MELINDA HOLT: Hi, everyone. This is Google Docs, This, That's, and How-Tos. My name is Melinda Holt, and I'm going to be showing you all about the Google-- all right-- the Google Docs, anyway. Google has a lot of cool tools, and I have a lot of favorites, which maybe I'll show you later-- maybe not-- but right now, we are here to do Docs. You're all being given a copy of this deck in preview mode so you can progress through the slides as we go. You already know about a topic, that's great, then you go right to the next topic that you don't know about. There's a table of contents within the slide stack that will take you to specific sections. Here's what is usually the agenda for a workshop. We have introductions. We've already-- what-- done that for the past 15 minutes. There's a brief overview, discussion of Docs and uses, participants will watch or follow along. Then we got questions and evaluations. So that's how an agenda is supposed to work in a live workshop. Hopefully, we will follow that agenda. My goals for you, whether we follow the agenda or not, are that all of you have, at the end of this, a basic grasp of the functions, settings, and features of Docs. Or you're able to find them, or you're able to figure it out, and maybe even figure out who to ask for help, OK? I also would like for you at the very end to be comfortable enough to use and show Docs to your students. Wouldn't that be great? That you could actually use-- or that they could use-- this application for projects and assignments? So that is my ultimate goal. That you're able to use it with your students in a variety of ways. All right. So here's the table of contents. Each one of these blue pieces of text are links that will take you to those specific pages. So as I'm rambling along here, if you decide that I've already heard the spiel about general info and everything, I just want to go to the Page Setup, then by all means, go there-- OK-- but keep listening because you might hear something that you haven't learned before, or haven't thought of before, haven't seen before, even in these first couple of basic sections. I promise you, you're going to learn something new today-- at least, I'm going to say, three thing. I'm going to go out on a limb here. So this is the table of contents. It's actually two pages. And this is in "to be continued" mode. I will be adding to this. I didn't cover everything in Docs. There just wasn't enough time. So I'll be adding to this. And as I do that, there will be PDF versions available. Those PDF versions will be stuck in time, OK? But I'll keep making new ones as I make adjustments to the handout. So I'm on slide 8. We're on the section of Google Docs general info. There's a section in here, because I was taught by a very wise teacher once, that sometimes I think you all should know what words mean, and you don't. So all of you can think Alisa Takeuchi for this dictionary of sorts. All of these terms and things are for Docs, OK? Everything is related to a Doc. So this word-- insert-- right here, is for-- it's related to Docs, nothing else, OK? So we've got app and application. So when I refer to the Docs app, it's just a short word for application. App is an application online, OK? So if you're not quite-- what is she talking about, an app? Come back to terms here. Format-- I'm jumping around a lot here. So format-- settings related to text and images, including size, rotation, and type. So when I tell you we're going to format an image, this is what I'm talking about. We're going to be doing something to the size, or the rotation, the typeface, the font, whatever. We're going to be doing something to it, OK? So all of these terms are here for you. I'm going to be using them. So if at any time, I use the word that, what the heck is she's talking about, omnibar? Well, come back here, and the word's probably going to be here. I also went ahead and put in some Google terms in here for you. So Google Apps is defined by the waffle or the checkerboard. So sometimes you can access a Google Doc by going to the waffle. You'll hear that a lot, and I've also heard the term checkerboard. A menu, on Google, I don't know why it's all kind of food related here, but you can use the word pancakes, and most people will understand what you're talking about. Go to the pancakes and that's the menu. Or go to the hamburger, or go to the hot dog, OK? They all look the same. it's just three things-- three lines in a vertical format there. Options, you're going to find options within the skinny snowman. Now this looks kind of skinny-- well, he doesn't look too skinny here. But the three dots-- they call that the skinny snowman. So that's where you're going to get options. And then the melted snow, and the three dots are in a horizontal position instead of a vertical position. So these are vertical ellipses, these are horizontal ellipses. We call them skinny snowman and melted snowman. All right. So those are terms. Now when you're in Docs, or Sheets, or Slide, anything Google, if you want to share with your students, you might need to know whether or not you're on the club or the pub. When you're in a club, you're quite proper, and you have to hold your pinky a certain way when you're holding your cup, because if you don't hold your pinky the certain way, then people know that you're not part of the club, right? So you have to hold your cup that way. And because you have a cup and the folks outside don't have one, you might not be able to share what's in your cup, right? So you can't pour a little bit of your kickapoo joy juice into their cup because they don't have the same cup. Does that make sense? You have to have the same cup. So if you have a cup, and your students have a cup, then you can pour your kickapoo joy juice, or your Docs, or your Slides, or your Sheets back and forth into each other's cups, OK? When you're on the pub, you've got a tankard, and you could do anything you want with it. And can share with people, too. And you can pour a little bit of your stuff in there for the other person. And they can pour some of their stuff in yours. And you can clink your glasses together. You can do anything you want with the damn thing, right? So when you're in the pub, you can share with anybody you want, except you might not be able to share with the club. So if your teacher is in the club, and you'd like to share a little bit of your Doc with her or with him, you might not be able to because she's got a cup. Now if she's got an extra cup, hoo-hoo, there you are. There is-- the solve the problem. So as teachers-- hello, teachers-- if you have two cups, if you have a cup that is dedicated to people in the club, you might have another cup the way you're able to-- you're able to take on, you're able to allow, you're able to get or be shared with the pub, all right? Usually-- here's what's allowed all the time. So shares between pub and pub are always allowed. Shares between club and club-- the same club-- they have to be the same club-- they are allowed. So if you got a blue cup and a blue cup, or a red cup and a red cup, that's allowed, OK? Shares between the pub and the club may be precluded. And that's not Google's fault, that is your network. Your network can be changed by your network administrator, OK? So your network administrator-- if you need to share with your students, then I'm going to tell you right now, it can happen. It takes some work. So make them work. Make them work because you need to share with your students-- unless you can share the pub with them. So if you have a public account and I have a public account as your student, then we can share. If you want to use your club, or you're told by your administrator you have to use your club account, your G Suites account, anything that ends in @-- fill in the blank-- .net, .org, that's a club. If your administrator says you have to use that, then you need to start pounding on your network administrator's door and say, look, I have to use my club. My students can only use the pub. You need to allow me to share. Keep being that squeaky wheel and it will happen. It happened in El Monte-Rosemead. Sara Shapiro at the time was the vice principal. This was years ago, so if anybody here from El Monte is here, this happened years ago. But Sara would not take no for an answer. And finally, they gave her some student accounts. They didn't open the pub, what they did was they gave their students some cups. And she managed those cups. And eventually, they were allowing their adult education population to be on the club with their teachers. So it can happen. I needed to tell you that. And I know it took a while. But you have to understand that unless you can share with your students-- you can create documents, no problem. And you can print them out and you can send them afterwards to your students. But there's so much more functionality available in Docs-- you are not going to believe them when I show them to you-- you're going to want to share, OK? All right. Next slide. I'm on slide 12. Moving a little slow to start here, but we're going to get going here in a second. So this is explaining about Google Docs. Google Docs is a text editor. It's a productivity app within G Suites. And it is available in other devices. So if you have an iPad, if you have a Chromebook, if you have an Android tablet, if you have an iPhone, if you have an Android phone, if you have a Windows Phone-- doesn't matter. Google Docs can be installed on that device, OK? It's an app. We-- or I-- right now am using it on a browser on a computer. So it's an application that you can access online using a browser. It's also an application-- a.k.a. app-- that you can access on your phone or your tablet, all right? And you can share. You can collaborate in real time. If you're on this document, if you're previewing it right now, it's because I shared it with you. And if you can see in the top right-hand corner of my screen here, there's a share button. I click that and I made the link so that you could all see this handout. So sharing is a powerful, powerful tool. If I have a public account and want to copy the files to my club account, is that possible? Yes. There's an easy way and a short way, Curdy. You can share it with yourself, then make a copy. Or if you're allowed to-- yeah-- and you won't be-- never mind. So see if you can share it with yourself. That's my that would be the first thing to do. Share it with yourself. So you are on the pub-- or you're on the club, rather-- and you want to share it with your pub persona. You would go to your teacher club account. And you would share the documents or the files, whatever, with your pub account. When you open up your pub, you're going to go to Shared with Me. You're going to find that, hey, the teacher Curdy has shared something with me. And then you can go and make a copy of it. That's the easiest way to do that-- or vice versa. So you go to your pub account, you share it with your teacher account. As a teacher, you go to-- when you sign into your account, you open up the teacher account-- I said that twice-- and then you go to Shared with Me in your teacher account. You'll see things there that have been created with your pub account-- right-- and then, boom, you make copies that way. Can you share with non-Google accounts? You can, it depends on the file type, Laura. So you can definitely share PDF files. You can definitely share in view-only mode or preview mode. Right now, you're viewing this handout on a browser, and it should be opening up for you in preview mode. If you want your students to share with you, if you want your students to start using Docs, have them create a Gmail. Have them create a Gmail. When you go to the app site, if you install the app on your phone or your tablet, you're going to see basically the same thing that I have showed here on the Docs app site. When you're using a browser, when you're using a laptop, when you're using a Chromebook, and you go, you are going to the app. When you go to, you're going to the app, OK? Now when I open up my phone to get to the app, I find the app icon, which is a little blue little looking guy right there. And I hit it and it opens up to something like this. Not quite like this, but something like this. So this is the app. When you go to, what it does is it takes you to [HUMMING FANFARE] all of your apps that you have create-- all of your apps. It takes you to all of your Docs that you have created with your account. Do you see anything in here that looks like slides or sheets or PDFs? The answer is no. I'll answer for you. There isn't anything here except Docs because I am at And when I go to, that's all I will see. If I made a mistake, if I don't want to be at Docs, I could click on the-- I'm going to use the word pancake-- it's the main menu in the far left-hand corner. I click on that, and I can go to Sheets, Slides, or Forms. And I'll look at a page something similar to this, and it will only list sheets, or it will only list slides, or it will only list my forms. You don't have to go to Drive to find your Docs. You don't have to go to Drive to create a new Doc. You got to Drive to organize your Docs to put them in folders and what have you, OK? So here on this screen, the big plus sign, I can create a blank document at any time. So just really important to remember that this is the app site, OK? This is not Drive, but it is contained in Drive, all right? Here are the icons that you're going to need to know. And oh my goodness, do they do so much-- do all kinds of things with these tools. These are all of the tools that are in a Doc right below the file menus, all right? So you don't have to memorize it, but I thought it'd be a good idea to have this here so you know what they all stand for. All right, next up, we're going to create Docs. Now I've already shown you one way, and that was from the app. So I kind of-- I jumped around a little bit, but, yes, you can create new from Drive. You should all know that. So what you do is you go to the waffle-- oh wait. First, you have to make sure you're signed in. If you're not signed in, you'll know because when you go to anything Google, you'll be asked to sign in. So I went to, and at the far right-hand corner-- let's see if I can-- there we go-- yeah. Look at that. The far right-hand corner-- I can see my face. And I can also see that when I hover on my face, that I know my email address. So I know I'm signed in with my account. If you're not too sure, if you've got-- maybe you didn't put your face up there-- maybe you didn't add your face to your account, you might have the letter, the first letter of your name. So you might see an A, B, C, D, whatever. So that also could mean-- could mean-- that you're signed in. What if you see a letter B or a letter A, and your first name is Charles? That means that somebody else is signed in. So you need to actually hover over that letter and find out who you are signed in as. If it's not you, then click on that, scroll down, and sign out. Make sure you're signed in as you. Sign out if you're not, and then sign in. By the way, before you sign out of an account-- I just learned this yesterday with somebody that I was helping. She might be in the room, so I'm not going to her name. Please, please, please know what your password is before you sign out of all of your accounts. Know what your password is-- OK-- then sign out. And then sign back in so that you see your letter up here. Once you're sure you're signed in, you can open up Drive a variety of ways. You can go to the waffle and you can select Drive, or you can go to the Omnibar, which is the address bar way up at the top of your screen, and you can type Doesn't matter how you get there, just get there. All right. So we're at How do you create a new Doc? Everyone should know this. There's a big New button in the far left-hand side. You're going to click on that and then you will see Google Docs. All right. So when you click on that New button, you've got a lot of options here. And then within Google Docs, you also have options. The Google Docs has a little arrow next to it. I don't know if you've seen that before. Most times people go to the New button, they click on Docs, it'll open up a new Doc. But did you know that you can also go from template right here. So from Google Drive, you can get to the templates that are also at the app site that I've already shown you, So there are templates available within Google Docs. Let's go ahead and just open up a blank document. So go to the New button, hit Google Docs-- boom-- a new document will open. We're going to name our document. Here's the thing-- and I don't know if you realize this or not, but if you look up at the Omnibar way up at the top, I'm going to select it. And I'm even going to try in Zoom in a little bit-- yeah, it's not going to let me. All right. So way up at the top, where it says [BABBLING] slash edit, that is actually the title of your document, OK? Google names it as soon as it creates it. Google has already titled your document. This is actually the title of your document. It's a link. It's a link. So what we're going to do is we're going to name the link. We're going to name the link. So everyone name your link. The next line-- let's just-- favorite vacation spot-- anywhere but here. OK, third line, your favorite color. Yeah. OK. Now I know that's really faint for some of you, right? It's really faint. I just want to show you some things that you can do in a document. Anything that you can do in a Word document, you can do in Google Docs. Yes, you can-- don't tell me you can't. You can't anyway, because you're not on mic, ha ha ha. So anything that you can do in Microsoft Office, you can do in the Google G Suites. Yes, anything. You just have to know how to do it, all right? So I've selected all of this text, right? I'm going to make it bold. I'm going to make it bulleted. So there's a bulleted list right here. I don't like that bullet, there's a little arrow next to a bulleted list, and I can choose a different bullet. You can also make up your own. I can make the font size much bigger-- there we go. You've got all kinds of options. All of these tools up here above your document will give you functionality, will give you formatting capability over your Doc. There's a lot of functions there just above your document. There are even more within each of these menus up at the top of the screen. And that is what the handout is based on. So I actually went through and I-- for most of the menus, I created step by steps on what they do. Everyone hit the-- now I'm going to show you this once, because once I do it, it's gone, all right? I have a tab-- or the document is open in a tab, and there's a little X-- can you see that? So I'm looking at the tab with my last name, hyphen delete-- hyphen Google Docs. The tab is telling me what is open. And I'm going to hit the X next to it. So I'm closing this document. See, there it went. Where is it? It's in my Drive. And the next way to create a new Doc that's listed in the handout is to actually go to the app site, which we've already, done but I want everyone to do this now. You can use the waffle. You'll see it at the far right-hand side of your Google Drive. Or you can type All right. So here we go. We're back to the Docs site. And you can organize the Docs app in a lot of ways. Right now, I'm looking at Not owned by me. So I'm going to look at Owned by me. So underneath all of the templates that are available up at the top, I'm given an option. Yours might say Owned by me. So this is a way to organize just the Docs app. I've got Owned by me, I've got Owned by anyone, which means me or anybody else-- right-- and when I have that option open-- or selected-- I see everything that's in my Google Drive that is a Google Doc. And the first thing that you should see right now is that document that we just created. Your last name, hyphen, delete, OK? You also have some other options right now. Owned by anyone is being sorted by Last opened by me. How do I change this? There's a little AZ button off to the side-- sort options. And that's where I can go by Title instead, or Last modified, Modified by me, or Last opened by me. I can also figure out-- in line with the title of your document on Google on the Docs app, you're going to have the skinny snowman. And when you click on it you're given more options. Now some of you are clicking that for the first time and you're going [GASPS] I didn't know I could make this available offline-- don't do it. Number one, you're not offline. Number two, you don't think you're going to be offline any time soon. So only use this option on the documents that you're going to be needing-- let's say, you're going to go to Yosemite next year. You go to Yosemite and you know that the internet there is bad. But there's a document that you have to complete or that you have to work on while you're on vacation in Yosemite. So you're going to make that document available offline while you're online on good strong internet. Then you would do this-- you would turn it on, and it looks like it hasn't done anything, but it will be available to you. Right now what it's doing is just downloading onto the device that I have. I'm going to let that sink in for a minute. When you make something available offline, it is actually downloading it onto the device, which it's not a big deal if you've got Google format going on. But if it's a really large document and you're on a phone, you might want to reconsider. So don't use this option unless you absolutely need it. That was the lesson learned today. All right. So you can make documents available offline. You can also figure out where a document's at by hitting the folder-- here we go-- bink-- by hitting the folder above-- it says Open file picker. So you can actually figure out where your documents are in Google Drive by doing that. Also on this Google Docs interface, some of you have probably already-- you're tired of me talking, so you already looked at it. You can click on Template gallery. And why reinvent the wheel if the wheel's are already there for you? So as I scroll down, I see all kinds of different documents. Here's a training proposal by PandaDoc. That means that somebody, a vendor, has created a document and they're going to let you use it. And you're going to have to use it with their add-on. And there's going to come a point where they're going to ask for a subscription because you must like this type of document, right? So just be careful, all right? If you don't see the word add-on a document-- like up here, I see brochure-- it's absolutely free. You're not going to be asked to fork over any money or anything. If you see something that's listed that has the word add-on by the publisher-- so here's one by Lucidchart. It's got add-on right there. So they will probably let me have this document, But there may come a point within even this document itself that they're going to ask me to pony up and pay for a subscription, at which point I Copy All-- I select all the text and I paste in a new document, and then I delete that one. So I don't know if that's ethical or not, but at least, I get the data. And they usually tell you as well. I mean, they're not covert about it. They usually tell you that they're going to be asking you for money. So once I look at a template and I decide I want it, the minute you select a template, it's yours. It doesn't belong to Google anymore, it's yours. And you can name it anything you want, you can do anything to the text that you want. Does Docs have a merge mail feature? Yes, it does. It includes-- it's with an add-on, and I'm hoping we get to that-- [BABBLING] Is the main benefit of Google Docs a collaborative aspect? I use Word because I'm used to it. Hey, if you use Word, you like it, you're used to it, you know where everything is, then by golly, use it. Google Docs, I like Google Docs because it's easier to me, it's easier to teach-- to me. And I think people grasp-- once they grasp things, they got it. I think it's just easier for students. Not only that, but Kathy, it's free. It's absolutely free. So my students don't have to worry about paying for anything. They don't have to worry about subscriptions. They don't have to worry about running out of space, generally. Is it compatible with Word? Absolutely. And how do I incorporate Google Docs into Canvas? And can you demonstrate how to upload a Google Doc into Canvas as an assignment submission? You would probably link it. I am not familiar with Canvas. I've dabbled in it a little bit. We're having a Canvas workshop coming up-- I can't think of when the date is. It's sometime later in this month. So if I don't get to it, Mye, please come to the Canvas workshop and it will be covered, I can almost assure you, OK? But I'm pretty sure that you probably link it. OK. I'm confused about the Owned by anyone. Who is anyone? Ah-- Owned by anyone-- so this means-- I'm going to go back to my screen. So if I go-- if I click on Owned by me, that means I own the document. I created it, I'm typing on it, it's mine. I might have shared it with somebody, but as I look down the list of Owned by me, I see me, me, me. And then I see Matt, and then I see Winging I.T. Pro, and then I see OTAN Techie, Jeremy, Lainee-- Owned by anyone means me and somebody else that has shared with me. OK. All right. Now I'm going to go back to the handout to figure out, where the heck am I? So we've created from Drive. We've actually gone to the Google app-- right-- and here's how to do it on a device. I'm not going to show this because I'm not using a device. So if you're on a tablet or a phone right now-- wow, you're brave if you're on a phone. But here is how you would open up a new document or open up one that you've already created. The steps are listed here for you. This is really cool, and someone told me that they found-- this was the coolest thing they learned when they did a workshop at TDLS-- .new. This only works if you are using Chrome-- only if you're using Chrome. So it won't work on a phone unless you open up Chrome. And it won't work on a tablet unless you open up Chrome. And on any other laptop or anything, you have to open up Chrome, and then you type docs-- with an S-- boom-- you have a new document ready to rock and roll. Let's say you're working on the web and you go, oh, that's a great idea. I want to do this, this, and this. So you go-- boom-- And then you have the document because you're signed in. When you're using Google and you're signed into Chrome, you can get there. You can create a new document just by typing So that's another way to create a new document. From the template-- I've alluded to this, we saw it when we went to the app. I'm not going to do this-- be my guest. You can create-- there are resumes there. There are letters there. All different kinds of templates that you might want your students to use. So that's another reason maybe to use Google Docs with your students other than that other product that you might be considering because there's a bunch of templates there that are all ready to rock and roll, they just need to be formatted. So you edit the text, you format it the way you want-- or you just leave it formatted the way it is because it's so pretty. And you type in your information instead of the gibberish that's there on the template. And yes, the template is gibberish. It'll have-- it might have 1234 nowhere street-- right-- so you need to change that if it's part of a business letter. Or the text might say lorem ipsum diddlysquat, right? So you need to change that to, hi, my name is, and I would like to apply for, OK? So be aware of that. All of the text needs to be changed or deleted. You can delete it out of there. You don't need to keep it. But you do need to edit the document, not just format. The format's pretty much there if you're doing a template. But the editing needs to be done for sure. Uploading-- all right, so, Dave, I think you asked a question about how to convert. Here we go. What you need to do-- you actually need to do this and Drive. So conversion-- converting Word to Doc, or Word to Google format is done within Drive. On your Drive, at the very top of your screen towards the right, close to, but not quite near the waffle, you will see something that looks like a gear. We're going to click that gear. It's the Settings gear. And we're going to hit Settings again. So it's the Settings gear, Settings-- redundant, but it is what it is. All right. So we've selected the gear. And then we selected Settings everybody with me so far? All right. Now on this page, there are some areas that you can select. This is not the Drive Workshop, so I'm not going to go over the areas. I just want to point out that we are on the General tab on the left-hand side. We're not at Manage Apps, we're not at Notifications, we're at General. So we're at the General tab. Then as you look down your list here, you should see Convert Uploads. This little checkbox, that's the magic. If it's not filled in with a check, do it now. Fill that in with the check. So right now, from this point forward, as soon as we hit the Done button, everything that you upload into your Google Drive, if it is available, if it is convertible-- if it's convertible, you will be able to upload your Microsoft Word documents and they will become Google Docs like that. Just that easy, you don't have to do anything. If your Microsoft Word documents are already in Google Drive, they stay Microsoft Word documents. They're not going to change just because we did this. We're going to have to do something in order for that to happen if they're already there. But from this point forward, you're going to be able-- all of your files will convert. Now why do you want to do this? Well, there's a really good reason, and it's space. On pub accounts, you-- you folks out there, unless you're a Google trainer, you have 15 gigabytes of space on Google. As a Google trainer, I'm given a some more. Become a Google trainer-- hey, hey-- you get 100 more gigs. And I actually got 2 more gigs because I did a survey for them a long time ago. So long time ago, I had 17 where everybody had 15. Then I became a trainer, now I have 117 gig shoes. Now it's telling me right here that I'm not even at a gig yet, folks. I am not even at a gig yet. And I've had a Google account since 2007. Oh yeah, I'm an old one-- oldie, but a goodie, all right? So I'm not even at a gig yet. I have photos in here. Those don't convert. I have PDFs in my Drive. Those don't convert. Everything else-- all of my PowerPoints, all of my spreadsheets, all of my word files, when I first started using Google, I converted it. And that means there's no space, all right? Now I'm going to go ahead and hit Done. And when you use no space, you got no worries because you're going to have plenty of space, OK? So that is how you do the voodoo. So from here, if I want to upload my files, there's two ways of doing it, and they're both described in the handout. The first way is to go to the New button in Drive. By the way, you have to upload using Drive. You have to upload using Drive. How can you upload? You'll have to use Drive, all right? Said three different ways, you have to use Drive. So go to Drive if you're going to do this. And you can upload a file-- right-- you use the File Upload from the New button. Or you can upload an entire folder. So David, you asked a question about all these Microsoft Word files? If you have that folder on your desktop right now, you could click this button-- Folder upload-- let's just say I've got some tests here, and I'm going to upload them. Now as soon as I hit the Upload button, it will start to upload this entire folder. That might take some time, especially if you have a lot of files in the folder. Will everything upload? Yes, even if you have files in here that don't convert from Google Docs-- even if you don't have documents that will convert, like Word to Google, or PowerPoint to Slides, or-- what does it-- Excel to Sheets, all right? If you have something in there that is a movie, then, yes, it will go-- it will upload, it just won't convert, OK? All right. I'm going to cancel this because I don't really want to upload that file. You upload a document-- just one-- the same way. You just go to File upload and choose. I'm going to go ahead and do that because I want you to see the process. But? I want it to be quick, all right? So I'm just going to upload something. Here's a text document. I'm going to open that. And then I get this message down at the bottom here. And that took all of maybe-- what-- three seconds? Which is good. By the way, because you're using Drive, you can use Safari, you can use Firefox, you can use Edge if you need to upload, OK? So right here, I've got Show file location. It should have gone into my Drive. I already know where it is. But if I want to open it right at this point, there we go. And I actually don't know what this document is, so this is-- oh there we go. Look at that, it's a chat with a bunch of people's names in it. I wonder what that was for-- hint, hint-- type your name now if you haven't already. OK. So that's how we take attendance. So that's how you upload a file. Now another way of doing this-- I'm going to move my desktop over just-- or my Chrome over just a little bit so you can see what I'm doing. Right here, I've got some files, right? They're just some screenshots. And I want them in my Drive. I want them to be here. So I'm going to open up a folder, OK? I've opened up a folder on my Drive. And I'm going to click, hold, and drag this file-- see me moving it? I'm moving this file around. You're going to get dizzy. And I'm going to drag it onto my Drive. Do you see how that's turning a different color? And it says drop files to instantly upload them to this folder? And there we go. And you see little quick "bing" there you go. Now what if I wanted to do two at the same time? Abso-tootly. Drag two, go ahead. And it's telling me, hey, you've already got this version of the file. A new version has been attached to the original. OK. So I don't-- it doesn't even ask me if I want to replace it. It just does it for me. All right. So there are the files, both screenshots-- right-- so these didn't convert to Doc. These didn't convert to anything else. But I do have them. So you can upload anything you want into the Drive. Is there a reason we might not want to convert things? Absolutely, Michael. We might not want to convert it because our boss gives us a file that we want to work in Docs because that's all we use. And maybe they don't want it converted. The next question that usually comes is, well, if I convert it to Google, can I convert it back to Word? Yes, you can. And it's gotten really, really good. So the conversion from Google Doc back to Word is very close to what it should be, if not exactly what it should be. It's gotten much better than what it was, OK? So try it out, but you might not want to convert it because somebody in your office wants-- they want to use Word. That's all they want to use, that's their choice, OK. Trainers who were just given a notice that Google is creating-- in the process of creating-- all of its engineers are getting together because they've gotten so many requests, they're finally going to be able to create fillable PDFs, or fillable Docs that that translate to PDFs, or something to that extent. So it's coming, OK? PDF to Docs will remove images-- mmm-- not always-- it depends. It depends, Wilder. So if we convert a file, there's no original copyleft. Well, if you convert a file, the original is actually on your desktop. So keep that if you want it. And yes, you can convert back, Anna-Laura. So if you convert a file, and it becomes a Google Doc, and you type on it, and then let's say your boss decides, hey, I want that file back and you go-- [GASPS] OK. All you have to do is download it as a Word Doc. And yes, I am going to be showing you how to do that. And by the way folks, you don't have to use Chrome. You can use Safari. You can use Edge. You can use Firefox. Whatever the browser is-- the only thing I can think of that you won't be able to do that I've shown you so far is use OK, so previously uploaded. So something's already been uploaded and you want to convert it. So there we go. I have no idea what this is. Yeah. Edit in Google Docs. There we go. All righty. So I have opened up a document that was uploaded as a Word Document. And it's still a Word Document because it has the extension up at the top. And it tells me, Microsoft Word format. I can do anything I want to this document, OK? I can type in it. I can add stuff to it-- add stuff to it. And I know this is really small, so don't yell at me, please. So I've just added something here, right? Now you want to be able to convert it, right? So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the File menu. So I've opened up the Word file, I'm going to go to the File menu and save as Google Docs, what is that going to do? Well, what's it going to do, it's going to make a copy for me. And when the copy opens up, you can see now that there is no docx. And it doesn't say Microsoft file here. Oh and look, it still has the text that I added to it. Now how do I know it made a copy? Well, because I'm a Google trainer, and I'm supposed to know that stuff. But here's the real reason. Not only is the tab open where it says-- it doesn't say doc/docx anymore, but there's also the first tab that has the same name, tells me that the Microsoft Word format is also still alive and well. So when I went to File, Save as a Google Doc, it saved it as a Google Doc. So it made a copy of it, all right? So that's how you would do that. All right. Now downloading-- if at any point, I want to download this file-- you can also do the same thing with the folder. You would right-click on the folder in your Drive. But if you have a Doc open, you can actually download it while it's open. So I'm going to click on the File menu again because that's where you do this-- and this is also in the handout, by the way. I go to the File menu, Download, and I'm given all of these options. And here's the first one is Microsoft Word because that's usually what people want. I wait for the magic. It asks me, where do I want to put it? I just tell them, on my Desktop, and I hit the Save button. And here it is on my desktop. And when I open it up-- now here's the thing, folks. Microsoft and I kind of have a love-hate relationship. And here recently, it's been more on the hate side than the love side. So I know that when I double-click this to open it, it's going to take about four minutes. So I'm not going to do that, OK? Usually when I open up a Word Doc on this computer, I will walk away and go get some coffee. So I can't do that, so I'm not going to double-click it, just take my word for it. This is a Microsoft Word document. It has all the same everything in it that this document on my Google has. And if I change this to be bold, or red, or anything on the Google Doc, when I downloaded it, it would retain that on the Microsoft side. Downloading is in the handout, OK? So we've got-- we did the upload, we did the upload. We did the conversion. So that's in the handout. That's on 23. By the way, from this point forward, there were prompts up here to-- in the pages previous to 24, there were prompts to sign into your Drive and then open-- or sign into Google, then open Drive, or open Docs, or something. Those references aren't made anymore past slide 24. So that's what that prompts to sign in means. They're no longer given once we hit slide 25. So we've already kind of gone over download-- kind of. I want to show you Page Setup. So and I'll get back to download again. Everyone open a new document. And we're going to go to OK-- a new document is going to open up. I'm going to title it. And Alisa, could you do me a favor and clear the Q&A of the questions that I already answered? Thank you. ALISA TAKEUCHI: What's that? MELINDA HOLT: Could you clear the-- just hit answered live and then done. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Sure. MELINDA HOLT: All right. So I've created a new document and I'm going to type something, and then it dawns on me, oh, I want a new page layout. Or I want the background to be gray. So I'm going to select File-- We select the File menu. I'm going to go all the way down to the bottom. It's right above Print. It's called Page Setup-- I'm going select that. And here we go. Now I have already set a default setting on this account where all of my margins of 0.5. If I wanted to add a page color to this document, I can do that by selecting any color I wish. When I say OK, the settings that I have changed on this Page Setup page will glue themselves to this document alone. If I click Set as default, then from this point forward, the documents that I create will have portrait, letter, 8 and 1/2 by 11-- or let's just change that. We'll make it-- we'll make it landscape. So we're making landscape, 8 and 1/2 by 11, yellow color, 0.5 are all my default margins. And when I Set that as default, every time I create a new document, they will have these settings. If I hit Set as default-- and I'm not going to do that because I don't want this to be my default setting, all right? But I do want it for this document. So I'm going to hit OK after I make my settings changes-- boom. And there we have a yellow document with text. Why is that white under there? All right. And it appears that the text-- we're learning something new together-- the text is still-- let me zoom in here a little bit. Yeah. The background where the text is being written is white. Why is that? I don't know why. So we just learned something new together. That is odd. Yeah. But to take care of it, what I did was I selected all of the texts and I went to the Highlight tool-- the highlighter is right next to the Text color-- and I made it the same color. So now when I type-- yeah. There we go. Huh. I don't know why that is. It didn't used to be that way. We learned something new together. Alisa and I were talking about this earlier. This is the joy and pain of Google. Sometimes things are one way, and you know that way, and you live that way, and you try to teach that way, and then they change that way. And your way goes out the door and you have to learn a new way. So that's just something to keep in mind. But that's how you use Page Layout. Something else in the File menu is the-- again, the Download, there are a lot of options on Download. And each one of these is described in the handout. Let me go back there real quick. [HUMMING] Download as-- so this is how you do it. I'm looking at the slide stack here, OK? And on page 28, you'll see how they are defined. So here's Microsoft Word described, ODT is an open document format, rich text, PDF-- by the way, on rich text, yes, images will be excluded-- OK? On PDF, if you download something as a PDF, the images might be skewed or they might move. It's called float. So they might float a little bit, but they should not be removed. So someone had mentioned that in the Q&A. They shouldn't be removed unless you downloaded mistakenly as a rich text format. Then, yes, pictures get [MIMICS SLICING] axed out. I forgot to do it on this one, too. Here we go. Then we've got plain text, web page, and EPUB. A web page-- don't download as a web page, OK? It creates a zip file which has all of your images in one folder and all of your text in another file. And you just don't want it, OK? So everyone-- oh, I can create a web page-- no, you don't, OK? What this is used for is to create something that is zipped and has all of the code in it if you are actually a web designer, and you can upload HTML files into your CSS. So don't do it, OK? It sounds really cool, but it's not something you should do. The EPUB, you might want to try that out if you're on a Mac or using an iPad, because what it does is it creates a little book for you. And again, the images do float a little bit. So you have to be aware of that. Just resize it in your DOC. So you might have to download it one or two times to get those images exactly where you want them. And it does create a book. And again, if you're using an Apple device, it opens up in iBooks. And it's really kind of slick. So you've-- your document becomes a book. And by the way, this one over here, the example G, it was not in the landscape. It was in portrait layout when it was created. And the book, when it downloaded as a book, it made itself into portrait. So it was pretty cool. All right. Email as attachment-- a lot of you probably don't know about this. You can actually send documents to people by using the File menu. I'm back on a document. I've gone to File, and Email as attachment. So what it's doing-- that quick second right there, as soon as I hit Email as attachment, the wheels started grinding and it made a copy of it as an attachment. So I send it to myself. I'm going to send this to Alisa-- if I can spell her name right-- there she is. OK. I can send this to anybody. Let's see. M-O-L-A-- (Inaudible) there we go. OK. And then I add a little message. So you don't have to go to your email in order to attach in a document when you're using Google. You can do it right from the document itself. You could also make this a PDF, make it a Word file, make it an ODT, make it a-- don't make it-- oh be an HTML-- don't make it HTML, OK? So do PDF, do Word, do plain text-- that will strip out all of the images-- or RTF, again, all of the images are going to be stripped out. So generally what I do is a PDF because what that does is it compresses it and makes it smaller. Not smaller in size, it just takes out some of the code and makes it-- trust me, it makes it smaller. OK, I'm not going explain it. Then you type in a message. Here you go-- just like an email message, And then when you hit Send, it's tells them in the email that MHolt-- or actually, this account is scoetech@gmail has shared it-- or not shared-- has sent you this document. And they have an attachment. They'll have a PDF. So you can send directly to someone in any format that you want. If you choose a dark color, can you type in light colors? Absolutely. So I'm going to-- and I have done this before and workshops. I'm in a document-- and, Ruth, I'm answering your question right now. So I have a light background. Can I type in light colors? Well, do I want to? Because if I type a light color, can you see it? Oh, no you can't. But that might be a good thing. Because now you're all here, you're waiting for the instructions, but you don't get them because I haven't given them to you yet. So instead of having to find that document with the instructions on it, while I'm waiting for my entire class to get seated and ready and on the Zoom or whatever, I can, at any point, select all of the text and then make it a dark color so that they can see it. And you've got to make sure you get all the text, too, all right? So it depends on you. A darker background with a bright white font is a bad thing. That will be bad for people who have visual issues, OK? You're definitely going to want to increase the size. So you select the text and you choose a different size-- just like you can in Word. But be careful about that that background color and being really close to the text color. There are accessibility workshops that we've done that answer these questions a lot better than I am doing right now. So just be aware of it. Michael, I see your question about font size. And since I'm doing font right now, we're going to do that. All right. So I'm going to go back to a normal size. Now your styles-- styles is covered-- I'm jumping around a little bit now, but since the question came up, I'm going to-- let's say, I want this text right here-- this is my normal text. it's Calibri 12-- yours is probably Arial-- and Ariel 11 or 10, maybe. How did I get mine to be Calibri? Well, here's what I did. I selected the text. I went to my Font Face, and I chose the one that I wanted. And I'm going to select Verdana. And then with the text still selected, I am going to go to my styles. My styles right now say normal text. So as I'm looking at the top of my document underneath-- for me, underneath the word Format, I see Normal text, right? And there's an arrow next to it. So Normal text, the arrow next to Normal text, here-- all my styles I've got Title, Subtitle, Heading, heading options. Now I'm going to go up to Normal text. And I'm going to go to the arrow that has more options next to Normal Text and then I'm going to select update normal text to match. Remember I selected the text-- right-- and then I went to Normal, and then I went to this arrow. Now it's going to update Normal text to match what I selected right here. And I don't know if you saw it, or not but right away, everything that was normal is now the same as just that few lines of text that I changed. So that's how I changed default on this document. If I want to change the default on every document that I open, I will save my default styles. So I save as my default sales. And then the next document I open should be Verdana 12 for my normal text. Or it could be Verdana 12-- I could make this text highlighted. If I wanted that for my normal style-- oh my god-- then I could save that. That was too bright for my eyes. We've done styles and we need to go back to the handout here. We've emailed an as attachment. Then we've got the details and the version history. I'm not going to show you this because we're running out of time. But just go over this. This tells you when the document was created. And version history, I am going to show you that because this will save you a lot of time. And I believe there's someone in the room that we discussed this-- actually, I've discussed this with a couple of people. So I'm going to go to a document-- by the way, I'm going to change this Page Setup because I don't want the gray anymore. Say OK. All right. So we're going to go to File. And we're going to go to Version history. Go to your File menu, go to Version history. You're not going to see a lot of different versions if you're on a new document. So if you wanted to open up a document that's been in your Drive for a while that you've worked on for a long time, by all means do that. And then go to File, Version history. It opens up the document in a different format. On the bottom right-hand side of your document-- way down at the bottom-- there's a checkbox called Show changes. Let me move this up. There we go. Show changes-- so I've got that checkbox selected. Now on this document, I'm the only one that's been working on it because it's my document, and it's just full of gibberish. But it's my document and I haven't shared it with anybody. If you shared your document with somebody, you're going to see different people's names on the far right-hand side. And if you click on a version-- come on-- there we go. It takes a minute. You have to have patience. So you click on a version, you will see who has made changes. And you can move to those changes. And as you do, you will see the changes made on the document and who did them. So right here, this text was removed by yours truly. Now I know that because my name is here. But if I had shared this with Alisa, and she was the one that deleted this text, her name would be here instead. The skinny snowman in line with each version allows you to do different things. So you can name this version. So this could be post cell basic units, or something-- I don't know. Make it something that you'll understand. But I can also, from that skinny snowman, make a copy of this version. So if there's been a lot of changes on a document and I want to go back to the beginning of time to where this was the document, I can make a copy of it right now. How cool is that? So you're going to open up a document. You're going to go to the File menu. You're going to select Version history, and then click on the Show changes checkbox down at the bottom right-hand corner. And then just select one of the dated versions. And those dated versions dated with time, you can actually change that to something that's more meaningful to you. All right. Now if I want to restore the version that I have selected-- see, I've clicked June 6, 8:45 PM. That's what I'm clicked on. This is the version that I've selected at this point. I could click this button right here, Restore this version. But if I do, I lose everything that was done afterwards. So I'm going to be very careful about doing that, if I ever do it-- and I've never done that. There have been times where I've made a copy of the latest greatest, then gone back in time to restore the original version because I've used a link that a lot of people are using and I want them all to get a fresh-- or I want to use that link again. I mean, there's lots of reasons that you would do this. You think of it-- OK-- you figure it out if it works for you. I don't use this, as a rule. I will make a copy of the version that I want instead, but that's me. If I don't want to do anything-- I want to get out of here, I don't want to do anything-- I will click the arrow next to-- well, up at the top left-hand corner. OK. All right. So that's the version history. I did want you to-- I wanted you to see that. This menu, I'm going to probably skip a little bit. I'm looking at it-- yeah, most of it. The View menu, go there, it's really cool. Oh there is one thing I want to show you, the document outline. View options-- I'm going to hit View, and then I'm going to Show document outline. So when you do that-- Show document outline-- what happens is that if you have headers, like heading 4, or anything that's not normal text-- so title, subtitle, heading, heading 1, 2, 3, 4-- I mean, even these little tiny guy, little heading 6-- OK-- any headings that are in your document, they become part of the document outline. So that when I open the document online-- here's the icon, right here. First I have to go to View, Show document online. Then all of my headings appear. Ooh, isn't that cool? So now I know where my headings are, right? It gets better than that because now I can click on it and it goes right to this section, which is way down at the bottom. This is a really long document. I could be scrolling for days and days and days and days-- there we go. I'm finally up at the top. Why do that when you can click the document online, you're at the last heading. Or I can click in the middle and it takes me right there. I can click anywhere in this document online and it takes me there. How cool is that? So you have at your disposal-- think of this as a table of contents, right? And then your students when you share this document with them and you tell them to go to cagen ipsum-- here we go. Changing small letters to caps or vice versa-- sure. So we're going to select some text. All right. We're going to go to Format-- because we haven't hit that menu yet. There's a lot of different things that you can do in Format. So we're going to Format, and we're going to go to Text. And within the Text-- everyone's used to, OK, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough-- look down further, folks, because here we have Uppercase, Title case, or All lowercase. So you can choose-- now, remember, I selected some text. I went to the Format menu. I selected text, I went down to the bottom where it said capitalization, and I'm going to hit Uppercase. And now all of the words that I had selected are now uppercase. If I don't if-- oh, I messed up. There's a couple of things I can do. I can Control-Z and undo or I can use the Undo button, which is prompting me to use Control-Z. Or I can go back to-- I have to select the text, I go to Tools, I go to-- Format-- rather, I go to Format, I go to Text, Capitalization, and then Title case-- OK-- or lower case or whatever the case may be, right? All right. So that's how you do the text. So there's a lot of different things here in Text. Yes, you can add headers and footers. Yes, you can add page numbers. As you can see, this document has a page 7 that was done with page numbers. I can increase or do indentation. There's a lot of more indent tools available here for you besides these two up in the toolbar, which is up on the far right-hand side. Is bolding text how Doc identifies headings? Choice. So I'm going to select cagen ipsum-- OK-- cagen ipsum is Heading 2, right? I am going to keep this selected, and I'm going to debold it. It's just been debolded, OK? Is it still in my outline? Yes, because it is still Heading 2. So you decide whether or not your headings are bold or not. Now this one, I just did it manually. I took the bold away from it. If I wanted all of my Heading 2s choose to be just like that one, not bolded, I would update Heading 2 to match. And then all of the other Heading 2s would be debolded. That sounds weird, doesn't it, debolded? I just debolded it. So really cool. Headings-- this document outline is really, really good, especially if you're sharing with students, especially for a long document. This is kind of akin to a hyperdoc. Insert-- there's something here that I'm almost positive you guys don't know that you can do. So I'm going to go to a document. I'm going to insert my key-- I'm going to hit Enter-- there we go. And I'm going to go to the Insert menu. I'm going to Insert. Yes, you all know you can insert images. I know you all know that. Yes, you probably most of that you can search the web to find a document. And I'm going to do that. I'm a-- puppy, OK? So here we go. We select a puppy, because we search for both-- I like this one better. So there we go. We're going to Insert. Now the puppy is going to come in, and he's pretty big. That's a big puppy. So when you put an image in your document, whether you upload it from your computer or search the web and do it, you can resize. It will have handles. Yes, this is described in the handout-- boom. Where'd he go? There he is. Oh, I did two puppies. How'd I do that? All right. So there's the puppy. You can also wrap text. So you can move it around. As you click on your image, you'll get some options as far as margins are concerned. You can change those, you can customize it. You can make this image move with the text or it's in a fixed position on the page. You don't want it to move, even if the text does-- lots of options there. And that's with the skinny snowman, after you select the image. You also have-- and this is what you don't know you can do-- All image options. So in the skinny snowman, you select your image. On the bottom right-hand corner, you'll have Image options, you select that, and then I'm going to Select all image options-- lots of different things appear on the far right. It's very cool because now you have more control. You can wrap both sides, or the left only, or the right only. You can put adjustments on this image. So we could make it more transparent, or we could have it brighter, or we could even-- I know I'm going fast, but it's all descried-- we could recolor it. That's really ugly. But it's OK. If we decide we don't like that after we've done it, we can go to No recolor, and it's back to its original format. So how did I get there? I'm going to click on the puppy. I've got all these menu options. The skinny snowman, All image options. There's the magic right there. Bookmarks are really cool. For those of you that are creating sites, or that want folks to be able to go to a specific spot in a document from another site-- OK-- so let's say you want people-- when they come to this document, you want it to go way in the middle or way down at the bottom. First thing you need to do is select the text. And you're going to go to-- what are you going to go to? Insert-- you're going to go to Insert, Bookmark. Now this is already a bookmark, so it's grayed out, right? So this is a bookmark right here. And I know it's a bookmark because it has a little bookmark icon next to it. So I've created bookmarks in this document. And I'm going to scroll down. I am going to add a link as I did all of these. All of these links go to the bookmark. And you're going, big deal. You just showed us that in the document online-- because I can take this and I can put it in another document. And then I can direct people to exactly this point, this anchor in this document-- right-- because right here, this is a little special little magic right here-- let me show you the complete magic here. I'm going to insert another link. And it's giving the option of putting in a link like, or I can select a heading, or I can select a bookmark. And the bookmark has a dropdown next to it, just as heading does, and I can go and I can select any one of these bookmarks. Now I already have some of them selected. I'm going to select Table of Contents. So here we go. There's the table of contents. And notice this is out of order. So I can put the bookmarks list-- I can put the bookmark list in any order I want. Then when I select this link, and I copy it-- OK-- I've just copied it, I can put it in this document, OK? And yes, I know that's a really long link. Why would you ever do that? I'm just showing you here-- here is the link. So I'm going to select this text, and then I'm going to Paste the link to the bookmark so that when I open it-- see what happened? When I open it, it's good to go to the table of contents, which is right up at the top. So that wasn't really awe-inspiring was it? Wow, I'm bombing. OK, here we go. I'm going to select this one. The is down towards-- yeah, a brief history. There we go. So I'm going to copy this one. I'm going to go back to that other document. I'm going to change this link. So let's pretend I did this the first time, OK? Paste and Apply. OK, here's the link. Here's the right link-- I hope. Did I copy the first one? Oh my God, I copied the table of contents-- Oh I didn't. Yes, I did. Gosh darn. Melinda, patience. Ugh, I know, we're running out of time. This will work. Melinda is just having a-- there we go. Woohoo. OK. I didn't do anything. I was waiting for the magic, OK? So this link from this document went to this spot on this page, which is really long. It went to an anchor point. Some of you are going to go, oh, that is really cool. And some of you are going like, I didn't want to know that. So I'm sorry. The handout has a lot of good information still in it. And I know there were some questions about add-ons. By the way, word count-- oh my god. It's a life-saver when you're doing-- when you're doing proposals. Footnotes, really cool to do with the Explorer tool. Voice typing, I didn't cover that, and I wasn't planning on covering it here. I did covered in the Drive. But I did include, on this handout, voice typing command. So there's a link there that opens up a document-- I'm opening up for you now. So if you have the handout, the bitly link that I gave you, that links to this, where you can actually look through the voice commands. And notice that the background is a light gray with a dark writing. So there are other links within the handout. I'm going to give you that link here again in just a second. Add-ons we did not cover this. Add-ons add functionality to a Google Doc. That's all they do. So somebody asked about mail merge. Yes, there is a mail merge function in Google Docs as long as you have the add-on. So what you would do is go-- use this handout if you wish. Go to the Add-ons toolbar-- or menu, right-- click on Get add-ons, and then search for mail merge. And you're going to have a bunch come up. So look at-- this is really important right here. Read the descriptions and the reviews, OK? And then make sure that more than five people are using it because it might get a five-star rating, but if only five people are using it, [MIMICS TROMBONE] make sure-- set your bar a little high. I always look for four stars and at least 1,000 people to be using it. And then if it floats your boat, install it. If you don't like it after a while, you can delete it. So that's all here in the handout. I do have a couple of suggestions. I'll be adding to this-- as a matter of fact, I'm going to add some text to it now-- grackle. So if you want to-- Orange Slice teacher and student rubric-- really cool tool. And there's a video online that-- I'm making a note to myself-- a video that I will include off to the side of this image. So I'll have a little video icon here on how to use Orange Slice rubric. I found one that was really cool. The guy knew what he was talking about. So Translate Plus-- you can have the text within the document translate automagically within the document off to the side into any language that Google supports. And then you can copy that and paste it into the language without having to translate the entire document, which is what you have to do right now without the add-on. I will update this handout, and you will get a June-- actually a June-- yeah, June 9 version. By the end of today, you'll have a June 9 PDF that you can download. And you can do whatever you want with it. But it will be stuck in time. So if I work on this tomorrow, you're stuck with June 9. So here's the lorem ipsum doc, if you want that. It's really just nonsense text with a table of contents. I use it as filler so that when I'm creating a website or I want to know how much space something is going to take without having to type something, there's a bunch of lorem ipsums there. So you can use that if you want. Permissions-- this handout and graphic created by SCOETECH/GOOGLINIT, It was created for OTAN, for adult education. And you have my blessings-- use it. This handout, again, it should explain things for you if you're not familiar with Google Docs. And it'll even give you some information if you are familiar with Google Docs. You're going to learned something new if you go through the entire handout. I guarantee you.