I will go ahead and turn it over to Martha Perez, who'll get us started with today's webinar. Martha? Thank you very much, Holly, for that nice introduction. So I am going to start sharing my screen. And welcome, everyone. I really appreciate you taking the time off of your busy schedule to meet with us today, here, on this training where we're going to share some important information on how to generate reports. Please feel free to enter your name, your agency's name, your email in the chat pod if you have a chance once you arrive to the training, so we can take attendance for you. And then, if you have any other questions in regards to whatever I'm explaining at the moment, you can also feel free to post your question in the chat pod. Our team with Tyler Phu and Nicole Jordan will be monitoring the chat pod, and also, Tyler Phu will be co-hosting with me. So he will be also explaining some important information on our reports. OK. So I am displaying now the CASAS home page. I don't know if you can all see that on the screen. If you can type in yes or something on the chat pod. Is that being displayed right now? Perfect. Thank you so much. All right, welcome, everyone. OK. So our CASAS website has a wealth of documentation. And the information that we'll be sharing today is based off on one of the training materials that we have in the CASAS website. Especially here under the Training and Support link, it will display all of the documentation that we have available. And for today's training, we will go to the eTests Online Help link. And don't worry about this-- I am going to post this link in to the chat pod. But if you see there is a wealth of documentation, there's many downloadable PDF files here. The one that we're going to be using for today's training is called TOPSpro Enterprise Basics, generating reports. So if you download this link, you will have this activity packet. And we're going to share all this information on how to generate basic reports. Let me go ahead and post that link on the chat pod. And this is our session for today. So "TOPSpro Enterprises" you can read off from here, "offers a numerous amount of reports that benefits teachers, data managers, clerks, and other people or staff who have access to TOPSpro Enterprise." So these reports will meet a variety of essential needs like reporting for CAEP for instance, and reporting for other funding as well, and for the own purpose of the teacher and the data manager. So these are the specific sections that we are looking today, the report generator, generating reports using the drill-down option, charts and graphs, reports manager, and my reports. So if you have access to this document, and you're welcome to download it and print it if you like, or just download it into your computer so you can review it later. So we're going to start off by showing how to install an open TOPSpro Enterprise. I assume, or I may inquire, like, how many of you are new to TOPSpro Enterprise? Probably, there is a lot of who are experienced users, but some of you, I know that for sure, that our new agencies on board, that definitely our new-- oh, thank you, Anna, thank you Kathy, Cynthia. I see that you guys, you folks are new to-- oh, brand-spanking new. Perfect, Richard. Thank you so much for letting us know. Daniel, thank you. We are actually going to focus special attention on you folks because I know it's TOPSpro Enterprise, it's a lot to the program. But I hope that you were attending some of the TOPSpro Enterprise basics trainings with Oscar in the previous days, weeks before. Otherwise, we can always refer you to the recorded webinars that CAEP has on their website page. Also, yeah, we can probably post a link a little bit later for those recorded webinars for the TOPSpro Enterprise basics, but we do also have a YouTube channel where you can go to them and also verify a few of the recordings that we have for generating basic reports in TOPSpro Enterprise and also for TOPSpro Enterprise Basics. OK? So starting off on how to install TOPSpro Enterprise, I'm going to switch over to my other window in here and take you to the website that you need in order to download and install TOPSpro Enterprise, which is the ca.etestsonline.org. That is the website exclusively for the California staff or California users. Please use this ca.etestsonline.org. A very few users will use another URL, which is called etestsonline.org/laraec which is for the LARAEC Consortium. But if you're not a member of this consortium, then the ca.etestsonline.org will help us for all the needs. Oh, thank you, Holly. She posted the URL where you can access previous webinars. So I do recommend saving the chat before we leave the room at the end of the training so you can have accessibility to all those hyperlinks which are going to be helpful. All right, so once we get to the ca.etestsonline.org website, we have this installed TE Client on the top left-hand corner, which is the one that you need to click on in order to download the TOPSpro Enterprise application. If you can see on your bottom left corner of the screen, you're going to have this little pop-up box for you to open it up and install it in your computer. What that does at this time, it's saving a shortcut on your desktop and it will also install the software. So you will require a Windows 10 computer. Now, I will minimize my TOPSpro Enterprise because I already had another window open in the background, and we will also sign in by using the rolling hills simulation server. Now, back to the document. I wanted to add that you can find-- I'm going to go back to the CASAS website here for just a moment, and pointing you over to the rolling hills simulation server so you can know how to log in. And folks, I encourage you highly to use the rolling hills simulation server. For that, I only type rolling hills on the search box and search for that. So the rolling hills simulation server is this little document PDF that will allow you to know how to log in. It gives you all the important information as the user account, emails, or user accounts and passwords as well. So here is all that information. I just posted a link on the chat pod so you can also download that information. OK. So now, back to the TOPSpro Enterprise. Using that document-- I just sent you a link-- I'm going to log in as an administrator, which has the same level of access that a lot of you folks over at your local agency have as administrator. So you can have basic control over the database, over who accesses the TOPSpro Enterprise database, or who generates reports, and you can basically view everything from here as well as while as test results from your students and whatnot. So this is a new start page that is pretty recent since, I guess, around June, July we have this new start page, which has a lot of information in there, which gives you, like, shortcuts on how to do important things like you see here. We'll get to the demographics lister, or get to any of the other listers that are listed over here as well as shortcuts-- oh, I'm sorry, this is shortcuts and how to. If we click on any of these hyperlinks, it takes us straight to that lister, to the student demographics lister. All right, so if I close this tab, it will take me back to the start page. So as you can see, you can open new links and they will open on new tabs just like you would do with an Excel spreadsheet, for instance. All right. So we are going to start off by closing this start page since we don't need to describe that anymore. And today's webinar is based on reports. So the reports drop-down menu contains several sub menus of categories, as you can see in here, of TOPSpro Enterprise reports. Each sub menu includes reports that all relate to the similar topics. So by scrolling down to each category, you can find out which reports that specific section contains. And if you can hover your mouse over the next sub menu, you can see that it even unfolds other important reports based on that same category. OK. So based on that, the next pages on the generating reports document, including pages 4, 5, and 6, numbers 6 and 7, describe all of these reports, what they are all about. So I would highly encourage you folks to go over all of this document so you can see and read out about what these reports are about. Now, today, we're going to focus on the CAEP reports, so TOPSpro Enterprise holds on those state reports or those CAEP reports under the state reports menu. As you can see, the California CAEP reports are only enabled on the rolling hills database, so you can come along here and practice all you want, all you can. And actually, I would dare you to try to break something in TOPSpro Enterprise in the rolling hills database, because it cannot be broken. TOPSpro Enterprise database for the rolling hills will actually help you generate all kinds of reports that you've like. And practice them here before you generate them on your own database, or just go to your own database and generate them from there. All right? So we're going to start with the report generator on page number eight. So we're going to open the CAEP, let's go ahead and open the CAEP data integrity. Again, you can follow the links right here. Click on reports, state reports, California, CAEP data integrity. So when we open the CAEP data integrity report, especially if you're new to TOPSpro Enterprise, this can be a little bit overwhelming. Now, please do not get scared or anything. What I'm going to do is I'm going to collapse all these sections in here so it's not that intimidating per se. Each report has two very important main sections. We have the report set up navigator on your left-hand side, which you can see right here on the left, and then we also have the report set up toolbar, which is right up here as well as all of these sections. So the toolbar contains several subsections, and each report could be a little bit different under subsections. But I will go ahead and explain one-by-one subsection so you can see that there's not a lot to it that you can get intimidated for. So don't worry about it. We're going to start with the first section here in the report set up toolbar, which is the session name. And this is automatically set up here by default. It has the name of the report written down, as well as the date, the time, and by whom this report is being generated. You are also welcome to type in any other additional comment about this session. So you can definitely write in any extra text in there. You're not obligated to. You can also change these parameters right here by deleting any of that information and so on. So I will just put that back, and this is where the first section, which is a session name. I'll go ahead and collapse that and go over the common filters. Now, common filters have very important information contained in here. And this is part of the general settings. So my colleague, Tyler, I don't know if you would like to go ahead and explain this section as it is in page number nine, Tyler? Yes. Hi, everyone. Thank you for letting me explain the common filters, Martha. So the comment filters, these are filtered by date. So by default, we always have the current program year highlighted, but we can always go back previous years-- 2019, 2018, 2017-- as you can see there, we have those choices. The programs available by default, the system always has for APE, ESL, high school HSE. We will always have those by default. Those will show up. And if we want, we can always add any additional programs and there's such a CTE or workforce preparation. And those are optional if you'd like to add those. Date ranges. For TE, we do have automatic date system. So any time we have a new program year or something, it will change to that program year. So any date that you do for activity date, let's say we did it for-- we filtered for, let's say, yesterday. We can even do yesterday. It'll show up for 9/08/2020. Thank you, Martha. So we can also do a custom interval, any date range that we like to add into there. We can pick any date we like. So that's for the activity date. For the output layout parameters, we can sort by agency if we'd like. As we can see right there, we have it for agency. And I believe it's selected and it's in ascending order. And if we look down right there where Martha's cursor is, we could remove all of them also. For other reports we do have more options, but this one, we only have agency available. Did you want to add anything to that, Martha? I just wanted to verify that you have these other options as well, like warn if too many pages, include criteria info, prepared by, print name. So all of these features will be automatically included into the print out report, into the final report once it's generated. So these will be automatically included by default. If there's anything that you wouldn't like to display on your report, you can always uncheck it. Uncheck it from here, so it doesn't get displayed, in any case you would like to hide the criteria information as well as prepared by. And we'll go over these functions or these features again once we generate the reports so you can see the before and after when we do this. So right now, we're going to proceed with the next two sections, and then we're going to go ahead and generate the report on a default mode. On a default mode means that as is. When you click on the generating button, we don't have to do any changes before we generate. So you can see the before and after. OK? Thanks, Martha. I just wanted to add something in. So the output can be pretty detailed as for the agency print option, if you can point to that right there, Martha. We can actually change that to whatever ID-- if we want to show just the agency ID, or the name, or both, even ID and name, or switch that around and put a name and ID, it can get, really, pretty technical. So however we'd like to have our preference set, it's definitely useful there. And also, as Martha points out there, it's also possible to change the color scheme of the reports. So right there, we have a blue color scheme, we have green, red, black, and white. It's definitely all preferenced on how we want to show our reports. Exactly. There are some customizable options in there. Great. So now, special options. This report actually runs on certain drop reasons that the student needs to meet, or some of these reasons that the student needs to meet, otherwise they will be dropped from the report. And these are instated in there according to the funding, the funding of the program. So if we're doing CAEP reports, these reports will be run off of these several drop reasons in here. If the student does not meet some of these drop reasons, they will not make it over to the report. OK, so they need to have this birthday, they have at least 12 hours of instruction not to be concurrently enrolled. They need to have a gender, they need to have some ethnicity or race placed in there, and no accurate placement for test, as well as CSL learner pretest score at-- and this is a little bit small-- so at AFC educational functioning level. So as you can see, you can scroll these-- use these scroll bars up and down so you can read throughout the entire legend of the drop reasons. And the other section is a monitor drill-down options. There are some drill-down options that Tyler will explain a little bit later in regards to our report. So as you can see here, show test pairs as completed level shows as a default. So all this these reports already have some defaults embedded into them. And that would be my suggestion to mainly run those reports off of the defaults, unless you would like to see some very specific information for a certain date range, for a certain student, you can also do that. Make your own preferences or searches on the report set up navigator on the left-hand side. So these are also customizable. The student name format would be in the default mode, which will start with the last name and then the first name. So all these options, like I said, you can change them, you can customize them, and also change them as is. So now that we have explained all of these sections, I hope that they're not as intimidating for new users. Now you know that you can exactly change, add, or remove, or just leave as is, which is what I'm going to do right now. I'm going to delete all these dates that we made these customizable for. And I believe that would be the only change that we did for this report. Now, before generating the report, I would like to also let you know that you can filter for specific or run it for specific sites, for specific classes, or for specific student as well. So any report can be done like that. So you can generate it as is, or you can select the site that you would like to run this report for. So you can actually run a CAEP data integrity for a specific campus, a specific site, by clicking this little dropdown arrow where it's got the agency's name in there. Besides doing that, you could also filter for a specific class. If you'd like to run the CAEP data integrity on a particular class, you can click on the class instances option from the report set up navigator. And with that, you have the entire list of classes for this entire program year. Now, the rolling hills database, it's got a wealth of information. And this is all fictional data so you can practice along with. So this is a huge agency with a bunch of classes. You can see that the counter on the top area, along with all these little buttons, you have 2,711 classes. You're not going to get quizzed on this. I'm just showing you so you can know the counter, how many of them are existing in this database. So if I would like to generate it only for a particular class, I would uncheck all of these classes by clicking this general checkbox and just checking the ones or picking and choosing the ones that I want to see on my report. OK. So this is another way of making some extra or additional filtering through the classes. And once I go back to general settings, the general settings will take me back. But if you observe here, you have a little checkmark on the class instances. So that means that I have a particular filter that I am going through. And this is what happens. When I unchecked everyone, and I just picked and choose three classes, the little checkbox will mark, or the little checkmark will place here under the class instances. All right, so now that I put the check marks all back, since it's the default setting, the class instances is back to normal. You can also run it for a particular student in this database. We do have that option. And that would be under in program years filter. If we click on the program years from your report set up navigator, it shows you a list of all the students that currently have activity in this current program year. This list is sorted by student ID from the smaller, to a bigger, to the larger ID number in the database, but you can also customize these by clicking on these sorting buttons. It looks like a little diamond pointing up and down, but it's actually two little arrows. If I click on this arrow, it will-- as you can see, the color changed on this line right here, and it's alphabetizing this from A through Z. So I'm going to scroll up using my scroll bar at the right-hand side. So this is now sorted by A through Z. Regardless of these special characters, because of those parentheses in here and all these numbers, it will start off from number, or letter A. So from A through Z, it's all alphabetized by first name. So in that sense, you can also run the report on a specific student. You can run it on individual students as is. And again, the check mark will appear on the report set up navigator for in program years. And that will trigger or let you know that we have been doing some customizing or sorting and filtering for specific students. Again, I'm going to click back on the general check box. So this could set everything back to how it was before, from the general settings. So we don't have to come back to the general settings in order for you to generate the report. You can find the Generate button in all of the sections that we have from the Navigator. See, the Generate button is what it's going to help us trigger and generate, ultimately, the report that we are choosing. OK. So we're not going to make any changes to anything else. I'll just go ahead and hit the Generate button so you can see the results on this report. So it usually takes a few seconds, a few moments depending on the speed of your internet as well as on the memory and your computer, and also the size of your database. If you have a very large database, this will probably take a little bit longer. But this is the final product here, when we are selecting the report. The name is on the top area. You find the agency's information, member of which consortium. You have the date, the time that you are generating report, the summary information, and you also have all the items included on your data integrity report, as well as who prepared this report. As you can see, I am logged in as administrator two. You can see that on the top right-hand corner of your screen who is logged in as yourself. Like, right now, I'm logged in as administrator two. You also have this Report Viewer Navigator. And this report comprehends of two different pages, page number one and page number two. Now, on page number two, right at the bottom of it, you have this criteria as well, which was used and required to run this specific report, and it's just displaying here what was used on this database. In that case, I ran it for the entire agency of 4908, the Rolling Hills Adult School. I did not run it for a specific site because I wanted to generate as is. So the aggregated data means that it collects data from all the different sites included in your agency. In this case, the rolling hills database has many, many sites, like nine, or eight or more. So I generated for the entire agency. So some students may have records at different sites, but it will be aggregated all together, and pulled together, as well as the instructional programs and all their regular criteria for this type of report. OK? So now, this is a description of the report. As you can see, if I hover my mouse over certain areas it will highlight in red. And this means that we can drill down over a specific section. So Tyler will go over in a little bit-- just before we do that, I just wanted to show you a couple of more things here on this report. On the Report Viewer Navigator, you have, on your left-hand side, you'll have the reporting section here with the date and the time. And then, you have other records in here, like student program year, all these, the ones that you see on your left-hand side, as well as unpin button. So you can unpin this button and have a better view of this report. And also, some of the buttons in the top, you can export it, you can print it, you can see the number of pages included in the report as well as some layout settings. If we click on those layout settings, it pulls up some of the information that we saw from the general settings, so you could potentially remove some of these settings and apply to it, if we see here. Like, for instance, I am going to uncheck this criteria info. We can then click Apply and this will regenerate this same report that I just ran, but I'm going to show you by scrolling down, that the criteria piece has been removed. So you could do these little things like some little tips and tricks here in the Report Layout settings as well. I am going to remove include print time and prepared by, and you can see the difference. So I will go ahead and click Apply once again. And this will show you, will not show you the time, because I removed the time from here, as well as scrolling down, it does not show who the person that generate the report. Before it had administrator two, it will not change, it will just not display that. So little things like that you can do. I mean, it depends on what your needs are. Again, I'm going to show you none of these. These are already done. So the fit page, you can fit the page in here as well as fit width, which is the default setting that we have. And you can also fit two pages in the same view. Does anybody have any questions? OK. I hope everything that I've explained so far, it's been somewhat clear. We also have some other buttons, like thumbnails. Thumbnails will show on the right-hand side a list of the thumbnails with this report. Some reports are a bit more specific with showing the thumbnails. I believe that this report does not display everything exactly as it should. And sometimes this happens when we're using the rolling fields database. But I would urge you to try it on your own database to see what you get from the thumbnails and any other kind of reports. I'm sure it's going to show up in here as well as the show summary. So show summaries will give you a highlight of all the information that could be potentially drilled down from your feature. So highlighting these numbers, it will take you over to that specific lister in the amount that you see in here. You can also right-click into these, right-click and drill down on these specific or other items embedded in these numbers. OK, so you can also have the edit session details, by clicking on the details of the general settings. I clicked on this Edit Session and it takes us back to the report set up navigator so we can edit anything that we would like to do, like any more edits, it takes us back to the general settings. OK, so as you can see, the report opened on another tab, so I'm returning back to the report. And you can also save the session by clicking on Keep Session. But only reports that you generate in TOPSpro Enterprise will actually be autosaved, automatically saved into the reports. And I will show you where you can find previous reports that you have generated over the past. So you can click on Keep Session. And that way, it disappeared our report. So how are we going to get back to the report without having to generate it? Well, we click back on the Reports menu and we click on Reports Manager. When I click on Reports Manager, it's going to show me exactly the same report that I generated a few moments ago. So maybe somebody else is signing in as administrator one or any other administrator, so I'll go ahead and click on the report that I generated as administrator two. Double click on that, and that brings me exactly to the report that I was showing you folks earlier. So as you can see, all these buttons include information that you could drill-down or do in the other amenities on your report. And then, you can also click on-- under the More button, you may find some additional buttons. Depending on the size of your screen, it hides, or it grabs all those more buttons into the More button. So Tyler, would you like to explain the feature of drilling down? Yeah. Thank you, Martha. Would it be beneficial if we have myself share my screen, or we'll-- Of course, absolutely. OK, let's do that. I'll go ahead and stop my share so you can go ahead and share your own. Thank you. OK. No problem. OK, so can everyone see my screen? Yes. Yes, thank you. Perfect. OK, so I have the same exact CAEP DIR report as Martha did. What I did was just ran the default settings were here, I didn't change anything. And that may be beneficial for a lot of agencies to just run the default and not touch anything. So I just generated it. And I have the report here. And we wanted to talk about drilling down. So the drill-down feature is a neat little tool that TE has to let us go through different hierarchies of data so that we get to the specific data. And what I mean by that is that, if we look at the DIR report, let's say we look at students with less than 12 hours of instruction, we have 2,249 students, and it gives us this functionality to-- once it gets highlighted red like this right here, it gives us that option to click on it. And that is an interactive way to kind of get down to your specific data. So let's see that example for less than 12 hours of instruction. So I click on it. And Martha, also, if you want to add anything, definitely let me know, and any comments that you'd like to add. Thank you. So we have a lister of all the 2,000 and some students here. All students who have less than 12 hours of instruction. You can see that there's a ton of students there. You can actually scroll down and also see their information, their demographic information. Going back to the drill-down tool, so we have this lister of these students who have less than 12 hours. You can also click on them, if, let's say you want to look at a student, such as this student Yi, so I can double-click on Yi's information here. And then, we go straight into Yi's student information. And we can, in fact, go into the student's class records from the Navigator. As Martha mentioned earlier about the Navigator, there's shortcuts in to the student's information. So we have an Edit view of student records, class enrollments. We're interested in the class records because that pertains to the amount of hours that the student has. And as you can see, there's no records at all. And that's just confirmation that the student doesn't have any class hours and it's being flagged in the CAEP DIR as less than 12 hours. So no hours for this student. And that's the benefit of having the drill-down tool, is because we can hit shortcuts from the specific DIR report. Exactly. And not just 12 hours of instruction, we can go down these categories, also. No gender, no race ethnicity. These will get flagged in the DIR report, but we can always click on them. As you can see, it gets highlighted here. So a popular one is no valid pre-test, or valid pre-test, no post-test. We can click on that also. But we can also right-click, and this takes us to another screen, or another report or monitor. And then, if we want to drill-down to the NRS monitor, we can do so by right-clicking the highlighted box and then clicking on Drill-down to NRS Monitor. Exactly. That is another way of drilling down on the report. Thank you, Martha. And Martha, would you explain a little bit on the NRS monitor-- Yeah, absolutely. --drilling down to it? Absolutely. You can drill down on NRS monitor, you can drill down on assessments lister, you can drill down on many other options as listed on that drill-down feature. But I'm going to explain here a little bit about the drop reasons that exist in this report. This drill-down to monitor will show you exactly the drop reason that the student is missing on the very first column. It's got a small D on the very first column, and then it will show you the drop reason, which is number two in this case, the hours of instruction. The student information will be listed on the next available column, as well as the ID number, student's name, ID, and the class that they are attending or enrolled in to, as well as the gender, their age, the program there they're enrolled into, and what kind of civics information they have, as well as the hours of instruction on the next column, and then you can also see the start and end date of their period of participation. This includes information as how many days a student has been absent from the instruction as well as their pre and post-test information, and with regards to which form they took, when they took it, what level they scored at, what's their regular score, as well as some levels. Like, if they have gains, the gains will be listed in here. If you could scroll a little bit further down, Ty, so we can see a more detailed, or some information that, or some students that would have some of these gains, or maybe they don't have a pre and post-test, probably, because it's maybe too early in the program year. But this will show you all the detailed information. And if you would like to come back to the regular report, you can always click on that orange bar on the top area, or you can click on the-- can you click, can you drill-down again on one of these settings? Just go ahead, and yeah, right-click or whichever. Perfect. This is going to take us back to the monitor. But before getting back to the report, you can also click on the Report Viewer Navigator on your left-hand side. And that second checkmark that you see under CAEP Data Integrity, that 9/9/2020, go ahead and click on that and that will also take you back to the report. So there's no way of getting lost in here. You can always come back to the report, or just regenerate it as is. All right. Thank you, Martha. Another thing I would like to add is that you can also fix some of these records from just viewing them from the report. If you click on the very first line that says 01, missing birthdate outside of 16 and 110, go ahead and single-click on that 28, please. Let's go ahead and analyze these students and let's say these are all missing the date of birth. Let's say you do have the date of birth for Jason Dexter, which is student number one on this report. Let's try to fix that by double-clicking on Jason Dexter's record. When we double click on Jason Dexter's record, it takes us to their demographic information. But from the Navigator under left-hand side, you're going to have this aggregation tree. If you have the aggregation tree, at the bottom section you're going to see a couple-- you'll see this indented 4908/01 highlighted in blue with a little l there in brackets. And if you click the Edit button right at the bottom-- go ahead and click that Edit button-- this is going to take you to some other information. But if you scroll down-- OK, so this is not going to contain the desired information which we wanted to fix. But from the Navigator on your left-hand side, go ahead and click on demographic history. If you click on demographic history, this is going to take you to the entire demographic history information of the student. So from this place, you can actually double click on that Jason Dexter's demographic record from May 7 so you can enter their date of birth. OK, so address, contact, education, and identification, it's not provided in here. I'm so sorry. Go ahead and close this last tab. You're going to actually find it under this Edit view. Click on Edit view, please, from your Navigator on the left. OK, so hmm, this report-- no, click on Student Records, please, from the Navigator on the left-hand side, Student Records. And here, folks, I'm just trying to show you where you can actually correct this information. But as well as it doesn't pull up any of the field for you to enter the date of birth, you can actually click on the blue section on the top where it says student in program year information. Go ahead and click on that student one/Jason Dexter. This link actually takes you straight to their demographic information, where you can actually enter that date of birth. If you click on the Edit button for identification, this will actually be showing you the place where you can enter the date of birth. So go ahead and enter any random-- let's put today's date on there, please, with the program, or the year 2003. 2003. So at least that student has about 17 years in age. So now, go ahead and click Save. Did you save already? Hey, Martha, it's grayed out. OK. Go ahead and click on somewhere else, like on the last name field. So now, the Save button pops up-- Yes, uh-huh. --for some reason, it just needed to refresh it or something. So once you have saved that information, we can always-- yeah, this is normal because the student does not have a social security number, which is somewhat of a validation. So if what the gender of the student is or they have provided that to you, you can also correct that here in the identification section. So go ahead and enter the gender for Jason Dexter, please. Go ahead and check the male, and then go ahead and stay Save. But as long as they have provided you with their gender, then you can go ahead and enter that. All right. So now, with that exercise that we did, we added the date of birth and we added the gender. So go ahead and close the last tab for Jason Dexter as well as this other tab for Jason Dexter. And the Yi Danesh as well. So going back to this report set up Navigator, we want to regenerate the report so we can see the difference. But first, click on this orange tab, please, so we can come back and see what the numbers are. So we have 28 students in the missing birthday, or outside of 16 to 110. We have fixed one of these records. So go ahead and regenerate this report. You can either close this section or go back to the-- uh-huh, for the general settings, and then hit the Generate button. Then, we are going to notice the difference between one report before fixing that record and the afterwards report after fixing that record. So it should show us potentially one student less in that item. There we go. So as you can see, folks, we have 27 students now that are missing birthdays because we had drilled down on that feature and corrected that demographic piece that was missing from that item. OK, so we have some questions here on the chat pod. It looks like Nicole has been responding to some of these. Yeah, Martha, can I address them into the group, too? Of course. Thank you. OK. And I'm not sure who's controlling the screen, but if you can scroll up. So here, at the very top of the CAEP data integrity report, and just as far as this webinar is concerned, we're focusing on how to generate the reports, not exactly the content of each report. But for this report of particular, to find the denominator for all the item descriptions below, you'll take that students eligible for data integrity. So in this case, it's that 6614. And if we're looking at item number one, so there's 27 students without a missing birthday, 27 out of 6,000 is that 0.41%. Now, this applies to all programs that we've selected in the filter before we generated. So that's just something to note here. If you're looking for a particular instructional program, you can deselect other programs and then generate the report. And then, I think we also had a question about the-- as a CAEP manager, when you generate the DIR, you cannot see each agency's data. And Martha, correct me if I'm wrong, but if you generate the DIR as a CAEP manager-- and not everybody has access to the CAEP manager level-- you should be able see each individual agency's DIR, but you might not be able to break down into student-level data from that CAEP manager section. That is correct. That is correct. And I'm not sure-- I might need to follow-up Jay Wright about giving agencies access to student-level data at that very high level. But a quick, if you are a data manager looking for individual agency data, you'll have to talk with your individual agencies to gain that access if that's something that they approve of or not. But yeah, and exactly what Diana said, it's for privacy issues. And so you would have to talk with your individual agency if that's approved. Exactly. Thank you so much, Nicole, for sharing this important information and addressing those questions on the chat pod. Thank you. So anything else that you would like to add, Tyler? Yeah, I just wanted to end the drill-down feature on an ending note and say that, yeah, it is a very effective tool in changing your datas, or whatever it is you see that it's been flagged, or you have, like, an overview of what you need to fix. But also, I wanted to-- and you mentioned this earlier, also, Martha, that you can also see what you can drill down. And these are all that's available to drill down. So that's very neat and useful tool. But yeah, that's the drill-down method, that drill-down functionality. Really powerful and useful tool. Exactly. Thank you so much, Tyler, for explaining this section of the content here. I would like to continue sharing my screen as well. Absolutely. Thank you. There we go. So back in to the reports section in here. There is another way that you can also print out reports from your listers. And that is like going to a specific lister. Let's say I would like to show all the tests for the students who have tested within the month of July, August, and-- just July and August. So I would go to records. I would click on Tests. It will populate this particular lister or that we see on the far right. And with that, I will sort or search-- I will actually filter in here for those date ranges. I would like to see people who tested within July 1 of this year towards-- and you can also just type it in or you can also use this dropdown feature so you can go back in the calendar here and be specific about the date ranges that you would like to see those tests. So I wanted to see everyone who tested from July 1 to August 31 within those two months. When I click OK, this gives me a list of all the students who have tested. And this is going to be sorted by the latest tests. You can also click on these little sorting buttons, so it will give us a list of since July 1. So this will put it in a different order. As you can see, it goes down to the latest one, but I want to see from July 1 all the way down to August. And if this is the way that I want to display on my report, you can always click on the Print button. The Print button will allow you to be able to print this as a test report. You can click on this preview button so you can see how it's going to display it. And it's exactly, this it's going to populate the same columns that we have, but because it's got many records-- as you can see, it displayed 135 pages worth of test information, test data. Let's say I don't want to see the site, maybe it's not relevant for our report, but we would like to see or include some other information. So I'm going to go back to this test lister, and I am going to right-click on this column header in here, this gray area in the column header. I would right-click and click Hide Site. That way it will not be displayed. But let's say, display another feature. So I would right-click again and will show the class ID number, per se. Maybe it's not a good-- oh yeah, some of them do have a class ID numbers. So this means that these tests are associated with a specific class. Not all of them have an association, but some of them do. So I will go ahead and click again on the Print button. As you can see, those little dots that were right here, these are-- it's a scrolling bar that will represent whenever something is updating in the system. So again, I'll click on the Print button, first click on Preview. And while this is a little bit darker than usual, it is now refreshing and previewing everything else, as you can see. So this report will now show without displaying the site ID or the name, and it will instead display the class ID, which I requested to appear on the report. And you can always either export this format as is, by clicking the Export button and then picking and choosing an area on your computer. It could be your desktop or your documents, and then click on the Save button. You can also print it as is, by selecting a designated printer on your system, on your computer, and then proceed with a regular printout document. So this is another way, folks, of generating a report from a lister. You can always generate any kind of report from any kind of listers, actually. If you would like to see a list of all your classes, you can add them in a report format style. You can click on Organization, Classes, Instances, per se, and you can click on the More button. Print option is grayed out in here because it's still refreshing. As you can see, there is many, many classes that we'll have to wait until this loads, and now the Print button is available. So when I click on the Print button, it's going to give me this Class Instances report. Again, I'm going to click on the Preview button. So this will show me, like, a little bit more elegant lister that you can provide to your teachers, to your staff members that need to know a class lister like this, in a more, a little bit efficient or elegant way to show your class lister as a report style. OK, again, it displays the time, the date, number of pages, name of the report. So these are all-- oh yeah, and then I see a question from Diana. Thank you so much. You can also switch to alphabetical list as well with the sortings that you would like to see on your designated lister report. OK, so that is a very good question. Thank you so much, Diana. Again, here from the test lister, as you can see, I went back, folks, into the last tab for the tests. You can also customize these names. You can sort it by last name. So you can go into the columns and assign it from here, from the columns lister, but you could also right-click, which I found to be a lot easier to right-click and say, show last name, so we will separate the name. You can also right-click again and show first name. That way, we don't need this full name column, so we will right-click on it and hide it. And that way, I will go ahead and sort this by last name. It's going to take a little while to sort names, 3,649 names by last name. So if I scroll all the way using the scroll bar towards the right-hand side, it will sort them by last name. So I can also organize it that way. And again, click a Print Preview of this report, so it will now alphabetize them by last name. Hope all this is making sense and showing you different ways of generating reports from listers. And this, folks, is included in page number 16 of our reports documentation that we're following through. Another way, or another area that I also wanted to explain is the reports manager. We already came here a little bit earlier, as you can see this tab open in here. But again, this is under the Reports menu. The Reports menu holds up report locator wizard and reports manager. I'm going to go through those reports manager first, and it should be able to show me all of the sessions that have been previously displayed in here in this database. And this is by client, per user, per client. So if you have your TOPSpro Enterprise client installed on your computer, you're probably not going to see the reports that your co-worker is doing on the other campus or on the other computer. So it's per user, per client, the list of reports that you're looking in here. This is a system-based database, so we can see other reports generated by other users as well. So you might be able to see all this information in your own client as well. So this, you can simply double-click on this report and will take you straight to the report that was generated back in that day and at that time. Again, from the Reports menu, Vendor, Reports Manager. Another important feature I'd like to show you is this Reports Locator Wizard. Again, from the Reports menu, I'm going to close this again and show you. From the Reports menu, under reports locator wizard. Let's say you don't know exactly the full name of the report, but it's some kind of integrity, integrity report. So I would just type in those key fields in this name search box here, and it will bring me all of the reports that would match that name. As you can see, folks, we have several reports that include integrity, the integrity name. And I don't have to type in the entire name. I would just type in a few words in there, and it will give me a lot of reports that would match that information. So for this purpose, I am going to do the CAEP data integrity once again. When I single-click on it, it gives me all these buttons activated, either to launch, or you can add to your reports as well. So if you would like to add it to my reports, these are my reports lister. I can create a very-- it's like my favorites lister for my favorite reports that I usually generate every quarter, or every month, or depending on your needs, you can also do that by coming into this Report Locator Wizard, and then you can proceed to launch it from here. All right, when you launch it, it will get you straight to the report general settings. So I'm going to close this pop-up box now, and take me to this report setting. Which I could simply uncheck a specific program if you'd like to see only, like, ESL students. Then, I would uncheck all of these other programs, which are of nine program CAEP areas, and I will just leave the ESL ELL and then hit the generate button, which will bring me different information than the prior reports that we were looking, at because we just made a selection for ESL learners only. So here is going to be different numbers. This is a general summary information that includes every student population in this database. But as you can see from this item count, you can see very different numbers than the prior report that we had. We had 27 people here on the missing birthday, now it's showing me eight, only because we have selected ESL learners as well. And another important thing that when we do any changes to the data, that means that we are missing out on including some important required information for your CAEP report. So that will show you as a preliminary report. Whenever you miss out or remove some of the important programs in the area, it will show you this preliminary word. And then, if we scroll down to the criteria, that will be shown as well. It will let you know which reports are running instead of the entire nine program areas for the CAEP section. So the instructional program will only be ESL ELL if that is the desired option that we want to see on the report. So now, we have too many windows open right here on the top. Instead of going and clicking every little checkbox on these tabs, we can click on the pages tab and say close all pages. And that will get us a clean slate of TOPSpro Enterprise so we can continue working on our training. So any questions, folks, so far? Everybody is very quiet. I hope that this is not as boring as I think it could be. So hopefully everybody is hanging out tight in there. And yes, preliminary, I will indicate that in just a moment, Kristin. Thank you for your question. So thank you so much, Miss Hoffman for the information. Oh, perfect. TE, never boring. Hey, that is our purpose. Excellent. So let's go to Reports, let's click on State Reports, and let's just generate for-- give it a little variety-- a different report. Let's do the CAEP tables. The CAEP tables is a CAEP summary report. Again, it includes all the nine CAEP program areas, folks. As you can see, they are selected there by default, and every program, or every report, I'm sorry, has its specific defaults as if programs, program enrollment requirements. For instance, the CAEP tables will use all the nine program areas. But if I just wanted to see it, for now this time, for the ABE ASE, then I will go ahead and uncheck all of them and just leave the basic skills program area checked. By doing that, I know that I am releasing some of the important information out by unchecking those programs. So I'll go ahead and click on this generate button. And the Generate button will generate, of course, the report where you can see the preliminary word displayed on the top area. See the preliminary report means that you're leaving some important information outside of this report. As you can see, there is none of the other information reporting in here. So I will go ahead and generate this same report as is without making any changes. And I'm going to put them in a comparison mode so you can see another nice feature. So I'll go to Reports, State Reports, California, CAEP tables. OK, now, this time, folks, I'm not going to make any changes. I'll just go ahead and click Generate as is so we can compare the difference. Now, once this report is generated, I'm going to do a split screen so you can see how this other feature is embedded in here. So as you can see, now there is some information. So I will go ahead and click on this-- let's say two pages, pages button. If we click on the Pages button, let's click on this new horizontal page group. When we do that, folks, you can see it splits the screen in half. So now, we're going to grab this tab and drag it on to the other tab at the bottom. When we do that, it displays this report on the individual page, or in one of the half in here. And on the top half, I'm going to go back to our previous report. OK. Now, I'm going to underpin the Navigator from both areas so you can see a little bit better. And then, I will fit with this subsection at the bottom. So as you can see, folks, we have two same reports. One is a preliminary, one is a real CAEP summary without any changes. And if I scroll down, I will see all the important information as on all the programs for CAEP, whereas the one on the top, I'm only displaying data for APE, and some ASE that could be co-enrolled in both programs. So you can notice a difference. And on both reports, it's going to give you the generalized numbers at the bottom for the entire school population. The 8,487 is listed on both. The 1,168, again, is listed on both reports. And now, here, on the enrollees section, you can see the difference in numbers. OK, so again, folks, this is under the Pages button. So you can do a split screen, you can also do a vertical page group, or another horizontal page group. So you can do these comparisons on your own screen. Or if you have two screens, you can also open two instances of TOPSpro Enterprise. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Sorry, go ahead. No, go ahead. Sorry to interrupt you. I do see a question. I don't know if we're still talking about the features of the CAEPs table, but I do see a question from Brian in regards to predicting the success on the high set or GED score. If you can talk about that later on-- Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely. No rush on that. We're trying to take advantage the most we can for our time, so that-- thank you so much for pointing that out, Tyler. I'll go ahead and quickly run-- well, before we leave the CAEP tables, I would also like to mention that when you open the CAEP tables report, you have this Info button in here. When you click on the Info button, you're going to find this little hyperlink for CAEP summary. If you click on this CAEP summary, it will actually-- I'm going to expand or maximize this pop-up box that will show you all the program areas, definitions, and it will give you this great description about all the CAEP programs and which areas you can find them in the TOPSpro Enterprise program. So you can also unpin this for a better display. And as we slowly scroll down, you can see what this means. Like, the description and about all these services, as well as where to find those data elements in TOPSpro Enterprise. Like, if you would like to see somebody who has a high school diploma or HSC achieved, you can go to Records, Student Records, and there you can find some educational results. Education results as well as work results or services and skills. You can follow those little-- it's like a cheat sheet, per se, that you can go through and verify. And that is only available under the Reports, the Summary Tables Report. Again, I'm going to pin that back and actually try to escape out of this. Give me one little moment. So I'm going to have to actually hover over and close the application. Again, folks, you're going to find it under the Reports, State Reports, California, CAEP tables. On the CAEP tables, click the Info button. OK, info button. Once we click on the Info button, it will give you a pop-up box so you can go through. Oh no, summary tables, yes. Reports, State Reports, California, CAEP tables. I'm clicking on the Info button once again, but this could be displayed on a different screen I have. So let me go ahead and close all the pages. This could be not displaying it correctly. So back to the state reports. CAEP tables. I'll click on the Info button. And for some reason, this doesn't want to display anymore. But follow that same pathway. The Info button is not available on all the reports. So let's go into-- that integrity does not show the info. Hmm. Well, my TOPSpro Enterprise I may have to open another instance. So maybe it will get displayed in there. Sorry about that, folks. And this happens sometimes on live webinars like these. So bear with me for just a moment. I am going to log in again as another administrator. [BACKGROUND NOISE] administrator 21. Admin, all lower case would be a generic password for all administrator accounts. And then, we'll try to demonstrate that once again with a new instance of TOPSpro Enterprise. And with that said, folks, we're going to also demonstrate that other question that we had. So going to-- oh, and I have another question from Diana. Yes, all of these features are covered in the activity packet, definitely. Sometimes little extra tips and tricks here on live webinars are also available only through the live webinars, but good thing that this is getting recorded. So will be posted on the CAEP website. And again, folks, I click on the Info button, and there you see the summary tables. This hyperlink will pop up where you can read through, you can print this if you like, or export it and save it into one of your documents. And then, before generating the report, then you will have to x out of that so you can generate the report. All right? Another report that I wanted to show you is the individual skills profile. It's going to be under the test results. So from the Reports menu, click on Test Results and then click on the Skills Profile, and then Individual Skills Profile. This is a super neat report because it gives you a wealth of information, especially for instructors on how to assess their students and instruct them in a greater sense. So here, if we scroll down, when we get to the report set up Navigator, remember, folks, these sections don't have to be intimidating. So under Output Layout Parameters, which is right above the special options, you have this little feature called Show Grade Level Equivalent. So I notice that it's been very popular lately, showing the grade level equivalent, because it is an important feature that we want to know about our students. So I'll go ahead and say generate so this report displays proficiently and show you all the necessary information for the students who have tested so far. So this report, while it's generating, I'm going to go back into the report set up Navigator. And I'm going to expand all these areas here, these sections. This report, folks, now runs on four basic programs. As you can see, basic skills, ESL, high school diploma, and HSC. So that means that it requires the student to have a program enrollment into any of these four areas. If they don't have any of these four areas enrolled in, they're not going to pop up on your report. So that may be triggering something else to verify the program enrollment of your students. Now that this report has been generated, oh, thank you. We have this report has too many pages. And it actually displays you the number in brackets here, in parentheses, how many pages it's displaying. And this report cannot display longer than 1,000 pages. So it would give me 5,000 pages. This is a good exercise that I wanted to-- I'm glad that it came up because I wanted to show you, then, how to filter out some of the data so we can look at specific classes, and that way we'll get fewer pages. So I'll go ahead and close this last tab and then get back to the class instances. I wanted to only, let's say, display a couple basic skill classes so I can make a further refinement here of the criteria by clicking on that little filter button under the instructional programs tab. I'll check basic skills only. And this will only give me a list of classes who have that basic skills program. It could be others as well. But from this is a more manageable area where I can uncheck this generally and just pick and choose a few classes here and there that include the ABE program, and then proceed to generate. This will give me fewer than thousands and thousands of pages. So this will generate and report for all those students who are enrolled in this class and have an ABE program enrollment. All right, so this probably isn't just-- oh yeah, this one is. For this student, it displays all the general information and the tests that they lastly tested on. This is rolling hills. It's fictional data, so it includes records in the future, including in the future. So let's just ignore this for a little bit, but it will show you all the information that the student attempted during their tests, what skills they got, what is the form level they tested on based on the locator, then interest level as well as a grade level equivalent. Folks, this is what a lot of agencies are trying to get from their test information, and this is the perfect report to generate for your instructors, and they can get all the reading competencies and what percentages that the students are doing well and the ones that are not doing very well, so they can enforce, in that way, their instruction. And then, it also gives you the likelihood on passing the GED or the high HiSET test. And these reports probably have not scored high enough, so I'm just scrolling down to see if another one of these have a criteria like that. But I guess I have to generate it for other classes. Again, folks, I encourage highly that you would access the rolling hills database. So I'm going to generate this again for a few more classes, and hopefully see that information that I wanted to display. Martha, I do want to add that I did receive a question in regards to this. And it was only when the math and reading goals where the student had been tested on those they would show the prediction of their success. It's a little subsection on the bottom. So I noticed that with the math and reading goals. Exactly. Exactly. It does not populate for all the entire student population. It really depends much on the levels that they test on and the scores that they get, so they can get that displayed. But I encourage you, highly, folks, to run this on your local database so you can learn more about your student, your programs, and how to properly display the required reports. And for CAEP reporting, as you may all know, you can find them under the Reports menu under State Reports, California, and then you will see all the different reports for the CAEP data integrity, which is a quarterly required report. You can display those and generate it as is. So folks, we're running a little bit of time. It's 2:26 right now. We had originally scheduled an hour and a half. But as you can notice, there is a wealth of documentation and a wealth of information that we could be sharing. So I highly encourage you folks to look through the rolling hills database, through your own database, and thank you so much, Holly, for hosting this training. I see that you have added a link for more trainings that you can folks register to, and also where you can get the recording of today's webinar. So folks, I hope all of you find this information useful to apply at your own local program. Any further questions that anybody may have right now? And Tyler, Nicole, anything that you would like to add? I just want to say thank you, everyone, for joining us today. Martha, thank you. Nicole, thank you. Holly, thank you. Please call us at have tech support if you guys have any questions. Email us. Our email is-- I'm going to put that in the chat-- it's techsupport@casas.org. Otherwise, thank you, everyone, for joining us. Perfect. OK, thank you so much, Tyler. I've also posted a couple of YouTube links to some previous workshop recordings that we have. They're kind of a little bit older in the time, but they still contain the same information on generating reports. So if you have any chance, check them out. There's another report, a couple of videos in there, and we should be actually updating those soon. But I have another link that I also wanted to post for generating reports documentation. So be sure, folks, to save your chat, and that way you can come back to it for reference. OK, well, on my behalf, this would be all. I certainly appreciate your time in this webinar. And if you have any questions, like Tyler said, you can always call us in tech support. We're always happy to help you and glad that you call us. Thank you so much, Martha. And I would also like to thank Tyler and Nicole for helping out with this presentation. It was very helpful and useful to the field. As Martha mentioned, this will be recorded and available on the website tomorrow at the California Adult Education website. I posted the link for that in the chat box. And as she stated, go ahead and hit the three dots on the bottom right corner and go ahead and save a copy of this chat for your records. There was a lot of information, links, and questions answered in the chat. Before we say goodbye today, I wanted to remind everyone of some important items. I have posted links for everything in the chat again, and so you can save a copy. The CAEP 2020 Summit registration is open. The Summit is virtual this year and free to attend. The theme is supporting adult learners through unprecedented change. We are getting a lot of registrations already, so don't miss the opportunity to sign up. Due to the current situation in California with all the fires, we have extended the call for proposals. So it now closes tomorrow at 6:00 PM. If you would like to present, go ahead and go online to that link I posted and submit your proposal. And then, just we have some upcoming webinars that I think would be very handy for this group. First, we have the CAEP accountability basics webinar on September 15. We have the CAEP accountability deeper dive on September 22. And then if we have any consortia leads in this group or new administrators, we are hosting the CAEP 2020 onboard training for new consortium lead and administrators on September 25. So thank you to everyone for attending today. And again, thank you to the CASAS team for doing an amazing job. This was very helpful. I hope everyone stays healthy and safe. And we look forward to seeing you all online soon. Yes. Thank you so much, Holly, for everything, and Tyler and Nicole. Yes. Everyone, have a great day.