[music playing]

Speaker 1: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.

Peggy Raun-linde: So first of all, let me just tell you a little about me and why I am here. And then I'd like to hear what you're hoping to get, because I have a presentation set. But if there's something else that you came for that's not in that, then we'll change and we'll cover that.

My name is Peggy Raun-Linde. I'm an English teacher by trade. That's how I started out way back when 1987. And I was both a comprehensive high school principal as well as adult school principal in two different stints. And so I was the principal for about 10 years.

And I would say that, with OTAN, they were a godsend for me, especially when I first started at adult school, because I had been in the high school for so long. And so I learned so much from them, and just what was happening that I always said, well, whenever I have something that I think works, I'll share it. I am actually a retired educator. I'm now part time as the director of the North Santa Clara County Consortium.

And I will actually be retiring fully in June. So that's part of the reason why I'm sharing now, because we found something that really works. And so I wanted to share that with you. So that's me. If I could have you, since we're-- Thanks, Veronica. If we're a small group.

So instead of putting it on the chat, if you want, just unmute yourself and let me know what are you hoping to get here, what's your action verb for coming to this session. Anybody?

Evelyn Gonzalez: I just want to learn about Wakelet.

Peggy Raun-linde: OK. We're going to do that.

Stacey Gillen: We're hoping to get our school, all of our teachers, on Wakelet, and also we're doing WASP. So we have a lot of documents to sort.

Peggy Raun-linde: This is going to be heaven for WASP.

Stacey Gillen: Yeah.

Sonia Wong: I also want to learn more about Wakelet, but also how to organize materials and shared materials.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, OK, great. Anything else, spot beyond that. Those are all things we're covering. So that's good. All right, well, let me go ahead and share my screen. And let's get started.

All right, let me reduce the faces here. Not that I don't want to see you guys. All right, so first of all, just to let you know, I'm really relaxed with technology. I think when you're using technology, it's a wonderful chaos. So I also started out teaching freshman English. And freshman can be a little bit bouncy and squirrelly, and I'll talk at the same time and I can hear them all.

So if you have any questions as I'm going through things, just unmute. Feel free, unmute. It won't bother me. Be happy to clarify or do whatever. So we're going to be talking about-- I'm going to be sharing with you organizing and accessing consortium documents, could be WASP documents, could be ESL teacher team documents, staff development documents, whatever with Wakelet. OK, so that's what the whole point of this is.

And when you leave here, you will have engaged with Wakelet and its features. If you didn't create an account ahead of time, you'll have time to do that and to begin creating something. And you will also, when you leave here, identify how you might use it in the future. So you may have an idea coming in but, for example, if you want all your teachers on the Wakelet, maybe you'll figure out a way to begin that process-- what do you begin with them? How do you get them to buy-in? So we can talk a little bit about that as we're going through.

And then you're going to explore at least one model of Wakelet in action, and that's our Consortium Wakelet. So those are the things that we're going to do. Now I will tell you that we probably will go through about an hour, and then we'll just be playing with Wakelet. So maybe for half an hour.

If at any point, you say, got it, I'm done, no problem just pop it in the chat and say, I'm heading out. And you won't hurt my feelings, but please do the evaluation. I appreciate that. So I did more time so that people who needed more time could work on it. OK?

So pretty easy going here. So what is Wakelet? It curates and organizes and shares content. And you can do all kinds of things. You can put in images. You can put in text. You can reorder it however you want to. It also does Tweets, videos, links to Padlet. It does all kinds of things.

So basically what it does is it helps you to collect and organize things. And that's really nice. You can do it on a private level where you're collecting and organizing just for yourself and you send it to private. No one can see it. Or it could be for others that you're working with. And then you make it public. So lots of options in terms of layers of sharing and layers of things you can do with Wakelet.

So why did I go for it? So I am not an Wakelet expert by any means. Susan Gear was giving a presentation. I have mad respect for her. And I thought, maybe that's the thing I need. So I went there. Melinda was the tech at the time. And I said, hey, can you link Google Docs? Can you do this? I guess, I think you can.

And so, anyway, she went through lots and lots of details that I don't even know that I've touched all the things that Wakelet can do so. So I'm no expert by any means, but this is why I went for it. I got all these questions. See if you can relate this.

Can you send me that link again? Or I don't think I was ever invited to the Google Doc, can you invite me again? Or I tried looking for the training, but it just wasn't there. Can you send me a link to the website so I can sign up? Wait, where can I find our group strategy timeline again? Or wait, where can I find the notes from our WASP sub-group?

Or how about-- it's just, you know what, it's too confusing. There's so much stuff and I can't find it on the website. I don't know. I'm sorry I just-- I don't know. I'll come to the meeting, but I don't know. OK? Anybody can relate to that, I think? Right?

So that's why. And so when I went to Wakelet, I found that, wow, I could solve all those questions, all those problems, have a lot less headaches for myself as well as the individuals that we're asking the questions, because that's embarrassing when you have to say, gosh, sorry, I can't find it. Can you send it to me again, right? So it eases a lot of things.

All right, so what is this picture? This is after a home run, Josh Reddick many years ago. Hit it out of the park. I'm a huge baseball fan. And the Oaktown boys are my boys. So I thought I'll show you how Wakelet hit it out of the park for our consortium. So let's go to our website here.

I called the website, but our Wakelet. All right, so first things first. At the time when I was on the session, I didn't know how to sign up and have it be just under the consortium. It seemed like it would only go under a name. It may be that you can do it under a name. That is your school or your consortium, but mine just has my name.

So we got to sort that before I leave so that somebody else can take this over. But it allows you on the Wakelet to basically put pictures. And then it gives you these creations where you can put anything you want into these. And that's how I started.

I started with basically our work groups who kept trying to find the documents or didn't know where things were, or it's hard-- I don't know if you guys have problems in Google, but I do. It's like on the Drive, even in the most recent-- some of the most recent things end up at the very bottom, under like 150 other things. And so it's not the easiest way to use it.

So what I wanted to do is have one location where staff could go to, they could access their work group documents, and they could also access staff development. One of the things I noticed was that, first of all, they wanted a lot of things about online learning, right? And how can I get better at this? And that's what was happening in the fall.

And so trying to put in some opportunities for them-- if you send out an email, people sometimes go, OK, I'll look at it later, and it gets buried or they look at it and they say, oh, yeah, I don't know. I don't know where to go sign up. And then the other thing that happened is our grassroots movement over the justice pandemic, I guess, is the way I call it, and people who were trying to really understand what can I do after George Floyd was murdered, what can I do, besides say their names, what can I do? How can I help?

And so people really wanted to learn more. And that was fantastic. So I started curating some of those things that they could go to. And then just things like if you're working with pathways and workforce skills, a lot of times those staff development opportunities are buried. And so basically what happens is you go here, not mind you. I haven't put in the spring things yet. So the spring collection.

But what you do is you click on it. And then it is here. And you can just click on it, and it will take you to where you sign up. So here's one that's coming up in April and May. If I click on this, it takes me right to where I need to register, OK?

So what I'm doing is I'm curating OTAN, CALPRO, CAEP, sometimes co-ed. Different things that just come across my desk that are-- my desktop, I guess I should say-- and allow people to get more training. I've also posted one. I took a session with OTAN about how to create a PowerPoint and do a voiceover, make it into a movie.

So I did a little Zoom recording of that for people. And I put it here. It's also on our website. But it's very simple for them to go in and look at what's happening. So here's one of our workgroups. And this holds all the annual plan strategies and what we're working on.

And so right now, one of the groups that is working on curriculum alignment, sometimes people come and go from that group. And so what that does is it gives us, here's our timeline, here's our overall goals, the backward planning, the how will we accomplish a strategy. And so, like before last week's meeting, I said, hey, guys, go to Wakelet and just review the timeline so you can see what we're doing. We'll see the agenda matches that, but just remind yourself of what you're supposed to bring.

And so it was very simple. And so that works out well. Also we're doing pathway maps. And so this people couldn't find it in Google, because it had a weird name, first of all. So I just put the pathway map on here. These are turning into graphics that will be handed out at the adult school and the colleges and also posted online, but you can see all the things down here mapping for the ESL.

So all of these things, they can just go and access, OK? So that's really why I wanted to do Wakelet, because it just curates things, puts them in one spot for you guys. I just put in here. I put the eBook that tells you things you can do with Wakelet. And we're going to look at this video in a few minutes.

And then there's another one on collaboration. And I like this guy right here. First of all, I like his accent. I think he's adorable, but he's very articulate and explain things very well. Even though he says he's not a teacher, he should be. Anyway, so this will help you if you're trying to get your teachers to use it. So we'll give you a link for this in the chat. In fact, let me do that now.

Speaker 2: OK, and Peggy, why you're doing that? We also have a question. Can you share that folder about online learning. Someone asks, can you share that folder about online learning?

Peggy Raun-linde: The what?

Speaker 2: Folder, F-O-L-D-E-R, about.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, the folder on online learning. Oh, I'm sorry. OK, yes. The collection is right here. Again, there's not-- the spring isn't in here. Yeah, it's everything from workforce ready. Some things like this will go in the career pathways, online learning, as well as here, sometimes I'll duplicate it.

So if they go to one, as you call it folder or collection, Wakelet calls it collection. It will go here, as well as another one. And so these are all things that just-- like this is OTAN, this is OTAN, this is CALPRO. OTAN, OTAN, OTAN, OTAN, OTAN, rocks.

And some of these come out of certain divisions. It's a little adult ed office, career and college transition. And then here what I put in this one is in the spring of 2020, I took what Veronica and Neil were doing. They were doing Friday sessions, and we could just ask questions, share that kind of thing. Why this isn't working, I'm not sure.

But basically it has links to these office hour, so I did the same thing they were doing with my consortium. And we did office hours, and we basically did whatever people wanted to do. They came, they said this is what we want to learn about.

Sometimes I'd bring something, like remote learning on mobile phones. I had some documents there that former high school student of mine, Alisa Gonzalez, who was in Contra Costa. And I'm not sure where she is now. I got to call her.

But anyway, she had it some really neat stuff. And so she shared it with me over email, and so put that on there. And so this basically is just taking us to the web page. That is on our website. And so that's what's neat too, is that if you have something where you have things on the website and you just want to pull them there, maybe it's a WASP page or something like that, you can just make the link, OK?

All right. Let's see the chat here. OK, it's a public, yes. Everything is public. And yes, I can absolutely share everything with you. And here's how I can share it, is you just come to at Peggy Raun-Linde, but you may not remember how to spell my name, and that's OK.

So we'll put that in the chat. And if you go there, you can actually just follow or just bookmark it, whatever you want to do, and all the stuff is free. And one of the things that I've done with this too is that with the online learning, when I put these things together, I shared it with my two consortia on each side, and said, hey, feel free to send this out. Feel free to grab and go.

And so I'm going to curate a bunch of stuff. I'm going to do this weekend for the spring staff development. So if you want to come back here and you want to go to the links, copy it and put it on your own Wakelet. Feel free. Grab and go, right? That's what good teachers do, grab and go.

The other thing is that we have a process for accessing data, our consortium-- I'll say that real quick. Our consortium has our own data dashboard. And this is the number of enrollments. We've headcount. We have enrollments, but the number of enrollments of adult school students in our two colleges from 2016 to the present. So they've taken almost 20,000 classes.

And we can go in and we can search for all kinds of things. And it goes-- it's current through fall of 2020. And we load the data two times a year because we just felt like we needed to come up with something, because the data was always in arrears. So if we wanted to follow a cohort and survey them, we needed to be able to know who the cohort was so we can come up-- we can drill down into what grades they got and all kinds of things.

It's all encoded so that people don't know who the students are. But basically what we're doing now is we've finally gotten to the point where people can actually get access to the data dashboard and start looking at data. And we have a whole process. And so here's an example of how you can tie to Padlet where I did a Padlet that just put the process-- you have to do this, and then you do this, and then you do this, and then you do this. And it's all about getting your data checked before it goes public.

And they have to do a user agreement where they just sign a Google Doc that says, yeah, I promise to get it checked so I don't put out errant data or something. And so this allows us to-- they can just come right here. So they can sign up for a training. And that goes to another spreadsheet. And they can sign up for a level 1 training or level 2 training.

And then after that, they can explore the data. And when they get the results, they fill out a results template. It's just a little Google survey. And that will allow me and then the subgroup to verify their data. And then this is where, when I do the training, they just do the user agreement and I just give them a minute. And they go to this and they read it and they sign it.

And so it's really nice for me because here I am doing the training. And I can just come to this page. And then I can just do everything in order, right? And go, OK, here's this and I need to do this, and I need do this. OK, now let's go play with the data, right?

And so that's really nice in terms of presenting, having it just be right there and easy to access. OK. So you just heard a bunch of stuff. I'm going to stop sharing for a second. And pretty soon we're going to play, OK? So don't worry. We're going to play soon.

But you just heard a bunch. I want to hear from you. What are you thinking now? Can you see yourself using this? If you're going to use it, what would you start with?

So I'm going to drink my coffee and you're going to talk. And I have great white wait times. OK, because I was an English teacher, and we did socratic seminars. Let me tell you, great wait time.

Stacey Gillen: We started one for Turlock Adult School. I haven't been using it for quite some time because I haven't had a chance. But we're hoping to in the fall have all of our teachers hooked up to it. I love the professional development folder idea because those emails are so hard to keep track of.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, it really is. And, Stacey, I think you can see you can pretty much do anything, right? Where you're having your most trouble, I would say that's where you want to begin, right? All right, who else? Well, there's JoDee. I see you, JoDee.

Jodee: Hi, how are you.

Peggy Raun-linde: Hi.

Jodee: Good to see you, Peggy.

Peggy Raun-linde: Good to see you, too.

Jodee: Hey. So this looks really interesting. And what I'm thinking, we do many of the same things in our consortium, but it's not-- but it's all on a website and we organize it on a website. This looks much more efficient, and the details are a little bit more, but we're able to accomplish the same kind of thing.

And I was just sitting here thinking about what would be the advantage of shifting-- obviously it'd be a huge project, but what would be the advantage of shifting to Wakelet as opposed to, say, having everything on your website?

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, so we've actually talked about that as a consortium. And the leadership were really felt like we needed to keep static things and calendar items on the website. So the front page where you can really see, here's upcoming agendas, here's the meetings and the meeting links, all the Zoom. We have a calendar of everything.

So where people could just go there and they know I can get that. The transition advisors and the counselors of the college felt like we still need a page that's just for us for counseling that has our agreements on there, and what we plan to do, and any flyers that we can share. And it's working for us. So we want to keep that one.

And then the archiving of documents. So we archive all our minutes. Of course, I'm sure everybody does that. And so to be able to-- those static items, to have them there in perpetuity is a good thing. But for the most part, what's happening is exactly what you're talking about, JoDee, which is we're pretty much using Wakelet for the groundwork. So everybody that's working on the strategies, everybody that's doing anything that's in action right now, that's in the Wakelet.

So I don't think you have to abandon your website. I think it does serve a purpose, but it depends on what you want to do. And so for us we decided to do both, and so that seems to be working.

Jodee: Got it. It looks like it's more active. The Wakelet is more interactive. It's more collaborative. I see what you mean by the static as opposed to the-- purpose is really different.

Peggy Raun-linde: Very much so, yeah. And again, this is just my example, and I've only been doing it for whatever it's been six months or something. And I think it was in the last spring. I don't know. Anyway, it hasn't been very long. And for me, it's I wanted to do it to solve the problem of, why I don't know where to go, I didn't read the minutes because I didn't know this and I didn't know that, and I didn't have the link, and you guys never sent that out.

And it's like, oh, man, over and over and over again, and everybody was complaining about it. So it completely solved that. They just know, it's like, go to the Wakelet. And it's like, use my name. Go to the Wakelet. Bookmark it. Go to the Wakelet.

And so now people, they actually are doing better that they could never remember the name of our website. So this somehow they remember. So it'll work a lot better.

Jodee: And is there a cost to it?

Peggy Raun-linde: It's free. Completely free. And you can use it without-- and I love-- and this is the thing that went ding, ding, ding, for me too, is that-- yes, Sonia, I'll get to you next. You don't have to sign up for a Wakelet account. You can go there.

So anybody can jump on my Wakelet and look at all the stuff. You only create an account if you want to create a Wakelet, right? So that's beautiful, because I could say this because I'm an old dog learning new trick. Some old dogs don't want to learn new tricks.

And so it's great, but they can click. And it's great. They go there, they get it, right? All right, Sonia, I think you had a question, yeah?

Sonia Wong: Sorry. I did not have a question. I was just fixing my glasses. But I think for--

Peggy Raun-linde: You should know I'm paying attention to you.

Sonia Wong: Yes. Yeah, everything you're sharing in the beginning, just about all the Google folders, where is it, did I get shared on it, that's exactly what happens with our teachers. I think the uploading of it, it's going to take a lot of work. But I think once it's set, then people can just add things, and especially things that are not static, if people are working on a unit together, then all the material things that people are creating, it would be nice to just have it on a website versus like here's the Google folder for this. A lot of it gets lost, a lot of it gets messy, disorganized really quickly.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, and the nice part is you can create the links. And for us, we put the most recent links, so doesn't mean we have everything listed on there. But you could list everything on there, or you could put a folder that says, here's the archive stuff, there's all the Google archive stuff, and have links there.

So it really does curate really nicely.

Marci England: Peggy.

Peggy Raun-linde: All right. Yes.

Marci England: Hi, this is Marci with Corona-Norco.

Peggy Raun-linde: Hi, Marci.

Marci England: I don't know how to raise my hand. So even though--

[interposing voices]

Peggy Raun-linde: That's OK.

Marci England: In my picture, my hand is perpetually raised all the time, but-- so I have a question. I'm curious. I noticed your Wakelet linked to a Padlet, and I understand the importance of having a repository. Everybody meets for all the documents or everything here on this one site. So the options are really like Padlet, a Google site, or a Wakelet. Can you talk for a minute about like why you're on Wakelet versus Padlet or a Google site?

Peggy Raun-linde: Yes, so I think for me what was appealing about Wakelet is that, because I was also looking at it as a tool for the teachers and their online learning, and what I realized was that it could house all of those things. So you could link to a Padlet, but students for a class, let's say it's beginning literacy or English in high school diploma, they could go to one location and it would link to the Padlet, it would link to the Google items. And it would all be in one place.

And I think that's the advantage, is that it curates from everywhere. It curates YouTube videos. It curates Twitter posts. It does all kinds of things. And so basically what you can do is you can have everything there.

So let me share my screen real quick. And I'm going to show you-- I'll show you-- Let's go to Showcase here. And you'll see that-- let's find one that's a teacher.

Marci England: I know that we have several teachers that keep information for students on a website or notes on Padlet, but then one just swears by Wakelet. She's just like, it's so much easier, but I haven't really experienced the differences.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, I'm trying to find one now. For some reason, what they have on the Showcases-- a lot of broad topics are not-- this might be something. Let's take a look. Steve Isaacs, so assuming he's a teacher. Well, this supports educators. So it's all kinds of things. So it's not.

OK, well, I don't want to spend a lot of time jumping through this, but you can see that there are things on here that you can find. This is just the Showcase, but you also can-- there are places you can go and there are links that take you to certain teachers, pages. And some of them are really phenomenal. I saw a kindergarten teacher who had just so many things and things for the parents to do with the kids and very clear about what needed to be done that week in reading and other things.

And so lots of really good stuff there. And in fact, let's go ahead and jump over to-- I mean we talked a little bit about that. Let's go ahead and do this video. Let me make sure-- yeah, sure, sound is still on. Here's--

Misbah Gedal: Hello, everybody. My name is Misbah. And today I'm going to give you a quick tour around Wakelet. So what is Wakelet? Some of you may have heard about it before. It's really simple.

Wakelet is a platform that allows you to quickly save any kind of mixed media content you find on the web, arrange it into visual, engaging collections, add your own content to these collections, and then share them with your students, your teachers and your learning community. You can also invite your students to these collections so they can contribute their own ideas and work together to create some really amazing things. One platform, one simple concept, unlimited possibilities.

And this last part is really important. Wakelet is 100% free to use and 100% unlimited. How awesome is that? Now there are three important areas where Wakelet can really help you. The first one is organize your learning resources quickly and easily. The second one is sharing those resources in a more engaging and visual way. And the third one is to boost collaborative skills within your learning communities.

So real quick, let me show you a few awesome examples of how educators just like you are using Wakelet to achieve some incredible things in their schools, their classrooms and their professional lives. So first of all, we're going to head to Brandi Reams' collection. Now Brandi is a kindergarten teacher, North Carolina.

And she uses Wakelet in so many different ways, but one of the best ways that she use it is actually curate these amazing interactive visual newsletters that she shares with her school community. So in this collection right here, you can see one of Brandi's collections-- one of Brandi's newsletters. She's got a Flipgrid video here. She's got the week's goals. So this is really awesome when it comes to instructing the parents on what's happening in the class and for the students to understand where they are.

And again, another Flipgrid video, a YouTube video of the kids doing the lion dance. And then all of these little resources here. So a PDF and a website, and she's organized them in an incredible way. And as you can see, all of a sudden, rather than just having hyperlinks one after the other, this is a really, really engaging newsletter. And it's simply done by just copying and pasting links. And I'll show you that in just a few moments.

So here we go, sharing newsletters, creating an amazing newsletter that you can share with whoever you want. So next up, we have this amazing collection created by a teacher called Edward Van der Sample. And he wanted to teach the students a little bit more about the Civil Rights Movements in the United States and get us used to think a little bit more deeper into what that meant.

So he created a Wakelet collection as a lesson plan. And here you can see he's got some text here. This is instruction. He's added some YouTube videos. He's also directly uploaded a recorded, a Flipgrid video directly into the collection. I'll show you how to do that in just a few moments.

Again a PDF, and then more instruction. Now this link here actually posts to a student response Wakelet. So he shared a unique code with his students. They've gone to that code and then being able to add their own responses on their own thoughts and complete this particular assignment in their own particular way. So I really love this collection. I think it's an amazing example of a lesson plan, and another really good example of pulling lots of different resources together using that mixed media effect to create an amazing lesson plan.

Lastly, we've got Juli Parsons. Now, Juli Parsons-- what you're looking at right now is a Wakelet profile. And Juli Parsons is one of our amazing student ambassadors. And she's created a digital portfolio on Wakelet, right? So what she's been able to do here is turn her profile page into this amazing interactive portfolio where she's able to showcase all of the best things that she's done during her academic career and also spilling out into her own personal life as well.

So you can look here, this is a digital portfolio. She's got her resume, videos, graphics, the student ambassador program that she did, the SWAT group that she's a member of, so a special extracurricular activities there, and then also this is really cool. She's got the opportunity to share things like her own passions in her own business, which in this particular case is a bakery called Madam pastry. And of course, she's the school mascot. So she gets to share some really cool videos there as well.

So when it comes to sharing resources, Wakelet is super, super easy. I'm going to show you really quickly how to create your first Wakelet collection and then share it with whoever you want. So I'm in my home area here on Wakelet. And if you go to a wakelet.com and sign up, you can get to this home area sign up. Obviously this area will be empty, but you'll be able to create your collections and get that filled up in no time.

I'm going to create a new collection. And let's say that I'm an educator and I want to create a collection on climate change for my students, right? I want to create a collection which brings together a whole bunch of resources to share with them that they get a better grasp and a better understanding of what climate change actually is.

Super simple. I give my collection a title. I call it Climate Change. Write a quick description, being a bit lazy there. And then can go ahead and add a cover image. So I can either upload an image from my own computer or I can choose from a free library of images that we've got.

So if I search climate change into this, gosh my spelling is bad, you'll be able to see that there's lots of these amazing high-definition images which I can use. I'm going to grab this one here. And that's going to become the cover image for this collection. And I can also go and click on this little gear icon on the top.

Click Add a Background Image, and I'll do the same here. Let's just pick the first one. So what I'm doing now is I'm making the collection really engaging just by adding pictures, just by making it look good. The alternative to this would be a-- let's say, a doc, or HyperDoc even, where it's just the white background with links.

I'm going to show you some really amazing things right now. This right here is where the magic starts, this little plus button. This is the magic Wakelet plus button. And when I click it, you can see all of the different kinds of content, which I can add into this Wakelet collection.

So I'm going to start by just finding this BBC article here about climate change. I'm going to go to the top, right click, copy the URL. Go back to the Wakelet collection and check this out. I paste it in, and like magic, that item appears here with an image and with a description. And the really cool thing is I can actually go ahead and contextualize this collection, this piece of content as well.

So rather than just keeping it as it is, I can go right and click the Edit button and change this to read this first and add that context to the lesson or to the particular activity that I want my students to be engaged with. That's just one kind of piece of content, which you can add to it. I'm going to click the plus button again.

And let's see, on SoundCloud, this is a really cool podcast about climate change, let's just copy that again. Right click, copy. Go back to Wakelet. Right click, paste it in. And that SoundCloud podcast will embed into the Wakelet collection, which means that the students I'm going to have to go off to soundcloud.com, they're going to be able to listen to it there and then within this particular environment within this collection.

And of course, the same thing applies to YouTube videos as well. So let me just go ahead, copy this. And I'm sure by now you're probably getting the idea. You're taking this mixed media content. You're pulling it all together into one place. And you're creating this awesome engaging interactive environment for your students to learn from.

The same thing applies to social media posts as well. So check this out. I'm going to tweet here from the UN. I've clicked on the tweet. Once again, right click, copy. Back to Wakelet. Plus button. Right click, paste it in. And this will become second behavior for you. This will become-- sorry, not second, become second nature and learn behavior for you, because you can just copy and paste things really quickly and add them on. We've also got an extension across all the browsers that you'll be able to do this even quicker.

OK, and now lastly, I'm going to show you how to add text. So you just literally click this little text button here, and then just write whatever you want. Many teachers use this text element as a way to share instruction and add a bit more context to the resources which they're sharing. Let's just finish that.

We also can make it a header, make it bigger, underline it, very nice. And then I can rearrange things. So I can click on Easy Reorder Mode and I can rearrange these items as I want and the really cool part is there's four different layers that you can choose, depending on the type of content that you want to get across to your students.

So with this one here, I'm in the Media View, which means that all of this will play in line, and it's embedded. I've got a compact view, which is just for the links really. I've got a grid view, which is amazing when you want to compare resources.

Mood board where you can just drag and drop things around. It's a bit of organized chaos. You can have a lot of fun with this with your students, especially when you're collaborating with them, because it's real time. So there's all these amazing resources flying in at once.

OK, so let's say I've created this collection and I want to share it with my students. Up here in the top right, we've got three different privacy settings-- public, unlisted, and private. Private means only you can see it. Unlisted means only people that you share the link with can see it. And then public means that everybody can see it and appears on your Wakelet profile.

Let's just make this unlisted for now. In the top left hand corner, I can click Invite and actually invite my students to this collection where they can contribute their own thoughts and their own ideas to it by using the QR code or a copy code or just a copy link. You can discover how to do this by just going to a YouTube channel or Helps until you better find out really easily how to collaborate with your students on Wakelet.

So I'm going to click Done here because I've finished this collection. And I'm going to click the Share button because I want to share this with my students or with my learning community. We've got lots of different options here.

Google Classrooms, we've got Teams, we've got Twitter, or you can just simply copy and paste this link, share it with whoever you want. And when they visit it, they don't need a Wakelet account. They'll be able to just view it exactly as though it's a web page. I can also export this as a PDF and I can embed. So the really cool part is I can actually embed this Wakelet collection into my LMS, into my learning management system, or I can embed it into my blog on my page.

And that's it. That's the Wakelet platform in a nutshell. Now just bear in mind that I've only shown you just a few examples of the amazing things that educators can do on Wakelet. I've shown you digital portfolios, classroom newsletters, and lesson plans, but there's so much more. We're talking about learning.

Peggy Raun-linde: All right, so I'm going to go ahead and stop it there. So I think you can see, it's pretty easy with lots of possibilities in terms of what you can do. And that's why it was like, I'll just take you there and show you, because he says that way better. And there are tons of videos out there. Like he said, you could search it on YouTube as well.

But in the meantime, why don't we play a little bit? If you have created a Wakelet account, why don't you go to your Wakelet account? If you have not created a Wakelet account and you would like to, then go ahead and-- go to wakelet.com and create a quick account.

And let's see, participant can share a time. I think, Veronica, can they share their screen as they're doing things or do I have to click?

Veronica Parker: Yes, all attendees have access to share their screen.

Peggy Raun-linde: Fantastic, OK. So while you're doing that, what I'm going to do is I will share my screen again and I will go to my Wakelet and get ready. And we will-- All right, just not reducing. Hold on. Why is this Esc not working. There it goes.

All right. So let me get my Wakelet up, and then what we can do is we can start putting some things together. And you guys can follow along a little bit. And then eventually if you want to share, you can share and we'll do that.

So to create account, you just go to wakelet.com. And I'm sure it says Create An Account. I don't remember now at this point. But once you do or if you have your account, there's two places to go. One place is the Home. And this is where you can create new creations. And then this is the view whatever you choose for a profile picture.

We'll go there. I just chose this because it matched colors. And this is what they will see when they go to your site, OK? So Home is where you actually create new collections. And so one of the things that I might do, for example, is I might create a new collection. As I said, I'm going to be fully retiring in June. And so I might create a new collection for the new director coming in.

And so I might create something that has lots of different links. So it's a quick place to go. Maybe it's set up by months. And so these are the big things happening in this month, this month, this month, and put everything there. And that's nice because while there will be a whole Google Drive, there's a ton of stuff in the Google Drive, right, but if you can time stamp it by, this is when it's relevant to you in your life. In July and August and September, that would make sense to do that.

I might do something else because-- for example, one of the things that I am doing now is a lot of-- oops, you add a cover image. You can choose from the library. Anyway, one of the things that I'm doing is a lot of woodworking, my grandfather who came from Denmark, one of them, the other from Greece. He was a cabinet and furniture maker and my dad did a lot of that.

And so I am actually creating a lot of things now and giving them away-- maybe selling them. I don't know. So I'm thinking about I could sell them. So maybe I use Wakelet to help people come here and see what's available for sale, and also YouTube videos if I create any of those. I'm not doing it now, but I'm just saying like I could see myself doing that, right? So I don't get bored with life and keep teaching.

So I might put in here a place to find videos, recommendations, items for sale. And maybe here, I decide that I want to go to one of my favorite YouTubers. Let's see which one I'm on here. So I have two Google accounts.

OK, this is the right one. So let's do-- Let's go to DIY. And let's see. Maybe I want to do like the only two power tools, if you're just starting out what you really need, and here's--

[video playing in background]

Peggy Raun-linde: And so maybe I want to take this. I just copy the URL. Pasted in. And these are things that people could just see click on. I could do the same if I have my own videos. Again just to show you, you change the layout, where you maybe do a grid view. So as he said comparing things are great, or what you saw on my other one was the mood board where when you add things, they just go in whatever order, but then you can drag and drop them wherever you want.

If I want to do something else, "tools woodworking" working. So here we go a little bit of carving that happens, make nice furniture by carving, old school. And then maybe I write a description about this and whatever. So you can see basically how easy it is if I was going to be doing Instagram, Twitter, all that.

I don't know if it does Instagram, but I could definitely do Twitter. Yeah, just as Twitter for now, my guess is they'll be adding it and they'll probably add TicTok as well. So then with this, it just ends up on my page. So I can have this with all the others. And if I make this private, then-- oops, I didn't do that ahead of time, sorry.

If I make it private or I make it-- you have to have the link, unlist public, unlisted private, you have to have the link, then I could have multiple things at one time, right? So now that I have it, you have to have the link when somebody comes here, they don't see it. They just see what you saw before, right?

And if you have the link, you could go to it. And of course I could see it on my creation page, right? So that's nice part, or you make it private. So let's say your teachers are creating lessons, they may have notes for themselves and other things. Well, they take a creation, or maybe it's student work, that they're using pieces to demonstrate how to achieve excellent work, satisfactory, or just approaching. Maybe they do something like that.

And they could keep that in their own and keep it private and just show it when they chose to show it. So pretty simple, yeah? Do you guys think it's simple? Feel free to unmute. You guys can unmute if you want. And what I'd like to see is somebody creating something now?

Evelyn Gonzalez: I created the pages of Evelyn Gonzalez, but I haven't put anything on it.

Peggy Raun-linde: OK, well, let's-- you're the one who just volunteered. Dagger it. I think you should go ahead and share your screen.

Evelyn Gonzalez: I'm actually on my tablet. Let me try to open it on my tablet.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yes, let's see if it works.

Evelyn Gonzalez: Let me go to the website really quick. And then I'll share.

Peggy Raun-linde: OK. Anybody else doing, creating anything?

Marci England: I've created something, but it's pretty basic. I mean, it's pretty simple how to do it. It's--

Peggy Raun-linde: OK.

Marci England: It's simple.

Jodee: We were playing around with it and just started, yeah, just try to figure out how to add things in and how much-- how easy it is.

Peggy Raun-linde: Awesome. OK, good. So let's see if Evelyn can show us from her from her iPad. I don't know if it should be able to.

Jodee: Peggy, real quick. Can I ask you about when you sign up, if you're wanting to-- You said something about, you had to put it under your name. And now as when you leave in June, and congratulations on that.

Peggy Raun-linde: Thank you.

Jodee: When you're signing up, what should we consider naming it or how do you do it so that it's not tied to just one person?

Peggy Raun-linde: Yes. So that I don't know yet, but I guess I'm probably going to have to get in touch with Wakelet, because I haven't found it anywhere. So I want to see about that and how someone could do that. Right now, the only thing I can tell is that it has to be tied to a person.

So it could be that what happens is the new person that comes in, creates their Wakelet and names it North Santa Clara County Consortium. And then we just have to recreate it and cut and paste, which wouldn't take a whole-- I mean, you see how fast it is. So it's not like it would be terrible. But what would be great is if it could just get transferred.

I don't think I'm going to be able to do that, but hopefully we can create it under just the consortium and then transfer that eventually. Again, I don't know that that's possible. So that's something I'm trying to figure out.

Jodee: OK, thanks.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, and I don't know if you guys want an answer on that if I find the answer. If you just put your email in the chat, because I'll save the chat. And then I can email you when and if I find it out, yeah.

All right, Evelyn, how we doing?

Evelyn Gonzalez: Let's see if it'll work.

Peggy Raun-linde: OK, go for it. So you should be able to go just somewhere either the bottom or the top and look for that share screen. And it'll be in green.

Evelyn Gonzalez: No, I don't think--

Peggy Raun-linde: Oh, look at you.

Evelyn Gonzalez: Is it working?

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, look at you, we see it. Beautiful. Look at that. You get your photo up. You get a little background photo there. Awesome. Now what are you planning to do with this?

Evelyn Gonzalez: So I'm actually an educational advisor for the Moreno Valley College. And we're launching engagement centers for our different schools. So I'll be overseeing two different schools, like School of Public Safety and School of Humanities Education and Social Behavioral Sciences.

Peggy Raun-linde: Fantastic.

Evelyn Gonzalez: I'd be having Students Success Teams. So I'll be working, like collaborating with our counselors, with our faculty and other clerical staff. So I was just trying to think of a way to-- that's why I wanted to learn more about it, like organize information that we're all going to need.

We currently use Teams, but like you said, people don't have the link or weren't given the right access to log in, and then they just can never find it, so if this-- I'm just trying to figure out a way to be able to post fliers of events that we're organizing, workshops, and just leave it on one space.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, I think this would work really well for you. And you could actually do a collection that is almost policing, and almost something else. So you could do a collection for each of those. And then maybe you have a joint collection for educators in both, right, or off-staff and both. Hey, here's what we need to do for all students in both programs.

So you could definitely do something here. Fantastic. OK. So let's see. How about we go to-- let's see. Was it-- Marci, you had something, right? So can you pop your screen up. And thanks, everyone, for being so willing to be tagged.

Marci England: Yes, I can. It's not anything. Let's see.

Peggy Raun-linde: It's OK. Don't-- You guys don't feel weird about I don't really have much there. The point is that we see different ways that people think of things and how they're doing things.

Marci England: Can you see my second screen? Can you see them here?

Peggy Raun-linde: Yes, fantastic.

Marci England: So I can [inaudible]. This is where I can practice. I'm just really trying to-- I'm really comfortable with Padlet. But to be honest, Padlet to me doesn't look as professional as Wakelet. I think I like this static. Wakelet looks a little bit more official. Padlet looks like a-- Padlet is a bulletin board, like a virtual bulletin board.

And so I'm just still deciding if this is what I want to use. I create a lot of curriculum under certain topics, like EL Civics Curriculum. So it would be cool to have a Wakelet instead of how I'm doing it now on Padlet. And I pay for Padlet, because Padlet, expensive if you go over a certain amount. And I'm noticing Wakelet is completely free, like it doesn't look like after 20, you have to start paying.

Peggy Raun-linde: No, it's completely free. And it's wonderful that way. Now with Padlet, certainly you could create boards and you could link those boards here, but you also-- and you just use the URL, right, and pop it in. And that'll take that like I have the one Padlet thing.

But, yeah, Padlet is-- it's OK. I think it's really good if you want to do it for people answering questions and putting up ideas and you're brainstorming together. That's pretty cool. And so I see that, or like I used it for that process.

It was just-- added a little flair to it rather than just doing it in some kind of document or Excel spreadsheet or something else. So definitely has its place here, but you could just link it here. So again, the idea that it's all-in-one place is really neat. So, yeah, like the green and gold up there, by the way. It is right there.

Marci England: They're kind of cute. So, see, I just put my pharmacy Padlet, like right here.

Peggy Raun-linde: Right. And so what you'll need to do with that is if you click Edit, then what you can do is edit the image exactly. And if you go to the free images, choose from library, then just put pharmacy up there in the search bar.

All right, maybe we could find something there.

Marci England: Very cool.

Peggy Raun-linde: All right, yeah, boom. Look at that.

Marci England: I mean, yeah. So this is how I move my stuff over. Oh, yeah. Yeah, this is good.

Peggy Raun-linde: So now, can you click on your Padlet for us so we can just see what Padlet looks like?

Marci England: Am I still in edit mode?

Peggy Raun-linde: Oh, you have to go and push Done so it all saves, up in the top right.

Marci England: Oh, it's under my little zoom thing, there we go. No, thanks. Later.

Peggy Raun-linde: OK, now click on it. There you go. Oh, look at that. Beautiful. Yeah. That's great. Look how easy that is. Hey, don't you love that?

Marci England: Yes.

Peggy Raun-linde: I love anything that's easy. We're busy people, right? Very good. All right, Marci. JoDee, JoDee and company, what do you guys get?


Jodee: Not much.

Peggy Raun-linde: Who's with you, JoDee? I don't know your person with you.

Jodee: This is Autumn.

Autumn: Autumn.

Peggy Raun-linde: Hi, Autumn.

Jodee: We're joined at the hip. We don't do anything alone.

Peggy Raun-linde: All right, awesome. So show us what you got.

Jodee: All right, we'll see what we-- Here it is. No. There we go. OK. That's as far as we got. We haven't even got a title on it yet. [laughs]

Peggy Raun-linde: That's OK. That's fantastic. What you are demonstrating here is remember how he showed you you can do the first picture there, and then you can do a background. So you have the-- I don't know if that's the Yosemite area or where that is.

Peggy Raun-linde: I don't know. We just liked that door, so--

[interposing voices]

Peggy Raun-linde: It's beautiful, yeah.

Jodee: We were just looking for a cool picture.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah. Yes. Can you show them where you went to get that background picture? You want to just demonstrate that?

Jodee: You go up to the settings up in the top left hand, where it has Appearance, Change Background Image, and right there you can upload or pick one and click on it, and go ahead and pick one, OK? And there we go. Now we have sand on sand.

Peggy Raun-linde: Sand on sand. I love it, yeah. On that, just to let people know when you do the upload image, that's where you can upload images of your students, or you can upload things in action or maybe even a picture of somebody using a certain tool. If it's farm-tech, for example, maybe it's a certain tool, so that would be great.

Allyson has her hand up. So, Allyson, you get a question? Just jump in, guys. I might not see your hand raised, so just jump in.

Allyson Adams: Not a question so much as a comment. I work for State Center Adult Education Consortium. I'm the administrative assistant over there. And so I take care of all of our emails. So I made a new Gmail account for us that was just wakelet@Statecenter.com. And rather than signing up for a Wakelet account, like through Google or Facebook or anything like that, then that allowed me to just make an account that says State Center Adult Education Consortium, and then the wakelet@scaec.

So it doesn't have anybody's name on it.

Peggy Raun-linde: Rockstar.

Allyson Adams: It just [inaudible] our work information basically, our consortium information.

Peggy Raun-linde: You're awesome. God, you're rockstar. OK, JoDee, there you go. There's your answer, buddy. All right, fantastic. Thank you, Allyson. So did everybody understand that, how to-- if you didn't, if you have a question for Allyson, let's ask it now. All right.

Jodee: You said you set up a Gmail, right?

Allyson Adams: Well, yeah. We're all at statecenter.com, but it's technically a Gmail account. So I think you could use any kind of Gmail account that you want, but I just made another one that has our @statecenter.com.

Jodee: Got it, OK.

Peggy Raun-linde: And what was that again, Allyson, you put-- was it your team or what was the name of it, something @statecenter?

Allyson Adams: Yeah, when you-- it'll ask you for your name when you sign up. And I just put in as my name. I just put in State Center Adult Education Consortium. And then when you go to the next step, it asks you to pick a Wakelet @.

And then it gives you one, but you can change it at that point.

Peggy Raun-linde: Fantastic. Oh, you're awesome. Thank you so much. That's great. All right, who else has something to share. You guys just got time, time to do some, to play a little bit. Maybe some boy power, Jonathan. Noel, I think came in, maybe partway through. I'm not sure. He looks a little beat up, or Noel--

Noel Rodriguez: Hello, can you hear me?

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, hi.

Noel Rodriguez: Hi. I did create one.

Peggy Raun-linde: Awesome, you want to share.

Noel Rodriguez: About creating a Gmail for your school, that's actually a good idea. I've been doing that for years. What I actually have been doing is if I needed to link iPads together and I want to be able to do the Find My iPhone, what I would do is I would actually create a school account and then connect all the iPads there. And now you're able to actually see all the iPads. But anyways--

Peggy Raun-linde: Awesome.

Noel Rodriguez: Let me see if I can share my screen.

Peggy Raun-linde: Great.

Noel Rodriguez: There you go. Can you guys all see it?

Peggy Raun-linde: Nice, yes.

Noel Rodriguez: Basically I created one, just for like a road trip, because we haven't gone out in like about a year now. And we-- yeah. And my family and I, we usually love to go long distance driving. And the last one that we actually had was we drove to Mount Rushmore on the Prius, and with three kids, and my wife was pregnant.

Peggy Raun-linde: Oh, boy, you're brave man.

Noel Rodriguez: Yeah.


Noel Rodriguez: And know that the Prius does not have a spare tire.

Peggy Raun-linde: Oh, boy, yeah.

Noel Rodriguez: So these are probably the other places that we haven't really been into. And I think it's a great program, Wakelet. What I usually use at school is Google Sites. So I have one specifically for teachers, because I'm an advisor. I am the technology advisor. So what I do is I created a site specifically for teachers with all the links that they'll ever need.

So no students allowed, because there's nothing really there that they'll need, but I think that this is way more interactive. And I like the way that you can put a background. So you can't really do that on Google Sites, plus it's challenging to actually put in all of these links and have them pop up with a picture.

On Google Sites, you might have to create one yourself. But, yeah, this is what I've been working on for the past, I don't know, like five minutes, I guess.

Peggy Raun-linde: That's awesome. I love it.

Noel Rodriguez: Thank you.

Peggy Raun-linde: And that kind of thing makes you feel better too, right? It's like, hey, yeah, someday I'm going to get to go there.

Noel Rodriguez: Exactly, exactly.

Peggy Raun-linde: That's a page of hope right there. I love it. That's awesome.

Noel Rodriguez: Right, yeah.

Peggy Raun-linde: Very good, very good. All right.

Noel Rodriguez: Thank you.

Peggy Raun-linde: OK. So anybody else want to share?

Sonia Wong: I can share. I don't have a lot on there.

Peggy Raun-linde: Awesome, I've waiting for you, Sonia. I've seen you kind of moving in the background. I knew you were doing stuff. All right, let's see it.

Sonia Wong: All right, let me just get on the right one. So I just based off one of the units our teachers are working on, and they're working on a lot of units. Can you see my Screen

Peggy Raun-linde: Yes.

Sonia Wong: OK, and so this one is on Digital Literacy. And so one of our instructors had created a Google Drive folder with tech lessons, everything she's added to it. I just copied the folder here. And then another instructor, she has been making these how-to videos on a playlist on YouTube and I just added it here.

Peggy Raun-linde: That's great.

Sonia Wong: That way, like Jackie, who's working on this one. She can keep adding to YouTube, but she doesn't have-- now that the main link is here, she doesn't have to like go to this page and go to YouTube. It just keeps doing what she's doing, then it's already here and accessible for other teachers. And same with this Google Drive.

Peggy Raun-linde: We haven't yet seen a video. Can you click on that video for us, just so we can see how that comes up?

Sonia Wong: Yeah.

Peggy Raun-linde: Oh, look at that. Yeah, so there's all kinds of them there. Look how beautiful that is.

Sonia Wong: Yeah. This just seems like--

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah. And so if you're teaching, you could even say, go to number eight or something like that, put a thing up top. This week, it's number eight.

Sonia Wong: Yes.

Peggy Raun-linde: Right, so back on your Wakelet page or whatever. That's very cool. Nice.

Sonia Wong: That's all I've dabbled with.

Peggy Raun-linde: That's great. That's great. Yeah. Yeah And pretty easy, right? Again it looks good. And it's easy. All right, so we started talking originally about thoughts about how this would work. Anybody else want to share any ideas about, gosh, now all of a sudden you're gone, hmm, I think I might use it like this.

All right, then I think we may be tackled all of that. Any questions? We've got about 10 minutes left. We can end early. If we're done, we'll end. But are there more questions?

Marci England: This was really helpful. Thank you. I appreciate it. I was really confused on what-- I've heard the hype, but I like to see it in practice. Thank you. I appreciate the help.

Peggy Raun-linde: Yeah, I'm so glad it was helpful. It was a godsend for me. Like I said, I thought I should share. I steal so much from OTAN. I should share back, right? [laughs] We all should.

Jodee: This was a good one, Peggy, one of the best sessions. Autumn and I are going to just start playing away and see what we can come up with. Appreciate your--

[interposing voices]

Peggy Raun-linde: Awesome. Awesome, great. All right. Well, I think Veronica is going to pop an evaluation in the chat somewhere. So if you guys could do that, that would be great. And also in the chat, I'm putting in my email.

There it is, so directornsccc, or if you want to call me, let me put that into. So if you have a quick question, not that I'll have the answer, but I'd be glad to try and help you think through it. So anyway if you want to email me or give me a holler or text me or whatever, it's probably better with text than with email, because since I'm part time.

Yeah, so I'm really glad you guys were here. Thanks so much for coming and taking the time. I know you have lots of choices. And so I'm really glad this was helpful. That was my goal, is to have somebody else feel the same way I did when Susan showed me how to do it. So thanks for coming.