Anthony Burik: Welcome to this OTAN presentation on Moodle, and I'm going to go ahead and share my screen. And I'm actually on the wrong slide. Let me go back.
OK. So we are here this morning for introduction to Moodle Part 1. My name is Anthony Burik. I am a Project Specialist with OTAN. I've had the pleasure of being on a number of webinars I think with many of you over the last few weeks. So I appreciate your attendance at our webinar today. So again, introduction to Moodle part 1, and we're here at 10 o'clock Pacific Standard Time, or actually Saving time
Anyway, here's my contact information. You can always email me, If you are on Twitter please follow me. I'll follow you back @otananthony. And as Melinda mentioned-- and I know a lot of people asked about the handout today and other materials, eventually they will be on our OTAN COVID-19 Field Support page. We're a little behind in getting things up there, but we will try to get them up there as soon as we can.
Here's a beautiful graphic about OTAN. Normally OTAN does lots of great things, and in the moment, we're also doing a lot of great things as well. I do encourage you if you haven't spent a lot of time on our website to please visit our website. We have a lot of resources there. And we also have a dedicated COVID-19 Field Support page as well.
We are trying our best to keep up with what's happening with the field. We know that the last three and four weeks and now going on a month has been pretty tumultuous for the adult education field. And for everyone really, but for us in particular. So we've been doing our best to try to keep the field apprised of resources to use and other information that y'all need. So please visit that page. And when we visit the OTAN website, I'll be sure to show you where that is as well.
OK. So here's our agenda for the next bit of time here. I want to just briefly introduce Moodle if you're not familiar with Moodle, and kind of focus on this question about, should I use a website or an LMS? And then we'll talk about the OTAN Moodle site and the URL is there, We'll talk about how to get there from the OTAN website. And then we'll cover the basics.
So my intention at least with part 1 today was to really focus on the basics, assuming that maybe a lot of folks haven't visited Moodle before. They haven't been to the Adult Ed Courses site before. They're really maybe thinking about using an LMS for the first time. Maybe they don't have a lot of personal experience as a student in an online course. So my orientation at the moment is to start at the beginning and I hope depending on everyone's level of understanding of Moodle and LMS's and such that we'll all bare with each other today as we cover the basics.
We'll talk about tomorrow later. Tomorrow once we have kind of that basic understanding of Moodle and what we have set up for the field, we'll dive into some more I guess you could call intermediate or advanced topics tomorrow. But today is really kind of focusing on the basics.
So my plan is to kind of do a little show and tell for about the first 30 minutes or so and then we're going to shift into a practice activity. And hopefully this will work for everyone. Well, yeah, I'll leave it at that. I also want to talk near the end of today-- we'll circle back to the Adult Ed Courses site and tell you a little bit about some of the resources that are there already. That, if you are ready, you can go ahead and grab those courses or copies of those courses from OTAN and get started tomorrow or next week, whenever you'd like. And then at the very end, we'll talk about what the plan is for tomorrow. We'll go a little bit more in-depth on that.
Oh. I'm sorry, and I've already messed up. So I also want to introduce to you two of the presenters that are co-presenting with me today. The first person is my colleague at OTAN, Marjorie Olavides, and she is basically our Moodle administrator. So what that means is that questions and requests for courses that come into OTAN, Marjorie is our point person on that and she fields a lot of questions from the field on Moodle. So at some point, probably soon, you will be in touch with Marjorie. Again, she does a lot of work behind the scenes to manage our Moodle site and also to assist the field with your Moodle requests. Marjorie, do you want to say hi or chime in at the moment?
Marjorie Olavides: Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming.
Anthony Burik: Thank you, Marjorie. And then I also want to introduce Blair Roy, who's going to be helping out as well. So Blair actually previously worked at OTAN. She's retired but we have her back as a subject matter expert. And when Blair was working at OTAN she did a lot of Moodle presentations for the field. So actually some of you might in the past have been trained by Blair on Moodle. There's probably a few folks in the room who attended one of Blair's trainings. So Blair is going to help us out today as well. Blair, do you want to say hi?
Blair Roy: Hi, y'all. I had to say that for Melinda. Good morning, everybody. It's wonderful to be here. It's always fun to be with the OTAN gang. Thank you.
Anthony Burik: Thank you, Blair. So Marjorie and Blair are also going to help out in the Q&A as well. So if questions come up, they will be able to help out with the answers to those questions as we're rolling along here. And again, if you have questions at any point, please put them in the Q&A, and we'll go ahead and address them.
OK. So let's start with the kind of just a basic understanding of what Moodle is. So for the purposes of today, we're going to go with the definition or the Moodle is a learning management system, or an LMS. And I grabbed the Wikipedia definition of an LMS. So as you can see here, an LMS is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs.
So probably in the last month or so you've heard about a lot of different tools that are out there. And I would say that LMS's in general are sort of on the more advanced end of the tools that you might want to use in your online instruction. It's a very powerful software application. It can do many things. And that is what is attractive to many teachers, is that it's not just one particular tool that does one thing, but in an LMS you can do many different things. And that sort of attracts people to using it as a part of their teaching.
So I think a lot of us should ask first though-- again, in the last month or so because we've heard about so many different tools and so many different possibilities for organizing our online instruction. So I think we all should ask the question, so should I use Moodle? Like, is that going to be my best tool in the moment?
So there are other LMS's that are out there, and you probably have heard about some of them in the past few weeks. Canvas, Google Classroom. Actually Melinda just did a two part presentation on Google Classroom. Some of you might have been in that one as well. Schoology is another one. Blackboard, Edmoto, and others. There are many possibilities for an LMS. Moodle is one of them. And so there's that. So if I'm looking for an LMS, Moodle would be a good choice.
So then maybe you're thinking to yourself, OK, well maybe the LMS is too much right now. It's too much for me to organize. It's too much for my students to get into. So maybe a simpler choice would be just, what if I just created a website? Maybe a Google site. We've heard about other providers out there. Weebly, Wix, there are others, other programs to go with in terms of organizing a website. We've also done a presentation on Google Sites as well. So that might be another option too.
And then maybe I don't use a website or an LMS at all, like either one of them. Like right now we're just so at the beginning of our online instruction, that maybe just using something like a combination of Zoom for web conferencing-- so meeting your students online. --and maybe just a texting app like Remind, where I can still send out assignments or links or whatever. Maybe that's another option that I could go with at the moment. So I think again, this is sort of a great opportunity to think about, what is going to be the best choice for what I'm trying to achieve?
So if you do use Moodle, the nice thing, again, because it's so powerful, is that you don't have to make it all crazy and souped up and everything. You could use it almost like you would be almost to use it like you would like a website. So maybe you just want to share, for example, links to other resources with your students. Maybe you have some files that you would like to share with your students. Word documents, PDFs, PowerPoints, what have you. You can still use Moodle to do those things. You can make it as simple or as complicated as you would like.
So the thing that I really like about an LMS choice though in this case is that even if I start off very simply and very basic, we can slowly ease into the really powerful interactive features of the learning management system. So we can add discussion forums if we want. We can add assignments if we want. We can add quizzes if we want. We can and add a whole host of features into an LMS.
So again, you make it as simple or as advanced as you would like and you can also kind of sort of graduate your movement into the LMS. Keep it very simple to start off with, and then as everyone is getting comfortable in Moodle, then we start thinking about other types of things that we want to do in the LMS. It's very flexible that way, and I really think, again, compared to some other choices, like if we just went with the simple website, for example, it probably wouldn't go beyond the level of the links and the files and such. I mean, you can add certain interactive features into a website, but I think really if you're thinking about really bringing that interactivity into your course, your online classroom, then think about an LMS.
We do want to point out, however, that students in this case and probably for other LMS's as well will need to create accounts. So sometimes that's a stumbling block for teachers and students, but we'll talk about that shortly.
OK. So where do we find the OTAN Moodle site? So I'm going to turn on my annotation tool. So if you go to the OTAN website, which is, there are two ways to get to Adult Ed Courses from here. So we have a series of tabs across the top. So you want to look for the Resource tab, open up that drop down menu, and then we have this item right here, California Adult Education Courses. So if you click on this link right here, this will take you to Adult Ed Courses. You're looking down on the right hand side of the screen over here. We do also have a dedicated button, CA Adult Ed, Courses. So if you click on this button, that will also get you to Adult Ed Courses.
So this will bring you to the OTAN Moodle site, California Adult Education Courses, and you could also just type the address directly into your browser, I'll mention that it's free to create an account on our Moodle site. So there's no cost. Anyone can create an account on our site. Teachers and students are both free to do that. And yeah, so And it should look like this when you come to the website.
So again, as a teacher when you create your account you basically have two choices in terms of the direction that you'd like to go. So we have on the Adult Ed Courses site, we have many developed courses in a variety of subject areas. So ESL, ABE, ASE, citizenship, and you are basically free to make copies of those courses and put them into your own personal Moodle account. And then once you get copies of those courses in your Moodle account, you can use them as is. You're free to do any editing to the courses that you would like. It's really up to you in terms of how you would like to use that course.
So that's one choice to make. Another choice to make is you could just say, well, you know what? I just want to start from scratch. I want to build my own kind of course for my students needs. So OTAN can also give you a blank course shell. And then once you have the blank course shell, we'll take a look at what that looks like basically in a few minutes here. But once you have that blank course shell, you're free to do with it whatever you would like. You can add links, you can add files, you can create the assignments, the quizzes. Whatever you would like to do, the choice is up to you.
So basically you just want to think about, OK, is there something that maybe OTAN can provide me kind of off the shelf as it were, that I could with a few adjustments here and there I could just use as is? Or do I want to just kind of start with a blank shell and build it the way that I would like it?
So you have both of those choices available to you. You just have to decide which direction you'd like to go in. I will mention too, because sometimes people get confused. So let me go back to the OTAN website for a second. So on the OTAN website, I don't have it here unfortunately, but up in this upper right hand corner of the website, there is an option to become a member on the OTAN website. So what you do is you go ahead and fill out a form and create an account, and then, for example, like you use that account to register for these webinars.
But when you get to the Adult Ed Courses page, that has a separate log in. It's not the same login as your membership account. So just be aware that the two at the moment are not linked. You have to create separate accounts on the OTAN website and on the California Adult Education Courses website.
OK. They're not linked. We do have a plan I think in the future to link the two, but that's in the future. OK. So just make sure that you create two separate accounts for those two different websites.
OK. So just in terms of training normally and in under normal circumstances, we usually come out and do a three hour face to face training. We are not in normal circumstances, so we have moved the operation online. However, just so you know, we're currently building a self-paced training course covering the basics that we're going to talk about today. And again, once you have your account on the Adult Ed Courses site, you can enroll in that self-paced course. And at towards the end of today we'll talk about how you can enroll in that course. And then you can refer back to the material that we cover today and also what we're going to talk about tomorrow as well.
It also has some exercises in there so you can practice using your own Moodle account, and then we've also added a number of videos as well. So if you want to also watch those short videos on a variety of topics that we're going to talk about, we also have some videos in that self-paced course, as well. And I was going to say something else and I can't remember, but that's OK.
Oh. Just to point out again, it's kind of you've heard the phrase building the plane as you're flying it. So we're kind of in that stage at the moment. So you may enroll in that course today or tomorrow, and it has a certain look to it, but don't be surprised over the next week or so when you come back into the course in the future if more things all of a sudden are there. Don't be alarmed or anything like that. We are trying to add more information into the self-paced course that you can use for your own training at home.
OK. Blair, Marjorie, let me just stop at the moment. Let me pause. Do we have any questions or concerns at the moment or are we good?
Marjorie Olavides: We're good There were a couple of questions in chat, but we got those. So I think you're good.
Anthony Burik: OK, fantastic. Thank you. OK. So let's talk about getting started. So I hope that folks when you registered for the webinar today you noticed in the email confirmation that we sent back to you that I asked if each of you could create an account if you didn't already have one. If you don't have one at the moment, don't worry. We're going to give you a pause later if you need to create an account. You can still do that. But hopefully sometime soon if you haven't just make sure that you create an account there.
OK. So let's talk about the students. So the first step is we have to make sure that all of our students also have a working email account in order to register. Having an email account is a condition of being able to register on the Adult Ed Courses site. And I'm sure you have students who don't have email, don't know what email is. You know what we're talking about here.
Please don't go to the trouble of designing a whole like, OK, here's an introduction to email lesson that I need this. No. There are many, many, many, many, many resources that are out there that people have already gone to the trouble of creating videos step by step instructions and explanation of what email is.
GCFLearnFree is a site that I think a lot of people are familiar with. They have a great series of instructions on email and how to register for email and what email is and all that. So please go to one of those sites instead and use the resources that are out there. On the OTAN website we do have an OTAN resource guide for COVID-19. I can show you where that is later. And on the first page we actually have a list of sites that you can visit for those kinds of resources and information. So please don't start from scratch. There's so much that is out there that you should use with your students.
I'm an ESL teacher by training. And so I know that sometimes we're very dogmatic about it and we're like, oh, well, we're going to do everything in English from start to finish. And I would like to kind of gently caution you that maybe for the purpose of creating email and/or a Moodle account that they go ahead and maybe just translate the page to get that process done.
We want to get them into the LMS. Once we get them into the LMS, there's all kinds of English instruction and training that we can do with our students. So this is kind of a barrier for some. So I would say the easiest way that we can get our students with email, with good working email addresses and into Moodle or into the LMS, is we should take that approach, and then once everybody's there, then we do whatever it is we want to do.
OK. So ESL teachers, fellow ESL teachers, we've got to loosen the reins a little bit and just get these folks into the Moodle. Once we're there then we can do our English instruction.
OK. We do have a couple of handouts that are in the self-paced course that you can share with students. They're very simple, step by step, creating a Moodle account, and then a reminder on how to log back into your Moodle account. They're in the self-paced course. And then once we get there later on, I'll show you where they are.
OK. And then just a reminder for all of you as well is that even though you are a teacher, meaning your job is teacher, your job is educator, when you enroll in a Moodle course, your role is students. So you just have to remember that. Sometimes you think, oh, well, I'm a teacher and I'm in a Moodle course, so I should just be able to do whatever I want to do because I'm a teacher. But that's not true. And like when we practice today, you're going to come into that practice course as a student, not a teacher.
So you are a teacher. And here I mean your role in the course is teacher. When number one, OTAN makes a copy of a course for you and assigns you as the teacher. So we designate your role as teacher. And when you are a teacher in a course, you have the full range of things that a teacher can do.
The other thing is you can also ask OTAN to change your role to a teacher. And normally we encounter this when one of your colleagues has a Moodle course and would like to add you as a co-teacher in the Moodle course. All of you don't have the ability to make other people teachers in your course. Only OTAN can do that for you. Either the teacher who already has the course or the person who's coming into the course, you just need to contact us to send us an email and we'll go ahead and get that set up for you.
OK. Let me pause again. Marjorie, Blair, do we have questions about anything so far?
Blair Roy: I think we're pretty good. Marjorie, do you want to say anything about the question I just asked you about the teleconferencing, or we going to just--
Marjorie Olavides: There's a question in the Q&A that says, can Moodle do teleconferencing? See the faces and talk. Moodle is an LMS, which means it's just your learning, basically your classroom. Zoom is going to be your communication tool. So we do have Zoom installed.
We're going to be upgrading to a new site, and there is a plug-in installed on there. We're still testing it. Your account would still be limited to the free version unless you have Zoom through your agency. So hopefully that answers your question. If not, then email us at support and I can try to answer more. I'm sorry,
Anthony Burik: Thanks, Marjorie. So like in the world, the current version of Moodle is 3.8 point whatever it is, whatever version they're on at the moment. But it's 3.8. When you go to the Adult Ed Courses site, we're behind. We're on version 3.1. So you might read about Moodle and somewhere else it might say, oh, and by the way, you can integrate Zoom into your Moodle class, blah, blah, blah, or maybe another web conferencing program like Adobe Connect, for example.
To Marjorie's point, I think the particular problem at the moment is because we're behind on the versions, we don't have the full kind of current functionality of Moodle at the moment. So you might only really be able to put a link to your Zoom meeting in the Moodle course. And then if your students are logged into their Moodle course. They could just click on the link, and then that would be another way for them to get to the Zoom room that you're using for your web conferencing.
But again, because we're some versions behind on the Moodle, even though you hear about it, we may not be able to do what you're asking us to do just because we're some versions behind. Our plan at the moment is in the spring and summer to upgrade to the current 3.8 version. So unfortunately we're not there right now, but that's our plan in the next three or four or six months or whatever it is.
Blair Roy: Anthony, can I say something real quick?
Anthony Burik: Yes, please.
Blair Roy: This is Blair. So Melinda just pointed out-- and this is a really good point. And when Anthony was talking about creating your account and the things that you can put in creating your course, you could always link out to some type of a service, whether it's a Google Hangout or a Skype link within your Moodle course, and that could be the way that you get your class together. But they do it from the course and then they link out to whatever service you want to use. I don't know if that helped or not. Sorry.
Anthony Burik: No, that's great. Yeah. I think just giving people a sense of the possibilities here because it seems like everybody's on Zoom, but not everybody's on Zoom. People are using other web conferencing programs. But the premise is is that you should be able to link to any and all of those services outside of via Moodle model as it were.
OK. If there aren't other questions-- so let's move on to navigating around your Moodle course. And in the very beginning, Melinda mentioned in the housekeeping slides, I think the two last slides had to do with if you would like, if you understood what she was talking about and if you want to try this out, you can resize your Zoom window. It probably would take up of that half the screen or so.
So if you want to resize your Zoom window and then with your browser resize that so they're side by side-- so as I'm showing you what I'm doing in Moodle because I'm going to switch over to Moodle in a sec-- if you want to be logged into your account and follow along with me and kind of replicate what I'm doing in your own account, then this will be a good opportunity to do that if you understand what we were talking about in terms of having these two windows open side by side. If you don't understand that and don't know how to do it, don't worry. You'll still get the full effect.
OK. So let's first talk about the navigation block and the dashboard. So just in terms of like setting up your profile, your Moodle profile, seeing your courses that you're a part of, other preferences that you can set up in your Moodle account, you're going to be using the navigation block on the dashboard to do these things.
And then when we switch over to the Moodle in a second, we're also going to talk about blocks as well. There are many blocks that you can have in your Moodle course. You can also collapse these blocks and dot the blocks to free up space. And I'll show you how to do that.
So let's switch over. Let me escape out of here for a second. OK. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch over to-- OK. So actually I wanted to start at the OTAN website, again, just to point out what we mentioned before. So open up this Resources drop down on the OTAN website, Here is the link to California Adult Education Courses right here. You can also click on this bluish button on the right hand side, CA Adult Ed Online Courses.
While I'm here I also just want to point out if you're not familiar with it already please go to our COVID-19 Field Support page. Let me just click on that briefly with a little segway here. That OTAN resource guide that I mentioned, this is the first resources that's available for you to take a look at. So this is where the resource guide is. If I mentioned it again today, this is where you'll find it. So again, you go to the OTAN website,, and just click on this Field Support button.
OK. So I click on my Adult Ed Courses button and I come to the California Adult Education Courses website. OK. So on the website, some of you already know that there are two ways to log in to the website. So we have this log in over here on the right side. We have this log in block that you can use. You just put in your username, put in your password, and go ahead and log in. If you can't remember your log in, try this Lost Password option and see if you can recover or reset your password to get back into your Moodle account. But if you are still having trouble getting back into your account, just email us, Marjorie probably will help you out with that.
One note about that is that it's entirely possible that some of you created a Moodle account many moons ago, and maybe even have a course or two in your account from many moons ago. Periodically we do kind of a sweep through the list of users in Moodle. And if we notice that people who have accounts have not logged in for some length of time, it tends to be a year or more. We sometimes just in the interest of kind of cleaning things up, we'll go ahead and delete people's accounts.
So if you find yourself in that situation where you're like, oh yeah, I have an account here, but I can't get into my account, but the last time you were in your account was like two years ago-- so it's entirely possible that you don't have an account anymore. You can always email us again, We'll do a check for you to see if we can find any and all accounts for you. It may just be that you used like a different email address and you never thought, oh yeah, I used that one back in 2017 or whatever it was. So you can always email us or try the Lost Password option as well.
But this is a block. This log in is a log in block. You can also up in the upper right hand corner just click on the link to log in, and it'll bring you to this page as well. So you can log in here. Again, username and password. This is also the place, by the way, for your students to go to create a new account. And you probably did that recently if you created an account on the Adult Ed Course site as well.
So you want to direct your students to create new account. And again, we're not going to talk about creating a new account today. We have a handout about that I'll share with you later. But this is where your students are going to come.
So now I have to remember what we're doing. Oh yeah, so let me log in. I'm going to log into my account. And again, if you have your own account, go ahead and log in as well.
OK. This is actually my admin account. So it may not look entirely the same as what you're seeing. You will see all of these things that are in blue color. This means that they are currently showing. Everything that's in a grayish color is currently being hidden. And we'll talk about later how you can do that in your own account.
So I want to direct your attention to two things. OK. I still can't annotate. So over here on the left hand side is this navigation block. By the way, then blocks-- we'll talk about this later as well. You can add and take away blocks from your account. The only-- I think it's maybe administration as well, but the navigation block, you have no way of deleting this from your accounts. So if you're trying to do it, you're like, I don't see that navigation block anymore.
But this is the one block that you cannot delete from a Moodle page. OK. So in the navigation block, you have a couple of things here. You have a link to the dashboard. You also have, if you open up this triangle here, you actually can see all of the courses that you are currently enrolled in.
OK, so this is a quick way to get to your courses or maybe a particular course. I want to go to the using Moodle course, for example, right so here's a link right here. There's also this dropdown for the Site Pages as well. I personally don't spend a lot of time here just because I don't use all of these functions.
But you may want to familiarize yourself with that at some point. OK. So we have a link to the dashboard on the left. But if we also go up to the upper right hand corner up here, where we should see our name when we're logged in and maybe we've got a picture already. We want to open up this dropdown as well.
And we have some more choices. So here's another link to the dashboard as well. If we want to edit our profile, here's the link to that. We can also see grades. So this is really more for the student, for example. So like this would be a way for the students to get a quick link to the grades for the courses that they're enrolled in. Like they can see their progress and all that.
There is a messaging system from within Moodle so you actually can send messages out to your students. And then here's where the preferences are as well. I don't want to spend too much time my preferences, so maybe a little look at that first before we go to the dashboard.
So when I click on preferences, I'll just point out probably the ones that you're going to want to think about periodically. So I can edit my profile. Again, it's the same as this link here. This profile link, I can also do it from here. If I want to change my password I can do that.
Sometimes when you get more involved in Moodle and you have a number of forums set up in a course, and for example, like maybe your students, you've asked your students to-- you pose a question in the forum and then students are responding to the question and doing all that kind of stuff, you do have the option of moderating how the forum posts are coming into your email, because you can get you can have them sent to your email. But sometimes it's so overwhelming.
So for example, maybe you want to create a forum post digests, where you're only getting the digest for the entire day rather than one by one. Because one by one, that's going to fill up your email box pretty quickly. So you can set your preferences for forums here.
Messaging as well. We won't talk too much about messaging today, but you can also set your messaging preferences. So maybe as students are completing assignments, for example, you can get those notifications in your email. But again, if you have a lot of students who are doing work in a moment, you'll be getting like tons and tons of email.
So you may want to moderate how you set up the messaging that comes into your email. I'll leave the preferences at that. Let me go back to the dashboard. So the dashboard is your personal home page as it were within Moodle. I want to point out maybe when we get into other middle courses, we'll take a kind of a another look at it, but up here, in the upper left hand corner.
If you add a picture it will show up here. I haven't added a picture to this account, but if I did, it would show up here. And then under that we have what's called the breadcrumb trail or the navigation trail. This is really a quick and easy way to get around the Moodle site.
So if I want to just go right back to the home page, I can just click on Home and it'll send you back there. Once I'm in a course, and we'll be in of course shortly, but once I'm in of course this breadcrumb trail is going to expand. So this is would be a great and easy way to navigate around your course very quickly as well.
But I just want to point out the existence of this breadcrumb trail here. On the left hand side, we have a couple of blocks. We have a navigation block, we also have an administration block. On the right hand side, we have a calendar block, we have an upcoming events block, we have a private files block, we have a badges block on my view.
So we have a lot of blocks and it's kind of taking up a lot of real estate. So you have a couple of options with the blocks. So in the upper right hand corner of a block, you should see two icons. A minus icon, which will become a plus icon when you click on it.
And then a left directional carat, which will become a right directional carat when you also click on this one. So you can see that this one has to do with docking the blocks, this one has to do with hiding or collapsing or expanding. So if I click on it, you see it basically collapses as block.
If I click back on it, it will expand it. If I click on this dock, so I click on it. So I'm not sure whether you noticed, but now it's all the way over on the left hand side, it's docked. And actually if I scroll over it, I can see what is normally in the block.
So maybe, for example, if I dock all my right side blocks, so look how this middle part of the course page now has expanded. And sometimes this is really great. Like sometimes the blocks, you want to keep them around, but you don't want them to take up real estate.
So maybe you consider docking them and then now that middle part of the course really opens up and it's a lot easier to see the course. The main, the meat of the courts. You can also, for individual blocks, you can undock them. So you want to click this right carat.
Or if you have them all at one time, down in the lower right hand corner-- get rid of that. Down in the lower right hand corner of my screen, there's a little icon down here. If I click that, that's going to undock the blocks and move them all back over to the right hand side. OK.
So again, that's blocks right there. OK. So the dashboard, again, all of your courses. So my courses are here in the navigation block. They're also listed on my dashboard also here all as well. OK. And again if you see something in blue, it's currently showing on the Moodle site. The adult ed courses site.
If it's grayed out, then it is not showing but it still is visible to you as the teacher or the owner of the course. OK. We'll talk more about that shortly. OK. Let me pause here. Blair, Marjorie, questions?
Blair Roy: So I was about to answer-- this is Blair, sorry. I was about to answer a question about the Moodle app and how it works on cell phone. And Marjorie, I know you have looked into that lately. Back when I was doing this, I had, in fact, I still have the Moodle app on my phone.
I have an iPhone. And if I remembered my password, I could log into it. So it does work, and it's not 100%. And maybe Marjorie can address that or you can address that, Anthony, about non iPhone and how the apps are working.
Anthony Burik: The Moodle-- well, Marjorie can talk about this too. The Moodle site is built according to responsive design. So you could actually just open up a browser on any phone and go to the site. And it's responsive design, so it definitely will have a different look to it. Actually, let me--
I think I could actually make this responsive design. So-- there we go. OK. So I'm not sure if you notice, so currently, maybe this is more like a tablet view. So for example, we still have the blocks on the left, we have the blocks on the right, we have the course portion overview in the middle.
But the smaller my screen gets-- OK so now look what happened, right? So basically, everything is going to stack up into a row or a column, I guess. So I'm first going to see the middle part, the main part of my dashboard. And then when I scroll down, so here are my left side blocks, navigation administration.
Here on my right side blocks, calendar, coming events, private-- so everything is basically going to stack up into a column view. But that should, if you just log into a browser on your phone, whatever doesn't matter what device you have, and you play around with a little bit you should be able to get the same kind of column view that you would get on your phone. So it's responsive design. OK, other questions about that?
Blair Roy: I think-- Marjorie, are you OK if I talk about the great question that Angela's asking?
Marjorie Olavides: Sure. Go ahead.
Blair Roy: So what I'm-- I think I'm going to say this correctly. Angela, you're not going to be able to upload the grades directly from this Moodle site because this Moodle site is working with all of the different schools. So it's a little bit different setup. If you had your own Moodle site, you might have a direct connection to your ace app.
But here what you'd probably have to do is download your grades in an Excel or a spreadsheet format, and then bring them into ace app that way or it might have to function independently. Marjorie, feel free to chime in if there's something needs to be added.
Marjorie Olavides: I think that is a valid response.
Anthony Burik: OK, great thank you so much for that. OK. So I'm going to switch back to my slides. And I'm also watching the time here as well. So I'm going to try to maybe sift through this next part here. OK. So let's continue to talk about the Moodle interface. So to make most changes to your course, you're going to want to turn on this button called Turn Editing On.
And it's in two places. When we go back to the Moodle course in a minute, we'll see where that is. So it's either going to be a button in the upper left hand corner of your course, or in the administration block that's on the left hand side it's also a command Turn Editing On. And again, this has to do mostly with the content that you want to edit and take out in your course.
You can also change the look of your course by a different command that's called Edit Settings. And Edit Settings is also in the administration block. And when we go back to the Moodle course, I'll show you some of the things that you can do when you edit settings. OK. So when we turn the editing on, all of the sudden all of these icons are going to appear on your screen, in your course.
So I want to talk about some of the main ones. There are many of them, but these are probably the ones that you're going to focus on first. OK. So there are about three different icons that will all allow you to edit content in your course. So whether it's a section, a resource, an activity, a block you want to look for either the word Edit, the gear icon or wrench icon.
So any one of these should allow you to edit content in your course or edit some settings of your course. There's also a little question mark in a circle, that's the Help icon. This appears throughout the middle course. And it's really helpful like if you see something and you're not quite sure what this thing actually does.
Then typically it will have this help icon right next to it. When you click on it, it will open up a pop up window that has more information about that particular item. These are the eye icons. So there's an open eye, and then there's also with a line through it. So remember when I told you that when you're looking at the Moodle course and you're logged in, sometimes some of the things appear in blue like the name of a course might appear in a blue color.
And some of them might appear in a gray color. So basically, if something is blue it means that it's been turned on, its visible. People who come to all that courses can see it. If it has with a line through it, it means that we've hidden it. We've made it invisible. So we can see it depending on what you have in your account. You can see it, but it's not visible to your students.
And sometimes we get this question in support at, and that's like, Help, Marjorie, I can't see my course. I can see but my students can't see it. And typically, you haven't turned the eye from the eye with the line to the open eye. We'll show you how to do that in a second. But that's typically the problem, or maybe you haven't changed the command from show to hide in the settings. OK.
So if students aren't able to see things, that maybe because they're still invisible to them. Not to you but to them. OK, you have a number of ways to move things around in your course. There is this cross with the arrows pointing in four directions. So that's going to be your icon that allows you to move things. When I say up and down, what I'm basically saying is like from one section like maybe to a previous section or to a section lower down on your course.
So that's a quick way to move things around. As you're adding content, you might also see this right pointing arrow that allows you to indent. Maybe you want to structure your content. You want some of it indented and some of it not, so this would allow you to indent some of those content items. Duplicate is a powerful icon. So instead of having to-- maybe you have--
Blair gave me a great example, like maybe you set up a quiz, for example, in your Moodle course. It's a 10 question quiz, and you plan on using a 10 question quiz for the next 6, 8, 10, 18 weeks or whatever. So you want to keep this kind of the structure of your quiz without having to recreate the structure all the time.
So maybe what you do instead is just duplicate the quiz that you first built, and then you can use that throughout your remaining sections if your course. But then when I come to week two, all I have to do is just change the questions. I still have the 10 question quiz set up. I have it grading the way that I wanted to be graded. I'm basically just kind of substituting new questions per week.
OK. So this is a powerful icon as well. There is a Delete icon, it's basically an x. If you happen to delete something and you're like, oh, I really want to that back. There is in the administration block, there's a recycle bin. And you should be able to find deleted items there. I don't think that they stay there forever.
I think there's a time limit to them. So just be aware of that. OK. One other thing we want to point out is Switch role to. It's typically in a block on the left hand side under navigation and administration. This is a really great tool to use if you want to see the course from the teacher perspective and then switch your role to a student perspective.
So you get both those views because they're not going to be the same view. Better yet, we actually suggest you having two Moodle accounts. One would be your teacher account, one would be your student account. And then as the student, you can enroll in the course where you're the teacher and you can do the activities as a student. And then you can see the results as the teacher, and you can--
If you, as a student, if you do the quizzes, do the assignments, get the grades then as a teacher, you can see what the student is seeing in terms of their grades and feedback and things like that. Before we go back, let me just do this other part and then we'll switch over to the Moodle course in a second. OK.
Then in terms of adding content to your course, we have this thing called the activity chooser. Again, when you turn the editing on, this will appear. This Add an activity or resource will appear. And then this will allow you to do a couple of things. You can either add activity's.
Kind of separates these into two categories. So they call them either Activities, which would be like an assignment, it could be a forum, it could be a quiz, it could be a choice which is kind of like a survey or a feedback tool. So this is more where the students are actually doing something interactive in the Moodle course.
OK. Versus, what they call Resources. And this would be more like what you might find on a typical website, for example. So you're going to find files there, you're going to find links to other web sites, labels here will allow you to add like multimedia files. So for example, like if you have-- let's say you have some listening files, like some MP3 files for example that you want your students to do some listening activities too, so you can use this label resource to add those kinds of resources-- or those kinds of files, sorry, to your Moodle course.
So you just have to remember, if you're looking for something, you're like, oh, yeah, I really want to add this thing to my course, I can't read where it is. So it's either going to be an activity or it's going to be a resource. And we'll show you how to access that in a second. OK. And then the other thing too is you also can add blocks to your course. I mentioned that you can add blocks, you can delete blocks, you can-- so you can manage your blocks as well when you're logged into Moodle course.
OK so before we go to the practice, let me just switch back over to the Moodle sites. There we go. Let me switch back over to my Moodle sites. OK. So I'm going to go to a course, let me go to this blank course here. Burik Blank Shell. So first part is again turn editing on. So you should see this button in the upper right hand corner.
It's also in the administration block down here, here's turn editing on. So either one of them will get you the same result. So when we turn this editing on, all of a sudden now you see all of these icons appear. So these are the icons that are going to allow you to add and edit the content that you have in your course. OK so, for example, I've already started building this.
This is basically a blank shell. I've already started adding some topics and some files here to my Moodle course. OK. So here-- this is one section or topic here. OTAN Tech Talk, July 2019. Here's topic two. With an assignment. Here's topic three, I've added two files here. I've added a PowerPoint file, I've added a PDF file. And then I have some blank--
I have some more topics here that I can fill with other kinds of activities and resources. OK. So let me go-- Let's go to topic four, for example, because topic for his blank at the moment. So here's a pencil icon, but here's also that edit dropdown. So if I want to edit the topic, for example, maybe I want to give this a different name. OK. So let me call this like reading activities, for example. OK.
I can put in a little summary of what the students would find here. Here are some activities dot, dot, dot. OK. And then if I save those changes and I go back to topic four, now we can, see here's my new title and then here's a little summary down here. Now I'm getting ready to add some activities, right?
So here's that add an activity or resource link or button right here. So when I click on this, this opens up that menu that we saw on the slide. So first are the activity, right? And so I see a whole list of activities. Actually just continue, I have to keep scrolling down to see all of them.
But if I click on any one of them, for example, assignment. It's really cool, actually it gives you a nice description of what this particular activity is. So if you're not quite sure, like I do this or that, read and see first what does this particular activity do. And then we can, then maybe you choose that one.
Or maybe I pick a forum, or maybe I pick a quids, or maybe I pick a survey, and so on and so on. At the bottom of this menu are the resources. OK, so again, maybe I want to add a file. Maybe I want to create a page. Maybe I want to add a URL. Maybe you want to add that multimedia file there.
Once I pick one of those-- let me just put the URL, for example. I just click add. That brings you to the page to actually edit that content. So maybe I'll just put in Google. Here's the URL, dot, dot, dot I hope it will work without the HTTPS. I could put in a little description for the students.
This is a link to that whatever it is. So we were talking about the Zoom, for example. So maybe this is where the place for you pop and you're linked to your Zoom Room right here. You describe it for the students so the students knwo, oh, yeah, this is where we're going to meet for our synchronous meetings.
We have a lot of options to it. I'm not going to get into those right now. You can explore those on your own. However, I do want to point out. So again, here's that little help icon. So if I click on that, it opens up a dropdown with some more information that I can read about. If I'm happy with it go ahead and save it. OK. And so now, let me turn the editing off for a second.
So now we get more of the student view of it. So here I've added a link to the URL. I would say when you're adding some of these resources to your class, you want to warn the students. Like if you're setting them outside of the Moodle, you probably want to put something to that effect.. Right here is a link to our Zoom Room which is outside of the Moodle course or something like that.
We want to be very explicit we're building these online courses so students are not surprised. They're not like, oh, well, where am I now? So you want to make that very clear for the students. Let me just point out also this edit settings. I talked about that. So again, the Turn Editing On is when we want to kind of focus on the content part of the course, which is in the middle part here.
But we also have this option to edit settings. So if I open this up, this is more of the look of our course. Kind of the organization shell, organization of our course. Let me just point out that breadcrumb trail again. So again, look the deeper we get into a course, the more items that appear in the breadcrumb trail.
So from here, this is a really easy way to navigate around Moodle. We could instantly go back to the home page if we wanted. I could go back to the home page of this particular course. I could go back to the particular homepage of this course, BBS by here. This is typically where teachers get hung up, it's like, Help.
My students can't see my course. We have to change this from hide to show. Show will turn it from gray to blue, and then once it's blue, it's also visible on adult Ed courses as well. OK, so that's where we adjust that setting. I'm going to leave it hidden for the moment. We can add some description.
What is this course? Once we make the course live, this summer you will also show up on the Moodle site, adultedcourses site. So that if I'm a student and I'm looking at all of these courses under my school, and they're different courses different teachers. But maybe you want to say, this is Anthony's ESL course for beginning high students or whatever you want to say.
And then this will be visible on the adultedcourses site, so that if I'm a student and I'm looking at the description I can see, oh, yeah, this is my teacher's course, versus all the other courses that are in here. Let me just show this-- I'll finish this one course format. So you have a couple of options again with the look of your course.
So currently, we're using a topics format which is topic one, topic two, topic three, topic four-- But we could also change it to a weekly format as well. And maybe you would rather that the sections of your course be use weeks as a title. So maybe week one, March 1 to March 7.
Week two, March 8 to March 14. Week three, March 15 to 21, and so on down the list. So you also have that option for your format. And then the number of sections. You can also adjust how many sections you want to have up to 52. I think they do 52 because they're 52 weeks in the year. But you could also shorten it to just maybe I just want 10 topics, like I want to try to keep my course pretty tight.
But if you do have a number of sections, you might consider spacing them out to different pages. So maybe the first page will be topics 1 to 10. Page 2 would be topics 11 to 20, and so on and so on. So again, this is kind of where you can make some of those adjustments to the look of a course.
Make sure you save, and then your saves will be changed. And then you can see now, I think I had a much longer list or a longer number of topics. So I've shortened that to now, it's just going to be 10 topics. One more thing too. Let me just point out, if I turned the editing on. Where is it?
So for example, remember we talked about the eyes, right? Some teachers like to organize their course where maybe they put all of their course material into the course but they want to only show it when the class is working on it. So maybe I just want my focus. I want my students to only focus today on topic one.
Or I want my students to focus on topics one and two. If I hide all of the other topics, then they won't show until I make them visible. So you can kind of manage the flow of your course, one of the ways you can do that is by hiding these topics. And then opening them up when you want the students to focus on them. OK.
So that's what that eye icon appears. You can also, here's that x, you can also delete topics as well. I think I'll leave it with that on the editing. Marjorie, Blair, any questions about that before we switch over to the practice? I'm sorry I've kind of run over time on the show and tell but we'll still have time for practice. Marjorie, Blair, any questions?
Blair Roy: No I think I'm good. I mean real quickly we can answer a couple of these questions while you're doing that. Someone ask, can Moodle support videos? Absolutely, but you're going to want to get your videos stored somewhere else, and then link out to the videos.
So they're either on YouTube, or like if you want to use Learn 360 videos you'll link to those videos. You won't be able to upload videos into Moodle just because of the size that's a OTAN thing. Moodle can handle any kind of file that you give it. So, Marjorie, do you see any other questions?
Marjorie Olavides: Let's see.
Blair Roy: What's the file size that they can upload?
Marjorie Olavides: I can't answer that. I think right now it's 10 megabytes.
Blair Roy: OK. So most-- I mean that's going to cover most files, most things, right?
Marjorie Olavides: Right.
Anthony Burik: I did notice, I did upload the PowerPoint and the PDF files to the course that we were just in, my blank shell. It took a little time. So just be patient. Like if you have PowerPoints or PDFs or other kinds of files. Just be patient, everybody's on the internet at the moment. Things are taking a little bit longer than normal. But they do, my files eventually loaded into my course.
So it's not instantaneous. So we just need to be-- we just need to take a deep breath when we're doing some of this editing to our course. OK. So what I'd like to do is I want to-- let's do some practice. I want to have all of us go through a practice course and see some of the things that we've been talking about so far.
So the path to get to the practice course is if you started adult Ed courses. And I'll show you how we get there. You'll notice that all of the-- we call them Categories but basically, all the names of the schools and such are listed alphabetically. So we want to go to all the way to the letter T .
I think you have to go over to page two to get there. But you should see the category for training courses, and then when you open up that training courses category, there should be a course in there. It's called-- it actually has a much longer title. But I've called it Moodle 3.1 Practice Course.
So as we go through this course, you can experience this as students. As we go through the course, I want you to think about what you're seeing and experiencing as a student. And then if you have questions about the particular items, what we'll do is we'll go through the course and then we'll circle back to those questions.
If we don't answer them in the moment, we'll get back to them. That way. So again, I'm going to go back out to-- and I'm actually going to do this myself. So let me go to adult Ed courses. So again, what I'm saying is you have to scroll all the way down the bottom. Oh, actually they're showing.
OK, so here's training courses. Oh, did I put it under-- there we go. OK, so I clicked on training courses, and then-- oh, it's in the sandbox that's why. OK. So you should see this Moodle 3.1 practice course, so I'm going to click on this. And I'm actually not logged in. So you have to be logged into Moodle. I'm actually going to log in with a different account.
I'm going to log in with my teacher student account, if I remember correctly. Working, working, working. and if you're having trouble getting into the course, put that into the chat. Marjorie and Blair are monitoring the chat as well. Oh, internet, cooperate please. Cooperate please.
If this doesn't work out, I'll just switch back over to my admin. Internet, I love you. In these down moments, I tend to sing and hum, so with that, I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my musical non talent. OK, so maybe what I will do while that is working is switch over to--
I'm going to back to my app course thing. In the interest of time. OK, so let me go back to the 3.1 course. OK. Now-- OK, that's fine. OK, so here's what we're going to do, folks, again, so we're enrolled in a course. We're students, we're not teachers. We're students in the course. And so what we're going to do is we're going to have you do a number of activities in this course. And you'll notice--
I just want to point out first before we get started is that you'll see that these icons that are to the left of the content items, they all have different looks to them. Here's like a paper icon, here's a piece of paper with a book lying down. This is for the assignment.
If I scroll down a little bit more I just need a piece of paper with the globe in front of it. This is the URL activity. If I keep scrolling, I see the quiz icon. So the more that you're in Moodle, you and your students are in the Moodle, these icons will start to look familiar to you.
So you'll know, oh, if I see the piece of paper with the red checkmark, then I know that we're going to be taking a quiz right now. OK, it's always helpful to make things as explicit as possible in the online environment, but the icons are meant to be a cue for you. So you'll want to get started with the sign in activity.
And I guess-- what's happening with my teacher course. Still logging in, OK. OK so what we're going to do is we're going to have all of you go ahead and get started with the sign in. And you'll notice, very interestingly enough that this Moodle 3.1 Create a Course Website Sign in is actually a Google doc.
And you're like, what? A Google doc, hold on a second, we're not using Google. But we are using Moodle to add these external resources into our middle Moodle. Yeah, this is the power of the elements, we can-- all of these tools that we've been learning about in the last month, we can figure out ways to actually bring these tools into the Moodle course and it's a really great principle to try to keep our students in the Moodle course as much as we can.
So go ahead and fill up the Google form. And Marjorie and Blair, let me know if anything is happening that I need to know about. But you're going to fill out that form. And then once you submit the form, I'll just go ahead and do this, Anthony Burik, B-u-r-i-k, email address,
And on this last question, what's the name of your agency? Once you submit that, your response has been recorded. Then we can go back to-- If we're following the breadcrumb trail, we can actually go back to 3.1 practice. Which is the home page for this course. And then we should be able to do assignment number two.
We've set up this course a little differently than other courses you might experience. Basically, what we've done is we've created conditions to the activities. So you basically have to do the activities and order. And then once you finish one activity, it gets registered as completed.
And then you are able to do the next activity in that way. Let me pause. So all of you, keep going. Like if you finished the sign in, then go ahead and go to the next one the activity. Blair and Marjorie, let me know if you have any questions about anything or if people have questions in the chat.
Marjorie Olavides: I just think people like you're humming.
Anthony Burik: Oh that's-- all right, so.
Blair Roy: No, no. We got positive feedback.
Anthony Burik: OK.
Blair Roy: The other thing is I added an online users blog because I wasn't sure if people were really in the course yet. So I may have missed that. So that's down there too, just wanted to throw that out at you.
Anthony Burik: Well, OK so maybe what we'll do is as you all are working through the activities, and again, so we're all-- All of you are logged in as students currently. So you're doing these activities as students in a course. Imagine that Blair and Marjorie and I are the teachers of the course so we're the ones who--
We started with a blank shell, and we customize this course to add the activities in the order that we wanted, and to create the conditions to go from one activity to the next activity, to the next activity, and so on and so on. And then we're using a variety of activities in this course. So again we had a page to start--
So we had I think was a page. A page to get started. Or maybe was-- it was a page. It was a page first, then we moved to an assignment. So you can practice doing an assignment activity. Then after that, will be the website activity, so that's going to take you to--
That's actually going to take you to the technology and distance learning symposium web page on the OTAN website, and then see if you have questions there. After you finish that, you're going to take a short quiz. After that, you're going to do the choice activity. So it's kind of like a survey. You have the option in Moodle, it's either setting up a choice or a survey.
But a survey tends to be a little bit more unforgiving than a choice. So maybe if you just want to do some simple questionnaires or surveys, where you can get some feedback. Like maybe-- I was thinking this morning maybe you had some reading assignments in your class that students are doing, but you want to get some feedback, like did they like the reading?
Maybe at the level of difficulty of the readings, maybe some of the assignments that they practice after they did the readings. Choice is a nice way to get some really easy feedback from your students on how they're doing in the online course itself. So there's that activity. We also have a forum setup.
Discussion forum. Discussion forums are nice as well. I mean, you can structure them in so many different ways. You could do it-- you could actually make it a graded assignment, for example.
I shouldn't you use the word assignment. You can make it a graded activity. So that, for example, like maybe you pose a question as a teacher in a discussion forum and you're grading your students on their response to your question.
And then maybe, I know it's very popular to sometimes ask students to respond to other student posts. So maybe they have to do, maybe, for example, in a forum a student has to do one original post. And then they have to do a response to post to another student. And then they'll be graded on those on those two posts.
And you can also-- I really like Moodle too-- I mean other elements as you can do this in Google classroom and campus and such where we also add like a rubric. So that the students can actually see what it is they're getting graded on. That's really handy, because then students, they really-- we want students, if they have a sense of what they're being asked to do.
And again, we're trying to make it as explicit as possible. They also know, OK, well, we're going to be looking for these things in your posts. We're going to be looking for not only the content of your post, but we're going to be looking for your grammar, and your punctuation, and your vocabulary, and all this kind of stuff. So we can add that kind of information into the form, as well.
[interposing voices]
Anthony Burik: Oh, yeah, go ahead. Sorry.
Marjorie Olavides: Sorry, really quickly, we got a couple of questions. Actually the same question. Can you show one more time how to get to this page as a student?
Anthony Burik: OK, so let me go back-- Yes. Let me go back to-- Let me see if my chrome-- Oh, my chrome is still thinking about the internet. So, see if I-- Let me just go see if there was an uplift in the matrix here. OK. So again, if I'm at California Adult Ed courses,
I want to scroll all the way down. So we have the categories basically alphabetized. So we want to go to training courses, click on training courses. And then you're going to click on Moodle 3.1 practice course. Now if you're not already logged into your Moodle account, that's going to prompt you to log into your account.
But once you're logged in, it might give you a-- I'm not sure-- yes. OK, perfect. Oh, now it's working. OK, so when I first come to the course, we have it as self enrollment. So you just go ahead and enroll me. And then you should come right into the course.
Tomorrow, I think because we're short on time, tomorrow for part two, I do want to spend some time talking about enrolling students because teachers also have a lot of questions about, OK, so I have this course now. How do I get my students into the course? So we'll talk about enrollment options tomorrow as well.
We don't really have time to talk about it today in depth but we'll talk about it tomorrow. But the way we set up this course. In terms of enrollment was we basically said, it's kind of just the self enrollment option so if you come to that-- if you're on the adult Ed courses site and you are directed to the link to your course, once you click on the course, you just have to enroll yourself, self enroll.
And then you're automatically in the course. And you should actually see that if you look in my courses, you should now see that course added to your list of my courses. So the short name for this course is 3.1 practice rather than a long name. So there's a long name and there's a short name.
As a teacher, you can fix-- oh, well, I mean, I'm a student right now. But any administration block, you can fix that. You can rename your cour-- well, you can create a short name for your course.
That will show up a lot easier in your breadcrumb trail. So that's where it's showing up. But it also now should show up in my courses, because you've self enrolled yourself in that course. OK, Blair, Marjorie, other questions?
Blair Roy: They need the password for the quiz.
Anthony Burik: OK. So the password is the word apple. a-p-p-l-e all lowercase. a-p-p-l-e for the quiz. Take a quiz, and choice, and then forum, and then a handout. OK perfect. OK. Other questions as we're working, Blair, Marjorie?
Blair Roy: I'm seeing someone saying that they completed the web activity but they don't have a check mark saying that they've completed it.
Anthony Burik: Are they talking about the web, that the URL one?
Blair Roy: Correct. I think once you just click on that link, and then come back it should have checked.
Anthony Burik: Yeah.
Blair Roy: I don't know, I'll go look and see if I --
Anthony Burik: Yeah, like I just enrolled in this course, so it could be that-- so, Blair, were you saying-- Yeah, for example, like the checkbox is only showing for the first one and it won't be clicked until I actually do it. So maybe initially the person didn't see the checkbox but it just hasn't-- they need to go back to the course again to see it.
Blair Roy: Well, they said that they clicked-- she said that-- Jacqueline said that they clicked on the web activity, but they don't have a checkmark saying that they've completed the activity. So if you go through it-- is anyone else having that problem?
Anthony Burik: Well, but people have gotten to the quiz, which is the next activity. So I'm wondering--
Blair Roy: She's having it. Yeah.
Anthony Burik: Yeah. I could do it. Let me do it. I'm actually in the course, so let me do this quickly and see if I can catch up. Because I think I know some of the answers are already.
Blair Roy: OK, so somebody said they checked it off them themselves. So it may be a manual check off. So try that, Jacqueline, see if you can check it. If it's a solid box, the student checks it off. If it's a dashed box, Moodle checks it off. So maybe that's what's going on.
Anthony Burik: Maybe that's the issue. What's the question again? What do you teach? Have you taken online...? Expectations? I'll just say, as we're working here, for folks to have done the assignment, which was in the beginning. So another possibility on the assignment was you could actually for example like upload a file.
So like if you have a handout like a worksheet or something, you could add that as something for students to work on, and then they could complete the worksheet for example. If you set it up or if it's set up is like a fillable form, that would be good because then they would do the work on the computer.
Then they could basically save that completed handout or worksheet. And then they have the option to upload it into the assignment block. So that's another possibility for people, like if you have things that you want students to work on like a worksheet for example, you have to set it up to allow for students to upload files, but they also can upload files as an assignment and then you can grade those in that way as well.
So that's another possibility. So I'm just going to say 1 Yes. 2 No. 3 Maybe Submit the Assignment, yes, I want to. So I should be done. OK, so now I do the website activity. Opens up a window. Oh, maybe that's why, Blair?
Blair Roy: Look at the different box. So the previous box, one is a manual check off and the other is a Moodle check off.
Anthony Burik: Got it.
Blair Roy: And that check off, you have to be kind of careful with because it doesn't necessarily mean like with even the Moodle one, it doesn't mean that the student has gotten a particular grade or anything like that. It just means that they've done what it is that you've asked them to click on.
Doesn't mean that they want a 30 minute video. So that's something to keep in mind is that Moodle is not-- they can't track everything. They're just giving you an idea of where the students gone. Unless it's a test and then Moodle extremely powerful.
Anthony Burik: And I wonder because we're not doing the activity in Moodle, like we're not actually, not like the assignment that we just did or the form we did, or the paper or the page that we finished in the first two, maybe that's why we're getting that different box, where people were to say, Yeah, I finish this activity.
Blair Roy: Somebody asked how to complete the reflection, which I think is the last activity, Anthony, if you want to jump down there. Might be easier for you to answer that one.
Anthony Burik: By TDLS March 6 and 7 some of you were with us. God, it seems like ages ago.
Blair Roy: Years ago.
Anthony Burik: Given our current situation, our current status in life. OK. So I've checked the box. Quiz. Take the quiz. Password is Apple. I should know, I came up with it. What time did everything begin? 9:00 AM Closing at 2:30. No 7:30. Keynote was I think it's 9:00, lunch was 12:30. Check. Next page.
False check. Next page. It was in Sacramento. . I was there, I had a great time. Our friends at Charles A. Jones. I saw Angela Hatters here, hi Angela. Thank you for hosting TDLS by the way. Thank you. Submit. Done.Great. Back to the course. OK so we're in forum. OK now I gotta make a choice.
Which continents have you visited? North America. Yes. Never been south of the equator. Although I've made it all the way around the world. Oh, and then I can see what everybody else is saying. Very interesting. OK. Let me get back to the course, back for forum. OK so now we're in the forum. Oh, I don't remember what I'm supposed to post on. What was the question, Blair, or Marjorie? Reflection time.
Blair Roy: Yes reflection time. I'm sorry, I was in the middle of-- someone's having trouble with the web. They took the web activity. So you'll need to make sure that once you do the assignment, that you submit the assignment and it's a couple of step. You click submit, you type the information in, you click submit.
And then it's going to say, are you sure? Are you ready to actually submit? I think that might be the problem. And Kerry, you don't have to do the activity. But if you don't finish go through the act-- you can do the activities later. It's just we were trying to show you, give you the experience of what it's like to be a student so you could see how you could potentially set your course up in Moodle.
Anthony Burik: So I'm in the reflection time and I was able to post my reflection. It might have been-- it's a little-- maybe people just seem a little bit of orientation to this. So Marjorie, in this case, Marjorie's post at the top of the reflection time is the original post, that would come from the teacher. So it doesn't have any words in it.
So it's a little bit deceiving. It's like, maybe we should have put a direction or two in here. But basically, once we reply to this post as the student, then-- I actually I think do another one too. Here is my second post. OK. So you have a lot of options on the post like how you set it up.
You could just be a discussion forum where you only allow students to respond to the original post and that's it. Like you don't allow them to respond to other people's posts, for example. I think there's also an option where maybe you don't even have to--
Blair, correct me if I'm wrong, but maybe you would only see your-- even though all of the students are responding to the original teacher post, as the student, we might limit the view so that I can only see my response. I can't see the responses of the other students. I mean I think you have a lot of options when it comes to the discussion forum and how you set it up and how much access you allow and things like that.
Blair Roy: You absolutely do, Anthony. And if you look right now you can see, we can all see that people are successfully submitting to the forum. One of my favorite forums was to use the one that-- I think it's question and answer, where you read what you're supposed to write about, you put your answer in, and you can't see any of the other students answers until you've submitted your answer. I mean different forums for different ideas, but I really like that one.
Anthony Burik: Yeah. So it's actually that's a kind of condition on the forum. So like the way we've structured the course, we can actually create that condition for this. In this case for the discussion forum, so that's a little different.
Blair Roy: Yeah, it's a different, and you can do that too. But it's, there are I think three or four different forum types. so I guess, I think I understand what you're saying now. Sorry, a little slow.
Anthony Burik: OK, so then I finish that post to the forum. OK. The very last thing is-- We have a-- OTAN over the years has actually developed a kind of a Moodle hand out that covers a lot of the basic topics that we've talked about today plus some exercises for practice and things like that.
The self paced course that I mentioned before, we are trying to basically load that hand out content into a self paced course. That's what we're currently working on at the moment. And again, we're building the plane as we're flying it type of thing.
But what we've talked about today when I give you the link to that self paced course today, everything that we've talked about today, you will find in the self paced course. It's similar content to what you'll find in the handout as well. Although the handout is older, so I've already gone ahead and edited it.
I've made some changes to some of the content. And in time everything in that self paced course will be the most current version of the material that we cover in the train. So that's what we're also working on at OTAN in addition to eventually upgrading to the 3.8 as well.
OK. I want to do just a time check, we're at 11:40. And I know that people are probably still working their way through the activity. I know that Melinda really wants us to be done by noon. It's not a few moments before. So let me go back to my slides for a second. I'm just going to pause and see what we have left here.
Blair Roy: Anthony, can I answer a question?
Anthony Burik: Yes, please.
Blair Roy: So I want to just make sure, Gayle, I hope you're listening to me, I know there's a lot going on. So you have, your question is regar-- you have a lot of students working in different units in the putting English to work courses, so there are 24 units in the course. Can I do that with one click?
So I'm thinking you want-- I mean, you can have-- OK, can I do it with one click or can I do it by unit not for each individual assignment which would take forever? I have three putting English to work courses, so an easy method would be best. I think I'm understanding the question.
And now I'm wondering if I can answer it. Can we set up a conditional that a unit opens up? I think so. I think you can have it as either an individual resource or activity can open up, but I think you can also-- can you have Moodle set up a whole unit? And I'm not sure of that. Does anybody else know the answer to that question?
Anthony Burik: So, Blair, if I'm undersatanding, I think sometimes we get this question because basically-- I'm sorry, I can't remember. Was it Helen? I can't remember what her name was.
Blair Roy: Gayle.
Anthony Burik: Gayle. No I thought of Helen. I'm sorry. I think to Gayle's point, I think sometimes we get this question if I'm understanding the question correctly and that is you have this course, where you have a group of students and rather than we're not working as a group working our way together through the course, everybody is basically all at different points.
Somewhere at the beginning unit one, somewhere In unit 7, somewhere unit 12, somewhere unit 24. And I think the question is basically can Moodle personalize it such that if I'm student on topic or unit one, I'm only looking at topic one. But if I'm a student at unit 7, I'm only looking at unit 7.
Is that the question because that's what I'm hearing or that's what I'm thinking of. Because basically the question is can I personalized middle such that each student is where they are in the course and only focusing on what they're working on at the moment and not being distracted by all the other units in the course. Is that's the question?
Blair Roy: You know, I'm not real sure. I'm thinking maybe, Gayle, if you could type again and clarify a little bit. I know, because isn't that you want to-- So if Blair has finished the first three units and I'm working in unit 4, you want me to only see unit 4 and unit 1, 2, and 3 are now hidden. And Anthony is in unit 7 and he can only see unit 7, he can't see one through six and then the next through 24. That's a little more complicated. And no that's not the question. OK.
Anthony Burik: Thanks for clarifying the question.
Blair Roy: So let me do this, so you have 24 units, and within each unit you have x number of activities. You could one time go through and you could have each, like we did in the practice course you could have each [audio out] conditional but they're not going to see the next one until they've completed whatever one they're on.
So if it's one, unit one activity six, they're not going to see unit two until they finished all of that. So that is a pos-- I mean you can do it that way. But I'm not sure that that's the right answer either. So we'll wait and hear from you further, or I keep just talking.
Anthony Burik: So Blair, Marjorie, so again I'm watching the clock here. So I think let's do this. Probably we're at a point where maybe some folks have finished and others are still working on it. Everyone is enrolled in this course at the moment. So if you're not finished right now you certainly can go back later and finish the activities and see what it is you missed.
But I'd like to maybe switch back to our slides and finish up for today. I noticed I see the questions are also coming into the Q&A as well. So I think we can make a copy of the questions from the Q&A and then tomorrow, if we all come back tomorrow, we can start with those questions as a review.
And then we can head into the content for tomorrow. If you're not going to be here tomorrow, you can always email us, And if you have a Moodle question, we can also address it that way. But I think in the interest of time, I'd like to just circle back to the slides and maybe take the next five minutes or so to finish today, and then I'll turn it over to Melinda for the final housekeeping and then we'll reconvene tomorrow. OK.
OK. So I'm going to circle-- let me see actually what I-- yes. OK. So I just want to say one more thing about our So actually, maybe let me switch back to my live screen here. Again, I'm following the breadcrumb trail, I'm just going back to the home page.
I mean, well, that's OK. I'm in my admin view but well, actually, let me switch over that teacher view so you can see what I'm seeing. OK. So when you're back on the home page, you'll notice these top three categories here developed courses, shared courses. And then we also have a EL Civics shared courses for those of you working in ESL and EL civics.
Let's take a look at the shared courses for the moment. But I certainly encourage you to look at what else is in the other two categories. But you'll see here that these are kind of the off the shelf courses that I mentioned at the beginning of our time today. So you can see that we have a variety of courses in the different subject areas.
And we have samples of them. So these are open. Once you're logged into your account, you are free to go ahead and self enroll in any of these sample courses. Let me go ahead. Let me go into the PET1, for example. OK, so it gives me the option, I just go ahead and self enroll like I just did for the practice course, the 3.1 practice course.
So let's say I'm an ESL teacher and I'm looking at this PET course and I'm like, oh, yeah, gosh this course looks really fantastic. So now, what you're looking at is not the actual course. You're looking at a sample of the course. You as the teacher can't do anything with this sample course, all you can do is kind of view it.
But over on the right hand side, we have this course request block. So basically, you go ahead and click on the link to fill out a form, and what you're doing is, once you open the link, it's going to open up this Google form. Basically this is your request for a copy of the sample.
Sorry. Well, you're actually required requesting a copy of the master course. So we will make a copy of the PET master course and we will put that into your account and assign you as the teacher role. We're going to assign the role of teacher for you, so that you will be the teacher in that copy of that PET course.
So that's the request form that you fill out to get those kind of off the shelf courses, or copies of the off the shelf courses into your accounts. So that's how that works. Now I'll just say that when people come to the adult Ed courses site, and they look at this.
These three categories and they say, oh my gosh, I want this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and it ends up that they want like eight or 10 or 12 courses, at this particular moment in time, we are going to strongly discourage you from requesting 8 to 10 to 12 courses. We're going to ask that you pick the one course that you really, really want, that you would like to get started with, that you can also manage, the management of the course and start with the one requests.
Maybe two, OK. But try to aim for one. As you get a feel for the first one or two courses that you have in your account, then come back to us and say, OK can I also get and A, B, and C. But again, try to put in the requests like maybe one or two at a time. Typically when we have these training's, all the sudden Marjorie, then has like 100 or so requests for courses.
And if people are asking for six or eight or at a time, that just kind of bugs down the system. So try to aim for like the one that you really want, maybe two and ask for those courses first. OK. But that's how you put in the request to OTAN. If you do want the blank course shell, you can always send an email to
And we'll get it in this form box and then Marjorie will go ahead and get that blank course shell to you as well. OK. So for more information, if you don't come back tomorrow, I just want to make sure that you do have this information. So a great resource is from Moodle itself. It's basically their documentation site. It has a lot of information on many, many things about Moodle.
So we recommend that you take a look there. Now the self paced middle training course, again, you're free to enroll in this course right now. I think I've hopefully set it up correctly. I may need to fix it in a minute. But if you go back to the training-- so again, click on training.
And then we have this self paced little training course. So go ahead and click on that. Yes. I did it right. OK. And go ahead and enroll in that course. So again, what we talked about today is the first part of your Moodle course. Sorry, the self paced course. So here are the handouts that I mentioned.
Handout how to create a Moodle account. Handout how to log into your Moodle account. You are free to download these, share these with your students to help them get into the Moodle course. Today, we talked about navigating around we talked about the middle interface, we talked about editing of course section kind of the basics.
So that's what's currently there at the moment. But we're going to be, or probably I. I should put the royal we are going to be adding more content in the coming week or so. OK. But everybody is free to enroll in the self paced course, if you want to go back and cover or read-- not read, study again what we talked about today.