[side conversation]

Anthony Burik: Hi, everyone. Welcome to Screencastify part 1 coming up shortly. So welcome to the webinar today.

Have a seat. If you're not already sitting, have a seat. Grab some water. Get your typing fingers ready here.

We'll give it a couple more seconds to let more people in the room. We do have many people signed up this afternoon for the session. But we're happy that you're here with us today. Again, Screencastify part 1, starting very shortly.

Yes, so again, we'll give it a couple of seconds. Make sure we get everybody, or most everybody, in the room. And how are we doing on the participants so far?

OK. All right, looks like it's slowing down on the participants coming into the room. So what we'll do is-- again, we're here for Screencastify part 1. And before Alisa starts with the presentation, we will do a little bit of housekeeping. I think probably many of you have been in the OTAN webinars before so you know what the drill is.

But for everyone new, we'll make sure that we cover the basics on the housekeeping, so everybody can follow along and participate in today's session. So Alisa, if you wouldn't mind us stopping your sharing. Thank you. I will switch over here and I will present this.

OK, so hopefully, everybody can see my screen. So before we start, we're just going to go over a few webinar tips for today's session. So in terms of the audio, all the attendees in the room are muted, except for the presenter Alisa and OTAN staff. So if you can't hear very well, if it's too loud or not loud enough, just make sure to adjust the volume on your system.

And you also want to make sure along the Zoom toolbar near the bottom there is an audio settings-- I was going to say dropdown, but it actually goes up. But anyway, it's a menu where you can make sure that you have the correct audio device selected. And again, if the volume is not quite right, go ahead and adjust the volume on your system.

All right, so folks-- and I've already seen it starting. So in terms of attendance and participation in today's webinar, please make sure you type your first and last name, and your full agency or district name-- no abbreviations please. And do so in the chat.

And I think for most of you, the chat will be over on the right-hand side. On the right-hand side, there is a participant list and a chat. So you want to make sure that you get your full name and your full agency or district name in the chat, please, for attendance purposes.

One thing about the chat is you also want to make sure who you're chatting to. So if you need some tech support, or if you just have a general comment for the room, go ahead and type that in the chat. But also make sure that you are chatting to the correct people. For tech support, you can just chat to the panelists, and we will try to help you out with your tech questions as best we can.

Otherwise, if you have questions for the presenter, for Alisa, as she's going through her presentation today, you want to put those in the Q&A. And the Q&A is accessible, again, from the Zoom toolbar, which you should see along the bottom of your Zoom screen. So go ahead and put those questions directly related to the presentation in the Q&A.

OK, and if you are interested in resizing your window, you may want to-- well, we'll get to that in a second. But to exit full screen, you should look, I believe, near the top of your screen. You should see like a green toolbar.

And then to the right of that is a dropdown menu, View options. And from there, you can exit full screen. If you're also having trouble seeing the slides, you might consider actually increasing the percentage, so you can get a better view of any slides that you're having trouble with.

If you do want to follow along with the presenter today-- and I know a lot of you are probably very interested in figuring out how to get started with a Screencastify, you may want to consider basically having two windows open. So one window will be the Zoom window, and then the second window will be your browser window. So if you have Chrome open or Safari or Firefox, Internet Explorer.

So what you want to do is you want to exit full screen, which we just showed you how to do. And then you want to resize both of the windows. So basically, you'll have half the size of the Zoom and half the size of your browser.

And the way you do that is you want to look down at the corner of one of the windows and a new, like, Resize icon will appear. And that way, you can increase or decrease the size of the window. And that way, you might be able to set them up side by side. So you can watch Alisa's presentation with her slides, and then you can also be practicing along in a browser window as well.

OK, so again, just a quick recap. Again, you control your own audio. So if it's too loud or not loud enough, go ahead and adjust the volume on your system. Make sure you have the correct audio device connected so you can hear.

If you do want to add your name and agency for attendance purposes in the chat, it's going to be off on the right-hand side. And any general comments for the room can also go in the chat. If you do have questions about the presentation, though, please put those in the Q&A. Again, the Q&A is accessible from the Zoom toolbar, which you should see along the bottom of your screen.

To exit full screen, look up near the top of your Zoom window you should see a green toolbar, and then to the right of that View options dropdown. So just go ahead and open that up and then you click on Exit Full Screen. And then again, if you want to resize both your windows so that they're side-by-side, so you can follow the presenter and also work in a browser window, you want to just look at one of the corners of the Zoom window, one of the corners of your browser window. And then go ahead-- when the Resize icon appears, you want to just go ahead and pull your window to adjust to the correct size that you would like.

OK, we are recording this webinar. And as many of you know, we do make the recording, or we're trying to make the recordings and the materials related to the recordings available as quickly as possible. We post those on the OTAN website.

Our website is otan.us. And on that page, we do have a button which will lead you to the COVID-19 field support And that's where recordings and materials are currently stored.

With that, I will stop sharing screen. And I'm going to go ahead and turn it over to our presenter, Alisa, Screencastify part 1. Alisa, take it away.

Alisa Takeuchi: Thank you so much, Anthony. Please, for all of you guys out there, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for coming to this session. I'm super-excited to be doing this with you. This is a new session for me, so I'm hoping that my timing will be just about right with this session.

Quick shoutout to my Garden Grove people. I see a lot of you out there. So thank you for coming to the session. I'm getting a little bit nervous now. I'm going to share my screen.

All right, if at any time you need me to slow down or repeat something, please put it in the chat. If you have a question, please put it in the Q&A, and we'll try to get it answered as quickly as possible. I do have some break slides in there, too, so that we can catch up on some questions if need be.

So like Anthony said, this is Screencastify part 1. There will be a part 2 tomorrow. Today's session is really, really basic.

And I know everybody says that, and it's not, and things. But I'm truly thinking that this is going to be the basics. And so if you're already using Screencastify, it's going to be a review and it might be a little slow.

But hopefully, you'll still learn something new maybe that you didn't know before. For those of you that really don't know anything about Screencastify, or are somewhat familiar with it, we're going to go through on how to install it, and then what you can do with it and how to actually make a screencast. So you'll also hear me say-- I use Screencastify as a verb now. I've verbalized it.

And so I say I'll say, like, oh, we're going to be Screencastify, which is actually not the way you're supposed to say it. It's just a Screencast. So forgive me if I do that. It's just a bad habit.

So for today's agenda, I'll go through the introduction real quick. We'll talk about what Screencastify is, where is it, how can I use it. And then finally, I'm going to give you a homework assignment. Dun-dun-dun.

So after the session sometime tonight, if you'd like, I'd really like you to go ahead and do the homework, which is to create a Screencastify. And then tomorrow, when we come back, if you're not crying too badly, then we'll go ahead and discuss about now what to do with this and more features, and how to share and things like that. So tomorrow will be a little bit more advanced, once you get to know how to use Screencastify. And then you'll practice on your own time.

All right, so here's the introduction. My name is Alisa Takeuchi. I currently work at Garden Grove at Lincoln Education Center in Southern California.

I have been working OTAN as a subject matter expert for about three years. And as of about five weeks ago, I have been a remote teacher in Sacramento. So I've been up in Sacramento since pretty much the beginning of our isolation. I teach beginning literacy in both the morning and at night.

A couple of disclaimers. Screencastify is not compatible with mobile devices. So you can watch YouTube videos. You can watch videos on your phone. But you can't create anything from your phone or your iPad.

So just keep that in mind. And then you also need to have a Google account. Because Screencastify is an extension-- it is a Google extension, it works with Google. So if you have a Gmail a GSuites, then you're good to go.

So we're going to take a poll real quick. I'm going to give it about 30 seconds. And hopefully, most of you can go ahead and put your input.

If not, I just want to get an idea of what's going on in the room. So if Marjorie can put up the poll. Excellent, so if you can answer how much do you know about Screencastify. I'm curious if anybody is going to choose the fourth option. There should be laughter in the audience.

We'll give it about 15 more seconds. I can't see the results yet. So I don't even know what they are.

And how about five, four, three, two, one. Go ahead and close out that poll. And then let's go ahead and share what the results were.

All right, I know it and I use it a lot. OK. I know it, but I don't use it. OK.

I've heard of it, but don't know it. OK. I've never heard of it, but I just go to all of Alisa's presentations. Aw, 31 of you. Oh, thank you so much.

Great, well, it's good to know that the majority of you have heard of it, but you really just don't know much about it. So that's going to be great. For those of you in the top two that do know it and you use it, in the very top part, again this will probably be a little bit easy for you because you already know what's going on. But hopefully, you'll learn something today. Great, I'm going to close this out.

All right, so with Screencastify, you'll need to be familiar with and comfortable with working with multiple tabs sometimes. It depends on what kind of screencast you're going to be doing. But if you're going to be showing your students how to get to some place or how to use a certain website, you're going to need to know how to work with multiple tabs. So I've created a screencast of how to work with multiple tabs. And I'm going to show that to you right now.

ALISA TAKEUCHI (ON VIDEO): An important skill to have when using Screencastify is the ability to toggle between multiple tabs at the top of your screen. This will be important because you want to organize your tabs in an order that's efficient for you so that your Screencastify goes more smoothly. Now, as you can see, I have multiple tabs at the top of my screen. This is what's called tab hoarding.

Now, I'm hoping-- no wait. I know that I am not the only one that does this. So even though I have plenty of tabs open, I'd like to organize them, so again, I can use it more efficiently.

So as you can see here, I have my work email, I have a Gmail, and I have another Gmail over here. And I would like them all together. So I'm going to click on my Gmail, and I'm going to physically drag it over to where I'd like it to go and let go. So now I have my work email, a Gmail, and another Gmail here.

So again, I'd like my Google slides next to each other. So I'm going to click, drag, and let go. One more time with my Screencastify, I'm going to move my Screencastify so that they're all next to each other. And now, as you can see, I have a pretty organized order of my tabs at the top of the screen.

Now, let's say for some reason I'd like to move my Gmail to the end. So I'm clicking and I'm [audio out] And then I don't know what to do. And I let go, and oh my gosh, where did all my tabs go? I've lost all my tabs.

Don't worry. They're still there. If I move this tab right here, if I drag it down and I let go, there are all my tabs. The tab that's been moved has just been layered on top. So don't worry.

You can do two things. You can exit and get rid of the tab itself. Or if you want to put it back, click on the tab.

Don't click in the middle, click on the tab. Put it back into line. And then manipulate it to wherever you'd like it to go.

So let's try that one more time. I have my Screencastify. I'm going to move this back. I'm going to move this back. I look, and oh, and now it's gone.

So all you need to do is click on the tab itself, move it. And look, it's right back in the line of tabs. And I can let go and put it right back. You haven't lost anything. So that's how you go ahead and manipulate between tabs.

And again, this will be important for your Screencastify. So let's go ahead and practice. If you're on Zoom right now, you may have to exit full screen. And you might have some tabs behind it.

If you don't, you might want to open some tabs up, and then just practice toggling back and forth, you know. and drop them where you'd like them to go. Or even practice moving it, and then read putting it on the tab line. So I'm going to give you one minute to practice that. And then we'll come back.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, so just like the video said, we're going to give you, like, a minute or so to practice between toggling back and forth between tabs. So if you're having any trouble, or if you're just not going to do it right now, that's OK. Come back to this later on and practice when you're at home. I mean, sorry, after the session. Do we have any questions or comments in the chat?

Anthony Burik: Alisa, just a couple of questions.

Alisa Takeuchi: Sure.

Anthony Burik: In the very, very beginning, you mentioned that Screencastify is not compatible with smartphones. So can you clarify, do you mean creating Screencastifies, viewing Screencastifies? So what exactly is that not compatible part.

Alisa Takeuchi: Great question, yeah. You cannot create a Screencastify from your phone. When you try to go and upload the app, it will say it's for desktop only. But to create a video, it is it's like a YouTube video. So if you can view YouTube videos or videos on your phone, then you can watch a Screencastify.

Anthony Burik: OK, so just to be clear, so you can view the Screencastify videos from a mobile device.

Alisa Takeuchi: Correct.

Anthony Burik: OK, thank you. OK, I think we're good.

Alisa Takeuchi: Oh, great. And then are there any comments about whether people are doing OK with the moving of the tabs?

Anthony Burik: Oh, everybody said that they love you, Alisa, but I don't know about the tabs.


Alisa Takeuchi: Well, thank you for coming to my session. The end.

Anthony Burik: So there is a question.

Alisa Takeuchi: Sure.

Anthony Burik: When I tried to practice tabs, I lost my entire Zoom screen.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, so what you might want to do is look at the bottom of your screen, the bottom of your monitor, and you should see some icons at the bottom. And fingers crossed, I'm hoping you'll see one that looks like a camcorder, like a video, and that will be Zoom. And then if you click on that, Zoom will pop up, fingers crossed.

Anthony Burik: OK, and Alisa, would you be able to-- I'm just looking at a few things. So folks, just remember, if you do have a question about anything, please make sure that ends up in the Q&A. It's a little hard to go between the Q&A and chat if people have questions. So Alisa, would it be possible to do a demo on your computer with tabs, just to show people?

Alisa Takeuchi: Yeah, let me go ahead. And I will stop sharing. And then I will-- wait, is that right? No, that's not right. I need to share my screen still, right?

Anthony Burik: Yeah, you can share your desktop. You just wanna....

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, let me share my screen again. All right, and I need to get out of my presentation. OK, so as you can see, I have one, two, three, four, five six tabs open. And one of them is the presentation, and two of them are Gmails and Zoom.

And what I want to do is I want to move my Gmails over. So I'm going to click on my Gmail, and I'm going to physically hold and drag and move it. And now I have a Gmail here and Gmail here.

If I want to move my Zoom out of the way, I'm going to click and drag it. And I'm going to move it to the end, wherever I need it to be. So it opens that tab as well. So as soon as you click on that tab, it opens that tab. And then I can go back to my presentation.

Now, I think what somebody was saying was, when they did that, they lost their Zoom. And down here at the bottom, if you can see-- I have some icons down here at the bottom. You'll see that I have one that looks like a camera. And that would be my Zoom.

So I hope that helped a little bit. If not, we can go back through that again. There's going to be a time a little later that we're going to practice that.

Anthony Burik: OK, Alisa, yeah, I think that was very helpful. Thanks.

Alisa Takeuchi: Great. Thanks for the suggestion. OK, let me go back to presenting. All right, so we talked about this. So now for this session, or in any session-- because I've been to so many of them, just like you. We had a staff meeting last week.

And I was telling our director, like, it's so funny, because I go to these sessions and I see the participants. And it's like this cult. It's an OTAN cult that we all follow all the sessions, and we see the same names over and over again because we're just so hungry to learn new things. And so with that, it's interesting to see the same names over and over again, because we're all learning. And what happens is that sometimes, we go down the rabbit hole because we learn something.

But in order to use it or to utilize it, or to make it better, you need to know something else. So now I have to learn how to use that. So with Screencastify, it's the same way.

It's like Screencastify, you can use it all on its own, as long as you know how to email and copy a link. No problem. But it's also extremely useful if you have a classroom, a Google Classroom.

And now you're like, oh, that sounds so interesting. But how do I get a Google Classroom? So that's another session you'd have to go to. And then you can also upload it to your YouTube channel.

And you're like, oh, I would love my students to watch my videos on a YouTube channel. But how do I get to a YouTube channel? So again, it's like one after the other after the other.

And so as we're going through this, start thinking about how you would like to use Screencastify, and if there are other tools that you'll need to know in order to use it. But again, as long as you can record a video and share a link in an email, or remind or something, it's as easy as that. Don't worry.

ALISA TAKEUCHI (ON VIDEO): An important skill to have when using Screen--

Alisa Takeuchi: All right, so all these presentations, what I was starting to say was, as we're going through these, if you feel comfortable enough to multitask and work at the same time-- so as the presenter is talking and giving an instruction, you can work and do it at the same time, feel free to do it. Because that way, you're right there. You're doing it at the same time.

But it can get a little hectic, because if we're going a little too fast and you're left behind, and things like that. So the ideal situation is to have maybe a computer or a laptop, and then a monitor-- an external monitor. It's not two computers. It's one computer and then an external monitor, so that whatever is on this computer can also be viewed on another computer.

So you could take one of those tabs and you can move it to another computer. So if you have that, you already know this. If you don't have an external monitor, don't stress out, because that's something else beyond-- a little bit more advanced.

The other thing is to have two computers. So for me, I have a laptop and I have a Chromebook. So I have two separate computers, so I can watch the Zoom on one and I can practice whatever they're doing on another. They are two completely different computers. So I would just have Zoom on one, and whatever I'm practicing on the other

The other thing would be the phone and the computer. So now, like I said, so Screencastify. You can't do this on your phone. So you would need to watch the Zoom on your phone. Or if you're already doing that-- if you're watching this presentation on your phone, if you have a laptop or a computer, you can open it and practice what we're doing off to the side.

So you watch on your phone, and then you practice on another computer. That's another option, or you can do what Anthony was talking about earlier, where you have one computer. Like, Alisa, I just have one computer, that's it. No problem. Then what you can do is you can have two screens on at the same time.

So remember how we manipulated those tabs? You can go ahead and manipulate a tab, and then actually move it over. So you have the Zoom on one side, and then practice on the other side.

So I'm going to exit this presentation. I'm going to show you what that looks like. So let me exit

OK, so here, I have my Screencastify, my presentation. That would be your Zoom. And I'm moving it off the trail of tabs and it's its own separate entity. Remember, we talked about that?

So there's a couple of different ways. I know Anthony does it a particular way. This seems easiest for me, but I take it off of Maximize.

And then I go to my corners, and I can resize my screen. So I still have my presentation here. I have my tabs up here. I can move this. I can make it bigger, so it's about half my screen.

Now I want to practice what Alisa is saying. So you're going to make a new tab-- a brand-new tab. Pull it off.

Sorry, my computer is going a little slow. Exit Maximize. And you can resize this one, too.

All right, so now-- oh my god, what happened? Alisa, I lost the presentation? Where did it go?

Here are my tabs. Here's my new tab. What happened to that presentation?

It's down here. You have a whole other toolbar down here. Down at the very bottom of your screen, you have a whole other toolbar that you can choose from. And here it is. I pulled that off.

So if you've lost your tab, if you've lost anything, it's not gone forever. Unless you've actually exited out of it, it's probably going to be somewhere up at the tabs of the top or somewhere down here at the bottom. So as long as you didn't actually exit out, but it's hidden somewhere, it's there somewhere.

So now I have two screens. I have Alisa's zoom presentation on one. And now I can practice whatever she's talking about here. So Anthony, do you see if we need to repeat that or give it a minute or so?

Anthony Burik: I don't see any comments yet. So--

Alisa Takeuchi: Let me give it a moment. Let me give you a minute just to figure it out and absorb. OK, and this is only if you want to, you guys. You don't need to. You're more than welcome just to sit back, relax, and just watch.

It's not a problem. Everything we're doing here, you can just watch. And then later on, I'm going to give you the copy of this presentation. And then you can go back through.

And I have a couple of slides that are cheat sheets. You can take a photo of them, and you'll see what it is. And when you go after this presentation, when you're calm again, then you can go to your computer and do it on your own time. No problem. This isn't a you must do it at the same time type deal.

Anthony Burik: Alisa, actually, now we have a couple of requests. Maybe you could just show how to split the screen in two again.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, yes, I'm going to exit. So I'm exiting. And this is my way of doing it. And I think, Anthony, you might have a different way of doing it. And it all works. As long as it works.

So I'm going to exit out. I'm going to go back to where I was. So this was-- OK, so this is my presentation. It's within my tabs.

This is normal. This is how it is when you open up a thing. I want to split my screen so that I see the Zoom, and I can make a practice at the same time. So for you, you're going to find your tab that has the Zoom presentation, this right here, and pull it off.

If it turns full screen, that's OK. Make it less than full screen. Grab the corner. Make sure-- see how you're close to that x? You might want to do a different corner if you're a little bit worried, as long as you have those arrows that are pointing diagonally.

If you're a little bit worried about getting too close to that x, then go to another corner. Any corner works, any corner works. And you can resize it any way you like.

Now, I have the presentation. I have the Zoom on one side. And now I need another one to practice with.

So I'm going to open up a new tab. Pull it off. Pull it off my main tab line. Exit full screen and resize it.

OK, so what happens, though, is when I do that, my Zoom went away. Oh my god, Alisa. My Zoom is gone.

I don't know where my Zoom is. I see Zoom up here. That's not it.

I want to come down here-- down to the bottom of the tray. You're going to probably look for Zoom like this. But I have to look for my presentation.

So here. So look for your Zoom, and then it should come up. And then you'll have two screens. And you can manipulate the size, however big or small you want it. So play around with that as you're going through your screens.

And if it's too much-- now look, I have all this back here. I've got my two screens up here. If it's too much, you can always minimize this. Minimize here.

It's going down. It went down to the bottom of my tray. And now I have just my desktop. So it's not so, so much.

And then I have my two slides. I have my side-to-side again. If you're in your house right now, or wherever you're at watching this, and you're trying to do it and your crying, don't worry about it. Just stop.

You can just watch the presentation. It is not a problem for you just to watch if it's just too much for you to handle. It's not a problem at all.

All right, how are we doing? Have we lost anybody? Am I down to 10 people no.

Anthony Burik: Alisa, I'm wiping away the last of my tears. But I think we're good to continue.

Alisa Takeuchi: Yeah, if I make OTAN people cry, then please. Everybody else, I apologize.


And hopefully at the end of this, too, we'll have some time to practice. Like, I said I don't know exactly the timing of this presentation. But hopefully, if there's extra time at the end, then we can go ahead and practice. All right.

Anthony Burik: Alisa

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes.

Anthony Burik: Sorry. We should clarify, because I think this question came up, or a few folks had the question. So it does depend on-- you were talking about minimizing the window. So again, it does depend on whether you're on a Windows machine or a Mac, right?

So the Windows machine that Alisa just showed us, Minimize will be in the upper right corner. Mac users, Minimize is in the upper left corner. So if you're not seeing it on the right, it may be because you're on a Mac, and it's actually over on the left.

Alisa Takeuchi: And I think on Macs, they're circles, not squares? Yeah, I don't use Mac. So like things like that, thank you so much for saying it, because it doesn't even come into my brain because I don't use Macs at all. So thank you for that.

All right, so we're going to take another poll, if you're still hanging in there with me. If Marjorie can pull up that poll for me, we're going to see how you are going to be utilizing this presentation. How will you be involved?

And I'll give you guys a minute. I just want a gauge and see where we're at as far as who's using what. Maybe 10 more seconds. OK, let's go ahead and see the results-- see where are we at.

All right, so 13 of you have the external monitor. Great. I'm sure you're probably familiar with throwing one of those tabs into your other external monitor. That way, you can work side by side.

Two computers, great. So we've got a little gamut of everything. So side-by-side-- hopefully, the side-by-side people, you were OK getting side-by-side.

And for those of you that are just watching, great. Not a problem. Just go ahead and sit back, relax, and just absorb the information. All right, let me close that up.

All right, so now let's go ahead and talk about what is it. What is Screencastify? And what I did up here at the top is I-- here's that verb again. I Screencastified a video about Screencastify.

And it is a freemium. It is free. There is a basic edition, and it's free. And what they've just done recently-- I think it was February 4 or something, they extended what their free products were. So a lot of the stuff that was for pay is actually free now, and so that's pretty great.

The only thing is that-- you have unlimited amount of videos that you can make, which was not the case before. And the only thing is that the videos have to be less than five minutes, which is fine. It depends on, I guess, what you're going to screencast.

But I have found that the shorter the videos, the better, especially if you're using them with students. You need to make videos that are very short. One to two minutes, maybe three minutes, again depending on what it is that you're trying to show them or demonstrate or teach. Because we've been there before, where we've tried to watch a video and it's-- especially an instruction video and it's super-long and your attention span starts wavering, especially now that we're at home. So that's fine.

So you can get a premium, and they've lowered-- so for educators, it's $29 a year. For everybody else that's not an educator, it's $49 a year. So that's a pretty big discount for educators.

And the bonuses for that is that there's more tools that you can use. The tools that you get for free, great. That's all I use. I don't have a paid subscription, and I'm fine with that. Maybe later on, I'll splurge on the $30 and see what else I can do.

But the other thing is that you have unlimited time. You're not required to stay at five minutes. You can make a video that's 10 minutes or 15 minutes or longer if you want.

So those are the benefits of having the premium. But again, I only use the free version, and I've loved it so far. So I'm going to show you the video real quick of the introduction to Screencastify.

Voiceover: Not too long ago, the average classroom had one instructor teaching at one pace in one style to many different students. Now that's starting to change. Thanks to increased access to technology, like Chromebooks and Google Apps for Education, educators are empowered to teach in more flexible ways that fit the needs of all their students.

But as much as these tools have reshaped learning, they can't replace the most important part of teaching-- the teacher. Screencastify allows teachers to make sure that learning is personal and human in a digital classroom, whether it's recording instructional videos to meet the varied needs of students, delivering a richer feedback, or allowing students to demonstrate learning in new ways. There's no limit to what you can accomplish with Screencastify.

Alisa Takeuchi: So again, this was coming from a K through 12 kind of commercial. But again, Screencastify isn't just let me show you how to do something. It's not always just tutorials. You can use Screencastify to give video feedback, or you can have your students-- if your students are using Google, then they can give video feedback, whether they liked your lesson or I have a question or something.

So instead of just typing it out, and/or if they want to practice speaking or having a conversation, they can actually make Screencastify themselves and give it back to you. So how cool is that? Like if you have some sort of assignment and there were some mistakes, and maybe they tend to make the same mistakes over and over again, and you made a little video for them, that's personal.

"Hey, Van, great sentence. Don't forget the 'S', you know, on the verb when you write your sentence. Don't forget the period at the end." And then you're actually giving them feedback, and they're seeing your face and seeing it as if they were in the classroom. So things like that, that's what so great about Screencastify.

So in the chat, I'm going to give you guys about a minute. I want you to write in the chat-- not the Q&A, in the chat, how would you like to use screen cast if I with your students and/your colleagues. So go ahead and type what do you think. What do you think you would like to use it for? Now that you kinda have an idea of what it's about, how would you like to use it?

Anthony Burik: Now, Alisa, while folks are working on that, I just want to remind people again, if you do have questions for Alisa or the presentation, please put them in the Q&A. We aren't-- if people are raising their hands or if they hit that Raise Hand icon, we don't acknowledge that, basically. So make sure to put your question in the Q&A. Or if you need tech support or other support, just go ahead and put that in the chat.

Alisa Takeuchi: Great, yeah. Thank you. So I'm looking at the chat, and oh my gosh, this is amazing. Some of your ideas-- some of you still don't have a clue.

That's OK. No problem. You're still just absorbing the whole what is Screencastify. I'm not quite sure yet.

But some of you are saying that you would like to use them for reading books. That would be great. Yeah, you have an online little book club or an online story time.

Vocabulary lessons-- that's what I did in mine. I had a listening test. And I recorded myself as if I was giving the spelling test. And then they watched it as a YouTube video, and they took the test on a piece of paper.

Distance learning, a lot of how to's. So if you're still having difficulty, or your challenge is getting your students on Zoom, you could make an instructional video on how students can join Zoom. The hard thing with these conferencing rooms-- Zoom or Google Meet or Google Hangouts, it's that there's so many different devices that there's so many different ways that troubleshooting can go awry. And that's really tough.

Yeah, a lot of you are slideshows. We're going to talk about that tomorrow. So tomorrow, we're going to learn-- today is all about just how do I make a screencast, how do I use Screencastify. And then tomorrow is what do I do with it now.

So if you can get past today's, where you feel comfortable about actually creating a screencast, then tomorrow is where all that magic happens. All right, that's great. Thank you so much, you guys, for your input, your answers.

Anthony Burik: Alisa.

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes.

Anthony Burik: Before you continue, can we circle back just a couple of questions again about the pricing that you talked about?

Alisa Takeuchi: OK.

Anthony Burik: So what about students using Screencastify? Would they be able to sign up for a free account as well?

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes, students can sign up for a free account, just like you do. The process is still the same. And I can show you that later too.

The process is still the same, except there's a screen that will come up and it'll say-- it doesn't say it like this, but it'll say, like, what are you? And then it says like educator, student, businessperson. It gives you some options. They would just choose student.

Now, it doesn't really matter. I mean, they could say educator. You could say student. But what happens is that any kind of new information that relates to that particular topic that you chose, we'll get to you.

So if you chose educator, if they have new developments that they think would be beneficial for educators, they'll send it to you. But if you chose student, then maybe they'll say, hey, maybe they'll give some little emails or something about student use. So that's the only reason.

But, I mean, anybody could choose anything. As far as the pricing goes, the $29, I haven't done it yet. So I don't know. But I assume that when you sign up for an account, if you select that you're an educator.

And then I'm not sure how they verify it-- if you have to verify it somehow. Maybe with your school email address or something like that. That's how they can tell whether or not that you should get the $29 price or the $49 price.

Anthony Burik: Yeah, we did have a question from somebody who works at a library, not a school setting. But it sounds like they probably could still sign up as an educator and get those benefits.

Alisa Takeuchi: Yeah, sure. With the free account, you can sign up as anybody you want. Yeah. The only reason why they would ask you is to vet you into what kind of services of emails they can send you to help you with that particular field.

So yeah, if you work in the library-- anybody can choose educator. It's a free account. It doesn't matter.

But if you want the $29 discount, then you're probably going to have to prove that you're an educator in some capacity. Even if you work in the library, I'm sure you could probably just let them know that you're in education, and they would probably still give you-- I can't imagine that they wouldn't. But I don't know for sure.

Anthony Burik: OK, great.

Alisa Takeuchi: Anything else.

Anthony Burik: We have some other questions, but let's see what the next part of your presentation is.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, great. Has there been any comments about, oh my gosh, you're going too fast, or she's da da da pacing?

Anthony Burik: I think the pacing is OK.

Alisa Takeuchi: All right. Just let me know, guys, if you think that I'm going too fast. All right, so where is it? So the easiest thing to do is just to go to screencastify.com. So this is where the split screen comes in.

If you're working with another computer, if you're working with an external monitor, if you're working with side-by-side views, if you want to go to screencastify.com, you should see this homepage. And as we're doing these steps, I'll give you just a few seconds to see. Now, I already had this installed when I took this screenshot.

So of course, mine says already installed. But yours should say something about install or get it or go to. So Screencastify.com.

Now, I made a cheat sheet for you. So those of you that are just watching, or if you're trying to, you can take a picture of this screen right now. And this is the step-by-step process of how to open your account.

I went through and I opened a new account. And every step I took, I made sure that I documented it. And I have pictures. We'll go through it also, but this is just like the cheat sheet.

So if you would like to do this later on, you don't have to go through all of the slides again. You could just use this. Or have it on your phone and have your phone next to your computer, and then work on your computer.

Anthony Burik: So Alisa, are you going to address the Chrome issue? Because some people are saying that it says to add it in Chrome.

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes, so like we were talking about, you need to have a Google account. So at some point, you will have to sign into your Google account. Now, it's in step number four.

So if you don't have a Google account, whether it's a Gmail account or your .edu or .net, your school GSuite account, then to use Screencastify, you're going to have to open one. All right, so did everybody take a picture of this that wants to take a picture of it? I'm going to change slides in five four, three,

Anthony Burik: So Alisa?

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes.

Anthony Burik: So can we-- let's be clear again. So if I have a Google account, can I open my Google account in any browser? So on Firefox, can I be on my Google account to do this, or does it need to be Chrome and Google account?

Alisa Takeuchi: That's a good question because I only use chrome. So I don't want to say for sure. But if you're on Firefox or such, yeah, I would open up-- my understanding is that if you open up Gmail, your Chrome account opens at the same time.

Now, I don't know if that's true or not in Firefox. So I would follow the prompts. If you're in Firefox, then go to screencast-- it's pretty user-friendly. If you go to screencastify.com and you try to add to Chrome, it'll tell you whether or not you need to sign into your Chrome account or not. And if it does, do it. And if it doesn't, just keep following the steps until it says sign into your Google account, which means sign into your Gmail.

Yeah, it's really tough. I mean, I like questions like that when it's about other browsers or other devices, because it opens my mind, because I forget that there are other browsers besides Chrome, which for me is unheard of. All right, I'm ready to change if everybody's ready to change. I'm going to switch the slide.

All right, so here we go. Here are the steps. Same thing that I just had in the list is broken down-- so screencastify,com.

Oh, here it is. I opened up a new account because I wanted to show you exactly. So it should say Add a Chrome. And then you're going to click on Add to Chrome.

So here I am on my GSuites account. I originally made an account on my Gmail. And so now I switched over to my GSuite.

And this is what showed. Add Screencastify. Please add the extension. Otherwise you won't be able to use it. As soon as you do that, you should see a little arrow with the camcorder on the top right-hand corner of your screen.

If you see that, that means Screencastify has been installed onto Chrome. This is where all your extensions-- anytime you install any extensions, this is where it will show up. So if you see this on your computer or on your device, you're good to go.

And this is where the magic is. You never have to open screencastify.com again. Everything will just be click on this, and you start going. It's so, so convenient, and so easy.

It'll ask you to sign in. Now, there will be a little default at the bottom to say Automatically save videos to Google Drive. You definitely want that. It should be defaulted already to the On switch.

But if for some reason you accidentally clicked it, or it's on the left, you want to make it to the right. That means every screencast you create will automatically be added to your drive without you having to do anything. You don't have to click Save. You don't have to do anything. It automatically goes to your drive.

You always want to allow for the positives. So it needs to know you have a camera and a microphone, and if you want to use the drawing and annotation tools. You want to say yes. And I'm hoping, as I'm going through these, that you're seeing the same thing, if you haven't already gone ahead.

But as I'm doing this-- this is exactly what I saw when I opened up my account. So I hope that as you're going through opening up your account, if you're doing this, that you're seeing the same thing. So this right here, the read and change all your data, I looked it up, because I was looking at this going ooh. And Melinda always says choose the positive, apply to the positive.

But I was reading this, going I'm not sure. So I went to look it up, I Googled it. And it's saying that anytime you want to screencast a website or anything, what it needs to do is you're having permission to use that website.

Not so much that you're stealing it from them. But that yes, you are using external websites, and that when you save it onto your drive, when the screencast is saved to your drive, that's the where the changing is. It's reading and changing. So you allow it. Otherwise, you can't use it.

For me, it asks me to use my microphone again. I don't know why. And it may not for you, but it did for me. So I just said Allow.

And then here's that part where it talks about I am "a." And you can choose anything you want. But if you choose the Educator, anytime there's any kind of new tool, or new things that they think educators might benefit from, they'll go ahead and notify you of that.

Your students would obviously choose Student. But this is the free account again. So it's up to you. You can use it any way you want.

And then it'll ask you where do you work. And I always have a tough time with this, because usually, it's these options. It's either grade school like, K through 12, or it's college and university. And I work for an adult school, but our adult school is associated with the K through 12. So I'm always wondering, should I just choose grade school, like if it's a discount or something.

But for this, I chose other. That was my decision. But it's totally up to you.

And again, I don't think it really matters one way or the other. Maybe just if they have some tools that are more beneficial for K through 12, they'll send it to you, versus college and university. They'll send a more higher level information. And then voila, you're done.

And if you're on the screen, or if you've done it already, a little confetti. I tried to screenshot it, but it went too fast. There's little confetti, and it's like a little part in there. Like, oh, congratulations. Good job.

All right, so the hard part is done. I mean, literally, that is the hardest part of this whole thing, which is awesome. If you were having any troubles getting to this stage right here, please ask a question in the Q&A. Or at the end, we can go through some of the we could troubleshoot some of things. Or afterwards, you can email me.

Anthony Burik: Alisa.

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes.

Anthony Burik: OK, so on that point, I do think people got tripped up at a few different points along the way. So is there a way that maybe you could go back and just do a quick recap of the steps again?

Alisa Takeuchi: Absolutely.

Anthony Burik: And then I think that'll help with some of the questions that have come up.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, so the step-by-step ones or the whole list?

Anthony Burik: I think--

Alisa Takeuchi: Here's the list.

Anthony Burik: Yes, so let's start from here. And if you could just do, again, a quick recap of the steps in case anybody got stuck along the way.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, so the first one is, you have your new tab open. And you are going to go to screencastify.com And then once you get to Screencastify-- in fact, let me go step by step. I'll do this one. So once you get a screencastify.com, you should see this at the top of your screen. You're going to want to add to Chrome.

And again, I was already on Chrome So I might not have some of these steps that maybe some of you are going through if you were using Firefox or some other browser. I think my-- if you can.

My recommendation, if it's OK, if you're allowed to, if you know you're going to use a Google product, I would start with the Chrome browser. Just start there, because it seems to me that it's just an easier path to take. But if you're on a device where you can't help it-- you have to use Safari or you have to use Firefox, then there might be some extra steps always when you're using a Google product.

And I don't use those other browsers. So I don't ever include them in my slides. So I apologize for that if you're having a little bit difficulty, if you're using another browser. But if you're using Chrome and you're following these steps, they should be similar.

And then add the extension. Again, it is an extension. If for some reason you are having trouble with the webpage, the screencastify.com, you can always go to the Google Play Store and type in Screencastify, and then add it-- install it that way also.

I think that's the way I did it my first time I did it. I went to the Play Store. I typed in Screencastify. It said Install. And then I went through all the same steps.

But this was through the website. So that might be one of the problems, too. If you're having any issues with the website screencastify.com, then go to the Play Store and see if that helps you. A different way to get to the same result.

If everything is OK, and it was installed properly, you should see the little arrow with the camcorder picture at the top of your screen on the right-hand side. Like if you've installed it, and you're like this is not for me, I don't really want it, you can always remove it, just like any extension. So sign in with your Google account. Automatically save the Google Drive. Permissions for the camera and the annotation tools, we'll talk about that tomorrow.

Allow-- if that happens again. I don't know if it will for you or not. And then choose how you want to be known in your profile and at what level you teach. And then voila. Did that help most people, or are there still some issues?

Anthony Burik: Yeah, Alisa, I think this is very helpful. It does sound like there are a few people still who are having trouble.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK.

Anthony Burik: But perhaps--

Alisa Takeuchi: With their browsers or something.

Anthony Burik: Yeah, I mean, you can always come to OTAN office hour, and we can try to help troubleshoot that. But I think in the interest of time, Alisa, I think why don't you continue?

Alisa Takeuchi: OK.

Anthony Burik: And then if people are still having trouble, then maybe at this point, just watch Alisa's presentation. And then maybe we can circle back to some of those issues near the end.

Alisa Takeuchi: Yeah, so keep your questions or your comments and stuff. And then we'll circle back. All right, so when you finish, they're going to give you the option down at the bottom.

And it has some tours. So I recommend that you do take the tour. Hopefully, you're not doing-- well, I mean you might be doing it right now. That's fine.

But after this webinar, you can always go back and do it, too. And this is actually a little video that I did. I screencast, so we can actually see this one right now.

Oh, OK. So let's take a small break. Let's take a deep breath. Now let me show you how I use Screencastify in my presentation. So hopefully, this will work.

[video playback]

- OK, so let's take a deep breath.

[inhales and exhales]

And one more time.

[inhales and exhales]

Too much information. We need oxygen to the brain. Let's keep going.

[end playback]

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, so basically, I took a very quick screencast. And I just inserted it into my presentation. So we are virtually walking through on a path in nature.

And we're just taking in the oxygen because we've got a lot of information so far. So that is one of the ways that you can incorporate Screencastify into a presentation. And it's very, very easy. It's very user-friendly from Google Slides.

All right, so here is the Screencastify. This is what Screencastify gives. This is the video that they made.

[video playback]

[music playing]

- Screencastify is a really simple way to recording screencasts from right within your Chrome browser. Once you install our extension, click our icon and choose whether you want to record your browser tab, entire desktop, or just your webcam. Turn up the volume on your microphone if you want to narrate over your recording. And choose if you want to embed your webcam to add a personal touch.

Once you're ready, click Record. And lights, camera, action. Spice up your screencast with our annotation tool. For example, shine a spotlight on your mouse to direct your viewer's eye, or draw on your recording with our pen tool. Toggle your webcam on and off during your recording, and change the location, size, and shape of your webcam.

Once you're finished, click our icon again and click the Stop button. Your video will automatically save to your Google Drive. Then you can to rename your recording and share it either by grabbing Google Drive link or by publishing your video directly to YouTube. Our premium subscribers can crop and trim their videos, as well as export them as an MP4 or animated GIF. Thanks for watching, and enjoy creating awesome videos with Screencastify.

[end playback]

Alisa Takeuchi: All right, so as you can see, like when I was making a video about the video, the quality lessened. So that's something you might want to keep in mind. If you're trying to show a video of a video, then it might be a little difficult. It's not going to be as clear. The audio and the visual will not be as clear as if you make one yourself.

So that's the tour that they give you when you-- this right here. This right here, that was that two-minute video. So go ahead and watch that again. And it'll show you some different ways that you can use it, which we'll talk about more tomorrow.

So as soon as I finish that screencast that I just made, this comes up on my screen. So again, I wanted to make sure that I took a screenshot of everything that you would see when you make your first screencast. So you could say show me around, and you take a little tour. And it's going to show you all the different elements. Please, please, please, I encourage you to do it, because it will show you all the different tools and all the different settings and things that you'll need to know, or that you'll want to know.

As soon as you hit Stop Record, this shows up. It has already been saved into drive. You didn't even have to do anything.

No click and save, no anything. It automatically just gets there. The only thing that you'll want to do is you'll want to change the title so that you can associate which screencast is what.

Sharing options-- so here, you have your different sharing options. And when I click on More options, down here at the bottom, there's more options, this is what comes up. So here's the More options.

So you can share to a classroom. You can publish to YouTube. Again, you'll need to have a tab. If you were going to show different websites, you don't want to click that. This would be if you're only on one tab.

A desktop, that means you can go from tab to tab, or just show them how to get onto the internet or things like that. Or you can do your webcam only, which means basically a selfie video. So if you're going to give feedback maybe, you could just do a quick screencast and say, wow, that was a great job on your homework. Don't forget, or remember, periods at the end of your sentences, or whatever it is. So you have your choices.

And mine says, webcam not detected here. Yours will say webcam, but I was on a device that doesn't have a webcam. So that's why it says that.

It automatically defaults to three seconds-- your countdown. You'll hear it go tink, tink, tink. And then you know to start recording.

You can change this to five seconds or 10 seconds. You can make it longer if you want. But it defaults to three seconds.

There is a drawing toolbar that comes out on the bottom left-hand side. You can toggle this on and off if you don't want it. If you're not going to use it and it's in the way, just toggle this off, you can take it off. And then you're going to hit Record.

When you hit Record, it will ask you to click on the screen. It's like making sure. Are you sure this is the screen you want to share? And you click on it and it highlights. And you say yes, Share.

All right, so now you're going to listen. And on one of my computers, it does-- you'll see three, two, one. And one of them, I can only hear it. It goes three-- it goes tink, tink, tink. And then you're on air.

So this is when you start recording, whether it be a website. Click on the plus sign, or this is ON AIR, or whatever it is you're trying to demonstrate to whoever the audience is. When you're finished, when you're done, you're going to click on the same icon. The same thing that you started your video, you're going to click it one more time and hit Stop

You can also customize when you want your video to stop. If you don't want to go over two minutes, then you can also click-- you could customize your time that it finishes. The only thing is that you have to be mindful of how much time has gone by. So I have not done that. But it's there if you want it.

All right, once you've stopped the recording, you'll start seeing your video automatically. It'll show right here. The only thing you're going to have to do, it'll say Unmute. Just click Unmute, and you can hear it also.

So it'll start automatically. It's saved to drive. Didn't have to do anything. And then all you have to do is click Unmute, and you'll see your video.

If you want to know where it is, or if you want to go back to it later on-- if you've got out of Screencastify, and later on you want to find your video, you go to your drive. And then they automatically created a folder for you called Screencastify. You did not have to do anything. You don't have to make the folder.

You don't have to save anything into the folder. Everything you record gets saved into the Screencastify folder. So you open up your folder and all your screencasts are in there.

Let me stop real quick. How are we doing? How are we doing on people? Comments, questions?

Anthony Burik: Alisa, let's see. Yeah, we have a bunch of questions. So let's see if we can address some of them.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK.

Anthony Burik: There was a question that just came in. Which options do you use, browser tab desktop, or webcam?

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, so it depends on what it is that I want to record. So the little video that I made of us taking a deep breath, that was the webcam. You only saw me. You didn't see my computer or anything on my computer. You saw me.

So it's like taking a selfie video. So I didn't have to take-- before, I was making selfie videos with my phone or with my Chromebook. But now I could just do it with Screencastify.

And I hit Webcam and I said, OK, let's take a breath and da da da. And I stopped it and I put it in the slides. So that's webcam.

Browser tab means that I'm only going to show one tab. Whatever it is I'm doing, it's on one tab. I'm not manipulating between tabs. Desktop would be if I'm going to get off the internet, or if I'm going to use multiple tabs, that's what I would use that. So hopefully, that helps a little bit.

Anthony Burik: OK, and then maybe you just addressed this, but is the desktop choice just for the entire desktop? Or could it be setup for a region of the desktop?

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, so I think answer number one, the whole desktop. And then answer number two, if you have premium, I think you can crop. You can manipulate what is shown on the screen. So you can crop. It'll show your whole screen.

And then you can crop it to say, hey, I only want the students to see this part of my screen, and not the rest of it. But I think that's a premium feature. So for right now, for the free version, they'll see your whole desktop. And we'll talk about that, about making sure what you have on your desktop and things.

Anthony Burik: OK, and then regarding the options piece, switch it on or leave it off?

Alisa Takeuchi: Options-- which option?

Anthony Burik: System audio, show webcam preview.

Alisa Takeuchi: Sorry, I'm gonna-- no. So sorry. I'm scrolling back. I want to see what it was that was being asked. If the person can just clarify what part that was, if it's the recording itself or after I've recorded, then I can answer that better. Because I'm not too sure where the question is.

Anthony Burik: OK, so this person said, I was following along, but lost how to start the recording. Every time I click on the Screencastify icon, I am shown the options. But I can't figure out how to get it to record.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK, so I'm going to do it right now. So I have Screencastify. I hope you guys can see this. You can see the Screencastify right here. I'm going to click on Screencastify.

Oh, sorry. My computer's slow. It's coming. All right, so here's that screen. Hopefully, you see the same screen.

And then your choices are Browser Tab, Desktop or Webcam Only. So if I did Webcam Only, you would see me. But you wouldn't see me because I'm on a computer that doesn't have a webcam.

Sorry. My desktop, you would see everything. I can manipulate, or browser tab would be just if I was going to stay just on this tab right now. So I'm just going to click Browser Tab.

Anthony Burik: So Alisa, actually, could I ask you-- before you do that, what happens when you click on Show More Options?

Alisa Takeuchi: OK.

[interposing voices]

Alisa Takeuchi: That's probably where it was. OK, right there. So Show More Options. It's the countdown. It defaults it three seconds.

So that means after you hit record, it'll go three, two, one. And then you start talking or doing whatever you want to do. This one shows your drawing tools when you're on. When you are recording, on the bottom left, you'll see your Pen tool or your spot highlights.

If you don't want that to show, because you're not going to use them, you can toggle that off. So if you don't want to count down-- if as soon as you hit record and it starts recording, that's fine. You can turn that off. But then you can also make it longer, too-- five seconds or 10 seconds.

And then Tab Audio, I think that's if-- I think I should have done that. If you're making a video of a video, you probably want to click that on there. I think it'll pick up the sound better.

That's probably why you couldn't hear the Screencast I made of the video. You couldn't hear the sound very well because I didn't tab that. I didn't hit this. So that might be that button right there.

And then you hit Record. And sorry again. If you have a fast computer, it's going to go by much faster.

[short beep]

There's my three, two, one

[long beep]

Hi, everybody. OK, so here is my demonstration of how Screencastify works. I am recording on my tab right here. I'm showing you the difference between what to share and the more options.

When I'm done, I go up to the top. You'll see that I'm recording with the red dot. I click on that. And I wait for my slow internet. And I stop.

I can also pause, too, if you're taking a break or you need to rethink, or whatever. So I hit-- I'm not doing anything. I let go of my mouse. And this came up.

So I haven't done anything. All I did was stop recording, and this comes up automatically. See you see my video? I have to unmute to hear it.

[video playback]

- On my tab right here, I'm showing you the difference between what to share and the more options. When I'm done, I go up to the top. You'll see that I'm recording with the red dot.

I click on that. And I wait for my slow internet. And I stop.

[end playback]

Alisa Takeuchi: And the reason why you couldn't see-- I don't know if you can, but I can't see it. It's because we're in Zoom. And as a presenter, you can't see all those little tools. But it's there.

So that was it. So it's in my drive. I'm going to rename this. And I'm going to say "Example video during presentation," so I can remember what it was.

And I click off. It saved. It's in my drive. It's totally done. So from here, you can just get the link. And then just open up your email and send it as an email or put it in Remind, or whatever platform you're using to share information with your students.

If I hit More options, then those are the things I was telling you. You could put it in your classroom. You can publish to YouTube, send in an email right now, or get a QR code.

So it's literally that easy. I mean, I was on my computer. I hit the Screencastify. I recorded.

I stopped recording, and it saved. And that's literally it. Let me get back to my--

So I hope, like, just doing that small, little example helps you to realize how user-friendly it is. And once you get that on there, it's as it really is as easy as one, two, three. I'm just moving forward again from what we did before.

OK, so here's where we were at. I recorded. I'm done. It's in my drive. Here are the links.

Now, for right now, for these purposes, only for this basic session, just get the link and share it with somebody. Send somebody the email. Send an email with the link and just see how that works. See if they can open up your screencast and see if that works.

For these right here, this is more for YouTube. You'll see these same-- I don't know what the word is, but you'll see these same options when you're on YouTube, whether you want to just keep it private-- only you can do it. Public, anybody could see it. Or Unlisted means anybody with the link can see it. So again that's--

If you choose sharable link, this changes automatically. It goes from Private, Public, and Unlisted to Unlisted. It's automatic, because you're sharing the link, anyways. All right, stretch time.


Anthony Burik: So Alisa.

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes.

Anthony Burik: While you're stretching, can we get to some of these questions?

Alisa Takeuchi: Yeah, just real quick. I want you to know that I look exactly like this. Just a heads-up. All right, question.

Anthony Burik: OK, yeah, we got a bunch of them. So let's see if we can sort through them.

Alisa Takeuchi: All right.

Anthony Burik: So let's go back to the screencast you showed us, the breathing in the woods one.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK.

Anthony Burik: OK, so here's--

[interposing voices]

Anthony Burik: All right, so here's the question. OK, so was the photo on your screen, and then you use Screencastify to insert your directions, your speaking directions?

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes, so this is my presentation. So this is my actual Google slide. And I inserted the picture, because normally, if you were at one....

So let me go back real quick. So you can insert a YouTube by URL or go to Google Drive. So here's that sharing I just did. When you make a sharing, it puts it to the front. It's the very first one you did.

So I literally just-- it was the first one. So here's that one. "Take a Deep Breath" I renamed it. So I could do it right now.

I can insert here. I can select it. And there is the video. And I resize it. Or I can make it in the middle. I can make it big or as little as I want.

So I didn't want to take away from the beautiful picture, so I just made my little screen small, small, small. But it depends on what your video is and how much you want to show. You can make it as big or as small. It's that easy.

OK, let me do that one more time. So I had my-- in here. I can take this off, too. Let me just erase it.

OK, so I had this picture. And I thought, OK, usually, I say take a deep breath. And I just say it out loud. And I thought, you know, I think I'm going to make a screencast and have you look at me doing it.

So I hit-- oh, I'm sorry. I can't do it because I'm not a computer that doesn't have a video. But I recorded it. And then I went to Insert, Video.

It's right here. "Take a Deep Breath." I selected it. And there it is.

And then I made it teeny-tiny. I made it small. And the magic has happened. So now, when I presented, here's the picture, and here's me in the small corner. And I just played it.

[video playback]

- OK, so let's take a deep breath.

[inhales and exhales]

And one more time.

[inhales and exhales]

Too much information. We need oxygen to the brain. Let's keep going.

[video playback]

Alisa Takeuchi: So it was just some silly video. I mean, it wasn't anything. And it took me a couple of seconds.

If you had this with your students-- OK, if you have beginning students, this is amazing, because you could have a picture with whatever. And then you could say, OK, students, what do you see in the picture? Do you see a tree? Do you see grass? Do you see tree or trees, or something like that?

You can make a video of looking at the picture, and things like that. It's just one more element for them to say, hey, I feel connected to you. I'm so sad that I'm not in my teacher's classroom anymore.

But I see my teacher right there. So it just gives it one more step of, like, oh, I get to see my teacher and I'm so happy, because they really do miss you. Did that help a little?

Anthony Burik: I think so, yeah. And so here's-- OK, so we have some more questions.

Alisa Takeuchi: Sure.

Anthony Burik: Actually, the video that you just showed us, you made that was Screencastify, right? The one of you talking?

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes.

Anthony Burik: OK. Oh my gosh. How about this scenario, Alisa?

Alisa Takeuchi: OK.

Anthony Burik: What if you had a video and then put a Screencastify video in the video?

Alisa Takeuchi: Yes, that's exactly what this-- you can see my slide right now?

Anthony Burik: Mm-hmm.

Alisa Takeuchi: Oh, OK. So yes, I just screencast the video. But you could-- let me get out of this. So you could go to Screencastify.

Anthony Burik: And Alisa, I think that there's a related question that some people have been asking about embedding a webcam. Is it related to what you're going to show us, or is that something different?

Alisa Takeuchi: Embedding a webcam?

Anthony Burik: Yes.

Alisa Takeuchi: Well, to me, when I hear that, it sounds like your-- when I'm thinking webcam, I'm thinking that the like viewer-- I don't know how to explain it. I'm not exactly sure what the question is.

Anthony Burik: OK.

Alisa Takeuchi: OK. But I'm sorry. I'm on a computer that doesn't have a webcam right now on it, so I can't really show you. But if you were on-- OK, if I had the option to use a webcam right here, it would say webcam.

So I would put the webcam on here, yes. And I would choose Browser Tab. That means you're going to see the screen and the webcam at the same time. So as you're watching a video, you can be talking-- OK students, so click play, or whatever it is.

And then, do you see the rock in the back? Do you see how he made a happy face? So I'm talking about this video as the video is going on. So you can do that. You can have the screen and your webcam at the same time.

Now, you don't want to do too much, though, because it depends on what the focus is. If the focus is on the video, you need to take your webcam off. And in that toolbar that we saw, at the bottom, you can toggle on and off between the camera and no camera.

So sometimes, if there's an important thing and you want them to focus on you, turn your webcam on and then do your little talking. And then as soon as the focus needs to go back to the page or the video, or whatever it is you're showing, take your webcam off. Because otherwise, it is distracting, because they want to see you because they miss you. And they're not even listening to what you're saying anymore.


But yeah, I would do the webcam, and then browser tab or desktop in that way. So webcam is only you, like we saw with the briefing video. And then the other one is you and the video.

Anthony Burik: OK, Alisa. so yeah, I think-- so back just on the embed the webcam discussion for a second.

Alisa Takeuchi: Mm-hmm.

Anthony Burik: Somebody said, embed a webcam was one of the options when setting up a video. So you're going to talk about that?

Alisa Takeuchi: Tomorrow. Yeah, because it's a bigger issue, because there's, again, so many variables about how you want to share them. We talked about the options you have, but I'll go through in more detail about how you actually do it, or I'll give you demonstrations on how you actually do it. But I want to give you guys an opportunity--