Melinda Holt: By the way, my name is Melinda Holt. I'm with the Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. And I have a lot of certifications.

How to use this deck? There's a table of contents,, the number 2, capital S as in Sam, E E-- So that's the Bitly. And this is the dynamic deck, the dynamic book.

The thing that was added was special characters today. So that's new. And what we're going to be doing today is a-- well, not really a review.

But I wanted you to realize you could do more through the File menu. So I'm going to do just a quick little more on the File menu. And then we're going to go to the Insert menu on Docs.

We had quite a few questions, actually, in the support, because people want to know how to share with their students. So you want to share this document of proportional magnitude with your students. You want to give them all a copy. But you know your students. Maybe they're not as tech savvy as you are, or it's just too hard for them.

But you know that they have email. And because they have email, you can send them something. You can send them something directly from the doc.

You don't have to open up your Gmail. You don't have to open up your Outlook. You don't have to open up anything. If you have Docs, you can send a document to anybody.

So we're all going to select the File menu. And then we're going to go down to where it says email as attachment. It's right underneath Download. We're going to click that.

This is some super fantastical magic because, number one, I can send a copy to myself. It doesn't list me, because I should know who I am. So from here, we can type in names. Or we could also paste in names if I copied an entire column of email addresses from a form that I collected.

You probably could, Bob. I'm not sure. I've never used WhatsApp, but I have heard of it. So I don't know, but that would be something to test out.

So I can put names in here. And I can and I should put in a message. And if I don't more than open this link, I wouldn't fault the person that I'm sending this to for not opening it.

Please, when you're adding a message-- this is actually going to be sent from your Gmail account or your Google account that you're using. If you're using G Suites, then it will be coming from that account. If you don't put more information than, open this link--

Oops. I don't know what happened there. That was weird. Well, let's try this again. So the message should contain more information than just, open the link, or open the document. If it doesn't, then you should not be surprised if people don't open it.

Because how many times have we gotten messages? Look at this really cool picture. Click here. No, don't do that. And don't expect your students to do that.

So put something personal in here. Type of message-- this is from teacher. This is your assignment. Now, you can include the content in the email, which makes the email really, really long. So I don't suggest that, unless it's a really short.

But here's the magic right here, folks. Right underneath that checkbox, you're going to see the options to send to your students. So you can send this as an RFT. That was in the last workshop. It's also on the slides deck.

And RTF is Rich Text Format. It'll keep your bold. It'll keep your underlined. It'll keep your links. But it will take out your pictures, because it's just text.

Plain text takes out the bold, and the underlined, and everything. So it's just text. But you're also given the option of sending it as a PDF so that the entire document becomes a PDF. And when you hit Send, it goes to those people as an attachment, as a PDF.

So that is a really cool way of quote, unquote, "sharing." I went back to File, and then email this attachment. So this is a really cool way of-- like I said-- quote, unquote, "sharing" as any format that you want.

Now, is Google Docs listed here? No, because the assumption is that you would not send the document. You would actually share the document.

So if you want to share a document, we've covered that. You go to the Share button. And you can turn on the link, or add people as editors, or viewers.

Our LMS is Schoology. We need to send all links to that site. How to send Google Docs there? You don't actually send Google Docs to your LMS. You actually send your LMS to the Google Doc.

I think we're saying the same thing. So when you go to Schoology, you're going to want to attach your documents. Or you're going to want to get the shareable link of your documents, Suzette.

So at the top of every document, every slide, every sheet, you're going to go to that Share button. I'm going to hit Share. And I think this new share interface has been rolled out to everybody.

If you see something different, it just means that you're on the slow track, and I'm on the fast track. No offense, but that's what it means. I think, though, we should all be seeing basically the same thing here.

So when you open up the Share link, you can actually add people. And you can make them viewers. So you could do it that way. Or-- I'm going to hit Cancel here-- when you hit the Share button, you can get the shareable link.

Right now, shareable links are restricted. So only people added can open this link. So what do you want to do? You want to change that. You want to change it to anyone with the link.

And this is the way you would put it in Schoology, or in Moodle, or in Google-- well, no, Google Classroom works much better, but Blackboard-- so any LMS other than Google Classroom. Google Classroom attaches automagically. It's a beautiful thing.

So right here, we want to change anyone with the link. I'm going to click on that. And I'm given some options here. So anyone with the link can view. Or anyone with the link can comment. Or anyone with the link can edit.

If you ever choose that, you are really putting yourself in some hot water. Don't ever do that with your class. Make them viewers or commenters. Anyone with the link or restricted, you're able to go back and forth as you wish.

And then once you do that, here's the big, long link that you need. You're given the option to copy it. And then you can paste it into your Schoology, or your Moodle, or your Blackboard, or whatever.

So it seems the new share interface does not include option to send to myself. So you have no record of when it was shared or the message accompanying it. Well, not so much. Except through version-- no, version history doesn't cover it, either.

So Robby, you're right. There is no way to send it to yourself. Here's the thing, though. You know when you've done something to a document through version history. So you can look at that. And you can get an idea of when things were done.

So if you're worried about-- and right here, you're not going to know who is looking at that document. When you have anyone with the link-- that means if my student thinks this is a really cool document, and they send it to their family or their friends, they have the link now. So they can open it.

And I know a bunch of teachers are sitting at their chairs and going, [gasps] no, I don't want that to happen. Well, why not? Let that sink in for a minute. Why not? What's the big deal? No one can do anything to it, because you're just letting them view it.

If I change the share option after I've already shared it, does it go back and change the way it was shared previously? Absolutely. So if I go ahead and say done here-- I've shared it-- I get this icon up at the top instead of a lock, the share. It doesn't have a lock anymore. It has, anyone with the link, a little avatar with the link underneath it.

If I click on that, and I change it to restricted, that means only people that I've added to the document can view it. So if anybody was looking at the document at the same time that I changed that share, they'll still be able to look at it until they hit the Refresh button on their browser. Or if they closed the tab and try and open it back up, they won't be able to do it, because I've changed the share right in the middle.

So let's say Alisa has shared this with me. She shared this with me. And then, right in the middle of something, she decided, [gasps] no, I don't want to share that with Melinda anymore. So she changes the Share link.

I'm still on the document, so I can still look at it the way she originally intended. But as soon as I hit Refresh or close the tab, I won't be able to get back to it. So Sharon, I think that answers your question. Change the Share link at midnight. No one will be on it, you hope.

All right, so we've done the sharing. We've done file email as attachment, which I think is going to help a lot of you, especially some of you that had that question. Well, I don't want to share with my students, or my students aren't able to share. Or even my staff-- my staff don't want to share. Well, OK, email as attachment.

And just for grins and giggles, because I wanted to see-- did I share this? Yeah, on version history-- remember, we covered this last week-- you can see everything that you've done on a document as you go down. And I believe his name is Rob-- you're right. It doesn't say anything here about sharing.

So I can't know why you wouldn't know that you shared with somebody, or why you would need to know exactly when you shared it. If you do need to know that, you write it down off to the side a little bit, or maybe even put a note in the document down at the bottom. And if you don't want people to see it, it's really easy.

You just select the text, make it white. Oops, select the text. Make it white. Boom, there, no one can see it. So it will retain the message that went with it.

When you share it with somebody, you can-- here we go. When you get the viewable link, that's not a message to anybody. When I add people, like Alisa, right here, I'm notifying them. Then I do get notified. I will get a copy of this message.

So does that help? So you have to add them as a viewer, commenter, or editor, not just a shareable link. The shareable link means anybody can get it, so you're not giving a message for it. I think that answered that question.

All right, we're going to get out of the share here. And I'm back to restricted. Now we're going to have some fun, not that that wasn't fun, too.

But the Insert button-- a lot of people don't know, other than you can insert an image, a table, and that's about it. That's all. That's as far as people go. Or some of you might know about headers and footers. But there's a lot of stuff in here in the Insert button on a document that you can do that will dress up your document or make it easier for your students.

The image, certainly-- you can add an image from your drive. You can add them from your photos if you've got the link to one, if you've got your camera. You got a tablet. If you've got Docs on your tablet, you could certainly take a picture, or on your phone. You could also search the web.

So there's lots of ways to do an image. This is already in the handout. I'm not going to cover these. We have covered these in some previous workshops. It's the same in Slides as well. You can do all of these things here.

Table-- you can add a table. Now, they give you the option to go up to 20 by 20. If you need more rows than that or columns than that, that's a huge table, but they will let you do that as well.

Can you send an email attachment to a class without adding individual names of students? Hmm, that's a good question. In the past-- and I'm talking long past-- you used to be able to add a group. So if you have contacts, in the To field-- and I haven't tested this out, Mary, so I'm not really sure.

But in the To field within Contacts, if you have a group called class and you've added all the students to it, you should be able to add the group called class to the document. And right now, I don't have a group called class in my contacts, so that's why it's not coming up. And I can't remember the groups that I have. So maybe we can test that out later. But that's the only way I can think of right now.

Insert-- we're back to insert. So insert-- you can also add-- we already talked about the table. So I'll put a table in here real quick.

This is a really good idea if you are going to-- maybe you just have a lesson, and you want everybody to see everyone else's work-- Student ID and sentence. And you want everyone to-- I should have done this before. You want everyone-- I'm sorry. I'm trying to merge here.

So we got to go to-- I'm just going to right click. I love right clicking. Right clicking is the bomb. So I'm going to get rid of these. I'm right clicking, and I'm deleting those two rows. There we go.

So I've got a student ID, and then add sentence. And then I just keep tabbing-- tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab, tab. And then we'll have student ID one.

So we're going to make this a-- we're going to make number one. We're going to select the whole cell. You see how I've got the whole cell selected. And I'm going to make that a numbered list. And I'm going to select the whole cell again.

I'm going to copy that. And then I'm going to drag it down and paste. Tah-dah. That is how you get a numbered list in a table. So if I copied just this number one, then pasted it in the next row, it would become a number one, and then a number one, and then a number one, and a number one. The trick is to copy the entire cell.

So the trick is to copy the entire cell so that, if I copy A here-- I'm going to cross my fingers-- oops, copy. And then, when I go down to the next three cells and paste, there we go. So it retains-- the cell knows that it's a numbered list. Not the numbered list itself-- the cell knows.

All right, so you can add a table. You can assign student IDs. And then, when student number three comes in, they know that they type here. And then, when student number four comes in, they know that they type in the number four slot.

So if you assign student numbers, or if you have their IDs off to the side, or if you want to type their names, that way everybody knows where to type when you're sharing a document. So this is how you would add a table.

So we went to the Insert menu. We inserted a table. It just did two columns, really short assignments. We've got a student ID column so they know where they should be typing. And you could also add a column maybe to the right or the left where you would have-- next to student ID, you're going to insert a column to the right.

And I want them to type their name so I know that student number one is Bill, or student number two is Robbie. Then they all see each other's work. Yes. Not only that but, gasp, they could also change each other's work. Oh, my god.

It's a collaborative document. It's OK. So wrap your head around collaboration. Number one, you're learning-- you're learning them? Oh, my god. You're teaching them how to come into a shared space.

You're teaching them only to write on their space. You're teaching them how to help one another on this space. So there's a lot of collaborative lessons here beyond the assignment of adding a sentence. You can right click anywhere on a document, and you will get submenus. So anyways, yes, you will know who types and where they type.

Now, here's the thing. You can share this with students. All you have to do is share it with the shareable link. They don't have to be signed into anything.

Will they need Google Docs? Yeah, they will. So that means they're going to have a Gmail of some sort. There's lots of ways to have a Gmail address. They could actually use their Yahoo or their Hotmail as a Gmail address. That's a whole nother workshop.

So they will need Google Docs in order to edit. So if you're collaborating with them, you're going to give them edit rights. That's scary for a lot of teachers. If you don't want the original document to get screwed up, make a copy of it. Have it off to the side, just in case it goes so far out of whack that you can't fix it.

And then remember, folks, we have File, Version History, See Version History. So you can see when the students are coming in and doing anything to this document. You'll see who it is and what they do.

So if someone's not playing nice, you'll know who it is. At that point, you can make them a viewer. You can actually change their view rights.

But then you'd have to change it for everybody. So you'd have to make everybody an editor. You'd have to get rid of shareable link. And then you'd have to make that particular person a viewer.

So you've had trouble using the correct share designation to allow students access. If there's a share-- you have to have this shared. That's number one on anybody.

If you're sharing anything in an LMS-- if you're sharing it in Moodle, if you're sharing it in Blackboard, if you're sharing it in Canvas, Schoology, whatever you're using-- if this document that you're trying to get your students to view is locked, they can't get to it. It's private, only to you, until you hit that Share button and change it. So you have to change it to anyone with the link.

What this means right now is that I have to add all of my students to the share up at the top. So I have to add all their email addresses. Then only those students will be able to view this document or to edit this document. Nine times out of 10, you're going to want it as view. But you'd have to add them up here if you keep it restricted.

If you add new students, if you get new students, they won't be able to see it until you add them to this list. So it makes it easier on you if you change that restriction, to change to anyone with the link. So you click on that. Then anybody who has the link-- this is what you're going to put in the Canvas.

This is what you're going to put in whatever LMS you're using. You're going to copy that link. And then it's shareable.

So if Canvas sees your drive, if you allow Canvas to see your drive-- and you can actually tell Canvas, I want this document DOCS Demo-- and there's supposed to be TOC. DOCS Demo TOC-- I want Canvas to put this in my assignment. It can now, because it's been shared. So if there's a lock, it's not going to work. It has to be shared.

If I created editable document, how can I give one document per student? You have to use Classroom. That's the only way to do it. I don't know that any other LMS is able to create a copy of one document and share it out to students. I could be wrong on that. A lot of different-- go ahead, Alisa.

Alisa Takeuchi: Sorry. I just-- do you--

Melinda Holt: No, please.

Alisa Takeuchi: Is it too difficult to show them copy in the URL?

Melinda Holt: Copy in the-- you could do that, yes. Yes, we'll do that. I've done it before, but I'll do it again. It's OK.

Alisa Takeuchi: That's how I knew it, from view. That's how I knew it.

Melinda Holt: Yeah. So I am going to-- I'm actually going to delete the table. So here, I'm going to hit Paste. And I'm going to make this really big. This is the big, long document link.

So first I have to go back to my share. I had to check something. What am I checking? I went to the Share button. I went to the gear at the top of the window.

I'm going to click that. And I need to make sure that viewers, commenters, can see the option to download, print, and copy. This has to be checked for what Alisa just alluded to. This is really good magic, folks, so watch carefully.

You have to make sure, again, that anyone with the link can view. So I'm going to copy that link. And then I'm going to hit Done.

Here's the link. I'll paste it again, just to make sure I got it right. I did. So here's the link. Now here, everyone put down your mouses, and look now.

Look at the Zoom window. You've got a big, long link. That is actually the name of your document. So what we're going to do is we're going to change the name in order that, when you send the link to your students, it automatically makes a copy of the document for them. They're asked, actually, if they want to make a copy of the document.

Problem-- number one, they need to have a Gmail. Or they have to have a Google account in order for this to work. If they don't have a Google account, it won't work. So that's problem number one. And actually, that's the only problem you should have.

Oh, no, I thought of problem number two. Problem number two, if you were on a club, if your email ends with, or, or if your domain ends in @ anything other than Gmail, that means you're on a club. And when you try to do what I'm showing you right now, it might say, uh-uh, no, not letting you do that. So you need to test it out.

So here we go. At the end of your share link, paste it in an email. Paste it in a Word, in a doc. Paste it anywhere where you have text. Paste that big, long link.

And then, at the end of it, you're going to see edit?usp=sharing. When you have a share link, that's what it will say. If it says anything different, you got problems. You need to go back to that Share button and get the shareable link-- so edit?usp=sharing.

You're going to take that text. And you're going to just get rid of it. And then you're going to type the word copy so that, when you send this link to your students-- and I'm going to open up another browser.

All right, so I copied that link. And now I'm going to paste it. And we're going to pretend I opened up my email. I saw a message from my teacher. I clicked on the link. And there's the link.

So see? It ends in copy. So I'm going to hit Enter, because this is what it would look like for your students. You have to wait for the magic to happen.

And in Firefox, we got [vocalizing]. Here's what they see. Whoa, here's what they see. I'm going to go back over here. Copy document-- would you like to make a copy of DOCS Demo TOC?

They are asked that question. I say, yes, make a copy. And I have to wait for the magic again. And there it is.

Now, here is the copy of the document. And I know it's a copy of the document, because I see File, Edit, View, Insert, Format Tools, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I see all of the menu items.

I also see that there's the Share button, and it's locked. And it says, private, only to me. Now, this is me, as a student, with my raccoon face with a tongue hanging out. This is my document now.

I can take anything out of this document. It doesn't do anything to my teacher's document. Here's my teacher. I'm going to take this link. And I'm going to give it to my students somehow, some way, somewhere.

I could actually-- I'm copying right now. I'm doing a Control-C. And I'm going to type the word-- oops, document. I'll make it bigger so you can see it.

OK, so here's the word document. And just so you don't think I'm pulling anything funny, I'm going to get rid of all that. I still have the link. I still copied it.

I'm selecting the word document. I'm selecting the link tool. I'm going to paste that big, long link with the word copy at the end, and apply it. Now, when students click on this link within this document, or within a web page, or on an LMS, or anywhere, as soon as they click it, they will get that, do you want to make a copy?

And as long as they say yes, they'll get a copy of the document. So it doesn't matter if you change the editor or view-only designation after you've sent the link. No, it doesn't matter when you change it.

The link updates itself, because the document updates itself. So this link is actually attached to the document. So as the document changes, the link changes as well. The link permissions change as well.

So after each student makes a copy of a document and edits it, how do I find their copies? Well, that's a really good question, because you can't unless they share it with you, Brad. So that's something else you have to be aware of.

They have to be able to share it back with you. Or they have to be able to upload it into the LMS that you're using. Or the easiest way is just for them to go to share and then type your name, right here, so that you are able to see it. And then you would go to Share with Me, bada bing, bada boom.

Or again, with any LMS, they're able to upload or link to their assignments. So you could get it that way. You could also get it by they get the shareable link, and just send you the link. And maybe you have a document with all the links on it. There's lots of ways to do it.

You could have a form. Everybody go to the Share button on your document, get the shareable link, then come back to the form, and paste your link. Make sure you paste your name, too. Otherwise, I don't know who you are. Or you would have a name filled within the form.

All right, so lots on sharing. We've got really two good ways of getting the document to your students. You're going to email as an attachment. Or you could do that copy link that I just showed you. Or you could get the shareable link. So that's actually three ways.

All right, if students share it back, will it have the same name as your original document, unless they know to rename it? Absolutely, Corey. So whatever they do to the document-- I mean, it's their document, once they make a copy. So they can do anything they want with it.

If you tell them, don't change the title, then they won't. Or you might tell them to, at the end of your document, put a hyphen and your last name. That way, you have the title of your document, a hyphen. You might even put the hyphen there for them. So at the end of their document, put your last name. Make it even simpler for them.

Good, Shirley, I'm glad it worked in your table. Now, insert-- let me get rid of these links here. We're going to go to Insert now, because there are some things here that you don't know about. And I know you don't, and you should, because it's so cool.

Number one is special characters. I just added this this morning. I want to make sure we get to it. This opens a window that is really small. And it usually opens up to a category area. And there's lots of symbols here.

Now, some of you might know about this already. But I think there's some things about it you don't know. So watch carefully.

We can look through all of the categories. There's a bunch of symbols. There's emojis you can add to your document. There's different punctuations.

See, right here, we got that paragraph thing that people-- especially teachers, English specific-- like. You can put in the at symbol-- big deal. Well, it's a big deal, because it's bigger.

There's all kinds of different stuff. There's Latin. So we've got common Latin enclosed Latin, flipped/mirrored Latin. There's Greek. There are American scripts. There's Canadian, Cherokee, and Historic-Deseret.

Lots of stuff here. There's a lot of Chinese. The Han is Chinese characters. There's East Asian characters, so lots of different kind of characters.

And as you hit the category type, here we have Southeast Asian scripts. I can go from Balinese, to Javanese, to Thai Vet, to Thai. And I get all these little special characters.

Now, here's the thing. I'm going to X out of this. I'm not going to do anything. I'm going to look at where my cursor is blinking.

And then let's say I want my special character at the end of document outlines. So I have my cursor blinking there. Then I go to Insert Special Character. And I choose a character.

I'm just going to leave it here. I'm going to choose this one. What is this? Thai character to Batak. And I click. And you can move this window around.

So the Insert Special Characters-- you can move it around. So I can move it to the left so that I could see. Wherever my cursor was blinking-- that is where the character went.

I just added a space. Now, I can select that character, and I can make it mucho bigger. Boom, there we go.

For you math teachers out there, they have math characters as well. As soon as I move the window down so that I can see it-- there we go, numbers. So you've got all kinds of different numbers.

And you can go to fraction related. Here we go, 3/8. Remember, right here is where my cursor was. And you can go back and forth between special characters and your keyboard. So you can keep that open.

So I'm going to 3/8 plus 3/16, or 1/6, whatever-- whatever's coming up. And I can make it bigger. Boom. How simple as that? So lots of different categories, lots of different characters that you can select from.

Now, here's the thing. Looking through all these lists is very tedious. So maybe you might want to do a search, which you can do.

Maybe you're looking for the trademark. So all I have to do is start typing trade. Oh, look at that, didn't even have to type it all. But here's the trademark character. Boom, and there it is-- not that 1/6 is trademarked, but there we go.

You can do a search for anything. Copyright-- everybody wants a copyright. Boom, so there's the symbol for copyright.

Now, here's the thing. I want everyone to look. Stop looking at your keyboards. Look over here, because underneath the search box is this box right here. And what it is is actually a drawing tool.

So I can draw. Da, da, da, da. I'm just clicking and holding my mouse. And as I'm drawing, Google's trying to figure out, what the heck is she drawing?

Oh, here are some options. And there's the one that I wanted. Or maybe this is the one I wanted, because I'm a really bad drawer. So you can draw anything.

You can also-- ah, man, I messed up. You can hit the little refresh key. If you're using a tablet, you would use your finger or a little pin. You don't have to, though. You can use your mouse.

I'm using my mouse right now. You see where my cursor is. And I'm going to-- let's just see what it does with this.

Look at that. So I drew a little cloud. Now I'm going to make it a tree. Ah-ha. So you can insert these things.

Google has a very big library of-- I'm going to call them special characters. But this is more of an emoji. And I can make it bigger.

As a matter of fact, just for grins and giggles, did you know that you can get bigger than 96? It says 96 is the end. But what if I want 300?

Whoops, I have to select it first. There we go. Let's go 200. Boom. So you can make this special character as big as you want. So that's something to keep in mind-- special characters.

I'm getting rid of all of it so I can show you something else here. So yeah, you can draw special characters. So you know what it looks like, but you're not sure what it's called-- draw it.

You can also insert equations, which brings the special characters up into a little box. And unfortunately, my cursor was right in the middle of describing on my text. So that's where the special character is going to be.

Insert-- we're going to go back to Insert. Here's something else you don't know you have. It's drawing. Yes, you can put drawings in a document. And you have to draw them, but you can do that, believe me.

So down here somewhere is a drawing. Hang on. So right here in my text is a drawing of a cloud. I did not insert that from my drive. I actually drew it while I had the document open.

I'm going to go to this paragraph. I'm going to put my cursor in the paragraph. And it says, "Earth pale the blue to ever cherish." This is nonsense text.

I'm going to put my cursor where I want my image to appear. Oh, wow, I should put a blue dot there. So I'm going to insert. I'm going to go to drawing. And I'm going to select New.

I'm going to get a little pop-up that comes up. And the drawing tool is enabled. And now I can use all of these shapes. And if you've gone to my Slides workshop before, you know you got lots of options here.

So we're going to go to a shape. And we're going to draw something. It says something about blue dots. We'll make this a blue kind of a dot. You can do all kinds of-- whoo-hoo.

We can layer dots to make them look-- or layer things to make it look different. And this is nonsense, folks. I just want you to see what I'm doing here. So here's my image. For whatever reason, this is the image I need in my document.

Oh, by the way, in this image, I could also add an image. So I could search for something. I'm going to cancel this. I'll show you that in a sec.

Here's the image that I just drew. I'm going to Save and close it. Where's it going? It's going in the document as an image, as an image.

So right here, this isn't two dots anymore. This is two dots that are together. It's one image. So I can make it bigger, or smaller, as I see fit.

And if I decide, oh, man, I just wanted the one blue. And oh, I screwed up. Do I have to draw it again? No. There's two things you can do right now. You can double click, or you can hit the Edit button when you select the image.

So double clicking is just like hitting that Edit button. And now, when I select what I don't want, or if I change the image in any shape, way, or form, and then save and close, now my new image is there. If I decide I don't like that, or I wanted to add something to it, I'm going to double click on the image again.

And now I'll go ahead and go to the Image Insert button that was up at the top. I'm going to go ahead and search, because I know there's nothing in my albums or my drive that I want. And I'm going to type the word earth. I'm just searching for the earth. Here we go. There's a good one.

By the way, search results shown are labeled for commercial reuse with modification when you do a Google search on images. Doesn't mean you're 100% totally free. But since you're in education, you're OK. But if you have anything that comes up that says that there's copyright protection, don't use it. Get something else.

Here's the image. I want to make it smaller. So I do that. And maybe I layer it on top of the other dot. And maybe-- I don't know-- crop it a little.

I'm getting stupid about it, but you get the idea. Now I'm going to save and close. And there's my image that I can resize as I wish.

I can wrap text as I need. I can put a margin around it. I can move it with text. I can do anything that I want with this image. Not only that, but I can edit it. And it's in the doc, so I don't have to go finding it.

I want to create a close reading exercise. How can I do that in Doc fillable? Ooh, well, you can-- you have to think out of the box.

Number one, I would put the images in a table. So you would create a table. And maybe the first column would be where your images are stored. And then you resize them and everything, get them all looking pretty and everything.

And then, in the second column is where you would have the words, the matching, or the fill in, or whatever you-- I'm thinking above and beyond the close. I'm thinking about all the different kinds of assignments you could have.

So you could have fill in the blank. You could have matching. You could have all kinds of different things. But then you have to have another area where you would have your students actually put in their answer.

Miriam, I missed what you click to wrap the text. Well, you have to click on the image. So after you insert the image, you click on it. And then you're given a bunch of options underneath it.

So here's the inline option. A wrap text option is next. And then there's the break text margins. If you only want 1/16 of a margin, really small, you could do that, or zero.

Do you want it to move with text? Do you want this image to be a fixed position? Or do you want to see the position options?

Ooh, look what just happened. So when I insert an image, I have image options. Let me close this.

Right now, if you're looking at your own document and you don't have anything selected, you do not see Image Options. You have to select an image. Just click on it. And then, at the top of your screen underneath File, Edit, View, Insert, you're going to see an Image Options button.

You can also get to it by selecting the More button or the skinny snowman. When you've selected the object, there's a skinny snowman that appears within its own menu. So lots of ways to get to it.

I'm going to select Image Options. And now I have more options on where I can put this . Image but here's some really other cool stuff, by the way-- size and rotation, text wrapping. Position, we just saw. So when you look at the options, you can actually tweak this into minutia.

So here's the brick text option, or the wrap option. I could have it on both sides, or the left only, or the right only. You're not given those options where you just select the image and get the little menu here underneath the image. But when you look at the Image Options menu in total, you get a lot of different added functionality to the menu.

The size and rotation-- if you make it smaller or bigger, you might want to lock the aspect ratio. That keeps the scale the same. Or you might not care about that. So when I make this smaller like that, it fits the width and the height differently, instead of locking that ratio. So lots of different things that you can do here above and beyond the menu that appears right underneath the image when you click on it.

All right, back to Insert. So drawing is a really, really cool tool. And I--

Alisa Takeuchi: Melinda, can I chime in real quick?

Melinda Holt: Absotootly.

Alisa Takeuchi: So for me, when I'm working on a doc, what I have found is that-- because I usually work with Slides. And if I have, let's say, an image, and then I want to put a circle around it or an arrow, in Docs you can't really do that. Excuse me.

If you have an image, if you want to put an arrow pointing to that image, and it overlaps, you can't do that. So you have to copy that image into Drawing. And then, within there, you can select all those tools and layer it on top of each other. So that's just--

Melinda Holt: True, yeah.

Alisa Takeuchi: If you're used to working with Slides or things, and it's right there on the front page, you're going to have to do an extra step to do that in Docs.

Melinda Holt: Right. So what Alisa is saying is-- here. I've got the Slides deck open. I'm going to go all the way down to the bottom here so I can show something without screwing everything else up.

So here, if I insert an image-- we'll search from the web. We're going to search earth again. That's a safe topic. Here we go. That's the earth that I want. Boom.

Now my arrows and everything are right here on Slide. So I can select a line, or an arrow, or anything. And I can go, OK, here's approximately California right here.

Now, you can't see that, so I'm going to make it bigger. Boom. Now, to get this same image into Docs, what you need to do is go to Docs.

Go to the Insert. Go to-- nah, not Insert. Or-- I'm sorry-- not Image, but you go to Drawing and then New. And then you do basically the same thing.

So we're going to insert an image. We're going to search for the earth-- earthy, earth something. OK, here's the image I want. I'm going to hit Select.

Wait for the magic-- 2, 3, 1. Make it as big or as small as I want. Here's my line tool. I'm going to hit that. I'm going to get the arrow. Draw an arrow. Make it a little bigger.

Where's my line? Here we go, like that-- whoops, too many arrows. And then save and close. And there's my image.

If I don't like that, if I want to make the arrow red instead of black, I could double click on it. My drawing tool opens back up. And now I can select or change this image in any shape, way, or form that I want.

So yes, it is a little different between Slides and Draw. But once you get to the drawing tool, the tools are the same. You can even add text.

So we go here-- California. And then we can drag this anywhere we want. Make it smaller, bigger, whatever you want. If that's not big enough, now remember, this entire drawing is one image.

So now I can make it bigger. And the whole thing gets bigger together. Or I could double click on it. If I don't want to make the earth bigger, but I want to make the word bigger, I could double click on it and make the word bigger.

Can I create and save that image and use it? Sure, Patricia, yeah. But let's say I forgot to do that, and I'm really in a hurry. I'm just thinking I want it in here, I want it now, I don't want to have to create it and then do it. I can create it right now.

If you have an image on your drive, you can certainly insert it into a docs. So you go to a point in your document where you want to insert. You go to Image. And you search from your drive or your photos.

So you can do that. Or you can even upload from your computer. So uploading from your computer-- boom. You find it where it's at.

How to create an image-- you guys are going way above and beyond Docs here. So this works for Slides and Docs, as long as you're in the drawing tool. Double click the image in the drawing tool.

I double click. I get these little corners that were added, these dark corners. There's also a north, south, east, west handles. And I can drag those.

You see this area to the right on my screen. It's shaded out. That means that's what I have cropped. It's still there, but now I've cropped my document. So when I double click, the easiest way is to use these handles to crop or uncrop.

By the way, after you crop something, if you go [gasps], I really wanted that one little piece of the beet root to be there, then you can change it even after the fact, even after you save and close. So that's how you crop.

All right, here we go-- table of contents. So table of contents are really cool. If you're creating a report and you need a table of contents, then you would create a table of contents.

Now, here are some points to ponder. Let me make these bigger so we can all ponder them together. A TOC, Table Of Contents, is clickable within a document. So it's clickable. So after we create a table of contents, when you click on something within the table of contents, it goes to that spot in the document. So that's really cool.

A TOC is created based on the headers within the document. So when you are creating your document-- I'm going to go up, and I'm circling my mouse here where it says normal text-- anything that is a title, subtitle, or any type of heading will be a part of your table of contents. So you need to make sure you have your headers in place when you create your table of contents.

Can you add headers after? Yes, you can. As edits are made and pages are added to the table of contents, everything updates after the editor refreshes the button. I'll show you how to do that.

After you download a document-- let's say I create a table of contents, and I go to File, Download as PDF-- the table of contents maintains its clickability. So if you have a PDF and your table of contents-- or, I'm sorry, you create a doc, and then you download it as a PDF, the PDF will be clickable. So the table of contents is maintained even in download form.

So here we go. I am going to make this smaller. So what I did was I copied some text from the lorem ipsum diddlysquat text that I had. That's also part of the e-book, if you want to download it.

This is the document that I copied from. It has headers, and footers, and all kinds of stuff. So all I did was copy the text. And I pasted it in here. And then I added this top section here to remind myself what we were talking about.

It has headers. So here's the introduction, this header one. Key terms-- heading for. The idea is heading to. So you see, I've already got my headers in place.

Now I'm going to scroll up to the top. I am going to give myself some space. And I am going to go to the Insert menu. I'm going to go down to the very bottom where it says table of contents.

And before you click anything, look at the options that you have. You have, with page numbers. Yes, Google knows how many pages you have. Or you have, with blue links.

Also notice, on those two options-- I don't know if you-- they're really small. I can't make it bigger for you. I already know that. But it is hierarchical. It's in outline form.

So header one will appear to the far left. Header four will be indented to its position on the document in a table of contents. So I'm going to select this one with page numbers. And there it is. It's just that quick, folks.

So right now, this cosmos ipsum-- because I'm the owner, I have to click twice. But anybody else will only have to click once. So right here, here's the header cosmos ipsum. And when I click on the link to it, it takes me right there.

Now, to get back, I got to drag my document up. There is a way to get your TOC to go back up to the top. It's called a bookmark.

So there we go. It was really quick and easy, wasn't it? So you can see key terms right here. If I go there, it is indented on the table of contents, because it's a heading four. The idea is heading two.

I don't think I have any heading threes here. So let's put one in, just so that we can see how it works. So here's turnip greens. I'm going to make this heading three.

And I'm going to make it bold. And I'm going to make it a different blue. And I'm going to make it a different size. So that's heading three.

Now I'm going to go back up to my table of contents. And you notice that turnip greens is not here, because I need to refresh. As soon as you add a heading, or as soon as you change any of the headers in your document, nothing will appear changed until you click in the table of contents, anywhere you want in the table of contents. And then you're going to get this little Refresh button right there.

Click the magic, and there we have turnip greens. Veggies ipsum is header two. Turnip greens is header three. Key terms is header four. So you can get an idea of the outline that it's taking, the indentation.

And if you want to change those, you can. You would just click on the line that you want to move. And you would move this thing. I never knew what that thing was called.

If anybody can tell me, you get a prize-- this arrow thing. I suppose my format tool, or paragraph format. I don't know what it is. Anyways, and we've got all the pages numbered as well.

Now, there was another option. I'm going to do an Insert table of contents with blue links. This is good, because now people know that they're clickable, whereas they might not know unless I told them, hey, you can click on the table of contents.

The margin line-- Isabelle, thank you very much. Thank you very much. What did I click to assign header types? I'm going to scroll down my document a little bit.

Marianne, I am going to-- here we go. This is a good place for a header. I'm going to select text. When I select text, up at the top of my-- above my margin line, I will see the words normal text. It's a style.

I am going to click on the arrows next to normal text. And I'll get all kinds of headers. You can change these headers to anything you want.

If I decide that-- and let's just say I change the formatting first. It's still normal text, everybody. It's still normal text. But I want it to be bold. I want it to be orange. And I want it to be 18 points.

So now I select that text. I go up to where it says normal text. And I'm going to make this header three. I'm going to update header three to match. That means all my heading threes will turn orange, be 14 point-- or 18 point-- and bold.

And when I go back to my table of contents and hit the Refresh, there we have Hunting bonjour. But you will also notice that turnip greens, when I go there, is-- [gasps] how come it didn't do it? So normal text is where-- underneath normal text, I should say, is where all of your headings are. And you can see we've got the two different kinds of table of contents.

Now, here's the thing, folks. Table of contents is really cool, because it is clickable, and because it downloads as part of your clickability. But if you don't need that, don't do it, because it takes up space.

There's a much better option for your students. There's a much better option for your staff. Don't waste space on a table of contents, unless you need to print out the table of contents.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about this guy over here. It is the document outline. And that's within the View menu. If you don't see it, you might have to go to View and Show Document Outline.

It's clickable. You can click it on or off-- so View, Show Document Outline. And then, when it opens, you get very much the same table of contents.

The great thing about this is that I don't have to hit Refresh. It's always done. As soon as I add something else that's a heading, it will be part of the document outline. And yes, it's clickable.

How do you make a heading clickable as a hyperlink? I blinked and missed it. You don't, Gloria. You don't. You don't do it. Google does.

So in the table of contents, as soon as you create a table of contents-- let me put it right here, because I took it out. All right, so I'm going to insert table of contents. Just going to choose one of the options I have here. There it is.

I didn't do anything. All of these are clickable now. It's based on the heading type. So you don't have to do any linking.

Now, here's the thing. Most of you are going, well, yeah, but man, all that scrolling up and down, and up and down. Yeah, I go to the table of contents. I come all the way down here. But then I want to get back up to the table of contents.

OK, this is advanced. I'm going to show this once, maybe twice, but no more than that. So if you miss it, you're going to have to wait for the video.

All right, here we go. First thing I need to do is go up to the top of my page. And I'm going to call this table of contents. I should have had text that said table of contents. I'm going to select that text. And I'm going to make it a title. So table of contents, there we go.

Now I am going to Insert. And then I'm going to go to Bookmark. What that did was that created a link. It created a link.

Now I'm going to scroll down to Cajun ipsum. And I am going to try to remember how I do this. Here we go-- link. So I selected the text Cajun ipsum. This is a heading way down in the document. This is one of my headings.

Now, when I select the Link tool, when I select Insert Link-- however you do it, you're going to insert a link. Look underneath where it's asking you to paste a link or search. You're not going to do that. You're either going to select a heading, or you're going to select a bookmark.

So I'm going to click on the arrow next to Bookmark. I should only have one right now. Here it is, table of contents. I'm going to select it. And then I'm going to apply.

This becomes a link now, doesn't it? I wonder where it goes-- hmm, table of contents. So now I can go back and forth between this heading and table of contents.

How do I change a TOC to have page numbers rather than blue links? The easiest and simplest way to do it is not to change it, but to delete what you have, Corey. Here, I have page numbers here. So I'm going to delete this table of contents, making sure to get rid of that little Refresh button, because it doesn't want to be deleted.

There we go. And then I'm going to go to Insert Table of Contents and get the blue links instead. So that's the easiest way to do it.

Alisa Takeuchi: Um--

Melinda Holt: Yes?

Alisa Takeuchi: Corey had a second part to the question. Can you have both page numbers and blue links?

Melinda Holt: No. Isn't that a bummer? Unless-- here's an idea. Here's a way to do it, because Melinda doesn't like being told now. Corey, you might not, either.

So what I do is I insert the table of contents with the page number-- whoops. I insert the table of contents with the page numbers. And then I know that introduction is on page two.

So then I go here. And I tab over a little bit. And I put two. There you go, page two. So if you want the page numbers in there, you have to put them in yourself. By using the table of contents with the page numbers, you can actually get the page numbers in there.

Oh, and Melinda just thought of another way. How about this? You put it in a table of contents with page numbers.

You select the entire text. You make the text blue. And then you make it underlined-- voila. Then you don't have to worry about this. Gosh, I'm smart. Why didn't I think of that before? So yes, you can, Corey. You got it.

I got to come back in the room in just a minute. So I'm going to count to 10 or so. For clarification, the handout is available then on this resource link. The handout is going to be available right now on this Slides deck.

Boom, here it is,, B-I-T dot L-Y. Yes, the uppercase matters. If you don't type it in uppercase, it'll say, uh-oh, we don't know where this is.

By the way, there was a question that came up. Can you link within Slides? Absolutely. You just do it a different way. So on the table of contents, all of the blue text are links.

Well, how did you do that? I selected the text. I went to the link tool. And then, on Slides, you're given the option underneath where it's blinking, paste a link or search. There's an option-- slides in this presentation.

So when I select the arrow next to it, I will look for these slides that I want to link to. And here it is, General Info. And I'm going to apply. Boom. And now this is a link, whereas this is not.

Create New Docs From is not a link. Docs General Info is a link so that, when you open it, this is live right now. And if you had it open before, just hit Refresh. And you'll see this is a link that opens this page that I just linked to.

By the way, on all of the pages, there's a TOC return link. So you don't put in bookmarks. You just add an image, or some text, and then have it go by linking to the correct page.