[music playing]

Speaker: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network.

Neda Anasseri: Hi, everyone. Welcome. We have so many friends and family members from different states. We're super excited to have you online today. And we're so happy that we can provide you this webinar, this part one webinar of a three-part series on CK-12 and some of the partnerships and resources that we've been able to work with CK-12 on.

I am not your presenter for today. Your presenters are Debbie Jensen and Lindsay Kincaid. Debbie Jensen is a subject matter expert for OTAN. And she has devoted a lot of time and effort to make sure that this project is successful. And really believes in and what CK-12 has to offer for adult learners.

Lindsay Kincaid is one of our favorite people and our support people at CK-12 who is making things happen. And you'll see once we dive into the subject a little bit more that we at our adult learners, our adult educators have a dedicated page and a dedicated home on the CK-12 website, so we're very excited. Again, Melinda has introduced me for you. I'm Neda Anasseri. And I'm one of the project coordinators at OTAN. And we're so excited to be presenting for you today.

Before I go into the next slide, I do want to tell you a little bit about OTAN because we do have a few friends that are visiting us from other states. Can you still see my screen, Melinda? Can you answer that for me, please?

Melinda Holt: Yes, we can. OTAN website.

Neda Anasseri: OK, perfect. So otan.us is one of three state leadership projects for California. One half of our house does the programming and development for the California Department of Education. The other half of the house does the training and professional development for adult educators throughout the state.

So we offer anything from Google trainings to Microsoft trainings to digital assessments to SMART goals and more. You can always see our activities on the very beginning of our page here says, upcoming OTAN activities. We have COVID-19 field support resources. We offer online courses for our California educators. And you can see a little bit more about our training, our resources, how to stay connected with us, and you can join OTAN.

As is not a presentation about OTAN, but just to kind of give you an idea that we are dedicated to finding the best resources for our adult teachers in our state. But luckily, we partnered with CK-12 who is providing resources for everybody internationally. So we partnered up and we are giving you this presentation today on CK-12. So let's go back to that presentation. I just wanted to give you a brief overview of OTAN.

Everything on otan.us is free, by the way. So if you're outside of California and you want to access any of our resources, you can do that. So all you got to do is type in otan.us. Now back to our presentation, ck-12.adulted. So a couple of years ago, I met our friends at CK-12 at a Go Open Summit. And so people that attend the Go Open Summit are advocates of open educational resources.

So free resources but quality. Quality free resources that we can find for our learners. And we found value, especially for our adult students that are seeking basic education, secondary education that are subject specific. I can talk about Econ, Chemistry, world history, et cetera. And then those four high school equivalency and social studies and sciences.

Now that's not what's limited on CK-12, by the way. You can find additional resources that can support your English language learners. You can find additional resources that can assist your career tech students. And we're building on that, we're developing on that. But what you'll find today is mainly resources to support your basic Ed and your secondary Ed students.

And so it was a partnership that was needed for our state. And we knew that it was needed for our nation and internationally to support adult learners. So CK-12 listened and supported us. And partnered with us to not create a page on OTAN site because we really want to have it open for every adult educator out there. And said, hey, let's do this. And as of March of 2021, we have a home on the CK-12 website and we even have our own URL.

So it's ck-12.org/adulted. And we are going to be talking about this a little bit throughout our presentation, but let's move on to the objectives of today's session. So I talk to you a little bit about the partnership between CK-12 and OTAN. We'll get an overview of CK-12, Lindsay is going to be talking to us. We'll do a live session for everybody. And that will kick it off. You'll get to see it live and you'll see the lesson.

But then we'll show you a little bit more about how to find resources. We'll dive a little bit deeper into resources. Some assistance that's available for teachers, students, and then what's so special about our page. At the end, we'll be able to go back live into CK-12, answer any of your questions, and also get a good overview of it live.

Now this is part one of a three-part series. So you do not-- if you signed up for today, be sure to sign up for part two and part three because today is the overview, we'll dive deeper into how to create your FlexBooks and create those resources. And so you can have it for your own in part two. And then part three, we'll do some advanced features and then be able to reveal what you guys have been working on. We're hoping that you can join us for part one, two, and three. All right, that's enough for me. I know you're waiting for Lindsay Kincaid. Lindsay, take it away and tell us a little bit more about the CK-12 Foundation.

Lindsay Kincaid: Absolutely. Thank you for that. And as you were just saying this is a three-part series. I do want to let you know that you can enter at any time. So if you have some colleagues who are not able to make it today but they're going to maybe catch up on the recording, anybody can join us for part two, anybody can join us for part three. So we encourage you to spread the word as we're doing this.

But like Neda said, I'm Lindsay from the CK-12 Foundation. I worked there for about six years now. We are a nonprofit based out of Palo Alto, California. And everything we do is for free. If you go to our site, you're not going to see any advertising, you're not going to hit a paywall. This isn't some special-- we did this past year because of COVID. We were founded to give people access around the world to the best materials. And so that's what we've done.

We are not the household name that maybe we would want to be. Some of you may be just hearing about CK-12 for the first time. But we have huge numbers who we serve. Again, students and educators all around the world are coming to our site either for independent study or to access our materials to use with their students or even to create materials. To use our platform to use their other open resources and build a FlexBook.

So I'm going to be checking out the Q&A window while Debbie is going to be doing some presentation here in a little bit. So please start asking any of your CK-12 questions and I'll be sure to address them live or type answers to them. But a couple of things off the front or off the top if you want to go ahead and put the slide. Like Neda said, sometimes when that something is free, it's like, no, why is it free? So I just want to let you guys know that while we are free, we're still the highest quality content.

CK-12 has been around since 2007, which in the Ed tech space is like dinosaur. I mean, that's like forever, right? A long time. We're here to stay in the space so you can use us with confidence. Our resources have been developed by people with PhDs, domain experts, even some partnerships with like NASA. So are quality content is there.

And then our foundation works really hard to make sure that all of the resources are accessible across all devices. So we're going to work on whether it's a MacBook or a PC. We're going to work on your iPhone, your Android, your tablet, your iPad. We're going to work across all of those devices. I know that's really important for adult learners. And then also we do have our books. If you customize them, you are able to download them into a PDF.

You're going to lose some of the great interactivity that we're going to talk about today, the ability to do the videos and the interactive simulations. But sometimes you just need a static copy for accessibility reasons. And so we're able to give that to you so you can work with your students offline if you need to as well.

So I think I find it helpful to go live right now and show you what a FlexBook is, because here in a minute, I'm going to pass it off to Debbie and she's going to do a really great job of talking you through the different parts of a FlexBook and get how it taps in specifically into our adult learners. But before we start throwing all this jargon of Flex and simulations and FlexBooks, I find it helpful to just show you what we're talking about here.

So let me really quickly-- I'm going to show you a science lesson and then I'm going to show you a little bit of a math lesson. And so here we. I've just thrown you into the middle of our physics for high school diploma book. And this is a lesson on sound waves. But this is a pretty typical CK-12 lesson as far as how this is built and how this looks.

We usually open up with an image, some sort of attention getting. Questions or prompts at the beginning. And then you're going to see that throughout this lesson, we have images and charts. And then we have these interactive that make these books the interactive books that we've built. So this is going to be a simulation, which I want to hear in just a minute. But it's why does a violin sound different from a guitar? That's a very good question. How do we tune a pan flute? That's another simulation.

So the lesson is built around a lot of summary information. On that concept, we've got videos of either CK-12 has created or have been curated by our team. And then you'll see some real questions and review questions to help the learners as well. All of our lessons, again, this is what a typical lesson looks like. All of our lessons should have an Adaptive Practice attached to it. All of the CK-12 math and science resources, that is. Some of our other books like in the areas of social studies, we'll talk a little bit more about them later of why they don't have the Adaptive Practice.

But the math and science books are going to have that of practice where the goal is for students to get 10 correct. And this is really awesome because it's going to adapt to each learner's needs. And so if they are getting the answer correct, it's going to give them a positive message. And they're now one out of 10. And then if I get the answer incorrect, I not only have the opportunity to give it a second try but I can also come over here to our friend in the corner who we call FLEXI. And he is the brains to our site now. We're able to talk to him and he's able to offer us things. But he could give you a quick refresher on sound waves if I needed help.

So I missed it twice. So now I'm still at my one for 10, and my skill level is in the beginning level until I progress further. Since I missed that question, I'm going to stay at an easy, medium level. But if I were getting questions right, one after the other then I would be a more advanced student who's being served that medium and hard questions. But the goal for all students is to get 10 questions correct.

So that adaptive practice, that's a really important feature of our lessons that you see down here in the bottom right hand corner. I do want to show you what one of our simulations looks like. And you'll notice that this launches just right from the lesson. And they open up with these questions that often people put on the board or in the Zoom room. And you could start your discussion with your students like this. You could put them in breakout rooms and have them talk about it. But there's going to be a little video that I'm going to just bypass here for the sake of time.

But then you're taken to a sandbox environment. This is where students test out their hypothesis. Well, what happens if I'm looking at the string and this harmonic number? What if the string tension is like this? And they'll actually be able to hear it. And again, manipulate the different graphs. We have worksheets for these. We have extensions when the students are finished with the simulations. Now that they know about the violin, how can I make a wine glass sing? How is a frequency spectrum created?

So our simulations are just this whole environment. We have about 120 of them labeled physics and chemistry, but I've seen them use at all levels. I was in the sixth grade classroom where they're using our rocket launcher one and it was really awesome. So know that these are embedded and just right here in the lesson as part of the learning experience, part of that interactivity.

Let me jump over here to a math lesson real quick. And again, I'm just trying to give you a little taste of what these lessons look like and then we'll dive into how to assign, how to view student progress, all that good stuff. But I just want to have a picture painted in your head of what this looks.

This is a lesson from our Interactive Mathematics for Adult Basic Education book. It's on unit conversion. And our math lessons sometimes are a little bit different because they have what we call in line questions here where students are going to try it based on the directions here. And so this one's a speedometer. So we're learning about the speedometer. And then they're able to answer questions right here. And I got that one right. I'm going to, I'm guess and get this one wrong.

But what's cool is that when you miss it, it still gives you some feedback on why you missed it. So it's really important, I think, for all students and learners to get that instantaneous feedback and we're really working on that at CK-12 to help coach them when a teacher isn't just standing nearby that they can do learning on their own. So you're going to see some questions like that.

And then you're going to see our PLIX. When we talk about PLIX, we're talking about a Play Learn Interactive eXplore. There's about 1,200 of them. There is something that you are doing over here in the playground. This one looks like I'm playing with ice cream, that's kind of cool.

So I would be dragging something here and then answering some questions related to this activity. And we have like said 1,200 of these across all the different branches. So if you are looking for that perfect five-minute warm up or you've got five minutes left in class, what's the review? Or just an activity that's a little different from your regular lesson that gets people excited, I highly recommend the PLIX.

Debbie, I think that's all I want to show them right now because I'm going to come back on at the end. And like I said, I'm going to take you through the toolbar and the insights and talk about assigning, and LMS integration and all of that. But first, we just want to get you really used to what the actual offering is and how it best relates to the needs of the adult learners.

Debbie Jensen: Thanks. Let's move on to the next slide, this one. What do you want as a teacher? The most that you could ever dream up would be to reach the needs of every single student. And in the reality, that doesn't happen. You aim for the most and hope for the best and try and help tutor who you can, but inevitably, somebody slips through the cracks. And that's the thing that's so wonderful about CK-12 because it's a digital textbook that everyone has available. Their needs can be met individually. And you as a teacher, you are told what they're doing and what's not happening and what is happening.

And so it's the best of all worlds for the student and for you. Next slide. Now when we talk about search, and Lindsey will do this live, there's two things that you're going to be seeing. There's two places: you can go across the top, you've got the dashboard, you've got the library. And that's where when you select something, some resource, they put all of the resources that you select in your library. So you can always go back and find it.

Subjects. That's another place where you're going to be able to search and also explore. Then where I've got the numbers. When I was-- the original search that I did was for mathematics for my ABE class and I needed some math help with fractions. And so I chose those things. And when I came back the next time, they had more things to recommend for me. So recommendations are there. That's at one. Two, these are standards. So there you can search by standards.

You can search by concept maps or you can use the search up where the number four is, and that's where you could just type in what you're searching for. Next slide. This is search by subject. And you can see that there's lots of subjects. OK, I will talk a lot about ABE. And this works for high level ESL as well. We need the language at a lower level. We need the math at a lower level.

And so what you can see here is the math at the various levels. And you can see the things. And that is very helpful for being able to address your needs for the students that you're teaching. You can also see that adult education that has its site. So we are there. We just started in March. And so we're just beginning. And we have basic education, so ABE. We have a high school diploma and we have a high school equivalency.

Now our dream is ESL. And this isn't just our dream, is CK-12 dream, too. Because they know that worldwide there are many people that need help with their reading, they need help with their writing. And so this is a dream. We need partners, we need you. And so you ESL teachers, you are teachers of all the classes.

As you create, please share so that we can all build together because that's where this all got started, is with teachers that we're needing some help, needing some work, and they were adult teachers and they took the CK-12 materials or even some of their own and put those in for us to be able to use. So that's the exciting part that we have there for us. Next slide.

Neda Anasseri: And Debbie, I was just going to say, to add to that ESL. I mean, we're getting a couple of ESL interests. And so you could see here that there are definitely resources even if they haven't made it over to the adult education site or page rather, you could still see that there are options for English enhancements with spelling and writing. So I mean, even if it wasn't necessarily located in page, Lindsay when she shows us live, we'll be able to show us where some of those other resources really can build your own.

So don't yet just think, it's not for ESL, no, it's not for career tech Ed. That's not true, right? Because it's very powerful where you can create your own what Debbie just told you. So I'll move on to the next slide.

Debbie Jensen: This is available. They have... And these are all links. And so when you click on any of these, you're going to be able to go and find more and browse them. They have their FlexBooks. Their original FlexBooks were wonderful. They're FlexBooks 2.0, integrated and made everything whole, made everything work together, so that as you saw with Lindsay, they're powerful.

You have the Adaptive Practice, you have Simulations, you have the PLIX. I always like to point people out with the study guides because even though that seems like that's low tech, even the study guides are wonderful because the students can write on them, they can highlight them, and so that they can access them and use them. And they were created by students. So it's not the teacher telling them what they should know but it's the students saying this is what I need to know. And so they were really great.

You also can find schools in your area. If you're looking and saying, well, does anybody around me? Do they even know about CK-12? What are they doing? And they have that as well. Next slide. This is your simulations. And it's just to let you see the variety that they have. And this is one slide. There's so many more. But they're cool topics. Even if I'm not-- in doing physics, knowing about what a driverless car is or the scientific measurements or metric units, unit conversions, rockets acceleration or on the prom night when you're looking in the mirror, how does a mirror work? These are the things that they have in the simulations. Next slide.

These are the PLIXs. And again, these are just two. It's random choice slides of them. There's many, many more. But I wanted to show you that you could use this as an introductory to your lesson or something that you want them to learn or to get enjoyment from. These were the math ones. And they were order of operation, combining integers, simple interest, rounding, equivalent fractions. Or in the science, natural selection, ecosystems, the water cycle, chemical reactions, pH. When your students asked some question in class, and it's maybe not on particularly on topic, you can see if there's a PLIX for it and then you could bring it back and super wow them, it would be great. Next slide.

These are the study guides. And I just wanted to see. I'm a writer. In fact, people laugh at me because I even take notes everywhere I go. It's just me. And so the study guides were very, very appealing to me that give me that extra help that I needed. And so this is just to give you an idea of what they look like. Next slide.

They call it discover actionable insights. But what it means is that they're paying attention to what your students are doing. They're paying attention to the ones they skip, the ones they get right, the ones they don't get right, the ones that they had to get hints for or they had to get a higher level or lower level question. All of those are the actionable insights and they give these to you as a teacher. And then it's not just like you got to read charts, they make suggestions for things you can try. So it's magnificent for helping us the teacher. Next slide.

Now they will create an automatic grading and reporting for you so that if you do create a classroom in CK-12, these things are available to you there. But let's say, next slide, that you already have an LMS like Google Classroom or Canvas or Schoology. They will link to that and send the grades and everything to yours. And so you don't have to have two places that you need to go to. So that's very, very helpful. Next slide.

Now we're going to go over to the adult education web pages. And so this is what you're going to see. And we are proud of what's here. But knowing how big adult education is, we hope that someday there will be huge numbers of courses here. So this is our beginning. There are four math courses. The reason there's four is that they're slightly different.

If you've worked with your students with math, you know that there's different steps, there's different sequences that work best. And maybe it works best for you as a teacher. And so they may all be the similar material but they're presented slightly different. So take a look at each one, see which one resonates with you. Next slide.

These are the high school diploma courses on the left and the high school equivalency on the right. US history, US government, economics, biology, chemistry, physics, pre-algebra for high school diploma, and algebra 1 for high school diploma. And then under the equivalency, you've got foundational math, algebra books-- excuse me, algebra basics, geometry, data statistics and probability. If you're teaching high school equivalency, you're recognizing these titles because they're directly from the things that are in those equivalency courses. You've got algebra for high school equivalency.

And then we try to glean everything CK-12 had for our adult learners in the equivalency program. And so there were teachers who were teaching high school equivalency and these are the things they made. And so you may find one that you like better or another one. I particularly was thrilled with the science for high school equivalency because high school science, we talk and physics, chemistry, these things are huge. But to pass the exam, you don't need to know everything, but there are certain specific topics you do need to know.

And so we applaud our teachers that have gone through and spent the time to figure out what they need and what CK-12 has to be able to meet the needs for our adult students. And so these things are here. Please take a look. Next slide. Going along with our teachers. One of our teachers created an introduction for how to use CK-12. And it's to the adults and in the class.

And so it's right there. And you have access to that and you can use that as well. And that just makes it so much friendlier. Our adults often struggle to get back to school. And now they're into a new medium and it's online and they don't really know how to use it and they have their questions. And this is here for them. So it makes it so that they can feel comfortable and that they can do the work and be successful. Next slide.

If we continue on through the adult Ed web pages, then they're going to ask you are you an educator or are you a student. And then they take you down to different pathways. Let's go to the next slide and see what the pathway for an educator would be. Here, they want you to get started. And they're going to hold your hand the whole way. They'll show you how to create a class, they'll show you how to find your FlexBook, the thing you're looking for, and they'll show you how to assign students. And all of these are linked so that there's more information for you on all of these topics. Next slide.

Continuing with the web pages for adults Ed. Not everybody is interested in FlexBook. You may be pretty happy with what you have but you want some more resources. And that's what this is. This is taking you directly to the Adaptive Practice or the PLIX or the simulation so you can choose from them as well. Next slide.

Then there's a deeper dive. Strategies for using CK-12, the FlexLets. Now those are super cool. Don't miss those. These were designed right at the beginning of COVID. And they were for teachers. We lost that last quarter and now you wonder what's going to happen when you come back in the fall. Are the students going to know what they need to know? And so the FlexLets were designed to meet those needs, to help students review. And so they're wonderful, they're wonderful shot and great. So take a look at those.

They also teach you how to customize FlexBooks in adaptive practice. And how to get started with your LMS. Let's keep going. Next slide. Now she mentioned FLEXI. I showed my grandson FLEXI and he said it looked like a chick flick. And that he was a great friend. And that's what I think your students will find.

One of the testimonials, and we'll look at some of those in a couple of minutes. But one of them, the big point she wanted to make, she was a science teacher, and she'd used CK-12 for several years. And she said her students loved them because it empowers the students to be able to go on without you. That they don't have to wait until you answer their question or until there's a discussion about it. It's there for them.

So FLEXI helps provide immediate feedback, answer the questions, provide interactive examples, ask the students questions, give some hints, offers recommendations, provides reminders, even asks reflection questions, which is super cool. Next slide. Now we had some people asking about the standards. And at the bottom, you will see that versus how does CK-12 align with the career and college readiness standards.

And you will see that the math standards have been aligned. We're hoping for other alignments. This one was done by one of the people that use CK-12 and they made those alignments. And so we will share as those of our people that work with CK-12. As they share with us, we will share that with everyone. Let's go to the next slide.

There's hundreds of testimonials. And I went through them all and they're all wonderful because everyone has a different insight as to why CK-12 meets the needs of their students and their classroom and their schools. These were just some of my favorites. And so we have the one who is the director of a school and he wanted his students to investigate and experience lessons to be able to go at their own pace and design their own learning. Another, she was very funny. She's the one on the top row. And she said that one of the students was giving the typical complaint, teacher, I didn't have my computer. And another student that was sitting on the other side said, hey, dude, just use your phone. And that's the wonder of this. It works on all devices and it works well on all devices. So that means they have the ability to work on their materials and their resources for school work from anywhere at any time and that's marvelous.

We had teachers who were excited because they were frustrated in the sciences and social studies because the world changes so quickly that your textbook is outdated the minute it's printed. And they wanted to be able to talk about what happened in January or they wanted to talk about the latest in science. You can do that with CK-12. The customization it's so readily available that you can add these things that are happening right now. That's a lot of power for you. It's a living document.

Another teacher noticed that or noted that she loves the fact that she didn't have to take all of her materials home. That they were there, she could put them in her CK-12 FlexBook and all her own materials could be there. And so it made her life so much easier, right at her fingertips. We also had a science teacher that was saying how much the changes that happened in the science world and how they love the simulations and the things that were there and available for them too.

One teacher, he wanted, this is the one on the bottom in the middle, he wanted to be able to offer his students lots of dynamic activities. And so it wasn't the FlexBooks for him, it was being able to go and type in a topic and find it. And that there were things that he could then enliven his class and excited students.

The last lady though will ring a bell with adult teachers. She had apparent come who was all apologetic because he couldn't help his child with their homework because his English wasn't very good. And she said that she emphasized to him that CK-12 was available in, excuse me, it's available in over 90 languages. And so that you can meet the needs of their students, even if they're speaking a different language.

I think we're ready to go to the next slide. And on the next slide it's posing to you the question, if you could engage every single student anywhere any time on any device and it was free, what would you imagine? And now we'll turn it over to Lindsay. And she'll show you.

Lindsay Kincaid: So hopefully you guys are getting excited about what you're seeing. Debbie I've left a few questions in the Q&A for you to-- as the book creator of the OTAN CK-12 books to let you respond to some of those. And then there was just a reminder posted remember to use the Q&A window if you would like. I put in a lot of links to the chat as we were talking.

But what we're going to try to accomplish here in the next 15, 20 minutes is I'm going to give you a tour of CK-12. I showed you a lesson but I want to show you what is available right now for like grab and go, setting up an account, using just searching for our PLIX or simulations. And remember that part two of this webinar is all about customizing. So we want you to leave today eyeing maybe a series of books that you think you want to adapt for your learners or seeing what's possible on CK-12 and then maybe you want to create your own book from scratch or use some resources of hours or some resources of yours.

We are going set you up for that today. And then next week that's really what we're doing the deep dive into. So keep the questions coming in. I'm going to share my screen and hopefully tap into a lot of what you guys are wanting to see. Let me share here. And I'm going to turn off my camera because you guys don't want the awkward profile I'm presenting view. So I'm going to go ahead and turn that off. And here we go.

So I am on the CK-12 home page. And while everything is completely free on CK-12, you do want to set up an account at some point. That's just so we can help you keep track of the resources that you're using or creating, make recommendations, all that kind of thing. So I'm logged into a demo account right now. But if you have not signed in or signed up, you're able to do that. We've got a few single sign on options for you. And then if you are a teacher, you're able to designate yourself as a teacher.

And we get the question a lot of like how are the teacher and student versions different? And to be honest with you, they're not entirely different. You can see that here I'm in teacher review and it's asking me what I want to teach today. And it serves up some products here and some of the things we showed you on slides. And if I go over to the student version, they really just have a different view. They have access to most of the resources that our teachers do because this is set up for learners around the world, whether they're in a classroom setting or not. So it looks a little bit different. We give them different pathways to access their learning. But they in general have access to the same content that our teachers do. And we definitely hit FLEXI harder with the students because that's who they're using to talk to and help them on their personalized learning journey.

But I'm going to go back to the teacher view, assuming that most of you on this webinar are probably educators looking to use these resources with your learners. And so this is like said the basic page of-- I told you that we are pretty heavy in the math and science subjects of CK-12. We started with middle school and high school math and science. And then we've branched out from there we created some college books. We have some translated content. We have countries that are adopting us like the country of Georgia is using our textbooks to educate their whole country. Books for Chile and Brazil. And then a smattering of English content and then social studies content.

And you're going to see this little icon next to our social studies content saying that this has been created by users on the CK-12 platform. And this is something really cool that I want to highlight is that we have CK-12 content but then there's this whole other partition of the site where users like yourselves are able to create or adapt materials and then post them so other users can use them and share with them. And I've got a great example of that here in just a minute.

But this is the adult education area. So if you're interested, I'm going to click on one of these and it's going to take me to this adult education page. It's also that the ck-12.org/adulteducation or adultedu is the shortcut if you need it. And this is the page. We've been referring to in the PowerPoint with these books. And like Debbie said, we are just getting started. We just launched these books.

So there's a lot more that we hope to do with these books to further customize them for adult educators. Of course, we would love to round this out with some other subjects as well. And then definitely venture into the areas of yellow and CTE. But we're working on our partnerships and other authors that help us build out that content. So we're hoping to at least get you excited about the potential with these books and then we want to continue to have those conversations with you about other books that we should be creating.

I'm going to jump back out to the main page real quick because, hopefully, you're excited about an adult Ed book but maybe you already have a book you're using and you are just intrigued by these different CK-12 resources that you're seeing and you might want to access them individually outside the book environment. So if I press the K12 logo, I'm able to go back out to the home page. And the menu option that I find the most useful up here I really like the Explore menu option. And this is where you can go directly into the resource that you're looking for.

So we were talking about study guides earlier. If you want to see our study guides offerings, we've got a quick link full of that. If you wanted to see all of our physics and chemistry simulations, and again, broad topics that can be used at all ages levels, you're able to go there. If you wanted to view all 1,200 of our PLIX across all the different branches from that Explorer menu, you can access it. And here you have all of the different branches that you could be using or you could be searching here for a certain concept. And you can see that all of these are tagged to different concepts.

So I think that going again back out to the home page, this is Explore menu option. This is going to get you pretty quickly to what you're looking for. I'm not sure CCSS and NGSS interests to many of you, but that information is there. And then we do have a certified educator program. That's how we came to know Neda and Debbie, they're both CK-12 certified educators. So if you are wanting to go even deeper than what we're going to be covering in these webinars, there's a self-paced totally free online course that you're able to go through and come out of it with that badge of distinction that you're certified educator. Lots of other resources here too and then FlexBooks.

OK, so I want to show you that you can come up here to the search bar. We earlier dived into a book based on the subject but you can also come up here and search for anything. So well, I can't see my chat window. I'd ask somebody to type in something in the chat window. Let's go to-- what's the lesson I like? Continental divide. I feel like that's what I've seen in a lot of classrooms being used.

When you search for anything, you can search for a big concept or a micro concepts. You're going to get a lot of search results. But what I'm wanting to show you here is that there are two tabs that you want to access. One that says CK-12 content and one that says community contributed content. So we've got 4,461 results for continental divide in CK-12 world. And you can use the filters over here on the left to narrow down for what you're looking for.

Now you're saying that this just is going by standard grades. Honestly, we don't really believe in grades so much at CK-12. We really are just concept-based, wanting to reach the learner wherever they are. And since we are international, what's often taught in the US at a certain grade level is dramatically different from, say what's taught in India. So I would ignore this grade filter anyway.

But if you're looking for a video or you're looking for a real world example or adopt a practice or a PLIX, you could just search for an individual concept and narrow it down here. And you could access that, you could share a link, you can sign it to your students. But I told you we didn't really have any great language arts books. If I search for something like language arts, it's going to pull up our common sense composition book, which is a good start.

But if I come over here to this Community Contributed tab, I'm now going to see books that our users have created either in full or that they've adapted some of the CK-12 content and uploaded it to the site and curated their own books. So you can see who this was created by. This is a Third Grade Language Arts book, a Language Arts Companion, Fifth Grade Language Arts book. So the point that I'm trying to make is that even if CK-12 doesn't have the perfect book just neatly labeled for you, I really encourage you to search by subject or buy individual topics in the search bar and then flip from the CK-12 content tab to the Community Contributor tab and open up some of these resources and see if you like them because all of these resources can be added to other books. You can combine books. Again, you can take your open resources and pull them into some CK-12 books. So that's the key to the search there. I really recommend you using that.

I'm going to go back out to the home page again. So if you want to access any of these individuals, you'd know that you can and these are all assignable through a learning management system or through a CK-12 class. The whole magic to the FlexBook 2.0, our newest FlexBook is that we have-- I'm going to go back to the adult page here, we have taken all of those elements and we have put them together in the interactive FlexBooks. So before we used to have our Flex separate from our simulation, separate from the Adaptive Practice. But as I showed you earlier we've now brought them all together in our lessons in a way that makes students going through the book really exciting.

So I'm going to come down here. This is great actually because we have somebody on this webinar who I've never met in person. But Shana Friend, she is the author, the main author of the Science for High School Equivalency book. In fact, she probably had a different title on it when it was her book. But I believe she took a lot of the CK-12 content and started to make it work for her adult learners. And then when Debbie was using that Community Contributed tab to search for content that was available, she stumbled across these awesome books. And she's like Lindsay, I love these books. Debbie is like, I need to use these. I love the videos that she's created at the beginning of the chapters. Let's work with this.

So Shanna, I'm blind to the chat window right now. But I don't know if you wanted to tell anybody some context for like how you've created these books or what your process was. I know we're looking forward to learning more about you and talking to you later on this week about these books. But you always get the author information here. You get chapters, you get details of the books.

But again, let me just go into a section of this book. I'm going to go into Work and Mechanics. There's a lesson on levers here that I like. Just to show you, again. I'm in the book. I'm in that Science for High School Equivalency book. I've dropped into a section and chapter 16. And then you can see that immediately we serve up other ways to learn. And this is that idea around CK-12 we want learners to learn their own way and some do that through those simulations, those PLIX or those videos or that real world application.

So these are all ways to reengage your learners even before they started a lesson or after they're into the lesson. Or if you have those students who are like I'm finished early what else can I do or hey, I'm still not understanding that concepts, do you have anything else that could try to teach it to me? That's this other ways to learn here. But then you start and you get an A lesson. And I showed you earlier how you were able to access videos and simulations from PLIX here in the lesson. And that there's adaptive practice down on the bottom, as well.

A few additional things I want to show you is that there is a toolbar, and we do a great job hiding it. So make a mental note that the little toolbars up here, these nine boxes. And this is where you're going to find your menu options to do a lot more things both as a teacher and as a student. We've got some learning tools where you can use some insights, that related content is what was on that Learn More page. You can see that there's been some highlighting happening over here. Just because it's digital doesn't mean that students can't make some highlights and some notes. That's going to be on their-- show up in their individual accounts like right here where you can see that I've highlighted four random things over time here. That students can still highlight and take notes.

You as an instructor can add additional resources. If you want to add in something else for the lesson, a PDF, a JPEG, PowerPoint, you're able to upload that right into the lesson here. And then you can do all kinds of things with this. You can assign it if you want some feedback on how the students did. You can just share it. You could take this URL up at the top and just email it out or post it. And if you've got a website you just say, hey, to start class today, we're all going to do, look at this lesson. You can just grab the URL and share it if you want.

Again, if you want to analytics on how the student did and how the student interacted with this page, you're definitely going to want to use the Assign button. And then the topic that we're going to get into next week is, OK, well, I like this lesson but I really don't enjoy this video. It looks cool. So nothing against this guy. But you can press the Customize button. It's not letting me do this because it says that I've already customized this. It's already in my library and it's having to think extra hard. But if you press Customize for the first time, you're able to give it a title. And then you can come in here and you can change anything you want in this lesson.

So you can post a picture of a lever in your house. I could get rid of a video. I could change this PLIX I can change the text. So we're going to show you how to make those changes in your book next week. And that's an individual lesson but you're also able to-- really the real magic to it is at the book level, you're not bound to this-- this has a lot of chapters. It has 33 chapters. You're not bound to those 33 chapters. You can at any time you want edit this book and it basically makes a copy of CK-12 book, which again Shana made her book based on a CK-12 book. And then Debbie took Shana's book and made the adult learner book. And now I am making this. So I could put my name at the end of this. This is my version of the High School Equivalency book that lives in my library. But safe in my school, we're not going to get to be on the solar system. So I'm just going to go ahead and remove that chapter.

And then we're not going to do earthquakes. I'm here actually in Kansas City, we don't do the earthquakes but we have volcanoes. But I want to add in a chapter on tornadoes, I don't see one on tornadoes right now. So I can add in my own chapter on tornadoes. I can add in a lesson that I've made in class as long as it meets our license, which is generally an open license that you just can't take like a person worksheet that's copyrighted and put it into the book. But things that you've created, things that are open source, you can add that in, add new chapters, add new lessons. And then within any of these sections, you can also do the same thing. You can rearrange.

I'm going to do a cell theory first. We're not going to get to cell division. So I'm going to go ahead and remove that. And within a few minutes here, you could have a book that matches your scope and sequence. And the best part is that it's always editable. It's a living book so you can dive in whenever you would like and create your own book.

So I think that's a little preview of what's going to be covered in more detail, again, it's not like since I have this added thing, what we're going to cover in more detail next week. But what I want you guys to do is I want you to explore CK-12 a little bit, which again using this Explore menu is a great way to do it. See what deals with our simulations and our PLIX and look at FlexBooks, look at schools near you who are already using our resources, check out the study guides, dive into some different content, search for some subjects or concepts that are immediately relevant to you.

And then also, of course, hopefully, these books are great starter books for you that you're interested in, maybe this only gets your 60% or 70% of the way there. You say, hey, I like this pre-algebra book but I need to add a few more chapters to it or I need to do some rearranging. We're going to dive into that really thoroughly next week on how to customize these books or even how to start with just a blank CK-12 shell to curate your own content.

I'm trying to think. Debbie, how are we doing on the questions? I'm trying think of what else I need to show them. I guess it didn't show the language that's important too. So let me show you a couple more things. I see the question in the Q&A about the audio text. CK-12 doesn't have an audio component to it, but we are optimized for Chrome. And so any of your Chrome extensions that have that speech-to-text or text-to-speech ability is going to work with CK-12.

So just other third parties are doing it better than we would so we use our resources elsewhere. And then we're partners with Google and Google helps us do the Google Translate. And so you can instantly change into other languages. It's not going to be perfect because it's Google Translate, but I would imagine a lot of you have learners who speak different languages that you just don't have any resources for and how nice that they can instantly change-- uhh, you know... They can instantly change the language where they can get the text and the menu options in a language that works for them. So that's huge.

And then one more preview here is that if you have assigned this lesson to your students, if you've assigned it either through Google Classroom or Canvas or Schoology or if you don't have one of those LMSs, you using our CK-12 class, you're going to be able to get insights. And this is just going to show you a little demo of what Insights look like. But if I was to assign this lesson to all my students, I would get a scatterplot of how my students performed. And I would be able to select students and see how much time they spent on the lesson, what their skill level was with this practice, and then their engagement. Were they highlighting anything? Were they watching any videos? Were they clicking on those PLIX?

So you start to get analytics that just a straight up score wouldn't show you, that you get really a broader picture of what is the student doing. Only three minutes and 24 seconds on this read, Molly Brown, her engagement was low, three minutes. Surely, somebody here spent longer than three, nine seconds. Yeah, just beginning. So you have a lot of insight into what's going on with your students if you want to do a deep dive into it. But you also can just do a regular heat map and get scores passed back through Google and Canvas and Schoology if you would rather do it that way.

Let me stop there for a minute and turn my video back on and say hi to everybody. And again, like what I'm showing you, it's a very quick overview. And so what I'm challenging you to do is to figure out which parts of the CK-12 platform interest you and how you're going to be able to maximize these free resources for your learners and your context. and Then the next two weeks we're going to build on what you've seen today of really drilled down into the customization aspect. And then since I only touched on the learning management systems, we'll talk more about assignments I think coming up in a way that will make more sense to you once you've spent some time exploring the site. So Debbie, talk to me here. How are we doing? What else do people need to see?

Debbie Jensen: There were some questions. How many students can you have?

Lindsay Kincaid: Endless students. Yeah, you can have as many students as you want. If you are already in a situation where you're using Google Classroom or Canvas or Schoology, we recommend you just going in through those applications and using the classes as you've been using them. If you do not, if you're like, hey, I don't-- I'm alone individual or my situation is different, I don't have access to any of those learning management systems, that's great. We have a CK-12 class for you. And I think it taps out maybe like 500 students in one class where you might have to build class A, class B. But basically, endless. You can have as many students as you want to get everything for you. There's no charge or anything for students or anything like that.

Debbie Jensen: What is a heat map?

Lindsay Kincaid: Let me share my screen again. These are good questions of a heat map. So I'm showing you, these are insights, right? Where say I find this lesson, this writing equations with variables. I wanted to see how my students did. I click on this little lightning thing and I would be able to-- again, I'm going to get demo data here, look at my demo class.

But let me show you what a report looks like for CK-12 and Google Classroom and Canvas and Schoology. It's going to look the same as a CK-12 class report. So just bear with me here while I go into a CK-12 class. I'm going to go into Winter 2020. This is a class that we set up with some of our interns, I believe. And I can see the assignments. I can add students. I can do all this in CK-12. But the reports is the part that you're asking about.

And this is a heat map. So it's color coded with that green and red and orange. So at a glance, you can tell how your students are doing here. So none of these students do these assignments, that's fine. But let's see it looks like, this is me apparently. So I got 80% on this quiz that I did. And you can click on it and you can learn all about my progress on this quiz. So I got seven of eight correct. Took me 45 seconds. And you can see exactly what I missed, which again, all these analytics are huge as you're trying to figure out what's going on with your students.

This little clock says the student did this but it was two days and 17 hours late, past the deadline when I set up for the due date for this assignment. You can-- let see, the practice, but I did look at earlier. Let's see how Carl did on his practice. He got his 10 correct and then even a couple more correct. He spent four minutes on it. And you can see the breakdown of his Adaptive Practice questions.

So he did two easy questions and then quickly started advancing to the medium and hard questions. And again, I can scroll down and see exactly what he was answering. So I think of this, again, I was a classroom teacher and I was in a public school with six classes and 30 kids in each class one of those. So I didn't always have time to like give every student there 20 minutes of analyzing their progress. So this is like at a glance, a quick check in how are the students doing. And these grades will be passed through Canvas and Schoology and Google Classroom if you were using those.

But know that when you do have a conference with Bob, you can sit down and you can say Bob, let's look at all your work. And you can drill down into any of this and be like, I think you're struggling with this skill because here I can see this or you only spent 30 seconds on the lesson. There's lots of analytics to help support you in any of those individual deep dives or for you folks who are working with IEPs or special needs, things like that, we're giving you the full breadth here of opportunities to check student progress.

Debbie Jensen: We have another question. I've used Adaptive Practice with a few students and it's worked very well. I faced with trying to create my own quizzes but without success, will that be covered in one of the next two sections?

Lindsay Kincaid: I'm going to show you right now. I'm going to go back out, always pressing this logo going back out to the home page. So the question is, I showed you our Adaptive Practice where it's set up for kids to try to get 10 correct, or sorry, adult learners, anybody trying to get 10 correct. And it's going to Advanced using medium and hard depending on how they're doing. But some people want more control than that. They want to just make what we call in CK-12 land a quiz. Although that could be review homework, independent practice. Quiz is a trigger word that I wish we would change.

When you're in your library, this is a tab we haven't really explored. This is where the things that you create or the things that you add to your library are going to be stored. And you've got to create new button here. And so one of the things that you can create is that quiz that I'm talking about. By the way, this is also where you would start creating one of your books from scratch if you wanted to, but that's next week for sure.

But creating a quiz allows you more control. Again, so it's not going to be adaptive, but you're able to access our question sets if you want. So you can give it a title. This is going to be a really fancy title. I give a description and then you have control over, do you want them to have unlimited attempts because it's homework or practice, independent study? Or do you want to-- no, this is a quiz. They have one attempts, they're going to do it in 20 minutes. And I'm not going to show any hints. And I'm going to shuffle the questions. You've got all of these different controls over how you want to present the quiz.

And then what's nice is that we have opened up our question bank to you. So all of those Adaptive Practice questions that the students are able to do, you can also search for a concept up here and find questions. OK, I'm going to look at these 19 gravity questions for physical science. And so it just pulled those into my quiz I'm creating, but I can go in and-- it doesn't like fine, sorry. It doesn't like that I put the slash in there. Let's see if it should take hyphens I think, OK.

If I come in here and hit 20 minutes. I'm going to quickly in my demo, the systems slow downs. These are the questions, the 19 questions that we have available for gravity and our database. And I can choose which ones of these I want to have in my quiz. So I can select these. I can sort by difficulty. Say, I didn't think the hard questions were very-- I didn't want to do any the hard questions. So I could deselect the hard questions and say, let's do more of the easy and medium questions, or you can sort by type of maybe I don't want any true/false questions. And then again, you can open these up and preview any of the questions at any time. And you can also add in your own questions using our Question Editor.

But when I save this, it's going to change or it's not going to show 19 questions anymore, it's going to say that my quiz so far is of 13 questions. And I can continue to add questions such as much as I want. So I can go in and say, hey, let's do some on-- you can drill down you can see. Let's steal some of these chemical bond questions and do the same thing and start building a quiz that way.

And then once you've built your quiz, you're able to save it. And it is going to be in your library where all the stuff that you make goes. And so here is that quiz that I just made. That at any point, I can access it and I can assign it to my students I can download it as a PDF. Lots of things I can do. So I would just come in here. I'm using Google Classroom, I would link it to my Google Classroom. And my students would be doing 33 questions, one attempt 20 minutes. It's probably not the best setting for that. So I usually do unlimited and show of hands or I'm a little more favorable on my quizzes. But you can control all of those details and assign it to your students.

Debbie Jensen: We have another [interposing voices] No. Another question, can you integrate with GeoGebra?

Lindsay Kincaid: We have integrated with GeoGebra. If you probably saw that with our math content, anything with an embed code can be pulled into our books. And I only two subjects here. Adult books, I'm sure have some GeoGebra in them as well, I'm just diving into something. Our team has been working with GeoGebra to create these interactive in-house. But I believe if you are a GeoGebra user, this should be an embed code that we've got, when you edit the lesson, we've got a place for embed codes and that can be a video, that can be an image, that could be-- I have heard of things like Quizlet, some of those other subscription type things you might use. Anything with an embed code that you slap in there should show up on the screen.

Debbie Jensen: Next question was, I see topics for forensic science community contributions but I thought that I saw FlexBook to textbook on forensic science.

Lindsay Kincaid: Probably. So coming back out to our home page here. Remember that we've gotten the start of the adult Ed things on the adult Ed page, which is just our start. But you might want to come out here into the broader world of all of our content and find other FlexBooks. So this is on forensic science. You are going to give me something tough, the former English teacher that I'm trying to think about it.

So what I would do is I would come here to forensic science. And then I'm going to search by FlexBooks textbooks. And it's pulling up each time forensic science is referenced and a lot of our difference like human biology books. So I would have to drill down a little bit more into this. But you're right if I go over to Community Contributed, Big Sandy, Lorraine has created a forensic science book. And probably if you've got in here, you would be able to see what she used as the primary source for the book.

That wasn't the best explanation for your question but I would encourage you to-- that's actually going to. If I come over here to Geometry and I browse by subjects, we have a lot of FlexBooks that CK-12 has created. And we've put a lot of them on the shelves while we're doing the interactive, the latest greatest, everything unified together. So when I just want to geometry, you're going to see that you have filtering options here to see different languages, the different grades. You can see which ones are 2.0 and which ones have been community contributed.

So you've got choice here. And so here's a Pythagorean theorem book. It's not a FlexBook 2.0. It's not one we're showing on the adult page. But you may want to pull pieces of this into your adult Ed books, same thing with a lot of these other books. Here's geometry in Spanish. You can customize this book or steal chapters from it. Lots of options are CBSE books and a partnership. So use our FlexBook browser to find things well beyond what looks like we have in that, what do you want to teach today option or on our adult page right now.

Debbie Jensen: We have a couple more questions. Is there integration with Desmos, a math graphing program?

Lindsay Kincaid: I don't know much about that. Yeah, I'm not sure how you want to integrate. Again, all I can really speak to is that if there is some sort of embed code where you can take something going on Desmos most and embedded into one of our FlexBooks, it will work. Otherwise, we don't have any set partnership, our only partnerships are with Google, Schoology, Canvas, and a little bit with Clever and ClassLink and a few of those sign on systems.

Debbie Jensen: What is the highest level or highest reading level in the English lessons?

Lindsay Kincaid: Yeah that's a tricky one. As a former English teacher, my hope and desire is that sometimes we get Lexile scores or we're able to better speak to the vocabulary and what reading level you can expect. But like I said, since we are a concept-based organization, it just depends. So I would like-- for English specifically, this is our Commonsense Composition book where if I wanted to see who wrote it, I can tell that this was San Jose State University. And I could go and do these lessons and I could start looking at it.

But we unfortunately, aren't really able to tell you a whole lot about the reading level. This would be, all right, this was a college level book. Let me see what's going on here. Some of our FlexBooks, we have basic, at grade, and advanced. This is what we call it for our middle and high school content where the basic has been pared down a little bit. That grade is what the typical student studying that concept that at their grade would be able to do. And then advanced usually has some higher level thinking and some elevated language to it. But that's a great question and something I'm hoping that we're going to pay special attention to as we're building out these adult books.

Debbie Jensen: We have two more questions. Do you have GDE previous question papers for math in CK-12?

Lindsay Kincaid: I do not believe so. I'm wondering if I fully understand that question. I don't know if you understand it better than I do. But again, we have those, the GDE books that we adapted from Shana, our community contributor. Do they have papers? What do you make of that, Debbie?

Debbie Jensen: Well, in the one textbook, they do have pre-tests that you can give the students to find out what they need to study in the book and that is in one of the books for the high school equivalency. The others it's the CK-12 and the materials that are there. So that would be my answer. I'm not sure that's the best. The next question says, can we connect with Moodle?

Lindsay Kincaid: We have a ton of users who use CK-12 with Moodle. We don't have that like grade pass back where they don't talk to each other in the same way that we do with Google and Google Classroom and Schoology and Canvas. But if you're talking about grabbing a link of our resources and putting it into your Moodle feet or board or whatever they call that, you can grab the URLs and you can and you can use them as much as you want. It's not quite as slick with that progress feedback.

Debbie Jensen: And the last one that's here says, I noticed there were college lessons. Will Ck-12 have GRE lessons or any material similar to that?

Lindsay Kincaid: Maybe. I mean, as a foundation, I'm going to check and see if there's anything labeled GRE for a community contributed. It's going to pull up everything with "Greatest". Let me go to FlexBook textbook. Gretna. GRE is probably a tough thing to search for. But no is the immediate answer of I don't think we are actively working on that. Again, I'm excited that after years of middle and high school math and science that we are venturing off into the adult Ed space. And that has started again with CK-12 core content of math and science, but we want to build out from there. But I'm guessing we'll move toward CTE and ELL or language arts books to go for these adult learners before we would go after our GRE students, that's a different ballgame. But you're always welcome to create a book on our site.

Debbie Jensen: Any other questions anyone? We have answered all the questions that were in the Q&A.

Lindsay Kincaid: I think, do you want to go back and share the screen and give them some contact information from us because this is just the start of a conversation where we want to hear from you, we want to partner with you. I would love-- actually, Debbie and I were talking about this before this webinar. We're starting to get lots of emails from people saying, hey, I'm in this situation and I want to talk to you more about this or I want to share this with my department or can you do a demo for several of us in the building. And I like the answer to all that is yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

We want to know what your ideas are, how you're using these books, how we can make them better. If you have awesome adult content that you think is license compliant or it could come onto the CK-12, let's talk about it, we would love to work with you on that. So the easiest address for me is partners@ck12. That's an address that I'm in but it's also visible to a lot of my other teammates. So that's cool to see everything that's going on. And then you can see Debbie's email address there. And go ahead, Debbie.

Debbie Jensen: Yes, you're definitely welcome to contact me as well. We have one more question that popped in. How is the community contributed content vetted? Is it vetted for accuracy?

Lindsay Kincaid: By the CK-12 team, we are largely hands off of these books of the community contributed. And that's why we've made it pretty clear that there is the CK-12 tab, there's the community contributed tab, and then our lot of our social studies books, for instance, were made in partnership with El Paso Independent School District in Texas. And we put that all over the description. We put that community contributed label saying that it's social studies but this was created in Texas so that may or may not work for everybody or again, we think it's strong enough content that we wanted to highlight it for people but you may want to be making some tweaks to that book based on it.

So community contributed is really up to you. You're checking boxes saying that you have agreed to the license that the contents appropriates and then it goes onto the site. And unless it's flagged for us, it stays up there and it's kind of up to you to look at the book and see the content. And where it gets tricky is, I know the Shana was saying, we've used her books as the core of a couple of our books on the adult site. And she's like, well, what if I'm still working on it? What if I'm still building it? What if I still want to make changes to it? And when you start making copies of somebody else's book you've separated that process where now that book is not going to be updated by Shana because it's a CK-12 book and it's our responsibility to update it.

But we'll talk more about that next week. That's a great question. We'll talk more about publishing. Not everything you do on our site is immediately available for the world to see. So you can create things in peace knowing that it's not like immediately posted for everybody. So we'll go over some of those best practices and talk more about our license and talk more about the dos and dont's and how to make sure something doesn't get flagged on the site.

Neda Anasseri: Lindsay, I was going to say OTAN worked in partnership with CK-12 to make sure that what we were grabbing from the community contributed was vetted with accuracy to check for accuracy by adult basic educator and adult secondary educator. So we do have folks that are looking at that before being posted onto the adult Ed site.

Lindsay Kincaid: Yes. I think the adult Ed page, again, it's his own thing that's getting a lot of attention right now, a lot of eyes on it. Again, it's not perfect but we're continuing to see that process. But the general community contributed, I mean, we have hundreds of thousands of FlexBooks on our site. And we're just thankful when people want to post their work in case somebody else can grab it, it saves them time and helps them with their learners.

Neda Anasseri: And then Lindsay, I've asked someone from our participants to share their email address because they want to be involved in creating more writing reading resources as well. So we'll definitely take that and notate that email address and as we move forward with our efforts to make our team a little bit larger.

Lindsay Kincaid: Yeah. Or if you guys are Twitter people or LinkedIn people, again, we're trying to throw a lot of things out into the world and network in any way just to figure out who our folks, who are going to be our great partners in this journey. So you can also find us-- there's all of OTAN's information, you've got CK-12. Again, I'm pretty easy to find and Nada is easy to find. If you're into the social media stuff, connect with us there too so we can stay updated on what everybody's doing.

Neda Anasseri: Yes. And you'll find we partnered with CK-12 with a couple of different posts. So we've always tagged to get help. So if you want to find us and then find CK-12 from there, you can find them at @ck-12foundation on Twitter.