quarter four, quarter two. And my goodness, they've also got the Practical Google Classroom. And you can see it's kind of highlighted because that's which one they're in right now. They have mathematics and they have topics. These are all the courses that this student-- well, actually, we're not because we're in the teacher. This is all the courses that this teacher is currently working on and has available to them. Once they archive a course, it will disappear from this list. So this is a way that a teacher could get from one course to another. Archiving is when you're done with a class. You're ready to put it away. I have four classes in a year-- quarter one, quarter two, quarter three, quarter four-- and when I'm done with one, I archive it. Then it disappears. The students can't accidentally get into it. And then the next quarter, the next year, I can go back to it. It's in draft mode, and I can just change the dates. And so we can reuse things. This is a wonderful feature. The last one is Settings. And Settings allows you to turn off the notifications, which is a good thing. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Text, This is really useful: To help you and your student. To Do: Everything on one place for you or for your students, especially if they are in more than one Google Classroom! Screenshot of To-do tab. 1, Three horizontal lines, top left: Classes (back outside) Courses enrolled or teaching To Do, all things to do Archived Classes Settings (Notifications) On the right is a list of assignments and due dates. Number 2 points to two assignments, Write a summary of this wee,'s Newsela article, ARK Reading, and CK 12, Adding and Subtracting Decimals. (SPEECH) OK. I told you we'd look more into To do because I love this. This is everything in one place for you or your students, especially if they're in more than one Google Glass, or especially if it's you the teacher. And this is telling you which things need to be done right now. And across classes so that if they were in two classes, it would give them the assignments that they still need to do in both classes all in one place. That's cool. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Forms and Quizzes! Text, Many uses: Surveys, attendance, exit tickets, formative assessment, quizzes. Graphics of Google Forms icons. Text, Google Forms for Quizzes, Extra Ticket. Google Forms, Create a Quiz. Google Forms, Formative Assessment Quizzes (SPEECH) All right. Done with review. Now let's take a look at Form and Quizzes. There are many uses for Form-- Google Form. I use it in three ways. Actually, I use it in four ways. I use it as a survey, and I that I call my class profile. I use it for attendance sake, especially now when we're online. I also use an informative assessment to kind of introduce a topic and see what the students already know. And this was really popular. My students like it a lot. And then I use it for real quizzes to issue grades with it. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Creating Forms, Quizzes 1. Tip: Don't create them in Classroom, use Drive. Google Drive logo (SPEECH) Here's the first tip-- don't create your quizzes in Classroom. Now, they added-- when we go to the Create button, they added that you can put a quiz right there. But when you do that, this is what you're going to see in your Drive. Remember I told you that in Drive, Google creates a folder named Classroom. And inside that classroom, there will be a folder for each of the classes that you teach. (DESCRIPTION) Screenshot from My Drive in Classroom. List of over 30 folders. (SPEECH) Inside that folder, it looks like what you see on the left. This is quarter two, ABE Reading Morning, and this is it. Let's say I want to use vocabulary quiz number 21. I have to search for it. That's annoying. So better, create your quizzes, all your quizzes, in your Drive, organize them the way you want. (DESCRIPTION) Screenshot from Google Drive. Two folders, Assignments and Quizzes. (SPEECH) This what you see on my right, where I have put all my assignments in one folder. And inside that folder, I've organized them by subject. And then my quizzes the same way-- I organize them by quarter. And then in each quarter, I organize them by subject. And so I can find things very, very easily. This is better than the other way. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Creating Form, Quiz in Google Drive, 2 How: Go to Drive. Click on New. 1. Scroll down to More 2. Google Forms 3. Blank Forms Screenshot from Drive 1, Click on More tab from left-hand menu. 2. Click on Google Forms from dropdown menu 3. A new menu will say Blank form or From a template (SPEECH) OK. So when I go to my Drive-- and that's what you're seeing right now. You see the Drive up to the top. If I click on New, I get this. And Form isn't there, so don't panic. You go down to the More, you're going to go across. That's one and then two, they say, do you want to Google Form? And you say, yes, thank you. I do. And then I want a blank form. The templates I have not used, so this is something I can't tell you about. The ones that I create, I file them in my own filing system, and that's where I find them. OK. So now you've got your blank form. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Ways to Use Form: As a Survey, 3 Using Quiz to Create a survey, profile You can add all types of questions, including images and links. To set up the quiz, click on the gear at the top Screenshot of Blank Quiz. Heading reads Profile. Arrow is pointing to the gear icon in the upper right corner. (SPEECH) And this is what it looks like. This is my profile, and this is the one way I use this that I use it every quarter. I put it right at the top, and I have all my students use it. There's several reasons. One, on the registration form that the school gives me, sometimes I can't read their emails. I can't tell whether it's a 3 or a B or a 1 or an L. I just can't read it. And so I want them to type it, then I can read it. And so that's one of the important things that I do here. I also ask them if it's OK with them if I use their cell phone to be able to access and use Remind for us to set up that. And so I ask that information. I also ask them why they're here in my class. Now, some classes, they're here because they're learning English. That's it. But for me, they could be here because they want to go on to get their GED, or they want to go on and get their high school diploma or get into a CTE class. And so it helps me to know why they're there. And then the last thing I ask was one of the things that we're required now to find out from all our students is if they have a job. And, again, I can get all this information. It's here, and I can put this just by clicking on Responses, I can have Google create a spreadsheet that puts all this information in a spreadsheet for me. So when I make a report for my boss, it's all right there. Who has jobs and all this information. So it's very, very valuable. I like it a lot. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Use Form as a Profile, 4 Profile to gather student information Questions to include, Name, Email, Goal, Job, Difficulties, How can we help Screenshot of Profile. Name: First, Last, 1 points Checkbox, Mark all other answers incorrect Why are you here today? 2 points Check boxes in front of each answer. Heard about Google Classroom and wanted to see for myself, first time I have a Google Classroom and I want to improve it I had extra time and thought, why not. Arrow pointing to plus sign icon on the right hand side of screenshot. (SPEECH) And this is the information I'm telling you. I put the name, the email, their goal, any difficulties that they have. So this is what I put on the profile. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Form: Questions, Responses, 5. Create the Questions, Check on student answers. 1. Questions 2. Responses 3. Settings: Quiz! Screenshot of Untitled Form. Questions and Responses tabs on the top of the page, labeled 1 and 2 respectively. Text, Untitled From. Form description Untitled Question Option 1, with radio button Add option, or add "Other", with radio button Multiple choice, with radio button filled in. 3 is pointing to small gear icon in upper right corner. (SPEECH) All right. Now, in your form, there's questions and there's a response. I've enlarged these because I wanted you to be able to read them. And I wanted you to be able to see the Response section, because I think sometimes we don't pay attention to the value that is there. The questions is where it opens. That's the default, and that's where you just start putting in your questions and just get started. But the Responses, we can use that, and we can learn a lot from that. The third one is that little tiny gear that's up at the right, and that's how you change a form to a quiz. So let's look at those. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, My class survey and results, 6. Screenshot of Excel spreadsheet titled, Student Profile (Responses) populated with responses from each student on separate rows. (SPEECH) All right. Under Responses, if I click Responses, I can see the data from my student profile. It's all here. I can also see a timestamp. That's going to be valuable when we do the attendance forms so that we can use that. But all of the information is right here in one place for me. MELINDA HOLT: And, Debbie, I just want to clarify that form, the previous slide-- don't go there, but the previous slide, you were creating it. This is what happens after the students type in their information on the form, correct? DEBBIE JENSEN: Correct. Yes. Otherwise, this is blank. In fact, I don't even know if you haven't put anything in. But it will not even create it. It will just kind of look at you and-- MELINDA HOLT: It'll actually create it, it's just a blank sheet that has all the questions across the top. Yeah. I just-- thank you. DEBBIE JENSEN: No. That's good to know, because sometimes when you will do something that we tell you about, it won't look the same and you'll be confused. But it can't happen until you get the student data in there, and then it will be there for you. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Using Responses, 7. To modify quiz questions, How many students got the question correct? Which questions were most missed? What students need help? Screenshot. Text, Few people visited the antique shop, and as a result, it went out of business. What are the signal word or words in this sentence? 4 of 6 correct responses. Horizontal bar chart. Bar 1, Shaded gray, labeled, It went out of business. 2 responses. Few people visited the antique shop. No responses so no bar. Third bar, shaded green, labeled, "as a result." 4 responses. Check mark next to it. (SPEECH) Now, the other thing that you can use the Responses for is in analyzing your questions. This is very valuable when you want to see-- well, if everybody got that question wrong, it sounds like you need to reteach or you need to reword the question. And so periodically, taking a look at the responses and seeing the results of that is very valuable. It also identifies-- because one of the things I do whenever I give a student a quiz is I have them put their name on it so that I know which student I need to go back. You've got the same student missing all of them, OK, that's something where you need some one-on-one. And so you can get a lot of information here. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Form for Attendance, 8. Time stamp for arrival and do it again when leave. Screenshot from Attendance, Q4 Attendance Form. Screenshot from Excel spreadsheet title, Attendance Q4 (Responses) Columns are labeled, Timestamp, Name, email address. (SPEECH) You can also use-- and this is very, very useful, especially now that we're online is-- our districts are asking us to tell them who's in the classes online and did they spend the whole time there. Well, how are you going to know? This is one good way. You make an attendance form. It only needs to have two questions-- their name. I always include the email because it's useful to me. I always want to know their email so that if I need to get with them, I can. But you really only need their name. Then on the time stamp, which you see on the right, it gives what time they came in. And then, if they don't sign in again at the end of your presentation, they weren't there. And that's helpful. When they come to your presentation, maybe you're having a meeting every day at 9 o'clock and it goes from 9 to 11. And you say, OK, remember, guys, sign in. The link is over in the chat. OK. Click on it, sign in. And then when it's coming to the end of 11 o'clock, you say, OK, guys, remember, sign out. And this gives you the ability to say, yeah, they were there the whole time. Now, in reality, were they? Well, you don't know that, but this is as good as we can get right now. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Create a quiz in form. 1. In Google Drive, 1. First questions: Require email here. 2. Types of questions. 3. Add images. Screenshot, Form titled Circle, Line, and Bar Graphs First question is Write your email address. A menu on the right side of the form where you can choose different types of questions, including, Short answer, paragraph, multiple choice, checkboxes, and dropdown. The second question in the quiz shows a word problem with a corresponding line graph. (SPEECH) All right. We're looking at the quiz. OK. This quiz that's on the left is actually a math quiz, and I wanted to point out a few things about it. I always have them put their email in-- their name and their email. And then here, I could put diagrams in. That's really good. I could put images in. There's all sorts of different things that you can put in your quiz. And then at number two, you see the different types of quiz questions that you can ask. So right now, for me with math, there's a lot of things that I can't figure out a way to write the problem. But if I have it digitally, like from a source online, I can take a screenshot. I can cut it, and then I can bring it over here so that my quizzes-- especially in math-- are more useful to me. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Form to Quiz, 2. To change a form to a quiz. Click on the gear. Screenshot of Using Similes and Analogies form. Arrow pointing to gear icon in the upper right corner. (SPEECH) Now, I pointed this out before, I'm pointing it out again. To change a form to a quiz, you have to click on that little gear. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Quiz Settings, 3. 1. Collect email addresses. No. 2. Unclick if you want students without a district account to take the quiz. 3. Click on limit to 1 response 4. Now go to Quizzes Settings Screenshot of Settings page. General tab selected. Collect email addresses is unchecked. Requires sign in: Box checked for, Restrict to users in Baldwin Park Unified School District and its trusted organizations. Box checked for, Limit to 1 response. Respondents will be required to sign in to Google. Arrow pointing to Quizzes tab on the top of the page. (SPEECH) OK. Then, you get this screen. And at the top, there's three sections. There's a General section right here, where the black arrow is pointing. There's a Presentation section in the middle, and then there's the Quizzes. OK. So let's just look at a couple of things. As this is right now, they're asking you if you want them to collect email addresses. Say no. I was confused by this, and so I went to Melinda, and she says, no. It just makes a mess. Don't do it. You can ask them to put the email as the first question in your quiz, and then you have control and it doesn't deal with the district accounts and stuff. So just leave that off. The second one I wanted to point out is, notice that this one has a check that says Restricted to Users in Baldwin Park Unified School District Only. Well, do you have a student that is going to have to access this account, this quiz in some other way? They can't do it if it's in the Google Classroom. But consider, this one only limits it to people that are in the district. So do you want that on? Do you want that off? The third one is the one that I really want. If it's informative and I want them to be able to go back and change their answers, then I will unclick it. But if it's a real, true quiz, then I want to click this because I want them to only have one chance to get that right. And then number four, that's where we're going to go right now. We're going to click on Quizzes. This is what's under General, and we've got that one ready. So now we want to go over to Quizzes. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Quiz Settings, 4. Top: Select Quiz Under Settings Be sure "Make this a quiz" is selected. If you have Chromebooks, quizzes can be in locked mode. Scroll down for more choices as how students will receive their responses. Click on Save Screenshot of Settings. "Make this a quiz" toggle is on. Assign point values to questions and allow auto-grading. Make this a quiz" Quiz Options. Scroll down and fill out your preferences. Arrow pointing to Save button in the lower left corner. (SPEECH) And in Quizzes, the top one's the most important. If you don't click Make This a Quiz, it's still not going to be a quiz. So you can't put answers in, so Google won't correct it for you. So definitely-- if you find in your form as you're putting in the questions-- because you can put in the questions-- but if they don't give you the chance to put in a correct answer, then you know it has not been made into a quiz. And then you just go up to the top to the gear, you go over to the quiz, and then you do this. Now, you have other choices down below. You can scroll down. With my formative assessment, I like the students to be able to see the answer immediately after they turn it in, because it's a formative assessment. That's what I want it to do. But if this is a real quiz, if this is one that you don't want them to see the correct answers, you don't want them to go back to the questions either because then they can go and tell their friend about the questions. And so down below, I turn those off. And then be sure you click on Save so those settings are saved. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Inserting Quizzes into Classroom. Use Assignment Under Create. Classwork. Create. Assignment. Screenshot from Classroom. Classwork tab is selected. Arrow is pointing to the Assignment link under the Create button. (SPEECH) OK. Now, you have created your quiz. It is over in Drive. It's all ready for you. Now, you're going to go back, you're going to put it inside your classroom. And so go to the center one, and one that says Classwork. You go to Create, you click on Assignment, and I have a smiley face there, because when you're creating all of these things, this is the same procedure every single time you're going to do this. Same three things. (DESCRIPTION) New slide. Anatomy of an Assignment, 6. Text, 1. Title 2. Instructions 3. Add. Google Drive. Link. File. YouTube. 4. What class or classes 5. Which student or students Screenshot of Assignment page, parts numbered 1 through 5. (SPEECH) OK. Now let's take a look at an assignment. So I call this the anatomy. At number one, you have the title, and number two, it's a place where you can put instructions in. Of course, if they're taking a quiz, maybe you don't need any instructions. But that's where you would put them. Number three is the Add button. And if I click on the Add button, I have things I can add. I can get my quiz from Google Drive, but I could also get a link. Maybe I want them to watch a video. And then after they watch the video, I want them to take the quiz. OK. And so then I would put two in here. I would do the first one, and then I would do the second one. And I go back to add that so that I could have them both there. File allows that-- let's pretend that you are creating a form, and some of the things you're not able to do. Google Docs doesn't have as many commands available as Microsoft Word does. So maybe there's some things you want to do, and so you create the doc in Microsoft Word. You can upload it here, so you have access to any of those things. And then the final choice is YouTube. (DESCRIPTION) Screenshot of Assignment page, dropdown menu labeled "For" The first option is Basic Skills. (SPEECH) And then number four, we have what class you want this assignment for. Maybe you have three ESL classes, and you don't want to have to go through these procedures three times. You can actually find the assignment that you gave to the other class, put it here as well. So that saves a lot of time. (DESCRIPTION) Next to Basic Skills dropdown, under "For," is another dropdown menu. The first choice is All Students. (SPEECH) And number five is, which students. This allows you to do the giving assignments to the students that need them. Also, it allows you to give a quiz to just the one student you want to take the quiz. OK. So that's cool. It allows that differentiation to take place. (DESCRIPTION) Anatomy of Assignment, Part 2. 6. Create docs, slides, sheets, drawings or forms. 7. Points 8. Due Dates!!! 9. Topics 10. Rubric 11. Assign, Schedule or draft Same screenshot as previous slide, parts numbered 1 through 11. Number 6 shows the Create button with its dropdown menu, next to the Add button. (SPEECH) We're continuing with the anatomy, and we're looking at more. Now, at number six, you can see the other button that was there. We looked at Add. This is Create. And this is where you can add docs, slide sheets, drawings, or forms. You can do it right there. These are not premade ones. The premade ones would have been over with your Google Drive. This is if you want to create one right here. At number seven, this is points. (DESCRIPTION) Points dropdown menu, underneath "For" dropdown menus. First choice is 100. (SPEECH) If you click on it, they give you the choice of no points. And that might be what you want. If you're not going to give a grade for this, you just want them to do it. So you can get that. But you can also modify the points up to 100 for that assignment. The default is 100. So if you give them an assignment they're supposed to be worth two points and you forget to do this, the grade book is going to put it in as 100. But not to worry, you can change that later. You can change it while you're in the grade book. And so you can correct your mistakes as you go along. I like that. (DESCRIPTION) Under Points is the Due dropdown menu. First choice is No due date. (SPEECH) Here is the due dates. Please put them in, even if you don't care if they do it late. Just so that this puts the assignment and the link in the Google Calendar. Number nine is Topics. That's how you organize these, so it goes in the right spot. (DESCRIPTION) Topic dropdown menu is underneath Due. First option is No Topic (SPEECH) But let's pretend you do this assignment and the topic is not there, and you go, oh, dang it. I forgot. You can add the topic right there right now. So you can do that then. (DESCRIPTION) Rubric heading, Add Rubric button (SPEECH) 10 is Rubrics. We will look at Rubrics. This is a new feature. It's a very cool feature. I just corrected some of my assignments with rubrics just this last week, and it was cool. And then all the way up at the top, it's (DESCRIPTION) Upper right hand corner of screenshot, Dropdown menu. First choice is Assign (SPEECH) the last thing that you'll do within the assignment, you will either assign it, schedule it, or leave it in draft mode. Draft mode can be very useful if you're not quite sure when you want it to appear. You're just creating things maybe ahead of time, and you want it to be available. The student will not see anything in draft mode. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Inserting a Quiz, 8. From Drive 1. Click on add Google Drive 2. Find your quiz (go to My Drive) 3. Click on Add. Screenshot of page titled, "Insert files using Google Drive" with the Recent tab open. 4 thumbnails of quizzes are underneath the heading, Yesterday. My Drive tab is circled along the top of the page. Arrow pointing to blue Add button at the bottom of the page. (SPEECH) OK. So from Drive-- remember that what we're trying to do is insert that quiz. So we clicked on the Add, and then we went to From Drive. And we now come to this screen. This is what you will see. If you are doing it just right now, you just created to the quiz, then it's going to appear right here. It'll be the first one, because this whole first row is recent. And so that's convenient. But a lot of times, you're coming back and finding a quiz. So you've got to go find it. Come up here to your Drive, and then it will appear in your Drive. You can then find the quiz where you filed it, and then you'll be able to come back here and click on Add. So the quiz will go into your assignment. (DESCRIPTION) New Slide, Use a Rubric, 9. Grading got so much easier!!! Screenshot of Assignment page titled Newsela. Directions for the assignment are followed by a link that says, Rubric, 3 criteria, 9 points. Screenshot of Newsela assignment rubric. Length heading, followed by 4 squares, each listing a different criteria and the number of points it's worth. Used own words heading, followed by four more criteria (SPEECH) Now, let's take a look at Rubrics. Rubrics are new. Very, very cool. What a rubric is is a grading sheet for you. And it makes it so that subjective grading becomes more objective, especially for the students. Because sometimes they don't know why they got the score they got. They have no clue. And so that opportunity to teach them is gone because they just look at it and they shrug and they don't know. And it also allows for you to be very systematic. I don't know. If I've had a lot of grading that I've had to do, my grading may not be quite so consistent as when I retired as when I started. And so this allows that to be overcome as well. When you click on Rubric, they give you a-- it looks like this. And it gives you where you can put in the criteria. You can put in the points for each one. Mine are very short because I'm ABE, and so-- OK, did you put more than two sentences in? Did you use your own words? Maybe that's my only criteria at this point. Maybe at another rubric, because we have been talking about capitalization, I will have that as an emphasis or some other thing. You get to choose your rubrics and create them. Now, it's a little labor intensive at first. It takes a little time to create one. But the good news is, you get to reuse them. And so you can use it over and over again. So you could have maybe five rubrics, depending on where you are in the quarter and what you have taught, and the rubric shifts depending on where you are. And you can just reuse those as you have created them. Now over here on the left, you see what it's going to look like. OK. That shows that there was a rubric created. The value, besides making it a whole lot easier for you-- because you just come in and you click on these. And then that score this person got that there's-- I think there were nine points available. Remember though, that's not some value that's going to go in it. If you said that this quiz is worth 100 points and there's only nine questions or nine on the rubric, they'd adjust that and they do the math. It's magic. It's so cool. But there's another reason and value for rubrics. The student sees this. They see what you're looking for. So if they see that I'm looking that you get a full three points if you have nine sentences, they'll make sure they have nine sentences. If they see that if they use the actual text they copy and paste that they're going to get dinged and they're going to get fewer points, then it kind of reinforces your instruction. And so it's very good. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Why Use a Rubric? 10. Reasons to Use a Rubric. Students see criteria for grade. Can make one and use it over and over in many assignments. Makes grading easier. Automatically records score in the Gradebook Screenshots from Gradebook. Showing scores. Grade, 33.33 out of 50. Rubric, 6 out of 9. Length, 2 out of 3. Used own words, 1 out of 3 Used Facts to-- 3 out of 3 (SPEECH) OK. Here's the reasons. They can see the criteria. You can use it over and over again once you make it, and it makes grading easier. And all of those scores are automatically recorded in the grade book. Super cool. All right. MELINDA HOLT: Hey, Debbie. I know you're going to go over this-- I think you're going to go over this-- grades can be changed, even after they've been given. If the teacher goes, no, no, no, no, no. I need to give them five points or no, I need to give them 11 points, you can do that, right? DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes. All of this-- you can override-- you can override it here. You can override it in the grade book. And in the grade book, I found one time that the possible scores was 1,005, and I thought, wow, that's impressive. That was an assignment that was supposed to be worth five points. And I could correct it right there in the grade book. So you can see your mistakes, you can correct them, and that makes it all easier. MELINDA HOLT: Nice. Thank you. DEBBIE JENSEN: OK. So we're inserting the quiz. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Inserting Quiz, 11. Tip, Use due dates: Assignment goes into Google. Screenshot of Quiz page titled 14, Quiz on Circle, Line and Bar Graphs. Calendar is popped up on the right hand side with a date circled. Next to the link to the quiz in Google Forms, there's a toggle switch labeled, Locked mode on Chromebooks. Text, Classroom can import grades for assignments. Grade importing automatically limits each form to 1 response per use, collects email addresses, and restricts responses to users in your domain. At the bottom of the page is a toggle switch labeled Grade Importing (SPEECH) Up here at the top, there was a tip, and this is what it looked like when I wanted to give it a grade. The Calendar comes up. You click on the date so you know where it is. Notice here on the left, it says Lock Mode for Chromebooks. This is really a K12 thing, unless your adult school has been able to get online with it. But we have Chromebooks but I don't use this. This locks it so that this particular quiz, when that is on the screen, they can't go anywhere. They can't go to YouTube, they can't go to any web sites. So that it's supposed to assist with cheating so that you can think, OK, at least they're not going somewhere and finding something else. This does not work at all, even if you have Chromebooks from school in your home, even if your kids have gotten them at home, this won't work. OK. So the default is it's off, and I just kind of leave it off because I'm not able to access that and use that for me. The grade importing, that's important, especially when you're using quizzes. Because the other assignments, Google, right there, it's in the system for you to be able to grade them, and you can use your rubrics. But this one, they're taking the grade from the form and putting it in the grade book. And so be sure that grade importing is toggled over and turned on. You'll see another place later where we have to do that. And so, just be informed about that. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Tip: Use Date Dates Tip: Secret Weapon, Add Due Dates! Screenshot of calendar with a blue circle on October 26, 2019. Below the calendar, the date is written, and 12:00 PM. On the right, screenshot of open calendar entry. (SPEECH) OK. We talked about due dates. I reinforce this over and over again because I have seen students that truly do all their work this way. But I wanted you to see it. So you, on the left, that's the calendar you set. You said, OK, it's on the 26th. OK. And that's when you're going to assign it or whatever date you choose. When they click on it-- because all that appears on their calendar is this one that says assignment number one profile. That's all they see. But if they click on that, that opens up, and there it is. There's the assignment, the link, and it's all right there for them. So there's so many things that just make the process work nicely. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Assign, Schedule, or Draft. Three Ways to 'Schedule' Assignments. Screenshot of Assignment page. Next to the link to the Google Doc of the assignment is a menu that says, Students can view file. The dropdown menu choices are Assign, Schedule, Save Draft. Screenshot of a box that says Schedule Assignment, with a date on one line and a time on another line, a downward facing arrow next to the date. Text, Arrow opens calendar to select date and time for assignment to appear. (SPEECH) OK. Going back and looking again at the assigned scheduler draft. When you click on this, you have the three choices that are available. There is a little-- if you choose Assign, the assignment is going to appear immediately. OK. And that may be what you want, especially if you're doing this online thing, where we're just trying to struggle to keep up. But let's say this is your spring break, and so you want these assignments to appear next week. You would then go to Schedule. And under Schedule, there's a little arrow that opens a calendar so you can pick the day you want them to be scheduled. In my classroom, through the years, I used to assign them the exact day. And I would even use times so they would appear at the time I wanted, because you do have a time right there where it says 8 AM. So you can schedule the actual time this is in here. But then I found that some of my adult students, they work, and so there's certain days they're not in class. And so, I put all the assignments to appear on Sunday. And I do it in the morning so that they have all day Sunday to be able to do the work so that it fits their life. And so I do that. And then the third choice that you have down here at the bottom is Save as a Draft. All the work is done. All you need to do is to go back and change and add the date of when you want it to appear or even just assign it. So this just makes it so that they can't see it, but you've got all of this created, and it's ready for when you need it. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Teacher View, Student View, 1. Screenshot of Teacher View of an assignment and screenshot of the Student View. Both screenshots are the same, with title, link, due date and posted date. Teacher View has the number of assignments turned in and the number of assignments assigned in the upper right corner. (SPEECH) OK. Now, the next thing we want is to take a look at Teacher View and Student View. This was probably the first revelation I ever had was when I'm demonstrating Google Classroom-- I'm so proud and just pleased as punch-- and one of my students says to me, raises his hand and says, "Teacher, my screen doesn't look like yours." I had no clue. When you demonstrate these things to your student, you need the view to be what they're going to see. And so if you're in the pub account, your Gmail account, this is easy. Just create a demo Pete account. You can always use him. It's more difficult with the district and how to create an account. I have been told to use one of my students who enrolled but never came and use that account. It becomes problematic when he doesn't come the next quarter and you get to do it all again. But that's what you're trying to do is to create a view so that your students see what they see on the screen, not what you see. On this screen, what you see on the left is when you go to Assignment, this is what the teacher sees. With the numbers of-- there are eight people that have turned this in, and there are 26 people that the assignment has given to. On the right, this is the student view. You don't have any of that. And so that's one of the things to be aware of. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Teacher View, Student View, 2. Drilling Down. Screenshots of Teacher View and Student View of the View Assignment page. Teacher view, on the left side is a column with a list of students, and a space to write their score for the assignment next to each name, blank out of 100. On the right is the assignment title and link, along with the number of turned in and assigned. There is a list of students below, with Turned in or Turned in late under each name. Student View, Title and link to assignment is on the left side and the points that it is worth. Class comments underneath. On the right is a box titled, Your Work, with an Add or Create button and a Mark as Done button. It says Missing in red in the upper right corner. Underneath is a box that says Private comments. (SPEECH) If we drill down one further, one step further, and you clicked on View Assignment, you are right now in one of the couple of places that you can grade papers, right there in the Teacher View. And in the Student View, what he sees is the assignment. He can click on the quiz and/or he can actually add assignments on the right. So this is all very different in what he sees and what you see. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Student Work. Screenshot of a word document titled, Tommy Student, Five goals for the future using Google Classroom. On the left side is a screenshot of the Your Work box. Assigned appears in green in upper right corner. Dropdown menu from Add or Create button. Add choices include Google Drive, Link, File. Create New choices include Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drawings. Create New choices are labeled, Google Choices for submissions. (SPEECH) All right. Now, we're in Student now. So this is when he is now going to turn something in. If he clicks on Add or Create, these are the choices that he sees. OK. And down here, these are the choices for Google submission. These are apps that are readily available to him. They are Google Apps, but many, many colleges, this is exactly how everything is done. At one time, I had a discussion with my boss about whether or not I should be teaching Microsoft preparing them for a job or I should be teaching Google. And he said that Google was preparing them for college. And so getting them very comfortable with the different kinds of docs, slide sheets, drawings, these are valuable. When he clicked on his assignment, then he could just go right ahead, he could type it up, and there was a link to you the teacher for correcting it, and we'll go through that. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Communication with Students. Ways to Communicate. In Stream, add class comment. In People, select students to email. In Classwork, can write private comments in grading assignments. Screenshot, tabs across the top read, Stream, Classwork, People, Grades. People tab is shown with Teacher and Student headings. Under Student, the Action dropdown menu is open. The options are Email, Remove, Mute. (SPEECH) All right. Now, communication with students. In the stream-- and up here at the top, you can see, we are in a teacher screen, a teacher account because there's Stream, Classwork, People, and Grades. We right now are in People. In People, you have the option of emailing the students. Their email-- you can click on their name, and you can have your communication that way. In Stream, which is the one that comes up first, when you first get into Classroom, it is Stream. At the very top, you can always add a class comment. So that's a way to communicate with the students. In Classwork, when you're grading their papers and such, you can write private comments and grade assignments. So these are ways that you can communicate with your students. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Gear Settings, Top Right. Screenshot of Settings menu. General. Class Code. Stream. Classwork on the stream. Show deleted items. Only teachers can view deleted items. Code in the upper right hand corner, YVZQN5 with a dropdown arrow next to it. Menu reads, Students can post and comment, Students can only comment, Only teachers can post and or comment. (SPEECH) OK. The gear setting at the top right of the screen, this is your initial screen. There's a little tiny gear at the top. This one, there's several things that you can do with it. At the very beginning, it says General, and this is where you can see your class code. You can also see it on the Stream screen. But sometimes the class codes are really wonky. Maybe there's Is and Ls and all sorts of things that the students are getting confused. So you can change your code here. You can see this little arrow beside the code. Now, that does not mean that you get to write the code. OK. It doesn't mean that you get to make it something really nice and useful. It just means that they will rotate you through a different one. They're letting you pick. Did you do like this one? You can't go back. So you kind of have to look and say, well, OK, that's reasonable. They shouldn't have a problem. In my classroom, I print this in very, very large print on kind of a poster, and I just leave it always in my classroom so that they can always know what that code is. They will only use it once, and then they are in the class. And so when they go to the classroom, they're in. They're there. It's in the screen where they get to pick the class. They don't have to re-enter the code. You can also decide about how you want them to comment. If you just leave it open, they can comment. They can comment on each other and see each other's comments. They can do that stuff. But especially with K12, but I can imagine that it could impact us, sometimes you may not want them to comment. So you can have students can post and comment, students can only comment, or only the teacher can comment. So you can make those decisions here as well. (DESCRIPTION) New slide. Gear Settings, Grading, 1. Setting up the Gradebook. Screenshot from Settings Screen. Grading. Grade calculation. Overall grade calculation. Chose a grading system. Learn more. Show overall grade to students Grade categories Add grade category Dropdown menu reads, No overall grade, Total points, Weighted by category Screenshot of Grade Categories with two Grade Categories added. Grade categories, Introduction and Google Classroom. Default Points, 10 and 25. (SPEECH) Scrolling down that same screen, just going a little further down, that's where you're going to set up your grade book. Now, first of all, understand, your grade book is set up for you by Google, and so it's there magically, whether you do anything. But you can set it up the way you want. And so first of all is grade calculation. Now, notice that the choices that we have, no overall grade. You can also do total points, or you can do it rated by category. And so those are options that you have. If you're going to do graded by category, you're going to have to set up the categories. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Setting Up the Gradebook, 2. How do you want to measure grades? Screenshot of Grade Calculation box. Overall grade calculation. Dropdown menu reads, No overall grade, Total points, Weighted by category. Screenshot of Grading page. Total points is selected from the dropdown in the upper right corner, labeled with a 1. Grade categories heading is circled, labeled 2. 5 categories appear under heading, with their Default points to the right of each category. (SPEECH) And so here it is again. How you want it. Is it number one? And number two, you see the categories. And three, you can select the categories. Maybe this one is done by total points. And so I'm giving critical reading summaries 50 points, Newsela summaries are 75. So I decide each one. If you choose to do the one that is weighted by category-- so maybe attendance is going to be 5%, and maybe their worksheets are 40%, and quizzes are 60%, that didn't add up. It has to add up to 100, but they'll remind you. If you start going over or under, they will put up a little note and say, this doesn't add up. And then they will weight the grading for it so that what comes out at the end, all of those math things we had to do, we don't have to do them. So that's super cool. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Inside the Gradebook, 3. You can grade from the gradebook. 1. Missing 2. graded 3. To grade 4. See assignment The arrow opens to View submission Screenshot of Gradebook. Chart with assignments and tests along the top and student's names along the left. Class average is the first row. Each students name is followed by their overall grade, then their grades on each assignment, or Missing is written in red. Fourth assignment says blank out of 25, and there are three vertical dots to the right. Dropdown menu from the dots with options Return or View Submission. (SPEECH) OK. We're now in the grade book. If you click on Grades along the top, this is what you're going to see. And let's just take a look. At number one, that's a missing assignment. So there was a due date. They missed the date, and the assignment's missing. It'll be in red and it'll be right there. At number two is something you've already graded. OK. And the points that you gave for that are already there. At number three is something that needs to be graded. See the line and then out of 25 points. And then the arrow beside it, those three dots, if you hover over it, you find those, and that will show you the assignment. You can either return the assignment or you can view it right there. And so that's how you can get that at three. If you want to grade differently, this is grading the whole class, and you're just kind of looking and seeing what to do. This is one way to grade. Another way was to go to that To do that I told you was so magnificent over there with a hot dog at the top. No, it wasn't a hot dog, it was a hamburger. I'm sorry. Wrong food. You go there and you can go To do, and it gives you only the assignments needed to be graded. You don't need to look at this global image and see everything. So it kind of depends on you. But a third way to grade is up at number four, where you pick that assignment and you grade just that assignment for everybody. And you can work it that way too. So these are all different ways that you can grade. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Drill Down in Gradebook, 4. Screenshot of one student's entry, Demo Pete. 1, student percentage, 91.6%. 2, points imported from quiz (need to return to finish process) Blank out of 10. 6, Draft. 3, assignment needing to be viewed and graded. Blank out of 5. (SPEECH) Now, if this is just drilling down and looking at it again, to repeat, our demo Pete, he's running on 91.6%, so he's doing a pretty good job out of the assignments so far. That's not the assignments for the whole quarter. So he's not at an A. And now you can say, oh, you don't need to do any more. This is where he's at right now. Number two is a draft. Now, this is how the quizzes come in. You still need to decide if you're going to get rid of the draft and change it by doing-- the way you do that as you click beside it and click on Return. So that then the student gets to see it. So that's the draft. Three is an assignment that needs to be graded. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Grading Student Work, 5. Grading from Classwork Assignment Select the Grades tab. Select individual assignment. Screenshot of Classroom Practice Course page. Student Work tab is open. Students are listed on the left hand side. Right side says, 09 Group Project: Brainstorm the Possibilities. 0 Turned in. 1 Assigned. 2 Graded. Three students are listed underneath, 1 says Missing in red, and two say Graded. (SPEECH) Grading from the classwork. So if we had chosen that we wanted to grade everybody on this one assignment, this is where we would do it. We would go to Classwork, we would pick the assignment, and we drill down. OK. This says, those three numbers that are circled, nobody's turned anything in at this moment. Two of them have already been graded. One person hasn't done it yet. They're assigned but they haven't done it. So this screen is very useful because you can scroll down the To Do and you can see all the zeros at the first, meaning you're caught up with your grade book. You've graded everything. And then you'll run down and you'll see maybe one, and it says, oh, there's somebody who hasn't done it, and I don't have to go through every single assignment and find the ones still to be done. So this is super cool. You can also pick the student. So this one over here, if it's Susan Coutler, she's a missing student. Demo Pete did his, and Debbie Jensen did hers, but Susan hasn't done it yet. So now I know I can go in and maybe email her or talk in some fashion. OK. This is us grading. OK. So what we did on the last screen-- I'll show you-- right here, I went to the person and I went and I clicked on their work. OK. Here I don't have one that's readily available because I've caught up on all my grading. But there would be maybe Debbie Jensen hadn't turned hers in yet. Or she had turned it in but I haven't graded it yet. And so I would click on that, and then I would see this. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Grading Student Work, 6. Comment Bank. Add Grade. Private comments. Return. Screenshot of Essay page. Student name Bob Coulter on the upper left, Turned In is written next to his name. In the right corner, the blue Return button is circled. Essay document appears underneath. Panel to the right says, Files, Turned in on October 25. Grade, blank out of 100. Private Comments. (SPEECH) And this is their assignment. And so I can actually grade it here. Now, there's several features about this that I can use. I can actually click inside the assignment. If maybe they didn't capitalize or maybe it's a run-on sentence, or maybe you think they need more-- well, let's just say that it was a run-on sentence. I could click in the assignment, and I could correct it. Maybe it's a spelling error, and I actually correct it right there. And then Google comes over here to the side and writes what you did. So all of the corrections are here on this side, as well as in the text. And they're in a different color in the text so the student can see them. That's one way that I can grade. I like that one, especially because a lot of mine are grammar errors. The second way is that I can actually click here, and I can come up to the top, where it says it's a little comment box, and I can write my own comment. OK. And I can say this is (inaudible) So I could do that. The third one is this one, which is called the Comments Bank. And you create this, and it has tremendous potential. How many times is there a comment that you're writing constantly? Run-on sentence, run-on sentence, capitalization, capitalization. You have to capitalize this, over and over and over and over again. Well, create that comment in your comment banks, and then you can just reuse it. But even better still, in your comment, add a link to, oh, I don't know, no red ink, where there's instructions specific to correcting that error. Wow. Then you're actually utilizing the internet at its very best. It's a link to more instruction. So that's cool. So we can use comment banks. And the one that's here in the center, that's where you add the grade. And down here at the bottom, you can have private comments. I see that your overall error is run-on sentences. Let's work on that together. Go to page blah, blah in your textbook. If you do put a private comment, be sure that you post it. It's separate. It's not going to-- when you click on Return, it's not going to post it. You need to post that comment that you made. And then at the end, you return it. Now, if you have a class, everybody's doing all the assignments, then these arrows that are right here up here beside Turned In, those arrows just go from one student to the next student to the next student to the next student. So you don't have to get out and go to the next student, so it speeds everything up. With basic skills and my students, there can be five or six names between the next student that turned something in. So I don't have use of this. But I can see that maybe in an ESL class, where all your students are there and they're all doing their work, this might speed up your grading tremendously. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, A Final Tip on Grading, 7. Click on Import Grade. Screenshot of Basic Skills Reading assignment page. Student work tab is open. Students listed on left column. Right side says Vocabulary Quiz, 1 turned in, 13 assigned. Import Grade button in upper right corner is circled. (SPEECH) OK. Now, remember that we are-- where are we-- are in an assignment. It is a quiz assignment. OK. And this one has-- not all your assignments have this. This is only on quiz assignments. But it has here Import Grade. And this is where it will take the grade from the quiz and it will send it over to the grade book. So be sure you do that. I did not understand this, and I could not-- my quizzes grades weren't coming over, and I didn't know what was going wrong. And it was that I wasn't clicking on this Import Grade. And they will ask you, are you sure you want to do this? Because maybe you've got six students to grade and you can wait till the all six of them have been graded and then import them all. And then if another student the next day does the quiz, you'll have to go back and import the grade again for him. So just be sure that that's there, and it is under Assignment, in the Classwork section. OK. So you'll go to the quiz and import them. OK. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Importing Grades, 8. Same screenshot as last slide. Next to the student's name Zoe Poveda, it says 6, Draft. Next to the Import Grades button it says, Last imported 4:32 PM. (SPEECH) This one is showing you the next step. I thought this was the coolest thing that it was doing this, so I grabbed the screen immediately. It's saying that this was last imported at 4:32 PM. And then right over here, Zoe's grade has now appeared. It's in draft, meaning I haven't returned it to her. When I click on Return, then that draft will disappear. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Tips on Review. My Classroom Tips. 1. Use topics to grade students. 2. Demonstrate navigation. 3. Use To Do for you and your students 4. Use forms to make attendance, profile, and quizzes 5. Require emails on quizzes 6. Check out responses on quizzes to evaluate 7. Use rubrics 8. Template assignments choose "make a copy." 9. Click on import grades inside assignment (SPEECH) All right. These are the tips on the review, the things we have looked at. Use topics to guide your students, demonstrate the navigation, use To Do for you and your students. Use forms to make the attendance sheet for your online class or any of your classes. Create a profile so that you gather that information you boss is wanting to know, and use quizzes. These can be quizzes that are informative all through your class, all through your day. Students really, really like these. Or the quiz is at the end, and that one, you will assign only to the student that's taking the quiz. Require emails on your quizzes. Check out the responses on the quizzes, so you can evaluate your quiz and see if the questions are good. Use rubrics. This is new. If you're new to this whole process, you may not start here, but I think you're going to like it. And then template assignments are really great. Be sure that you mark them Make a Copy. And then click on Import Grades inside the assignments. (DESCRIPTION) New Slide, Google Classroom. we got to the future before we were ready! We need to teach online-- with Google Classroom, we can do it. Graphic of open hands holding various laptops and cell phones, each with a wifi signal on its screen. Two panel comic strip of a boy on a cell phone in an empty classroom. (SPEECH) I love to end with this screen, and it's just because it's kind of an attitude. It shows a little kid who's saying, "I just updated my Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter, texted a homework reminder to you, googled the answer to last night's bonus assignment, and now I'm uploading-- oops. Gotta go. My teacher's coming in and my phone is supposed to be off in my locker. Maybe someday the school will provide us with the technology that is already in our pockets." I was cemented into Google Classroom some years back, when a lot of these really cool features, like archiving so you could reuse a class and all of these things, they weren't there. And so it was much, much harder, and I was really, really grappling with whether I was going to continue using Google Classroom because it was labor intensive for me. We were coming on into quarter two and I needed to create a new class. And then I had a student who was gone for two weeks, and he kept up with every single assignment on his phone. And I was stunned The other thing that made it so that I am a real Google Classroom advocate is, we have open entry. So I have students that come in in the middle of the quarter. So they haven't seen all the assignments that happened in week one through four. And unless I'm going to dig them all out and find them all for him, they're not going to get to do them. They'll just have to wait till they come back. With Google Classroom, I have students that come in the middle of the quarter, they back up, they catch up on everything. And so they've accomplished all the work. That made it so that I am a fan of Google Classroom. And now that we are teaching online, this is incredible. It makes it so that you can truly do the work that the districts and the country are asking us as teachers to do. You can teach online and with Google Classroom, we can do it. (DESCRIPTION) New slide, Thank you for joining this Google Classroom Part 2 Workshop (SPEECH) Thank you for joining us today in Google Classroom part two. MELINDA HOLT: And, Debbie, thank you for doing this video. I just wanted to piggyback on something that you mentioned earlier, and I didn't want to interrupt, that you talked about Google changing. And way back when, when you started four years ago, Google Classroom looked much different than it does now, as do all of the Google tools. DEBBIE JENSEN: Yes. MELINDA HOLT: So that's the joy and pain of working with Google or with any application online, really. They might change at the drop of a hat. And one day, the blue button that used to be on the right is a red button that's on the left. So you've got to be prepared, right? DEBBIE JENSEN: Absolutely. And especially when you're demonstrating this in front of a class, you'll just look at it, and you'll go, huh. And the first time that happened, I was horrified because I'm just stumbling all over the place. Now I just shrug it off and I'll say, OK, well, that's OK. That's my assignment for this afternoon. I'll figure it out. MELINDA HOLT: There you go. There you go. We're going to learn together, class. DEBBIE JENSEN: That's right. MELINDA HOLT: All right. I want to thank you again. This will be posted as soon as we can get it up.