
Speaker 1: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.

Diana Vera-alba: We're going to create a Liquid Syllabus template in Google Sites. So, if you noticed on the description of this webinar, it asks that you already have a Gmail. So if you have a Gmail, a public Gmail, then you also have access to Google Sites.

So, we will not be creating Gmails during the presentation, so if you don't have one, just follow along and I can help you maybe at the break that we have. And then of course, we have the evaluations, so make sure that you fill that out, that's really important for OTAN and for us as presenters.

So, we talked about meeting, Veronica talked about a lot of these housekeeping, so I'm just going to quickly go through this and ask that you please ask questions during the relaxation break. Of course if you have them, type them in chat as they come along and then Veronica will let me know and I'll try to answer them as quickly as I can.

This is a hands-on webinar so if you feel comfortable just watching, that's absolutely OK as well. However, we won't do tech troubleshooting, so I'll show you how to access but we really won't have time for the tech troubleshooting.

And then if you want to follow along during the demo, as Veronica mentioned, you can minimize your screen in Zoom by selecting Exit full screen and those arrows typically appear at the top right of your screen. So once we get to that portion of the presentation, then I'll remind you of that as well.

Let's get started. I purposely chose this emoji, really excited, because that's how I feel about Liquid Syllabus. I think it's a really, really great tool for you as an instructor and for your students as well. So we're going to talk about that.

What is a Liquid Syllabus? A Liquid Syllabus is defined as an accessible public website that incorporates a brief friendly welcome video. There is a welcome video that I included in mine, but I have additional videos because I like to open the week up with welcome videos for the week.

It's written in student-centered language, so that's really, really important to think about. This is all to create student-centered learning, student-centered language.

When you use this in conjunction with culturally responsive teaching pedagogy, the Liquid Syllabus contributes to creating a more equitable learning environment for all students. So I have a link on this page for Michelle Pacansky-Brock.

She is somebody that I follow, somebody that I've gotten training from on Liquid Syllabus and just humanizing your course, and using student-centered language. This link is to her site and you can take classes through her as well. So make sure you check that out, at your leisure.

We're going to watch one of Michelle's videos and this video explains the benefits of a Liquid Syllabus for a student. This type of syllabus supports student learning, students have a sense of belonging in your course.

It humanizes your course, so it lowers student's effective filter, and it's very mobile friendly, especially when creating this on Google Sites. This is a short video, it's only a little under three minutes, so let's go ahead and watch the video.

Speaker 2: I know what you're thinking, I have a syllabus, and I've worked really hard on it. So why should I take the time to also create a Liquid Syllabus? And what does that mean anyway? After all, I already have my syllabus online, in the form of a PDF and I know all my students can access it in Canvas. But folks, the thing is when your syllabus is behind a login screen, it may be tough for students to get to it from their phone.

And no matter how lovely it looks on a computer, reading it on a mobile device is tough. The information in that syllabus is important, right? The bottom line is, when we use tools designed for print products, they don't result in mobile friendly experiences and that's not good for our students. How might things change if you used a website tool, like Google Sites or WordPress, to create a liquid version of your syllabus?

For just a moment, imagine being a student. It's the start of your first semester in college and the week before class starts. You check your email and you get a friendly welcome message from your sociology instructor, it includes a button at the bottom to check the syllabus.

You tap that button with your finger and instantly you go to a syllabus that's easy to read and experience with the swipe of your finger, and you also discover something pretty special at the top.

Katie Whitman Conklin: Hi scholars, my name is Katie Whitman Conklin and I'm going to be your instructor this semester. A little bit about me, I lived in the Central Valley, California for a lot of years with my husband and children while he was stationed there with the Navy. When he retired, we moved to northern Idaho where we now live with our kids on our family ranch.

Speaker 2: You think to yourself, hey, I'm going to love this class, I can't wait to get started. But you know what? That's not the only benefit of a Liquid Syllabus. Since it lives on the web, it's shareable with a simple link, that means you can place that link in as many other places as you'd like.

How about adding it next to your course description in your college's class schedule? Or on your profile page on your college website? Or, a link on your own professional website.

You know what can really help promote your course and encourage more students to enroll? That's right, share it on Twitter. When we design with web tools, we create mobile friendly content that supports our students in so many ways. It also lets them know we care.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. So, she talked about some of the benefits for both instructors and students, but mainly students. I'm going to go over some highlights. For the instructor, it humanizes your class especially in this online environment, we want to do what we can to replicate that face to face classroom.

Now, I was an online instructor prior to the pandemic and prior to us going online, so, I was always searching for ways to make my course more interactive, make my Zoom sessions more collaborative. So when I discovered Liquid Syllabus, I was so excited about it. Like Michelle mentioned, it's easily shareable on all devices, on your computer, on a tablet, and a smartphone. When I demo my Liquid Syllabus, I'm going to show you all three views.

There are many free intuitive and creative tools. So I use Google Sites because the templates are already there. Basically, I just plug-in my information, I add pictures, I add video, and I add PDFs. The template is already there for me and it's free, so I really like that.

What do I need to create a Liquid Syllabus? My recommendation is that you create a Liquid Syllabus folder in your Google Drive that contains PDFs, documents, photos, et cetera and Google Sites links with Google Drive.

I will show you, once we get there, that there's a direct link from the Google Site template to your Google Drive, that is why I highly recommend that you save or create a folder in your Google Drive and gather all the documents that you think you're going to use.

Once you do that, then you're going to decide, once you're in your Google Site, you're going to decide what tabs you want to include. This is just a brief example, I don't use all of these tabs, mine looks a little bit different but these are some of the most common tabs. Those tabs are pages basically in your site and the first one is, course essentials.

So, course essentials gives a description of the course, gives the required books and materials and the technology requirements for the course. Here in this picture is an example of what is in this link.

This instructor added the textbooks that are required, some links to purchase the textbook, the ISBN, the e-book version, and then some information on how to use that textbook. Those are just some of the things that could be in that button.

Many instructors use a Goals button and this can include how students can be successful in this class, maybe your institution offers a certificate of completion. So you can certainly put the requirements on a page for that certificate of completion. It can have specific course goals, like your SLOs.

For example, this link here, this instructor used the first gave a definition of SLOs because we know what SLOs are but students may not know what SLOs are. And so she had the definition here first and immediately under the definition, she had those two or three student learning outcomes that were goals for her teaching her students.

A Resource tab can contain the instructor's role, schedule of weekly agendas, calendars, office hours, campus student services, campus counseling, that can be in a resource page. I personally use an agenda, a weekly agenda button or tab and a weekly or an annual calendar tab.

So I do mine a little bit different but it's whatever your comfort level is and however you want your Liquid Syllabus to look. Then there's also a button for Grading, if you want to add that, so Grading and assignments button. And then Policies, so this one is really important. What are your attendance policies? What's your communication policy? How can your students communicate with you besides just email?

Do you use other apps or do you use, if you use Canvas, do you use Canvas inbox? What are add and drop deadlines or what are your sensor dates? Students should know that so that they won't be dropped accidentally or without knowing that information ahead of time. How they can collaborate with their peers, student and campus code of conduct can be in there, netiquette, policy and plagiarism policy.

In this link example here, this instructor added their add and drop dates. Then for credit colleges, their refund dates, those are always really important for students. If they're going to drop a class, they want to make sure that they get their refund and what those dates are.

So these are all the, basically, definition of those buttons. But again, I'm giving you lots of opportunities or lots of resources to look at many different Liquid Syllabus, so you could decide what buttons you want to add or what tabs you want to add to yours.

I'm going over this very briefly, but I did write an article for OTAN and it's on the OTAN website under web-based class activities, this link will take you there. I'll show this to you briefly. And Veronica, did the page change for you? Can you see the OTAN site? Can you guys see it?

Veronica Parker: No, I still see the PowerPoint.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. Let me just click here, OK. So, can you see that OTAN site now?

Veronica Parker: Yes.

Diana Vera-alba: OK, thanks. This is the article that I wrote for OTAN on Liquid Syllabus and there are lots and lots for the examples here. I'll show you the way that I had created my Liquid Syllabus and information that I included in my Liquid Syllabus, which I'm going to show you live as well.

At the end, there's a resource section, actually in the middle there's also tools resource sections, links for website tools, like I said, I use Google Sites. Video tools to create videos, I use Screencast-O-Matic but I also use Canvas Studio because our district does use Canvas.

So depending on the length of the video, if it's a short video I use Canvas Studio, it's just quick and easy to use. If it's a lengthier video, then I will more than likely use Screencast-O-Matic.

You can also use Emoji Tools. Alisa, if you had a chance a couple of weeks ago, did a presentation or a webinar for OTAN on Emoji Tools, they're lots of fun to use, so you can definitely use emojis. And there's a link there for the emoji.

And then at the end of the article, I have some sample resources. I have about seven different sample resources minus on here as well, this is my Liquid Syllabus from last semester but I'm also going to share my Liquid Syllabus from this semester with you today.

All of these, here, are instructors that have used it and once you look at those you'll be able to see that everybody's a little bit different in the way they create their buttons and their tabs in the Liquid Syllabus. But again, you want to personalize it to your personality and whatever is comfortable for you, we'll go over that shortly.

Before we tour, let me stop sharing for a second. OK, so before we take a tour, how's everybody doing? Would you like to take the tour first or would you like to take a break first?

Because I gave you lots and lots of information. Tour, OK. All right, let's take the tour. Can everybody see my screen? Actually let me pull it up here, in just a moment.

This is my Liquid Syllabus for the semester, can everybody see that? It should say welcome to intermediate advanced reading.

Veronica Parker: Yes.

Diana Vera-alba: OK, all right. On my Liquid Syllabus, I don't have buttons for the tools, I have tabs up here in the top right hand side. Each of these we'll take them, this is the home page, each of these will take you or my students to one of these individual tabs.

And the only one that I have a dropdown is the resources because there's lots of information here in resources. And then, like I mentioned earlier, I divide my weekly agendas here and my calendar here.

But let's take a look at the home page. Like I mentioned, my buttons or my tabs are on the top right hand side and then right in the center is the title of the course. And then my video, my first video is here, meet your instructors. So this is a welcome video that I created welcoming my students to the class.

There are some buttons here and this first one is a link to our Zoom session, I give them the date and time that we meet, and then a link to our Canvas LMS, which is the learning management system that our district uses. As you scroll down, I have my teaching philosophy here and then I have a pact with my students. So what they can expect from me and what I will be expecting from them.

At the bottom, I have a picture carousel. These are more personal pictures, not so much teaching pictures. I want my students to get to know me and get to know what I like to do, so I have a little bit of my life philosophy here that explains some of these pictures. But this is also a way for students to get to know me.

If we were face to face, I would share this information with them as well. I usually shared something at the end of the day. Definitely at the first day of class, we're all sharing and introducing ourselves. But this is a fun way for my students to get to know me and I will periodically change the pictures out. So throughout the semester, I do change the pictures out here.

So that's the home page and that's how I created my-- or the information that I added to my home page. And then, again, there's my assignments tab and there are no assignments here in the Liquid Syllabus. I let students know that they can go to Canvas and this is a direct link to their Canvas sign in.

The next tab is my attendance policy. I want to give my students as much information as I can so won't be dropped from the class. So I tell them how they can get attendance for our online class, and there are four different ways here that they can communicate with me if they will not be attending class. So, my attendance policy is in one tab, my calendar is in another tab.

This is a PDF, and the way my students will know that this is a PDF is there's a pop up box here with the arrow. And that's important for them to know because if they want a copy of this, if they want to either save it to their computer or download it to their device, or even print it, they will have the opportunity by just clicking on this pop out or selecting the pop out.

And then they will get the print option or the download option, or they can add it to their Google Drive, if they are on Google Drive as well. Which my students all have a Google Drive.

And then under the module zero, and I call this module zero because in my Canvas shell I divide the weeks by modules and modules zero is always at the top, because that's our resource module. I have a lot of resources there for my students.

I wanted to add a little bit about that in my Liquid Syllabus as well but the list in Canvas is a lot more extensive. So our accessibility of our course, information about accessibility is here and a link for them for our DSPS website at our district.

And then the netiquette guidelines are here. There's also a PDF here if they want to print it out or they also have the PDF link here if they want to print that out or save it to their computer.

If they want a copy of our paper syllabus, that's also here, and it's PDF version as well. I give them directions to here on how to download it to their computer, or save it the computer, or print it.

I want you to notice something here, because I'm going to show you how to do this in your Google site. When you upload a PDF, especially a multipage PDF like this is. This includes my weekly agenda, so it's eight pages because it's week by week what we're going to go over. There's live links in there and some of the information that's on my home page is here.

But notice as I'm scrolling down, they can see the entire document. That's because I did something in Google Sites. Basically I stretched out the window and I'm going to show you how to do that. Otherwise, when you add a PDF to Google Sites, you will only see maybe like 1/2 to 3/4 of the page.

If you're OK with that, there will be a bar here in the side and students can scroll. But sometimes, especially some of our low tech learners, students that still aren't accustomed to technology, they won't know that there's more information. If they only see half of this window, they'll just think that it's just this picture of my course information. So I'll show you how to stretch out that form with PDFs or documents that you add.

Then there's under-resources, there are are also videos. Like I mentioned, I like using videos for my course. Some of these are Ted Talks, some of these are videos that others have created, but most of the videos that I post in my class are videos that I have created.

The last thing is the student learning outcomes. Students will see this both on my PDF syllabus, they have a link to it here and they'll also see it in Canvas. Because it's really important for me and really important for my students to understand what the expectation is, what I expect the outcomes for them to be and the goals for them.

Remember in the example, some instructors call this school's, I just call it student learning outcomes. And I explain to students what that means, and what it is, and the importance of it.

Then the last tab that I use are my weekly agendas. Again, this is also on my syllabus but I wanted a quick access for my students because if they're going to be absent, especially if they're going to be absent, they know exactly what we're going to cover in class. And they're going to have some links to some resources that we're going to use for that module or that week.

It also has the holidays are on here as well. If it's a short week, like, we had presence weekend, we had a four day weekend to our district, that's how the calendar worked out. Those holidays are on here on the first column as well. Any questions so far?

Veronica Parker: So Diana, there is one question from Jamie. She said that she was live on your website and to view the calendar she needed permission. Do you run into this with students?

Diana Vera-alba: No actually. So this tab here it required a permission? Is that what you're referring to Jamie?

Jamie: Yes. I'm on your Google site, and when I clicked on my calendar and one other link, it wanted me to sign in, it said I needed permission.

Diana Vera-alba: Yes, I'm not sure why it might be--

Jamie: Or it says I need access.

Diana Vera-alba: --it might be a glitch right now, because it's a PDF, It's not a Google Doc. But, I'll check it out during the break, Jamie, I'll sign in with-- I have several emails so I'll try to use a non-Gmail and then see what's going on with that. But no, it should appear.

Jamie: OK.

Diana Vera-alba: Any other questions? No? OK. I think this is a good time to take a break. Because when we come back from the break, what we'll do is I'll take you to the sites. I'll give you also-- I'm going to give you this resource with different links that will help you create your Liquid Syllabus.

But, why don't we go ahead and take a 10 minute break and we'll go ahead and start it now. So it's 1:36, we'll be back at 1:46, then I'll start the timer now. OK, it looks like everybody's back. If you're just coming back, this QR code and this link will give you access to this Liquid Syllabus links and tools, but I've also added it to the chat.

I added this link and I also added the PDF of my slides, so you'll have both in the chat. So let's go ahead and continue. Let me make sure I don't skip over anything. We're going to go live now.

This is the part where if you want to follow along and you want to have almost dual screens, this is where you want to minimize your Zoom screen. Because you will be, if you do that, you'll have the Zoom screen on one side and then you'll be able to open your Google Drive or Google Sites on the other side.

If you've never used Google Sites, don't worry about it. I went to one training and during that training with Melinda, of course it was Melinda so she's excellent, Melinda Holt from OTAN. But, during that Google Sites training, I was creating-- my objective was to create my Liquid Syllabus, and that's what I did.

Of course I went back later and I added video, and I added all the other things that I wanted in my pictures, but I at least created the shell during her presentation. So if you've never created-- my whole point is Google Sites is very intuitive and for those really techie people, you may not like it. You may like, like a blog spot because the templates that are on there, and I'll show you in just a moment.

But if you go to sites.google.com/new and if you're not logged in to your Gmail, and you want to log into your personal Gmail not a work Gmail, but if you log into your personal Gmail you will have that access. Let me go ahead and click on this link. Again, login with your Gmail and your password that you use with your Gmail. Did my screen change for you? Do you see sites on the top left hand side?

Veronica Parker: No, we still see your PowerPoint.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. Let me go ahead and reshare the screen. Do you see it now?

Veronica Parker: Yes.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. All right. So this is sites.google.com/new and this is where my two-- so I've only created two like I mentioned, actually I've created more. Some of them were for presentations but that I physically use with my classes, this is only the second time I've created it for my class.

So this is one of the Liquid Syllabus from last semester, and the link for this site is on that links and also in my article, so you can access that if you want. And then the new one for this semester is here that I just demoed, and you also have the link and access for them.

But to create, to get started, you're just going to choose Blank here. When I choose Blank and when you choose Blank, did my screen change or do I have to reshare?

Veronica Parker: No, it changed.

Diana Vera-alba: OK, great.

Veronica Parker: I think we're seeing your title page.

Diana Vera-alba: Yes. OK, perfect. You'll see that it's kind of like the little blank Canvas, but you have all these great tools on the right hand side. So, you have the first tab here is Insert, this is where you're going to do most of your building in this insert section. And then you have Pages, which right now we only have a Home page because we just got started. And then you have Themes.

So, it's limited but it's very simple to use. That's what I like about it, because I am not a graphic designer like Linda, so Linda might be a little frustrated in this one but she might be able to do better graphics on something else.

But for me simple teacher, this is perfect. I can change the color here, I can change the font size. Here's the Simple font, the Aristotle, the Diplomat, so basically it just changes the font. And these are the only fonts that are available on here. I like Simple so I'm just going to keep it simple, but I'm going to go back to the Insert tab.

So this is how you create the layouts. I'm going to toggle between my-- oops, hopefully it lets me toggle between this brand new and then my current site. That didn't open up, OK. Can you see my existing Google Sites or my Liquid Syllabus?

Veronica Parker: Yes.

Diana Vera-alba: OK, great. So I'm going to just switch these over so I can toggle back and forth. These are the layouts that you have to choose from, that you're going to add to this first blank space. I'm going to toggle back.

This semester, I chose the three window template, last semester I had four. And the reason for that is last semester I had one extra one here for direct access where my students can buy the book. This semester, I have a zero textbook cost class so my students don't have a textbook, that's why I chose three, but it's up to you what you want to put here.

If you remember I had the welcome video here introducing myself, a link to Zoom, and this is also on my Canvas page, and a link to our Canvas page. Like I mentioned during the break, Linda and I were talking about this, when my students access the Liquid Syllabus they're accessing it from our Canvas LMS.

So to the student, it doesn't look like they are going outside of Canvas, I embedded it in Canvas, so to them the Liquid Syllabus exists there in Canvas. But for you the teacher that's creating it, you know that it's a site outside of Canvas.

The reason why I have these buttons here is because the student still thinks they're in Canvas but if they want to go back to Canvas, if they happen to click on the Liquid Syllabus button on my Canvas homepage, they can easily toggle back to Canvas by going here. That's why I have that button there.

Let me go back to our untitled site. Go ahead and add a title whatever your class is, I'm just going to say ESL six seven, but you title it whatever you want. You can always go back and change this.

Here it says enter site name, so maybe I would add the title of the class, workplace. I used to teach a class called workplace communication, so the title I add up here and then the number I add it there.

But you can do this however you want. And then, I'm going to add the four boxes here, so I just drag it over. So whatever you want to add, you can add multiple things, you just drag them over. Let's say I'm dragging and dragging and I say, wait a minute, I don't want that. There's a little trash can here, you just click it and delete it, so it's that simple.

I mean, I don't know about you Linda, but this would take me hours and hours. You're a pro, you teach this but this would take me hours and hours to create any type of buttons like this. So here on the plus, this is where you're going to upload.

You can either upload a picture, you can select an image, you can select it from your Drive, this is why I mentioned that Google Drive is interactive with Google Sites because it's the same product.

You can add a YouTube video, you can add a calendar if you want, or you can add a map. So, it is limited but I've never had an issue with the materials that are included in my syllabus, those are plenty.

If I want to add a YouTube video, for example, it takes me to this link just like in Google Slides. If I want to add a YouTube video to Google Slides, I just provide the link in here. I'm going to do that, let's see. In my jazzy beats here that I was playing earlier, just so that you could see what it looks like.

I copy the link and then press Enter, and if this looks like what I want to add on there, I choose it and then I choose Select, and then, there it is. I can add text, break music, and some cho hop, you can add whatever you want.

You can also change the font, because that's really tiny and I don't think 11 is big enough, I like to go 18 at least. That's how you add things here to this template, your layouts are here. Remember how I had my philosophy, so let's go back. I have these three templates here, and then right under it I have my teaching philosophy.

Notice how this first quadrant of our color is white and then my next section is blue, you can do that, you can keep it all one solid color. But I like the break in the color so that it's visually, it's easy to see that this is now a new thing or a new section. So I just toggled between white and blue, and then white and blue for the four sections that I added. Let's go back.

In order to add any type of text, you're going to choose Text box, and all I did is I selected Text box and then a text box opened here. So it doesn't matter if it opens up tiny, maybe I have this description somewhere else. I could change the font size, I could change the type of font, but remember it's a little bit limited, actually it's not too bad.

I just remembered, you can add more fonts. These are the fonts that I have for my Google Slides, so they carried over to the section here. You have the same type of fonts here, or tools here, or similar tools that you would have in Google Slides or Google Docs but not all of them, remember it's a little bit limited.

You can add your text there. And then to change the color in this far left hand side, there's a little paint section there so I just select it and then I can change it to light gray, or I can go a little bit darker and change it to blue, or I can go and add an image also.

If I want this band to be an image, just like there's an image in this background here which I can also change, I can add an image here in this section, like a band going across.

And then here is this section here for Google Drive. If I wanted to grab something from my Google Drive, since I'm logged in with my Gmail, it's going to capture whatever it is I have in that Google Drive. So if I choose Google Drive, it's going to open up my Drive. I have lots and lots of folders, I really like to organize my Google Drive.

Let's say I wanted to add something from this class, let's say I want to add a document or my agenda for the week. Let's say I wanted to add my agenda for this week, I select it and then I choose Insert, and here is my slide deck. It's a slide deck because it has features here for a slide deck, and of course I can enlarge this.

If you want to use this as a site or if you don't have an LMS, you can kind of use this as a site as well. I'm kind of getting into now the Google Sites portion of it but I just want to show you that you can embed documents from your Drive.

And again if I decide, well no, I don't want to add this, then I just choose, I delete and then it's gone, so very, very intuitive. Remember that I had those sections here, my buttons up here at the top, those are created here in pages. I'm going to go ahead and now switch over to pages and I have my home here, which is this one.

To add another one, I choose this circle with a plus on it and then I'm going to name it, so maybe I'll name this one calendar. Now I have Home and I have Calendar. Maybe I want to add Weekly agendas and then choose Done.

And then I want to add another one that is, what else do they have on there? Assignments were on there, you can just add and add an add. Oh, there was a resource, so my module is zero resources.

Remember that that one had a drop down menu. If I want drop downs to any of these, you go to the skinny snowman or ellipses to the right of where you want the dropdown, and you select it, and then you add a subpage.

Let's say under my resources I'm going to have student services link, and then once I select Done, you notice that it indented so you know that it's going to be under Resources. And then on my tab up here, it already added that triangle or that arrow pointing down so there's my student services tab. You can add as many subcategories to each of these, if you want to add multiple items there.

Let's say I'm just adding and adding and I say, well, I don't like the way these are ordered, maybe I want alphabetical order. Then all you have to do is select it and drag it to the area where you want it to appear. So I want assignments immediately after home page here, and now you have that over here as well. Any questions so far?

I'm going a little bit fast but to me this is really intuitive and super easy to use.

Veronica Parker: Diana, I'm not seeing any questions in the chat.

Diana Vera-alba: OK, wonderful. So what I'm going to let you do, I'm going to let you play around with it. I want you to create your show.

Linda Amor: I do have a question.

Diana Vera-alba: Yes.

Linda Amor: I thought, because I was editing some attributes and then I decided maybe I'm not seeing them because it's not published or something, so I want to click the Publish. I know you're going to get to this, but when you're publishing do you have to type in the whole sites.google.com and do all of that or do you just give the name that you want and then that's an extension of, you know what I'm saying?

Diana Vera-alba: You can do it either way. So for me to access my all Liquid Syllabus or Google Sites that I've created, I just go to sites.google.com and then it will take me to that landing page, oops, not there. But it will take me to that landing page. If I just type sites.google.com--

Linda Amor: I don't want to misname it because I'm afraid it might be hard to fix.

Diana Vera-alba: Oh no. You can change the name. You can change the name.

Linda Amor: When I click publish, I just don't know if I'm still supposed to put the whole part in there or just put the part that I'm customizing in the name.

Diana Vera-alba: You can also unpublished it. So if you chose Publish, if I choose Publish, is this what you're talking about? Can you see the window that popped up?

Linda Amor: Yes, exactly. So if it's example, I don't know if it's going to be added after you automatically-- I don't know that they're webspace and automatically your whole name is going to follow with you. So you just type a name or if you're supposed to, it's like the whole--

Diana Vera-alba: Well, you can add a custom URL, you can manage it if you want, if you somehow want to brand it, you can. But it will-- you know what I didn't do is I didn't-- let me go ahead and preview this really quick.

Linda Amor: That's useful.

Diana Vera-alba: Yeah. I wanted to show you that really quick also.

Linda Amor: Just like what is the previous button?

Diana Vera-alba: Yes. So, let me go back in. I'm glad you asked me because I forgot to show you the preview, that's how you can see what the students see. There are these buttons up here. Here is the-- right now my site is not published, so I cannot have the embed code. Linda, this is what I used. Once I published it, I use this embed code to embed it in my Canvas shell.

I can share this site with others directly from here, just like sharing Google Slides or Google Docs or Google Sheets. But this is the preview, so when I choose preview, this is what my students are going to see, so far I don't have much other than my tabs and that one video I added.

Notice this black rectangular area here, right now it's on the large screen, which is like a computer screen, so this is what it would look like. For tablets, it shrinks up a little bit. And then you could scroll up and down, well, I don't have much down here yet, but once you do. I'll show you in my created site what that looks like as well.

And then here's the phone version. It's really nice and compact for the phone, of course, they're not going to have the tabs up here because it's a phone screen. But the tabs to select the other areas are here, in the three horizontal hamburger link here.

So let me go to my published site, because this one doesn't have a lot of information on there yet, and let me show you that same tool so that you could see what this huge site on here that has lots and lots of information. Did it change by the way? Do you see my reading?

Veronica Parker: Yes.

Diana Vera-alba: OK, great. Again I'm going to choose Preview and I'm going to choose the smallest window, which is the phone window, and here it is. Students can scroll through, here's the video, they can watch the video very easily.

Speaker 3: Diana, does the student, when they use their phone, it automatically goes to the phone version or do they see the big picture and then they have to select the phone version?

Diana Vera-alba: No. They should see the phone version.

Speaker 3: OK.

Diana Vera-alba: Yes, this is what they should see. Again, the video is nice, it's not like this tiny little what do we call it? Thumbprint. It's good size but they can still expand to see the full window of their phone.

So if I chose that, well, of course it's not going to look like this because we're on the computer but they can expand it to the full window of, here's my smartphone. But it would expand to whatever my full window would look like, just like any video on their phone.

And then they can just keep scrolling. Here's that Zoom button, so if they wanted to join Zoom from their phone, they could. Everything that's on my home page is here. And again, the button on the top left hand side or the three horizontal lines, they choose that and they can go to the weekly agendas.

And my weekly agenda is tiny on here, but when they select it then it'll expand to the size of their phone window.

Now this is why, and I'm going to show you how to add a PDF to look like this. Because if you don't stretch out that PDF, I mentioned earlier I'm going to show you how to do that, then they're only going to see this tiny, tiny little window. So for the cell phone, this is where the stretching of the PDF is really, really important.

They're also going to have this toolbar here but they're going to have two toolbars and it's really hard on the cell phone to differentiate which one is to expand and which one is just to move. Let me go back. Any questions before I leave this area?

So let me go back to this here. I'm going to go in and I'm going to add a page for my PDF syllabus. And I'm going to show you what I mean about stretching your documents so that they're easily seen on the cell phone. Now I have my PDF syllabus tab up here and, why isn't this opening?

I have to go to Insert. So, PDF, And I'm going to go to my Drive and I'm going to look for my syllabus, it's in My Folders here just give me just a moment. And here it is, so I select it and I insert. It automatically inserts here and this is what I'm talking about, it's only showing half of my page.

Now I can expand it, which I recommend that you do to horizontally. But see how this circle is here? I can also expand it vertically. Now, if I don't do anything, let me go to Publish, I mean to Preview, sorry. This is what the students will see and they're going to have to drag it down, it's really-- and they're going to have to use the tool bar instead of scrolling this way with their finger.

On the computer version, same thing, they have this tool over here. I don't like that view, so what I do-- I don't like this view, I want them to be able to know that there are multiple pages on there.

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to my syllabus here and I'm just going to stretch and stretch and stretch until this is a eight page document. So I'm just going to stretch and stretch and stretch.

Now, you could stretch it to the first page and just leave it like that and let them use that sidebar but I like to show the whole thing. So I just have to keep dragging and dragging, dragging the circle, it's taking a little bit longer because I'm in this present mode. But you get the gist of what I'm doing. I just drag all the way to the end here, and I just keep dragging and dragging until I get to the last page and then I stop.

Let's say that was the last page, let's just pretend. So now instead of seeing that one page on the window, my students are going to be able to see all the pages that are on there. Of course I would continue stretching and stretching until I got to the eighth page, but that's what I would do with documents. I just think it's easier for students to see that there are multiple pages instead of just that little window.

I don't think that's very intuitive for them or also on the cell phone, it's just going to look really, really tiny and they're going to have to use that little slide bar which is not easy to use even with a mouse. On the cell phone, it would be harder for them to just keep pulling it down and pulling it down instead of using their-- I'm used to using the face of my phone to do this not a little sidebar here. Questions.

Veronica Parker: Not right now.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. We have about, roughly about 30 minutes. So go ahead and practice, I want you to practice, I want you to try it yourself and see if you can add documents. Either you can upload your documents from the Drive or try to add a video from YouTube, create some pages up here, and maybe some subpages, go ahead and do that.

And then if you have any questions, I'm here to help you out with it, maybe try out some different layouts as well. And then maybe, maybe one of you can share yours. Veronica, did you have a question about the PowerPoint?

Veronica Parker: Yes. Someone came in a little later so they wanted access to the PowerPoint as well as the bitsies that you had shared for the site.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. Do you want me to upload it again?

Veronica Parker: No, I did.

Diana Vera-alba: OK, great. Thank you.

Veronica Parker: You're welcome.

Diana Vera-alba: While you're working on that, I'm going to go to the document that I shared, oops, that's not it. Oh no. On this document that I shared, there are two samples here. One is Michelle Pacansky-Brock's photography course and another one is Fabiola Torres's ethnic studies course.

These two instructors if you really like this, I recommend that you follow them because both of them are excellent when it comes to Liquid Syllabus and the fun things that they do. They're both very creative and they've done some amazing stuff with their Liquid Syllabus.

This section here that says professional development humanizing, oops, that should say challenge, is both Michelle and Fabiola's training on @one online network. They did a training, maybe about a year and a half, two years ago, but it's recorded on the @one site. So you can view their presentation, and there are multiple videos right there.

One of the things that I really like is all of their items on their Liquid Syllabus are open educational resources, so that pact that I have on my site, Michelle shared at her training. I modified it a little bit but she said, go ahead and just copy and paste it onto yours, modify it, use it word for word. So they are very into open educational resources, both Fabiola and Michelle.

Then this Padlet here at the end has lots of different Liquids Syllabus. At her @one training, at the end, she kind of went through what I did but it was over a few days. We got to post, on this Padlet we got to post our-- once we completed them we have had access to post our Liquids Syllabus. So, there are lots of examples in this Padlet. Let me see if that, show you really quick.

It was a three day training, that's what it was, three day training on humanizing your course and creating a Liquid Syllabus, and people shared their-- once they completed it, went back home completed it, they shared their Liquid Syllabus. So, lots of different examples for you to see what other people have done. That is on this Google Sheet or Google Docs that I shared with you.

Linda Amor: Ok, it's time for me to ask for help.

Diana Vera-alba: OK.

Linda Amor: And I hate to admit that I use a lot of Google things but I do not use Google Drive. I'm sitting here trying to upload to Google Drive, to have the files there to put into my Google Slides, and I haven't figured out how to upload files into the Google Drive. That sounds embarrassing.

Diana Vera-alba: How to upload--

Linda Amor: How to populate my Google Drive with files that I then, because when you go to click to Edit and add a file or image, it's looking at the Google Drive. I'm not seeing how to actually put a file in Google Drive.

Diana Vera-alba: OK, let me go ahead and--

Linda Amor: I just can't get it, I can't seem to figure out how to get it in there. So, I haven't got beyond the title bar at this point because I can't get any files up in there.

Diana Vera-alba: OK, let me go ahead. Are you trying-- you're in your Google Drive, right? Did you find that?

Linda Amor: I did it open, what I did though is, I'm working on Google Sites and I have Google Drive open on the right hand side.

Linda Amor: OK, all right. Let me go ahead and share mine, and this is Linda, right?

Linda Amor: Yes.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. Here is my Google Drive. When you add folders, you can either create a new folder, you can upload a file, or you can upload an entire folder. If you upload, if you already have your folders organized on your desktop, then you can upload, like let's say, your coursework. Or you can upload individual things in there and then create, well, I would create the folder in here first.

Linda Amor: I'm thinking I have to get into Google Drive separately and not have it just there as an open window when I'm in Google Sites.

Diana Vera-alba: No you can have-- yeah, because I have actually, I have my Drive opened twice.

Linda Amor: That was the problem because as soon as I opened the new tab in my browser, and went up to-- and opened Google Drive separately, now I have all the tools. So, [inaudible] in the site editing the site, all it was letting me do was look the files in Google Drive but it wasn't letting me upload anything into Google Drive.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. So you were trying to do it in the same tab.

Linda Amor: I was trying to work in Google Sites, I thought that when Google opened up...

Diana Vera-alba: Yeah, no. You need a separate, look at all my windows that I have opened.

Linda Amor: Yeah. It was only going to let me get to files that were already there, now I can see all sorts of stuff.

Diana Vera-alba: If you've never used Google Drive before, I have files inside of files inside of files. So here's my Drive, and this is just for one of my Gmails, but this is the one that I use for work because here's my Linda SDCCD file or folder. And then within that I have more folders, and then what I do because I have so many folders, is the ones that I use the most I title 00 or 01.

If you have lots of folders, like I used to have lots of things in my thumb Drive, so I had to find a way to organize it. For me, you can add color to your folder and the folders that I remove the color when I'm not using that folder that semester. It just kind of helps me organize because I have so many folders in here.

Linda Amor: You're only using not even six gigs of storage.

Diana Vera-alba: I know, you know why? Because most of my documents are Google Docs or Google Slides, in this Gmail. This is why I have so many Gmails, is because when I first started using this I was using my personal Gmail not thinking, and then I was uploading everything because everything was on Microsoft so I had lots of PowerPoint.

Anything Microsoft is going to eat up your gigabytes. If you use any Google product, it doesn't go against this. That's why I created this new Gmail that I said, no, this is only going to be for work.

I'm not going to do anything else, this is going to be my work Drive. And I'm going to use Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, everything Google so that I-- pictures take up some storage but what really takes up storage is if you start uploading Microsoft PowerPoints.

Now, if you do that, you can always convert them to slides, you just kind of have to fix them a little. And then you can delete your-- once you convert it to a Google slide from a PowerPoint or Microsoft Word to a Google Doc, then delete the Microsoft product because that's what's going to start eating your storage.

Because I have another one that's like at 14.9 because it's everything Microsoft, and lots of pictures and videos. Otherwise, don't do what I did.

Linda Amor: So I have a late start here but now I know how to get stuff in there.

Diana Vera-alba: You're at my district, right? So, you have access to tech mentors that can show you how to do all this. I'm a tech mentor by the way, at the district. So if--

Linda Amor: I have not worked with the Google Drive that's it, I've avoided it.

Diana Vera-alba: Yeah, a lot of us use Google, so--

Linda Amor: [inaudible] and more site, I did that once before. All these slides everywhere and I said, you know what? I'm going to bring it all back in, just like when you have too many credit cards, too many bank accounts, then I'm only going for a couple of them and managed in one place.

Diana Vera-alba: I know, I just went to a training with Anthony Vargus and they're trying to teach us how to use SharePoint. And I thought, oh no, took me years to bring everything over to Google, and it's only for one thing, for academic Senate. And I'm like, I'll just keep using what I'm using.

Linda Amor: I swear, Microsoft product.

Diana Vera-alba: Yeah. But

Linda Amor: It was going really was slow, I'm surprised they're doing it.

Diana Vera-alba: Yeah. It makes sense for classified and admin, it does. When Anthony showed us, I was like wow, that is really awesome. It really makes sense, and then it's under the umbrella of the district so.

Linda Amor: Well, they probably seen the 365 professional version of Microsoft.

Diana Vera-alba: Right, exactly.

Linda Amor: So it's [inaudible]

Diana Vera-alba: Yeah. Any other questions? OK, so we have about 23 minutes left. Does anybody want to share? Veronica, are they able to share?

Veronica Parker: Yes. Everyone has access to the Share button.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. Does anybody want to be brave and share what they created?

Linda Amor: Can I ask you something else since I'm asking? No, I'm not volunteering to share at this point. But I don't have anything but the title bar and I finally figured out how to get one image in there.

Diana Vera-alba: That's OK.

Linda Amor: So, I'm wondering about that link you made back to the Canvas class, is that too complicated a question to ask right now? On your--

Diana Vera-alba: You Mean when I embedded my Liquid Syllabus in Canvas?

Linda Amor: Well, no. I'm talking about in your Liquid Syllabus, where you created the files [inaudible].

Diana Vera-alba: Yeah, no. It was really easy. Our login for Canvas, I just copied that link and then I embedded it in that button. So let me show you, I can show you that really quick, that's really easy to do.

Linda Amor: I thought it closed the window or something.

Diana Vera-alba: Let me go back to-- let me create one and let me grab-- well, I'll just show you live. Let me go back and share my screen really quick. OK. So, if I want to add a button, I'm going to-- anything I'm adding I'm going to go back to Insert.

And so here is button on the right hand side, and I'm just going to drag it. Oops I lied, I'm going to click on it, I'm going to name it, and I'm going to call it Canvas because I want to-- and then I need the link. I need to open up, let me see, do I have Canvas on one of these tabs? I've so many open. I'm going to-- can you see my screen?

Linda Amor: I can.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. So I'm going to go to Canvas, I'm going to grab this link, just copy it. I'm going to go back here, and I'm going to paste it here. I'm going to choose Insert, and now it's a live link.

Now, if I want it here, automatically it puts it to the bottom, but if I wanted the button to be here or below, I should have done that instead. If you mess up, it has the Undo feature here, so let me undo that.

Linda Amor: OK. Well, I've been separately just deleting the whole row and building it again because when I took one out, I was left with one less file on there.

Diana Vera-alba: Right. I'm sorry about that. So you can undo or redo, so yeah, you can do either one so you don't have to rebuild it. But I've done that before too if it just gets too messy, I've done that before, if I accidentally deleted this and I really wanted to upload a, let's say, I want to select an image of a computer and--

Linda Amor: Does that make them have to log in to Canvas again? It looks like it would.

Diana Vera-alba: Not if they are in Canvas when they accessed it.

Linda Amor: OK, Because they're still logged in there.

Diana Vera-alba: Correct. Maybe I want this one, and then I'm just going to insert. And then it inserts the picture to the size of that block or square because the button is already there. That's why I'm saying this is so easy, I don't even have to resize the pictures, the dimensions are already there, somebody built this. It's limited in fonts and colors and things like that, but I think it's fine.

You can also shorten this if you don't like this thick block here. header type, I could do title only if I don't want a header, or I can make it larger, or I can just have an entire picture, I wouldn't do that.

But, I can change, so that was header type, I can change the image, I can select an image. These are the options when I clicked on Select Image, these are the options that Google Sites have but you can also upload a picture if you want.

Last semester I used this blue purply thing, my reading class I use that but I can select and then it changes it for me here. So if it changes it on the home page, it's also going to automatically, you just give it a second or refresh and it's going to change it on all the pages. It just takes a second, but it will change it.

Linda Amor: It keeps making my picture bigger and I even went into Photoshop and sized it down.

Diana Vera-alba: Here? You mean the pictures here?

Linda Amor: In the tile, it keep making the image I'm bringing in larger and it's actually too large for the file and I keep-- and so now I've edited the image, even trying to get around this. So I don't know some way to make it stay--

Diana Vera-alba: The size of the tile?

Linda Amor: Then the tile is smaller than the file. It's stretching it, so now I made it really small and stretched it, so now I have a picture is getting closer to only me.

Diana Vera-alba: What if you choose, like, choose it once and then use these here. Because what I noticed is this is like a double layer, it's the layer of your picture that has these buttons where you can expand or shrink, and then there's this template that has those buttons.

So, I noticed that when I created my carousel, by the way, those pictures at the bottom that I added on here, let me go back to the home page, that I added here at the bottom, it's actually a carousel. Once I publish it, these are just going to play through, and to do that, that's really easy. It's here, image carousel, you just drag it over or, I'm sorry, this one is not a drag, this one's a--

Linda Amor: That's your little thing?

Diana Vera-alba: Yeah. And you just keep adding images and images and images, yesterday I was adding lots of images. You can either upload an image from your computer or you can select an image if you have pictures in Google Drive or whatever, you can choose them from Google Drive or Google Images, I have lots of photos there . Or if you know that URL of the picture.

There are several ways to add pictures to that carousel. Like I said, once you publish it, then it'll continuously play the pictures. I believe, yeah, where's my other site? It's, let's see. On my fall semester, let's see. Can you see this site that says welcome to our VESL six seven?

Linda Amor: Yeah I can.

Diana Vera-alba: OK. So at the bottom, once I preview, when students see it, this just plays through. This is why they call it a carousel, because it's just kind of rotating and rotating and rotating your pictures.

OK, anybody like to share? Let me stop sharing. Would anybody like to share what they created so far?

Linda Amor: I'm not making any progress, so.

Diana Vera-alba: Come on guys, be brave.

Linda Amor: I keep making progress, smaller and smaller and trying to get it to be something that works in there. Well, now my mouse doesn't work, oh no.

Diana Vera-alba: Bye Jane, thank you for your message.

Linda Amor: I haven't given up. Maybe... um... boy. You have to get sometimes to be frustrated like this, trying to learn something new, like getting things to work.

Diana Vera-alba: I know. And I was at a three day workshop with Melinda on Google Sites so I did ask her though, because she briefly came in before you guys came in, so if anybody's interested in possibly learning how to use Google Sites in one of her trainings, she's excellent and like I said it. I think it was three days, it was either two or three days.

Just let OTAN know so that they know that there's interest, and then they can put it on the calendar and get it out to everybody.

Linda Amor: OK, I'll share this with you, only so you could see what I'm dealing with, because I didn't get anywhere with doing the rest of it, sadly. Let me see where the Share screen is then I'll switch, can I do that?

Diana Vera-alba: Sure.

Linda Amor: OK. So there's a share and now I'm going to bring it over, because obviously right now you're just looking at my desktop, I don't like anything on my desktop, so it's clear. It's up right there I have my Photoshop stuff showing.

So I got this was easy at the time and then I try to bring my tile in, I have shrunk it so tiny now that it's a little tiny tile and yet still Google Slides keep stretching, you see how blurry it is now because this is just really a tiny tile. But I can't seem, for whatever reason, the setting on this is that it's stretching it. And I've gone in here, it keeps doing this.

I started out with the tile that was about 300 pixels wide, and then I took it be about 150, and now it's taken it down to 100, and it always stretches it to the same size. You know what? I think I just figured it out. I know it's just apps in here.

Diana Vera-alba: Is it because of that double layer? Remember I mentioned that.

Linda Amor: No.

Diana Vera-alba: I noticed that it's like a double layer if we just-- we only see the outside, but.

Linda Amor: This is a frame with, well it's actually a page with three frames in it, but what's going on is, I'll show you now. So by double clicks I'm only managing the image itself here, what it's doing is it's stretching it to one side to fit and that's making the other sides oversized.

What I need to do is I need to put in the image that's perfectly squared if I'm going to use square frames. It took me all this time to figure that out.

Diana Vera-alba: So, you're using-- you're trying to embed the picture from your Canvas dashboard, right?

Linda Amor: Well it's one of the images, this is the tile that they see when they go to Canvas. I created custom tiles that they see to pick up from all their courses, so they see colorful tiles for a moment. And I thought, well, that would be a nice image to put here as to go back to Canvas, but it was the same button they see when they enter Canvas normally.

Anyway, I figured out though what is causing it to stretch this way. Having created web pages in the past with writing the programming code, I am accustomed to being able to set the dimensions. I couldn't find any way to get in here and modify the embedded code.

Diana Vera-alba: It's not like HTML code, that's why I say Linda might not like this but.

Linda Amor: No. I mean, I'm just laughing because it's such a simple obvious answer, that they want you to have a perfectly proportional image, and that's what it is. So I spent all that time.

Diana Vera-alba: Well, now you know.

Linda Amor: Figuring that out, but I'm reminded that--

Diana Vera-alba: What if you snipped it?

Linda Amor: Well, I mean it has text in here, so it's going to cut it off.

Diana Vera-alba: OK.

Linda Amor: But I really have to make it a proportionally square image. What I cut off on the bottom of here was where it says spring 2021, I just feel they should just keep this one portion and I'll have to custom make it. So I'll just have to do something different really. Anyway, this is as far as I got, and I was trying to figure out also how to have the line and not have the line height and I couldn't.

Diana Vera-alba: So, those are, yes. Those things are limiting, so what you see is what you get with the tools. You're either going to have to--

Linda Amor: And I can't delete this either. If I delete this, it takes this tile out.

Diana Vera-alba: Yes, but you can add another row of tiles and then drag whatever you need over, that's what I did.

Linda Amor: Yep. Also, you can move them, once they exist, you can delete. OK, that's good to know.

Diana Vera-Alba: So I had really messed up one of my tiles but I had already completed all this other stuff and I didn't want to delete everything else. So that's what I thought, let's see if this works.

Linda Amor: This is really funny because I got this part done in about two minutes, I spent up all that time trying to figure out how to do this part. But you know you keep your brain sharp by learning new things, and since I am just so, I tell people that all the time. Anyway I'll stop sharing and let somebody else jump in.

Diana Vera-alba: Thank you for sharing Linda.

Linda Amor: Maybe that'll help somebody else, just doing it OK. I love when I can't find that stop sharing but it's hidden behind other windows right now, there we go,

Diana Vera-alba: OK, anybody else would like to-- Marina you're here, I hope. Are you here Marina?

Marina: Yes I am here. I told you I was multitasking, I had a guest speaker in class today so I was listening to her, but I've heard her presentation four times. But yeah, sorry I was late and thank you Veronica for sending me those links that I missed.

Veronica Parker: You're welcome.

Marina: I've been listening.

Diana Vera-alba: I'll send you those other links that you asked me about the other presentation, yeah.

Marina: Thank you.

Diana Vera-alba: You're welcome. Anybody else care to share? Going once, going twice.

Linda Amor: Come on, are we doing homework?

Diana Vera-alba: OK. Well, thank you, thank you, thank you, let me go back to-- unless somebody wants to share, let me go back to the presentation really quick. Because there is one more, OK.

Yep, I think I got everything. Oops, what's going on with, OK, good. It didn't freeze. Hopefully what you learn today is you learned about a Liquid Syllabus, what it is. You received some resources to get you started with your own Liquid Syllabus site, and you got an opportunity to practice creating a Google site shell to house your Liquid Syllabus.

I thank you very much for being here today. I hope you were inspired to create a Liquid Syllabus, I hope you get an opportunity to check out some of those other links for the Liquid Syllabus from the other instructors. And hopefully you find a sample that you like or you at least get inspired by them and you get started on your Liquid Syllabus.