Anthony Burik: Good morning, everybody, Anthony Burik from OTAN here. We're getting ready to start introduction to Moodle part two. Welcome back, if you were here yesterday. If you were not here yesterday, welcome, glad to have you here. Let's get started.
Just a reminder that OTAN is providing this training today. Hopefully all of you are actually aware of what OTAN is and does throughout the school year. We invite you to visit our website at We have a lot of information for the adult education field on our website, and we hope that you will take advantage of what we have there right now for your instruction.
All right, so here is our agenda for today. Again, welcome back, or welcome if you are coming and joining us today for the first time. We're going to spend a little bit of time, not too much time, reviewing some of the important points from yesterday that we covered. And hopefully, we talked about a lot of things yesterday, an introduction to many of the basic features that you will encounter as teachers in your Moodle course. But some of it we didn't really get a chance to practice with yesterday, and hopefully by the end of today, you'll have a lot better sense of what those things are and how you use them in your Moodle course. So I just want to review a few things that we touched on yesterday.
Our plan for the day-- we're going to do something ambitious today, and hopefully it will work. I know that folks might be having internet trouble today. For some reason in the last 24 hours a number of internet issues have come up across the country, it's not just the Sacramento area. But hopefully what we're planning to do today will work out just fine. And really the intention today is to give you a lot of practice as teachers in courses, so that when you strike out and start using the Moodle platform for your online instruction, you'll have a much better sense as to how you go about managing those courses.
So that's our plan for the bulk of today, to do a lot of practice. And we're going to focus today-- we talked yesterday about resources and activities. I'll remind us about what those are shortly. But that's our plan, is to spend a lot of time actually working with those in your Moodle courses. Near the end of today, I hope that we have a little bit of time to talk about enrolling students, what that process is, and also to talk about the grade book.
And the reason why we want to hopefully get to a short discussion about the grade book is that when I get to the point where we talk about what options you have in terms of courses that you have in your account, there are many courses that OTAN has developed. We can give you copies of those courses, and you can start teaching with them. But in, I think, most of those courses there actually is a grade book that's already set up for you, meaning when the students start doing the assignments and the activities in the course, grades will be generated. And so we want to give you just a sense of the grade book and what that is and what it looks like, how information gets there, and what you can do about that.
So again, enrollment and grade book, we'll try to save some time towards the end to talk about those two particular issues. And then a reminder at the very end just about resources that you have available to you after today. So that's our plan for the next an hour and 50 minutes or so.
So again, let's do a little bit of review from yesterday. And I have the annotation tool, so I'm going to use that, if I remember how to do that. OK, so here's the annotation. I'm going to use the annotation tool. So first is, where do we find the OTAN Moodle site? OK, so if we go to the OTAN website,, we have two ways to get there.
So first is if you find the Resources tab that's near the top of the page, you open up that dropdown menu, and you can click on the link for California Adult Education Courses. So that's one way to get there. The other way is near the bottom, we have this button, it's kind of a bluish button. If you just click on the button, that will also get you to our Moodle site California Adult Education courses.
OK, so either one of those links will bring you to this page, California Adult Education Courses. You can also just type in the URL directly in the address bar, And this will be the landing page where you're going to get started. OK, we also talked about yesterday how once you get to this page you have two places where you can log in. There's a log in block on the left hand side, so just go ahead and type your username and password and log in. And then in the upper right hand corner, there's also this place where if you just click on that blue link to log in, that will also get you to the log in location.
OK, and again, when you come to the Moodle course, or when you start working in the Moodle course, you basically have two options. So you can either request a blank course shell from OTAN-- so if your plan is to basically build your course from scratch, this is what you want to request from OTAN, so a blank course shell-- or, like I mentioned, we have a number of we call them developed courses, shared courses, and also EL civics courses for those of you in ESL.
We have a number of courses under those categories, and what you're looking at initially is a sample of the course. You can't actually do anything with a course, you can only view it as a sample. But again, if you like that course and you're really interested in using that course, in the upper right hand corner of each of those courses there is a course request block. You would go fill out the Google form, and then that request will come into OTAN, and then we will provide a copy of that course for you. And we will also make you the teacher in that course, so that you'll be able to begin using it, make edits, make additions, take things out, reorganize it the way you would like. So those are basically your two choices in terms of what you're getting.
And I mentioned yesterday, when we do these trainings a lot of people all of a sudden when they see the variety of courses that we have available for teachers, all the sudden they want four courses, six courses, eight courses. So our request at the moment is just to select the one course that you feel comfortable starting with, two if you feel that you can manage two. But really start with one, get a sense of how that course works, and then if you then want more courses down the road, then you can turn in those requests later on. But just try to start with one initially, and make sure you understand what's in the course, how it works, how you would use it with your students, and then request additional courses in the future.
And then, so unless we provide that course to you and assign you the teacher role in that course, any other course that you would come into, your role is going to be student. So yesterday, the course that we practiced in, you were all students. So you didn't see the full functionality of what the course would look like if your role was teacher, and that's what we're going to show you today.
So just remember, initially when you enroll in a course, your role is going to be student. So again, the exceptions are if we make a copy of it for you and assign you with the teacher role, or you ask OTAN to change your role in a course to teacher. And typically, the example is, you and your colleagues back at your agency are actually going to go ahead and co-teach a Moodle course. So in that case, you can just ask us to make yourself and any other colleagues teachers in the course, and then we'll go ahead and change your role.
And then finally, we also mentioned that when you go to the OTAN website, which is, you are able to create an account on the OTAN website and join the OTAN membership, but that account is separate from an account that you would create on the Moodle site. OK, so they're not linked. In the future, they may be, and we'll let you know if and when that happens. But at the moment, they're two separate log-ins. And again, for all of your students, they also need to create accounts as well on the Moodle adult ed courses site, so that they can enroll in your courses.
I didn't mention this yesterday, but I just want to bring this to folks attention, just take a minute to talk about an orientation to the Moodle course. So it's really a best practice when we're working online to have orientation materials available for the students in the course. And what I mean by orientation materials are some information about how, maybe an introduction to the content that's in the course, definitely some instructions about how to navigate around the course.
One of the things I mentioned yesterday also was that when you come into a course and you kind of look at it initially, you'll see that there are a number of icons that identify what items or pieces of content are included in your course. So you may want to include that information as part of the orientation materials. So maybe you have a table essentially, which would have the Moodle icons and then what each one of them correspond to. So if I'm looking at this icon, it means this is an assignment. If I look at a different icon, like the paper with a red check on it, that's a quiz. If I'm looking at-- I think the piece of paper with the globe in front of it, that is a link to another website.
So that kind of information to include in the orientation will be really good for students to understand, so when I click on this link, this is what is going to happen. And maybe some additional information about how do I navigate around the course, how do I submit an assignment, how do I take a quiz, and things like that. A good example yesterday was when a number of people were practicing in the discussion forum, and they were confused about how exactly to reply to another person's post. So some of that basic orientation would be really helpful to include in these kinds of materials.
If you happen to get a copy of a developed course or a shared course or an EL civics course, most of these courses have orientation materials included, and they're near the top of the course. So these would be good examples for you to look at. If you're looking around at some of those shared courses right now, just take a look and see what kinds of orientation materials each of those courses include. And those are really good examples of what you might include in your own Moodle course, but they're very important.
It's really, again, students, a lot-- I'm sure many of our students are coming into this learning environment for the first time, so materials that are going to orient them to what they're looking at and how they operate in the online environment are really essential. So keep that in mind.
So let's just talk about a few of the things that we talked about yesterday, and we're going to practice with these things shortly. So we talked about the navigation block in the dashboard. Again, the navigation block is on the left hand side of the Moodle course. Dashboard can be accessed from the navigation block. It can also be accessed from the upper right hand corner of your course after you log in. There's a little dropdown menu, which includes the dashboard link, link to the profile, link to preferences. So that's what those are.
And then again, blocks, we can collapse them. We can expand them. We can dock them, which means we move the block entirely over to the left hand side and collapse, if we want to free up some space in our courses. And then a reminder about the breadcrumb trail that will help you quickly navigate within a course and then around the Moodle site. And I'm going to go live shortly, but I just want to mention these things once again.
OK, Moodle interface. Probably the thing that everybody forgets when they first come into the courses is, OK, well, I'm ready to change things, but how do I do that? So you just have to remember to turn on the-- or you have to push the Turn editing on button. So it's actually in the upper right hand corner, not the left hand corner-- my mistake, I'll change that. Or, you can look for the command and the administration block, which is on the left hand side. And then you can also change some of the look your course by clicking on Edit settings, which is also in the administration block.
So to change the content of your course, you want to look for Turn editing on. To change the look of your course, you want to Edit the settings of your course. And again, those are both within the administration block, left hand side.
We talked about switch role too, and I'll show you again where this is. It's on the left hand side. It's a really great way for you as you're organizing your course to see the course from both the teacher perspective and the student perspective. So again, when you're the teacher in a course, you can switch your role to student. And what that will do is that will basically change the view to a student view. So they won't see the teacher editing icons there, they won't have the teacher commands that you have. They have a much different view of the course than you do.
If you hide things in your course, for example, then you can see what you have hidden and showing as a teacher. But when you switch it over to the student, they will only see the things that are showing, they won't see the hidden things at all. And better yet, we suggest that you actually have to Moodle accounts, one teacher account, one student account. And really then when you have the student account, you can actually do the things, and have those things recorded. You basically can practice out the things that you're creating as a teacher.
OK, when we turn on that editing, then all the sudden we have this add an activity or resource option that appears. And again, this will help us to access activities, and also resources. Resources tend to be those things that you might find on a typical website. So for example, links to other resources, maybe you might include files, PDF files, Word documents, PowerPoints, things like that. You can also think about a website that has different web pages. So these are the typical resources that we're talking about.
Activities really refers to the more interactive features of a Moodle course. So for example, if you create an assignment, if you create a discussion forum, if you create a quiz, if you create a choice activity where students can basically provide some feedback. So the more interactive features of the Moodle course are called activities, rather than the static things that are the resources, which are just sitting there-- files to be downloaded or links to be clicked on, things like that.
OK, before we practice let me go up to the Moodle platform for just a second. OK, so you should be seeing my screen, which is the OTAN home page, So again, to get to, we can either open up the Resources tab and click on the link for adult ed courses here, or we can scroll down a bit, depending on what kind of device you're using, and you want to look for this bluish button here, CA adult ed online courses. So we click on this, this should open up the California adult education courses website or Again, the log in block is here on the left hand side, or you can also log in here on the upper right hand corner.
So I'm going to go ahead and log in to my teacher account first. OK, so when I'm logged in as a teacher now, so now I can see the navigation block-- it's over here on the left hand side, and here's that link to the dashboard-- or if I go up in the upper right hand corner where I'm logged in, I can open up this dropdown. Here's the link to dashboard, I can change my profile, I can send messages out here, I can also change my preferences, I can also log out from here as well.
I'm going to go to one of my courses. So in the navigation block on the left side, if I open up the My Courses dropdown-- let me see here. Let me go to-- actually let me open up this one, I should be able to. OK, so now I've come into this course called ITEC. OK, so I have the navigation block again on the left hand side. Now I have a administration block here also on the left hand side. So here's where the turn editing on command is, and then here's also where edit settings is as well.
OK, and then I can also turn editing on over here in the upper right, it's a button. So when I go ahead and click on that button, so now I have that add an activity or resource option that is visible now. So if I click on that, I get this menu. So at the top are the activities, again, the more interactive features of the course, assignment, for example, choice is another one, the discussion forum is here. If I keep scrolling down I see quiz as well, and then towards the bottom are the resources. So if I want to add a file, if I want to add a page, if I want to add a link to a website, these things are here. I'm going to cancel that.
OK, let me just do a quick check. Blair, do we have any questions before we jump into the practice?
Blair Roy: I think we're doing great.
Anthony Burik: OK, good.
Blair Roy: Well, the questions are great. I hope the answers are OK.
Anthony Burik: And hopefully, I'm not half bad this morning. So I'm just going back through my notes just to make sure-- oh, just a couple of other things here. Again, when I'm looking at my course, upper left hand corner up here, so under the name of the course, here's the breadcrumb trail that I was talking about. So this is where you're going to find the breadcrumb trail. If I quickly want to go back to the home page, I can just click on Home. OK, so we can use that breadcrumb trail to navigate around.
We talked about turning editing on. Oh, the switch role. Let me go back to that course for a second, the ITEC course OK, so I'm back in the ITEC course, left hand side again, navigation block towards the top. If I scroll down a bit, I see the administration block. And then actually-- oh, OK, at the bottom of the administration block, here's where that switch role to command is.
So if I open it up, if I switch my rule to a student-- OK, let's look at what I'm looking at the moment. So right now I'm logged in as a teacher, I've turned the editing on, all of these editing icons and such have opened up. But if I switch my role to a student, I'm only going to get the student view of the course. So I have the navigation block. I actually have a much smaller administration block as a student.
OK, in this case, I'm allowing my students to look at their grades. So when we get to the discussion about the grade book later, you have the option of making grades visible, for example, so that students can also see their grades too. But students have a much smaller administration block view than you do as a teacher. OK, I can switch my role back to my normal role or my teacher role, and now I'm back on the teacher page where I can turn editing on and all that kind of stuff. Activities, resource-- OK, I think we're good. If we don't have any questions, I'm going to go back to my slides.
Blair Roy: Anthony?
Anthony Burik: Yes, Blair.
Blair Roy: I'm going to clarify this real quickly. The question is, "is there a place that shows us if we're logged in as a teacher?" Do you want to take that?
Anthony Burik: So logged in as a teacher-- well, OK, when I'm looking at this dropdown-- OK, first of all, I know that I'm logged in because I can see my name. And if I've added a picture, I can also see my picture. So for the moment I know that I'm logged into Moodle. OK, so there is a way-- well, OK, let me go to-- Blair, if I show participants, is that what you're thinking? Is that we want to show people, or are you thinking about something else?
Blair Roy: Well, you're not seeing all the basis of the questions that we're getting, so if you don't mind, can I just go real fast?
Anthony Burik: Go ahead.
Blair Roy: So what happens is when you create an account in Moodle, or any LMS for that matter, and you log into the LMS, and you're not in a course yet, your role is just a generic role. It's not until you enter a course that you are assigned a role-- teacher or student or non-editing teacher. So for instance, right now Anthony is in-- he's logged into an account. He's in Moodle, but he's not in a course. So if Anthony goes into a course-- so let's say, pick a course that you have, Anthony.
Anthony Burik: As a teacher or a student, or any course?
Blair Roy: Well, you're just going to go into a course. So when he clicks on a course, if it's a course that he's the teacher, then he can edit, then he can change the course, and he's in control of that course. But if he enrolls himself into a Moodle course-- and there's an exception to this, of course-- when he enrolls into most Moodle courses throughout our LMS, he's going to be assigned the role of student. He will not be a teacher, he can't make changes, he can only participate as a student. When you were here yesterday, the course that you were in, you enrolled yourself, and your role was set as student.
Now the exception to that-- and that's how it typically works-- the exception in that is that Anthony created courses yesterday. You're going to enroll yourself in these special courses where he has set the default role that when you enter the courses today, you will automatically be assigned teacher because that helps us as part of the workshop. We don't have to go in and promote all of you to teachers. So I hope that clarifies. Your role is defined by the course that you're entering. And if there are any other questions, then send them off.
Anthony Burik: And since you all know as teachers that when you are a teacher in a Moodle course, you are able to turn the editing on and edit the settings and such. If you found yourself in a different course, and you didn't see any of those commands, and you saw that much smaller administration block that only allowed you to do a couple of things, then most likely you are a student in that course. You are not a teacher in that course because you're not able to do anything in that course that a teacher would normally be able to do when they have that role. OK, other questions, Blair, or are we good?
Blair Roy: I think that's pretty much good. I think the role-- we're getting some other questions coming through. So when Anthony was talking about setting up two accounts, so for most of us what we do is we set up one account that we use as our teacher account, and then we have another account that we can then-- with a unique email address-- that we designate as a student account.
So I have a Blair teacher account and a Blair student account. All that does is it allows me when I'm creating my course, I can enroll my student-- as Blair student, I enroll in that course. And then when I make changes, I can log out of my Blair teacher account, and then I log into the course as Blair student and function as a student in the course. The switch role is fabulous. It works about, I don't know, 90% of the time for what you can see as a student. So having that separate teacher account, student account within your course allows you 100% verification of everything you're doing.
Anthony Burik: Yeah, and I'll just say too, having two accounts is actually a good practice in-- all of these tech tools that you use and learn about, I typically have two accounts because if I'm-- a tool we talked about recently was Padlet a while back. Well, maybe Padlet's not a good choice, maybe something like Kahoot, for example. So if you use Kahoot, or quizzes, or Quizlet, any of those kinds of tools, you should have two accounts. You should have a teacher account where you're creating the Kahoot quiz, and then you have a student account where you can actually practice the Kahoot that you've set up.
So just in general, it's a really good practice as a teacher. Any of these technology tools that you're using, you really should consider having two separate accounts with two separate addresses, two separate log in credentials sets. Yeah, it's just a good practice to keep you sane, and make sure you really understand how the tool works, both as the teacher and as the student.
OK, why don't we get ready for our practice activity. OK, so here's basically what's going to happen to start. So hopefully, many things are going to happen in the next 90 minutes, but here's what we're going to start with. OK, so here's the idea. We have created nine different practice courses, and they are organized by your last name. All right, and we'll show you in a second how those are organized.
So what's going to happen is you're going to find the appropriate practice course based on your last name. When you enroll in this particular course, again, as Blair just said, we have set it up such that when you come into this course only, you will automatically become a teacher in the course. Again, this is not the normal practice, normally you come in as a student. But we've changed a few of the settings for these courses to allow everyone who comes into these courses to be teachers automatically. OK, so we're going to give it a couple minutes for everybody to get into a course. OK, and then once we basically have a sense that everybody is in a course who wants to be in a course, then we'll go to the next activity.
So here's what we're going to do. So we're going to go back out to the-- sorry, let me switch my thing here. We're going to go back out to adult ed courses. OK, so everybody should be on the adult ed courses page, You're going to scroll all the way down. It's alphabetical, we're going to scroll down to T for training. OK, and you get to this training courses category. You want to go ahead and click on training courses.
Blair Roy: Anthony, take a pause real quick. Oh, can you go back one page?
Anthony Burik: Yes.
Blair Roy: For some of you, what you might see is view more. So if you don't see training, click view more, and it'll open up the whole menu. I always have to do a view more, too small of a monitor.
Anthony Burik: Yeah, I think it might be because I'm currently logged in as well. If you're not logged in yet, you might have to view more. OK, so either on the first page you'll see training courses or view more to continue the alphabetical list, but you want to get to training courses. Once you're at the training courses, we called it categories, so training courses category. Go ahead and click on that link, that will bring you to the courses within the training courses category. And near the top of the list, you should see our practice courses.
OK, so again, we have nine different courses. They're organized by your last name. So go ahead and enroll in the appropriate practice course based on your last name. And I'll leave that there for the next minute. OK, and if you have any questions about that, please put a question in the chat. If you're not sure still how to get here, we can show that again. But you want to go ahead and enroll in the course based on your last name. And Blair, let me know if I need to show anything again for folks.
Blair Roy: Okey-dokey.
Anthony Burik: Just a point here, if you don't have an account on the adult ed courses site, you still need to do that first. So that may be the reason why you're not able to get into the course. So you have to have an account that you can log into in order to enroll in one of these practice courses. And we'll give people maybe another 30 seconds or so to get into their appropriate course. And Blair, let me know if there are questions ready.
Blair Roy: "I'm not sure how to get there."
Anthony Burik: OK, so let me go back to the beginning.
Blair Roy: And people are saying, I don't see my name, so I think just covering that again.
Anthony Burik: OK, so again, we want to start at the California adult education courses website, OK, and if you don't know how to get here, just type it in the chat, and we'll let you know how to get here. You can start at the website to get here as well. You want to scroll all the way down, it's an alphabetical list. You're going to find the categories for the letter T. You may need to view more. You may need to go to page two for some of you. But you want to look for this training courses category.
So again, click on the training courses category, this will provide the list of Moodle courses that are within the training courses category. And then we have nine practice courses here at the top of the list, they're organized by the letters of your last name. So just find the appropriate practice course based on your last name and go ahead. If I click on-- let me click on one that I'm not enrolled in, this one, for example. OK, you'll come to this course. And then you just go ahead and click this enroll me button, and that should allow you into the course.
I picked T-Z, so you can see actually these four participants today-- first of all, congratulations, you are in the correct course-- but you also have all become teachers-- so Elisa, Rene, Francis, and Mike. So we know that some of you, anyway, have gotten to the right place.
Blair Roy: I'm going through the courses and looking at the participant list. Great job, I think every course has people in it.
Anthony Burik: OK, fantastic. Good. OK, step number one. OK, Blair, do we feel fairly confident that most people have gotten into the course, or do we need any more instruction on how to get there?
Blair Roy: I see people asking, they don't see their name, and I'm not sure what that means. But what you're going to do, so--
Anthony Burik: OK, so let me--
Blair Roy: Well, OK, if your last name is hyphenated, go ahead and pick last name BRM. It really doesn't matter, these are just-- yeah, so just pick which course you want to go. Even if you get into the wrong course, Anthony is not going to call you out, right?
Anthony Burik: Yeah, that's fine. We were hoping that in all of these courses there are no more than 10 of you in there. So I think just based on our list today and how the number of courses, I think we should be good. So if you find yourself accidentally in the wrong course-- or maybe on purpose, maybe you're feeling rebellious today. I don't know, we are on day whatever of the quarantine. But if you ended up in the wrong course, don't worry about it, it's fine. OK, so again-- all right, Blair, do we feel pretty good about that?
Blair Roy: One other thing is if you're having trouble, if Zoom is taking up-- well, can you explain to them about how to minimize Zoom, so that they can split and have Zoom on one half of the monitor and the browser on the other, please.
Anthony Burik: OK, so let's see if I can do that myself. OK, so currently I am in Zoom. I wonder if the easier thing would be-- Melinda, would it be easier if I just stopped sharing and then-- no, I should do-- OK, let me see if this works because I'm not getting that green. Let's see, let me switch back to-- actually let me switch back to my PowerPoint for a second. Is something happening now?
Blair Roy: Yes, we can see what you're doing.
Anthony Burik: OK, so what I'm doing is I've grabbed my Zoom window, and I'm basically resizing the window to be half the size. So it's going to stay on the left hand side in my case. Then I'm going to click on my browser window, and I'm going to resize that so it will fit into the other half. So hopefully, you're seeing what Blair just talked about doing. Yes?
Blair Roy: Yes.
Anthony Burik: OK, so what I have is this would be your Zoom window on the left hand side, this would be your browser on the right hand side. Well, that's how I've set it up, so mine's on the right hand side. So all you're doing again is-- am I in my browser? OK, so again, I'm in my browser, I'm just basically resizing sizing. I'm not minimizing it necessarily, I'm just resizing it. So I'm pulling it so that it's now going to be half the size. So now I have both of these things side by side. I have my Zoom window on the left in my case, my browser is open on the right.
So if you find that helpful, then please go ahead and do that. If you don't understand what we're doing, don't worry about it. But maybe for the purpose of what I want to do next, maybe I'll just keep this like it is for the moment.
OK, so if everybody's in a course basically, we're going to continue on. OK, so now what we want to do is-- so let's review who is in the course because people were saying they're having trouble seeing if they're in the course or not. OK, so if you are in a course-- so I'm just going pick A-B as the example here. So actually let me-- I'm going to resize it to regular size, sorry. OK, so I'm in A-B, maybe I will enroll myself in here.
OK, so now you're in your course, you're at the home page of your course. So you have a couple of options in terms of seeing who's actually in this course. So if you go to the current course in the navigation block, left hand side, and you open that up. So currently the current course I'm in is Moodle Practice A-B, but right under that I have this linked to the participants.
So if I click on the link to the participants, and there we go, a little slow. OK, so now I can see, in this case, the three people who are actually in this course. Lilian is here, Deborah is here, and the other Deborah is here as well. OK, so I know that those three folks are in this particular course. OK, so that's one way to see the participants in the course.
Another way that we'll talk about later-- I don't want to talk about it right now-- is in the administration block. If you click on Users, and you see the enrolled users, that's another way to also see who is in the course. And that actually gives you a fuller view of who's in the course because that also includes the roles of people, so whether they are teachers in the course or students in the course. You get a more complete picture of the participants by clicking on Users, and then enrolled users.
OK, but for the moment, I'm just going to look at this participant list here. OK, so right now I see that there are three participants in this course, Lilian, Deborah, and Deborah. OK, so are there questions about that so far? OK, so if not, I'm going to go back to my next instruction here. OK, so the first thing that we're going to do in this course is we're going to change the format of the course. So when you're looking at that participant list, I would like the first person on the participant list to do this activity. OK, so whoever the first person is, I'm going to assign you to this next activity.
OK, you're going to do two things. Number one, you're going to change the format of the course from weekly to topics. The second thing you're going to do is you're going to change the number of topics to 15. OK, the way that you do both of these things is you have to go to edit settings in the administration block. So I'm going to show you how to do this first, and then once you understand how to do it, then the first person on the participant list is going to do this activity.
OK, so let me switch back to my course. And actually what I'm going to do is I'm going to change to a different course to show you how to do this. So this is the practice that I'm going to show you how to do. OK, so let me turn the editing on. Oh, and this is not a good example, but it'll get you to the same place. OK, so to change the format of your course, you want to scroll down to the administration block. OK, and you want to click on edit settings. This is going to open up the edit course settings page.
Now, in the edit settings, actually, you can do a number of things. You can actually change the name of your course, you can also change the short name of your course. The short name actually shows up in the breadcrumb trail. So the full name will appear out on the site. The short name is what shows up on the breadcrumb trail here. OK, your school will appear as the course category once you get it your own course. For now, I believe, you're just in the training, you should see training as the course category. Visible is the different-- so you have two options for visible.
Currently, all of the practice courses are showing, which means they are visible on the adult ed courses site. If they are hidden, then they are not visible on the adult ed courses site, and your students will not be able to enroll because the course is not showing. So a lot of folks forget this, they forget to change it from hide to show. So just remember, this is where you do it, you do it in the edit settings place.
So let's scroll down to the two things that I've asked you to do. When you scroll down to this course format option, you have to open up this menu. And here are the two things that you do. OK, you change the format of the course, you have a few different options. Currently, the format is a weekly format, you want to change it to the topics format. OK, and that way what we're going to do is currently when you're looking at the course right now, you see a series of weeks-- April 9 to 15, April 16 to 22, April 23 to 29, April 30 to May whatever, and so on and so on. So we want to change that from the weekly format to the topics format. OK, step one, that's how you do that.
Blair Roy: Anthony, can I interject real quickly?
Anthony Burik: Please.
Blair Roy: So we have a question about who's supposed to change the format
Anthony Burik: OK, so remember, it's the first person on the participants list. That's the person who's going to be doing this in just a minute. OK, we will remind you where you can find the participants list in just a second. OK, so format is here. And just a reminder, yesterday we talked about that more information icon, so when you click on that-- if you ever have any questions about what the different formats are, just click on that help icon with the question mark.
So format is here, right below that is number of sections. OK, so when you open up this dropdown menu, it's between-- well, 0-- but between 1 and 52. OK, so what I asked you to do was to change the number of sections to 15. So you're going to click on that number 15, make sure you scroll all the way down to save it. So go ahead and save. OK, so I actually changed it to 15. So let me turn that edit off. So in my case now, I have 15 topics. OK, I think I only had maybe 10 before, now I have 15 topics. OK, and also I've changed from the weekly format to the topic format.
OK, so the first person listed on the participants list, so in the navigation block. Again, current course, we have the option to see participants, go ahead and click on that participants. In this case, there's only one person in this course, just me. But you should have a list of the participants. So whoever is the first participant is the person who's going to be doing that in each of the courses. Questions?
If you're good to go, then the first person go ahead and do those two things. Weekly format to topics format, and then expand it to 15 topics. And let us know if you have questions about that. For the rest of you who are waiting, I'd give it about 30 seconds or so. And then you want to refresh your screen, and then you should see the changes that your participant number one just made. OK, but give it about 30 seconds or so. And let us know if you're having any trouble. And Blair, let me know.
Blair Roy: I'm seeing a lot of success.
Anthony Burik: Oh my goodness, things are happening.
Blair Roy: Yeah, I was going to say, maybe Marjorie or Melinda check from the bottom up. I'm checking from the top down, and it looks good.
Anthony Burik: OK, good. Good, good. Let me go back into A-B. Perfect, fantastic. I see now topics rather than weeks, and now I see 15 topics. Fantastic. Success. Again, now we have four people. Oh, actually I want to take myself out of this course, but anyway that's OK. OK, any questions on that so far-- topics and the number of topics? OK, if you're still having trouble, let us know, and we'll swoop in and help you.
OK, so now the next activity-- let me switch back to my PowerPoint for a second. OK, so we changed the format. Fantastic. OK, now everybody just breathe deeply for a minute on this one, so that you understand what we're going to do. OK, so we showed where participant list is, and there should be a number of participants in each of the courses.
OK, so first thing is, what I would like you to do is to find your position on the participants list. Meaning, are you first on the list, are you second on the list, are you third on the list, are you fourth on the list, and so on. OK, so first thing is identify your position on the participants list. OK, step number one.
Step number two, once you figure out which position you are, I want you to find the number of the topic that corresponds with your position. Meaning, if you are the first person on the list, you are assigned topic 1. If you are the second person on the list, you are assigned topic 2. If you are the third person on the list, you are assigned topic 3. If you are the fourth person on the list, you are assigned topic 4, and so on down the list.
OK, so again, find your position, figure out which number topic corresponds with your position. OK, then once you have that figured out, what you're going to do is you're going to change the topic and the number to your name. OK, so for example, in the A-B course, I'm in the second position, so that means that I've been assigned topic 2. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to change topic 2 to my name. So topic 2 will then become Anthony.
OK, remember, in order to do this, you have to turn editing on first. OK, so let me show you what I mean. All right, I'm going to go back out to a practice course. OK, I'm in the A-B course right now. OK, so in this course there are four participants, I am the second person on the list right. Deborah Bird is first, Anthony is second, the other Deborah B is third, Lilian is fourth. OK, so I'm the second position, that means I'm topic 2.
OK, so if I go back out to the practice course, I'm looking at this list, I have to turn editing on first before I can do anything. OK, now I have two options for changing this topic 2. OK, you'll notice when I scroll over it that a little pencil should appear to the right. OK, if I click on it, I can just go ahead and edit it directly right here. OK, and that's the simple way to do it.
OK, otherwise, another option I have is to go over to the Edit dropdown on the right hand side, open it up, edit the topic. OK, now if I go this way, you just have to remember, the default section name-- in this case it's topic 2-- the default section actually corresponds with the format. We changed it to the topic format, so the default section name is going to be a topic and a number. OK, I have to unclick it, so that I can change this box. OK, and I can also just do it right here as well. OK, if I come here, I have to scroll down, just make sure I save my changes, and then I can change it to my name here
OK, so again, two options, scroll over, open the pencil icon, change it directly here, just make sure you have to enter when you finish it, or I can open up the dropdown, open up edit topic. I just have to make sure I uncheck this box here, that will enable me to edit this box right here. Make sure to save that change, and now we're good. OK, now all of your teachers, so you're all able to do what I just did, just remember to turn the editing on.
OK, so I'm going to leave that now. We're going to take a couple of minutes for everybody to go ahead and do that. You may want to refresh your screen periodically once you finish, so you can see that your colleagues have also been entering their names in the topic spaces. OK, Blair, questions?
Blair Roy: I'm just going to address something really quickly. So people are commenting on the fact that the participant list keeps changing. This is an exceptional situation, you're not ever going to probably have five or six. We have you in one course all as teachers, and Anthony was just using the participant list for you to designate one person to go in and do format changes. So don't worry about what we did, just understand that you have the participant list, you can see all your participants, you can message them there. And it's OK that the list keeps changing. It's going to be because people are coming in late, maybe their sorting order is by first name, or somebody clicked last name, or somebody clicked email address, all of those things will impact how the list is presenting.
Anthony Burik: Yeah, I think, Blair, in this case what's happening is because I made the most recent edits, so now I've jumped to the top of the list. So I think it's based on as the edits are coming in. I think that's what's happening.
Blair Roy: Yeah, absolutely. So you've got seven different variables of why that list is changing.
Anthony Burik: Sure, sure, sure, sure.
Blair Roy: Yeah, so I think it's kind of wild out there.
Anthony Burik: So long as you can find a space where you can put your name, that's all we really care about. So hopefully, if it corresponds with the corresponding topic, and it's all good, then it's all good.
Blair Roy: OK. So now I'm seeing-- and I hadn't realized because I've been answering questions. So if you see a topic and it still says topic 6, go ahead and edit that really fast and put your name in it, or go to the bottom of the page and do it where somebody else is less likely to be there because I didn't realize I wasn't connecting the dots.
Anthony Burik: Yeah, OK. So in my case, Deborah Borador has made it in, she's topic one. Anthony Burik has made it in, he's topic two. I think we had three other folks in our class, and they're probably still working on it at the moment. But again, find the topic. So again, you can edit the topic. First of all, remember turn editing on, you have to turn that editing on button, turn that on or click on the button. Find the topic. Again, you can edit the topic name, either the pencil to the right, or open up the edit dropdown box on the right hand side, and then edit topic.
So we'll give it another maybe minute or so, and hopefully folks can get set with topics. And let us know if you're still having trouble or have questions. We talked about it yesterday-- our group, Marjorie, and Blair, and I-- we knew that this was going to be a bit ambitious, so we appreciate your patience. But hopefully once we sort this first part out, then I think we should be good. Because what we want you to do, is we want everybody to have a space, have a section where they can work in the section.
So we just need everybody to get into a section. Once you're in the section, and we know that it's Anthony's section, or Deborah's section, or Blair's section, or Elisa's section, or Terisita's section, then we're all good. Once you have a section, then we should be good to go from there. Any remaining questions we need to address, Blair?
Blair Roy: I think we're good. We have a lot of questions pertaining to the participant list issue, so I'm thinking we'll just go ahead and dismiss those. I don't mean to dismiss you, but dismiss those questions because I think we've addressed it. And if you have to retype another one, please do so.
Anthony Burik: Yeah, and again, if you're still having trouble, just find a topic towards the bottom of the list. It's more than likely that those are still open, and just pick one of those. You just need a topic space to operate in, that's all you need. OK, and I see that Lilian now has made a topic space in our A-B course. Deborah Bird has made a topic space in our A-B course. So it looks like we're doing OK in this section.
OK, so as you're finishing that up, let me just switch back to the slides to tell you what our next activity is going to be. Oh, so maybe we should skip this one because it's the last person on the list. Let's skip the block, this one is not so important. We can circle back to this one, or I can show you this one later. Let's move on to the resources because now everybody can do their thing.
OK, so here's what we're going to do next. OK, so you have your topic section. First, we're going to practice with adding resources to your topic section. OK, what we would like everyone to do is to try to add three unique resources. One of the resources is going to be a URL, the second resource is going to be a page, the third resource is going to be a file. Again, remember, the first thing you need to do is turn editing on. You might already have it on, so you're all good. And you're going to look for this add an activity or resource link or option to get to the menu where you're going to access the resources.
Before we do that, I want to talk about the text editor for just one minute. So let me go back to the course, let me show you what we're talking about here. So I'm in my Anthony Burik topic section. It's a topic section, not a block. I'm in my Anthony Burik topic section. I'm going add an activity or resource. I'm going to get that activities and resources menu. I'm going to scroll all the way down to the bottom to the resources section. I want to have all of us add a URL, a page, and a file.
OK, so let me start with the URL. The URL is probably the easiest one. OK, so if I pick URL, I'm going to go ahead and add that. OK, now I come to the page-- it's thinking about it. OK, now I come to the page where I can add a URL to my topic section. OK, so I'm just going to do a quick example-- Google, Maybe you want to add your school site URL, maybe you want to add Google, or Yahoo, or ESPN, or CNN, or Fox News, or whatever. Just pick something easy, don't stress over it.
I want to talk about this, though, this text editor box for just a second. OK, so this box here we call the text editor. You can see that when we look at the top of the box, we have some options in terms of what we can do in this text editor box. But I want you to pay particular attention to this icon in the upper left hand corner. When you click on it, it actually opens up-- it toggles between a short view of your options and all of the options.
OK, so now we can see that we have a lot more options in terms of how we edit the content that's in the text editor box. OK, and some of you know a little bit about HTML. So for example, if you want to embed something on a page, you might want to work on the HTML side, rather than the text editor side, to plop in that HTML right here. Just make sure you update, and then it should embed whatever you want to embed in the text editor.
So for example, yesterday we did that first activity where you filled out a Google form that was embedded on a Moodle page, so basically you would grab the embed code. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, don't worry about it. But if you do, you grab the embed code from whatever else is out there, you plop it into your HTML editor, and then that now should embed whatever that is, that form or other thing. It should embed it on the page. OK, so that's how you would do it.
But the text editor, just remember, you toggle between the short view of the options and the long view of the options or all of the options. But in this case, I'm adding a URL. So I have the name of the URL, the website link or the URL is here. You go ahead and scroll down, make sure you save it. And now in my section, I now have added a URL resource to my section.
OK, so again, turn editing on, add an activity or resource, scroll all the way down. And we want you to do three things, add a URL, add a page, and add a file. And a file, again, would be something like a PDF, a Word doc, a PowerPoint. Try to find something that's small, maybe just a one page Word doc or a one page PDF, and just upload that as your file. I'll leave it at that for the moment. Questions?
Blair Roy: No questions.
Anthony Burik: OK, so hopefully folks are starting to practice adding some resources to their section. I'll turn the editing on for a second. I'll refresh it. Oh, fantastic. Oh, look, look, look, look. OK, fantastic. So I'm in the A-B course, Lilian has added her URL link to Google, Deborah Bird has added a URL link to her school district. Perfect, fantastic.
So again, I turn editing on, add an activity or resource, scroll all the way down. We want to add a URL, we want to add a page, we want to add a file. Let's look at the file for a second. OK, so again, it's a similar looking page to what we just saw for URL. You need to give your file a name. And then if you have a file, you can just drag it right into your space here.
Let me see if I-- or you could open up a-- let me think, I'm trying to think of what I have on my computer at the moment that's small. I want to find something super short and not too-- OTAN tech talk handout. Let me look at that. This is a PDF file here, let me add this one. Just name your file also, tech talk, and I'm going to upload it.
Again, because the internet's slow, it may take a minute or two. Hopefully, one minute rather than two minutes to actually upload that file. So I'm going to think about what's for lunch coming up. I'm going to think about what's for dinner coming up later. I'm going to think about what I should watch on television tonight to veg out after today. I'm thinking about what all my neighbors are doing out on the street with their constant block parties, and wondering if they know what's going on in the world. I'm looking out at my backyard. I'm thinking--
Blair Roy: Can I ask a question real quick?
Anthony Burik: I'm sorry, yes.
Blair Roy: Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt this, but--
Anthony Burik: Bring me back from my dream state. Yes, go ahead.
Blair Roy: We have lots of questions over here.
Anthony Burik: OK, fantastic.
Blair Roy: Oh, wait, I see somebody resolved their own issue. Awesome, Becky, you rock. "Please tell us what to do for page. Did you already do the page? It's hard for me to watch what you're doing. I apologize, Anthony." Did you already tell them what to do about the page?
Anthony Burik: So I'm still waiting for my file to upload. Once that does-- actually, let me switch over--
Blair Roy: That's OK.
Anthony Burik: No, what I can do is let me go to a different browser because I can also be showing from this browser as well.
Blair Roy: OK, so--
Anthony Burik: Let me log into-- and I'll show people what we do when we do a page. Of course, the internet's probably going to be super slow on this one too. Oh, perfect, I'm already logged in. We need to log out. Oh, OK, well, whatever.
Blair Roy: I'm also going to make one quick suggestion. Please, please put all of your questions in the Q&A, just so that we have one spot that we're trying to answer questions. Thank you so much.
Anthony Burik: So let me get to a course. I do not know what's going on here. Where is this courses? This course is in training. Let's see if I can get to this course. OK, course 2. I'll show you in a different course, so I don't mess up what's going on. OK, so turn editing on. Here we go. OK, turn editing on, add an activity or resource, scroll down to page, go ahead and add that. It's thinking about it.
OK, so we want to create a page for our section. OK, so again, first we have to give the page a name, so practice page. And we should point out, actually, whenever you see that little red asterisk next to an item, that means you have to add something, you can't skip it. I don't have to put a description, that's OK. OK, I do have to add some content, though, to this page. So again, if I toggle that text editor button, now I have a lot more options in terms of what I can add here. So typically on a page, we might just add some content. So here is the content for this page.
One thing that I didn't-- I'm not sure whether I mentioned it yesterday. But over here when you open up your dashboard-- and I won't do it now because I'm editing the page-- but if you go to your dashboard, one of the things that you have over there is called a private files block. And Blair and I talked about this yesterday, this is a really handy tool to have in Moodle. It's almost like your own private library where you can upload files and pictures and other kinds of things into your private files block. And then you can pull that content from private files into the various parts of your Moodle course.
So I'll show you an example of what I mean. So I want to add a picture to my page, and I have a bunch of pictures in my private files. So if I click on the picture icon here, the image icon, and I browse repository. So I could pull something from my own personal computer, but if I go to private files over here-- it's thinking about it-- these are all the files that I have uploaded to the private files space. And again, it's like my personal library.
So I have my pictures organized by folders. So if I open up-- let me think here-- let me open up this folder. And I have a bunch of pictures here, so I really want this picture on my page. So I go ahead and click on it, and I go ahead and select it, you do have to add some alt text here. So this is a picture of the resources menu section. And then I go ahead and-- I'm going to resize it just a little bit, 550. And it should autoresize. Yeah, it'll autosize. So then I can go ahead and save it, and now here's the picture that I've automatically added to the page. Again, I pulled it from my private files block, which you can access from the dashboard.
OK, so I like the content. I'm ready to go here. We won't worry too much about these other things, you can explore these on your own. But I go ahead and save it. And it's taking it's sweet time--
Blair Roy: Anthony, we have quite a few people saying they're getting database errors, so I just thought I'd let you know while you're waiting for your file to upload. So I'm thinking if you're having the database error, maybe just take a deep breath, watch Anthony for a few minutes. Yeah, it just may be that that's something you'll practice later. The other thing is I had a question about will the courses be here after the workshop. They can continue to work in them until they get their own courses?
Anthony Burik: Yes, they will be.
Blair Roy: Perfect, that's what I'm telling them. So oops, I hope that's OK.
Anthony Burik: OK, so we're having some trouble. This is with the file activity, I think. So if the file activity is not working, that's OK for the moment. So actually-- oh, I need to give it a name at least. So if you're not able to find a file, then skip the part.
But basically, this select file space is the space where you would add the file. You could either drag it into this, or you can find it from your computer or wherever it is. But so long as we have a title, we should be able to save this page even without a file. Oh, no, I guess we need to file. OK, so this is what people are having trouble with. OK, so if that's not working, then that's OK, just go ahead and cancel it. But basically, that's how you would do it.
OK, back to the page for a second. OK, so here's my practice page. OK, so again, if I take a second look at it, so we're adding a title for the practice page. OK, and then when we come down to the content, we can type in some content, we could add a picture, we could also maybe add links to other web sites, for example, we probably could embed a video as well. OK, and then once you have a little bit of content in there, go ahead and save it. And then that practice page, or whatever page you've named it, should show up in your section.
So let me go back to see what's going on with this page so far. OK, refresh this. OK, so we still have the links. But let's try everybody to have at least a URL and a page, since we were having trouble with the file. So again, I'm going to click on page. I'm going to add a activity or resource. I'm going to click on page to add a page. I'm going to give my page a name. This is my practice page.
Let me just add a quick description, just to show you what that looks like. If I click on this box to add the description to the course page, then we'll see where that shows up. Here is practice content. Again, just talking about that private file-- oh, well, actually, in the other side let me just show you what that looks like. The way you access private files is you open up the dropdown in the upper right hand corner, and you click on your dashboard. And again, I apologize for the slow internet. If you scroll down a bit, on the right hand side there's this private files block here. OK, and let me open that up and show you what that looks like.
So again, this is a block here, private files block. Again, this would be a place where you could upload a number of things that you would want to bring into your Moodle course, and especially if you're thinking about using particular files or pictures or graphics in a few places in your course. So rather than having to upload it every single time for where you want it to be, if it's stored in your private files space, then you can just pull it directly from here.
OK, in the private files space, you can create folders if you have a bunch of things in there, and you want to organize it. Otherwise, you could just drag things into this private files box, or you can add them from your computer, or maybe things from your Google Drive, for example, you should be able to bring those things into your private files space. But again, really think about making use of this private file space as a storage repository. So that as you're then going to bring those resources into your course, you'll have them all organized in one place.
Consider, for example, creating a folder for each of your topics-- so topic 1 files, topic 2 files, topic 3 files, topic 4 files, so and so on, or week one files, week two files, week three, and five, and so on. So you can have things ready to go in the private files space, and then they're all there in one place for you rather than having to keep searching around on your computer or wherever.
OK, so again, back to the page, we add a title, we add a description. We want to show the description. We add a little bit of content, and then we're good to go. We're going to go ahead and save it. It's thinking about it. OK, in my place, I have this is my practice page. I added the description, so if you make the description visible-- let me just turn the editing off for a second here-- then this is where the description is going to show up, down here.
OK, so I see Deborah's added a test page. Fantastic. OK, Lilian and Deborah, maybe, are still working on it. OK, but again, this is where we're going to add some of those resources. Blair, other questions? People are still working, still practicing?
Blair Roy: Well, there are some questions about what is the difference between a page and a file. So Anthony, one of the things-- and you may have told them this-- but if you click on add an activity or resource, a really good Moodle resource is they can see what the different descriptions-- if you can get there. So if you click on that, and this is really valuable information. So now if Anthony clicked on page, and if you look, just read all that information right there, and it will explain it to you. In short, a page is like a Word document, versus a file, which links out to a file that you've uploaded into Moodle.
Anthony Burik: The thing about the file as well is-- so if we go back to-- so remember these icons that appear. So, for example, this is a URL, so it's a globe in front of a piece of paper. For the practice page, it just looks like a piece of paper. But if I'm looking at-- let me go back to that other course for a second, the BBS course. OK, so the thing about the file is when we add a file, we can actually also show the file icon as well.
So from the teacher point of view, we know that we've uploaded a file into the section or into the course. And we can also see, in this case, actually Moodle has this corresponding PowerPoint icon that matches the PowerPoint file that we've added to the section. We added a PDF, so Moodle has a PDF icon that corresponds with the PDF file that we've uploaded to this section.
OK, so sometimes-- I think really if you have a file, you really should use the file resource. I know that today we're running into some internet trouble, I think. But when it comes to a file, we really should use the file resource option, and we should use the page to really build a web page. We might want to add some pictures there, we might want to add some links there, however we want to organize the page.
Blair Roy: Anthony?
Anthony Burik: Yes?
Blair Roy: So we're getting a question about when you create a page. If you click on page, and then you do your-- let's see. "In the page content, I clicked on manage file icon at the end of the icon list, and then dragged the file into the box, but can't see where to find it."
Anthony Burik: Oh, sorry, we're creating a file?
Blair Roy: Well, no. It says from the one page section, when you click on manage files and drag the file into the box. So this may be a question. I'm not sure I understand the question. But she just got timed out, so maybe that's what the problem was. Never mind.
Anthony Burik: If we're adding a page, I don't think it gives us the option to drag something into the text editor box. So I'm wondering if actually maybe she's on the file page or the page page because here we have a text editor, which I don't think we should be able to drag files into here. But if we were working on the file page, then we can drag the file into that space. So I'm not--
Blair Roy: I'm not sure either. Yeah, she got timed out.
Anthony Burik: --on the page. And I think probably because she's on the file page. OK, so as people are working, let me just point out a few other things as well. I was going to have you do it, but I think I'll just show you instead. And my internet is still thinking about it OK, so again, when we have the editing turned on, a couple of other things that we can do here.
OK, so let's say, for example, in my section right now I have two items, I have my URL link and I have my page. And I'm like, oh, I really want my page to be first. So remember that we have this cross icon off on the left hand side. So if we scroll over it, and we click on it and hold, then we can drag it up and reorder the items in our section. OK, so now my practice page is first and my Google link is second. OK, that's the order that I want it. I didn't create it that way, but I can use the move to move things around in a section.
OK, let's say also that I want to move this over a little bit because I want the page to be more prominent, and I want the Google to be indented. So remember, if I click on the edit dropdown, and I have some options down here, I can go ahead and move things right, for example, and this will give it some indentation. OK, so if you want to have your section look a certain way, you can also do that indenting as well.
OK, let's say I want to add another link to my page. You could create another link, you could add a URL. You could also duplicate, so let's see what that looks like. So if I duplicate this, I should now get a second URL, which will be the same. It's still thinking about it. Yeah, the internet, I think, is super slow. Maybe if I turn away, a watched pot never boils. Now I'm stuck, it might time me out. Anyway, let's see if I can do it in the other one. I'll turn the editing off here.
OK, so I have this link. Let's see if I can create a duplicate link from here, or is it still going to think about it? Yeah, it's still going to think about it. Oh, good. OK, so it worked over here. OK, so now what I've done is I duplicated this link. OK, actually I want to move it over, move it backward. OK, so what I can do now is I could also now go ahead and edit this. So if I edit the settings, let's say I change this one to Yahoo. I believe it's still OK, and then go ahead and save it.
OK, so I can also use that duplicate down here in the edit dropdown if I want to quickly duplicate. I've already created a URL or something else, I can also use the duplicate too, and then edit the duplicate item that I've added. So that's what that is. OK, and then again, let's say, oh, really I want Yahoo to be the first link instead of Google. So I can reorder using the move.
OK, let's say for the moment too, I have some items in here, but I don't want to show them all. So remember, if we want to hide an individual item, then we go to the edit menu dropdown for that individual item, and we can hide it. OK, so if I now switch my view to a student view, so now in my section I only see the page, and I see that link to Yahoo because the Google link is hidden. So this is what my students are going to see. OK, so again, that's a quick way to-- if you're doing some work, and you just want to see what the student view is going to be, do that switch role too.
I'm going to go back. All right, so if I want to hide individual-- I got to turn my editing on-- if I want to hide individual items-- thinking about it-- if I want to hide individual items, then again, edit dropdown, and then go between show and hide. OK, if you want to hide the entire topic section, we can hide the topic. This will hide all of the items, the entire section. OK, again, if I switch view, so right now it's Deborah B, it's Anthony, it's topic 3, it's Lilian. OK, if I switch to the student role, so now this is not available. Students will not be able to see the things that you have hidden. OK, they only see Deborah, topic 3, Lilian.
So again, remember the hide and show functions, either for entire sections or for individual items within a section. OK, questions about that? I want to show the topic. OK, so if there aren't questions, let's make a switch over then to the activities portion of this. OK, so far we've been practicing with resources. In the interest of time, and I'm sorry that we're-- I knew this was going to take a long time. And this is why we always do a three hour training instead of two, but no matter. Let's pick the choice activity, I think this will be the easiest one to do.
OK, so again, what we're going to do is, you're going to make sure the editing is on, turn editing on. Add an activity or resource-- make sure I'm in my section-- add an activity or resource. And we're going to do the choice activity. And you might remember from yesterday that the choice activity is like a survey or a questionnaire type thing. It's a very simple way to set up a survey-like activity that your students can do for you to get some feedback, or to ask questions, or find out choices, things like that.
So let's practice adding the choice activity. So we pick choice, we add it. We're going to come to the choice page. OK, so again, we have to give the choice a name. So we'll do food, that's a easy one. What's your favorite food? What's your favorite-- if I can spell correctly-- what's your favorite food? OK, we can add a description if you would like. Tell me what your favorite cuisine is. OK, we can add the description if we would like.
OK, so for each activity-- and actually each resource as well-- is going to give you some different options in terms of how you set up the activity, and also create the look of the activity. OK, so I have two choices in terms of how the options will look. They will either appear in a row horizontally, or they will appear as a list vertically. So I'm going to pick vertically in this case.
OK, allow more than one choice to be selected. OK, if you know the difference between radio buttons and checkboxes, this is basically the option here. OK, in this case, I only want people to pick one choice. But if I wanted them to select more than one choice-- maybe two, or three, or four, or five choices-- then I would change this to yes. OK, but I'm going to keep it at no.
OK, then I'm going to put in some different options, some different choices. Maybe French food, Italian food, Chinese food, Thai food. You can tell I'm getting ready for lunch. I'm drawing a blank-- Indian food, whatever you want to do. OK, you can add more fields if you would like, or you don't have to use all five. You have to have at least one because there is a red asterisk next to it. But if you only wanted four, then you could just have four. OK, if you want more than five, you can have more than five. OK, and I shouldn't have clicked on that, but let's see.
OK, but I'm putting in my choices here. OK, it's updating it. OK, so now I can add more options if I would like, just make sure everything else is the way I wanted it. OK, so then, again, I'm not going to spend too much time on these. But you should definitely take a look at those. Go ahead and save it. OK, and now I've added. You can see now I have this choice activity as a part of my section. OK, maybe I want students to do this first, maybe we're doing a warm-up or an icebreaker type thing, so I move it to the top of my section.
OK, let me switch to the student role because I think this will make the most sense as a student looking at the choice. So if I click on the choice activity, so, again, here's the title of my choice activity. I've added a description here. Here are my five choices-- French, Italian, Chinese, Thai, Indian. I only want people to pick one, so that's why you see the radio buttons. But again, if I allowed my students to pick more than one choice, then I would get the checkboxes instead, and then they could pick two or more checkboxes.
So let's say I pick Indian, save my choice. And I believe the settings are such that-- oh, the results are not viewable. OK, so this way, really then I would be the only person, as the teacher, to see what my students selected. You can change the viewing options to allow all of the students to see all of the answers. So you have a lot of flexibility with activities in terms of whether they're viewable, not viewable.
We talked yesterday a little bit about the discussion forum, so you have some different choices with the discussion forums. One of the options I believe was, you're not allowed to see other people's responses until you put in your response first. So again, when you're considering the activities and the resources that you want to add as a part of your course, you want to have a good sense of the dropdowns that we didn't look at towards the bottom. But those dropdowns will give you many more options in terms of how you structure your activities and resources.
Your choice has been saved, so I can go back to the course. And I don't think I allowed a person to make another choice. Yeah, so I only allowed my students to make one choice. I selected Indian, then that's it. I only get one time to do it. OK, but you could give your students more times to do it if they would like. OK, so again, turn the editing on. So if you want to practice the choice, add an activity or resource, select choice from near the top, go ahead and add it, and then you can set up your choice activity. OK, questions?
Oh, fantastic. Deborah has added a choice activity. Let me see if I can do Deborah Bird's choice activity. OK, so it looks like what Deborah has done here is she's actually set up her choices horizontally. So since they don't all fit on one line, they're going to run over into a second line. What sounds delicious right now? All of them sound delicious, savory sounds particularly delicious. Oh, the choice is full. OK, so probably Deborah has a setting right now, maybe the choice activity is full. And maybe she's only allowed for five students to answer or whatever. So you want to, again, just review the settings on your choice activity.
Blair, any sense of questions out there? I'm sure that people have questions, for sure.
Blair Roy: It's been pretty quiet, kind of scarily quiet.
Anthony Burik: Silence is golden. I don't know, I'm not sure what exactly is happening out there.
Blair Roy: Well, we still have people in the rooms.
Anthony Burik: OK, I apologize, folks, if you are feeling frustrated at this point. I'm sure that there's probably some frustration out there, and I totally get it. We're all facing varying conditions of connectivity, and our sense of our own computer skills, and all that kind of stuff. So hopefully, though, I've given you enough of a sense of how to go about it, even if you're having trouble in the moment.
And we said that these practice courses are going to be open, so please feel free to come back. You're all teachers in all these courses, so feel free to come back and just experiment and play around with it-- anything that we talked about today, and yesterday as well. Feel free to come back into the practice courses when you have calmed down, maybe have a little bit of food or drink in you, and you feel mentally ready to give it another go. Again, the practice--
Melinda: Anthony?
Anthony Burik: Yes?
Melinda: I'm going to jump in here as the tech. What you have been experiencing today, and even Anthony has been experiencing today, is very abnormal. You're all in the same course, you're all doing it at the same time, you've all got special rights as teachers and what have you, and that's loading up the system. And we're actually watching that behind the scenes. So that we've even gotten this far is kudos to Moodle for doing this.
So as Anthony has just told you, take a little break, come back. It won't be as slow when you're all doing it on your own at different times. You might notice a little glitch her and again, but you won't see the massive slowdowns that you've experienced right now. So I'm just putting that out there too. Again, patience is a good thing, but we've kind of overloaded this system right now. And you won't experience that, or you shouldn't, when you're doing it with your class, or when you're doing your courses here. So just thought I'd get that in there real quick.
Anthony Burik: Yes, so actually on that note, why don't we all just stop for a minute because I do want to honor people's time. We are getting close to the 12 o'clock hour. I do want to-- let's come back to the Zoom room for a second, the presentation that I have up here.
Oh, I know that my friend Sandy Davenport did ask about the PowerPoints. And I'm thinking what I might do is, we talked about-- and I'll remind you about the self-paced course that I mentioned yesterday. What I'm thinking about doing is maybe I will put both of the slide decks in the training course, and then that way they will be there if you want to go back and look at yesterday and today's slides. So let me do that as a work around. We also will get them up on the OTAN website as quickly as we can. But for the time being, maybe I will also put them in the self-pace course again. And you can come back to the self-pace course and look at it that way.
OK, let's see where we are here. Yes, yes. OK, so I do want to talk-- we don't have too much time. Yeah, these are big topics. Enrollment and the grade book, so let me go back to the course for a second. And then Blair, I'm going to have you-- why don't you get your practice course cued up.
Blair Roy: Anthony, I'm thinking based on all the issues that we're having, why don't you just go into my practice course. And we can just do a really quick this is where it is, this is what it looks like. It may be a little clunkier, but I'm just a little anxious about switching over. I don't know if that's good or bad. Melinda?
Melinda: I think that's a good solution. Yes.
Anthony Burik: OK, so let's talk about enrollment for a second. OK, so if you have a Moodle course in your account, and you don't do anything to it, basically your students will be able-- so long as they have an account at they will be able to enroll in your course straight away. They will come to that enrollment page that you saw when you joined your practice course this morning, and at the very bottom they'll have that self enroll button. And again, if you don't do anything to your course, students who find your course will be able to self enroll in the course, and then they will be enrolled as students in your class.
OK, but you do have some control over the enrollment of students in your course. So the way that you get there is if you're in a course, you want to scroll down to the administration block. And you want to look for this users option here. OK, open up the users. Now I mentioned early on that another way to see who is actually enrolled in your course currently is by clicking on enrolled users. So let's look at that list for a second.
OK, this gives you another view of the folks who are enrolled in your course. And what's very handy for you, as the teacher, is to actually see the roles. OK, so typically it would be-- so, for example, if this was my course, I would be the teacher in the course, and then everyone else would be a student. And it would show up, Teresita would be a student, Deborah would be a student, Deborah would be a student, Lilian would be a student, and then I would be the teacher. OK, so from here you can see the roles of the folks who are enrolled in your course.
But again, under users, if you click on enrollment methods, it's going to bring you to this page here. Now you have two options, basically, in terms of how to get students into your course. You can either enroll them yourself manually. Meaning, once you know that students have accounts at, you can find them and manually enroll them in your course. So you do have that option.
But in terms of the self enrollment option, if we click on the gear to edit self enrollment, we can put some restrictions on the self enrollment. So for example, a lot of folks setup what they call an enrollment key, which is basically a password to your course. So you might remember yesterday when you took the quiz, we did something similar. We set up a password for the quiz.
So it's the same idea. You can set up a password. In this case, it's called an enrollment key. So when the students come to your course, they need that password. So you can be giving your password only to your students, and that way that should ensure that nobody else comes into your course. That's probably the best way to do it. OK, when you create the enrollment key, just make sure that you save.
OK, one other thing we want to point out is this option down here to create a custom welcome message. So you can type any kind of message that you would like into the-- this is basically a text editor box. So you can type in any message that you would like. OK, so when students are enrolling, or when they enroll in your course, then as a confirmation they will get whatever welcome message you've set up here.
OK, so we encourage you to consider adding a welcome message, so that your students will know, oh, yes, this is from my teacher, Anthony, and I know that I'm in the right course and blah, blah, blah. OK, so again, consider adding a password or enrollment key, and then also consider adding a welcome message as well. Again, access from users, enrollment methods. OK, I'm going to leave it at that on the enrollment.
So in terms of the grades, let me switch over to that other course. So it is-- what is it? Practice, it's this one here. I'm going to leave the page. Yes.
Blair Roy: Yes, that's it.
Anthony Burik: OK, Blair, do you want to tell us what we're looking at here?
Blair Roy: Right. Oh, how are you logged in? You're logged in as a student.
Anthony Burik: Oh, I'll just log in as my admin account.
Blair Roy: OK, and I'll talk. So all activities and resources can be added into your grade book. Well, they should be done automatically mostly, but anyway. OK, so in your grade book as you're creating activities and resources, you have an option of how you want to add that into your grade book. The grade book is extremely powerful, you can organize it any way you want. You can have extra credit options. Once we get into the grade book, it will help. I need a visual here.
OK, so here's your grader report. So you can see that we have three students in this course. One of the things that I-- well, he has a different grader preference. So grader preferences is a great thing to look at. And don't click on everything right now, Anthony. Let's just look at it. So if I were in my grade book as the teacher in the course, what you would see is you could see that Anthony, Marjorie, and Blair have their current grades are in this first list. That's a greater preference that you can explore.
The other thing is you can see that last night I was going to manually grade one of Anthony's test grades, so the basic computer terms. And the reason that's yellow is because, as a teacher, I went in, I clicked on that, and it gave me the option to override any grades. So you have total control over whether the grades are generated by the activity or are the grades generated by the teacher.
You can do a placeholder for grade. So if you want to do extra credit, you can add an extra credit option. You give it a points amount, and then, as a teacher, you're going to go in. And then as the students complete the extra credit, you can add that in. Moodle does all the math. It gives you an option to change the formulas. You can dive really down into this.
So you can see, as Anthony scrolls over, he's going to see all of the different grades that have been generated. If he were to click on-- he's not going to-- but if he were to click on one of these links, it would take you straight to that activity. And you'd be able to go into the activity, and it's just a quick way to get into the activity. But let's say he knows that Blair really did a 65 on the interview with a musician. So he's going to click on one of these. So click on it, and he can actually override that grade.
So the thing about what Moodle does, it will let you with the quizzes and some of the activities, you can have Moodle generate the grades. But as a teacher, you have total control over whether you want to override those. And then it'll recalculate everything. So if you scroll all the way over to the end. If you're motion sickness, don't look. You have issues. Keep going, Anthony, all the way to the end of the column, please. Keep going, all the way. There you go. So here's the course total, and that'll give you for each of the students.
So now I'm going to have you go back to the other side. I can't-- OK, there you go. So if we look here, the other thing I want to show you just real quickly, Anthony is going to click on Setup up at the top, go above participant. OK, perfect. Thank you, Anthony. Sorry. So now you can see how this particular grade book has been set up. And the nice thing about this, this came out of the advanced ESL course. So if you get that course, your grade book is set up, it's organized, it's ready to go. But you can see, you have the practice advanced ESL, that's a category and a label that Francisco created to help organize that.
You go down just a little bit further-- well, let's go across. We have the max grades, so we have the list of what all the different grade items are, the totals. You can edit any of these things. If we go down the middle section where it says goals, you'll see that you have the category goals. And you have the one goals total, that gives you how many points for this whole category. And all of this is created. Moodle creates the basics, but the teacher has control over organizing it and setting up the points amount. So it's extremely powerful.
We could spend a lot of time working on the grade book. But all of your quizzes, you can see that in here we have lessons are graded. We've got writing sentences with word forms. That's a quiz that's been graded. You have hot potatoes, which I don't know too many people using that anymore. But that can be inserted into Moodle, that's graded, and Moodle does all the heavy lifting. And as a teacher, you just come back in and organize. So if you go down to the bottom-- and I should say organize and change it to what works for you.
If you look at the very bottom-- there we go. So now you can see that the options that you have as a teacher. You can add a category, you can add a grade item. Outcomes is a little bit more advanced even than the grade book. So if I want-- maybe each week I give extra credit to my students, I can add a grade item, I can put it in each week in my organized grade book, and then assign points to it. And then, as a teacher, I manually come in and add those. And then Moodle does all of the math for you.
So that's a real quick synopsis of the grade book, how it works. And there you have it, any questions?
Anthony Burik: Again, if you do have questions, you can always email us at And if we need to jump on a Zoom with you, we can go into the grade book a little bit more in depth. But I think the main thing that Blair and I wanted to share with folks, again, is that if you do get a copy of a developed course, shared course, civics course, in most cases, there will be a grade book already set up for those courses. So then it's just a matter of monitoring the grade book. If you need to pull grades from there for whatever reason, that's where you're going to find that information.
I think we're at the 12 o'clock hour, and I super want to honor folks time. I do want to point out before we leave here, though-- I don't even know where I am, hold on a sec, training courses. If you weren't with us yesterday, or you didn't get to it yesterday, just remember that, again, back in the training courses section-- so we're going to keep all the practice courses here. I don't know about this team TZ. I know a few folks in that team TZ, and they sound very presumptuous, but we'll leave it at that.
This self paced Moodle training course, this is also available as well. Any one of you can go back in and enroll yourself in the self paced Moodle training course. So a lot of what we talked about yesterday is in the course. It's a thing that we're building currently at the moment as well. So in the coming week and weeks, I'm trying to get some more information in here about Moodle and things that you can draw on, maybe some practice exercises, more videos, things like that.
I did mention that I'll go ahead and upload the PowerPoints from yesterday and today into this self paced Moodle training course. So please enroll yourself in that course, and then if you want to take a look at the slides they should be there. If I don't get to it today, definitely by the end of this week. OK, we're also going to put them back up on the OTAN website as well.
Let me finish my-- I just have a couple of slides here, I think. Oh, OK. So again, if you want more information, we would also encourage you to visit the Moodledocs site. It's There's a lot of documentation on the site, a lot more information about so many things about Moodle, fuller descriptions of the grade book, enrollment methods, any of the things that we've talked about and practiced today as well will be there.
Just so folks are aware, Moodle is currently at version 3.8. Are adult ed courses site is at version 3.1. We're in the process of upgrading to 3.8. Hopefully, in the next couple of months that process will be complete, but we certainly will keep you updated on how that upgrade is going.