ANTHONY BURIK: OK. Susan, you ready? SUSAN GAER: Sure. ANTHONY BURIK: Hey, Susan. How do you feel about doing a two hour webinar right now? Ready to go? SUSAN GAER: Yeah. I'm kind of overwhelmed with the amount of people. ANTHONY BURIK: Sure. So maybe we just need to take a collective breath. Let's take-- SUSAN GAER: Remain calm. ANTHONY BURIK: Just breathe in. Breathe out. SUSAN GAER: And as most people know, I'm a very hands on type of trainer so it doesn't help-- I mean it's hard to be hands on with over 100 people, so I will go very slowly. And I will repeat things. And I will tell you one thing that I've done here. You might notice that my slides look really plain. And that's because this is one of the principles I want you to learn when you're working with low level people. They're probably using their phones. And so the less busy you can make your slides, the easier it is for your learner to follow along. So that is why my slides look very bare right now. And let me go through the objectives for today. Number one, I'm going to show you some tips and tricks for using Zoom with students. Now Zoom is on the-- it's really getting used a lot these days so it's not as smooth as it ever was before, but it's still for me the smoothest tool I know for conferencing. I'm going to give you some tips and tricks for class. We're going to have a-- we might. I don't know if we're going to get to three and four. But three is we have a discussion of the different learning management systems and how to choose the one that's right for you. And the last one is apps you can use with your students if we have time. So that's the plan for today. So let me just start with this slide here so this is a screen share of my phone. So I'm on Zoom. And you can see in the bottom right hand corner that's my video of me so my students can see me. And I was teaching at-- let's say I was teaching in the kitchen. So I want to get a picture in there, but you notice that I am using 30 point type. That is what you-- you can see this nice and clear. You can't see the Zoom stuff at the top, because that's really small. And my picture is really small but the 30 point type shows up really nicely. So this will be the size font that you would use on your slides if you're going to do a PowerPoint-- share your screen like I'm doing with you. If you're going to do this with your class, you want to have one picture on a slide, and 30 point type, and simplify, simplify, simplify. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan. SUSAN GAER: Oh, yes. ANTHONY BURIK: Sorry. We've already had a question. SUSAN GAER: OK. ANTHONY BURIK: Can you switch over to present mode so you can make the slides bigger? SUSAN GAER: OK. Yeah. I can do that. But I like to see my little notes at the bottom. OK. OK. So yeah. So you can see that this is my phone, because I took a screenshot from it so you could see that. And if you want to try doing Zoom, I would suggest using your phone as a way to see what the students are going to see, because most of our students will be using their phones. OK. So I'm going to go to the next slide. All right. So Zoom has a lot of settings. I think Zoom has too many settings. But there are settings in the app. This is the app itself. So your students will download the Zoom app. And it's easy to get on their phones. And it doesn't take up a lot of space. And you will have all of these different settings in there. So one thing that I love here is that you can touch up your appearance. And it takes out most of your wrinkles, not all of them. So you can actually-- and then mirror my video. That will allow them to see you at the same time that you're screen sharing. And I keep it at the original ratio. But if you have a lot of students on tablets, maybe you want to do widescreen. I don't know. You don't want to enable HD right now because we're already having bandwidth problems on Zoom and HD takes more bandwidth. So you have to go through all of these settings. And you have to decide which ones you're going to use. And it's quite a few settings so I would suggest just taking some time. Go to your app. And then you know the little setting button on your Zoom? There's the little gear, G-E-A-R. That is where you always go for your settings. You'll see that in the app. So just telling you. OK. Now I'm going to show you the settings on the web version. There's a lot of settings. This is one of the problems. And you've got to go through them all. So take some time. Imagine that you're going to take some time to go through all the different settings. Oops. Sorry. I went too fast. OK. Let's go back. All right. So this is your web settings. And here you go to as you can see on the top here. and you will have meeting schedules. You will have in-meeting basic and in-meeting advance and then how you want your students emailed. And I always suggest that you start with your host video on and your participants' video off, because that way you can manage the bandwidth. And then you have telephone and computer, because many of your students may be calling in if they don't have internet. This is another good thing about Zoom. If they don't have access to good internet, they can use their phone to just call in. They just can't see your slides. So you need to go through all of those settings. Now one of the really nice things-- and I'm hoping that you all know how to get to Zoom and get on to Zoom. I'll give a pause there. And I'm going to start another poll. No I'm not. I'm going to go on. OK. So Zoom has a lot of resources. It has different settings for computer screen sharing, tablet screen share, and phone. And the reason why it has so many different choices is because the real estate is much smaller on a phone. And I'm going to show you what annotation can do in a second because it's very valuable when you're teaching ESL students to be able to highlight and annotate stuff. So let's go back to the kitchen. And let me start an annotation for you. And I'm going to use the draw. And I'm going to take a circle. And I'm going to go, what is this? And somebody will answer, it's a microwave. And then I might do this. And I can type in the word microwave, but not in blue. So we're going to change that color to-- and I'm going to show you this in a minute when we go back to the-- black doesn't work either. Let's try red. Find a color that works with where you are. Oops. If that was my student, I would help them. Yes. There we go. So you can actually write. And you can circle things. And you can point to things. And you can use an arrow. And so it's really useful when you're working with a picture to have students practice and to show them where they are. So let me go back to the annotation screen now so you can see. Let me clear that. I'm clearing my drawing so that my kitchen is clean now. And going back to my mouse. And I'm going to stop the annotation. And I'm going to tell you why I did all of those things. Let me go back-- oops, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. There. OK. So what I used-- I was on my computer screen. So I was using my Draw tool to make the circle. And I was using my Text tool to write the text. And then I used my Clear tool to erase everything on the screen. Erase will just erase what you did. Clear will clear everything. Now the one thing about annotation is when you finish annotating, it kind of like is a stop motion of your video that you're doing in Zoom. You have to X out of here to get out of that stop motion. So there is that X button. So with this, you can do that. You can show a mouse. The spotlight is really nice. Let me take you back and show you what the spotlight will do. These are very useful tools for low level ESL so that the students can kind of follow along with you. OK. Let me go back to annotate. Let's show the spotlight. So this is-- oh, that's not the spotlight. This is the spotlight. Here we go. So this is the spotlight. Kind of makes-- microwave, stove, dishwasher, curtain, cabinet, counter, floor. So this is kind of nice to show where you are. There is also under the spotlight, it has an arrow. So if you wanted to do an arrow, you could have an arrow. So let me X out-- clear. ANTHONY BURIK: So Susan, this is Anthony. Just a reminder. We can't see your toolbar. SUSAN GAER: Right. ANTHONY BURIK: We can only see you doing what you're doing. SUSAN GAER: That's why I have this here. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. You're going back and forth. SUSAN GAER: Yeah. ANTHONY BURIK: So again, as Susan explained, she's trying to show you some of the different tools that you can use for the students. SUSAN GAER: Yes. Because the toolbars do not show up when I'm screen sharing. We've learned this from a few days ago, so I made everything-- I took screenshots of everything. So I was using the spotlight tool. When you click on the spotlight tool, you'll get the ability to use the arrow. And I think those are the most useful for when you're teaching. And now if you can see down on the phone one, you have the spotlight. You have a pen. You have a highlighter. But that's it. You don't have any of the stamps, or the draw, or any of that. And of course, on a tablet, it's all about screen real estate. There's only so much space. So on a tablet, you get all of these things. And it doesn't matter what tablet. It can be iOS or Android. You'll have these choices here on the annotation. And annotation, if you're going to be sharing a picture with your class, annotation is really important. Do I have any questions about annotation before I move on to another thing? ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, there was a request to maybe do that annotation example one more time. SUSAN GAER: OK. ANTHONY BURIK: But again we're getting some questions about-- I think that maybe there's a little bit of confusion on where the students are. Are they working on their phones, and/or are they working on computers, or tablets, or what? SUSAN GAER: That is actually one of my poll questions. Let's find out where you guys are. Let me end this poll. 14 people. Good. So most of us are beginning. I'm guessing the others-- let me share this with you-- share the results so you can see your results. I guess the other's probably multi-level. So I'm going to stop sharing this poll. And I do have another poll for you so you can figure out-- we can see where you guys are, because I think your students are going to be all over the board with what devices they're using. So let me go to poll number two. ANTHONY BURIK: And Susan, there was a question. So it's not that the students are necessarily doing the annotation. It's the teacher who's doing the annotation. Is that right? SUSAN GAER: In this case. Yes. In this case. But I am going to show you another way to have your students do annotations. But in this case-- see, most of us are on computers. This is the case I've seen all week. Most of your students will probably not be. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. Susan, some of the folks are not able to see the polls. SUSAN GAER: Why is that? ANTHONY BURIK: There was a comment that somebody can't see the poll on their phone. SUSAN GAER: Oh. Well, that's interesting. I don't-- ANTHONY BURIK: So maybe on a mobile device the polling is not showing-- the poll's not showing. SUSAN GAER: Let me find that answer out. I'm asking Zoom that question right now with a phone. ANTHONY BURIK: And some people are not seeing the poll even if they're on a computer. SUSAN GAER: OK. ANTHONY BURIK: I wonder if-- SUSAN GAER: It says here I have to put it in the desktop client-- that people on phones can use the poll. So this is what happened. When we went into-- let me go back, because this is actually a really good thing to talk about. Let me go back to the management. On this page here, the setting, there is a setting for you to allow people on a mobile device to take polls. And we didn't set it so you can't take a poll if you're on a mobile device. So that's why most of us are on computers, because if you're on the mobile device, you might not be able to see the poll because we didn't set the setting, which is, I'm sorry, here. It's probably in advance-- in-meeting advanced. So once again, that's something we just learned, which is it's all been about learning. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, I'm wondering, too, for some folks on computers, I'm wondering if the poll window opened up maybe behind the Zoom screen. So you may want to check, if you go up on a Mac, go up to the Window tab. And it should tell you how many windows and what windows you have opened. So maybe see if the poll window opened up maybe behind another screen or something. SUSAN GAER: And if you can't, I'm just curious because some people are on the phone and they're polling. So I don't know how that's happening. But if you're not able to poll, is it too much Anthony if somebody just types like no on the chat pod so we can see how many people don't see it? ANTHONY BURIK: Oh yeah. We've been getting comments about people who can't see it. SUSAN GAER: OK. Because some people can see it, because I've got 5% of the people who are using a phone. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. SUSAN GAER: So some people can see it. AUDIENCE: Susan, this is Marisol in San Francisco. I asked this question yesterday at a Zoom training. And apparently if you are in a Zoom app versus a web-based Zoom interface, you have different functionality. SUSAN GAER: Correct. AUDIENCE: And that is the reason why sometimes polls do not show up. SUSAN GAER: Yes. And it says here that I need to make sure that I activate the poll on this web settings. And I did not. So that's probably part of the problem. So I'm going to share this with you just so you can see it. Also, one of the problems with polling is that only paid users can poll. And I wonder how many of you are getting a paid account of Zoom to use. So that's another thing to think about. Polling is great, but you can use other apps for polling if you want to poll your students. All right. So as we were saying, did we want to annotate again? Is that what we wanted to do, Anthony? ANTHONY BURIK: Yes. There were a couple of requests to maybe just show some of the basic annotation things that you showed us. SUSAN GAER: So just remember, they're different on different devices. So if you have a computer, you're going to get all of this. If you have a phone, you're only going to get the bottom over here. So let me go back and I'll show you. I'll go back and show you. Here's my kitchen. OK. And I'm going to go to my annotate. Let me stop sharing the poll. AUDIENCE: Hey Susan. SUSAN GAER: Yeah. AUDIENCE: This is Lisa. I just wanted to let chime in real quick because I'm doing the Zoom on my phone this time instead of my computer. And it's a lot of trial and error, because there's different ways to get to certain things on the phone. And so sometimes you're swiping going back to a page or looking at your screen. SUSAN GAER: Yeah. I have that later on. I have that later. OK. Just in case other people on the phone and they're little bit confused why they can't see certain things or they can't remember how to get back to the chat or something. SUSAN GAER: OK. Yeah, yeah. I should actually have-- I have a slide on that. ANTHONY BURIK: And, Susan-- SUSAN GAER: Yeah. ANTHONY BURIK: So you have a screenshot of the annotation bar, but again, can you tell us how-- where-- how does the annotation bar show up? SUSAN GAER: OK. So on you see my slide here where you have me share-- I have the share screen, and it says-- Stop Share. Right above that, you see the little thing that says-- Annotate. If you click on that annotate, you will get your annotate toolbar, which you cannot see because I'm screen sharing. But you saw it on that other slide. So maybe what I should do-- maybe what I should do, Anthony, is I should bring that other Annotate Bar on this slide so that people can see what it's going to look like. Because you can see the word Annotate on this slide, and you click on that or push it if you're on your phone, and then you get the bar. ANTHONY BURIK: OK. So you're signed into it-- you're signed into your Zoom room as a host, and then annotate is something that shows up on the bar. SUSAN GAER: Yes. Let me-- I don't-- yeah. You're not going to see it. But you might-- do you see it as a co-host? ANTHONY BURIK: Do I see it as a co-host? SUSAN GAER: Let me go back to small for a minute because I really want it-- I want to take this bar here and copy it into the other slide to make it easier for people to understand. I can see that I've been doing some messy stuff here. OK. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. Actually, Susan, I have it. And I think actually, our folks, our participants also have it too. I think this is one of the problems that we run into is that people accidentally hit the entity and then they start drawing all over the screen. SUSAN GAER: OK. Well, that's cool. I can clear it. So let me go back to annotate. Let me clear it. Not a problem. Clear-- this one's not clear. And clear all drawing. OK. So yeah. So this is the Annotate here. And so I'm going to go up to Annotate and then I'm going to have this bar up here, on a phone I have fewer items. And then I can do-- so let me show you again, spotlight-- this is like a big mouth. I really like this. It's really easy to see-- plants, sink, faucet, hand towel, which is very important these days, canister. I can teach as much as I want on this picture, and just have students repeat-- I can-- and then if I want, I can have them-- I can have them-- oops, sorry. I got to stop this one. And then I'm going to take an arrow. Now, the arrow is also under the spotlight button. Of course, now-- hold on. I have to stop this for now and go back to my slide. Please feel free to annotate away. So you can play around with it. I don't mind. I can clear the screen quite quickly. There you go. Let's try to annotate. Try some text in there. Try writing on the picture something. Like like you're teaching students and you want them to know the word. There you go. Thank you. All right. So everybody's doing very good with the annotation. You can see how useful this can be with an ESL class. And shall I now clear it? Cause everybody's having fun with it. That's great. Let's clear it. Clear all drawings. OK. I think we're done. We'll just move on. I think everybody understands annotating, Anthony. But I have to stop. The one thing you need to remember about annotate that I always forget, is that you have to hit that X when you're done, or you continue to be annotating. OK. So let's go forward. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan? SUSAN GAER: Yes? ANTHONY BURIK: Question. Would you happen to know why some-- for some of us-- some people aren't able to actually bring up annotate? Is there any reason why some of us can and others of us can't? SUSAN GAER: I don't-- ANTHONY BURIK: Any ideas on that? SUSAN GAER: No ideas on that. Is it-- can we ask what device-- the people who cannot annotate, what device are you on? ANTHONY BURIK: Somebody said he or she is on a Mac-- Macs, laptops, Mac laptops, Chromebooks-- SUSAN GAER: No, they should have annotate. ANTHONY BURIK: --MacBook Airs. Some people-- someone said a PC, a couple PCs, IMAX. Yes. So all kinds of devices. SUSAN GAER: That's weird. ANTHONY BURIK: It may be that-- maybe people aren't looking in the right place for it? SUSAN GAER: Yeah. Let me go back to my kitchen. I got to stop annotating again. OK. Let me go back to my kitchen. It's not really my kitchen. And this-- you see the Stop Share, and then you see the green with the room number, and right above that there's that word Annotate. And if it's not there, you might want to click on those three buttons, the three dots where it says More, and see if Annotate's in there. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, also a few options is a drop down from which is next to the green bar that says-- you're viewing Susan Gaer screen. SUSAN GAER: Few options? ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. There's a dropdown. I think everybody has it. So it says-- View Options. And I think depending on-- well-- you can size your window, you can-- it looks like an annotated showing up for everyone as well. SUSAN GAER: Yeah. People are annotating away. So I think they get it. ANTHONY BURIK: It could just be that folks weren't quite sure where that-- SUSAN GAER: Right. But it looks like-- I mean, it looks like all 300 people around it stopped [INTERPOSING VOICES] NEDA ANASSERI: --we do have a comment that when asked, Zoom-- about differences and functionalities-- they told this particular user to remind learners to make sure they have the latest version of Zoom on their phones or on their laptops. SUSAN GAER: Yes. And probably if they download Zoom now, they will have that. We've got to stop annotating. Clear viewers drives. And, Victoria, I'm not going to give you remote control of my shared content. So I will decline that. So going back here, we're going to move on from annotation. But I have to keep clearing all this. Clear Viewer's Drawings. Oh, what happened here? NEDA ANASSERI: OK, class, we're going to stop annotating. [LAUGHTER] So everybody, take your hand off the annotation button. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, you have to make sure that you teach the word annotate first, so people understand what you want them to do. SUSAN GAER: Correct. And I actually have a slide like that. But we're not getting anywhere because we're still annotating [LAUGHS]. ANTHONY BURIK: So, Susan, again just a reminder, if people want to stop annotating, look for the annotate bar that has all the commands. And there should be a little red X in one of the corners-- either upper right or upper left corner of the bar-- and that concludes annotate. SUSAN GAER: Correct. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. SUSAN GAER: So let me clear again. Clear one more time. Clear all drawings. OK, we're clear. Now we have something else going on here. How did this get here? Hold on a second. I'm just going to-- no, we're not stopping the annotation yet. So let me go to the next-- we've got annotation down. I feel confident that you guys know how to annotate, which is great because it's good for ESL students. So now I have again teaching the students-- you need to teach students new vocabulary. There is new critical vocabulary. Probably annotate is one of those I should have for the next session. But also you need to teach the students what mute means. And you need to teach them unmute. And in the CATESOL workshops that we've been doing, we had a teacher from Guatemala. And he said mute in Spanish is silencia. But there's nothing for unmute except no silencia. He didn't really-- his English was so good. I don't think he knew how to translate the unmute. It was just interesting. So I actually have a screenshot here to show the students that this audio-- this is on the phone-- is muted. And this is not muted. So this way you can teach them to mute and unmute. And I have an activity here. And, Anthony, I'm going to let you ask one person to unmute her microphone and say, hello. We're not going to do, everybody in the class. But Anthony, pick two people. And where it says, Marc asked Michelda to unmute her microphone, you're going to put two different participants in there. ANTHONY BURIK: So Alisa T, mute your microphone. SUSAN GAER: No. Alisa T, ask-- ANTHONY BURIK: Oh, I'm sorry. Alisa T, please ask another student to mute their microphone. SUSAN GAER: Well I think everybody's muted. So unmute. ANTHONY BURIK: Oh, OK. SUSAN GAER: One more time, Anthony. It's a good student [LAUGHS]. ANTHONY BURIK: I'll get it. Third time's the charm, right? SUSAN GAER: Yeah. ANTHONY BURIK: Alisa, you're unmuted, right? Alisa? Yeah. SUSAN GAER: She's muted. AUDIENCE: Oh, I'm muted? ANTHONY BURIK: No. Don't touch anything. Alisa T, please-- now I forgot what I'm doing. Alisa T, please ask another student to mute their microphone? SUSAN GAER: Unmute. ANTHONY BURIK: Unmute their microphone. SUSAN GAER: Thank you. And say, hello. AUDIENCE: Let's see here. SUSAN GAER: Just pick somebody. ANTHONY BURIK: Alisa? You need-- AUDIENCE: Can you hear me? ANTHONY BURIK: Yes. AUDIENCE: Christina Letch please unmute your microphone. SUSAN GAER: And say, hello. No? Say hello after you unmute. Go ahead. Say hello. I can hear you a little bit. Maybe we ask somebody else. So-- NEDA ANASSERI: How about this. How about Adrian, can you please unmute and say hello? AUDIENCE: Hello everybody, this is Adrian. SUSAN GAER: Adrian, ask Anthony to mute his microphone. ADRIAN: Anthony, can you please mute your microphone? ANTHONY BURIK: Yes, I can. SUSAN GAER: So this is what you want to do in your classroom because even us-- you can unmute now, Anthony, because you need to talk. You need to practice this. I would say the first class you have with the students, just have the whole class go through and do this activity where they mute and unmute. CHRISTINA: Saying hello? SUSAN GAER: Yes. Yay. That's Christina, right? AUDIENCE: (Inaudible) . SUSAN GAER: So you want to do this activity with your class and have each-- we can't do it with 200 people. But I would do this with my entire class and have each person mute and unmute, mute and unmute, and when you finish this practice, they're going to know how to do it. Correct? AUDIENCE: Hello. AUDIENCE: Hello? SUSAN GAER: Hello. AUDIENCE: That's Christina [LAUGHS]. ANTHONY BURIK: Yay. SUSAN GAER: Yay. [LAUGHTER] AUDIENCE: I was clicking on the wrong microphone. SUSAN GAER: Well that's a learning experience, right? AUDIENCE: Right. SUSAN GAER: Yeah. So once you teach them how to mute and mute their microphone, then you have to teach them how to turn on and off their video. And on Zoom it says Stop Video. So that's the words I'm going to use with my students. So we're not going to do this with everybody. But just to show you that you can do it, may I say, Cindy, would you please ask-- hold on. I just lost my list of people. Let me find people. I will do this one. Cindy-- is it Cindy? AUDIENCE: Yes. SUSAN GAER: Cindy, would you please ask Armando to turn on his video? CINDY: Armando, can you please turn on your video? SUSAN GAER: It's Armando Duerte. See he did that. Very good. So go ahead, Armando, can you please-- you need to unmute your microphone so you can talk to somebody. You can turn off your video. And then please ask Adrian to turn on her video. ARMANDO: Adrian, can you please turn on your video? SUSAN GAER: So this is exactly what I wanted to show you, is that you can actually practice this with your class. That they can learn how to turn on and off their video because I know we can't do this with 200 people. But you really need to see your students. So when you talk to them, you ask them to turn on their video. And then they can talk. And then they turn it back off. So any questions about teaching these critical words annotate, mute, unmute, and stop video, and turn on video? AUDIENCE: Can I interrupt for one moment? SUSAN GAER: Uh-huh. AUDIENCE: I'm a complete beginner. And we've gone straight to the specifics. And to tell you the truth, I have no idea what we're doing. [LAUGHS] So you asked at the beginning, do we know how to get to Zoom and start an account. I'm just wondering if we could back up for one moment just to talk about the overall purpose or how to get where we are. SUSAN GAER: Absolutely. So to get Zoom, you just got to And I'm signed in here, but you can get a free account. And you do that by registering-- actually let me stop sharing, and I'll take you there. ANTHONY BURIK: And, Susan, even more basic, so why would we as a teacher use Zoom? SUSAN GAER: So that you can do your face-to-face part of your class, that your students are dying for you to talk to them. And that is why I would use Zoom. So I'm going to share the Zoom screen with you in a second. AUDIENCE: Hear me? SUSAN GAER: Yeah, I can hear you. ALISA T: I'm sorry. This is Alisa. I'm so sorry. As soon as I went to go do the activity with Anthony, my phone froze. It just got me out of Zoom. And then my computer froze. And this happened in another session that I was at. And I don't know how you guys resolved not hearing me or not having me in the activity. But it's probably a good teaching moment too for all of us because it's going to happen with our students too. SUSAN GAER: Correct. AUDIENCE: They're going to have troubles with their devices and things like that. And how do we work through that? SUSAN GAER: Correct. And so one thing I want to say is just because you're learners are beginning level doesn't mean they can't do this stuff. This has really nothing to do with language. This has to do with learning to be more tech savvy. And your students may actually be more tech savvy than you are. So it's not a problem with them being low level in language. So here-- sign up-- it's free-- that's where you go. You go there. And I can't do it because I have too many Zoom accounts as it is. But you just sign up here. And if you have a Google account, sign in with Google because then you don't need to remember your password. It just uses your Google account. And then after you do that-- and Anthony answer if you think you can answer this. Does this app show up automatically? Or do you have to-- you don't go anywhere to download. It's just like when I got an account, it said Download the App. And I did. ANTHONY BURIK: I've had it on my phone for a while. And I don't remember exactly what happened. I might have downloaded an app though. SUSAN GAER: Yeah. On the phone-- when you give your students the link to Zoom-- and they-- so let me show you this, actually. I'm going to sign in just so you can see. Once you get an account you can sign in. And I can't really signing with this account. I can't sign in with that account I can try this account. I'm not going to go to a room. I'm just going to sign in. Let's try this account. So here is where you schedule your meeting. So you schedule a new meeting. And then you're going to say, My English Class. Or you can even put your name. Your students-- however they know you-- that's what you want to use here. And then classroom meeting. And then put the date in. Let's say it's on the 27th. And it's 3:00 PM. I want to talk about the time duration. I don't suggest if you have a three-hour class that you have a three hour Zoom meeting. I think if you have a one-hour meeting-- and you just get the students communicating with each other-- that's great. So let's just keep it at one hour. And then this is really important-- meeting ID. If you go here to personal meeting ID, this is the same room. Your students are going to go to the same room every time. And once you get them in the room the first time, they'll be able to come back to that room because it's always going to be the same number. So I would make sure that you select personal meaning ID. And no password because that's just another barrier to the students. And I would suggest turning off all this stuff so they cannot use their video. You want to be on though because they need to see you. Turn the video off. And you can have the audio both computer and telephone because some of your students may call in. And remember if you're just doing a conversation practice with them, you can actually have them call in. And they won't see the screen. But they'll be able to talk to the class. And then you save it. And I'm not going to save it. AUDIENCE: Can I say something really quickly? SUSAN GAER: Uh-huh. AUDIENCE: If you create a Zoom account with your school email account, you get unlimited time. SUSAN GAER: Correct. For 30 days. I don't know if it's going to be forever. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan? SUSAN GAER: Yes? ANTHONY BURIK: Do you happen to know what ConferZoom is? SUSAN GAER: Yes. ANTHONY BURIK: So there's a couple of questions about the ConferZoom. Could you just quickly describe the difference? SUSAN GAER: ConferZoom is the community college non-credit Zoom room. And it's a professional meeting room. But it's owned by the chancellor's office. And the chancellor has-- the Community College of California has bought into Zoom big time. So if your students know that room, you can use that. You don't need your-- you don't need to get a free Zoom account. You can just use the other one. But you need to know your password and your username to get into that confer room. And if you don't know it, There? Is a help desk the community college you can ask. NEDA ANASSERI: Another question, Susan, is do your students have to download Zoom. SUSAN GAER: When you give them the meeting ID-- and I'm going to show you-- so after I finish here-- let me just continue a little bit. I'm not going to save it. But let's just pretend I save it. Then it's going to take me to my Google Calendar-- because I told it to-- when you first set up your Zoom account, it'll ask you what kind of calendar you want to go to. And here I have a Zoom meeting. This is the one let's say I sent in. Then you can go here. And you can actually invite your students one by one this way. And they will get a link that will tell them where to go and tell them-- and all they need to do-- they'll get a link in their email. And they just click on it. And it will take them to your Zoom room. So you don't have to do anything more than schedule the meeting and then give them the email-- or some people have been using WhatsApp, which is a text program. And some people have been using Remind to get these links out to their students. If you're currently using Remind, you can just text them the link to the room. And like I said, once they've done it once, it's always the same room. So it'll be easy for them to get on. And when they push on that link, it'll take them to the Zoom room. And they'll probably say, you need to download the app. Press here. You press there. And it downloads the app for you. It's very simple. I had my students doing this. And it's very simple. They just need to push on the phone. It'd be nicer if you could be there to show them how to get the app. But since you can't, it won't be that hard. And if it is you can just talk to the student individually and help them through the situation. Does that help? NEDA ANASSERI: I'd like to also let you know that if even if we needed a more specific Zoom assistance, there's always the OTAN office hours as well, in addition to maybe looking into a Zoom basics for those of you who want to understand where to start. So, Anthony, just remind everybody of the OTAN office hours. ANTHONY BURIK: Yes. so currently we have them scheduled for three days a week-- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday starts at 1 o'clock. Wednesday starts at 4 o'clock. And Friday starts at 10 o'clock. And if you go to the home page-- we'll have that schedule posted up again. There. SUSAN GAER: So I think I'll just move on. So now we need to teach the students how to use the chat box, which you all see. You have a chat box. So let's take a look at your chat box. If you go to your chat boxes, everybody-- you go to the More. And you'll see chat. Yeah, I see somebody keeps getting kicked off. So I want to answer Amy's question. Literacy students-- I made a very clear description in here that this is not for literacy students. If you have literacy students-- I don't know how many you have-- but if you have a whole class, you're going to have to do something else. I don't recommend doing this with literacy students, necessarily. But beginning low, I do it with all the time. So you take them very slowly through these. Don't think you're going to get through-- you might get one class. And you just do mute and unmute. That's it. Second class you do record, stop video. Turn on video, stop video-- that's a whole class. And you have the students practicing and talking. Ask them how they are doing. And that's all you do. But getting kicked off of poor connection is because we were not ready for this virus. [LAUGHS] That's all I can say. And everybody's using the same program at the same time. And Zoom is overwhelmed themselves. But it works the best there is. And so try to have a positive mind frame. And think to yourself, your students can do this. I really believe in positive mindset. If you think they can do something, and you are optimistic about it, they can do it. ANTHONY BURIK: Hey, Susan? Sorry. SUSAN GAER: Yes? ANTHONY BURIK: I'm just watching the comments in the chat. So maybe as a suggestion, maybe the first step is actually to try to send a video to your students. That's probably a whole different lesson. But some sort of-- we need to reach out to these students some way. And I'm not sure that emailing people or texting people is going to get it, especially with the language. So maybe it's the super simple video or something like that. SUSAN GAER: Actually I think texting is probably the best. That seems to work the best with me and with my students because they all have text. And I want to tell you, this text-- so I used Remind when I was teaching-- religiously. And my students were comfortable with texting. And sometimes my low students wouldn't read the text. But their kids would read it. And I think it was fine. One of the questions was, did you guys do your homework? That's what I'd text them all the time. Have you done your homework? It's Sunday. Tomorrow's school. And we want make sure you're done with your homework. And the kids said to the mom, Mom, it's time to do our homework. And so that's important. So I really think texting-- video is more complicated. I would start with texting. Text them the link. Have them push the link. They'll open themselves up into the Zoom room. And you'll be there looking at them. Hi, students. They'll love it. So one lesson you're going to teach them about muting and unmuting. Another lesson you're going to teach them about video. And you're going to go slow. And you're going to take your time. And you're not going to just throw content at them. You're going to have them do stuff. And it might be small amounts of things. And so that's what I would suggest. And then chatting is texting. So you can easily teach your students how to use a chat box and how to talk to them. So let's take a look at the chat again because that's where I was here. And I use the chat box to type in key things to my students. So I might say to them, how-- and this is important in these days-- how are you feeling? And let this class answer. And you need to show them how to get the chat box. So how would you teach them that? Does anybody want to answer the question? What would you do to teach them where the chat box is? AUDIENCE: It's down in the bottom. Share your screen. SUSAN GAER: And you just see Chat, right? AUDIENCE: Mm-hmm. SUSAN GAER: And so you tell them to click on Chat. And then ask them, what does Chat mean? And then they learn the word chat, which is not a word that we would normally teach a beginning level student. But now they'll learn it. [LAUGHS] And they'll be able to talk. So you can have your students introduce themselves. You can use the chat box type key points. And I really like-- and I don't know if you guys know about this. If you click on the three dots in your chat box-- no it's not there. Where is it that I want to-- I can send you a picture. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, are you asking about getting the transcript? SUSAN GAER: No. I want to know the raise hand thing-- I'm not seeing it right now-- where you raise your hand? ANTHONY BURIK: You have to be in the participant window, I believe. SUSAN GAER: Oh, OK. Oh yeah, right. Thank you. So in the participant window, there is a place for the students to tell you to go faster or go slower. So everybody click on Participants. And then you'll see yes, no, go slower, go faster, and more. And there's thumbs up, thumbs down, clapping, coffee break, and break time. So I have the students play a game, where I ask them, who can say yes the fastest? And I have them all trying to say yes right away. So go ahead and let's see who can say yes the fastest. AUDIENCE: Yes. SUSAN GAER: No you have to do the-- you have to use the emoji yes. So go to your participants box. And then when you're at the bottom, you'll see yes, no, go slower-- oh, I see a lot of yeses here. Very good. So now I'm going to be speaking like this. And I would like you to tell me what to do because I'm really speaking really fast. So what are you going to do to make me speak slower? So do you all see that you can see what's going on so that students can practice using this? And the More button. Give me a thumbs up, please. Very good. And so this is the kind of stuff-- it's fun. It makes your students interact with you. And I would say let's teach them how to use these tools. And they're going to be-- I heard from the governor-- he did a briefing on Tuesday that-- he's saying all schools are going to be closed for the rest of the year. Yes. So we're going to have to teach our students how to communicate this way. And their kids are going to be communicating this way. And it's going to go for at least the rest of the year. The governor even said something about maybe the following year as well. So the small steps you take now this year to teach your students how to do these kinds of activities, you're going to give them so much more learning than if you just learned out of a book. So take this opportunity to really think about how we can all get more digitally literate. And that way we'll increase all of our abilities, including your students because maybe after this experience, more jobs will be done remotely. So we need to teach them this stuff. It's time. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan? SUSAN GAER: Yes. ANTHONY BURIK: So I think there's a couple of questions as you were doing that activity about-- our students all have all kinds of different devices, right? SUSAN GAER: Mm-hmm. ANTHONY BURIK: So how do we make sure that everybody is able to actually do all of these activities no matter what kind of device they have? SUSAN GAER: Great question. And that's why I have these two pictures up here because the top-- so let me go to the Annotate button again. This top bar here-- Audio, Video, Share, Participants, and More-- this is the phone version. And over here this is the computer version. So the phone version-- to mute and unmute is here. The video is here. The share-- to share your screen-- I wouldn't recommend having your students share a screen. But to do this yes, no, go slower, go faster, it's this Participants menu. And then the chat is on the three dots, where you click More. So I see the question about Zoom in the native language. There might be-- if you check the website, they might have some tutorials in the native language. But I really think using your English and teaching your students to do this in English together as a class is a worthy thing. We really need to let them know how to communicate online. How does a student show a real object in Zoom? That would be using your video. They would have to use their video. And you can even show-- my video's on, isn't it? Anthony, is my video on? ANTHONY BURIK: It should be. SUSAN GAER: Maybe it's not. Let me check. I'm going to stop sharing for a moment. And my video's off. I'm going to put my video on. And now I'm going to share again because I want you to see how you can do things with video. So here we go. I'm going to show my students how to use their phones. This is a portrait phone. And this is a landscape phone. So now Laurel, would you turn on your video? Oh, wait a minute. AUDIENCE: I'm trying. But my laptop just cannot find the camera right now even though the camera is in the laptop [LAUGHS]. SUSAN GAER: So that's something you'll want to fix when you get out of the class here. AUDIENCE: Definitely. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, can you switch back to your live screen? We're still seeing your slides. SUSAN GAER: Oh, sorry. Now you see me? ANTHONY BURIK: Yes. SUSAN GAER: So let's try, Kathy, can you turn your video on? Oh, I see you have a video on. But I don't see you. There we go. Hi, Kathy. Oh, we have two Kathy. NEDA ANASSERI: We have a couple of Kathys. We have maybe three Kathys. SUSAN GAER: So one of you-- if you could show us-- do you have a phone with you, one of you guys? You're muted. You have to unmute. Yeah, unmute. so we can talk to you. AUDIENCE: I'm unmuted now. SUSAN GAER: So show us your phone. Can you show me portrait mode? AUDIENCE: Portrait Mode. Like photos in a book? SUSAN GAER: No. Just show me your portrait mode. AUDIENCE: Duh. SUSAN GAER: That's landscape. So show me-- yeah, there you go. AUDIENCE: Oh, this way? OK. SUSAN GAER: Right. So this is all you can do this with-- so now what I want you to do, Kathy-- one of you or all three of you-- go ahead and see if-- are you on Zoom with your phone? Or are you-- AUDIENCE: No. SUSAN GAER: Your all on computer? So you can actually have your students post a photo from Zoom on their phone from their phone. So I'm going to show you how to do that. I'm going to click on File. And I'm going to go to My Computer. And I'm going to find a photo. This is the one I'm using because I can no longer do my volunteer work anymore. And I'm going to share a photo with you. Let's see. Here we go. AUDIENCE: So I could take a photo? SUSAN GAER: Yeah, you could take a photo with your phone and send it. Or-- you can just go ahead to the file on your chat window. And you can-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] SUSAN GAER: --on your phone. ANTHONY BURIK: So everyone, the photo has shown up in the chat. Now what we're learning is that not everybody necessarily-- depending on your device-- can actually see-- or sorry, can download that photo or access the photo. SUSAN GAER: You can't just double click on it? ANTHONY BURIK: No. Susan, sorry, for some devices, they actually can't see it. SUSAN GAER: Oh. ANTHONY BURIK: It doesn't show up in the chat. This is something that we we're having trouble with in some of our previous webinars. We posted some of the slides at the end of the session. But some people actually couldn't see it because of the device that they had. And it tended to be iPhones and tablets, iPads-- SUSAN GAER: Older versions, maybe? ANTHONY BURIK: No, even newer versions. Melinda said something about two different-- Mac laptops and the i-devices have two different operating systems. And for some reason on iPads and iPhones, it doesn't always come up. SUSAN GAER: So then we would have to share it another way. And let me show you what the other way is to share. So we go here. And then we would share it from your computer. AUDIENCE: But it's on my phone. SUSAN GAER: So you should be able to share-- on your phone you should be able to share a photo, correct, Anthony? She can share a photo. And we can see it. I'm sure we can see it. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. If you have a photo on your phone, and then you hold it up to the screen, then we can see it. Sure. SUSAN GAER: We can see it that way. This is another option. You can share this way by just bringing it up in the share screen here. I know, it sounds like a lot. But-- AUDIENCE: Awkward. I think they haven't perfected this piece yet. SUSAN GAER: Yeah, the computer piece. [LAUGHTER] The photo piece. And I think it's because the iPhones use a proprietary photo-- something like that-- whereas Android is more open. AUDIENCE: Oh, OK. SUSAN GAER: So the other thing we were going to do is-- I was going to show you how to share your screen so that you can have students share screens with each other. So you can share your screen. So here I have one. And I have iOS. And I have Android. You can see they're different. Let me get the bigger Present button here. So this is an Android phone here. Let me go to annotate so you can actually see-- ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, sorry, let me just interrupt for a second. Katherine Bartch would you mind just turning off your video? Thank you. SUSAN GAER: So this is the Android. And then this is the iPhone. And the iPhone says, share content. And the Android just says, share. So when you click on Share, you get this box on the Android. And you get this box on the iPhone. So again they're all different. But you can have your students share photos this way, maybe. So that's another way. And I would have my students try. And you'll find out who can share and who can't this way. And then you'll make accommodations once you find out the situation. And again I know it's not ideal. It's better if you could be in the classroom with them showing them this stuff. But we can't. So we go slow. And maybe you have one class on where you figure out who can share what so that you can start figuring well, Ramon can't share photos because he's on an iPhone. But he can share a Google doc. Or he can share a reading. Or he can share some thoughts by typing. So that's what you need to figure out. I wanted to-- I don't see the web whiteboard on the iPhone iOS click button. But I'm going to make a whiteboard. So we can actually see what a whiteboard does because that's another way for you to actually work with your students. So let me stop the annotation. And let me get you a whiteboard. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, while you're doing that, there's a question in the chat from Laurel that I don't quite understand. It's, Susan, can you teach us how you got the shots at the different devices and where you put them? SUSAN GAER: Oh, that was just a screenshot from the web. I just went to And I went to look up-- well let me show you, actually. That's a good question. So let me go back to-- I'm going to show you that. Hold on. So let me get rid of this. And let's go-- I don't want to get rid of that. Let's get rid of this. This is actually something good to show everybody. So this is the Zoom support page. And here they have everything you need to know. And that's where I get all the different screenshots from. So they have their one-minute introductions. And they have these getting started. So let's try getting started on Windows and Mac. And then here they have all the screenshots. So all I do is I right click, save image as, and then I can put it into my save. Then go back to my PowerPoint. And we'll just paste it in there. AUDIENCE: Fantastic. Thank you. SUSAN GAER: So that's how I do it. Everything you want to know about Zoom is on the Zoom website. So let's go try the whiteboard again. I want to show you that feature because it's a lot of fun for beginning level students. Oh, I set my share. Are you seeing my PowerPoint or the Zoom screen? AUDIENCE: Zoom. Screen SUSAN GAER: That's what I thought. Once again these questions that I'm asking, you ask these to your students. And they'll answer you. And they're learning English by practicing real questions and answers. So I didn't go to the right spot. There we go. Now I'm in the right spot. So now I'm going to find my whiteboard. Hold on one second. Sorry. I've got to find my whiteboard on here. I'm not finding my whiteboard. I'm not seeing my whiteboard here. We'll just go on to something else right now. ANTHONY BURIK: This is Anthony. I just want to do a time check with you. So we're coming up on 3:15. So I don't know where you planned to be at 3:15 in your presentation. But I just want to check in with you and see where we are. SUSAN GAER: Let's go to the tips [LAUGHS] since we're there. So you've got to start out slow. And you have to simplify. So once again I would say do not do a three-hour session with your students synchronous-- same time. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, sorry. Can you switch to present, please? SUSAN GAER: Oh, yes. Sorry. Then I can't write anything. That's the only thing. So start out slow and simplify. Do one tool at a time. Don't try to teach the students how to do everything at once. Maybe you're going to start off with annotate because that's fun and easy. And have people just-- and that would be your lesson. So you taught them the word, annotate. And they annotated the heck out of a picture-- any picture, like a kitchen or a living room. And then you're going to teach them how to mute an unmute. And then you're going to teach them how to use their video. And then you're going to teach them how to chat. So that's a whole four sessions of class. And I don't know what your schools are telling you to do. But really face-to-face is very different from being remote with your students. And I think 30 minutes might not be in enough time if you have a large class-- maybe an hour so everybody can participate in practice. And you might want to think about some things. The kids are home. So why not include the kids in this activity with the parents and let the kids do some playing? I'm telling you I'm getting parents calling me up, saying, I don't know what to do. They're all home all day. I can't concentrate. So maybe include the kids. And then another thing to think about is all the nursing homes have closed down. Nobody can go visit at nursing homes anymore. If you have a nursing home, you can have your students create letters for people in nursing homes and send the letters to the nursing home so that you're doing something really valuable because people cannot go visit anymore. So practice one tool at a time. And then another thing to do is to play with games. Some of you maybe have heard of Kahoot or Quizlet or Quizizz. These are really fun games that the students can play easily on their phones. They're really not hard to learn. So spend some time playing around with them yourself. And then see if you can use these as ways to help your students with vocabulary and have fun learning at the same time. AUDIENCE: How do you share those with them? Do you-- SUSAN GAER: When you go to-- you just have to have them download the app. They all have an app. So they download the app on their phone. And then when you make a game, you can just send them the link. AUDIENCE: Oh. And they do that on their own at home, right? SUSAN GAER: Uh-huh. AUDIENCE: OK. SUSAN GAER: And then you can see-- well it records their work. So when you get onto Kahoot, you can see the results. AUDIENCE: I see. OK. SUSAN GAER: And so these are three that are very easy to use. Kahoot and Quizizz are similar. But Quizlet is a vocabulary tool-- really easy to use. ANTHONY BURIK: But Susan, just back to the Kahoot-- well all the tools. So as the teacher, you can bring up the Kahoot-- you can open up a browser, bring up Kahoot, and then run the Kahoot game through Zoom? SUSAN GAER: You can. But it's not ideal because it's hard for the students to be in Zoom and in Kahoot at the same time. Kahoot app makes it so easy for the students to download, that they can play the games right there on their phone. So it's not ideal to do it that way only because they're on a phone. And they're in Zoom with you. They can see what's on the Zoom room. But they can't get to the game. ANTHONY BURIK: They couldn't just open up another window or something? SUSAN GAER: No. I think it's too much. Just have them download the three apps. And you get a lot of mileage out of these three apps. You don't even need quizzes. You could choose. You could decide which one you like better, Kahoot or quizzes because they're very similar. But Quizlet's great for vocabulary. And I thought I had these linked. But I will link them before I send Anthony the slide deck. Develop small group projects that ends with groups presenting. Now you can't expect that the students are going to work in groups on their own. But in part two of this, I will show you how to do breakout rooms. And you will be able to use breakout rooms for your groups. But I don't know-- Anthony, do you think we have time to do that-- breakout rooms? ANTHONY BURIK: How many more things do you want to talk about? SUSAN GAER: I think I want to talk about breakout rooms. I think it's important. ANTHONY BURIK: [LAUGHS]. SUSAN GAER: I'm going to put you guys all into a breakout room. ANTHONY BURIK: So, Susan, maybe let's-- hold on. Before you do that-- so if people don't understand what's going to be happening like in the next minute or so, is one of the features of Zoom is you can basically send your students into smaller rooms called breakout rooms within the larger Zoom setting. So what Susan, as the teacher, is going to do, is she's just going to automatically send folks to breakout rooms where there'll be a smaller number of you in each room-- I don't know what the number is going to be. But it'll be a smaller number. So just so people understand what's going to be happening, we're not going to be in this big room together temporarily. We're going to be in a much smaller room-- or you're going to be in a much smaller room-- with a group of students. And it's going to happen automatically. SUSAN GAER: And when you're ready to come back, I will give you a one minute notice. So it'll say you have one minute left. So you can finish up your conversation. So what are you going to do in your breakout rooms? You're going to find out each other's name. And you're going to find out-- this is what I do with my students. But what I'm going to have you do is find out what level. And we'll forget these questions here. This is what I did with my class. I'll put that back later. But in your breakout rooms you're going to find out each other's names and find out what levels you teach. So I am going to be putting you in breakout rooms in a minute. We're going to create 38 breakout rooms. And you're going to be in there with five people. Five people are going to be in your room. Some of them might not be able to video with you. But you're going to find out everybody's name, at least-- and level. So here we go. You're going into your breakout rooms now. AUDIENCE: But now I can't see anyone. Let me see. Where's participants? SUSAN GAER: You have to turn your video on. AUDIENCE: I see Isen and Pamela. No, I see everybody. AUDIENCE: I don't see anyone. I lost my-- SUSAN GAER: Pamela, you're-- AUDIENCE: I'm back. SUSAN GAER: OK. You need to be on-- your video's off. That's why. AUDIENCE: Now I can't see where to put-- the host just stopped it. So I keep pushing OK. You can't use video because host has stopped it. And i lost my toolbar at the bottom. I see you. SUSAN GAER: OK. Well then you can talk. AUDIENCE: Now start video. You cannot start your video because host has stopped it. SUSAN GAER: That's weird. When I was showing you the settings, I might have-- you might have come in after I played around with the settings. That's why I shouldn't have done that. Playing around with the settings during a class is not good [LAUGHS]. Yeah, just-- AUDIENCE: I can see everybody else. But their video is on. But I can't get mine on. SUSAN GAER: That's fine. You can talk this way. [INTERPOSING VOICES] AUDIENCE: --my name is Pamela. And I teach level 1 and level 2. SUSAN GAER: OK. AUDIENCE: Stephanie, can you hear us? SUSAN GAER: Hi. AUDIENCE: Hi, Susan. We haven't heard from Stephanie yet. SUSAN GAER: Maybe she took a-- maybe she took a break. Maybe she's not really there. AUDIENCE: Well the rest of us have been able to share. SUSAN GAER: Oh, good. So I'm going to bring everybody back that then. We need to stop our video again. So everybody turn your video off. Anthony, why are people in the waiting room? Three people are in the waiting room. So how'd you like to break up? [INTERPOSING VOICES] AUDIENCE: OK, I'm right here [LAUGHS]. ANTHONY BURIK: How many people were in each break out? SUSAN GAER: In this case-- because we have 190-something people-- there were five people in a breakout room. 38 breakout rooms. But you don't have a class that size. So you don't-- you'll have a class of maybe 25. AUDIENCE: Maybe. SUSAN GAER: So you'll have five breakout rooms. AUDIENCE: Hey, Susan. How are you? SUSAN GAER: Good. AUDIENCE: I'm Grace. AUDIENCE: Can you hear me now? [INTERPOSING VOICES] ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. So turn off your videos. AUDIENCE: OK. [INTERPOSING VOICES] AUDIENCE: My video is off. AUDIENCE: Good. AUDIENCE: Are we all back? SUSAN GAER: Yup. ANTHONY BURIK: So we're back in the main room, folks. So if you wouldn't mind, again, turning off your video and also turning off your microphone as well. So we can save the bandwidth. SUSAN GAER: So this is a really good way to get your students talking together and doing small group work. And a quick review of how we got here. Great. This is a problem with break-- I can't show you because you have to be a host. So you have to do this yourself. But I have here a video. How's that? It's a two-minute video. Now let's see if I can-- PENNY PEARSON: Don't forget this sure computer audio, Susan. SUSAN GAER: I did that already, didn't I? Oh, do I have to do that every time I share? PENNY PEARSON: Check the check box. SUSAN GAER: Yeah, you have to do it every time you share. Good to know. Thank you. So there's a little checkbox when go to share that says, you want to share your computer audio. And I want to-- I'm going to try and make this bigger here. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - Video breakout rooms allow Zoom users to easily place meeting attendees into sub meetings for group discussion, activities, projects, and more. To get started, log in and and view the Meeting Settings section. Click to edit advanced settings. And make sure that Breakout rooms is checked. The next time you host a Zoom meeting, you will see the Breakout Rooms button at the bottom of the Zoom panel. While you are sharing your screen, the button is under the More menu. Click here to start using breakout rooms. Zoom will show the number of eligible participants. Choose how many rooms to create. And let zoom assign the participants automatically or choose to manually assign for more control, as we'll demonstrate here. Create breakout rooms to proceed. Your breakout rooms are now available. And participants are still in the main meeting. Float your mouse over the breakout room to rename or delete the room. Click to assign participants. Check their names. And click assign again. Do this for each breakout room. Your participants are now assigned. If you want to change an assignment, float your mouse over a participant name, where you can move the participant to another room or exchange the participant with someone already assigned to another room. When you're ready, click to open all rooms. This will cause your participants to automatically move into their assigned breakout room. The list will indicate that participants have successfully connected when the gray dot turns green. Meeting participants will be prompted to join breakout rooms where they can speak on audio, show their webcams, share screen, and chat as normal. They can also ask for help-- to send a prompt to the meeting host. Participants can also choose to leave the breakout room anytime to be returned to the main meeting. Return to the breakout rooms list as the host. And you can choose to join any of the breakout rooms to offer assistance. You can broadcast a message to participants. And a banner will be displayed. This is great for instructions or timing announcements. Again float your mouse over a participant name to move the participant. When you are ready close the breakout rooms. Participants will have 60 seconds to finish their discussion and will be returned to the main meeting. Open the Breakout Rooms menu again to quickly reopen the same breakout rooms or to make new assignments. To learn more, visit to register for weekly training sessions. Need help? Visit for 24/7 assistance. [END PLAYBACK] So hopefully that was helpful. And I have the link on the slides. So you can actually watch it and then here are all the details. So what can you do in a breakout room? You're seeing my-- so I like to have three students in a room. That to me is good. If you have 25, you're going to have to have four students in a room. But you break it up so that you have about three in a room. And then I have One student who's going to be the recorder-- who's going to take written notes of the discussion-- one student who's going to be the timekeeper-- because you're going to tell the students how much time you're going to give them-- and one student who I call the production manager. This is the person that's going to facilitate the conversation and make sure everybody does it. So we're going to do this one more time. I'm going to have you practice this one more time because I think this will be very useful for you. And in your group you're going to have five people. But you're only going to have-- let's see, production manager, timer, recorder-- we're going to have three roles. But there's too many of you. So you're going to have five people in your room. But you'll have three roles. So decide who's going to do the three roles. And then you're going to answer a question that I have here. I will send it to you once you get in your rooms. And I see that you're all in your rooms. I'll send you the question to ask. And you'll have five minutes once you're in your rooms. So let me make one more breakout room. So now that you've seen the video, you can see what's going on. And I'm going to recreate because I'm going to do new rooms with new people. And, oh, we only have 174 people. So we're going to have-- no. I want to have more-- it's asking me how many rooms do I want. I want to get 30 rooms. Let me see if I do 35 or 38-- I'm trying to get it so you're three in a room. 40. OK, 45. AUDIENCE: Could you explain [AUDIO OUT]? SUSAN GAER: Explain what? I didn't hear you. AUDIENCE: Could you explain the role of the production manager? SUSAN GAER: The production manager-- AUDIENCE: Could you explain the role of the production-- SUSAN GAER: This is the person who's going to make sure everybody speaks. You guys don't have this problem. But your students might-- if somebody takes over the whole room and speaks the whole time. AUDIENCE: And explain the recorder? SUSAN GAER: That person is going to write the answers down on a piece of paper. And the timekeeper is keeping the time. You're going to have five minutes. And I'm going to send you the question once you're all in your rooms. AUDIENCE: I'll have my mic on and be speaking during this time. SUSAN GAER: Here we go. AUDIENCE: I have to do this. AUDIENCE: Larisa, can you put your mic on? AUDIENCE: Hi, everybody. AUDIENCE: Hello. AUDIENCE: Hi, everyone. AUDIENCE: Hi. AUDIENCE: Hello. AUDIENCE: Hello. AUDIENCE: I'm Andrea. I don't have video. I'm Andrea. AUDIENCE: Can you hear me? AUDIENCE: Yes. AUDIENCE: Hey, guys, I'm practicing with my phone. So I'm going to go into another small group. Good luck. AUDIENCE: OK, bye. AUDIENCE: Who's here now? AUDIENCE: I'm Andrea, without video. AUDIENCE: Why don't you do the stop video, so you can have your video? I think if you-- AUDIENCE: Oh, it's just been-- it's just permanent. SUSAN GAER: Did you ask for help? Help is here. AUDIENCE: Yes, I did. I'm alone [LAUGHS]. SUSAN GAER: Oh, well I see Bob is with you. And Laurie is with you. AUDIENCE: Really? I can't see them. SUSAN GAER: Oh, they're here. Can you hear them? Speak, you guys. AUDIENCE: Hi, Vera. AUDIENCE: Oh, hi. I thought I was by myself here. SUSAN GAER: But you see, you asked for help. And it came. AUDIENCE: Oh, nice. OK. Very nice. Thank you. AUDIENCE: I think Dave left us. Karina, are you there? AUDIENCE: I'm here. Do you want to be our production-- AUDIENCE: --with some of the (inaudible). SUSAN GAER: They've probably got about 30 other requests for the (inaudible). [LAUGHS]. AUDIENCE: Yeah. It does say-- you can see up top that she's busy. It's like doing breakout groups [LAUGHS]. And you're busy. And you can't get-- SUSAN GAER: Did you ask for help? AUDIENCE: Oh, hey Susan. We're bad students. We forgot what the problem was [LAUGHS]. SUSAN GAER: Oh, three things you can do in the breakout room. AUDIENCE: Oh, OK. Got it. AUDIENCE: But we did get a question. SUSAN GAER: I sent it. But I must have sent it too late. I'll send it again just so you can see it. I'm wondering if I-- AUDIENCE: Should I be in room 45? SUSAN GAER: Did somebody asked for help? AUDIENCE: Yeah, I did. I'm looking for a room 45. SUSAN GAER: Room 45-- you didn't just hit join rooms? AUDIENCE: I did. SUSAN GAER: Oh. But it didn't take you to room 45? AUDIENCE: It did for a while. And then I got kicked out. SUSAN GAER: Knocked out? AUDIENCE: Yeah. SUSAN GAER: Yeah. I can hear you here. But I don't know how to get you back into a room 45 [LAUGHS]. So sorry [LAUGHS]. AUDIENCE: I'll catch the next flight. SUSAN GAER: Yeah [LAUGHS]. Well I'll close the rooms in a minute. And you'll be back. AUDIENCE: OK. SUSAN GAER: Bye. AUDIENCE: Maybe she can help us. SUSAN GAER: Did you ask for help? AUDIENCE: Yes. Delora, and I don't know the question. We cannot see each other, first of all, because the host doesn't allow me to turn on my video. SUSAN GAER: There you go. So I think that that's a setting that they have in the Zoom room because there's so many people. Normally I would turn that-- you want to make sure that the students can start their video. But because you came in after they decided to do that, you can't do it. But the question is three things you can do in a breakout room. AUDIENCE: Oh, you can meet each other-- SUSAN GAER: Yeah. Well go ahead. I'm going to go to somebody else-- AUDIENCE: Oh, yay. What are we supposed to do? SUSAN GAER: Find three things you can discuss-- three things you can do in a breakout room. AUDIENCE: OK, thanks. We missed that. AUDIENCE: That's for more beginning. I'm more advanced. And then I was listening to the class. But that is a great idea. (inaudible) better than the classroom. SUSAN GAER: Did you guys ask for help? AUDIENCE: Oh, hi, Susan. Michelle. Hi. SUSAN GAER: Did you need-- AUDIENCE: There's just two of us in here. Did you mean to do that? SUSAN GAER: No, somebody must have also gotten out. So I can't control who's leaving and entering. AUDIENCE: That's fine. But did we have 20 minutes? I'm just thinking-- SUSAN GAER: No. You only have five minutes. AUDIENCE: Altogether? SUSAN GAER: Yeah. AUDIENCE: Or each? Altogether. SUSAN GAER: Altogether. AUDIENCE: Oh, OK. I thought maybe you're giving us 20 minutes. There's only two of us. SUSAN GAER: No. [LAUGHTER] AUDIENCE: Hello, Susan. SUSAN GAER: Hello. AUDIENCE: Hi, Susan. SUSAN GAER: You asked for help. Help is here. AUDIENCE: Yay. AUDIENCE: Yes, we don't know what to do. SUSAN GAER: I broadcast it. But I pride broadcast it too early. So I'm going to broadcast it again so that everybody can see it. What are three things you can do in a breakout room? Broadcast-- there. Did you see it come across? AUDIENCE: Yes. Now I see it. And we have one person who's just a phone number. AUDIENCE: Is not participating. SUSAN GAER: Maybe they put their phone on mute and walked away. AUDIENCE: I know the things that you can do is assign a producer, assign somebody who take the notes, but I don't see where to. SUSAN GAER: Oh, you have to write-- the notes, I want them to use pen and paper. AUDIENCE: Oh. SUSAN GAER: You can take notes with pen and paper. Some tools are better. AUDIENCE: Because we are not doing really the break room. We are only participating in a break room. SUSAN GAER: Right. AUDIENCE: We are the students. Oh. SUSAN GAER: Yes. AUDIENCE: I see. Thank you, Susan. SUSAN GAER: You're welcome. AUDIENCE: Thank you, Susan. AUDIENCE: No. It's a Public Community College. AUDIENCE: Down near Mission Viejo, right? AUDIENCE: Right. It's down Mission Viejo, correct. AUDIENCE: Or Lake Forest? AUDIENCE: No, Mission Viejo. AUDIENCE: Yeah. It's nice area down there. AUDIENCE: Yeah. So where do you teach? Palo Alto Adult School. AUDIENCE: Yeah I'm up in San Mateo Adult School. AUDIENCE: Are you at San Mateo? AUDIENCE: Yeah. AUDIENCE: I taught there before. I taught there at one time. SUSAN GAER: Hey, Glenn, do you know Sandy at San Mateo Adult School? AUDIENCE: Yeah. She just started teaching with us maybe a couple of years ago. AUDIENCE: Hi. I'm Jeannie from San Mateo Adult School. Hi, Glenn. AUDIENCE: There you go, Jeannie. AUDIENCE: A lot of people. Is what's his name-- the head of the department there? Why can't I think of his name? AUDIENCE: Tim Doyle? AUDIENCE: Our director-- AUDIENCE: Tim Doyle, is he there? [INTERPOSING VOICES] Is he still there, Tim Doyle? AUDIENCE: He is retiring in the end of June. AUDIENCE: Oh, wow. AUDIENCE: Yeah, but he's been the director of the school for the last three or four years. AUDIENCE: Three or four? Before that he was like-- SUSAN GAER: Everybody is coming back now. [BACKGROUND NOISE] AUDIENCE: What is that telephone in the middle of the screen? [SIDE CONVERSATION] AUDIENCE: We can hear you. But it made a horrible noise first. AUDIENCE: I'm going to help you mute people. So once second. AUDIENCE: Are we in rooms again? ANTHONY BURIK: Hi, everyone. We're back in the main room. So if you wouldn't mind turning off your video and turning off your mic, so we can get the bandwidth going again. Neda have we lost Susan? NEDA ANASSERI: Susan's muted. Susan, we can't hear you. It doesn't look like you're muted. SUSAN GAER: There. Now you can hear me. I have two mute buttons-- one on my headset and one on my computer. So I have unmute both of them. NEDA ANASSERI: We discovered that in one of our breakout rooms. So we did some troubleshooting. Thank you, Susan. SUSAN GAER: So I think everybody likes the breakout rooms. Are there questions about the breakout rooms? Is a teacher-- OK. So I was really pleased on the second breakout room because you guys all asked for help. I got many people asking for help. And I went there. And I was like, well, you asked for help. And here I am. But you can join any room you want. Now with 45 rooms, I had to be very-- only people who asked for help actually got me. But if you only have five rooms, you can easily go through each of your rooms and listen in to your students. Yeah I left quickly because somebody else was asking for help. Oh. Yeah, I remember your phone was there and you didn't have-- I think in the phones, you won't have that problem with the mic. So I remember. I was in that room where you were. AUDIENCE: What do you mean my phone wasn't working? SUSAN GAER: Well one person's phone didn't have a mic. Or one person didn't have a mic. And we thought this person maybe left or went away or whatever. AUDIENCE: No. There were just two of us. One person was gone. It was just me and one person. The person had no video. It was just two people. SUSAN GAER: Yeah. But there was another person who we discussed maybe not really being there because-- AUDIENCE: I think they left completely because there was two of us. SUSAN GAER: So somebody asked, how do you know-- it says right on my screen in big letters, Breakout Room Number 45 is asking for help. Join breakout room. And I push the button. And I'm taken magically to your breakout room. AUDIENCE: So do they ask by raised hand on those-- you can only click [AUDIO OUT]. SUSAN GAER: No. At the bottom of the screen there was a little thing, ask for help. AUDIENCE: Oh, there is something-- SUSAN GAER: It's at the bottom of your-- AUDIENCE: --like that. OK. SUSAN GAER: Yeah, there's something that says, ask for help. And a lot of people found it because I was doing a lot of help [LAUGHS]. And so this is very useful. And you know what I'm going to say about the broadcast message? I don't really like it. What I do is I assign the question. And I have the students-- on my slide I let the students look at the question. Let's go back to-- I have a question here. So I have the students copy this on a piece of paper-- the question-- you're going to see what I'm doing. Sorry. Let me share my screen again. At least I know that you're not seeing what I'm supposed to see. In this question I would have the students write it down on a piece of paper before they go to their breakout rooms. And the recorder can do that job. So the recorder would be responsible for writing the question down. And then they go to their rooms and talk about it. And I only gave you guys five minutes. But you can give 10, 15 minutes if you want. And then you can travel around from room to room and spend some time with the students. ANTHONY BURIK: Susan, sorry, can we just ask-- there are a few folks who still have their video on. So if you're not Susan Gaer, would you mind just turning off you video? Thank you. SUSAN GAER: So truly though, when you're teaching your class, seeing your students is really nice. But with 100 people you can't do that. So this is why I was thinking with breakout rooms-- let's go back to the tips here. And I'll go back to present. Develop small projects that they can do in their breakout rooms. And then at the end, you bring them all back, and they present their projects. Give less homework. Students are having a hard time focusing with their kids home. They're distracted. So your content level is going to go down-- how much content you push out. But your communication level is going to go up because you're really having to communicate to work through stuff. And then this might be hard, but failing will make you more successful. I fail all the time. I give presentations. And I fail many times. And I've taught classes that I thought failed miserably. I remember one time nothing worked in my room. And I felt like I didn't have any time to teach anything. And the students told me they learned more that day than they ever learned without a problem because they were troubleshooting with me. We were all trying to figure out what the problem was. So failing will make you more successful. I am who I am because of all the times that I have failed. So don't be perfect. You don't have to start out perfect. You just have to start. And there are so many things-- we're going to try to give you support. CATESOL is going to give you support. OTAN's going to give you support. A lot of people are out there to give you support. But you've got to do it. This could actually be the greatest thing that ever happens in teaching. So I really want to encourage you to learn how to use-- just get communicating with your students. And that's what I want to say. Do you have any questions? ANTHONY BURIK: Susan? Sorry. Before we do that, it's 3:45. We're scheduled to go until 4:00. So I'm just curious where you feel you are in your presentation. Do you feel like-- SUSAN GAER: Well I have this to-- and I guess-- ANTHONY BURIK: I'm just wondering because we talked earlier about-- were you thinking about a part two? Or what you want to do? Do you want to think about it? SUSAN GAER: I would love to do a part two, but with smaller amounts of people. So we can practice. I think if people can get in there and get their feet wet, they'll feel more comfortable. So how could we do it? So we could have maybe a smaller group of people-- more like maybe 20, 25-- a class worth, so that people can really see what the class was like. And then we could do a lot of practice. ANTHONY BURIK: And, Susan, are you suggesting only-- is it more Zoom practice? Or is it more practice of something else? SUSAN GAER: Well we're going to use Zoom. So what we can do is learn how to teach content on Zoom using Zoom [LAUGHS]. So how to get the apps downloaded so that students-- and people want more Zoom practice. But I think Zoom practice, OTAN can offer. It's a platform. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. So we're actually in the process of scheduling some more webinars for next week. I'm not sure that Zoom has come up as a topic. But we can certainly look at-- we can see about scheduling another Zoom session that might be-- I don't know if it's more of an intro session, or if it's more of moving on to teaching in Zoom session, or what do you guys think? SUSAN GAER: But, Anthony, what I would like to do is teach people how to use these tools in Zoom with Zoom and how to get the students from the app to the Zoom. Maybe give instructions in Zoom and then tell everybody to go on their phones and do the activity. Or send them the activity in advance and then you could use-- that's what we should do, is I'll make a class. And you guys will get some things to do in advance. And then you come in. And I can show you how-- I will share the results with you and stuff like that. NEDA ANASSERI: It sounds like a good discussion for us to have offline too, as far as plans for the future. But we may need a part two and maybe a beginning user on Zoom. So we'll definitely schedule that. SUSAN GAER: But I feel like for the-- NEDA ANASSERI: But for now as far as wrapping up what we're doing here, do we want to go over anything-- answer any unanswered questions? SUSAN GAER: I want to go over one thing that I see here. Somebody said, can we divide up by level? And I want to say no because I think it's not about levels anymore. You can differentiate-- when you use technology in teaching, you can differentiate learning so much more easily than you can in the classroom. And I believe that you can teach anything to any level-- just depends on how you scaffold it. So I would like to just not-- I always do low level stuff. That's what I do. But you can take anything I do and up it. And so I don't know if we should do different levels. AUDIENCE: May I ask a question, please? SUSAN GAER: Yes. AUDIENCE: I had a difficulty logging in at the beginning. So I'm not sure if I missed the part that you show a document under-- how to show a document on the page and also annotating-- those two-- when you annotated, I just came in. And I don't know how you did that one. And I wonder if you showed how to show a document. You bring it to the screen and work on the document with the students. SUSAN GAER: No I didn't show that. That would be a good thing for part two. AUDIENCE: So how about annotating? Do we have time if you please (inaudible). SUSAN GAER: It's in the video. So when you get the video, you'll see it. AUDIENCE: All right. Thank you. ANTHONY BURIK: So also-- because I see I've seen this question come up multiple times-- so again people are asking about recording of today's webinar. And they've also asked about the slides for today's webinar. So at OTAN we're going to work as fast as we can to get those things up onto our own website. Susan, would you mind maybe-- can we just look at the OTAN website for one second, just so people know we're talking about here? SUSAN GAER: Do you want to do it? I stopped sharing. ANTHONY BURIK: Can I? Let me see. SUSAN GAER: You can share. NEDA ANASSERI: Also, Jennifer, do you have your hand up? Do you have a question? NEDA ANASSERI: Jennifer? AUDIENCE: Yeah. Let's see. [INTERPOSING VOICES] AUDIENCE: Can you hear me? I have a question. What about having some of our higher level students come on, be trained with Zoom, and then they could teach lower level students-- so almost like a Zoom ambassador program. SUSAN GAER: That's a good idea. ANTHONY BURIK: Yeah. SUSAN GAER: And you know what else? I would love to train-- just for me it's going to be great because I love teaching students. And I don't get to teach them very often anymore. And I'm locked in my house [LAUGHS]. So I could help with that. And also think about this. You could actually join classes together. You could have virtual collaborations going with teachers from all over California. You could have a beginning level-- so two teachers get together. And two teachers can work with-- the students can learn about each other from each class. So that's also something now you can do because there's no walls. [INTERPOSING VOICES] NEDA ANASSERI: That's a really great idea, Susan. Having classes that may be happening in northern California and then classes that are happening in southern California and actually doing these-- almost like a virtual field trip in that sense. And then getting each classes to visit each other and get to know each other, that's an awesome idea. SUSAN GAER: And that's something we could do easily I think with OTAN, right? [LAUGHS] You could have a clearinghouse for matching up people. NEDA ANASSERI: I don't know about that. But we can definitely discuss some options-- maybe just an ideas webinar-- on what that might look like for teachers to really look at that. SUSAN GAER: And I don't mind spending some time training students because I'm locked in like everybody else. ANTHONY BURIK: Sure. Susan, do you see my-- AUDIENCE: That's a good idea. ANTHONY BURIK: Do you see my screen? Do you all see my screen? SUSAN GAER: Yup. ANTHONY BURIK: OK. So again just quick orientation here. So we're at the OTAN website. The address is So right now on our home page, we have this article, "Upcoming OTAN Activities." These are actually for the week we've just experienced. So we're going to create a news item-- or a top story for next week, which will have a list of the webinars that we have already scheduled, how you can register for those webinars, and the list is growing. So you'll want to come back to this page often. At the very bottom of this page at the moment-- because there was a question about it earlier-- is about our office hours. So next week we had three office hours scheduled-- Monday from 1:00 to 2:00, Wednesday from 4:00 to 5:00, and Friday from 10:00 to 11:00. And I think we're going to keep up that schedule for the time being. And we'll just see what the response is. We've had some pretty good response so far this week. It's a really great opportunity for people to come in if they have specific questions about tools that they're learning about-- like Zoom, for example. Come into an open office hour. And you'll meet with OTAN staff and other folks that are there to talk about a wide range of things-- activities, tools, things like that. So also when you're at the OTAN home page, you want to click on this button here-- COVID-19 Field Support. It's over on the right-hand side. It's the top button. So again, as I mentioned, we're trying to centralize things in one place for the field. So when you click on that link-- so the very first section is the OTAN section-- we do have our slides up from the two previous webinars this week. They're right there. They're free to download. Go ahead and take a look at them. We had an online tools one on Tuesday. We had a tips and tools for teaching online yesterday. Susan slides will be up here as soon as we can get them up there. And then we're going to have some stuff from CALPRO and CASAS-- the other state leadership projects for adult ed in California. Also CASAS has some guidance here. Probably we'll see some things in the next couple of weeks as well. A few notices from the adult ed office at the state level-- we are trying to also provide some information about things that our students should know. In the middle of everything that's been going on, I think we've all been getting our mailings from the US Census Bureau to please fill out the census. And we did so much work to get our students to do the census. And now we've lost touch with them. So we need to get back in touch with folks to make sure-- if there were ever a time to complete your census form, now is the time to do it so that California is properly accounted for. And we get the resources that we need for these kinds of situations. There's no-- anyway I'll stop. And then we do have some links to other resources down at the bottom. If people haven't seen the California COVID page from the state government, please take a look at that. They actually have a section on education and what educators across the state should be working on and distance learning ideas, equity ideas, all that kind of stuff. So please visit this page often, And keep on top of what we're trying to keep on top of as well.