[music playing]
OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.
Stephanie Thomas: Hi, everyone. Nice to see you all. And I'm now going to share up my screen because we have a lot to do today, and there is a lot of information. And so rather than go over the information all myself, I invited a special little guest host. I'm going to share my screen and introduce the guest host for today's interactive Google slides. Can you all see a word Document? Oh hey, Diana. Good to see you. Diana, you can be our secondary techie person, can you help monitor the chat room and--
Speaker 2: Sure.
Stephanie Thomas: Oh, awesome. OK. OK. All right, so first of all, I'm going to let my co-host introduce himself. Please introduce yourself.
Speaker 3: I am Zoom Bot. It is nice to meet you.
Stephanie Thomas: Can you all hear him? Well, it's nice to meet you too, Zoom Bot. What can you tell us about the presenter, me?
Speaker 3: The human, Stephanie Thomas, works for the San Diego Community College District, Continuing Ed.
Stephanie Thomas: Well, how many years of experience does this human have?
Speaker 3: This human has taught ESL for over 30 years.
Stephanie Thomas: OK, well, how long has she been teaching online?
Speaker 3: This human has been teaching online since 2017. She started teaching online prior to COVID.
Stephanie Thomas: Oh, OK, well, has she ever won any state awards?
Speaker 3: Ha, ha. Funny you should ask. In 2019, she won the Ron Lee Tech Award.
Stephanie Thomas: OK, well, I'm bringing that up not because I want to boast, but because I am actually the Ron Lee Technology Award coordinator this year. So I would like to take a moment to encourage any CATESOL member, ESL teacher to apply for this Technology Award. It's a generous award, you earn $1,000. A lot more information will be coming out in March. If you don't see any information your agency for some reason isn't receiving it, I have my contact information here sthomas@sdccd.edu.
You can reach out to me and I would be happy to share more information. We'll be sharing a flier. And you may think that you have to be a techno whiz kid but you don't, all you have to have done is completed some sort of project using technology with your students. And since you're all online instructors now, I'm sure you all had experience with that. So don't let the name of the award intimidate you from trying it out. If you're a good writer, you know how to write to rubrics, and you've completed a project with your students, I encourage you to apply. OK, well, thanks for the intel, Zoom Bot. Is there anything else we should ask participants to share?
Speaker 3: We should ask the human participants to write their agency, subject, LMS, Google account Yes/No, device using in this Zoom session in the chat box.
Stephanie Thomas: So at this time if you would please take a moment and identify your agency, the subject you teach, your learning management system. Are you using Canvas? Are you using Google Classroom? Do you have a Google account? And if so please, go ahead and log into it. Also, please identify the device you're using during the Zoom session because there will be breakout rooms. And if you're on a phone, I'll need to know that.
And so I'm going to stop sharing for just a moment, so I can take a look at the chat box and see what's in there. So not just your agency but the subject you teach. What device you are on, Yes/No Google account. OK, good. I'm getting some intel here. OK, but most of you-- it looks like most of you are on a PC, a laptop. Somebody's on a Mac, I will tell you I don't know much about Macs, but I don't think that's going to be an issue. OK, great. So it looks like most of you are on PCs or Mac. I don't see any phones. OK. OK. All right, well, what else should we share at this time, Zoom Bot?
Speaker 3: We should share the objectives for this session, identify ways to use interactive Google Slides in an asynchronous environment.
Stephanie Thomas: So in other words, I'm going to demo how you could use these interactive Google Slides with your students when you're not on Zoom with them, when you're not working with them face to face.
Speaker 3: Identify ways to use Google Slides in a synchronous environment.
Stephanie Thomas: So in other words, I'm going to also demo how you could use these Google Slides during a Zoom session when you're actually face to face with your students.
Speaker 3: Create a fact share slide show OR, create an info share slideshow.
Stephanie Thomas: So I'm going to show you two different templates to approach this interactive Google Slides. We're going to do a fact share, which I use to either review or introduce new information. And then an info share type of template which I use when I have a lot of info that I want my students to selectively look at like a syllabus. So Zoom Bot, do the participants need to take notes on the information during this session?
Speaker 3: No, the humans do not need to take notes. All of the resources and information in this session are gathered on a Padlet created by the human, Stephanie Thomas.
Stephanie Thomas: So everything that I'm going through, can you now see a yellow Padlet screen? Great. Everything that I'm going to share with you during the session is located on this Padlet, and we will link it in the chat toward the end of the session. If I link it now, I'm afraid people will spend too much time playing with it, and my goal is to have you actually create an interactive slideshow. So you will have access to all of the interactive slideshows I share with you, this Word document. You will also have templates a fact share template and an info share template, and some how to videos.
In addition, I've gathered some resources such as how you can find jassy looking slide templates. My favorite go-to is Slides Carnival, where there are thousands of different templates. And I love perusing through them. I guess I'm a little bit of like a slight nerd. I love perusing through these templates because I get so inspired. So for example, if you look up playful, just look at all these beautiful templates, and there are hundreds of pages and thousands of templates so that is also on the Padlet along with-- oops, I lost my Padlet.
OK, that is also on the tablet along with another site called Slidesgo. I haven't used that much. And places where you can get royalty free clipart so that you don't have any copyright infractions. My go-to is Pixabay. I love it. There's video content up there, and there is also lots of different pictures. But Unsplash another source, as is Creative Commons. And then finally some miscellaneous info, for example, if you ever want to use this text-to-speech feature with your students in Word or on a Mac, I've got some how-to videos. So let's return back to our presentation. Well, thanks so much for helping us to get this session started, Zoom Bot. Is there anything else you'd like to share before we begin?
Speaker 3: Yes. I recently underwent an AI upgrade. May I showcase my fascinating sense of humor. It's new.
Stephanie Thomas: OK, shoot.
Speaker 3: How do robots eat guacamole? With microchips. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Stephanie Thomas: OK, I know that was lame, I get it. I get it. All right, so the first thing that we're going to do is we are going to work through an interactive slideshow as if we were doing this in an asynchronous environment. In other words, as if you had assigned it to your students and you weren't there to help him or her through. So what I'm going to do is, first of all, I'm going to show you the slideshow. You should now be able to see Tish Wonder's Buddha Bowl. Can you see that?
Speaker 4: Yes.
Stephanie Thomas: Perfect. OK, now I brought this up because when students work their way through an interactive slideshow, it's very important that you have clear buttons as to where they need to click Next because Google also offers this little black menu bar, and if your students use that little black menu bar to move through the slideshow, it's possible that it will not be sequenced correctly because the interactivity comes through links and layers. So you're going to need to instruct your students to use the buttons to move through the slideshow. Just as I'm instructing you now to make sure that you move through the slideshow using the buttons and not a little black Google menu that appears.
Speaker 5: Stephanie, can I ask-- interrupt you just briefly.
Stephanie Thomas: Sure.
Speaker 5: Everything you're showing is very foreign to me. And so-- and you're talking extremely fast, and I'm trying to comprehend and figure out where you are in all of this. Where-- what side are you at this point? Are you using Google or-- I see Word.
Stephanie Thomas: At this point, I've got a couple of different things going on. But you don't need to worry because later in the presentation, I have templates for you to click on and you will actually click on those templates and create your slideshow. So at this time, you do not need to be opening anything up. You do not need to be doing anything except for watching, listening, and viewing. This is a demonstration segment.
When I'm ready for you to work with the Google templates, I will share those templates with you in the chat box. And then you'll go ahead and create your very own slideshow. So at this time, I just wanted to introduce the objectives for today's session, which are ways to use Google Slides in synchronous and asynchronous environment. You're going to actually create your own interactive power-- Google Slides, and you don't need experience.
Speaker 5: OK.
Stephanie Thomas: So does that make you feel more comfortable?
Speaker 5: Yes, thank you.
Stephanie Thomas: Great. Great. And feel free to interrupt like that, that's not a problem, OK?
Speaker 5: OK.
Stephanie Thomas: All right, so at this time, what I'm going to do is I'm going to post a link in the chat box. That link is going to take you automatically. You don't have to open anything, just click on the link, and you will go to that slideshow that I just showed you, the Tish Wonder's Buddha Bowl. Please work through that slideshow on your own, individually, and then make sure you take note of the message on the last slide of the slide show. You're going to-- when you're finished with the entire slide show, you're going to post the message on that last slide in the chat box. And that's how I will know you are done. So can someone tell me what is it that you need to post and chat after you complete the slide show?
Speaker 6: The message, the last line.
Stephanie Thomas: Perfect. All right, so now at this time, I'm going to go ahead and I am going to stop share. And I am going to post the link to the interactive slide show in the chat. So what you'll do is click on the link, complete the interactive slideshow, and it will walk you through what to do. Complete the interactive slideshow and then come on back and write the last message for the slideshow.
And I see somebody in the chat box says, sorry, I don't know Padlet. It's just an interactive bulletin board. So once I share the link with you, all you have to do is click on the features of Padlet and stuff pop opens for you. OK, so I've posted the link in the chat. Go ahead and click on that link, work your way through the slide show, and then come on back and tell me the message on the last slide.
So I'm going to ask you a couple of questions. I want you to think for a moment. I just had you work through a slide show that my students work through. I'm an advanced grammar instructor, an online advanced grammar instructor. And when my students work through a slide show like this, why do you suppose I ask them to write the message on the last slide in the assignment? You did it in the chat box, but I tell my students to do it in the assignment. Why would I do that?
Speaker 4: To verify that the students actually gone through the side show.
Stephanie Thomas: Bingo. Exactly. Exactly. You want some way to know that your students completed the entire slide show, and they didn't skip out after slide two. So if they've gone through the whole slide show, whether they did it properly with the buttons or they simply clicked through the slideshow, you know they saw every slide. And somebody said, so you'll know that they are done.
Remember that this is how I would use it in an asynchronous environment. So I wouldn't know they're done, which is why I tie it to an Assignment Canvas. I don't know other people have different learning management systems, I set up an assignment, and when the student submits the assignment, I check and see whether they've got the correct message in the assignment. And then I give them the points for working through the slide show.
Speaker 7: Stephanie, I have a quick question.
Stephanie Thomas: Sure.
Speaker 7: Does that mean that you are making sure that they answer every single grammar point as well they can't just go to the last slide?
Stephanie Thomas: Oh, I'm glad you bring that up because this particular strategy doesn't work for that, but the next strategy I will show you does.
Speaker 7: OK.
Stephanie Thomas: So that's a very good question. So in this particular format where I just want the message, I'm-- I mean, I'm assuming they at least saw the slides they need to see. Perhaps they didn't click where they needed to and they didn't get the feedback, but I'm assuming that at least they went through the slide show. If I want to make sure that they got the feedback, this is going to be the second demo because that's a good point. Like if you have students that you want to make sure that not only did they answer all of the questions, but there's a sound foundation, they understand the information, now we're going to move into demo two. And this is how I frequently use it in asynchronous environment on Zoom.
So for demo two, I am going to put another interactive Google slide show link in the chat box. But this time, this would be a synchronous environment the way we're doing it right now on Zoom. I'm going to create breakout rooms, and you are going to work with a partner to work through this slide show. And this slide show is about fonts. It's like font trivia, things like Aerial, Comic Sans. So you don't get an advantage this time if you're an English teacher. I'm hoping everybody, it's a level playing field, unless you're a real nerd about fonts.
So what I'm going to do is partner you. I'm just going to randomly partner you, create breakout rooms. And what you're going to do is work through the entire slide show. Now the very last slide of the slide show links to an online quizzes site. Many of you are familiar with Kahoot, I happen to use quizzes. So the very last slide and this slide show links to quizzes, all you'll do is enter a team name. You don't have to use your real names because I am going to bring up the results so that you can see how it looks. So just enter a goofy team name, complete both the slide show and the quizzes with your partner, and then you get two a virtual high five, the team who gets back to the main room quickest. After completing the quizzes, you will return to the main room by clicking Leave Breakout Room. Is there anyone who does not know how to do that?
Speaker 8: Stephanie, Ruth has a question.
Stephanie Thomas: OK.
Speaker 2: Hi, can you hear me?
Stephanie Thomas: I can.
Speaker 2: OK. I'm wondering on that slide show when it says, when you answer a question, if you are not sure how to answer the question, and you want to go back and look at the explanation, is there a way to go back on those slide shows? I only saw next. I didn't see back.
Stephanie Thomas: I see what you're saying, yeah. You could link that. You really could. There's a way that you could link that. Or you could have-- remember how you saw the nose slide. I mean, hopefully, you got a couple of them wrong.
Speaker 2: No, I just went through and answered them all correctly. But I'm thinking in terms of the students. If they got it wrong, is there any feedback?
Stephanie Thomas: If they get it wrong, they're sent back to the slide with the information.
Speaker 2: Perfect. OK. That's what I wanted to know.
Stephanie Thomas: Yeah, so if they get it wrong, then they're sent back.
Speaker 2: OK, great.
Stephanie Thomas: OK. So any questions on the next activity, the next demo. I'm going to link an interactive slide show, and then you're going to complete the slide show with your partner. You will complete the quizzes. Use a fake name if you want to. And then race on back to this main room by clicking, leave breakout room.
So the rest of you who are coming back in, what did you think? Oh, good.
Speaker 3: That was a lot of fun. That was really great.
Speaker 2: Yeah, it was great.
Speaker 4: It was good to interact.
Stephanie Thomas: It's fun to use in a synchronous Zoom session, because the students who get back to the main room first, it's just a dramatic entry. And they get really excited about it. And then some of them kind of-- I teach advanced grammar. And they sometimes kind of playfully rag on the people who kind of come in later and everybody. It's kind of fun.
Speaker 4: Stephanie, can I ask you, because I've never used quizzes before, is it free? Or is it a paid component?
Stephanie Thomas: It's free. I only use the free version. I mean, there's an upgrade. And there are certain benefits to having to upgrade. So what I did was assign homework. What you took was not a live quiz. It was a homework assignment per se.
So with the paid version, you can assign it until eternity. But with the free version, you just have to go keep going back in and revise, push the date further along. So like, you get to assign it for about 15 days out in front. So you just have to remember to go back in if you want to keep it open to modify the date that the quiz closes.
And once everybody returns-- and I think I'll close the breakout rooms pretty quickly. Because I want to let you all actually work with the slides, and create your own. You'll see from the back end how quizzes works. But this is just one way that you could do a quick, formative assessment to see whether or not your students are understanding the content in a kind of a casual, playful way.
Speaker 2: Can I ask you something real quick? What I have trouble with when I'm trying to pull in some kind of cool little techie thing for my students to use is, if I don't do things in the correct order, it doesn't work. So if there is a way that you can say first, have them access the link in the chat, then create the breakout rooms, then do this, then do that. So that everything happens in the correct order, and it works for everybody. You know what I'm saying?
Stephanie Thomas: I think I do. Can I ask what you teach?
Speaker 2: I teach ESL at an Adult School.
Stephanie Thomas: And what level?
Speaker 2: It's intermediate, advanced.
Stephanie Thomas: OK, OK. I think they should be able to do this. But I absolutely understand what you're saying. If you're dealing with beginning ESL students, getting that link up there and having your students understanding the share screen will be a little difficult. So I would recommend in that case, that you do the actual slide show as a whole group. You know, like you ask the students to give you feedback on what button to click.
You click the buttons, and you ask the students what should I click. And they would say aerial, or whatever. And then when you're ready to open up the quiz, have it be a live quiz. And you would just paste the link in chat, and ask the students to click on the link.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I understand. But then you used breakout rooms. And you're saying do a live quiz, but in a breakout room.
Stephanie Thomas: No, I would just keep everybody in a whole group. If I taught levels one, two, three, or four ESL, I wouldn't do the breakout room. Because I don't know if the students can share their screens in the breakout rooms. I don't know if they know how to do that, unless I'm confident that they all know how to share their screen.
And then here's another point. When you have students calling into your room session, most likely, you have students who are on their phones. So you have to make sure if you're going to use breakout rooms, and you need a screen share, that you pair somebody on a phone with somebody who's on a PC or a Mac. Because the person on the phone cannot share screen.
Speaker 2: I see. OK.
Stephanie Thomas: So I think it's harder at the lower levels. If I were doing this at the lower level, I would keep everybody in the whole group, and simply ask for input. And then when I'm ready for the quizzes, they would take it individually. I would put the live link in the chat box. And then they'd go up on quizzes. They'd complete the quizzes, and then I'll bring up the results.
OK. I'm going to go ahead and close the breakout rooms, so that we can move forward. I just wanted to give people a chance to see how this looked. I think almost everybody is done. Yeah. It might be frustrating for them. They're going to be yanked off their game.
OK. It looks like everybody is back now. So what did you think? Was it kind of a fun experience? Please somebody say yes.
Speaker 2: Yeah, fun, super fun.
Speaker 5: It was amazing.
Stephanie Thomas: Let's go ahead and check your results. Let's see how you all did on quizzes. OK. OK. All right. So here are my quizzes results. Can you see the quizzes? Let me refresh it. Can you see the quizzes scoreboard?
Speaker 4: Yes.
Stephanie Thomas: So who is Blue Bunny? Wow. Blue Bunny, a huge shout out. You got 100%. Yay for us. And do you see how-- so for example, Christina and Beth, and Batman and Robin, both had higher points than Dream Team, but Dream Team actually looks like it's in second place. Because timing matters on this particular type of game too.
So here, you can see everybody's score. So if it was my students, anybody who scored under an 80%, I would recommend that they go back in at their leisure and retake the quiz. Because I'm aiming for mastery here. But that's what it looks like as the teacher.
And so it's kind of fun to play in a Zoom session, because it's kind of dramatic when the first two who finish the entire assignment get back into the main room, and they look around, and they're the only ones there. It's just kind of fun to use with your students in a synchronous environment. You could use this in an asynchronous environment, which I frequently do. So the students will work through the slideshow.
And the question that we had prior to this activity was, how do you know if the students answered all of the questions? Well, you could attach it to an online quiz, something like quizzes. And somebody else had a question in the chat. Would you use Kahoot? Absolutely. You could use Kahoot. If you're more familiar with it, go with the one that you're more comfortable with.
Quizzes have a feature where you could assign homework before Kahoot. And since I was teaching online before Kahoot got it, I went in the direction of Quizzes, but either one. OK. So do you all need a few minutes break, or shall we just get right to the templates and get creating?
Speaker 2: I'm OK to continue, but I don't want to speak for everybody.
Speaker 3: I'm good. I'm good to keep going.
Stephanie Thomas: OK. I am going to share my screen once again. And I'm going to show you there are two types of templates that we can work with today. You'll choose just one. What you worked through with the bootable and the font facts is sort of a fact sharing.
Now, I'm going to show you an information sharing type of template. And I use it for my syllabus. So I teach an 18 week course. And during the first nine weeks as an ESL instructor, I take my students on a road trip down Route 66. And they take me on a road trip through their native country.
So this is our interactive syllabus. And you can see module 3 here is Kansas. Students click there, and they can see what they'll be doing in module 3. And they can click here for example, module 5 is Texas. They click there, and they can see what they're doing in module 5. So this isn't sequenced the same way. It's a little bit different. And I call it an information sharing template.
Here's one more example, the second nine weeks of class, my classroom is sort of an escape room, where I leave clues throughout the module, and the students have to guess what the monsters in each room of the haunted San Diego Whaley House, what they want in order to get out of the escape room. So for example, here's module 9. And there's a rat in the general store. So they work through all of this. And throughout little clues are planted, and the rat is looking for a nut.
And here's module 10. And it's a zombie. He's looking for brains. So notice the reading is the benefits of the bilingual brain. So I try to kind of clue everything together in that kind of a way. But this is an example of an information sharing type template which is more like an online bulletin board.
So for today, what I'm going to do is offer up a choice. You can either use the factual template that looks just like the font facts template that you worked through. Or there's another template that you could use here, and it's called the bulletin board template. And it looks like this.
You'll notice how it comes up with make a copy. What it's going to do is make a copy in your own Google Drive. So you'll have this after the session right inside your own Google Drive. So you can see here, this is like a bulletin board, and it's an information share.
So you could say something like, this could be about your class. So the title could be, you just click on the text, and you could just change the text to about class. Idea one might be textbook. Idea two might be assignment expectations. Idea three might be about the teacher. Idea four might be about the exams or the tests. And idea five could be whatever you choose.
So with this template, what's going to happen is idea one willing to slide two. Idea two, willing to slide three. This will be your idea two. Idea three will link to slide four. And each one of these slides two, three, four, five, and six will link back to slide one. So those are the two templates that you can use.
And so what I'd like you to do right now is only concern yourself. We're going to take about say ten or 15 minutes. And you can just concern yourself with changing up the content inside the slideshow. So just click on the text boxes. Change this up to something you might use with your students. And that's all you have to worry about.
In about 15 minutes, we will regroup, and I will show you how to link those slides and images to get that interactive effect. Does that sound good? OK. So I'm going to link both. I'm going to link both of the fact sharing and the bulletin board style template in the chat box.
You select the one you want. You don't need to select them both. They are on the Padlet, which I will share with you.
But I think it's time to start inserting some links, so that you can go through and complete this on your own. So what I'm going to do is, share my screen and I'm going to start showing-- I'm going to show how to link this up with the fact share. All right. So you should be able to see that fact share slideshow. Can everyone see that now?
OK, good. Now, we need to create our first link on the first slide, where it says Next. To create that link, what we are going to do is, we are going to create a shape, and we're going to overlay the shape on the button. Next. To do this, we'll click Insert Shape. We'll reach for this triangle. You could actually reach for this one, which is exactly the same shape as the shape. Press the button.
So then you'll cover your button with that shape. Now, you can see that that button is covered, right. So now, let's insert the link. We've got that shape over the Next button. So now, I'm going to click Insert Link, slides in this presentation, next slide, apply. And you can see that the link is there. If this little thing pops up, you see that the link is there.
So now what you need to do--
Speaker 5: [inaudible]
Stephanie Thomas: I'll do it several more times. I will do it several more times. I understand the one time is not going to do it. I get it. OK, so now what we're going to do is look, we don't want that ugly gray box in front of our Next button. Because the students can't see you the Next.
So now, we're going to turn it invisible. And we'll do that by going up to there's the fill color, looks like a little paint box. So we're going to click there, and we're going to click transparent. But there is [inaudible]. So we need to go to-- it looks like a pencil with a line under it its border. Will click there, and we'll click transparent.
So let's try that again, shall we? We've got our first slide linked to our second, which is good. Now, we're going to move to the second slide, and we need to link these buttons to the correct answers. So what is the world's most hated font? And we've got-- how are we going to create that first link over Comic Sans?
Speaker 2: Click on Comic Sans. Right?
Stephanie Thomas: You could do it that way. Like, this is a button, and you could do it this way. But whenever teachers do it that way, they always went inserting the link inside the text, and stretching it on a text, and it looks ugly. So I don't recommend that you do it that way.
Speaker 4: About we enter the shape?
Stephanie Thomas: Bingo. So I'm going to go to Insert. And then I'm going to go to Shape, and I'm going to select my shape. I'll just do a rectangle, close enough. I mean, it just has to be kind of close enough. It doesn't have to be perfect.
OK, so I'm going to cover the shape. So now, I've got my rectangle in front of my button. What do I need to do now?
Speaker 2: Insert link again?
Stephanie Thomas: Exactly, exactly. Because this has to take-- it is true that Comic Sans is the world's most hated font, so it's the correct answer. So we're going to need to link it to which slide?
Speaker 2: Number four.
Stephanie Thomas: Number four is correct. Number four, because it says yes. So the way to do that is to click Insert Link. And it slides in this presentation. Slide four, yes. And now I click Apply. And you can see that the link is inserted when this comes up. You see how it says slide four yes?
Now you know that your link is complete. But now, it's blocking Comic Sans. So how do I make it disappear?
Speaker 2: Go to the paint bucket.
Stephanie Thomas: Exactly. And then do what?
Speaker 2: Transparent.
Stephanie Thomas: Good. And then how do I make the border disappear?
Speaker 2: The pencil with the line.
Stephanie Thomas: Perfect.
Speaker 2: Transparent.
Stephanie Thomas: Bingo.
Speaker 2: Wow, cool.
Stephanie Thomas: OK. I'll do another one. And then for slides three and four, there's kind of an overlay that we're going to do. They don't have a button. So we'll do an overlay. And I'll show you how to do that.
Let's do one more link insert, so that you all have that. And if you're working on the-- if you're working on the bulletin board, it's the same idea. So for example, idea one, I would go to Insert Shape. I would choose this rectangle, and then I would just simply cover idea one.
Now, I'm going to go to Insert Link. OK. And slides in this presentation, and idea one will link up to slide two.
Speaker 2: Got it.
Stephanie Thomas: Apply. So I would do the same with idea two, and link it to slide three. Idea three, link to slide four. Idea four, link to slide five. Idea five, link to slide six in the exact same way. To make it disappear, I'm going to click on the paintbox, transparent, border, transparent. So it works the same way between the two shows.
But now, let's go ahead and do an overlay. So we know that Comic Sans is the correct answer. And we know that we linked it to slide four, yes? Correct. So I'm going to click on slide four. And this time-- and by the way, you can remove this image. I know this guy looks crazy. But sometimes, it's fun to have a little psychological punch.
So at any rate, to create this overlay, I'm going to go to Insert, and it's the same idea, shape, I'll select the rectangle. And I'll just draw this over the entire slide. Now, because the student got it right, I want to direct the student to the next question, which is on slide five.
So to link it, I'm going to go to Insert Link, slides in this presentation, slide five, Apply. And I know it's kind of low, but you can-- oops, let me go back. There we are. OK. I know it's kind of low, but you saw that the link had been properly inserted. And now, we need to make this whole shape disappear.
So to do that, I'm going to go up to fill color, transparent, border, transparent. What do you think? Kind of easy?
Speaker 5: I can remember it all.
Stephanie Thomas: Well, I didn't do this yet. But I'm going to do this. I'm going to do a screencast walking you through this. And I will link it to the Padlet. I'll link it to the Padlet in this first column. So if you sit there and go, what did she do again? What was that step? You'll be able to see a video how to.
Speaker 5: Good. Oh, that'd be great. Thank you.
Stephanie Thomas: Yes, you're so welcome. Would you like me to do a few more?
Speaker 5: It's the border. It's the transparent-- the overlay piece said I keep forgetting the steps.
Stephanie Thomas: OK. Let's go to you-- are you working, Jane, are you on the bulletin board, or the facts?
Speaker 5: No, I'm on the one you're on, facts.
Stephanie Thomas: You're on the one I'm on. OK. Let's go to nope. And let's go ahead and link nope back to slide two, because the student did not get it correct. And one of the participants today as well, could you link it back to the information. And you could do that.
Like, let's say you had a piece of information slide here that explained the concept. You could actually link it back to that explanation slide. So for example, if you had been working in the bootable slide, and she got it wrong, you could take her back to the explanation slide, and then she'd have to go forward again and redo the question.
But for my purposes, I'm just going to keep it simple here. I'm going to go ahead and link slide three back to slide two, because the student did not get the answer correct. So I want the student to try again. In order to do that, in order to link slide three back to slide two, what's my first step?
Speaker 2: Insert link?
Stephanie Thomas: Insert?
Speaker 2: Shape.
Stephanie Thomas: Shape. I need something to attach the link to. And that's why I pull up the shape.
Speaker 5: I have a question. So with each quiz question, do you need that yes and nope choice after each question? Because the link has to go just to one place. You can't have multiple links.
Stephanie Thomas: That's absolutely correct. Good point, Jane. See, and that is why there is a yes, no slide after every single question. Because this nope slide has to link back to slide eight. Whereas, this yes slide has to link to slide 11.
Speaker 2: Yeah, OK. That's what I thought.
Speaker 6: Clara, did that answer your question? Clara had a question in chat.
Speaker 7: Yes, thank you. It's the same one. Thanks.
Speaker 6: Thank you.
Stephanie Thomas: Oh, good. OK. So we're good.
Speaker 6: Yeah. Thank you, Stephanie.
Stephanie Thomas: All right. Now, I've got my shape overlay, and I want to link the shape overlay back to slide two. How do I do that?
Speaker 5: You go to the fill color.
Stephanie Thomas: Not yet. I don't want to make it invisible until after I've linked it.
Speaker 2: Insert link?
Stephanie Thomas: Yep, Insert Link. And I want it to go slides in this presentation, and I want it to go back to slide two. And don't forget to hit Apply. If you forget to hit Apply, the link doesn't-- and then you see this little slide three. You can see that it's properly linked. So now, I want to make it visible. How do I do that?
Speaker 5: That's where you go to the fill color.
Stephanie Thomas: Fill, transparent, border, transparent. OK. So I want to give you a little bit of time to work. But before I do that, I want you to notice something, because this is important. If you go to share the slide show with your students, which you will once you complete it, right. The whole point is to share it with your students.
Well, watch what happens when you go to get the share link for your slide show. When you go to get the share link for your slide show, you're going to want to say not restricted, you will want it to say-- they can view. You want to see anyone on the internet with this link can view. You want to make sure that it says that. And then you want to copy the link.
But here's the tricky bit. Watch what happens when I do that. It opens the slide show in work mode, not in present mode. Can you see that?
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Stephanie Thomas: All right. There's a wrap around. And I'm going to show you that wrap around, OK. The wrap around is, you can open up a Word or a Google document, either one. OK. Open up a Word or Google document, and paste your link on that word or Google document. Do you all see my Word document right now?
Do you see in this link it has Edit? You see that where it says Edit?
Speaker 5: Yes.
Stephanie Thomas: We're going to change that word to present.
Speaker 5: That's tricky.
Stephanie Thomas: Yes, it is. Yes, it is. And when I do that, now I'm going to copy the link, and watch what happens. Bingo. So I know what you're thinking. You're like, oh my god, I'm never going to remember that. So you know, no tears to be shed. Because there is a how to video on the Padlet. It's how to share your Google slideshow in present mode.
Speaker 2: So if you have it in present mode, and you go to get a link, will that avoid that extra step of changing the link?
Stephanie Thomas: I don't think it worked for me. I can't remember why. And it might be-- I don't think that worked for me. I can't remember why, but let me just try it right now. And let's see if that does work. It might.
For some reason, I always wound up doing it this way. And I don't know if it's-- yeah, it did do it like that. So you could try that. But here's another good thing to know about that little trick, though, is that if you wanted to, if you wanted to create a template for your students to use Google Slides with, you can change that little word present once again to copy.
And now, what the students will get when they have this link, they will actually copy your template to their hard drive, just like you did with this presentation, with this template. So let's say you want your students to complete eight slides. And you have a gorgeous theme. You want them to work with that theme. You could share it out this way.
And that little copy cheat is also on the Padlet. So at this time, I will link the Padlet in the chat box, so that you all have access to it.
Speaker 5: OK.
Stephanie Thomas: And the Padlet, you don't have to do anything to it. You just click on the links, and things open up for you, informative things, everything that I've shared with you today. So how's everybody Doing? Are there any questions regarding the linking? We're good? Awesome.
Speaker 8: Yes, I have a question. I'm sorry, Stephanie. So I was able to get to linking the slide two for the bulletin board. But when I press-- because I wrote click here, so that it can go to slide two. But I can't do the second part, which is the little pencil. I'm missing that part.
Stephanie Thomas: Would you like to share your screen?
Speaker 8: OK. Yeah, I'll share my screen very quickly, just so you can see what I did.
Stephanie Thomas: Padlet is free. Yes, it is. Well actually, no, that's not true. You can create a limited number of Padlets for free. Our agency actually paid for it, because we use it so often. So the San Diego Community College District actually paid for a version. But there is a free version, but I think you can only create one Padlet at a time. So you'd have to keep deleting.
Speaker 8: OK, Stephanie. Can you see the screen?
Stephanie Thomas: Yep, I can.
Speaker 8: So right here is where I put-- for step one, you click here for the ingredients. And I linked it to slide two.
Stephanie Thomas: OK.
Speaker 8: But when I click, it just shows that.
Stephanie Thomas: It's there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's because you're not in present mode. If you click on the present in the upper right hand corner--
Speaker 8: Sorry. OK.
Stephanie Thomas: Yeah, there you go. So now, if you click on that link, once you click on the present mode--
Speaker 8: Oh, perfect. Great.
Stephanie Thomas: Yeah, yeah. Then it actually takes you to that slide.
Speaker 8: OK. That's it. That was it. So I guess I was doing it OK.
Stephanie Thomas: You were.
Speaker 8: Basically, the first slide show would be all the steps. And then I'd link each one to where I would want them to go to, correct?
Stephanie Thomas: That's correct. And then the second component is, they need to get back to this base board, right. They need to get back to this-- I guess you would call it the mother slide. They need to get back there. So you would need to create overlays for slides two, three, four, five, and six that would link on back to slide one.
Speaker 8: Got it. OK. Thank you so much. I'll stop sharing.
Speaker 6: Stephanie, we have a question. How long will the information on Padlet be available?
Stephanie Thomas: Oh, I'm not planning on deleting it any time soon. So it'll be there. Yeah, because our district does have an account. So we can have multiple Padlets forever if we want. So I'm not planning on deleting it any time soon.
Moreover, the videos can all be found on YouTube as well. And my YouTube channel is CEmesa2teacher. You'd have to scan through like GoogAds or videos, so I don't know if you'd want to do it that way.
OK. The last little piece of information that I'd like to share is, I am going to share a link to the evaluation in the chat box. And we'd appreciate it if you go ahead and complete that. Oops.
Speaker 6: You got it?
Stephanie Thomas: Almost.
Speaker 6: OK. I have it.
Stephanie Thomas: Oh, do you, Cheryl? You want to go ahead and just paste it right in?
Speaker 6: Yes. Again, not all of our sessions will be posted. So they're basically going off of great evaluations. And those are the ones that are going to be-- the recordings are going to be changed and posted on to OTAN, because we can't mediate all of the recording. So give her five stars, thumbs up. And we would love it. Stephanie has been awesome.
Stephanie Thomas: Cheryl, that was the great pitch. I couldn't have said it better.
Speaker 6: Thank you, Steph.
Speaker 5: Stephanie, can you just go back-- circle back to the last part of what you said to Ray about overlaying, that last part? I had the same problem as him.
Stephanie Thomas: OK, sure.
Speaker 5: That helped. His question was the exact s I was about to ask. But then I kind of missed the purpose of what you were saying that last part of the--
Stephanie Thomas: OK, OK. Let me go ahead and share my screen. And I'll take you back. Are you doing the bulletin board?
Speaker 5: Yes.
Stephanie Thomas: OK let me close out some of these windows here. There, OK. So we're back at the bulletin board. Can you see that?
Speaker 5: Yes.
Stephanie Thomas: Great, OK. So what I was mentioning to Ray is that your slides numbers two, three, four, five, and six will all need to link back to slide one. Slide one is sort of your motherboard of information. That's your landing page.
So for example, if you'll remember my syllabus always linked back to the overall syllabus. And then they'd click on the link to the modules. The module would always link back to that first slide. So is your question how do I do that?
Speaker 5: Yeah, could you just do that one more time quickly?
Stephanie Thomas: Absolutely.
Speaker 5: Just another link, but you're overlaying the whole slide is what you're saying?
Stephanie Thomas: Absolutely. I'll do it right now. So what you would do is, you would go Insert Shape. Choose the rectangle, because it's the same shape as your slide. You would cover the entire face of your slide. And then I always link it while can still see it before I make it visible, because I feel like it's just easier that way.
So then I'm going to insert my link, slides in this presentation, first slide, Apply. Now that I have my link, I'm going to make this rectangle disappear by clicking fill, border, transparent. And now, if I go to present mode, the slide links right back to the first slide.
Speaker 5: OK. But that would prohibit you from adding any other links within that slide?
Stephanie Thomas: That's correct. So if you wanted to do that, you could. You could have all of these things linking to different slides. It would take a coordinated effort, but you could have all of them linking to different things. So you can have, hello, introduce yourself linking to another slide where there's a happy video of you introducing yourself.
Then that video slide would need to link back to slide two, because you want the person to explore this other link here. And then perhaps this link would take them back to the mother slide, which is one.
Speaker 5: OK. Thank you.
Speaker 8: So Stephanie, real quick, the reason why you have six slides is because you have six sections on your motherboard, right?
Stephanie Thomas: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 8: OK. So if I want eight slides, I'll do eight sections. If I want five, I'll do five.
Stephanie Thomas: Exactly. Like the person who asked the prior question, she would need to add additional slides. Let's say she said she wanted to introduce yourself, hello. She could insert a slide here that this would link to here, and have a video on that introducing herself.
And then she could link that slide back to slide two, and have another slide linked here. You can have as many as you want. But I don't know. In my experience, kind of keep it simple stupid is kind of the way to go. You'll have this network that is just-- So just consider that.
Speaker 5: How do you link a video? Or do a video on a slide?
Stephanie Thomas: Oh, you can just insert a video onto the slide. I'll share my screen real quick. It's 4:12. I'll try to get that done. So what you would do is, let's say I wanted to insert a video into the slide. I can add a blank slide.
And then I would go to Insert. If I had a video made, like, I would have my own YouTube channel probably. But let's say I want a video of the Taj Mahal. I could search through YouTube. I'll select this one. And there's my video.
Speaker 5: Well, that's simple.
Speaker 2: I'd like to ask a quick question too. Let's say you're reviewing a grammar point, or vocabulary, or something like that. And you want to throw in a fun vid slide show to do it to make it interactive. Since you're really nimble at this how, long does it take you to prep that kind of slideshow? Because I'm worried about prep time for all--
Stephanie Thomas: I know. That's why I say, keep it simple in the beginning. Five questions, maybe. I just use these templates. And I can go bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. So I can get it done pretty quickly, but I couldn't at first. So I really had to limit it. I really did.
Speaker 2: OK. So it takes practice.
Stephanie Thomas: It takes a little bit of practice.
Speaker 2: Ten, 15 minutes to do like five questions, or something like that.
Stephanie Thomas: And then you've got to go back and check it. Obviously, you have to go to present mode, and make sure everything's linked properly. But yeah, I would keep them really simple to begin with. And then as you get the hang of it, you will be able to create those really webby type slide shows if you want to.
Speaker 2: So if you make a copy of one that you've already created, and then you just want to change the questions, you can do that in the copy, and then rename it, and it's a new slide show, right?
Stephanie Thomas: That's correct. That's correct. You can just use that copy technique, or you can copy it in your drive.
Speaker 2: Yeah, well, that's what I mean. Because I use Google Drive a lot. But I'm just wondering if we could use the same like template slide show, make a copy, and it has the links already there. You're just changing the content.
Stephanie Thomas: Oh yeah, I think you can. I think you can. I'm not positive.
Speaker 2: All right.
Stephanie Thomas: But I think you can.
Speaker 2: OK.
Stephanie Thomas: I put my email in the chat in case somebody forgot to grab the Padlet. Send me an email. And I'll send it out to you. But it's 4:15, and if I'm correct, Cheryl, we really do have to keep to the time frame, right?
Speaker 6: Yes, dear. Yes.
Speaker 5: [inaudible] materials though?
Stephanie Thomas: What's that?
Speaker 5: How do we get the Padlet material?
Stephanie Thomas: There's a link in the chat box. And if you click on that, you can go ahead and bookmark it on your web browser, so that you can go back and see it again and again.
Speaker 5: I didn't realize that's what I was doing. I did do that.
Stephanie Thomas: OK, yeah. So the Padlet link is there. You might want to click on it before exiting. Otherwise, send me an email, and I'll send you the link.
Speaker 5: Thank you so much. It was amazing.
Stephanie Thomas: Thank you.
Speaker 5: More than I expected.
Stephanie Thomas: Great.
Speaker 6: Thank you everybody. On behalf of OTAN, we appreciate your participation. And Stephanie, you're an awesome presenter. Thank you so much.