Roz Tolliver: Hey, Hi everybody. This is actually my first time doing a webinar. I'm used to teaching where I can see you and you can see me. So it feels a little disembodied here at the moment. I'm going to go ahead and share my screen. What I want to start with is Quizlet.

And if you are not familiar with Quizlet, it is-- (can you hear me thinking?) --it is a website that allows you to create flash cards. Or you can search and find sets that are already created by other people. And there it is right there, Quizlet, if you're not familiar with it.

This particular webinar is not about how to create flash cards in Quizlet or how to create any kind of material in any of the other programs or websites. It's strictly on how you can engage with your students during like a Zoom meeting, for example, this type of meeting, or if you're using Google Meet.

And I am going to start by showing you in Quizzes. Which wasn't a thing until just this month. Originally, if you played a Quizlet live game with your students, you had to be in a classroom. They had to be next to each other. You would group them by threes. And they would work together to compete.

They have just created it where the students can play a live game, but they are playing individually. So from wherever they are, they can play on their phones. Or they can play on a laptop or an iPad. But they are competing. And they can see on your screen. As they're playing, they can see who's in the lead.

The one thing I will say is that there are some students that are just really good at these games. And I played four games with my students last night. And there were two students who just kind of flip flopped on who won each one.

So let me show you here one that I have. This is one that I created with some vocabulary from a reading that we've done. And you can see here on the side it has-- under Study, when I clicked on the units that I had created, you have flash cards and then some other ways for you to study. I'm going to use my-- sorry about that, make it easier for you to see with the spotlight.

So you have flash cards initially. And that's what pops up here where you click on it and then you've got your definition, however you've done it. Or you can start with the definition and then have the term. And then you advance down this way. So these are just flash cards that I've created.

In order to play a live game, you have to have what they consider to be at least six unique terms or unique definitions. So, for example, I was teaching gerunds versus infinitives. And for all the answers, I had either to do or doing. Well, that doesn't work. Because there aren't enough that are different. But if you have at least six different unique answers here that are available, you can play a live game.

So I'm going to go down here. So to go back, when you're on the Quizlet main page once you've created your account, you would just click on one of your sets that you've-- they call them sets. So I'm just going to click on a vocabulary one that I created. And then you're going to scroll down all the way to where it says Live right here.

You click on Live. And then it asks how you would like to play. So the teams one is the one that I mentioned earlier, where your students, once you're back in the classroom, they would be in groups of three. And they would compete. That's not available to play live. You have to click on individuals. So you want to go ahead and select that one.

Then it asks you, which is really nice, how you would like to play. So depending on how long your answer is or definition is, you could start by the definition, and then they would have to pick the term. Or you can start with the term. So for mine, because I have some idioms and some prepositional phrases that are longer, when we played last night, we started with that. And, oh, no, actually, I'm sorry, we started with the definition, because they were longer. And then they had to pick.

So I'm going to go ahead and select this first one, where we start with the definition. And you guys will be able to play along. And you'll see in just a second. If you're on the phone, for your students who have their phones where they're playing, they can download the app. But don't have to.

But the first time that they sign in, and if you're on a phone you'll be able to see this for yourself, it'll last for their email, their name, and then their-- I'm sorry, it's slipping my mind. I believe it's their grade. There are just three questions. They can zip right through. And then they're fine. They're able to go.

Otherwise, if you're planning on playing it a lot, you could advise them to go ahead and download the app. So I will go ahead and start here. We're going to select it where it starts with the definition, and then you have to pick the term.

[music playing]

I'm going to click there. And I hope you saw me do that. I did that pretty quickly. If you go down here to Options-- because the music comes on as loud as whatever your meeting is. And so it's pretty loud. But when you click Options, it gives you the option to turn the music on or off. So I'm clicking it off. And then I'll x out.

So there are two ways for you to join. The easiest way, if they have a phone, is to just open their camera. And then they just act like they're going to take a picture of this code. And it will say at the top, a little tab will pop up and say, join the Quizlet game. And they just tap on that. And they will automatically be joined.

And then if they do have to fill out the email or anything, then they would do it at that time. Or you can type in this code at this address, the Quizlet live address. So you've got four people so far.

Anthony Burik: Roz, this is Anthony from OTAN. Can I just ask a couple of questions while people are joining?

Roz Tolliver: Sure.

Anthony Burik: Are you currently using a free account or a paid teacher account?

Roz Tolliver: Oh, I'm sorry. It's free. I only do free. It is free.

Anthony Burik: OK.

Roz Tolliver: It's not one of those free because of the coronavirus. This Quizlet is free all the time.

Anthony Burik: OK. And then so another person asked, can you use other materials previously posted from other instructors?

Roz Tolliver: Absolutely, absolutely. So I mentioned at the beginning that you can either create your own, or you can search for other material and then adopt it or use it exactly the way they created it.

Anthony Burik: And then, Roz, can you just remind us again how we can join the Quizlet activity.

Roz Tolliver: The Quizlet live? So are you able to still see my screen?

Anthony Burik: Yes, we can see the QR code on the right hand side and the code on the left side.

Roz Tolliver: Exactly, so those are the two ways that you can do it. So you can either open your camera on your cell phone, and you can scan the QR code. And it will pop up immediately and say, do you want to join this? And you just tap, and you're in. Also, if you're in the app, you see here in the app you can-- it says-- you just tap Play Quizlet Live and then scan the code if you downloaded the app for some reason. But you don't have to.

Or if you're on a laptop, or even on your cell phone or iPad, you would just go to this address, the address. And then you type in this code. For some reason, and I don't know if it's on my computer, but the last number overlaps with the word Join. And I don't know why that is. It's something with this layout. But you just type in this number.

And then at that point, it will ask you for your name, and possibly your email and grade just depending.

Anthony Burik: OK, Roz, so we have a couple of questions. I guess we're also going to find out. Is there a maximum number of players?

Roz Tolliver: So that's a great question. I didn't realize how many people would be in the webinar. So we're going to find out. Apparently, there isn't. Because it's still saying create the game. We haven't hit any kind of snags yet, and we're at 68 and counting.

So that, I don't know. I'm going to look on my phone and see if maybe that answer is available while we're-- so I googled it. And apparently there is no maximum. Someone even noted that they played a game with 150 people.

Anthony Burik: Roz, again, just to be clear, to participate in the game, though, you don't have to create an account.

Roz Tolliver: You don't have to create an account. But it does ask you, I believe, that first time for your email and your name. But you're not creating an account, per se, with like a password or anything like that.

Anthony Burik: So let's say, for example, Roz, that they're on-- so a student is using their phone for Zoom. So then how can they do this quiz? So how can they do both things at the same time?

Roz Tolliver: So they'll just open another tab. So they won't be able to still look at you in Zoom. But they can-- so you know if you're in Safari in an iPhone, or whatever it is in an Android, and you're able to add another window? You just simply open another window and play it. Or if they have the app, they would just go out of the Zoom. They're not leaving the meeting. But they're just simply minimizing the meeting.

And then they're opening up the app, or they're opening up another window in order to play the game. Because they don't have to still see the meeting in order to know. The only thing is, if they leave the meeting, and-- they're on their phone, and they can only have one window open on a phone. On an iPad, you can split the screen. There is a way for you to still have the meeting off to the side and then bring up Quizlet or another window in order to go into the website.

I just lost my train of thought. Oh, they don't need to see the screen is what I'm saying. So there's nothing that I'm going to be showing in the meeting that you'll need to refer to in order to answer the questions in the game. That's all you need to do is begin the game.

So unlike-- so, for example, with Kahoot, Kahoot is an issue. It's not possible for you to play on your phone. Because you have to see the questions in the meeting, either in Zoom or Google Meet. And then you just answer with the corresponding color on your phone. So it's not possible to play on your phone right now. But in Quizlet, you're fine with one device.

And again, they don't have to stay in the meeting. They can play the game and go out. The advantage to them having, say-- I know in Windows 10, you're able to have multiple windows open side by side, that you can do that. And of course in an iPad, you can have two windows open in side by side looking at them.

The advantage to that is it's going to show who's in the lead. And you're not-- I don't know, if you're on the phone, with the way the questions are going, if you can see that in real time. Because you're seeing the questions. So you guys will be able to tell me that. That's one thing that I hadn't thought about if you're-- you know, if the students want to see-- I mean, this is a huge group, so-- but if you have a small class like mine, it's nice if you can kind of see.

So I'm not sure on a phone if you're able to see who's in the lead, if that's of a concern for you. So it would be nice if you could have them open just to see who's winning. So we've got 100 right now. I don't know how many are in the meeting. I hadn't looked. We've got about 200 people.

So I'm assuming the rest of you-- so I'll talk as the rest of you continue to join. As you're playing the game, on my screen, you will be able to see who's in the lead. The one concern with this-- I may have to put you guys into teams. Because normally if you play individually, and you have a small number of students, what it does is it doesn't play by your name.

It assigns you an animal, so alligator, tiger, or whatever. And that's who you are on the screen. So the other students who are playing, they don't know who's who, which is kind of nice. If you're not doing well, there's no embarrassment factor with that. It's just an animal that's showing.

But as you're playing the game, if you miss any questions, it forces you to go all the way back to the beginning. So I'll say that again. If you miss a question, it could literally be the last question, and it forces you to go back to the beginning. And the game is over, unlike in some of the other applications, when that first person answers all of the questions, the game is over.

So some of the other ones that you'll play, it will allow everyone else to continue until the end. So if you have students that are pretty quick, when they get to the end, it doesn't matter if the other students are only on the third question. The game is over.

All right, so I apologize if anyone is still trying to join. You would not be able to join this after I start the game. So I'm going to go ahead and create. I've got about 108 people here. So you can see here, for example, Mark is now on the Alligator team. Colleen is with the Kangaroos, et cetera, et cetera. So look at that. So it did. It was able to find over 100 animals to name. So there you go.

So you can see here it still has the code and things here. So maybe it will allow you on this. There have been some changes. Like I said, this has only been within the last couple of weeks that they've done it. Normally, once you start a Quizzes Live game, it doesn't allow you to join. But it is possible, maybe, for someone else to join.

So after I start the game, I'm even going to try to see if I can join afterwards just to find out if that's the case. So I'm going to go ahead and click Start. And you'll see, it's pretty easy. You're just going to-- oh, OK. So these students are disconnected. So I'm going to go ahead and start the game. It's letting me know not everyone is ready. But since we're going to go ahead and play, I'm going to start the game anyway.

So here's our screen. So you can see here, as you all start answering, these are going to move over. Here it is. So no names, just the animal names here.

So, we have a winner. So it looks like Ivy was the first one. So like I said, it didn't matter where the rest of you were, the fact that she got there first, the game is over. So now at this point, you have some options. You can either exit the game completely. You can play with a new set. So this is where you go in and you pick a different set of questions, totally different set of questions to play. Or you could play this exact same game again.

Then it will start to show all of the flash cards that you went through if you wanted to review them with the students. And then you can just toggle through those. So it shows what you learned. And that is available for the students as well, for them to see the flash cards.

Anthony Burik: So Roz, yeah, a couple of questions. Do you give any credit for their participation? And also, maybe a related question, what do you see with any kind of stats or results?

Roz Tolliver: So this is a brand new way of playing Quizlet. And it just became available a couple of weeks ago. So I've only played it once with my students. I know that they really, really enjoy it. And what I did is I played the same game four times.

Because I know some students may really practice with the flash cards religiously. And others may play just one time. And that's not enough for retention. But the fact that we're playing it over and over-- and then they get a little competitive. When they see-- because I notice that as they play the game multiple times, you'll see-- because I know who's who-- you'll see that they're moving a little faster. So they are learning.

So there's nothing-- there's no report or anything that gets generated on which questions they missed, or how long they took to answer each one. But I just know, kind of anecdotally, that just them playing four times, that some of the students that seemed to lag, that they got a lot farther. The race was a little closer each time, moreso than the certain students dominating.

But there's-- I don't give them credit or anything for playing. It's just something that we do for an activity. I have other things that I do to give them credit for. And that would be for them to go into Quizlet with the practicing part of it, but not the Quizlet live.

Anthony Burik: Is it possible to show us again how we get this organized?

Roz Tolliver: Oh, absolutely. I can walk through all of the steps again. So I'm going to hit Exit in this particular game. And we're going to go ahead and play another one.

So to go back to when you first log in to Quizlet, once you have your account, this is what it will open to. It will show you your recent sets, is what they call them. And then you can, of course, view all. So let's just click on this other one that I have. So you just click on the one you want. Or you can go into if you've set up folders. You can do that. Or your class, however you have it organized, and like I said, that's a separate lesson.

But I will go ahead and click here on this particular set. This is what they are. So, of course, we review them. What I have them do for a warm up, I have them go through the flashcards immediately before we play it live. So that way they are-- it's kind of fresh in their minds.

When you get to this screen here with the flash cards, the very last option here is live. So you just click on Live right here. And then it asks how you would like to play. So again, teams is only when they are physically next to each other. So just look at that and remember, they need to be together. So we have to play individual if they are online.

So you click Select on that. And then you have the option to either start with the definition or start with the term. So because of the interest of time, I found it that it's easier to start, especially if the definition is a little lengthy-- it depends on what level you're teaching. But if your definition is kind of long, you might be better off starting with that, and then they just guess the term versus-- because here, it's going to be longer. Because now they have to read through every single definition.

Let's just click on that one. We start with the definition this time instead. So you can see that it definitely slows the game a little bit. So again, you have your QR code that you can open up your camera on your phone or iPad and scan it. Or if you're on your computer, you can just type in this address and then type in the code. Or they can download the app.

Anthony Burik: And Roz, one other thing too. So maybe we need to remind people or point out to people that you could have these two things going on simultaneously, meaning-- but I think, maybe to go back to that question that people said they were not able to see the questions. So the questions are not appearing in Zoom, right? They appear--

Roz Tolliver: Right.

Anthony Burik: --wherever you're doing the Quizlet activity.

Roz Tolliver: Yes.

Anthony Burik: Right, so I think maybe people were expecting that the questions would show up in the Zoom window. But that's not correct, right?

Roz Tolliver: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, so what I mentioned, maybe where some confusion came, is that if you play Kahoot, in Kahoot, you do have to be able to see the Zoom window. Because that's where the questions appear. But when you play Quizlet, everything is in that, either the app or on the website that you're playing.

It's going to flash the term. And then you'll select from the options for the definition. So you're not-- you don't even have to be in the meeting right now. You could have that minimized. If you're on your phone, you could be in a totally different window.

The meeting is not-- the only reason why you would want to still have a window open possibly is so you can see who's winning. But with the number of players we have, I don't even know if that's going to be an issue, if that's something you would want to do.

But yeah, you don't have to be in the meeting at all. And it is not going to allow you to join after the fact. So if you don't join before clicking Start-- and it's because it is a race. So it won't allow you to join afterward, unlike some other apps.

And I am going to go through Quizizz in just a moment. And Quizizz is one where the students can join all the way up until the other ones are almost finished. But this one, in Quizzes it will not allow you to join after the game has started.

Anthony Burik: Can you add pictures to the flashcards?

Roz Tolliver: So again, those are questions for creating the flash cards. I don't believe so. I'm not sure. Let me-- since we're waiting for people to join, I'll just check. So if you click Create-- yes, you are able to add an image.

Anthony Burik: OK, great. And then there was a question, if we could go back to before you start the quiz. So do you see in the upper right the Copy Game Link button?

Roz Tolliver: Sure.

Anthony Burik: There was a question about what that does exactly.

Roz Tolliver: It just gives you this link here, with the code, and all of that. And I'll click on it. Maybe it'll show you. For example, if you just wanted to send it to your students in Remind for them to do, if you think that might be easier-- so it's just copied to my clipboard here. And I'll just go to a Word document and show you what it looks like. So that's it.

So if you were doing Remind, or Talking Points, or some other way that you communicate with your students, and you think it might be easier-- you also, in Zoom, I'm just thinking that you could put it in the chat maybe. And then-- it's not super difficult. But if, for some reason, you have students saying, I can't get to it, this might be an easy way to just go ahead and throw that in there. And then they can just click and go from there.

We're ready? OK, so we're going to go ahead and start another--


[music playing]

All right, so Sandra has won. I could hear in the sound effects. I left the sound effects on. I could hear where if you missed one, remember, it goes all the way back to the beginning, which kind of adds to the excitement on that one. If there are no other questions on Quizlet Live, then I wanted to move on to the next site if that's OK.

Anthony Burik: Yeah, Roz, maybe just one question and then we can switch over.

Roz Tolliver: Sure.

Anthony Burik: Just a question about frustration level-- so do you encounter this with students? And how do you address that with the students?

Roz Tolliver: So the way that I address it is, again, I'll start and make sure that we have reviewed all of the terms. This is not used as a surprise, you know, now we're going to go ahead and play this live. I make sure that they, for example, on a four-- excuse me, for suggest, that they've seen this definition, that they've played it over and over. For Quizlet, it has the flash cards. It has a learn feature here where it gives them-- it'll either give them the definition, and then they go down and click the term. Or you can go to Options, and then have it start with the definition instead. You click Start Over. And now it'll start with the term. And then they can go down here and pick the definition.

So it's already something that they've been practicing. I've given it to them for homework. And then, again, I have them go through the flash cards immediately before we play the game. So they're already familiar with it. And then some have practiced on their own even more than that.

So that cuts down on the frustration level. If they're getting too frustrated, then that, to me, that would signify that the material is too difficult. Maybe I need to take something out. But I haven't had the students be frustrated with these at all. And this comes from a reading that they're doing as well. This is part of an entire unit in this one. They're not just random terms that I have.

Anthony Burik: Again, I think you mentioned it, but the stats, what exactly do we-- what information do we get with the stats that come in when the game is completed?

Roz Tolliver: You don't get any. That's one of the down-- I can't think of the word. But this is one of the not good things about this one, is it doesn't tell you how students perform during it. It only tells you who came in first. Once a person finishes, the game is over. And you don't get any information about how anyone did. You just find out who came in first.

Anthony Burik: OK. There are some questions, Roz, about more of the working with the cards themselves. Do you want to answer those questions? Or?

Roz Tolliver: And I do want to add something. For people who are concerned about what the stats would be, if you assign this in Google Classroom or whatever you're using, you can see how well they did as they go through each of these. I tell my students to go through each of these, culminating in the test. So these are all the study features here for the cards.

So you've got the flash cards, right? You've got the learn that I showed you a second ago, where you get the term, and then they have a multiple choice to guess what the definition is. They have a write--

Computer: At a previous time--

Roz Tolliver: --which is-- it can be-- it has the written prompt. And then you also can click on--

Computer: At a previous time--

Roz Tolliver: And then if you-- this is the write. If you go to the spell, this one, they don't even have the written definition. You're just getting the audio prompt.

Computer: No doubt.

Roz Tolliver: And then they have to type that out. And then it has your definition down here. And then the last-- oh, that is the last study. So those are the four study things. And then Quizlet generates a test based on the flash cards.

And you have the options of how you want it to be. The typical option is three questions of four different types that you'll have-- you know, your written questions here where it gives the definition. And then they have to type in the term. Then it has a matching section here. It has multiple choice questions. I guess it depends on how many terms you have too, and then true or false questions. And you can go over here to Options and change the question types however you'd like to do it.

So I tell my students to make sure, when I give them the assignment for the week on the vocabulary, to make sure that they at least get to maybe the write. But I tell them, if possible, go all the way down to the test. It also has a couple of games. It has a concentration, which is the match. You click Start Game. And now you have the definitions and the terms.

And all you do is you just click on the term, such as mention, and then you drag it to the definition, or vice versa. Once you drag it to that, you just simply let go of your cursor. And if it turns green and disappears, it's correct.

If it's wrong, say, for example, if I put melt here, it just turns red and throws it back out. And they can play this over, and over, and over. And it has the time on the side. So if they finish playing, and then they want to play again, they can play again. And it will say, beat your previous time. So that's kind of a fun way for them to practice as well.

And then the last one they have, the only other game besides the match, because you'll see it's here under play, besides the match is gravity. And this is kind of like, what is it, Galaga or, I can't think of the other, Centipede or something where it's like an old-school-- let's start with the definition. So you have the options. You can start with all of the things that they've studied. You can start with the term or the definition. And you could select the difficulty.

So I'll just leave it at medium. And we'll go, Let's Go. And it tells you to watch out for red asteroids. If you miss it twice, it'll destroy your planet. You click Start. And then you'll see this asteroid is going to start coming down. And it has the word here. And then they have to type the definition. So that's probably too difficult.

You probably want to-- let me pause it. So I'm going to change it to where it starts with the term instead of that. And click Start. And so now it's going to come down with the definition. And then they have to type the term and hit Enter. And then it will disappear. If they enter the wrong thing, then this asteroid will keep coming toward Earth. So let's just say, no, no, no. And then once it hits, now they've-- if it hits the Earth down here, it's too late. So they have quite a bit of time.

Any questions about the games? Oh, and it showed the correct answer. I'm sorry, I clicked out of it too quickly. It'll show them what the correct answer was that they should have written. Let's see here. If you-- you cannot do team. Because they have to be physically near each other. You have to do individual play.

And it will tell you that on the Quizlet website, as well, that in order to play remotely, it has to be individual. This does have to be a competition. They can practice on your own if you assign the flash cards. They can't play live on their own. Live has to be competitive. But they can practice these on their own.

And I am about to go over these other ones. Let's see here. So you can create your own flash cards. Or you can use ones that other people have created that are in the database here.

And I teach transitions, so advanced level students. That's the reason why the words, the definitions are a little difficult. But I've taught all levels. So there are ways for you to make this friendly to whatever your level is. We've shown you can add images. You can certainly have simpler vocabulary in order to make this work.

You also are able to practice with audio prompts. You cannot in live. You're not able to do the audio prompts in live. It's just going to be the print. But there are lots of ways to this.

So that was Quizlet. I'm going to x out of it. This is Quizizz, Quiz and then I-Z-Z, if you're not familiar with it. And it's just And again, it's free, and not just free because of the quarantine. It's free all the time. So I've had this account for a while. This functions the same as most of the other learning sites.

You can either create-- you can see here, you can create your own quizzes. Or you can go here and find a quiz that meets your needs. And you can either use it as is, or you can make changes to it and make it your own.

What I like about Quizizz, it lacks the excitement of playing a live game, which I find breaks up the monotony, especially playing online. Having online meetings, it can get kind of dull, which is why I like Quizlet, the one I just explained, for that. Because you have this competitive nature to it.

With this one, when you play games that are live, they're playing at their own pace. So it's a little nicer if you have students that are all at a different level. Because they are able to finish the quiz regardless if-- you noticed in Quizlet, once one person finished, game over. With Quizizz, it doesn't end until everyone has finished.

Although you will still have people who placed first, second, and third. And it will tell you the results. But this one lacks that excitement and competitiveness that Quizlet has.

The benefit to this, and you'll see at the end, is it will generate a report. You can go in at the end and see which questions particular students missed. You can find out which questions were difficult pretty much for all of your class, ones that took a very long time to answer. It really gives a detailed report that I'll show you.

And in Quizizz, you can create your own class. You can add your students on it. And then it's very easy. In Quizizz, when you create a quiz, you are able to assign it from here. You don't have to do a lot of copying and pasting. You can create a quiz and assign it in Google Classroom for future plays where they can play over and over. Or, with the way that we're going to do it for this webinar, you can play it live during your class.

So I'm going to click on My Quizzes. And these are ones that I've created. And so this is one from the same vocabulary. So I go across all of these platforms. So we've got the flashcards. And then I have, in this one, this is where they're having to use the word and apply it in a different situation instead of just, what's the definition.

So when you go into either finding a quiz or clicking on your own, they all look like this. So you just want to go ahead and click on it. And then you have these options. So you can see down here you can play live. And it tells you start a multiplayer game. So you can play it live. I mentioned you can assign it as homework. And they can do it.

Or if your students, if you've created a class, your students can go in here. And they can practice on their own. And again, all of that is-- you know, Quizizz is a separate lesson all on its own. But for us, we're going to play live. So when you click on the-- go back here to the main page, your home page. You just either click on something that opens up. You can find a quiz, or I'm going to go into my own.

Click on the quiz itself. These are all separate quizzes. And then you go right here to play live. Now, you have some options. And you can see as you scroll down, there's a lot before you hit continue. So you don't just-- unless you've already had it set where you don't make any changes depending on the situation, you won't click continue until you set your criteria.

So the first thing you do is right here, pick your game mode. So to play live, you only have two options. You can play in teams. So again, it's self-paced. So they're still answering at their own pace. But then the scores are grouped by teams. So you can do that you have an even amount of students.

If you don't, what it does-- say you have seven students. It will add points to make it where it's equal as though they had four players on each team. So it doesn't matter if the team numbers are uneven if you wanted to do by team. I don't find that-- I never play it by team, because I like the individual reports and things, and because this isn't a game where they can really feel like they're competing. They're just going through and answering it. And at the end, it'll say who came in first, second, or third. But it doesn't have that same weight.

So I usually don't play by teams. It's just not exciting in that way. So normally we play in the classic way. And the classic way is just they complete individually. The test mode is different than live play. This is where instead of having some of the features, they'll show memes in between the questions. They have some fun features and things when you play the classic way, if you opt in for that. When you play the test mode, it's just straight questions.

And I don't use the test mode. I do testing through Google Forms or different platforms. So I don't use the test mode. For live play, I recommend either the classic or the team.

Now, you can go in. And if you've created a class in Quizizz, you can go here where it says assign to class. Hit Select. And then your class will show up. And you can see the Google Classroom emblem. And you would just click there, and Next, and then it will assign it to all of them.

Or you can-- yeah, it'll assign it in Google Classroom, and they'll go through Google Classroom. Sorry. Here, you have advanced settings. You can see the arrow right here. And this is kind of a new feature. You would just click on the down arrow if for some reason it isn't already open for the advanced settings. And this is where you can change pretty much everything about the game.

So the first one it talks about student attempts. This is how many times can they take the quiz. So if you are doing it live in the classroom, you want to set this for one time, the reason being you cannot get the test results until everyone is finished. And one time I had this set-- you'll see it allows for unlimited play. One time I had it set for unlimited play. And one student, when he finished, he kept going in to play it over and over. So I could not get the results, get the report that I needed. So I set it for one time when we're playing live.

Now, if you assign it for homework, then, of course, you want to make it unlimited so the students can play over and over. But for the live, we're going to leave it at one. For the require to log in to limit attempts, it's showing that they will have to log in. So that way it's only one time. That way you'll know who played. So when you sign up, I think it will require you to put in your email.

The name factory, this is-- if you have a problem with students typing in inappropriate things, you would do this. But we all teach adults. So this usually isn't an issue with them putting names that would be inappropriate.

This next one is showing the answers in the game. So I leave this on. Otherwise, when they answer a question, it will just go to the next question. But you want them, if they type in or hit the wrong answer, you want them to know what the correct one is in real time. So it will show them immediately, no, you picked x, and it should have been y. So I leave that on to show the correct answers.

This one I also leave on so that at the end of the game they are able to go back and review all the questions and answers on their end. I usually go over the answers after the game together with the class, especially if they've missed quite a few. But this allows them on their device to go back and review those questions and answers if you have it on.

The game play settings-- so power-ups-- and you'll see. I'll leave it on. It will allow the students to get bonus points. It will say, if you get the next answer right, you get 50 extra points or things like that. So it just adds a little element of fun to the game. So I usually leave that on.

For the timer, students will see a countdown. Because in Quizizz, when you either create your own quiz or you adopt a quiz that someone else has created, you choose how long the students have to answer the questions. So if it's 45 seconds, they're going to see a countdown timer. So you definitely want to do that so they'll know when the time is almost up.

You want them to be able to see the leaderboard. And in Quizizz, it will show the actual names not some animal representative. It's just going to show their names on the leaderboard. Shuffle the questions is not really necessary. So I'll turn that off. That would be maybe if the students were playing in the classroom. You don't want them to be able to look over, and they're all on the same questions. So that's not necessary. Same thing with shuffling the answers or changing the order of the answers. That's not necessary here either with playing online.

This one is nice, this redemption question. If, for some reason, a student has missed and gotten questions wrong, it allows them to try to do it again. What it'll do is it'll come back later on and give them the opportunity to answer it again. So we'll leave that on. And maybe when you play you can intentionally miss a question, because I know you guys will get them all right. But you intentionally miss a question when you play. And that way you can see that it will allow you to answer that question again.

And then you also have the option to show memes, some funny pictures after each question. I usually have that off. That seems to be unnecessary. These learning apps are kind of catering to K through 12. And so that's why that's there. But for my students, I usually leave that off.

Any questions on this page before I start the game?

Anthony Burik: Roz, can you-- just a clarification. So you did mention the connection to Google Classroom. Can you just talk again, how do you create that connection so that you could use Google Classroom for Quizizz?

Roz Tolliver: OK, so let me go back to my quiz. So say I want to assign this to Google Classroom. I'd go ahead and click on the quiz that I'd want to assign. I go right here, assign for homework. And then you can see it opens up a screen. And again, you don't just click continue unless everything is already set. You'll have to go through all of the settings.

So the first thing is this learners should complete the quiz. So you set your deadline. And I think it goes about a month out. Yeah, it goes about a month out. And so let's say I want it done by May 1st. I click on that. And it tells you how many days from now. You can set the deadline time. So let's say I want it done by midnight. You can change AM or PM.

If that's all you need to do, you click continue. But if you want to assign it to your Google Classroom, and you've created the class, it's very easy. And I'll show you after. You just click Classes. And you click Create Class. And it will allow you to create a classroom.

You just click select here for assigned to a class. And then you just click the Google classroom that you want to assign it to. So click Next. And it's already done. Oh, no, I'm sorry. It's not done until I click Assign Game. It's already got that in there. And then I can click.

It shows you this quiz will be assigned to one class. And it shows the class. And then when I click Assign, it would be there. If, for some reason, I wanted to name it, I could click here. And then I could write in what the name of the assignment is. And then if I wanted to add a description, I could.

And then it also says, when should this game start? You can either have it available immediately, or you can schedule just the day, not the time. Oh, no, I'm sorry, you can do the time. I normally don't do it this way. I normally do it from Google Classroom. Maybe that's why this is not making sense to me at the moment. Yeah, so you can go in. And you can change your time and so forth here. And then hit Next.

And then once you hit Assign Game, it will tell you that it's already been assigned to your Google classroom and that they'll notify the students for that. And then if you go into your Google classroom, you would be able to see it. And I'll just show you. So if I go into Classwork, you'll see it's right here at the top.

And it will give them a link for their phone and a link for the website. And then, of course, once it's in Google Classroom, of course, you can-- you know, if you decide, you know what, I don't want to have it scheduled for this time, or do anything, you can make changes and edit that in Google Classroom. Any questions on any of this?

Anthony Burik: So Roz, you also-- there was a question about besides Google Classroom, there are other ways to share the quizzes, right?

Roz Tolliver: Sure, you can, if you wanted to just get the link-- let's see here. It should be-- so that's the same settings. So the same settings for the live game, the student attempts, the answers, the power-ups, et cetera, all of that, they're the same settings.

So if you don't want to assign it to a classroom, you would just click continue. And now you have a link. So this is another way to share it with Google Classroom. You can either click here on the Google Classroom share the link. Or here, you ask the participants to open this and enter this code.

So right here is where you would click the link. So you can either click here, and it will share it automatically to your Google classroom. Or you click here. And now it shows you down here, the link is copied. Share and paste it on your favorite tool. So if you have, say, Remind, you click Remind. And then you'd just put it in there, or Talking Points, or whatever, however you're communicating with your students.

Anthony Burik: And you can also share it in the Zoom chat, right, if you want, if you were (inaudible)?

Roz Tolliver: Absolutely, yep.

Anthony Burik: OK. You're probably going to mention this, but Quizizz will work on any device?

Roz Tolliver: Yes, and you don't need an app. No app needed.

Anthony Burik: OK, great.

Roz Tolliver: And with Quizizz, again, it works the same way as Quizlet. You do not have to be able to see the meeting. So you don't have to still have Zoom open where you can see it in order to play the game. You can, on your phone, just simply go to another window. Or on the laptop, you can just click out of that. Open another tab, and start playing it. And then when it's done, you can go back to the meeting. Because all of the questions and answers will show in Quizizz.

OK, so play live. I'm going to hit continue for a classic game. And if you would like to join, it shows you, use any device. Go to This one doesn't have the QR code. So you will have to type in the game code.

So here's your link as well. If for some reason you got to this point, you can copy the link and put it in your Zoom or your Google Meet. It even has Remind. You can see right here. If for some reason someone's using a Canvas account you could do it there. They are free.

Oh, you have the little picture next to it. But it's going to be the person's name. And if you hover over it, you can remove the player. I've never had to do that. But just know you have that option.

Anthony Burik: Roz?

Roz Tolliver: Yes.

Anthony Burik: OK, some people are saying that they need to-- they're getting a prompt that they need to be registered to play the game.

Roz Tolliver: So it's just going to ask for your email, and your name, and I believe, if you're a student or a teacher. So you don't register in the sense of filling out a long form and putting in a password. But it gets just some basic information from you for the first time.

Anthony Burik: So it's almost like they're prompting us to create an account.

Roz Tolliver: That's weird. That has not--

Anthony Burik: So I went to--

Roz Tolliver: A lot of people in the meeting, I don't know if all these people already had used this before, but-- Are you on a laptop? Or is this happening to people on their phones?

Anthony Burik: So I'm actually walking through the steps on my phone. And I went to And I'm actually getting the prompt to put in some account details. I think they want me to create an account.

Roz Tolliver: OK, so--

Anthony Burik: Somebody says, it's happening--

Roz Tolliver: I don't remember creating an account. So I joined a game too. And I was able to go straight into it. But I-- walk through the steps, Anthony. On mine (inaudible). So I don't remember what they were. I know my daughter did it. She did a practice with me. And I thought all she had to put in was her email and her name. I didn't remember her having to create an entire account.

Anthony Burik: OK, it could be that when they got to the prompt about putting in-- let me see if I can go back to that step-- to join the game, and they put in the code, some people might have then just put in their Google account information? And maybe that's how they just automatically joined.

Roz Tolliver: Oh, could have been, yeah.

Anthony Burik: Yeah, but if you--

Roz Tolliver: You've got your password for your Google account.

Anthony Burik: Right, but I just said no. I just use a regular email address. So it could be-- yeah, it could be that Google connection then.

Roz Tolliver: Yeah, it probably-- yeah, Google's in everything. So you know, if you-- and that might have been it. I think when I got to it, I just tapped my school email. And it allowed it to come in from that.

Yeah, if you put in that you're a teacher, it will ask you that. It really wants you to just open-- I mean, it's a free account. If you don't want to do that for today, then you can just watch as the students play. But it's not-- my students have all been able to play, and log in. And that doesn't seem to be that much information that it requires.

Anthony Burik: OK, but it is a good reminder to test it out first, right, Roz? [chuckle]

Roz Tolliver: Yeah, I mean, well, I knew that it would ask for a little bit of information or they could sign in through their email. I did tell the students that. But I told-- they seemed to be more concerned with having to download an app. They didn't mind having to give their email and their name. They just didn't like having to download an app. Are we ready, you think, to start, or?

Anthony Burik: Yeah, why don't we give it a go. I know that people are still having a little-- some people are still having trouble, but maybe in the interest of time, if you want to--

Roz Tolliver: OK, so, well, this is the good news. So you can still join after the fact. So once I click Start, and you finally get it, get registered, you'll be able to join in. So I'll go ahead and click.


[music playing]

So for all you teachers, if you want to mute that music, up here at the top, there's this speaker button. And if you are able to still see the Zoom room, you can see the leaderboard. So you see the names. And you'll see the questions that they've answered, and how quickly, and so forth. And then whoever's-- the movement here, you can see those as well.

You can set it to show only the top five if you want it to do that. It shows you the number of players with the rank. And then up here at the top, it's doing this little running ticker on the completion and then how accurate the answers are. If you were curious while they're playing, see how the questions are doing, you can click the Questions tab. And it will show you, for each individual question, the average time it's taken for them to answer, and how many who have gotten it right, and how many who have missed it.

So this game will not end until everyone who's playing has completely-- so if you've signed into the game-- I see some people down here whose names are listed. Like Anthony, you're on here. If you're not going to play-- oh, you are going to play. Yeah, because if you don't answer-- Jeanne and Jill, if you don't answer-- OK, because otherwise the game will not end. And I can't get to the reports. I'll have to remove you from the game if you're not going to answer.

And so all of these people have finished. And you'll get different colors-- oh, no, it's just showing all purple. That's pretty much everybody. So once the last people finish, it is going to pop up. You can't control how long this lasts. But it will pop up and show you who placed first, second, and third. But that flashes on the screen. I've never figured out a way to freeze that. But after it does that, then it'll bring up the leaderboard again. But it will show the podium. And you'll see that in just a minute once everyone finishes.

You'll notice, as you were playing, that it showed you the leaderboard. So you knew where you were on the list there. So if, for some reason, you're playing this, and you maybe you have a larger class, or students are having issues, it shows you right here that we have three people who haven't finished. 72 out of 75 are done. But if you have an issue with one of them, you can do what I did. And you can just click the x here. And you can remove them from the list. And then the quiz can finally end. And you can get your results.

Anthony Burik: Roz, can I-- can I just ask a question?

Speaker 1: Please don't join.

Roz Tolliver: Yeah, please don't join. Because it's going to take you a while to get through all the questions. And we want to go ahead and show the results so I can move on to the last thing. So I'm actually going to remove you, Sandra. I apologize, it doesn't look like you've answered a question yet. But I want to go ahead and get to the results.

Anthony Burik: Roz, can I ask a question?

Roz Tolliver: Sure, please.

Anthony Burik: Someone asked, how do I know which grade level each player selected?

Roz Tolliver: Which grade level? Oh, I see where you're-- that, I don't know. I don't think that information is available to you. But it doesn't matter anyway. Because they're going to play whatever material you select. So it has no bearing on the material. It's not going to change the level of the questions. The questions are whatever you give them.

Anthony Burik: And, Roz, do you happen to know, was the time that it took for a person to answer a question factored into the results?

Roz Tolliver: Yes, because this is still a race. It's just a self-paced race. So the person who wins is the person who answered the questions correctly the fastest.

So I'm going to manually end the game. Normally what happens-- it's because we have people joining later, and then people who didn't answer all the questions. But if your students go through, and they answer all the questions, as soon as it's over, the results will pop up. So I'm going to click End Game. And hopefully this will still show the results.

Here we go, first, second, and third. Anthony, you came back and placed third. Good for you. So first is Maria, and second, Sherry. So that flashes, right? And then-- nice, look at this mastery party. So it's showing all of you who got 100%. That goes. So it's kind of nice, right? The little graphics are nice.

Now, this is what I normally see. Because my students tend to not get 100%. So I have never seen that before. But what's nice about the reports in Quizizz, this first one you get is class accuracy. It tells you how many-- you know, the percentage that they got correctly. You can also share a practice link from here. Or you can go back into the main part of quizzes and assign it as homework.

It shows you which question was the toughest, so which one was answered incorrectly. And so you guys all answered them right. If you had missed a few-- and I kind of wanted you to miss at least one. I know teachers like to get them all right. But if you had missed at least one, you would have seen that you would have had an opportunity to re-answer that question. But it would show you here which one was the hardest and which one took the longest to answer.

And then it gives you an interesting fact. Like it shows the average time taken was eight seconds. You can download the results here. You can play the game again. You also have this button here you can click to review the questions. You can go over and exit, so all of these options up at the top.

This is something that you probably aren't going to show your class. But you could scroll down here to the overview. And this is where you can look. And this report stays in Quizizz. So even once you x out of this game, I'll show you, when you go back to your main page for your account, you can click on Reports. And you'll still be able to see this information.

So like I said, all of you guys-- did anybody miss any? OK, so if someone had missed one, you could go through, and you would see which questions they missed. So then you can also click on an individual student. And you would be-- so I'm not going to be able to do it. Because you guys didn't miss any.

So let me show you. Actually, I'm going to exit out of this so I can show you a proper report. Let me go into one. OK, so this is one that my students had done. So you can see they had 83% accuracy. Seven out of 12 students completed it. So it defaults to the players. So you can see here, it lists my students. And it shows you the accuracy in what their score is.

So say I want to go down here, and I want to find out which ones he missed. You just click anywhere on this student. And the red would be, or the pink, would be the ones that they missed. And it tells you how many they got incorrect. And you could scroll down. And you can find out which ones this particular student missed and maybe find out what's going on with them if it's a consistent problem.

So you can do it that way. When you're finished looking at this student, you just click anywhere. And it will take you back to the report by players. If you want to find out, maybe, which questions are tripping up, you just click the Questions tab. And you can go through. And it's a really nice visual with the charts you've got. This one shows you only 14% missed it.

But look at this one. Almost 30% missed this particular one. So you realize, hey everybody, remember, Consider uses a gerund or whatever. You can see the ones that are easy and so forth, which is a really nice feature.

And then you have kind of an overview where you can look at the students. And then it has the students and then also by question, which is nice to show you, maybe on this one, that three people missed. And when you hover, it shows you the question. So I really like this one for the reports that it gives and because the reports stay on your account. You don't lose them.

Standards applies more for math and other K through 12 things that we don't have a standards that even really apply to it. Or I don't, anyway, for ESL. But that is your Reports tab for all of the ones that you've played.

I mentioned earlier and you can create a class. And it makes it easier. The Classes tab is right here. All you do, you can either-- so mine has Update Google Classroom. What it normally says is import. Google Classroom. And you click that, and it will bring over your students from there. Or you can click here and create a class.

Anthony Burik: Are students able to view a personal report so they can see how they did? Or are the reports only for teachers?

Roz Tolliver: That is an excellent question. Yup, you can email it to them. So it says email to parent. But it's because it's a K through 12 thing. So the parent's email is their email. So yeah, you could email it to them. So that may be the only way for them to get it. I don't know if they would just have access to it. What I do is I have it in Google Classroom. And so the scores are posted in Google Classroom, but not this type of report where it shows each individual question.

So the last one, the reason why I just did it last, is because I'm sure most of you are familiar with Kahoot. You've heard of it. I think it's one of the first ones I used, for sure. Within Kahoot-- so this would be the home page here with my account. And by the way, everyone gets a premium account right now. So there are some really nice features. I don't know how long it'll go after the quarantine, but I have a premium account now.

If you go into Kahoot, the problem with this one is if they only have one device, meaning a phone, if they only have a phone, which is pretty common, they are not able to play Kahoot live. You would have to assign what they call a Kahoot challenge. And that's where they do a self-paced game.

In order to play Kahoot live, they are going to need either a laptop, or they need two devices. So they can have a cell phone, which is fine, but they are going to need to have either an iPad or a Chromebook or something open. The reason being is that in the meeting itself, Zoom or Google Meet, on your screen when you go into Kahoot, it will show the questions. And then it will show the answer choices.

Because Kahoot, for the most part, is multiple choice. But they do have different types of questions that you can put in. But the answers go by color and shape, so red triangle, blue circle, et cetera. And what they do when they play, when they log in to play, all they are doing is matching the color. But they don't have the answer if it's only on their phone.

So, for example, on the laptop, they see the question, and then they see the answer choices. Well, if the answer choice is red, then all they do is click that corresponding color on their phone. But if they only have a phone, they haven't come up with a way for you to play it-- live, anyway.

If they have an iPad, they have a way on the iPad where they can have the meeting open. And then you just go at the bottom. And I'm going to show you, because they just came up-- someone just did a video on this. You can see it even says new. But it shows how they can play on one device-- not a phone, but it shows how you can do split screen on a Chromebook or any laptop. And that's where you just have-- you minimize your window, and you split the screen.

So, for example, if I minimize this, and then I bring my Google Classroom over-- and I don't know if that was too fast for you. I can be happy to do that again. But you just go up here, and you minimize the size of the main window. And then you just click on whatever tab you want. And you drag it.

So say, for example, this is my meeting. And this is what I'm going to play on. And I'll do that, actually, for the game so you can see what it looks like when we play Kahoot if you have a-- playing on a laptop. You can do it on an iPad. And it shows on the iPad you do the slide over function. And I'll just--

[music playing]

OK, so that was a nice visual, albeit pretty fast. But basically, on the laptop, you see you just minimize it. If you're on the iPad, then once you're in the meeting, you just hover your-- go down to the bottom and bring up another window. Or you bring up whatever the-- the Kahoot app, actually, I think is the way you would have to do that. Or you'd have to open up Safari. Or if you're on some other kind of a tablet, you'd do that. But that is the only way to play Kahoot live at the moment.

So any questions before-- oh, actually, I have to log in. Give me one second. OK, I'm back in my account. So when you are on the main page, and I hope everybody can see this. Let me minimize this so my other screen's a little bigger for you. So when you're in your Kahoot, which is, again, free, you just click on your Kahoot, whichever one you want to play.

So let's go ahead and do gerunds. And I'll click on it. You just click on whichever one it is. You also could click-- sorry. I've got too many things open. You could click Play from that. But if you want to go in and take a look at anything, you're able to do that. If not, you can click Play here, as well, so a couple of different ways to click Play.

Then you would choose the way you want to play it. So remember that for the self-paced you would click Assign. And then you can assign it in Google Classroom, et cetera. But it shows you here, for virtual classrooms, you're in a teaching mode. So play a live game together over video. So I'm going to click Teach.

Then you have your game options. So team versus team, that would be shared devices, where you have three students together. So this is going to be a classic, because your students are not together. Then for your game options, you can give them the option to practice difficult questions after the live game if you want it to do that. It can-- also, they all give you the option for the computer to pick the name if you're having an issue with them picking inappropriate ones. You can change the type of music or something that is being played. You can randomize the order of questions and answers if you want to do that. But most of the time I don't click any of this.

You can have it where it automatically moves through questions instead of showing the leaderboard. But I usually leave the leaderboard in there. It adds to the competitiveness. So you want to go ahead and click Classic. And then, ready to join, it gives them a mute button.

[music playing]

It gives you-- you can mute. Right here you could go up to mute. And they would just go to or the app and type in the game PIN. And as far as I know, Kahoot doesn't make you enter any information. You just go to Kahoot, and unless they've changed it, once you go here, you just type in your game PIN. And you're set.

So over here-- so if you were going to play for your students, they're going to have to do this with a split screen. And they'll go to Kahoot, Play Kahoot, which is enter game PIN here. And this same game PIN I'm going to enter here. Enter, enter the nickname, then hit OK, Go. And I should pop up over here. I did. I'm right here. And now I'm in.

So this way they can see the questions on this screen, and the possible answers, and then the corresponding buttons over here that they would click. OK, we've got 31 in. With Kahoot, you would not be able to join after either. So we'll-- maybe when we get to 40, we'll go ahead and click Start, I guess, since you guys are joining pretty quickly.

OK, we're at 40. Oh, and we're going. I'm going to go ahead and click Start.



So you can see this is what it would look like for them on their phone. So you can see, they don't get the question.

[music playing]

Then they've got the digital answers here. And then they have to click on the phone, the corresponding color and shape.

So it just keeps showing them this until everyone has answered the questions or run out of time. So here's your time countdown, one second. And we're done.


And then it shows you how many got the question right, how many got it wrong. If you want to take time and review after each particular question, you can. And then for your student, they're going to see over here that they got it right, the number of points, and then the place that they're in.

You have to manually click Next if you've set it that way. Now we have, again, our leaderboard. You have the option to end the quiz here or keep going. So now we have our next question.

[music playing]

So for my students, I have quite a few seconds. Because they're still mastering these. But you can have it set for 10 seconds, just depending on what the material is. Three, two, one.


So it's just going to give us a summary at the end. I can end the game. And it would show it. But there are 20 questions here. So I'll go ahead and end the game here. So it's going to show the podium. This is what you would get at the end. It shows who came in third. But this is new. The graphics are new. OK, I like it. Ta da, drum roll, Maria again.

And then it gives you runners up, which is nice. It didn't give that information before. So now with this one, you don't really get the report like you get in Quizizz. So here's their report. You'll see it's a little different, unless they've updated it. They've been doing a lot of updates to these sites. So I wouldn't be surprised.

OK, so since no one missed anything, I don't know what it would really show here. It has a similar graph. But you can see the reports are much more detailed in Quizizz by student. With this one, it's just how many they got right, and then by each question, the percentage that got it right, but not who got what right. And then here's another graph. So that would be it.

All right, I know that was kind of rushed on that. But any final questions? Anything I can answer?

Anthony Burik: Roz, just a question. You know, you've shown us three different apps today. So in general, how long do you find does it take to actually create a game or an activity in any one of these?

Roz Tolliver: So it really depends on what you're teaching. What I normally do is pull from the textbooks I use. Like for the grammar, I pull from the Azar Grammar. Or for the reading, I pull from the password book that I was using. It depends if you want to add any kind of image or anything. Then that might be a little more time consuming to get those pictures in.

But if you're concerned with time, what you want to do-- all of these, Quizizz, Quizlet, and Kahoot, they all have a database of teacher-created assignments, varied, some that have just audio prompts, and other things at all levels. And you can just go in and find one that someone has already made. And you can look at it. You can see what the answers are before you assign it to your students. And that cuts down on the time.

And then, if you find, well, I don't like this question, you can do-- you can start by doing a few edits. I've been doing it so long, I probably can create one in about 30 minutes from start to finish. But I've been doing it a while. I'm very comfortable with the technology and everything. And I have a lot of things saved already.

But I would say, in the beginning, just take other people's work. And make it your own. Or use it as-is until you get more comfortable. But maybe 30 minutes to an hour depending on what I'm planning to make from the time I create it to assigning it in Google Classroom.

Anthony Burik: OK, Roz, thank you so much for all this. And you're getting a lot of good feedback in the chat thanking you--

Roz Tolliver: Oh good.

Anthony Burik: --for the presentation. People had fun doing the activities today. So thank you for showing us that.

Roz Tolliver: Thank you so much for coming. I appreciate it.