Kristi Reyes: So I think you can definitely walk away with something you can use no matter what discipline area you're teaching in, or what sort of site. I know in incarcerated situations where you're teaching in the jails it's a little bit harder to bring in technology, but I'm sure you're going to find something here that you can use.

So our objectives today are here, as you can see, to consider how to choose vocabulary to explicitly teach. So I love technology, but integration of technology is just because I love it is not a good practice. So I always like to think of pedagogy, or in our case, andragogy, the teaching of adults, good instruction has to come first and technology is the tool that we can use to teach better and help our students learn and retain the information better.

So I'm going to be starting off with a little bit of teacherly stuff today, so don't leave me. We'll get to the good stuff. But I think that we all need a good foundation just about teaching vocabulary, whether we have technology or not to do that.

Our second objective is to learn and apply research proven six step process for teaching vocabulary effectively. And I believe that you will discover and practice technology tools.

Now, this, as Melinda mentioned at the beginning, this was three hour hands on workshop, that over the past week, I've really had to reimagine. You'll see my email at the beginning. I'll give that at the end. Feel free to contact me. I'm pretty much glued to my computer for the next couple of months it seems like.

So we're going to see different things that you can use to teach vocabulary that will help students remember and demonstrate their understanding, and students will be able to create things using technology, using the new vocabulary for each step of this six step process.

So my goal is that you will walk away session with at least one new idea. I imagine there will be a lot more, and at the end of this workshop a lot of times teachers ask me, how do you find the time to do all of this in your class? I don't. I'm just looking. I'm giving you a survey of many different possibilities, and whenever you're trying something brand new, you should start small. I think that you probably know that. So take baby steps and start small.

So I noticed that not a lot of people who did take the survey telling which tech tools they used, no one put Padlet. I do imagine that a lot of you are familiar with Padlet, but maybe you hadn't thought of how you could use it for teaching vocabulary.

So you could type this in. In a moment I'm going to click on the link, and I'm going to paste it in the chat so you'll be able to click on it. It would be really cool if you are working on a computer and you have your phone, you could open up a QR code scanner and just scan that QR code.

So if you're not able to get into this Padlet, I'm going to demonstrate it in just a minute. Then if you want to just type in the chat, your answers to these three questions, which are, what does it mean to know a word? How many exposures to a new word are necessary for language learners, and even English as a first language folks to acquire and retain a new word? And how do you select which words from whatever content you're teaching to explicitly teach to your students? How do you select which words would be good for them to know?

So I'm going to go ahead and open this, and you can see Padlet is just basically a wall and all you really need to do-- I have the questions here and I'm going to paste this in the chat in just a moment. --and basically all you really need to do is to double tap or double click and you'll see a box like this one that's here. So someone just already entered to be able to use the word means to know the word. And then how many exposures do you think are necessary, and how do you select the words to explicitly teach?

So if I just double click or I double tap anywhere-- and if you decide, oh, I changed my mind, you can delete it. You don't need to put a title. You're just going to type in something.

Melinda Holt: So Krisi, we have one in the chat. To really know, understand, and use vocabulary in your speaking vocabulary appropriately.

Kristi Reyes: Use the word appropriately.

Melinda Holt: Multiple exposures. There is research behind this.

Kristi Reyes: There is. OK. So I'm going to start reading what we have here. And you can see this is something you could do with your class. You could have them be answering some questions related to vocabulary on a Padlet wall. Super easy. Completely free. Everything I'm going to show today is completely free. And especially notice that I've been bombarded with emails for all the different kind of flow sets I signed up with, and they're offering all kinds of premium services for free these days.

So to recognize and understand when it's spoken or read to pronounce it. Knowing a word means you can use in context in writing or speaking. It looks like anywhere from 70 to 20 exposures will help you retain the new word. To be able to use it in the sentence, at least 10 exposures personalize the word. Words that can be applicable to students lives.

Well, it seems like you've already read some of the research that I have. So we'll give you just another minute or two. And if you can see everybody else's, you can just scroll up and down to see their responses. I like this, teach words that go with a theme or a skill. So not random words that we just pick up, but in context.

So this is another thing that you could do with Padlet. You could ask students a question, and what you might have seen is when you double click or double tap, you have options to take a picture with a web cam, to upload a picture. You can embed a video. It's really a wonderful tool. So if you haven't used it, you really do need to start using Padlet.

Very simple. As you can see, students don't need to log into anything. They can make a mistake and delete it. So I see a lot of things I'm going to mention in just a moment.

So we're going to look at the answers to these according to research. Everything here isn't just stuff I've made up. I've been really reading all I can about how to best teach vocabulary. As I said, for about the past five years been really into this because I would teach a vocabulary word one day and the next day the students who come to class and it was like blank slate. It was like I never mentioned the word before. They had no idea what I was talking about. So I find a better way to help my students retain the vocabulary I was teaching.

So what does it mean to really know a word? For those of us who have studied language acquisition, we know that there's the receptive skills. So having receptive knowledge. What does receptive mean to you, especially you ASL teachers? What skills are receptive skills?

Melinda Holt: You have listening and reading coming up a lot.

Kristi Reyes: Yes. Perfect. Yes. But we really want them to move the new vocabulary into their productive knowledge. When I say productive skills, what comes to your mind? Yes, we want them to understand the words when they hear it, when they read it, but also to be able to write and to speak using those words. That's when you truly know a word.

Well, there are all kinds of different aspects of knowing a word, knowing the form, the meaning, and the use. So knowing how to pronounce a word. The spelling, the word parts, like how a prefix or suffix may change the word just a bit, the forms, singular, plural, inflections, and word family. We have a lot of those in English where a word can be an adjective, a noun. It could be a verb and has different forms like the adjectives, the comparative and superlatives, and the noun forms.

We want students to be able to learn associations and synonyms. So that goes with context, the association; and synonyms, when we start teaching synonyms and helping students to use tools to find synonyms, their vocabulary repertoire is going to really grow then.

We want students to be able to understand the denotative versus the connotative. So there's denotative when we look it up in the dictionary, but we know in culture that we use words in lots of different ways. So an example would be rat. When I look up the dictionary definition, it tells me it's this small rodent mammal. But when I call someone a rat, that means something quite different, the quantitative meaning.

Polysemy. Oh, we have this a lot in English. I feel really sorry for some of our language learners sometimes, that one word can have multiple meanings in different contexts.

The grammatical function or part of speech is something, especially for those of us teaching ESL, that we like to teach that. It gives students a good foundation for when they go on with their education. But things like knowing if it's a noun, verb, adjective, the nine parts of speech

Collocations. Can anybody type in the chat what that means, thinking back to your teacher training? If you did cover that at all, what is a word collocation? Sometimes when we're teaching noun or preposition combinations.

So there's this site. I'm going to just take you there. It's very simple site. I hope it doesn't go away because it doesn't look super professional. But it's called Just The Word, Just The Word. And sometimes when I'm trying to teach them to learn, I'm not really sure what all the contexts are.

Like maybe I want to see angry and I want to see all the different contexts, the different words that go together with angry. OK. So we've got noun combinations. An angry reaction, an angry response, an angry letter, an angry word, an angry face.

OK. What are the prepositions that go with angry? Oh, you can be angry with, at, about, or over. Oh, that's interesting. My grammar book said mostly at.

So [audio out] for you when you're really getting to the nitty gritty, you could teach this to your students, or you could just refer them there.

Melinda Holt: Krisi, we have a question. I think it's related to the site you were just showing. Timely, vocabulary, outbreak, epidemic, pandemic. Flatten the curve.

Kristi Reyes: OK. Let me look at that again. Yeah. So you can see on the site it will have popular searches and recent searches. It changed a little bit. Economic angry because that's probably because I was searching for angry. But you can see that it will put the frequently looked up collocations there. So things like interested in is sometime the different preposition combinations.

I know that language learners often have confusion with make versus do. I'm sure you have your own. If you're an English teacher, in particular, those common mistakes that students keep making, this can help them. This can help you adjust the word.

And then someone mentioned on the Padlet post, register. That means the variety. So I don't know about you, sometimes students are using translators in my class and writing something, and they may be right guy when really it was more of a formal type of writing when they should have written man. That kind of thing, that a word can have different forms. Same meaning, different words, that can mean different things depending on the level of formality.

So how many exposures to a word are necessary to move the word from receptive knowledge into productive knowledge? Well, one, if we just teach today one new word, the typical student average intelligence, someone who studies, a good student basically, really the chances that student will remember that word tomorrow when you've only exposed it once, unless we've done a lot, a lot of exercises with it, they'll retain it or remember that word at a rate of 5% to 14%.

Now, sometimes we teach you a word one time and the students' was actually familiar with it before. So we're helping with that. But if we are teaching brand new vocabulary, we need something between five and 20 or more exposures. It really depends.

Looking at the research-- and I saw someone posted on Padlet as well. --the research is all over there. I mean, it depends on the researcher basically. So if we just imagine that if we can give our students 20 exposures, that would be a good number to hit for.

So there's repetition. Again, this depends on several factors, including the age of the student. So if some of our students haven't been in school for quite a while, I like to make the metaphor of a sponge.

And so that's how I kind of explain to the students to relieve their fears. You're all welcome here. This is a country where it doesn't matter how old you are to go back to school. So if your brain is kind of dry, well, we're going to get it wet and it's going to be able soak up more information as we go on. So yeah, we need to have students see, say, write many, many times so that they can actually, eventually produce the new words.

I love this book. I don't know if you've heard of it. It's awesome. This guy, he's a neurologist or something, I don't know, brain science. He took all the research our brains and how we learn and remember and retain things and he put it into layman's terms so I can understand this. It's not like a scientific journal. And it's really awesome. If you do a search, you can find all of his videos as well. But I really do recommend the book.

And I don't know if you know this, I always tell students this, do you know why in the United States our telephone numbers of the area code are seven numbers? And a lot of students from other countries have a lot longer telephone numbers, but a lot of them is seven as well, seven. Well, it's because our brain can hold seven pieces of new information for 30 seconds.

OK. Well, nowadays when someone wants to share their telephone number, now we have our phones of course. So some people are saying our phones are actually making us dumb. But this is important thing for us to remember as teachers. If we aren't having students repeat the information very soon, it will disappear.

So it's so disappointing sometime when you spend so much time in your lesson plan and the vocabulary instruction comes right at the end and you don't give students a chance to practice. Well, there are a lot of tech tools here today that you could use to have them go home and practice immediately after your vocabulary instruction comes at the end.

So if this information is repeated within 30 seconds, the chances that the brain will retain it is one to two hours for the duration. So really for optimal chances of retaining new information, two hour intervals of repetition of new information, and repeated, spaced interval practice is the optimum that we're shooting for.

I'm not a reading expert at all, but someone told me about the five finger rule once. And we probably all do even in CTE, you have students do some reading. So this five finger rule is something I'm using a lot more as a language instructor. I'm getting better, these 22 years of teaching, at picking texts that are appropriate for my students level. But in the beginning I noticed that sometimes I would give students a text and they would be using their translators for every other word. And it was a little bit discouraging, and I was wondering, what did I do wrong here? Does this student just want to really understand every single word, or is the text too hard? Well, the truth is, probably the text was too difficult.

So for extensive reading, that's like reading for pleasure or reading multiple texts on the same topic. Students can read 95% of that. So we should choose the text that when we look at it, a one page text, that we think the students will be able to understand 95% of the words. They're going to do fine. Without any pre-teaching, we need to reduce the five finger rule probably down to two.

For intensive reading, like this is the type of reading that we do for tests, especially. When we're creating different reading tests, if the students understand less than 90%, the text is too difficult. So it's a good little rule. Maybe you're reading expert and you have other ways of thinking of it. But I like to think of this when I'm choosing texts. Why am I talking about texts? Well, that's where the vocabulary that we teach should really come from.

So I have a couple of sites that I think are really useful. Sometimes I have different textbooks that I use for in-class reading and so on, but sometimes I see something on the internet that is just perfect. I love the topic. This is exactly where I want to take my class. But when I look at it, it's a little bit too hard I think. It does not pass the five finger rule.

So what do I do? Do I teach more of the vocabulary and spend like a whole day teaching vocabulary? Well, there are some tools that we can use that can really help us. One, is text compactor. It's pretty simple, but let me show you.

OK. Basically you can paste a text into the box. OK. Now, there it is. Hold on. I'm going to have to just minimize out for just a second. I have this text. I just picked it from Wikipedia, just to give a quick example, pasting some text. And you can use a slider and it's going to summarize a little bit the text. So you can use the slider and it'll put in more of the words.

OK. So that's one tool. The other tool is the one that I share with some teachers at my school, and they love it, is Rewordify. It's pretty robust. So what you do is you can either paste in some text or even a URL, a website

OK. So I pasted in the same text. Rewordify the text, and what it does is it takes out some of the challenging vocabulary and it puts it in parentheses with words that are more simple. So here, big important trip. When I mouse over it, I can see that it says expedition is the actual word that was there. And when I click on that, I can see the definition and I can hear the words spoken if I click on the speaker. More than two, but not a lot of, several. Legal control, jurisdiction.

So this could be something that you teach your students to use as well. Then what also it has is lots of learning activities that you can print out, and it can also show you the parts of speech. So this could be useful as well. It shows me that every gray highlighted word is a noun, et cetera.

So that has a great potential I think. We're going to get to another one that's even better in just a moment. But I don't know how many of you have experienced teaching K through 12 teaching kids. I am sure that you entered adult education with an appreciation of the differences, the discipline things, and the motivation.

Melinda Holt: Just so you know, there are a few no's.

Kristi Reyes: OK, good. So those of us who are in adult ed, we probably chose this because while we like children, adults kind of are awesome to teach. So anyway, if you have taught K through 12, you probably are more familiar with Lexile level. And I really even don't understand what that means. But here is one site, Readable, and here are a couple others where you can put in some text and it's going to tell you the Lexile level and so on.

So for those of you in K through 12, that could be useful for you. For those of us that's only ever done adult, I don't know what that means. I probably could do some reading and find out and then I could understand and use these sites, but I just wanted to mention those.

So what is a good method for selecting which words to explicitly teach? What is your method? For those of you who have been teaching ESL, maybe you've studied languages yourself. There are cognates and false cognates. So it's sometimes it's really important with some of our students to point out the false cognates.

The Spanish speakers always say to me, tomorrow I cannot assist class. And so yes, we have assist with the same word, but it means something different in talking about attending. So sometimes we have to point those out. There are some that are they'll still be understood if they use the false cognate, but sometimes the meaning can be lost.

So I heard a lot of what I'm going to say right here read to me. We need to make sure they understand the most frequently used words, and this comes from corpus linguistics. So this is where some people spend their lives collecting texts and seeing which words rise to the top. Which ones are used most frequently?

So for low level ESL, there's the site words and the basic word list, something called the Dolch basic word list. This is from like 1950 and it was based on children's literature. But it still can be useful because if we're teaching the low levels of literacy, they need to start off with just basic words.

If you're teaching kind of like intermediate ESL, you might want to have a look at the New General Service List. Those are the 2,800 high frequency words for ESL learners. And then for those of us teaching ASE and all the other maybe high level ESL, there's the Academic Word List. So that is a pretty long list, but these are the words that come from college textbooks. These are the words for college and career readiness our students need to know.

OK. So here's a cool tool. It's called the AWL Highlighter, the academic word that's highlighter. You'll see it's a lot like Rewordify. You go there, you copy in some text, you click on Submit. It will highlight the words that appear on the Academic Word List. I mean, sometimes I look at a text and then know that there are words that my students will understand. But I really want to hit on those Academic Word List because I want them to continue their education or to go on to a better job. That's their goal.

So it will highlight those. So I know exactly which words I should teach. So that is very helpful. It does other things for you. You can do a simple gap fill. Sometimes we call that Close. And it can do it on word families and so on. So that's a great tool right here if you're teaching kind of higher level. It tells us what sub list of the Academic Word List each of these words appear in. So that's an Academic Word List Highlighter.

Well, we really should be teaching words from texts or from videos and so on, things that we're using. I've known great teachers. But sometimes I have a vocabulary book with a list of 20 words and study these 20 words. You can be tested on these 20 words next week.

Unless you're teaching very beginning level ESL where you're teaching a theme, like OK, clothing, and here's a list of clothing with pictures and we're going to practice and you'll have a test on that next week. But if the words have no relation or are not built around a context, they're not going to really remember those words very well.

So how can we do this? Sometimes we need to ask students, and that's what someone said in the chat. How do you choose which words to explicitly teach? Ask students if they know the word. That could save a lot of time right there too. So if we were in a face to face class, I could have you hold up your thumb or hold up a number. So I'm going to just think of as we're maybe going with our teaching online for the rest of the spring, this is maybe how you could do it in some sort of online setting with your students.

So I'm going to say a word and you type in the chat. We'll just do a couple. Attitude. Type a one if you have never seen or heard this word. Oh, I think I have a really good class here. Type a two if you have seen or heard this word, but you don't know what it means; a three, I think I know a meaning for this word; and a four, I can explain this word.

Melinda Holt: Most people are typing a four. Two people have typed ones. We got a three to four.

Kristi Reyes: I'm pretty sure they were just practicing, playing the role of student. Yeah. So you could do this, and then if some students are saying fours, you can explain the word and use it in a sentence. OK, tell the class. Tell us what this word means and use it in a sentence. So you can take some of the work off of yourself right there. OK. So that's something that was normally in the classroom, but how you could maybe transform it for online.

OK. So I was trying to think how I'm going to-- I'm going back next week and in my conversation class we're going to talk about food and cooking. OK. So before I actually go deep into kitchen utensils and all that, maybe I just want to see what they know. So this is how you could do this, either in a on ground face to face class or online.

I'm going to show you a picture. So class, we're going to be learning about the rooms of the house and this week is about the kitchen. I'm going to show you a picture and I want you to type in the chat as many words as you know for what you see in the picture. Is everybody ready? Here we go. What do you see? Let's see how much my class knows. What vocabulary do they know about the kitchen?

Melinda Holt: Modern, microwave, lamp, stools, the backsplash, refrigerator.

Kristi Reyes: Woah. OK, hold on.

Melinda Holt: IKEA.

Kristi Reyes: Yeah, it does look like IKEA. Clean. Yeah. OK. So now I know my class--

Melinda Holt: People, stop.

Kristi Reyes: Yeah. Yeah. When someone says backsplash, I don't need to spend much time teaching that vocabulary. But if they're not getting some of the common things that I see there, maybe I need to spend some time. So that's something you could do. I think pictures such a great way to elicit from students what they already know.

So you could preview showing a picture, or if you're going to use Zoom, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, something like that. Google Duo I mention here because I had not really heard of it, but I heard of it this week that it's kind of-- whereas FaceTime everybody needs an Apple product, but with Google Duo you can use any sort of product. Android or whatever.

But maybe if you're going to think of teaching online at all, maybe you could do breakout rooms or you could assign students in groups to teach each other and see if the group can do some pure teaching for words they know. And if everybody in the group does not know the word, then, OK, then I'll need to plan a lesson.

Melinda Holt: For this kind of activity, would you have an open mic so that all students can answer?

Kristi Reyes: I think I would. I've been teaching hybrid for about five years. So that means about three hours of my 12 hour class has been online for the last five years. But teaching fully online is something that's new for a lot of us. I don't know about anybody here in this webinar today. You probably wouldn't be here if you've already taught fully online.

I'm an experiment. I'm going to model the growth mindset. I'm just praying and hoping with constant contact with my students that they'll stick around. And so I've already emailed them multiple times and we set a free mind and things like that. But you need to know your students and know your own abilities and comfort level, definitely.

So thanks for that question. Let's move on. You could also use some polling tools. On OTAN's website, there is an article about Pear Deck, which is an add on for Google Slides, that if I were to use it right now what it would be is I would present some information and then there'd be a little poll that we would see live results of you answering questions.

This is a simple, simple easy one. You don't need to sign up or anything. It gives you a poll for like a week. It's good for a week. No log in. Nothing like that. It's called Direct Poll. So I'll show you what that looks like, and then I will show you what the teacher sees and what you can project to an entire class.

So if you've been to a gas station where when you get out to pump the gas after you put in your card is they're showing a little video, like a commercial or a little news clip. Well, I think it was at Arco I got gas one time and it started showing this little video. It was about vocabulary and it was telling you what the meaning of pulchritude was. And honestly I had not really heard I think maybe once in my life I've seen the world pulchritude, and I just kind of glossed over it.

So when you go through this poll, it's going to ask you multiple choice. So you could have multiple questions. I only put one question. What does pulchtritude mean? Does it mean ugliness, beauty, friendliness, or disgust? So you check in the box and you click on Vote, and what I will see-- if you want to, you can just type in the chat. --and what I will see what I could project to students would be this.

OK. Four of you said it means ugliness; four, beauty; one, friendliness; 15, disgust. OK. Nobody cheated, right? None of you like Googled it real fast, did you?

Melinda Holt: Just a little.

Kristi Reyes: Yeah. I had no idea. This word just sounds and looks disgusting, but it means beauty. Can you believe that? What a weird word. Anyway, it's not a word I would probably teach my students because I don't think they'll ever see that word. But pulchtritude means beauty. So this Direct Poll, super easy. Like you could do it on the fly, create a quick poll, it gives you the link for voters, and then it gives you the link for you to project the results. So easy.

PollEverywhere has been around for a super long time. It used to be a separate app type thing, but now it's integrated with PowerPoint. So if you were presenting a PowerPoint, you could have this add-in and you could do polling. Students could be polling by their phones as well.

I love all the Google products, Google Forms. I'm just going to show you this. If you'd like to come back later to try taking the quiz, you can make a quiz on Google Forms. So I'll show you my sample. I tried to pick a variety of different question types so you can see what it looks like.

So let's say we're studying parts of the car. So you can have questions be required, and I set this up as a quiz, and it could be a pre. So before I'm going to start teaching the names for the parts of the car, you're going to take this quiz. I can see what you know what you don't know. And at the end, I could use as the post, to prove to myself that I've done a good job teaching. So you can make questions required or not. You can give point values when you create as a quiz.

So what is the image below? Anybody know what that is? I always say speedometer and odometer, and then I don't know. Someone else hears and probably knows a lot more. So I'm just going to take the quiz so you can see what the student would see. I'm just going to put in odometer.

OK. Where is he? He is relaxing on the, what do you think? Brake, seatbelt, engine, or hood? Type it in the chat.

Melinda Holt: Hood, car, hood, hood, hood.

Kristi Reyes: OK. We're going to choose hood. Oh, almost. His knee is a little bit back.

It's 8:00 PM. You need to turn on your-- so here we can choose engine, head lights, turn signal, hazard lights, radio, or air conditioner. What do you think? I'm going to just choose one wrong just so you can see what that will look like.

How do you rate your knowledge? So you see different question types. How do you rate your knowledge of vocabulary related to cars? So they can choose hm, on this Likert, I'm an automotive technician. It's my job. Of course I know everything. Or I don't know what a car is. I mean, this is just to make it kind of interesting. I'm just going to choose kind of neutral, and I Submit-- I forgot to choose one right here. Let's go back, and we'll just choose that one. OK. So, Submit and you can set it up so that students can see their results or not.

I'm going to go ahead and view. See, this one I would need to manually check, and you can put in feedback. So you could put in feedback that's just a word. You can put in feedback that's a video. So feedback on both correct or incorrect answers, and it shows me which parts I got wrong.

OK. So you could give immediate feedback to the students. So it's just a Google Form, but at the end you set it up as a quiz. So that's something you could use with your students to find out which vocabulary words they know or not, or to test them.

OK. There are some words that we don't need to take time to teach. We can just leave those words to incidental learning or to gloss. What does gloss mean to you? Think of glossary. So words we can just leave to incidental learning, like just let them read the text and not focus; or to gloss, to just provide a definition or to pull up a Google image or something.

Are those words that are lower frequency words? Words that they're not likely to ever see again. And we can just give a quick definition for words that they're not likely to see again with an image, a quick or short definition, or explanation.

So just my quick example is one time in my class we're reading about the future and innovations and inventions and so on, and the word was futurologist. They kind of had a good understanding what that might mean anyway because being familiar with -ology, -ologist, but I don't need to teach them that word. I'll just tell them a futurologist is someone who studies what may happen in the future. They're not going to ever use that word again I don't think.

So I'm going to give you a second to think and to type in the chat, what is your best classroom activity for vocabulary teaching? So we're going to think about how that classroom activity could be moved possibly online or with more technology support.

Melinda Holt: Pictures. Realia and pictures for level one. Matching pictures to text, putting a Snoopy picture every day, draw a symbol or picture vocab for the test, one where students work together, lots of repetition, interim words, dictation, write, recite, use Google Translates, spelling lists, video, TPR, Quizlet, labeling a picture in level one, write a sentence using a word where it's really good for higher level students and sharing examples with the whole class, match, word meeting, Quizlet, fought, live.

Kristi Reyes: OK. Hear lots of great things are if

Melinda Holt: They're still typing. pronunciation, pictures with words. After students choose which words they don't know, give verbal examples on the spot, then write sentences on the board using the words. Time cards.

Kristi Reyes: Oh, what are time cards?

Melinda Holt: I don't know. That was from Marisol Richmond. We'll have to--

Kristi Reyes: Hi, Marisol.

Melinda Holt: Pictures and students use Oxford picture dictionary to find word; Duolingo

Kristi Reyes: Cool.

Melinda Holt: A couple of Duolingos here-- bingo with pictures for fun

Kristi Reyes: Fun.

Melinda Holt: And it's starting slow down. There we go.

Kristi Reyes: OK. All right. Thanks, everybody. Well, some of you took the survey that went out with the announcement about how to get to this webinar. And these were some of your answers, so I kind of categorized them. Some are vocabulary or ESL-specific, like learning chocolate is great for beginning ESL. Quizlet is specific for teaching vocabulary, not necessarily ESL.

Games to learn English SpellingVocabularyCity, A4esl, or EnglishforEveryone, VOA News,

Then there were some just general tools not specific to teaching vocabulary, but that you use Google Slides, online dictionary, YouTube. A lot of you put reading specific sites, and some of them are ESL-specific. ReadWorks, great source. I think everything is free there now; as Newsela has made everything free I believe right now too; NewsInLevels, so it's great for multilevel ESL; Breaking News English, oh my gosh, that man who creates that site. It's like full lessons, but they are print materials for the most part. English Discoveries was a new one for me. That's kind of an online platform that one of you uses.

Then we have a lot of publisher/product-specific tools, things that are teaching us that we can't really interact too much with the students through these tools. So that's my one little negative point about those, but they go very well with any textbooks that you're using.

The gamification is very big in K through 12, and in adult ed we're catching on. Kahoot so high in popularity, but there are a lot of other things like quizzes that we can do.

Some of you are using Google Classroom for the learning management system. Some of you may be using Canvas, specially if you're part of a California Community College. Some of you it looked like you created a Weebly website for your class.

Communication tools, WhatsApp. A lot of our students use that. So makes sense that we use that. Remind, or Zoom, like what we're seeing here right now.

So those are the things that you said, and I see in the chat that you brought up some other things that were not here. So now we're getting in to the tools, lots of tools. Any other tools that you're using that just popped into your mind, go ahead and type them in the chat. So we all have lots of tools, lots of different tools. Me too. I have lots of different exciting tools. But I was like, I needed a framework. I need a framework. I know what the research says. I know I have all these tools, but how can I do this?

So let's organize these tools around a framework. The framework is by Dr. Robert Marzano. Maybe you've heard of him, maybe not. He's not specific to adult ed at all. He takes the research and puts it into these books that teach you how to teach with the research, impacting how you teach.

So as I was reading about teaching vocabulary, I came across this six step process for teaching vocabulary. I'm like, that makes sense, and what are the different tools I can use for each-- now I have a framework. So his method is a direct method. So a direct method of instruction. If you can type in the chat, what does that mean to you? A direct method.

So direct instruction is not just here, read this text. If there's something you don't understand, use your dictionary. Good luck. No. This is picking the words that we're going to explicitly teach and taking students through six steps, explaining to them, having them restate, having them show that they know what the word means, having them engage with the new words, having them discuss with the new words, having them play.

OK. So it's not just leaving to chance that they're going to pick up the words. We have great students. A lot of them have their dictionary and they're looking up words all the time, but some of them don't have the study skills and it's our job to teach them. So if we taking them through these steps, we can make sure that we're giving them full exposures as well.

OK. So I confess, this is my best activity for teaching vocabulary, old fashion index cards. So you're thinking right now, what am I doing in this webinar? But no, when we do some reading in my class, I've picked out those Academic Word Lists or high frequency words and then we make index cards. So how can I possibly do this online? That's what I'm trying to figure out. I'm thinking maybe I will make some sort of fillable PDF form or something. But this is what the research says is most effective.

Melinda Holt: Krisi, what level?

Kristi Reyes: Well, I'm teaching advanced ESL. So this will look a lot different if you're teaching beginning ESL. You would probably have a picture with the word, the sentence from the source, or an original sentence that the student writes about him or herself. And I'm going to come back to this in a bit. But if we're just giving them flash cards, it's not as effective for helping them retain the word as having them write it down themself. So even if they're typing it somewhere, they're still having to produce this sort of index card.

So I'm going to come back to that. But I used a lot of other tools. I do not use all of the tools you're going to see today. No way, OK? I'm just giving you a survey.

So the first step is explaining, to provide a student friendly description, explanation, or example of the new word or term. So we can do that with online images. I heard someone say, oh, I love this site. New York Times, what is that? It's not picture of the day. Someone just said it in the chat. That would be a great way to bring up vocabulary, you know, to preview.

So you could send students out. You show them a picture of a word. You send them out and they go take pictures and present to the class the next day. So how this might be online is you have students, let's say you're studying something. You have them go in the scavenger hunt around their house and take pictures and text you. And then you open up the pictures in Zoom and they talk about them or something.

There are many picture dictionary web sites that are excellent. So at the end, you'll see the URL and you'll get this sent to you. I've collected the different ones on a website. GIFs, comic strips, slideshows, or just making up a story. Sometimes I just get really creative and make up a story. Or using a current event that uses the vocabulary.

So I'm going to go through some things, different tools that we can use to explain. I think already many of you use picture dictionaries. I just want to mention this one because this one's pretty cool. The visual dictionary online by Merriam Webster.

I don't know about you, when I taught a vocational ESL class-- I still do this sometimes-- help students write resumes. And for them to explain the jobs that they did in their country or they're doing here that are so unrelated to anything I know, I sometimes have trouble helping them. Because I don't know what their job duties were for their careers.

So I just want to show how specific this site is. They have astronomy, earth, plants and gardening, animal kingdom, human-- I mean, lots of different categories. So I chose category of house. And in there, let's say I have an HVAC student. They need to learn the words in English for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.

I'm going to say that I had a student who was an architect. She was getting ready to transfer over into credit courses to try to get her accreditation or her ability to be certified to work as an architect. So here's where I could send her.

OK, frame. Within frame, I didn't realize there were so many words. High beam, rafter, ceiling joist. OK, this would be very helpful for some of those students who are in very specific areas for their work and they need to learn the vocabulary.

I just wanted to show that because I think it's a pretty cool site. There's just so much there. I'm sure any of us could-- and it has audio too. So they can hear the words.

We could explain things with emojis, right? So maybe you're teaching beginning ESL. I remember I used to have a poster when I taught beginning ESL. How are you feeling today? And it had the different faces.

So maybe I could do a little screenshot using emoji keyboard online of some different faces before teaching emotions. Like, how do you think the first guy feels right here? How does he feel? Go ahead and type it in.

And for more advanced students, we could really expand on that. So if they say for the second emoji, if they say he's mad, what are other ways for saying mad?

Melinda Holt: Embarrassed, wondering, shell shocked, overwhelmed, surprised, confused, tired.

Kristi Reyes: See how you can get many different words from all your class on one emoji? So for the lower level students, you can help them. Their own classmates are helping them build the vocabulary.

You could bring in idioms. So sometimes, what's an idiom for angry?

Melinda Holt: Red as a beet.

Kristi Reyes: Red as a beet.

Melinda Holt: Frustrated, blew his top, hot under the collar, lost his cool.

Kristi Reyes: Awesome, awesome. So you can see, something so simple as an emoji could be useful. OK, this one. GIF Lingua, I guess it was created for language teachers, I don't know. So I just decided to check it out.

Does anybody know what a GIF is? So I found this site, let me just show. You how you can create books there. But there's a lot of content there with GIFs. GIFs are those little, what's kind of like, short little video clips. People send them to you. It's just maybe a person cheering or something.

So you can create books. This one is--

Synthesized Voice: Very three.

Kristi Reyes: This one that is very three, kind of reminds me of our president, how he says very, very, very good. Maybe he could use instead very, very, very good some other word. So we have here very dangerous.


So it gives you a little preview. And then as you go through, go to next at the bottom there. Make it a little bit bigger.

Synthesized Voice: Let's review these very strong verbs.

Kristi Reyes: OK, one little thing there, these aren't verbs. But anyway, I just wanted to show you an example. These are adjectives, right?

So then I go to next.

Synthesized Voice: Perplexed, he's very confused. He's perplexed.

Kristi Reyes: So there's a GIF with perplexed, the new vocabulary word, and very confused. And you keep going. So it's like a little booklet. You could go search on there, and--

Synthesized Voice: Innovative-- Apple is a very creative company. It's innovative.

Kristi Reyes: OK, maybe she's British, she says inno-vuh-tive. I would say inno-vay-tive. You know, it's got some use, I think. Sometimes I'm trying to draw something on the board or trying to find a good Google image. And certain things, you just can't really put into images that are great.

Like, Giphy. We could have with or Giphy, students can create their own GIFs. Wouldn't that be fun? So I looked at Giphy.

And I was imagining like, what if I wanted to teach different ways of movement? Usually I'm in the classroom and I'm like, hey, look at me, I'm walking fast. But maybe I could find some GIFs.

So I went on here and I created a favorites list after after I made my account. See if it's going to let me go to my favorites. I go to my favorites.

And I made a collection of GIFs for different ways of moving. So what do you call this GIF in the top left? She is doing what? Hurdling.

In the middle top, what did the cat do? He jumped, right? But the parrot--

Melinda Holt: Looks like a wrestling move.

Kristi Reyes: Yeah. And the parrot is not really jumping. What do you call that kind of jumping?

Melinda Holt: Dancing.

Kristi Reyes: OK. I would say hopping.

Melinda Holt: Hopping.

Kristi Reyes: And then, you see the basketball player? What is that kind of movement?

Melinda Holt: Skipping.

Kristi Reyes: Yes. How would you describe these gentlemen in the middle? They're are walking. What's another word?

Melinda Holt: Strolling, walking fast.

Kristi Reyes: Strolling, walking fast. Walking briskly. Then you see these two folks at the beach, what is their body movement?

Melinda Holt: Jogging.

Kristi Reyes: Jogging. And then we see a very old picture of-- I can't remember the actress's name. How is she walking?

Melinda Holt: Strutting.

Kristi Reyes: Strutting.

Melinda Holt: Sashaying.

Kristi Reyes: Sashaying.

Melinda Holt: Catwalk.

Kristi Reyes: Catwalk.

Melinda Holt: I like the word sauntering.

Kristi Reyes: Sauntering. Then we see Forest Gump. How is his movement? He is--

Melinda Holt: Running.

Kristi Reyes: Running.

Melinda Holt: Run, run, run. Dashing.

Kristi Reyes: Sprinting, dashing. And then I don't know this guy's name, but what is that sport called? He, the guy there, I don't remember his name. What is he doing? McGregor, Connor McGregor.

Melinda Holt: Kick boxing.

Kristi Reyes: Not necessarily in this GIF. I would say he's away swaggering.

Melinda Holt: Gloating.

Kristi Reyes: Swaggering, definitely. OK, so you can see how you could possibly use GIFs. How many of you know Thinglink? Thinglink, you can create an account.

You can upload any type of document, like a picture. And then on different parts of the picture or whatever document you upload, you can add text. You can link to a video. You can link to any website. It's pretty cool.

Let me show you house. So I'm thinking of different-- let's see, if I'm teaching anatomy, that would be a great use of this. I think there are just many different things you could do.

So it's sort of more interactive than just giving a dictionary page or a picture dictionary. So here's the house. You see the spots, when I mouse over them, I see, OK, this is called the roof. This is called a chimney. This is called an attic. This is the bedroom.

And then when I get to the bathroom, there's a video. So I'm going to show the bathroom one.

Melinda Holt: Kirsti, this is PG, right? It is PG. I did preview it. And I highly recommend, always look at different YouTube videos before you show them to students.

[video playback]

- Hello and welcome to English Tonight. Tonight we will learn bathroom vocabulary. Toilet paper.

[end playback]

Kristi Reyes: OK, so we'll start stop there, because that's a big topic, right? So anyway, you can link anything. You create your account and you create materials. But you can also just go there and log in, and look for materials. Like this one, I did not make it. But if I were teaching beginning ESL, I could use it. I could definitely use it. I would just copy this link and send it to my students and they could practice. That's called Thinglink.

OK, I don't know about you, I don't really like to see myself on video. But I do make different vocabulary presentations. So a lot of times, what I do is make a narrated PowerPoint slide show. I narrate it, and then I export it as a video.

So you can see on the left to narrate a PowerPoint slide show, you just go to the slide show, record slide show, and you start talking, and click. At the end, you save it. And then when you go to finish it, you go to File, Export, Create as a Video. And it saves it all together as a video that you can email to your students. You can upload to Google Drive or you can post on YouTube, whatever you like. That would be some other way to explain vocabulary. You could also do a screen cast.

So there's Jing, very popular one is Screencast-O-Matic. And that's basically recording what you see on your computer screen. Loom is awesome, I have to say. And there's an article about it in OTAN's website. Put the link here and you'll get that at the end of this.

Loom, you can just screencast, just show what's on your desktop. But you could also, if you wanted to, you could put your face talking. So for language learners, maybe we need to show our face so they can see how our mouth moves so they know how to pronounce words.

So it reminds me a lot of if you ever know anyone, or if you yourself are interested in gaming, a lot of YouTube videos have gamers screencasting their games and then themselves talking. So that's Loom. That could be a way to explain.

Any other ways that you would use technology to explain new vocabulary? Online quizzes, if you're using an LMS, a Learning Management System like Google Classroom, Edmoto, Moodle, Canvas, you could have online quizzes.

Melinda Holt: Poll Everywhere.

Kristi Reyes: Poll Everywhere.

Melinda Holt: Memory card games.

Kristi Reyes: So I think that you're getting into the next step. Because this is just the teacher explaining, OK? So let's go on.

Now, we need our students to restate. They need to use the word, OK? So they need to use it, describing it, explaining it, or an example in their own words. On Palette one of you posted the personal, personalization.

What do we know most about in this world? We know the most about ourselves. So if we can relate a new vocabulary word to our lives, we're going to remember it better.

So we could have students do cell phone videos with voice recordings, or take a little video recording themselves saying a sentence using the vocabulary words. Slide show, poster, and so on.

I go back to my old fashion index cards. So I have students look up definitions from Merriam-Webster Learner's dictionary. It's the one I like the best.

Why? The other online dictionaries, so let's say you had to look up the word happiness, it will say the state of being happy. That doesn't help the student, you know? So this one is written in simple terms. The definitions are easy.

So I have students write the word, the pronunciation, the part of speech. Again, this would not be beginning ESL. Related words in the word family. They write the original sentence from the text. They look up the definition. A lot of dictionaries like this one give a sample sentence. So you have them write another example. is where they can find synonyms and antonyms.

And I think someone already mentioned, WordHippo. WordHippo is pretty robust. It's like a dictionary, thesaurus, everything in one. And I like to go there sometimes for when I help students with a sentence frame for writing their own sentence. Because sometimes they can't think of something.

But I always have it be about I or my, something like that. And I go to the word hippo to get ideas if I just can't think of a way to make a sentence frame for students to write a sentence about themselves.

I'd also like to mention YouGlish. It looks like YouTube, right? I'm not going to go there, but you can go there later.

What you do is you go there and you type in a word, and it shows you all these clips from videos on YouTube with whoever is in the video saying the word and a caption. So that would be, I haven't explored the possibilities there. Lots of possibilities for using YouGlish. Especially when students need to write an example sentence or their own sentence.

Picture, OK, again, for ESL, if they were the beginning levels, they could draw their own picture. Right? Sometimes though, it's hard to think of a sentence about yourself with some words. Let me think of the example that happened to me in class.

Distortion, the word in our text was distortion. I can't think of a sentence I can write about myself using distortion. So I drew a little picture. We all, in my area there's the Delmar there's the Del Mar Fair every summer, and so they have roller coasters, and fun rides, and this. And you know, so I bring up, you know, sometimes when you go to a fair or something, there's a room with the funny-shaped mirrors. And when you look in it, your body, you see a reflection that has distortion. And I draw a little picture-- that helped them remember. I couldn't think of any other sentence I could write, except for maybe when I try on clothes and the mirror-- you know, it's not a real distortion.

So that's you know what we can help students do to--

Melinda Holt: Kristi, we have a question.

Kristi Reyes: Sure.

Melinda Holt: Could you repeat what "sentence from source" is?

Kristi Reyes: So if I've chosen a text that we're going to read in class-- so we read it in class or maybe I decide to front-load the vocabulary teaching first. But to keep it within the context in this reading passage, let's find the sentence that contained that new vocabulary word and copy it. That's what that means-- sentence from the original source, whether it's a video or a text.

OK. Well, we probably won't have, for the next few months, the luxury of having a classroom where we can do a word wall. I don't see this as much in ESL, or adult Ed, but you know, anybody in K through 12, they spend so much time on these beautiful word walls. Other-- you know, most of us in adult Ed, we often have to share a classroom so we could use Padlet.

We could go into Padlet teachers and create a wall. We make the account, but students don't have to. And we could either do it like this. We could assign everybody in the class the same word, where they're entering different sentences about themselves, pictures, video, or we could assign different students different words, following the index card type of thing.

And so the example I have posted right here that you see is not from Padlet but it's from Lino. And so the word is "method," and every student-- every different student-- had the same word. And someone put in a video, The Method for Beginners, I think it's yoga. And then, "method," way to do something-- my mother taught me the correct method for making tamales-- and they put a picture.

So you could do it like that, that would be interactive. And with Padlet-- this one is Lino, but with Padlet, you can download, as a PDF, the Padlet wall. Of course videos wouldn't really be interactive on a paper, but lots of possibilities for that.

We're not going to try this because too many people, OK? But you can come back to this. And I have here a wall that, if you wanted to try posting, again, you can click there and you can try it. There is an app for different devices. And if you want to learn how to use Padlet, this Padlet tour takes you step-by-step through creating a Padlet wall.

Language learners, this site, Lingt, it was built for language instructors. Let me show you a sample. Anybody-- I think a couple of you did say that you teach citizenship. So it's free, you go in and you create a class. And not that one, that's my vowels one. You select your class, and here's one that I just made to practice-- Citizenship Interview.

So it's still within vocabulary, but it has lots of different uses for EL Civics and so-on. So once you create a class, you can put in text, you can put in videos, you can put in pictures, you can write questions in text, or you can record your voice. So that's what I did here. I just recorded my voice asking some of the one hundred questions for citizenship.

[video playback]

- What is the supreme law of the land?

[end playback]

Kristi Reyes: And you could have students type or record their voices. So you see the microphone? They would come in here and record their voices answering the questions. So that could be a way for you to get students to use vocabulary speaking about themselves.

When you go in there, you can also, then, give feedback to students-- written or voice feedback. So if you haven't tried Lingt, you should really check it out-- language teachers especially.

So we're going to take a break in just a minute. Have you heard of Flipgrid? So mostly no. I love to do video projects with my students, they all have phones. And so one time, I decided to make a video project and it was about idioms. And then they would create a little dialogue and videotape themselves, maybe with a classmate, reading these dialogues.

And then it was pure chaos because I was getting some of their videos by email, some by text, it was pure chaos. The different level of quality of the videos, it was a mess. It was great. It was a great project, but Flipgrid would have been a much better choice, I just didn't know about it then. I know about it now, and now I really love it and use it.

Flipgrid is like synchronous-- asynchronous communication. There are multiple ways-- there is an app, there are multiple ways. You go in and you create a grid. You can be on video. I prefer not, so I don't put myself, I just put some questions. And then students can open the app on their phone or go to Flipgrid and enter the code that you give them.

And then they just look for this green button and they record themselves on video. They can comment on each other's videos. So you could have them introduce themselves, say their vocabulary word that you assign them, its definition, and say something about themselves using the vocabulary word.

So I'm going to pause for about five minutes. I'm going to let you try this. If you want to go to Flipgrid and type in this code, or if you have your phone you can open a QR code reader and scan this code. So let's take about a five-minute break. If you want to try this out, you can. I'm going to put on a quick, five-minute timer.

Melinda Holt: OK, and Kristi, while I've still got you here-- don't go anywhere yet-- do students need to have their own account for Lingt or do they join a teacher's account?

Kristi Reyes: The teacher just shares the link and the students don't need to create an account.

Melinda Holt: And do you have an opinion on using Flipgrid versus VoiceThread?

Kristi Reyes: VoiceThread, as I recall--

Melinda Holt: And they need a code for the--

Kristi Reyes: Yeah, OK. Ooh, yes. Let me put that back. VoiceThread, I don't know if it's changed. I started with that at one point, and I really loved it. But then it is like, OK, you need to pay now. And I could only have three grids, whereas Flipgrid does not seem to have that limitation. It's still all free.

Go to Flipgrid. And then when you get there all you need to do is enter this code, the app is free. I have students install the app on their phones. And then you see the instructions once you get there. So you're just looking for that green button, you click on it. You're going to say your name, say your vocabulary word-- any word, OK? Define it, and then say a sentence about yourself using the vocabulary word.

And just to let you know, I set it up so that I get email whenever there's a new response on the Flipgrid. So that's kind of nice that you get. There are different settings, you can set it not to do that. You could have a daily digest.

Melinda Holt: Folks, the QR code is actually on the screen so you can point your phone towards it. And the QR code reader might ask you to back away a little bit if your screen is really bright. But the QR code is actually on the screen that Kristi is showing.

Kristi Reyes: And I forgot to mention, you do need to log in with Google or Microsoft. You'll have to make a Gmail. I don't think it gets the option.

Melinda Holt: Someone asks, I'm doing this on my phone-- are you going to be able to see it?

Kristi Reyes: Yeah. So it's like automatic, once you submit, it's there. You may have noticed that it asks you if you want to create a selfie. You can put in all kinds of funny things. So there are-- let me see, where is it? There's the option to put like a hat and different, silly things on top. So students always love that, put hearts all around their faces and stuff.

And you know, personally, I don't like to be on video that much. So you could tell students, you could put on some sunglasses, you could put on a disguise. You could put an orchid like Jennifer has. Oliver-- this is from a past workshop-- covered his face, in fact.

So you see, it's not too hard to figure out. You just tell students to put in a code. So if they install the app on their phone, then they open the app and it says, what's your code? And you always see your code in the top left. So it's not that hard. I think this would be a great way for students to communicate if you're not going to go with Zoom or other, like synchronous, tools.

OK. So you can see everybody. I won't play all your videos, but you can come back and look at each other's videos. But do you think you would like this? What do you think? Do you think your students would like Flipgrid? I think it's one way that we can definitely keep our community, and our classrooms that we've worked so hard to create, and that we know helps us retain students.

So you can see they just pop up as they're posted. OK, yeah. And when you log in, it asks you, Google or Microsoft? That's the only two options that it gives. So as far as I know, they have to have one of those. Maybe there's some other way, but--

Melinda Holt: There is--

Kristi Reyes: OK, thank you.

Melinda Holt: --but we'll do that after you finish your presentation.

Kristi Reyes: OK. All right. So that's Flipgrid. Obviously, if you're teaching conversation, this could be a great, great, way to assess pronunciation, et cetera.

Any other ways for students to restate new vocabulary? So basically, they're giving the definition, explanation. That is the second step. Third step is show. My colleague and friend, Susan Gehr I'm sure that a lot of you know her-- she presented this before, when I could not travel. And she'd prefer to change this step to be called, construct. And I agree, but I wanted to be true to the man who invented this method.

But this is where we ask students to construct a picture, a symbol, or graphic representation of the term. It may seem not important to us, but there are those students who need to draw something, or do something kinesthetic, or to have some visual that they created themselves. How many of you know Canva? Not canvas, but Canva? I love it. Oh my gosh, it's such a cool site and so many beautiful templates.

So what I did is, I haven't had students use Canva for vocabulary, necessarily, so I was thinking how I could have students use Canva. There are so many options, but I was thinking, how about just an infographic? Let's say that we're learning the stages of life, like baby, newborn, infant-- infancy, toddler-- what toddle means. So I just made this as an example. This is one of their templates, and I just went in and changed the words, put in different pictures and so-on.

So infographics are really like everywhere, now, right? That's probably what our reading, what most of our texts will look like in the future, if not already. Because we can do this, we can combine imagery with words more.

I'm just going to show you really quick, Canva, for those few of you who maybe have never looked at it before. Oh my goodness, such beautiful templates for posters, for logos. That's actually how I've used it before, I had students create a personal logo. Videos, presentations, flyers, cards, infographics, business cards, resumes, brochures, invitations, desktop wallpaper, book cover, certificate, menu-- hey, when you're teaching food, ESL teachers, have them go on and create a menu. Wouldn't that be cool? That'd be fun.

Letterhead, CD covers, ID cards, newsletters, calendars, posters, postcards, labels, announcements, gift certificates-- OK, you can see. Within each of these categories, there are so many beautiful templates. And it's so easy to use.

Melinda Holt: Kristi, is this free?

Kristi Reyes: Completely free. So that's called Canva. So you could have them created infographic, or maybe a menu, or a postcard, or whatever. You Piktochart and Infogram are also two other sites that help you, that have templates where you can create infographics. So that could be one way students show.

Anthony: Kristi?

Kristi Reyes: Yes, go ahead.

Anthony: Sorry, this is Anthony. Just a quick thing about Canva. Yes, you can create a free account. However--

Kristi Reyes: All right.

Anthony: --you don't have as many free options on the templates.

Kristi Reyes: Yes, that's true.

Anthony: Some of them are very cheap, though, like $1 or whatever. But I mean, you have a range, you just don't have like a huge range of templates.

Kristi Reyes: That's true.

Anthony: But there's still so much to work with.

Kristi Reyes: Yeah. I would just say-- yeah, I forgot to mention that. Thank you for bringing that up. When I was looking for-- you search for pictures within, and I kept looking. And pictures that had a little crown, I couldn't use, because that's premium and you have to pay for. So some of the pictures, you know, you may not get the exact, beautiful picture that they offer you unless you pay. But I was still pretty satisfied with what I could do for free.

All right. Yeah, I can't think of a lot of different ways for students to visually or graphically show the definitions of new vocabulary using technology. Maybe you're more creative in this area. Can you think of other ways that students could show? And we're talking about visuals and graphics. Any ideas there? Type in the chat if--

Melinda Holt: Take photos.

Kristi Reyes: Photos, yeah.

Melinda Holt: Taking their own pictures. Act it and film it on Flipgrid.

Kristi Reyes: Ah, nice.

Melinda Holt: Google Explore image. Photos-- they can upload their own photos to Canva. So we've got a lot of photos and images.

Kristi Reyes: Yeah.

Melinda Holt: Find pictures. Paint, draw, sculptures.

Kristi Reyes: Yeah. I mean, sometimes we don't give our students a chance to show their creative sides. You know, something so simple as making a slideshow on PowerPoint, sometimes I think, oh my gosh, you've really got an eye for design-- I had no idea. And I've had students who've created this beautiful artwork. So this could be a time for those students to really shine.

Melinda Holt: A quick question back to Canva-- is it possible on phones?

Kristi Reyes: There is an app, yes there is. I installed it. I haven't used it yet on my phone, but there is an app. So you know, Marzano is showing, with these six steps, that we are hitting all the different preferred learning styles as well. I think that's important to remember.

OK, we're coming close to the end. The next step is to engage, and this is what probably all of us are really good at already, right? Because adult teachers, teachers of adults, are among the best teachers. I know this. I've seen many of these teachers throughout California. So good at these classroom communicative activities where students are engaged, right? We're really good at that.

So I know you already know about Flashcards. And here are some, for ESL, some different sites that you can find really high-quality print flashcards. I put a little star next to ESL Library because it is not free. But we got a subscription for all the teachers in the program and wow, that's got a lot of materials there. If you haven't ever gone there, maybe ask for a free trial. And I have to say, you can download a lot of stuff in 15 days free trial.

You know, they could also-- they could or you could, but it's always better when the students do this because then they're learning the technology. You could have the students create flashcards in Word, PowerPoint, Google Slides, maybe through Google Sheets. But digital flashcards are probably what we're going to have students do more of, right, because they have their phones.

So Flippity-- if you go to OTAN and you do a search, you will find an entry on Flippity that tells you how to do that. Flashcard Stash is there and Flashcard Machine, just in case, there, give you some other options because I know a lot of you know Quizlet. Quizlet, which was really cool, I have my word list. But I've gone on there and done searches, and someone took the time to put the whole academic word list-- not all in one card deck-- but the whole word list in groups. So if you later click this link, it's all there.

So you could, if you're doing remote teaching, you could just, hey, here's something extra. I think you need to learn the academic word list words. Go to Quizlet and do each group of flashcards and then let me know when you're done and I'll send you a quiz or something.

Some of you, if you know Quizlet, you may not have used it in a while. Like I hadn't used it in a little while, and now you can put in diagrams. So this is Susan Gehr's card set. OK, I guess I have to read. OK. So she was teaching about parts of the car, and so she did uploaded this image. And then it reminds me a lot of ThingLink, right? So then she was able to put labels on each part of this so students can see it.

Of course down here, they can hear the words in just one section of the-- just one item. And then they could do the matching. So just to show you what it looks like, because I'm sure you're all familiar when it's just a list of words with definitions. So here, let's see-- OK. OK, horn-- have to drag it. I think they have to drag it. Yeah, OK. Gas pedal, I think it's this one. Passenger seat right here. Gear shift right here. So you can see, that could be fun.

I'm thinking of our students who are at home just like me. I have my kids like just behind me. This could be something fun to do for the family. We could be reaching out into families and creating family literacy and digital literacy. They could play games on Quizlet. So Quizlet has that option. And I know a lot of you know Learning Chocolate, but if you're a beginning ESL teacher and you haven't heard of it, you better check it out.

I want to mention this because this book is so-- it really made me rethink a lot of things that I do in my classroom, Make It Stick-- The Science of Successful Learning. This is all kinds of research, again, on how we learn and remember better. So in this book, they talk about some different things that we need, as teachers, to consider and to put into implementation.

Learning sticks with us, when we're learning something new, when there's effort that we have to make. So we need to create effortful learning. So that's not picking out words and teaching words that they already probably know, but effortful learning sticks with us. We need to include a lot of retrieval practice. What does that mean? The flashcards, repetition.

We need inter-weaved and varied practice. So not the same flashcards over, and over, and over, but maybe a different tool or different activity. And inter-leaved means, for example, I have this flashcard set and I study, and I study, and I study. Now I'm going on to the next flashcard set, that doesn't mean I forget the first. So recycling is another way to say that.

We should include frequent low-stakes testing, because testing for us, the formative, right, to see what we need to teach again and improve. But also for the students, to show students their weaknesses. So in this book, they talk about a college professor who had two tests a year. So he had his midterm and his final. And the attendance was terrible. Students only showed up-- they saw on the syllabus when the test was going to be. So he decided to have weekly low-stakes quizzes, and students were filling the classroom. So that's something to think about.

Elaboration gives meaning to new material by connecting to what we already know. So not just memorizing a list of words and definitions, but it goes to that personalizing, and writing, and speaking about yourself, connecting to your own life. Putting previously known-- I'm sorry, putting previous knowledge into a larger context. And then a nod to Carol Dweck, if you have heard of her. Her work is on growth mindset and how that relates to elasticity of the brain, that we can always learn. And making mistakes and correcting our own mistakes helps us build bridges to advanced learning.

So based on that book, someone in England, I believe it was, created this course site called Memorize. Have you heard of it? I'm going to show you a couple of courses. You do need to create an account. So you could actually do some searching in here, and you could use a word list-- it's actually more than a word list, it's like Quizlet on steroids, OK?

You could find something that someone else created and you can ask your students to make an account and to study that group of words, or that course. So this one, I found English Visual Dictionary. And this would be for beginning ESL. They have the human body, human organs, emotions, vegetables, fruit, berries, and nuts-- I mean, it's got all the categories of different words you would find in a picture dictionary.

So I'm just going to take a look so you can see how it implements, or puts into practice, this research. So let's look at the human body. So it's like Quizlet, but it has the little list here with pictures. It can be pictures or text, right. And then the student goes here-- Learn These Words.

Synthesized Voice: Head.

Kristi Reyes: OK. So now, if I want to, this site uses something they call "mems." Not memes-- you know what memes are-- but "mems," little memory devices. So you can go here. As a student they could go here and they could pick, oh, that's a baby head. So these other students have uploaded as their own mems, ways to remember the word.

So maybe they want to put a picture of their own kid. You know, that would help them remember. Ooh-- that one. Yeah, that might help me remember. OK. Or they can upload their own image that will help them remember this word, OK? So I'll just pick one of the other ones. OK, I'll just click on it. OK, then I go, "next."

Synthesized Voice: Hair.

Kristi Reyes: Hair, OK. I think I know "hair," I don't need a mem. Oh my gosh, it's quizzing me right away. Remember that 30 seconds? It was less than 30 seconds. So I'm quizzed right away. So here's the head. OK.

Synthesized Voice: Head.

Kristi Reyes: Now I go on.

Synthesized Voice: Face.

Kristi Reyes: Face. OK. Oh, so soon. You really have to pay attention with this one. So they can either drag the letters up or they can type it in. I'll just type it in. So that's an example. That is your whole vocabulary course right there.

Synthesized Voice: Hair.

Kristi Reyes: So that's one of them, let me show you more advanced one.

Synthesized Voice: Hair.

Kristi Reyes: OK.

Melinda Holt: Do you have to make an account in Memorize?

Kristi Reyes: Yeah, you do.

Anthony: Yes.

Melinda Holt: Is it freemium premium, or is it--

Kristi Reyes: You know what? It looks like it's free. I haven't done anything that's asked me to pay. I haven't gone on and created a full course myself, I have mostly borrowed from other teachers. But let's just get the Academic English one just so you can see what it looks like at a higher level.

So it has a leader board. So students go in and take quizzes, and you know, they can see how other people are doing. So this is, I believe, the academic word list, so I'm going to start at the beginning. Oh yeah. See, the words are much harder. Oh, and there's a lot more. Wow. Oh my goodness, there's a lot there. OK, I'm going to learn these words.

Synthesized Voice: Abstract.

Kristi Reyes: Hm, OK. Maybe I want to a mem. Abstract art-- meh. Meh. Ooh, someone even put a word-- "not realistic." OK. Maybe I'll upload a picture for "abstract" that I prefer.

Melinda Holt: Kristi, can you create your own words set so the words are relevant?

Kristi Reyes: Yes. That's the thing, you create the teacher account. I'm just showing you other teachers list or courses. But you go in, you create your word list much like you would on Quizlet. And then it creates all these-- you know, the audio is created, and it creates all these exercises for you. It's pretty cool.

Melinda Holt: Are there American English courses in Memorize?

Kristi Reyes: OK. Let me show. So I'm going to go out of this one, I think you get the idea. Let me show you what all there is. OK. I'm going to go to Courses. So you can-- hey, you got some time on your hands? Do you want to learn Italian or Korean? So they have lots of language courses here, OK? So there's categories of languages, Arts and Literature. I want to show you History and Geography.

Within History and Geography-- hey, citizenship teachers-- Civics, the US Constitution. Oh, let me see. Is this the one I wanted? OK, let me try it. This even has videos. The Legislative Branch, OK. So I'm not going to go through it, but there is a ton of stuff there, tons of courses. And yeah--

Melinda Holt: And that's kind of a segue-- sorry.


Kristi Reyes: Sure. Go ahead.

Melinda Holt: There are different tools for each step of the process. Can you maybe recommend the same two or three that could be used in each process?

Kristi Reyes: Let me-- let's hold that thought to the end.

Melinda Holt: Holding.

Kristi Reyes: Yeah, that's a good-- yeah. Bring that back at the end. I have my recommendations and favorites, but every course is different. Every teaching situation is different. And you, again, need to know your students-- what access to technology? What's going to be too hard for them, and will frustrate them and make them leave? And what would be-- start simple. What would be something you already know, and then what's one new thing you're going to try?

So we talked about QR codes. If you wanted to make, maybe, a sheet that you-- like a Word document that you email to students with your voice. Of course there are other ways of doing this, like podcasting. But what you could do if you wanted to make flashcards, or you could have students make flashcards, and you want them to hear your voice saying a sentence you can make a QR code of a voice recording.

So this voice recorder's free online. You push record, you say something, you push stop, and then it gives you a URL. And then you go to QR code generator. Go there, paste in the URL. I'll just show you what that looks like. So you would choose URL, paste in the website URL, choose what you want your QR code to look like over here, and download it. And then you can copy and paste it onto a Word document or just send it in an email. So I don't know. I think QR codes are kind of a untapped resource. That's something you could do to engage students as well.

All the research says that we should have students doing things like comparing and contrasting, and categories, categorizing, classifying, labeling, diagramming, sorting. I really like ReadWriteThink, but those are primarily print materials. But you could have students do brainstorming and things like that on Popplet app or

I mention this for one day when we go back to the classroom. This is from Learnclick Cloze Creator. The research says that one way is for students to really-- one of the best ways for students to show us that they have understood, and can use a word, besides writing about themselves, is these cloze, where you take out the key words and you create a word bank.

I'm sure a lot of you have done this. I've done this a million times where I copy in, and I'm on Microsoft Word. And I take out a word, and space, space, space, put in the line, and then somehow try to remember what word I took out, put in a word. Ugh, I forget what word. And then there are nine words and 10 questions. I don't know.

So this one, the free part of Learnclick Cloze Creator, you paste in a text and you just click on the words you want to remove. It puts the line for you, and it creates the word bank for you, and you get a PDF that you can download and print. So that's free, that part. Learnclick Cloze Creator, if you pay, it will also open up things to creating quizzes, and discussion boards, and so-on, and getting statistics on individual students. But that part you have to pay for.

Do you know Anybody? Say yes if you do?

Melinda Holt: No, no, yes. Part of it. No, yes.

Kristi Reyes: So I don't want to offend K through 12, but I know the purpose of giving worksheets, a lot of times, in elementary school, is to get students into the habit of doing homework, right? And those worksheets are not super motivating. But is like a multimedia worksheet. If you've ever heard of Hyperlinks, it reminds me a lot of that.

So I'm going to show you two quick examples. Free, you make an account, you assign students, you check the answers, it's free. OK. So let me show you a couple of examples. This one, there's not a lot of people in adult Ed using this yet. Because I did a search, and I couldn't really find a lot for adult Ed, but I found this one. So if you're ASE, this could be an example, English 9 Vocabulary Unit 1. So this must be high school.

So they did some reading, and these were some of the words. OK, so she-- the teacher first created a matching. "Notoriety," known for a bad reason, right? So you just kind of drag. "Condescend," I know that's something about something bad. Let's see-- patronizing. So I'm imagining she's taught the synonyms as well. So that's one activity.

Synonym, so we've got multiple choice. "Fortitude," I know that means bravery. OK. Oh, gave me a check-- instant feedback. Choose the picture that shows a person with notoriety. It's not Mother Teresa. I think it's Biggie. Ooh, I was right.

OK. Our romance language students will know that "fort" means-- not weak, that was not my answer-- strong. It means strong. An antonym of inarticulate is articulate, but probably inarticulate. So you can see then, there's also they could type in a paragraph, a sentence, an essay. They could record their voice. There's cloze-- there's so many things here.

That's one example. Let me show you the other example real quick. This one, a teacher created. So when I create my account, I can go find something a teacher created, and I can copy it, and I can change it. So this one is English Language Arts, so Human Body and Its Functions. You can see the picture she uploaded was stock photo, because it's got this watermark. But I'm going to click there to write in what it is. I don't know if it's hair or head. So they have to write in the part of the face.

And then go down and there's matching. OK. I didn't know hair had an extreme function, but we comb it-- not these days, but used to. Internal organs-- oh, don't even go there. I don't know what those things do. Which of the foll-- OK, so anyway, you see it's got lots of possibility.

Melinda Holt: Kristi, how do the students get to it? Do you, does the teacher share the link or do they need to log in?

Kristi Reyes: Yes. Yes.

Melinda Holt: Yes?

Kristi Reyes: The teacher will need to go in and create or copy something, and then they will share the link with the students. Do the students need to log in? Yeah, they will. Otherwise, we won't know how, individually, they did. Yes. So they will need to create an account.

Melinda Holt: Do they have to create an account using Google or Microsoft?

Kristi Reyes: No, I don't think so. That's a good question. Premium is only $3 a month. You could create a whole online course, I think, with OK. So that's

I love shared Google slides. I don't know about you, I just love students putting their work together in one place that's easy for me to find. So I got this idea from TSOL. They have a book, New Ways in Teaching Vocabulary. The 2014 edition put in lots of different tech ideas, but you know that you should never publish a book on tech tools because they change. So a lot of what's there in the book is not really relevant because the websites are not there or whatever.

But you could assign students to contribute to a shared Google slide show, or they could use Animoto or Powtoon, or any of those others. And you could ask them to define a word, you know, going through all the steps that I showed you on my index card. So let me show you an example from a previous training with teachers.

I wanted to do this today, but Melinda told me it probably wouldn't work out so well with so many. Might break the internet or something. But I have I have the directions here. They can put in YouTube videos, because I want them to use They can draw and so-on.

And so this was what a teacher in LA, when I went there, he put in a video. His word was "initiative." He put the phonetic spelling the best he could and so-on. This was Jennifer, her word was "alleviate," so this is a word she had taught recently. And then she put the example sentence, "The young man used an ice pack to alleviate the pain from his sunburn."

This person was really good--


Kristi Reyes: --really good at Google slides and so she put a background image. And there is our president offering everybody hamburgers. So then what I do, is I go in and I put students' names, and I just copy the slide a whole bunch of times, and I put in one slide for each student. So that's one way you could have students be doing the work. And then you could, if you're doing a Zoom conference or something, you could open this up and each student is going to present their slide.

If you think that would be something you would like to do, when you get this slide show in your email, if you click right there, there's a template. You just choose, "make a copy."

Melinda Holt: And Kristi, do you have any suggestions of any sites specifically for the teachers who teach technology and computer applications?

Kristi Reyes: For teaching the vocabulary?

Melinda Holt: I would think so, because that's what this webinar is about.


Kristi Reyes: I mean, there's Google digital skills. If you just go to OTAN's website and you do a search, you're going to find a lot there. I can try to show you when we get done. But otherwise, if you're teaching vocabulary for computer classes, there's got to be a lot online that you can find. I'm quite sure there is.

I don't know if you're using Zoom, or I don't know if you're using Canvas. I noticed that-- I taught a computer class last year and I went in to Canvas Commons, and there's a lot of content there that you could borrow. But I don't know if that answers your question. Probably not.

OK. Being in ESL, you know, some of you maybe use Side by Side and there's those cute little dialogues with the grammar and stuff. But why don't we have students writing their original dialogues using the vocabulary and/or the grammar that we're teaching? So there are a lot of sites to make digital movies. You could do PowerPoint, or Google Slide Show with call-outs. You could use to put call-outs or speech bubbles. I included a video.

With our requirement to stay at home, it might be kind of hard, but students can create videos with their family. Wouldn't that be a great way to really, you know, have family literacy going on? Where they're working together as a family to write a dialogue, and creating a funny video or something?

Comic strips-- there is StoryBoard That, which you do need to pay for. But I believe it's a 30-day free trial. So when I assign it to my students it's like, make an account, but you don't have to put it in a credit card number in to make an account. So once the trial is done, you're done. If you want to use it again in the future, use a different email.

MakeBeliefs-- this been around for a long time. The man who has this website is amazing-- Bill Zimmerman. If you go there, he has all kinds of different teaching tools, and templates, and ideas. But this is an example that another group of teachers created. Theirs was more about idioms than vocabulary, but you could create a comic strip, it's really easy, different characters. They can print it out, it can be emailed. It's really fun.

Any other ways for students to engage with the new vocabulary using tech? Type in the chat. And we're coming to the end pretty soon here, folks. I imagine that you have some ideas. Melinda, anything?

Melinda Holt: Quizlet Live.

Kristi Reyes: Yeah.

Melinda Holt: Padlet. MakeBelief is free or pay, question mark?

Kristi Reyes: Free.

Melinda Holt: Free, free, free. Yes. Love Quizlet Live.

Kristi Reyes: I think everything here, except for when I point out that it's not.

Melinda Holt: Most apps, actually, out there in the world, will have a freemium version for a limited time, or so many bells and whistles. And then if you go premium, they'll give you the rest.

Kristi Reyes: And you know, I'm on lots of different list serves and I've been bombarded with all these lists of free resources. It's overwhelming. But a lot of the paid premiums are free for us teachers for a while. So that's really-- we're in a good time for this. So the [audio out] is (inaudible).

So you've done a lot of individual thinking and creating using vocabulary, but they need to interact with others. So I often write the conversation questions myself, trying to think of a way for students to talk about themselves using the vocabulary words. So this is an example. But I think it's valuable to have students write that question, actually. I want to do that more.

You know, since I'm teaching [audio out] I tell them, OK, you're going to be in this group. And I want you to answer in a complete sentence, and you have to use that vocabulary word or it's not going to stick with you. So that's what I do face to face. But what we could do, is we could have students write questions and interview their families, call their family members or friends on the phone and survey and graph the results.

They could do this on Excel. I don't know Excel, so I wouldn't even feel very comfortable with that. They could create a Google Form for the survey. They could then take the results from the Google Form, and if you've used Google Forms, you know it creates a Google Sheet. I just include this one because it's free and online-- Create a Graph. It says kids, but I used this once. I really liked it because students have to think about how they're going to graph the information. Are they going to use a bar chart or a pie?

And this is what we call a certain type of literacy. I'm going to show you this website of Kathy Schrock, she is an Ed tech guru. She presents a lot. I saw her at QUE once, if any of you are familiar with QUE. Sorry, let me get this to the right size. She says, nowadays there are 13 literacies, actually. 13 literacies-- "digital, global, data, visual, critical, civic, traditional, media, historical, economic, information, tool--" that's where we're at right here today, teachers. What tool is right for the activity? So that's "tool literacy. Information, and health literacy." Oh my goodness-- 13.

So what type of literacy would it be do you think to graphically represent data. What would that be? Anybody?

Melinda Holt: Nobody's typing yet.

Kristi Reyes: Oh, maybe they left.


Melinda Holt: No, they're still here.

Kristi Reyes: I think that we're probably-- you're still there? Not sure. Could be data--

Melinda Holt: Kristi, I'm going to interject myself in here just a little bit because you are starting to drop some packets. And that's why the video the audio is going ah-ah-ah-ah every once in a while. So I'm just letting you know that.

Kristi Reyes: Thank you.

Melinda Holt: And we do have an answer finally-- data, visual.

Kristi Reyes: Yes. Could be both-- exactly. So that could be something. Other asynchronous-- you know, what we already talked about, Flipgrid. For written discussions, using vocabulary to answer questions that you ask, discussion boards. Each LMS has that. If you're not using an LMS like Google Classroom or something, Forumotion you motion is free. It looks like this. I haven't used it. You could try it. You could use a blog, a Wiki, or so-on.

And what I want to show you real quickly is, if you've ever taken a course, for sure you have engaged in discussion board like this. It's amazing-- some students in our classes who never speak, sometimes they really come to life. This is a discussion board I had a few years ago with my advanced ESL class. We were working on phrasal verbs. And I think it's really important to be very clear about what the expectations are, so I have sort of a rubric. And I tell them how to respond to their classmates, so I say, you have to post, and you have to reply to at least two classmates' posts.

So I'm going to scroll, just to show you how long this monster got. This is one weekend. So Wednesday, I told them what to do. And then when I looked here on Monday, they were putting in pictures and videos. This thing goes on and on. This is a lot of writing they did to each other, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. I mean, I'm only halfway through, right? So I think that's something that's very common, that we should definitely be doing for remote instruction to make sure our students are connecting with each other.

Again, Flipgrid-- if you have Canvas, Canvas will allow audio submissions. There's a little "record media" thing if you're using Canvas. Google Hangouts, FaceTime, Google Duo, Zoom-- I mean, that's the next best thing to actually being together and in a real classroom, is some synchronous communication. Any other ways that you can think of to have students discuss using new vocabulary? OK. We're going to go on.

Melinda Holt: In Zoom I think they're starting to nap.


Kristi Reyes: I know. We're almost done, folks.

[interposing voices]

Melinda Holt: --WhatsApp, breakout rooms. They could use Flipgrid for that one too. Write dialogues with each other.

Kristi Reyes: OK. All right.

Melinda Holt: Schoology. OK.

Kristi Reyes: So we're on the last step. And I think a lot of you have already been gamifying your classroom. The funny thing is, Marzano says this is the step that we cannot, should not, leave out. Isn't that interesting? Because when you're having fun, you're not so inhibited, and you're not restricting yourself.

So I'm not going to go through all of these, but I found one that has the academic word list, and you can actually create your own games on this website right here. And Educaplay has 17 different types of games from riddle, fill-in-the-blanks, collection, crossword, dialogue, dictation-- oh my gosh. There's so much there. This would be-- in the classroom, there is a template someone created that has timers. You remember this game, Password, where someone turns their back and someone else is describing the word? And so it has a self-timer on it. And so they cannot say the word, but they have to describe it to the person whose back is turned. I'm not sure how you would do this online. I think that maybe you could just ask someone to not look, I guess, right?

There is another, I won't show you this but if you want to have a look at it. For just individual quizzing, someone posted online this free PowerPoint quiz template that you go in and put the questions and the answers, and it's kind of like individualized self-quizzing. Sev different game sites that you can find on the OTAN website. There are lots of those Jeopardy games and so-on, some of those daytime game shows.

I like Quizziz. Kahoot-- honestly, I know everybody's used Kahoot so much, and a lot of you really love it. But I feel like a loser when I play Kahoot because only the fast people get to win, right? So I like Quizzez because it can be individual, at-your-own-pace homework, and it can also be a live game.

And some of you said Quizlet Live as well. Quizlet Live might be really tough, because usually how we play that is in the classroom, and students are coming together with their team. So try it, I don't know. I was going to try it today but I'm not going to. It scares me a little bit. I don't think it will work very well at a distance.

So let me show you, this is what Quizlet Live looks like. You go in, you can put a picture, or you can just put a sentence frame, and you can do multiple choice. It can be live or it can be individual. And this one is iQuizalize. And when you create your account and invite students, you can keep track of how students are doing so it gives you data. I haven't used it, I'm just telling you about it. All right. There are several games out there, and I think that could be a really fun way to keep our students engaged as well.

So I'm finishing up. I want you to keep in mind some of these key points from research-- not from my brain, but this is what the research says, that we need direction instruction for teaching vocabulary. We need to help students develop strategic communicative competence. So this is non-English speakers. So helping them learn ways to paraphrase, or teaching them those words and expressions, like what is the word for, OK? It's too easy for them to slip into their first language, especially when they're communicating with classmates.

Always need a context, a word list. Unless it's beginning ESL, all the words of, you know, things in the bedroom, context for that. So [audio out] really [audio out] picking vocabulary from articles that students were reading or videos that they're watching. We know this, and as someone said this in the beginning, I do, we do, then you do. So controlled practice first. So maybe that listening and repeating, matching, cloze, and then stepping back a little bit. Gradual release of control is what that's called. We step back to activities that allow students to use the target words in meaningful, personalized ways.

Make time for review in a systematic way with lots of repetition. Remember, they need five to 20 or more exposures. And just because they learn these words in week two doesn't mean they'll remember all of them in week eight, so, you know, recycling, reviewing. Remember that forgetting occurs soon after learning, so you need some activity right after you've taught this or it's going to be gone tomorrow.

Competitive, fun review-- games, motivational-- it forces them faster retrieval. And writing vocabulary in ones own sentences strengthens memory of target vocabulary through generative processing. We need to encourage in our students a love for learning words. So I signed up for a couple of different word of the day email lists, so I'm getting new words that I never even knew existed, like pulchritude. So we can encourage our students to sign up for some of these different list serves or email subscriptions. There are lots of apps and so-on.

And I think they still need to, even though there's so much technology, still need to have some way to keep this all together in maybe some sort of technology, like notes. But still, the old fashioned writing sometimes is the best thing that a lot of students can do that helps them remember better.

So our objectives today were to consider how to choose vocabulary to explicitly teach how we choose the words that we want to teach and need to teach, to learn and apply this six-step process, and to discover some new technology tools. Ideally, we would have practiced a lot more. But with the condition the way it is, with many of us on a meeting, it's a little bit hard, I realize.

So my goal for you was to walk away with at least one new idea. Did you? Are you going to walk away? So here's a final tool, in just a moment. Did we accomplish our goal? Did you come up with at least one new idea for teaching vocabulary? What is one new activity or technology tool that you're going to try in your class to help students learn, retain, and use vocabulary?

This is a great tool for exit tickets, could also be entry tickets-- Mentimeter-- so easy, free. If you want the full package, of course then you pay. But this is what you're going to do. You're going to go to and enter this code. If you have your phone you can scan the QR code here and it should take you right there. So the wonderful thing is, Menti creates a QR code for you.

So this one is often used in conferences to ask a large audience for questions. There are different ways the questions could be displayed. It be a word cloud, it could be multiple choice, it could be free text and so-on. So let me show you what happens. So I'm seeing your live entries here-- quizzes,,, Padlet, Thinglink, Quizzing, Quizzis, Padlet, Quizziz, Padlet-- oh, you like Padlet-- I'm glad. Memorize, Quizlet, Padlet, Visual Dictionary online, Linked-- oh, computer teacher, there we go. Maybe check that Merriam Webster visual dictionary. Maybe there's computer parts., Linked-- I see you really liked Quizzis, I'm glad.

Melinda Holt: And for the folks who couldn't get in, we've got Flipgrid, Padlet--

Kristi Reyes: Canva, Linked.

Melinda Holt: --Padlet, Live Worksheets.

Kristi Reyes: Awesome.

Melinda Holt: So, and before you went to the Menti, everyone was extolling your virtues and so many great new ideas.

Kristi Reyes: Oh good.

Melinda Holt: They-- this is a winner.

Kristi Reyes: OK. I just want to mention, don't jump into like 10 different things. Start first-- if you're going to be doing it online, start first with something you've used, your students know, you know. Then little by little, say to your students, I want to try something new. Are you guys with me? Come on, let's try something new. Go slowly. Don't do all 10 different things that you learned in two weeks, even. Go slowly.

Melinda Holt: OK.

Kristi Reyes: Thank you everybody. Wow. Lots of different things, but I see some recurring things, like Padlet. I think it's so easy, Padlet. OK. So, wow-- I really didn't think this would go for three hours. We're almost there. Well, we're at 3:30, but we're going to end soon and I'll take any of your questions. Again, this is the URL, it's the same. You can scan this QR code if you want to.

Once you go there-- I'm going to come back to this in just a minute. Let me just show you what it looks like. So if you want to, we're going to send out the link to the slides that you were viewing here. But if you go to the site, I also have the slides here. And they're embedded here, it's just a little slow. So the sites have that. And then the Resources tab has tons of different resources, some of which you saw, but many others as well. So that's the little site I created where you can find everything. And thank you so much for joining me today.