[LOGO CHIMING] SPEAKER 1: OTAN. Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. MELINDA HOLT: Google Account and Management or Google Account Management and Safety. This started being an issue, I'm going to say, when people started using Google, they were forced to use Google during COVID, and they're still using Google during COVID, but teachers started using it and going, oh, my God. I have my personal account. Now they're telling me I have to use the school account. How do I switch back and forth between accounts? Is that OK to do that? I created a file now I can't find it. I think it's in the other account, but I know how to get there. So all of these questions were coming up. So I created a training for it. And this is this part one of three. This e-book that I'm showing you right now. This is part one of three. I'm going to give you all three e-books. So at the end of this session, you will have a link that will open this up, and you will be able to look at all of these slides. There's like 80 something slides on account management. Yeah, wow! So the way this works is each slide-- well, first of all, at the beginning, it tells you what's going to be covered. So this book one is going to be account types. Book two is going to be-- let me scroll down here. Book two is going to be sharing and transferring. And then, book three is going to be the actual account safety. I'm not going to cover everything today, folks. This took four workshops, four two-hour workshops to cover all three of these books. We don't have the time. I got an hour and a half. I got little info, little-- lots of information, I should say, and a little bitty space. This was going to be a tw0-hour session. I switched it with one of our other presenters because they went, oh, I need more time. So, OK, fine. I'll just talk faster. This entire thing that I'm showing you can be a workshop at your California Adult Education Program. So, if you go, oh wow, we really need that. Or if you see anything, any of the presentations that OTAN is giving you today or tomorrow if you see anything that really piques your interest or my staff need that, contact us, and we will be able to do a workshop just for your staff free, free, free, free. Contact me later about that. And as I say the word me, it occurs to me that I didn't tell you who I am. I apologize. My name is Melinda Holt. I am at OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. And we are housed at SCOE, Sacramento County Office of Education. OTAN is a grant-funded project. It's a leadership project, as is CALPRO and CASAS. If you're from California, you know those acronyms. I am a certified Google educator level one and two. I'm a certified trainer. I've been a trainer since-- it's been a few years, I believe six. That's why at year five, they gave us this little T badge right here. I am also Google Cloud certified. I got in just as they were ending that. More on that later. I am a professional learning leader certified, and I am a Google Admin. So I know the behind-the-scenes thing. So if your network person tells you, no, we can do that. And you don't believe them, contact me. I'll be able to tell you, yeah, he's right, or she's right, or maybe they don't know that they can go this way. So that's me. Back to the handout. There is a table of contents for each one. If you don't know something, or you want to jump right in, you can go to any one of these titles. Click it, and it opens. If you want to go back to the table of contents, you can click the TOC in the top right-hand corner and click it, and I'll take you back. So it's going back and forth. So I think we went to slide 12, and then we're back on slide four. So this is a working live dynamic e-book. As I think of things to put in here or is updates are needed, it will be added. So that's how this works. Any questions on the e-book? I know there's one coming. Come on. Somebody ask. How do we get it? Hint, hint, how do we get it? Do you want it? Do you want this right now? And to explain one more thing because I'm not actually giving it to you. I am letting you see it as a student like this. So there's the URL way down at the bottom, Bitly. And it is case-sensitive. So it's https://bit.ly/AccountAndSafety. I am going to put this in the chat so you can just click on it, and it will open just like it has for me. So there that is. This isn't what we call preview mode. If you're in Google land, preview mode means that you can look at it, and you can go through the slides just by clicking. It'll go to slide two, and then you click, and it goes to slide three. Click, and it goes to slide four. All of the links still work. You click on the link, it goes to the page you want it to. You click on the TC, it comes back, TOC rather, it comes back. You cannot make a copy of it. I want a copy. You can't have a copy. This is a dynamic e-book. If I'm making changes on it, and you've made a copy last week, you don't see the changes. So you're more than welcome to share this with your students or share it with your staff. Share that link if you want, but please don't ask me for a copy of this. That being said, there is a PDF. So on slide 5, the next part of the TOC. I'm going to click the PDF link, and here is the last time it was updated, February 3, 2021. So if you click that, you can download. It's stuck in time. Please understand that it is stuck in time. Now, this is the student, what I call the student view. So I'm going to close this because I'm the trainer, so I see the real thing. And I can add to it if we see mistakes. Let's jump in here. Enough about the tutorial. You need to know the differences between your accounts. You might have two different types of accounts: The PUB and the CLUB. What's a PUB? Well, it's a term that was created way back when back in Ireland when, you know, the English they wouldn't let the Irish have their own bars because they thought we drank too much and what have you. So we recreated our own. We created in our house, and we invited people into our houses, and it was called a public house. And as overtime, because everybody likes short words, we started calling it the PUB. So when you're in the PUB, you can do anything you want. You can email. You can save files. You can do anything you want because it's yours. It's your PUB. So the difference between that and a CLUB. In a CLUB, you're quite proper, and you must held your cup just so like that. Yeah. And if you don't hold your cup like this, this is actually your password right here. You have the key. And if you don't use the key correctly, you don't get in. Do you? So the CLUB will end in @net, @org, @edu. SCOE.net is a CLUB. So if you have a Google, you know you have a Google because it opens up Google Drive, and it ends in @SCOE.net, @MountDiablo.edu, @LAUSD.org. And I know that's not what yours is, but if it ends in something like that, it's a CLUB. Why is that a big thing? Because when you have two accounts, and you sign into one, that is your default. That's where everything opens first. Now I have a video screen opens from the-- It looks weird, but I'm going to move my screen over a bit. And then, if you're following along, go to Google.com, just go to the Google Search. All righty, so if you've opened up the Google Search page, and if you're using Chrome, it's much better if you're using Chrome. I'm just going to put that out there. Yes, you can use Edge and Firefox and any other browser you want, but it's better if you're using Chrome. Chrome is a Google, and your Google is Google. So use Chrome. Now, when you're on the Google Search page, if you're signed in, you'll see your avatar. Now, mine is kind of small here, and I think if I, you know, I didn't set it up. So right here, I can't Zoom in anymore. Sorry about that, but I see my little face here. And I know because it's got that green background. I know this is my PUB account. When I click on that avatar, it tells me other accounts that I have. NICK: All right. You ready to go lay down? MELINDA HOLT: Nick, could you mute, please. OK. I know somebody needed a little rest, maybe lay down, but-- so when you click on your avatar, you will see the other accounts that you're signed in. So here's a student account that I created because I need to see the student's view sometimes. And here is my CLUB account, mholt@scoe.net. So if I click on that, you're going to see my browser change because I switched accounts. I switched accounts. I went from my PUB to my now CLUB, and I know it's my CLUB because I see the white background and I'm wearing a brown shirt. So I have two different avatars for different accounts. When I click on the avatar, again, look online if you can see this, and I wish I could make it bigger for you, but it says SCOE Tech. And here's the magic word right here, default. That means I signed into this account first. Well, Melinda, why is that important? Because when I go to open my Drive right now. Let's go back to my-- this is the first account I signed into. First account I signed into was SCOE Tech, my PUB. And when I go to Gmail any minute now. We got to wait for the magic. It signs into the Gmail for the default account. If I go to Drive, it will open Drive to my default account. The one that I signed into first. Can you switch? Absolutely. So if you're creating educational resources, you probably want to use your club account. Now, if you don't have one, you don't have to worry about it. You don't have to worry about it. Except you might have a teacher account on the PUB, and you might have a personal account on the PUB, so then do you have to worry about it? Yeah. You do because you don't want to share that document with your students if your email address is partygirl@gmail.com. You want it to be ESLteacher@gmail.com. So be careful or be aware of, I should say, be aware of who you are. Who are you when you open up Drive? The first thing I do when I open up anything is look at my avatar. Those of you that don't have an avatar, you can actually put one in. Right now, if your first name starts with a C, then you're going to see a letter C there. Your first name starts with a N, you're going to see a letter N right here. And if you go back and forth between accounts, you'll see the letter color change. So, Vickie, it would be a letter V. It might be yellow on one account, and it might be blue on the other. You always have to look. You always have to see who you are. Do that or get used to doing that before you start creating things. I don't know how many times I have created a document, and it's on my PUB account. This is my work PUB. It's not a big deal, but still, if I want it to belong to the CLUB, now I said, oh, man, now I got to make a copy of it, and I got to put it in other Drive and blah, blah, blah. It's a lot more work. It's more work. So be efficient, and know who you are. Remember, I told you whoever you sign in first, that is going to be the default. It just means that that's going to be the account that opens things first. So if you go to-- let's say you sign in, and then you go to your slides. It always goes to the default. Can you switch? Yes, just click on your avatar. If you're signed into two accounts, and yes, you can be. You can actually be signed into like 50 accounts. Don't do that. OK. Three, four accounts, no problem. But when you select your avatar, you can switch, just like that. Now, my CLUB account also adds it's little what? Brand on it. I have no control over that. But that's another way for me to tell who I am. I see that I would go, OK, I'm in my PUB or my CLUB or whatever. Or if I go to the student account, I look at the avatar. Yeah, take a tour because I've never been here before on the student account. So I know right away who I am by looking at that avatar. Do we have any questions on that because that's really, I mean, I've taken like 20 slides, and dumbed it down into about 5, 10 minutes here? So know who you are. We're good. AUDIENCE: OK, Melinda. So you recommend us to create a different account from the school account? MELINDA HOLT: Do I recommend it? Well, this is where Melinda is going to get in trouble. I do recommend that you have your own personal account. I recommend that you follow your school's rules. And if they want you to use your CLUB account with your students, then that's what you should do. If your students do not have a CLUB account, that makes it harder on you to share. So that's going to be-- AUDIENCE: --what I noticed. MELINDA HOLT: Yeah, that's in that, I think, it's book two, where we go over file sharing, and we'll get to book two today. So you got COVID working for you right now. And this is one of the silver linings of COVID that many adult education students did not have a CLUB account. And the teachers couldn't share things with them, especially classroom. And you've got your district telling, you will use classroom. And so the teachers went, yeah, OK, fine, but I can't get my students in because you don't let them have accounts. AUDIENCE: So let me ask this question then so that they send us to share a file. They needed a permission. So I fiddle around, and then I find that there is a link anybody who has the link can open it. Yes, this is safe if I click that and any anybody has the link, and they open, I give them permission, then that's a safe? MELINDA HOLT: That is safe. AUDIENCE: OK. MELINDA HOLT: As long as you don't give them edit rights. So the length that you're selecting when you go to share the viewable link, you're just giving them view rights. View rights will give people permission to make a copy or download. So right now, if I had view rights, I would be able to make a copy of this slide stack, or I would be able to download it as a PowerPoint, as a PDF, or even as a bunch of images put together, which you never want to do this on a really big slide set. If I just wanted to grab the text, I could download it as plain text. So as a viewer, unless you turn it off, which you can do. As a viewer, I can download or make a copy. When I make a copy, it's stuck in time, and it's mine. It's not yours anymore. So that was a long answer to your question, but yes, it is safe. I would say it was safe. AUDIENCE: Thank you. MELINDA HOLT: You bet. Let's see. We've already gone over this. Like I said, we've gone over a bunch of this stuff. By the way, a little segue here, my student account where you saw-- this here's my avatar, Winky Whotoo, winkywhotoo@yahoo.com. Well, how are you using Yahoo? Because I created a Gmail account. Shame on me. Because I created a Google account using a Yahoo address. Yes, you can do that. And yes, your students can do that. So if you have a Yahoo or if you have, God forbid, aol.com still, get rid of it or Comcast.net, whatever email that you really like using. You don't want to use Gmail. You're never going to use Gmail, then create an account using that email address that you like. You can do that. You go to accounts.google.com, and it will give you the option to create the account with another email address. So you get all of the Google tools on the PUB. You get all of the Google tools without Gmail. And then, if I, as a teacher, want to share with Winky Whotoo, when I send out a message, it goes to Yahoo.com. It's really, really kind of slick, and I think it's really smart on Google's part because they don't have to worry about the file storage. They're saving themselves some space and you. I'm just looking here real quick, yes, accounts. So let's say you're signed in, and you notice that somebody else has signed in on your computer, and now their account is here. So let's say, for instance, Winky Whotoo is a student and use my laptop, and now I see that they're signed in. You can remove them. You can remove them by signing out, but when you do that, you have to sign out of all accounts. So just be aware of that. You can remove them from the list. You're not doing anything to that other person's account. You're just taking them out of your list. Having them in the list as signed in or signed out, it doesn't matter. It's not going to do anything to your account. But if I allow my student to use my laptop and I stay signed in, shame on me. Shame on me. Remember to sign out before you give your device to anybody. And I know we-- Here recently, we haven't had to worry about that because we've all been home. But when you get back to room classes, and please let that happen soon, make sure you sign out of your account before you give your device to anybody. Let's see. We're on slide 34. This kind of takes you through the order of removing accounts and what have you. AUDREY: Melinda. MELINDA HOLT: Yes. AUDREY: Going back to the Winky Whotoo Yahoo account. Winky Whotoo. And it's kind of blowing my mind. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. So the only difference is that they have a Yahoo account email, but they still can use Drive with that Yahoo-- MELINDA HOLT: Absolutely. Yeah, so I can go-- hang on a minute. I'm going to open the browser. And this is-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] MELINDA HOLT: Wait, wait. I got lots of people talking. So let me show this first, and then and we'll get back. So right here, the Firefox, I should still be signed into two different accounts. Oh, look at that all of these accounts. So all of these accounts have used this browser on this device before, so that's why they're all here, and here's a blinkabinky@gmail.com. Here's a scoetech@yahoo.com. So I could sign in to, and here's what's going to happen. So you still have to sign in to Drive in order to use it. So, Audrey, I would go to Yahoo. I would sign in. That only gets me Yahoo mail. That's it. Then when I want to use Drive, I have to go to Drive and sign in there too. Now, if you have your students do this, word of advice, have them use the same password. So whatever their Yahoo password is, use that when they sign into Drive. Tell them when they create their accounts use the same password. Because then they don't have to remember two different passwords. There's no SSO between Yahoo and Google. This is a Google account. It's just using a Yahoo. AUDREY: And this is just public, not for CLUB. MELINDA HOLT: Only the PUB. Yeah. This does not work for the club. AUDREY: All right. Thank you. MELINDA HOLT: You bet. Now, Karen, I saw you come up. Do you have a question? KAREN: Well, my question was, can I do that with the existing account? MELINDA HOLT: Absolutely. If I have a Yahoo account, and I've never created a Google with it, then I could go to accounts.google.com, put in my Yahoo address or my Comcast address, or whatever address you want. Make sure it's the same password is that Comcast or AOL, or Yahoo when you create the Google. Boom! You're in. There is I believe it's also linked on here within the book. There's a link that will take you to a PDF that goes step by step how to create a Google account using another email address. So I don't leave you hanging. There's another handout. There's a link in here somewhere. I've got a lot to cover, so I'm not sure exactly where it is. Just trust me, it's in there somewhere. You're going to find it. And this is the PDF on this. So the main point about this is who you are when you sign into Google. Know who you are first because that's going to be the default. So if you sign into your CLUB account first, that's going to be default. And that will always open the tools first. If you sign out of everything, and then you sign into your public account first, that will be the default, which only it just means that you're going to have to switch between accounts if you want your public stuff to be private and your school stuff to be public or with your students. KAREN: Another question. So when you say default, you mean default on that particular day? MELINDA HOLT: This is my device, so I stay signed in. I don't ever sign out on this computer. It's not dangerous if I'm the only one signed in or the only one using this device. KAREN: So last default that you use-- MELINDA HOLT: Whatever I sign in first, it doesn't matter. If I stay signed in, whoever I signed in first as that is the default account. So let me-- here we go. And I shared this with myself that's why it's opening. There we go. So I know by looking at-- I clicked on the avatar. I know by looking at this that when it says SCOE Tech, default, that I signed in. At some point on this computer, I signed in first with scoetech@gmail.com. If I had signed in with mholt@scoe.net, it would say default next to that avatar. KAREN: You mean it remains the default for that-- MELINDA HOLT: Yes, for the entire session until you sign out. Until you sign out. I just I've got a bunch of slides open now. Every time I click a link, it opens a slide. Let me get rid of that. Let me get rid of that. Now, sharing and transferring. There's a link here that will open part two for you as a student. Same deal you can go between the slides. It tells you about the tutorials. Here are the links. You click on them, and will take you to that page. Here are the sharing types and options that you have at your disposal on any Google account, whether it be CLUB or PUB. So if you use the owner, you have the supreme rights to everything that you create. Everything you create is yours or your CLUBS. And even then, it's still yours. So, as an owner, you're able to edit it. You're able to comment on it. You're able to view it. You can share it. You can do anything you want. All of these checks for owner, the owner is the supreme being. When you give permissions to an editor, they can do pretty much what an owner can do with some caveats. So change sharing permissions as the owner. The owner can change that for an editor. If I'm sharing something with Karen since you were the last one that spoke. If I'm sharing something with Karen, but I really don't want Karen to add Alison or Kristen or Tony, then I would turn off that option for her to share. And yes, I'm going to show you where that's at. If I don't want Karen to be able to remove people, then I would turn that off. If I don't want her to be able to turn off copy options, then I would turn that off for her. So usually, you give the editor all the same rights as the owner, except these two things cannot be done. You cannot delete the file permanently from the Google verse if you are an editor, and you cannot transfer ownership to another account if you are the editor. As a commenter, you can do everything except the red stars here. If the owner has turned it off, then you can't do it. So this booklet that we're looking at right now, I have turned off the option to print or make a copy. Well, Melinda, how do you do that? I'm so glad you asked. Watch this. So I'm going to click on, and I tell you what? This is a good time. Go ahead and open something in Google. It doesn't matter if it's a Google Doc, a Google Sheet, or a Google Slides. So, if you have to, go to your Drive. If you're on the Google Search page still, you could actually use the-- I'm trying to look for it. Here we go. You could use the waffle, is what they call it. It's the Google Apps launcher, but you could use that waffle and just open up a slide, a sheet, a doc. One of those three things, where you could go to Drive, and then open one of those three things. And I'm stalling a little bit to give you time to do that. So open a doc, sheet, or slide. You could even segue. You could open a new one just by typing docs.new or slides.new or sheets.new. That's all you have to do, especially when you're using Chrome. Now that also works when you're using Firefox and Edge now. Not always, though. I found out that sometimes on Edge, it goes, I don't know what that is, so I'm going to think it's a link. So but on Chrome, it always works. So I have a document open. If you've got one open too, that's great. If you have a slide open, it's the same thing. The Share button works the same. So if you have something open, click on your Share button. Yeah, I need to title this. I'm going to title this document, Deletedo. That's what I do, so I can remember to delete it later. So after you click on the Share button of something that was already titled, you should see this. All documents that you create are restricted. They're not shared with anybody. You decide whether or not to share. Chun-hee, you were asking about the sharable link. Here's right here where you can click on Copy link or change anyone with the link. This will open it up to anybody. So if my student sends that link to their children, or to their aunt or uncle or cousin, whatever, they can open it as well. That means anyone with the link means exactly that. Anyone with the link. And here's where I would copy it. So if you're going to share it with somebody and you don't care, you would do this. And I have to hit Done now. I'm going to go back to the Share button. So if have done the same, thing that's great. Just select the Share button again. And now I see that anyone on the internet with this link can view. Well, Melinda, you said you were going to show us how to stop him from making a copy. I am. I am, but you have to do that first. If you're sharing with somebody, there we go. So I went to the gear for those of you that missed that. In line with share with people in groups, there's a gear. I'm clicking on the gear, and there we see, Share with people settings. And there are two checkboxes here. And these are very important. Do I want my editor to have the same permissions as the owner to change permissions or to add to the Share, or to even select or deselect this Make the copy button? No. So I take that away. Now, I'm looking at viewers, and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy. If I want them to see that option, then I leave it. If I don't, boom, I take it away. Now they cannot make a copy or download or print. And that's exactly what I did with those e-books. I deselected this. And then, I copied the link, and I created a Bitly out of it, but I could have copied that link and just given it to you. And you would see the same thing that you're seeing now if you have one of those books open. AUDIENCE: Didn't publish it? MELINDA HOLT: I did not publish it. I don't publish to the web, and that is an option. On Google Docs, you're-- I'm not going to say it's vulnerable or unsafe, I just I don't trust it all that much, so I don't do it. I don't publish to the web. Another reason not to publish to the web is that it makes it less searchable, so I want to share this document just with my students. I want just my students to see it. If I Publisher it to the web, it's going to be hit number 100,259,000. It's going to be way down on the list, but it's still searchable. And I don't want that. So not publishing, just sharing this way makes it less searchable. That's not to say that it could never be searched for, but it just adds just a little layer of security, a little tiny one, very thin. AUDIENCE: This is what you call the preview, then. This is the preview. MELINDA HOLT: This is part of the preview. This is part of the preview. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, you want to hit that gear and then turn off those options within the gear. AUDIENCE: And if you want to send it as a preview like you did? MELINDA HOLT: Then I'm going to show you that magic if you wish. AUDIENCE: OK. Yes, please. MELINDA HOLT: So, to make something a preview, I'm going to click the Share button on the document that I want just to be previewed. I'm going to copy the link. I'm going to hit Done. And then, I'm going to go to some kind of a text editor. Now, I already have one open. I already have docs open. So I'm going to just paste that big long link. Do you see that? I mean, that's huge. And let me make it huger so you can see it better. We're just going to bump that up, and we might even make this last part bold because that's the important part. So if I hadn't made it so big, you could say wait a minute. I may go down a spot. There we go. So at the end of every shared link, all share links end the same, all share links end the same. Every link that you share end the same in as Google. And it ends with edit?usp=sharing. What you do when you want something to be preview is you take just that text and replace it with the word preview. Now, the w went to the next line because it was a big text. So let me show you that again. If you want something just to be preview, what you're going to do is you're going to look at the very end of your share link. You're going to select edit?usp=sharing, and you're going to mark it or rename it preview at the end. Then you take this link, and you put it into your URL shortener, whatever you want to use. I use Bitly, or you can send this link to-- I'm going to put this in chat, right here. And you can click on it, and you will see this document in preview mode. And I can add, text, and while you're opening it, you might have to refresh. And then I can change things. So if anybody clicked on that link, and they didn't see these next two lines, just hit Refresh. You're going to see it. This makes the document live dynamic. Now it's stuck in time. AUDIENCE: --between preview and view. So if you change preview to-- MELINDA HOLT: Not a lot, except you can-- it gives you a different interface on slides and docs. The preview on the e-book that you have, it's more viewable. I'm going to quote unquote, "viewable." They've actually used to be a big difference. It's not so much anymore since they gave us those checkboxes. This adds a layer of security right here that preview. I'm not going to go in depth in detail on that because it's just too hard to explain, but it does have a thin, very thin layer of security. And it actually, well, I'm not going to get-- It's like I'm thinking how hard this would be to explain, and it's just it would take up too much time. So I hope that answered the question. AUDIENCE: So the preview doesn't seem to allow you to edit or anything, just to view it? MELINDA HOLT: Exactly. You can't edit. You can't make copies. You can't do anything, so if I have a table of contents for student, and it has sites on it-- Just trying to think of some sites here. And I know you would never send your students OTAN. But if I create-- I've got a list here. Now, if you hit your Refresh button, you're going to see just those words. Right now, I'm going to make this link. And if you hit your Refresh button, you'll see that OTAN became a link that you can click on now, and it will take you to that site. So I can do all kinds of things. And I never have to worry about my students having the most latest greatest because they can't make a copy. And if they can't make a copy, that means I control a little bit. I control this. Now can they take a screenshot of it? Of course. Yeah, and then they could create their own stuff. If someone really wants something that's on the web, they're going to get it if they really want it. They want to put the time and effort into it. But this, I mean, this is so cool that it's a dynamic always. It's a living, breathing document that I never have to worry about if my students have the latest greatest because, oh, God, did they make a copy of it? Which version do they have? I never have to worry about it. I know they have this version. It's always the right one. This is covered a lot more in this document, the Sharing and-- AUDIENCE: Melinda, can I ask you? Sorry, just recently, I use the Google Doc to create the survey things, and I accidentally send out kind of edit mode. So the viewer actually modified edit it. So then that's it. You can't find to go back in original. MELINDA HOLT: Absolutely. You can go back in time. AUDIENCE: How do-- so I couldn't do it so-- MELINDA HOLT: Real quick. This is a whole nother workshop here, but when you have any Google tool open now. Any Google tool. You can go to File. As the editor, you have to go to the File menu, and then you're going to go to Version history. And then, you're going to see version history. Now, I defy you to find this on the Microsoft. Version history on a Google Doc goes back to the beginning of time of the document. So if I want to see what this document looked like at the beginning of its time, if it's inception, here it is right here. There was absolutely nothing on it. And then, if I have a little arrow next to a date, I can look at the history of this document by clicking on what was with the date and the time. The different dates and times. So what you do is you go back you find the version that you want. OK, here it is. This is before anybody screwed it up. And then you're going to click Restore this version. Please make absolutely sure that this is the version you want because once you do this, you can't go back in time anymore. AUDIENCE: So that's a trick? MELINDA HOLT: Yeah, so if I restore this, boom! There, it's gone back in time. But like I said, once I do that, I can't really undo it. It's there now. Now, if you wanted a copy of the-- may be you want to go back in time, but you want the copy of it as it was like, you know, after all the changes were made. You want to see what the changes were made? So make a copy of the file first. So you've got to File, Make the copy. That opens up in a new window, then you come back to the original document and then change the version history. Version history is a game-changer for everybody. I can go back to this e-book, the original e-book, and I'm going to go to File, Version history here. And this is going to take a while because this document was created back in Jan and actually was created before that because I copied it over. So if I wanted to see what this original document looked like back in January the 19th, I could go back in time to that version and see what did I do back here. That's the other thing on version history, folks. It will take the text, especially on docs. It's very apparent on docs. The text will become green, so you know exactly what was done. And if you have more than one person editing the document and you share with them as an editor, you will also see their names in version history, so you know who did what. So we kind of got off the topic a little bit. AUDIENCE: But you did help me tremendously because I struggled to finding it and very simple word that where to find the version history. That really helps. MELINDA HOLT: Cool! Very good. And somebody else was talking. AUDIENCE: Yeah, so when you do preview, is there any way to drop the preview in a Google folder, or it's just the link you can share. Like so if I have a presentation that I did and I want to drop it into a Google folder for others, can I drop the preview version in there or-- MELINDA HOLT: You can drop it in there as a document. You can drop it in. There is a slide. You can drop it in there as a Google Draw file. It has to be a file. AUDIENCE: Oh, it has to be-- MELINDA HOLT: Or you can send it as a Gmail. So you take that link, and you can send it to people. I've never tried this before, but I just had the thought maybe naming the folder with that link. But then you have to share the folder. So it's kind of counterintuitive to do. So back to accounts and safety, sharing and transfer. So this is between accounts, if you have-- We're talking about accounts, I'm just talking about your accounts. You have a CLUB account. You have a PUB account. The sharing works the same between you and students as well, but you have to think of yourself as two different people when you have a CLUB and a PUB. You've got your public entity self, and you have your CLUB, your teacher self. So you have to know who you are. And yes, you have to share with yourself. Pre-COVID, maybe everything you created was in your public account because that's what you could use. And then after COVID, your district decided, oh, my God, we got to get all of our teachers on our CLUB now. And you were told to start using your CLUB, but I have all these files in my PUB. So could you put the link on a doc and just put the doc in the folder. Absolutely Nick, yes. But again, you have to share the folder with somebody in order to get it to them. A link tree is a really good idea, really good idea, back to accounts. I created this SCOE Tech, and I have shared it with my CLUB self as an editor. I trust myself, so I give myself edit rights. So just you don't have to make copies of everything that you put or that you created in your PUB. You don't have to make copies of everything, and then as your CLUB self. You don't have to do that. You could actually just share between accounts, but you have to remember who you are. Get used to looking at that avatar. Who am I right now? I have one teacher that I've been helping that actually, she started using her PUB with her students. Now she's using her CLUB, and she only gives her CLUB view rights. So she still creates everything in her PUB, but she shares everything with her CLUB entity with her teacher herself, but she only gives her teacher view rights. And that way, she knows in her mind, it works for. But you might also. If you are sharing, this is my PUB account. I'm switching right now to my CLUB account and wow, look at that. I only have you only. I can because I've allowed myself to or because I've allowed viewers to. Oh, no, I didn't. I forgot to add that link. So if I had set this upright, I would have been able to make a copy of this file, and then that way the file becomes-- what I want to say? The file becomes owned by-- the second file becomes owned by the CLUB account. So when you make a copy of your file, you have two. You've got one in your PUB, and now since you've made a copy, you've got one in your CLUB. And that can get confusing, especially when the file names are the same. And then you make all these changes on one of them, but you can't remember. And then you make changes on the other one, but the changes are different because you didn't remember who you were when you went to go make changes. So be careful and keep looking at that avatar so you know who you are when you're making changes when you're creating files when you're sharing with yourself. Fill in the blank. There's lots of reasons to look at that avatar to know who you are. I keep opening up new tabs. There we go. Any questions on that? There's lots more on sharing here. About transfer of ownership, you can do that between PUB accounts. So if I wanted to if I, let's say, I started all my files as partygirl@gmail.com, and then, oh, man. I should really have teacheresl@gmail.com. So I can share with myself PUB to PUB. And when you do that after you add somebody, let me see. One of my CLUB accounts, Blink A. Binky. Here we go. We're going to use this one. After you share with somebody, I'm going to send. You have to share as an editor. So you share as an editor and then, you go back to the Share. You can actually make them the owner. Oh, wow, this would be really cool if you could change ownerships between CLUB and PUB. They won't do that. You can't do that. It has to be PUB to PUB or CLUB to CLUB. So and I know you guys aren't at the same agency, but I'm going to use your names anyway. Kristina and Tony, let's say you guys are in the same agency, and you're both using your CLUB. And you're both working on a WASC document. Kristina, you get promoted. You no longer working on that last document. Well, you don't want Tony to lose it. Yeah. You don't want Tony to lose it, though. So what you would do is transfer ownership to Tony. That way, you're off of it. You can take yourself off of it, and Tony still has it, so he can continue to do the WASC. So that's CLUB to CLUB. You can do the same thing PUB to PUB. You can transfer ownership between @gmail.com to @gmail.com, or if the account is using a Yahoo.com, that's considered public. It's a hybrid PUB. You can transfer ownership that way as well. AUDIENCE: Melinda, show me that again because I didn't have incident that I wanted to give the ownership and I did not find that one, so show me again that one. MELINDA HOLT: So what I'm going to do that to absolutely show you how to do. I'm going to go to my CLUB Drive. Actually, I'm going to go to my CLUB Docs. There we go. Had to rethink that. So I'm going to go to my Docs. I'm going to make sure I'm in my CLUB. I'm going to go to OTAN, where we'll see Demo Share, Doc Title. I'll go to Doc Title. I'm just opening up random file. I'm going to share this with someone in my CLUB. So I hit the Share button. I'm going to go to my CLUB, and I'm going to share it with this person who I know is in my CLUB. I'm going to put a message in here because she's actually going to wonder, what the hell is this? This is just for fun. Delete it if you want. There we go. Now, I can't make her an owner yet. I have to share with her as an editor first. So I'm going to hit send. She's going to get a message that says, hey, Melinda, just share this document with you. You can do it right away. You don't have to wait for that person to acknowledge the share. You can click on the Share button again right away, and then as I look in line with her name, I see the word editor. At this point, I can change it to anything, including make owner. Boom! Do you really want to make this person owner? Really? The new owner will be notified. Some people will lose access to this item unless the item is shared. The big scary message if you're really sure, yes, you want this person beyond, just hit Yes. You know what you're doing. And then hit Done. Now, what do I become when I give someone else ownership of a file? Did anybody catch that? AUDIENCE: Yeah, it was shared with one person. MELINDA HOLT: But what am I right now? I am an editor, exactly. And as an editor, guess what? I can remove myself now and save it. Yes. But the documents still open. Yeah, but you can't do anything to it. And once you close that tab, I'm going to copy this link just to prove it to you. I'm going to close this tab. I'm going to refresh my-- see, where was, I can only remember what it was called, but I'm going to open a new tab, and I'm going to paste that link. And it's going to tell me nope because I removed myself from the document. AUDIENCE: Troubleshooting question. So I have three counts. One, two PUB, one CLUB-- MELINDA HOLT: Two PUB, one CLUB, OK. AUDIENCE: And so, my default is my CLUB, my school district one. I go to slides mania. I download slide template, and it always goes to my PUB account. So is that because it's slides mania has that filter or that permission? MELINDA HOLT: It could be, it could also be because-- just go to google.com. What account appears next to the waffle? Your-- AUDIENCE: Always my CLUB. My CLUB is my default. MELINDA HOLT: OK, then yes. You did attach slides mania to a specific account. So you could sign out of slides mania. Signed back in, and when it ask you, or you actually be creating a new account. A lot of apps now they ask you, hey, do you want to attach this to your Google? Which is really cool because it means once you're signed into your Google, you can open that app. You don't even think about it. You don't have to remember your user ID or password or anything for that particular app because it's connected to your Google. So it's actually created a single sign-on and as SSO for you. AUDIENCE: There's no sign-on for slides mania, though. MELINDA HOLT: You had to connect it to your Google account. Otherwise you would have to do something. Once you connect it to a Google, you don't have to sign on. You're right. So sign out of everything, then go to slides mania and see what it says. And I bet you it gives you the option to reconnect your account or connect to another account. And if it doesn't, come to the Networking Lounge this after afternoon, and let's discuss because I'd be interested to see that. OK. Sharing Drives. Share-- AUDIENCE: Melinda, I have a question. I'm sorry. MELINDA HOLT: No, cool! AUDIENCE: So regarding sharing, what will happen to a document if, for example, it was shared with you and you're just a viewer and the original owner leaves, like say, they moved to another location, and they sever their email, what will happen to the document? MELINDA HOLT: Well, if they didn't sever the-- the share stays until they turn it off. OK, if you still have access to the document, first thing I would do is check to see if I could make a copy of it. And if I can make a copy, then I don't have to worry about them anymore. It's mine after I make a copy. On a CLUB, this also happens on the CLUB. Teachers retire. And after six months, all of their stuff is put into an archive, and you don't have access to it anymore. So if you're planning on retiring, you might want to, number one, get all your stuff out of that Drive, and number two, make sure that it's shared with somebody else and that they can make copies of it. Yes, the administrator on the back end can actually assign everything in that Drive to a specific person. It takes a lot of hoops. You've got to have the admin's permission. You got to have the network admin's permission because you're actually sharing a bunch of personal stuff or actually stuff that was created on a CLUB. You're sharing that with somebody else, or you're giving it to somebody else, I should say. So which leads me to the next thing, the stuff on your CLUB, folks, should only be related to your CLUB. Don't put your personal photos in your CLUB Drive because, hey, I got all the space. I can put all my photos here. No, don't do that because it really doesn't-- I mean, it belongs to you, but you could lose access like that. On the admin side, it only takes a checkbox for me to preclude you from getting to your stuff. Now, would I ever do that? Absolutely not. No. Network admins are not there to make things hard on you, believe it or not, they're really not. They get a bad rap. But if something is detected, that is, what's going on here? Or maybe there's been a complaint made or something that-- And I'm not saying that would ever happen to you. I'm just trying to make you aware that what's on the CLUB belongs to the CLUB. So make sure what you save to the CLUB is just CLUB-related. Don't put the picture in Photos using your CLUB account of you standing on a table with a lampshade on your head. If you don't want your parents to see it, if you don't want your partner to see it, if you don't want your principal to see it, don't put it in your CLUB Drive. There, big scary is over. On club accounts, they have something called share drives. They used to call this Team Drives, and then Microsoft started calling their new thing a Team. So Google said, OK, fine. We're shared drives now. So this used to be a shared or a Team Drive. It's now shared drives on a CLUB. And what you can do, this is really cool on a CLUB. You can create a new drive. What you do is you go to share drives. You right-click, and you tell it you want a new share drive. So let me go over that again because most people miss it. They don't understand. To create a shared drive you have to right-click on share drives, and then new share drive. Now, here earlier, we just talked about WASC. And all the files that you have to have for a WASC review are all going to be in this New shared drive. I just created it. There it appears, and there's absolutely nothing there. I don't have to do WASC. But I can add people now. I can add people in everything on this drive, this new shared drive belongs to the Drive, so I don't have to worry about editors deleting a file from this thing here because I can manage them. I'm going to-- see manage members. There we go. It's a little different when you're adding people. I'm gonna add just a few people out of my CLUB. Yes, you can add people outside of your CLUB, but usually, it takes-- On some CLUBS, it takes some special permission. So these people that I'm adding right now are actually on my CLUB. And notice these selections have changed. I don't have editor. Now I have content manager. So only content managers can add, edit, move, and delete files. Right here, if I make it a manager, then they can manage content, people in settings. So they can't delete files if I make them managers. So isn't that cool? No, this is not available on the CLUB or PUB. Sounds the same that's why I get messed up. This is not available on the PUB, but it is available on the CLUB. So share drives, and you can actually, there's different settings, and that's in that handout. [INTERPOSING VOICES] AUDIENCE: I'm sorry. I have another question regarding the shared drives. So if you have the actual shared drive and you have a folder inside there, and within that folder is another folder, and then there's the file on that particular folder. So it's a shared drive a folder within a folder in a file. If I share that file and I have a bunch of other files in there, the other people won't necessarily be able to see it unless they're on the parent folder on the actual external folder? MELINDA HOLT: Yes and no. It depends. You, as the creator of the shared drive can change permissions at any level. AUDIENCE: But if I only want to-- if I only want one particular person to only be able to see that file and not the other files on the other folders, I would have to dig into that file and only share that file as opposed to putting them on the other folders. MELINDA HOLT: You could also not put them on the folder and just put them on the file. AUDIENCE: Now, if you have a folder that is residing within the other folders, but you only want a particular person to only see that particular folder, you can only share that folder. So they don't see the other folders. MELINDA HOLT: What you're talking about is cascading permissions. So and tell you what? Let me-- there's a new slide. There we go. So real quick demo here. So I'm going to get a-- I'm taking too long. Here we go. So this right here is the top-level folder. One of the very far back, that's the top level. And then I have another folder within it, and then I have another folder within it. I'm just cascading, so whatever permissions I put at this one right here, this top one, it's going to cascade down into the next one. That includes all of the files in each file folder. I can then go into, let's say, file two for folder two. I'm going to folder two, and I go. You know, Chun-hee, no, she doesn't need access to anything in this folder. So I can remove her from that folder level, or I can go into that folder to a specific file, and I can add her if she wasn't added already, or I can delete her. So you've got a lot of management options, but just remember whatever is at the top is going to flow down first. So that's cascading permission. They go down. You've never seen a waterfall go up. Have you? And if you have, run. So just remember the cascade down, but then you have control over your waterfall. You have control over where the water goes, who gets permissions to what. You have the power when you create the shared drive. AUDIENCE: So basically, the permissions go by tiers. So If you put them on the innermost tier, they can only see what's on the innermost tier. If you give the formation on the secondary tier, then they can see the secondary and the first one. Got it. MELINDA HOLT: Or you can take them in and out. I'm saying yes, but I'm also saying maybe because you control it. You can put them at the second tier, and they'll see the third tier. Or you can put them at the second tier and take them out of the third tier. AUDIENCE: OK, got it. MELINDA HOLT: Yeah, it's up to you. AUDIENCE: Thank you. MELINDA HOLT: So that's on the sharing. Were there any other questions on sharing with your account? AUDIENCE: Yeah, have you ever seen anybody use the shared drives as maybe a way for your own file. So like I have so many files. If I just put a shared drive for the different programs that I'm involved in, but it's just for me. Has anybody ever used it that way? MELINDA HOLT: Yeah. There's one right here in mine. We got together as I started using this shared drive doc and accessibility checks, and it was just for me, but I knew that it might be important to some other people. So later on, I added five people who said, yeah, I want that file. I want to use that. Would you ever just have a shared drive with yourself? Yeah, you could on your CLUB. It's kind of lonely. Why? It's no different than having a folder on my Drive. So here's an assignments folder that I haven't shared with anybody. It's just like having a shared drive. It's exactly the same thing. AUDIENCE: --folders. So that's why I'm like maybe the important ones I put on shared drive or something. MELINDA HOLT: You know what? It doesn't matter. The shared drive isn't more important or less important than my Drive. It's just a different drive with different sharing permissions. So if all of your files on my Drive there no less important, or they're no more protected or anything. They have no little special anythings over a shared drive. And a shared drive doesn't have anything over them, especially if you're not sharing with anybody. It's the same. AUDIENCE: Is it possible to move a folder from the shared to the personal because I know that in my district, I can move a folder from my personal to the shared, but it always says that if you do that, it will become-- the ownership will transfer into my district? So is there a way to move the folder back from the shared to the personal? MELINDA HOLT: You can't. OK, let me-- I'm going to create a folder. I think I understand what you're talking about. I uploaded, whoops! Yes, you can upload entire folders of information. Not a file. Come on, Melinda, where is folder? There we go. New. So here's a new folder. And let's say I add a person just for grinsing giggles because I want to get that message you were talking about, Emma Levitas. She's going to get all kinds of stuff. She's going to, what is this? What are you doing to me? So here, I've got two people on this WASC folder. Now, I'm going to try and move this folder from the WASC shared drive into my Drive. And is this what you're talking about? Everyone who can see this share drive WASC will lose access to this item unless this item is shared directly with them. This action cannot be undone. So if I move something from-- number one, I have to have created the folder in the shared drive. If I created the folder and put it in the shared drive, it belongs to me. I'm the supreme leader of that folder, so I can drag it out. If I'm not the supreme leader, if I'm just a content manager, I cannot drag it out. I can make copies of it. I can make copies, but I can't prevent it, or I'm not allowed to put it in my Drive to prevent everybody else from seeing it. [INTERPOSING VOICES] AUDIENCE: --with mine, and I'm looking at it right now if it's not a shared drive, even though I know I created that, it won't even allow me to drag it. Because I go on my Drive, and I try to drag any folder there into the shared drive, it allows me to move it. [INTERPOSING VOICES] AUDIENCE: --can drag it out? MELINDA HOLT: Yeah, you can go from my Drive to share drive, but you can't go from shared Drive to my Drive. Your network is precluding that. So again, you don't have as many rights as you do with a public account. You can do anything you want in the public account. It's yours, so you can do anything you want. Why did I, did I, did I? But you're in your PUB. You're actually being controlled by somebody else. So you have to do what they tell you to do. You can ask. You can certainly ask, and they can change settings for you if they're of the mind to do that. You can certainly ask, though. Sure. Let's see here. I'm kind of at the end of what I wanted to discuss on book two. Book three, Google and Chrome Account Safety. This goes into all of these security settings that you might want to know about on your Pub account, especially. On your Club account, you're kind of protected. Your network is looking out for you. You shouldn't have too many worries. But on your PUB account, and if you want to follow along, just go to-- make sure you're signed into your PUB account, go to accounts.google.com. There we go. Add the URL all the way to-- wait for the magic. Here we go. So this is going to help you keep your account secure. You can usually get to this using your CLUB account as well, but you won't be able to do as many things because your network is doing them for you. You won't be able to change your password when you're on a CLUB account normally, I should say. Whenever I say no, you can't, there's always room for error on Google. So normally, you are not allowed to change your password on a CLUB account. On your PUB account, you can. On your CLUB account, your school account, you might be required to change your password every year or every six months, or never. You don't have to change it ever. We don't want you to change your password. So the CLUB has settings on your account using the club. When you're on your PUB, you can manage your data if they find any security issues. This is really cool. So I'm going to go to the Security check-up, and they found something that looks risky. Oh, my God, remove risky access to your data. So evidently I gave word search access to my Google Docs. For those of you that are Googlers, you know that when you add extensions, it asks you, can-- let's say one of these up here, bitly.com, have access to your Google account, or I'm sorry, Bitmoji, or can app screen reader have access to your Google Docs. It can change your files. It can do this. It can do that. All they want is permission to put files into your Drive that you've created using that app. So this awesome app screen recorder, I allow it to put the files that I've created into my Google Drive. I've attached them. Evidently, I did the same thing with word search. So I can remove access at this point because Google-- Yeah, yeah, I know it. It's fine. You've got a little more button next to the apps that might be appearing there for you. You can ask it to remind you later or just dismiss. I know word search it's fine. I've been using it. It's no problem. So you could dismiss this message, and you won't see it again. I keep it here just so that I can show it during a presentation. What's the word sounds like? I'm going to continue to my Google account again. And then there's some privacy suggestions. You can manage your storage when you're on your CLUB account. It will tell you how much storage you have. I have 17 gigs. I get two extra gigs for doing a survey for Google, and they thanked me by giving me two extra gigs of storage, which I don't need because I'm not even using a gig of storage yet. All of my files are saved as Google. I use Gmail. I use Docs, Sheets, and Slides. When I want to use PowerPoint, I upload the PowerPoint into my Google Drive, and it changes to a Google Slide deck. No space. So if you want to manage your storage, you click there, and it tells you exactly how much stored you're using in certain areas. PDFs cannot be made to Google. They will take away storage. Photos cannot be made Google, takes away storage. Videos cannot be changed. Audio cannot be changed. So those different file types they can't be made to Google, so they will take away from your storage. If you save everything as Google, though, if you don't put word files in your account and leave them as word files, you're not using any space. I've been using Google since 2004. A long time. And like I said, I'm not even using a gig yet. So if you get any notices, hey, you're almost out of storage on Google, want to buy some more? Don't do it, just convert your files to Google, and you'll be fine. There's a lot more here on the account settings. There's also what I wanted to show you, there's Chrome settings, and that's part of the handout as well. And I think I'm supposed to be ending in seven minutes. I guess seven minutes. So real quick on Chrome. When you sign into your Google account, remember I signed in with my Gmail first, so that's why I've got my little green background here. There are a bunch of shamrocks. And when you sign in, that also becomes your default Chrome account. So if you're using Chrome, you should see two avatars. The default is always your Chrome avatar. I'm going to change my Google avatar to my CLUB account and watch what happens to the Chrome avatar. Nothing. It stayed the Chrome avatar is still my PUB account. I know you can barely see it. I wish I could make it bigger for you, but I can't. Right here, it's got the green background on it. This is my CLUB account. This is my Google account. This is my Chrome account. So when you sign into Google, the first account that you sign into becomes your default account, and it also becomes the account that Chrome recognizes as first account. That must be the most important one, so we're going to keep that. Can you switch between accounts on Chrome? Yes, but not very easily. So keep that in mind. Yes, you can switch between accounts. It's not as intuitive. It's not just like click Change, click Change. You have to actually sign out of everything sign back and-- it's a long process. For those of you that are Googlers, it's not going to be that long of a process for you. I understand. But those of you that, what is she talking about? The Chrome. Just trust me, the first account you sign into is going to be your Chrome, your Google. They're going to be kind of attached. Now is it the same user ID and password? Yes. This account this-- here we go. Go back to the green avatar. This account is the same user ID and password. What happened when I signed in? it said do you want to sync all your data with Chrome? Yes, absolutely, because that way I get my bookmarks, I get all my Chrome extensions, I get all my stuff. I can sign out. I'm going to do it. I'm going to sign out of all accounts. There it goes. And because our Google is attached to a CLUB, it's signing me out there. Now, do you see what happened to my Chrome? It just paused. I can still use Chrome, but now I have a Pause button here. So what I would do, I want to use my Chrome, I can go do searching. I'm not signed into Google. All of a sudden, oh, I want to do my email. So I need to sign back in. So I just go to any Google tool, doesn't really matter. And I choose the account I want to sign in with. It could be any one of these. Google has already attached and sunk my Chrome account. So it's waiting for this one to sign in first. And when I do sign in with this account, Google will know. It's going to take us back. We can sink because she already told us she wants to sink. Now, hopefully, I remember my password. Please. AUDIENCE: Penny has a great question in the chat about allowing Chrome to keep passwords for you. What do you think? MELINDA HOLT: Oh, my God, I'm going to cover that next. Thank you very much. No, OK. Simple answer, no. But real quick. Do you see how it doesn't say paused anymore because I already signed into this device using this Chrome using my PUB account, so Google was waiting for me to do that? If I wanted to, I could have switched accounts on Chrome. Now, next to the Chrome avatar is a settings. So there are more button. The skinny snowman. Skinny upright snowman. So you're going to click on that More button, and you're going to go to Settings. And here's where you can manage your Google account. And yes, there is a password. Yeah, Google can-- we'll just remember all your passwords for you. Should you ever let a browser remember your passwords? AUDIENCE: No. MELINDA HOLT: No. If you can't remember your password, and I understand it's hard, you've got 49 accounts across all of these apps and stuff. Everyone's got a different password, or everyone wants a different password. It's hard. So use something like LastPass or some app that remember your password for you. There's a lot of people here in the office that use LastPass. I actually don't use anything to remember my passwords. And yes, I have a different password for every single account, but I have a system. What I do is I have like the first part of all my passwords. It's like 12 characters. Let's pretend it's a song, and it's got some uppercase letters. And maybe the letter three or the little three. The number three, I use as an E in this song title. And then, at some point in that, I will put the app name. Let's just pretend, and that's a system. That is not the system I use. That's the one I tell everybody about. So use different passwords. Either have a system where you know every single app that you sign into. You know the password for, don't use the same password for everything. That's a no, no. You guys know that. You've heard it, and you've probably dismissed it. Don't dismiss it. I'm here to tell you that's wrong, and it will bite you in the butt. So don't use the same password for everything. Get some sort of a system or use a password-saving app. Not a browser. A browser is not a password app. It doesn't have as much security behind it. It's not in any shape or form insured to help you. It's just don't, don't do it. So if you have this on, I just turned it on. So the next time I go in to sign into something, it will offer to save the password for me. And if I say yes, it will appear here, and guess what? If somebody else, if Vickie came into this office, and she opened up my browser, I stay signed in because it's my device. She can come here, and she can look at all my passwords. Oh, yeah. They're not encrypted. You can actually turn off the encryption because it figures, hey, you're signed in. You should know what you're doing. Don't save passwords on a browser. That's a no, no. Within Chrome, you have other security that you can set up. Don't turn on passwords that's the same one. Go ahead. KAREN: No wonder. I've been using that for a long time. So shall I go in there and just dump it all? MELINDA HOLT: I would, but first, I would write down all my passwords off to the side. KAREN: But usually, it won't let me look at them. They're all hidden. MELINDA HOLT: You're going to click on it, and you should be able to-- see, I don't save them. There is a way to look at the passwords when you have it saving. So again, come to the Networking Lounge this afternoon, and I'll go over that with you, Karen. [INTERPOSING VOICES] MELINDA HOLT: Anybody else that wants to-- I got to end. I'm going to show that link real quick, and I'm going to send you out before I get in trouble. Here is the magic link. Right here, I'm going to put it in the Bitly again. This will open three different books for you all on security and account settings. And I hope you learned something. If you like this presentation and you're in California, and you're WIOA funded or part of a consortium, we can actually come and do this presentation for you or just your staff, or you can look for it on the OTAN site. Anybody can come in, and we go over. This is like a three-part series that we do.