[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER 1: OTAN, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network. ALISA TAKEUCHI: So our agenda for today, this is my thinking. We're going to try this and work through it. I'm going to show you about how to make a custom thumbnail. A thumbnail is that little card at the very beginning of your video. That's what people will see when they get to your channel. It's not part of your video per se, it's just the cover. It's like the cover of the book. We're going to talk about subtitles. I know I've talked about it for the last two sessions and I've never had a chance to do it. So I put it at the top this time so that we can actually go through and practice how to make subtitles, and also discuss the difference between the subtitles and closed captioning. We'll talk about your channels, how to incorporate other people's channels into your channel. And then toward the end, we might have time-- I'm not sure-- to get to sections and playlists. And if we do, then this is definitely where I'm going to have Jennifer or Marjorie helped me out to explain this because I was having a little bit of difficulty on my particular YouTube channel. And we kind of talked it out that there is a reason for that. And so when we get to the end of the session, we'll talk about sections and playlist if there's time. All right, so you know me, love my polls. It's the same poll we've done for the last three sessions. So if Melinda can put the poll up, it really is very simple. It's, do you have a YouTube channel? So after three sessions, I want to get a feel for the room, see who still does not have a channel. And that's OK if you don't. If you don't have a channel, you're going to be kind of just sitting and watching for the most part because it's going to be too difficult for you to try to create an account while we're doing all these other things. And that's OK. Just go ahead and watch and absorb. And then for everybody else who has built a channel and maybe has kind of played with it over the past week, which I'm hoping that you have, then following along today may not be so painful. So let's go ahead and give maybe a couple seconds or not. Let's take a look at the results. Let's see what we've got. The results, Melinda. Here we go. Oh, it's half and half, 51% yes and 49% no. So at least we don't have any more "what's that" so that's pretty nice. So again, it's pretty interesting. I like to take this poll because I like to feel the room and see where we're at. So half of you that are here today that took the poll don't even have a channel. So a lot of it is you're just going to kind of be watching and taking notes about thinking about creating a channel, and then going back and go to session 1 and 2 and look at the handouts if you're interested in actually creating them. Some of you may just be here just to see if maybe if you're interested or not. All right, if you could in the chat, for those of you who do have a channel, what kinds of videos have you been uploading to your channel? So that means maybe videos that you've personally made or videos that you've gotten from other people. Let's see what you guys are writing for that. Personal videos, good. Videos that you've made. So some of you guys, maybe you've been to my Screencastify, and maybe you've been using Screencastify to create videos. And then you can upload it straight into YouTube. That would be a very easy process. Some of you are doing it from other people. So you go to other people's channels and you say, hey, that's a really good video. I like it. I'm going to put it on my channel. And it could be a combination of both, educational videos from other people and tutorials that you've made. Perfect. Yeah. Yeah, privacy. Privacy is a big thing. Privacy issues is a big thing. Whether you're getting videos from other people or you're creating your own, about who has access to them. So there is a question out there. Jennifer's asking what software people are-- what software are you using to create your videos? So I've told this story before. When I first started, and I was just trying to connect, I was using my phone. I literally just took my phone, and instead of making a selfie picture, I was using selfie videos. And then I created my channel very quickly. And then I was just uploading them as quick as I could. Now I use Screencastify primarily, unless I'm out and about. If I'm out doing something and I think, oh, this might be a good video for my students, just as a teachable moment, then I'll whip out my phone again. A lot of you guys are using phone. Jacqueline uses Screencastify. Yeah, so I think it really just depends on the purpose and whatnot, as far as what kind of videos you're making. Screencast-O-Matic , perfect. Same idea as Screencastify. I think it's Melinda who's writing, there's all the different tools. There's Screencastify, Awesome Screen Recorder, TechSmith, Camtasia. Carol says Movavi Video Suite and Photoshop. Yeah, see, those are just like way beyond me. Literally before we had COVID, I was not interested in making videos. I did tutorials on my computer with the SMART-- because we had SMART Boards, so I've used SMART Tech-- I had the SMART Software. But I was never using like videos that I was in. And so, yeah, so making videos was not a priority for me at all. Now that we're remote, it's just such a useful tool that my students really appreciate and can use, pretty student friendly. All right. And we have one more. So let's take up-- I just want to find out what channels have you added to your channel, if you have? Or what channels would you be interested in adding? Maybe what kinds, or, you know, we can feed off of each other. Maybe some people have some ideas of some good channels for us to share with the adult ed world. Jennifer say Mark Kulek. I say Jennifer's, the "US Citizen Pod" is-- Pronunciations, Ventures. Yeah, these are great. I mean, this could be your resource right now, everybody, with-- I almost called you students, which is so weird. OTAN. [LAUGHS] Yay, look at me, good job. You win the prize. Ding ding ding. Yeah, there's so many. There are so many channels out there. I was going to give you the exact number. I looked it up and I forgot. But I mean, there are so many channels out there that you can use. So please, go ahead and start making some notes from the chat. So getting some ideas of what kind of channels you would like. So as I've been processing with this whole-- these webinars, I've been-- I created that one YouTube channel just for these sessions. But I was starting to work with a channel that was geared toward teachers. But I actually wanted to do a channel that's geared toward my students. And so I've been conflicted about the kinds of channels and things that I want to add to my channel. All right, so for those of you that maybe have missed the first two sessions, or just as a quick reminder, these are some of the things that you might want to think about while you're creating your channel. If you haven't done it yet, if you haven't created a channel yet, or you have created a channel but you haven't done some of these things, take notes, because these are the things that are going to make your YouTube channel pop. So the welcome video. This is a very first thing that people will see when they open up your channel. So a video will pop up automatically for anybody who's not subscribed. And these are how you do it. Go to your channel, Customize Channel, For New Visitors, upload a short video about your channel. So these are the step-by-steps for that. And updated video, this is what pops up when-- it doesn't pop up automatically like the welcome, but this is for people who (INAUDIBLE) do subscribe to your channel. Now when they go back to your channel, they'll get a different video. They won't get that welcome anymore. The welcome will still be there, but it won't automatically turn up anymore. And so this is something that you might want to think about that you update regularly, maybe weekly, or twice a month or something, to tease your audience what's going to be available, what's coming up. Or maybe what you just put on there. So what's new. So these are two different things. One's for new visitors, and then one's for subscribers. So the custom thumbnail, we talked about this before when we were talking about how a YouTube channel looks. And I was very honest with you. When I first started doing it, it was literally-- I was throwing all the videos up there. I had no care in the world about what they looked like when students looked at my channel. It was just get to the video, go. And now that I've had time and now that I've been working on these sessions, I'm thinking-- I'm looking at other people's channels thinking, man, those ones look really good. And so having that kind of cover card or something that looks uniformed. Or if you go to like cooking channels, like especially people who do a lot of recipes and stuff, you'll always see these really beautiful pictures of the food. And it's just-- it really makes it look special. And it makes it look professional. And so these are the things that you might want to think about when you're creating your channel and your uploading your videos. It depends on what your purpose is, but at the same time, if it doesn't really take a lot of effort, at the same time putting your videos up, add a little thumbnail to the beginning of your-- so then it looks good. And then people will appreciate it. And you'll take more pride into it. So these are some of the things of why you would want to make a custom thumbnail. Keep in mind, it must be under two megabytes. So it promotes your video. It promotes your channel. It directs people to a verified site. So sometimes like it'll say, if you like this, then you might like these too. And then you can direct them to someplace else. And then some people use thumbnails also to donate to charities. So a lot of times, especially now, it depends on what the purpose of the channel is, but they can ask their viewers to donate it. But it's only based on the US. But for me, I mean, the last couple of them don't really apply for me because that's not the purpose of my channel. So let's go ahead and take a look at-- I'm going to stop. I'm going to get out of my presentation. And let's go ahead and take a look at some thumbnails. OK, so let me see if I wrote this down. OK, so it's a little bit smaller because I went out of presentation mode. But to create your thumbnail, you can do a few things. You can take selfies of yourself. You can take screenshots of video clips. Maybe you have your video, and YouTube gives you three selections, and sometimes they're not very good ones. And so you're like, oh, I don't like any of those. And so you can create your own. So you can go through your video and take a screenshot of your video, of a place, a frame of your video that you really like. And then you can use that. You can use graphics. And then you can also use a logo. So for example, maybe your school logo or something. But again, I've talked about this last time too. Be very, very careful when you're using anything affiliated with your school that your district-- your district needs to know about it. At least in my case. And I'm sure it's probably true for most districts, is that you need to be careful because, especially if you're affiliated with a K through 12, anything associated with your district needs to be approved. So I don't even know if I have the name of my school on there. I just have my room number. So it doesn't really say anything about my school. But sometimes I mention my school. So I wouldn't put on my logo-- like I made the example last week too. Even if-- because I'm doing this for OTAN, I would never use OTAN's logo or anything on my YouTube channel without their permission. So just be careful with that. Just have a conversation with your director or send an email out to the IT department, things like that. Like what's the policy on using the school logos on your YouTube channel? Because our district has their own YouTube channel. So it's not like I'm trying to represent my district. So the first ones I'm going to tell you is about-- OK, I'm getting very hot in my face right now because I'm a little bit embarrassed. Because I made some homemade cards just to practice. And literally, this was at 5 o'clock in the morning last week, and on a couple of different days. And I just wanted to see how the process was. But I would definitely-- I'm going to show you what they look like. And believe me, I'm embarrassed as all. But I just want to give you an idea [LAUGHS] of what you can do, or what you should do, if you want to make these kinds of cards. And I would definitely be mindful of a few things. Don't wear a shirt that has any kind of logo or anything on it, because it a distraction. So maybe wear either like a floral print or just a solid color. Make sure your lighting is pretty nice. And then if this is going to be the face of your videos, maybe take a shower, do your hair. I don't know. These are not things that I had done. So that's why I give you these little tips. So let me show you some what I did. [LAUGHS] And OK, so I'm going to present this. Can we see-- can you see where it says, Alisa's Video of the Day? MELINDA: Yes. ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK. So I went on to Slides, to Google Slides, and I made a bunch of slides. And so this one I actually made just recently because I thought, oh my gosh, all the ones with my photo in it are just ridiculous. So I thought maybe I should have something that's kind of generic, that has nothing with-- no picture or anything on it. And this could be the cover of my videos. And each topic could be a different topic. So for example, we were in Ventures unit 9 I think. And we did some videos on housework. So this could be the topic, then I could just change this every time. So per all about me, or shopping, or whatever the topic is for those videos, then I could make this as the generic cover. OK, so again, again, I'm telling you, 5 o'clock in the morning, lighting's terrible. I've got a treadmill in the background. Of course, I would never use this for my videos for the real life. But just an idea of what you could do. So I took some-- yeah. I took a screencast. I use Screencastify and I made a video. And what I did was I literally sat in front of my camera and I posed. I did these little vogue poses for a few seconds. And I just switched them up, like just whatever I could think of. Like the hammier the better. And then I went back and I took screenshots of little frames that I liked, well, quote unquote, "liked." And then on Google Slides, I made the Good Mornings or whatever. So again, this is not-- this is just an idea. [LAUGHS] This is Not An example of what you should do. It's probably a example of what you should not do. So again, so then-- So this me. And it's literally so campy and so hammy, and just you feel ridiculous doing it. But if it was right, I mean, these are could come out to be really, really good. So if you're in front of a plain wall or something, when you make these little shoutouts, make them colorful and bright and make them big. You always want to use big font sizes, because some of you today that know, if you're using your phone, which most of our students are, everything is so small. And so to make it bigger helps them. So it doesn't have to be very wordy or anything, but just colorful and big and bold would be better. So again, these are just some ideas, just get your wheels spinning a little bit, of some face cards that you can make-- oh, no-- [LAUGHS] on how to introduce your videos. And so crazy. OK, so enough of that. I'm embarrassed. All right. That's what you want to do when you're creating your thumbnails, like those are the things that you want to be thinking of. And again, it doesn't even have to be that eccentric or anything. It could be just a screenshot of just the beginning of your video. All right, so when you-- I'm sorry, I'm going to go back to this. OK, so when you are in your channel and you're uploading a video, when you get to the part-- let's see if I can do this. I'm hoping that it's going to work. I'm going to select a video. OK. OK, so when you're creating-- so I uploaded a video. I just found one that was on my desktop. And I added it here. And it's thinking. It's processing. OK, you can tell that it hasn't processed yet, because you don't have-- you won't see anything here and you won't see anything here. When it's processed, then you'll see the video, at least part of it. And then right here it will tell you. It's telling you it's processing. So you can you know title your video, make a description of it. This is a video of my boyfriend making bread. He was making some baguettes. And OK, so now it's starting to process. So unfortunately it's taking a long time. So they will give you three options. And they just pick and choose like three frames from your video, and say, hey, do you like any of these? You can use them. Or you can actually upload a thumbnail. Now, when you're creating your channel, if you don't have this option, it's because you haven't verified your account. So remember last week when we went back through and we verified our accounts. If you don't verify it, you can still upload videos and stuff. I did for a long time. For months, I didn't verify. And I never had this, and I thought maybe it was because I didn't have enough subscribers or I didn't have my channel up long enough. It was only because I didn't verify my account. Once that happens-- oh, no. Oh, I already have this video uploaded, so it's saying I can't do it again. So again, you can see the three thumbnails that they choose for me. And I could choose any one of those. If not, you can upload your own thumbnail here. And that's where you would do it. You would click on there, and then you would upload the picture that you would like on the face of your video, OK? Sorry about that. All right, so let's talk about subtitles. So the difference between subtitles and closed captioning, do you guys know the difference, or you want to put it in the chat maybe, some of you? No idea. I love it. Good. Me too. I didn't really have an idea either when I first started doing this. So closed captioning, what that is is for people who have auditory challenges, OK? And so what it does is it not only takes all the words that are said, but also sounds-- so car honking, or music playing, or things like that, it does all of it. So that someone who is deaf can read what's happening as the video is going on. Subtitles are mainly used for people who can hear, but need to read the language. So for ESL students, it's perfect. They can hear-- they're fine auditorily, but they still read the subtitles because their English language level, or whatever language level is, may not be up to par. And so that's the difference. So when you upload a video into YouTube, it automatically does closed captioning. It's by law. They must do closed captioning. What happens, though, is that there are no capitals, there's no periods, there's no grammar. It's not separated. It is just literally da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. I just goes on and on and on and on. Subtitles are something that you can provide so that it plays when your video plays, but it has the comma-- I mean, it has the capitals, it has the periods, it has spelling. And it's exactly-- the words are exactly as said. In closed captioning, they tried to do as best as they can. But even for our videos, they didn't quite get it right. So it's a good idea just to have the subtitles in there anyways. So when you do subtitles-- OK, I have been struggling with this since the very beginning. Because I didn't even know that that's subtitles were available when I first started throwing videos up on-- I probably had 10 videos up before I even realized I could do subtitles. And then I thought, oh, my gosh, this is amazing. And it's so much better for my students. Now, here's the catch-22, though, is that sometimes I didn't want my students to read. I just wanted them to practice the listening part of it. And so I couldn't control them not getting the subtitles or not. So that was kind of-- I was a little bit-- it was unfortunate at that time. JENNIFER: This is Jennifer (INAUDIBLE). ALISA TAKEUCHI: So let's go ahead and take a look at-- MELINDA: Jennifer-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: --how to go ahead and do-- MELINDA: --or Alisa-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah. MELINDA: Jennifer had a comment. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Oh, I'm sorry. JENNIFER: Yeah, can you hear me, first of all? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes, now I can. JENNIFER: OK, yeah. So one of the ways that I have done that is that I especially trying to control the closed captioning, because a lot of times when I interview people, the translation or the closed captioning of what I say is fairly accurate. But the closed captioning of the other speaker is not OK. So what I've done (INAUDIBLE) is that (INAUDIBLE). MELINDA: Jennifer, we're losing your audio. JENNIFER: (INAUDIBLE) that I delete-- yes, hello? MELINDA: We're losing your-- JENNIFER: My internet connection. MELINDA: Yeah, we're losing your audio. It's like in and out every third word. JENNIFER: OK. MELINDA: So talk slower. [LAUGHTER] Seriously, seriously. JENNIFER: So what I do is I correct the closed captioning, I save it as American English, and then I delete the original automatic closed caption. So that you can do this also for speaking exercise if you want to do it that way. The only thing is, is that sometimes the students, when they log in, they're not used to flipping back between the subtitles and the closed captions. So that's something that you people have to take into consideration. ALISA TAKEUCHI: So Jennifer, not to put you on the spot or anything, but can you share your screen and show your-- an example of one of your videos? JENNIFER: Sure. Do you want to do it now or do you want to do it later? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Well, I think, let me give you a couple minutes to get set up and then we can talk about-- I can still keep talking about subtitles. JENNIFER: OK. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Or Is that too rushed for you? JENNIFER: No, let's see if-- can you give me control of the screen? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah, just a second. Do you have the share? JENNIFER: It says-- wait a minute. OK, so do you see me now, or no? ALISA TAKEUCHI: No. JENNIFER: OK. [LAUGHS] Let's see. It says that I cannot do-- let's see. Share screen now. Let me try it again. How about now? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yes. JENNIFER: OK, great. So let me go to my YouTube Studio. And I'm going to go to one that I had not done the translation yet. This one is my most recent video, "What's happening with USCIS openings? Week 4." I want to basically go in and take a look at the closed captions. So here's all the different videos that I have. I'm interested in this-- sorry. I'm not interested in analytics. I'm interested in this one specifically. I want to edit it. So now I'm going to go to Subtitles. And when I go to Subtitles, this is the one that has automatically been published. OK, so that's automatic. Now what I want to do is I basically want to edit that, or correct it, OK? So I'm going to add a language. I'm going to add, I think, American English. I hope. Let's see, yeah, English United States. Add a language. And here I can basically go in and add the subtitles. And when I add the subtitles, I can create new subtitles or closed captions, OK? So here I'm going to try to go in and do that, create new subtitles. And here I could basically start typing along with the video itself. Oh, this was United Kingdom, so I'm going to delete that draft. Gonna go back. Delete the draft. I want to delete the draft. So here we are with the automatic ones. Edit. So here it is with the automatic-- the closed captions. If I start making additions to this, I'm going to record. So what I'm going to say is I'm going to take this out. I'm going to say, welcome back Dr. Hernandez. Dr. Hernandez. And then I would put a period. And then we're going to say, we're going to-- and what I can do is basically I start adjusting the timing on these different things. So I can move them around. I can make them shorter. I can make it longer, adjust them that way. So welcome back, Dr. Hernandez. Let's see if that works. OK, no. We need to make that, actually, a little bit longer. Now, if I want to basically say-- OK, so as you can see, I made that grammatically correct. What I would basically do is go up to Publish edits. And when it publishes edits, now all the students have an example to choose how to watch this. They could launch things with the automatic closed captions, or they can watch the grammatically correct English version, OK? And they went basically be making this choice in their closed captions. And unfortunately, I have to get out of this screen to basically show you the choice. But let's see what happens now. So I'm able to watch it now in English. A lot of my students, however, have things set up automatically. So if the automatic translation or closed captioning is too bad, I simply go ahead and delete that. But again, then, sometimes students lose the ability to automatically have that popped up. And they say, hey, what happened to my closed captions? So you have to be really careful when you make that choice. I can do a much further demonstration about that later if you wish. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Sounds great. Yeah, thank you so much. I think that was-- it gave everybody a better idea of how it works on the back end. Because I know that we've watched videos or TV or something, and if you hit the CC button or the closed captioning button, then we understand how it works from a viewer's perspective. But then now for us as creators, how does it actually get put in? So that was great. Thank you so much, Jennifer. JENNIFER: OK. How do I give the screen back? Oh, I'm going to stop share. ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK, great. JENNIFER: (INAUDIBLE) I knew that. I knew that. ALISA TAKEUCHI: [LAUGHS] MELINDA: Before you both pass the baton back and forth, there's a couple of questions in the Q&A. JENNIFER: OK, great. MELINDA: Would you like me to read these, or-- JENNIFER: Yeah, go ahead. MELINDA: OK. I've noticed that there have been times when I'm presenting and I want to play a video that there's no sound, just like the video we couldn't hear here. So we'll get to that, Olivia. Hang on, hang on. It's the next question. What level of ESL is this lesson geared toward? Do you have to review the closed caption for every video? JENNIFER: When they do closed caption, they simply, basically, try to show in English what they think the speaker is saying. Now, the video that I just showed you is for my citizenship students, which are multi-language-- multiple English levels. And the reason why I basically retain the original closed captions is because both of us spoke very clearly, OK? You don't have all the periods and everything like that, but it was clear enough for the basic viewer to figure out what's going on. When I do things on a single topic by myself, because I have a tendency to stutter-- excuse me, stammer-- I actually go in and really clean up some of that-- clean up some of that grammar. So I'm basically still gearing it towards an accurate representation of what is said, but instead of basically getting distracted by all of my ums and ohs and duhs and multiple repetitions that I make, I'm basically trying to get a straightforward version of what's said. Do you have to consider the language level of the students? Absolutely. And some of the videos that I've also done is I've done, in the subtitles, I've done the English version of what I'm saying, and I've also done the Spanish version of what is being said. So people can see that at the same time. So there's a lot of possibilities with subtitles, and maybe that's something that I can take up a little bit later. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah, that would be fantastic, or even on the next session, that could be like a main part of it. Yeah, that would be great. JENNIFER: Yeah, can I say one more thing? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Sure. JENNIFER: A really great way to do your-- first the thumbnails for YouTube, is if you use Canva. They have a special format for YouTube thumbnails. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Oh, great. JENNIFER: And that's one of the super easy ways that I've been able to really upgrade my game with thumbnails, except I really like your ideas-- ALISA TAKEUCHI: I was going to say, what about mine? My 5 o'clock in the morning pictures? I mean, come on. JENNIFER: That's awesome. I've never seen 5 o'clock. What it like? So now I know. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Can you put that in the chat, what you were-- the tool that you were talking about? And then-- JENNIFER: Yes. And that's another quick demo that I can do next time, or even this time I can show you that. ALISA TAKEUCHI: That would be awesome. Yeah, we'll definitely try to make time for that then. Melinda, were there any other questions or should I-- MELINDA: That was it. Take it away. ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK, let me go ahead and share my screen again. Let me make sure I'm on the right screen. Are we all good? We can see my presentation? Yes? Melinda? MELINDA: Yes. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Sorry. [LAUGHS] OK, so this is basically my version of what Jennifer had just shown. And I'm so glad she did, because I was looking over my steps. There was a couple of things that I do are a little bit differently, but again, I'm coming from a place where I was literally just thrown into this, doing trial and error and survival YouTube. And so this is the way I know how to do it. But I am absolutely certain that there are plenty of other ways to do it. And it's probably more efficient or whatnot. But this is just how I know how to do it. So I will show you what I do when I do subtitles for my students. So this is that one that has all the steps in it at one time, and then now we'll go through step by step. All right, so you're going to upload your video, OK? And again, if you don't remember how to do that, always look for the little camera with the plus. If you're on your channel, if you're on YouTube.com, you can do it either way from that. Once you upload your video, now your video is uploaded, then you're going to go through and insert the title, do your description, things like that. Scroll down, and then you'll see More Options. So after your video's uploaded, it's now-- OK, so it's processing. Remember that gray box, and there's no thumbnails. So it's processing. So you can put in your title. You can put in your description. You can go down, scroll down, and you'll see More Options. Once you hit More Options, then this is where you can choose that language that Jennifer was talking about. And this isn't-- I have found that it's in different places. So even if you're not sure where I'm at right now, sometimes when you're just playing around, you're like, oh, here's that language part. And it shows up. So you're going to go ahead and make sure that this says what the language of the video is. So for us, if we are creating videos, unless you're doing them in Spanish, then you would change them-- it depends on what the language of the video is. So for me, mine is going to be English, United States. And then you can also do the recording date and whatnot. So this is just some of the information that you need. But this is kind of important, because I found this out through trial and error that if you don't have that, then bad things happen. I don't know, some things can't happen. Not bad things happen. So if you have a transcript already done-- so maybe this is already a scripted video. Maybe you were creating something with your colleagues and you both had scripts already. If you already have this the scripts ready, you can upload them. You don't have to retype them again. And so you can upload your subtitles from your computer. And you can do it with timing or without timing. So probably with timing, because then it goes with the-- they have a pretty good system where they time it pretty well. I'm pretty impressed with it. There's only a few times where I have to make some adjustments. And you'll see, I have a video that I did about that. So this is if you already have your transcript ready. If you don't, don't worry. No problem. You're going to continue. And you're going to go into Studio. So make sure that you're in Studio. So if you're on your channel and then it says Custom Channel or Studio, pick the Studio one. Make sure that you have Studio up at the top. Look for the word Videos on the left-hand side, and then choose the video that you want to make your subtitles for. So this is exactly what Jennifer had just showed us. So she was in Studio and she chose that very first one, because she knew that she hadn't done subtitles for it yet. When you hover over-- I had to take a picture with my phone because I couldn't get a screenshot when I hovered. So when you hover over the title, you'll see this little floating toolbar. And the first one is called Details. If you're off of it, you won't see that. It'll look like this. As soon as I hover over the title, this toolbar comes up. And I want to go to the one that says Details. So again, here's that language. It's been selected for me. This is the language of my video. And I want to add subtitles, so click on Add Subtitles. And then my video shows up that I chose. And you have your choices again. So again, if you missed the opportunity to upload, you can still have your chance to upload if you already have the transcript already on your computer. You can transcribe and auto-sync, which is what I always do. I don't even do this one, but this is one-- so this was great to hear Jennifer say that this is the one she does. But I usually pick Transcribe and auto-sync, because I used to do transcriptions. When I worked in Korea, I used to have to do transcriptions for movies. And this was VHS days. So I literally had to stop, rewind, listen, type, stop, rewind, listen, stop. It was terrible. YouTube makes it so nice, because they can play the video-- you can play the video, and as soon as you start typing, the video stops. It pauses. And then when you stop typing, it continues. And so it's really kind of convenient that you don't have to keep doing it manually yourself. Like play, rewind, play, rewind. And so that's what I like about it. That's what sold me about doing subtitles for all my videos. So be mindful. Make sure that you have this right here checked-- Pause video while typing. Because that's the magic. So while you're typing, that video will pause. It won't keep continuing, so you don't have to rewind unless you miss some words or something. But yeah, it's been really nice. So you're going to type here, and then just make sure that's checked. And I think it's default, so just double check. But I think you won't have to check it yourself. So here's an example of me doing this with-- I Screencastified me making the transcript. So I think this will work. Hold on. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - This dough is so wet. [END PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: Can You hear the sound? MELINDA: Yes. ALISA TAKEUCHI: OK, great. I just wanted to make sure. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - It makes it difficult to handle. That why there's so-- [END PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: This was my example of after it's done. Sorry, I think I mixed up the two. I had two videos. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - Too much flour on it. [END PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: So this is after I've been typing. So after it's typed, then this is what Jennifer was showing, where you can go back and you can make editorial changes to it, with timing and things like that. So-- [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - All you've got to do is shake it a couple of times and stretch it. It makes it difficult to handle. That's why there's so much flour. [END PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: And so I'm listening to the video, I'm watching what part he's in in the video, and then I'm making my adjustments with the subtitles. Now, for whatever reason, of course, this is going to happen. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - This dough is so wet. [END PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: Let me just pause this real quick. Of course, the video that I want to show you as an example was probably the hardest one that I've had to (INAUDIBLE). So far, every video that I've ever had to do, I didn't have to do a lot of this right here. It was literally like- it was kind of magic. As soon as I typed it in, they timed it really well. And if there were any mistakes, it was probably just my mistake of a typo or things like that. But for this particular one, maybe because Larry's talking and maybe he's talking a little faster than I normally would or whatever, I had to make little adjustments here. It's not too bad. It is a little tedious or whatnot, but it is worth it at the end. But for real, when I was doing my own videos and transcribing my own videos, I rarely had to do any kind of timing issues. I don't know why. So let me exit out of this. And so let me see if-- I have another example here, and I don't know if that's the one. So when we talked about the timings, the timings of the videos, so again, this is I'm typing as the video is playing. And as I'm typing, it stops the video, and then I continue. And so then it keeps going until the end of the video. So again, I had a typo on there, and so I can fix it here, or I can also fix it here. So you have multiple places that you can fix things. OK, so this-- I think I mixed up the two slides, sorry. So this is where I am actually doing the transcribing. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - This dough is-- [VIDEO PAUSED] --so wet. [END PLAYBACK] ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah. Is it blurry? Because it's kind of blurry on my end. JENNIFER: It's OK. Alisa, can I say something really quick? ALISA TAKEUCHI: Sure. JENNIFER: It depends-- I would think also it depends on the language level of our students, that some people basically transcribe or provide closed captions for every single thing that the person says in the video. And some people only put the key words. I noticed, Jennifer, ESL does that. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Oh, interesting. JENNIFER: So you have a choice. I think legally we're obligated to provide closed captions for everything. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Right. JENNIFER: However, I think it's also really helpful here to put key words. And you may want to do that with further editing. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Interesting. Yeah, I never would have thought that. I mean, the only things that I omit are my ums-- like if I'm doing my own videos, I take out-- I leave out ums, or oh, or those little pauses in between sentences, just the things that we do-- what I do naturally. I take those out, because my students don't really need to know that, or read it. They hear it, but they don't need to read it. So that's what I will do. So I do take executive privilege in some of the things that I type up. So that was an example of how-- so as I was typing, you notice that the video stopped. And then I stopped typing, and then the video continued again. OK, so we know-- you know me. I love my stretch times. JENNIFER: Alisa, did you bring any bread samples? ALISA TAKEUCHI: [LAUGHS] It's all in my belly. I know, it's unfortunate. It really is unfortunate to live with someone who loves to bake and cook. And I guess this COVID-19 thing is really killing me. All right, so let's keep it moving. So we talked about this last. I had to get it in my head what YouTube was about, because it really can be a little bit confusing. And before, when I was just a viewer, none of this even made sense. I mean, it wasn't even a consideration. I didn't even know that there were different sections of a channel and stuff. I was just clicking on all the videos that I wanted to watch. And now as a creator, I look at all these different channels and I think, oh my gosh, look at how amazing these are. And how do they organize it? And last week when I was showing Jennifer's, I mean, it's a perfect example. OTAN, perfect example. You really have to break it down. And as far as the lingo goes, for me, I keep thinking about a library. These are my sections of the library. These are the-- the chapter books are the playlists. And then the videos are the pages. Things like that. Like I'm trying to think, how is it organized in different ways? And so for you as the creator of your channel, you need to think about, how do you want to organize your channel? And I've watched plenty of YouTube videos on this particular topic. And a lot of people said that they did it how I did it, where they didn't do the research first. They really just opened up a channel and just started putting videos on there, and then had to go back later on, realizing that it was just not as organized as it could be. And so if that's your position right now, where you're just trying to get videos up to your students and stuff, great. Just get the channel up. Put your videos on there. Share them with your students. And that's OK. If you're looking to profit from this, or really get your channel going so that it's more global, then you're probably going to want to rethink how you organize it. So channels, adding channels and featuring channels. When you go to your YouTube channels-- this is my YouTube channel-- you have two sections. One's Channels and one's Feature Channels. And I was thinking about it this morning. To me it seemed like the bookstore now, where you have books in the bookstore, but then you have-- you know when you first walk into a bookstore, they have a section that's featured? And maybe it's like staff selections, or know brand new, or best seller, things like that. That's kind of what feature channels are to me. Like these are the channels that you want to showcase on your channel for others. So whether that be for your students-- so for OTAN, OTAN's website, their featured channels are CASAS, CALPRO, NROC, LINCS. It's all the channels that they feel that are super important for adult educators to have right there upfront. So for your students, maybe that's going to be a little bit different. For citizenship, maybe you're going to have Jennifer's featured channel. I probably wouldn't put OTAN for my students, because it's more of a teacher resource than a student resource. So again, think about what do you want your students to see and have easy access to right up front. And that's what you're going to put on your featured channels. So adding channels-- when you are on somebody else's YouTube channels-- I'm on OTAN's YouTube channel-- you can subscribe to their channel by hitting the Subscribe. Once you hit Subscribe, it'll show you that you are subscribed, and then it'll show you a little bell next to it. If you click on the bell, that will give you-- this is the notification bell. Now anytime OTAN puts up any kind of new video, you will get notified from that. If you don't click on the bell, then you're just subscribed to the channel. And then you would check back every once in a while for new content. So it really does-- I think that was one of the questions, or one of the concerns maybe in the first session was that they didn't want to keep getting notified every time there was something new. So just keep mindful about the bell. There's the bell there. If you don't click on that or select it, then you won't get notified. But if you do want to know what's the newest, the latest and greatest, then go ahead and hit the notification bell. And then you'll be notified whenever something new comes up on that channel. Subscribing-- so I subscribed to the OTAN channel, and it came up into my subscriptions. Now, as you can see, it's still not on my featured channels. So only Jennifer's is on my featured channels because that was the example that I had used from last session, or the first session. Oops, I don't know why those are-- So now, when you go to-- now you want to add a feature channel, go to Customize Channel on your channel. Customize Channel, and you're going to Add Channels. So you're going to go to Customize Channel, and then you're going to add a channel. You'll copy and paste the link of that particular channel. You'll add it. And then there it is. So when you subscribe, it goes to here. So I've subscribed to CASAS, but it's still not my featured. But I subscribed to OTAN, and then I made them a featured channel. And then you hit Done. So you have two different sections on where you decide. So I think CASAS is really important, but I'm not going to put it in my feature channels, for whatever reason. Just a weird example. But for my students, I wouldn't put it in there anyways. Just in case, for whatever reason, like I'm playing around with these and I'm thinking, oh, I don't want these for my students, you can unsubscribe to channels. So when you click on the Subscribed button, click on that, it will ask you-- it says, do you really want to unsubscribe? And then you can either say yes, I do want to unsubscribe, or you can just cancel and say no, I changed my mind. All right, so let's go through and let's see if I can-- let's if we can do this. Now, I was playing with my channel earlier today. And so some of the things that I think that I'm having problems with, like why I'm having difficulty sharing certain things with you, is because, if you can see, all the videos that I've done so far have either been private, or unlisted, or drafts. And I think that blocks me from showing you potentially what it's supposed to look like at the end. And that's my fault. So sometimes when I'm trying to show you something and it's not working well, I believe it's because my videos are-- and which is an easy fix. You can always just go here and change this. If I put it to Public, that meets anybody that's on the internet can potentially see this video if they want. MELINDA: Alisa, how did you get there? ALISA TAKEUCHI: This is the studio. This is the studio. So if you're in your channel-- let me get back to my channel. So if you're on your channel, you still have your two choices-- Channel and YouTube Studio. And you click on YouTube Studio. Oh, was that where I was? Yeah. And Videos. OK, so again, remember we talked about the avatars and how they do different things in different places? I mean, literally, every single time I go through here, I have to kind of catch myself, because I was like, is this the avatar that I want? Is this the avatar that I want? Just to get to different places. And then I did find out on this side, I was always going to here and then going to my channel, because that just seemed easiest to me. And then also, I have to process it differently. So again, I know that there are probably way easier ways to get to certain places, but I just do what I do. I do what I do to survive. And so I look here. Does this take me where I want to go? Or I look over here, I look over-- so this one actually will take me to the studio as well. So if you're a little bit lost, you go to here, you can click on the studio. And you're back here at the studio. And then I clicked on Video. This little sidebar over here on the left, this is pretty helpful stuff. Studio, remember, is like this is where you make the magic happen. So a lot of the things that you want to make magic happen is on the left-hand side. This is where the subtitles are, your analytics, your data. This is where your playlists are, things like that. So if I click on Videos, so this is where I tried to upload that video twice. So it's giving me a warning, like don't do it. We see it. You already have it on there. So here's my video. I'm going to change it to public. And then I'm going to publish. And now it's public. Anybody can see it. Everyone can see this video looks like, OK. So what I've heard from other people is that when you're still editing and doing the things that you want to do with it, keep it private. And then once it's all good, you have your subtitles in, you've got your title, you have your settings all done, then change it to public. But for the purposes of me showing you things, I didn't want to make it public because I didn't want people to see it. But then I couldn't show you. So it was a catch-22 on my part. JENNIFER: Alisa, now go back to your channel and show where it appears on your channel. Before we couldn't see it on your channel, but now it's there under Uploads. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Yeah, so it just magically, like all of a sudden, oh, it's ready for the world. Here you are. And so I think-- JENNIFER: So if you did Customer Channel now, that's where you would start creating your sections. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Exactly. And this was all-- this sounds so natural for Jennifer, it comes so easily for her. This was hours of-- painstakingly hours of me trying to figure out where it is that I need to go. So yes, she is correct. You want to customize your channel. And then down here at the bottom is where you add your sections. So again, sections are-- so upload is one of them. And then you could add different sections. And OK, so I did find out, I did find out, that if you're here, you go to Customize Channel, and then you look and you're like, Alisa, I don't have this. You're stuck. I found out that if you go to the little gear right here, gear, you need to make sure that this right here is toggled on, OK? So I believe it's defaulted on, but I'm not too sure, because I was playing around with a lot of this stuff, and so I might have done it myself. But if you notice-- and then Save. Make sure you save at the bottom. So if you scroll, you're here, you customize your channel. Come down here at the very bottom, it should say Add a Section. If it does not, if it does not say add a section, you're going to go to your gear and make sure that this one right here, Customize the Layout, is toggled on. MELINDA: All right, folks. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Thank you, everybody. MELINDA: Thank you, Jennifer. Thank you, Alisa. ALISA TAKEUCHI: Thank you. Jennifer. So much. JENNIFER: Yes thank you. MELINDA: OTAN subject matter experts, woo-hoo!