Announcer: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.

Melinda Holt: My name is Melinda Holt. I am a PS II technology integrator. I also manage all the trainings and workshops and webinars that you see come up on the OTAN site. I am a Google certified educator, trainer, Cloud certified. They don't do that anymore, by the way, because Google's become Workspace not Google Suite. Did you know that? And I'm Leading Edge certified in Google Admin. So those two are down at the bottom.

I work for an entity called-- you guessed it-- OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network, which is housed at SCOE, the Sacramento County Office of Education. So I've been here for thirty-something years working for SCOE. So you are here for engaging with the Google, so I'm going to hopefully show you some ideas or some things that you can do in class or with your colleagues to engage them, to discuss this Zoom stuff, man. [laughing]

It's the bummer man. I hate the Zoom. You know what I mean? I want to see you. I want to be next to you. I want to hug you, and I can't. So the only way I can engage is doing something online. Somebody mentioned in the chat that they have to be happy. They have to be excited.

That's the main thing you should do as a teacher. Don't come to class-- oh my God. Here we go again. Because even though you're not saying that, that's coming across. That's coming across. So be aware of where you're at. Be centered. Be happy. At least fake it until you make it through the class, OK? All right.

I want to show everybody this video. If you've been to any of my engagement presentations before, you've seen this. Bear with me, because there might be somebody that hasn't. So I'm going to go in Present mode so this actually plays a little better, and I'm going to make sure I'm sharing my sound. I am. So it starts out really soft, but then it gets loud. So fair warning. Here we go.

[video playback]

[alarm ringing]

- I'm a student. This is my routine. Every morning, I get up. I make my way to school.

[train roaring]

I come here for an education, seeking knowledge. This is what I find day after day.

[alarm ringing]

[train roaring]

This is all I find day after day. This is what I find. If you wouldn't neglect me in a classroom with desks and a chalkboard, why would you do it to me in a classroom with a keyboard and a screen?

Am I paying tuition for a bunch of notes on a board? Education and teaching is more than a few reading assignments. It's time for a change.

[end playback]

Wow! I've shown that video I don't know how many times, and every time I get a little teary eyed. And if you don't, it might be time to change professions. [laughing] I say that with kindness in my heart. I truly do. Every teacher I've ever met that's ever watched this, they go, OMG.

And we all get a little torked by read chapter 5. It's like what the heck is going on? That person should know better. So we're online. We're online, so we have to engage our students. We have to engage our students.

That video, by the way, was created by a student at a community college, and it was first shared with me by a Kristie Reyes. So Kristie, if you're in the room, thank you, because I've shown this video repeatedly. It is part of the handout. You'll have it, so if you want to share it with your colleagues, you're more than welcome to.

I forgot to mention one thing. I'm going to backtrack a little bit. You have a button down at the bottom of your screen called Live Transcript, and if you've been to other sessions, you already know about it. But for those that don't, you can show the subtitles that might make it easier for you to hear me.

And I noticed that while the video was going, the transcript was running as well. So it actually read the video to me, which is really cool. So that's an engagement feature of Zoom that, maybe, would help your students. When you're showing a video, you can close caption it, even though the video isn't being close captioned.

If you're using Zoom, Live Transcript is part of the educational account that we have right now, and they are going to be pushing it out to all three accounts. So if you're using a free account, it'll be pushed out to that as well. Coming up soon is what we're told.

So let's have some fun. Let's have some fun. Let's learn about engaging. Again, if you have any questions, I want you to interrupt please, OK. First thing you need to do is know your Googles. If you're using Google, you can't engage with Google unless you know the Google you are going to be using.

Now, Google has a lot of stuff. It has a lot of stuff. And by the way, Google has just changed dramatically. Google is no longer in EDU. They don't call themselves that anymore. It's a Google Workspace for education.

So you might have noticed that the icons changed a little bit. We used to see Drive as just green, yellow, blue. Now, it's green, yellow, blue. It has a-- it's a little red thing off to the side as well. All of the icons have changed to use the same color scheme. The Gmail is now using the red, yellow, green, blue color scheme, and the calendar. All the tools have gone to this new color scheme, so and that told us that some big change was coming. Well, it did.

Here is a really rough draft. I just thought this was interesting. Google started out as a search. That's all it was. And then it became Google and Gmail, and then it became Google, Gmail, and Docs, and Page Recreator, and they kept adding stuff to it and adding stuff to it, until finally just for a long time we had G Suite's Enterprise for Education, which was a club account. It's where you signed in as a teacher, and you've got all of these cool NFD tools.

You had the same things when you were on your public account, your pub account. You had the same tools, most of the same tools, and some of them were some difference. There are some differences between the club and pub account. The workspace, basically the same, but you might be noticing some changes coming up, especially if you were on a G Suite or GSEfE, the educational platform.

So what we're all used to is basically Google Workspace for education fundamentals. That isn't changing at all, but I want you to be aware that there could be some changes coming up on your teacher accounts if your network decides to go with the education standard or give the teaching and learning upgrade, which is going to do out in April, and then the Education Plus.

So there's going to be different tiers of Google now. If you don't see any changes, don't worry about it. But if you do see changes, you might be able to do more with your Google account as a teacher than what you thought.

All right, so just be aware of that. Most of these changes aren't going to be available until April. I got a little bit off topic, but you need to know the Google that you have. Because there might be some functions that you have on your club or your teacher account that you don't have on your public account. So be aware of that. Know what your Googles are.

In Docs, if you want to follow along, I'm going to show you some of these stuff. You'll be able to see it. All right, so now would be the time to go to View Options. Exit full screen, minimize. I'm going to-- resize your Zoom window, like what I'm doing now on the screen. I'm resizing my browser window. You're going to resize Zoom, and then open up a Chrome window.

So Google Docs, I mean, you can get-- you can get your students engaged. You can get your colleagues engaged. There are a lot of cool things that you can do in Google Docs. And then people don't know about, and some people think it's really cool.

If when you open up a new tab in Google, if you're signed into your Google, did you know this, you can just type, hit Enter, and a new document will open up. Your already signed in. Google knows.

Google knows you're signed in, and when you type, boom. So that's something you could show your students. They will think you're a magician that you know that, OK. I'm going to title this TDLS or SL. TDLS, here we go.

So some things you can do here that might get your students engaged to use a platform, or an application-- Wudi, wudi, wudi, oh, here we go. The headers-- I'm going to type something here. All right, chapter 2. Now, Google knows the word chapter, and it goes, oh, chapter 1.

A couple of words there. If I make it bold, something happens off to the side here. Something happens off to the side. I didn't pull chapter 2, nothing happened to that. Underneath chapter 1, I'm going to put some spaces, and I'm going to-- don't follow this. Don't follow this. I'm just going to go out on the web somewhere-- oh, yeah.

Hang on. I got a Doc that-- [laughing] why is it that when you're in a hurry nothing works? There we go, com. All right, so I'm going to get a Doc here from my documents. So don't do this. I'm just trying to get some text.

So you could go to a website and grab some text. I want to be careful about the text that I have here, so I'm not sharing anything that could be objectionable or anything weird. There's a lot of weird stuff going on in the world, so I'm not going to the web. I'm going to just a document I have.

So here's some text, and you notice chapter 1 is still bolded, and it-- right here is chapter 1, and here we go. It's also over here now. Why? Because it's all caps. So I'm going to type here "we go," and we should see-- oh, it disappeared. But why is chapter 1 there? Why is it chapter 2? I'm going to bold chapter 2 to show you.

Now, it becomes available off to the side. By the way, if you don't see the same thing when you type chapter 1 and chapter 2, it might be because you see this little icon, Show Document Outline. So that's the engagement part of this, the document outline.

I'm going to click that button, and now, I see chapter 1 and chapter 2. I see them both because they're bold, and Google recognizes those in line with itself. Bold must be important. Must be something like a title.

So if I have a lot of text between chapter 1 and chapter 2, how engaging is it or not when you tell a student, OK, I want you to read chapter 1 and chapter 2 and they have already read chapter 1. Where the heck is chapter 2? They have to scroll down all this text with-- oh, oh there it-- oh, no, wait. Oh, right. They've got to scroll up and down. Wouldn't it be much simpler if they could just click and it goes right to that point?

So the document outline can be used like a table of contents. I want you to think about this beyond your students. Think about it with your colleagues. If you're doing any kind of-- I'm just going to throw a buzzword-- a WASK report. And this is really long document. Wouldn't it be so much easier to be able to click on the area where you want to go to?

OK, you can do it different ways-- if I select a line of text and I make it a header. So right now, I see normal text. I'm going to click on that, and I can make something-- a title, a subtitle, a heading, heading three. So I've selected the text in the document. I'm going to select one of these headers, and then it appears in the document outline. Pretty cool.

Use this as a table of contents. That makes it easier for your students. Making things easy on people keeps them engaged. If they have to work too hard at it, forget about. I'm doing this. I can't find it. I can't find it. Make it easier for them so that they can find it.

Something else you can do in Docs. Now, you might want to watch my screen, and just don't do this. You're not going to be able to do this if you're muted, OK? And you would have to unmute in order to do what I'm about to show you next, so don't do this. You have to watch me.

All right, I'm going to go to Tools, and I'm going to go to Voice Typing. And Google Docs is going to recognize that I have a microphone, and it says Click Here to Speak. So I'm actually clicking on this little microphone that showed up on my screen, and I'm going to allow the microphone to be used.

And as I speak, everything I say will be typed for me. I am not typing anything folks, comma, and I'm also putting in punctuation, question mark. Yes, I'm putting in the punctuation incorrectly, exclamation point, but I'm doing it with my voice.

You can also-- there are different key commands. And it keeps doing it, by the way, until you turn it off, which is what I'm going to do now. There are different voice commands that you can use. This is really good for students, because if Google doesn't recognize the word, it types something different.

So how great would this be for your ESL students, maybe, to use it to see if they're pronouncing the words correctly. If Google types it correctly, it recognizes the word. So they must be pronouncing it correctly or at least, close enough to what Google can hear it. If they don't type that well, how great would it be if they could just voice what they want typed? It keeps them engaged.

It's really cool to because they'll go, OK, I'm going to say this, this, and this. And then they'll start saying all kinds of different things. So that's something that you can do with Docs. I'm going to go back to my list-- Are there any questions on that? OK, nobody's coming off mute. Remember, you have to voice, and you're muted right now. I can't hear you, or I can't read your lips.

OK, Explore. If you want to do this, if you want to follow along, I'm going to type the-- I'm going to type my favorite vacation spot in Hawaii. I haven't been there in-- huh, about a year and a half now. [laughing] All right, so I've typed the word Hawaii. Now, I'm going to select it just for grins and giggles. I'm going to go back to that Tools, and I'm going to hit Explore.

And I get some options on my far right-hand side, right here, OK. Now, you don't have to-- it used to be in the past. You had to select the word that you wanted to, quote unquote, "research or explore." Now, all it does, it takes it-- finds the words that are in this document and goes, OK, there's a lot of these same words. So you wrote about this and you wrote about this, and here's some things that you wrote about. It's searching on the web. It's searching on the web right now.

I have the word OTAN in this document. If I click, what it gives me in the Explorer tool, look at all of these links that come up. I can do research on my document without going on another new tab or opening up a new window. And then-- let's see. Here's OTAN right here.

If I want to cite this site, if you're looking at my screen, as you hover over the links that appeared in the Explorer tool on the far right-hand side, as you hover over length, you'll see a little quote marks appear. And then as you hover over those quote marks, you'll see "Site as Footnote." I'm going to click that, and then a little one, a little tiny one appears next to the word where I had my cursor blinking. And at the bottom of the document, lo and behold, there is a footnote right there. Whoops! There's a footnote right there, OK.

If I put another footnote-- I'm going to put my cursor at the end of Hawaii on my Explorer tool, which is still open. And instead of Outreach and Technical Assistance Network-- I'm going to get rid of that, and I'm going to type the words "Hawaii." Again, I'm not leaving the document. I'm making it easier on my students and my colleagues. I'm showing them, hey, you can do research right on the document.

I'm going to scroll down. I'm going to find another site to site. Boom, there's a number two and another footnote. If I get rid of the first footnote, number two becomes number one. So this is a really cool tool. If you're doing any research, you want to use footnotes, or if you're even teaching your students how to use footnotes, use the Google Docs. It's really easy, and that keeps them engaged.

We want to make-- We don't want to make things too easy, but we want to make it easy enough so that they can work it, so they can work with it. You can also-- with Google Docs, you can put in page breaks now and section breaks. And actually, this has been around for a couple of years.

But on the page, let's see. We're going to insert, and you can sort page numbers, OK. You can also insert page breaks. So if I want to page break right after-- here we go. Get rid of that. I'm going to insert a break, and I want it to be a page break. There it is, OK. So that's been there for a couple of years, but I was having a conversation with the teacher. I think it was last week, and she went, uh! You can do that in Google? I'm like, yeah, you've been able to do that for a while.

So that's something that might keep things-- keep your colleagues engaged for instance. And it also-- when you're printing it, when you're printing it, it will keep that page break for you. So that helps with page numbers. Again, if you're using this all together with the outline or the document outline, boom! You've got a workable document. You can click on things. You can go directly to a specific spot. It's really, really cool. I keep using the word "cool," but I love the word "cool."

Collaboration-- I'm going to show you a quick and easy way to share with anybody, share with anybody. You're going to click the Share button on your document. You're going to look down at the bottom of your page, and you're going to see, oh, it's change to anyone with the link. Right now, it's restricted.

So if you didn't know this-- and if you're a Googler, you do know this is not a big thing. But you can change this from restricted to anyone with the link, and then you copy the link, and you send that to people. Do they have to have a Google in order to open the document? No. Not if they use Chrome.

They can paste that link into Chrome, and it will open up in a view for them. They'll be able to see it. While we're here, I want them to see it. And they do have a Google, but I don't want them to make a copy. This is something I want stuck in time. I don't want them to mess with it. I don't want them to edit, so if you give them a view link, they can't edit.

But I don't want them to make a copy either, because if they make a copy, that's going to be like version 2. And then I update my version, but their version doesn't update, because they made a copy. So I'm going to stop them from making a copy. I'm going to click on this little gear right here. After you click the Share button, there's a gear on the top right-hand corner.

You're going to click that and write here, two checkboxes-- and most people don't know about-- you can deselect. Viewers and commenters can see option to download, print, and copy. Once you take that away, they cannot copy it. They cannot download it. They cannot print it. They have to ask for permission in order to do that.

So this keeps your document-- if you're still making revisions on it and what have you, it keeps them from copying a version that's not finished. There's nothing worse than being a student, and you made a copy of the document, and then the teacher says, oh, there's a new version. OK, I'm going to make another copy. Oop! There's a new version. Oh, God. I'm going to make another copy. Don't let them make a copy. Just have them come to this document with the viewable link. They always have the updated version.

All right, so that's the Share example. I'm going to hit Done here. By the way, that works with Sheets and Slides as well. Sheets, Slides, and Docs, the sharing is exactly the same, and Jamboard. A little hiccup there, sorry. All righty. We're going to move on.

Templates, I didn't show you templates. So that was on a Document. Every Google file type has templates-- Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms. Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms. Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms. So if we went to and most of you know this. When you go to, you've got templates up at the top.

If you're signed into your teacher account, your club account, your EDU account, whatever you want to call it, you might not see all the templates that I see. Go ahead and select Template Gallery, and if you have something up at the top of your screen that says your education account, I feel like-- let me go to my education account and show it to you. Just a sec.

Here we go. I'm going to switch accounts. Oh, I'm not signed in. When did that happen? Remember, ask questions.

Audience: I have a question about templates after you finish.

Melinda Holt: Go ahead. Ask now.

Audience: No, it's about a Google Classroom template, because when I put a document in Google Classroom and then I put it in a second Classroom, for some reason the document becomes a template.

Melinda Holt: Yeah, you've got-- [laughing] you're using an EDU. Tell you what, that's a little complicated, so we have the networking lounge during lunch, and after the conferencing, come to that, and I can explain that to you. OK?

Audience: OK, thanks.

Melinda Holt: All right, so I went into my club account, and if you see your club-- I'm going to say your district name-- this is usually where your templates open. And my district county office of education has no template, so I see nothing. But right here, I see a General tabs. When you click there, you see all the public templates, and they've got a lot of good ones here, folks.

Why have your students or your colleagues reinvent the wheel if the wheel is already there for them? All they have to do is scroll down and look at the different templates. You've got business letters here. You've got letters. If you have your students practicing writing a letter, have them start with a template.

When they do, as soon as you click on one, it's yours. It doesn't belong to Google anymore. It's going to be put into your Google Drive. So you click on it. You wait for the magic. There's the letter. I can rename it now. I can change all of this information. Its mine. And notice it's not shared with anybody, so it is mine. So Templates is a really cool thing to use for your students.

So we've done that. We've done-- oh, the viewable link. I've already gone over that. By the way, on the viewable link, let me go back to-- here we go. Everyone go to your share button if you're on a document. Everyone go to your share button, and then copy the viewable link. Humor me. Copy the viewable link, and then hit Done.

OK, now on your document, I want you to paste. I want you to pace, Control-V. When you hit Copy the link, it actually copied it on your clipboard. Every Google document that you share will end with edit?usp=sharing. I'm about to make life so much easier for you and your students.

So every link ends with this. What you're going to do-- I'm going to actually going to copy this again so that you can see the original and what I'm going to be doing. Get rid of all this text, here we go. So I'm going to paste. So here's the original link.

Now, I'm going to take this edit?usp=sharing, and I'm going to type the word "preview." I'm going to take out edit?usp=sharing and put "preview." OK, now, I'm going to copy that link, because I'm like, well, what? What does that do? I'm going to open up a new tab. I'm going to paste it, and then I'm going to hit Enter. And this is what your students will see.

They don't see view. They don't see file. They don't see edit. They don't see nothing. All they see is the document. If I had links in this document, I'd put them in there, and when they click on them, they'll work. They'll take them to wherever I want them to go. Boom! Simple, preview.

The other thing you can type at the end of-- instead of edit?usp=sharing, you can-- once you copy that link, you're going to take out those words, and you're going to type "copy" instead of "preview." Well, what does that do? Well, let's find out.

I'm going to copy that link. I'm going to paste it into my browser, and it says this. So as a student or as a colleague, if I want them to have a copy, their very own that they can do whatever they want with-- I want them to have a copy. I don't have to tell them, OK, everybody. I want you to go to the File menu. I want you to find where it says "make a copy," in the list. I want you to write-- you don't have to do any of that.

Just give them a link so that when they make a copy, they'll be asked, are you sure you want to make a copy of this? It's going to go in your Google Drive? Just tell them to say yes. They got it. It's there. So we got the viewable link. We went to the Share button and got the viewable link.

Audience: Melinda, I have a question.

Melinda Holt: Sure.

Audience: Can we do this on Google Form as well?

Melinda Holt: No.

Audience: OK, only the Doc?

Melinda Holt: Google Form is-- yeah. Google Form will be shared as preview only anyway. [giggling] Google form is its own different sharing thing, OK? Yes, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drawings if you've used drawings before. So those four file types, you can do that.

And actually, if in my Drive I have a PDF, I can get the sharable link for the PDF, and I can put "preview" at the end of it, and they will only be able to see the PDF or see the Word document. Yes, you can share your Word documents in your Drive. Whatever I put in my Google Drive, I can share with others-- except forms-- and use this link, use this preview link or copy link, OK?

Audience: Got it, thanks.

Melinda Holt: Cool. All right, so that's in the handout, and yes, I'm going to be giving you the handout at the end. We've already gone over the Explore and the cite. I want everyone-- we're going to have some fun right now. So I'm going to scroll down a little bit. I'm going to find where did I put that-- Oh, man. Where's my form? I want everyone to make sure you are-- here we go. You exit out of the View screen.

If you don't want to, if you just want to watch, that's fine. But what I want you to do-- I'm going to put this link in the chat. I am going to get you engaged right now. We're going to have some fun. So I'm putting a link in the chat, and for those of you that just want to watch, I'm going to do it too.

Using forms is a great way to get students engaged. Now, you have to think out of the box folks. Don't use Forms as a collection data tool. Use it as a game. Use it as a game. Use it as a tutorial. Use it as a tutorial, and I'll show you what I mean.

So I'm going to put my name and my email address. Here we go. I'm going to go to the Next button, and now, oh! Look at that. I got a video to watch. Thank you teacher. I can watch a video. And not only that, but I have questions on the video. So you have to watch the video in order to get that fill in the blank word.

Now, I already know what the word is. [laughing] So I don't have to watch the video. But if you click the Play button--

[video playback]

- OTAN supports adult educators integrating technology into the classroom. OTAN--

[end playback]

Melinda Holt: And depending on what sentence you decide-- or you could have several sentences here to fill in the blank with the video right up at the top. The answer, by the way, for those of you that don't want to watch the video is "free." So yes, OTAN offers free professional development. So I type the word "free." If I type the word correctly, it'll let me go.

Now, I'm at a password. So all of you, I know, are stuck. You can't go any further until you get the password. So this is also something you can do with Forms. I could have made this the first thing that you saw. So think about that. I can make a quiz online, and if you don't know the password, then you're not getting in.

So the password, by the way, is OTAN, all uppercase, all uppercase. Go ahead and try it, and I'll do it. I'm going to type all lowercase and see what happens. Hit Next. Nope.

OK, what about OTan? Capital O, T. Small a, n. Nope. So you have to know what the password is. You can make the password anything you want as the person that's creating the form. And Next. This is done with that data validation. So for those of you Googlers that, oh, man! How did you do that? Google has validation for questions.

So you can actually tell the question I want it to be exactly this, and I told it I want it to be exactly OTAN. Do you need to be signed into Google in order to view a shared document? I've already given you the answer to this question. We had a class. I told you the answer. Do you remember the answer?

You do not need to be signed in to Google in order to-- which one of these would you select? Tony? Uh-oh. Tony's probably already finished. All right, we won't wait for Tony. Mimi, how about you?

Audience: View as shared Doc.

Melinda Holt: View as shared Doc. There we go, Next. Now, let me go back real quick. Urgh! It took me all the way back. All right, my bad. I should have known that. Hang on. So if you had typed the wrong answer, would it let you go on? Because you can set the question up to where it doesn't let you go on.

So this is a form escape. You have to know the right answers in order to move on to the next section. All right, here's the password, all uppercase. And if I had selected View as Shared Doc to make a copy. But now, we all know that's the wrong answer, but I'm getting it wrong on purpose. I'm going to hit the Next button. And it goes, oops! Try this one again.

Well, the heck with that. I'm just going to go to next. Does it matter? Because I've set the form up to go back to the question. And it saved my answer for me, so I know that one's wrong. If I get it-- the next question, that's wrong too. Takes me back to, oops, try this one again.

So I hit the Back button, and I get the right answer. Now, I can move on. Now, I get a different question. All of this is based on sections. So the form has different sections in it, and based on the answer, it's going to section 5 or section 6, whatever I have set it up to be.

Slides cannot be used to-- now, we haven't gone over this, and if you don't know the answer, I'm about to give it to you. Slides cannot be used to create spreadsheets. Yes, you can create PDF with slides, and you can create presentations. You already knew that. And you can create "if and then."

But for the other options, B, do you need to be signed in for students to make a copy or edit it. Oh, I just looked at the chat, and I think we moved on. Yeah, we are OK. So create spreadsheets, that's the right answer. So I'm moving on. And then it took me-- hey, you got it. Yeah, great work, so give them some encouragement.

Slides and Docs can contain videos. Slides and Docs can contain videos. Is that true or false? It says and you cannot put videos in documents. You cannot put videos and documents. So the answer is actually false. But if I put true because I thought, yeah, sure, no, yeah. I missed that one. I have to go back.

So you see how this is working. It's a game for the students. Can forms be password protected? Didn't you have to just type OTAN? Yeah. So forms can be protected to a point. And then to win, to win the question or to win this escape. It says to win. Submit this form, then be the first to type the fake word from the list below. If you think-- if you don't think there is a fake word, type all real into the chat.

OK, so I'm going to-- follow directions. I'm going to hit Submit, and I already see that somebody has typed the correct wrong word. Audrey, you got it, proank. And Desa, pronk is actually a word. [laughing] Believe it or not. Pronk is actually a word.

On a form you can also give people the rights or the ability to submit another answer. Most of you that are Googlers know that. So if I wanted them to, hey, you want to do it again? Go ahead. But I didn't want you to do again, but you got engaged, didn't you?

You looked at, oh, man is that right answer? Proank for those of you that getting to the end of the form, yes. Proank is not a word. But pronk is. Look it up. [laughing] All right? You can also use forms to turn in assignments. So Google Forms allows you to allow students to upload photos, to upload word Docs. Any file that you want.

You can actually specify the file type. So I'm going to go to Forms real quick. I'm just going to open up. Here's the form [inaudible]. No, it's not. It's in here somewhere. I'm not going to look for it. I'm just going to-- oh, yeah. Here it is. It is there.

I'm going to go way down at the bottom. I'm going to add question that you're not going to see, because I'm not going to publish it. Where did my chat go? Here we go. Here we go. So I've added a question, and right here-- oh, what did I do with it? Here we go.

We want to select File Upload. OK, so from the toolbar on the form, we're going to select-- it defaults to multiple choice, so I'm going to cancel that so you can see it again. So here's my question. Instead of multiple choice or any one of these, I'm going to do go to File Upload right there. And then it gives me this disclaimer-- make sure you know what you're doing here, and hit Continue. And then I can specify the file type.

I only want Images, or I only want audio files, because they're creating mp4's for me. Or I only want a PDF. So you get to decide what file type, or you just turn this off and that allows all file types. You can also limit how many files they can upload. Keep it at one to be safe. Keep it at one.

And then the maximum file size. If they're creating a video, if your colleagues or students are creating videos, you probably want to give them at least a gig. Will this take away from your space on Google Drive? Yes, so be aware of that. Because they're catching it. They're uploading it to the form, and the form is residing in your Drive, and that's where the files are going to go.

So you can actually have your students upload their assignments. All righty. So we did Forms. I went out of order, because Slides, you can do so many engagement activities in slides. There's lots of stuff here. Shout out to Elisa Takeuchi She's the one that showed me how to create a virtual classroom.

So she uses Bitmoji. Bitmoji is an extension that you can add to Chrome. And when you do that-- I'm going to move chat over so I can find my little Bitmoji. Here we go. Right here. So here's my Bitmoji extension on my Chrome. I'm going to click that, and-- OK. I need to sign in.

So you sign in. You actually attach it with your Google account. Hope I remember the password for this one. OK, it's not right. Hang on just a sec. Any questions? [laughing] Oh, I hope this is right. I'm logged in. OK, good. So now, when you have Bitmoji as an extension on your Chrome, you get all your Bitmojis right here, and you can right-click and choose Copy image from the menu.

So I'm going to right-click I'm going to copy the image, and then I'm going to go to my slides, and I'm going to paste. And there's my Bitmoji. So I can actually give this or put this on my slide, or I can give it to my student when they've done a good job. I can put this in a document. I can put this in a slide. I can put this in a Gmail. I can do all of those things because it's an extension on my Chrome.

And I just saw a question come up in the chat. I'm going to try and find my here. If students upload videos to a Google Form, is there a way to let students see each other's videos? There is, Jennifer. What you would do is you would have a folder where you put all of those videos in. And then you're going to share the folder with your students as viewers.

So you get the shareable link to the folder, so that when they open the folder, they can then open the video. You can also share the specific video. You get that-- you right click on the video as it appears in your Drive, and then copy the shareable link. So yes, you can do that. There's lots of different ways. You could also create a site, and then link to those videos.

And they all appear on the site that we don't have to worry about them clicking on tabs and getting all messed up of where to go. We don't want our students get lost. When we get our students lost, they leave. They don't come back. So back to Bitmoji.

Here's that classroom, and today's lesson is coffee, and I put on here-- I think it's still live-- a file, an audio file, the history of coffee.

[audio playback]

- The origin of coffee as a drink or a plant dates back to the middle of the 15th century and this--

[end playback]

Melinda Holt: I was really tired when I read that, but it's actually this story right here on another site. So if they click the storyboard, they will see this story, and they can read it themselves. Or they can use the slide to have it read to them.

Now, as a teacher, I would definitely make this image bigger for them so that they could see it to read it. I made it small so that you could see what it looks like in a, quote unquote, "Bitmoji classroom." Here's another day, maybe day two of the class.

We have a spelling week, and notice my Bitmoji is-- we're health. It's a health topic, so I changed the Bitmoji to be more health-related. Elisa has-- on her Bitmoji classroom, she has herself, her Bitmoji doing a lot of different things in different poses and what have you as she's going about her classroom. I thought it was really cool, and during her presentation, I was actually making Bitmoji classroom.

So a lot of different things that you can do with this. We'll try and get Elisa back on the OTAN train so she can do another workshop, maybe, on this, but this is also-- it's already been archived, and it's on the OTAN website, creating a Bitmoji classroom. Yes?

Audience: The background is not Bitmoji. The desk and the chalkboard--

Melinda Holt: The desk, I actually created using Google Draw tools. Background is mine. I created that because I didn't like that. That's actually a picture of a classroom. I didn't like all those bricks, so I used it as a template and put in my own walls. So I thought a little bit outside of the box.

You can actually on Google Slides-- and this is coming up, but I'll show it. Now, on Google Slides there are add-ons, where you can use images and unsplash images. I'm going to click on that. It's an add-on that I use to search for classroom or empty classroom.

And then if you insert it, you can put pictures on top of this. You could actually crop this and make this chalkboard bigger and put your lesson right there. So you need to think out of the box a little bit. Be a little creative. You guys are all-- you're teachers. You're inherently creative. [laughing] It's in your blood men. [laughing]

All right. So get creative. Another thing that you could do is the if-then. So on slides, you can tell a slide that, OK, we're on slide 20 or 21. I can make this box-- I can make it a link that goes back to slide 1. I can select text and make that go to slide 12. I can make these slides that go any which way I want just by creating links to do it.

And most people don't know this. When you select an image-- I'm going to select this box right here. You hit Control-K, or you use the Link tool up at the top of slides. And right here, this special little link slides in this presentation. I can have it go to any slide I want.

So I'm going to go-- I'm picking slide 5, and I'm going to apply. Now, this box is a link so that when a student is using it, if I've given them view rights and I tell them click on the number 7 box, they know where to click, and it takes them right to slide 5.

I use the Linking tool in slides to create books, and I'll show you one real quick. Book, here we go. I just did a presentation on accounts and safety, and this is a book with a table of contents. Each one of these lines of text is a link that goes to a specific page in this book. This link right here go to slide 26.

Boom! There it is. They don't have to guess where they're going. They don't have to scroll through the slides deck in order to get somewhere. And there's a TOC button on every page that when they click on it as a student, it'll take them back to the table of contents. So all kinds of different ideas here to keep them in the learning mode.

This one-- if you stay to the end, which is coming up here real soon, you will get this slides gameboard. We're going to see how it works. And this template, you can-- you will have. You'll be able to make a copy of this. This is a Jeopardy, game board that somebody created, and there are 60-something, 57 slides here.

We all know, Jeopardy. So we've got State Caps, Illinois, Acronyms, Topic 4 Topic 5. Topic 4 And topic 5 aren't going to work because I didn't want to mess up the slides too much. Annette, I see you looking. So I want you to pick State Caps, Illinois, or Acronyms section. You have to unmute.

Audience: Illinois for one.

Melinda Holt: Illinois for one, OK. So we're going to click that. Boom!


The answer is CST. What's the question? You probably don't know. And that's OK because we have this clicked answer button right here, and there's the answer. What's the time zone for Illinois? CST.


If I want to return back to Jeopardy, here's the gameboard. We're right back. So state caps for 100. Here we go. The answer IS Dover. Hey, budy, what's the question?

Audience: What's the capital of Delaware? Exactly. Yes. And just to make sure that you're right and that I'm not wrong, there it is. So you get this gameboard as part of this presentation. Something else-- some other ideas you can have your students-- you can read to them.

OK, Marisol, what's going to be the first word in this sentence? Marisol? Going once, going twice--

Audience: Yes, I'm here. OK, what's the first word? What's the first word? There. There.

Melinda Holt: There? OK. What's the next word?

Audience: "Is," but it's not there.

Melinda Holt: It's not there, so then--


I've been there. It might not be that first word, all right?

Audience: No, not the first word. God, I'm like stupid.

Melinda Holt: I know. No, you're not stupid. So what--

[interposing voices]

Melinda Holt: I'm getting--

[interposing voices]

Audience: --box there.

Melinda Holt: Do you guys see how engaged Marisol is? So store the--

[interposing voices]

Audience: --I'm sorry. Too much fun. I got to go class. Bye.

Melinda Holt: So one drawback to using this as a template for an activity is that they are shapes and they have words within the shapes. I personally don't like doing this, because when students click inside the shape, they can actually edit the word, and I don't want them to do that. Or I don't want to get, oh, God, I can't move it because my cursor is blinking in the word.

So my suggestion would be to use something called WordArt. So when you go to the Insert box or the Insert tool, you go to WordArt, and you get this little thing that appears, and I can change-- here we go. So WordArt is just-- it's a depiction of text. And then you can change it.

So I might have a student say, OK, make this an equation using these numbers. You have to use at least one of these operators, and you have to use the not-equal sign. OK, OK, so here we go. Not equal, 7 plus 9 does not equal 2, since it's right here.

So any math teachers here? This is a true statement, [laughing] OK? All right, you could also create storyboards. So Barry does this. Barry Bakin does with Microsoft, with PowerPoint. You can do it with Google too. So I'll just get some pictures and maybe, have a student say, hey, what would be a good title or good thought for Marjorie to be having here? [laughing] OK? Make it fun. Make it fun.

We've already done the forms, Jamboard. I don't have enough time to do this. As a matter of fact, I think I'm out of time. When are we supposed to end? Anybody? Well, it's right now, isn't it?

Audience: Noon.

Melinda Holt: Oh, noon?

Audience: Noon.

Melinda Holt: Noon?

Audience: You'll be fine Melinda.

Melinda Holt: I got a half an hour?

Audience: You still got a half an hour.

Melinda Holt: Yeah, good. Good, thank you. Thank you. OK, see? I'm excited. Now, I'm engaged. OK, so Jamboard. By a show of chat, I have the chat open, how many of Jamboard? Just yes or no. If you know Jamboard, say yes. If you don't, say no.

Oh, I see a lot of yeses. A few no's. This is cool. This is cool, all right. Jamboard is a physical thing that uses this application that I'm using right now, OK. It's a physical thing. It's what we used to call Promethean smart board. It's a smart board, OK.

Google has a Jamboard that you can touch and move things around and everything all right. And it uses an application called Google Jamboard. You don't have to have that physical thing in order to use Jamboard. All you have to do is sign into your account, go to, and you can create a jam.

So in the bottom right-hand corner of my screen, I see this little plus symbol. I'm going to click it, and if I'm having a meeting with my colleagues, I would share this with them. I'm not going to do that yet, but I will in a minute. But then people can add notes to the jam. Jam, jam, jam, jam, jam-- there we go, and save. And there we go.

And then we can move these notes all over the place. And then we've all been to meetings where you've got post-it notes on this big piece of paper, or you walk around the room and then you put the green dot where you want the most important thing or whatever. Use this instead.

Don't waste paper, all right? And how many times have we lost all those little sticky notes? It's like, oh, my God. There goes my meeting down the tubes. [laughing] After you created jam and people use it, you can save the frame-- this is the frame right here-- as an image.

You can download the entire thing as a PDF. You can download it as a PDF, and then you can distribute it, or you can make the PF-- you save it as a PDF. You can grab the text out of it. How many times have we had to take all those little post-it notes and typed every little thing that the post-it note said on to a document that we needed to share with somebody?

So you can do all kinds of things with jams after you share them out. Now, you do have to share them in order for people to use them. So what we want to do is we want to get to shareable link. But instead of as a viewer, we want to change this to editor, because I want you to be able to write on this jam.

So I'm going to copy this link. I'm going to hit Done, just like sharing a Word file or a document or anything. I'm going to paste the link. Now, normally I would have made that a bitly, make it really short and cute, but there's a link in the chat. If you click on it, anonymous dolphin has joined. You can add a sticky note by clicking on the little Sticky Note tool.

You could pin something. You could write on the Jamboard. You can erase something that you have created or that others have created. So be careful. You can also change the color or the shape. You can add shapes. You can add images, OK? And because you're an editor, you can add frames. So everyone stop. Stop. Take your hands off your mouse. Take your hands off your mouse.

I know who you are, because I can see you drawing. Look at the top of the Jamboard. Look at the top. It says Create Frame. There's a little arrow. So you could click that. OK, now, think of this as part of a workshop that you're doing with your colleagues or even with your students.

I want students 1, 2, and 3 to be on the first frame. I want students 3, 4, and 5, or 4, 5, and 6 to be on the second frame and so on. You can specify who goes to what frame. That way, you get-- or I want all of the ESL teachers to talk or put post-it notes on frame 5. So you go to frame 5, and you start doing your stuff. I want all the ABE teachers to start posting on-- ideas on how to engage on frame 3.

So as an editor, you have the right to make frames. I think you can have up to 20 frames on the free account, which is what this is. And it's really easy to use, isn't it? It's really easy to use. There's also a fill color up at the top, so we can make this page a different color, or-- I'm sorry. Your shape is a different color. There we go. [laughing]

You can make the page a different color too. It's just a different way. So look at how you guys are having fun.

Audience: Melinda, there is a question.

Melinda Holt: There is a question.

Audience: Do you know why some students can't access Jamboard?

Melinda Holt: Yes, I do, as a matter of fact. It has to do with accounts. It has to do with accounts. It might also have to do with browsers. If your students are using Chrome, they should be able to open it. If your student-- if you have only shared with your agency, let's say you've got a club account, your EDU will have a Jamboard.

This is on the pub, so anybody-- I've allowed anybody to view it. When I go to my Share button-- if everyone can stop stop jamming for a minute. [laughing] And look at the Zoom screen. Where you see Get Link, normally on a club account, it is restricted to your agency. It'll say restricted to Sacramento County Office of Education, or restricted to LAUSD.

So what you would do is you would change that. Not only take off restricted, but you'll have that option-- the first option is restricted to your agency. There we go. The second option is just restricted to people that you enter by email address, and then the third option is anyone with the link. And this is what you want to select.

When you're on a pub, when you're on a free account, you only have two options. When you're on a club, when you're on an EDU, your teacher account, whatever you want to call it, you have three options. So it will restrict to your club. So if your students are signed into their club, and they can get to the jam. Because it's restricted to the club, but they're signed in, so it's OK.

If your students haven't signed into the club, then no. They won't be able to get to it. So this is the magic right here. It's anyone with the link. Now, if you're not able to select that-- some networks don't allow it. Just make sure you tell your students, OK, everybody make sure you're signed into your Google account. OK? I hope that answered the question.

Audience: I have a question with that though. So if you're in a pub one, and you do that, do the people have to have a Google account or is it just anyone who can use Chrome can go into it?

Melinda Holt: It should be anyone, because the Google is-- well, you know what? That's a really good question. Hang on. Let's find out. I don't know the answer to that. I've never had that question before. So I'm going to copy this link. Let's find out right now.

Audience: Would you repeat the question please?

Melinda Holt: He's asking if a student is trying to get to the Jamboard and is not signed into their account, can they still use the Jamboard? And there's your answer. So I just opened Safari on my computer. I am not signed in. I know that because I see the sign in button.

I'm going to try and put in a sticky note. Typed by someone not on Google, and hit Save. Do you see that? On the jam?

Audience: Yeah.

Melinda Holt: Yeah. There you go. So do your students need to be signed in? No. Isn't that cool? I just learned something new. [laughing] Very cool.

You can save this jam for later. You can turn off the shares. Like, OK, everybody. All right, all right, we're winding down, or it's the end of class. So I can-- what I giveth, I can taketh away. So I could change the link to no one to restrict it, and then that sets it in time.

And then I might want to copy or make a print of it, a PDF, whatever you want to do. And then you can reset everything and start all over again tomorrow. Or you can have as many jams as you want.

So when you go to I just created this one. I could have many, many, many jams on here. If anybody shared a jam with me, then they would also appear. They don't actually put these in the Drive. It's off to the side. So you can look at whether or not you see if anybody's shared with you.

If I click right now, not owned by me, I'm not going to-- oh, I am seeing one. This is not owned by me, Jamboard webinar. Or owned just by me, there we go. So you can select how you see that similar to Drive.

Does it show who has posted or is it anonymous? It will be anonymous if you just share the link as a view if you copy the view link. Otherwise, here we go, I can share this with specific people. So if I have a list of my students, I can add them, and then only they will be able to jam on the Jamboard. And then I will see, OK, Shirley Young has made these changes or input something, and I'll see their names up here if they're actually on the jam at same time I am.

So right now, all I see is anonymous anteater, armadillo, you're a alrocs beaver, plus 12 more. So here's a list. If you had been signed in and if I shared with you directly, then I would see your names here on the jam. Anonymous Wolverine has joined. whoo! So you guys have fun on the jam. [laughing]

Audience: I have a question about-- because when you write the slides, you get an add-on. So what's the difference between a Google add-on and a Google extension?

Melinda Holt: OK. An extension is inherent, is known to be on Chrome. An extension could be an app that opens up. It extends the capability of Chrome. An add-on is something that's in the app. You're adding functionality in the app. It doesn't follow you to-- I'm sorry, into the app file. There we go.

So on this app file, this Engage with Google's file that I'm showing now, I have the add-on Unsplash images. If I insert a photo, it will only appear on this file. If I go to another slide, it won't be there, whereas on Chrome, the-- I have all kinds of Chrome extensions here. No matter what device I sign into, if I sign into my Chrome account, these same extensions appear across the board.

Yes, they also appear-- add-ons also appear when I sign into my slides. Although we see Unsplash photos. But extensions are known to be on Chrome. Add-ons are known to be on Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Is there really a lot of difference between the two? It depends on the app or the-- or the add-on or extension.

Some add-ons only work within the file that you're opening. It's not a separate entity. Grackle is an add-on that's actually a separate entity on Google Slides and Docs. It will check the accessibility of the slides, so it's actually using a third party software to come into your slide to check it for accessibility.

Whereas the add-on on splash, you have access to their entire library of photos, and you're taking an image from their library, and you're placing it on your slide. And then it's yours. It's not like it's staying there. Docs has add-ons. I'm trying to think. Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Sheets is-- they're just getting a few add-ons now. They're just starting. But Docs, Sheets, Slides.

Forms has some add-ons. I would not use them if I were you. They're not really good. There's some that sound like really, really cool things. Like after you have appointments made and as appointments are taken off of the form, they disappear, only sometimes that doesn't always work. [laughing] So just be aware that not all add-ons are created equally.

And not all add-ons and extensions are created by Google. They're created by third-party software entities. 9 times out of 10-- there's 9.9 times out of 10, they're safe they're good. Don't worry about it. You're going to hit that one that's like, oh, my God. This does not do what it says it was going to do. Just get rid of it. Just get rid of it. You can manage your add-ons and your extensions.

So I rambled a little bit, but I think I answered that question. They're the same, but not. Extensions are on Chrome, add-ons are on your Google Apps-- Docs, Sheets, Slides, sometimes Forms. OK?

Audience: Thank you.

Melinda Holt: OK, I know I rambled a little bit. What do we get? What else do I want to show? Jamboard, badges! Oh! How many of you would love to use badges? Have you thought about making your own badges? You're going to get a badge right now. Yes, you are just for attending this workshop. I created a badge, and I even put microcredentials on it.

So what I did was I opened up a drawing. I'm actually going to go to my Drive so I can find this thing. I created it last night. I had this idea. Here we go. So I went to Drive. I opened up a new drawing, and I called it badge. I have no idea where it went, because again, it was late last-- yeah, Engage Badge. Here we go. [laughing]

It was late last night. Oh, this cool idea. So here's a badge. Now, this badge has credentials. They're not very good credentials, and I wouldn't share with anybody if I were you. [laughing] But this is a badge.

Our students and even we love badges. You get your badges when you walk so far. You share. Hey, I got my made-500 miles badge. We love badges. For whatever reason, we love badges. So you can create your own. I use the the Google Draw tool to create this badge. I gave it some credentials. I'm going to share it with the viewable link.

So I'm copying a link now, and I'm going to put that in the chat. You now will have a badge that says you-- oops. That just went to one person. Sorry about that. Any minute, now. There we go. You now have a badge that says, "you earned this by attending a Engaging with Googles."

You tried your Bitmoji but can't log into Chrome. For some reason it doesn't recognized by email. Do I need to-- OK, on the Bitmoji. You have to create it using your tablet or your phone first. So open your phone, install the Bitmoji app. Sign-- use your email and you have to create it a password.

All right, so and then you set up your Bitmoji. You give it clothes and what have you-- hairstyle. And then you come and you install the extension on your Chrome, and it will ask you, OK, what account? What Bitmoji account do you want to use? That's what I was doing right at the beginning, and I signed on in with the same account that I have my Bitmoji on my phone. All right, so you have to do the Bitmoji first on your phone, and then you sign into that account, same account, using the Chrome extension.

OK, back to badging. Think about this is as the end of the year the student gets or has completed coursework. Give him a badge. Give him a badge. Bless it. This badge was earned by doing these things, and they now have a certificate that says this. The badge, they can put on their resume.

They could actually link to this if you gave this to them, if you made them the editor and then transferred ownership over to them, it's theirs. They can do whatever they want with it, and they can put it on their resume, or they can share it with prospective employers, saying, look! Look at all the badges I got from my teacher or from my program.

We get badges. I got badges for being a Google trainer. All they did was send me an image, and it has some credentials behind it. The credentials aren't behind this one. They're right off to the side. You could have this image right here link to a Google document that the students can't touch, and then when whoever the student shares badge with says, hey, look employer.

This is all the things I had to do. Where do they keep their badges? In a folder on their Google Drive. They don't have to invest in any software or anything. Google's free. And yes, there are-- Credly is a badge creation and curation tool. There's lots of curation tools. This is a simple, very-- I hate to use the word dumbed down, but very simple way of creating a badge for your students instead of investing in software.

Now, if you invest in software, you get lots of cool little features. And if you're not too artistic, you might want to do that. You want your badge to engage. You don't want it to look like a square box with a number one on it. You want to keep people engaged, and you want them to want the badge. And again, this was an idea last night. Will we have badges?

Sheets, you can do a lot of stuff with Sheets. This is more to keep you engaged. I've had lots of conversations with teachers. They hate Sheets. Well, I'm going to use the form that you just filled out. I'm going to find it first. And I'm going to show you how cool this is going to be.

So are there templates for badges? No. There are no templates. You have to create your own, sorry. We can come up with some ideas if you want, Beth. I can give you some ideas on that. Right here, here are all the responses. All the responses that you put in the form, they went into a sheet, OK. People had told me I don't like sheets because it can't do this and it can't do that, and it's not like Microsoft.

You're right. It's not like Microsoft, but it can do things. I'm going to insert a column where it says name. So I see all-- everybody's names. Some of you just typed your first name. That's fine. But I want you-- I'm going to insert just one column. Oops! Let's try that again.

Insert left, and insert left. There we go. So I want some space here so you can see what's happening. I am going to select this column of entries. Maybe I want to sort this by last name. I can't do that the way this is formatted right now. I should have thought of that before I did the form. Too late. But I can do something now to split these first name, last names without having to copy and paste, copy and paste, copy and paste.

All I have to do is go to Data. After I select the column, I go to Data, and this really cool tool right here split text to columns. And it's going to give me some options. So right now, it's detecting automatically. What is it going to detect? It's detecting a space, a period, semicolon.

If I wanted it to, I could have it detect the right or the left parens, parentheses. Have it detect the left or the right. If you have something in parentheses, you just want the data to be split up. You can decide what it is. Right now, I just space, boom! Now, I have first name, last name. It's done. Let's do that again.

Audience: 5 minutes Melinda.

Melinda Holt: OK, thank you. I'm going to insert left and insert left again. I like having lots of space. So you can see stuff. You don't have to insert twice. That being said, if we had anybody here with the name De La Vega-- De La Vega, three parts to the last name. If you split text to columns and you didn't have enough empty columns, it would have erased the text to the right. [laughing] So be aware of that.

Right here, I'm going to select this column. The email address, I'm going to go to Data again, I'm going to split. And I'm going to tell it to go to Custom. I'm going to search by Add Symbol, and there we have their user ID separated from their domain. Come on!

So split text is a really cool way to manipulate the data. I'm looking at my slide here to figure out what else I can do in this blank column. Maybe I want to see or check who entered their last name and who did not. How do I make that a statement where I can see right away who's done it and who hasn't? I'm going to put in checkboxes.

Huh! What? You can put in checkboxes? Absolutely. So you're going to go to Insert. And the options I have here, look at all the stuff that I can add. I could add a chart, an image, a drawing, a form, a function, insert link, all kinds of cool stuff, and yes, a checkbox. There's checkboxes. I'm going to copy those all the way down.

And now I can see, oh [inaudible] Jonathan, Annette, Mimi, Louis, [inaudible]. So all of these people that have a checkbox next to their name actually input their last name. Huh, isn't that cool? Yes. Something else, very simple conditional formatting.

What if I wanted this to pop out at me? I want it to be loud and proud. You can do conditional formatting. So let's say that you want to see all of the people or all of the answers, you want the ones that said create PDF, you want those to stand out. So I'm going to select the column. I could select the whole sheet if I wanted to.

Conditional formatting can get really, really complicated but it can also be very simple. So I'm going to select this column. I'm going to go to Format, conditional formatting, and here it's applying a rule right off the bat. It's saying, OK, if the cell is not empty, then you want a green right?

No. I want to format if the cell contains, and then I have to put in a value, Create-- yes, I'm going to share my slides. Create PDF files. OK, and done. So now, when I look at this-- I know it's really simple. I've got the cells being colored for me, so I know exactly what the answer is that pops out. Create PDF files. There's three of them. How simple is that? You can also have it count that way too, OK.

This worksheet tips. If you want to work more with sheets, this will walk you through some things that you can do with Google Sheets, and here is the link to this handout right here. So if you made it to the end-- yeah, I'm ending. [laughing] It's 11:59, huh! Melinda never ends on time.

Here we go. There's the handout. So I see all of it. Look at this. All of you are coming on. So you can-- I made this viewable so that you can make a copy if you want it. The video's on there. The links that I clicked on while I was here, they will work for you as well.

Where's that? Yeah, this I added, so yeah, I'll just leave it there. [laughing] All right, I hope you learned some stuff. I hope you were engaged, and I hope you learned how to get your students a little more engaged maybe.